You are on page 1of 180


"UI_Submit" "Submit"
"UI_Select" "Select"
"UI_Inspect" "Inspect"
"UI_LeftStick_Short" "LS"
"UI_RightStick_Short" "RS"
"UI_LeftTrigger_Short" "LT"
"UI_RightTrigger_Short" "RT"
"UI_LeftBumper_Short" "LB"
"UI_LeftBumper_L1_Short" "L1"
"UI_RightBumper_Short" "RB"
"UI_RightBumper_R1_Short" "R1"
"UI_LeftBack_Short" "LP"
"UI_RightBack_Short" "RP"
"UI_AButton" "A"
"UI_BButton" "B"
"UI_XButton" "X"
"UI_YButton" "Y"
"UI_TriangleButton" "△"
"UI_SquareButton" "□"
"UI_CircleButton" "○"
"UI_CrossButton" "╳"
"UI_ShareButton" "SHARE"
"UI_OptionsButton" "OPTIONS"
"UI_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"UI_Dismiss" "DISMISS"
"UI_Submit_Caps" "SUBMIT"
"UI_OK" "OK"
"UI_Done" "DONE"
"UI_Back" "BACK"
"UI_Yes" "YES"
"UI_No" "NO"
"UI_Unknown" "UNKNOWN"
"UI_Always" "ALWAYS"
"UI_Select_Footer" "SELECT"
"UI_Cancel_Footer" "CANCEL"
"UI_Start" "START"
"UI_Back_Footer" "BACK"
"UI_Alert" "Alert"
"UI_LeftGrip_Short" "LG"
"UI_RightGrip_Short" "RG"
"UI_Delete" "DELETE"

"UI_Backspace" "BACKSPACE"
"UI_Spacebar" "SPACE"
"UI_MoveCaret" "MOVE CURSOR"
"UI_MoveCaretLeft" "« CURSOR"
"UI_MoveCaretRight" "CURSOR »"
"UI_InputDone" "DONE"
"UI_MoreOptions" "MORE OPTIONS"
"UI_SendMessage" "SEND"
"UI_Languages" "LANGUAGES"
"UI_Next" "NEXT"

"UI_Today" "Today"
"UI_Yesterday" "Yesterday"
"UI_Tomorrow" "Tomorrow"
"UI_Days" "days"
"UI_Day" "day"
"UI_Hours" "hours"
"UI_Minutes" "minutes"
"UI_Seconds" "seconds"
"UI_Hour" "hour"
"UI_Minute" "minute"
"UI_Second" "second"
"UI_UnknownTime" "Unknown"

"UI_Label_CopySelected" "Copy selected text"

"UI_Label_OpenLinkInBrowser" "Open URL in browser"
"UI_Label_CopyURLToClipboard" "Copy URL to clipboard"

"UI_TextEntry_CutToClipboard" "Cut"
"UI_TextEntry_CopyToClipboard" "Copy"
"UI_TextEntry_PasteClipboard" "Paste"

"UI_ShowPassword" "SHOW PASSWORD"

"UI_HidePassword" "HIDE PASSWORD"

"UI_Agreements" "Agreements"
"UI_I_Agree" "I agree"

"Month_January" "January"
"Month_February" "February"
"Month_March" "March"
"Month_April" "April"
"Month_May" "May"
"Month_June" "June"
"Month_July" "July"
"Month_August" "August"
"Month_September" "September"
"Month_October" "October"
"Month_November" "November"
"Month_December" "December"

"UI_Continue" "Continue"
"UI_Age_Gate_Continue" "CONTINUE"

"Panorama_Lang_English" "English"
"Panorama_Lang_Spanish" "Spanish"
"Panorama_Lang_French" "French"
"Panorama_Lang_Italian" "Italian"
"Panorama_Lang_German" "German"
"Panorama_Lang_Greek" "Greek"
"Panorama_Lang_Korean" "Korean"
"Panorama_Lang_Simplified_Chinese" "Simplified Chinese"
"Panorama_Lang_Traditional_Chinese" "Traditional Chinese"
"Panorama_Lang_Russian" "Russian"
"Panorama_Lang_Thai" "Thai"
"Panorama_Lang_Japanese" "Japanese"
"Panorama_Lang_Portuguese" "Portuguese"
"Panorama_Lang_Brazilian" "Portuguese-Brazil"
"Panorama_Lang_Polish" "Polish"
"Panorama_Lang_Danish" "Danish"
"Panorama_Lang_Dutch" "Dutch"
"Panorama_Lang_Finnish" "Finnish"
"Panorama_Lang_Norwegian" "Norwegian"
"Panorama_Lang_Swedish" "Swedish"
"Panorama_Lang_Czech" "Czech"
"Panorama_Lang_Hungarian" "Hungarian"
"Panorama_Lang_Romanian" "Romanian"
"Panorama_Lang_Bulgarian" "Bulgarian"
"Panorama_Lang_Turkish" "Turkish"
"Panorama_Lang_Arabic" "Arabic"
"Panorama_Lang_Ukrainian" "Ukrainian"
"Panorama_Lang_Latam_Spanish" "Latam"
"Panorama_Lang_Vietnamese" "Vietnamese"

"Panorama_Lang_Footer_English" "ENGLISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Spanish" "SPANISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_French" "FRENCH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Italian" "ITALIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_German" "GERMAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Greek" "GREEK"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Korean" "KOREAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Simplified_Chinese" "SIM CHINESE"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Traditional_Chinese" "TRAD CHINESE"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Russian" "RUSSIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Thai" "THAI"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Japanese" "JAPANESE"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Portuguese" "PORTUGUESE"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Brazilian" "PORTUGUESE-B"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Polish" "POLISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Danish" "DANISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Dutch" "DUTCH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Finnish" "FINNISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Norwegian" "NORWEGIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Swedish" "SWEDISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Czech" "CZECH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Hungarian" "HUNGARIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Romanian" "ROMANIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Bulgarian" "BULGARIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Turkish" "TURKISH"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Ukrainian" "UKRAINIAN"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Latam_Spanish" "LATAM"
"Panorama_Lang_Footer_Vietnamese" "VIETNAMESE"

// selection strings, pre-localized

// do not localize these strings!
"Panorama_Selection_English" "English"
"Panorama_Selection_Spanish" "Español (Spanish)"
"Panorama_Selection_French" "Français (French)"
"Panorama_Selection_Italian" "Italiano (Italian)"
"Panorama_Selection_German" "Deutsch (German)"
"Panorama_Selection_Greek" "Ελληνικά (Greek)"
"Panorama_Selection_Korean" "한국어 (Korean)"
"Panorama_Selection_Simplified_Chinese" "简体中文 (Simplified Chinese)"
"Panorama_Selection_Traditional_Chinese" "繁體中文 (Traditional Chinese)"
"Panorama_Selection_Russian" "Русский (Russian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Thai" "ไทย (Thai)"
"Panorama_Selection_Japanese" "日本語 (Japanese)"
"Panorama_Selection_Portuguese" "Português (Portuguese)"
"Panorama_Selection_Brazilian" "Português-Brasil (Portuguese-Brazil)"
"Panorama_Selection_Polish" "Polski (Polish)"
"Panorama_Selection_Danish" "Dansk (Danish)"
"Panorama_Selection_Dutch" "Nederlands (Dutch)"
"Panorama_Selection_Finnish" "Suomi (Finnish)"
"Panorama_Selection_Norwegian" "Norsk (Norwegian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Swedish" "Svenska (Swedish)"
"Panorama_Selection_Czech" "Čeština (Czech)"
"Panorama_Selection_Hungarian" "Magyar (Hungarian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Romanian" "Română (Romanian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Bulgarian" "Български (Bulgarian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Turkish" "Türkçe (Turkish)"
"Panorama_Selection_Arabic" "‫(العربية‬Arabic)"
"Panorama_Selection_Ukrainian" "Українська (Ukrainian)"
"Panorama_Selection_Latam_Spanish" "Español-Latinoamérica (Spanish-
Latin America)"
"Panorama_Selection_Vietnamese" "Tiếng Việt (Vietnamese)"

"Panorama_MoviePlaybackError" "An error ocurred during playback"

"MainMenu_Settings" "SETTINGS"
"MainMenu_Exit" "EXIT"
"MainMenu_Library" "LIBRARY"
"MainMenu_Web" "WEB"
"MainMenu_WebTitle" "Web Browser"
"MainMenu_Select" "SELECT"
"MainMenu_Back" "BACK"
"MainMenu_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"MainMenu_Chat" "CHAT"
"MainMenu_Primary" "STEAM"
"MainMenu_Store" "STORE"
"MainMenu_Community" "COMMUNITY"
"MainMenu_Profile" "{s:personaname}"
"MainMenu_ProfileState" "{s:personastate}"
"MainMenu_Main" "MAIN"
"MainMenu_FriendsArePlaying" "FRIENDS ARE PLAYING"
"MainMenu_RecentPlaying" "RESUME PLAYING"
"MainMenu_UnplayedPlaying" "DON'T FORGET TO PLAY"
"MainMenu_ActiveDownloadsShort" "{d:downloads}"
"MainMenu_ActiveDownloadsLong" "{d:downloads} DOWNLOAD"
"MainMenu_ActiveDownloadsLongPlural" "{d:downloads} DOWNLOADS"
"MainMenu_ActivePausesLong" "{d:paused} PAUSED"
"MainMenu_CompleteDownloadsLong" "{d:downloads} COMPLETE"
"MainMenu_CompleteDownloadsLongPlural" "{d:downloads} COMPLETE"
"MainMenu_SystemIMsShort_Number" "{d:systemims}"
"MainMenu_InboxShort" "{d:inboxcount}"
"MainMenu_InboxLong" "{d:inboxcount}"
"MainMenu_PendingChatsShort" "{d:pendingchats}"
"MainMenu_NewComments" "{d:commentcount} New Comments"
"MainMenu_NewCommentsSingular" "{d:commentcount} New Comment"
"MainMenu_NewItems" "{d:itemcount} New Inventory Items"
"MainMenu_NewItemsSingular" "{d:itemcount} New Inventory Item"
"MainMenu_NewInvites" "{d:friendinvitecount} New Invites"
"MainMenu_NewInvitesSingular" "{d:friendinvitecount} New Invite"
"MainMenu_NewGroupInvites" "{d:friendgroupinvitecount} New Group Invites"
"MainMenu_NewGroupInvitesSingular" "{d:friendgroupinvitecount} New Group
"MainMenu_NewGifts" "{d:giftcount} New Gifts"
"MainMenu_NewGiftsSingular" "{d:giftcount} New Gift"
"MainMenu_NewTradeOffers" "{d:tradeoffercount} Pending Trade Offers"
"MainMenu_NewTradeOffersSingular" "{d:tradeoffercount} Pending Trade Offer"
"MainMenu_NewAsyncGames" "{d:asyncgamescount} New Turns
"MainMenu_NewAsyncGamesSingular" "{d:asyncgamescount} New Turn Waiting"
"MainMenu_NewAsyncGameInvites" "{d:asyncgameinvitescount}
New Game Invites"
"MainMenu_NewAsyncGameInvitesSingular" "{d:asyncgameinvitescount} New Game
"MainMenu_NewModeratorMessages" "{d:moderatormessagecount}
Community Messages"
"MainMenu_NewModeratorMessagesSingular" "{d:moderatormessagecount}
Community Message"
"MainMenu_NewHelpRequestReplies" "{d:helprequestreplycount} replies
from Steam Support"
"MainMenu_NewHelpRequestRepliesSingular" "{d:helprequestreplycount} reply
from Steam Support"
"MainMenu_UnreadChatSingular" "{d:unreadchatmessagecount} Unread Chat
"MainMenu_UnreadChat" "{d:unreadchatmessagecount} Unread Chat
"MainMenu_AlertsTitle" "Your Alerts"
"MainMenu_OfflineTitle" "Offline"
"MainMenu_FamilyTitle" "Family View"
"MainMenu_AlertsEmpty" "You have no pending alerts"

"MainMenu_NewSupportMessages" "1 message from Steam Support"

"MainMenu_NewClientUpdate" "New Steam update available"
"MainMenu_ControllerBattery" "View Controller Status"
"MainMenu_NoPendingAlerts" "You have no pending alerts"
"MainMenu_OptIntoBeta" "Enable Steam Beta Client"
"MainMenu_OptIntoBeta_Title" "Steam Beta Client"
"MainMenu_OptIntoBeta_Message" "The Steam Beta client currently offers the
best experience for Steam Controller users.\n\nOpting into the beta will restart
your Steam Client.\n\nWould you like to opt in?\n"

"MainMenu_RestartForClientUpdate_Title" "New Steam update available"

"MainMenu_RestartForClientUpdate" "A new Steam update is available. Do you
want to restart Steam to install it?"

