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新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材



第一部分 原文

Forrest: Hello. My name’s Forrest. Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate? I could eat about a
million and a half of these. My mama always said “Life was like a box of chocolates. You
never know what you’re going to get.” Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet♥ you could
walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. I wish I had shoes like that.
Woman: My feet hurt.
Forrest: Mama always said “There’s an awful lot♥ you can tell about a person by their shoes. “Where
they’re going. Where they’ve been.” I’ve worn lots of shoes. I bet if I think about it real hard
I could remember my first pair of shoes. Mama said they would take me anywhere. She said
they was my magic shoes.
Doctor: Alright, Forrest. Open your eyes now. Let’s take a little walk around. How do those feel? His
legs are strong, Mrs. Gump, as strong as I’ve ever seen. But his back is as crooked♥ as a
politician. But we’re going to straighten him right up now, aren’t we, Forrest?
Mrs.Gump: Forrest!
Forrest: Now when I was a baby, Mama named me after♥ the great Civil War hero, General Nathan
Bedford Forrest. She said we was related to him in some way and what he did was, he
started up this club called the Ku Klux Klan♥. They’d all dress up in their robes and their
bed sheets and act like a bunch of ghosts or spooks♥ or something. They’d even put bed
sheets on their horses and ride around. Anyway, that’s how I got my name, Forrest Gump.
Mama said the Forrest part was to remind me that sometimes we all do things that, well, just
don’t make no sense.
Mrs.Gump: What are y’all starin’ at? Haven’t you ever seen a little boy with braces on his legs before?
Don’t ever let anybody tell you that they’re better than you, Forrest. If God intended
everybody to be the same, he’d have given us all braces on our legs.
Forrest: Mama always had a way of explaining things so I could understand them. We lived about a
quarter mile off Route 17, about a half mile from the town of Greenbow, Alabama. That’s in
the country of Greenbow. Our house had been in mama’s family since her grandpa’s
grandpa’s grandpa had come across the ocean about a thousand years ago, something like
that. Since it was just me and mama and we had all these empty rooms, mama decided to let
those rooms out♥, mostly to people passin’ through like, oh, from Mobile, Montgomery,
places like that. That’s how me and mama got money. Mama was a real smart lady.
Mrs.Gump: Remember what I told you Forrest. You’re no different than anybody else is. Did you hear
what I said, Forrest? You are the same as everybody else. You are no different .
Mr.Hillcock: Your boy’s different, Mrs.Gump. His I.Q♥. is 75. Mrs.Gump: Well, we’re all different,
Forrest: She wanted me to have the finest education so she took me to the Greenbow County Central
School. I met the principal and all.
Mr.Hillcock: I want to show you something, Mrs.Gump. Now this is normal. Forrest is right here. The
state requires a minimum I.Q. of 80 to attend public school, Mrs.Gump. He’s going to have
to go to a special school. He’ll be just fine.
Mrs.Gump: What does normal mean, anyway? He might be a bit on the slow side. But my boy, Forrest,
is going to get the same opportunities as everyone else. He’s not going to some special
school to learn how to retread♥ tires. We’re talking about five little points here. There must
be something can be done.
Mr.Hillcock: We’re a progressive school system. We don’t want to see anybody left behind. Is there
a ...Mr. Gump, Mrs. Gump?
Mrs.Gump: He’s on vacation.
Mr.Hillcock: Eee,Eee,Eee… Your mama sure does care about your schooling, son. You don’t say
much, do you?
Gump: Eee,Eee,Eee…
Mrs.Gump: (reading to Forrest) Finally, he had to try. It looked easy but... oh, what happened?
Gump: Mama, what’s “vacation” mean?
Mrs.Gump: Vacation?
Gump: Where daddy went?
Mrs.Gump: Vacation is when you go somewhere and you don’t ever come back.
Forrest: Anyway, I guess you could say me and mama was on our own. But we didn’t mind. Our house
was never empty. There was always folks coming and going. Sometimes we had so many
people staying with us that every room was filled with travelers. You know, folks livin’ out
of their suitcases and hat cases, and sample cases. One time a young man was staying with
us and he had him a guitar case.
(Forrest dances as the traveler sings “Hound Dog”)
Mrs.Gump: Forrest, I told you not to bother this nice young man.
Elvis Presley: No, that’s alright Ma’am. I was just showing him a thing or two on the guitar here.
Mrs.Gump: Alright. Supper’s ready if y’all want to eat.
Elvis: Yeah, that sounds good. Thank you, Ma’am. Say, man, show me that crazy little walk you just
did there. Slow it down some. “You ain’t♥ nothing but a hound dog...”
Forrest: I liked that guitar. It sounded good. I started moving around to the music, swingin’ my hips.
This night, me and mama was out shoppin’ and we walked right by Pitsey’s Furniture and
Appliance store. Guess what.?.. (Elvis was on TV dancing the way that Forrest taught him)
Mrs.Gump: This is not for children’s eyes.
Forrest: Some years later, that handsome young man who they called “The King”, well, he sang too
many songs, had himself a heart attack or something. Must be hard being the king... You
know it’s funny how you remember some things. But some things you can’t.
Mrs.Gump: You do your very best now, Forrest.
Gump: I sure will, mama.
Forrest: I remember the bus ride on the first day of school very well. Dorothy: Are you coming along?
Gump: Mama said not to be taken rides from strangers.
Dorothy: This is the bus to school. Gump: I’m Forrest, Forrest Gump.
Dorothy: I’m Dorothy Harris. Gump: Well, now we ain’t strangers anymore. Kid: This seat’s taken.
Other Kids: Taken. Different Kid: You can’t sit here.
Forrest: You know it’s funny what a young man recollects♥. ‘Cause I don’t remember being born. I
don’t recall what I got for my first Christmas. I don’t know when I went on my first outdoor
picnic. But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.
Little Jenny: You can sit here if you want.
Forrest: I had never seen anything so beautiful in my life. She was like an angel.
Little Jenny: Well, are you going to sit down or aren’t you? What’s wrong with your legs?
Gump: Nothing at all, thank you. My legs are just fine and dandy♥.
Forrest: I just sat next to her on that bus and had a conversation all the way to school.
Gump: The doctor says my back’s crooked like a question mark. These are going to make me as
straight as an arrow.
Forrest: Next to♥ mama, no one ever talked to me or asked me questions.
Little Jenny: Are you stupid or something?
Gump: Mama says “Stupid is as stupid does.”
Little Jenny: I’m Jenny. Gump: I’m Forrest. Forrest Gump.
Forrest: From that day on, we were always together. Jenny and me were like peas and carrots♥. She
taught me how to climb. I showed her how to dangle. She helped me learn how to read, and
I showed her how to swing. Sometimes we’d just sit out and wait for the stars.
Gump: Mama’s going to worry about me.
Little Jenny: Just stay a little longer.
Forrest: For some reason, Jenny didn’t ever want to go home.
Gump: OK, Jenny. I’ll stay.
Forrest: She was my most special friend... My only friend. Now, my mama always told me that
miracles happen everyday. Some people don’t think so.But they do.
Bully1: Hey, dummy♥! Are you dumb, or just plain stupid?
Bully2: Look, I’m Forrest Gump.
Little Jenny: Just run away, Forrest. Run, Forrest. Run away.Hurry!
Bully2: Get the bikes. Hurry up.
Bully1: Look out, dummy, here we come. Gonna get you!
Little Jenny: Run, Forrest. Run, Forrest.
Bully1: Come back here, you!
Little Jenny: Run, Forrest, Run!
Forrest: Now, You wouldn’t believe it if I told you. But I can run like the wind blows. From that day
on, if I was going somewhere, I was running! Man in store: That boy sure is a run fool.
Forrest: Now, remember how I told you that Jenny never seemed to want to go home? Well,
she lived in a house that was as old as Alabama. Her mama had gone up to heaven when she
was five and her daddy was some kind of a farmer.
Gump: (knock on the door) Jenny?
Forrest: He was a very loving man. He was always kissin’ and touchin’ her and her sisters. And then
this one time, Jenny wasn’t on the bus to go to school.
Gump: Jenny, why didn’t you come to school today?
Little Jenny: Shh! Daddy’s taking a nap.
Father: Jenny!
Little Jenny: C’mon!
Father: Jenny! Where’d you run to? You’d better get back here, girl. Jenny? Where you at?
Little Jenny: Pray with me, Forrest. Pray with me. Dear God, make me a bird, so I can fly far, far far
away from here. Dear God, make me a bird...So I can fly far…
Forrest: Mama always said that God is mysterious. He didn’t turn Jenny into a bird that day. Instead,
he had the police say that Jenny didn’t have to stay in that house no more. She went to live
with her grandma, just over on Greekmore Ave., which made me happy ‘cause she was so
close. Some nights, Jenny would sneak out♥ and come on over to my house, just’ cause she
said she was scared. Scared of what? I don’t know.But I think it was her grandma’s dog. He
was a mean♥ dog. Anyway, Jenny and me was best friends all the way up through high

Bully1: Hey! Stupid.

Jenny: Quit it! Run, Forrest! Run!
Bully1: Hey !Did you hear me, stupid?
Bully2: Get in the truck. Move it. C’mon, he’s getting away.
Jenny: Run, Forrest! Run!
Forrest: Now, it used to be, I ran to get where I was going. I never thought it would take me anywhere.
Football Coach: Who in the hell is that?
Assistant Coach: That there is Forrest Gump, coach. Just the local idiot.
Forrest: Can you believe it? I got to go to college too.
Football Player: Run! Move it!
Forrest: OK!
Coach: He must be the stupidest son-of-a-bitch♥ alive, but he sure is fast.
Forrest: Now, maybe it’s just me.But college was a very confusing times.
News man: Federal troops enforcing a court order integrated♥ the University of Alabama today. Two
negroes were admitted but only after governor George Wallace had carried out his symbolic
threat to stand in the schoolhouse door.
Gump: Eart! What’s going on?
Student: Coons♥ are trying to get into school.
Gump: Coons? When raccoons♥ try to get on our back porch, mama just chases’em off with a broom.
Student: Not raccoons, you idiot, niggers. And they want to go to school with us.
Gump: With us? They do?
News man: Shortly after governor Wallace had carried out his promise to block the door way,
president Kennedy ordered the Secretary of Defense then to use military force. Here, by
video tape is the encounter by General Gram, Commander of the National Guard and
governor Wallace... And so it is that the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa had been
desegregated♥ and students Jimmy Hood and Vivian Malone had been signed up for summer
Gump: Ma’am, you dropped your book, Ma’am. News man: Governor Wallace did what he promised
to do by being on the Toscaloosa campus...
Coach 1: Hey, wasn’t that Gump?
Coach 2: No, that couldn’t be.
Coach 3: Sure as hell was.
Forrest: A few years later, that angry little man at the schoolhouse door thought it’d be a good idea and
ran for President. But somebody thought that it wasn’t. But he didn’t die.
Lady: My bus is here.
Gump: Is that the No.9?
Lady: No, it’s the No.4.
Forrest: It was nice talking to you.
Mother: I remember when that happened, when Wallace got shot. I was in college.
Forrest: Did you go to a girls’ college or a girls’ and boys’ together college?
Mother: It was co-ed♥.
Forrest: cause Jenny went to a college I couldn’t go to. It was a college just for girls. But, I’d go and
visit her every chance I got.
Jenny: Oh! That hurts.
Jenny: Forrest! Forrest! Stop it! What are you doing?!
Forrest: He’s hurting you . Boy friend: What the hell is going on here? Who is that?
Jenny: Billy, I’m sorry.
Billy: Just keep away from me.
Jenny: Don’t go. Billy, wait a second. He doesn’t know any better. Forrest! Why’d you do that?
Forrest: I brought you some chocolate. I’m sorry. I’ll go back to my college now.
Jenny: Forrest, look at you. Come on… Do you ever dream, Forrest, of who you’re going to be?
Forrest: Who I’m going to be?
Jenny: Yeah. Forrest: Ain’t I going to be me?
Jenny: You’ll always be you, just another kind of you. I want to be famous. I want to be a singer like
Joan Baez. I just want to be on an empty stage with my guitar and my voice. Just me. And I
want to reach people on a personal level. I want to be able to say things, just one to one...
Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest?
Forrest: I sit next to them in my Home Economics class all the time... Oh, I’m sorry.
Jenny: It’s OK. It’s all right. It’s OK.
Forrest: Oh, I’m dizzy.
Jenny: I bet that never happened in Home Ec♥.
Forrest: No. I think I ruined your roommate’s bathrobe.
Jenny: I don’t care. I don’t like her anyway.
Forrest: College ran by real fast ‘cause I played so much football. They even put me on a thing called
the All-American Team, where you get to meet the president of the United States.
News man: President Kennedy met with the collegiate All-American Football Team at the oval office
Forrest: Now the really good thing about meeting the president of the United States is the food. They
put you in this little room with just about anything you’d want to eat or drink. But since,
number one, I wasn’t hungry but thirsty, and number two, they was free, I must have drank
me about fifteen Doctor Peppers♥.
Kennedy: Congratulations. How does it feel to be in All-American?
Athlete1: It’s an honor, sir.
Kennedy: Congratulations. How does it feel to be an All-American?
Athlete2: Very good, sir.
Kennedy: Congratulations. How do you feel?
Forrest: I gotta pee♥.
Kennedy: I believe he said he had to go pee.
Forrest: Some time later, for no particular reason, somebody shot that nice young president when he
was riding in his car. And a few years after that, somebody shot his little brother, too. Only
he was in a hotel kitchen. Must be hard being brothers. I wouldn’t know.
MC♥: Forrest Gump.
Forrest: Now can you believe it? After only five years of playing football, I got a college degree.
MC: Congratulations, son.
Forrest: Mama was so proud.
Mrs.Gump: Forrest, I’m so proud of you. Here I’ll hold this for you.
Recruiting officer: Congratulations, son. Have you given any thought to your future?
Forrest: Thought?

第二部分 重点语汇

I could eat about a million and a half of these.
Million 在美国人的日常用语中经常见到,用夸张的语气表示数量的不胜枚举。例如本句中,
1. 阿甘在形容自己是多年来第一批访问中国的美国人时,是这样讲的:
I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or something like
2. 当一个美国人在形容自己即将到来的婚礼是多么兴师动众时,他可以这样表述:
It’s like a million people flying in around the world.
3. 类似的表达方法还有“thousand”,“hundred”,甚至“twenty”。
1) Our house had been in Mama’s family since her grandpa’s grandpa’s grandpa had come
across the ocean about a thousand years ago.
2) I’ve told you a hundred times that today I’ll come back late.
There’s an awful lot you can tell about a person by their shoes.
1. Yes, I did have plastic surgery. How can you tell?
2.And then in the desert, when the sun comes up, I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the
earth began.
3. Even though it was so dark I could still tell it was you.
4. tell (when/how) It’s hard to tell when we can finish the work.
5. tell (by/from) You can tell by the way it walks that the cat has been injured.
dress up
They’d all dress up in their robes.
1. He went to the Halloween party dressed up as Elvis Presley。
2. It’s a small information party. You don’t have to dress up.
My mama always tells me that miracles happen everyday.
1. If anything happens to you, just let me know.
2. What happened to your arm? Did you have a fracture?
3. Whatever happens to (询问近况)
Whatever happens to Jane?
Who in the hell is that ?
“the hell”、“in hell”,更为人常见。
1. What the hell are you doing here?
2. what in hell did you say to her?
3. A/one hell of 表示强调:极好的\极糟的
He is a hell of a good soldier.
What a hell of nice photo!
4. go to hell(粗)去你的,见鬼去吧
If you don’t like the color, you can go to hell!
5. feel/look like hell(感觉/气色)很差
After the operation, I looked like hell for a long time.
6. what the hell 表示破釜沉舟的决心时使用
What the hell! We only live once and life goes on.
7. as hell表示强调,非常
Look at the girl there, she is pretty/cute/ugly as hell.
I’m sure as hell not gonna do that.
8. Hell! I don’t know! 见鬼!我不知道!
Ma’am, you dropped your book.
Drop 在口语表达里的用法既形象又生动,是大家应该熟练掌的核心词汇。
1. I must have dropped my mobile phone on the taxi.
2. The temperature dropped below zero.
3. Jenny dropped her voice to a whisper when she saw the boss came in.
4. I’m tired of arguing all the time. Let’s drop it, OK?
5. Do you expect me to drop everything and go?
6. During that time, we just worked until we dropped.
7. Please drop your books and just watch the movie.
be with
Have you ever been with a girl, Forrest?
“Be with”的用法很多,而阿甘只从字面意思上了解到是“和……在一起”。事实上,它除了“结
1. I saw Jane on the campus with her boyfriend.
3. --Are you with me? --I’m afraid I am not quite with you.
4. f you want to run for the president , I’ll always be with you.
put on
They even put me on a thing called the All-American Team.
1.put on /clothes/glasses/make-up
穿(衣),戴(帽、眼镜) ,化装
2.Shall I put on the light/kettle?
3. He started to put on some music.
4. John broke up with Mary? You’re putting me on.
5. He has put all his money on the stock market.
give any thought
Have you given any thought to your future?
1. I’ve been giving your proposal a lot of thought.
2. ---Why don’t we visit the Great Wall instead? ---That’s a thought!
---我们不如干脆去长城算了。 ---好主意!
3. I had no thought of asking her out.
4. Don’t give it another thought.
For some reason
For some reason, Jenny didn’t ever want to go home.
1. For some reason, ping pong came very natural to me.
2. 类似的表达还有:for no particular reason; for no reason at all 等。
Some time later, for no particular reason, someone shot that nice young president.

第三部分 经典句型

*I bet you could walk all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing.
1. I bet Nick is sitting in front of his computer surfing on the internet right now. 我担保现在尼
2. --God! I am dog-tired after the hike. –I bet you are. --天!远足之后我可真累惨了。 --
3.I bet you will never guess who I saw this morning. 你肯定猜不到今早儿我看到谁了。

*There must be something can be done.

There must be something can be done. 肯定能找到补救的方式。

*Your mama sure does care about your schooling, son.

1. Mama’s sure gonna be mad when she sees the mess. 老妈要是看到这乱糟糟的一团非得生
2. --You must be David. --I sure am. --你一定是大卫了。 --确凿无疑。
3. --You do your very best now . --I sure will, Mama. --你一定要好好努力呀。--我当然会的,

*Now the really good thing about meeting the president of the United States is the food.
1. The really good thing about going to college is you always have friends around. 上大学最好
2. The really interesting thing about summer camp is we have picnic a lot. 夏令营的最大好处

第四部分 美语思维

*Life is like a box of chocolate. You never know what you’re going to get.

*My feet hurt.


*But his back is as crooked as a politician.


*He might be a bit on the slow side.

熟悉的“stupid”。比如此句的“on the slow side”,就是听起来不那么刺耳的一种方式,是指阿甘
的智商,他进入的是“special school”,也就是“智障学校”,而不要理解为“特殊学校”。类似的婉
转语还有“retarded”,甚至更婉转的“mentally challenged”、 “special”、“innocent”、“concentration
和本句结构相似的“a bit on the heavy side”,或者直接说一个“heavy”即可。当然,我们也可以很
简单地说一个人“big built”(大块头) ,或者是“full-figured”(体态丰满的)。
*You are no different.
他们相信“We’re all different”,谈到自己的人生定位,也会不约而同地说“Well, I want it to be

*He’s on vacation.
方法:Her mama had gone up to heaven when she was five.(在她五岁的时候,她妈妈去了天堂。)
又比如:Mama making a trip to heaven.(妈妈的天堂之旅。) 本句阿甘妈妈的解释是“Vacation is
when you go somewhere and you don’t ever come back.”。可见阿甘爸爸的下落也是已经“gone

*You know it’s funny what a young man recollects. ‘Cause I don’t remember being born. I don’t
recall what I got for my first Christmas. I don’t know when I went on my first outdoor picnic.
But I do remember the first time I heard the sweetest voice in the wide world.

*Mama says “stupid is as stupid does.”


*He was a very loving man. He was always kissin’ and touchin’ her and her sisters.

*Dear God ,turn me a bird ,so I can fly,far, far, far away.
初涉人世的 Jenny 饱受客人的凌辱,现实生活总是给她展示最冷酷最无情的一面。一个单身女
子在弱肉强食的生存空间里打拼谈何容易!于是,Jenny 又在童年伙伴阿甘面前回忆起自己年
幼时代有的梦想“Remember that time we prayed, Forrest ? We prayed for God to turn me into a bird .
So I could fly far far away. Jenny 的祈祷没有变,她的生活状况也没有变,她还是没有安全感,

*Now, it used to be,I ran to get where I was going . I never thought it would take me anywhere.
这句话一语双关,anywhere 一词的妙用,即代表任意一个地方,说明阿甘并不善于思考,

*Now, maybe it’s just me, but college was a very confusing time.
1962 年轰动全美的一件事情:顽固实行种族隔离政策的阿拉巴玛州终于在联邦政府的干预下被
须“fight for liberty”(努力争取自由),才能够“stand up for rights”(得到 真正的权利)。

*I believe he said he had to go pee.

一说起“难以置信”的表达方式,我们最容易想到的是“I can hardly believe”或者是“I can’t
believe”等。但是美国人在口语中非常习惯于正话反说,典型的“irony”,因此这 句的实际意义


第一部分 原文

(Later, on the bus to basic training)

Forrest: Hello, I’m Forrest. Forrest Gump.
Bus Driver: Nobody gives a horse’s shit who you are, puss ball. You’re not even a lowlife,
scum-sucking maggot♥. Get your maggoty ass on the bus. you’re in the army now.
Soldier1: Seat’s taken.
Soldier2: Taken.
Forrest: At first, it seemed like I’d made a mistake. Seeing how it was only my induction day and I
was already gettin’ yelled at.
Bubba: Sit down if you want to.
Forrest: I didn’t know who I might meet or what they might ask.
Bubba: You ever been on a real shrimp boat?
Forrest: No. But I’ve been on a real big boat.
Bubba: I’m talking about a shrimp catching boat. I’ve been working on shrimp boats all my life. I
started out on my uncle’s boat, that’s my mama’s brother, when I was about maybe nine. I
was just lookin’ into buying a boat of my own and got drafted♥. My given name is Benjamin
Buford Blue. People call me Bubba. Just like one of them old redneck boys. Can you believe
Forrest: My name’s Forrest Gump. People call me Forrest Gump.
Forrest: So Bubba was from Bayou La Batre, Alabama and his mama cooked shrimp, and her mama
before her cooked shrimp, and her mama before her mama cooked shrimp too. Bubba’s
family knew everything there was to know about the shrumpin business.
Bubba: I know everything there is to know about the shrimpin’ business. (As a) matter of fact I’m
going into the shrimpin’ business for myself, after I get out of the army.
Forrest: OK.
(In training)
Drill Seargent: Gump! What’s your sole purpose in this army?
Forrest: To do whatever you tell me, Drill Surgent!
Drill Sergent: Goddamn it! Gump. You’re a goddamn genius. That is the most outstanding answer I’ve
ever heard. You must have a goddamn I.Q. of 160. You are goddamn gifted, Private Gump.
Listen up, people...
Forrest: Now for some reason, I fit in the army like one of them round pegs. It’s not really hard. You
just make your bed real neat♥ and remember to stand up straight. And always, answer every
question with “Yes, Drill Sergeant.”
Drill Sergeant: Is that clear?
All soldiers: Yes, Drill Sergeant! Bubba: What you do is drag your nets along the bottom. On a good
day, you can catch over a hundred pounds of shrimp. Everything goes all right, two men
shrimpin’ ten hour...less what you spend on gas . Forrest: Done! Drill Sergeant.
Drill Sergeant: Gump! Why did you put that weapon together so quickly, Gump?
Forrest: You told me to, Drill Sergeant.
Drill Sergeant: Jesus H. Christ! This is a new company record. If it wouldn’t be a waste of such a
damn fine enlisted man, I would recommend you for OCS♥, Private♥ Gump. You are going
to be a general, someday, Gump. Now, disassemble your weapon and continue.
Bubba: Anyway, like I was saying, shrimp is the fruit of the sea. You can barbecue it, boil it, broil it,
bake it, saute it, shrimp kakabs, shrimp creole, shrimp gumbo, pan fried, deep fried,
stir-fried, there’s pineapple shrimp, lemon shrimp, coconut shrimp, pepper shrimp, shrimp
soup, shrimp stew, shrimp salad, shrimp in potatoes, shrimp burger, shrimp sandwich...
that’s about it.
Forrest: Nighttime in the army is a lonely time. We’d lay there in our bunks♥, and I’d miss my mama
and I’d miss Jenny.
Soldier: Hey, Gump. Get a load of♥ the tits on her.
Forrest: Turns out, Jenny had gotten into some trouble over some photos of her and her college
sweater, and she was thrown out of school. But that wasn’t a bad thing, because a man who
owns a theater in Memphis, Tennessee saw those photos and offered Jenny a job singing in a
show. The first chance I got, I took the bus up to Memphis to see her perform in that show.
Announcer: Give her a big hand, guys. Good job, Amber. And now for your listening and viewing
pleasure, direct from Hollywood, California, our very own beatnik♥ beauty, let’s give a big
round of applause to the luscious♥ Bobbie Dylan.
Jenny: (Singing a famous Bob Dylan song)
Jenny: How many roads must a man walk down
Before you can call him a man?
Yes .and how many seas must the white dove sail,
Before she sleeps in the sand?
Yes, and how many times must the cannon balls
Before they’re forever banned?
The answer, my friend ,is blowing in the wind .
Forrest: Her dream had come true. She was a folk singer.
Jenny: Hey, you stupid jerk♥. I’m singing a song here. Harry, get out here. Shut up! Forrest. What are
you doing here? What are you doing? Let me down! ... (outside) You can’t keep doing this,
Forrest. You can’t keep trying to rescue me all the time.
Forrest: They was trying to grab♥ you.
Jenny: A lot of people try to grab me. You can’t keep doing this all the time.
Forrest: I can’t help it. I love you.
Jenny: Forrest, you don’t know what love is. You remember that time we prayed, Forrest? We prayed
for God to turn me into a bird so I could fly far far away.
Forrest: Yes, I do.
Jenny: You think I could fly off this bridge?
Forrest: What do you mean, Jenny?
Jenny: Nothing .I gotta get out of here.
Forrest: Wait, Jenny.
Jenny: Forrest, you just stay away from me. OK? You stay away from me, please. (to driver) Can I
have a ride?
Driver: Where you going? Jenny: I don’t care.
Driver: Get in the truck.
Forrest: Bye bye, Jenny. They’re sending me to Vietnam. It’s this whole other country.
Jenny: (to driver) Just hang on a minute. (to Forrest) Listen, You promise me something, OK? If
you’re ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave. You just run, OK? Just run away.
Forrest: OK. Jenny. I’ll write you all the time.
Forrest: And just like that, she was gone.
Mrs.Gump: You come back safe to me. Do you hear?

(In Vietnam)
Song: Some guys were born to wave to the flag
Ooh, they’re red, white, and blue.
And when the band plays “Hail To The Chiep”
Ooh, they’ll point the cannon at you
It ain’t me.It ain’t me
I ain’t no senaton’s son
Forrest: Now they told us that Vietnam was going to be very different from the Untied States of
America. Except for all the beer cans and the barbecue♥, it was.
Bubba: I bet there’s shrimp all in these waters. They tell me these Vietnams is good shrimp. After we
win this war, and we take over something, we can get American shrimpers to come out and
shrimp these waters. Just shrimp all the time, man. So much shrimp...
Dan: You must be my FNGs♥.
Gump and Bubba: Morning, Sir! (saluting Dan)
Dan: Get your hands down. Do not salute me. There are goddam snipers♥ all around this area who
would love to grease♥ an officer. I’m Lieutenant Dan Tayler. Welcome to 4th Platoon.♥
What’s wrong with your lip?
Bubba: I was born with big gums, sir.
Dan: Yeah, well you better tuck that in♥. You’re going to get that caught on a tripwire♥. Where are you
boys from in the world?
Gump and Bubba: Alabama, sir!
Dan: You twins?
Gump: No, we are not relations, sir.
Dan: Look, it’s pretty basic here. Stick with me, and you learn from the guys who have been in
country for a while. You’ll be all right. There is one item of GI♥ gear♥ that can be the
difference between a live grunt♥ and dead grunt, socks. Cushion sole, OD green♥. Try and
keep your feet dry. When we’re out humpin’ I want you boys to remember to change your
socks whenever we stop. The Mekong♥ will eat a grunt’s feet right off his legs.
Supply officer: Seargent Sams.
Dan: Goddamnit! Where is that sling rope I told you to order?
Supply officer: I put in the requisition at batallion
Dan: Yeah, yeah well you call those sons-of-bitches♥.
Gump: Lieutenant Dan sure knew his stuff. I felt real lucky he was my lieutenant. He was from a long,
great, military tradition. Somebody in his family had fought, and died, in every single
American war.
Dan: Goddamit, kick some ass!
Gump: I guess you could say he had a lot to live up to.
Dan: So, you boys from Arkansas, huh? Well, I’ve been through there. Little Rock is a fine town. Now,
go shake down your gear. See a platoon Seargent. Draw what you need for the field. If you
boys are hungry, we’ve got steaks burning right over here. Two standing orders in this
platoon, one: take good care of your feet, two: try not to do anything stupid like getting
yourself killed.
Gump: I sure hope I don’t let him down.
Forrest: I got to see a lot of the countryside. We would take these real long walks and we were always
looking for this guy named Charlie It wasn’t always fun. Lieutenant Dan was always getting
these funny feelings about a rock or a trail or the road. So he’d tell us to “Get down!” “Shut
up!” So we did. Now I don’t know much about anything, but I think some of America’s best
young men served in this war. There was Dallas. Form Phoenix. Cleveland, he was from
Detroit. And Tex... well, I don’t remember where Tex comes from.
Dan: Ah, it was nothin’. 4th Platoon on your feet. You’ve got 10 klicks♥ to go ‘til that river. Move out.
Forrest: The good thing about Vietnam is there was always some place to go.
Dan: Fire in the hole! Now, check out that hole.
Forrest: And there was always something to do. One day, it started raining. And it didn’t quit for four
months. We’ve been through every kind of rain there is. A little bit of stinging♥ rain. And big
old fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight
up from underneath. Shoot♥! It even rained at night.
Bubba: Hey, Forrest?
Gump: Hey, Bubba.
Bubba: I’m going to lean against you. You just lean right back against me. This way, we don’t have to
sleep with our heads on the mud. You know why we’re a good partnership, Forrest? ‘Cause
we be watchin’ out for one another. Like brothers and stuff. Hey, Forrest. There’s somethin’
I’ve been thinkin’ ‘bout. I’ve got a very important question to ask you. How would you like
to go into the shrimpin’ business with me?
Gump: OK.
Bubba: Man, I’ll tell you what. I’ve got it all figured out too. So many pounds of shrimp to pay-off the
boat. So many pounds for gas. We can just live right on the boat. We ain’t got to pay no rent.
I’ll be the captain and we can just work it together. Split everything right down the middle.
Man, I’m telling you, 50-50. Now hey, Forrest, all the shrimp you can eat.
Gump: That’s a fine idea.
Forrest: Bubba did have a fine idea. I even wrote Jenny and told her all about it. I sent her letters, not
everyday, but almost. I told her what I was doing, and asked her what she was doing. And
told her how I thought about her always, and how I was looking forward to getting a letter
from her, just as soon as she had the time. I’d always let her know that I was OK. Then I
signed each letter “Love, Forrest Gump” .. One day, we was out walking, like always and
then, just like that, somebody turned off the rain and the sun come out.

