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How to

The complete
guide for


The complete guide for authors,

entrepreneurs and industry influencers


Published by Vervante, Inc.

Copyright © 2018 Cindy Tyler, Vervante, Inc.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmit-

ted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including pho-
tocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system
without written permission of the publisher, except for the inclusion of
brief quotations in a review.

Printed in the United States of America

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018907282

Tyler, Cindy
How to Self-Publish
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
ISBN: 978-1-948404-41-9


This book is designed to provide information on writing, publishing, mar-

keting, promoting and distributing books. It is sold with the understand-
ing that the publisher and author are not engaged in rendering legal, ac-
counting or other professional services. If legal or other expert assistance
is required, the services of a specialist should be sought.

Because of rapid changes in the industry, this book contains information

on writing and publishing as of press time. Therefore, this text should be
used only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of writing
and publishing information.

The purpose of this manual is to educate and inspire. The author and Ver-
vante, Inc. shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or
entity with respect to any loss or damage caused, or alleged to have been
caused, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book. If
you do not wish to be bound by the above, you may return this book to
the publisher for a full refund.

Choosing a publisher is about more than just numbers. It’s

about finding someone to become a part of your team who
takes the time to understand your vision and stand beside
you to ensure a positive experience.
“How to Self-Publish” is written for first-time authors
(and even second- or third-timers), to help them create and
publish the book they want – on their terms. It’s a straight-
forward guide for navigating the book-publishing process,
jam-packed with useful advice from a company who has
been helping everyone from big biz to individual authors
create and publish books and printed products for more
than 30 years.
This book was written to help you make sense of the little
details that often boggle writers. With our guidance, you
will be able to check off all the details in a matter of days
— and at a fraction of the price if you had tried to do it on
your own.
Publishing is an exciting and rewarding experience. We look
forward to sharing it with you.

a message
from our CEO
When I began my professional journey in 1979
working for Xerox Corporation I never imagined
all of my experiences and training would lead me to
starting a publishing company. My almost 20-year
career with Xerox taught me invaluable sales skills
and the value of processes, while making some in-
credible lifelong friends. In fact, it was one of those
friends who gave me an opportunity to work for a
startup company in Silicon Valley that turned into
an incredible opportunity! It turned out that I was
developing an on-demand book printing solution
years before the idea became popular. I loved the
freedom to break new ground, to be creative, and
knew I was on to something that could transform
Long story short, the start-up company went pub-
lic, Barnes & purchased the business, the
dot com bubble burst, the stock market tumbled, the
company was closed and I was laid oЄ.
That was when I decided to really go for it! I took a
leap of faith and launched Vervante. I had the skills
and experience, and now I had the opportunity to
create a new kind of publishing company. A compa-
ny that puts the needs of its customers Årst, gives
them freedom by putting them in the driver’s seat,
and helps them achieve their dreams of publishing
books and products with the potential to transform
their business and the world around them.


As ways of doing business evolve, so do we. But

we’ve continually kept our focus on our strongest
asset – giving our customers the best tools for big
business growth and providing them with great cus-
tomer service.
Today, the biggest diЄerence you’ll see between
Vervante and other publishing companies is that we
encourage and support our clients in growing their
customer contact databases. We believe that in this
internet-driven world we live in today, email lists are
one of the strongest assets for business growth. But
in order to build a list, you need the ability to gather
customers’ email addresses to put on those lists.
Other companies do not give access to this valuable
information – we do.
Here at Vervante, we love what we do. When you
work with us, you’ve got access to our team of experi-
enced publishing experts, and you can go all the way
to the top – me! – to get the support you need for a suc-
cessful and lucrative publishing experience. I’m still
intimately involved in every facet of my business and
love the chance to work with customers one-on-one.
Bottom line? Choosing a publisher is about more
than just price. It’s about Ånding someone to be-
come a part of your team who takes the time to un-
derstand your vision and stand
beside you to ensure a success-
ful experience.
We’re glad you’re here – and
we can’t wait to be a part of
your team!

Cindy Tyler,
Vervante CEO

“If there’s a book that you want to read, but it hasn’t been
written yet, then you must write it.”
Toni Morrison
Table of Contents
Foreword 3
A Message From the CEO 5
Introduction: Giving authors what no other publisher does 11
How to Build a List 12
Chapter One: How to Create the Best Book for You 15
Collaborative Books 17
Coloring Books 19
Journals and Planners 20
Chapter Two: Writing Your Book 23
Calculating Word Count 25
Chapter Three: Understanding the Publishing Process 27
Chapter Four: What Kind of Book Should I Create? 31
Chapter Five: Getting Your Manuscript Ready for Print 35
The right look for your type of book 36
Hard Copy vs. Digital eBooks 36
Chapter Six: ISBNs & LCCNs 39
Chapter Seven: Designing the Perfect Cover 41
Chapter Eight: How to Copyright Your Book 43
Chapter Nine: Ordering, Printing and Distributing 47
Choosing the right printing method 48
Bulk Orders and Warehouse Storage 48
Shipping 49
Processing Returns 50
Chapter Ten: Selling Your Book Online 51
Online Retail Options 51
Processing Orders / Working with Shopping Carts 55
Chapter Eleven: How to Promote Your Book 57
Chapter Twelve: Using a Book to Grow Your Business 63
Chapter Thirteen: Vervante for Book Coaches 67
Additional profit potential for book coaches and authors 69
Vervante Mission Statement & Guarantee 73

Here at Vervante, we are committed to helping our au-

thors experience continuous success beyond the first sale
of their very first book. And that’s why we offer what no
other publisher does - the ability to grow by connecting
with their customers through an email subscriber data-
base. When it comes ensuring the continual growth and
success of your business, collecting contact information
about your readers, and then acting on it, is one of the
most powerful things you can do to improve your impact,
influence, and bottom line.
Think of it this way: Someone just bought and read your
book. They devoured it. Loved it. Can’t live without it.
Six months later you debut a second book. Meanwhile,
your happy reader, who would have ordered 10 books to
share with his friends and colleagues, and gleefully shared
with everyone they know on social media, hasn’t heard any
news about you in the last 6 months and has moved on.
This is pretty much the definition of money left on the
table. And is just one way to look at the value of knowing
how to keep in touch with friends and fans of your business.
With customer email addresses, you have the power to:


t Develop, create, and launch new products & services

t Gather information for marketing, sales, customer
service and satisfaction
t Build reputation and establish trust
t Create excitement and anticipation
t Connect directly with interested, loyal fans
t Cut through the “noise” of social media

Imagine how powerful it is to have a list of 100… 1,000…

10,000 or more people and to be able to send an email
saying “My book is available now. Loved the last one? Then
prepare for an over-the-moon experience by clicking here
to check it out!”

How do you build a list?

If you don’t already have a large, qualified list then we recom-
mend that you start building your list now … even before you
have the book written. Your list will help determine your suc-
cess with book sales and future endeavors such as book sign-
ings, speaking events and even more books down the road.
As an author, you’ve already got one of the best tools
there are for gathering customer emails – your book! When
you publish a book with Vervante, we strongly recommend
that you sell your book from a website and shopping cart
you control. This gives you the benefit of knowing who your
customers are, and how to contact them to follow up. List-
ing directly on Amazon, or sending your buyer to purchase
your book on another site like CreateSpace, Lulu or Blurb,
turns your customer into their customer, and denies you ac-
cess to any of their information.