"MainMenu_PersonaName" "Welcome {s:personaname}"

"MainMenu_Time" "{t:T:curtime}"
"MainMenu_NewForYouTitle" "New For You"

"MainMenu_MusicGuideLabel" "MUSIC"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Header" "Welcome to Steam"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Header" "Your Steam Controller"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Security_Header" "Your Account Security"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_BigPicture_H" "Steam, from your couch"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_BigPicture_D" "The things you love about Steam, now
available on your television from the comfort of your couch. Your library of games,
your friends, your favorite mods, and great deals on the latest games, all on your
TV. Plus, you choose how you want to play. Use a Steam Controller, your favorite
old controller, or your trusty mouse and keyboard."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_BigPicture_New_H" "PC Gaming, from your couch"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_BigPicture_New_D" "Steam makes it easy to discover
new games available to download, easy access to friends, popular mods, and great
deals on the latest games, all from the comfort of your couch. You can use a Steam
Controller, your favorite old controller, or your trusty mouse and keyboard."

//Controller Update
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update" "The Steam Controller Update"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_BusyMonth" "It's been a busy month since
the Steam controller officially launched, and with the help of the community, it's
already grown so much. Along with the new features in today's update, we thought
we'd highlight some of the other big features added in that month."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Gyro_Header" "Gyro"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Gyro_Description" "One of the community's
biggest discoveries was how well FPS aiming worked when you combined trackpad and
gyro input. Relying on the trackpad for large scale turns, and the gyro for fine
tuning, community members found they were much more competitive than they were
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Gyro_SeeVideo" "See Video"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Moystick_Header" "Mouse-Like Joystick

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Moystick_Description" "Many games with
full controller support expect a joystick for camera control, but PC gamers like
their mouse for good reason. Thanks to mntorankusu's suggestion, we found a much
superior method of emulating joystick cameras, so that it feels like you're aiming
with a mouse when playing a first or third person game."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Moystick_Description2" "Some games don't
support simultaneous mouse and gamepad input. With Mouse-Like Joystick you can play
with gamepad input and still enjoy mouse accuracy."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_TouchMenu_Header" "Touch Menu"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_TouchMenu_Description" "Some games have
hotkeys that are infequently used, but you still want to have at your fingertips.
We added the Touch Menu, a fully configurable UI with up to 16 buttons, allowing
you to select your desired hotkey on a single trackpad."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_TouchMenu_Description2" "Add and
customize this menu in any game!"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_MouseRegions_Header" "Mouse Regions"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_MouseRegions_Description" "Many PC RTS &
RPG games have complex on-screen UI for minimaps, spell bars, inventory slots, and
so on. To make it easier to rapidly navigate them, we added Mouse Regions, a
configurable way of mapping an entire trackpad to a region on-screen."

"Configuration Travelling"
"Want to play some co-op games at a friend's house? We wanted to make it easy to
take your controller with you, so today we're shipping a new feature that ensures
your controller's game configurations travel with it, even when you're playing a
co-op game on a friend's Steam account.\n\n*Currently available in Steam Beta

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_HomeTheaterPC_Header" "Home Theater PCs"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_HomeTheaterPC_Description" "One of the
things we weren't expecting was that so many users would find the Steam Controller
great at controlling their HTPC outside of playing games. These users have made a
number of great suggestions, and we've managed to ship some of them already."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_HomeTheaterPC_Description2" "Bring up the
On-screen Keyboard whenever you want to enter some text."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Shortcut_Header" "Non-Steam Game support"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_Shortcut_Description" "Another thing the
community has asked for is the ability to share configurations for games bought
somewhere other than Steam. Today's update adds that as well, so add your favorite
non-Steam game to your library, and we'll automatically find configurations that
other users have published."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_ControllerHUD_Header" "Controller HUD"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Controller_Update_ControllerHUD_Description" "With the
community rapidly creating and sharing so many different ways to use the Steam
Controller, we wanted to make it easier to learn how your controller is operating.
The new Controller HUD allows you to easily see exactly what input your controller
is generating."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_NoProd_H" "Discover the best new games"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_NoProd_D" "Head over to the Steam Store to
find great deals on the newest games or browse to find classic games you might have
missed. Check out Free-to-Play games for some free entertainment, or explore the
Early Access titles to get involved in games as they develop."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_NoFriends_H" "Keep up with friends"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_NoFriends_D" "Everything great about having Steam
friends on your PC is now available on your TV. Chat, keep track of what they're
playing, comment on their screenshots and community content, and more."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_NoFriends_E" "Join the millions of other players on
Steam. You can add any other player to your friends list and chat, comment on their
posted screenshots and movies, invite them to multiplayer games, and much more."

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Friends_Hint" "FRIENDS"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Overlay_H" "In-game access to everything"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Overlay_D" "While playing a game, you can press the
Steam button at any point to bring up the Steam Overlay. From there you can quickly
access your friends, the web browser, popular guides, text entry, and more without
ever leaving your game."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Overlay_Hint" "OVERLAY"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Home_Button_H" "Get home from anywhere"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Home_Button_D" "Wherever you are in Big Picture, just
hit the Steam button to quickly get back to the home screen."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Home_Hint" "HOME"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_H" "Steam Controller Tips"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_D" "Here are a couple of tips to help you
get the most out of your Steam Controller."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_1" "You can quickly view and edit your
controller settings while playing. Just hit the Steam button to bring up the in-
game Overlay and select “Controller Configuration”."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_1_Hint" "IN-GAME OVERLAY"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_2" "ADJUST THE SENSITIVITY of your

controller pads when using them to control a camera."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_3" "When playing a new game, it's best to
start with a popular community created config, or one of our genre templates."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_4" "The grip buttons (found underneath the
controller) are great for commands that you want to be able to use without removing
your thumbs from the pads (like reload in an FPS)."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_5" "Select the Open Keyboard option in the
Steam Overlay when playing a game that requires you to enter some keyboard text."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Controller_5_Hint" "OPEN KEYBOARD"

"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_PhoneA" "Add an SMS

phone number"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_PhoneB" "If you
forget your password or simply can't log in to your account, Steam can send you a
text message to get you back in and playing games."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_TwoFactorA" "Better
account security\nwith two-factor authentication"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_TwoFactorB" "Email
accounts can be easily compromised. Protect your games and items by ensuring only
you can access your Steam account. Get the Steam Mobile app now."
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_DescAction_Phone_Controller" "Press <img
src=\"file://{images}/library/controller/controller_button_a.png\"/> to add a phone
number to your account"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_DescAction_Phone_MouseKB" "Click here
to add a phone number to your account"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_DescAction_TwoFactor_Controller" "Press <img
src=\"file://{images}/library/controller/controller_button_a.png\"/> to learn more
and get the mobile app"
"MainMenu_Welcome_Sub_Security_DescAction_TwoFactor_MouseKB" "Click here
to learn more and get the mobile app"

"Test_MainLabel" "Steam 10'\nTEXT..................!"

"Join_Login" "Login"
"Join_Join" "Join"
"Join_Select" "SELECT"
"Join_More" "MORE"

"Login_AccountName" "ACCOUNT NAME"

"Login_Password" "PASSWORD"
"Login_CapsLockWarning" "CAPS LOCK ON"
"Login_Password_CapsLock" "PASSWORD / CAPS LOCK ON"
"Login_Login" "LOGIN"
"Login_RememberPassword" "REMEMBER"
"Login_Help" "LOGIN HELP"
"Login_LoggedInElsewhere" "This account is currently logged in
elsewhere. Please re-enter your password to login."
"Login_SteamGuardCode" "ACCESS CODE"
"Login_SteamGuardPrompt" "Steam Guard requires you to enter the
special access code we've just emailed to you at {s:domain}"
"Login_SteamGuardExpired" "That code is too old and has expired."
"Login_SteamGuardWrongCode" "Sorry, that code isn't quite right."
"Login_TwoFactorCode" "ACCESS CODE"
"Login_TwoFactorPrompt" "As an additional security measure,
you'll need to enter the current Steam Guard code from the Steam app on your
"Login_TwoFactorWrongCode" "Sorry, that isn't quite right. Please
enter a fresh code from your mobile app."
"Login_TwoFactorTitle" "Steam Guard Authenticator code required"
"Login_WrongPassword" "Please check your account name and
password and try again."
"Login_WrongPasswordOnly" "Please check your password and try
"Login_RateLimited" "There have been too many login failures
from your network in a short time period. Please wait and try again later."
"Login_IPRestriction" "This account can't be accessed from this
"Login_AccountSuspended_Title" "Steam - Contact us"
"Login_AccountSuspended" "Steam Support has suspended this
account.\n\nAccounts typically become suspended when accessed by someone else, or a
payment dispute is in progress.\n\nPlease contact Steam Support to resolve this
"Login_AccountSuspendedSmaller" "Steam Support has suspended this
account. To resolve this issue, please contact us
"Login_UpdatingSteamInformation" "Updating Steam Information"
"Login_UpdatingUserConfiguration" "Updating User Configuration"
"Login_Connecting" "Connecting to Steam account
"Login_Offline_Title" "Offline Mode"
"Login_Offline" "You have chosen to use Steam in
offline mode.\n\nMany features, such as the Steam Store and Community, will not be
available while offline."
"Login_GoOnline" "GO ONLINE"
"Login_StayOffline" "STAY OFFLINE"
"Login_ConnectionIssues" "Can't connect to the Steam service.
Check your network connection or try again later."
"Login_NextField" "NEXT"
"Login_LoginRetry" "Retry Connection"
"Login_More" "OPTIONS"
"Login_Less" "BACK"
"Login_Select" "SELECT"
"Login_RemoveUser" "REMOVE USER"
"Login_ShowPassword" "SHOW PASSWORD"
"Login_HidePassword" "HIDE PASSWORD"
"Login_AutoLogin" "AUTO-LOGIN AS {s:accountname}"
"Login_UserPersonaName" "{s:personaname}"
"Login_UserAccountName" "{s:accountname}"
"Login_RemoveUserTitle" "Remove account?"
"Login_RemoveUserDescription" "Are you sure you want to
remove \"{s:accountname}\"?"
"Login_SteamUnreachable_Title" "Network Problem"
"Login_SteamUnreachable_Description" "We're having trouble connecting to the
Steam service. Please check your network."
"Login_SteamUnreachable_SteamUnavailable" "We're having trouble connecting to
the Steam service. Please try again later."
"Login_SteamUnreachable_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"
"Login_SteamUnreachable_LoginOffline" "LOGIN OFFLINE"
"Login_ErrorCouldNotConnect" "Could not connect to Steam network.\nThis
could be due to a problem with your Internet connection, or with the \nSteam
network. Please visit for more info."
"Login_Cancel_Title" "Login"
"Login_Cancel_Description" "Are you sure you want to cancel?"

"WizardButton_Next" "NEXT"
"WizardButton_Back" "BACK"
"WizardButton_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"WizardButton_Done" "DONE"

"CreateAccount_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable

to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try
again later."
"CreateAccount_NextField" "NEXT"
"CreateAccount_Cancel_Title" "Create Account"
"CreateAccount_Cancel_Description" "Are you sure you want to cancel creating
this account?"
"CreateAccount_WebOnly_Title" "Create Account"
"CreateAccount_WebOnly_Text" "Please open a web browser and navigate to to create your Steam account. Then use your new
credentials to login here."

"CreateAccount_Credentials_Title" "Hello,"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_Description" "Creating a Steam account takes just
a few simple steps. Let's get started."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountName_Value" "{s:ac
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError" "Unfor
tunately, that account name is unavailable."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_TooShort" "Unfortunate
ly, that account name is too short."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_InvalidCharacters" "Unfortunate
ly, that account name can't be used because it contains invalid characters. Only
letters, numbers and _ are allowed."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_Spaces" "Unfor
tunately, that account name can't be used because it contains spaces. Only letters,
numbers and _ are allowed."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_TooLong" "Unfortunate
ly, that account name is too long. Your account name must be less than 64
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_Reserved" "Account
names aren't allowed to contain 'Valve' or 'Steam'."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_Taken" "Unfor
tunately, that account name is already being used by someone else."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameError_Taken_Suggestions" "Unfortunate
ly, that account name is already being used. You can enter a new name or select one
of the available suggestions below."

"CreateAccount_Credentials_Validation_Title" "Valid
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountNameValidation_Description" "We're
validating your account name and making sure it's available."

"CreateAccount_Credentials_AgeLimitNext" "I AM AT LEAST 13 YEARS OLD"

"CreateAccount_Credentials_AccountName" "Account name"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_Password" "Password"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordAgain" "Password, again"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_AvailableAccountNames" "Available account names"

"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordContainsAccountName" "Your password

contains your account name."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordTooWeak" "Your password is too weak."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordsDontMatch" "The passwords you entered do
not match. Please enter the same password in each field."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordLessMinimumLength" "Your password must be
at least 8 characters long."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_PasswordMoreMaximumLength" "Your password must be
less than 64 characters long."
"CreateAccount_Credentials_Weak" "Weak"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_Alright" "Alright"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_Strong" "Strong"
"CreateAccount_Credentials_TooShort" "Too short"
"CreateAccount_Email_Title" "How may we contact you?"
"CreateAccount_Email_Description" "If you forget your password or we need to
verify your account, how may we contact you?"
"CreateAccount_Email_EmailAddress" "Email address"
"CreateAccount_Email_EmailAddressAgain" "Email address, one more time"
"CreateAccount_Email_Invalid" "A valid email address is required."
"CreateAccount_Email_DontMatch" "The email addresses you entered do not
match. Please enter the same email address in each field."
"CreateAccount_Email_SameAsExisting" "This contact email address already
matches the one associated with this account."

