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New Urban Forms, Diversity, and Computational Design:

Exploring the Open Block

Jose Carpio-Pinedo1; Guillermo Ramírez2; Salas Montes3; and Patxi J. Lamiquiz4

Abstract: Architects, urban designers, and city planners witness a contemporary lack of imagination regarding new urban form typolo-
gies. Most proposals have swung between two well-defined extremes: the dense, traditional block and the strips/towers defined by the
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modernist principles. More recent yet distinctive proposals are rare, even as the challenges of urban environments have changed.
Based on the concept of diversity, one notably acclaimed exception is Christian de Portzamparc’s open block (îlot ouvert), proposed
as a set of flexible, interdependent rules that ensures an attractive, varied urban scene, and applied in Masséna, a new neighborhood in
Paris. However, this new typology has raised some issues, such as the necessary design efforts or the developer’s uncertainties as to build-
able surface associated with flexibility of form. Computational design tools (CDT) provide an opportunity to explore and quantify the
performance and limits of new urban form typologies. Using CDT, this study first confirmed that the rules stated by Portzamparc were
sufficient and consistent to achieve the intended urban forms, and that these forms are translatable into common design code parameters.
Second, this study discussed the open block as a new form type, by framing its degree of diversity. Finally, this study checked the utility of
CDT during the decision-support process and concluded its potentially wider convenience to explore renewed morphological creativity in
urban designers beyond rigid design codes and standards. DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)UP.1943-5444.0000555. © 2020 American Society of
Civil Engineers.
Author keywords: Open block; Îlot ouvert; Diversity; Urban morphology; Computational design; Portzamparc.

Introduction (in French, l’îlot ouvert, Fig. 2), which aimed at retaining the
best of both MM and pre-MM forms. Portzamparc has designed
By the end of the 1960s, the periphery of every city had been built other developments under the same principles in different
following the same principles, as a degraded version of Le Corbus- cities—Brussels, New York, Grenoble, Montpellier, Nantes, or
ier’s radical proposal for the cities of the Modern Movement (MM) Annecy—but never to the extent of Masséna in Paris. His proposal
(Le Corbusier 1957). The homogeneity of the same tedious strips paid special attention to relevant issues in the contemporary discus-
and towers came under severe criticism but did not find successful sion on sustainable cities, such as compactness, density, mixed-use,
alternative forms in practice (Curtis 1982). Moreover, the MM and the relation between buildings and public spaces (Montgomery
ideas were so powerful that they have polarized the urban debate 1998; Landry 2000; Southworth 2005; Banister 2008; Litman
ever since, and classic works in urban morphology studies framed 2013; Pozueta Echavarri et al. 2013).
all urban forms within a shift from pre-MM blocks to MM strips Despite its promising performance, the open block has been re-
(Panerai et al. 2004). In search of diversity, no radically new ceived as too challenging for designers because of its definition in
morphological proposals appeared until 1995, when the Pritzker- terms of a number of interrelated parametric decisions, far more
awarded, French architect Christian de Portzamparc won the complicated than the simpler, standard variables in design codes,
masterplanning competition for the Masséna district (12.5 hectares such as the floor area ratio (FAR) or the lot coverage. Perceived
by the river Seine in southeast Paris, Fig. 1). His proposal was a as too flexible or too complex, Portzamparc’s parameters usually
new urban type based on the concept of diversity: the open block seem difficult to write down in a design code or to apprehend
and apply with the standard resources of architectural practice.
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Universidad Politécnica The development of computer-based technologies to assist design
de Madrid (UPM), Avenida Juan de Herrera, 4. 28040 Madrid, Spain processes seems an encouraging solution to this issue.
(corresponding author). ORCID: This study aimed at shedding light on the viability of Portzam-
2 parc’s proposal with the help of computational design tools (CDT),
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Universidad Politécnica
de Madrid (UPM), Avenida Juan de Herrera, 4. 28040 Madrid, Spain. as design processes facilitated by the processing power of software,
Email: including nonlinear processes and feedback loops. The first objec-
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Universidad Politécnica tive was to test the open block rules with CDT and evaluate
de Madrid (UPM), Avenida Juan de Herrera, 4. 28040 Madrid, Spain. whether the resulting urban forms were faithful to Portzamparc’s
Email: principles, without being too flexible or too restrictive. Our second
Dept. of Urban and Regional Planning, Universidad Politécnica objective was to assess the results both as a new morphological
de Madrid (UPM), Avenida Juan de Herrera, 4. 28040 Madrid, Spain. type and as a base for diversity in streetscape. The third objective
was to explore the use of CDT as a decision-support tool during
Note. This manuscript was submitted on September 25, 2018; approved
on August 9, 2019; published online on March 19, 2020. Discussion period the development process, focusing on two questions: (a) the con-
open until August 19, 2020; separate discussions must be submitted for in- trollability of FAR facing the uncertainty that apparently results
dividual papers. This paper is part of the Journal of Urban Planning and from volumetric diversity; and (b) the comparative benefits of the
Development, © ASCE, ISSN 0733-9488. open block compared with other urban forms.