We do recognize the power of Amazon. And we can list

books and products for sale on Amazon as a secondary
sales option using the Amazon Marketplace program. This
gives authors all the advantages of Amazon, while still re-
taining control of sales and customer information by using
Vervante as your publisher and distributor.
Using Vervante as your back-end publishing and distri-
bution partner allows you to have the best of both worlds
– your own solution where you sell the book from your site,
collect customer contact information critical for building
your business, and have a professional solutions you trust to
handle printing and shipping. PLUS we handle the sales and
processing for your books and products by working with
your shopping cart (we can work with them all!) and listing
your book on Amazon. It’s a win-win solution for authors all
You have access to critical customer data.
Your book enjoys the visibility and prestige Amazon offers.
You are in control, every step of the way.

from the
Publishing Experts


A step-by-step guide for creating your book

Write Edit Vervante

Get it out of your head We recommend hiring It’s free, it’s easy, and will be your
and onto paper! a professional for a publishing mission control.
final proofread.


A well-formatted book makes Make your book eligible Required for retail sales.
for easy reading. for library cataloging.

Cover Copyright eBook
An attractive design invites Legal protection for Offer your book to a
readers to dig in. your book. global audience online.

Retail Cart Order Upload

Sell through our Set up your sales page. Order a copy for Send print ready files for
distribution network. a final check – congrats! content and cover.

Ready to get your book out there and share your brilliance with the world? You write it and we can do
the rest! Sign up for our Vervescence newsletter and you’ll receive valuable special offers, priceless tips
from the pros, and all the support you need to make your publishing dreams come true!

How to Create the

Best Book for You

You may have an idea for your book – and you’re excited to
get started – but first take a moment to be sure you’re plan-
ning the best kind of book for you and your audience.
When it comes to books there are a lot of creative options
available. So many, in fact, that a book project can feel over-
whelming almost before it begins. We’ve helped thousands
of authors create the right types of books that best support
their goals over the years. During that time we discovered
that there are three elements that you must establish right
from the start to ensure a successful experience for you
AND for your readers: Content, Format and Your Team. Get
clear on these three points, and you’ve built a solid founda-
tion for a successful, efficient and effective book publishing

Choose carefully both the topic of your book and who will
write it.
1. Topic: Be clear about your goal for this book. Is it to
educate, entertain, create a new revenue stream for


your business, or support a coaching program? De-

cide what content would best serve the needs of your
readers as you dig down deeper to define your topic
and what the content will be. Understanding these el-
ements will help you to create a book that resonates
with your readers and is best able to support your
2. Author: Will you be the sole author of your book? Or do
you envision a collaboration of several authors? Collab-
orative books with multiple authors working together
are also valuable for bringing great minds together.
(See more about collaborative books below).

Your choices about what your book will look like when it’s
published will affect both the cost of printing it as well as
its effectiveness connecting with readers. The type of book
you are writing will also govern your decision for the de-
sign and format. Cookbooks or coloring books will be for-
matted much differently than technical manuals. And busi-
ness coaching or health and fitness guides can have unique
qualities that definitely differentiate them from novels or
self-help books. There are many formatting and design op-
tions you can choose from to ensure your book stands out
in a crowd.
In addition to traditional hard cover and soft cover books,
we’ve addressed a few other kinds – collaborative, coloring
books, journals and planners – later in this chapter to ignite
your imagination.


Your Team
It takes a village – even when it comes to writing a book –
and the right team is critical right from the very beginning.
1. Editors/Proofers: After you complete your manuscript,
we recommend that you have it professionally edited
for spelling, grammar, punctuation and style. Do not
compromise when it comes to the quality of your prod-
uct. If your budget allows for it, hire a professional.
2. Publisher: Choosing a publisher for your book is a big
decision. Things like quality, customer service, the abil-
ity to customize, and fee structures that make sense are
essential elements for a productive and profitable pub-
lishing experience.

Collaborative Books
Have you participated in a collaborative book project?
You know, those books where multiple authors each
contribute a chapter or section to a book with a shared
theme. These have been around for years and can be
great business-builders for everyone involved. In fact,
these have become so popular that many self-publishing
companies are offering “special” packages for printing.
Unfortunately, these specials come with minimum order
requirements that end up with authors left with boxes of
books taking up space in their garage and no idea what
to do with them.
We love collaborative books! And we always want to
make sure your publishing experience is both productive
and profitable. We talked to our authors, walked through
their experiences creating collaborative books, and figured


out where the hurdles were so that we could smooth them

out and make the process stress-free for all!
For collaborative book projects, we started out by solving
the two biggest problems; figuring out which author can
do orders, and the overwhelm of large initial order require-
ments. Instead, Vervante collaborative book policy is to:
t Set up the book in each author’s personal Vervante
account so they can easily order as many copies they
need, whenever they need them.
t Stick to our “No minimum orders” policy. Only order
what you need, when you need it.

Here’s how a collaborative book project works:

t One author sends us the book files and cover art to cre-
ate the book in our system.
t We then add the finished book to that author’s account.
t Next, the rest of the contributing authors create their
own free Vervante accounts, then send us an email with
their username and title of the book.
t We add the book to their account, giving them to abil-
ity to log in and order how many they need, when they
need it.
t Each author is only charged the price of printing the
book plus actual postage. Just the same as we do with
all of our customers, for all of our products!

The same goes for any other product you co-create with
others as well. No matter what you’re creating, or how many
authors are contributing to it, we know that flexibility and
profitability are important to you. This is why we continue


to offer customized solutions like these to ensure your pub-

lishing experience is exceptional.

Coloring Books
Coloring isn’t just for kids anymore. Adult coloring books
have become a fun and lucrative product that many of our
clients are using to create new revenue streams, attract new
followers, and have a little fun while they’re at it.
Adult coloring books offer value to your readers by allow-
ing them to embrace their inner artist, release stress, find
their focus, and recharge their creative batteries. Coloring
books can be created quickly and easily around any theme
that will fit your business, such as nature, fitness, food, family,
travel, love, relationships, growth and inspiration. They can
be offered as revenue-generating products on their own, or
as a value-add to other products or programs you offer.
According to an article in the Washington Post, coloring
books have jumped into the spotlight as a big business op-
portunity that is skyrocketing in popularity. Nielsen Book-
scan estimates that 12 million were sold in 2015, a dramatic
jump from only 1 million sold the previous year.
If you’re ready to create any type of coloring book, here
are our recommendations to ensure a high-quality product
readers will love:

t Spiral binding or saddle stitching is best so that the

book will lay flat.
t Coloring books can be printed single-sided or double-sid-
ed. If you choose to print double-sided, we recommend
using a thicker-weight paper to avoid bleed-through.


t We can print any size but recommend 8 x 10 or 8.5 x 11

(perfect for fitting in a standard size picture frame).
t We can also perforate the pages to make them easy to
tear out.

Here’s another idea – you can add pens, pencils or other

products to your coloring books to really sweeten the deal.
Another great idea we’ve seen is to create audio CDs pack-
aged with coloring books. Music or meditations to color to,
now that’s pretty creative!

Journals and Planners

One of the best things about planners is that everyone loves
them. Fitness pros live by them. Creative entrepreneurs depend
on them. Moms use them to keep their sanity. When it comes to
creating and sharing a product with your customers that they’re
guaranteed to love – you’ve got a sure thing with a planner.
When it comes to planners, we’re not talking about your
old college leather-bound day-by-day product here. Start with
a foundation of functionality, add some imagination, throw in
some creative packaging, and you’ve got a show-stopper that
clients will love and keep coming back for more. They’re low-cost,
easy to create, and high value. Here’s some ideas we’ve seen our
customers use for planners that might spark a few ideas for you:
t Creating a planner to coincide with the release of a
book. For example, an author’s recent book was about
frugal living, budgeting and family finances. The
planner was designed to appeal to the book’s target
audience. It was colorful, spiral-bound, hard cover,
and filled with budgeting templates, worksheets,


checklists and materials that supported the book and

provided an upsell for fans who wanted more.
t For an entrepreneur who serves different demo-
graphics. Creating a journal filled with content that is
universally appealing, then creating several different
covers that target the different needs of each demo-
graphic such as school, family, fitness, nutrition, etc.,
making them more appealing to each group.
t Including other items that work well with the plan-
ner and boost the value of the total package. For in-
stance, a planning and productivity set that includes
a spiral-bound planner, an erasable wall calendar,
dry erase pens, and a pack of stickers.
t Customized planners that support a workshop,
mastermind or program, including checklists, meal
planners, shopping lists, passion projects, reminders,
notes, etc. For instance, a meal-planning, shopping
list, tabbed journal with spiral binder that lays flat, to
use along with a health/nutrition program.
t For marketing and business growth: Small, easy-to-
carry, blank journals with company branding or mes-
sages on the cover that create memorable, positive
first impressions when used to sponsor events, in gift
bags, as added value to other purchases, or given
away at events and when networking.