(fighting in the jungle)

Dan: Run, goddammit! Run!
Forrest: I ran and ran, just like Jenny told me to. I ran so far so fast, that pretty soon, I was all by
myself, which was a bad thing. Bubba was my best good friend, I had to make sure that he
was OK. And on my way back to find Bubba, well there was this boy lying on the ground. I
couldn’t just let him lay there all alone, scared the way he was, so I grabbed him up and run
him out of there. And every time I went back looking for Bubba, somebody else was saying
“Help me, Forrest. Help me.” I started to get scared that I might never find Bubba.
Dan: I know my position. There’s danger close. We got Charlie all over this area. I got to have those
fast-movers♥ in there now, over.
Gump: Lieutenant Dan, Coleman is dead.
Dan: I know he’s dead. My whole goddamm platoon is wiped out. Gaddamn it! What are you doing?
You leave me here. Get away. Get out. I said leave me here, goddammit!
Radio: This is Strongarm. Your first movers are inbound♥ at this time, over.
Forrest: Then, it felt like somethin’ just jumped up and bit me.
Dan: I can’t leave the platoon. I told you to leave me there, Gump! Forget about me. Get yourself out.
Did you hear what I said? Goddanmit, put me down. Get your ass out of here. I didn’t ask
you to pull me out of there, goddamn you. Where the hell do you think you’re going?
Gump: To get Bubba.
Dan: I’ve got an airstrike inbound right now. They’re going to napalm♥ the whole area. Gump, you
stay here, goddammit. That’s’ an order!
Gump: I gotta find Bubba!
Bubba: Forrest. OK, Forrest. I’m OK.
Gump: Oh, Bubba. No.
Bubba: I’ll be alright.
Forrest: If I had known this was going to be the last time me and Bubba was going to talk, I’d have
thought of something better to say.
Gump: Hey, Bubba.
Bubba: Hey, Forrest. Forrest? Why did this happen?
Gump: You got shot.
Forrest: Then, Bubba said somethin’ I won’t never forget.
Bubba: I want to go home.
Forrest: Bubba was my best good friend, and even I know that ain’t somethin’ you can find just
around the corner. Bubba, was going to be a shrimpin’ boat captain. But instead, he died
right there by that river in Vietnam. That’s all I have to say about that. Man: It was a bullet,
wasn’t it? Forrest: A bullet?
Man: That jumped up and bit ya.
Forrest: Oh, yes sir. It bit me directly in the buttocks♥. They said it was a million dollar wound but the
army must keep that money because I still haven’t seen a nickel of that million dollars. The
only good thing about being wounded in the buttocks is the ice cream. They gave me all the
ice cream I could eat. And guess what? A good friend of mine was in the bed, right next
Gump: Lieutenant Dan. I got you some ice cream. Lieutenant Dan, Ice cream!
Nurse: It’s time for your bath lieutenant.
Mailman: Harper ,Cooper ,Larson. Webster. Gump. Gump.
Gump: I’m Forrest Gump.
Mailman: Pile, Nichols Maclviill . Johnson.
(Forrest received all the returned letters that he wrote to Jenny.)
Soldier: Gump, how can you watch that stupid shit? Turn it off .Good. Catch! Gump. You know how
to play this? C’mon, let me show you. Now the secret to this game is, no matter what
happens, never, ever take your eye off the ball. All right.
Forrest: For some reason, Ping-pong came very natural to me. So I started playing it all the time. I
played Ping-pong even when I didn’t have anyone to play Ping-pong with. The hospital
people said, it make me look like a duck in water, whatever that means. Even Lieutenant
Dan would come and watch me play. I played Ping-pong so much, I even played it in my
Dan: You listen to me. We all have a destiny♥. Nothing just happens, it’s all part of a plan. I should
have died out there with my men. But now, I’m nothing but a goddamn cripple. A legless
freak♥. Look. Look at me. Do you know what it’s like not to be able to use your legs?
Gump: Yes, sir. I do.
Dan: Did you hear what I said? You cheated me. I had a destiny. I was supposed to die in the field,
with honor. That was my destiny and you cheated me out of it. Do you understand what I’m
saying, Gump. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Not to me. I had a destiny. I was Lieutenant
Dan Taylor.
Gump: You still Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Look at me. What am I going to do now? What am I going to do now?
Officer: PVT♥ Gump.
Gump: Yes, sir!
Officer: As you were. Son, you’ve been awarded the medal of honor.
Gump: Guess what, Lieutenant Dan. They want to give me.... Ma’am, what did they do with
Lieutenant Dan?
Nurse: They sent him home.

Forrest: Two weeks later, I left Vietnam.

第二部分 重点语汇

Get your maggoty ass on the bus!
1. 指臀部:
He tripped and fell flat on the ass.
2. get off one’s ass
Stop being lazy. Get off your ass and do something!
3. kick some ass 亮一手
We’ll kick some ass this afternoon at the match.
4. be on someone’s ass
You have been on my ass ever since New York.
5. get your ass over here: 相当于come quickly 过来
Get your ass over here. I need some more help.
6. kiss my ass
God is listening? Well, kiss my crippled ass!
7. risk one’s ass
Why should I risk my ass?
8. bust one’s ass
He busts his ass all day long to get the book finished on time.
This seat is taken.
1. It used to be I ran to get where I was going; I never thought it would take me anywhere.
2. Let’s take a little walk around.
3. I always take you seriously.
4. I’m glad that I took English Literature my junior year.
5. Jenny has got what it takes to be a wonderful singer.
God damn it !
大家看到的就是一个常用的诅咒语:damn. 原意是该入地狱的,现在口语中还保留了这层
含义。如本句的意思就是:遭天杀的。它的变体是:goddamn、dammit,或者 damn it。
1. The damn thing is indestructible.
2. It’s damn cold this winter.
3. Damn! I left my keys in the car.
4. I’ll be damned!
5. I will be damned if I didn’t forget your name.
6. You’re a godamn genius. You must have a godamn I.Q.of 160.
你真他妈的是个天才。你的智商肯定是他妈的 160。
put together
Gump! How did you put that weapon together so quickly?
put together 这个词组既简单又实用,大家要把它作为必记单词,掌握它的各种用法。
1. We put together all the coins.
2. I tore the radio only found that I could never put it together.
3. We’re putting together a dictionary of phrasal verbs.
4. During the match, he scored more points than the rest of the team put together.
5. Put yourself together. You have a lot more important things to do.
Give her a big hand/ Give a round of applause to…
为了鼓励某位学生的发言,老师会说:“Let’s give him/her a big hand.”相当于汉语的“掌声鼓
励。”往往是在演出或讲演完毕时,听众为 了表达感激和深有同感,而热烈地拍巴掌。“Give
a round of applause to”也是在公众场合会用到的词组,表示“掌声有请”的意思,类似表达还
有“give it up for”
1. Let’s give a round of applause to this nice young scholar from MIT.
2. Now please give it up for the dazzling vocal star
Get out of here Get out of here!
免的,很多时候,大家听到的发音类似“get outta here”。如果为了表示强调,大家还应熟知
Get your ass out of here ! 你立马给我滚蛋!
1. We’re having a meeting now. Get out of here!
2. If you still want to catch the plane, we should get out of here as soon as possible.
3. He decided to get out of the shrimping business.
4. Cigars in bed? I got him out of that habit.
5. You wrote the article? Get out of here!
be born
I was born with big gums, sir.
“be born with”是“先天,天生”的意思。
1. Jenny was born with angel’s voice.
请大家注意 born 的其他用法:
2. Joe was born into a wealthy family.
3. That poor little creature was born deaf.
4. He was born leader/teacher/pianist.
5. That’s Joe, being born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
For some reason, ping pong came very natural to me.
1. Chess came very natural to him when he was first introduced to the game.
2. Singing seems to come quite natural to her.
3. It comes natural to him to do that.

第三部分 经典句型

*I was already getting yelled at.

大家注意在美国口语的表达方式上, 助动词“be”和“get”在很多场合下可以互用,如:
1. Bubba got/was killed in the war. Bubba
2. They got/were married last week.
3. Ben got ditched by his girlfriend again. Ben
4. I was looking into buying a boat on my own and then I got drafted.

*I’m talking about a shrimp catching boat.

1) Don’t forget, I’m talking about a country where women are still forbidden to go to school.
2) 别忘了,我们谈及的是一个妇女不准接受教育的国家。
动词“talk”在口语中类似的用法还很多,例如:know what you are talking about 指一个人深
3) I’ve been in this business for years, I know what I’m talking about.
4) You listen to that old man. He knows what he is talking about.
talk about rich/luck 说到,谈及(富有/幸运)
5) Talk about luck! He won the lottery this week.

*What’s wrong with your lip?

发现有任何不对的地方或者想表示反对意见,你都可以用“What’s wrong with…”这个句型。
1. --What’s wrong with this telephone? There is no sound when I pick it up.
--There is nothing wrong with it. We just forgot to plug it in.
2. What’s wrong with eating meat? I think it’s quite natural.
3. --What’s wrong? You seem to be worried. --Nothing serious.
--怎么了?你好象很着急。 --没什么。
Now I don’t know much about anything. But I think some of America’s best young men served in
this war.
1. I don’t know much. But I know that I love you.
2. He doesn’t know much about anything. But he surely knows how to get along with those girls.
3. Even I know that ain’t something that you can find just around the corner.
4. I’m not a smart man ,But I know what love is.

*Man, I’m telling you, 50-50.

“I’m telling you”这个句型,是用来表示强调的。当某件事情好的如同天上掉下馅饼时,或
1. I’m telling you, Jenny, I’ve never seen such a beautiful scene in my whole life.
2. Guys, I’m telling you, my next-door neighbor is a murderer at large for five years.

*I played ping pong so much, I even played it in my sleep.

I ran so far, so fast that pretty soon, I was all by myself.
语中却不是应用的很多,即使使用,也不会教条地说成“so…that”,而像上面的首例中 that
1. The lecture was so boring, that I fell asleep.
2. He was so tired he even could’t stand up.
1.There were so many curtain calls that the singer lost count of them.
2. The singer lost count of the number of curtain calls.

第四部分 美语思维

1. People call me Bubba, just like one of them redneck boys. Can you believe it?
“redneck boy”在美国英语中带有强烈的地域色彩,专门用来指代那些非常土气的农民们。
保守的意思。往往他们受的教育有限,同时还是不可救药的种族主义分子,奉行性 别歧视,对
的只有这些白人农民,粗人比如农场主、牛仔等等,黑人是不会被冠以如此称谓的,因此 Bubba
对自己竟然拥有白人专有的绰号,觉得有些不可思议,所以他问阿甘 “你能相信么?”。

2. God damn it! Gump. You’re a goddamn genius. You must have a god-damned I.Q.of160.
这句话是新兵营里的教官听到阿甘表明参军的目的时所发出来的惊叹。 典型的美国人思维
个智商起码 160 的天才,实际上在讽刺阿甘说的是不言而喻的大实话。军人的天职就是服从,

3. I can’t help it. I love you.

我们还记得当年阿甘去大学里看詹妮时,尽管詹妮对他大吼大叫,但阿甘只说了一句“I brought
you some chocolate. I’ll go back to my college now.”,可见阿甘对詹妮的关心和付出是不求任何回

4. If you’re ever in trouble, don’t try to be brave. You just run,OK? Just run away.
国人从小必须接受的就是安全和自救教育,老师们会一再告戒小学生怎样自我保 护和自救,而

5. And just like that she was gone.

抱怨,但一切都在一句“just like that”的短语中,表达他豁达坦然迎接命运安排的心境。后面大
“And just like that, she (Jenny) was gone, out of my life again!”
“And just like that, my service in the United States army was over!”
Just like that, somebody turned off the rain and the sun came out.

6. We were always looking for this guy named Charlie.

梦,可最后战死他乡,临终那句“I wanna go home”道出了无数美国士兵的心声,发人深省。越
战期间和阿感,Bubba 同龄的美国青年被送往越南,去打一场本无意义的战争,于是生灵涂炭,

7. I had a destiny, I was supposed to die in the field, with honor. That was my destinyand you
cheated me out of it. What am I going to do now?
的愿望尽毁在了一个I.Q.只有75 的士兵手里,其间的痛苦与无奈让这个自以为是的英雄生不如
对上帝的信仰。仿佛看破红尘,对命运的安排嗤之以鼻。事实上,Dan 中尉的命运起伏也与阿

8. They said it was a million dollar wound, but the army must keep that money because I still
haven’t seen a nickel of that million dollars.
会说,这个伤口值 100 万美元。只有阿甘会认死理,真地等待100万落到他头上,所以至今还

第一部分 原 文

Newsman: The ceremony was kicked off with a candid♥ speech by the president, regarding the need
for further escalation♥ of the War in Vietnam. President Johnson awarded for medals of
honor♥ to men from each of the armed services.
Johnson: America owes you a debt of gratitude♥, son. I understand you were wounded. Where were
you hit?
Gump: In the buttocks, sir. Johnson: That must be a sight. I’d kinda like to see that. ... Goddamn, son.
Forrest: After that, mama went to a hotel to lay down, so I went out for a walk to see our nation’s
capital. It’s a good thing mama was restin’ ‘ cause the streets were awfully crowded with
people looking at all the statues and monuments♥ and some of them people were loud and
pushy. Everywhere I went, I had to stand in line.
President: Hey, you’re a good man for doing this. Do it!
Forrest: There was this man givin’ a little talk, now for some reason, he was wearing an American flag
for a shirt. And he liked to say the F word a lot. F this and F that. And every time he said the
F word, people for some reason, well, they cheered.
Proester: Yeah! Yeah! Come on, man. Come up there. Tell us a little bit about the war, man.
Gump: The war in Vietnam?
Proteser: The war in Viet-Fuckin’-Nam! (The crowd cheers)
Forrest: There was only one thing I could say about the war in Vietnam.
Gump: Well, there’s only one thing I can say about the war in Vietnam. In Vietnam ...
Protester: Christ, what did he do with this?!
Man in crowd: We can’t hear you! We can’t hear anything! Speak up!
Gump: .... and that’s all I have to say about that.
Protester: That’s so .Right on, man. You said it all.What’s your name, man?
Gump: My name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.
Protester: Forrest Gump.
Jenny: Forrest! Forrest!
Gump: Jenny! Forrest: It was the happiest moment of my life. Jenny and me was just like peas and
carrots again. She showed me around and even introduced me to some of her new friends.
Black Panther: Shut that blind♥, man. And get your white ass away from that window. Don’t you
know we in a war here.
Jenny: He’s cool. He’s cool. He’s one of us.
Black Panther: Let me tell you about “us”. Our purpose here is to protect our black leaders from the
racial onslaught♥ of the pig♥ who used to brutalize our black leaders, rape our women and
destroy our black communities.
Westley: Who’s the baby-killer?
Jenny: This is my good friend I told you about. This is Forrest Gump. Forrest, this is Westley. Westley
and I lived together in Berkeley. He’s the president of the Berkeley chapter♥ of SDS♥.
Black Panther: Let me tell you something else. We are here to offer protect and help to all those who
need our help because we, the Black Panthers♥, are against the war in Vietnam. Yes, we are
against any war where black soldiers are sent to the front-line to die for a country that hates
them. Yes, we are against any war where black soldiers go to fight and come to be brutalized
and killed in their own communities as they sleep in their beds at night. Yes, we are
Westley: I shouldn’t have brought you here. I should have known it was just going to be some bullshit
Gump: He should not be hitting you, Jenny.
Jenny: Come on, Forrest.
Gump: Sorry, I had a fight in the middle of your Black Panther Party.
Jenny: He doesn’t mean it when he does things like this.
Gump: I would never hurt you, Jenny.
Jenny: I know you wouldn’t, Forrest.
Gump: I wanted to be your boyfriend.
Jenny: That uniform is a trip, Forrest. You look handsome in it! You do.
Gump: You know what?
Jenny: What?
Gump: I’m glad we are here together in our nation’s capital.
Jenny: Me too, Forrest.
Forrest: We walked around all night, Jenny and me, just talkin’. She told me about all the traveling
she’d done. How she discovered ways to expand♥ her mind and learn how to live in
harmony♥, which must be out west somewhere ‘cause she made it all the way to California.
Boy: Hey, anybody want to go to San Francisco?
Jenny: I’ll go.
Forrest: It was a very special night for the two of us. I didn’t want it to end.
Gump: I wish you wouldn’t go, Jenny.
Jenny: I have to, Forrest.
Westley: Jenny, things got a little out of hand. It’s just this war and that lying son-of-a-bitch Johnson. I
would never hurt you. You know that.
Gump: You know what I think. I think you should go home to Greenbow, Alabama!
Jenny: Forrest,we have very different lives,you know.
Gump: I want you to have this.
Jenny: Forrest, I can’t keep this.
Gump: I got it just by doing what you told me to do.
Jenny: Why are you so good to me?
Gump: You’re my girl.
Jenny: I’ll always be your girl. Forrest: And just like that, she was gone,out of my life again.
Neil Armstrong (Astronaut): That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap♥ for mankind...
Forrest: I thought I was going back to Vietnam but instead they decided the best way for me to fight
the communists♥ was to play Ping-pong. So I was in the special services, traveling around
the country, cheering up all those wounded veterans♥ and showin’ how to play Ping-pong. I
was so good that some years later, the army decide that I should be on the All-American
Ping-pong Team. I was the first American to visit the land of China in like a million years or
something like that. Somebody said world peace was in our hands. But all I did was to play
Ping-pong. When I got home, I was a national celebrity♥. Famouser even than Captain
TV Host: Here he is, Forrest Gump, right here. Forrest Gump, John Lennon.
John: Welcome home.
TV Host: Can you tell us, what was China like?
Forrest: In the land of China, people hardly got nothin’at all.
John: No possessions♥?
Forrest: And in China, they never go to church.
John: No religion♥, too?
TV Host: Wow. It’s hard to imagine♥.
John: Well, it’s easy if you try, Dick. Forrest: Some years later, that nice young man from England was
on his way home to see his little boy, and was signing some autographs♥. For no particular
reason at all, somebody shot him.
Dan: They gave you, the congressional♥ Medal of Honor.
Gump: Now that’s Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan!
Dan: They gave you the congressional Medal of Honor.
Gump: Yes, sir. They surely did.
Dan: They gave you, an imbecile♥, a moron who goes on television and makes a fool out of himself,
in front of the whole damn country, the congressional Medal of Honor.
Gump: Yes, sir.
Dan: Well, that’s just perfect. Well I’ve one thing to say to that Goddamn bless America. Whoa!
Forrest: Lieutenant Dan said he was living in a hotel and he said because he didn’t have no legs, he
spent most of his time exercising his arms.
Dan: Take a right. Take a right.
Gump: What do you do here in New York, Lieutenant Dan?
Dan: I’m living off the government tit... Hey, Hey! Are you blind? I’m walking here!
Forrest: I stayed with Lieutenant Dan and celebrated the holidays.
Dan: Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?
Gump: I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir. Dan: Ha! That’s all these cripples
down at the VA♥. That’s all they ever talk about. Jesus this and Jesus that. Have I found
Jesus? They even had a priest come and talk to me. He said “God is listening, but I have to
help myself. Now if I accept Jesus into my heart, I’ll get to walk beside him in the kingdom
of heaven.” Did you hear what I said? “Walk” beside him in the kingdom of heaven. Well,
kiss my crippled ass. God is listening? What a crock♥ of shit.
Gump: I’m going to heaven, Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Huh? Well before you go, why don’t you get your ass down to the corner and get us another
bottle of ripple♥. (later) What the hell is in Bayou La Batre?
Gump: Shrimpin’ boats.
Dan: Shrimpin’ boats? Who gives a shit about shrimpin’ boats?
Gump: I’m gonna buy me one of them shrimpin’ boats as soon as I have some money. I made me a
promise to Bubba in Vietnam, that as soon as the war was over we’d go in partners. He’d be
the captain of the ship. I’d be his first mate. But now that he’s dead, that means I gotta be the
Dan: A shrimpin’ boat captain?
Gump: Yes, sir. A promise is a promise, Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Ha-Ha! Now hear this. Private Gump here is going to be a shrimp boat captain! I’ll tell you what,
Gillian♥, the day that you are a shrimp boat captain, I will come and be your first mate. If
you’re ever a shrimp boat captain, that’s the day I’m an astronaut.
Carla: Danny, what are you waving about?
Lenora: Who’s your friend?
Gump: My name’s Forrest. Forrest Gump.
Dan: This is cunning Carla and Long-Limbs Lenora.
Lenora: Where you been baby cakes? Huh? I haven’t seen you around lately. You know you should
have been here for Christmas because Tommy bought a round on the house and gave
everybody a turkey sandwich.
Dan: Well, well. I had company.
Lenora: Hey, hey! We was just there. That’s Times Square.
Carla: Don’t you just love New Years? You can start all over. Everybody gets a second chance.
Forrest: It’s funny. But in the middle of all that fun, I began to think about Jenny, wondering how she
was spending her New Years in California.(later) Happy New Year, Lieutenemt Dan.
(In Dan’s hotel)
Carla: What? Are you stupid or something? What’s your problem? What’s his problem? Did you lose
your pecker♥ in the war or something?
Lenora: What? Is your friend stupid or something?
Dan: What did you say?
Lenora: I said “Is your friend stupid or something?”
Dan: Don’t call him stupid.
Carla: Don’t push her.
Dan: You shut up. Don’t you ever call him stupid. Get the hell out of here.
Lenora: You should be in a sideshow♥! You retard♥!
Carla: You loser. You freak.
Gump: I’m sorry I ruined your New Year Eve party Lieutenant Dan. She tastes like cigarettes.
Forrest: I guess Lieutenant Dan figured there were some things you just can’t change. He didn’t want
to be called crippled just like I didn’t want to be called stupid.
Dan: Happy New Year, Gump.
Newsman: The US Ping-pong Team met with President Nixon today at a ...
Forrest: And wouldn’t you know it, a few months later, they invited me and the Ping-pong team to
visit the White House, so I went, again. And I met the president of the United States, again.
Only this time they didn’t get us rooms in real fancy♥ hotels.
Nixon: So are you enjoying yourself in our nation’s capital, young man?
Gump: Yes, sir.
Nixon: Well, where are you staying?
Gump: It’s called the Hotel Ebot.
Nixon: No, no, no. I know a much nicer hotel, It’s brand new♥, very modern. I’ll have my people take
care of it for you.
(that night)
Man on telephone: Security♥, Frank Wells.
Gump: Yes, sir. You might want to send a maintenance♥ man over to that office across the way. The
lights are off and they must be looking for a fuse box or something ‘cause them flashlights,
they’re keeping me awake... Thank you.Good night.
Nixon: Therefore, I shall resign♥ the presidency effective at noon tomorrow. Vice President Ford will
be sworn in as president at that hour in this office...
Officer: Forrest Gump!
Gump: Yes, sir.
Officer: As you were. I have your discharge papers. Service is up, son.
Gump: Does this mean I can’t play Ping-pong no more?
Officer: For the army it does.
Forrest: And just like that, my service in the United States Army was over. So I went home.

第二部分 重点词汇

kick off
The ceremony was kicked off with a candid speech by the president.
The match kicked off at three.
2. 开始,引起
The concert kicked off with a folk song.
3. 出发
Are you ready to kick off now?
America owes you a debt of gratitude.
1. We owe our business partners a lot.
2. He owes me a favor.
3. I owe him twenty bucks.
IOU: I owe you
4. His success owes more to good luck.
5. 应该做:
Neither he nor Jenny owes me an explanation.
It was the happiest moment of my life.
Moment 这个单词是大家早就熟悉的。但是在美国口语中,它的某些习惯用法和搭配却是
1. 极好(重要,得意)的时刻
1) Meeting him at the party was for me a great moment.
2) It’s my moment.
2. 当前的红人,眼下的要人或物
Her boyfriend is the man of the moment to her.
3. 流行(得意、走红的时刻)
1) The new album has its moments right now.
2) I may be old now, but I had had my moments.
4. 暂时,目前
I want to leave it alone for the moment.
be supposed to
I didn’t know I was supposed to look for him.
Be supposed to 是口语里的一个常用表达法,表示“应该”做某事,这也是它最常用的一个意
1. 1) He is supposed to be here by eight.
2) We are not supposed to smoke in the library.
2. 用来描述一件本应发生却没能发生的事情。
1) The new laws were supposed to reduce crime.
2) The concert was supposed to take place at 7. But we had to postpone it because of the snow.
3. Be supposed to be 是被公认的意思。
The movie is supposed to be the best of the actor’s.
this and that
Jesus this and Jesus that.
在本片的前半部分,我们已经听阿甘讲过,那个年轻人讲话口口带脏字,所谓的“F this and
F that.”。在口语里的this and that有不胜枚举的意思,非常生动。
1. From the moment I knew Micheal, all I heard was Julian this and Julian that.
2. Why this and why that. Give me a break, ok?
Tommy bought a round on the house…
1. 由…请客,付钱
Have another drink on me.
2. 在使用
Shut up! I’m on the phone.
3. 随身携带
By the way, do you have any money on you?
4. 服药成瘾,定期服用
He has become a totally different person since he has been on heroin.

第三部分 经典句型

*It’s a good thing mama was restin’ ‘cause the streets were awfully crowded.
动、小感慨时, “It’s a good thing”这样的句型是非常达意的,再如:
1. It’s a good thing that you are here for the ceremony.
2. It’s a wonderful thing to have so many devoted friends.
3. It’s a big thing to have you home for Christmas.

*Anybody wants to go to San Francisco?

我们大家熟悉的句型是:Does anybody want to go to San Francisco? 在口语表达中,语言并
1. Anything wrong with this machine?
2. Anything else to say?
3. Anyone else wants a ticket?
4. Something new?

*Before you go, why don’t you get your ass down to the corner and get us another bottle of
“why not”引导的句子适用于提出建议之用,这是口语中的常用句型,相当于汉语中的“还
1. Why not make your own Halloween costume instead of buying one?
2. Why don’t you call him up for some advice?
Why don’t you come and watch the movie with us tonight?
Why not give it a try?

*But now that he is dead, that means I gotta be the captain.

“now that”引导的句型有“事已至此”的含义,注意它在口语中的应用和“since”颇有相似之
1. Now that you’re here, why not have a drink?
2. Now that Joe is out of town, we’ll have the party without him. Joe

*Don’t you just love new years?

Don’t you love New York in the fall?
Don’t you hate the traffic at this hour of the day?

*Is your friend stupid or something?

大家已经很熟悉的一句话,就是在阿甘的成长过程中被不断问及的“Are you stupid or
something?”,其中包含了美国口语表达中很常用的一个句型,“or something”,表示说话人
His father is this millionaire or something.
She said she was visiting a friend or something.
She looks tired! Is she sick or something?
第四部分 美语思维

1.Who’s the baby-killer?

动的是 1968年美国大兵们在美莱(Mylai)的大屠杀。他们的所作所为传回到美国本土后,更
是激起了民众的震惊和学生们的新一轮反战高潮, 阿甘在华盛顿的林肯纪念堂前所看到的就是

2. -I wanted to be your boyfriend.

-That uniform is a trip.
詹妮说“我爱你”的时候,换来的是一句斩钉截铁的“You don’t know what love is.”,可见随着岁月
言往往是一个人的生活状态的最佳载体,詹妮说的“trip”,原意指的是吸食致幻药物,如 LSD
(lysergic acid diethylamide)后产生的刺激性的体验。这里是说阿甘穿着军装简直酷毙了,这当
妮已然和毒品沾边了。她一贯的叛逆和不甘平庸却又一次把 她带向了迷茫与堕落。詹妮的生活

3. How she discovered ways to expand her mind and learn how to live in harmony, which must
be out west somewhere, ‘cause she made it all the way to California.
动(Hippie) 。他们由反越战到反战,反战扩展到反帝国主义,骂警察是猪,骂所有的当权者,
解放之中,他们当时最著名的口号是“Make love,not war”(要做爱,不要作战)。这一切的中心地
妮等嬉皮士们生活的概括。句中“expand her mind and learn how to live in harmony”尤其代表了当
时的时代精神,即所谓“扩大胸怀,学会如何和谐生活”,这只不过是詹妮在吸食了LSD 的幻觉

4. -Why are you so good to me?

-You are my girl.

5. -Have you found Jesus yet, Gump?

-I didn’t know I was supposed to be looking for him, sir.

6. He didn’t want to be called crippled just like I don’t want to be called stupid.


第一部分 原文

Gump: I’m home, Mama. Mrs.

