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Python Programming


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Terminating loops Skipping specifice conditions

Control statements change execution from its normal sequence. Control statements
in python are used to control the flow of execution of the program based on the
specified conditions.

Python supports 3 types of control statements such as,

1) Break
2) Continue
3) Pass
Accept a number and check it is prime or not

❖ The break statement in Python is
used to terminate a loop.
❖ This means whenever the
interpreter encounters the break
keyword, it simply exits out of the
❖ If the break statement is used
inside a nested loop, it terminates
the innermost loop and the control
shifts to the next statement in the
outer loop.
❖ It is used in switch statement also
to terminate the case.
❖ Whenever the interpreter
encounters a continue statement
in Python, it will skip the execution
of the rest of the statements in
that loop and proceed with the
next iteration.
❖ This means it returns the control
to the beginning of the loop.
❖ Unlike the break statement,
continue statement does not
terminate or exit out of the loop.
❖ Rather, it continues with the next
❖ Assume we have a loop that is not
implemented yet but needs to
implemented in the future.
❖ In this case, if you leave the loop
empty, the interpreter will throw
an error.
❖ To avoid this, you can use the pass
statement to construct a block
that does nothing i.e contains no
❖ It is a placeholder for future code
❖ It is null block
1) How many control statements are present in Python?
In Python, there are 3 types of control statements. Namely, break, continue and pass

2) How to break from a loop in Python?

The keyword break is used to break or terminate from the current loop. The control shifts to
the next statement outside the loop.

3) What is the difference between break and continue statements in Python?

Break statement exits out of the loop, but the continue statement shifts the control to the
next iteration and doesn’t exit out of the loop.

4) Can we use continue in if statement in Python?

Yes. Continue statements can be used within an if statement.

5) What is the use of pass keyword in Python?

Pass keyword helps in avoiding errors that result due to an empty loop.

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