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Signature Analysis -

What your handwriting says

about you:
How to Create
a Power Signature
Using Handwriting Analysis

By Fiona MacKay Young
This work and cover design © Fiona MacKay Young 2011-12.
This edition © Fiona MacKay Young 2012
All rights reserved. This edition is produced and distributed under
license from the author. Unlicensed copying and distribution is
prohibited by law, and subject to copying and distribution fees which
will be set at Fiona MacKay Young’s sole discretion. For reprint,
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Signature Analysis - What your handwriting says about you:

How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


Introduction ........................................................................................ 2

How can handwriting bring success? ................................................. 4

What to do about short names. ........................................................ 10

What to change and how to change it. ............................................. 11

High Goals ....................................................................................... 12

Strong will power – self starter ......................................................... 14

Determination .................................................................................. 16

Optimistic ......................................................................................... 18

Enthusiasm ...................................................................................... 20

Self-reliant ....................................................................................... 22

Self confidence ................................................................................ 23

More about Tag Lines ...................................................................... 25

About the Author .............................................................................. 27


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Signature Analysis - What your handwriting says about you:

How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


“How can I change my signature to make me more
successful?” or “How can I create a Power Signature?”

This is one of the most popular questions I receive, both online

and in person.

Both are really the same question.

And in this book is the answer.

I have put together a practical, how-to book with all the basic
personality traits for a success or power signature, along with
detailed instructions as to how write them and add them

I’ve also included some suggestions for those of you who have
short names or names without the appropriate letters or strokes
to include the personality traits listed.

I hope you have fun with it, but do take it seriously at the same
time. If you use it, and practice it until it becomes natural for
you, it absolutely, positively will give you these personality

Personal development works if you work with to get it. And

handwriting analysis or Graphotherapy is a powerful personal
development tool.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


Handwriting analysis, or Graphology, is recognized by the US

Congress as a valid psychological tool. Graphotherapy is using
graphology, or handwriting, to change individual personality

So to all of you who asked about changing your signature, here

is a book of easy to understand tools designed especially for


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How can handwriting bring

Why would anyone want to create a Successor Power

Obvious answer: To be successful.

BUT… that assumes that the signature really can create the
success and make you more powerful or else it would be just
like dressing up in a fireman’s outfit and convincing yourself you
really were a fireman.

Yes, that is correct.

The good news is that your signature, or any other of your

writing, has the potential to change you in just the way you

Personal Development covers an amazingly wide variety of

techniques and methods all designed to help you become what
or who you want to be.

Anything that can be changed by other methods of personal

development can be changed through handwriting.

It is generally considered to be unrealistic to dramatically

change ones’ IQ. One can learn to use one’s intelligence more


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fully, but not usually to actually increase it. Handwriting cannot

do this either.

However, other methods of personal development can help you

become more successful, more powerful, more assertive etc.
And so can handwriting.

And the beauty of using handwriting to make changes to your

personality is that if you start to slide back into your old ways, it
will show in your handwriting before it shows in your behavior.
This gives you advance warning and time to work on it again
and keep the change in place.

Graphotherapy, or Personal Development through

Handwriting, is exactly the same.

Through your changed writing you start living as the person you
want to become, and gradually the change becomes

You become more positive, enthusiastic, independent …

whatever you have changed your writing to. Once the change
in your writing has become your natural style, you will find the
change has gone deeper and you really feel that way too.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


Here is one example to demonstrate what I mean:

John is timid and shy and gets very uncomfortable around

strangers or at any time he has to be in the “spotlight”.

John learns a bit about handwriting analysis and decides he

does not want to be a “shrinking violet” any more and so
practices making his signature according to the guidelines he

Let us say he reads this book, and implements the changes he

most wants.

He keeps doing this deliberately until it becomes the natural

way for him to sign his name, and by that time he is feeling
more confident, more sure of himself and comfortable when he
is noticed.

Why does this work?

Even in John did not know why he was changing his signature –
if he was just told to do so and agreed to it without knowing the
reason, it would still work. But the fact that he does know
means it will work faster.

There are two different powers at work here.

I will not be describing exactly the changes John would have to

make to achieve these goals here. They will all be listed and


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


illustrated further on in this booklet. Right now I will just

concentrate on the reasons it works.

First of all, it works because John is regularly, every time

he signs his name, portraying the body language of a more
confident person.

It works the same way as if he changes his habit from walking

into a room quietly and fading into a corner to that of walking in
with a confident stride through the door and moving into the
centre of the room.

