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Presented by the Ulster County Chiefs of Advertising supplement to The Dally Freeman, “The Police Chiefs Amociation of Ulster Paocpovd fare nw enrcement GaN, Senco Fob 7,103: secting” representing 10. towne and ‘nica rth ive yea since, the Amin has sown into Af eraniaton of major i fo Unter County police work I Sree Sag end ‘of dollars. In terested in police chief, ‘Chosen to lead the group in ita first year ‘were dohn F. Taylor, president; Julius N. Glassman, vice-president; Herold T. ‘lower secretary; and Edward P Shannon, fwemure LOCAL ‘TRAINING | © "Rh. Assocation! quickly became in. AG MSs Rist ight, class at ‘Kingston's Deputy Chief William Slover Bogtdanowice, right, give criminal jatice studente the benefit of thelr experience. Sheriff, began on Jan. 7, 1974. On Marc 1, a. proud” da) for ‘the “Assocation, cceremonien and certification were held in GEC: Quimby Hall for 29 law enforce: ment officers. “John F. Malone, aistant director of the ‘techniques I ‘County Community Colle olice training county’s speaker, Maupaieeiatant director of the State Bureau for Municipal Police, avarded ‘Funds were raised through « golf tourne rmentat Wiltwyek County Club and chrough eScholarship Fond dinner at the Twin ‘Lakes Mountain House Joseph Ellsworth dr. and Margie Scherer each received $100 scholamhips at the June awards luncheon at UCCC. Chief Harold Bomers, representing the Association, made the presenations Tn 1976 « third MPTC school began at UCCC “under ‘the sponsorship of the Kingston City Police Department. That March the Assocation decided to celia public support for the scholarship program through soliciting advertising for Jounal prepared by Colonial Printing Co. a June the Second Annual Scholarship Fund golf tournament teed off at Wiltyck County Club. Funds raised enabled the ‘Amociation to pretent $100 scholarship tach to George E- Yery Je. and Chne ANNUAL AWARDS In August, 1916, Senior BCI Investigator James A. Fingerald proposed and the mem. ‘bership approved of the creation of annual favarde to eopecially deserving. police Ficers and ‘eltizens) et the Amociation’s yearly banquet. “Taking over the reine of the organization in 1077 were New Paltz Police Chief Charles Bogdanowie, president; Woodstock Police Chief "William "Waterous, vice-president Jack Schlegel, treasurer; and Prof tivities and donations came in from bu ness people and others interested in 1 porting police work. Five scholarship at police ‘William Slover Jr, ‘Timothy Triscari, (Claudia Kanits, James Cave Ill and George Krupika won these awards, ‘Last November the Association decided to sponsor a part-time MPTC Basic Course for ‘the late retied FBI Resident Aaya Jack Lenton ws ni ington Deputy Police Chet Wii Slover_ was resident for 197 Poli five County Police Chiefs “As- Departmen ig. sooperation Community College, started the fiat ful Police Trai Ing. the growth "of pre. fetionaly ined olin of ficer A part ime course o been ar "The Awociation has funded awarded scholarships for stidente 13 Woce's “Criminal Justice Program nd nurtured ita frowth from two anna $100, payments tothe present five Scholarships at. 3650 each ‘Thin profesional group has tained public nancial sup port through an annual jour fal and has increased public Understanding of police de: partments, their Sperstions {nd their goal through pre Senting this opecial” Daily Freeman supplement, Taddition, the Association will present annual citations {or exceptional service by UI ‘ter County police flea nd eivilana at i anna mais banqntStudny "The banquet willbe at the Capri Restaurant, Port Ewen. Eight police officers tnd. theee civiliane will re- ceive plaques and. citations for exceptional initiative, fand ability alert Brian O'Connor ofthe State | Police, Highland Barrackx: | Set: “Charles Brodhead of | the Ulater County’ Sherit's | Department; Inv. Carl Van training ce scholarships help officers-to-be ‘A number of important in- Wagenen of the State Police, Kenneth Mi ovations have marked the Hurley Barracks; Det. Sat. Schn year since the Ulster Robert King of the Sheri's Lois Vining mill receive $500 9 ‘Richard grants fociation war founded in Rameell and Paul Watzka, - A new scholarship the Jack| 7 both Kingston “Ci The Association, with the oficers; and Ellenville Police gto Claudia Kanits, a ‘of Ulster County Sgt. Charles