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Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

The Sound of Divine Light

Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

Gayatri Mantra

The Sound of Divine Light


Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

Gayatri Mantra
The Sound of Divine Light
© 2002 Atma Institute

A note on transliteration: Many of the words used in this book

are Sanskrit, which when transliterated into Roman (or En-
glish) letters requires the use of diacritical markings. Thus,
Gayatri would actually be written GAyatrI. However, for ease
of reading and writing, we have left off the diacritical marks, in
most case, with the exception of the words in the Gayatri man-
tra itself. For exact pronunciation of the Sanskrit of Gayatri,
see the pronunciation guide at the end.

The picture on the cover is of Gayatri Devi, the

Goddess who personifies the Gayatri Mantra.

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Atma Institute
10235 NW Cornelius Pass Rd.
Portland, OR 97231
(503) 690-9513

2 31
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

About the Author Table of Contents

Aja has been a student, explorer
and teacher in the areas of body,
mind and consciousness for over
twenty years. After intensive study, What is Mantra? ............................................ 4
he was ordained as a Vedic Priest What is Gayatri?............................................ 5
in India in 1975, in the Brahma
Madhva Gaudiya Vaishnava Meaning of Gayatri ....................................... 7
sampradaya or lineage - an unbroken line of teachers
going back to Lord Krishna. In addition, Aja has re- Why Chant Gayatri Mantra? ..................... 10
ceived a Doctorate of Naturopathy Degree from the Who should chant Gayatri? ........................ 12
International University in 1984, and in 1990 received
the title of Sanskrit Adhyapaka (Teacher of Sanskrit) When to Chant Gayatri and How Much ... 15
from the American Sanskrit Institute. Over the years
he has extensively researched both Eastern and West- How to Chant Gayatri ................................. 19
ern teachings on spirituality, religion and transcen- Gayatri - The All Purpose Mantra ............. 20
dence, personally explored the realms of conscious-
ness and awakening and authored several books on Where to chant Gayatri .............................. 22
health, spirituality and consciousness. In 1990, through
self inquiry, he experienced a permanent shift in his Quotes on Gayatri........................................ 24
perception of reality, recognizing that Self of Abso- Pronunciation of Sanskrit ........................... 28
lute Consciousness from which all arises, and which
permeates all things. Additional Resources ................................... 29
For additional information or to bring Aja to your
area, contact: About the Author ......................................... 30
ATMA Institute
10235 NW Cornelius Pass Rd.
Portland, Oregon 97231
(503) 690-9513

30 3
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

What is Mantra? ça is pronounced like sh as in the German word

First, we should consider the nature of mantra itself. xa is pronounced like the English shut
The word Mantra comes from two roots: Man,
referring to the mind or thinking process; and tra, to ì is pronounced like sing
protect. Thus a mantra is a particular sound vibration ï is pronounced like ny
or combination of sound vibrations which when
repeated or meditated upon, utilizing the thinking jï
process, creates a certain resonance which protects a is pronounced like gya
the mind from its incessant ramblings. In other words,
through the use of a particular vibratory formula, the --------------------------------------------------------
mind is brought to one pointedness. If you observe -----
the mind for a moment, you will find that it is constantly
moving, pulling us one way or another, and arises as
innumerable desires pulling you in every direction
according to the whims of the senses. The Bhagavad
Gita states: “Above the objects of the senses is the
mind; above the mind is the buddhi or intelligence; Additional Resources:
and above the intelligence is ‘He’, meaning either the
individual Self or Supreme Self.” The mind is thus Mantra - the Power of Sound
attached to the senses. But through wisdom or by Aja
intelligence, it can be controlled by use of mantra. Booklet and 60 minute Tape
Secondly, the very vibrations of these ancient mantras With mantras in original sanskrit, transliteration, and
have a particular effect. Everyone knows the difference translation. Covers pronunciation of Sanskrit,
between sound vibrations. The sweet sound of a invocational mantra, healing mantras, gayatri mantras,
symphony has a very different effect from the sound mahamrtyunjaya mantra, planetary mantras, and more.
of fingernails on a blackboard. Even a single instrument $20.00 Postpaid within the United States and Canada
like the violin can have a very soothing effect or an (Add $5.00 elsewhere)
annoying one, depending upon whose hands hold and