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Fig. 1. Masséna district master plan. (© Christian de Portzamparc.)

Related Literature

Diversity in Theory and… in Practice?

The diversity of urban forms was one of the key vindications coming
from the forerunner critics of the MM. Cullen (1961) recovered the
importance of volumetric diversity, urban sequences, juxtaposition,
and the picturesque. Jacobs (1961) decried the excessively homoge-
neous modernist urban landscapes, relating a city’s social diversity to
a varied built environment. Hertzberger (1991) studied the mutual
complementarity between a good street and the buildings that config-
ure it and advocated a structure that could foster diversity.
Drawing on the idea of building type in housing and defining it
as a set of structural features able to characterize an identifiable
form, Panerai et al. (2004) defended the relations between build-
ings, blocks, and streets as the basic generators of diversity. At
the same time, the concept of urban typomorphology allowed a sys-
tematization of building codes, a key tool in planning, to keep
building form under control while enabling constraints to architec-
tural flexibility through thresholds on volume, shape, or position.
However, concepts such as diversity are difficult to shape by build-
ing codes and standards (Ben-Joseph 2004) and have only recently
been tackled empirically. Some authors have quantified diversity
mostly through indicators of land use mix (Cervero and Kockelman
1997; Song et al. 2013), while others focused more on the attributes
of the urban landscape (Foltête and Piombini 2007). However, how
can these attributes be materialized into an integrated design? A
hint may be implicit in traditional cities since they present some
Fig. 2. Concept sketches comparing pre-MM (top) and MM forms
regularities that provide structure in variation. This is what the Brit-
(middle) with the open block (bottom). (© Christian de Portzamparc.)
ish structuralist school described by the notion of structure, as the