After a while he gets used to it, and used to whatever attention

it brings him.

He would then no longer be the shy person in the corner, and

so by doing the equivalent with his writing - since that is also
body language - it has the same effect and he is no longer the
shrinking violet.

If John started public speaking, one would assume given the

description above, he would be terrified to begin with. But if he
kept on doing it, he would get used to it and eventually become
quite confident at walking out on stage and speaking in front of
groups of people.

That is the part that works just because you are doing it. It
works with any movement or body language.


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And your handwriting is body language. It is body language

that leaves a permanent trail because you have a pen in your
hand at the time.

If you consistently engage in any specific body language you

will eventually find yourself becoming that person.

Be nasty to everyone all the time and you will eventually

become a nasty person – it will be an ingrained habit. Just as if
you make it a habit of being polite and friendly to everyone, you
will become that person.

The other part is that whether or not you know the effect of
what you are doing, it will still change you.

If John just kept going on stage and speaking, although he

detested it, because he had to as part of his job, with no
particular wish to become a confident public speaker, he would
nevertheless become more confident, just because he kept
doing it.

So in that same way, John would change if he changed his

writing, even if he didn’t know why he was making the new
strokes he was using.

But since he does know why he’s doing it – he knows what

every stroke he’s changing means – this makes the change
even more powerful, because in his mind, each time he writes


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in the new way, he is reminding himself that he is becoming

more confident.

So in addition to the power of body language he is adding

the power of affirmations.

It takes 3 weeks to break a habit and can take up to 3 months

to create comfort with a new habit.

And when we’re talking about a habit with your handwriting,

obviously how much and how often you write makes a
difference too. So don’t expect results overnight, but keep on
writing and within a few months you will see a difference.

If you want Graphotherapy to work, you have to write!

So every day spend a few minutes just writing something that

contains the letters or strokes that you need to create the
change you want.

Also, as with any personal development, the more you try to do

at once, the longer it will take.

So it is best to make one change at a time, and once that

becomes natural, to build on it by introducing another change,
and keep on going until you have made all the changes you


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What to do about short names.

The limitations for signatures are obvious in that you only have
so many letters in your name. You can however, expand this in
the following way.

If your name does not have the appropriate strokes or letters to

make some of the changes you want, by creating a “tag line” for
yourself, you can add whatever is missing from your name.

By tag line I mean the phrase you put immediately before your
name, for example “sincerely”, although that is not a word filled
with power strokes, so you may have to work a little to come up
with one that supplies the strokes you decide you want as you
go through the next part of the book and see the traits you want
to develop.

A tag line has to be used consistently with your signature to

take on the impact and personalization that your signature has.
So choose something that has the strokes and letters you need,
but also feels comfortable and “you” in its wording and add it to
your signature every time you possibly can.

More about adding a tag line later on, but for now just know that
you can have the letters and strokes you need for your success
or power signature.


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What to change and how to

change it.
On the following pages is the list of traits, those that most
people would want to have in their signature. Each has a
graphic example of how to write the appropriate stroke in your

It is up to you to choose which traits you would like to include.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


High Goals
Aiming high is a good idea for just about everyone, and
especially those who have an interest in success. If you have
read anything at all previously on handwriting analysis this is
probably one trait you are familiar with.

It is all in the lower case letter “t”.

How high on the stem of the letter you place your t-bar indicates
how high are your goals. The t-bar must actually cross the t-
stem for goals to be indicated. A t-bar that does not cross the
stem can have various meanings, but it does not tell anything
about your goals.

So make your t-bars high and fully crossing the t-stem.

Most people write with a mixture of heights of t-bars, so practice

making your mixture between the very top of the t-stem (as if it
was an upper case “T”) and below the top of the stem, but still

Just keep practicing. It will happen. You will become

accustomed to writing that way and will do so naturally. And as
it becomes natural you will find your goals are higher.


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This is one I can attest to personally, having successfully raised

my t-bars– and my goals – from decidedly day-to-day and low,
to high and have kept them there for many years now.

If you do not have a lower case “t” in your name, go with the tag
line idea and write something like “best wishes” or “kindest
regards” or some kind of closing message that has a lower case
“t” within it.

You have to decide on one and use it regularly for it to have any
“signature” power in it, so read on and once you’ve decided
what you want to change, and identified what is missing from
your signature to achieve what you want, then you can work out
what words to use for your closing message that will include all
the letters and strokes you would like. For now, just note if you
would like to have a lower case “t” in it.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


Strong will power – self starter

It’s not much use having high goals if you do not do anything
about them.