4 29
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

Vowels play it. Similarly, the sounds of speech and particularly

a like in but mantra have a very powerful effect. Those mantras
ä like in father which have been given for the healing, purification,
i like in pin and enlightenment of humanity have a supremely
é like in peek beneficial effect on all levels of consciousness.
u like in put
ü like in pool
å like in trick
What is Gayatri?
è like in tree
e like in hay
ai like in aisle The Sanskrit word Gayatri, like ‘mantra’, comes from
o like in hope two roots: gaya, and tra. Gaya means to sing, and tra
au like in house or tri (feminine form) is that which protects. So Gayatri
means that which protects or saves the singer.
aà nasalized closing of mouth
aù a slight breathy echoing of the preceding Gayatri mantra is the most well known and used man-
vowel tra of all time. It is known by various names including
Savitri (referring to the sun), Vedamata (Mother of
Most consonants are pronounced as in English. the Vedas), and the Guru mantra, as it is traditionally
However, consonants have an aspirated and non given at the time of initiation. It is also one of the
aspirated form. The non-aspirated is said with oldest mantras and originally appears in both the Rig
minimal breath, while the aspirated with much Veda and Yajur Veda.
ka is pronounced like cup Besides being a particular verse, Gayatri is also a meter
ca is pronounced like chum
ta, tha, da, dha, and na are pronounced with the of 24 syllables in which hundreds of verses may be
tongue at the teeth while found, generally to the various manifestations of the
Ta, Tha, Da, Dha and Na are pronounced with Gods and Goddesses. Thus you will find various Shiva
the tongue curled slightly back about 1/2 inch Gayatris, Ganesh Gayatris, Lakshmi Gayatris, Vishnu
from the teeth. Gayatris, etc. But for our purposes, we will be
speaking of the original Gayatri or Savitri Gayatri.

28 5
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

is born of the sun. For Jyotish it gives knowledge of

A somewhat unique aspect of Gayatri is that it is both the movements of the heavenly bodies ruled by the
a mantra and a prayer. Generally speaking, a mantra cosmic sun.
may not have inherent meaning, that is, it is a unique — Vama Shashtri (David Frawley)
combination of sound vibrations which when recited
create a particular resonance and thus have particular
effects. This is also the case with Gayatri, however,
Gayatri is also a prayer, having a meaning which can
be understood by the reciter. It is in fact a prayer to
the Divine to enlighten us. Thus, Gayatri is both an
invocation to, and vibrationally resonates as the Divine
Light of the Absolute!

Pronunciation of Sanskrit

6 27
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

that light releases innumerable souls from the world’s Meaning of Gayatri
bondage. Gayatri makes man god-loving while free-
ing him from worldly wants.” So, let’s look at Gayatri mantra itself. The most
— Pandit Madanmohan Malaviya traditional way of chanting Gayatri is as follows:

“The great mantra of Gayatri has a unique contribu-

-U-vRu > Sv>
tion to make in the impending new age. Its impact on
the moral and ethical renaissance of this new scien-
tific-intellectual age will be unequalled, unparalleled
tTsivtuvrR {e y<
-gaeR devSy xImih
and extraordinary.”
— Sriram Sharma Acharya
ixyae yae n> àcaedyat!
“Gayatri meditation is the highest form of meditation
known in the Vedas.” Gayatri is chanted for the om
attainment of universal consciousness and for the
awakening of intuitive powers. (It) removes all
bh¨r bhuva× sva× the best cure for all ills...destroys karma and tat savitur vareõyaÕ
blesses us with liberation...brings healing to any
sickness, be they physical, mental, emotional or
bhargo devasya dhŸmahi
spiritual.” dhiyo yo na× pracoday˜t
— Sant Keshavadas
What follows is a very brief description of each word.
Sanskrit is such that nearly every word has multiple
The Gayatri mantra is central to Yoga, Vedanta, meanings and a literal translation, although possible,
Ayurveda and Vedic astrology. For Yoga it sets in falls far short of the true depth and beauty of the actual
motion the Divine will toward transformation, meaning.
stimulating the Kundalini force. For Vedanta it grants (For exact pronunciation see
Self-knowledge, knowledge of the solar Self. For Sanskrit Pronunciation Guide on page 28.)
Ayurveda it gives the power of the cosmic prana that

