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-The First Impression. Factors to consider in Personal Presentation

and business connections.
-Motivation in the workplace

Deisy Giovanna Saldaña Rodríguez
Achievement of the week

At the end of the week, the students record a video of a

job interview in english, using the technical vocabulary
corresponding to the unit
Previous Knowledge

What is first impression ?

An opinion or feeling that you
Opinions that you form
have about someone or
inmediately, before thinking
something you have seen but
thoroughly .
do not know very well.

The phrase: “You never get a second chance to make a

first impression” is one that you will hear frequently in the
business world; if you want your venture to succeed, it is
essential that you take the time to get it right in the first

Clothes ( Dress Code)

Clothes set the tone. When you walk into a new business or go off-site
to meet a new customer, your expression and attire set the tone before
you even greet anyone. Consider your clothes a statement of your
personality and an indication of what your business represents. It gives
people an idea of who you are.

Body Language

Your body language also reveals how you feel and think about yourself. The
way you enter the boardroom or the meeting, can make a good first
impression, build credibility and trust if you feel good and confident. Your
posture, your walk, speed of movements, hand gestures can show your
confidence and high self-esteem.
Important percentages to value the
image of a person

The word remains quite a small plane although it is quite

important despite its small percentage
Why your image matters ?
Your image reflects who you are, not
only your personality and lifestyle, but
also your values and goals. It is a way
of communication and says about you
much more than you may think. Reflect
for a minute on your image
Your image matters because it can help you
accelerate in your professional and private life.
And the image is much more than the
appearance. It is also about how you act and
communicate. It matters because it is about you.

Image matters because it is one of the pillars

of your personal branding. And if you feel
confident about the appearance, you feel
confident about your actions and you are more
willing to take on challenges
Making a good first impression is without a doubt an important step
when establishing a relationship with a prospect. But in order to ensure
that that relationship grows, you will need to build on it over time, and
for that, you have to have good people skills. Making sure your
outreach is not too sales-y or pushy, taking the time needed in order to
nurture prospects, and being a good listener will all contribute to a
positive supplier-customer experience.
What is Motivation ?

• The process of stimulating to the act of work.

• The process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-

oriented behaviours.
Theories of Motivation

Mc Mayo and
Gregor’s Taylor and the Herzberg’s
and the
theory X Scientific human two Factory
and management relations theory
of needs
theory Y approach
Mc Gregor’s theory X and theory Y
Created by Douglas Mc Gregor in the 1960’s. This theory describes two different
Management viewpoints of the workforce and how impacts motivation.

Theory “X” managers believe employees:

- Need to be controlled
- Don’t like work
- Need to be pushed to be more productive
- Need incentive schemes
- Have to be directed to do things they don’t enjoy

Theory “Y” managers believe employees:

- Want to be involved
- Can think for themselves and make decisions
- Share ownership of tasks
- Will find work more rewarding if given responsibility and a variety of tasks.
- Have good ideas
- Can engage in some form of self management
Taylor and scientific management

Taylor believed that all workers were motivated by money, so he

promoted the idea of "a fair day's pay for a fair day's work." In other
words, if a worker didn't achieve enough in a day, he didn't deserve
to be paid as much as another worker who was highly productive.

The Principles of Taylor's Scientific Management Theory became

widely practiced, and the resulting cooperation between workers
and managers eventually developed into the teamwork we enjoy
today. While Taylorism in a pure sense isn't practiced much today,
scientific management did provide many significant contributions to
the advancement of management practice. It introduced
systematic selection and training procedures, it provided a way to
study workplace efficiency, and it encouraged the idea of
systematic organizational design.
Mayo and the Human Relations Approach
Elton Mayo developed his motivation theory after studying Hawthorne Electric Factory
for five years. At first Mayo believed that employees were motivated by their working
conditions, skills and as well as their salary and wages. Mayo conducted experiments
by isolating workers into two groups and studied the effect of changing lighting working
conditions. Mayo believed that the level of production will decrease with changing
lighting conditions from better to worse in the company. Interestingly, when these
working conditions continued to be worse, the productivity of workers remained the
same or improved instead.

He concluded that changing working conditions or employees salaries and wages has
little effect on the productivity. Mayo then suggested that employees are motivated by
teamwork, greater involvement of the manager and better communication between the
manager and employees of the organization.
Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory
This theory is also referred as Herzberg Motivation-Hygiene Theory and focuses
on sources of motivation which are applicable to accomplishment of assigned
tasks. Herzberg identified that job satisfaction (motivating factors) and
dissatisfaction (hygiene factors) impact motivation of employees in the
•Motivating factors or satisfiers: They include such things as recognition,
achievement, responsibility, career advancement and individual growth.
•Hygiene factors or dissatisfies: They include such things as working
conditions, job security, supervision, interpersonal relations, company policy
status and personal life. These factors do not motivate employees; however, they
cause dissatisfaction if they are not provided in the workplace.
Herzberg used the word “hygiene” to refer to the sense that these factors
operates to remove dangers and hazards from the work environment . Herzberg
believed that deprivation of hygiene factors cause job dissatisfaction; however,
reducing risk factors does not directly lead to job satisfaction.
Maslow and the hierarchy of needs
Maslow stated that workers have unsatisfied needs that must be met
in order to motivate them. Maslow said that people start by meeting
the needs at the bottom of the pyramid. Once they have sorted out
those needs, they can move on to the needs of the next level up-.
Why motivation is important in the workplace?

Because it allows management to meet the company's goals. Without

a motivated workplace, companies could be placed in a very risky
position. Motivated employees can lead to increased productivity and
allow an organisation to achieve higher levels of output.

How can you motivate in the workplace ?

Motivating employees is not a science. It is an art. It
takes time, dedication and a lot of work. But that
hard work will pay off in less negativity in the
workplace and employees who are on board with the
company’s goals.
Work Activity

• Prepare a role-play for a job interview. Follow the instructions in

the worksheet.

• Read the article “Motivation in the Workplace”, analyze it and

discuss it with your group.

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