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result of a set of restrictions in a random process (Hanson 1989), Nonetheless, Portzamparc also suggests some ways forward:
instead of form geometry, repetition, and hierarchy. This notion an- technologies (Société d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de
ticipated Portzamparc’s proposal and is promising for contemporary Paris 2010, p. 162).
urban forms, which may draw on CDT to bring more flexibility and
diversity to otherwise rather fixed design codes.
Computer Systems and CDT
The development of computer-assisted architectural design is cur-
Christian de Portzamparc’s Open Block (îlot ouvert) rently well consolidated and has diversified into a number of families
In tune with the MM critics and the search for diversity, Christian de or subfamilies of processes, with sometimes important conceptual
Portzamparc’s open block championed fighting homogeneity as the overlaps and only fuzzy borders between these processes. Some
leading idea. The open block represents a rejection of continuous examples are solid modeling (Shapiro 2002), parametric design
heights and facades of traditional corridor-streets, but also the loose- (Gerber 2007), or generative design (Agkathidis 2015). In this arti-
ness of street space in the MM model. Instead, Portzamparc’s pro- cle, computational design is used as an umbrella term covering all
posal implies breaking up the classical block with a succession of design processes facilitated by the processing power of software, in-
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autonomous yet aligned buildings (Fig. 2). This architect highlighted cluding nonlinear processes and feedback loops that would seem too
the importance of the interplay of light and shadow, possible in a discouraging without the aid of computers.
dense urban environment thanks to the fragmentation of construc- A recent review found that CDT are still not fully used in ar-
tions, the height variations, and the porosity of open spaces. This chitectural or urban design practice (Nisztuk and Myszkowski
is also the way to maximize the levels of sunlight and air (Société 2017), especially not in a creative way. However, some authors
d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 167). Further, have highlighted the efficiency of drawing on these tools to gen-
even if buildings are aligned so that the street is perceived as such, erate urban design prototypes in a very short time period (Koenig
the variety of standalone volumes is very rich: wide next to narrow; et al. 2017) and for the optimization (Charalampidis and Tsalikidis
tall next to not so tall; different colors, materials, and textures. “The 2015; Luo et al. 2017) or simultaneous consideration of various fac-
city will become variegated. Architectures will be differentiated tors (Bielik et al. 2012; Amado and Poggi 2014). Interestingly, other
much in the same way as animals in a zoo,” said Portzamparc groups of authors have seen the potential of the tool to enrich the
(Société d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 161). design process, turning it into a dynamic reflective practice (Beirão
This was a new way of understanding the street, which becomes et al. 2011), and to support collaborative and participatory urban
an attractive collection of successive unpredictable scenes that en- design (Steinø et al. 2013a, b).
riches the experience of walking: CDT facilitate rule-based design processes, rather than
Potential harmony is no longer based on an idea of resem- geometry-based ones (Steinø et al. 2013a), in line with the concept
blance or homogeneity, as had always been the case in the of structure introduced previously (Hanson 1989), which considered
classical past. I am interested in another form of harmony: rules as restrictions to randomness as a way toward diversity. If the
one that is based on insertion; the relations between two or rules leading the process are original, radical morphological ideas,
three different objects, on the creation of contrast. (Société then it is fair to think that these tools may become a good platform
d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 166). to develop and test new concepts of urban form. Indeed, some pre-
Also, the diversity of physical form leads to other sorts of mix. If form vious contributions show that parametric design outputs can be orig-
follows function, a diversity of forms could successfully accommo- inal variegated forms and the result of research with the diversity of
date a mix of uses. This is the case of Masséna, where 28,500 m2 shape (Koltsova et al. 2011), which justify the intuition and interest
of shops, 116,000 m2 of offices, and 110,000 m2 of facilities are in- of testing Portzamparc’s ideas with this type of software tool. CDT
terspersed with housing. Last but not least, according to the develop- provide the technical framework that enables us to produce geome-
ers, “the concept permitted a considerable degree of social mix” try according to programed rules, run simulations, and collect mea-
(Société d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 153). surements that can prove or disprove certain design hypotheses.
In short, the new model was outstanding regarding the various dimen- With the use of computing power, the design process can be accel-
sions of diversity that authors such as Jacobs had vindicated— erated in comparison with traditional methods and enriched with
morphological, social, and functional—and, thus, became an data that would otherwise be difficult and expensive to process.
immediate reference for urban sustainability (Mohareb et al. 2016).
The uniqueness of the open block has been noticed espe-
cially among architects and urban designers (Reale 2008, p. 67; Methodology
Carpio-Pinedo 2014; Firley and Groen 2014; Siddi and Cocco
2016, p. 106), who have highlighted the reconciliation of density
and openness (Fernández Per et al. 2009; Caudron 2011); its exper-
imental, contemporary and courageous character (Masboungi 2009, This study has required the combination of three different yet com-
p. 42; Reale 2012, p. 24); and contribution for urban sustainability plementary computational tools. Firstly, Grasshopper has been the
(Mega 2010; Pozueta Echavarri et al. 2013, pp. 58–60). Finally, environment for geometry work and running the simulations.
some authors have celebrated the open block’s diversity as a tool for Grasshopper is one of the most widely used tools for computational
intervention in complex urban environments, satisfying wide-ranging design worldwide (Gerber 2007; Beirão et al. 2011; Bielik et al.
situations and residents’ demands (Charmes 2007, p. 80; Cohen and 2012; Amado and Poggi 2014; Speranza 2016; Koenig et al.
Hubert 2014). 2017). Secondly, Ladybug has been the tool for sunlight modeling.
However, not all comments have been so celebratory. As a Ladybug is a plug-in for Grasshopper that offers a collection of
replicable model, the open block is still to be evaluated, since tools for environmental analysis (Roudsari and Pak 2013). Thirdly,
its rules look too complicated for common planning practices Python has been the main programing language in the description
and design codes (Charmes 2007, p. 79; Carpio-Pinedo 2014); of the simulations and the execution flow of the program. Python
a concern that even Portzamparc acknowledged as being usual is a general-purpose programing language with a broad userbase
(Société d’Economie Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 166). in the scientific community.