"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_Title" "Hold up."

"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_Description" "An account with this email address
already exists. What would you like to do?"
"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_ExistingAccount" "Find the existing account
registered with this email address"
"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_NewAccount" "Create a new account with this email
address anyway"
"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_NewEmail" "Enter a different email address"
"CreateAccount_EmailTaken_CreateAccountAnyway" "CREATE NEW ACCOUNT ANYWAY"

"CreateAccount_Agreements_Title" "A few important details."

"CreateAccount_Agreements_Description" "By creating a Steam account, you
agree to the Steam Subscriber Agreement and Privacy Policy."
"CreateAccount_Agreements_IAgree" "I AGREE"
"CreateAccount_Agreements_Agreements" "Agreements"
"CreateAccount_Agreements_ViewSSA" "VIEW SUBSCRIBER AGREEMENT"
"CreateAccount_Agreements_ViewPPA" "VIEW PRIVACY POLICY"

"CreateAccount_SSA_Title" "Steam Subscriber Agreement"


"CreateAccount_PPA_Title" "Steam Privacy Policy"


"CreateAccount_Creating_Title" "Almost there..."

"CreateAccount_Creating_Description" "Hang tight - we're currently creating
your Steam account."

"CreateAccount_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"

"CreateAccount_Fail_Description" "Steam could not create your account."
"CreateAccount_Fail_PasswordIllegal" "Your password did not pass additional
complexity requirements. Please try again with a different password."
"CreateAccount_Fail_AccountNameOrEmailInvalid" "Your account name or email
address weren't valid. Please try again with a valid account name and email
"CreateAccount_Fail_AccountNameInUse" "That account name is already in use.
Please try again with a different account name."
"CreateAccount_Fail_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"

"CreateAccount_Success_Title" "You're all set!"

"CreateAccount_Success_Description" "Your account has been created
successfully!\n\nYour Steam account and login information is important -- from now
on, you'll need it to access your games and other Steam features."
"CreateAccount_Success_Show" "SHOW"
"CreateAccount_Success_Hide" "HIDE"
"CreateAccount_Success_ContactEmailAddress" "Contact email address"
"CreateAccount_ShowPassword" "Show password"
"ChangePassword_Title" "Change password"
"ChangePassword_Forced_Description" "Your account requires that a new
password is set. This can either be because your password no longer meets Steam's
complexity requirements, or because Steam Support recovered your lost or
compromised account and had set a temporary password.\n\nWe'll walk you through
setting a new password now."
"ChangePassword_CurrentPassword_Title" "Change password"
"ChangePassword_CurrentPassword_Description" "Please enter your current
password and select \"Next\" to begin the process of changing your password. An
email message containing a confirmation code will be sent to {s:emailaddress}."
"ChangePassword_EnterCurrentPassword" "Enter your current password"
"ChangePassword_ShowPassword" "Show password"
"ChangePassword_NewPassword_Title" "Change password"
"ChangePassword_NewPassword_Description" "Please enter your new password."
"ChangePassword_NewPassword_WithTwoFactorDescription""Please enter the
current Steam Guard authenticator code from the mobile app on your phone, along
with your new password."
"ChangePassword_NewPassword_WithSmsDescription" "Please enter the
SMS code that we just sent to your phone, along with your new password."
"ChangePassword_EnterConfirmationCode" "Confirmation code sent to
"ChangePassword_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Current code from your Steam Guard
"ChangePassword_EnterSmsCode" "SMS code that we just sent to your
"ChangePassword_EnterConfirmationCodePlain" "Confirmation code"
"ChangePassword_EnterNewPassword" "New password"
"ChangePassword_EnterNewPasswordAgain" "New password, again"
"ChangePassword_Changing_Title" "Almost there..."
"ChangePassword_Changing_Description" "Hang tight - we're currently
changing your password."
"ChangePassword_SendingCode_Title" "Contacting Steam"
"ChangePassword_SendingCode_Description" "Steam is sending a confirmation
code to your contact email address."
"ChangePassword_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"
"ChangePassword_Fail_Description" "Steam is reporting a problem:"
"ChangePassword_Fail_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"
"ChangePassword_Success_Title" "You're all set!"
"ChangePassword_Success_Description" "Steam successfully changed your
"ChangePassword_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently
unable to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled.
Please try again later."
"ChangePassword_IncorrectPassword" "This password is incorrect. Please
enter your current password."
"ChangePassword_EmailProgress" "Contacting Steam servers to
send a confirmation code to {s:emailaddress}."
"ChangePassword_IncorrectConfirmationCode" "Please check that you have
entered the confirmation code correctly."
"ChangePassword_ReusedPassword" "You may not reuse an old
password. Please choose again."
"ChangePassword_IllegalPassword" "That password did not satisfy
additional complexity requirements. Please choose again."
"ChangePassword_WrongPassword" "Please check that you have
entered your original password correctly."
"ChangePassword_IncorrectTwoFactorCode" "The Steam Guard authenticator code
was incorrect. Please check it and try again."
"ChangePassword_IncorrectSmsCode" "The SMS code was incorrect. Please
check it and try again."
"ChangePassword_RecoverAccount_Title" "Recover Account"
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_Title" "Forgot Password"
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_Description" "Before recovering your
account, Steam needs to verify your identity. Please enter your account name."
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_EmailCodeDescription" "Please enter the
confirmation code that we just sent to your contact email address."
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_AccountName" "Account Name"
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_AccountDisabled" "This account has been
disabled. Please contact Steam Support."
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_AccountNotFound" "Account not found. Please
enter the account name used to login to Steam."
"ChangePassword_ForgotPassword_EmailProgress" "Contacting Steam servers to
send a confirmation code to contact email address."
"ChangePassword_NextField" "NEXT"
"ChangePassword_Working_Description" "Contacting Steam servers and
getting account information, please wait."
"ChangePassword_SendingSms_Description" "Since your account has a phone
attached to it, we're sending a confirming SMS code to your phone."

"VerifyEmail_Wizard" "Verify Email"

"VerifyEmail_Start_Title" "Verify your email address"
"VerifyEmail_Start_Description" "This one-time step helps us
maintain the security of your account and is required in order to make purchases
and share Steam libraries with other users.\n\nSelect Next to get started."
"VerifyEmail_Verifying_Title" "Almost there..."
"VerifyEmail_Verifying_Description" "Hang tight - we're sending an
email message to {s:emailaddress}."
"VerifyEmail_Success_Title" "Check your mail!"
"VerifyEmail_Success_Description" "Once you've clicked the link
within the message you've received at {s:emailaddress} from Steam Support, your
address will be verified.\n\nThanks for helping us protect your account. "
"VerifyEmail_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"
"VerifyEmail_Fail_Description" "Steam could not send
verification email to {s:emailaddress}. Please try again."
"VerifyEmail_Support" "WHAT MESSAGE?"

"LoginHelp_Title" "Need some help?"

"LoginHelp_Title2" "What do you need?"
"LoginHelp_Description" "Please select one of the
following choices to recover your account information."
"LoginHelp_HaveAccountName" "I know my account name"
"LoginHelp_ForgotPassword" "I forgot my password"
"LoginHelp_ForgotAccountName" "I forgot my account name"
"LoginHelp_LostAuthenticator" "I lost my authenticator"

"ForgotAccountName_Type_Title" "Forgot Account Name"

"ForgotAccountName_Type_Description" "Steam can find your account name
if you know either the contact email address of the account, or a product code you
activated with the account."
"ForgotAccountName_Type_Email" "Contact email address"
"ForgotAccountName_Type_CDKey" "Product code"

"ForgotAccountName_ContactEmail_Title" "Contact Email Address"

"ForgotAccountName_ContactEmail_Description" "Please enter the contact email
address associated with this Steam account."
"ForgotAccountName_ContactEmail_EmailAddress" "Contact email address"

"ForgotAccountName_CDKey_Title" "Product Code"

"ForgotAccountName_CDKey_Description" "Please enter the product code you
activated in your Steam account."
"ForgotAccountName_CDKey_ProductCode" "Product code"

"ForgotAccountName_FindingAccounts_Title" "Almost there..."

"ForgotAccountName_FindingAccounts_Description" "We're searching for your

"ForgotAccountName_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"

"ForgotAccountName_Fail_Description" "Steam could not find your
"ForgotAccountName_Fail_TryAgain" "Try Again"

"ForgotAccountName_Success_Title" "Check Your Email"

"ForgotAccountName_Success_Description" "An email containing your Steam
account name has been sent to you. Once you have your account name, you can go to
Login Help again to reset your password."

"ChangeEmail_NewEmail_Title" "Change email address"

"ChangeEmail_NewEmail_Description" "Your contact email address is used
to confirm purchases and help you manage access to your Steam account. To change
it, please enter the info below."
"ChangeEmail_NewEmail_Password" "Your current password"
"ChangeEmail_NewEmail_EmailAddress" "Your new email address"
"ChangeEmail_NewEmail_EmailAddressAgain" "Your new email address, again"
"ChangeEmail_SendingConfCode_Title" "Contacting Service..."
"ChangeEmail_SendingConfCode_Description" "An email with a confirmation code
is being sent to {s:emailaddress}."
"ChangeEmail_Changing_Title" "Almost there..."
"ChangeEmail_Changing_Description" "Hang tight - we're currently
changing your contact email address."
"ChangeEmail_ConfCode_Title" "Change email address"
"ChangeEmail_ConfCode_Description" "To complete this request, please
enter the confirmation code sent to {s:emailaddress} from Steam Support."
"ChangeEmail_ConfCode_EnterConfCode" "Confirmation code"
"ChangeEmail_ConfCode_EnterTwoFactorCode" "Current code from your Steam Guard
"ChangeEmail_ConfCode_EnterSMSCode" "For extra security, we have sent
an SMS text message to the phone number associated with your account. Please enter
the code here:"
"ChangeEmail_InvalidPassword" "That password is incorrect. Please
try again."
"ChangeEmail_InvalidConfirmationCode" "Please check that you have entered
the confirmation code correctly."
"ChangeEmail_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable
to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try
again later."
"ChangeEmail_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"
"ChangeEmail_Fail_Description" "Steam could not change your
contact email address."
"ChangeEmail_Fail_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"
"ChangeEmail_Success_Title" "You're all set!"
"ChangeEmail_Success_Description" "Steam successfully changed your
contact email address to {s:emailaddress}."

"ManageSteamGuard_SteamGuard_Title" "Manage Steam Guard"

"ManageSteamGuard_SteamGuard_Description" "Steam Guard prevents your account
from being accessed on unauthorized computers. New computers are authorized at
login time by entering a confirmation code sent to your contact email address. This
gives you control of how your account gets used. We recommend enabling Steam
"ManageSteamGuard_SteamGuard_EnableSteamGuard" "Enable Steam Guard"
"ManageSteamGuard_SteamGuard_MachineName" "Name used to identify this
"ManageSteamGuard_SteamGuard_DeauthorizeComputers" "DEAUTHORIZE COMPUTERS..."
"ManageSteamGuard_SettingSteamGuard_Title" "Changing Steam Guard settings..."
"ManageSteamGuard_SettingSteamGuard_Description" "We're currently changing
your Steam Guard settings."
"ManageSteamGuard_SuccessOn_Title" "Success!"
"ManageSteamGuard_SuccessOn_Description" "Your account is now protected by
Steam Guard and cannot be accessed on other computers without your approval."
"ManageSteamGuard_SuccessOff_Title" "Steam Guard is now disabled"
"ManageSteamGuard_SuccessOff_Description" "Steam Guard protection has been
removed from your account. Valve recommends enabling Steam Guard because it
provides an important layer of protection for your account. Without Steam Guard,
anyone with your account name and password can use your account without your
"ManageSteamGuard_Fail_Title" "Oh no!"
"ManageSteamGuard_Fail_Description" "Steam is unable to change your
Steam Guard settings at this time. Please try again later."
"ManageSteamGuard_Fail_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"

"ManageSteamGuard_DeauthorizeComputers_Title" "Deauthorize Computers"

"ManageSteamGuard_DeauthorizeComputers_Description" "Press Next to
deauthorize all other computers from having access to your account."
"ManageSteamGuard_DeauthorizeSuccess_Title" "Success!"
"ManageSteamGuard_DeauthorizeSuccess_Description" "This computer is now the
only one authorized to access your account."