Gump: I know, I know. Forrest: Now, when I got home, I had no idea. But mama had all sorts of
Mrs.Gump: We’ve had all sorts of visitors, Forrest. Everybody wants you to use their Ping- pong stuff.
One man even left a check for $25,000 if you’d be agreeable♥ to saying you like using their
Gump: Oh, mama, I only like using my own paddle. Hi, Miss Louise.
Mrs.Gump: I know that. I know that. But it’s $25,000, Forrest. I thought maybe you could hold it for a
while see if it grows on you.
Forrest: That mama. She sure was right. It’s funny how things work out. I didn’t stay home for long
because I’d made a promise to Bubba and I always got to keep my promise. So I went on
down to Bayou La Batre to meet Bubba’s family and make their introduction. Mrs.Blue: Are
you crazy or just plain stupid? Gump: Stupid is as stupid does, Mrs.Blue.
Mrs.Blue: I guess.
Gump: And of course, I paid my respect to Bubba himself.
Gump: Hey, Bubba. It’s me, Forrest Gump. I remember everything you said and I got it all figured out.
I’m taking the $24,562.47 that I got, that’s left after a new haircut and a new suit and took
mama out to a real fancy dinner and I bought a bus ticket and three Dr. Peppers.
Boat Salesman: Tell me something. Are you stupid or something?
Gump: Stupid is as stupid does, sir... That’s what’s left after me saying “When I was in China on the
All-American Ping Pong team, I just loved playing ping pong with my Flexolite ping pong
paddle”, which everyone knows isn’t true. But mama said it was just a little white lie♥ so it
wouldn’t hurt nobody. So anyway, I’m putting all that on gas, ropes, new nets, a brand new♥
shrimpin’ boat.
Forrest: Now, Bubba told me everything he knew about shrimpin’. But you know what I found out?
Shrimpin’ is tough.
Gump: I only caught five.
Boat Salesman: A couple more and you can have yourself a cocktail♥. Hey, you ever think about
naming this old boat? It’s bad luck to have a boat without a name.
Forrest: I’d never named a boat before. But there was only one I could think of, the most beautiful
name in the wide world. Now I hadn’t heard from Jenny in a long while. But I thought about
her a lot and I hoped that whatever she was doing made her happy. (Jenny almost commits
suicide) I thought about Jenny all the time.
Gump: Lieutenant Dan! What are you doing here?
Dan: Well, I thought I’d try out my sea-legs♥.
Gump: You ain’t got no legs, Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Yes, I know that. You wrote me a letter, you idiot. Well, well. Captain Forrest Gump. I had to see
this for myself. And, I told you if you were ever a shrimp boat captain, that I’d be your first
mate. Well, here I am. I am a man of my word.
Gump: OK.
Dan: Yeah, but don’t you be thinking that I’m going to be calling you sir.
Gump: No, sir... (Crash!) That’s my boat.
Dan: I have a feeling if we head due♥ east, we’ll find some shrimp, so take a left.Take a left.
Gump: Which way?
Dan: Over there. They’re over there. Get on the wheel and take a left.
Gump: OK.
Dan: Gump, what are you doing? Left! Take a left! That’s where we’re going to find those shrimp, my
boy! Ha ha! That’s where we’ll find ‘em.
Gump: Still no shrimp, Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: OK, so I was wrong.
Gump: How we gonna find them?
Dan: Maybe you should just pray for shrimp.
Forrest: So I went to church every Sunday. Sometimes Lieutenant Dan came too, though I think he left
the praying up to me.
Gump: No shrimp.
Dan: Where the hell is this God of yours?
Forrest: It’s funny Lieutenant Dan said that, because right then, God showed up. Now, me, I was
scared. But Lieutenant Dan, he was mad.
Dan: Come on! You call this a storm? C’mon you son-of-a-bitch, it’s time for a showdown♥: you and
me. I’m right here. Come and get me. You’ll never sink this boat.
Newsman: Hurricane Carmen came through here yesterday, destroying nearly everything in it’s path,
and as in other towns up and down the coast, Bayou La Batre’s entire shrimping industry has
fallen victim to Carmen as has been left in utter♥ ruin. Speaking with local officials, this
reporter has learned in fact only one shrimping boat actually survived♥ the storm.
Mrs.Gump: Louise. Louise, there’s Forrest.
Forrest: After that shrimpin’ was easy. Since people still needed them shrimps for shrimp cocktails and
barbecues and all and we were the only boat left standing, Bubba Gump shrimp is what they
got. We got a whole bunch of boats. Twelve Jennys. A big old warehouse♥. We even have
hats that say Bubba Gump on them. Bubba Gump Shrimp. It’s a household♥ name.
Listener: Hold on there boy. Are you tellin’ me that you’re the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp
Forrest: Yes, sir. We got more money than Davey Crocket.
Listener: Boy, I’ve heard some whoppers♥ in my time but that tops them all. We were sittin’ next to a
Woman: Well, I thought it was a very lovely story and you tell it so well, with such enthusiasm♥.
Forrest: Would you like to see what Lieutenant Dan looks like?
Woman: Yes, I would.
Forrest: That’s him right there, and let me tell you something about Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.
Forrest: He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God.
Margo: Base to Jenny One. Base to Jenny One.
Dan: Jenny One, go Margo.
Margo: Forrest had a phone call.
Dan: Well, you’ll have to tell them to call him back. He is indisposed♥ at the moment.
Margo: His mama’s sick.
Gump: Where’s mama?
Louise: She’s upstairs.
Mrs.Gump:Hi, Forrest.
Doctor: I’ll see you tomorrow. Sure got you straightened out, didn’t we, boy?
Gump: What’s the matter, mama?
Mrs.Gump: I’m dyin’, Forrest. Come on in, sit down over here.
Gump: Why are you dying, mama?
Mrs.Gump: It’s my time. It’s just my time. Oh, now don’t you be afraid, sweetheart. Death is just a
part of life, something we are all destined to do. I didn’t know it, but I was destined to be
your mama. I did the best I could.
Gump: You did good, mama.
Mrs.GUmp: Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best with what
God gave you.
Gump: What’s my destiny, mom?
Mrs.Gump:You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates, Forrest.
You never know what you’re going to get.
Forrest: Mama always had a way of explaining things so that I could understand them.
Mrs.Gump: I will miss you, Forrest.
Forrest: She had got the cancer and died on a Tuesday. I bought her a new hat with little flowers on it.
And that’s all I have to say about that. Didn’t you say you were waiting for the number
seven bus?
Woman: There’ll be another one along shortly.

第二部分 重点语汇

grow on
I thought maybe you could hold it for a while see if it grows on you.
“grow on”是一个形象的词组,表达“喜欢上、习惯于”的一个渐进过程。
1) His theory is hard to understand. But after a while, it starts to grow on us.
2) I didn’t like the painting at first sight. But now it grows on me.
3) While staying abroad, she had been growing away from her family.
4) The couple has been growing apart for more than a year.
5) John has grown into a handsome guy.
6) You need more time to grow into the job.
I didn’t stay home for long because I’d made a promise to Bubba and I always got to keep my
因为和Bubba 曾经有约在先,所以我在家呆的时间不长,我必须得说话算话。
1. You promise me something, OK?
2. A promise is a promise, sir.
3. Don’t give promises you can’t keep.
4. You broke your promise to give up smoking cigars in bed.
5. Here I am. I am a man of my word.
6. Give me your word you won’t do that again.
7.-Do you swear to tell the truth,the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?
-Yes,I do.
Shrimping is tough.
活用:1. The reporter raised many tough questions at the news conference.
2. It’s tough to celebrate Christmas all by yourself.
3. God! That mother is so tough on her only child.
4. It’s tough on him: Helen ditched him and ran away with his best friend.
5. She is a pretty tough customer.
6. The steaks are a bit tough. I bet you don’t like them.
show up
出处:Because right then, god showed up.
解析:“show up”这个词组在本句里的主要意思是出现。
活用:1) He showed up late for his own wedding.
2) No one invited the couple to the party. They just showed up.
3) He always tries to show her up when his friends are around.
4) These accidents show up the deficiencies in their management.
5) I am determined to show up the deception.
6) The light shows up the paintings on the wall.
出处:Boy! I’ve heard some whoppers in my time but that tops them all.
活用:1. He is among the ten top tennis players in the world.
2. It’s a top class restaurant in town.
3. Jane came top in the contest.
4. Our profits have topped one million this year.
5. We topped off the performance with a folk dance.

第三部分 经典句型

*I have a feeling if we head due east, we’ll find some shrimp.

“I have a feeling…”这又是个典型的口语惯用句型。当我们来表达“我有一种感觉”,“我觉
1. I have a feeling that the man with the pipe is a big potato.
2. I have a feeling if we cross the river we’ll get to the village.
3. I have a feeling he must keep something on mind.
4. I have a feeling Germany will beat England in the final.

*Come on! You call this a storm?

值得注意的是这个简短的句型“You call this…”中表达的口气是惊讶,或者不满、不屑和挑
1. What? You call this success?
2. Waiter! You call this damn thing ice cream?
3. You call this movie? I don’t know what it’s gonna tell.

*Are you telling me that you’re the owner of the Bubba Gump Shrimp Co-operation?
你是说你是 Bubba Gump 捕虾公司的老板?
解析:1.“Are you telling me”这个句型当然并不仅仅表示“你在告诉我”,而是在口语运用中
1) Are you telling me all of my work has gone down to the drain?
2) Are you telling me you failed in the test again?
2. 类似的句型还包括:“You mean to tell me”,比如:
1) You mean to tell me I can’t have a drink and dance with an old friend?
2) You mean to tell me everything is booked solid up?

第四部分 美语思维

1. I’d never named a boat before, but there was only one I could think of, the most beautiful
name in the wide world .

2. –Still no shrimp, Lieutenant Dan.

--So I was wrong.
--How we gonna find them?
--Maybe you should just pray for shrimp.
难了” (Shrimping is tough)。但是阿甘的魅力在于他的锲而不舍,他一直在坚守着自己所做出
的一个客观事实(“还是没有虾”),而丹所说的“我错了”,一方面是他承认自己的直 觉有误,
如何才能捕到虾的时候,丹的回答更是将他的心思暴露无疑:只好企求老天爷赐虾了, 这实际

3、–Forrest, I never thanked you for saving my life.

--He never actually said so, but I think he made his peace with God.

4. Gump: Why are you dying, mama?

Mrs.Gump: It’s my time. It’s just my time. Oh, now don’t you be afraid sweetheart. Death is
just a part of life, something we are all destined to do. I didn’t know it, but I was
destined to be your mama. I did the best I could.
Gump: You did good, mama.
Mrs.Gump: Well, I happen to believe you make your own destiny. You have to do the best
with what God gave you.
Gump: What’s my destiny, mom?
Mrs.Gump: You’re going to have to figure that out for yourself. Life is a box of chocolates,
Forrest. You never know what you’re going to get.…
You did good, Mama. 大爱无语,天地动容,母亲临终那一句“I gonna miss you”一生一世的操劳
与牵挂,面对死亡时,虽然眷恋,也能含笑离 去,看在这里,我们应该为这位伟大的母亲起身

第一部分 原文

Forrest: Now because I’d been a football star, and a war hero, and a national celebrity and a shrimpin’
boat captain, and a college graduate, the city of Greenbow, Alabama decided to get together
and offered me a fine job. So I never went back to work for Lieutenant Dan, though he did
take care of my Bubba Gump money. He got me invested in some kind of fruit company so
then I got a call from him saying we don’t have to worry about money no more and I said,
“That’s good. One less thing.” Now mama said there’s only so much fortune a man really
needs and the rest is just for showin’ off. So, I gave a whole bunch of it to the Four Square
Gospel Church and a whole bunch to the Bayou la Batre Fishing Hospital. Even though
Bubba was dead, and Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts, I gave Bubba’s mama Bubba’s share♥.
You know what? She didn’t have to work in nobody’s kitchen no more and cause, I was a
gozillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free. But at night time when
there was nothing to do and the house was all empty, I would always think of Jenny... And
then, she was there.
Jenny: Hello, Forrest.
Gump: Hello, Jenny.
Forrest: Jenny came back and stayed with me. Maybe it was because she had nowhere else to go or
maybe it was because she was so tired ‘cause she went to bed and slept and slept like she
hadn’t slept in years. It was wonderful having her home. Everyday, we’d take a walk and I’d
jabber♥ on like a monkey in a tree and she’d listen about Ping-ponging and shrimping and
mama makin’ a trip up to heaven. I did all the talking. Jenny most of the time was real
quiet... Sometimes I guess there just aren’t enough rocks. I never really knew why she came
back, But I didn’t care. It was like olden times. We was like peas and carrots again.
Everyday, I’d pick pretty flowers and put them in her room for her. And she gave me the
best gift anyone could ever get in the wide world. And she even showed me how to dance.
And well, we was like family, Jenny and me, and it was the happiest time in my life.
Jenny: You done watching it?
Gump: Will you marry me? I’d make a good husband, Jenny.
Jenny: You would, Forrest.
Gump: But you don’t want to marry me.
Jenny: You won’t marry me.
Gump: Why don’t you love me, Jenny? I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is. ( later) Jenny?
Jenny: Forrest, I do love you.
Man: Where are you runnin’ off to?
Jenny: I’m not runnin’.
Forrest: That day, for no particular reason I decided to go for a little run so I ran to the end of the road.
And when I got there I thought maybe I’d run to the end of the town and when I got there, I
thought, maybe I’d just run across Greenbow County. And I figured since I run this far,
maybe I’ll just run across the great state of Alabama. And that’s what I did. I ran clear across
Alabama. For no particular reason I just kept on going. I ran clear to the ocean, and when I
got there, I figured since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn around and keep on going.
When I got to another ocean, I figured since I’d gone this far, I might as well turn back and
keep right on going. When I got tired, I slept. When I got hungry, I ate and when I had to
go… you know, I went.
Woman: And so, you just ran.
Forrest: Yeah, I’d think a lot, about mama, and Bubba and Lieutenant Dan. But most of all, I thought
about Jenny. I thought about her a lot.
Newsman: For more than two years now, a man named Forrest Gump, a gardner from Greenbow
Alabama, stopping only to sleep , has been running across America....
Newsman: For the fourth time on his journey across America, Forrest Gump, a gardener from
Greenbow, Alabama is about to cross the Mississippi River again today....
Jenny: I’ll be damned. Newsman: Sir, why are you running?
Newswoman: Are you doing this for world peace?
Newsman: Are you doing this for the homeless?
Newsman: Are you running for women’s rights?
Newsman: Or for the environment?
Newsman: Or for animals?
Forrest: They just couldn’t believe that someone would do all that running for no particular reason.
Newswoman: Why are you doing this?
Gump: I just felt like running.
Forrest: I just felt like running.
Jogger: It’s you! I can’t believe it’s really you.
Forrest: Now for some reason what I was doing seemed to make sense to people.
Jogger: I mean, it’s like an alarm went off in my head, you know. I said, here’s a guy who’s got his act
together♥. Here’s somebody who’s got it all figured out. Here’s someone who has the answer.
I’ll follow you anywhere, Mr.Gump.
Forrest: So, I got company. And after that, I got more company, and then, even more people joined in.
Somebody later told me it gave people hope. Now, I don’t know anything about that. But
some of those people asked me if I could help them out.
Man: Hey man. Hey, listen, I was wondering if you might help me. I’m in the bumper♥ sticker♥
business and I’ve been trying to think up a good slogan and since you have been such a big
inspiration♥ to the people around you. I thought you might be able to... Whoa! Man, you just
ran through a big pile of dog shit!
Gump: It happens.
Man: What? Shit?
Gump: Sometimes.
Forrest: And some years later I heard that that fella did come up with a bumper sticker slogan and he
made a lot of money out of it. Another time I was running along and somebody who had lost
all his money in the T-shirt business. He wanted to put my face on a T-shirt, but he couldn’t
draw that well and he didn’t have a camera.
Man: Here use this. Nobody likes that color anyway.
Gump: Have a nice day.
Forrest: Some years later, I found out that man did comp up with an idea for a T-shirt. He made a lot
of money out of it. Anyway, like I was saying, I had a lot of company. My mama always
said, “you’ve got to put the past behind you before you can move on”. And I think that’s
what my running was all about. I had ran for three years, two months, fourteen days and
sixteen hours.
Runner: Quiet. Quiet. He’s going to say something.
Gump: I’m pretty tired. I think I’ll go home now.
Runner: Now what are we supposed to do?
Forrest: And just like that, my runnin’ days was over. So I went home to Alabama.

Newsman: Moments ago, at 2:25 p.m. as President Reagan was leaving... Five or six gun shots were
fired by an unknown would-be assassin♥. The president was shot in the chest...
Louise: I picked up the mail.
Forrest: One day, out of blue clear sky♥, I got a letter from Jenny, wonderin’ if I could come down to
Savannah and see her, and that’s what I’m doing here. She saw me on TV runnin’. I’m
supposed to go on the number 9 bus to Richmond Street and get off and go one block left to
1947 Henry Street, Apartment 4.
Woman: Why, you don’t need take a bus, Herry Street is just five or six blocks down that way.
Forrest: Down that way?
Woman: Down that way.
Forrest: It was nice talking to you.
Woman: I hope everything works out for you.
Jenny: Forrest! How you doin’? Come in, come in.
Forrest: I got your letter.
Jenny: Oh! I was wondering about that.
Forrest: This is your house.
Jenny: Yeah, it’s messy right now, I just got off work.
Forrest: It’s nice. You’ve got air-conditioning.
Jenny: Thank you.
Forrest: I ate some.
Jenny: I kept a scrapbook♥ of your clippings♥ and everything. There you are. I got you running.
Forrest: I ran a long way. It was a long time.
Jenny: Listen, Forrest, I don’t know how to say this... I just, I want to apologize for anything I ever did
to you ‘cause I was messed up for a long time and...
Baby-sitter: Yoohoo♥! Hi!
Jenny: Hey you! This is an old friend from Alabama.
Baby-sitter: Hi, how do you do?
Jenny: Listen, next week my schedule changes, so I’ll be able to...
Baby-sitter: No problem. Gotta go, Jen. I’m double parked♥. Bye!
Jenny: This is my very good friend, Mr. Gump. Can you say hi to him?
Little Forrest: Hello, Mr.Gump.
Forrest: Hello.
Little Forrest: Can I go watch TV now?
Jenny: Yes you can, just keep it low.
Forrest: You’re a mama, Jenny.
Jenny: I’m a mama. His name is Forrest.
Forrest: Like me!
Jenny: I named him after his daddy.
Forrest: He’s got a daddy named Forrest, too?
Jenny: You’re his daddy, Forrest. Hey, Forrest, look at me. There’s nothing you need to do. You didn’t
do anything wrong. OK? Isn’t he beautiful?
Forrest: He’s the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. But, is he smart or is he...
Jenny: He’s very smart. He’s one of the smartest in his class. Yeah, it’s OK. Go talk to him... Forrest,
I’m sick.
Forrest: What, do you have a cough due to a cold?
Jenny: I have some kind of virus♥ and the doctors don’t know what it is and there isn’t anything they
can do about it.
Forrest: You can come home with me, Jenny. You and little Forrest could come stay at my house in
Greenbow. I’ll take care of you if you’re sick. Jenny: Would you marry me, Forrest?
Forrest: OK.
Louise: Forrest, it’s time to start.
Jenny: Hi. Your tie.
Forrest: Lieutenant Dan. Lieutenant Dan.
Dan: Hello, Forrest.
Forrest: You got new legs. New legs.
Dan: Yeah, I got new legs. Custom made. Titanium♥ alloy♥. It’s what they use on the space shuttle♥.
Forrest: Magic legs. Dan: This is my fiancée, Susan.
Forrest: Lieutenant Dan.
Susan: Hi, Forrest.
Forrest: Lieutenant Dan, this is my Jenny.
Jenny: Hi. It’s nice to meet you finally.
Priest: Do you, Forrest, take Jenny to be your wife? Do you, Jenny, take Forrest to be your husband?
Jenny: Hey.
Forrest: Hey.
Jenny: Hey, Forrest. Were you scared in Vietnam?
Forrest: Yes, well, I don’t know. Sometimes it would stop raining long enough for the stars to come
out and then it was nice; it was like just before the sun goes to bed down on the bayou♥.
There was over a million sparkles♥ on the water. That mountain lake was so clear, Jenny, it
looked like it was two skies, one on top of the other. And then in the desert, when the sun
comes up, I couldn’t tell where heaven stopped and the Earth began. It was so beautiful.
Jenny: I wish I could have been there with you.
Forrest: You were.
Jenny: I love you.
Forrest: You died on a Saturday morning and I had you placed here under our tree. And I had that
house of your father’s bulldozed♥ to the ground. Mama always said dying was a part of life.
I sure wish it wasn’t. Little Forrest is doing just fine. He’s about to start school again soon. I
make his breakfast, lunch and dinner everyday. I make sure he combs his hair and brushes
his teeth everyday. I’m teachin’ him how to play Ping-pong .He’s really good. We fish a lot,
and every night we read a book. He’s so smart, Jenny. You’d be so proud of him. I am. He
even wrote you a letter. He says I can’t read it. I’m not supposed to .It’s Forrest’s. So I’ll just
leave it here for you. Jenny, I don’t know if mama was right or if it’s Lieutenant Dan. I don’t
know if we each have a destiny or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like♥, on a
breeze. But I think that maybe it’s both. Maybe both are happening at the same time. I miss
you , Jenny . If there’s anything you need, I won’t be far away.

Forrest: Here’s your bus. OK. Hey, I know this.
Little Forrest: I’m going to show that for show-and-tell because grandma used to read it to you.
Forrest: My favorite book. OK. Here you go. Hey, Forrest, Don’t….I want to tell you I love you.
Little Forrest: I love you too, daddy.
Forrest: I’ll be right here when you get back.
Dorothy: You understand that this is the bus to the school now, don’t you?
Little Forrest: Of course, and you’re Dorothy Harris, and I am Forrest Gump.

第二部分 重要词汇

take care of
出处:Though he did take care of my Bubba Gump money.
解析:take care of 原意是照顾、照料,在口语中,这个词组还有许多引申意, 如:
1. You all go to the picnic. I’ll take care of the cleaning.
2. He is a real good manager of this department, but always fails to take care of his own
3. Next time you see a rat, just let me take care of it.
4. The police will take care of the thief.
出处:Lieutenant Dan said I was nuts.
活用:1. The noise is driving me nuts.
2. I’ll go nuts if you don’t tell me the truth.
3. She is nuts about surfing.
4. He’s nuts about the girl living next door.
出处:Every day, I’d pick pretty flowers and put them in her room for her.
1. I went for fruit picking last Sunday.
2. Don’t pick your teeth /nose at the table.
3. Shit! I had my pocket picked in the throng.
4. Stop picking holes! If you’re so good at it, why don’t you do it?
5. He had to pick the lock with a pin at last.
出处:And I figured since I run this far, maybe I’ll just run across Greenbow county.
解析:在美 国口语的表 达法中,figure 一词作为动词使用 ,出现频率 很高,相当 于
活用:1. I called her several times, but I couldn’t get her. So I figured she was on her vacation.
2. I figured he was hurt by what you said.
most of all
出处:I’d think a lot, about mama, Bubba and Lieutenant Dan. But most of all, I thought about
解析:most of all,这一词在本片中反复出现,表达的是阿甘对詹妮最深切的惦念,口语中这
种简单词汇出神入化的使用方法,需要大家细细体会。类似的表达还有 best of all。
活用:1. I love so many things about Paris. Do you know what I love most of all?
2. It’s a pity they sold out the wine I like most of all.

第三部分 经典句型
*felt like doing
出处:Just felt like running.
解析:felt like doing 的句型简单实用,表达一种想要做什么事情的主观愿望。
活用:1. I just don’t feel like buying any more clothes this year.
2. I feel like visiting an old friend right now.
这个句子还可以是“feel like +名词”的形式。
I feel like a walk in the drizzle .
Do you feel like a break?

出处:Now I don’t know anything about that but some of those people asked me if I could help
them out.
活用:1. I am not a smart man but I know what love is.
2. Now I don’t know much about anything .But I think some of American’s best young
men in this war.

第四部分 美语思维

*He got me invested in some kind of fruit company so then one day I got a call from him.

*Now mama said there’s only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for
showing off.

*Sometimes I guess there aren’t enough rocks.


*–But you don’t want to marry me.

--You don’t want to marry me.
--Why don’t you love me, Jenny? I’m not a smart man, but I know what love is.
国梦”, 可谓成功的典范,詹妮更是别有一番滋味在心头,因此她说:“你(若知道了我的经历)
不知道什么是爱(You don’t know what love is),现在会掷地有声地告诉詹妮,爱的能力和智商

*…and when I had to go, you know, I went.

出偏差的地方。口语中的“have to go”以及类似的表达方法,“have to go to somewhere”都是表示
内急、上厕所的意思。美国人的一句戏谑的说法是“You got to go if you got to go”,内急如山倒,

*–Are you doing this for world peace?

--Are you doing this for the homeless?
--Are you running for woman’s rights?
--Or for the environment? Or for animals?
阿甘之所以跑步,是没有具体的原因的,用他自己的话来讲,就是“for no particular reason at
all.”、“I just felt like running.”,对阿甘来说,詹妮再度离开,成为心中的一个不能破解的迷,一
记者们对阿甘的启发式提问也反映了长期以来人们所关注的热门话 题:世界和平,贫穷,无家

*–It happens.
–What? Shit?
事情时有发生”,都会给仰视他的人以启迪,创意出了“shit happens”这句短语,而且成为本片的
有效的自我调侃方式。“bumper sticker”是贴在汽车保险杠上的不干胶,上面印有张扬个性的简
短话语,反映车主的某种态度。现在的 bumper sticker 已经不仅局限于贴在保险杠上,而是扩

*--I have some kind of virus and the doctors don’t know what it is and there isn’t anything they
can do about it.
--I’ll take care of you if you’re sick.
immunodeficiency virus)或者AIDS(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome),意思是人体免疫缺

*--I wish I could have been there with you.

--You were.
起。”英语中简短的两个单词“You were”被阿甘使用地出神入化:因为真挚地爱着,所以每时每
从第 一次看到詹妮时所说出的“世界上最甜美的声音。”(…the sweetest voice in the wild world)

“她就像一个天使”(…she was like an angel),到无数次对詹妮的表白:“我情不自禁地要帮你。”
(I can’t help it);“你是我的女孩儿”(You are my girl.)“嫁给我吧,我会成为一个好老公的。”
(Will you marry me? I’d make a good husband.)阿甘知道对一个人的爱,意味着应该时刻准备

*--Lieutenant Dan, this is my Jenny.

--Hi, it’s nice to meet you finally.
中滋味,只可意会。二人的生命轨迹 在阿甘的影响下,终于交汇于宁静而阳光的婚礼草坪之上。
*I don’t know if we each have a destiny or if we’re all just floating around accidental-like on a
breeze. But I think that maybe it’s both. Maybe both are happening at the same time.

*---You understand that this is the bus to the school now ,don’t you ?
---Of course ,and you’re Dorothy .Harris ,and I am Forrest Gump .

新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材


第一单元 The Ugly Duckling

Sabrina: Once upon a time, on the north shore of Long Island♥, not far from New York, there was a
very very large mansion♥, almost a castle♥, where there lived a family by the name of
Larrabee. There were servants inside the mansion, and servants outside the mansion.
Boatmen to tend the boats, and six crews of gardeners - two for the solarium♥, the rest for
the grounds, and a tree surgeon on retainer♥. There were specialists for the indoor tennis
courts and the outdoor tennis courts, the outdoor swimming pool and the indoor swimming
pool. And over the garage, there lived a chauffeur♥ by the name of Fairchild, imported from
England years ago, together with a Rolls Royce and a daughter, named Sabrina . . . Among
other things, the Larrabees were noted for the parties they gave. Few people, anymore,
gave parties the way they did. It never rained on the night of a Larrabee party - the
Larrabees wouldn’t have stood for it.
There was Maude Larrabee, who inherited♥ the Larrabee Corporation when her husband
died on the 13th hole at Pebble Beach.
Mrs. Larrabee: Sweetheart, go talk to Colonel Morgan. He looks bored. Senator, have I got somebody
I want you to meet . . .
Sabrina: Maude was on the cover of Fortune. There was Linus, the older son. He graduated from Yale
at nineteen and took his mother and company for a ride on the fiber-optic♥ highway, and
turned a hundred-million-dollar family business into some serious money.
Linus: Well, I just don’t feel like buying anymore networks this year. There’s never anything good on.
I said the offer expired♥ at 10:00. It’s 10:08, Robert. Sabrina: Linus was on the cover of
Time . . . But most of all, there was David, the younger son, who was in and out of many
schools, and even more relationships. He was handsome, and charming, and funny, and
David: It’s so rare to meet such a beautiful woman, with your sense of humor, and irony♥ , poetry, and
hair color.
Sabrina: David did a GAP♥ ad.
Fairchild: Sabrina? Sabrina. Come down.
Sabrina: Uh, she made him laugh.
Fairchild: You have to finish packing.
Sabrina: Am I witty?
Fairchild: I wonder if Paris is far away enough?
Sabrina: No, really. Do you think I’m funny?
Fairchild: Hilarious. You should host a talk show. Sabrina, the full-time observation of David Larrabee
is not a recognized profession. Get out of that tree.
Sabrina: I’ll be there in a minute.
David: Oh, it’s just you, Sabrina.
Sabrina: Hello, David.
David: I thought I heard somebody.
Sabrina: No, it’s nobody.
Fairchild: Sabrina! You’ve spent more of your life up that tree than you have on solid ground. You
know how lucky we are that Mrs. Larrabee has friends who have a job for you, so you can
have this European experience? The time in Paris will be so good for you. If your mother
were alive, she’d be so happy. It’s what she always wanted. Sabrina: What if he forgets all
about me?
Fairchild: How can he forget someone he doesn’t know exists? I don’t mean that, Sabrina. I just mean
there’s much more to you than this obsession♥. I hope you know that.
Sabrina: Thanks dad. Goodnight.
Woman: I need more help out in front.
Man: Where ya goin’? It’s early.
Linus: It’ll take me half an hour to get out of here. I’ve got to check on the Tokyo market♥ before it
closes. Goodnight.
Man: Goodnight. Mrs. Larrabee: Linus, Andrea Carlson just told me you fired her son.
Linus: He’s an idiot. Mrs.
Larrabee: But she was a bridesmaid♥ at my wedding. She’s one of my best friends.
Linus: This is business, mother. Listen, I gotta drop something off in David’s room. When he
surfaces♥ from this week’s love of his life, tell him I put his suspenders♥ back in his closet.
Mrs. Larrabee: You’re not leaving now. You’ll miss my fireworks.
Linus: It’s OK mother. I had a pony ride, and I got my face painted. Goodnight . . .David,
David . . .Come in.
Sabrina: I came to say goodbye.
Linus: What?
Sabrina: Don’t come out! If I look at you I might not be able to get through this.
Linus: OK.
Sabrina: Please don’t say anything. I’m leaving tomorrow for Paris, and I’ll be away for a long time.
Well, I don’t expect you to think about me while I’m gone. You haven’t thought about me
while I was here. I just want to say, I think . . . I think I know you better than anybody else. I
mean whatever they think or say, I know the truth, that you’re a wonderful person–kind and
generous. And for what it’s worth, know that someone very far away is thinking of you.
So if there is anything I can ever do . . .
Linus: Could you bring me one of those little Eiffel Tower♥ paperweights?
Sabrina: Oh my God!
Woman: Welcome to Vogue♥, Sabrina. You speak no French, yes?
Sabrina: No.
Woman: No?
Sabrina: I mean yes, I don’t. Sorry. Please, could you repeat the question? . . . I’m sorry, I don’t . . .
Martine: You know I speak very good English . . . and also, it is most important . . .
Man: Ingrid! Hurry up!
Ingrid: I’m putting in my contacts.
Martine: No, no–another one, another one. No! No! No! No! Another one, another one, the nice
Man: Oh . . .
Woman: Sabrina, don’t worry for Martine. I tortured her, now she tortures you. Succeed? You’ll get
someone of your own to torture.
Fairchild: Well, you’ve only been there for two weeks. I doubt every single person in Paris thinks
you’re an idiot.
Sabrina: Only because I haven’t met them all.
Fairchild: Sabrina, you’re being much too hard on yourself. Give it a chance. Now what matters is
you’re away from here; experiencing new things, getting another view of the world, finding
new friends, and not constantly thinking about you know who.
Fairchild: She’s fine. She hasn’t adjusted♥ completely.
Man: She’s miserable. I knew it.
Woman: I told you not to send her.
Rosa: Mr. Tom, maybe it’s not for me to put my hands in this. But when I first come to this country, I
am alone, like Sabrina. I just weigh more. So I asked to God, “Why I am here?” I say “Why
God?” But there is no answer, so I stop crying. It takes eleven years.
Fairchild: Thank you, Rosa.
Joanna: Did she mention David?
Fairchild: Just that life without him is a helpless abyss♥ of misery and despair. I believe those were her
Louis: Have a drink with me . . . What I do isn’t . . . I will . . .