To get moving to achieve your goals you have to have the will
power and determination to go after them.

First we will identify will power, which, in handwriting analysis, is

described as the ability to get yourself started on something.

Again, we are looking at the lower case “t” (which shows more
than any other letter in the alphabet, by the way).

However this time, we are not looking at the height on the t-bar.
Instead we are looking at how heavily the t-bar is written
compared with the rest of the writing.

For strong will power, terrific starting acceleration, you want to

have your t-bars noticeably heavier than the rest of your writing.

A t-bar of similar pressure or heaviness to the rest of the writing

indicates average will power, and a t-bar lighter than the rest of
the writing indicates weak will power.

You want a success signature, so you want strong will power –

the heavier the t-bar compared to the rest of the writing, the


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Again, practice will bring you to the point where you write this
way naturally. And again, mark it down if you need to add this
trait to your closing tag line because you have no “t” in your

Notice the first t-bar is very light compared to the rest of the
word “to”, showing weak will power. Not a success trait.

The second t-bar is moderately heavy being just about the

same heaviness as the rest of the word “take”, showing
average will power – but who wants to be average?

The last example, “top” although relatively heavy writing all over
is especially heavy in the t-bar, showing strong will power.


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The other part of “going after” your goals is determination,
described in handwriting analysis as keeping on going for as
long as it takes.

For this you do not need a “t” in your signature, but you do need
a letter with a “lower extender”.

A lower extender is a line going down below the baseline of the

writing, as in y, j, g, f.

The letter “p” has its own rules and does not count for

To show strong, enduring determination the lower extenders

have to be long (showing duration) and strong and direct
(showing strength).

A curve in a lower extender will reduce the directness of the

outcome. A lower extender which is both strong and heavy but
has a curve is someone who will go with gusto from point A to
point B, but is likely to take a detour en route rather than just
going there directly.

So long, heavy and straight is what you need.


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Whether or not the lower extender has a loop, and knot, or any
other kind of ending, or whether it is just a straight stick that
ends abruptly is not an issue at the moment.

Determination is identified only in the downward part of the

lower extender.

Obviously, the two “g”s on the left show great determination,

while the two on the right are decidedly lacking in this area.
Although the examples are all “g”s, the same rule applies to y, j
and f.

As before, note if this is something you would like to add

because it is not in your name.


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Being optimistic is not only “good for business” – or for success
of any kind – it makes you feel better. If you can feel optimistic
about life in general and about difficult situations in particular,
life is easier for you and things are more likely to work out.

We are not looking at unreal optimism, which would be a very

extreme version of the trait I am about to illustrate for you, but
reasonable, healthy optimism.

And you will be glad to know that it doesn’t matter what letters
are in your name or how long or short it is - any name can show

It is shown in lines of writing slanting upwards to the right.

If you happen to have a lower case “t” in your name, it can also
show in the t-bar (remember – heavy and high!) slanting
upwards towards the right too – but you do not have to add a “t”
anywhere to show this trait. Just slant your name upwards to
the right and optimism is shown.


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Many common English phrases describe the graphological

illustration, as in the phrase “things are looking up” or “feeling

Writing that goes upwards shows optimism.

Feeling better about yourself and your signature yet? If not,

grab a piece of paper and write yourself a note slanting uphill as
you go – and make sure it is an optimistic message you are


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Another trait that goes very naturally with optimism is
enthusiasm. It is much easier to get enthused about something
when you have optimism in its chances of success – or in your
chances of success.

Here we’re back to the lower case “t” again. The good news is
that once you work out how to put a lower case “t” in your tag
line if you do not already have one in your name, you then are
all set to add several wonderful success traits all in that one

(One might digress and suggest that if you have the chance to
name any children in the future, make sure there is at least one
lower case “t” in the their name and then teach them how to
write it “successfully.”)

A long, sweeping t-bar is the indication of enthusiasm. It can

also show in the capital T. The longer the t-bar, the more
enthusiasm is shown.


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There we have one terrifically enthusiastic t-bar. Yours don’t

have to be quite as enthusiastic as that (although there is
absolutely nothing wrong with having them that extreme) but do
make them long and sweeping.

Spot Check: what other success traits are in the word

“terrific” above?

Answer: Full marks if you said high goals (high t-bar) and
optimism (upward slant of t-bar and entire word.) Will power is
just slightly above average in this sample, being only slightly
heavier than the rest of the word. Determination (in the lower
extender on “f”) is quite enduring, but not the curve – it is not as
direct as it could be.