Everything we described above can be created using Vervante’s

digital on-demand or bulk offset printing services. We offer a
wide variety of sizes, binding, and other variations to help you
create exactly what you need and your customers will love.


Writing Your
You’ve got the book idea and you’re ready to drill down on
that manuscript and get it done so you can move on to the
next step. There are a lot of resources out there to help you
get your manuscript ready, but we thought we’d help you
with one of the biggest hurdles we see. You know, when
things seem to be going just a little too slow. Writer’s block.
Not enough time. Pinterest Fever… There are a lot of things
that can stand between you and your dreams.
If you have a message you’re just dying to share with the
world, but it seems like you just can’t make any progress, it’s
time to take stock of what’s holding you back and get it out
of the way!

1. Is fear your biggest obstacle? Often people, especially

perfectionists, put things off, fearing they won’t meet
expectations. A good cure: put your dream in writing,
set daily goals, and find a trusted friend or mentor to
cheer you on and help you hold yourself accountable.
2. Can’t find time to write? Just do it! Success expert Brian
Tracy said the greatest key to success is self-discipline.


“It is the difference in winning or losing; between great-

ness and mediocrity.” If you really want to write, make
writing your job. Pen it into your daily schedule -- with
exclamation points! Schedule it like an important ap-
pointment. And when it’s time to “clock in” plan to stay
put for some serious butt-glued-to-the-chair writing.
3. Is too much structure a roadblock to your creativity? If
the rebel in you requires freedom when you can get it
once in a while, building downtime into your writing
schedule should help you stay focused while allowing
the freedom and flexibility your free spirit craves.
4. Is electronic media standing in your way? Unplug! (Your
dream is worth it!) Turn off the phone or tablet. Discon-
nect the Internet. Set a goal to check email, the news, or
social media accounts only after you’ve met your pro-
ductivity goals for the day or a set time period.
5. Too many interruptions? If you find your writing going
nowhere due to distractions from friends and family, take
control! Put a sign on your door or a message on your
voicemail telling the world you’re hard at work. If that’s
not enough, co-op a little babysitting/pet-sitting trade-
off with a family member or neighbor or offer older kids
a reward if they’ll hole themselves up elsewhere in the
house to allow you at least 30 to 60 of uninterrupted writ-
ing time.
6. Plagued with too many ideas? Don’t overdo it! Cram-
ming too many topics into a writing session can hamper
the free flow of thought and interfere with your ability
to produce high-quality work. Do yourself a favor (and
save a headache!) by limiting yourself to just one sub-


ject per writing session. Your non-exploding brain will

thank you.

By implementing these strategies, not only will you be

amazed at your increased productivity and zest for writ-
ing, you’ll also develop greater confidence in your ability to
meet your goals and achieve your writing dream.

Calculating Word Count

The length of your manuscript in a Word document is differ-
ent than the final number of pages in your book once the
interior page layout has been completed. We hear a lot from
authors how frustrating it can be trying to predict the length
of your book based on word count, so we created two easy
charts for converting words to pages. You can download
and print these, as well, just go to the Expert Guides section
of our website at



Understanding the
Publishing Process
Does this sound familiar? You’ve finished writing your book
and the manuscript is ready to go. You’re dying to yell out
“start the presses!” but aren’t really sure how to leap ahead
to that point. ISBNs, bar codes, binding, formatting, cover
design – the list is intimidating and it’s hard to know where
to focus.
Guess what? It doesn’t have to be that way. We get it!
This is your book – a creation you have spent hours, weeks,
months (maybe even years) developing. It deserves to be
published just as you envisioned it without a lot of running
around trying to figure out how to do it yourself on the fly.
We never tire of seeing the joy and pride our clients ex-
perience when they present their finished books to readers,
or hearing about their giddy feelings of success and relief as
their books swiftly make it into the hands of their custom-
ers, clients and employees.
In this chapter, we’ll address the big picture of publishing,
answering common questions, sharing our tips for an easy,
efficient and cost-effective process and giving you the knowl-
edge and insight to make the right decisions for your book.


How much does it cost?

We offer one of the most cost-effective methods of printing
books available today. Since there are no minimum require-
ments for print-on-demand, you can enjoy the freedom
of ordering as many as you want, when you want, to fulfill
your current need. Digital printing is cost effective for print
runs of 500 or less and offset printing is generally more cost
effective for print runs of 500+. We offer both digital and
offset, so depending on your book and your needs, we’ve
got a solution that will work.
No matter whether you are a cookbook author or a
Vegas-headlining motivational speaker, the process for sub-
mitting your manuscript and obtaining quotes for the cost
of your book is the same.
First, there are no set-up fees – setting up an account
with Vervante, uploading manuscripts and other content
for the book, and obtaining quotes for the final product is
free. You only pay for the books that you order.
The actual cost of each book is determined by the num-
ber of pages, the finished size and binding method.
As an all-in-one solution, we don’t stop there. You send
us a PDF of the final, formatted content and a PDF of the
cover. Send us a copy of the order from ANY shopping cart.
We then handle printing and fulfillment for your book, ship-
ping it directly to your customer from sales on your website,
Amazon or other online resellers. You’ll receive an invoice
for books shipped, as well as profits for orders sold on Ama-
zon. (We’ll go into more detail about the sales and distribu-
tion part of the process later on in this book.)


How long does it take to get my book published?

Once we have a final, approved-by-you, high-resolution PDF
of the book content and cover, we can print your paperback
book within three to five business days. Hard cover books
and offset printed books can take a few weeks.

Who owns the rights to my book?

This may not be the first question that comes to mind when
you are planning on publishing a book, but it should be at
the top of your list. We understand you chose to self-publish
because this book means so much to you, therefore we
make sure you maintain all rights to your book when you
work with us. By publishing with Vervante, you will benefit
from our unique system in which you simply grant us the
rights to print and distribute the book on your behalf. Our
contracts with authors are non-exclusive. This arrangement
is rare in the publishing world and is very much to your ben-
efit as the author. You retain all rights as the sole owner of
your book. Period.

Who sets the retail price of my book?

Again, you are in the driver’s seat. The price you list on your
book is up to you. We provide you with a quote for printing
and fulfillment costs, as well as potential royalty scenarios de-
pending on the sales and distribution channels you choose
to use.

What about my royalties? How will I be paid?

All transactions for your book are recorded in a free online
account you will set up with Vervante. Profit from your book


can be sent directly to you as a check or online via PayPal.

For more detailed insights into retail sales and royalties, see
Chapter 13.

How do I get started?

Establish a Vervante Author Account. It’s free, quick and
easy. Just go to and click “Get Started.”
Once you’re set up, you will be able to access your Author
Dashboard, your personal mission control that gives you ac-
cess to everything from Support and Resources to Activity
Reports and Invoice details and overall Account Manage-

How do I get a quote?

We are happy to offer free quotes for books or any of the
other products we offer. Just send us an email at sales@ with book specifications such as size, type of
paper, binding style and anything else you can think of and
we’ll send you a personalized quote.

Can I talk to someone on the phone?