P. Slinsky. Civilians receiving awards Det sgoand year in the Crim Bani Police Cours, foner- fo and Rages apd Five. echolarsipe fof atu: York ‘City. Her long-range in the UCC Criminal Plans include law school and Sfatice program wil be eventually a carer mth the Tames Hastie, FB ‘ining the Association's 1977 scholarship checks fare, seated, past president Charles Bogdanowicz, Insiractor Margaret DeStefano and, standing, Lieut, Stanley Kowallk of the New York State Polles, Right ls Robert Brown, president of Ulster County Community College. ‘Rosendale Town Police Chit Robert Lasher {Teche ice pridents Jack Sehegt, Treeswer and Diets, Robert D, Quick, State Police first deputy superintendent, willbe. the principal Speaker at the annual awards dinner Satur day at the Capri 400, Port Ewen. ‘This will ‘mark the fit presentation of Association ‘awards to county law enforcement officers ‘and civilians along with the annual Scholarship. grant, Eileen| et, Mary Sills “and| ‘police Lupton Memorial eward, wil Ucce student completing her second year in the Crimi: ‘tudes at" Pace "University, |New iz l ay fe a 4 dt i Fi carey out their ution with «ah degree of ‘The ‘Town of Olive Constabulary was formed) in’ May, 1824. Four sien. were ob pointed by the Town Board. Althdogh mont Of she constables activities in those early ays are unknown, we imagine that the calle they received were basically the same. at today, with the possible exception of herve stealing! The appointment of constables over the years has continued to be made entirely by the Town Board. At present the department operates under the tupervison of the con Sable advitory committee, This committee consiats of Town Supervisor Vi Finger, Councilman Bert Lie man Robert Adsit'who committee ‘chairman, and one appointed citizen. The ‘administration of the department has been designated to one officer, Chie- Coordinator George Hass, The force onsite of two full-time ofcarn, Bdward Krebeer and William Allinon. The fawn also erapioys five parttime offices. The part-time members work when needed. “The part-time officer are a professional, fd an necessary au the regular officer of this department,” Chiet Hane aay, The Olive ‘constabulary also hes four officers who are assigned to special duties uch as trafic contrel and court duties, A ‘matron is also available whenever needed. She doubles asthe department's secretary ‘The constabulary recently increased te Patrol vehicles to three and has acces to « Profewionally trained police dog Olive is w mountaineue rural community of approximately 60 square miles with near. |y “120 mile of toad. Its population of oughly 5,000 rune & socio-economic gamut {fom families who have lived onthe land for aenerations to tradoemen to artista to New Olive: No Mor Yoga with ncond home Haar, wo was appointed to his potion at the besinning of the year, is Weeking to ‘upgrade the Quality of the department. "i's not thet there were any” major prob- lems,” he anys, “hue chings were sometimes done on. more casual basis than wan denireable Toward this end, another of Olive's con stables han completed the Muniipal Police ‘Training Schoo! at Kingston and two more ae curently attending the same course tt the Ulster County Community ditionally, the coma town resent, ber seminary and training sessions, under new resident trooper program in cooper tion with the New York State Police. “The Olive constables may be seached By dialing 3912138, the State Police barrackt in Furey, Aside from being diapatcbed by ach patrol car equipped "The depertment. provides service seven week. There are afew hours each day that patrol cars are not on the toad but those hour a staged and the oer ‘When_an_ emergency occurs, reeponte ‘me is generally under 16 minutes to a8 point in the town," aecording to Hse "The department answers about 120 calle ‘8 month. Better than ‘half of them are ‘outed through the State Police; the rest ‘Some in over CB or telephon ns th ia all oe where mow people know their Relghbor, etry (0 resolve the problems on a personal level ‘when ponable rather tha arrests Hurley constables got a new patrol car (ast year. e Horse Stealing! ‘The constabulary found it nee to sake ony 34 rests las year ‘Ona out mont fs arts ain 1917; A woman was charged with keeping ¢ dirty hou She pasd 830m ere cote find wan released fn et own recognizance, "in cae anyone wonder, that law las 08 che books