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Wendy T.

Pasquel July 7, 2014

CEE14 Sir Jing Reyes

Art and Pleasure

Art is always characterized with pleasure. It is defined as art if it gives the happiness and

contentment that we need. According to what Hume stated, pleasure is based on taste and tragedy. Art

will never be compared to another. If you like a certain thing, it’s already understood that it’s based in our

own taste not with the others. That’s the idea of taste. But in some points, if people share a common

taste, it’s possible for people to like same things too. In contrary of what Hume has stated a while ago,

even if we share same interests, it’s not our obligation to like what they like. We have our own opinions,

choices and decisions to make. As to tragedy, people are attracted to tragic feelings, stories and such

and these things will lead them to the pleasure they wanting. Good does not mean pleasurable, we also

gets pleasure from things that make us feel bad. It is art when we love the enjoyment that this thing gives.

As for Collington, he defined art with the pleasure that is something like entertainment value. Art

as amusement, for short. This is art if it gives in terms of getting amused to it. It’s like choosing what to

watch between a comedy film or art film. For the sake of entertainment and amusement it gives, most of

us will going to pick the comedy film. Because for me, who’s going to watch an art film that can’t entertain

me as much as the comedy film does. Entertainment changes over period of time and we preferred the

most is what’s on trend because it can give the amusement that we need.

Last but not the least, art is differentiate it’s higher and lower pleasures. Some people tend to

compare art from another art, professional writers from amateur writers and find where between the two

gives more pleasures than the other one. The pleasure we usually get from things depend on its quality

alone. The higher we think of this art, the higher pleasure we get and vice versa. Nature of pleasure with

art itself only explains that pleasure is not only the after-effect of what we get on it but the manner of

feeling we engage in that art.

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