第一部分 精通语汇

*among other things

出处:Among other things, the Larrabees were noted for the parties they gave.
除此之外,Larrabee 一家还以举办晚会而著称。
解析:“Among other things”是口语中表示“列举的不一而足”的生动表达。
活用:1) I bought a pair of boots and a scarf, among other things.
2) We discussed, among other things, the war in Afganistan,
出处:…and turned a hundred-million-dollar family business into some serious money.
活用:Serious 在口语中的另一个常用语意是“很好的”:
1.He’s got some serious stereo equipment.
Serious 还表示别开玩笑,Be serious
2.-I can swim across the English Strait in one hour.
3.-Be serious! You can hardly swim at all.
当 serious表示与异性的关系时,它的意思是“严肃的,认真对待的”
4.Don’t even think about Sherry. She has a serious boyfriend.
5.David is her first serious boyfriend.
*drop off
出处:Listen, I gotta drop something off in David’s room.
解析:作为一个常用词组,drop off的主要意义包括:
活用:1. 把……放下
I’ll drop the coat off at the cleaner’s on my way to school.
2. 下降,衰落
The production has dropped off.
3. 让……下车
Drop me off at the gate.
4. 入睡,睡着
She dropped off in front of the TV.
出处:-I thought I heard somebody.
–No, it’s nobody.
解析:口语中的“somebody”和“nobody”除了表示“某人”和“没人”的意义外,还各有 其他含
义:somebody 或者 be somebody,表示重要人物或者自我感觉是一个大人物;nobody
活用:1. She is the first person who has made me feel like I am somebody.
2. They think themselves somebodies.
3. I’m tired of being nobody.
4.You were nobody until you met somebody.
*get through
出处:If I look at you, I might not be able to get through this. 如果我看着你,也许就无法把话
解析:get through 在英语中的意义很多,大家牢固掌握之后可以使自己的语言表达更加生
活用:1. 表达清楚:
It’s hard to get through to those who won’t pay attention.
2. 通过考试,考试及格:
I’m afraid David can’t get through his French test this time.
3. 消磨,度过时光:
How did they ever get through Alaska winters?
4. 花销,挥霍:
He gets through at least a hundred thousand bucks every time he is on vacation.
5. 做完,吃完,喝完:
Why don’t we dine out when you get through your work?
出处:…and not constantly thinking about you-know-who.
不要老想着那个人(此处指 David)。
活用:1. 类似的构词法还有:you-know-what,那个东西,指大家心知肚明、无须明言的东
John would give anything for a bottle of you-know-what.
人都明白这一事实,因此 you-know-what 指的是不言自明的东西。
2. you-know-why 指的是众所周知的原因。
I hate that you-know-why look on his face when he told me the story.

第二部分 举一反三

*I just don’t feel like buying any more networks this year.
解析:Feel like 的句型是想要、有某种念头的意思,后面常接名词或名词性的词:
1. One day,I just felt like a little running,so I ran.
2. Do you feel like a cup of coffee?
3. I don’t feel like dancing right now.
4. She didn’t feel like going to work.

*What if he forgets all about me?

解析: 1. What if是口语里的常用句型,后面接的是陈述语序的从句,表达的含义为:如
1) What if we get robbed on our vacation?
2) What if she burns the whole house when you are away?
2. 这个句型的另一个含义适用于提出建议,意为:如果……怎样?
1) What if we move the bookcase over there? Don’t you think it looks better?
2) What if we dine out tonight?
3. 有时,它还表达“即使…又有什么关系?”的意义:
1) --You can’t call him now.
–What if I do?
2)--You have to go to college.
–What if I don’t?

*This is business, mother.

解析:This is 句型几乎是每个中国学生学习英语的入门句型,在实际应用中,它的含义并
1. This is London.
这里是伦敦。 (BBC 广播开播用语,大家还可以经常听到This is VOA﹍等的类似
2. This is my son, Ben.
3. This is Mary speaking.
4. Look, this is your father talking to you.

*Now what matters is you are away from here, …

解析:what 引导的从句在句子当中做主语,是口语中很有表达力的一种方式,大家可以多
1. What we are trying to do is to work out this puzzle.
2. What matters in this is we get hooked up with that association.
3. What has done can’t be undone.

第三部分 美语思维

1、It never rained on the night of a Larrabee party—the Larrabees wouldn’t have stood for it.
句话从字面理解来说,应该不难理解。但是这一夸张的运用只是为了印证 Larrabee 家的权势。
/ influential”的结论是观众自己得出来的。Larrabee 他们家在安排活动时总能做到天衣无缝,不
方法,少用华而不实的大词、难词,尽量用小词达意,simple but elegant(简洁不失优雅)才是
He graduated from Yale at nineteen, and took his mother and company for a ride on the
fiber-optic highway.
He was in and out of many schools and even more relationships.
介绍母子三人的不同影响力时,是分别这样说的:Maude was on the cover of Fortune. Maude曾经
Linus was on the cover of Time. Linus 曾做过《时代》的封面人物。David did a GAP Ad. David
流倜傥的花花公子形象也跃然 纸上。

2、It’s OK, mother. I had a pony ride, and I got my face painted.
看焰火表演的挽留,Linus 没有直言自己公务缠身而必须离开,只是告诉老妈,自己已经尽兴
是孩子们狂欢时的保留项目,Linus 只是敷衍母亲自己该玩儿的都玩儿了,现在离开没什么可

3、I tortured her. Now she tortures you. Succeed? You’ll get someone of your own to torture.
这句话是对我们所熟悉的 “吃得苦中苦,方为人上人”的古训的很好的英文版本。老外们(本

4、Sabrina, you’re being much too hard on yourself. Give it a chance.

要积极乐观地寻求解决问题的方法,甚至干脆暂且将烦恼搁置一边, “let it be”,由它去吧,但
是一定要给自己充裕的时间和机会,“give it a chance”,别着急,慢慢来,这里面是不是也包含

5、But when I first come to this country, I am alone, like Sabrina. I just weigh more. So I asked
to God, ‘Why I am here?’ I say ‘why God?’ But there is no answer, so I stop crying. It takes
eleven years.
Rosa 的英语尽管不标准,充斥着用词、时态和句法的错误,语调里也带有浓重的西班牙语
手里,“God helps those who help themselves.”自助者天助才是真理,但真正地得道者却是经过了
一句“I say‘why God?’But there is no answer”表达了出来。

第二单元 I Met Myself In Paris

Linus: Fairchild. Fairchild: Good morning, sir.

David: Hey, Linus! Got a minute?
Linus: David, does it ever occur to you that you are an officer of the Larrabee Corporation?
David: Listen, Linus. I met someone.
Linus: Recall the address of our building? It’s 389 Park Avenue.
David: Hey, I’m not kidding.
Linus: Your office is on the 48th floor.
David: This is really somebody.
Linus: So what’s the problem?
David: Well, I’ve invited her for dinner here Friday. And I just don’t want you and mother to . . .
Listen, this girl is smart, she’s really smart.
Linus: Well, that certainly hasn’t come up before.
David: Listen, Linus. She’s a real woman. She’s not a, you know, a . . .
Linus: Transvestite♥?
David: She’s not a bimbo♥. She’s a doctor, pediatrician♥, actually.
Linus: How did you meet her?
David: Well, I was at this party and the host’s kid got sick with something and I rushed him over to
Lennox Hill Emergency. And she was the resident♥ on duty and we just . . . we just hit it
right off.
Linus: How’d the sick kid make out?
David: Listen! well you guys meet her just try to make me look good. I mean, I know I look good. But
ya know, try to make me sound good. Mention my accomplishments♥, my qualities. You
can be creative. Lie, OK? She says her folks know you.
Linus: What’s her name?
David: Tyson, Elizabeth Tyson.
Linus: Tyson Electronics, Tyson?
David: Tyson, I don’t know.
Mrs. Larrabee: Here’s a toughie♥, which one works for a living?
David: Wow, great hat! Mother.
Mrs. Larrabee: Good morning, blue eyes.
Linus: Bring her around.We’ll try to make you look good.
David: So, you guys work Sundays now, huh?
Linus: It’s Wednesday, David. Linus: Guess what? David’s taking out Patrick Tyson’s daughter.
Mrs. Larabee: Well, well, well. Mack: Yes sir?
Linus: Mack, give me Harvey. Harvey: Harvey.
Linus: Harvey, I want you to start buying up chunks♥ of Tyson stock. Not so much that anybody
would notice. That’s it.
Mrs. Larrabee: I hope she doesn’t look like Patrick . . .

Mrs. Larrabee: For once your father didn’t lie. You are lovely.
Elizabeth: Thank you.
Mrs. Larrabee: I’m Maude.
Elizabeth: Pleasure.
Linus: Linus.
Elizabeth: I’ve heard a lot about you from my father.
Mrs. Larrabee: And you’re really a doctor?
Elizabeth: No, he made that up.
David: She was just promoted♥ to assistant head of pediatrics♥. And I told her the hospital can count
on us for a couple of million dollars.
Mrs. Larrabee: David!
Linus: Is he a world class philanthropist♥, or what?
Louie: Just a squeeze♥.
Sabrina: I like Louie. He’s funny and sweet. He’s such a good photographer.
Woman: But someone is in the way. Is it this David you mentioned casually forty or fifty times when
you first came over? He sounds perhaps like an illusion♥.
Sabrina: He keeps me company.
Woman: You think so? Illusions are dangerous people. They have no flaws. I came here from
Provence♥, alone, uneducated. For 8 months–no more than that–a year, I sat in a café. I
drank coffee. And I wrote nonsense in a journal. And then somehow, it was not nonsense. I
went for long walks and I met myself in Paris. You seem to be embarrassed by loneliness, by
being alone. It’s only a place to start.

Nurse: Dr. Florence, dial 118 please. Dr. Florence, please dial 118.
Elizabeth: I’m sorry about your party.
David: It’s OK.
Elizabeth: Are you hungry? I’m starving.
David: Tell ya what I’ll do. Draw you a hot bath, whip us up a superb♥ omelet♥. Do you have eggs,
cheese, green pepper, tomato?
Elizabeth: Oh, no green pepper, no tomato.
David: Well, then I’ll just whip us up a somewhat superb omelet.
Elizabeth: David, you are the best.
David: You mean makin’ a hot bath and an omelet are roughly on a par with♥ saving a five year old
kid’s life?
Elizabeth: It’ll save my life.
David: God, you’re easy on me.
Elizabeth: OK, then why don’t you marry me?
David: OK, why don’t I?
Elizabeth: Don’t kid about stuff like that.
David: OK, why don’t I?
Elizabeth: You sure you know what it is?
David: Yeah, that thing where ya hang together a lot, and sleep in the same room, and button each
other’s hard-to-reach buttons.
Elizabeth: Then I accept.
David: Really? Why?
Woman: Mr. Larrabee?
Mack: David, what a nice surprise.
Mack: He’s at lunch, he doesn’t like . . .
David: Ron. Ron. I need to talk to you.
Linus: I’m in a meeting.
David: When was the last time I came here?
Linus: You’re right. Ron. Ron.
David: I wondered why I was suddenly being treated with so much respect.
Linus: Is something bothering you David?
David: You’ve been pushing me into this relationship with Elizabeth so you could engineer a merger♥
with Tyson.
Linus: Wait a moment. Pushing you? I could burn in hell for the lies I told about you. You begged me
to make you look good in front of Elizabeth.
David: You never said a word about planning to make an offer to Patrick.
Linus: “Talk about my accomplishments,” you said, “my qualities. Be creative lie!” you said.
David: I can’t do this, Linus. I’m not ready to make this kind of commitment♥.
Linus: Oh, I see. She must have asked for an actual wedding date.
David: I don’t know what came over me. She was healing children. I was in a tuxedo. I’m not in any
position to take care of a wife.
Linus: Elizabeth is a doctor and a millionaire, David. She won’t be a burden. You don’t deserve her.
But she appears to love you.
David: Yeah, see, doesn’t that worry you a little bit? I mean about her mental health♥?
Linus: David.
David: So this is all just a coincidence♥?
Linus: It’s an opportunity.
David: Opportunity?
Linus: What do you expect me to do? Disqualify myself from a billion dollar merger because I might
have family connections?
David: What are you doing? It was just a question!
Linus: Look at this thing. Not a scratch.
David: Is this some new way of changing the subject?
Linus: No one in the world has a flat panel screen♥ this size, except Patrick Tyson. And the damn
thing’s indestructible♥. He’s sitting on the hottest technology in town and everyone in Wall
Street knows it. We’ve got so much competition on this merger that . . .
David: Wait a minute, Linus. You’re talking about my life.
Linus: I pay for your life, David. My life makes your life possible.
David: I resent that.
Linus: So do I. Look at yourself. You went to law school, you never took the bar. You went to business
school, I can’t get you anywhere near the office. You studied languages, you don’t speak.
Instruments, you don’t play. You have a series of girlfriends, you never see more than twice.
Do you not see a pattern here?
David: Who are you to lecture me about closeness? Your idea of a long-term relationship is giving
your date a chance to order dessert.
Linus: I don’t have time for dessert. I’m too busy with this company. You’re a grown man, David.
Finish something. Elizabeth Tyson’s the best thing that ever happened to you, and you told
me so yourself.

Mr. Tyson: I would like to propose a toast…to my baby girl, Dr. Elizabeth Tyson, talented MD♥. And
to my future son-in-law, David Larrabee, lucky S.O.B. Just kidding, David, just kidding.
Now, we’re all very lucky. We’re very lucky. Not only is this the joining forever of two
gorgeous♥ people, but two gorgeous companies.
Linus: Here, here!
Mr. Tyson: I want to wish you all the luck and happiness you deserve, and may your firstchild be a
masculine♥ child.
Mrs. Tyson: It’s from Serpico. Tell Yoshi to bring the Portobello.
Servant: Ahora? (Spanish)
Mrs. Tyson: Oui. (French)
Linus: You’re quite a linguist♥.
Mrs. Tyson: Yes. I traveled a lot before I married Patrick. I was a stewardess.
Linus: Now they call them flight attendants.
Mrs. Tyson: Oh really? Well I bet I could still get your seat back in the upright position.
Elizabeth: Whenever they try to be funny, it comes out perverse♥, or terrifying.
David: I see, Elizabeth: You’ll get used to it.
Mr. Fairchild: . . . and to be sure to tell you that she misses you and sends you all of her love.
Joanna: But what does she say about the engagement?
Woman: You didn’t tell her?
Mr. Fairchild: I don’t know how. I don’t know what to say.
Rosa: You say “Darling Sabrina, la vida es sueno♥, your life is a dream and now it is over.” I know
because we Spaniards♥ have . . .
Mr. Fairchild: My dearest Sabrina, although I am sure that this will come as a shock, it is my belief
that what I’m about to tell you is all for the best. I know how strongly you have always felt
about this, so I have been reluctant to write.
Louie: I am in Paris, but you are somewhere else.
Sabrina: I’m sorry, Louie. I shouldn’t have done this.
Louie: I would like to help. But what you have to fix you won’t fix it in bed. You have to fix it here.
Sabrina: Dear dad, this is my last letter from Paris. I may even be home before you get it. Don’t worry
about picking me up. I’d like to surprise you. Amazing - it’s gone by so quickly. Gertrude
Stein said “America is my country, and Paris is my hometown.” I’ll always feel that way
about Paris. I want so much for you to know what it’s meant to me. It’s turned cold out, but I
don’t feel cold. Across the street someone is playing “La Vie en Rose♥”. They do it for the
tourists. But I’m always surprised at how it moves me. It means seeing life through rose
colored glasses. Only in Paris, where the light is pink, that song makes sense. But I’ll have it
in my pocket when I get home, and I’ll take it with me wherever I go from now on. Love to
you, dad.

第一部分 精通语汇

出处:Hey, I’m not kidding. 嘿!我可不是闹着玩儿的。
1. He’s not really sad; he’s just kidding.
2. You won a ticket to Tahitti? You must be kidding (me).
3. Ellen is 30? No kidding?
4. She has been trying to kid herself that she’s got a chance to win him.
它所组成的动词词组最常用的是kid around,也表示戏谑,开玩笑的意思:
5. I have no intention of taking her out. I am just kidding around.
6. This is my kid sister, Anne.
出处:Maude, give me Harvey. Maude, 给我接通Harvey的电话。
活用:1. I’ll give you 30 minutes to make it here.
2. Do you give me a choice, or do I have to do it?
3. I hope my daughter didn’t give you a shock.
4. The spokesman is giving a press conference tomorrow.
5. I don’t like pork. Give me vegetables and fish any day.
6. Yes, we’re speeding. I’ll give you that, but we gotta rush a sick kid over to the
7. Sabrina, you’re being too hard on yourself. Give it a chance. Sabrina,
8. And this gives me the raise I deserve for the new position I’m assuming.
make up
出处:No, he made that up. 不,他捏造出来的。
解析:Make up是口语中常用到的一个词,除了以上“捏造、编造”的意思外,它还有下面几
活用:1. 补足
May I make up the difference for you, Ms.?
2. 补充、弥补
We must make up the time we lost by working even harder.
3. 组成、构成
Sixty minutes make up an hour.
4. 化妆
She’s really good at make-up.
5. 和解
It’s a custom for them to make up from quarrels with a kiss.
6. 整理、收拾
Make up your room before going out.
7. 下定(决心)
―Don’t be so foolish to adventure this.
―I’ve made up my mind.
And I told her the hospital can count on us for a couple of million dollars.
解析:Count 这个词的含义非常多,除了我们熟悉的“计算、数数”的意思外,还有“计算在
活用:count on/upon依赖、仰仗、指望
1.You can count on my help.
2.I can’t count on a raise this year.
3.I count on you ,more than you know .
count in 包括、计及
4.Do count me in for the barbecue this weekend.
5.count out 不包括、不计及
Count Mary out, she can’t even swim.
count against 低估、认为不利于
6.I don’t mean to count against you, but you should have finished the design by now.
count for anything/nothing/little 有价值、有重要性的/无甚价值/无关紧要
7.Such men do not count for anything.
keep somebody company
出处:He keeps me company.
原意是指“陪伴”、“与某人作伴的意思”,在这里,Sabrina 借此词表达了自己对David
keep company”生动形象地展现了David在Sabrina心目中的地位。以下是该词的一些
活用:1. Please keep me company, I’m afraid of the dark.
2. I’ll take a trip to Europe. Would you like to keep company with me?
3. He has been keeping company with Jenny all his life.
4. You are coming home? Shall I keep you company?
出处:Don’t kid about stuff like that.
解析:Stuff 作名词时,指某种物质、东西,或某种行为、特长、特征等,在口语中的使用
活用:1. Do you call this stuff beer?
2. Don’t give me that stuff about being tired.
在俚语习惯中,stuff 还用来指现金、毒品(尤指海洛因)等。
3. Hey, you guy, got stuffs now?
4. ―How’s the stuff?

第二部分 举一反三

1、David, does it ever occur to you that you’re an officer of the Larrabee Corporation?
解析:Does it ever occur to you that﹍意为“你有没有想到……”,是常用句式之一,其中“occur
1) Did it ever occur to you that I would be fired for this cheating?
2) The idea never occurred to me.
3) It suddenly occurred to me that I could ask John for some help.
4)Didn’t it ever occur to you that he might be lying ?

2、I wondered why I was suddenly being treated with so much respect.
了自己的生意,所以I wonder why﹍在这里应该理解为“难怪”。请看以下的例句:
1)I was just wondering why he was late for such an important party.
2)I wonder what you can really do by yourself.
3)I wonder when he could come.
4)I wonder whether you would come for a dinner.
5)I am wondering who he is.
6)I was wondering if you could meet me here this afternoon.
7)He’d wondered where everybody had gone.

3、I’m not in any position to take care of a wife.

解析:在描述某人的情况,说明其是否合适做某事时,我们可以借用in/out of position这一
1) I’m in position to take this task.
2) Are you in position to apply for an M.D. degree?
3) I don’t think I’m in the position to get through the exam.

4、Elizabeth Tyson is the best thing that ever happened to you, and you told me so yourself.
解析:﹍happen to sb 指某人经历、碰到或在某人身上发生的事情:
1) It’s the worst thing that ever happened to me. I hardly believed that I had been cheated
like that.
2) If anything happens to him, do let me know.
3) Am I in a lot of pain? Look at your little hand. Guess what happened to me?
4) --What happens to Sabrina?
--She grows up. --Sabrina

5、I would like to propose a toast…to my baby girl…

解析:I would like to do sth是表达个人愿望和想法时的客气而委婉的说法,无论在正式场合
1) First of all , I would like to thank the chairman for giving me the chance to speak here.
2) I would like to take the honor to invite you for dinner.
3) I would like to have a salad for lunch.
4) I would like to go swimming after class.
5) I’d like to have a look around this area first.

6、…although I’m sure that this will come as a shock, it is my belief that what I’m about to tell
you is all for the best.
种表达方式——“I believe that﹍”、“I think/consider/reckon/feel that﹍”、“It’s my belief
believe that﹍”和“It’s my belief that…”两个句式,这在口语中,尤其是美式的口语中
十分流行。 在语言本质上,I believe that﹍不仅比 I think that﹍等句式表现得更为强
势,而且更 突出地展现了美国人崇尚独立、自信和个性自由的特点。
1) I believe she will make you happy.
2) I believed that everything would get along well as time went by.
3) I believe those were her words.

第三部分 美语思维

1、--Listen, Linus. She’s a real woman. She’s not a, you know, a…

虽然David风流成性,但这一次对Elizabeth 却是动了真心,当他在想向哥哥郑重介绍自己
女朋友已经是司空见惯,他对弟弟的选择向来冷嘲热讽。“real woman”被David发挥,既可以表
示“女性”的含义,又具有“很有女人味”的含义。Transvestite 的中文意思是“异装癖”,Linus机智、

2、--Here is a toughie. Which one works for a living?

--Wow, great hat mother.
正话反说、反话正说是英语口语表达的一大特点,这在Mrs. Larrabee的话语中体现得特别
突出。一大早竟然能撞见无所事事的小儿子,Mrs. Larrabee觉得奇怪至极,因此揶揄的问一问
兄弟俩到底谁要为生计奔波忙碌。大家都心知肚明Mrs. Larrabee不过是想批评David整天不务正
把妈 妈的一顶帽子夸了个天花乱坠,使Mrs. Larrabee果然心花怒放。英语中赞赏别人的穿着打
--Is he a world-class philanthropist, or what?
一切以家族利益至上。Everything is business.

4、You think so? Illusions are dangerous people. They have no flaws. I came here from Provence,
alone, uneducated. For 8 months–no more than that–a year, I sat in a café, I drank coffee, and I
wrote nonsense in a journal. And then somehow, it was not nonsense. I went for long walks and I
met myself in Paris. You seem to be embarrassed by loneliness, by being alone. It’s only a place
to start.
所有的奋斗都需要一个起点,“It’s only a place to start.”这只是自己生活开始的地方——有了这番

5、--David, you are the best.

Elizabeth 的高明之处在于善于发现别人的优点,并予以及时的赞赏和鼓励,使极少得到家
突出,而且她一语双关,不仅欣赏 David在照顾女孩子方面的出色表现,更暗含了自己对他的
爱意(他是最好的选择),顺顺当当地引出了下面委婉求婚的话(Then why don’t you marry me?)


6、--Look at yourself. You went to law school, you never took the bar. You went to business
school, I can’t get you anywhere near the office. You studied languages, you don’t speak.
Instruments, you don’t play. You have a series of girlfriends, you never see more than twice. Do
you not see a pattern here?
一列举了 David 所做过的种种学业上的尝试,从进法学院,到入商学院,再到学习语言,练乐
没有成为律师(never take the bar)到也情有可原,而他后来所学的技能在美国人的眼中看来难
度依次递减,David却仍然一无所成,就说不过去了,尤其他最擅长是和女孩子们交往, 而没
有一个能保持长久的关系, 这实际上呼应了第一部分中提到的“﹍Who was in and out of many
schools and even more relationships﹍”。“他进出过许多的学校,和他有染的女人更是多的数不
第三单元 You are Changing Everything

Linus: Hey.
David: Hey.What are you doing?
Linus: Drove out with Maude. Have to be here for her birthday party. Might as well stay over.
David: Yeah, what’d ya get her?
Linus: Portable♥ fax machine.
David: You sentimental♥ fool.
Linus: Hey, it’s easy for you. She’s so glad you finally set a date. You’ll never have to buy another
David: That’s not what she says. I got her a little Picasso. Having it wrapped in town.
Linus: What did that cost me?
David: I don’t know. So who’s the new bidder♥ on Tyson? Unisat?
Linus: And a couple of other companies.
David: Cash or stock options?
Linus: I love it when you talk dirty. What’s that?
David: A dog.
Linus: Why?
David: Uh, it’s Elizabeth’s gift to mother. She feels guilty about missing the party. She’s stuck at some
UCLA seminar. I gotta go pick up Maude’s present .I want you to know something Linus,
I’m glad about Elizabeth.
Linus: You should be. She’s terrific. She’s smart, independent, pretty as hell.
David: Why don’t you marry her?
Linus: Go on. David: I’m kidding. Kidding!
Sabrina: Hi, how are you?
David: I’m great. Uh, how are you?
Sabrina: Good. I’m just surprised to see you here.
David: Well, you know me. Don’t ya? Uh, can I give you a lift?
Sabrina: Are you on your way home?
David: Yes.
Sabrina: Well, that’s convenient. You sure you wouldn’t mind?
David: Ya know, I ,uh, I can’t remember the name of your street.
Sabrina: Dusoris Lane.
David: What? That’s where I live.
Sabrina: Small world.
David: Big lane.
Sabrina: You don’t recognize me, do you?
David: Yeah, of course I do. You’re my neighbor on Dusoris Lane.
Sabrina: And you’re David.
David: I sure am. One of the lesser♥ Larrabees.
Sabrina: In what way lesser?
David: Pretty much every way. But please, no pity. I could have sworn I knew every pretty girl on the
North Shore.
Sabrina: Oh, I could have sworn you took in more territory than that.
David: Ouch!
Sabrina: Although, that was a while ago. I heard somewhere that you’re engaged to be married.
David: Oh yeah I am. But we’re both very busy, busy people, and it’s been very difficult to set a date.
So come on, give me a clue. Just one.
Sabrina: Oh no. This is too much fun.
David: Please? Sabrina: There’s your driveway♥.
David: I was just gonna say that. Uh, would you like to come in for a drink?
Sabrina: What a good idea!
David: Wow!
Sabrina: It looks like you’re having a party.
David: Tomorrow night.
Sabrina: They used to have lovely parties here.
David: Oh, then you’ve been to them.
Sabrina: No. But I saw the lights from a distance. What’s the occasion? It’s too late for an engagement
David: Oh, no, no. As a matter of fact my fiancee is in California this week. It’s actually a birthday
party for my mother. But then you probably knew that. Listen, party’s at 9:00. Will you
Sabrina: Do you really want me to?
David: Very much. If you’ll tell me who you are.
Linus: Hello, Sabrina.
Sabrina: Hello, Linus.
David: Sabrina? Linus: Have a good time in Paris?
Sabrina: Yes, thank you.
David: Sabrina?
Linus: You look all grown up.
David: Sabrina?
Linus: Why does he keep saying that?
Sabrina: Um, I need to go find my father. I’ll get my bags later.
David: Uh, wait a minute.
Sabrina: Thanks for the ride.
Linus: David, no.
David: What are you talkin’ about? I was just . . .
Linus: No!

Sabrina: I brought you a scarf, Joanna. A real Paris scarf. I’ll show you how to tie it.
Joanna: Has he seen you?
Sabrina: Yes! No . Who?
Joanna: Your father.
Mr. Fairchild: OH, Sabrina!
Sabrina: For going out, for staying in, for laughs.
Mr. Fairchild: Better than Christmas. Who took these?
Sabrina: I did. I hope this hangs out♥ before tomorrow night.
Mr. Fairchild: Tomorrow night is Mrs. Larrabee’s birthday party.
Sabrina: Yes, I’ve been invited.
Mr. Fairchild: By whom?
Sabrina: By David. Of course he didn’t know it was me when he invited me.
Mr. Fairchild: Now that he knows?
Sabrina: I’m still invited. I guess. Maybe I’ll try steaming♥ it. Dad, please. I promised myself years
ago, all those years, hundreds of times, thousands of times, and now I’m invited.
David: Excuse me.
Sabrina: Hello.
David: You’re here?
Sabrina: Yes. I am. That’s true.
David: You look beautiful.
Sabrina: So do you, look good.
Mrs. Tyson: Fabulous party, Maude. I’m so sorry Elizabeth can’t be here.
Mrs. Larrabee: So am I. She gave me a dog.
Sabrina: I can’t believe I’m here. I went to a party once in a villa in Provence. I didn’t know a single
person. Rothschild was there. Everyone was speaking French. I could hardly understand a
word. But I felt more comfortable than I do now.
David: Here, drink this as quickly as possible, and it won’t seem so strange to you.
Man: Oh, David.
David: Better?
Sabrina: Not yet.
David: Trust me, it will be. Which Rothschild?
Sabrina: Bubba. Why is that funny?
Mrs. Larrabee: Did Elizabeth pick out her dress?
Mrs. Tyson: We’re still doing the guest list - 600 so far. That’s just on our side.
Mr. Tyson: That’s not a wedding, that’s a town.
Mrs. Tyson: Stop, it’s gonna be wonderful. Elegant, but simple. Lavish♥, but tasteful.
Mr. Tyson: Cheap, but expensive. Sabrina: Rosa! Rosa: $23 a pound. They’ll be gone in five minutes.
Eat fast! You are a princess.
David: For you.
Mrs. Tyson: Who’s that?
Mrs. Larrabee: Who?
Mrs. Tyson: That girl, the one with David.
Mrs. Larrabee: Oh well, oh that’s just, oh my God! That’s Sabrina. David’s known her since she was
two years old.
Mr. Tyson: She didn’t have that dress when she was two years old. Rosa: She’s drinking champagne,
eating seafood, and her hairs washed, and her lips are red, and her teeth are white, and he
played a song for her.
Mr. Fairchild: I don’t like it.
Mrs. Larrabee: Well, Sabrina, when did you get back?
Sabrina: Yesterday. Happy Birthday, Mrs. Larrabee.
Mrs. Larrabee: For a minute I didn’t recognize you.
Sabrina: It’s the haircut.
Mrs. Larrabee: To say the least.
David: Some surprise isn’t she mother?
Mrs. Larrabee: She certainly is, son.
David: Dance with me.
Sabrina: Now?
David: While the music is playing. It’s harder when they stop. Come on.
Sabrina: David?
David: Yes?
Sabrina: You know I’ve been to every party you’ve ever had? Right there, watching from that tree,
like a bat. And now here we are dancing in front of God and everyone.
David: I should have paid more attention to you. I don’t know what I was thinking of.
Sabrina: Yourself.
David: It feels so good to hold you.
Sabrina: Does it?
David: Do you know how beautiful you are?
Sabrina: No. David: You’re dazzling♥.
Sabrina: Dazzling?
David: Suddenly back in my life and you’re dazzling.
Sabrina: Am I back in your life?
David: I don’t think you realize what you’ve done to me.
Sabrina: Then you better tell me.
David: You’re changing everything.
Mrs. Larrabee: She’s like a sister to him, Patrick.
Mr. Tyson: I have a sister. That’s not how we dance.
David: I can’t believe this is happening. You’re absolutely transformed♥.
Sabrina: And you’re exactly the same. You were perfect, you still are.
David: Sabrina?
Sabrina: Yes?
David: Let’s go someplace we can talk.
Sabrina: We are talking.
David: Someplace else. Please. I haven’t seen you in years. I’m not sure I ever saw you. Come with
me for a little while. We could just go . . . Sabrina: …to the solarium?
David: What?
Sabrina: It has to be the solarium. And you bring a bottle of champagne. And you put the glasses in the
back pockets of your jacket.
David: I don’t think there are any back pockets to my jacket. You weren’t paying attention.
Sabrina: And the orchestra♥ will play “How Can I Remember?”
David: Yes, I’ll have them do that.
Sabrina: And then afterwards, I’ll wake up.
David: Great, thank you very much… appreciate it… see you later.
Linus: Ya got a minute?
David: Uh, not right now actually. I have an appointment.
Linus: Sure you do.
Mrs. Larrabee: David! What are you doing? Are you insane♥? It’s right smack dab♥ in front of your
prominent♥ and paranoid♥ future in-laws, you are hustling♥ the chauffeur’s daughter.
David: We are dancing.
Mrs. Larrabee: Stop dancing! Stop!
David: You mean to tell me I can’t have a drink and a dance with an old friend?
Mrs. Larrabee: Do I look stupid? You know, I never thought of myself as stupid. Maybe I am.
David: I didn’t do anything.
Mrs. Larrabee: You were planning to.
David: How do you know?
Linus: You’re kidding, right?
Mrs. Larrabee: David, you’re like my own son.
David: I am your own son, mother.
Mrs. Larrabee: Exactly! Oh, I endured♥ twenty-one hours of hard labor♥ to bring you into the world.
The doctors had begged me to take drugs.But I kept saying I wouldn’t do anything to hurt
my child. Well, I’ve changed my mind. You screw up with Elizabeth and I swear I’ll kill
David: I don’t know. There’s something about Sabrina. I think . . . I know this sounds crazy, but I
really think that I’m falling in love with her.
Mrs. Larrabee: Oh God! David: Listen, I didn’t plan this. I can’t help it. She’s so . . . something…,
Mrs. Larrabee: The last time you found someone sensational it cost the family a million and a half
David: No, this time it’s different.
Mrs. Larrabee: Oh, that’s so original♥. But what about Elizabeth? You finally find the right girl…
David: …who has got the right parents, who own the right company.
Mrs. Larrabee: You asked her to marry you.
David: Actually, she asked me.
Linus: Mother, go outside and blow out your candles.
Mrs. Larrabee: Can’t we send somebody?
Linus: David, what do you think Sabrina wants? She’s lived her whole life above that garage with her
nose pressed against the glass, or in that tree watching us at parties. Now you invite her to
one. You’re in your Rolex♥ jacket, or whatever. You tell her to meet you in the solarium. She
knows you’re gonna show up with a bottle of champagne.
David: That’s not it. That has nothing to do with it.
Linus: She knows what’s coming. The jet to Martha’s Vineyard♥, The cottage full of food and flowers,
house seats to some sold out show, drinks at the Carlisle♥. A day or two of that, she’d fall for
David: You don’t know her. You don’t know the way she makes me feel. I can’t be engaged to
somebody when I feel like this.
Linus: David, sit down.
David: I can’t talk about this right now. I have to be someplace.
Linus: Just sit down.
Mrs. Larrabee: What?
David: I sat on the glasses.
Linus: Don’t move. I’ll go get Dr. Calloway .He’s at the bar.
Mrs. Larrabee: Who put glasses on the chair?
David: I’m bleeding. Could we talk about this later?
Mrs. Larrabee: My God! Linus, stay with him. Darling, don’t worry. Just elevate. Something.
David: God!
Linus: Bad?
David: Sabrina, she’s waiting for me.
Linus: I’ll take care of her.