Yes, we’re happy to provide additional assistance and an-
swer questions on the phone.


What kind of book

should I create?
Your choices about what your book will look like when it’s
published will affect the cost of printing it. Here are some
of the options available for printing, color, fonts and more.
Let’s start with how your book will be put together:

1. Binding
Hard Cover: If you want your book to stand out and stand
the test of time, Hard Cover binding is for you. We offer hard
cover books three ways:
t Hard Cover Image Wrap
t Hard Cover with Dust Jacket
t Hard Cover Spiral or Wire-O Bound

Perfect bound: This book is a perfect bound soft cover


Saddle-stitched: This binding is where we fold the sheets

in half and “stitch” (staple) on the fold. Very popular for
booklets, magazines, coloring books and brochures.


Spiral: Spiral binding is an extremely popular style for

workbooks, transcripts, journals and guidebooks.

2. Color
We offer several color printing options for your book so that it
can look exactly as you imagined it. Your book can be printed
in black and white, full color or a combination of both. As you
think about color, consider the content of your book as well
as how it will look to the reader. Are you publishing a cook-
book? Your recipe pages would probably look best in black
and white, with scattered full-color pages that feature photos
of the finished recipes and products. Maybe you are printing
a technical guide for your company and want to color code
each section for an easy-to-see and easy-to-find visual effect.
Whether full color, black and white, or a mixture of both, we
can help you determine the best use of color that will com-
plement your content and add to the value of your book.

3. Size
We don’t have pre-set sizes for any of our binding options.
There are some popular and common sizes for paperback
books, children’s books, journals and coloring books, but
you tell us what you want for your book.

4. Samples
Still a little confused about what all this means? No problem
– we offer samples. Real-life samples of our products are a
fantastic way to inspire new projects, make informed deci-
sions about your product’s specifications and take some
ideas for a trial run.


5. Don’t forget ebooks

If you have a book, you can have an ebook, too! Publishing
an ebook is an effective way to create a digital version of
your book and make it easily available to more people than
ever. When it comes to increasing your visibility to a much
larger - even global - audience, ebooks are a good way to
go. Hugely convenient, ebooks can be purchased from al-
most any computer or reading device. Readers can carry
hundreds of books with them anywhere they go on a de-
vice the size of a paperback. And ebooks offer a convenient,
easy and fast way for people who are interested in you, your
message, your business, products or services to get to know
more about you through your eBook. If you have an ebook
created, we can list it on Kindle or Nook and link it to your
Vervante account for additional sales. Just let us know your
plans by emailing us at


Getting Your Manuscript

Ready for Print
You’ve completed and edited your manuscript and are ready
for it to be transformed into a beautifully printed book. The
design and layout of the content is just as important as the
cover. Once you have edited your manuscript, the next step
is to think about how you want the content (the inside of
your book) to look.
A great idea is to take an author’s tour of other books to
help you make these decisions. Grab a stack from the book-
shelf in your home, at the office or in a local bookstore. Take
a close look at the pages. What font appeals to you best?
Do the first pages of each chapter have a unique look that
grabs your attention? Maybe they have used a symbol, a
stylized letter to begin each chapter, or the first paragraph
starts half-way down the page.
Once you decide on the design and formatting that is
best for your book, you have two options. You can do-it-
yourself, format the document interior and cover, then sub-
mit it directly to us. Or you can hire a professional graphic
designer for book formatting and layout. Contact our team
at for recommendations.


The right look for your type of book

The type of book you are writing will also govern your deci-
sion for the design and format of the content. Cookbooks
will be formatted much differently than technical manuals.
And a family history or genealogy book can have a unique
look applied that will definitely differentiate it from a novel
or nonfiction book.
For instance, a photo book might look best with a hard
cover and printed horizontally. Whereas a cookbook could
work best with spiral binding and specially coated pages.
We’re full of ideas and will work with you to help design the
best look for the type of book you are creating.

Hard Copy vs. Digital eBooks

If a new book or info product is in your future plans, we bet
that the following issue has come up: What’s better? Hard copy
or digital? It’s an increasingly digital world out there, and the
proliferation of smart phones, tablets and e-readers continu-
ally ignite a debate about which is better. For each person who
reads this, the answer might be different. But these two issues
are the same: What’s best for my reader AND supports my busi-
ness goals?
Here at Vervante we offer every format you can imagine:
Hard cover, paperback, digital files on disc or flash drives,
and more. We work with a wide variety of authors and en-
trepreneurs, each with different needs and goals, and help
them find the best formats. Here’s what we learned from
them, and suggestions about what you need to consider
when deciding which way is best for you.
Ask readers what they want: If you can, it’s best to reach


out to a sampling of target readers and ask their opinion.

Some will wax poetic about loving the feel of an old-fash-
ioned book. Others may cite devotion to their Kindle or Nook.
Aside from ease of access, price points and attitudes
about technology, it is also important to consider the type
of information you are sharing in your book, how your tar-
get reader absorbs that info, and the value or benefit they
receive overall. Multiple studies have shown that readers
are able to absorb information better when reading physi-
cal books. If your book is graphic-heavy, though, the oppo-
site may be the case. Again, talk to your readers, see how
they feel.
It’s important to create the right book or product that
best fits your goals as well as the needs of the reader. What
is the preferred format for your target audience? How do
they best absorb information? And which format fits your
budget and revenue needs? Addressing these issues will
help you find the right format that’s perfect for you!


and LCCNs
If you want your book to be sold or read in stores and li-
braries, you need both an ISBN and an LCCN. You’ll want to
apply for both of these before you start printing your book,
as they will need to be included in the cover design and in-
terior title page.

ISBN / Barcode
If you plan to sell your book through retail channels, you
must have an ISBN. An ISBN (International Standard Book
Number) is required for books sold through retail channels
such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble, or wholesalers such
as Baker & Taylor. You can purchase an ISBN from Vervante
or use one that you may have purchased online.
To purchase an ISBN from Vervante, log in to your Au-
thor Dashboard and select the “Purchase ISBN” link. If you
purchase an ISBN from Vervante you own the ISBN and Ver-
vante has no rights to the ISBN or your content.
Once you purchase the ISBN number, the ISBN and bar-
code will be digitally delivered immediately to your Ver-
vante account. Click on Author Home in your Vervante ac-


count and you will see a link to “Manage ISBN’s Purchased”

where you can then access it. If you have multiple books,
and multiple ISBNs, it’s a good idea to change the title in the
online form to keep track of each one.

Library of Congress Control Number (LCCN)

The LCCN is a unique identification number that the Library
of Congress assigns to book titles. There is no charge for
registering your book with the Library of Congress if you do
it yourself. To apply for an LCCN, complete the Application
to Participate at
count.html and you will receive an account and password.
Once your book is complete, you can send a copy of the
book to the Library of Congress at: Library of Congress,
Cataloging in Publication Division 101, Independence Ave.
SE, Washington, DC, 20540-4320.
Or, we can handle it for you. Request our services by
filling out the form on the LCCN Assignment page on our
website to get the process started. A Vervante team mem-
ber will complete the registration on your behalf. You can
submit this request at any time but prior to the final format-
ting of your book so that you can include the LCCN on your
copyright page. We will email you the LCCN as soon as we
receive it, usually within 10 business days.


Designing the
Perfect Cover
You know the classic saying, “You can’t judge a book by its
cover?” That may be true when we’re talking about people.
But when it comes to books, the design on the cover de-
serves as much attention as the content.
You would be amazed at how many authors have a laser
focus on their manuscript but almost forget about designing
a cover that will catch a reader’s eye and draw them in. Your
book cover influences the first impression of potential readers.
It is your chance to captivate and charm a potential reader.
In order to create an effective design for your book cover,
we recommend:

1. Take a tour of your local bookstore. Find the section

where you think your book would be featured. See if
there are other books like it. What do their covers look
like? What information do they give? Note what appeals
to you and what does not. Color, design, headlines,
catch phrases, etc. Find inspiration in the best and in-
sight from the not-so-good as a guide for designing
your own cover.


