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«Every moment of my life I think about something
related to freedom, property, health, social
security, family, fraternal neighborhood, work and
progress: in the dignity that, after more than half a
century of existence, was confiscated by different
governments that they would never her have
recognized as legitimate»
«There are blacks who live to kill people of their same race or
others, and whites with identical criminal characteristics. Fostering
irrational violence related to the death of some violates our right to
live in peace» [01]
«The state man is who corrects under the advice of the best
professionals in different fields of knowledge, one of which, perhaps
the most important, the Economics. He does not want flattery, to be
the principal forever: he seeks to strengthen his nation, preventing
him from committing suicide by promoting messianic parasitism»
«There are no statutes or laws in favor of the Universal Rights of the
Human Being that, intimately or publicly, do not scoff [with
boldness] the world's notables» [03]
«I will be your friend every time someone harasses you, and you
will also help me in the face of any threat I experience: humanism is
a music festival where fraternity consists in understanding that
governments should not own any person» [04]
«I am not threatened by the enemies of those who [looking at him at
a disadvantage to defend myself] hit my back with a rifle in a failed
attempt to force myself to kneel before them: implore them not to
kill me and polish their boots» [05]
«Millions of human beings feeling well distancing themselves
politically: that is democracy» [06]
«The Post Modern Concept of Political Hegemony is not all the
starving-sick people raised in arms to defend their homeland from
imaginary foreign aggressors, but immolated for opposing to lead a
miserable life: countercultural and inhuman» [07]

«Everything, until eternity, culminates» [08]

«If a nation besieged by a terrorist group has a legitimate President,
I infer: is it logical the political discourse that qualifies as a dictator
an enemy subject of the people who are only leaders of a band of
criminals in fights for the control of the republic that sodomizes?»
«In the course of my life, I have spoken endless times with my
friend Lucifer: to whom. I admit, I have challenged by asking you to
grant me power over the denotation of nuclear bombs. I will not
reveal what he has told me about my desire and his decision» [10]
«I was not born indignant or angry, but I soon learned that violence
outweighs peaceful behavior and today I admit that without it it is
not possible to keep peoples in balance» [11]
«The terrorists [who keep us hostage, under absolute control and in
situation of misery] have enough dollars in cash to resist any
blockade of assets of the Republic of Venezuela. I suggest a rapid
military intervention to restore what, without weapons, a kneeling
people cannot» [12]
«My generation [and next] of Venezuelan intellectuals were
inclined to kneel before the deceptive offers of Socialism, which has
been [public and notorious] Doctrinal Terrorism: they gave me no
respite in journalistic controversies, neither did they. But, during
those days, Venezuela was not destroyed as it is today and the
youngest politicians flirt with that system while pretending to be
libertarians: hurting us, mocking a prematurely sick and aging
people» [13]
«Capitalism has a point of equilibrium in free competition that the
socialists criminalize after perverting it, through the punishable
practice of hoarding by their adherent speculative mafias. The
model that allows many to offer generates progress, he who hides
them to kill for political domination purposes is his antithesis» [14]
«Writers must assume a responsibility that goes beyond writing
fictions, reality demands that let's eliminate the morons from
power» [15]
«The psychopathology [that fertilizes the birth of a lethal threat]
drains the hoarding of madness with its enormous burden of
hostility» [16]
«The terrorists [who keep us hostage, under absolute control and in
situation of misery] have enough dollars in cash to resist any
blockade of assets of the Republic of Venezuela. I suggest a rapid
military intervention to restore what, without weapons, a kneeling
people cannot» [17]
«My generation [and next] of Venezuelan intellectuals were inclined
to kneel before the deceptive offers of Socialism, which has been
[public and notorious] Doctrinal Terrorism: they gave me no respite
in journalistic controversies, neither did they. But, during those
days, Venezuela was not destroyed as it is today and the youngest
politicians flirt with that system while pretending to be libertarians:
hurting us, mocking a prematurely sick and aging people» [18]
«Capitalism has a point of equilibrium in free competition that the
socialists criminalize after perverting it, through the punishable
practice of hoarding by their adherent speculative mafias. The model
that allows many to offer generates progress, he who hides them to
kill for political domination purposes is his antithesis» [19]

«Writers must assume a responsibility that goes beyond writing

fictions, reality demands that let's eliminate the morons from power»
«The enemies of Terrorism must understand that in Venezuela we
do not have a government, but an indigestible and still unbridled act
of vandalism of immense proportions» [21]
«Tragic when a young man [with popular support] becomes a
political waste, but just as his followers persist stubbornly for so
long that this dramatic situation can not be repaired» [22]

«It is unlikely that any philosopher, theologian, writer or researcher

of the Social Sciences could refute my thesis according to which the
end of the world is in process» [23]

«Bureaucrats in command in different areas only serve to inflict

cruel and degrading treatment [psychological or physical] on those
who only yearn to live comfortably» [23]

«No one who is not a thug can declare himself a happy citizen
where barbarians have destroyed what is understood as a State of
Nationals [their education, culture, infrastructure, companies,
hospitals and economy] to reign as necrophiles» [24]

«It is not of revolutionaries to kill individuals or crowds, prohibit

citizens from feeding, torture them» [25]

«I do not admit or concede to live in terror because of the possibility

that all my wishes may break into the reality I experience» [27]

«We are born to be infamous and forcibly accept that we are

fighters, which is a calamity: in legitimate defense or morbid, we hit
others to survive-super live and die trying» [28]

«I wrote and published two books that testify to the encounters

between a fiction maker [me] and the dark occult». I not to attribute
to the devil the cruelty that some people develop against our
species» [29]
«Those who commit crimes where they live become otsiders, and
those who kill them are heros» [30]

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