第一部分 精通语汇

出处:﹍Might as well stay over.
活用:Stay over 在口语中一般表示留下来(一段时间)的意思。如:
1. I will stay over for tomorrow’s party.
2. He promised to stay over for the Christmas.
在口语中 stay 还常常与副词连用表示某件事或某种状态持续或保持不变的意思。
stay away from 远离、不靠近
3. …and says the family is prepared to offer you a hundred thousand dollars to stay away
from their son…
stay out 待在外边、待在户外;继续罢工
4. Mack, I’m gonna stay out here for the next 2 days.
5. The miners stayed out for several weeks.
stay up 熬夜、不就寝
6. I will be home by eleven, but please don’t stay up for me.
出处:She’s stuck at some UCLA seminar.
解析:Be stuck at sth意为“为……所耽搁”,口语中stuck一些习惯的用法还有。
1. We’re stuck by the heavy rain on our way to picnic.
be/get stuck with sb/sth 与某人(某事物)纠缠不清、无法摆脱某人(某事物)
2. It looks as if I am stuck with the job of cleaning up this mess.
3. To me,the most terrible thing is to get stuck in the middle of the traffic at rush hour.
stick together 同甘共苦
4. We have stuck together in many ups and downs.
take in
出处:I could have sworn you took in more territory than that.
解析:Take in在句中表示包括、包含的意思。除此之外,take sth in还有以下几种含义:
活用:1. 承揽某项工作在家中完成
The poor widow earns money by taking in washing.
2. 订阅、定购 He takes in various journals every year.
3. 减小、改小(衣服)、缩小等
This dress needs to be taken in at the waist.
4. 了解、吸收、领会
They listened to my lecture, but how much did they take in, I wonder?
5. 一眼看清、同时看到
He took in the scene at a glance.
6. take sb in 则表示接待、收容某人
They used to make a living by taking in guests.
出处:I heard somewhere that you’re engaged to be married.
解析:通常be engaged to有“订婚”和“忙于(做某事)”的含义。
活用:1. Tom and Ann are engaged .
2. Tom is engaged to Ann.
3. I will engage to manage the business if you will engage to provide the capital.
4. She is engaged in writing that novel.
5. My time is fully engaged.
出处:We’re still doing the guest list—600 so far.
的搭配中可以有不同的含义,如do the list 在上句话中的意思是“拟嘉宾的名单”,如
果是用在编排书籍的情景下,则又成了“编目录”的意思。同样的例句还有:You do the
door, and I do the window.这句话如果在搞卫生、大扫除时说,那就可以理解为“你擦
活用:1. I’m doing an article on how people handle bereavement.
2. You’re tired. I’ll do the dishes afterwards.
3. I don’t do drugs.
blow out
出处:Mother, go outside and blow out your candles.
解析:Blow out 至少可以表示四种不同的意思:
活用:1. 把火灭掉
You’d better blow out the candle before it sets fire to the tablecloth.
2. 轮胎爆裂
My car smashed into a tree, when I had a blow-out.
3. (电灯等的)保险丝断了
All the lights went off in the building and the elevators stopped when the master fuse
blew out.
4. 规模很大、排场很讲究的聚会
When the Bushes celebrated their 25th anniversary, they invited all their friends to a
big blow-out at the best hotel in town.
We arrived two hours late at the big blow-out for Charle’s birthday because our car had
a blow-out.
5. Blow 在口语中还有“滥花钱”、“挥金如土”的意思:
He’s blown all his wages on a new laptop.
6. 在本片中,还出现了另一含义,失去(机会),例如:
What about Patrick and the merger? You’d blow a billion dollars for this?
Patrick和合并怎么办? 你会因此而错过十亿美金?
出处:So come on,give me a clue,Just one. 好了,给我一个提示,一个就够了。
解析:clue有“线索、提示”的意义,在本段对白中,clue 做名词;另外,这个词也可以做
及物动词用,意义为“提供消息”,常用搭配有:“clue somebody in”提供最新消息给某
人;clue somebody up about something 使某人透彻了解某事。
活用:1. Could you clue me in ?I’ve been out for a while.
2.You’re quite clued up about Hollywood films.
出处:I can hardly understand a word.
解析:Hardly 意为几乎不,难得、绝不是,常与seldom的用法相同对于英美人氏来讲,他
们更偏爱使用hardly 和rarely,很少使用seldom。另外,“Hardly……when”句型,表
活用:1. He hardly ever goes out these days.
2. Hardly anyone likes her because she’s so boring.
3.Hardly had the game begun when it started snowing heavily.
出处:Fabulous party,Maude.
解析:fabulous 有极好的,难以置信的等意思,terrific、fantastic等词一起,都是英语中极
活用:1. That’s a fabulous adventure!
2. He possesses fabulous wealth.
3. ﹍How is the show? ﹍Fabulous!
— 展出怎么样? — 棒极了!

第二部分 举一反三

1、What’d ya get her?

解析:Get sb sth也是口语中常用的句型之一,表示“(送)给某人某物”。
1) I will get you a flute for your birthday.
2) His presence was quite enough for her, though he hardly got her anything.
3) Are you sure I can’t get you anything?

2、She feels guilty about missing the party.

解析:Feel guilty about 这个句型经常用于表达“抱歉、遗憾、内疚”。
1) I felt guilty about that accident.
2) She feels so guilty about his delaying for the train.
3) You don’t have to be guilty about it. There’s nothing anybody can do about it.

3、--Linus: Go on.
--David: I’m kidding. Kidding!
解析:Go on (with you)! 在口语中一般表示“别胡说!”“我才不信呢!”“别傻了!”等意思。
1.Itold her that she was the dazzling girl at the party.
“Go on!”She said, blushing with pleasure.
2. Every time I met her, she’d go on and on about how she was fed up with her current
3. As time went on, I grew very fond of this city.
4. Jack must be going on forty.
5. Go on! Give it another try.

4、I heard somewhere .

出处:I heard somewhere that you’re engaged to be married.
解析:I heard somewhere that 表示“我听说”其中hear要用过去式。
1. I heard somewhere that professor Johnson is about to give a lecture next Tuesday.
2. I heard somewhere that Michael was going to marry for the fifth time. He would be a
star for that.

5、It looks like

出处:It looks like you’re having a party.
解析:It looks like 不仅表示看起来,也表示不确定,询问的意思。
1. It looks like there was a heavy rain here last night.
2. It looks like this exam is going to be tough,look at these papers full of characters.

6、To say the least.

出处:—Mrs Larrabee: For a minute I didn’t recognize you.
—Sabrina: It’s the haircut.
—Mrs Larrabee: To say the least.
解析:To say the least意思是“不仅如此”在本段对白中Mrs. Larrabee表面上表达的是一种恭
活用:To say the least ,you’ve got a woman you love to grow old with.

7、It feels so good to hold you.

解析:在英语中,常用It feels + adj.的形式来表达说话人的主观感受,如:
1) It felt sick to be in such a horrible house.
2) It feels so happy to be with you again.

8、That has nothing to do with it.

解析:Have nothing to do with 与have something to do with 相对,前者指“与……无关、不
发生联系”,后者指“与……有关”,这些句式的用法一般比较固定,with 后面接名词
1) It has nothing to do with his social position.
2) It must have something to do with the accident.
3)…It’s something to do with, maybe never seeing you again.

9、I’ll take care of her.

解析:Take care of sb几乎是我们刚开始接触英语时就学会了的一个短语,但这里它的含义
却并非我们所熟悉的“照顾某人”。实际上,take care of sb/sth 这个短语的含义是十分
1) And the other things are being taken care of.
2) You take care of kids, and I will go and take care of those intruders.
3) Rose took care of the sheep, while I took care of the horses.
4) You take care of the door, and I take care of the window.
5) Let me take care of it. I’ve paid everything. Why break precedent?

第三部分 美语思维

1、—David: Yeah, what’d ya get her?

—Linus: Portable fax machine.
—David: You sentimental fool.
—Linus: Hey, it’s easy for you. She’s so glad you finally set a date. You’ll never have to buy
another present.
—David: That’s not what she says. I got her a little Picasso. Having it wrapped in town.
—Linus: What did that cost me?
之间不同的性格和做事方式。Linus 是一个非常精明干练的生意人,但在现实生活中,他却显
期待这样的礼物。所以David开口就说他哥哥“真是一个多愁善感的傻瓜(You sentimental fool.)”,
Linus 痛心疾首地问到“那又花了我多少钱?”可见作为商人的Linus 养成的职业本能就是用金
过他的寄生生活:“My life makes your life possible.”(没有我哪有你)。 在这段对话中值得注意

2、Linus: She’s terrific. She’s smart, independent, pretty as hell.

丈夫和家庭的需要而自动舍弃一切的Poor Little Me (弱女子),上升到现在的 independent(独立
可羡的是,他们正是一群pretty as hell(巨漂亮)的职业女性。Elizabeth 正是影片塑造的这样一

3、—Sabrina: And you’re David.

—David: I sure am. One of the lesser Larrabees.
—Sabrina: In what way lesser?
—David: Pretty much every way, but please, no pity.
听到Sabrina说出他的身份后,David幽默地说了一句“在Larrabee 家族中,我算是比较低微的
中都很有影响力。David向 Sabrina描述自己在家中的地位时用“lesser”一词其实有两方面的含
悔的姿态,所以他告诉Sabrina“毋需对此表示同情”(﹍but please, no pity.) 。这不仅突显了David

4、—Joanna: Has he seen you?

—Sabrina: Yes! No—Who?
—Joanna: Your father?
离家数年,Sabrina 心中无时不刻不在想念自己从小就暗恋着的白马王子——David。这次
刚回来便和他不期而遇,并第一次获得了他的邀请,Sabrina 怎能不激动?!以致于当Joanna问
她Has he seen you?时,她还以为这个He 指的是David。但是在 Joanna的心目中,那个特指的“He”
自然非Sabrina 的父亲莫属了。大家会在这个细节中看到,无论什么年龄阶段,恋爱中的女人都
是一样的,Joanna 那句热情的“he”和Sabrina激动的回答“Yes!”都极富感染力,令我们真切地感

5、—David: I don’t think you realize what you’ve done to me.

—Sabrina: Then you better tell me.
—David: You’re changing everything.
向白天鹅的转变。当她结束了在巴黎的这段“玫瑰人生”后,回到了纽约,改变了一切 ——以前
对她冷眼相看的David被吸引住了,最后转型成为一个精明的商人, Linus也被她从一个工作狂

6、Mrs. Larrabee: David, you’re like my own son.

大家都应该从这一表达中看出Mrs. Larrabee 语言的一大特点就是正话反说,类似的表达在
本章中还有其后的“That’s so original.”(你说话真有创意)。她当然比谁都知道David是自己的亲骨
肉,然而对他这些屡屡出格的行为实在是忍无可忍, ——我怎么生了你这个孽种,要是我亲生

7、Linus: She knows what’s coming. The jet to Martha’s Vineyardt. The cottage full of food and
flowers, house seats to some sold out show, drinks at the Carlisle?. A day or two of that, she’d
fall for Noriega.
永远用具体的例子来说明一件事情。David向女孩子献殷勤的作派Lunus 造就了若指掌,而每一
个虚荣的女孩子都会被他的安排所击中,乖乖就范。 “过上一两天这种生活,他会为诺利加而
倾倒。”诺利加将军是美国人眼中的独裁者形象的代表,言外之意 Sabrina 和其他 David约会的

第四单元 Martha’s Vineyard

Sabrina: Linus.
Linus: Hello, Sabrina. I have a message from David. He won’t be able to make it. He sent me. I’m
sorry. You’re upset. Of course.
Sabrina: Yes, no, um. I don’t know. I’m a little tired. Why didn’t he come?
Linus: He was on his way, he had a slight accident. He sat on a champagne flute♥.
Sabrina: Is he OK?
Linus: He’s in the emergency room.
Sabrina: Emergency room!
Linus: It was a sharp flute. Hey, that’s a little joke.
Sabrina: Should I drive over to see him?
Linus: He’ll be fine. A couple of stitches. You can see him tomorrow.
Sabrina: What’s this for?
Linus: Part of the message from David.
Sabrina: They sent you to deal with me, haven’t they?
Linus: They?
Sabrina: Like a lawyer in a movie. He goes to the unsuitable waitress, or showgirl♥, or chauffeur’s
daughter, and says the family is prepared to offer you a hundred thousand dollars to stay
away from their son. “No”, she says, “a hundred and fifty thousand.” “No.”
Linus: Two hundred thousand?
Sabrina: No.
Linus: A million? No self-respecting lawyer would offer less.
Sabrina: No self-respecting waitress would take it.
Linus: Good girl. Sabrina: I’ve loved him all my life.
Linus: Have you?
Sabrina: I thought I was over it.
Linus: Surprise, surprise.
Sabrina: You don’t object?
Linus: Object? To you? Look at you. It’s as though a lovely breeze♥ has swept through this whole
Sabrina: Even though the breeze comes from the general direction of the garage?
Linus: It’s the 90s, Sabrina. S
abrina: So they say. They played that the night before I left for Paris.
Linus: They often do play that.
Sabrina: Yeah, he was dancing. Right here, with someone.
Linus: Yeah, he often does do that. And tonight he wanted it to be you. It’s all in the family.
Sabrina: I never thought of you as a dancer.
Linus: Crazy about it. Call me Bojangles♥ at the office.
Sabrina: In all those years I never saw you do this–meet a girl here with champagne.
Linus: Never did it before.
Sabrina: You never had to before.
Linus: Is it impossible to believe that I want to dance with the prettiest girl at the party?
Sabrina: Thank you. Yes, it is impossible to believe.
Linus: Then you don’t know me. Oh, I almost forgot, the rest of the message from David.
Sabrina: Oh! Linus: Thanks. I needed that. Sabrina: What am I doing? I should never . . .
Linus: No, no, no, I apologize.
Sabrina: You have my hand print on your face.
Linus: Maybe it’s better if you pick up your messages in person. You’ll see David tomorrow.

Linus: Mack, I’m gonna stay out here for the next 2 days. Cancel whatever I’ve got and reschedule.
Have the plane stand by for 9 AM tomorrow morning. And set up the vineyard cottage. I
don’t know - flowers, candles, singers. Call David’s secretary, it’s the only thing she ever
Mack: Linus?
Linus: Why not? Hell! I’m up, you’re up. You weren’t? Well, call her anyway. Thank you very much
for coming. Good to see you. Goodnight. Jesus…dog. Frank, could I . . . what is there an
epidemic♥ of sleeping sickness? OK, listen, um, David can’t stand pain, so I want you to
give him a combination of morphine♥ and . . . I don’t know . . . OK, not morphine, but
something strong, and mixed with a sleeping tablet, like Halcion. They haven’t proved that
Frank. Uh, we have no idea. Maude thinks they were left on the chair buy some guest. He’s
not gonna sue♥ his own mother. Well, he’s not me.

Mrs. Larrabee: Wait, you’re not going to work that way are you?
Linus: Give us a moment?
Man: Sure, Mr. Larrabee. Linus: Tyson say anything after I left last night?
Mrs. Larrabee: He’d wondered where everybody had gone. Maybe I should talk to Sabrina.
Linus: And say what?
Mrs. Larrabee: Sabrina, you’re very lovely, but David has a short attention span♥. He’s just jerking
your chain♥. Can I say that to a woman? Jerking your chain?
Linus: When is Elizabeth due back?
Mrs. Larrabee: Thursday, should we try to get her back sooner?
Linus: No. I don’t want him trying to break off the engagement. This whole thing happened in
twenty-four hours, I can make it un-happen in forty-eight. I like Sabrina. I always have. But
I’m not about to kiss off a billion dollars. I don’t care what she did to her hair.
Linus: Good morning.
Sabrina: Morning.
Linus: I’ll take you up to see David.
Sabrina: Thank you. David? David, can he hear me?
Linus: David!
David: Sabrina, hi!
Sabrina: Hi.
David: Did the dry cleaners have your car?
Linus: How do you feel?
David: I didn’t get there. Did I?
Sabrina: Are you in a lot of pain?
David: Am I in a lot of pain? Look at your little hand. Guess what happened to me?
Sabrina: I…I know. I know. I feel awful.
David: Me, too. How do you feel, Linus?
Linus: You’re falling a little behind here David.
Sabrina: Do you want me to stay with you?
Linus: Listen, we got ya a terrific nurse and a two-day supply of red Jell-O. He really should rest.
Mr. Fairchild: Isn’t Mr. Linus going in?
Mrs. Larrabee: He has other work today.
Mr. Fairchild: Oh, very good, Madame.
Linus: I’m sure he’ll be more responsive♥ next time. Don’t worry. See you.
Sabrina: Thank you.
Linus: Uh, ya know, um, I was wondering–we have this summer cottage on the vineyard we never use
anymore. I want to put it on the market. I was gonna have a few pictures taken, ya know, the
kind that make it look bigger than it is.
Sabrina: Um hm.
Linus: I understand you have an interest in photography. I thought you might like to take them. Trip
would be no trouble. Helicopter♥ could pick us up here, plane at Republic. Why? Is that a
lot to ask?
Linus: Saves all that time fighting traffic.
Sabrina: And all those toll booths. No thanks. Carol: Something to drink, Ms. Fairchild?
Sabrina: Sabrina.
Carol: Oh, what a beautiful name.
Linus: Carol.
Carol: Sorry, Mr. Larrabee. Can I get you something?
Linus: Pelegrino.
Sabrina: Same.
Linus: Uh, Mack, anything from Greenger? Anybody else at SEC♥? No, no, tell him I’ll call him back
as soon as I can. So, that really is a beautiful name. How did you get it?
Sabrina: My father’s reading. It’s in a poem.
Linus: Oh? Sabrina: Sabrina Fair♥, listen where thou♥ are sitting under the glassy cool translucent♥
wave. In twisted braids of lilies knitting the loose train of thine amber♥ dropping hair.
Carol: Amber dropping hair! That’s so . . .
Linus: Carol. Carol: I’m sorry.
Sabrina: It’s an incredible♥ airplane. It’s beautiful. I’ve never seen anything like it. Oh, yes. Don’t you
ever look out the window?
Linus: When I have time.
Sabrina: What happened to all that time you saved taking the helicopter?
Linus: I’m storing it up.
Sabrina: No, you’re not.
Linus: So your little poem, what does it mean?
Sabrina: It’s the story of a water sprite♥ who saved a virgin♥ from a fate worse than death.
Linus: And Sabrina’s the virgin?
Sabrina: Sabrina’s the savior♥.
Sabrina: Is it always like this?
Linus: I don’t know, I haven’t been here in years.
Sabrina: How can you have a place like this and never come here?
Linus: Gee, I don’t know. I guess I…. just never had anybody to share it with, I guess.
Sabrina: You could always hire somebody.
Linus: No wait, not me, the house, please.
Sabrina: You’re in the house. It humanizes♥ it.
Linus: I don’t like having my picture taken: I come out looking depressed.
Sabrina: Are you depressed?
Linus: Well, maybe that’s not exactly the right word.
Sabrina: What is the right word?
Linus: I don’t know, um …lonely, maybe, you think that’s funny?
Sabrina: No, I just expected you to say something else.
Linus: No, I suppose you’re right. It is funny. Linus Larabbee is lonely. Oh, I’m sorry. I made you
uncomfortable—come on, let’s get the outside.
Sabrina: Do you want a view from the house?
Linus: Uh, sure.
Sabrina: Which one?
Linus: Uh, all of them.
Sabrina: More isn’t always better, Linus, Sometimes it’s just more, pick one.
Linus: I don’t know anything about.
Sabrina: Just look, don’t take a picture, just look.
Linus: Uh, ocean, ocean, ocean, quaint♥ little fishing village. Ocean, ocean, lighthouse, a guy going
into the lighthouse. There’s a job for you. What must that be like? What kind of a guy takes
a job keeping a lighthouse?
Sabrina: Every time, I look through a camera I’m surprised. It’s like finding yourself in the middle of
a story, like you just did. What kind of a guy takes a job keeping a lighthouse? I think I’ve
been taking pictures all my life, long before I ever had a camera.
Linus: Excuse me . Well, call him back, mother. Raise the offer half a point, no more. Here? Lousy. So
far I’m more affected than she is. I damn near cried twice. I’m running out of time here. I
don’t know what to try.
Sabrina: OK… finished.
Linus: Well, we’ll have some lunch, and then you probably oughtta get a look at the island while
you’re here. Do you miss Paris?
Sabrina: Not yet, but I will.
Linus: You liked it there, huh?
Sabrina: I loved it. You’d probably hate it.
Linus: What? Why?
Sabrina: Well, it’s all about pleasure. They work as hard as anyone, they just know when to quit and
enjoy themselves, Oh, what a beautiful building! Nobody builds with brick anymore.
Linus: That’s a late… 18 hundreds.
Sabrina: Ya know, in Paris they’d consider that brand new? I hope they don’t tear it down.
Linus: They won’t. I own it, that whole block. I donated♥ it to the village as a halfway house, you
know, jails are full of guys that never had a break. Look at this guy picking cans. They get
backed to the wall, commit some kind of petty crime. They’re stuck. They’re outsiders for
the rest of their whole lives. It’s not fair. The only chance they’ll ever have is a half way
house that’ll help them get their feet under them again. Uh, excuse me. Could you take a
picture of us?
Man: Yeah.
Sabrina: It’s that one.
Linus: Are you done?
Sabrina: I don’t think I can eat anymore.
Linus: It’s too late to give them their freedom.
Sabrina: You know, you are not exactly what people say you are.
Linus: Oh yeah? What do they say I am?
Sabrina: Uh you know?
Linus: No.
Sabrina: Well, that you’re the world’s only living heart donor.
Linus: Oh, that.
Sabrina: How does this one go? He thinks that morals are paintings on walls, and scruples♥ are money
in Russia.
Linus: Well, that’s droll♥.
Sabrina: And then there’s my favorite.
Linus: No, no, no, I get the picture. That’s enough.
Sabrina: Do you remember the rainy afternoon we spent together? My father had, Uh, had driven your
mother and David into town for a music lesson.
Linus: How old was he?
Sabrina: I don’t know. Fourteen? Fifteen?
Linus: That would be the oboe♥.
Sabrina: The oboe?
Linus: Yeah, it was a misunderstanding. He thought he was gonna get to take hobo♥ lessons. It was a
rainy afternoon, huh?
Sabrina: Stormy. I was afraid, and I came into your house and tried to turn on a lamp, but I got a shock.
And I thought I’d been struck by lightening. And you stayed with me all afternoon, till my
father came home. Linus: And you didn’t cry. You were a brave kid.
Sabrina: No, I was more afraid of you than being electrocuted♥. Everybody was. Is that the reason you
never got married? Uh, you probably don’t believe in marriage.
Linus: Yes I do. That’s why I never got married. David, on the other hand, believes in the tooth fairy♥.
Sabrina: That’s why I like him.
Linus: Oh I like him, too. A matter of fact, I love him. I just don’t know what to do with him. You
know, when he was a kid he used to love to come into the office, he used to sit behind my
father’s desk, write memos♥, and then read the ticker tape♥. One day he just stopped, and I
can’t figure out. Are those the only things people say about me?
Linus: It was a nice day. You were a little tough on me, I thought.
Sabrina: I guess you’re used to being treated very carefully.
Linus: When will you have the pictures?
Sabrina: Tomorrow.
Linus: Could you drop them by the office?
Sabrina: Sure.
Linus: Well, goodnight then, Sabrina Fair.
Sabrina: Linus?
Linus: Uh. Yeah.
Sabrina: My father once asked David why he stopped coming to the office. And David said, “What do
they need me for? Linus is there.”
Linus: Listen, I do real work in the real world. David watches from the North Shore.
Sabrina: I know you work in the real world, and you’re awfully good at it. I’ll bet you haven’t made a
wrong move since you were three. But that’s work. Where do you live, Linus? It was a nice
day. Thanks

Mr. Fairchild: It’s open.

Sabrina: Hi.
Mr. Fairchild: Where were you, in town?
Sabrina: On Martha’s Vineyard. Linus wanted me to take some pictures.
Mr. Fairchild: Linus did?
Sabrina: I love so many things about you, dad, do you know what I love best of all? That you decided
to become a chauffeur, because you wanted to have time to read. All my life I’ve pictured
you sitting in the front seat of a long succession of cars waiting for the Larrabees and
reading. We had baked clams. Linus baked them. I used to be so afraid of him.
Mr. Fairchild: It’s appropriate.
Sabrina: What was he like as a child?
Mr. Fairchild: Shorter.
Rosa: I look out the window and I see someone, and it is a young woman so I say “what is a young
woman doing in the courtyard at this time of night? So I am looking and looking and I see
this Sabrina. And she’s talking. Who’s she talking to? A man, not her daddy because he’s not
as tall….
Joanna: It was Linus. Sabrina went out with Linus.
Rosa: It was Mr.Linus? Woman: Sabrina went out with Linus Larrabee? That’s too weird♥.
Man: I thought the guy was gay.
Rosa: Mr. Linus is not a gay.
Joanna: It’s not a “gay”, it’s just gay.
Man: Linus Larrabee is gay? That makes me like him better.
Fairchild: Mr. Larrabee is a heterosexual♥.

第一部分 精通语汇

make it
出处:He won’t be able to make it.
解析:make it 意为完成、做到,也有及时到达之意。
活用:1. Come on ,you can make it. All you need is patience.
2. It ‘s 12:00. I do believe we’ll make it to the party.
出处:I feel awful.
解析:awful 有糟糕的、可怕的、惊心的意思,是口语中常用的一个表感情的词。
活用:1. The weather is so awful.
2. It’s awful to see this tragedy happen.
3. … I’ve got an awful lot of work to finish before tomorrow.
出处:It’s an incredible airplane.
解析:incredible 不仅有不可思议、难以置信的意思,也有惊人的、奇妙的意思,和unbelievable
和amazing 等词一样,都是口语中十分常用的形容词。
活用:1. That’s the most incredible coincidence I’ve ever heard of!
2. He wrote an incredible novel this year ,which I believe would gain him a Nobel Prize
出处:Here? Lousy.
解析:lousy有非常糟糕的意思,常见的搭配lousy with意为充满。
活用:1. What lousy movie!
2. The town was lousy with tourists.
出处:When is Elizabeth due back?
解析:Due 在英语中很实用,但绝不是一个简单的词。它既可以做名词,也可以做形容词、
活用:1. 应付的帐目
When is the bill due?
2. 预期的,应该到达的
The train is due to arrive at four.
3. 应该得到的
We must give credit where it is due.
4. 正对着
I have a feeling that if we go due east, we’ll get some shrimp.

第二部分 举一反三

1、So I want you to give him a combination of morphine and …

No, I just expected you to say something else.
want sb to do sth和expect sb to do sth 两个句型来表达此类需求。
1) Harvey, I want you to start buying up chunks of Tyson stock.
2) What do you expect me to do?
3) I don’t want him to try to break off the engagement.
4) Do you want me to stay with you?
5) I want you to get me two tickets on Air France to Paris.
6) I want you to come to Paris with me.
7) Well, I don’t expect you to think about me when I’m gone.
8) You expect me to just drop everything and walk out of here?

2、I am about to do something.

出处:But I’m not about to kiss off a billion dollars.
解析:be about to do 句型常表示即将发生或计划中的事情。
活用:1. I was about to turn off the TV when my father came in.
2. It’s about to rain .Take the raincoat with you.

3、How can you have a place like this and never come here?
解析:How can﹍表示惊讶的语气。
1) I don’t know how to believe you. How can I ever?
2) How could you, Linus? How could you do what you did to me and her? How could
you go that far?
3) How could I have forgotten? Was there champagne?
4) How could I be? Am I a lost cause then?
5) How can he forget someone he doesn’t know exists?

