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To Extract Policy Configurations on PCRF

1. Check configuration LST DTLCFG. Check configuration LST EXPTPL. Run MOD EXPTASK command
and select the template that I need, set the time to within the next 10 minutes. After running
that, run the command LST EXPTASK to check on the status of the task.
2. Access OMU via root user using SSH. From OMU, access board in slot 10 using uscdbmt user (ssh
uscdbmt@, key in the password Huawei@2009.
3. After accessing, key in the command su – root, password is cnp200@HW. The exported
command is in the following directory - /opt/ne/0051/proc/workspace0/prog. Look for the file,
and key in: scp file_name,
username is root, password is cnp200@HW.
4. Login to LMT, go to file transfer service – export folder, the configuration is in the export folder.
Copy out the configuration file.
5. Login to OMU using winscp/filezilla, go to the designated folder and copy out the configuration

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