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1. Put your books and materials down and stretch for a minute or two.
2. Sit down, put your head down, and take 4 deep breaths.
3. Sit up, close your eyes and imagine being in a pleasant place where you feel
4. Keep your eyes closed and switch scenes. Imagine in a situation in which you
had an academic success. Congratulate yourself for a job well done.
5. Open your eyes and find your assignment. Say, “Now I’m ready to work for
about 15 or 20 minutes.”
6. Read the assignment, Ask, “what questions, Problems or tasks are
7. Work for 15 to 20 minutes using your books, papers, or other materials.
8. Take a few minutes to stretch, breathe deeply, rest your eyes, and have a
healthy snack or drinks.
9. Review and recognize your effort and progress.
10. Resume work.

1. Leave and study at the library if your home or dorm setting is too
2. Stop the distraction; impose an electronic lockdown by turning off email,
text messages, phones and music.
3. Study your most difficult courses in locations where there is no computer
or television.
4. Brighten the study space; make it inviting and appealing, but not
5. Change your location to stay alert and on track. Early in the day, go to the
coffee shop, later to a library.
6. Select a non-distracting location to study. Make it a habit to go to this
place at the same time each day.
7. Select a location in which there is access to healthy snacks and
comfortable places to relax or walk.
8. Avoid study on a bed or overstuffed chair since it tends to be too
comfortable, especially if you are already tired.
9. Find a study buddy who will help you get to the library or other non-
distracting location.
10. Use a fan or other white noise if the study setting is too quiet and you find
it difficult to maintain your focus.
11. Use a watch or timer to help stick to a productive study schedule. Include
a break every 20 to 40 minutes of study.
12. Move your location if it becomes too distracting to concentrate-even if you
are with friends.

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