26 7
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

om God, the primordial sound able to attain enlightenment by the power of Gayatri. When
that is so, then the worship of Gayatri by the firm and
from which all originates,
pure minded persons will surely lead them to self knowl-
bh¨× The earthly plane, edge and self-realisation.”
bhuva× The heavenly plane, — Sage Vashishtha
sva× The causal plane,
“It is not possible for us to describe the greatness of
tat The Absolute. Or “That”, Gayatri. It is not possible to act in this world benefi-
savitu× Traditionally ‘Of the Sun’, cently without purity of mind. This purity of mind
but also ‘Of God’, the which brings in enlightenment leading to self-realisation
is the result of the inspiration received from Gayatri.
Source of all,
The avatara of Gayatri has occurred to aid us in the
vareõyaÕ Worshippable, eradication of evil and to help increase the good.”
bharga× The Divine Light; that which — Jagadguru Sankaracharya
is ever expanding,
devasya Of God, Of the Divine,
“I tell people that due to the sadhana of Gayatri hard
austeries have been rendered unnecessary. The great-
dhŸmahi Let us meditate upon, est of siddhis can be obtained by the japa of Gayatri.
dhiya× Our wisdom, intelligence The Gayatri mantra is small but its powers immeasur-
(buddhi), our meditation, able.”
ya× Who,
— Ramakrishna Paramahamsa

na× us, “Gayatri purifies the mind. Without the purity of mind
pracoday˜t Enlightens, enthuses, our life is of no use. Gayatri is the producer of this
awakens, quickens purity of mind.”
— Swami Vidyananda
(The Sanskrit words of Gayatri above are shown in
their grammatically original forms, not necessarily as “Of the many invaluable treasures given to us by our
they appear in the mantra.) rishis, Gayatri is the incomparable one. Gayatri makes
mind pure and gives the light of god to the soul and

8 25
Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

Quotes on Gayatri The first three words after OM, (i.e. bh¨r bhuva×
sva×) are called ‘Mahavyahriti’, and in their most
“Of the many methods of yoga one of the most potent is simplistic definition refer to three states of existence:
the yoga of Gayatri mantra. Mantras have powers to en- earthly, astral, causal. However, sometimes the mantra
dow one with remarkable abilities. The Gayatri mantra is expanded to include a full seven levels of existence:
gives the devotees spiritual as well as material benefits.” bhur bhuvah svah maha jana tapa satyam, which are
— Ramana Maharshi sequentially higher and subtler states of existence. The
general idea is that the Lord is present in and as, and
“The way honey is the essence of flowers, and butter oversees all states of existence. Thus a general
of milk, in the same manner Gayatri is the essence of translation for Gayatri as prayer is:
all the Vedas. Gayatri when realized is verily the
Kamadhenu - the celestial wish-fulfilling cow. Ganga Om, let us meditate upon that Supreme
cleanses the sins of this worldly body; Gayatri purifies Lord of all existence, the Worshippable
the soul. The worship of god bereft of Gayatri is like Divine Effulgence and Source of all that is,
going out to beg food leaving the meals laid out be-
that He may enliven, awaken and enlighten
fore you. Gayatri is the greatest means of extending
your spiritual powers and successful accomplishment our intelligence.
of good ends. There is nothing greater than Gayatri
for this purpose..” (Although I’ve used the masculine ‘He’, Gayatri mantra
— Veda Vyasa itself is deified as a female energy or Shakti. In fact,
one of the beauties of Gayatri is that everyone chants
it. It belongs to no particular sect or group. Anyone of
“Even divinities like Brahma pray to Gayatri because any spiritual tradition can benefit by chanting it. It is
Gayatri makes possible the realization of Brahman. used by followers of Shiva, Vishnu, various tantrik
Gayatri removes from you the propensity to evil ac- traditions, shaktas, bhaktas, everyone. In fact, since it
tions.” is non-specific, there would be nothing wrong with
— Rishi Bharadwaja Christians, Jews, Muslims, or anyone else taking
advantage of it.)
“Even fools, criminals and men with unstable minds are

