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Energy Mastermind

One common denominator that exists between virtually every “free

energy” researcher in the past and present is that there is an
infinite source of potential that is available at any point in time
and space. There is also much interest, for good reason, in
instantaneous propagation of information between one place and
another. Hence, the widespread interest in psychotronics, radionics,
remote viewing or influencing and other methods of remote information
broadcasting and/or receiving by these same researchers.

In terms that relate specifically to the mind, the collective

unconscious is the infinite informational web or network that reaches
into every bit of time and space. In more modern times, Ingo Swann,
the father of remote viewing, applied the term matrix to represent
the collective unconscious.

The collective unconscious is the universal master library that

contains information of everything that ever happened in the past,
present and every probable future, in addition to any possible
parallel timelines.

Everything bit of information pertaining to Nikola Tesla in his

entire life is recorded in the matrix for eternity. If looking at
time as an illusion with the only “time” being the present moment, it
was always there even before Nikola Tesla was born.

This concept does not only apply to Tesla, but also to Johann
Bessler, Nathan Stubblefield, Viktor Schauberger, and Wilhelm Reich.
These five people compose, arguably, the most incredible minds in the
last few hundred years that drew into their minds and souls many of
nature’s most profound secrets that created the very foundation of
the free energy movement of today. These people will be referred to
as the Energy Mastermind.

The concept of the mastermind group is taken from the book Think &
Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill.

If these five people were gathered in one place to synchronize and

synergize their collective profound genius, it would topple the
paradigm of today’s poverty consciousness in regards to the “energy
crisis” in the blink of an eye.
Each idea or concept takes on a life of its own and exists as its own
morphogenetic field; it exists as an entity unto itself. The more
intention and potential that gathers upon the subject, the stronger
the presence it holds in the matrix.

One proven method for locating, retrieving and understanding

information that is in the matrix for any person, place, thing or
event in the past, present or future is known as Technical Remote
Viewing (TRV).

The purpose of this letter isn’t to tell you about TRV, but rather to
use TRV as to segue into something that any free energy researcher
would dream about. That dream would be to allow your mind to download
the wisdom and knowledge of the Energy Mastermind directly into your
own subconscious mind passively in only a few minutes a week!

Again, this letter isn’t about having you learn TRV because it is
very time intensive and takes a lot of dedication and much of that
dedication is already being used wisely by replicating and innovating
energy producing technologies that allow our life on this planet to
become truly sustainable.

Here is an example of the reality of being able to use the

subconscious mind to download information directly from the matrix
without knowing what the outcome is supposed to be. A target is
completely blind to me and all I am given is a random 8-digit number
that corresponds to the target. Using some very specific protocols to
allow my subconscious mind to feed my consciousness data from the
matrix in very methodical and controlled fashion, I can put on paper
incredible detail about the target.

The fist picture is a sketch in the third stage of my session and the
second picture is the actual target that I get to see when I’m done.
You can learn more about TRV here:

This kind of result that you see is not an exception to the rule but
is the rule with constant practice! Several advances in the energy
technologies were independently discovered through TRV and only some
of the results have been released to date.

The subconscious mind has free roaming access to everything in the

collective. However, the main things that it will actively be
scanning for is whatever is in resonance with the thoughts that have
dominated it by the conscious “thinking” mind.
Just for the fact that you are reading this letter, you express some
interest in free energy. Therefore, you have programmed your
subconscious mind to some degree with the concepts of free energy.
Your subconscious mind is then looking for information in the matrix
that matches what you want to learn, and depending on your ability to
allow information to come into your consciousness without your
logical, rational, reasoning mind interfering, you could be
downloading more or less than someone else.

This is already the source of intuitive insights and innovation so

you’re probably already doing this at some level. Some masters are
simply able to draw from the matrix more than others but the process
is the same.

PATHS allows your mind to absorb massive amounts of information by

three mechanisms: audio, video and a hardware booster sending
information to your subconscious mind directly through the aether.
PATHS accomplishes this in the most advanced and powerful way than
any mind technology that has ever been developed.

A new PATHS module that is an outcropping of the original Project 1

World (free module) project is the Energy Mastermind module. Here are
its goals:

Energy Mastermind
Drawing Upon the Master’s Wisdom

The purpose of this module is to have your subconscious mind

synchronize and link to the morphogenetic field in the collective
unconscious of Nikola Tesla, Johann Bessler, Nathan Stubblefield,
Viktor Schauberger, and Wilhelm Reich.