anymore" Sexe Ham, Today the keynotes wore striving for are profesional, pide and enone contact % TOWMLOF ove Officer Wiliam Allison checks the loce= tom of an accident. Cpl about William ‘Tageard telly fety shgnals ebildren The Now Pats Police Department, a i \ exist, was extalaed. Apr Ot, ana tele of a conaligetion agree: ‘aenbetween the Town andthe Village of New Pals, Theodore E, Lasher nat town person and Heary W. Duc w lage mayor when the agreement de Wet wa th town ck an ert oanyer the village clerk at tha in ‘The Board of Police Cotinione formnd an per ofthe conalidation agree Tent i present ‘cone of Anthony Pogls, Michael Andrader and Willams irvin. Te Board of Pobee Com missioners i rexponnble fr the operation 4nd maintenance ofthe department “The New Paltz Police Department con sits of one Chief, four Sergeant, 10 pa {eolmen, 10 parcdime police officers end thee svlian employees, “The aren ofjrtdcton encompases the ‘Town td Vinge of Sew Pate which ad pprovimately 10,500 permanent residents 17 P a The State University College at New Paltz Training Town and Village share law enforcement costs fs located within the geographical bound ‘Members of the New Peltz Police Depart sent participate in a variety of community tervice activities including presenting Dro: frame for senior citizens on personal and Tesidentialwafety_and security, operation ‘dentfiation for pertonal property for al ‘members of the community, and school Programs. ‘Members of the New Paltz Police Depart ment have conducted programs atthe local ‘lementary achool, middle school and high School on subject ranging from bicycle and Pedentian safety to rape prevention and ‘rug une and. abuse service, ‘Members of the department have taken courses in sex crimes investigation, criminal Investigation, firearm instictory training land selective enforcement. Some de artmental members have had advanced is the keynote for New Paltz Police All departmental members have sither completed oF sre completing the Municipal Polite Training Council Basle Course for Police Ofer: Several members of the Police. Department ho Doelate, bachelor and graduate degrees i ‘tariety of fields of ypecalization, meluding Police science, adminitrtion, education tnd peychology. Other departinent men ie re continuing stain at are college, New Paltz Police Department members are continuously attending specialized po fice tools sponsored by aren departments, the NYSP. tnd other agmcien with the bbjective of maintaining a high level of ote community sevice profesional, Several members of the department have {notructed in police schools and seminars i the state. Many’of the departmental mem. bere have military service experience and Feceived ‘advanced investigative traning Tha other polls experience while on du "The community hon a plice department of which it cam De proud, comprised of Servo dedicated to improving thee ala Sha knowledge under the leaderehip of Sher oars, hoe norte Sxperimental and. promotes contant im. Frente eres wich the Now rte Police Department can render to the Dope it serves Sheriff's ‘Three men worked a shift, two in the jail and ‘one on the road...’ ‘Zedge Boice (1807-09) Eagar Shotts (1815-17) Abram Molyneaux (1896-41) Howard Ander (1942-44) Cleat Sehante 1951-56) | _ In remembering the “old days" when he became e deputy sheriff in 1948, Sheriff Nieyone recalled that deputies were paid TAC that time we worked six days 8 week and our yeany lary was $2,200. There wre ‘only 15 men in the departigent serving the ‘esidente of this count We had two oar # black and « brown Chevy with white lettering on the sides. Three men worked a sift, two in the jal and. one on the toad. In the old jail there srere 42 cele spread out on thee floors, The Iatron lived inthe jal back then, on duty 24 house a day with no day of ‘Back in '48 there were to radios in the patrol ears. The patrol cam had a mobile | fteptone which Connected to the mobile in. Poughkeepsie. Every com wat a long distance call, We 0 teletype in the old daya either, ‘The sheit's deparcment took a step | forward’ inder Sherif Schante when they | men ave day wk and gt pal eS bad be last abeil to the Shere Depart | “Gis ‘Stent Shans the deparinent templar: Br Year Shen Shunt Seat te. pte ‘Spanded the personel sed’ new Sal povided shot far Re penn ner Sei Ba (135760) the pero oe. He was the fia she t provide oumty Audet and