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How can so many people have or spread the coronavirus without symptoms (yet)?

This coronavirus has a long incubation period, the time between when someone becomes infected and
when they begin to show symptoms (if they have symptoms).

Flu can also be transmitted without symptoms, but the incubation time is much shorter, usually one to
four days, and symptoms often appear within two days of infection, according to the CDC.

With the coronavirus, the incubation period is about three to 14 days, and symptoms generally appear
"within four to five days after exposure," according to the Harvard Medical School.

"We know that a person with covid-19 can be contagious 48 to 72 hours before they begin to experience
symptoms," the Harvard experts wrote.

"Emerging research suggests that people may be more likely to transmit the virus to others in the 48
hours before they start experiencing symptoms."

Are presymptomatic carriers more contagious before or after having symptoms?

"People tend to be the most contagious before they develop symptoms, if they are going to develop
symptoms," said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, chief medical correspondent for CNN.

"They call that the presymptomatic period. Therefore, people tend to have more viruses at that point
apparently in the nose, in the mouth. This is even before you get sick. And they may be transmitting that
virus to the environment. "

If I can't know who is presymptomatic or asymptomatic, how do I stay safe?

Wearing masks and keeping a physical distance from others "can help reduce the risk that someone
infected but not yet contagious can unknowingly infect others," the Harvard team said.

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