"Steam_RefreshLogin_InfoTicketExpired" "Your Steam ticket has

expired.\nPlease re-enter your password to continue."
"Steam_RefreshLogin_InvalidPassword" "Your account credentials have
expired.\nPlease re-enter your password to continue."
"Steam_RefreshLogin_PurchaseSecurity" "For security reasons, it is
required that you re-enter your password to continue."
"Steam_AccountAlreadyLoggedInNeedShutdown" "Your account
'{s:accountname}' is currently in use at another machine. You'll need to shut down
Steam on your other computer in order to log in here."
"Steam_AccountAlreadyLoggedInNeedPassword" "This account is
currently logged in elsewhere.\nRe-enter your password to login on this computer."
"Steam_ErrorLoginFailed" "Login to Steam failed.\nEither the specified
account does not exist, or the password was wrong.\nPlease check your account name
and password and try again."
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Title" "Steam - Logged In Elsewhere"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_Reconnect" "Reconnect to Steam"
"Steam_LoggedInElsewhere_ChangeUser" "Change User"
"Steam_AccountLocked_Info" "This computer was deauthorized. You must
enter a new Steam Guard code to re-authorize it."
"Steam_Login_ErrorTitle" "Steam - Error"
"Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Title" "Offline Mode"
"Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_Info" "Steam requires you to save
account credentials on this computer in order to go offline. Do you wish to enable
saving account credentials here, so you can go offline?"
"Steam_OfflineMode_NoPersonalInfoError_DoItAnyway" "SAVE CREDENTIALS"
"Steam_ErrorOffline" "This operation cannot be completed while Steam is

"Shutdown_WaitingForGame" "Waiting for {s:game} to shut down"

"Shutdown_WaitingForDownload" "Stopping download of {s:game}"
"Shutdown_FinishingDownload" "Finishing download of {s:game}"
"Shutdown_WaitingForCloud" "Finishing Steam cloud sync"
"Shutdown_WaitingForLogoff" "Logging off"
"Shutdown_ForceQuit" "FORCE QUIT"
"Shutdown_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Title" "Steam - Error"
"Shutdown_AppMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "Please close {s:game} before
exiting Steam."
"Shutdown_AllAppsMustBeClosedToQuit_Info" "One or more Steam applications are
currently running. To exit Steam, you must first shut down all Steam applications."

"Settings_Title" "Settings"
"Settings_About" "System"
"Settings_Account" "Account"
"Settings_Friends" "Friends"
"Settings_Languages" "Languages & Text Entry"
"Settings_Audio" "Audio"
"Settings_Music" "Music"
"Settings_Display" "Display"
"Settings_Language" "Language"
"Settings_Network" "Network"
"Settings_Controller" "Controller"
"Settings_Voice" "Voice"
"Settings_InGame" "Steam Overlay"
"Settings_Downloads" "Downloads"
"Settings_Cloud" "Downloads & Cloud"
"Settings_RemoteClients" "Remote Play"
"Settings_Keyboard" "On-Screen Keyboard"
"Settings_AddLibraryShortcut" "Add Library Shortcut"
"Settings_Parental" "Family View"
"Settings_GameController" "Controller Settings"
"Settings_ControllerManagement" "Controller Settings"
"Settings_Personal" "Personal"
"Settings_Features" "Features"
"Settings_Configs" "Base Configurations"
"Settings_ControllerConfigs" "Controller Configurations"
"Settings_AudioInterface" "Interface"
"Settings_DisplayResolution" "Resolution"
"Settings_Web" "Web Browser"
"Settings_Bluetooth" "Bluetooth"
"Settings_VRSettings" "VR Settings"
"Settings_SteamPlay" "Steam Play"

"Settings_Network_Wizard" "Network Configuration"

"Settings_AuthorizeLocalDevice" "Family Library Sharing"

"Settings_Select" "SELECT"
"Settings_Back" "BACK"
"Settings_Done" "DONE"

"SettingsControllerCfg_Intro" "When you're not playing a game,

your Steam Controller will use these default configurations."
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigDesktop" "Desktop configuration"
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigDesktop_Desc" "Default Desktop configuration
created by Valve, for use with the Steam Controller."
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigBP" "Big Picture configuration"
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigBP_Desc" "Default Big Picture configuration
created by Valve, for use with the Steam Controller."
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigGuideChord" "Steam Button Chord configuration"
"SettingsControllerCfg_ConfigGuideChord_Desc" "Steam Button Chord
configuration created by Valve, for use with the Steam Controller."
"SettingsControllerCfg_DesktopNote" "Note that changes you make to the
Desktop configuration will be lost when Steam isn't running."
"SettingsControllerCfg_ComingSoon" " - coming soon"
"SettingsControllerCfg_BigPictureNote" "Big Picture Configuration applies
to the various controls used within Big Picture Mode, Web Browsing, and the On
Screen Keyboard."
"SettingsControllerCfg_ChordNote" "Steam Button Chording
Configuration will be applied while you're holding the Steam Button. This allows
global controls to be accessible at all times across all games and applications."

"SettingsAbout_SteamClient" "Steam Client"

"SettingsAbout_Built" "Steam client built"
"SettingsAbout_BuildDateTime" "{s:build_date}, at {s:build_time}"
"SettingsAbout_SteamPackage" "Steam versions"
"SettingsAbout_SteamPackageVersion" "{s:package_version}"
"SettingsAbout_SteamAPI" "Steam API"
"SettingsAbout_SteamAPIVersion" "v{s:build_interface}"
"SettingsAbout_SystemInfo" "System Info"
"SettingsAbout_CPUVendorLabel" "CPU vendor"
"SettingsAbout_CPUVendor" "{s:cpu_vendor}"
"SettingsAbout_CPUSpeedLabel" "CPU clock"
"SettingsAbout_CPUSpeed" "{s:cpu_speed} GHz"
"SettingsAbout_CPUCoresLabel" "CPU cores"
"SettingsAbout_CPUCores" "{i:cpu_cores} Cores,
{i:cpu_threads} Threads"
"SettingsAbout_RAMLabel" "System memory"
"SettingsAbout_RAM" "{s:ram_gb} GB"
"SettingsAbout_VideoCardLabel" "Video card"
"SettingsAbout_VideoCard" "{s:video_card}"
"SettingsAbout_DriverVersionLabel" "Driver version"
"SettingsAbout_DriverVersion" "{s:video_driver_version}"
"SettingsAbout_DriverDateLabel" "Driver date"
"SettingsAbout_DriverDate" "{s:video_driver_date}"
"SettingsAbout_VideoRAMLabel" "Video memory"
"SettingsAbout_VideoRAM" "{s:vram_gb} GB"
"SettingsAbout_ClientUpdateButton" "View update news"
"SettingsAbout_BetaOption" "Participate in client beta"
"SettingsAbout_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation"
"SettingsAbout_BetaChange_Title" "Beta participation"
"SettingsAbout_BetaChange_Description" "To change your beta state you must
restart Steam.\n\nRestart now?"
"SettingsAbout_LegalInformation" "Legal Information"

// settings, account screen

"SettingsAccount_History" "View account details"
"SettingsAccount_Verify" "Verify email address"
"SettingsAccount_ManageSteamGuard" "Manage Steam Guard..."
"SettingsAccount_ChangePassword" "Change password..."
"SettingsAccount_ChangeEmail" "Change contact email address..."
"SettingsAccount_Beta" "Beta participation"
"SettingsAccount_Changes" "Changes require Steam to restart"
"SettingsAccount_SaveCredentials" "Save my account credentials here"
"SettingsAccount_MustSave" "Credentials must be saved to go
"SettingsAccount_AccountName" "Account name"
"SettingsAccount_AccountNameText" "{s:accountname}"
"SettingsAccount_VacStatus" "VAC status"
"SettingsAccount_SecurityStatus" "Security status"
"SettingsAccount_ContactEmail" "Contact email"
"SettingsAccount_ContactEmailText" "{s:contactemail}"
"SettingsAccount_EmailStatus" "Email status"
"SettingsAccount_EmailStatusVerified" "Verified"
"SettingsAccount_EmailStatusUnverified" "Not yet verified"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardStatus" "Steam Guard status"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardUnverified" "Verify email to access Steam Guard
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardNotEnabled" "Not yet protected by Steam Guard"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardProtected" "Protected by Steam Guard"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardDisabled" "Steam Guard disabled"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardOffline" "Unknown, offline"
"SettingsAccount_SteamGuardTwoFactor" "Steam Guard with Two Factor

"SettingsAccount_ManageSteamGuardTwoFactor_Title" "Manage Steam Guard"

"SettingsAccount_ManageSteamGuardTwoFactor_Contents" "You are using Steam
Guard with Two Factor Security. To manage your Steam Guard settings, please open
the Steam application on your smart phone.\n\nIf your phone is permanently
unavailable, contact Steam Support for help."

"SettingsAccount_BetaParticipation" "Beta participation"

"SettingsAccount_NoBetaAvailable" "(None currently available)"
"SettingsAccount_NoBetaChosen" "Not participating
({i:numbetas} currently available)"
"SettingsAccount_NoBetaChosenNonAdmin" "{i:numbetas} currently available
(Only the user who installed Steam can change Beta participation.)"
"SettingsAccount_InBeta" "{s:electedbeta}"
"SettingsAccount_UserCantSetBeta" "{s:electedbeta} (Only the user who
installed Steam can change Beta participation.)"
"VAC_NoBans" "In good standing"
"VAC_BannedFromServers" "Banned from some secure servers because of a
cheating infraction."
"SettingsAccount_StartBPM" "Start Steam in Big Picture
"SettingsAccount_StartWindowed" "Start Big Picture mode

// Settings, friends screen

"SettingsFriends_Avatar" "Avatar and profile name"
"SettingsFriends_ChangeAvatar" "Change my avatar"
"SettingsFriends_ViewProfile" "View my Steam Community profile"
"SettingsFriends_AutoSignIn" "Automatically sign into Friends"
"SettingsFriends_Timestamps" "Display timestamps in chat"
"SettingsFriends_ScalingOverride" "Chat UI Scaling"
"SettingsFriends_HighVisibilityMode" "Override chat UI size"
"SettingsFriends_HighVisibilityModeVR" "Override VR chat UI size"
"SettingsFriends_WhenReceived" "When I receive a message"
"SettingsFriends_WhenFriendJoins" "When a friend joins a game"
"SettingsFriends_WhenFriendOnline" "When a friend comes online"
"SettingsFriends_PlaySound" "Play a sound"
"SettingsFriends_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"SettingsFriends_SetPersonaName" "SET PROFILE NAME"

// Settings, display screen

"SettingsDisplay_Intro" "Steam runs in a borderless
window which matches your desktop resolution. The resolution you set below will
control the maximum internal rendering resolution before the UI is presented to the
window.\n\nTo improve performance, lower the target resolution to 720p or below."
"SettingsDisplay_DisplayDevice" "Display device"
"SettingsDisplay_DisplayDeviceValue" "{s:gpuinfostring}"
"SettingsDisplay_WindowSize" "Window size"
"SettingsDisplay_SurfaceSize" "Active resolution"
"SettingsDisplay_WindowSizeValue" "{s:windowsize}"
"SettingsDisplay_SurfaceSizeValue" "{s:surfacesize}"
"SettingsDisplay_Resolution" "Target resolution"
"SettingsDisplay_RestartNow" "Restart Steam now to apply your
new display resolution?"
"SettingsDisplay_RestartNowMonitor" "Restart Steam now to apply your
monitor selection?"
"SettingsDisplay_Warning" "Warning"
"SettingsDisplay_StrongWarningVideoMemory" "Your display device has only
{s:dedicatedgpumem} of dedicated GPU memory. You are likely to have poor
performance at {s:selectedres}.\n\nAre you sure you want to set it anyway?"
"SettingsDisplay_WarningVideoMemory" "Your display device has
{s:dedicatedgpumem} of dedicated GPU memory. You might experience decreased
performance at {s:selectedres}.\n\nAre you sure you want to set it anyway?"
"SettingsDisplay_Monitor" "Target monitor"
"SettingsDisplay_NonPrimaryMonitor" "Warning"
"SettingsDisplay_NonPrimaryMonitorWarning" "{s:selectedmonitor} is not
your primary monitor. Since games can only run on your primary monitor, Steam will
adjust this automatically when entering and exiting Big Picture.\n\nAre you sure
you want to proceed?"
"SettingsDisplay_Underscan" "Adjust image to fit display"
"SettingsDisplay_Brightness" "Adjust brightness"

// Settings, language
"SettingsLanguage_Intro" "Select the language you wish
Steam to use:"
"SettingsLanguage_Change_Title" "Change Language"
"SettingsLanguage_Change_Description" "Restart Steam with this language?"