4、It’s the story of﹍

出处:It’s the story of a water sprite who saved a virgin from a fate worse than death.
解析:It’s the story 在英语中常用于陈述一个故事或一个事件时所用的引言性句型。
活用:It’s the story of a general who bacame a slave , a slave who became a gladitor, a gladitor
who became a hero who fight for the Empire—Best picture in 2001.
而战的英雄的过程。这就是2001年最佳电影——角斗士。(摘自73届奥斯卡颁奖 典

第三部分 美语思维

1、—Sabrina: Linus.
—Linus: Hello, Sabrina. I have a message from David. He won’t be able to make it. He sent
me. I’m sorry. You’re upset. Of course.
—Sabrina: Yes, no, um. I don’t know. I’m a little tired. Why didn’t he come?
“I’m a little tired.”并不是说Sabrina真的很累,只是当她正沉浸在梦想就要实现的兴奋中时,没想
2、—Carol: Something to drink, Ms. Fairchild?
—Sabrina: Sabrina.
—Carol: Oh, what a beautiful name.
—Linus: Carol.
职守做好自己的本职工作,并记住自己的身份,所以刚上飞机就屡次打断了Carol与Sabrina 的
3、—Linus: I don’t like having my picture taken: I come out looking depressed.
—Sabrina: Are you depressed?
—Linus: Well, maybe that’s not exactly the right word.
—Sabrina: What is the right word?
—Linus: I don’t know, um …lonely, maybe, you think that’s funny?
—Sabrina: No, I just expected you to say something else.
—Linus: No, I suppose you’re right. It is funny. Linus Larabbee is lonely.
4、—Sabrina: Do you want a view from the house?
—Linus: Uh, sure.
—Sabrina: Which one?
—Linus: Uh, all of them.
—Sabrina: More isn’t always better, Linus, Sometimes it’s just more, pick one.
面对Linus对于景色贪婪的占有欲(All of them),Sabrina说出了快乐生活的真谛:More isn't
always better.
5、Sabrina: I know you work in the real world, and you’re awfully good at it. I’ll bet you haven’t
made a wrong move since you were three. But that’s work. Where do you live.
Linus 这次与喜欢观察体验生活的Sabrina相伴出游,一种与往日不同的感受确实给Linus的
人都是在脱离熟悉的环境后才开始真正地面对自己,真正地审视自己的生活。Linus 的生活中

第五单元 First Step towards A New Life

Nurse: He’s still sleeping.

Sabrina: Oh, is that normal?
Nurse: When you’re taking what he’s taking, it is. But he wakes up from time to time.
Sabrina: Has he asked for anyone?
Nurse: Burt and Ernie♥.
Sabrina: Um, could you tell him Sabrina was here?
Nurse: I have to tell him the pope was here, but I don’t think it’d make a dent♥.
Sabrina: I have to go into the city, but I’ll be back by seven. Could you tell him?

Mack: Quarterly reports from publishing will be on line at four. International wants a teleconference at
5:15. Harvey called.
Linus: Mack, do you know that old brick building that we own out at the vineyard?
Mack: Yes.
Linus: You ever heard me referred to as the world’s only living heart donor? Have the Rons find out if
there is any tax advantage to donating that building to the town out there.
Mack: And if there isn’t?
Linus: Then forget it. Oh, and I want two tickets tonight for whatever Broadway show nobody can get
tickets for. And a table at the Karloff for drinks.
Mack: for whom?
Linus: Me. I know I seldom go to the theater.
Mack: Seldom?
Linus: OK. I’m not a theater buff.
Mack: Buff? The most difficult tickets will be for a Broadway musical.
Linus: Okay.
Mack: That means that the actors will periodically♥ dance about and burst into song.
Linus: Mack, forget the thing about the tax advantage. Tell the Rons that I want that building donated
to the town. And I want it used as a halfway house.
Mack: Sabrina Fairchild.
Linus: Come in.
Sabrina: Hi.
Linus: Hello. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable.
Sabrina: Thanks, wow. It’s, uh, big… lunus: This is where I do that real work, in the real world,
instead of living.
Sabrina: Oh, you remembered.
Linus: It doesn’t come up everyday. Would you like some coffee?
Sabrina: No, thanks.
Linus: Some of these are very good.
Sabrina: Don’t sound so surprised.
Linus: I’m not. This is an unusual view of the house.
Sabrina: Oh, um, well, you said you wanted it to look bigger, sorry. No you have… here. You’ve got
to admit, it’s beautiful.
Linus: I probably would, if you’d let me.
Sabrina: I found myself in Paris. A friend said that.
Linus: You were missing?
Sabrina: Yes.
Linus: I once was lost and now I am found.
Sabrina: You’re making fun.
Linus: It’s my turn.
Sabrina: You’re very photogenic♥.
Linus: It’s ‘cause I’m handsome.
Sabrina: No, that’s not it. Linus: But not as handsome as David.
Sabrina: Nobody’s as handsome as David, even David.
Linus: Don’t tell him that till he’s fully recovered. And you’re sure I can’t get you anything? Café au
lait snails, French fries? Theater tickets?
Sabrina: Theater tickets?
Linus: I thought I’d take my first step towards, what is all that French stuff? A good life, knowing
when to quit. Maybe it’s a bad idea.
Sabrina: No, it’s a good idea.

Sabrina: It was my favorite food in France. There’s this little place in Pegale, I ate there at least twice
a week. Ah, it’s really so much better if you eat with your hands. Do you mind?
Linus: No, ow! Not since I made that contribution♥ to the burn unit♥. It’s good, very good. It’s
interesting. Have to try it with soup sometime.
Sabrina: No one ever stops…. The whole place, and it’s like everything is asleep…and…I used to
walk everywhere in Paris. I used to walk from Montmartre♥ down into the center of the
town. Along the Seine♥ there is a four mile walk that goes from Isle Saint Germain♥ to the
Pont de Bercy. Takes you past all the bridges of Paris, twenty-three of them. Then you find
one you love and you go there everyday with your coffee and your journal, and you listen to
the river.
Linus: What does it tell you?
Sabrina: That’s between you and the river.
Linus: You know it’s funny listening to you talk. Makes me… Makes me wonder if I should…
Sabrina: What?
Linus: I don’t know, something is different. I feel different. At work I don’t… I love the action, but,
sometimes I wonder, lately especially, been wondering what it would be like, to spend some
time in a place that I love like that, not just a few days, but for a real change. Actually, I
think I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I just, um, I just didn’t know it until, till
you, uh …
Sabrina: What exactly are you saying?
Linus: I’m not sure. I do what my dad did. He…he did what his dad did. My whole life I’ve been… I
never chose. The past gets deeper, more familiar, but, uh…
Sabrina: You’re not really thinking about Paris?
Linus: No. No, you’re probably right. How could I be? Am I a lost cause then?
Sabrina: I don’t like to think of anyone as a lost cause. What time is it?
Linus: 9:45
Sabrina: I forgot I told the nurse to tell David I’d look in on him.
Linus: He’s probably sleeping. We can go.
Sabrina: No, you’re right I can…
Linus: No, come on. Let’s walk a little. Was there anything you didn’t like about Paris?
Sabrina: How expensive everything is.
Linus: Well, I’d have to learn how to say “I am just looking”.
Sabrina: (French.)
Linus: How do you say “ This is what I want”?
Sabrina: (French)
Linus: How do you say “I’m looking at what I want”?
Sabrina: I don’t remember.
Joanna: I brought you some tea. And I brought you some flowers to brighten up your room..
Mr. Fairchild: Have you been watching “Remains of the Day”♥ again?
Joanna: She can handle herself with him, you know? She’s not a little girl anymore.
Mr. Fairchild: It’s just she seems, I don’t know, displaced right now. She doesn’t belong in a mansion,
she doesn’t belong above the garage either.
Joanna: Most people live in between. Have your tea and try to sleep.

第一部分 精通语汇

出处:What exactly are you saying?
解析:exactly 也可以单独作为一个句子出现在口语中,表达完全同意对方观点的意思。
活用:— I love this movie
That’s my favorite, too.
The script is already a fabulous one.
Don’t mention the casts.
— Exactly.
— 一点都没错。
出处:I’m not a theater buff.
活用:1. He sure is a Civil War buff.
2. I am a Start War buff.
3. 此外,buff 还表示颜色(淡黄色)和不着衣饰的皮肤。
Now, which one do you like?
The taupe or the buff?
It may feel good to swim in the buff.

第二部分 举一反三

1、Forget it
出处:Mack: And if there isn’t?
Linus: Then forget it.
解析:forget it在口语中的意思极其丰富,既可以表示劝导的语气,也可以表示不耐烦的心
活用:1. —My car broke again today. I hate that.
—Come on, forget it . Let’s go to the plaza.
2. —You still have so much work to do.
—Oh, forget it. I’m lousy now.

2、Make yourself comfortable.

出处:Hello, sit down. Make yourself comfortable.
解析:Make yourself comfortable 是招待客人时常用语,相当于中文“随便坐”、“别客气”的
活用:Come on in, Marry, make youself comfortable.

第三部分 美语思维

1、Sabrina: Nobody’s as handsome as David, even David.

经过多年的巴黎的生活,Sabrina 虽然在巴黎找回了自我,从一个丑小鸭脱胎成了美丽的白
天鹅,但是,David 在她心中的感觉却依然如初,仍然是一个幻觉(illusion),因为只有幻觉中的

2、Linus: I don't know, something is different. I feel different. At work I don’t ﹍ I love the
action, but, sometimes I wonder, lately especially, been wondering what it would be like, to
spend some time in a place that I love like that, not just a few days, but for a real change.
Actually, I think I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, I just, um, I just didn’t know it until,
till you, uh﹍
Sabrina: What exactly are you saying?
Sabrina说话中展现出来的丰富的情感总能打动Linus 冷漠的内心,她对生命的感悟、对生
活的认识更触动了 Linus 麻木多年的感情神经。在促膝长谈中,Linus发现自己真正需要的并非

3、Mr. Fairchild: It’s just she seems, I don’t know, displaced right now. She doesn’t belong in a
mansion, she doesn’t belong above the garage either. Joanna: Most people live in between.
Mr. Faiechild 对女儿还没找到自己的归属感到不安,但Joanna却认为这种情况是很正常的,
索、思考自己人生目标的过程,所以她劝Mr. Faiechild尽管放宽心,一切顺其自然便可。

第六单元 A dream

David: Hi.
Sabrina: David, how are you feeling?
David: Great! Just felt like getting out of bed for a while. Mack says you guys went to the theater?
Linus: Just dinner.
Sabrina: Moroccan on the floor. Lots of cinnamon♥.
Linus: What’s the word on from Calloway?
David: Um, I’m healing fast. I just can’t eat on the floor yet.
Linus: Well it was good, thanks.
David: You headin’ back to the city?
Linus: No, it’s getting kind of late. I think I’ll sleep out here. Good night.
Sabrina: Good night, Linus. Thanks.
David: So, you. I’ve been thinkin’ about you.
Sabrina: Have you? What were you thinking?
David: I think we never had that drink in the solarium.
Sabrina: No, we never did. You sent Linus. Are you sure you should be walking around?
David: Hey.
Sabrina: David, what’s going to happen?
David: Well, I could probably scare us up♥ some champagne, a couple of Dixie cups, I’m through with
glasses. We could hobble♥ down to the solarium pick right back up where…
Sabrina: No, I meant after that?
David: After that? Well, shucks whatever, I don’t know.
Sabrina: Don’t you?
David: Well, not exactly. Is that so bad?
Sabrina: No.
David: We can talk about all that later, can’t we?
Sabrina: Yes, but tomorrow. I really think you should rest now.
David: OK.
Sabrina: Goodnight, David.

Mack: Good morning Sir. How was the theater?

Linus: Come in, Mack.
Mack: That bad, huh?
Linus: I want you to get me two tickets on Air France to Paris. One in my name and one in the name
Sabrina Fairchild. That’s it.
Mack: What day are we flying?
Linus: Tomorrow.
Mack: Oh, I almost forgot. The Tysons are here waiting.
Linus: Did we have an appointment?
Mack: It’s not in my book. They showed up. I put them in David’s office. Linus: Is my mother in yet?
Mr. Tyson: I got the same thing with a nephew. I gave him a huge office, but he’s never there either.
So, we use it for lunches.
Mrs. Tyson: These are the invitations. We thought we’d use recycled paper♥.
Mrs. Larrabee: Why does it always look dirty?
Mrs. Tyson: Uh, Maude. Now, which do you like? The taupe♥ or the buff♥?
Linus: What’s the problem, Patrick?
Mr. Tyson: No problem from our point of view. I feel like a… what’s that word? When a lot of guys
are after you?
Linus: Whore♥.
Mr. Tyson: I was thinking more debutante♥. Somebody else wants to be in bed with Tyson Electronics.
Do you know Intermedia?
Linus: Uh hm
Mr. Tyson: Impressive♥ proposal. Cash, stock, and they don’t want to tell me how to run the business.
Mrs. Larrabee: Well, how flattering for you Patrick.
Linus: How’d you leave it with it?
Mr. Tyson: I told him “We’re practically family, you and I. I couldn’t possibly entertain their offer at
this time.
Linus: Good.
Mr. Tyson: But, Elizabeth came home last night. She called David. And we got the impression that…
Mrs. Tyson: You. You got the impression.
Mr. Tyson: I got the impression that he wasn’t as anxious as he should be to see her.
Mrs. Larrabee: But he’s not himself, Patrick. He’s been injured. He’s on very heavy medication. He
wants to be perfect before he sees her again.
Mr. Tyson: That’s what I thought.

Sabrina: Hello.
Linus: Good morning.
Sabrina: Linus.
Linus: Listen, would you mind another trip into the city? I’ve got some business I’d like to discuss
with you and I thought…
Sabrina: Business?
Linus: Yeah. I was wondering if you could meet me here this afternoon.
Sabrina: I don’t know. There’s something I ought to do.
Linus: It would mean a great deal to me if you could.
Mrs. Larrabee: That little leprechaun was making a veiled♥ threat.
Linus: There was no veil.
Mrs. Larrabee: Should we do something?
Linus: It’s under control. I’m going to Paris tomorrow.
Mrs. Larrabee: What?
Linus: It’s a long story.
Mrs. Larrabee: I like long stories.
Linus: Well, you won’t like this one.
Mrs. Larrabee: Try me.
Linus: Things have been progressing with Sabrina. We’re bonded♥. Been confiding♥ in each other.
Last night over a handful of chicken, I told her I thought my life was in need of some
radical♥ changes. I told her I was thinking about getting away, moving to Paris. She thought
that was a great idea.
Mrs. Larrabee: And she believed you?
Linus: More than that I think she’ll want to go with me.
Mrs. Larrabee: How do you know?
Linus: The same way I knew fiber optics would replace coaxial cable♥, that Intel’s chip would change
the industry, that Cindy Crowfrod’s House of Style would be a big hit. I just know, so here’s
the way it’ll play out. Sabrina will go to Paris with me. A wiser David will return to
Elizabeth. I’ll come back from Paris to sign the papers, the merger will close. We’ll make a
very large sum of money, and you can buy a house in Tuscany♥.
Mrs. Larrabee: I have a house in Tuscany. What happens to Sabrina?
Linus: She grows up.
Mrs. Larrabee: You’re going to ditch her. My good ness.
Linus: Well, how did you think this was going to happen, mother? Did you think there was some nice
way to do it, some sweet way?
Mrs. Larrabee: I don’t know what I thought. I just don’t want Sabrina to be…
Linus: What? Unhappy? In all these years, you’ve never once seen the face of somebody the day after
we’ve taken over their business, have you? You’re at the hair dresser or celebrating.
Mrs. Larrabee: I think I’m getting old, I feel terrible.
Linus: Take a pill.
Mrs. Larrabee: Watch it, I’m still your mother.
Linus: And you taught me everything I know.
Mrs. Larrabee: I didn’t teach you this. Excuse me, I have some calls to return.
Mack: Ms. Fairchild. He was expecting you much earlier. I’ll let him know that you’re here.
Sabrina: Maybe this isn’t such a good idea. Don’t tell him I’m here. Mack: He pays me to tell him.
Sabrina Fairchild.
Linus: I was beginning to worry.
Sabrina: Why?
Linus: That’s a favorite question of yours. Didn’t you want to come?
Sabrina: Uh, I asked you first.
Linus: I asked you second.
Sabrina: Uh, I’ve been, uh, I’ve been wondering around Manhattan all afternoon, um, it’s something
to do with maybe never seeing you again. And that’s ridiculous because we don’t, um, don’t
have to, uh, well, except by accident. How could that be a problem? Um, if two people… I
asked you first.
Linus: Well, um, what you said, whatever it is, makes what I was gonna say obsolete♥, I think.
Sabrina: Obsolete?
Linus: Irrelevant♥.
Sabrina: OK, I like irrelevant.
Linus: Do you?
Sabrina: Who cuts your hair?
Linus: Tony.
Sabrina: Tony?
Linus: Yeah, why? You think I should go to your barber?
Sabrina: No, but…
Linus: Tony was my dad’s barber. He is ninety-four. Maybe his hand is not as steady as it used to be.
Sabrina: It’s just that it’s all… So what’s irrelevant?
Linus: I want you to come to Paris.
Sabrina: Uh, you mean go to Paris?
Linus: No, I want you to come to Paris with me.
Sabrina: You, you’re really going?
Linus: It’s your fault, you convinced me that there was some things missing in my life.
Sabrina: Like what?
Linus: Like a life.
Sabrina: I didn’t think you were listening.
Linus: I was. Will you come? Don’t say no. Will you?
Sabrina: I just got back.
Linus: So. Say yes, now. We’d leave tomorrow.
Sabrina: Tomorrow? I have to talk to David.
Linus: Just come away. He’ll get the idea in a week or two.
Sabrina: You are formidable, aren’t you? In business…
Linus: Well, this isn’t business.
Sabrina: Didn’t you once say “Everything is business”?
Linus: No, but it sounds like me. What will you tell him?
Mack: I did knock. Here are the tickets. And the other things are being taken care of. And good night.
Linus: So it is. You want dinner?
Sabrina: No.
Linus: I could order in.
Sabrina: No. I don’t understand what happened. I hardly know you.
Linus: Oh yes you do.
Sabrina: I wasn’t even interested.
Linus: Gee, thanks.
Sabrina: No. I was interested in David. I knew he was so much what I wanted, that I had to escape.
And I did, to Paris. And I wrote in my stupid journal and I cut my stupid hair and I came
back stupider than ever. Oh, Linus. I’m so happy here. You’ve made me so happy. Linus?
Linus: I can’t do this.
Sabrina: What is it?
Linus: You were right.
Sabrina: About what?
Linus: About everything. Everything that mattered. It was all a lie. Everything I said to you, from the
moment I brought the champagne into the solarium.
Sabrina: I don’t believe you.
Linus: I was sent to deal with you. I sent myself. And I did a hell of a job. There was a marriage.
There was a merger. You got in the way. The plan is to take you to Paris, then leave, to get
you out of the way. Sabrina. I think that there’s no…
Sabrina: What are the things that are being taken care of?
Linus: What?
Sabrina: She said other things.
Linus: An apartment for you in Paris. A bank account.
Sabrina: How much?
Linus: 500,000 Francs.
Sabrina: Your first offer was better.
Linus: You can have more.
Sabrina: I don’t want more. I don’t want any. You went to all that trouble just for me? The helicopter,
and the jet.
Linus: It was no trouble.
Sabrina: Was I really so bad for David, so wrong? The chauffeur’s daughter, isn’t that all over?
Linus: That’s not it. It’s about a piece of plastic.
Sabrina: Plastic?
Linus: Nothing personal.
Sabrina: May I? Paris is always a good idea. I was happy there. You would have been too.
Linus: I’ll drive you home.
Sabrina: I’m flying home.

Sabrina: He shall have music wherever he goes.

David: Hi. Sabrina: You’re better.
David: Oh yeah, much better. Stitches come out tomorrow. How about you? Where you coming from?
Sabrina: Town.
David: Long evening. I thought we were gonna talk. I was planning a big stitch removal celebration.
Thought we’d go down to the…
Sabrina: I was with Linus.
David: You know, of all the girls I’ve known and I’ve known some, is that a song? You’re the only girl
I danced with only once.
Sabrina: Twice.
David: What? How could I have forgotten? Was there champagne?
Sabrina: I was eight. And you were taking dancing lessons. I was homework. I’m leaving town, David.
David: I think I knew that.
Sabrina: I won a ticket to Paris.
David: Lucky. One way♥?
Sabrina: Yes, come to think of it.
David: Traveling alone?
Sabrina: Yes.
David: You have a good trip. Linus: You’re here.
Mack: So are you.
Linus: Want you to call Seattle and Tokyo and tell them to stop construction. Then get the Rons and
Tysons and tell them there’s an emergency meeting on the merger here at noon. And take
this Paris ticket that was in my name and transfer♥ it to the name of David Larrabee. I need
to see my mother.
David: Linus!
Linus: Need to see my mother as soon as she gets in.
Mack: Good morning, David. Can I get you some coffee? No? OK.
Linus: I got a surprise for you.
David: Yeah. I got one for you, too. I’ve watched you do business for years, but I thought there was a
limit to how sick you could… How could you, Linus? How could you do what you did to
me and to her? How could you go that far? What the hell makes you think you have the
Linus: Habit. Listen, David, I tried something and it didn’t work, I mean it worked, but it didn’t really
work. I want you to go to Paris today, with Sabrina.
David: What?
Linus: This whole thing was a business tactic♥, I let it get out of hand. Somehow I lost my focus. I
screwed up everything. But I know it can be fixed. I manipulated♥ her, I confused her. She’s
loved you all her life. You’re what she really wants. You’re what she’s always wanted. Go
with her, it’s not too late. Things will work out. She’ll make you happy. I don’t want her to
have to leave here alone.
David: What about Patrick and the merger? You’d blow a billion dollars for this? I see.
Linus: Get going. Go on. Don’t miss the plane.
David: Ms. McCartle, I want to see you in my office right away. Where is it?
Mr. Fairchild: When your mother and I first came here, she cooked and I drove and we had no
expenses. After a couple of years we had $15,000. I was driving Mr. Larrabee Senior at the
time. He never closed the window between us. He transacted♥ a lot of business on the daily
commute♥ and I paid attention–when he bought, I bought, when he sold, I sold.
Sabrina: Dad, are you telling me you have a million dollars?
Mr. Fairchild: No, a little over two million. Your mother and I were happy here, Sabrina. We always
dreamed of what it could be like to do this for you. Two million dollars might have exceeded
her expectations, but then you’re always exceeded mine.
David: I know what his instructions were, but it’s a mistake. I’m giving you new instructions. There’s
been a change with… Just get started and I’ll call you back. Thanks for getting here so
quickly. I need to tell you a story. And I need for you to tell me how it’s gonna turn out.
Joanna: All those years, you made all that money and you never told any of us how to do it.
Mr. Fairchild: I’ll tell you now, Joanna, marry me. Marry me for my money. People do it everyday.
Joanna: I’m not amused. Thomas, and I have a great sense of humor.
Mr. Fairchild: Then marry me for love.

Mr. Tyson: Emergency what? What? What’s the emergency?

Mrs. Larrabee: Now darling if I knew. I’m sure there’s a perfectly good answer to that question.
Mr. Tyson: What the hell is going on? Linus: In a minute Patrick.
Mr. Tyson: What are we waiting for? And what’s with Sigfreud and Roy?
Linus: Just a minute, Patrick. OK. We’ve known each other for a long time. We may have played
hardball♥ on occasion, but I think we have a healthy respect for our…our individual
business abilities. We saw the potential♥ of this merger, and I don’t think anybody doubts it
would have been an enormously successful venture♥.
Mr. Tyson: Would have been?
Linus: The purpose of this meeting is to inform you that at this moment my brother, David…
David: Is late as usual. Sorry. Sorry, everybody.
Linus: What are you doing here? David: Elizabeth and I have decided to elope♥.
Mr. Tyson: Really?
Linus: David, where’s Sabrina?
David: So are we merging, are we all one?
Mrs. Tyson: Who’s Sabrina?
Linus: You didn’t go with her?
David: Well obviously not, Linus, I mean here I am, right? She’s probably having her beverage service
right about now.
Mrs. Tyson: Who is?
Mrs. Larrabee: Sabrina.
Mrs. Tyson: Who’s Sabrina?
Mr. Tyson: The chauffeur’s daughter.
Linus: Don’t call her that.
Elizabeth: She was after David for a while then apparently she switched to Linus. She seems to have
decided that he was the one with the power.
Linus: Is that what he told you?
Elizabeth: He told me everything, Linus.
Linus: And you didn’t see her before she left? You didn’t talk to her?
David: Oh sure, I said goodbye and I think I wished her luck. Maybe not. I told her I felt kind of funny
accepting my brother’s hand-me-downs♥. And I said don’t take it personally, and you’ve
always been generous to your women in the past and I was sure she’d be more than
compensated♥ for whatever… See, I told you, he loves her.
Mrs. Tyson: Who?
Mr. Tyson: Sabrina.
David: Is he packed?
Mack: Yes.
Linus: Is who packed?
Mack: You are, just one bag.
Linus: Wait a minute, you packed my clothes? You went to my apartment.
Mrs. Larrabee: I took her.
Mack: We were up to our elbows in your underwear drawer. It was like touching the Shroud of Turin♥.
David: Here, sign this. It’s your authorization♥ for the completion of the merger. And this, gives me
the raise I deserve for the new position I’m assuming. There’s a car waiting for you down
stairs, a helicopter at East 60th, the plane ticket’s been changed to the Concord. It leaves in
exactly thirty-nine minutes. If you make it, you just might beat her there.
Elizabeth: Go, Linus, don’t think.
Linus: She must absolutely hate me.
Mrs. Larrabee: She’ll get over it. We all do.
Linus: This is crazy. You expect me to just drop everything and walk out of here?
David: Running would be better.
Mr. Tyson: I think you’re all nuts.
Mrs. Larrabee: Linus, you know I love you. No mother would be prouder, but I think it’s time that you
ran away from home.
David: But sign this first.
Linus: If you’ll excuse me. It appears I have a previous engagement.
David: Now, Patrick. The debt burden this merger will accumulate♥ is gonna make it essential to
restructure a couple of divisions that are generating cash drains♥. I’ve done a very quick
review of last quarter’s performance of each division of both companies.
Mrs. Larrabee: David, when did you ever?
David: Mother, you’ve copied me all the financial statements♥ of this company for seven–teen years.
You just assumed I couldn’t read.

Linus: Go ahead, say it.

Mr. Fairchild: You don’t deserve her.
Linus: I don’t, I know that, but I need her, and I don’t need anything.
Mr. Fairchild: Time to run for it.
Linus: I just want to make her happy.
Mr. Fairchild: B Rue De Beus Arts. (French)

Woman: Your attention please, last call for Air France. Concorde Supersonic♥ Flight to Paris, now
boarding at gate 34. Air France wishes you a pleasant flight.
Ticket agent: First time on the Concorde, Mr. Larrabee?
Linus: Yes.
Ticket agent: But not your first time in Paris?
Linus: It’s my first everything.
Linus: Paris is always a good idea, you said. You said I’d be happy here. You couldn’t have meant
without you.
Sabrina: How did you know where to find me?
Linus: Your father. I told him I need you. I told him I’d make you happy. I promised him.
Sabrina: I thought it was all a lie.
Linus: So did I … but something happened, it was a lie. And then it was a dream.
Sabrina: I don’t know how to believe you. How can I ever.
Linus: Because you know me, better than anyone else. I think you know I love you. And you promised,
if there was anything you could ever do…
Sabrina: Once upon a time, on the North Shore of Long Island, not far from New York, there was a
very, very large mansion, almost a castle.
Linus: I’ve been following in footsteps all my life. Save me, Sabrina Fair, you’re the only one who
Sabrina: And on this very large estate♥, there lived a small girl, and life was pleasant there, and very,
very simple…. But then one day, the girl grew up, and went beyond the walls of the grounds
and found the world.

第一部分 精通语汇

出处:No, I mean after that.
解析:Mean 在英语中可作名词、动词和形容词,含义广泛,但在口语中经常用到的是后
活用:1. 动词 常用来表示对所说过的话的强调、解释和补充说明,表达说话人的意思、
How can he forget someone he doesn’t know exists? I don’t mean that, Sabrina.
I mean whatever they think or say, I know the truth, that you’re a wonderful person
– kind and generous.
Yeah, see, doesn’t that worry you a little bit? I mean about her mental health?
You mean to tell me I can’t have a drink and a dance with an old friend.
2. 形容词 不好意思的、暗自惭愧的;吝啬的、小气的、卑鄙的;难对付的,困难
I feel rather mean for not helping you more.
Don’t be so mean to him. He’s your brother.
He threw a mean fast ball, and then I lost. 他扔了一个刁钻的球,所以我没能接住。
show up
出处:They showed up.
活用:1. Show up 表示出现、出席,常有突然和不期而至的含义。
You had promised to come, but why didn’t you show up at last?
We didn’t expect that you would show up here.
2. 同时,show up还有揭露真相、拆穿骗局的意思。
His fraud was showed up before the whole court.
Don’t risk cheating. It will be rather tough when you’re showed up.
3.另外一个与show相关的词组也是我们非常熟悉的,即show off,指卖弄、炫耀。
Showing off does you no good, when it’s showed up.
出处:You are heading back to the city.
解析:head作动词,与介词或副词搭配常有“朝… 行进的意思。还有“给……加标题”的意
活用:1. The chairman’s car headed the procession.
2. The football team headed back home after the World Cap Final.
3. The envolope was headed “Confidential”.
in someone’s name
出处:One in my name, and one in Sabrina.
解析:In someone’s name常用来表示“以……名字”或“以……名义”。
活用:1. He published the book in a written name . 他以笔名出版了这本书。
2. It’s impossible to buy such a house in my name.
出处:We’re practically a family.
活用:The holidays are practically over. We’d better prepare to go back to work now.
screw up
出处:I screwed up everything.
解析:screw up 指弄糟某事、打乱计划或与某人关系搞僵了,如:
活用:1.You screw up with Elizabeth and I swear I’ll kill you.
Lifting those heavy boxes really screwed up my back.
crew up your courage and you will get strong enough to beat them.
be after
出处:She was after David for a while …
她曾追求 David,……
解析:追求某人在英语中有多种表达方式,仅在本片中,我们就学到了be after、take out等
活用:1. David’s taking out Patrick Tyson’s daughter.
David 在追求 Patrick Tyson的女儿。
2. I feel like a… what’s that word? When a lot of guys are after you?
3.另外,court 和 pursue 也是我们熟悉的同类词语。
He had been courting Jane for six months.
The lady was pursued by many suitors.
出处:And this, gives me the raise I deserve for the new position I’m assuming.
解析:Deserve 是用得相当多的单词之一,表示“应得到”、“值得”,也指“配得上”、“配 得
活用:1. Good work deserves good pay.
2. You deserve all these things.
3. He certainly deserves to be sent to prison.
4. I want to wish you all the luck and happiness you deserve, and may your first child be a
masculine child.
5. You don’t deserve her, but she appears to love you.
Go that far
出处:How could you go that far?
解析:go that far意为过分
1. How dare you go that far? You’re in the school now.
2. Don’t go that far! Everyone has his limit.

