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Clay Cavanaugh

English Composition II

Dr. Cassel

23 June 2020

Lean on Me

If you grew up in the 70s or 80s, you should be aware of the song “Lean on Me.”

Bill Withers wrote the original “Lean on Me” song in 1972 and the song is still popular

today. In fact, John Legend, Stevie Wonder, and Bill Withers all performed “Lean on

Me” for the 2015 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Introduction. Club Nouveau also released

an identical song called “Lean on Me” that won a Grammy award in 1987. Both songs

have almost identical lyrics but with different instrumentals. Both versions are also still

very impactful to this day. The relationship between the two versions of "Lean on Me" is

that they both emphasize being there for each other no matter what and both authors do

a great job of reaching out to audiences to spread their message.

Club Nouveau does a great job of making their remix to the song “Lean on Me”

appear more popular and cooler than the Bill Withers version and this is very important.

Very few people in today’s world listens to slow songs about being there for one

another. Millennials are listening to rap and hip hop that have unique beats and lyrics

that are hard to listen to and interpret by ear. That is why I like what Club Nouveau did

with “Lean on Me.” Club Nouveau was able to take a slower song and add in a beat with

the hopes of having more people listen to it. Unfortunately, this did not happen with Club

Nouveau’s music video only having 631,700 views and the video of Bill Withers singing
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his song with no music video has 14,844,842 views. Some may argue that this was

because the video of Bill Withers was published before Club Nouveau’s music video but

there is only a 4-year difference between the release of Bill Withers’ video and Club

Nouveau’s video.

Club Nouveau has many characters in their music video for “Lean on Me” but all

of the characters play the same role: dancing partners. This song is a great song about

romantic relationships because one romantic partner should always be there for the

other. Just like in dancing, the couple needs to move in sync with the song. They need

to lean on the other one to stay in rhythm with the beat. This can translate into an actual

relationship in which both parties need to be on the same page with each other. Both

versions of “Lean on Me” say “Lean on me, when you’re not strong… for it won’t be

long, until I’m going to need someone to lean on.” This shows that people in any kind of

relationship, whether it be a romantic relationship or a friendship, should be there for

each other because eventually the other person will need support.

One main difference between these two versions is the upbeat sound of Club

Nouveau’s version. Club Nouveau includes many smiling people in their video and

makes their version of the song sound happy and upbeat. This is different from the

original version that Bill Withers sang in which everything sounded like it came from the

heart and with a piano. The purpose of Club Nouveau including smiling and dancing

people in their music video is to show that the friendships are happier when everybody

knows that they will be there for one another.

I think that the target audience for these songs is for anybody that is struggling or

knows someone that is struggling. This is an important song because it also sends the
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message of treating others the way you want to be treated. The lyric of “Lean on me,

when you’re not strong and I’ll be your friend, and I’ll help you carry on for it won’t be

long, until I’m gonna need somebody to lean on.” This shows the message of treating

others the way you want to be treated because you are offering help to someone and

you may need help from them in the future. These songs reach out to the audience by

using Pathos. Pathos is used because we all have problems and hopefully all have a

person that we can go to and talk about our problems and try to find a solution. Some

people do not have that “go-to” person and we should be that “go-to” person for them.

The relationship between the two versions of "Lean on Me" is that they both

emphasize being there for each other no matter what and both authors do a great job of

reaching out to audiences to spread their message. Both songs do a great job of

establishing relationships with one another and bringing out our emotions to check up

on our friends or even reach out to someone about a problem of our own. We need to

make sure to “Swallow your pride” and reach out to someone you know can help you.
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Works Cited

Boy, Tommy. “Club Nouveau - Lean On Me (Official Music Video).” Youtube. Oct

20, 2018. Accessed Jun 23, 2020.

Withers, Bill. “Lean on Me.” Youtube. Nov 4, 2014. Accessed Jun 23, 2020
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After you have posted your draft, respond to at least two other drafts by
answering these questions:

1. Does the writer explain the stories that are being told in the
videos? If so, who are the main characters?
○ The writer does a great job of explaining the stories in the
videos. The main characters are Eminem and Dre Parker.
2. Does the writer explain the main claims of each music video? In
other words, does the writer explain what the story being told
makes the viewers think about? If so, what is it? If not, how might
they do that?
○ The writer explains the main claims of each music video. The
main claims of the videos are to keep fighting no matter what.
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Eminem had some tough times but he kept fighting through it

and came out in stardom.
3. Does the writer explain how the video gives reasons for the claim?
If so, what are they? If not, where could they include that
information? Be specific.
○ Yes, in the Karate Kid video Dre Parker is physically fighting
the leader of the bullies and the audience is shown
flashbacks of some lows of Eminem’s life to today’s fame.
4. Does the writer explain how the video provides evidence for the
claim? For instance, does the writer discuss the props, setting,
lyrics, camera angles, characters to support their assertions?
○ Yes, the Eminem video shows Detroit which is known to be a
difficult city to grow up in and become famous.
5. Does the writer explain the types of appeals the video uses? If so,
what appeals does the writer explain? Does the writer provide
support for those assertions? Be specific. If not, where might they
include that information?
○ Yes, Pathos is used heavily in Eminem’s video because we
are shown scenes of his life such as him puking in a toilet to
him almost committing suicide.
6. Does the writer explain who the audience is for each video? Which
of the following does the writer discuss? Do you agree with those
assessments? Why or why not? Be specific.
○ The writer does not explain who the audience is for each
video however it can be interpreted that the audience is
everybody. Everybody should constantly be fighting to defend
themselves and fighting to be the best version of themself.
There is no reason that anybody should not be fighting for
their own success.
7. Does the writer explain the relationship between the versions? If
so, what is that relationship as you understand it from the essay? If
not, how might the writer include that information?
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○ Yes, the relationship between the versions is that they both

express the topic of fighting for yourself. Nobody else is going
to fight for you so you have to fight for yourself.
8. What are two things the writer does well in the essay? Be specific.
○ The writer does a great job of explaining evidence from the
videos and showing the relationship between the two videos.
The writer also has an excellent flow throughout this
9. What are two things the writer could improve? Be specific.
○ The writer could strengthen the introduction and the writer
could also talk about the Karate Kid remix video more in
10. Does the writer include a works cited page with all the
information formatted correctly? If not, what is missing?
○ Yes

After you have posted your draft, respond to at least two other drafts by
answering these questions:

1. Does the writer explain the stories that are being told in the
videos? If so, who are the main characters?
○ Yes, the main character in Logic’s version is a boy and in
Ethena’s version is a girl.
2. Does the writer explain the main claims of each music video? In
other words, does the writer explain what the story being told
makes the viewers think about? If so, what is it? If not, how might
they do that?
○ Yes, the story in Logic’s video is about a boy who struggles
with acceptance due to his sexuality. He is bullied and
struggles with suicidal thoughts because he is not accepted
by his friends and family. In Ethena’s video, a girl deals with a
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bad home, school, and family life. She struggles with suicidal
thoughts as well and is saved by a girl who came to stop her.
3. Does the writer explain how the video gives reasons for the claim?
If so, what are they? If not, where could they include that
information? Be specific.
○ Yes, the writer explains how the stories in the videos portray
different stories with different experiences from the main
characters by explaining each story.
4. Does the writer explain how the video provides evidence for the
claim? For instance, does the writer discuss the props, setting,
lyrics, camera angles, characters to support their assertions?
○ Yes, the writer discusses how both characters struggled in
their lives and how they were close to ending their lives as
well as quoting the lyric, “They say every life precious but
nobody care about mine.”
5. Does the writer explain the types of appeals the video uses? If so,
what appeals does the writer explain? Does the writer provide
support for those assertions? Be specific. If not, where might they
include that information?
○ Yes, the writer identifies how Pathos is used extensively in
these videos since suicide is a difficult and depressing topic
to talk about.
6. Does the writer explain who the audience is for each video? Which
of the following does the writer discuss? Do you agree with those
assessments? Why or why not? Be specific.
○ The writer hints that the audience for these videos is
everybody. We can all make an impact and, to quote the
writer, “It also shows that one thing a person can do can tip
someone over the edge,” This shows that we all need to treat
each other kindly and with respect because we do not know
what anybody is going through.
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7. Does the writer explain the relationship between the versions? If

so, what is that relationship as you understand it from the essay? If
not, how might the writer include that information?
○ The writer briefly explains the relationship between the
versions by identifying that they are both about suicide
8. What are two things the writer does well in the essay? Be specific.
○ The writer does a fantastic job of using outside sources
(Suicide statistics) and the writer also does a fantastic job of
using direct lyrics from both songs.
9. What are two things the writer could improve? Be specific.
○ The writer could make a stronger introduction by giving
another suicide statstic to draw the reader in. The writer could
also talk more about Ethna’s lyrics and the
similarities/differences between Ethna’s lyrics and Logic’s
10. Does the writer include a works cited page with all the
information formatted correctly? If not, what is missing?
○ Yes

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