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Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

Why Chant Gayatri Mantra? and tamas (darkness) characterized by lethargy, darkness,
and ignorance. All places are in one or more of these
This is perhaps the key question. There are so many modes. Thus it is easier to perform spiritual practice in
possible paths that one may take for both material and some place which is in the mode of goodness (the forest
spiritual success. Why should one choose to chant any or mountains), than in a place which is full of passion and
mantra at all and particularly Gayatri mantra? As movement (the downtown of a major city for instance).
mentioned before, the mind’s nature is restless and When you are chanting in a place that is characterized by
unsteady. Its tendency is to go outward toward the the modes of passion or ignorance, you’re already fighting
various sense objects, as well as to dwell on those lower qualities. It’s a little like trying to light a fire
innumerable concepts. The Gita says that the mind of while someone is dripping (or pouring) water on it. So,
the resolute is one-pointed, while the mind of others is the scriptures have said that there is a greater amount of
many branched. Mantra brings that focus. Gayatri benefit derived by chanting in a particular place. It goes
particularly brings that focus. Moreover, Gayatri brings something like this:
strength and stamina. In this regard there is a story (The units are sort of an arbitrary unit)
concerning Gayatri mantra:
At Home 1 unit
Manu (one of the fathers of mankind) wished to learn Near a river 2 units
all of the Vedas without studying. With this end in mind Where cows are taken care of 10 units
he began to worship Lord Indra, the king of heaven. Where Agnihotra is performed 100 units
Finally, Lord Indra appeared and asked what Manu Where Sages have achieved
wanted. Manu explained that he wished to know all j]Ana or siddhi (perfection) 100,000 or
the Vedas but without studying them. Indra laughed at 10,000,000 units
his request and told Manu it was impossible. In Temples or Places of God According to
Undaunted, Manu continued and even deepened his the merit of
austerities until Indra appeared again, stated his request the place
once more, and once more was told it was impossible. In front of God Unlimited
The next day, as Manu walked along the beach, he When done on Rudraksha Rosary Unlimited
saw a man throwing rocks into the sea. After some
time, he asked the man what his purpose was. The

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by the offering of either a spoonful of pure ghee, or rice man replied that he was trying to fill up the sea. Manu
(and/or other grains mixed) with ghee. This may be done laughed at the man and asked, “Is it possible to fill up
108 times (one mala), or can be continued for a specific the sea by throwing small stones into it?” To which
amount of time - one hour, 4 hours, all day, etc. This is a the man replied, “Certainly it is as possible as knowing
particularly potent ritual to do on full moon days, new all the Vedas without reading them!” Manu
moon days, during eclipses, equinoxes and solstices, immediately realized that this was Indra and finally
or other special astrological and astronomical understood that his request was not possible. However,
occurences. It is also an exceptionally beneficial he asked Indra if there was some technique by which
ceremony to do for healing. An added benefit is that he could more easily learn the Vedas. Indra replied,
the ash from the homa, if collected and kept in a bottle, “Yes. If you wish to have the knowledge of the Vedas,
can be used for healing (rub it on the body while then first chant Gayatri mantra. It will wipe away your
chanting Gayatri; bites from snakes, etc.; to dispel laziness, give you enthusiasm, sharpen your intellect
spirits; and on plants and in the garden to improve the and make you cheerful all the time. Within a few days
soil and strengthen the plants. you will be a new person, and by its power you will
quickly learn the Vedas.”