Specifically, it is to assist your subconscious mind in connecting to

their wisdom and understanding of natural forces as it relates to
understanding it and applying it in energy devices. This module also
helps to create in the collective a mastermind group as its own
unique morphogenetic field, which is made up of the above listed
historical figures.

This modules accomplishes:

• Grok the forces of nature with your own direct intuition plus
drawing on the wisdom and understanding of the members of the
Energy Mastermind.
• Boost your understanding of the energetics of quantum potential
• Increase ability to visualize the outcome of projects before
starting them
• Boost the ability to comprehend the “Free Energy” concepts as
mastered by proven innovators in this field
• Developing a deeper intuitive understanding of open system
• Deepening the understanding of the concepts involved with
“scalar waves.”


If you want to learn about some insights into what PATHS is and how
it works, please read: What’s so Quantum about PATHS? (Attached below
this letter – starts on page 6!) You can find this article by
searching in Google or by visiting Energetic Forum at

The bottom line is that this PATHS module, Energy Mastermind, will
energetically assist in increasing your subconscious mind’s link into
the Energy Mastermind members’ collective database on the forces of
nature that they mastered.

It also helps you tune into the matrix’s database of information on

the aether, the nature of water, electrical and magnetic forces and
more. This concept has never been attempted in the history of any
technology that we know of. The concept is profound, and to be used
for such a purpose is even more profound!

Currently, the Energy Mastermind module is only available as part of

a special package with three other modules. There is a synergy
between the other three. They are: Unlimited Creativity with the
Developer Add-On, Stimulate Intuition and Insight, and Increased

To get started right away, simply visit any PATHS website, go to the
Products page, and find the Energy Mastermind special package.

Yours in Abundance,
Aaron Murakami


What’s So Quantum About PATHS?
In 1979, the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) program at Princeton
University was setup to determine if human consciousness can externally affect the physical world. In
2008, PEAR was closed because they accomplished what they set out to do.

Here is a quote from their own press release announcing the closing of the lab, 1 “Jahn and his
colleague, Brenda Dunne, a developmental psychologist from the University of Chicago who has served
throughout as PEAR's laboratory manager, together with other members of their interdisciplinary
research staff, have focused on two major areas of study: anomalous human/machine interactions,2
which addresses the effects of consciousness on random physical systems and processes; and remote
perception,3 wherein people attempt to acquire information about distant locations and events. The
enormous databases produced by PEAR provide clear evidence that human thought and emotion can
produce measurable influences on physical reality.”

The most popular demonstration of mind over machine is the fact that the intention of the human
mind is all that is needed to influence the output of a random number or event generator. Random
number generators are not truly random and display patterns if observed long enough so random event
generators are more preferable to give random output.

A Random Event Generator (REG)4 is a piece of hardware connected to a computer that

generates white noise. If you turn the television to a station that is off the air and it has the black and
white “snow” on the screen with the hissing static, that is a form of white noise. This white noise is
converted into 0’s and 1’s. The string of 0’s and 1’s that is output from this REG will be approximately
half 0’s and half 1’s. This is the predicted probable output. The same thing applies if you flip a coin 100
times. You will see that heads and tails come out about the same amount of times.

On smaller samples of flipping coins 10 times, you may get 7 heads and 3 tails. This deviates
from the most probable output of half and half. The larger the sample, the more closely the output
follows the predicted 50/50 outcome. If the coin was flipped a million times, it would be closer to 50/50
than a very small sample.

Imagine a group of people is watching a computer screen with a graphical display showing the
output of the REG. If one hundred people are watching this and they all intend for only heads to be
flipped, which could be either a 0 or 1, the output of the generator will start to produce more heads than
tails deviating statistically away from the predicted 50/50 outcome. This is a startling and profound truth
that has been demonstrated for three decades. So the answer is most definitely yes, the human mind can
influence the physical world and can be measured with REG’s.

Although this effect has been proven to really happen, the science behind answering why this
happens is still not very solid. Here is another quote from the PEAR press release, “There are still many
important questions to be addressed that will require a coordinated interdisciplinary approach to the
topic, but it is time for the next generation of scholars to take over.”

