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1. a.

If f is a partial function, and dom(f) is the set of elements where f is defined,

which is A’, then a reasonable definition of: “the partial function f ’ extends a partial
function f ” would be:

“If f(x) is defined, f’(x) is also defined such that the domain of f is in the domain of
f’, or dom(f)⊆dom(f ’), which means that for all x∈dom(f), f(x) = f’(x)

A good example of a function that does not extend another function could be f= x.
Here, f=x does not extend e^x. But a function that does extend another function could
be √ ❑. Now, we can place negative numbers inside the square root. In this case, f = √ ❑
extends f = √ ❑.

b. A tentative sudoku problem is a partial function f directed from C to N, where C

is the set of cells, and N is the set of valid numbers

A tentative sudoku problem becomes a solvable sudoku problem, f, if there

exists a solution f ’ that extends f

We introduce a second partial function: f ’’

Then a solvable sudoku problem is uniquely solvable in which if f ’ and f ’’ are

both sudoku solutions that both extend f, then f ’ = f ’’.

So, using all of the previously established definitions, if we combined them all,
we can summarize sudoku problems into one rule:

A tentative sudoku problem f is a partial function directed from C to N. The

tentative sudoku problem f is solvable if there exists a sudoku solution f’ that extends f.
Also, f is uniquely solvable such that out of all the partial functions f ’ and f ’’ that extend
f, if both f’ and f’’ are sudoku solutions, f’ = f’’.

c. A tentative solution f is unsolvable such that for any total function f’ (where A
=A’) that extends f, f’ is not a sudoku solution

A tentative solution f is not uniquely solvable, either when it is unsolvable, or if

there two inequivalent partial functions f’ and f’’ that both happen to be sudoku

2. a. This is a flawed proof because it is backwards; the proof starts off by assuming
that the claim is true, and then uses that to claim something else is true. Saying that
(2,1), (2,2), (2,3) and (2,7), (2,8), (2,9) can not be 9 and saying that one of (2,4), (2,5)
and (2,6) is 9 is just asserting statements as true, even though they were true to begin
with; this doesn’t prove anything, because true is always going to be true. Therefore, the
proof is invalid.

b. This proof is valid.

c. This solution created in the table does work, but that doesn’t mean the proof is
absolute, because there was nothing that showed whether the sudoku problem was
uniquely solvable, so the proof is invalid.

3. a. Here, we are given | A|≥|B|. So the function f directed from A to B is surjective.

We want to establish a separate function g that is injective.
We define this function, g, such that:

for any value y in B, there is at least one x∉A that has x pointing to y, or f(x) = y,
as it is a surjective function.
We can pick one value x and set h(y) = x, and we need to show that h is one-to-
one. By injection definition, h is one-to-one if for any h(y) = h(y’), y = y’; therefore
Assume that h(y) = h(y’). Now, let’s combine the injection and surjection properties:

We know that, by definition, f(h(y)) = y and f(h(y’)) = y’; also, h(y) = h(y’).
Rearranging, we get y = f(h(y)) = f(h(y’)) = y’.
This shows that h is one-to-one, and thus we’ve proven the statement.

b. Assume | A|≥|B| and |B|≥|C|By definition, this implies that there is a function f
directed from A to B and also some function g directed from B to C; both f and g are

We need to show that there is some function h directed from A to C that is also
surjective. We can define h by some rule, which asserts that if f maps a to f(a), and g
maps a to g(a), then h maps a to g(f(a)).

To show that h is onto, or show that there is some element c in C such that for
some a in A, h(a) = c. Because g is onto, we know that there is some value b such that
g(b) = c, and likewise, because f is onto, there is some value a with f(a) = b. Using
substitution, we see that the assertion is indeed true: h(a)= g(f(a))= c. Thus, we have
found any value a that maps to any value c through the function h, and thus h must be

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