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Table 1. Open block rules
Rule Description
1 50% to 70% of the block perimeter (front property lines, street lines,
or edges) must be built.
2 No front facade can be curved.
3 All buildings must be autonomous (no party walls). Minimum
distance between any two buildings is 6 m.
4 Front yards/gardens also have to be well-sized, so a minimum
setback distance of 10 m is established. A setback is applied to a
volume if there is enough back-space to satisfy Rule 3 and if the
other buildings are enough to maintain Rule 1. If more than one
building may be a setback candidate, the choice is made randomly
by the program.
5 Facade lengths and building heights are interdependent. Volume
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types are described in Table 2.

6 Compound blocks (made of not one but two prisms) are allowed as
long as there is a 4-story height difference between the two.
7 If a building is on a block corner, the sum of the two facade lengths
at the corner is limited to 60 m.
8 No rules for ground-floor buildings.

Parameters and Rules

The rules for creating an urban fabric of open blocks (îlots ouverts)
were based on those collected by Caudron (2011), who had personal
access to individuals and documents from Christian de Portzam-
parc’s design practice. The rules applied in this study are summa-
rized in Table 1 and aim at ensuring: (a) a good formal definition
of the street right-of-way space (Rules 1 and 2); (b) all buildings
and voids with a certain entity (Rules 3 and 4); (c) the variety of vol-
Fig. 3. The only geometrical input. A, B, and C lines mark 24, 16, and
umes within a same street view (Rules 5–7); and (d) a certain flex-
12-m-wide streets correspondingly. Dimensions indicate block side
ibility and unpredictability in the ground floor (Rule 8). On the other
hand, Portzamparc outlined one rule that this study did not consider:
the coordination of volumes on both sides of the street (solid oppo-
site void, tall opposite short, wide opposite narrow, and so on). By Table 2. Dimensions for the diverse building types
limiting the volumetric coordination within each block, the intention
was to increase the feasibility of the open block proposal, while this Type C:
Type A: Type B: narrow, Type GF:
decision has a likely low impact on the urban landscape or any of the
Dimension compound long, low high ground floor
open block benefits.
Length 30–60 m 30–45 m 10–30 m Free
Depth 10–15 m 10–15 m 10–15 m 10–15 m
General Simulation Structure Height Lower volume: 2–5 stories 5–15 stories 1 story
5–11 stories
The simulation consists of different entities organized in four hier- Higher volume:
archical levels. Each hierarchical level contains the next lower- Plus 4–5 stories
level entities and registers all relevant variables at its level. These Maximum:
are, from the highest to the lowest, the following: (a) system, 15 stories
which also decides the simulation running order and registers the
outputs into spreadsheets; (b) block; (c) building; and (d) analysis length, depth, and height, following Table 2); the story height
point, which registers direct sunlight onto a building facade. (3 m), the minimum distance between buildings (6 m); the allowed
setback distance from the block perimeter (10 m); and the list of
sun rays to be computed in the analysis, for the coordinates in
Paris, France, on March 21, June 21 and December 21 at 09:00,
The only geometrical input for the simulation has been a set of lines 12:00, 15:00, and 18:00, as long as there was any sunlight.
representing the block perimeters. These were based on a set of
road center lines, interlinked as a deformed grid and generating a
realistic variety of block shapes and sizes (Fig. 3). The block Simulations and Checking Portzamparc’s
area values range from 0.15 to 1.2 ha, with typical values between Rules–Resulting Forms with CDT
0.2 and 0.6 ha. These values relate well to the standard Masséna A random starting point is chosen on the boundary of the block
blocks of 90 × 35 and 90 × 60 m (0.32 and 0.54 ha) (Caudron perimeter (defined as a polyline). From this starting point and in
2011), but include some other sizes and nonrectangular shapes so a counterclockwise direction, buildings are added in sequence
as to test the open block adaptability. with a separation defined by the simulation rules, until there is no
Some other input variables describe general parameters in order more space left to occupy in the perimeter.
to run simulations. These parameters cover the catalog of allowed A total of 10 independent simulations (also called seeds) were run,
dimensions for each building type (three building types and their each with a random start (first volume in place). Three-dimensional

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(3D) models were automatically generated, so that a quality check
was possible. This allowed observation of whether the defined set
of rules produced independent enough, yet similar enough, results,
which could be considered a distinctive, recognizable type. By
running 10 independent simulations with different random start
conditions, it is possible to quantify the variability that can be ex-
pected from the model. These 10 simulations also provide a frame
of reference that can be used for comparisons later on.