第二部分 举一反三

1、I want you to get me 2 tickets on Air France to Paris. One in my name and one in the name
Sabrina Fairchild. That’s it.
订两张到巴黎的法航机票,一张给我,一张给 Sabrina Fairchild。就这些。
解析:下达指令或进行陈述时,习惯用“That’s it.”或“That’s all.”这两个句子来表示结束。
1)Harvey, I want you to start buying up chunks of Tyson stock. Not so much that
anybody would notice. That’s it.
2)I would like to have a hamburger, a coke and a pie. That’t.

2、She called David. And we got the impression that…

她打电话给 David,但我们觉得……
解析:To have/get the impression that…常指某人对某件事的感觉、感受或主观看法,或某件
事留下的印象等, 常用的句式还有It’s one’s impression that…、to be impressed that…、
give sb an impression 等。
1)I got the impression that he wasn’t as anxious as he should be to see her.
2)I have the impression that we have met once before.
3)I was really impressed by the child’s sincerity.
4)It’s my impression that you’re not authorized to take control of the corporation.

3、Yes, come to think of it.

解析:Come to think of it 是非常地道的口语用词,表示“想来如此”、“相信如此”、“仔细考
1)Come to think of it, the road back there was the one we were supposed to take.
2)It’ll blow you $100 million for this, come to think of it.

4、Nothing personal
出处: Sabrina: Plastic
Linus: Nothing personal.
解析: Nothing personal 意为“不是针对个人” 。
1)Don’t mind the professor’s word today . It’s nothing personal.
2)—Why do you always make trouble with me?
—Hay, it’s all about business. Nothing personal.

5、It’s time that you ran away from home.

解析:这是同学们非常熟悉的句型,这里要提醒大家注意的是,It’s time that…所接的从句
中要用过去时态;口语中,that 常常可以省略,或者变为 It’s time (for sb) to do sth
1)Time to run for it.
2)It’s time for your bath,lieutenant.
3)It’s time for a showdown: you and me.

第三部分 美语思维

1、Sabrina: David, what’s going to happen?

David: Well, I could probably scare us up some champagne, a couple of Dixie cups, I’m
through with glasses. We could hobble down to the solarium, pick right back up where…
Sabrina: No, I meant after that?
David: After that? Well, whatever, I don’t know.
Sabrina: Don’t you?
David: Well, not exactly. Is that so bad?
Sabrina: No. Sabrina
懂得爱情和婚姻,看一看David 是否从当初的花花公子成长成为一位真正的有责任心的男人,
因此她非常认真地问David,What's going to happen? (我们喝完那杯酒之后,会发生什么事情?
你会娶我吗?)但是,David的回答(After that?Well, shucks, whatever, I don't know.)让Sabrina

2、Sabrina: May I? Paris is always a good idea. I was happy there. You would have been too.
Linus: I’ll drive you home. Sabrina: I’m flying home.
当Sabrina知道事情的真相之后,非常的痛苦,拿起了飞往巴黎的机票,说了一句,I'm flying

3、Mrs. Larrabee: How do you know?

Linus: The same way I knew fiber optics would replace coaxial cable, that Intel’s chip would
change the industry, that Cindy Crowfrod’s House of Style would be a big hit. I just know, so
here’s the way it’ll play out. Sabrina will go to Paris with me. A wiser David will return to
Elizabeth. I’ll come back from Paris to sign the papers, the merger will close. We’ll make a very
large sum of money, and you can buy a house in Tuscany.
Mrs. Larrabee: I have a house in Tuscany. What happens to Sabrina?
Linus: She grows up.
Mrs. Larrabee: You’re going to ditch her. My goodness.
Linus: Well, how did you think this was going to happen, mother? Did you think there was
some nice way to do it, some sweet way?
Mrs. Larrabee: I don’t know what I thought. I just don’t want Sabrina to be…
Linus: What? Unhappy? In all these years, you’ve never once seen the face of somebody the
day after we’ve taken over their business, have you? You’re at the hair dresser or celebrating.
Mrs. Larrabee: I think I’m getting old, I feel terrible.
气强硬、好将自己的意志强加于人、很少体谅和关心别人的感受;而Mrs. Larrabee,说话则显
得委婉而有礼貌:气愤时不高声粗语,拒绝时也不会生硬的说“No”,而使用更委 婉的方式表达
自己的想法,她真正的含义往往蕴藏在字里行间(我们可以仔细体会一下她对Linus 这一计划

4、Mrs. Larrabee: I didn’t teach you this. Excuse me, I have some calls to return.
在英语中,这是希望结束不愉快谈话时的常用方法。Mrs. Larrabee 虽然不赞同他儿子的做

5、Sabrina: No. I was interested in David. I knew he was so much what I wanted, that I had to
escape. And I did, to Paris. And I wrote in my stupid journal and I cut my stupid hair and I
came back stupider than ever. Oh, Linus. I’m so happy here. You’ve made me so happy. Linus?
Linus: I can’t do this.
6、Mr. Fairchild: Time to run for it.
下,暗藏着 Mr.Fairchild对 Linus的无限期望——"去追赶你的爱情吧”。

新东方在线 4+1 网络课堂电子版教材


导 读
Student Study Guide

In this section, you will listen to and study My Best Friend’s Wedding. To assist you in this study, we
have prepared this student guidebook. The movie you will work on is broken into a number of
sections, each about ten minutes long. You can study one section at a time.

Each unit in this guidebook contains some or all of the following exercises:
– To introduce you to new or essential vocabulary to assist you in understanding the movie. This
will normally be done as a homework assignment. The focus will be on words, phrases and idioms
二、Listen for the Main Events
– To have you isolate the main events of the plot in each section of the movie
三、Listen for Details
– To assist you in finding specific facts or details in the movie
四、Listen Between the Lines
– To have you answer inferential questions, that is, questions to which the answers are not given
specifically in the text but you can answer by making logical conclusions
五、Shadow Reading
– To provide you and your partners with opportunities to practice reading aloud various sections of the
play before or during class. It is a good idea to practice these readings before watching the movies
– To ask you to anticipate what will happen next in the movie. Accomplished readers and viewers
often try to predict what will happen next. This activity heightens understanding
七、Culture Notes
– To assist you in understanding foreign customs, idioms, slangs or events that appear in the movie


一、Answering Machines
– Many people in the west have answering machines attached to their telephones to take messages
when they can not or do not wish to answer their phones. The machine records a short message from
the caller. Answering machines have a limit on the number of messages they can hold. On occasion,
these machines break and ‘eat’ the messages. That is, the messages are destroyed. Some times a
good excuse for not answering your messages is that your machine has eaten them.

二、Baby Sit
– When parents want to go out for an evening’s entertainment they need someone to look after the
children at home. They hire a baby sitter to make sure the children are safe and get to bed at the
correct time. The baby sitter is often a neighborhood teenager who is paid a small amount for the job.
Schools and community centers often offer short courses to teach people how to do this job.
– A culture note on baseball could easily be a book long. Americans like to think of baseball as
‘their’ game but it is played worldwide. In commercial baseball, very rich individuals or large
companies own teams. The team is based in a city called its hometown. There are therefore home
games played in the team’s home park and away games played in other cities. Often there is a series
of away games played in different cities and the team is then said to be ‘on the road’. Comisky Park is
the home park of The Chicago White Sox.

四、Beauty Pageants
– There are various Beauty Pageants around the world. These are competitions to see which woman
from a particular area is the most beautiful, the most talented, or the most charming. The winner of the
World Pageant is called Miss World (incidentally Miss China was second runner up to Miss World in
2001). The winners are usually called Miss ‘Somewhere’, the name of their home area. We have for
example, Miss Shanghai, the winner of the Shanghai competition, or Miss Teen California, the winner
of the beauty pageant in the state of California. In this contest, the winner must be a teen-ager. Thus
Miss Pre-Teen Illinois would be 12 years old or under.


There is a rich and varied culture associated with weddings and the form of the celebrations and
ceremony will change from place to place. The bride (woman to be married) and her family usually do
all the planning for the wedding while the groom (the man to be married) and his family often pay the
bills. The planning can be up to two years long.

The bride has a small group of very close friends that she asks to stand by her during the wedding. The
friends are called bridesmaids. There is another very close friend of the bride and often a little older,
who acts as Maid of Honor.

The groom has groomsmen, a group of very close friends who stand by him during the wedding. He
also has a Best Man --a very close friend, often his best friend, who helps him in all his tasks.

The Best Man is often in charge of “The Ring” or wedding ring. This is put on the fourth finger of the
bride’s left hand during the ceremony to signal that she is married.

There are many events associated with the wedding. Long before the actual day friends and relatives
hold Bridal Showers which include a lot of gift giving, playing of games and eating. Another big event
is the rehearsal where the Wedding Party (the Bride, Bridesmaids, Maid of Honor, Groom, Best Man,
Groomsmen and so on) all rehearse what will happen at the actual ceremony. Also attending the
rehearsal is the Father of the Bride who, at the beginning of the ceremony, walks down the aisle of the
church and gives the bride away with a kiss. The Mother of the Bride of course is there as she has
been involved in most of the planning. During the wedding ceremony her job is to sit in her seat and
look radiant.

As the relatives and friends of the Bride and Groom start to arrive at the city where the wedding takes
place there are often a number of big meals where people gather to chat and renew acquaintances.
There is usually an informal lunch or supper after the rehearsal. There may be a brunch (made up of
the words breakfast and lunch) or two. There is often a big wedding banquet and dance after the

Wedding gifts are very much a part of the wedding ceremony. Beautifully decorated gifts such as
special linens, silverware, dishes, glasses, and household appliances are presented to the wedding
couple. Often these are opened the day after the wedding at the Bride’s home. It is the opinion of this
writer that this is the most tedious event of the wedding and is best to be avoided at all costs. After all,
how often and for how long can one ‘ohh and ahh’ with even a little sincerity.

At the banquet the wedding couple receives many toasts, wishes of good luck, often accompanied by a
glass of Champaign. These toasts are often quite interesting as they can include funny stories about the
Bride or Groom.

After the wedding banquet the Bride and Groom change into regular clothes and prepare to leave.
Before they do, the Bride throws her Wedding Bouquet into the crowd of female guests. It is the belief
that the young woman who catches these flowers will be the next to marry. Sometimes the groom will
throw his garter, a fancy elastic band used to keep socks from slipping, into the crowd of male guests
with the same intent.

After the wedding ceremony, the Groom and the Bride, now husband and wife, may leave
immediately for their honeymoon. A Honey Moon is a week or two of rest and recovery and whatever
else newly weds do on honeymoons.

I have to say that it is a little dangerous for me to write about wedding as there are so many opinions
about what can or should or must be done. Suffice to say the Bride and Groom are often exhausted at
the end and certainly in need of a honeymoon of some kind. The guests are well fed and well
entertained and go home happy albeit with ‘lighter’ wallets, and the Mother of the Bride can finally sit
down, put her feet up and remember her own wedding.


The play is broken into 4 main parts and each part is divided into two units. The times listed below are
for VCD/DVD and are approximate.

Part Lesson Title Last Line Time

1 Desperate to talk I’m gonna bring him DVD VCD(Disk 1)
back 00:00-10:40 00:00-10:40
2 She is toast If you’ve heard 10:40-19:10 10:40-19:10
enough profanity
3 Sing “the” song You don’t know her 19:10-29:50 19:10-29:50
4 She double cross me This has been about 29:50-41:50 29:50-41:50
5 Julianne’s fiancée So do it 41:50-53:28 41:50-53:28
6 Bad things to honest Yeah 53:28- 1:10:40 VCD(Disk 2)
people 00:00- 18:20
7 Jell-0 and Crème Brule We will find her 1:10:40-1:28:04 VCD: 18:20- 35:43
8 Say goodbye Bond, James Bond 1:28:04- 1:40:00 VCD: 35:43- 47:40


Julianne Potter a New York food critic, also known as Jules

Michael O’Neal a Chicago writer for Sports Magazine
George a New York editor and Julianne’s friend and boss
Kimmy Wallace a Chicago socialite, student and daughter of Walter and Isabelle Wallace, she is
engaged to Michael
Walter Wallace a billionaire owner of the Chicago White Sox and a cable television empire
Isabelle Wallace wife of Walter Wallace and mother of Kimmy
Mandy and Sammy sisters from Nashville and bridesmaids to Kimmy
Eric and Hank Michael’s bosses at Sports Magazine
Scotty Michael’s little brother and Best Man at the wedding

听 力 原 文

Lesson 1 desperate to talk

Ready? Okay.
Wishing and hoping
and thinking and praying
planning and dreaming
Each night of his charms
That won't get you into his arms
So if you're looking to find love
That you can share

All you gotta do is hold him

and kiss him and love him
And show him that you care

Show him that you care just for him

Do the things that he likes to do
Wear your hair just for him
'Cause you won't get him
thinking and praying wishing
and hoping Just wishing
and hoping and thinking and praying
Planning and dreaming
His kisses will start
That won't get you into his heart
So if you're thinking of how great
true love is

All you gotta to do is

Hold him and kiss him
and squeeze him and love him
Just do it and after you do
You will be his

Man: Two and two, menu.

Captain: Brian, 22, immediately! Guillermo! Guillermo!
Guillermo: Yes, sir!
Captain: Two pigeons. Two pigeons. Right away! Right away! Very important table right here.
Captain: Give me two grain; I'll take that polenta, polenta, all right chef.
Captain: This is the one; this is the one I’m waiting for.
Man: Yes, sir.
Captain: I need that special meat right now. Pastry, get ready.
Man: It's coming at ya.
Captain: I'll kill your whole family if you don't get this right now. I need this perfect.
Man: Yes, sir.
Julianne: I'm writing it up as inventive and confident.
George: Oh, by the way, did the chap from Newsday ever call?
Julianne: I'll check my machine. Is this a real interview or just some cute guy you are trying to set
me up with?
George: Please, Julianne. I don't send you men anymore. You haven't got the first idea what to do
with them.
Michael's voice: Hey. It's Michael. Jules, it must be, months, huh? So I can't wait to talk to you. I'm
in Chicago at the Drake Hotel… I just…Okay, well, call me four in the morning, whatever,
we gotta talk.
George: Who called? The man of the moment?
Julianne: No, the opposite. My Michael. Michael O'Neal. He sounds desperate to talk to me.
George: Oh, the wandering sports writer. Remind me about that one.
Julianne: Sophomore year at Brown, we had this one hot month. Yes, but of course, you know me, I
got restless. So I get up the nerve to break his heart and he gives me this look. And he said
"The thing that makes me want to cry is I'm losing the best friend I ever had." At that
moment I knew I felt the same way. So I cried for maybe the third time in my entire life.
And I kissed him and we've been best friends ever since. We've seen each other through
everything. -- Losing jobs, losing parents, losing lovers, we've traveled all over, the best
times of my life, maybe. Drinking and talking even if it's just over the phone.
George: Go on, it's so moving…kindred spirits, eh?
Julianne: No, he's nothing like me. He's like you, actually. Only straight.
George: Oh.
Julianne: I remember this one night in Tucson, like six years ago. He takes a razor out of this tiny
little dopp kit, cuts his finger, takes my hand, does the same to me…
George: I'm going to be sick.
Julianne: He says, 'Swear. When we're 28, if we've never married… we marry each other!' We never
talked about it again. I don't know what made me think of that.
George: You're about to be 28 in three weeks. huh? How old is he? Julianne: You think…
George: Desperate to talk?
Julianne: No.
George: Cheers. Courage.
Michael's voice: Hey, it's Michael. Jules, it must be months, uh? I can't wait to talk to you, I'm in
Chicago at the Drake Hotel. I guess I am… OK, well, call me four in the morning,
whatever, we gotta talk. Bye. Operator: Good evening. Drake Hotel.
Julianne: Hi. Yes. I am calling for Michael O'Neal, but seeing it's so late, if you could just let me
leave… Operator: One moment, please.
Michael: Hello?
Julianne: Hello. You've been enrolled in the Obscene Caller of The Month Club.
Michael: Hey, Beautiful, it's so great to hear your voice. I miss you. I've been calling you for over a
month, you know…
Julianne: Well, I've been on a book tour.
Michael: I figured you were out of town.
Julianne: No, I mean my machine eats all my messages.
Michael: Or you're just averaging 30 days to return a call.
Julianne: It's less when It's you.
Michael: Look, I have to ask you something. Something so incredibly important, that if you turn me
down, I don't know what I'm gonna do…
Julianne: I just have to tell you this one thing first. Well, this is, this is probably going to hand you
the biggest laugh of your adult life. I'm sure. But I'm thinking about you, and I was
remembering this unbelievably insane night we spent in Tucson, like, I don't know, a
thousand years ago? And you probably won't remember this. But…
Michael: Are you kidding? I think about that night all the time.
Julianne: You do?
Michael: But it's not why I called. Julianne: It's not? Michael: I called because I met someone.
Julianne: Well, that's great. That's great. Because you haven't really seen anybody, have you? Since
Dingbat Jenny lee…
Michael: You don't understand. I've never felt this way about anybody! And she's all wrong for me!
Julianne: There is a good start.
Michael: No, no. I mean she's a junior at the University of Chicago, she's 20. Her name's Kim. Jules.
you're gonna love her. She' s beautiful. And her dad is this billionaire and he owns the
White Sox and some cable empire. You know I've always been uncomfortable around rich
people. Julianne: Sure.
Michael: But they're not like that, they're such wonderful people…really, salt of the earth.
Julianne: So. You've met her parents.
Michael: Yeah. Jules, we're getting married this Sunday. Hello. Hello.
Julianne: Michael, it's Wednesday night, how can you possibly be getting married on Sunday?
Michael: Actually, it all starts tomorrow. It's one of these four-day-weddings with all the traditional
events, and like ten million people flying in from all over the world.
Julianne: Okay. Okay. Are you working this weekend? I mean, is that responsible?
Michael: Well, the Sox are at home and Sports is letting me do a profile on the Big Hurt, You know,
Frank Thomas… wait. What do you mean irresponsible? Taking off a weekend to get
married? Jules. I'm scared.
Julianne: Maybe we should talk about this.
Michael: I need you. If you can't come and hold my hand, I'll never get through this. Please come,
Julianne: Well.
Michael: Oh, man, I can't wait for you to meet her.
George: Listen, Jules. Why don't we stop and have a drink? You could take a later flight.
Julianne: No, no. I'm a busy girl. I've got exactly four days to break up a wedding, steal the bride's
fella and I haven't one clue how to do it. He adored me for nine Goddamn years. Me.
George: I can see why.
Julianne: Look. She has known him for what, like, five seconds, Okay, plus she's got billions of
dollars, plus she's apparently perfect, okay, don't go feeling sorry for Miss Pre-Teen Illinois!
I can't lose him, George. I'm gonna bring him back.

Lesson 2 she is toast

You give your hand to me
and then you say hello
and I can hardly speak
My heart is beating so
and anyone can tell
You think you know me well
but you don't know me.

No, you don't know the one.

Who dreams of you at night
Wants to kiss your lips
Wants to hold you tight
Oh, I am just a friend
That's all I've ever been

Julianne: OH.
Michael: Can you believe I'm gonna do this?
Julianne: Not hardly.
Kimmy: This just makes everything so perfect. From the day I met Michael, all I've heard is
Julianne this, and Julianne that… I've never had a sister.
Kimmy: Right off, I have this monstrous favor to ask you.
Julianne: Excuse me?
Kimmy: My best friend Angelique shattered her pelvis line dancing in Abeline over Spring Break.
Be my Maid of Honor.
Julianne: What? Um, shouldn't you promote a bridesmaid or someone that you've known at least
forty-five minutes.
Kimmy: My bridesmaids are my only two female relatives under the age of forty, Debutante sisters
from Nashville who are basically vengeful sluts. Oh, my exit. This means I have four days
to make you my new best friend. It's time for you to force yourself to get personal.
Woman: Do you like the color?
Kimmy: I think it's beautiful.
Woman: Isn't that perfect for her?
Kimmy: Absolutely.
Woman: Now this is going to be tighter. You know, you don't want those things to fall out.
Kimmy: No, it's beautiful.
Woman: I am not hurting you, okay? I don't want her to trip so I'm going to take this up a little tiny,
tiny bit.
Kimmy: Would you rather the daffodil?
Julianne: I thought the bridesmaids all wore the same dress.
Kimmy: Not you. You won't be comfortable unless you were distinctive.
Julianne: What else did he tell you?
Kimmy: You hate weddings, you never go. You're not up for anything conventional, or anything
that's assumed to be females priorities, including marriage or romance or even…
Julianne: Love? Michael and I were the wrong fit, right from the start.
Kimmy: He said that, too. Well, I thought I was like you. And proud to be till I met rumpled, smelly,
old Michael. And then I found I was just a sentimental schmuck like all those flighty
nitwits I'd always pitied. It's funny, huh?
Julianne: Yeah. I need a cigarette.

Julianne: George, how do you think I feel? All she does is talk about her and Michael's future. And
she's just so bright-eyed and dreamy.
George: Pull yourself together.
Julianne: Yeah. I don't know if I can do it.
Michael: Oh. Julianne: Hi. Hi.
Michael: Want me to turn around, or something…
Julianne: Yes. Not the person I've expecting.
Michael: I've seen you a lot more naked than that.
Julianne: Well, things are different now.
Michael: Yeah. Guess so…. you look really good without your clothes on.
George: Jules?
Julianne: George, she is toast.

Julianne: So your honeymoon is where, exactly?

Kimmy: Well, it depends. If San Antonio sweeps Sacramento, we could start there or Phoenix or
depending on Indiana-Cleveland game….
Julianne: Garden spots, all. A swing of maybe 40 degrees Fahrenheit, represents a packing challenge,
but there's fine food and cocktails at a choice of embassy suites.
Kimmy: It's his career, I'm supportive. Look, I've been everywhere. I want to be with the man I love.
That's what makes it a honeymoon.
Julianne: I'm just saying he's lucky. Takes one woman in a billion to put up with his array of shit.
The guy is a one-man festival of idiosyncrasy. Well, you've been introduced to the
symphonic range of…
Kimmy: Of his snoring? Yeah. He says it's worse than ever. You know, that 'snaffle' one?
Julianne: Oh, yeah.
Kimmy: Yeah. Now it's kind of got like this phlegm-rattling thing happening behind it. Guess what?
Earplugs work.
Julianne: Oh, what about…
Kimmy: His cigars in bed? I broke him of that habit. But the bathroom's a swamp, he wears
Reeboks to dinner, he likes action movies, he reads over my shoulder, he loves Karaoke
bars. For god's sake and I can't carry a tune.
Julianne: Really?
Kimmy: He sucks soup through his front teeth.
Julianne: That's a trademark move, don't touch that one.
Kimmy: But he sure can kiss.
Julianne: You know, it's been a while, I'm just gonna take your word on that.
Kimmy: After two weeks of cataloguing all of his faults, I made a command decision that changed
my life. I threw the list away. He's not a balance sheet, he's Michael, and loving him means
loving all of him.
Julianne: Do you get nervous in small confined spaces?
Kimmy: So it's sweet of you to want to be protective. But nothing ever could, ever did, give me a
moment's pause about this marriage.
Julianne: Do you become hysterical in small confined space?
Kimmy: Except one. You! You'll always be there in his mind. The perfect creature that he’s loved
for all those years.
Julianne: Well, perfection can get wearing after a while.
Kimmy: I'm not kidding. I had to face up to all of my competitive drives, and believe me, I've got
Julianne: No!
Kimmy: After all, am I gonna be jealous of you for the rest of my life? Our paths will keep on
Julianne: Of course.
Kimmy: He'll always be talking about you.
Julianne: It's only natural.
Kimmy: And the answer was so simple.
Julianne: I was gonna predict that.
Kimmy: You win.
Julianne: I've missed a step.
Kimmy: He's got you on a pedestal and me in his arms.
Mandy: My God, it's the bride, and the woman she'll never live up to! Are you okay, honey?
Kimmy: That would be us.
Sammy: Did she say the wrong thing again? It is so in character!
Julianne: I'm Julianne Potter, and…
Sammy: We'd be the vengeful sluts. But you can just call us Eager.
Mandy: Have you sized up the groomsmen, Jules? As M. of H., you get first pick. Don't pick the
short, hairy, fat one. He's mine. Kimmy is a virgin.
K's mother: Is this Michael's Julianne?
Julianne: Yes.
K's mother: I'm Isabelle Wallace, and my handsome new son scarcely did you justice, girl. Now, my
husband says to scoot you over to the ballpark, so you can hang with Michael. But first,
you have to meet a lot of really old woman. That is, if you've absorbed enough profanity.

Lesson 3 sing “the” song

Julianne: Which of you gents ordered a beer?

Michael: Wow! Let me help you with that
Julianne: Michael. You unwittingly imply that I'm clumsy.
Michael: Sorry. I was confusing you with somebody I used to know. Julianne Potter, this is Hank
and Eric from Sport Magazine.
Hank: Nice to meet you.
Michael: They were kind enough to give me a job.
Eric: Hi, there.
Julianne: How do you do?
Michael: And, and this is Walter, my father-in-law.
Julianne: Future father-in-law.
Walter: Thank you. If he gives you any grief, you come and see me.
Julianne: Oh.
Michael: And this guy, you know.
Julianne: Papa Joe.
Joe: I told him he should make you best man. Darling, but he had to go with his baby Brother.
Julianne: Best-looking guy in any room.
Scotty: Hello.
Julianne: Great to see you.
Michael: Hey. That'll do. Scotty. That'll do.
Scotty: Sorry. Julianne: Now, remember it's the duty of the best man to dance with the maid of
Michael: Dance? You can't dance! When did you learn to dance?
Julianne: I've got moves you've never seen.
Michael: You're an impostor! What did you do with my best friend? Huh!
Julianne: I'm still your best friend. You just haven't seen me for a while. All I'm saying is that some
people might find that kind of perfection boring. Day after day, year after year.
Michael: See, that's what I thought at first. How can you like someone that perfect? No potential for
long-range likability. But then she does have a few good traits.
Julianne: Such as …
Michael: They got him. When I hug her, even in public, I don't have to let go right away. She lets me
hold her for as long as I want.
Michael: What?
Julianne: Nothing.
Michael: Uh, yeah. I forgot. You and that yucky love stuff. You always get like that when it gets
Julianne: I do not!
Michael: Okay.
Julianne: Well, when we were… when you and I were… when we were…
Michael: Together?
Julianne: Mm-mm?
Michael: Yeah.
Julianne: Well, did I … when?
Michael: Yes.
Julianne: Yes what?
Michael: Yes, you pulled away when I tried to hug you in public.
Julianne: Well, I've changed. I mean I am not the girl that I once was.
Michael: Really?
Julianne: M-mm.
Michael: Any relationship over two weeks I should know about?
Julianne: This is not about longevity, Michael. This is about being comfortable with the yucky love
Michael: All right.
Julianne: And I am.

Michael: Karaoke? Where'd you find this place?

Julianne: The doorman told me and you're singing 'the' song.
Julianne: I didn't realize this is a Karaoke bar.
Michael: This is so great, my two best girls.
Waitress: You folks, thirsty?
Michael and Julianne: Margarita.
Julianne: Blended. No salt.
Michael: She wants it straight up.
Waitress: and you?
Kimmy: Amstel light.
Julianne: Two words for you. Margarita.
Michael: Yeah.
Julianne: Vespa?
Michael: Florence.
Julianne: Yeah.
Michael: Firenze.
Julianne: Me hanging on in the rain all night?
Kimmy: I love Florence.
Michael: The guy with a thing.
Julianne: (laugh) 'Where's my pass?'
Michael: 'No! the pier is for fishing.'
Julianne: 'French kissing?'
Michael: 'Fishing!'
Kimmy: You know, I've always loved Florence.
Julianne: Well, you should take her there. She's perky, she deserves a honeymoon.
Michael: Oh, yeah. Well…
Julianne: Oh yeah. Well… 'If San Antonio sweeps Sacramento.' What is that? I mean. You're off the
road in September. And when does Fall Quarter start for you?
Kimmy: Uh, I'm not coming back senior year.
Julianne: Oh. Don't architects find a degree sort of … an asset?
Michael: I travel every week. Got college ball, motor sports, training camps.
Kimmy: I think the most important thing for us is to be together.
Woman: Say. Pinky. I wanna hear you sing.
Kimmy: No, thank you.
Julianne: Kimmy hates to sing. She hates it.
Michael: Uh, -- oh…yeah?
Kimmy: Michael. No.
Michael: All right, Folks, my bride-to-be here is about to kick some ass. What?
Kimmy: No, no.
Michael: No. It'll be fun. It'll be fun.
Julianne: No, no, no. Michael, she doesn't want to. Michael, leave her alone. Come on. Ladies and
gentlemen, please give it up for the dazzling vocal styling of Miss Kimberly Wallace!
Kimmy: (Sing) I Just don't know what to do with myself? Don't know just what to do with myself?
I'm so used to doing everything for you
Woman: You suck!
Kimmy: (Sing) Planning everything for two and now that we're through
I just don't know what to do with my time.
I'm so lonesome for you
It's a crime
Going to the movies
only makes me sad
parties make me feel so bad
I don't know what to do
I just don't know what to do with myself
Don't know just what to do with myself
If your new love ever turns you down
come back I will be around
Just waiting for you
I just don't know what to do
Like a summer rose
I need your sweet love
I need your sweet
love to ease
all the pain.

Michael: That was just terrible! Terrible!

Kimmy: You will be lonely without us.
Michael: Desperately.
Kimmy: Maybe we don't have to go?
Julianne: Your grandmother's dinner? As a bride-to-be, she's got you on a technicality. I'd baby-sit
you, but my loyalty is to the bride in her time of need.
Kimmy: It's not really a time of need.
Julianne: Okay? well, if you're sure?
Kimmy: Sure?
Julianne: Yeah. I mean. I'll stay with Michael if you're sure.
Kimmy: Okay. Uh. Call me later.
Michael: Of course. Good bye.
Julianne: Have fun!

Michael: You were pretty shocked when I told you. Huh?

Julianne: Shocked? No. A little.
Michael: Okay.
Julianne: A lot. I fell off the bed.
Michael: Well. That explains the thump.
Julianne: Mm?
Michael: You like her, don't you?
Julianne: Yeah, I do.
Michael: That's enthusiastic.
Julianne: Well, I mean. No, she's … She is great.
Michael: 'No, she is great.'
Juliann: I mean, seriously, can't sing a note. But to make that kind of sacrifice.
Michael: What? Leaving school?
Julianne: All of it. Put her career on hold, all to follow you around in this dumb job, where you
travel 52 weeks a year to places like College Station, Texas. Michael: Dumb job?
Julianne: Well, it's not a grown-up job. Michael.
Michael: My job never bothered you before.
Julianne: It doesn't bother me now, but I am not
Kimmy. Her father owns the Sox and cable sports.
Michael: Yeah. Julianne: I'm just surprised it hasn't come up, that's all.
Michael: What? 'It'? What?
Julianne: Corner office with a view. You in a nice blue suit, permanent Chicago address. Somewhat
close to Mom and Dad.
Michael: No, never. She would never even think of that. You don't know her.