iter 0 out Scena dined matted, Siw independently "ow ‘When’ Sh Sherif Mayone accepts ke tion and training of personnel continued, ‘Numerous school sponsored bythe sberift and’ taught by the PBE were given {© departmental staf along with members of the surrounding police agencies. The un- Dlue pants, grey Become a recognised sytbl ment, protection and aaitance tothe eople of ster County ‘Under Sherif Bes administration the frat rotating shift wa. intiaed, AN deputy, Shen Mayone worked. the mid mighe to a.m. sil for 14 year Sich progress has come aed the ad "stradon of the preset seri Thomas F. Mayone. Aa contrasted with the $7000 iss 135 Years (ates to the new sheriff's substation in Marbletown's Town Hall. in revenue given to the County of Ulster in the 0s, today’s department returns approx imately $86,000 to the general fund each year. The red and white patrol care which Sheritt Mayone inviated have become the Standard sheriff patrol veBicle of aheritfe epartanenta chrughout New York sate ‘The Red Patrol has been expanded to 24 bout a day police protection for the re dents of Ulster County. Sub-stations have been established in remote areas. sn average of six Vehicles patrol the county: at given time "The Investigation unit has been expanded andthe case volume hae tripled under Mayone's ministration. "The operation of the Civil Divison bas doubled under his direction. More and more Sheriff's deputies in vestigate the scene of an ident Detective Kenneth Post ilveq instruction in first a. od 187 trae accident, ice Headquarters in located in the Town Hall, Rote 9.W, Milton, New York ‘The new Beopus Police et New part-time Tree batrl coverae. Originally “designated an, the Town of aopur Constabulary, the department wat fmcally designated police department in 1o76 and piven full police ificer recor Aion, responsiblity tnd euthory At present the department operates with very night ofthe week: In addition» one tan daytime pats, trafic repulation for Toca indunty, schol coesing protection ‘pecil evensa (bazaar a, socal, #2) te provided Delivery of « new petrol car in expect within the nest few ayn providing the apartment with two late model Patol ‘ile “The department wan scheduled 10 move into new headquarter dering the thtd ‘reek of Api These new quarter, former the Town of Eaopun Highway Guage, have been completly returbabed an police Tacit, with « garage td workspace for three vehicle, This new home wil ee poliee work without interfering ‘ith any cher department or event (The refurbishing. of the old Town of rage we oad posible ral revenve sharing funds. No mere involved.) partment headed by Ofie.n arse James Proet who administers the “peration including ‘chediing, maintenance’ ete : ‘oe cenber Bored ef Piles Comaiasoests Thee ben ts odes hedge o ‘The Town of Esopus Police Department it policy police foree. providing daily sopus Police Quarters and interface between the officers {ind the public Being. parttime force, the Town of Esopus Police Department does ot, at tis time, have a separate telephone. It is tied Into the Cater County Sher, Dept network Any citizen desiring attention the Town of Esopus Police Department has only to phone the Sheriff's Dept. at 338-9640 tind request the Town of Esopus Police. At times when the Town of Eaopus Police Department is not on duty, such a cal wil be covered by the Sheifs patrol, providing rat foal itinens with protection 24 hours a In'short, the Town of Esopus Police Department ‘in & group of local residents id who are trained, dedicated, concerned Willing and able to handle any” anc Problems of assignments which may ‘within the ‘Town of Exopus DEC has three local officers ‘The Division of Law Enforcement io th Department of Envitopmental. Conserve: tion her three officers stationed in Ulster County Their total eave load fr facal year 1977-1978 was 474, with recoveries amount ing to $21,007 ‘Exercising their police officer status they ‘also were invelved in fourteen Penal Law Wiolation, seven vehicle and traffic vio Intions twenty anowmobile and. twenty violation arrests for police services. Rosendale Police Chiet Robert Lasher helps demionstinie violence contra) techniques to « police class at Ulster County, Community Collage. Rosendale sees many changes Residents of the Town of Rosendale are feeling the revults of some recent changes in their Police Department and the feelings «gle indian} with