Quantitative Assessment of the Resulting Urban Forms

On the quantitative side, a spreadsheet is generated with all the
variables (columns) and observations (rows) at each hierarchical
level of analysis. For the discussion of results, the focus has been
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on the following variables: perimeter occupation; FAR; lot cover-

age ratio; variety of buildings; and number of buildings per block,
related to the fragmentation of the total constructed volume and the
interplay of solids/voids.
All variables have been analyzed globally (i.e., all simulation or
seeds together) and also in each of the 10 independent, random
simulations. This is important to determine if the model behaves
consistently as a recognizable type, despite its randomness.

Further Questions: CDT as a Decision-Support Tool

After the model setup, and to illustrate the potential of CDT as a
decision-support tool, two issues were analyzed further. Firstly, on
the control of the FAR, fixed per block, to improve the open block
applicability by addressing the typical developers’ main matters of
concern. For this step, the first CDT model was adapted with an
extra condition: total floor area must try to reach the closest value
to (3.6 * block area) ± 5%. This value was decided after observing
the typical results, presented in the following section. The simulation
would reach the value as long as the block geometry enables this
desirable FAR value. The process to achieve this was to increase
or decrease the number of stories at specific buildings (respecting
the corresponding building-type limits). Another possibility could
have been to add or remove unregulated ground-floor buildings.
However, this represented a less challenging alternative to explore.
Secondly, another application of CDT and the open block sim-
ulations was the quantification of the produced benefits and, in
particular, sun lighting. Sunscore is the ratio between the observed Fig. 4. Volumetric results of the 10 simulations.
unobstructed rays and the total analyzed rays at each analysis point.
This analysis excluded blocks on the edge of the grid, to avoid the
border effect.
average value was 64.8% with a standard deviation of 0.052.
There were a very limited number of blocks that fell below the pe-
Results rimeter occupation minimum because of their dissimilar geometric
features, such as non-right angles.
The first set of results consisted of the model volumetric outputs The average FAR in open blocks was 3.7 and the average lot
(Fig. 4 and 3D models). However, these 3D visualizations are coverage was 52.7%. The distribution of both variables followed
not sufficient for urban planners and designers, who require a a normal curve and was consistent in all 10 simulations.
translation into values for the typical design code parameters. To visualize the diversity of buildings, Fig. 6 shows all mod-
Consequently, this study plotted a histogram to show the global eled volumes regarding their height and their facade length, and
distribution of values in the model, including all blocks in all 10 Table 3 details the numbers of buildings per type at each simula-
simulations [Fig. 5(a)]. This global approach to each variable sup- tion. Fig. 7 shows the results for the number of buildings per
ports the comparison of the open block standard values with other block, which is an indicator of fragmentation of the total con-
urban form typologies; whereas the independent results of each structed volume. The outputs of the 10 simulations resulted in
random simulation (seed) enabled the comparison between simu- an average of 6.3 volumes per block (standard variation of
lations and identification of consistent patterns [Fig. 5(b)]. Both 2.59), but also included various blocks with more than double
types of quantitative results have been the base for the discussion (maximum was 17 buildings in Simulation 8).
in the following section. Further, to explore the application of CDT as a decision-support
Regarding the perimeter occupation (% of front property lines tool, the process was repeated with a fixed FAR value to address the
occupied by a building facade, fixed between 50 and 70%), the developers’ concerns about uncertainty. In this way, CDT enabled

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(a) (b)

Fig. 5. Perimeter occupation, FAR, and lot coverage: (a) general histogram; and (b) box plots for each simulation.