// Settings, ingame screen

"SettingsInGame_Intro" "The Steam Overlay provides
access to Steam Community and web features while playing games."
"SettingsInGame_Enable" "Enable the Steam overlay"
"SettingsInGame_Overlay" "Overlay"
"SettingsInGame_ShortcutKey" "Keyboard shortcut"
"SettingsInGame_ShortcutBtn" "Controller shortcut"
"SettingsInGame_Screenshots" "Screenshot"
"SettingsInGame_WhenScreenshotTaken" "When I take a screenshot"
"SettingsInGame_DisplayNotification" "Display a notification"
"SettingsInGame_PlaySound" "Play a sound"
"SettingsInGame_Home" "Home Button"
"SettingsInGame_Home_NoEdit" "Home Button (fixed)"
"SettingsInGame_UseChordConfig" "Customize in Controller
Chord Configuration"

// Settings, downloads
"SettingsDownloads_Intro" "Steam Download Settings"
"SettingsDownloads_LibrariesLabel" "Content Libraries"
"SettingsDownloads_LibraryFolders" "STEAM LIBRARY FOLDERS"
"SettingsDownloads_RegionLabel" "Select your download region"
"SettingsDownloads_ScheduleLabel" "Schedule auto-updates"
"SettingsDownloads_RegionsInfo" "Steam auto-selects the nearest content
server location, but this can be overridden"
"SettingsDownloads_Restrictions" "Download Restrictions"
"SettingsDownloads_TimeLimits" "Restrict updates to:"
"SettingsDownloads_TimeLimitFrom" "Between"
"SettingsDownloads_TimeLimitTo" "And"
"SettingsDownloads_Throttling" "Limit bandwidth to"
"SettingsDownloads_ChangeRegion_Title" "Change Region"
"SettingsDownloads_ChangeRegion_Description" "You must restart Steam for
this change to take effect"
"SettingsDownloads_No_Throttle" "No Limit"
"SettingsDownloads_AllowDownloadsDuringGameplay" "Allow downloads during
"SettingsDownloads_AllowDownloadsDuringGameplayDetails" "If this is
checked, Steam may initiate or continue downloading updates while you have a game
or other Steam application running. You can also override this on a per-game basis
in your library."
"SettingsDownloads_ThrottleDownloadsWhileStreaming" "Throttle downloads
while streaming"
"SettingsDownloads_ThrottleDownloadsWhileStreamingDetails" "If this is
checked, Steam will limit download speed to maintain a high quality Steam Remote
Play experience."
"SettingsDownloads_ShowDownloadRatesInBits" "Display download rates in
bits per second"
"SettingsDownloads_ThrottleShowDownloadRatesInBitsDetails" "If this is
checked, Steam will display download rates in bits per second, for instance \"4
Mbps\" instead of \"500 KB/s\"."

// Settings, network screen

"SettingsNetwork_ReconfigureNetwork" "Configure network settings"
"SettingsNetwork_Unavailable" "Status: no connection"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP" "Connected to Wireless
"SettingsNetwork_wired" "Connected to Wired Network"
"SettingsNetwork_wired_name" "Wired Network"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Strength" "Signal Strength"
"SettingsNetwork_IPAddress" "IPv4 Address"
"SettingsNetwork_SubnetMask" "Subnet Mask"
"SettingsNetwork_RouterAddress" "Gateway Address"
"SettingsNetwork_DNSResolver" "DNS Server Address"
"SettingsNetwork_MACAddress" "MAC Address"
"SettingsNetwork_Device_NetworkJack" "Network Cable State"
"SettingsNetwork_Device_Connected" "Connected"
"SettingsNetwork_Device_SSID" "{s:ssid}"
"SettingsNetwork_Device_PluggedIn" "Cable detected"
"SettingsNetwork_Device_Unplugged" "No cable detected"

"SettingsNetwork_Device_Choose" "How do you want to connect

to the Internet?"
"SettingsNetwork_Wireless_Choice" "Use a Wi-Fi connection"
"SettingsNetwork_Wired_Choice" "Use a wired connection"
"SettingsNetwork_Wireless_Found" "Wireless card found"
"SettingsNetwork_Wireless_NotFound" "No wireless card found"

"SettingsNetwork_WAP_OtherSSID" "What is the network name to

connect to?"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Credentials" "What is the password required to
access {s:ssid}?"
"SettingsNetwork_Credentials_C" "Finished entering password"
"SettingsNetwork_ShowPassword" "Show password"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Choose" "Which wireless network do you want
to connect to?"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Refresh" "REFRESH LIST"
"SettingsNetwork_OtherSSID" "Other"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_OtherSSID_Security" "Which security mechanism does this
network use?"
"SettingsNetwork_SSID_Other_DAC" "Finished entering SSID"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Security_None" "None"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Security_WPA2" "WPA2"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Security_WPA" "WPA"
"SettingsNetwork_WAP_Security_WEP" "WEP"
"SettingsNetwork_Forget" "FORGET THIS NETWORK"

"SettingsNetwork_IPSettings" "How should we determine your

network settings?"
"SettingsNetwork_Automatic" "Obtain network settings
"SettingsNetwork_Manual" "Configure network settings
manually (Expert)"
"SettingsNetwork_Manual_Instructions" "Please complete the following
"SettingsNetwork_CustomSecondaryDNS" "Secondary DNS (Optional)"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomSecondaryDNS_C" "Finished entering Secondary DNS"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomPrimaryDNS" "Primary DNS"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomPrimaryDNS_C" "Finished entering Primary DNS"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomGateway" "Default Gateway"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomGateway_C" "Finished entering Default Gateway"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomMask" "Subnet Mask"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomMask_C" "Finished entering Subnet
"SettingsNetwork_CustomIP" "IP Address"
"SettingsNetwork_CustomIP_C" "Finished entering IP Address"
"SettingsNetwork_IPv4_Format" ""
"SettingsNetwork_Connect" "CONNECT"
"SettingsNetwork_IPv4_Ok" "OK"
"SettingsNetwork_IPv4_Malformed" "IPv4 Address is malformed"
"SettingsNetwork_IPv4_Required" "Required"
"SettingsNetwork_IPv4_Optional" "Optional"

"SettingsNetwork_Failed_Wireless" "Connection failed. Select Back to

re-enter your password or select a different network."
"SettingsNetwork_Failed_Wired" "Connection failed. Select
Back to choose a different device."
"SettingsNetwork_Disconnecting" "Disconnecting from existing
"SettingsNetwork_Connecting" "Connecting..."
"SettingsNetwork_Connected_Wireless" "Success! You're now connected to
"SettingsNetwork_Connected_Wired" "Success! You're now connected to
your wired network."
"SettingsNetwork_Finished" "FINISH"

// Settings, Steam Play

"SettingsSteamPlay_Enable_Label" "Steam Play will automatically
install compatibility tools that allow you to play games from your library that
were built for other operating systems."
"SettingsSteamPlay_Enable" "Enable Steam Play for supported
"SettingsSteamPlay_EnableTool_Label" "You can use Steam Play to
test games in your library that have not been verified with a supported
compatibility tool."
"SettingsSteamPlay_EnableTool" "Enable Steam Play for all
other titles"
"SettingsSteamPlay_Tool" "Run other titles with:"
"SettingsSteamPlay_RestartNow" "Restart Steam now to apply
your Steam Play settings?"

// Settings, voice screen

"SettingsVoice_WhenActive" "When voice chat is active"
"SettingsVoice_AutoXmit" "Auto-transmit my voice"
"SettingsVoice_PTT" "Transmit with a push-
to-talk key"
"SettingsVoice_Keyboard" "Keyboard shortcut"
"SettingsVoice_Controller" "Controller shortcut"
"SettingsVoice_Bind_None" "None set"
"SettingsVoice_TestMicrophone" "Test microphone"
"SettingsVoice_EndTestMicrophone" "End test"
"SettingsVoice_Boost" "Boost gain"
"SettingsVoice_MicVolume" "Microphone volume"
"SettingsVoice_RecvVolume" "Receive volume"
"SettingsVoice_DetectDevices" "Detect audio devices"
"SettingsVoice_InputDevice" "Voice recording device"
"SettingsVoice_Microphone" "{s:microphone}"
"SettingsVoice_NoneDetected" "(None detected)"

// Settings, Keyboard input

"SettingsKeyboard_Description1" "Select the default on-screen keyboard
input type to use"
"SettingsKeyboard_Description2" "Select the default input language for
the on-screen keyboard"
"SettingsKeyboard_UseDualTouch" "Use the Standard On-Screen Keyboard"
"SettingsKeyboard_UseDaisyWheel" "Use the Daisy Wheel On-Screen Keyboard"
"SettingsKeyboard_UILanguage" "Use a custom input language"

// Web
"SettingsWeb_AustralianScrolling" "Reverse left pad scroll direction"
"SettingsWeb_CookiesSection" "Cookies:"
"SettingsWeb_BrowserSection" "Browser:"
"SettingsWeb_SteamControllerSection" "Steam Controller controls:"

// Controller Calibration
"ControllerCalibration_Title" "Controller Calibration"
"ControllerCalibration_Instructions" "Warning: Calibration is only
recommended if you are experiencing poor trackpad, joystick, or accelerometer
"ControllerCalibration_Joystick_Instructions" "Push the {s:stick} joystick
to a side and let go. Push a different direction each time. You have
{d:testcount} presses remaining."
"ControllerCalibration_Joystick_Manual_Instructions" "You may tweak the
existing calibration by sliding the slider. Note that if you reduce the deadzone,
you will likely experience drift. Increase the slider if autocalibration did not
eliminate your drift or you would like a larger deadzone.\n\nPress the Calibration
Button to autocalibrate the joystick again."
"ControllerCalibration_IMU_Instructions" "Start the calibration and place
the controller on a stable and level surface within 5 seconds."
"ControllerCalibration_Start" "START FULL AUTOCALIBRATION"
"ControllerCalibration_Gyro" "START GYRO-ONLY CALIBRATION"
"ControllerCalibration_Counting" "Calibrating in {d:countdown}
"ControllerCalibration_Trackpads" "Calibrating trackpads..."
"ControllerCalibration_Joystick" "Calibrating joystick..."
"ControllerCalibration_IMU" "Calibrating IMU..."
"ControllerCalibration_Complete" "Calibration completed"
"ControllerCalibration_Left" "Left"
"ControllerCalibration_Right" "Right"
"ControllerCalibration_Left_Deadzone" "Left Stick Deadzone"
"ControllerCalibration_Right_Deadzone" "Right Stick Deadzone"
"ControllerCalibration_LockSticks" "LOCK OUT JOYSTICK NAVIGATION"

// Controller Pairing
"ControllerPairing_Header" "Enter Validation Code"
"ControllerPairing_Failure" "Validation Failed"
"ControllerPairing_Failure_Info" "You did not enter the
correct validation code."
"ControllerPairing_Success" "Validation Succeeded"
"ControllerPairing_Success_Info" "Your Steam Controller is ready."
"BackgroundWelcome_Input" "Press any button to start"

// Dongle update
"DongleUpdate_Title" "Updating Wireless Receiver"
"DongleUpdate_Text" "Your wireless receiver
firmware is being updated. This may take several minutes to complete on some

// Settings, audio screen

"SettingsAudio_MuteAll" "Mute all"
"SettingsAudio_Ambient" "Ambient sounds"
"SettingsAudio_Movies" "Movies"
"SettingsAudio_Navigation" "Navigation sounds"

"SettingsInterface_ScreensaverTimeout" "Screen Saver Timeout:"

"SettingsInterface_ScreensaverStyle" "Style of Screen Saver:"
"SettingsInterface_Style0" "Bubbles"
"SettingsInterface_Style1" "TrailerTV"
"SettingsInterface_Style2" "Game Hubs Screenshots"

"SettingsController_Shutdown_5" "5 Minutes"