Don’t forget the rest of the cover. A book cover con-

sists of three parts: the front cover, the back cover and
the spine. These all offer valuable real estate. The front
cover shares the book’s content, captivates readers and
shares extended insight into what is inside. The spine is
what your readers will see as they look at books lined
up on a bookshelf. And the back cover is your canvas for
displaying everything from reader reviews to your bio
to excerpts from the book and testimonials

2. Understand your audience. Are you writing for chil-

dren, technology junkies, history buffs? Knowing your
intended audience and what will appeal to them will
guide your decisions for your cover design and its text.
As you write headlines and other content for your cover,
speak directly to them.

3. Check out royalty-free image sites online for inspiration

for your cover design. There are innumerable photo-
graphs and graphics you can purchase for use in your
book – or just use as inspiration.


How to Copyright
Your Book
We wish we didn’t need to point this out, but the sad truth is
that even though the U.S. Copyright Office has issued more
than 33.6 million copyrights to date, the U.S. economy loses
$58 billion each year to copyright infringement, including
$16 billion in the loss of revenue to copyright owners. If you
are the author of a book, CD, DVD or other product that
contains your intellectual property, you need to take action
now to protect your property.
While most people understand that they should copyright
their book, they don’t really understand why or what it does.

“Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Con-

stitution and granted by law for original works of authorship
fixed in a tangible medium of expression.”

That’s the official, fancy way of saying if you are the author
of a product that contains your unique content, then you
deserve legal protection from those who would copy or
steal it from you. This goes for more than just books, includ-
ing literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works, such as


poetry, novels, movies, songs, computer software, and ar-

chitecture, according to the U.S. Copyright Office.
Is it really necessary to copyright your book? Techni-
cally, under U.S. copyright law, your self-published work
is protected as soon as you put the pen to paper. Official
Copyright Registration, however, gives you a higher level of
security when it comes to protecting your work. When you
register your work with the U.S. Copyright office, you create
a public record of your authorship and are officially recog-
nized as the copyright holder in a court of law.
Wait a minute! How did we end up in a courtroom al-
ready? You may think that something like this will never
happen to you, but as you can see by the statistics we men-
tion above, it can and does happen quite often. Think of
the hours and effort you put into your book, special report,
coaching CD or fitness information product. Now imagine
seeing your very same product for sale on another person’s
website. They might change the cover image or title to make
it seem different, but inside are your words, your programs
and your original ideas.
It’s devastating. But taking the steps to copyright your
content right from the start is the best way to protect your-
self and your property from a scenario like this. We truly
hope that you never have to experience the theft of your in-
tellectual property. But we also know the value of planning
ahead and making sure that you are protected, just in case.

What does copyright protect? Copyright protects original

works of authorship including literary, dramatic, musical,
and artistic works, such as poetry, novels, movies, songs,


computer software, and architecture. Copyright does not

protect facts, ideas, systems, or methods of operation, al-
though it may protect the way these things are expressed.

Do I have to register with the U.S. Copyright Office to be

protected? No. In general, registration is voluntary. Copy-
right exists from the moment the work is created. You will
have to register, however, if you wish to bring a lawsuit for
infringement of a U.S. work.

How do I register for a copyright? If you want to do it

yourself, you can submit your copyright registration online
at You will need to fill out an applica-
tion and pay a registration fee. At the completion of the
online application process you can upload your print files
or request a packing slip to include with your printed book
or product. This should be printed and used to mail a copy
of your book to the Copyright Office within 30 days of com-
pleting the submission form. In approximately 6-9 months
you will receive a certificate of registration in the mail.
If you’d rather have someone else do it for you, we also
offer copyright registration services here at Vervante. One
of our publishing experts will complete the application on
your behalf and submit a copy of your book to the Copy-
right Registration Office. To get this process started, simply
log in to your Author Account on the Vervante website and
navigate to the “Copyright Registration” page under the
Services menu. If you are unsure if your product qualifies for
copyright registration, check the list also available on that
same Copyright Services page.


How long does the copyright application process take?

If you apply for copyright registration online, you should
receive a certificate of registration in the mail in approxi-
mately 12 months.

How much does it cost? The application fee is $35 (as of

July 2018).

How soon can I publish my book after applying for a copy-

right? As soon as you want. Once you have submitted the ap-
plication and a copy of your book, you do not need to wait for
the copyright certificate to proceed with promoting and pub-
lishing your book. You are free to log into your Vervante author
account to have your book printed and your orders shipped.

How long does a copyright last? As a general rule copy-

right protection lasts for the life of the author plus an ad-
ditional 70 years.

I plan on selling and distributing my book in countries

outside the United States. Is my copyright good in other
countries? The United States has copyright relations with
most countries throughout the world, and as a result of these
agreements, we honor each other’s citizens’ copyrights. How-
ever, this does not include every country in the world, so it’s a
good idea to check. For a listing of countries and the nature
of their copyright relations with the United States, see Circular
38a, International Copyright Relations of the United States at


Ordering, Printing
and Distributing
Your book has been formatted. The cover has been ap-
proved. Now for the fun part – printing!
How many will you print? Maybe you just need a few for
family and friends. Or you’re headlining onstage at a big
event and want to take a few hundred for book signings. No
matter how many books you need, the ordering process is
the same:

1. Log into your account at

2. Order your book from your Vervante Author Account.
3. Do a happy dance! You are now a published author - sa-
vor the moment.

For books printed on demand, there are no set-up fees, no

monthly minimums, no management fees and no mini-
mum run lengths. Once we have the approved artwork and
manuscript, we can begin printing, packing and shipping
orders within five business days.


Choosing the right printing method

The two main forms of commercial printing are digital and
traditional offset printing. Understanding and choosing the
right printing method for your projects is essential for creat-
ing the best end result for your product - and your budget.
Here at Vervante we offer both digital printing and offset
printing services. Both have their pros and cons. To choose
the right method, you’ll need to look at things like quality,
volume, budget and timelines.
Digital Printing: Digital printing is great for print runs of
less than 1,000 copies, and when you need the flexibility
to customize, and quick turnaround times. Digital printing
also is great for creating proofs of each product. Proofs can
be made of your print job quickly and cost effectively, help-
ing ensure the final product is just right without hurting
your budget.
Bottom Line: If you need a fast turnaround, a short print
run, or the ability to customize your prints, digital printing
will help you meet your deadline and keep costs down.
Offset printing: Traditional offset printing is a better
choice when you need a large amount (usually more than
1,000) while keeping your expenses low, a wider range of
paper, ink and finish options, and exceptional color accu-
racy. With offset printing we can print on a wide variety of
stocks, create custom covers that can include foil stamp and

Bulk Orders and Warehouse Storage

Bulk orders for books definitely lower printing costs and
leave more money in your pockets. But we also offer some-


thing extra – storage for Vervante-produced bulk orders

in our modern, secure warehouse, and full access to our
exceptional fulfillment services when you’re ready to send
your products out into the world.
Bulk orders are perfect if you:

t Know your audience and demand and can forecast

t Are planning a big book or product launch
t Are headlining an event and plan to make an offer
from the stage
t Have products for workshops and programs that en-
roll throughout the year
t Travel often, giving presentations and offering back-
of-room sales
t Anticipate extra sales from joint ventures or media

Speedy shipping, cost savings, customer satisfaction... all of
these and more can be affected by the way products are
shipped to your customers. Here at Vervante, we make sure
that you have total control of this important part of your
product sales process by offering the ability to choose the
best shipping method for each of your products.
We send the majority of shipments via USPS: Media
Mail, First Class or Priority Mail and International Airmail.
We charge postage based on weight and destination. We
do not have a flat shipping fee and we do not inflate the
postage rates.