Fig. 6. Diversity of heights and facade lengths.

the quick quantitative assessment of the impact of the fixed FAR on volumetric variety, Fig. 8 compares the diversity of heights and
value on the urban form. The statistical average values are detailed facades with and without a fixed FAR value.
in Table 4. There were a number of situations in which the desired Finally, regarding the sunlight benefits (Fig. 9), the average
FAR target could not be reached while simultaneously respecting value for the 10 simulations was 0.3 (with a standard deviation
the open block rules, due to the block geometry. In particular, it of 0.04). The distribution of the value followed a normal curve,
has been impossible to meet the FAR target at triangular or too- while the 10 simulations showed a consistent pattern. The different
large blocks. Additionally, to support the discussion on the impact building types achieved different sunscore ranges (Fig. 10): the

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Table 3. Number of buildings per type at every simulation tallest types (A and C) were more exposed to sunlight, while the
Type s1 s2 s3 s4 s5 s6 s7 s8 s9 s10
other two types, especially the ground-floor volumes, did not cap-
ture similar levels of sunlight. However, the results show that there
A 139 119 134 123 133 121 137 129 146 125 are exceptions in all building types, including ground-floor vol-
B 90 108 90 111 97 103 95 85 77 111
umes with similar sunscore levels to the tallest ones.
C 140 131 143 131 130 135 128 156 144 119
GF 146 141 149 158 144 149 163 164 159 163 The sunscore average 0.3 value achieved by the open block is not
Total 515 499 516 523 504 508 523 534 526 518 meaningful unless compared with the sunscore values achieved by its
alternatives. As alternatives, the two radical opposites that Portzam-
parc used as negative references: the traditional, pre-MM blocks,
Table 4. Comparison of descriptive statistics with and without fixed and the MM isolated buildings (Fig. 2). For that, the sunscore analysis
FAR was run for 11 grades of urban fabric, going from 100% of pre-MM
blocks to 100% MM isolated volumes at the block center (as per
No floor-space
restriction Fixed FAR = 3.6 ± 5% Fig. 11). The latter consist of standalone towers off the block perim-
eter, while the former align their facades on top of the block perimeter
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Mean Standard Mean Standard (100% built perimeter). The consequence is the clearer perception of
Variable average deviation average deviation the street in the pre-MM blocks (corridor-street), in contrast with the
Perimeter 0.648 0.052 0.648 0.052 no-street configuration in the modernist fabric (Fig. 12). The sunscore
occupation results showed that the traditional pre-MM blocks had a score of 0.23,
No. of buildings 6.300 2.594 6.300 2.594 while the modernist towers scored 0.39. The open block simulation
in block scores around 0.3 lay in between these two opposites (Fig. 13).
FAR 3.705 1.072 3.419 0.668 Finally, another possible question using CDT as a decision-
Lot coverage 0.527 0.084 0.527 0.084
support tool was the role of street width for sunlight optimization.

Fig. 7. Number of buildings per block: box plots for each simulation.

(a) (b)

Fig. 8. Diversity of heights and facade lengths. Comparison (a) without fixed FAR; and (b) with fixed FAR.

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Fig. 9. Sunscore: histogram and box plots for each simulation.
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Fig. 10. Sunscore: box plots per building type.

Fig. 11. The traditional and 11 grades of urban fabric, from 100% nineteenth-century blocks to 100% modernist, isolated volumes.

The model results showed that the sunscore would rise from Discussion
0.3 up to average levels of 0.375 at 40 m-wide streets, but any
further width increase would have no impact on sunlight. On
Have CDT Been Able to Reproduce Open Blocks with
the other hand, those sunscore gains would have an impact
Portzamparc’s Rules?
regarding the levels of land consumption, with a great reduction
(−55%) of the gross built ratio or FAR including the streets’ The results have corroborated that the rules listed in Table 1 are suf-
area (Fig. 14). ficient to produce open blocks by using CDT. Also, that open

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(a) (b) (c)
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(d) (e) (f)

Fig. 12. Six street perspectives for the 10 grades of urban fabric: (a) 0%; (b) 20%; (c) 40%; (d) 60%; (e) 80%; and (f) 100%.

