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[By Character] You hail from ________________, a ________________ distance to the ________________.
 What is it like?
 What do strangers most misunderstand about your home?
 Why did you leave?

[By Character] You worship or revere ________________.

 What is the central tenet of your faith or philosophy?
 Who or what opposes your faith or philosophy?

[One per Character]

 What might entice you to visit the following location?
 Why might you be reluctant to make such a journey?
o The High Stakes – A forlorn highland ruled by vampires and peopled by their thralls.
o The Ramparts – Location of the Garden of Sorrow, site of the final sundering of the elves and dwarves.
o Ringwood – An elf kingdom said to rest on the boughs of an impossibly large tree.
o Midwaste – Location of Dreadmoon, an evil city of the dead surmounted by a glowing, phantom skull.
o The Iron Sea – A plane of rusted iron and ash, shaded by Anvil, a vast dwarven city carved into the stone
column of a huge, sheer, plateau.
o The Jade Coast – A wretched hive of scum and villainy… and pirates.
o The Plainsea – A seemingly endless plain where immense herds of beasts roam, many unknown or long
extinct elsewhere.
o The Erg – A brutal desert containing Deepslake, a refuge of monks who guard the true names of evil gods.

[Consensus] You find yourself a few days’ ride from Stormgate, the capital of a nearly forgotten colony of a distant empire.
 Why is the colony nearly forgotten?
 What caused the decline of the empire?
 Despite its name, the waters of Stormgate’s port are very calm. Why is the city then called Stormgate?
 Why do Stormgate’s people carry mirrors on their persons every new moon?

[By Character] Stormgate reputedly contains a great dungeon, the Plunderdome.

 What have you heard about the chaos gods whose shrines can be found in the dungeon?
 Rumors tell of a madman raving about escaping the dungeon. What does he say happened in its black halls?
 What causes you to brave the dangers of the dungeon?

[Consensus] Although Stormgate is your eventual destination, you find yourself on the outskirts of the Town of Birney in the
sunny alpine meadows of Merrymead.
 What has compelled you to tarry in Birney, rather than proceed immediately to Stormgate?
 Birney is known for its local legends, what is the most disturbing legend you have heard?
 There have reputedly been disappearances in Birney of late, who or what do you think is behind it?
 Birney’s late mayor, Heinrich, died under unusual circumstances. What were those circumstances?

[One per Character]

 What makes the old inn in Birney, the Shady Dragon, such an important historical place?
 The ruined keep in Birney is said to be haunted. Who have you heard is doing the haunting and why?
 The dead don’t seem to rest easy in the Birney cemetery, what rumors have you heard about why that is?
 The Birney Bridge is little traveled, due to the unusually high number of misfortunes that fall upon those who cross
the bridge at night. What is the nature of the bridge’s curse?
 Birney’s sole blacksmith seems to be convinced that he is a dwarf, though he appears human. Why do you think he
says that he is a dwarf?
 The only temple in Birney is a temple to the Lady of Corruption, Egesta. Why do you think the people of Birney
worship such a “god”?
 The woods near Birney have always been a dangerous place to travel and hunt, what you have you heard that lurks
in the depths of the woods?
 Two statues of a young girl of nine years stands in Birney. Who was this Endira Mhoned?
 Near Birney is the Hanging Tree used for judicial executions. Who was the last person to hang and why?

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