When your orders are shipped, you or your customer will

receive a shipping confirmation email notifying when the
product has shipped and a link to track the order (only do-
mestic orders receive tracking).
Our shipping system will automatically default to the
least expensive shipping method (excluding Media Mail)
based on the weight and ship to postal code. However, if
you want to set a specific shipping method for a product,
you can do this from your Author Dashboard.
One of the most frequent compliments we get are from
clients praising how we don’t markup postage costs or
charge handling or set-up fees for the products we produce.
Did you know that many other publishing companies have
up to a 33% mark-up on postage? Just think how this can
really add up over time. We charge exact postage fees and
no mark-ups.

Processing Returns
Returns happen, and we make sure that it is a hassle-free
process for both you and the customer. When a return is
received, our receiving department will e-mail you that the
package has been returned.


Selling Your Book

You’ve got a book – now what?! Some people think that the
hardest thing about writing a book is... writing a book. But
from the number of emails we get from authors asking for
guidance about what to do AFTER they’ve self-published
their books, we know the truth. One of the most frequent
questions we get from our authors deal with the uncertain-
ty of how – and where – to sell their books online. Choosing
the right retail solution can make the difference between
robust sales or no sales at all.
Here are a few of your options – and insight into whether
they are right for you. Remember, you aren’t limited to just
one. Just remember to consider your target audience and
choose the places online that will appeal to them best for
finding, selecting and purchasing your book.

Online Retail Options

Websites or Landing Pages: Using your own website or
landing page to manage and process sales of your book is
a powerful way to support your business growth that goes
well beyond sales income. You can collect customer data,


offer bonuses that enhance the value of your book, give

readers the chance to opt-in to your email list, along with
other relationship-building tactics that ensure interested
readers become loyal clients and fans. Sales for your book
on your own website are also good for your budget, as you
don’t have to deduct commissions or transaction fees that
other retail channels will require. For processing orders and
handling distribution, Vervante offers easy, free integration
with all shopping carts so that your sales will automatically
be handled as they roll in.

Vervante Bookstore is a great option if you don’t want the

hassle of setting up a sales page, website or merchant bank
for credit card processing. We will be happy to sell your book
or product through our public bookstore. There is a 10% per
transaction fee. You set the retail price for the product. The
buyer selects and pays for the shipping and postage. Each
billing cycle we will reconcile sales of your products and
send you a statement. We will give you a quote for the pro-
duction cost for your product. You set the retail price and
the difference less the 10% fee is your profit.

Amazon Marketplace is the most popular option because

Amazon takes 15% discount plus $1.80 per transaction
fee. We receive the orders when your book or product is
purchased on Amazon. The transaction is entered in your
order report in your author account so you will see all
transactions. You set the retail price for the book in Ama-
zon Marketplace.


Best yet? We list Vervante-produced books on Amazon for


Here’s what to do:

1. Log into your Vervante Author Account. Select the link

“List Physical Product for Retail Distribution” under the
Retail Distribution section.

2. Scroll down and familiarize yourself with the Amazon

Marketplace information. If this is the first time you’ve
listed your book or product on Amazon, we offer a retail
calculator to figure your profit for each transaction. 

3. Continue to scroll down the page and fill out the form,
be sure to select the box for listing your product on
Amazon Marketplace.

We recommend using Amazon Marketplace for a few im-

portant reasons:

t You control the list price

t The product is never out of stock
t We ship the product so you know who is buying
your book
t You pay 15% commission plus $1.80 per transaction
t We have full control over the listing so if you want
to make changes or update the product description
or price, we can do this for you quickly and easily.


Amazon Advantage is a consignment program with Ama-

zon. When we list your book in this program, Amazon will
order usually 1-2 initial copies for their inventory. When the
book is sold, Amazon will ship the book directly to the cus-
tomer and will take a 55% discount on the retail price of the
book. You are also responsible for the postage costs to ship
the book to Amazon.

Barnes & is a consignment program. When

we list your book in this program, will order usu-
ally 1-2 initial copies for their inventory. When the book is
sold, will ship the book directly to the customer and
will take a 40% discount on the retail price of the book. You
are also responsible for the postage costs to ship the book
to Please note: Your book cover must contain the
ISBN barcode including the ISBN number PLUS price. This is
a Barnes & Noble requirement.

Baker & Taylor is one of the largest wholesale distributors in

the world. We can list your book in their database and then
any book reseller can order and stock your book in their store.
Baker & Taylor sells and distributes to book stores, internet
and physical locations, such as Amazon, Border, Barnes &
Noble, etc. If your book is listed in the Baker & Taylor data-
base, a customer can also special order the book from any
bookstore. Baker & Taylor takes a 55% discount off of the
price of the book and you pay for shipping to the Baker &
Taylor warehouse. There are no pre-orders with this program.
Baker & Taylor will only order your book if they have an order
for the book.


PLEASE NOTE: There are some risks associated with listing

your book with Amazon Advantage, Barnes & Noble, and
Baker & Taylor. They are:
t Your suggested list price may not be what the book is
actually listed for on these sites. These companies may
choose to list your book at a discounted price and you
may then have a competitive situation where you have
the book listed on your site for the full list price while
the distributor may be selling it at a discount.
t If you list your book with Baker & Taylor, Amazon and
other book resellers may import this listing and chose
to sell your book at a discount.

Processing Orders / Working with Shopping Carts

We have NO shopping cart preference and, in fact, can pro-
cess your orders from any shopping cart or merchant solu-
tion. There is NO integration or coding required in order for
us to accept orders from ANY shopping cart. Orders can be
processed in a variety of ways:
t Automatically processed from order confirmation
emails generated by your shopping cart
t Automatically processed from an email notification set
up in Vervante-specified format outlined in our detailed
user guide (available from your Author Dashboard)
t Log into your Vervante account and place orders manually
t Email order requests to for processing

We can accept and process orders from ANY shopping cart.


How to Promote
Your Book
Your book is ready to go – now’s the time to tell the world
about it!
We’ve been helping best-selling self-published authors
with their books for more than 20 years and during that
time we’ve learned a lot about what works – and doesn’t
work – for promoting and selling books online. The follow-
ing are just a few ideas for marketing your book both online
and in person. It’s important to remember that if you are
going to use your book as part of a business or message-
sharing strategy, you must take steps to increase the visibil-
ity of your book and bring it to the attention of your target

 Shout it out via social media: Facebook, Twitter, You-

Tube, LinkedIn, Instagram, and Pinterest. Social media
offers almost limitless ways to promote your book and
have been used successfully by authors to build up to
a book’s release, attract a loyal audience and increase
sales. Social media lets you connect to your target au-
dience in a way that is quick, easy and often free.


 Your website: This may seem like a no-brainer, but

so many people forget to put a promo and a link
to purchase the book in a prominent place on their
website homepage.

 Blogging: Share the inspiration for your book, reveal

tidbits and quotes to give readers a peek inside your
book, reprint feedback from readers and reviews.
These are all great ideas for blogging as a way to
increase visibility for your book while whetting peo-
ple’s appetites to buy it.

 Speaking engagements: As a published author your

chances of being booked for speaking opportunities
increases, and with it the opportunity to share your
message as well as sell your book from the stage.

 Colleagues and affiliates: Be sure to let your friends

and loyal fans know about the book and how to
share the news to their audiences. If your business
offers affiliate programs, don’t forget to include them
in the launch.

 Sales or splash pages: These are specially designed

web pages filled with sales copy and graphics that
promote you, your book and the value it can bring to
the reader, as well as giving readers the opportunity
to buy your book online. Share links to this page on
social media, from your website, blog, in person or
on the phone.