Princeton’s PEAR Laboratory to Close, 2007,
Global Consciousness Project,
Remote Perception Examples,
Random Event Generator Design,
So if the human mind has been scientifically proven to be able to influence a piece of computer
hardware at a distance, it might be a logical deduction to ask if a piece of computer hardware is able to
have an effect on the human mind also at a distance. Considering the fact that people are not physically
wired to the computer hardware in these experiments, it is all considered to be at a distance. It is
interesting to note that physical distance does not change the effect. A person or group of people can be
one foot from a machine or five thousand miles from the machine and the machine can just as easily be

One of the most popular technologies that utilize the concept of quantum healing at a distance is
the QXCI5 machine (Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface). It is a hardware and software
combination that records a person’s personal data such as name, birth date, birthplace and other
information. The QXCI’s hardware runs through a process that receives information on the person
through subspace, which is the subtle quantum medium where information in the entire collective
unconscious is stored. The QXCI’s developer uses the term subspace but I prefer to use Aether to
describe this quantum medium. I recently released The Quantum Key6 to educate the average person on
what the Aether is and how the potentials are tapped from this virtual world into the physical world.

This is the diagnostic part of the QXCI machine. It is made possible because all information
about everything in time and space from the past, present and future reside in the collective unconscious
mind. There have been many names to describe this super recording system such as The Matrix, Akashic
Records, Book of Life, Super Mind, Infinite Intelligence, and so on.

Every person and everything single possible piece of information about them is in the collective.
The hardware of the QXCI has its REG influenced by the information in the collective corresponding to
the person being scanned so to speak. Based on how the REG output is read, each piece of data is
compared to a database.

For example, if information about the liver is being received, depending on the output reading,
different readings will have different interpretations assigned to them. The data is matched to the
interpretation so that the person’s liver condition can be known. This can be done by being physically
connected to the machine or it can be done with absolutely no connection and from anywhere in the

To reverse the process for treatment by these same quantum means, any appropriate treatment
for the person’s liver if needed is send backwards towards the hardware and is broken down and
disordered into smaller pieces of data and is sent back into the aether. With the QXCI, this is done by
frequencies where each piece of treatment data, etc… is assigned a specific frequency or Hz, which is
how many times per second something turns off and on.

The person’s subconscious mind has infinite connection to the entire collective. Their
subconscious mind locks onto the information that is intended for them since their own personal
identifiers are attached to it. The subconscious mind receives this information or treatment and the body
follows suit by acting on the information that the subconscious mind is occupied with. Out of necessity,
I developed a model of Synchronicity7 that gives a simple visual analogy of the conscious mind,

The Quantum Key,
Murakami Model of Synchronicity,
subconscious mind and collective unconscious connection to each other, which I would recommend
reading to further expand your understanding of this concept.

There are other variations of this technology that utilize the same fundamental concept with
different twists to the method, but they are all rooted in the scientifically proven fact that the human
mind and its intentions can influence random event generators at a distance and also because the process
can be reversed and information sent out through hardware can be received and acted upon by the
subconscious mind. Unfortunately, these machines cost many thousands of dollars and only one person
at a time can be treated.

PATHS8, utilizing Rapid Data Transfer (RDT)9, is the most advanced form of these quantum
subconscious mind technologies currently available anywhere in the world. And even better, it is
available to anyone who has access to the Internet.

PATHS is not a diagnostic tool but rather, it is a tool that enables the subconscious mind to
receive and process millions of pieces of information in a very short period of time. To be exact, it takes
the user three minutes per week per topic to realize the results.

It is very common these days for people to use soundtracks that bring the brainwaves into certain
frequencies while low volume affirmations are repeated in the background, usually barely
comprehendible to the person listening. The idea is that when the mind is exposed to repeated
affirmations, the person will eventually start to actualize the desired habits, patterns, beliefs, or other
benefits. The benefits might include increased memory recall, better sleep, weight loss, more confidence
or a myriad of other topics. These sound tracks usually take thirty minutes a day and the user needs to
use them for a couple months for the effects to start being noticeable. This is fifteen hour per month time

There are many other ways that we can attempt to replace negative subconscious programming
with positive and creative habits and they all have their own benefits and limitations. This could be
NLP, hypnosis, prayer, reading affirmations or other modalities.

With PATHS, the user sits down at a computer and logs into a website with their own username
and password to experience one part of the quantum nature of the technology. A customized theater
presentation downloads to their computer, which corresponds to the modules they have chosen to
receive benefits from. The modules can be anything from anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, increased sports
performance, better memory, increasing synchronicities, boosting intuition, boosting gratitude,
increasing self-esteem and confidence or dozens and dozens of other modules. The sleep module is
automatically included with every customized presentation because we all know how important it is to
get deep restful productive sleep.