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This trait may not be as obvious as a success trait, but being
self-reliant is really the only way to go if you want to be
successful. You can get only so far under someone else’s wing.

Self-reliance only shows in a signature and it can show in any


It is shown by an underline of the name. Just a simple

underline, please, nothing ornate or curly, or multiple lines etc.
Just a line.

Joyce stands on her own two feet and shows her self-reliance
in the strong underline on her name.


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Self confidence
Self confidence in some ways is similar to self-reliance, but is
not exactly the same. To be self-confident means you feel good
about yourself and your ability to do whatever it is you want to
do, or perhaps you feel confident to handle whatever life brings
your way.

Either way you are self-confident.

Self-confidence is shown in two ways, both of which can be in

the signature.

It is shown by the capitals at the beginning of each name being

a good bit larger than the rest of the writing – but not enormous.
Enormous would indicate either bluff or over inflated ego. So
larger, but not huge.

The other way self-confidence is shown is in an entire

signature that is slightly larger than the rest of the writing.
Again, note the word “slightly”. Extra-large signatures indicate
the same as extra-large capitals – sometimes bluff but more
often an over inflated ego.


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Angela Marsden’s signature is slightly larger than the “normal

size” of her writing, and the capitals are a good size in
comparison to the rest of her signature, so she is showing that
she has confidence in herself.

And that completes the list of traits that every successful

signature would do well to have.


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More about Tag Lines

Before finishing I will take a moment to go over “tag lines” for
those of you without the all-important lower case “t” in your
name. I do not have one in my name either, so have had to use
this method myself. And also the same assistance for those
without a lower extender in their name.

You may have to develop one tag line for use in business and
one for personal, depending on your lifestyle.

“Best wishes” has a “t”. “Kindest regards” has both a “t” and a
lower extender. Anything starting with “with” … as in “with
love”, “with regards” etc. all have that all important “t”.

You get the idea. Just play around with what phrase you are
comfortable with that includes the “t” if you need one, and lower
extender if you need that. Start using it regularly so it become
almost part of your signature, and once it feels like it belongs
when you write it, it starts to have the same effect as if it were
actually in your signature. But it has to be used constantly and
consistently to achieve this aim.

If you already have several changes to make to your signature

from the above information, just work on those for a while. It is
much more effective to make small changes and get them well
established into your habitual signature/ tag line before adding


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more. Trying to do too much at once is rarely successful and

takes longer for any real change to take effect.

There are of course, many more traits you could add to your
signature, but the ones covered above are the basic collection
for success.

For more extensive information on signatures and signature

analysis check out the “Personality Assessment from Your
Handwriting Signature” which covers all types of strokes and
traits to be found in signatures, and their meanings.

Or learn how to use your handwriting to develop success traits

and “Be a Success.”

At you will also find

almost 100 blog posts on the handwriting analysis in general
and several specifically on signatures.

You can throw a Signature Party for your friends with

“Delicious, Easy Recipes for your Personality” which gives
yummy recipes for each personality trait listed. Just get your
friends signatures, identify which traits they have, make up the
recipe and put their name on it.

I wish you success with your “Success Signature” and

remember the secret to making it work for you – “Write Right
and Write Often”.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


About the Author

Fiona MacKay Young has two passions in life – understanding
personality and helping people become the best they can be, helping
them overcome obstacles and achieving whatever they consider
success in life.

As a Certified Handwriting Analyst and a Certified Career

Development Practitioner, she works with people every day to help
them understand better who they are, what are their skills, abilities
and interests, how to overcome blocks and work on their personal

Using handwriting as the tool, through GraphoTherapy, she has

helped people increase their self-esteem, overcome fears and
insecurities, understand their amazing potential and have the courage
to follow their dreams.

She specializes in bringing the tool of handwriting analysis within

easy reach and into easy use for everyone.

Fiona hopes that readers of her books with find useful tips and
information that will enrich their lives with confidence and

A writer, instructor/ facilitator, professional speaker and coach, she

enjoys bringing the science of graphology to life in a variety of ways
both serious and fun.


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How to Create a Power Signature Using Handwriting Analysis


Fiona truly believes that everyone and anyone can discover their
greatest gifts, realize their potential and achieve success in their life
and work and that the unique science of handwriting analysis can be
a genuine help in this process.

Other books by Fiona MacKay Young, including a free e-book “Your

Handwriting Tonic: A Pick-me-up” are available at


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