Fig. 13. Comparison of open block results with varying fabrics. The X axis represents the percentage of modernist isolated towers. The horizontal
black lines represent the sunscore values achieved by the 10 simulations, which would be similar to those achieved by urban fabrics between 44% and
54% of modernist isolated towers.

blocks can be translated into typical design code parameters, such comparison with other types of urban fabrics. The CDT results
as FAR or lot coverage. The first positive validation came from the confirmed the existence of open block typical parameters, with
sheer observation of the model volumetric results and their compar- the distribution of variables following a clear pattern. Besides,
ison with Portzamparc’s drawings and the urban landscape observ- these patterns were consistent in all 10 simulations. The perimeter
able in Masséna today. This first examination seemed a success, occupation, the FAR, and the lot coverage are three key variables
given that the 10 3D models totally corresponded to the open in urban design codes and building regulations, as well as in urban
block typology (Fig. 4 and 3D models). These first visual results morphology studies (see e.g., Berghauser Pont and Haupt 2005,
pointed at the efficiency of the set of rules to define open blocks. 2007). In comparison with previous urban form types, it was con-
The quantitative evaluation of the open block characteristics en- firmed that, as proposed by Portzamparc and noticed by the re-
abled the translation into design code parameter standards, and the vised literature (Fernández Per et al. 2009), the open block can

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Fig. 14. Street-width impact on sunscore and land consumption.

be considered a very dense, compact urban form that makes a the mix of solids and voids and lights and shadows that Portzam-
rarely high intensive use of the land surface (WORKac 2009; parc pursued.
Nes et al. 2012), despite its fragmentation and openness for
light and ventilation. Besides, empirical evidence suggests that
compact forms have a very positive effect on the efficient con- Further CDT Results as Decision-Support Tools
sumption of resources (Shi et al. 2016). On the other hand, it is The first application of CDT as a decision-support tool aimed at fixing
also noticeable that, due to the existence of some higher blocks, an FAR value to address the developers’ concerns on uncertainty.
the proportion of resulting open space within blocks (47.3%) is The descriptive statistical results showed that the effect of fixing an
much bigger than in traditional blocks with similar FAR. In Mas- FAR value was not outstanding (Table 4), and the simulations
séna, these spaces get used to allocate private communal court- were still framed within the open block typology. However, it is
yards or even more wisely small public facilities (kindergarten) worth noting that the desired FAR target was impossible to reach
and services (flower shop). at certain locations due to the dissimilar block geometry (triangular
or too-large blocks).
The triangular blocks remind us that the open block rules were
Urban Form: Is the Open Block a New Morphological Type thought for orthogonal street grids and blocks, and indeed some
in Which Variety is a Distinctive Feature? rules were not totally accomplished at the same dissimilar blocks
To answer this question, it is worth recalling that, for all of the var- in the previous scenarios, such as the perimeter occupation mini-
iables, the 10 boxplots were randomly different, yet consistently mum. Nonetheless, in a real-world scenario it should not be a prob-
similar. All 10 model iterations were specifically different to each lem to address the few nonorthogonal blocks with a different FAR
other, but sharing some common properties, in line with the notions value or specific rules. Regarding the largest blocks, the character-
of structure and type (Hanson 1989). This is generally the same, but istic perimeter-based occupation of the open block left a big, empty
inner space. The model rules were not set up to allow extra volumes
different in the particular. Thus, from the statistical point of view, it
at the heart of a block, although inner volumes would not contradict
has been possible to claim that Portzamparc’s rules define a distinct
the open block principles. The lesson learned is that urban design-
morphological type. There was a risk that the rules were too restric-
ers should either limit the maximum block size or allow the possi-
tive and the cause of a lack of variety, but this has not been the case.
bility of inner volumes from the simulation program. Similarly, a
Checking the street perspective from the same exact location at the
few blocks could not meet the FAR target because they contained
10 different simulations (Fig. 15), the results exemplified that all too many low volumes (Type B) and the maximum height was a
of them were extremely different in the details, but absolutely constraint. The CDT model was not allowed to alter the types of
the same as a global proposal. Besides, the global proposal was volumes in a block, only to increase/decrease the number of stories.
based on the expected unique and attractive streetscape for pedes- In a real-world case, changing the volume types would be part of
trians that embraced volumetric diversity (Reale 2012; Pozueta the game and should not be problematic. This certain tolerance
Echavarri et al. 2013): a juxtaposition of high and short, wide or room for exceptions can and must be anticipated by planning au-
and narrow buildings, resulting in an interplay of voids and solids, thorities. Alternatively, different FAR values could be established
and of lights and shadows. for those specific situations, which could in fact be defined using
The achievement of Portzamparc’s vision relied on two key the previous FAR-free simulations.
factors. First, thanks to the four different types of buildings, the However, it must be noted that the new rules to achieve a fixed
spectrum of both heights and facade lengths is very varied, in con- FAR result in a significant loss in terms of volumetric variety
trast with the much more homogeneous, common urban fabrics (Fig. 8). When adding/removing stories, the maximum and mini-
(Berghauser Pont and Haupt 2005). The results on the number of mum height values were respected and commonly reached. As
buildings per type confirmed a consistent yet diverse pattern the result, height diversity was importantly reduced in comparison
(Table 3). Second, the high number of buildings per block— with the FAR-free simulations. Nonetheless, one could argue that
more than six volumes per block on average (Fig. 7)—ensured the resulting diversity was still remarkable compared with other
the fragmentation of the total constructed volume and produced typical urban forms.