experience nue and aft) of earn it bell meaty police work who could effectively organize with yearly participation in a we pone fhe Police Department. Robert Lasher Wes seminar held by the FBI at West Vin « selected as Police Chiet. (Other aspect of officer training to envee "The main conceras of an organization are and upgrade this level of compe"ency isan to obtain qualified personnel; provide pro- on-going ) cedures and. training 10 ensure adequate fad uniform implementation of policy; and fo. comply with local and state laws in providing the physical inventory of ‘The Town of Shandaken was formed in 1804 when the people. separated fom Woodstock and organized thelr own town sovernment. Constables were elected by the townspeople but, in more recent years, ‘eeded to own car to be eligible for office ‘The duties of «Constable were: dog warden, cour’ officer, transporting. pri (ners, paneling a jury and serving sum: In 1919 the Deignan Construction Com pany brought in 4000 men to build the Sinan Shurdaten. Go meskes they had dances atthe Shandeignen Hall which ‘ced in fiahta and vslence. At that time the State Police were on horeback and needed the help of the Town Constables to transport the prisoners in their car. In 1924 the lant elected Constables were: Clinton Yerry, Phoenicia; Wiliam Lafferty, ‘Allaben, and’ doweph Peeanar, Pine Hil From thin point’ on the Constables were Chief Constable Chris Lay prepares for patrol. Resident State Trooper Robert Schanck covers three towns, Shandaken: Wildest in 1919 ‘appointed by the Town Board. ‘Dering the years that followed the force consisted of approximately thre clficers ‘The men provided their own care and other first patrol car. "The following year the force started to increase to'a five man patrol covering 86 mile of road aren. Arrets totaled 28 that Sear and. miscellaneous activities (com plaints, investigations and. accidents) 728, The Constabulary covered a total of 13,192 miles on patel In 1972 the size of the force increased ‘agen to seven officers with Jack Schlegel as Chief Constable, Tt wan alo necessary at hat time to add another patrol ear. The population of the ‘Town had increased to Slmost 3,000 people Upon the reignation of Jack Sehiegel in 1974, James Carter wes appointed as Chief 8 In 1976 the Town Board appointed Chris Lay as Chief Constable with seven officers tunder his command, In 1077 arresta totaled ents, 100, and, miscellaneous I ol cars were driven 74,73 mile ‘The Town, :0 date, has purchased the following equipment: two fally equipped Patrol care, two State Police radios, (wo Sheriff radios, fingerprinting equipment, « mig-shot camera, two shotguns, {Mo portable CB radios and two regular CB radio, In 1977, the State Police received « grant from the federal government for the atart of 1 Resident Trooper program. The towns fnvolved Woodstock, Olive and Shandaken, lunder the direction of Ranident Trooper Robert Schanck. All the Town of Shan- ddaken Constables are dispatched throuth the State Paice barracks in Hurley and bbe reached at telephone numbers 688-7 and 254-4224, St tt ne Town of Ulster uses latest methods 1.02 Os 18,176, the User Town Plc Spann ons fl ine lie eens ‘trial period initiated by the Ui town Bocrd. "Tie action as kes fn eat rm cn ‘The Town of Ulster, one. of the largeet townshipe in Ulster County with approx: : oe oe onsen: Tense and registration data from the N ea en rae gece en eke eee Seach rere fens ace Caton = members of the New York State Police ‘Communications division acting as instru "The Town Police patrol vehicles are ‘equipped with full emergency equipment Such as flares, first aid» equipment, blankets, oxygen unite and other lifesaving emergency equipment. Alo, al members of the Town Police have received traning In Siaid methoda including «two eck course in cardio-pulmonary. resuscitation ‘ecently given by the American Red Cross ‘All members ofthe Town Police have been certified in the operation ofthe radar and breathalyzer ma ‘Each member of the Town Police hes also received eovaplete training in firearms from members of the very member ofthe patrol section ofthe Toven Police has completed the required 12: week full-time basic police offices training course sponsored by the Municipal Police ‘Training Council of New York State and ‘has been certified ax » Police Office inthe State of New York het Levy oay® that although