 Free teleconferences and webinars: Using online

or conference calling systems, offer a wide audience
a chance to see or hear you speak about your subject
or your expertise while also providing insight into
the book and its value.

 Guest appearances: Reach out to online radio and

talk shows, webinar producers, YouTube channels
and more that focus on your topic and offer to share
your knowledge, insight and information about your
book with them. This is another great way to address
a new audience, boost your visibility, and boost your
book sales.

 List-building and lead-generating materials:

Check out the Vervante store for ideas such as card
decks, accompanying CDs, custom-designed mailers
and more. For a small price you can get big market-
ing results by using these as part of a strategic mar-
keting plan.

 Plan an official book launch event: If you’re think-

ing about organizing a book launch as part of your
marketing and sales efforts, there are many op-
tions available that will bring you success. (Be sure
to check out the chapter “How to Plan a Successful
Amazon Book Launch”). Or if you are planning a live
event, we can help, too. Just drop us a line at custom- and we’ll be happy to share
our thoughts with you.


 Your newsletter: An email blast is the perfect way to

promote your book. After all, this is an audience that
you know is interested in the topic you specialize in.

 Your email signature: Think about how many

emails you send out per day. Add a teaser and a link
beneath your email signature that is short, sweet
and lets the recipient know about your book, with a
link to your sales page.

 Press releases: Write several press releases about

your book and send them out using either paid or
free services before, during and after your book
launches. Don’t forget to send these releases to
your local newspapers, trade publications and niche
websites, magazines and blogs who also might be

 Video: Video for a book? Oh yes! Here are some ideas

for using video to promote your book: Share a video
of the author (that’s you!) talking about what’s in the
book. Record interviews with people who have read
the book and their reviews. Place the videos on your
YouTube channel, but don’t forget to share them via
Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and your blog
as well.

 Guest writing: Connect with people, websites,

blogs, media that shares a common audience and
focus as your book. Offer to write a guest article for


them and refer to your book in your author bio or at

the end of the piece.

 Offer added value: If you are selling your book via

your own shopping cart, website or through the
Vervante bookstore you have the control and ability
to sweeten the deal by offering valuable extras. Give
them a free download, extra templates, CDs or DVDs,
or other products that complement the book and
add value to their purchase.

 Watch and learn from the best: Is there a success-

ful author you follow who recently launched a book?
Watch and learn – see what methods they used to
boost their book sales and use the ones that appeal
to you most. You don’t need to reinvent the wheel.

Here’s the bottom line. You’ve written your book to pro-

vide something specific for your intended readers. Educa-
tion, entertainment, inspiration, motivation... whatever it
is, keep that original goal in your mind as you market and
promote your book. Let potential readers know why you
write the book, what problem it solves, and how it will be
the best at doing so. Connecting your passion and pur-
pose to your book in this way is much better than pushing
a sale, because people will appreciate that you’re in it for
them. And that makes all the difference.


Using a Book to
Grow Your Business
If you’re a business professional, writing a book puts you
head and shoulders above your competition. You now have
a unique and powerful competitive edge. Publishing a book
can help you:
t Gain credibility and influence.
t Become known as the expert in your field.
t Create a platform on which to build your business
and create ancillary products.
t Sell your products online or at the back of the room
during speaking engagements.
t Receive invitations to speak.
t Be interviewed on radio or for magazines and news-
t Open doors to publication of articles and columns.
t Command higher speaking and consulting fees.
t Expand your business and get the competitive edge
over your competition.
t Demonstrate your passion and commitment to your


Writing a book gives you a quality product to use in build-

ing a new career or enhancing the one you have. Your book
will add an extraordinary dimension to your life. Moreover,
your book can also open the door to speaking, publicity,
consulting and other new opportunities.
By leveraging your status as a published author, your
book can be a powerful marketing and promotional tool for
you and your business.
Just to get those wheels spinning in your head about all
the possibilities, here are some commons methods and op-
portunities many authors have utilized to grow their busi-
ness and increase their visibility:

Speaking engagements: As a published author your

chances of being booked for speaking opportunities in-
creases, and with it the opportunity to share your message
and your book from the stage.

Blogging: Writing your own blog – and contributing guest

posts to other blogs – is a great way to widen your reach online
and bring you, your message and your book to a wider audience.

Joint ventures: Find someone whose products or services

complement your own. Share a joint message that will pro-
vide greater value to your audience and again widen the
impact you have with a new audience.

Back of room sales: This goes along with public speaking.

Often you can negotiate the right to feature your book for
sale at the back of the room where you are engaged to speak.


Splash pages: These are specially designed web pages

filled with sales copy and graphics that promote you, your
book and the value it can bring to the reader, as well as giv-
ing readers the opportunity to buy your book online.

Teleconferences and webinars: Using online or confer-

ence calling systems, offer a wide audience a chance to see
or hear you speak about your subject or your expertise and
give insight into the book and its value.

Guest appearances: These are not just for the Oprah crowd
anymore. Reach out to online radio and talk shows, webinar
producers, YouTube channels and more that focus on your
topic and offer to share your knowledge, insight and infor-
mation about your book with them. This is another great
way to address a new audience and boost your visibility.

Lead-generating and list-building products: Check out

the Vervante store for ideas such as card decks, accompa-
nying CDs, custom-designed mailers and more. For a small
price you can get big marketing results by using these as
part of a strategic marketing plan.

Social media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, Insta-

gram. These and more have all been used successfully by
published authors to build up to a book’s release, attract a
loyal audience and increase sales. Social media lets you con-
nect to your target audience in a way that is quick, easy and
often free.


These are just a few ideas for leveraging your book both
online and in person. It’s important to remember that if you
are going to use your book as part of a business or mes-
sage-sharing strategy, you must take steps to increase the
visibility of your book and bring it to the attention of your
target audience. If you’re thinking about organizing a book
launch as part of your marketing and sales efforts, there are
many options available that will bring you success. Feel free
to give us a call, we’d be happy to share our insight with you.


Vervante for
Book Coaches
If you’re a publishing consultant, book coach, or author
mentor, one of the main goals of your business is to help
your clients create the best book possible. All too often,
though, once your client’s manuscript is ready for publish-
ing, they move on to the next step without you and the
relationship ends.
Here at Vervante, however, we give book coaching profes-
sionals the ability to offer clients complete idea-to-finished-
product services – expanding your impact on their journey as
an author, as well as your ability to increase your income as a

Complete oversight of the publishing process

We offer book coaches the ability to guide their clients
through the self-publishing process by overseeing the
process of ordering sample copies, approving all print and
design decisions, and placing the actual, physical book in
their clients’ hands.
This is all done using a system set up for book coaches
with Vervante that allows oversight of the full publishing


process, from uploading files to approving samples and or-

dering first runs. Once the author is ready to take over, we
can make that happen easily too.

Products you can offer through your business

We also offer book coaches the ability to offer products that
complement books, such as bookmarks, cards, journals,
postcards, spiral workbooks, CDs or DVDs, adult coloring
books, card decks, and other creative solutions.
These are perfect for special events, upgrades, book sign-
ings, or to offer as special bonuses. You can easily add these
options to your services, offering lucrative bonus services
and products that authors will love.

Help clients sell books AND grow their business

By using Vervante, your clients have access to their cus-
tomers contact information. Other publishers, such as Cre-
ateSpace, do not offer this. This is not usually on the radar
for new authors, but it’s a game-changer. Especially for
those who are also entrepreneurs, business owners, or want
to keep in touch with loyal readers.
Here’s why you can’t collect customer information when us-
ing CreateSpace: When an author sells their book directly on
Amazon, the buyer becomes Amazon’s client (not the author’s),
leaving the author in the dark about who is buying their book.
Here’s how Vervante is different: We encourage authors to
sell the book from their own sales page, process the transac-
tion and we’ll print and ship the book to the buyer. This sce-
nario provides the author with more profit on the sale PLUS
the buyer’s contact information and email address.