Where to chant Gayatri Gayatri mantra is considered the Mother of all the
Vedas, and that they are all contained within the
Although chanting Gayatri is always beneficial, there Gayatri. The vibrational resonance of Gayatri purifies
are said to be certain times and places where it is more the chanter in his body, mind, and consciousness. It
beneficial. Everyone is aware that spiritual aspirants awakens Divine enthusiasm. Over many millions of
have traditionally gone to forests, hermitages temples, lifetimes we have accumulated innumerable samskaras
and so forth to perform their practices. This is in large and vasanas or desires and tendencies. Chanting of
part because these places are already more peaceful Gayatri helps to eliminate these accumulated impuri-
or in the mode of goodness (satva). In the Vedic ties, known as karmas.
teachings there are three modes or qualities of nature:
satva (goodness) characterized by lightness, purity, In addition, Gayatri is said to give second birth. The
happiness and wisdom; rajas (passion) characterized by first birth is when one is born into the material body.
strong desire, movement, expectations, fiery nature, etc.; The second birth (dvija), is the spiritual birth by
initiation into Gayatri mantra by which one is said to

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be qualified to study the spiritual scriptures and begin mentioned above (quietly, loudly, etc.). For others, it
the spiritual path in earnest. By chanting the Gayatri may also be chanted in the same way, either in the
mantra, the mind turns toward the Divine. Like a presence of that person, or keeping the person within
mirror, the mind and intelligence is wiped clean and your awareness as you chant, or by chanting in front
the Absolute can shine in its purity. of a photo or some possession of theirs.

The Gayatri is also a mantra for all purposes. First For specific purposes, often the addition of certain bIja
and foremost it is a mantra for illuminating and or seed mantras are added at the end. For instance:
enlightening. But Gayatri is also considered to be of For wealth and general prosperity chant the Gayatri
immense benefit for physical healing, protection, as usual but add at the end the seed mantra for
material advancement, and wisdom. Indeed, there is prosperity three times: çréà çréà çréà
no one who would not benefit by the regular chanting
of Gayatri mantra with love and faith. For general health, add at the end the phrase: aià oà
hüm namaù
For diseases relating to kapha or pitta problems add: aià
Who should chant Gayatri? For disease related to vAta problems add: hüm
For increased memory and intelligence add: aià
Overall, everyone should chant Gayatri, as it brings For increased sense of peace, add: çaà
benefit not only to the chanter, but to those around
them, and even the environment. Traditionally, in India, Gayatri Homa
the child is given Gayatri initiation when they are at a A homa is a particular kind of Vedic fire ceremony, wherein
certain age, depending on their family background, ghee, grains and cow dung are burnt in a special vessel
anywhere from the age of 7 years upward, as they begin known as a homa kunda. There are a wide variety of
their education. It should be understood that in the mantras used in such homas, but one of the most powerful
ancient Vedic tradition, education was understood to for spiritual awakening, and especially for the purification
be both spiritual and material as learning to read, for of the participants and the environment is Gayatri Homa.
instance, incorporated reading the scriptures. This Gayatri Homa is not particularly difficult. Once a
However, it is never to late to begin chanting Gayatri small fire has been started using small pieces of cow dung
dipped in ghee, then the Gayatri mantra is chanted,
followed each time by the word svAhA, accompanied

