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ROADS: a wide way leading from one place to another, especially one with a specially
prepared surface which vehicles can use.

TARJETS: a person, object, or place selected as the aim of an attack. (atacar)

WIDE: of great or more than average width

WHAT WOULD APPEAR: lo que parecería

RETAIL: the sale of goods to the public in relatively small quantities for use or
consumption rather than for resale. (al por menor)

PRE-LOCKDOWN: Previo al cierre

REGAIN: Recuperar

REOPENING: Reapertura


CLOSELY WATCHED SURVEY: Encuesta observada de cerca


WARN: Inform someone in advance of an impending or possible danger, problem, or other

unpleasant situation (advertir).

LEAD: Conducir, producer. Past (led)

WIDESPREAD: Generalizado

MASK: ocultar

STRUGGLING: (luchando)

ACCOUNTING: Representando (contabilizado)

REMAINED: Continue to exist, especially after other similar or related people or things have
ceased to exist. (Se mantuvo)

HITTING: Alcanzando, +golpear

HIGHS: A high point, level, or figure (Máximo)

HIGHER: (Mayor, mas alto)

OVERALL: En conjunto, en general

ENGAGING: Participar

TRADING: the action of engaging in trade (Negociaban)

FEATURES: Características

REQUEST: Solicitud, petición

COURT: Corte, tribunal

APPEAL: Be attractive or interesting.

QUITE: Bastante


POINT STH OUT: to tell someone about some information, often because you believe they do
not know it or have forgotten it (señalar)

TAKE OVER: to begin to have control of something (hacerse cargo de algo)

WIPE OUT: to lose control, especially in a vehicle, and have an accident (eliminar)

PENT UP: used to describe strong demand for a product that has not had the opportunity of
being expressed as sales, for example because consumers have had too little money:


REMOTE-WORKING HUBS: Centros de trabajo remote

SALES UP: Aumento de ventas

“FROM STRENGTH TO STRENGTH”: Cada vez mas fuerte

HAS COME TO THE FORE: Ha pasado a primer plano

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