"SettingsController_Shutdown_10" "10 Minutes"
"SettingsController_Shutdown_15" "15 Minutes"
"SettingsController_Shutdown_30" "30 Minutes"
"SettingsController_Shutdown_60" "60 Minutes"
"SettingsController_Shutdown_120" "120 Minutes"
"SettingsController_Shutdown_Never" "Never"
"SettingsController_Identify" "IDENTIFY"
"SettingsController_BatteryValue" "Battery {d:batterylevel}%"
"SettingsController_SteamController" "Steam Controller"
"SettingsController_Unregistered" "Unregistered"
"SettingsController_ShutdowntimeHeader" "Controller shutdown time"
"SettingsController_DetectedControllers" "Detected Controllers:"
"SettingsController_NoControllersDetected" "No Controllers Detected"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerAccounts" "Registered Accounts:"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerPersonalize" "PREFERENCES"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerRegister" "REGISTER"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerVersion_Header" "Controller
Battery Status:"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerVersion_Title" "Controller
Firmware Version:"
"SettingsController_SteamDongleVersion_Title" "Receiver Firmware
"SettingsController_ControllerName" "Detected
controller: {s:controllername}"
"SettingsController_SteamControllerVersion" "{s:controllerfirmwaretimestr
ing} ({i:controllerfirmwaretime32})"
"SettingsController_SteamDongleVersion" "{s:receiverfirmwaretime
string} ({i:receiverfirmwaretime32})"
"SettingsController_SteamDongleVersionWired" "Connected via Cable"
"SettingsController_ControllerAction" "{s:controll
"SettingsController_Detected" ""
"SettingsController_ConfigureController" "Edit controls"
"SettingsController_DifferentLook" "Note: your
gamepad may look different from this one."
"SettingsController_PressButton" "If your
gamepad has a button in a location similar to the one shown here, we recommend it
for the selected action.\n\nYou may want to use a keyboard while on this screen."
"SettingsController_ButtonNone" "---"
"SettingsController_ButtonA" "A"
"SettingsController_PrimaryAction" "Primary Action"
"SettingsController_Command" "Comma
"SettingsController_ExitAndClearButtons" "CLEAR AND
"Button {i:button}"
"SettingsController_AxisBind" "Axis
"SettingsController_HatBind" "Hat
"SettingsController_NeedMoreBinds" "You need to bind
the following buttons: {s:missingbuttons}"
"SettingsController_SaveBeforeExit" "Exit without
saving changes?"
"SettingsController_LeftStickX" "Left
Stick X"
"SettingsController_LeftStickY" "Left
Stick Y"
"SettingsController_RightStickX" "Right Stick
"SettingsController_RightStickY" "Right Stick
"SettingsController_TriggerLeft" "Left
"SettingsController_TriggerRight" "Right
"Primary Action"
"Go back"
"Secondary Action"
"Tertiary Action"
"SettingsController_LeftStick" "Left
Stick click"
"SettingsController_RightStick" "Right
Stick click"
"SettingsController_LeftShoulder" "Left
"SettingsController_RightShoulder" "Right Shoulder"
"DPAD Down"
"DPAD Left"
"DPAD Right"
"SettingsController_ShareTitle" "Share
this controller definition?"
"Please help support this controller for other users by giving it a name"
"SettingsController_ShareExample" "For
example, \"Logitech A710\""
"SettingsController_ControllerType" "\nSelect
the type of controller:"
"SettingsController_CommitUpload" "Yes.
"SettingsController_CommitCancel" "No thanks."
"SettingsController_NoneDetected" "No
controller detected."
"SettingsController_XInputController" "XInput
"SettingsController_ResetButtons" "RESET"
"SettingsController_TurnOffOnQuit" "Turn off on Big
Picture Exit"
"SettingsController_PS4Support" "PlayStation
Configuration Support"
"SettingsController_XBoxSupport" "Xbox
Configuration Support"
"SettingsController_SwitchSupport" "Switch Pro
Configuration Support"
"SettingsController_NintendoLayout" " Use Nintendo
Button Layout"
"SettingsController_GenericGamepadSupport" "Generic Gamepad
Configuration Support"
"SettingsController_CheckGuideButton" "Guide Button
Focuses Steam"
"SettingsController_PreviewWaterMark" "PREVIEW"
"SettingsController_BindListenWaterMarkTitle" "LISTENING FOR BINDING"
"SettingsController_BindListenWaterMark" "Press a mouse,
keyboard, or gamepad input to bind it or hold either the escape key or the B button
to exit mode"
"SettingsController_Support" "SUPPORT"
"SettingsController_Calibrate" "CALIBRATE"
"SettingsController_EnableBindingMode" "DEFINE LAYOUT"
"SettingsController_Accounts_None" "None"
"SettingsController_Accounts_DeregAYSTitle" "Are you sure?"
"SettingsController_Accounts_DeregAYSDesc" "Deregistering
this account will stop your configs travelling with your controller when you log
into the account."
"SettingsController_Deregister" "DEREGISTER
"SettingsController_SwitchControllerAccount" "SWITCH TO THIS ACCOUNT"
"Controller_Registration_TurnOnSound" "Turn On Sound:"
"Controller_Registration_TurnOffSound" "Turn Off Sound:"
"SettingController_HapticSound_Default" "Default Sound"
"SettingController_HapticSound_0" "Warm and Happy"
"SettingController_HapticSound_1" "Invader"
"SettingController_HapticSound_2" "Controller
"SettingController_HapticSound_3" "Victory!"
"SettingController_HapticSound_4" "Rise and Shine"
"SettingController_HapticSound_5" "Shorty"
"SettingController_HapticSound_6" "Warm Boot"
"SettingController_HapticSound_7" "Next Level"
"SettingController_HapticSound_8" "Shake It Off"
"SettingController_HapticSound_9" "Access Denied"
"SettingController_HapticSound_10" "Deactivate"
"SettingController_HapticSound_11" "Discovery"
"SettingController_HapticSound_12" "Triumph"
"SettingController_HapticSound_13" "The Mann"
"Controller_Registration_Rumble" "Rumble
"Controller_Registration_RumbleSC" "[Experimental]
Rumble Emulation:"
"Controller_Registration_Haptics" "Haptics

"Settings_SteamControllerSupport" "Steam controller

"Settings_SteamControllerSupport_ExitNotification" "Press and hold the 'B'
button to exit"
"Settings_SteamControllerSupport_SuccessNotification""Controller test was
"SettingsControllerSupport_SerialNumber" "Serial Number:
"SettingsControllerSupport_BoardRev" "Board Revision:
"SettingsControllerSupport_FirmwareRev" "Firmware
revision: {s:fwrev}"
"SettingsControllerSupport_FirmwareDate" "Firmware date:
"SettingsControllerSupport_BootloaderRev" "Bootloader revision:
"SettingsControllerSupport_BootloaderDate" "Bootloader date:
"SettingsControllerSupport_RadioRev" "Radio firmware
revision: {s:radiorev}"
"SettingsControllerSupport_RadioDate" "Radio firmware
date: {s:radiodate}"
"SettingsControllerSupport_LeftTriggerRangeTesting" "Press the left
trigger all the way down:"
"SettingsControllerSupport_RightTriggerRangeTesting" "Press the right trigger
all the way down:"
"SettingsControllerSupport_LeftPadTesting" "Touch the
entire surface of the left trackpad:"
"SettingsControllerSupport_RightPadTesting" "Touch the
entire surface of the right trackpad:"
"SettingsControllerSupport_JoystickRangeTesting" "Move the joystick
in a full circle"
"SettingsControllerSupport_ButtonsTesting" "Press all
of the controller buttons:"
"SettingsControllerSupport_LeftHapticsTesting" "Pulsing the left
haptics (Press A button to continue):"
"SettingsControllerSupport_RightHapticsTesting" "Pulsing the right
haptics (Press A button to continue):"
"SettingsControllerSupport_TestingComplete" "Test
"SettingsController_FirmwareRecovery_Title" "Firmware Recovery
Process Steps"
"SettingsController_FirmwareRecovery_Body" "1) Unplug all Steam
Controllers from your computer.\n2) Remove the batteries from the device to be
recovered.\n3) Hold the right trigger down until the dual-stage button is pressed
and plug your device in. \nThis may generate a pop window.\n4) Press the START
"SettingsController_FirmwareRecoveryWarning_Title" "Firmware Recovery
"SettingsController_FirmwareRecoveryWarning_Body" "This process is only
for recovering devices that have failed to update or be enumerated by Steam. If
your device is shown in Steam and does not trigger a firmware update prompt, it is
using the latest firmware."
"Settings_Store" "Store"
"SettingsStore_FilterToggle" "Let me view all content, regardless of my
current setup"
"SettingsStore_Description1" "Your view of the Steam Store is designed to
display the titles you can play on this machine."
"SettingsStore_Description2" "Your operating system, input device, and any
active Remote Play connections are used to determine the content that is compatible
with your current setup."
"SettingsStore_Description3" "You're currently viewing Steam Store content
designed for"
"SettingsStore_Description4" "The following advanced option will add a menu
to Store views, allowing you to easily switch between viewing locally playable
titles and all content available on Steam. Notes may be displayed on some items to
indicate special requirements such as a keyboard and mouse, or a Remote Play

"SettingsStore_OSConfig_Win" "Windows (this machine)"

"SettingsStore_OSConfig_OSX" "OS X (this machine)"
"SettingsStore_OSConfig_SteamOS" "SteamOS (this machine)"
"SettingsStore_OSConfig_Linux" "Linux (this machine)"
"SettingsStore_XInputConfig" "Controller"
"SettingsStore_SteampadConfig" "Steam Controller"
"SettingsStore_KeyboardConfig" "Keyboard & Mouse"
"SettingsStore_RemoteOSConfig_Win" "Windows (your Remote Play device)"
"SettingsStore_RemoteOSConfig_OSX" "OS X (your Remote Play device)"
"SettingsStore_RemoteOSConfig_Linux" "SteamOS or Linux (your Remote Play

"Settings_ComingSoon" "This feature is not ready yet, but it

will be coming soon!"
"SupportMessages_Title" "Support Message"
"SupportMessages_Text" "You have a message from Steam Support."
"SupportMessages_View" "View Message"

"Search_Header" "Search"
"Search_NoResultsFound" "No results found"

"Search_NoInputEntered" "Enter search text"

"Search_SearchError" "An error occurred while searching"
"Search_GamesICanPlay" "Games I Can Play ({d:game_count})"
"Search_GamepadGames" "Controller Supported ({d:game_count})"
"Search_OtherGames" "Other ({d:game_count})"

"Debugger_PaintInfo" "Show Paint Info"

"Debugger_Style" "Style"
"Debugger_Computed" "Computed"
"Debugger_Measurements" "Measurements:"
"Debugger_Misc" "Misc:"
"Debugger_Properties" "Properties:"
"Debugger_StyleFileLink" "{s:stylefile}"
"Debugger_LayoutFileLink" "{s:layoutfile}"
"Debugger_LayoutFileLink_Code" "From XML/Code"
"Debugger_InheritedStyleHeader" "Inherited from "
"Debugger_Save" "Save All Changes"
"Debugger_Revert" "Revert All Changes"
"Debugger_PanelStyleInvalid" "Styles changed while editing! Hit F5 to reload
displayed styles"
"Debugger_AnimationHeader" "Animation Keyframes"
"Debugger_DevInfo" "Show Dev Info"

"Store_Cart" "CART"
"Store_Search" "SEARCH"
"Store_Search_ViewResults" "VIEW RESULTS"
"Store_AppName" "{s:appname}"
"Store_AvailableNow" "Available Now"
"Store_AvailableNowPackage" "Available Now and includes the
"Store_ComingSoon" "Coming Soon"
"Store_ComingSoon_Date" "Coming Soon - {s:release_date}"
"Store_Available_Date" "Available {s:release_date}"
"Store_Purchase" "PURCHASE"
"Store_Description" "DESCRIPTION"
"Store_DescriptionOverview" "Story & Features"
"Store_DescriptionReadFull" "Read Full Description"
"Store_Details" "DETAILS"
"Store_Note" "NOTE"
"Store_RequiresOverview_StreamingAndController" "Requires additional
streaming setup and devices"
"Store_RequiresOverview_Streaming" "Requires streaming setup"
"Store_RequiresOverview_Controller" "Requires input"
"Store_RequiresOverview_EarlyAccess" "Early Access"
"Store_Requires_Streaming" "This game requires a Steam Remote Play connection
in order to play it here"
"Store_Requires_Controller" "This game requires a Steam Controller or
keyboard & mouse in order to play it here"
"Store_LearnMore" "Learn more"
"Store_Reviews" "REVIEWS"
"Store_ReviewsOverview" "Score + Reviews"
"Store_ViewSystemRequirements" "View System Requirements"
"Store_SupportedLanguages" "Supported Languages"
"Store_ViewLegal" "Read Legal and DRM Notices"
"Store_Genres" "Genre"
"Store_Metacritic" "Metacritic"
"Store_MetacriticScore" "{i:metacritic_score}"
"Store_MetacriticScorePossible" "/100"
"Store_ErrorWhileLoadingApp" "Steam was unable to retrieve data for this
title. Please try again."
"Store_ScreenshotDescription" "{s:appname} Screenshots"
"Store_SlideshowDescription" "{s:item_name}"
"Store_GenreTitle" "Genres"
"Store_FullAppDescriptionTitle" "Description"
"Store_SystemRequirementsTitle" "System Requirements"
"Store_PCRequirementsHeader" "<span class=\"Header\">PC Requirements</span>"
"Store_MacRequirementsHeader" "<span class=\"Header\">Mac
"Store_LinuxRequirementsHeader" "<span class=\"Header\">Linux
"Store_Minimum" "<strong>Minimum</strong>"
"Store_Recommended" "<strong>Recommended</strong>"
"Store_FullLegalTitle" "Legal and Digital Rights Management"
"Store_DRMHeader" "<span class=\"Header\">DRM
"Store_LegalHeader" "<span class=\"Header\">Legal
"Store_EnterBirthday" "Please enter your birth date to
"Store_AgeRestricted" "Sorry, but you're not permitted to view
these materials at this time."
"Store_Unavailable" "The Steam store is currently
unavailable. Please try again later."
"Store_FeaturedDiscount" "{i:featured_discount_pct}%"
"Store_EarlyAccess" "This is an Early Access title,
meaning it is still in development"

"Store_Filter_AllGames" "All Products"

"Store_Filter_GamesICanPlay" "All I Can Play"
"Store_Filter_GamepadGames" "Controller Supported"