The person using PATHS will watch the theater presentation for three to twelve minutes for an
average of three minutes per module. These visual and audio theaters include cues targeting the person’s
subconscious mind. The subconscious mind recognizes that the theater is specifically for them and
nobody else. The subconscious mind then downloads millions of instructions corresponding to the
modules chosen and then the presentation is over.

Rapid Data Transfer (RDT),
Over the next seven days on average, the person’s brain has assimilated and built new
connections corresponding to the instructions that the subconscious mind received. The best analogy of
how this is possible is that you could send one hundred pages to a printer all at once. The printer stores it
in a memory. Then the printer prints one page at a time as it is able and this is like the brain forming new
neural connections to correspond to this information as able. Since this process urges the mind/brain to
work at a higher level, there are more readily available amino acids needed by the brain to create the
neurotransmitters and build connections.

The other quantum part of PATHS is the hardware booster. This hardware is receiving the
instructions for the modules customized for the user with their name, birth date and birthplace. The
instructions for the modules are sent to this hardware booster, disordered and transmitted directly into
the Aether or subspace.

Once the information is transmitted into the Aether, the person’s subconscious mind will link up
to this information that is connected to the person’s unique identifying information and will download
this information. The subconscious mind of the person using PATHS will take this information, store it
and the brain will assimilate it by forming new neural connection corresponding to the data. Because the
information is at such a high rate in such a short period of time, this forces the brain/mind interaction
into a higher level of operation that the normal human brain/mind is normally operating at.

There is one very significant difference between PATHS and the QXCI or other similar
technologies and that is the fact that PATHS does not operate in any way, shape or form with
frequencies. The hardware booster is transmitting the information sets in an analog of the so-called
Universal Language that the subconscious mind innately operates in. This is probably the single most
profound and significant advancement in the science of consciousness in the last one hundred years or

What is this Universal Language? If you were to think in your mind in your own verbal
language, “Move my right arm,” your right arm would move instead of your left leg kicking out. If you
thought this in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, Japanese, Swahili, German or any other language, the
result would be the same. For the fact that the biological physical response is the same no matter what
verbal language the intent was formed in, this shows that there is some innate language or
communication between the conscious thinking mind’s intent, the subconscious mind and the ability for
the subconscious mind to carry this message on to the body to invoke a physical response.

The PATHS RDT hardware booster is transmitting this information into the Aether not with
frequencies but by a proprietary principle that has an effect that the subconscious mind already
recognizes at its own language with virtually no translation needed.

By communicating more directly with the subconscious mind in this manner and at the huge
repetitious cycle that RDT utilizes, the results are realized in a very fast manner that most people are not
used to.

How long does it take people to internalize and actualize the concept in the book Think & Grow
Rich or any other mindset philosophy for Law of Attraction or anything similar? Most people do not
apply what they read as it is only information and data at the basic level. Few people take these concepts
on wholeheartedly and apply them with gusto. Even few get the results they are expecting. For the
average person caught in the day in and day out routine that most of us are familiar with, it really does
take quite a bit of energy to really take something on to get the most out of it that we possibly can. Even
using “brainwave soundtracks” with affirmations takes fifteen hours a week! Who has that kind of time
to get results a few months down the road?

Even though PATHS is not a magical cure all bullet for everyone, the results are quicker than
just about any other method. You can log into a website to watch a theater presentation for 3 minutes a
week and your subconscious mind downloads massive amounts of information in regards to the mindset
of Law of Attraction principles or whatever else you want to benefit from. Over the next week, your
subconscious mind is feeding this information to your brain for processing at a very rapid rate in
addition to your subconscious mind locking onto this information in the collective to assist the learning
process. Before you know it, you notice that the negative thoughts are disappearing, you have a more
positive outlook on life, things are flowing better for you and you seem to have developed a knack for
attracting to yourself those things that really matter most.

That is only one example of how PATHS RDT technology can work for you partly through the
amazing proven concepts of quantum physics and the application of it to consciousness as demonstrated
in the very profound way by PATHS. There are countless other things you can benefit from using this
technology: skin rejuvenation, boosting self-esteem, increasing gratitude, experiencing unconditional
love, increase sports performance, improve mindset for money, accomplishing your goals, increase
business productivity, boosting intuition and many other modules.

The next time you think, What’s so Quantum About PATHS, just think back to all the proven
scientific research that has proven the concepts and that you get to benefit from right here right now
simply by having a connection to the internet.

Aaron Murakami

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