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going up, from the root chakra up to the crown of the One of the biggest questions that arises regarding the
head. This is similar to a kriya yoga technique. Or chanting of mantra is whether one can chant a mantra
one could simply focus at the third eye or in the heart without being properly initiated into it. Initiation (or
and hold the attention there. diksha) is when the mantra is given to the candidate
by someone who is qualified or an adept in the mantra
If one is chanting for a long period, particularly in the - generally a spiritual teacher or guru.
morning, it can be helpful to sometimes speed up or
slow down. If one is beginning to feel sleepy, then speed Nowadays, particularly in the West, the whole principle
up and chant quickly and more vigously for some time. of accepting a guru is either misunderstood or looked
Also, if one is chanting it mentally and beginning to upon with mistrust. Because of our independent
drift, chant it out loud for some time. However, if one natures (which is what got us in trouble in the first
is chanting out loud, and notice that their thoughts are place) we feel that we can do everything ourselves
beginning to wander even though chanting, try mentally without any help. But in what field of endeavor can
chanting the mantra, as that tends to take more mental one make progress without the help of someone who
effort and helps to eradicate extraneous thoughts. has been there? Whether one wants to become an
artisan, a lawyer, doctor, homemaker, farmer - just
about anything - the wisdom of someone deeply
Gayatri - The All Purpose Mantra experienced in that field is appreciated if not absolutely
mandatory. How much more then in an area that is
First and foremost, Gayatri is meant to remove karmas, actually beyond the mind’s concepts. The spiritual path
cleanse and purify the mind, and awaken us to our is compared to a razor’s edge, because it is a slender
true transcendental nature. However, due to its path with many obstacles, and one slip can mean
inherent power it has other benefits as well. Whenever disaster. The assistance of a teacher who has tread
there is a true need, one would do well to turn first to the path should not be undervalued!
Gayatri mantra as a remedial measure. It can be used
for health, awakening, prosperity and all around general In addition, when it comes to mantra, there are several
well being. more things to take into consideration. First, is the
actual pronunciation. Mantra is a science of sound,
For the benefit of oneself, it can be chanted in the ways and just like anyone can pick up the violin, what sound
emanates from that violin is a result of understanding,

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good instruction, and practice. Mispronunciation of How to Chant Gayatri

mantra can be disastrous. Of course, the most
important thing is chanting it with faith and love, which Basically, there are 3 ways to chant Gayatri: loudly,
can overcome many mispronciations. However, if one quietly (just under the breath), and mentally. Some
can chant it with faith and love, and pronounce it sources say that chanting Gayatri as japa (quietly, under
correctly as well, how much greater the benefit. the breath) is 10 times more potent than chanting
loudly, and that chanting mentally is 1000 times greater
Secondly, the spiritual teacher comes in a lineage which than that. However, chanting with faith and devotion
is invested with spiritual power. It is compared to an is greatest of all, at whatever volume one chants. There
electric current. You can plug an appliance into any is a story of a saint who received a mantra from his
outlet, but if that outlet is not connected to the electrical guru and was told not to speak it aloud or tell anyone
current, it won’t do you much good. Through the fact as it would grant liberation. The saint immediately went
that the teacher has been initiated into that mantra, outside and started yelling the mantra to everyone and
has practiced it and recognized the Absolute nature of telling them to chant it. When the guru angrily came
it themselves, they can give not only the words, but out and insisted on knowing what he was doing, the
the Shakti or energy of the mantra as well. Often the saint said that since the mantra granted liberation, he
student will give their mala (chanting beads) to the wanted everyone to have it. The guru was very pleased
teacher to chant the mantra on, thus energizing them by his new disciples deeper understanding.
with spiritual shakti as well.
In addition to the volume of chanting, or lack thereof
There is a story about a king who asks his guru about when chanting mentally, one can also direct the mantra,
a particular mantra saying that he has heard about it or in other words, chant it in various locations in
from another source and should he chant it. The guru consciousness. Shantimayi suggests a method called
says this is fine, but that it lacks potency unless received “Descending the Mantra” whereby one starts by
from the proper source. When the king asks, “How chanting it at the tip of the tongue, then in the throat,
can that be? The mantra is the mantra. Why would it thirdly at the heart, and finally at the solar plexus,
matter where it comes from?” chanting the same number at each place before
continuing to the next. Another method is to focus
At this point the guru yelled to the king’s guards and the mantra in the chakras or subtle centers of the body
ordered them to arrest and imprison the king. The

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bringing the consciousness back to the Absolute. king sat stupified, and of course the guards did nothing,
just staring at the guru. The guru again yelled at the
There are a few other times at which it is beneficial to guards to arrest the king. Now the king became angry
chant. Some recommend chanting while showering or and himself yelled at the guards to arrest the guru,
bathing. Traditionally, it is not uncommon to see sadhus which they immediately did. The guru immediately
in India chanting Gayatri while semi-submerged in a started laughing and said to the king, “My Lord, here
river. There are a number of types of baths and water is the answer to your question. We both gave the same
bath is one and mental bath is another. Mental bath is instruction to the guards, using the same words.
performed by chanting mantras, so if one is bathing However, when I spoke them, they had no potency,
with mantra while bathing with water they are purifying whereas when you spoke, they immediately had an
themselves both inside and out. effect. The same is true with mantra!”