If the author doesn’t want to deal with credit card transac-

tions, we can list the book in our store and the author simply
redirects the buy button from their landing page to their book
in our store.

The three big differences between our bookstore solu-

tion and redirecting to Amazon are:
t We don’t take 40% of the price of the book like Cre-
t We share the customer data with the author
t We take pre-orders for the book. An author can take
pre-orders on their site or in our store and when the
book is ready we’ll print and ship to the buyers. This
isn’t possible on Amazon.

You can still sell from Amazon, though, and we recom-

mend it be set up this way:
While we DON’T recommend redirecting buyers from the
author’s landing page directly to Amazon, we DO suggest
using Amazon as a secondary retail distribution channel.
Amazon Marketplace is a great option for selling books and
products on Amazon. We’ll manage all of the details from list-
ing the book on Amazon to managing and shipping orders.

Additional profit potential for book coaches

and authors


While other publishers may offer cheap rates for initial press


runs to the author, there are usually hidden costs. These

special prices are commonly only applicable for bulk orders
placed by authors for their own title. However, this leaves
them shouldering the responsibility of storing the books in
their home or office, supplying packaging, processing pay-
ments, addressing packages, and taking them to the Post
Office for shipping, steadily chipping away at their bottom
line - and adding time and stress to the process.
Vervante will print and ship books directly to customers.
A copy of the order confirmation email generated from the
author’s shopping cart is all we need to print and ship the
book. We can print and ship on demand or we can print bulk
orders at further reduced costs, with the option of storing
in our warehouse until they are needed. This helps authors
avoid the expense and hassle of processing and shipping
their own books.

While some people opt to list books with Baker & Taylor or
Ingram, this can result in resellers taking the opportunity
to sell your book through their own services, underbidding
the set author price, and devaluing the book. Even if your
clients are not writing a book for the money, when they try
to offer their books at events, as promotions, or to support
other products and programs, this causes the book to lose
its value in the eyes of consumers.
Retaining control of the book’s price is essential to re-
taining its value. Listing books with a wholesaler like Baker
& Taylor releases control and can result in plummeting
sale prices and royalties. Whereas selling and distributing


through a personal sales page and shopping cart, as well

as using Vervante’s Amazon Marketplace listing services,
retains control of the book - and ensures the continuation
of its value.
Have you ever noticed when searching for a book on
Amazon that there are a number of resellers offering the
book at random prices? This is because the book has
been listed with a wholesaler such as Baker & Taylor or
Ingram and resellers then sell the book on Amazon at
their discretion. The end result is that prices can drasti-
cally fluctuate, causing buyer confusion and devaluing
the book even more.


We have dedicated publishing professionals who will an-
swer your emails and talk to you on the phone. Something
pretty much unheard of in this industry.

Authors retain all rights and creative control of their books
and products. And we offer complete services for ISBNs,
UPCs, LCCN Assignment and Copyright registration. You
even have the option to list yourself or your own company
as the publisher of your book.
However, if you use CreateSpace’s template builder for
your cover, they technically own the artwork for your book.
And if you use their ISBN services, they own the ISBN and
are listed as the publisher. This means if you decide to use
alternative publishing services in the future, you must get a
new ISBN and new design for your book.



You’ve got experience in publishing. Your client probably
doesn’t. We’ll work with you and your client to get their
book published, distributed, listed on Amazon, shipped to
speaking events, and whatever other support you need.

We stand behind our products and services, creating the
highest quality books and products for our clients support-
ed by the best in customer service. If you are not delighted
with your experience with Vervante, we pledge to work with
you to make it right - or we will refund your money. Fur-
thermore, all products we publish are guaranteed against
defects in quality and design. If any of our products are de-
fective in quality, we will replace or repair that product at no
additional charge.
We welcome the opportunity to partner with us for your
clients’ publishing needs. For more information, check out
the Book Coaching services page on our website, email, or schedule a phone call with a mem-
ber of our team using the link on our Contact page.

Vervante Mission Statement
and Guarantee

Our Purpose
To provide an exceptional publishing experience and em-
power our clients with the knowledge, flexibility and cus-
tomized solutions to create powerful connections, ignite
positive change, and stimulate personal and professional
growth for authors and their audiences.

Our Customers
We are proud to serve the publishing needs of world-class
entrepreneurs and business owners, right alongside home-
based solo business owners, authors and leaders within a
wide range of industries including health and fitness, per-
sonal development, finance, food, and more.
We also work with international corporations includ-
ing IBM, Juniper Networks, and Altova Software who have
trusted us for more than 15 years as their go-to resource for
printing thousands of books, training manuals, and other
essential products.


Our Core Values

HONOR & INTEGRITY – We are committed to a culture of
honor and integrity throughout all we do.

EXCELLENCE – We are committed to providing high-quality

products, exceptional customer service and exceeding ex-
pectations for the people we serve.

DEDICATION – We dedicate all of our energy, enthusiasm

and vigor to help our clients express their ideas and bring
their creative and professional visions to life.

FREEDOM – We empower our clients with the ability to cre-

ate what they want, how they want it. And we never add
hidden fees, extra expenses, or red-tape hassles that put
publishing out of their reach.

Our Plan
To be a trusted team member and valued resource for our
clients by providing the expertise, flexibility and freedom to
ensure a successful experience. To provide industry insight,
personalized support and step-by-step guidance through-
out each project so that our clients can share their message,
elevate their brand, and stand out in a crowd.

Our Results
Since 2001 Vervante has been a leading international pub-
lishing and distribution company providing customized
solutions and business support for authors, entrepreneurs
and businesses to:


t Create books and products quickly and easily

t Print, publish and sell anywhere they want
t Manage inventory and fulfillment all in one place
t Perform custom fulfillments using outside products
we store and integrate into shipments such as health
supplements, apparel, small sport equipment, etc.
t Build customer databases and connect with their audi-
ence for future business growth potential

Our Guarantee
We stand behind our products and services, creating the
highest quality books and products for our clients support-
ed by the best in customer service. If you are not delighted
with your experience with Vervante, we pledge to work with
you to make it right - or we will refund your money. Fur-
thermore, all products we publish are guaranteed against
defects in quality and design. If any of our products are de-
fective in quality, we will replace or repair that product at
no additional charge. Your satisfaction is our number one
goal. We want you to rest easy, confident that your book or
product will be produced or printed to your complete satis-
faction. Bottom line? We’re committed to creating the best
possible publishing experience for you, bar none.


Vervante MEAN?

It’s based on the word verve which means

“Energy, enthusiasm or vigor in the
expression of ideas.”

And nothing describes the soul of an author better!

To receive more information about current events, special

promotions, business-building and revenue-boosting ideas,
and all the latest about publishing books and creating printed
products, sign up for our newsletter at
And please feel free to reach out to us for questions, free
quotes, and expert guidance for any of your projects. We’re
here to help you bring your brilliant ideas to life!

Choosing a publisher is about
more than just numbers.
It’s about finding someone to become a part of your
team who understands your vision and helps you
bring it to life. That’s why we wrote this book - to
provide the knowledge and support you need to
publish your book on your terms.

“How to Self-Publish” is a straight-forward guide

for navigating the book-publishing process, jam-
packed with useful advice from a company who has
been helping everyone

From international corporations to small business

owners, entrepreneurs and individual authors create
and publish books and printed products for more
than 30 years.

Step-by-step we’ll take you through the details from

outline to the finish line and everything in between.
And we’ll help you make the right decisions to create
a a final product that fits your vision, fulfills your
goals, and you and your audience will love.

Publishing is an exciting and rewarding experience.

We look forward to sharing it with you.

ISBN: 978-1-948404-41-9

9 781948 404419

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