building new organization is a time-consuming ven ture, drawing on adminintrative ability and Cooperation in an endless pattern of work, the accomplishments achieved by the UL er ‘Town Police would not have been, Pomible without the cooperation anda Fiance of the town citizens including the Imembers of the town board. ‘The board's [reatest virtue has heen ¢he understanding Sind personal interest given to us by each Board member who, with all his commit- Offcer Short works with John Miller of ‘ments, has always found time to lend a the Juvenile Divison on youth problems. helping hand, he ssid ‘To you, gentlemen, we “Town of Uisler Ofler Donald Short checks In at town hall ‘The New York State Police was formed in 1917 under the diretion ofa retited Army surgeon, Col. George F. Chandler of King. From a nucleus of 232 horse mounted troopers, the Division of State Police has sown steadily tots current strength of over 5400 member who serve in the nine troops which make p the New York State Police. “Toop F, beadquartered in Middletown, under the command of Maj. P-P. Gromackt tnd’ comprises five. southern, New York counties: Rockland, Orange, Sullivan, Ul Stor and Greene. Troop F's Zone 3, by Lieut. DM. Seribner, has a comple ‘€ 125 members who with satelite offices in Gardiner, Shan ake and Hunter ‘Each new trooper i given 24 weeks of intensive training at the New York State Police Academy at Albany prior to Ding sasigned to a trogp. Once aasigned to field, instruction fs continued under the watchful eye of specially choven eenior ‘roopers, In addition to the basic course which covers eveything trom payebology and vos logy through firearms taining an. Crt fsa Sate Flee Academy provides an ‘on-going in-service training programm whic all members tend on ‘cycle. ‘A wide variety of specaligd eourgen rang Jing from one to 10 weeks are also taught at (Se Academy. Many re arial fo mem bers of local aree police departments. During 1977 State Police tn Zone 3 {nok County native founded the N. Y. State Police Local Trooper RM. Houst helps ss youngater at 8 tock ds including the Thruway) made 16,844 traffic arrests Including 512 drunken driving ar ests; 2495 automobile accidents were in eatigated. ‘Unlform trooopem conducted 12,770 crim inal ios during 1977 and tuned ‘over ap adaitional 3,000 eases to the Set tive branch, Buread of Criminal Investige- tion, for further invetigation. As a result of these investigations, uniform troopers af: rested 2,304 ‘defendants for miademeanot charges ‘and 649 defendants for felowy charges, During the same period BCI in ‘estigators were able to close alot 1,600 of thet casea hy ares. "The Bureau of Criminal Investigation, the detective branch of the New York State Police, handles major cases both for State Police and for local law enforcemnet fgencies who request assstance, During = Lieut. D.M. Scribner and Investigator W-E. Hubert SP Ellenville, investigate ‘silane crash. pted 3,201 cases, roviding. primary police services outside ‘cities and. incorporated Willages, the State Police provi fa ©: ‘State police dispatchers help local police agencies communicate. __—_ii as Woodstock has Every member is a long-time resident of the town. ‘Breathalyzer: The constabulary is ‘equipped with the Model 900-A Breath- liyzer for nrreota for driving while intor- Tented “Teletype: The dispatch office is equipped with the ICC teletype printer which i tied Into the New York St ‘Training: Allof the constables have sueceatflly completed the Municipal P- lice Training courses. All are qualified in ral firearms couree conducted by ‘and the FBI in the use and wafety firearms. ‘Allare trained atthe New York State Police Academy inthe operation of the breathalyzer and are further trained in the d"Vancar.* Trining forthe ino includes State Police rat Aid: All constable ae trained in completing advanced trainin TRadloe: The constabulary is equipped } with raion intertaced with the state police tind Ulster County Sheriffs Dept. They cu with surounding starting his fourteenth year withthe con lary anc in adition tothe MPTC He ina past vice-president and ‘reanurer ofthe Unter County Police Chiets ‘Association and was casa president of the MPTC Supervisory school held at King a ‘local’ force Dispatcher Loulse MacLeod operates the police teletype, Chief William Waterous mans a roed-

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