Lesson 4 she double-crossed me

Kimmy: But Michael loves his job.
Julianne: Oh, sure. Bad games, Bad pays, Bad towns, Bad fights, bad hotels, real bad food.
Homeless, rootless, lonely, your copy makes it in maybe one issue out of four… What's
not to love? Why would he trade all that for running, say, a piece of the P.R. at a powerful,
complex, conglomerate like your father's?
Kimmy: That's just the sort of thing that my father and I discussed. Julianne: I'm not surprised.
Kimmy: So, do you think he'd really accept it?
Julianne: Michael. A job like that? Honey, by any yardstick that involves sanity, it'd be the greatest
thing that ever happened to him. Present company excepted. This is what we do. We make
Dad a co-conspirator. Michael does a favor for Walter. Walter's reorganizing his public
relations and needs a brilliant guy that he's close to, that he can completely trust. Then you
beg. Michael, please do this for Daddy, it's only six months. It would mean so much to me.
Kimmy: He'll see right through it.
Julianne: Only if he wants to. At the end of six months, he'll be happy, settled, successful.

Michael: Wow. You look beautiful.

Julianne: Thank you.
Michael: You have a date later or something?
Julianne: Never can tell. Hi.
Michael: 'Just the way you look tonight.' Remember? Okay, kid. You're up.
Kimmy: Well, it's really my father who needs the favor. You see. He's … he's reorganizing some of
the divisions of the company.. and public relations is a problem area for him. It would only
be, six months, maybe or three or four.
Michael: (to Julianne) and you knew about this.
Julianne: I think you ought to listen to her, Michael. It's her life, too.
Michael: Well, you gonna tell me that Walter thought this one up? Why don't you start by being
honest for one second, Kim?
Kimmy: I am being honest. All of a sudden, I'm supposed to drop out of school, forget my family,
forget my career, forget about all the things I had planned for my life?
Michael: Well forgive me for screwing up your plans! I'm sure glad I'm hearing all this now, before
it's too late!
Kimmy: What is that supposed…
Michael: And what am I supposed to do with my life, huh? I work in a low-paying, zero-respect job,
which, unfortunately, I happen to love.
Julianne: Michael, it sounds like a great opportunity.
Michael: Does it, really? How come you never took some sellout establishment job? Huh? I'll tell
you why. Because that isn't you. And guess what? Kim. That's not me, either.
Kimmy: Okay, if that's the way you feel.
Michael: Damn straight that's how I feel! Just come out and say it, my job is not good enough! I am
not good enough!
Kimmy: Michael, I never said that.
Michael: Yes, you did. Great, Kim, you wait till two days before the wedding to lay this on me, and
I'm just supposed to roll over and drool!
Kimmy: No.
Michael: Fine. I'm the asshole. I'm an insensitive, sexist asshole. You are better off without me.
Kimmy: No, Michael! No, Michael! You are so… so right. And I am so wrong. We settled this. And
I reneged. That wasn't fair. You have to forgive me, and forget this ever happened…
Okay, … or I'll die. Please!
Michael: I am sorry, I am sorry… I'm so…

George's voice: George… and Werner… are not in. Brevity is the order of the day.
Julianne: George, answer this, damn it. I'm in a meltdown here! She double-crossed me! The little
twerp groveled! She is so wrong for him! Michael and I are the same person:
Self-absorbed and vaguely loveable! We deserve each other! I'm running out of time. I 'm
completely out of sneaky ideas. I have come to the end of my rapidly fraying rope! George,
you have got to think of something!
George: Coffee, anyone?
All: Thank you so much.

TV's voice: The plane! The plane! Good morning, Tattoo. Good morning, Boss. Oh, isn't it a glorious
morning? If you say so.
Julianne: Ah! George!
George: This is very Marcel Marceau.
Julianne: Ah!
George: Now relax, relax. We don't want your face coming off with it, do we? What a hideous
room! Oh God. Death by mini-bar, how glamorous.
Julianne: Ow! You flew all the way here. You hate to fly.
George: I have to get back this evening. We have this thing with Werner's Family in the Hamptons.
Julianne: You're butting in. What I mean, when I say she is annoyingly perfect, is that there is
nothing annoying about her perfection. It is vulnerable and endearing. And that is annoying
as shit.
George: Oh, you like her.
Julianne: If I didn't have to hate her, I'd adore her. This is my whole life's happiness. I have to be
ruthless. He was in love with me every day for nine years. I can make him happier than she
can. Yes. I am breaking her heart in the short run, but really, really doing her a gigantic
favor! She would be so miserable tagging along after this insensitive doofus!
George: Jules, do you really love him? Or is this just about winning? Seriously.
Julianne: In the beginning, it was mostly this prior claim, he belonged to me. But now when I'm with
him, he's just so wonderful. How come I never knew that when I could have had him.
George: It's amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy.
Julianne: George, believe me. If he was feeling what I'm feeling. Then he would know how I feel.
It's horrible. What?
George: Just tell him you love him. Julianne. Tell him, tell him you have loved him for nine years.
But you were afraid of love. Yeah, tell him you're afraid of love, afraid of needing.
Julianne: Needing what?
George: To belong to someone. We all are, sweetheart. I'm sorry about that. Tell him… tell him this
is the worst, cruelest, dumbest moment to do this. Jules, but there it is. He's got to choose.
Julianne: Tell him the actual truth.
George: Well. Maybe not the actual truth. Highlights.
Julianne: Oh, George.

Man: Arms at your sides. Please

Michael: OK.
Michael: Good morning.
Julianne: Michael. I have to talk to you.
Michael: You don't like the suit.
Julianne: Actually no. But that's not what I have to talk about.
Michael: Okay. One thing first, though. Excuse me. Guard this with your life.
Julianne: What is it?
Michael: The ring.
Julianne: Why are you giving it to me?
Michael: I don't trust Scotty with it.
Julianne: Michael, I don't think I should.
Michael: Please, please, you're practically the best man anyway.
Julianne: Thank you.
Michael: Here, open it. She'll like it, won't she?
Julianne: Yes.
Michael: So what do you want to talk about?
Julianne: What?
Michael: You want to talk about something?
Julianne: Oh, yes. Uh. Michael. We've known each other a long time, right, what? Twenty years.
Okay, not that long. But a long time.
Michael: Yeah.
Julianne: And in that time, we've grown… close, very close. Do you know what I mean by close.
Michael: I think so.
Julianne: I think, so do I. So, sometimes… when… could you excuse us, please? Uh… sometimes…
people think they know how they feel about each other, but they don't until they do. I have
a point. The question is, am I getting to it…
Michael: Why don't you? Whatever it is you have to say can't be that big a deal.
Julianne: Oh, Michael. A big deal is, a relative term.
Michael: Who is that guy?
Julianne: Uh. It's George. George, I've told you about George. He's my editor.
Michael: Yeah, what's he doing here? You working this weekend?
Julianne: No, um… he's here to be with me.
Michael: Why?
Julianne: Because he's my friend. He's.. he's my good friend. My best friend these days and ….
You've been busy.
Michael: So… all of this, this has been about George?

Lesson 5 Julianne’s Fiancee

Michael: Uh… I am speechless

George: Well. That's Jules.
George and Michael: Yeah, hey, congratulations!
George: What?
Julianne: I told him, puppy. If we are engaged, we really shouldn't be ashamed of it.… He's racing
back to New York. He just came in for a few hours to … uh… fuck me.
George: Uh. Takes a few hours.

George: God.
Julianne: Give me your ring.
George: No.
Julianne: Give it to me.
George: No.
Julianne: George, when you ask a girl to marry you, you have to give an engagement ring.
George: No. I can't believe you're doing this to me. I've come all this way to help you for this.
You're insane.
Julianne: Please, for one day. Find me irresistible.

Julianne: Is something wrong?

Michael: Well, uh… I guess it's just the way that you’ve always talked about George. It always
seemed… seemed like… it sounded like George was a…
George: Gay?
Michael: Actually. Yes.
George: Common misconception.
Julianne: It is because George likes to pretend he's gay.
Michael: Why would you do that?
George: Oh, I find it attracts women.
Julianne: Indeed, yes. Worked for me. Big time.
Michael: Right.

George: Oh, my God. Race you to the altar.

Julianne: Underplay.
George: Got it. Hey, I'm Jules' fiancee, George. Just in town for a quick precounjugal visit if you
catch my drift.
Scotty: I do.
Julianne: You're going to humiliate me, aren't you?
George: Only if I can.
Julianne: Just one thing, stay away from..
Kimmy: What, George, my God… I don't know why I'm so carried away. It's so… it's so… I
George: Against God's plan.
Kimmy: No. Oh, no, it's just wonderful! Mom!
George: Mom!
Kimmy: Mom!
K's mother: What? What?
Kimmy: You have to meet George.
K's mother: George.
George: You must be Kimmy's little sister?
K's mother: Oh
Kimmy: Julianne's fiancee. They're gonna be married. K's mother: No.
George: Yes.
Mandy: What's going on?
Kimmy: Julianne's getting married!
All: Oh, my god. Why didn't you tell us?
Julianne: There hasn't been time.
George: I wanted … I wanted to shout it from the rooftops. But Jules said. 'No. Pumpkin, no. This
is Kimmy's day, let's not take the attention away from Kimmy. Dear, sweet, adorable,
chocolate-covered Kimmy. ' Those were her very words.
Kimmy: I think I gonna cry.
Julianne: Me, too.
K's mother: George, this is so sweet of you to come to our rehearsal. I insist you stay on to lunch.
Julianne: No, no, no. absolutely …
George: Love to, Love the bag, love the shoes, love everything, love to.
Julianne: Darling, what about your flight?
George: Cancelled.
Kimmy: I can tell you this now. But I was very worried about you.
Julianne: About me?
Kimmy: Yeah. I mean all the stories Michael told me were hilarious, but I mean all those broken
relationships, all those men, it must have hurt going through so many guys and never
finding the right one.
George: Hurt? She couldn't sit down for seven years until she met teensy-weensy little me.
Kimmy: And all the while, the man of your dreams is right in front of you.
George: She's talking about me.
K's mother: George?
George: Yes, darling.
K's mohter: How did you and Julianne meet?
Julianne: George is my editor.
George: Yes. But puppy we met long time befor that, actually it's a very romantic story. Would you
like to tell it, sweet pea?
Julianne: No, it's private.
George: Hm. Not any more. I first met Julianne in a mental institution. Julianne was there visiting
some French chef she'd sent insane with a bad review and I was there visiting Dionne
K's mother: Dionne Warwick?
George: Yes. But he thought he was Dionne Warwick?
Scotty: Who is Dionne Warwick? George: Uh. Sacrilege, darling.
Mandy: She's Whitney Houston's aunt.
Man: She's very good on the Psychic Friends Network, isn't she?
Do you know the way to San Jose.
La La La La La

George: So there I was with Dionne Warwick whose real name, by the way, is Jerry. We're having
one hell of a singsong. Then suddenly, breezing through the doors from the electric shock
therapy room. I saw her … a vision… in pink.
Michael: Pink. You don't wear pink.
George: She does, Michael. Sometimes she does wear pink. Julianne: George.
George: You do?
Julianne: I do.
George: I said to Dionne. 'Dionne, who is this vision?' 'Qu'est-ce Que c'est cette. Vision?' Surely
she must be the understudy to some fabulous Broadway star. I mean, look at her skin, who
does her hair?
Julianne: George, please.
George: And in that moment I knew.
Julianne: Okay, we don't all need to know all what you knew.
All: Yes, we do.
Michael: I'm very curious.
George: They do. I knew. That someday we would end up like this. Like some glittering… Doris
Day-Rock Hudson extravaganza. I said to Dionne, "Dionne, I'm in love. Could this siren
love me? Are the Gods that kind?" and Dionne turned to me, opened her lovely eyes and
Scott: What'd she say?
George: (Sing)
The moment I wake up
Before I put up on my makeup
I'll say a little prayer for you
While combing my hair now
While wondering what dress to wear now
I say a little prayer for you
Forever and ever you'll stay in my heart
And I'll love you forever and ever
We never will apart. Oh, how I love you
Together, forever. That's how we must be
To live without you would only mean
Heartbreak for me!

I run for the bus, dear

While riding, I think of us, dear
I say a little prayer for you
At work I just take time
and all through my coffee break time
I say a little prayer for you
Forever and ever, you'll stay in my heart
and I'll love you forever and ever
We never will part. Oh, how I love you
Together, forever. That's how we must be
To live without you would only mean
Heartbreak for me

My darling, believe me!
Believe him!
For me there is no one but you
Please love me, too
Answer his prayer
And I'm in love with you
Answer his prayer now, baby
Answer my prayer, baby
Answer his prayer
Say you love me, too
Forever and ever you'll stay in my heart
and I'll love you forever and ever
We never will part. Oh, how I love you
Together. Forever. that's how it must be
To live without you would
Only mean heartbreak for

Mandy: All right now!

George: Well, heartbreak for you, actually

Julianne: All right, you've made your point. Get on your plane and go. And I'll call you at the turn of
the century when I've forgiven you.
George: Oh, Jules. It would never have worked out, you know.
Julianne: Yeah. Because it was dishonest.
George: Different temperaments. Look, tell him you love him. Bite the bullet.
Julianne: George, what will he do?
George: He'll choose Kim. You'll stand beside her at her wedding. Kissing him good-bye. And go
home. That's what you came here to do. So do it.

Lesson 6 Bad things happen to honest people

Julianne: George isn't my fiance, Michael. It's been over for ages, but he can't accept it. I'd built you
up so much, I couldn't let him lose face in front of you. He can never stack up to the one
man I measure everyone against
Michael: Uh… I don't know. This is strange I gotta tell you when you told me that you were
marrying George. I … I got this really strange.. uh…
Julianne: You were jealous?
Michael: Crazy jealous. I'm sorry. Can we maybe spend sometime alone this afternoon? Would that
be all right?
Announcer: The building directly to the right here. This is the LaSalle Wacker building. This is built in
the art deco style from the 1920s. you'll notice in the center of the building here. You have
a setback for light to come down to the city. The building coming up where on the left, the
first building is…uh the home of the Quaker Oats Company. You can see the Quaker smile.
Michael: I've been thinking a lot the last couple of days. About us, I mean.
Julianne: Have you? Well. There are a lot of memories to choose from, I guess.
Michael: More than that. I mean, it's kind of embarrassing to say it this way, but, you've sort of been..
y'know, the woman in my life.
Julianne: You've been the man in mine.
Michael: And I was thinking this could be our last time. Alone. Together. You know?
Julianne: Except for that hot affair we'll have twice a year.
Michael: Except for that. I mean, you commit to this wedding. And then it seems like this
momentum, and then, you forget you chose it. You and I. I mean, in all our relationships
with other people… we didn't use the word 'love' a lot, did we? Kimmy says, if you love
someone, you say it, you say it right then, out loud. Otherwise, the moment just…
Julianne and Michael: Passes you by.
Michael: Yeah.
Michael: We don't even have a song. Kimmy and I . We don't have a song. Do you think that's a bad

Someday, when I'm awfully low….
And the world is cold…
I will feel a glow just thinking of you.
And the way you look.
Michael: Is your dancing card filled?
Julianne: Oh. Well, I'll have to check.You know, I keep it on powerbook, these days.
Michael: Is that right?
With each word, your tenderness grows, tearing my fears apart.
with each laugh.
That wrinkles your nose.
Touches my foolish heart.

Walter: Excuse me. Excuse me. Hi. Julianne: Hi.

Walter: I thought Michael was picking me up.
Julianne: Well, I said I'd drop you at the stag. He's got a million things to do. Sort of unofficial best
Walter: Yes, of course. Well. Kim said, when Michael turned the job down, there was no friction.
Julianne: Friction? no.
Walter: Good. I haven't caused… a problem, have I ?
Julianne: No, you haven't. Well, nobody has.
Walter: Listen, you're just a little bit early…
Julianne: Actually I need to make some phone calls. Would it be possible to use your office?
Walter: Of course, at the end of hall on the left.
Julianne: Thank you.
Walter: Take your time.

Julianne: Okay. E-mail. New letter. To Eric Isaacson, Senior Editor, Sport Magazine. From Walter
Wallace. See, you can do this. It's easy. You just do it fast, get it over with. It's like it never
happened. Eric, I need a favor. My daughter's every happiness is in your hands. I have
offered Mike O'Neal, my new son-in-law, a great opportunity in my company. To his own
detriment, Michael will not accept our offer while he works for you. …. My daughter joins
me in this plea for your cooperation. With gratitude, Walter. Why would I send this? He'd
get fired. No. Save for later. It's not like I'm sending it. I'm just saving it for a few hours till
we come back here and Michael can see it. Perfectly harmless.
Walter: Send out this, and this, not this, this, and … that's it.
Woman: OK.
Walter: Oh, by the way, I'm holding four or five E-mails that I wrote over lunch… send those out,
Woman: Yes, sir.
Walter: Bye.
Woman: Bye.
Walter: All set?

Julianne: I can't believe this! Did you try every key!?

Michael: It's no big deal, she just gave you the wrong set of keys.
Julianne: No. No. There's got to be a janitor, or a…or a guard. Or , you know, a cleaning woman? Or
you know, some kind of… I mean… Somebody's gotta be in this building. I ne-- need a
brick. I just need a brick.
Michael: What is the big deal about getting this file tonight?
Julianne: I'm up against a deadline.
Michael: Me, too. I'm getting married tomorrow.
Julianne: That's my point! Everyone is becoming so busy with more important things. So.. and this
is really my last chance. If I could just get up there to Walter's office they're right by the
computer. If…um. Then I could just E-mail those figures right out. Right now.
Michael: Tomorrow is Sunday. Nobody's doing business. Monday morning, crack of dawn, Walter'll
walk you right up there. Give it up, kid. You can't win 'em all.

Michael: Good night. Jules? This thing means that much to you.
Julianne: Yes.
Michael: Come on. We'll use the phone in your room. Walter's probably not even asleep we'll call
the house. I'll drive you up there, we'll get the right key, we'll go back down to the office. If
I fall asleep on the altar tomorrow, You better be there. These are all from Eric. The fax is
from Eric, too. Man, it's my wedding, and you could think my boss would leave me alone.
Julianne: Maybe it's congratulations. What is it?
Michael: Mike. I can't believe I'm doing this to you on the night before your wedding. But I think
you need… and deserve to know… what you're marrying into.
Julianne: I received the following E-mail this afternoon… Eric, I need a favor. My daughter's
Michael: Isabelle? I need to talk to Kim.
K's mother: Is there anything wrong?
Michael: No, I'm just tired. Please put her on. Thanks. Jules. Could you give me a minute? Please.
Bellman: Excuse me. Miss, are you locked out?
Julianne: No. No. I just stepped out, because it's a non-smoking room.
Bellman: Well. It's a non-smoking floor, too. Maybe you could go down to the lobby.
Julianne: Why don't you have me arrested? I mean that. I'm a dangerous, criminal person. I do bad
things to honest people. You could make a citizen's arrest, I wouldn't struggle. It'd be like
getting Al Capone on tax evasion.
Bellman: Can I help you, Miss?
Julianne: Do you smoke, Richard?
Bellman: Yes, I do, but I'm…
Julianne: It's a non-smoking floor,
Bellman: Yep.
Julianne: But you know what?
Bellman: You know, my grandmother always said, 'This too shall pass.'
Julianne: Thanks, Richard.
Michael: I want you to quit this shit. It'll kill you.
Julianne: What happened?
Michael: It's over. She denied it. She said I was crazy and paranoid.
Julianne: A bad combination.
Michael: There's a big brunch tomorrow morning at her parents' house. She said 'How can I call it
off? How can I … What am I supposed to tell everyone?
Julianne: Michael…
Michael: No. It's for the best. It really is. And she's right, I am crazy. To fall for someone I hardly
knew. I'm so glad you are here. Hey. You still got that ring?
Julianne: I tried it on but it won't come off. Why don't we take a walk? Or maybe have some food
sent up, or something.
Michael: I just want to be alone. Is that okay?
Julianne: Sure.
Michael: Maybe I'll go back to New York for a while. Hang with you, huh? Eric will understand. Or
we can go somewhere, if you want.
Julianne: If San Antonio sweeps Sacramento, I've never been to Texas.
Michael: Yeah.

Lesson 7 Jell-O and Crème Brule

When I'm awfully low
when the world is cold
I will feel a glow
just thinking of you
and the way you look tonight

Julianne: You what? Julianne: So this is your basic call-off -the-wedding party?
Michael: I came here to confront everybody. I'm not just gonna slink away like some coward.
Besides She hasn't told anyone. I don't know what am I supposed to do?
Julianne: Michael. There is a wedding at 6 o'clock. Have you changed your mind? Do you want to
marry Kimmy?
Michael: I made a decision. It's over. I'll go tell them. First, do you think she's all right? Maybe you
could go check on her for me?
Kimmy: These are the most beautiful flowers I've ever seen. How is he?
Julianne: He's sort of wondering why you haven't told your parents that the wedding's off.
Kimmy: Well, I don't know. I'm still… I'm still hoping for a miracle, I suppose. I mean, how could
he think my father and I would do such a thing?
Julianne: I only minored in psyche, you understand, but.. maybe Michael couldn't commit to this
marriage so he created a delusion. Produced an unconscious psychosomatic manifestation
of, uh… I'm better with food. Okay. You are Michael, you're in a fancy French restaurant,
you order a Crème Brulee for dessert. It's beautiful, it's sweet, it's irritatingly perfect.
Suddenly, Michael realizes, he doesn't want Crème Brulee. He wants something else.
Kimmy: What does he want?
Julianne: Jell-O.
Kimmy: Jell-O? Why does he want Jell-O?
Julianne: Because he's comfortable with Jell-O. Jell-O makes him comfortable, I realize, compared
to Crème Brulee it's Jell-O, but maybe that's what he needs.
Kimmy: I could be Jell-O.
Julianne: No. Crème Brulee can never be Jell-O. You could never be Jell-O.
Kimmy: I have to be Jell-O.
Julianne: You're never gonna be Jell-O. Now you need to come clean with your parents because if
you're waiting for that 'do-you-take-this-man' part, it's considered poor form.
Kimmy: I love him. And whatever delusions I drove Michael to, there is truth at the heart of it. You
see, I want him to work for my father. I want to stay in school. And I want a life of my own.
Please. Tell him it's my fault. And that I love him. You're the only person that I trust.
Julianne: Okay. I'll be right back.
Kimmy: Thank you.
Michael: How is she?
Julianne: Hey! Knock it off!!
Scotty: Yes sir! Michael: I asked you…
Julianne: She admits it's her fault. Totally, completely, inexcusably, her fault.
Michael: Do you think she still loves me?
Julianne: Love, uh… well, it's a strong word. And I don't know that I'm necessarily qualified as a… I
mean, I guess I wouldn't be totally off base…if I said that , in her way, she does possess
strong feeling…
Michael: Jules?
Julianne: Sure, she does. Michael. She's crazy about you.

You fill up my senses
Like a night in the forest
Like the mountains in springtime
Like a walk in the rain
Like a storm in a desert.
Like a sleepy blue ocean Y
ou fill up my senses
Come love me again

Michael: Tell her. I'll marry her at six o'clock, if she'll still have me. Please.
Julianne: I'll be right … right back.
Kimmy: What did he say?
Julianne: He said, 'Marry me.'
Michael: Thank God you were here.
Julianne: Yeah.
Michael: I got so confused.
Julianne: It happens. Got a minute?
Michael: What's up?
Julianne: I have to say this quick. Or I'm just gonna have this massive coronary and then you'll never
hear it, and you have to. This is, by far, the dumbest thing I ever done in my entire life. Uh..
So dumb, in fact. That I can't. Oh, but I'm gonna…
Michael: What's wrong?
Julianne: Michael, I love you. I've loved you for nine years, I've just been too arrogant and scared to
realize it. And , well… Now I'm just scared. So, I realize this comes at a very inopportune
time, but I really have this gigantic favor to ask of you. Choose me. Marry me. Let me
make you happy. Oh, That sounds like three favors, doesn't it?
Michael: Kim! Kim! Kim! Kim! Kim!
Julianne: Michael! Michael! Michael! Old Lady: Just lovely together.
K's mother: That's our maid of honor. Oh, she's from New York.
Julianne: Michael! Wait! Michael! Wait please! You'll never catch her!

Julianne: Doesn't anybody leave their car unlocked? Nobody trusts anybody anymore! Oh, a good
Man: Hey! Come back here!
George: Yes? Julianne: It is not going well! This is what comes of telling the truth! Or even part of
it! You know, getting what you deserve is not fair!
George: Where are you?
Julianne: I have stolen a bread van and I'm chasing Michael down Michigan Avenue. George, this is
all your fault! I told him the truth. I've said that I loved him and I kissed him and this is
what's happened.
George: Jules. A question. When you kissed Michael, did he kiss you back?
Julianne: What do you mean? We were lip to lip!
George: I mean, was there anything on the other side of that kiss leads you to believe that this
chase will end happily?
Julianne: That's besides the point. We were interrupted!
George: Who interrupted you?
Julianne: Kimmy! She ruined everything. And Michael started chasing her before he could answer
George: Michael is chasing Kimmy?
Julianne: Yes.
George: You're chasing Michael?
Julianne: Yes.
George: Who's chasing you? Nobody. Get it. That's your answer. Kimmy.
Julianne: No.
George: Yes. Jules. You are not the one! For God sake, the wedding is at 6 p.m.. Now, you have a
small, but distinct, window of opportunity to do the right thing!
Julianne: George!

Julianne: Michael! I have a confession to make. Another confession. Besides that I love you. This is
even worse. The E-mail that Walter sent to your boss. I wrote that. I'm the bad guy.
Michael: Are you crazy? Jules, are you completely insane?? I mean. I mean. . Jules, how could you
do that?
Julianne: Michael. It wasn't supposed to get sent it. I just wanted you to get mad at Kimmy. God.
I've done nothing but underhanded, despicable, not even terribly imaginative things since I
got here. Michael… I was just trying to… to win you, to win you back. But that doesn't
excuse any of it. I'm pond scum. Well, lower, actually. I'm like the fungus that feeds on
pond scum.
Michael: Lower. The pus that infects the mucous; that cruds up the fungus; that feeds on the pond
scum. On the other hand. Thank you. For loving me that much. That way, it's pretty
Julianne: Except it makes me fungus.
Michael: Well, that part I knew.
Julianne: God. I'm glad you didn't get on that train.
Michael: Well. I came here looking for her.
Julianne: Why would she be here?
Michael: This is where I proposed. I had to cover a game in Milwaukee and she saw me off. The
train was starting to leave, and I jumped up on the step and I held the handle, and without a
thought in my head I just shouted, 'Marry me'. And the train was pulling out, and she just
suddenly screamed 'YES!' Just once, and blew me a kiss. Well, it would've been a nice
wedding. Julianne: Michael, you can't believe that you've lost her. I mean, sooner or later,
you will find her. And you'll look into her eyes, and you'll see all that love. I just hope that
it's sooner rather than later, or else I'd hate to be you at 6:00. Okay, just wait. Wait.
We'll…we'll.. um.. we'll split up. And you will go to every romantic place the two of you
have, I'll go… I don't know, someplace brilliant, and we'll find her. We will find her.

Lesson 8 Say Goodbye

Mandy: Wallace egregious residence, Mandy speaking.

Julianne: Hi. It's Jules, you guys haven't gotten a call from Kimmy, have you?
Mandy: Oh, no. She slipped out, the little monkey. During the commotion.
Julianne: Commotion?
Mandy: Well, my sister was licking an ice sculpture. And her tongue froze right to it.
Julianne: And that's a commotion?
Mandy: It's a sculpture of the David.
Julianne: UH-huh, and so Kimmy would be …
Mandy: She's probably with Michael doing the nasty. Either that or crying in her nachos, down at
Comskey Park.
Julianne: Excuse me?
Mandy: I had this crank call from some guy who says he saw her in the luxury box .
Julianne: Right. OK.
Mandy: I said. What would the bride be doing…
Julianne: Right. Right. Listen. Listen, can you bring my dress to church, and huh…? I have to pick
something upfor the ceremony.
Mandy: OK. Don't forget to shave now.
Julianne: Kimmy! Kimmy! I knew you're in here. The guard saw you come in!
Kimmy: Just leave me alone, you bitch!
Julianne: Kimmy.
Kimmy: Who the hell do you think you are?
Woman: Catfight!
Kimmy: You came here pretending to by my friend! And I made you my maid of honor!
Julianne: Who asked you to do that? you knew me what, eight minutes?
Kimmy: Michael trusted you, so I trusted you.
Julianne: You wanted to keep me close. You didn't trust me for a second.
Kimmy: I was right.
Julianne: Well, of course. You were right. But that's not my fault!
Kimmy: You kissed him! at my parents' house!
All: That's cold.
Kimmy: On my wedding day!
All: Bitch. Tramp.
Julianne: I…
Kimmy: Shut up! Now I love this man, and there is no way that I'm gonna give him up to some
two-faced, big-haired food critic.
Julianne: All right. All right. Okay. All right. I kissed him. I tried to steal him. I lost. He doesn't love
me. He loves you. Kimmy, I haven't done much that I'm proud of the last three days. I'd
like to take you to the church, so you can walk down that aisle and marry the man of our
dreams, 'Cause he sure wants to marry you.

Scotty: So raise our glasses and wish Michael and Kim every happiness. For a long and happy life
together. Filled with… happiness. Well, I guess that's it.
Man: To the bride and groom!
Scotty: Now let's hear from the maid of honor. The lovely Julianne.
Julianne: I had the strangest dream. I dreamt that some psychopath was trying to break the two of
you up. Luckily, I woke up and I see… that the world is… just as it should be, for my best
friend has won the best woman. Um, I didn't get you a gift. However. This is on loan until
you two find your song.
Some day
when I'm awfully low
when the world is cold
I will feel a glow
Just thinking of you
and the way you look

Oh, but you're lovely

with your smile so warm
and your cheek so soft

There is nothing for me

but to love you
Just the way you look

Shout: It's mine. I don't think so. Let go. I got it! Goodbye! Goodbye!
Michael: Bye. Julianne: Hello, George.
George: Hey, gorgeous. Having a good time?
Julianne: Not particularly, but I did what I came to do.
George: What? You split them up?
Julianne: No, I said good-bye.
George: Good girl. I'm proud of you. I'd be prouder still if you were dancing.
Julianne: Hmm, I have a big plan for dancing . Just give me 30, 35 years.
George: Mmm. The misery, the exquisite tragedy. The Susan Hayward of it all. I can just picture
you there sitting alone at your table in your lavender gown.
Julianne: Did I tell you my gown was lavender?
George: Hair swept up. Haven't touched your cake. Probably drumming your fingernails on the
white linen tablecloth. The way you do when you're really feeling down. Perhaps even
looking at those nails, thinking. 'God. I should've stopped in all my evil plotting to have
that manicure.' But it's too late now.
Julianne: George, I didn't tell you my dress was lavender.
George: Suddenly a familiar song.

The moment I wake up
Before you put on
your makeup

George: …then you're off you chair in one exquisite movement. Wondering. Searching. Sniffing
the wind like a dapple deer. Has god heard your little prayer? Will Cinderella dance again?
And then suddenly the crowds part. And there he is, sleek, stylish. R-r-radiant with
charisma. Bizarrely, he's on the telephone. But then, so are you. And he comes towards you.
The moves of the jungle cat. And although you quite correctly sense that he is… gay. Like
most devastatingly handsome single men of his age are. You think. "What the hell…life
goes on." Maybe there won't be marriage. Maybe there won't be sex. But, by God. There'll
be dancing.
George: Bond. Jane Bond

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