"Store_Platform_Windows" "Windows"
"Store_Platform_Mac" "Mac"
"Store_Platform_Linux" "SteamOS + Linux"
"Store_Platform_StreamingVideo" "Steam Video"
"Store_Category_FullController" "Controller Support"
"Store_Category_Controller" "Legacy Support"
"Store_Category_SteamController" "Native Support"
"Store_Category_LegacyController" "Legacy Support"
"Store_Category_Achievements" "Achievements"
"Store_Category_Cloud" "Steam Cloud"
"Store_Category_Singleplayer" "Singleplayer"
"Store_Category_Multiplayer" "Multiplayer"
"Store_Category_Coop" "Co-op"
"Store_Category_Leaderboards" "Leaderboards"

"Store_Friends" "COMMUNITY"
"Store_AchievementsGame" "{i:achievements_game_count}
"Store_FriendsPlayGame" "{i:friend_play_count} Friends own this
"Store_FriendPlaysGame" "{i:friend_play_count} Friend owns this
"Store_FriendsWantGame" "{i:friend_want_count} Friends want this
"Store_FriendWantsGame" "{i:friend_want_count} Friend wants this
"Store_FriendRecommended" "Recommended by Friends
"Store_FriendCommunityGroups" "Find Community Groups"
"Store_FriendVisitForums" "View Community Discussions"
"Store_FriendsOfficialWebsite" "Visit Official Website"

"Store_PackagePurchaseSection_IndividualPrice" "Price of individual games"

"Store_PackagePurchaseSection_Bundle" "Bundle cost"
"Store_PackagePurchaseSection_BundleSavings" "With this bundle you save"

"Store_AppPurchaseSection_Options" "Purchase
"Store_NotAvailableForPurchase" "Not available for
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_PurchaseDLC" "Browse available DLC
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_Demo" "Download Free Demo"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_AddToWishlist" "Add to Wishlist"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_AddingToWishlist" "Adding to Wishlist"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_ViewWishlist" "View in Wishlist"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_DLC" "Downloadable Content"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_RequiresBase" "Requires the base game
{s:base_game} on Steam in order to play."
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_ViewBaseGame" "View Base Game"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_ViewInLibrary" "View in Library"
"Store_AppPurchaseSection_AddToAccount" "Add to Library"

"Steam_Error" "Error"
"Steam_AddToAccount_Error" "Sorry, there was an error adding
the product to your account."

"Steam_Success" "Success"
"Steam_AddToAccount_Success" "The package has been added
to your account."
"Steam_AddToAccount_ViewGame" "VIEW IN LIBRARY"
"Steam_AddToAccount_ViewAllGames" "VIEW ALL GAMES"

"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_Title" "{i:purchase_option_count}
Purchase Options"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_TitleNoCount" "Purchase Options"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_AddToCart" "Add to Cart"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_InCart" "In Cart"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_PackageDetails" "View Package Details"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_AppDetails" "View Game Details"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_VideoDetails" "View Video Details"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_PackageOneItem" "Includes"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_PackageMultiple" "Includes
{i:package_item_count} Items"
"Store_AppPurchaseOptions_LoadingError" "An error occurred while
loading the purchase options. Please try again."

"Store_AppDlc_Title" "DLC for {s:game_name}"

"Store_BrowseByCategory_Title" "{s:category_title}"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_ItemName" "{s:item_name}"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_ReleaseDate" "Release Date"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_Available" "Available"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_ReleaseDateText" "{s:release_date}"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_Genre" "Genre"
"Store_BrowseByCategory_LoadingError" "Steam was unable to load the
requested store data. Please try again."

"Store_Cart_Title" "Your Shopping

"Store_Cart_ItemsInCart" "{i:cart_item_count}
"Store_Cart_ItemsInCartMultiple" "{i:cart_item_count} items"
"Store_Cart_CouponTotal" "Savings from coupons"
"Store_Cart_Subtotal" "Subtotal"
"Store_Cart_Instructions" "Select a purchase
option below to begin checkout. (You'll be able to review your purchase before
placing your order)"
"Store_Cart_PurchaseForSelf" "Purchase for yourself"
"Store_Cart_PurchaseAsGift" "Purchase as a gift"
"Store_Cart_ContinueShopping" "Continue shopping"
"Store_Cart_PartiallyOwned" "You already own some
items in this bundle"
"Store_Cart_EmptyCart" "Your cart is empty"
"Store_Cart_FailedToLoad" "Failed to get shopping
cart info"
"Store_Cart_UpdatingCart" "Updating cart"
"Store_Cart_FailedToUpdateCart" "Failed to update cart"
"Store_Cart_RemoveItem" "REMOVE"
"Store_Cart_SetCouponInstructions" "Select a coupon to apply to
this item"
"Store_Cart_DoNotApplyCoupon" "None. Don't apply a coupon
to this item."
"Store_Cart_SetCouponHeader" "{s:package_name}"
"Store_Cart_ExclusiveCouponProhibited" "This coupon cannot be used
in conjunction with another discount."
"Store_Cart_SetCoupon" "Set Coupon"

"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction" "There
seems to have been an error initializing or updating your transaction. Please wait
a minute and try again or contact support for assistance."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_AVS" "Your
billing information has failed address verification. Please correct the error or
contact support for assistance."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_InsufficientFunds" "Your
billing information has reported insufficient funds are available. Please correct
the error or contact support for assistance."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_Support" "There has
been an internal error initializing your transaction. Please contact support for
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_Unavailable" "This
payment method is currently unavailable for use. Please contact support for
assistance or select another payment method for your purchase and try again."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_PaymentMethodInvalid" "There was a
problem using the selected payment method for your purchase. Please select another
payment method for your purchase and try again."
"The selected payment method is not supported for a product you are purchasing.
Please select another payment method for your purchase and try again."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_ExpiredCard" "Your
purchase could not be completed because your credit card has expired. Please
update your credit card information and try again."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_RequiredApp" "Your
transaction failed because you are trying to buy a game that requires ownership of
another game you do not currently own. Please correct the error and try again."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_AlreadyOwned" "Your
purchase could not be completed because it looks like you already own one of the
games you are trying to buy. Please check your account and your cart to verify you
are buying an item you do not already own."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_WalletCurrencyMismatch" "Your purchase
could not be completed because it looks like the currency of funds in your Steam
Wallet does not match the currency of this purchase."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_CannotGift" "Your
purchase could not be completed because your cart contains items that cannot be
given as a gift."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_CannotShipInternationally""Your purchase
could not be completed because your cart contains items that cannot be shipped
outside the United States."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_OutOfInventory" "Your order
cannot be completed because one or more items in your cart is currently out of
stock. Please try again later."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_CannotShipToCountry""Your purchase could not
be completed because your cart contains items that cannot be shipped to your
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_PendingTransactions" "Warning: Your
recent transaction with us is still pending! Did you complete payment with your
payment service provider? We're not sure yet, and we're waiting to receive an
answer from them.\n\nIf you continue, and are purchasing any items a second time,
you risk being charged twice."
"Checkout_Failed_InitTransaction_AccountLocked" "Your
purchase was not completed. Your account is currently locked from purchasing.
Please contact Steam Support for details."
"Checkout_Failed_SteamLimitExceeded" "For
the protection of the account holder, this purchase has been declined. Further
purchasing will be temporarily limited - please contact Steam Support to resolve
this issue."
"Checkout_Failed_OverlappingPackagesInCart" "You
cannot complete your transaction because you are attempting to purchase an item
that is already included in another packaged item in your cart. Please check your
cart to verify that you are not are not purchasing an item multiple times. The
most common cause would be purchasing DLC along with a deluxe version of a product
that already includes the same DLC."

"Checkout_Failed_GetFinalPrice_StoreCountry" "Your
billing address doesn’t look like it matches up with your current country. Please
contact support for assistance or use a payment method registered to your current
"Checkout_Failed_Finalize_ExceedWalletMax" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nThe amount being added to your Steam Wallet would
exceed the maximum allowed Steam Wallet balance."
"Checkout_Failed_Finalize_GenericError" "An
unexpected error has occurred. Your purchase has not been completed. Please contact
Steam Support."
"Checkout_Failed_CCAVSError" "Your
purchase has not been completed. Your credit card information has been declined by
your credit card company due to an incorrect address being entered.\n\nNote that in
some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but
you will not be charged. After correcting any errors in the information displayed
below, please try your purchase again."
"Your computer is either currently unable to reach the Steam servers, or the
service may be temporarily disabled. Please try again later."
"Checkout_Failed_CC_DeclinedError" "Your
purchase has not been completed. Your credit card information has been declined by
your credit card company.\n\nNote that in some cases, your credit card company may
put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but you will not be charged. After
correcting any errors in the information displayed below, please try your purchase
"Checkout_Failed_CC_InsufficientFunds" "Your
purchase has not been completed. Your credit card information has been declined by
your credit card company due to insufficient funds in the account.\n\nNote that in
some cases, your credit card company may put a 'hold' on funds in your account, but
you will not be charged."
"Checkout_Failed_CC_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry
, but one of the items you tried to purchase is not available for purchase in this
country. Your purchase has been cancelled."
"Checkout_Failed_ExceedWalletMax" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nThe amount being added to your Steam Wallet would
exceed the maximum allowed Steam Wallet balance."
"Your purchase was not completed. Your account is currently locked from purchasing.
Please contact Steam Support for details."
"Your purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported an
authorization failure. Please select a different payment method."
"Your purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported an
authorization failure. Please select a different payment method."
"Checkout_Failed_UseOtherFunding" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported a problem with
the funding source associated with your account. You can either correct this
problem through the processor, or select a different payment method."
"Your purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported a
problem with the address associated with your account. You can either correct this
problem through the processor, or select a different payment method."
"Checkout_Failed_RegionError" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nYour chosen payment method is currently
unavailable in your country. Please choose a different payment method."
"Checkout_Failed_BlockedAccountError" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported a problem with
your account. Please contact the processor or choose an alternate payment method."
"Checkout_Failed_NotVerified" "Your
purchase has not been completed.\nThe payment processor has reported that your
account needs to be verified or funded to complete the purchase. Please contact the
processor or choose an alternate payment method."
"Checkout_Failed_Finalize_AccountLocked" "Your
purchase was not completed. Your account is currently locked from purchasing.
Please contact Steam Support for details."

"Checkout_VerifyEmail_Title" "Email Verification"

"Checkout_VerifyEmail_Instructions" "Please verify your email
address with Steam."
"Checkout_VerifyEmail_Description" "This one-time step helps us
maintain the security of your Steam account and is required in order to complete
your purchase with Steam.\n\nWe've just sent a message from Steam Support to your
address on record at {s:emailaddress}."
"Checkout_VerifyEmail_CheckEmail" "Check your email at
{s:emailaddress} now, and click the link within the message from Steam Support..."
"Checkout_VerifyEmail_CanCompleteAfter" "Your purchase can then be
completed once you return to this screen."
"Checkout_VerifyEmail_Success" "Success! Your email
address has been verified."
"Checkout_VerifyEmail_Thanks" "Thanks for helping us
maintain the security of your account! You may now continue with your purchase."

