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Argentina has lived in mandatory social isolation since March 20, a time in which exceptions to

quarantine have been minimal and which has caused one of the least pronounced curves of the SARS-
CoV-2 coronavirus on the continent.

Last Saturday, President Alberto Fernández announced that the isolation will continue, at least, until
next May 24, while he presented the data on the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country
and detailed the next step for the gradual reopening of economic activities within the framework of a
quarantine that has the following keys.


Government data affirms that the mortality rate in Argentina is 6 people per million inhabitants, the
second lowest in the continent - only Uruguay has a lower rate, with 5 deaths per million - and very far
from the United States records. (233), Ecuador (94) and European countries such as Belgium (735), Spain
(562) and Italy (500).

One of the concepts that the pandemic has incorporated into the collective imagination is that of peak
infections, a key maximum point for managing the quarantine that in Argentina continues to be
extended and that experts do not succeed in forecasting when it will arrive.

"The peak of cases is an estimate. First they said April, then May. If we have controlled the epidemic, the
peak is going to be very small and later than you think. Now they are talking about June, but what
happens in June It will depend on what we do in May. There is no accurate forecast, "said the country's
Minister of Health, Ginés González García, weeks ago.

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