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BIS202 Exercises Year 2016/2017 – Semester 2


A bicycle shop called MagicTourBikesells two types of bicycles and their accessories, namely, Racing
and Regular Bicycles. As the number of purchases and clients is in continuous increasing which
make a manual procedure an inefficient and hard task. To overcome these difficulties, the owner
decided to shift to a computer solution to create, organize and store purchase operations, and thus
easily and conveniently produce periodic financial statements.

The computer solution envisaged by the owner should especially help in managing scenarios of
worst-best case profits depending on some dynamically changed input, such as changing Unit Sold.
Details of the financial information appearing in the monthly reported financial statement as well as
worst-best case profit scenarios are shown in the below table. Thus, you are requested to develop a
similar Excel sheet with respect to the layout and the content. Note the facts shown in the table
represent the input whereas the locations indicated by a mark question represent information resulting
from appropriate calculations using formulas, functions and the scenario manager.

The present assignment allows students learning and understanding the different items and topics
using Excel, including:
 Scenario Manager using What-if Analysis
 Linking worksheets

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BIS202 Exercises Year 2016/2017 – Semester 2

a. Create the worksheet shown above and rename it “May 2012”
b. Insert a WordArt with the text “Bike Shack”. Use the Gradient Fill, Purple, Accent 4, Outline
Accent 4 style.
c. Find the Revenue, Revenue = Price * Units Sold
d. Find the Cost of Goods Sold, Cost of Goods Sold = Cost * Units Sold
e. Find the Gross Profit, Gross Profit = Revenue – Cost of Goods Sold
f. Find the Current Total Profit, Current Total Profit is the total of all Gross Profits
g. Using the Scenario Manager, Create Scenario Summery that find the Best Case Profit and
the Worst Case Profit.

Best Case Profit

Racing Bicycles Regular Bicycles Accessories
Unit Sold 25 36 42

Worst Case Profit

Racing Bicycles Regular Bicycles Accessories
Unit Sold 9 12 21

h. Link the results of the Best Case and Worst Case from Scenario Summary, with “May 2012”
i. Using the Online Pictures tool, search and insert an image of a “BMX” to the right of the
table, then add the text “BMX bikes are available!”as an alternative text to the image.
j. Recolor the BMX image in Purple, Accent Color 4 Light.
k. Draw a Textbox beneath the BMX image, adding the text “Telephone: 17 778 0987”, and
coloring the background in Orange.
Read Excel tutorials:

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