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Fig. 15. One location, 10 different simulations. All different, all the same.

Sunlight benefits were the other question explored to test the Anyway, the other gains described—in terms of diversity, density,
utility of CDT as decision-support tools. In fact, among other compactness, and streetscape attractiveness—may counterbalance
utilities, CDT could be useful as tools to help planners optimize the halfway results regarding sunlight benefits.
sunlight benefits, in line with previous optimization applica- CDT results have also been useful to evaluate the trade-off be-
tions (Charalampidis and Tsalikidis 2015; Luo et al. 2017). tween sunlight benefits and street widths. Portzamparc claimed
Looking at the CDT simulation results, planners could pick up that the open block rules allowed narrower-than-standard streets
the best proposal regarding sunlight benefits (Simulation 2 in and that the street narrowness in Masséna was one of the main issues
this case, Fig. 9). during the decision-making and design process (Société d’Economie
Regarding the intermediate sunscore values achieved by the Mixte d’Aménagement de Paris 2010, p. 166). The results showed
open block fabric compared with pre-MM and MM urban forms that the sunscore would indeed rise at 40 m-wide streets, but any fur-
(Fig. 13), the results are not spectacular considering Portzamparc ther width increase would have no impact on sunlight. However, the
paid so much attention to sunlight in his texts and talks. Yet, one increased benefits on sunlight would have a dramatic consequence
of his rules to achieve this specific goal was the coordination of vol- regarding land consumption (Fig. 14). CDT enabled this quick quan-
umes on both street sides, which was not included in this study. titative assessment of the different scenarios and their properties and

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J. Urban Plann. Dev., 2020, 146(2): 04020002

confirmed their usefulness to support decision-making processes in Acknowledgments
urban planning and design, which would be exhausting without
the help of computational tools. We would like to thank four anonymous reviewers for their careful
reading and insightful suggestions. We also show our gratitude to
French architect Benjamin Jeanson, who was the first to tell us
Conclusions about the open block and Masséna. We are also immensely grateful
to Louis Caudron, researcher at the Université de Montréal, who
This study has confirmed the value of CDT as a platform to create, de- generously shared his ideas, work, and data; and Ramón López
sign, and evaluate new urban design proposals. This conclusion is fun- de Lucio, Emeritus Professor at ETSAM-UPM, for his expert opin-
damental today, after the globalization of the tedious MM proposals, ion and comments. Last but not least, we thank Fiona Westbury,
and with regard to the current lack of new creative urban forms pro- Fellow of the Institute of Linguists, for proofreading the text.
posals. In particular, this study has tested CDT positively as tools to This research received no specific grant from any funding agency
evaluate an acclaimed yet seemingly challenging new urban form pro- in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
posal: the open block. The use of CDT unlocked the possibility to ver-
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ify its rules and potential translatability as internationally typical

design code parameters, and to quantitatively evaluate different sce- Supplemental Data
narios, using CDT as decision-support tools during the design process.
Developing a new urban form on the concept of diversity grows Graphic S1, containing 3D simulations, is available online in the
a number of concerns and anxieties, despite all the benefits that the ASCE Library (
concept brings in theory. Homogeneity and rigidity obviously work
too well in terms of controlling the final results, whereas channeling
diversity implies an often-discouraging extra effort. However, this References
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