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When the Government decreed the start of isolation, it suspended all activities except those considered
essential, those related to food, health and transportation; and with the passing of the days, the return
of some businesses was allowed, always following sanitary protocols, a way of managing the pandemic
that put health before the economy, in the opposite direction of what countries like the United States
and Brazil did.

"They are not going to twist my arm, I am going to take care of people first of all," Fernández said last
Friday during the announcement of the extension of the quarantine.

Some activities may return if sanitary conditions are met, although others see their future darker, as
happens with airlines, after the Government prohibited domestic or international commercial flights
from the national territory and the sale of air tickets until 1 September, a measure that according to the
International Air Transport Association will have a "social and economic impact".

Leisure activities are also kept to a minimum, and in this new phase the possibility is opened for the
provinces least affected by the pandemic to allow some physical activities, which until now were limited
to a one-hour walk a day in some territories of the country.


The city of Buenos Aires and its metropolitan area, the most populated area in the country with some 13
million inhabitants, concentrates the vast majority of cases, so that their exit from quarantine will be
different from that of the rest of the country and for now. one phase remains behind in the de-
escalation plan.

"All of Argentina except the metropolitan area of Buenos Aires (AMBA) goes to phase 4, while the AMBA
continues to phase 3," explained the president, implying that in the rest of the country it will be the local
and provincial authorities. those that determine what activity can return, while in the city it will be the
Government that has the last word.

In Buenos Aires there will also be greater control over departures, so those who wish to go out to make
non-essential purchases may do so every two days, depending on the completion of their ID

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