Before one eats or drinks it is very effective to chant So, although one can learn to chant the mantra through
Gayatri mantra several times. Holding the hands either books and tapes, one should not overlook the
in prayerful mood (with palms together) or on either opportunity to receive it from a teacher who has
side of the food, one can chant the mantra while letting similarly received it in lineage, recognized its shakti
the vibrations of the mantra spiritualize the food. In and can pass that along.
fact, holding a glass of water and chanting Gayatri
mantra over it makes it a potent medicine and purifying
agent. When to Chant Gayatri and How Much
Finally, if one hasn’t been chanting it the rest of the The simple answer to this question is always and as
day anyway, as one retires for the evening it can be much as possible. The more one can meditate and
especially powerful to recite Gayatri as you take your chant on Gayatri, the more effect it will have. In fact,
rest, allowing the vibrations to carry you into sleep. some scriptures give various numbers, saying that one
mantra will relieve immediate karma; 108 mantras will
relieve the sins of the day; 1000 all the sins of the month,
and so forth, up to so many will eradicate all the sins
of all the accumulated lifetimes.

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Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light Gayatri - The Sound of Divine Light

seeds, rudraksha beads, tulsiwood, rosewood, crystal,

However, with that in mind, there are certain times etc. Each material has a particular vibration and is
that are considered more efficacious than others. There often associated with a particular intention, result or
are three times of the day that are especially just a particular school of thought.
advantageous: early morning (that is right before and
around dawn); noon; and the time around sunset. The Chanting Gayatri for one mala (108 times) takes
early morning is especially considered beneficial. This anywhere from about 10 to 30 minutes, depending on
time from about 45 minutes prior to and up to dawn is the speed. Of course, the idea is not to get them over
called Brahma Muhurta, and is considered the most with, but to deeply meditate on the sound and meaning.
auspicious time for spiritual practice. At this time, However, naturally as one becomes familiar with the
everything is quiet, the world is not yet moving, and mantra, one can chant more quickly, without losing
one can dive deeply into their practice. concentration. Often times this becomes an issue if
one is wanting to do anusthana or purascharana, which
As far as the number of times one chants it, that is up is chanting the mantra a specific number of times. For
to the practitioner. Obviously, the minimum number instance, it is often considered that one achieves siddhi
is once a day. Some say 10 times per sitting. For most, or perfection of the Gayatri by chanting it 125,000
the minimum is considered to be one mala. times, or some say one lakh of mantras per syllable in
the mantra. A lakh is 100,000. Gayatri has 24 syllables,
A mala is a rosary of 108 beads plus a 109th bead so it would be 24 x 100,000 or 2,400,000. By chanting
(which isn’t chanted upon). One begins on one of the the Gayatri 10 malas per day (about 1-1/2 to 3 hours
beads on either side of the 109th bead (often called a worth), this can be achieved much quicker. Some
head bead, guru bead, or meru bead) and chants one sources say that if you cant 1000 GAyatrIs daily (10
mantra on each bead until they have completed the malas) for 40 days, one becomes radiant. However,
circle of 108. Then if one is going to continue, one in the beginning it is best to start with a number one
would turn the beads around and go back. It is can handle and gradually work up. So most people
considered inauspicious to use the index finger, so the can handle doing one mala a day. They should stick to
beads are generally rolled between the thumb and this strictly, and then perhaps add one mala in the
middle finger. One can make these beads themselves evening. Gradually increase to two malas, and so forth.
(often they are knotted between each bead), or one Between those specific times, throughout the day one
can purchase premade malas of sandalwood, lotus can chant mentally while doing anything else and

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