"Checkout_PaymentStep_ShippingInfo" "Shipping Info"

"Checkout_PaymentStep_Method" "Payment Info"
"Checkout_PaymentStep_Review" "Review + Purchase"
"Checkout_PaymentStep_GiftDelivery" "Gift Delivery"
"Checkout_PaymentStep_GiftNote" "Gift Note"

"Checkout_Continue" "Continue"
"Checkout_Processing" "Processing"
"Checkout_WaitExternalAuth" "Waiting for
{s:payment_method} authorization through browser"
"Checkout_Error" "An error occurred.
Please try again."
"Checkout_YourWallet" "Your wallet"
"Checkout_WalletCredit" "To be added to your
Steam Wallet"

"Checkout_GiftRecipient_Title" "Gift Delivery"

"Checkout_GiftRecipient_HowToSend" "How would you like to send
your gift?"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_EmailGift" "Email my gift"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_EmailGiftAddress" "Email address"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_SendToFriend" "Send my gift directly
through Steam"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_SendToInventory" "Store the gift in my inventory to
send later"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_EmailInstructions" "Send my friend a gift email
message, including all the info they'll need to get up and running on Steam."
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_EmailHeader" "Recipient's email address"
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_FriendInstructions" "Select a friend from the
list below to send your purchase as a gift directly to their Steam account."
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_FriendWishes" "Wishes for
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_FriendOwns" "Already owns
"Checkout_GiftRecipient_Inventoryinstructions" "Your gift will be kept on
your account, to be delivered or traded later. You can manage your gifts in the
Steam client or by viewing your Steam Inventory on your Community profile."
"Checkout_Sentiment_BestWishes" "Best Wishes"
"Checkout_Sentiment_BuckleUp" "Buckle Up"
"Checkout_Sentiment_Enjoy" "Enjoy"
"Checkout_Sentiment_GameOn" "Game On"
"Checkout_Sentiment_HaveFun" "Have Fun"
"Checkout_Sentiment_KerBlam" "Ker Blam"
"Checkout_Sentiment_OverOut" "Over n' Out"
"Checkout_Sentiment_YouOweMe" "You Owe Me"
"Checkout_Sentiment_YourTurn" "Your Turn"
"Checkout_Sentiment_XOXO" "XOXOXO"
"Checkout_GiftNote_Title" "Gift Note"
"Checkout_GiftNote_Instructions" "Personalize your gift with a
little note"
"Checkout_GiftNote_RecipientName" "Recipient's first name"
"Checkout_GiftNote_Message" "Gift message"
"Checkout_GiftNote_MessageRemaining" "({i:message_remaining} char
"Checkout_GiftNote_Sentiment" "Your sentiment"
"Checkout_GiftNote_Signature" "Your signature"

"Checkout_PaymentMethod_Title" "Payment method"

"Checkout_PaymentMethod_Instructions" "Please select a payment
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_Secondary" "Secondary method"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_CartNumber" "Card number"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_ExpirationDate" "Expiration date"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_SecurityCode" "Security code"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_SaveInfo" "Save my payment information"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_MustSaveInfo" "Your payment
information will be saved because your cart contains a renewing subscription"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_ContainsRecurringSubscription" "Your
purchase contains one or more items that will be billed at specified intervals in
the future. Steam will use any saved payment methods that you have on file for
billing you at each renewal period. If you have no saved payment methods at the
time of renewal, your Steam wallet will be used for the payment"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_UpdatePayPal" "For your security, you will be
required to re-authorize your purchase with PayPal."
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_PayPalInstructions" "PayPal transactions are
authorized through the PayPal web site."
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_ClickAndBuyInstructions" "ClickandBuy transactions
are authorized through the ClickandBuy web site. Press continue to open a new web
browser window to initiate the transaction."
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_ClickAndBuySaved" "Your ClickandBuy account
information was previously saved and will be used again for this purchase."
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_PayPalSaved" "This transaction will be charged
to your PayPal account: {s:paypal_saved_account}"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_LogoHeader" "We accept the following
secure payment methods"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_VerifyCountry" "I verify that I live in
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_WalletLow" "Your Steam Wallet balance is
too low to cover this transaction!\n\nPlease select a payment method for the
remaining {s:purchase_balance}."
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_ClickandBuy" "ClickandBuy"
"Checkout_PaymentMethod_BankName" "Select a bank:"

"Checkout_BillingInfo_Title" "Billing address"

"Checkout_BillingInfo_FirstName" "First name"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_LastName" "Last name"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_Address1" "Billing address"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_Address2" "Billing address, line
"Checkout_BillingInfo_Country" "Country"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_LiveInCountry" "I currently live in the
country selected above"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_City" "City"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_State" "State"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_PostCode" "Zip or postal code"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_PhoneNumber" "Phone number"
"Checkout_BillingInfo_SelectState" "Select state"

"Checkout_ShippingInfo_Title" "Shipping address"

"Checkout_ShippingInfo_Address1" "Shipping address"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_Address2" "Shipping address, line
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_ShippingRestrictions" "Shipment of any physical
items cannot be delivered to APO/FPO/DPO/P.O. Boxes and can only be delivered to
{s:country}. Please ensure that your address contains only latin-based characters."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_ShippingRestrictions_US" "Shipment of any physical
items cannot be delivered to APO/FPO/DPO/P.O. Boxes and can only be delivered to
the 48 continental United States. Please ensure that your address contains only
latin-based characters."
"Checkout_VerifyShippingInfo_Title" "Shipping address suggestion"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_ShippingAddressSuggestion" "We've found a suggestion
for your shipping address"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_OurSuggestion" "Our suggestion:"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_YouEntered" "You entered:"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_OurSuggestionButton" "Use our suggestion"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_YouEnteredButton" "Use what you entered"
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship" "We cannot ship your order to the address
that you've provided."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_fields_too_long" "We cannot ship to the
address you've provided because parts of your address are too long. Your combined
name and each of the address fields can only be up to 35 characters long."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_missing_fields" "We cannot ship to the
address you've provided because parts of your address are missing or look invalid."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_no_apo_fpo_po" "We cannot ship your order
to P.O. Boxes, APO, FPO, or DPO addresses."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_invalid_characters" "We cannot ship your
order to the address that you've provided because it contains characters that are
not latin-based."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_us_territories" "We cannot ship your order
because the postal code you provided belongs to a region outside of the 48
continental United States."
"Checkout_ShippingInfo_cannot_ship_unsupported_postal_code" "We cannot ship
to the address you've provided because it appears that your postal code is in a
special region that we cannot ship to."

"Checkout_Review_Title" "Review & Purchase"

"Checkout_Review_Purchase" "Purchase"
"Checkout_Review_EditPayment" "Edit Payment Method"
"Checkout_Review_AgreeTerms" "I agree to the terms of the
Steam Subscriber Agreement (last updated March 16, 2015.)"
"Checkout_Review_AgreeTerms2" "I agree to the terms of the
Steam Subscriber Agreement (last updated {s:ssa_last_update}.)"
"Checkout_Review_PaymentMethod" "Payment Method"
"Checkout_Review_GiftOptions" "Gift Options"
"Checkout_Review_BillingAddress" "Billing Address"
"Checkout_Review_ShippingAddress" "Shipping Address"
"Checkout_Review_Phone" "Phone"
"Checkout_Review_Subtotal" "Subtotal"
"Checkout_Review_Shipping" "Shipping & Handling"
"Checkout_Review_Tax" "Tax"
"Checkout_Review_Total" "Total"
"Checkout_Review_NoGift" "None, this purchase is
for your account."
"Checkout_Review_CreditCard" "{s:card_type} ending in
"Checkout_Review_GiftSend" "Your gift purchase for
{s:giftee} will be sent upon completion of your purchase."
"Checkout_Review_GiftKept" "The items in your cart
will be stored in your Steam Inventory, to be sent or redeemed later."
"Checkout_Review_VAT" "All prices include VAT
where applicable"
"Checkout_Review_ViewSSA" "VIEW SSA"
"Checkout_Review_SecurityCode" "Security code for
"Checkout_Review_Update_Billing_Info_Title" "Save"
"Checkout_Review_Update_Billing_Info_Continue_Button" "Save"
"Checkout_Review_ConvertedTotal" "You will be

"Checkout_Confirmation_Title" "Thank you for your

"Checkout_Confirmation_ReceiptEmail" "A receipt will be emailed to
you shortly."
"Checkout_Confirmation_ToAccessGames" "Your digitally delivered
items are now registered to your account on Steam. To access your games, simply
visit your game library in Steam and install them whenever you're ready."
"Checkout_Confirmation_FundsAdded" "Your funds are available for
use immediately, and a receipt will be emailed to you shortly."
"Checkout_Confirmation_ReceiptTextHeader" "Your purchase receipt"
"Checkout_Confirmation_ReceiptText" "Confirmation of your
purchase is provided below. This information will also be emailed to you shortly."
"Checkout_Confirmation_AccountName" "Account name"
"Checkout_Confirmation_Total" "Total"
"Checkout_Confirmation_Code" "Confirmation code"
"Checkout_Confirmation_GoToLibrary" "Go to your library"
"Checkout_Confirmation_ReturnToStore" "Return to the store"
"Checkout_Confirmation_ReturnToMarket" "Return to the Community
"Checkout_Confirmation_ReturnTransaction" "Return to your transaction"
"Checkout_Confirmation_Update_Billing_Info_Title" "Your Billing Info Has
Been Saved!"
"Checkout_Confirmation_Update_Billing_Info_Description" "Your billing
information has now been saved for future purchases."
"Checkout_Confirmation_Pending_Title" "Your purchase is now pending."
"Checkout_Confirmation_Pending_Description" "Your purchase is
currently in progress and is waiting for payment delivery from your processor or
bank. This process can take a few days for confirmation. Valve will send an email
receipt to you when payment is received for this purchase. During this time you may
continue shopping for other games, though you will not be able to re-purchase any
products that are pending in this transaction."

"Checkout_AddFunds_Title" "Add funds to your

"Checkout_AddFunds_Description" "Funds in your Steam
Wallet may be used for the purchase of any game on Steam or within a game that
supports Steam transactions."
"Checkout_AddFunds_Minimum" "Minimum Required"
"Checkout_AddFunds_AddAmount" "Add {s:amount}"

"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Title" "Steam Transaction"

"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Description" "{s:game} has requested
authorization for the following transaction."
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_AddFunds" "Add funds"
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_UpdateBillingInfo" "Update Billing Info"
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Approve" "Approve transaction"
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Cancel" "Cancel transaction"
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_PayWithWallet" "Renew With Steam Wallet"
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_SubscriptionText" "Steam will automatically bill your
stored payment method when your subscription renews. If you do not have billing
information on file, Steam will attempt to use any funds in your wallet."

"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Error" "An error occurred while

loading the Steam transaction information for this game. Please try again."
"Checkout_MicroTxnAuth_Quantity" "QTY {i:quantity}"
"You will be charged {m:cost} every {d:frequency} {s:time}"
"Billed {m:cost} every {d:frequency} {s:time}"
"Checkout_MicroTxnSubscriptionYears" "year(s)"
"Checkout_MicroTxnSubscriptionMonths" "month(s)"
"Checkout_MicroTxnSubscriptionWeeks" "week(s)"
"Checkout_MicroTxnSubscriptionDays" "day(s)"

"Trailer_Slideshow_Error" "Unable to load trailers

at this time"

"Library_ContentTitle" "Library"
"Library_RecentlyPlayed" "RECENTLY PLAYED"
"Library_ViewAll" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Games" "GAMES"
"Library_Screenshots" "SCREENSHOTS"
"Library_ViewAll_Screenshots" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Movies" "MOVIES"
"Library_Music" "MUSIC"
"Library_Downloads" "Downloads"
"Library_ViewAll_Music" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Details_LinksAndMore" "LINKS & MORE"
"Library_Details_Achievements" "ACHIEVEMENTS <span
"Library_Details_Guides" "GUIDES"
"Library_Details_GuidesWithTotal" "GUIDES <span
"Library_Details_Play" "PLAY"
"Library_Details_Watch" "WATCH"
"Library_Details_PlayVR" "PLAY IN VR"
"Library_Details_Play2D" "PLAY ON DESKTOP"
"Library_Details_PlayTheatre" "PLAY IN THEATER"
"Library_Details_Stream" "STREAM"
"Library_Details_Controller" "STEAM CONTROLLERS"
"Library_Details_SharingStatus" "SHARED BY"
"Library_Details_SharingInUse" "IN USE BY"
"Library_Details_SharingHeader" "{s:sharing_header}"
"Library_Details_SharingUser" "{s:sharing_user}"

"Library_Details_ComingSoon" "COMING SOON"

"Library_Details_Preload" "PRELOAD"
"Library_Details_Preloaded" "PRELOADED"
"Library_Details_PrePurchase" "PRE-PURCHASE"
"Library_Details_ActivateGuestPass" "ACTIVATE"
"Library_Details_Install" "INSTALL"
"Library_Details_Downloading" "DOWNLOADING"
"Library_Details_Updating" "UPDATING"
"Library_Details_Validating" "VALIDATING"
"Library_Details_Preloading" "PRELOADING"
"Library_Details_Disabled" "UNAVAILABLE"
"Library_Details_Update" "UPDATE"
"Library_Details_Download" "DOWNLOAD"
"Library_Details_CancelValidation" "CANCEL"
"Library_Details_Launch" "LAUNCH"
"Library_Details_LaunchVR" "LAUNCH IN VR"
"Library_Details_LaunchVROverlay" "LAUNCH VR OVERLAY"
"Library_Details_Launch2D" "LAUNCH ON DESKTOP"
"Library_Details_Launching" "LAUNCHING"
"Library_Details_Running" "EXIT GAME"
"Library_Details_Purchase" "PURCHASE"
"Library_Details_Renew" "RENEW"
"Library_Details_FriendsWhoPlay" "FRIENDS WHO PLAY"
"Library_Details_FriendsPlayingNow" "FRIENDS PLAYING NOW"
"Library_Details_ViewFriendsWhoPlay" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Details_Workshop" "WORKSHOP"
"Library_Details_Screenshots" "SCREENSHOTS <span
"Library_Details_RecentNews" "RECENT NEWS"
"Library_Details_Achievements_MostRecent" "MOST RECENT"
"Library_Details_Achievements_SoClose" "SO CLOSE..."
"Library_Details_Achievements_MoreUnachieved" "MORE UNACHIEVED"
"Library_Details_Purchased" "PURCHASED"
"Library_Details_PurchasedValue" "{t:s:purchased_date}"
"Library_Details_YouvePlayed" "YOU'VE PLAYED"
"Library_Details_LastPlayed" "LAST PLAYED"
"Library_Details_LastPlayedValue" "{t:r:s:lastplayed}"
"Library_Details_YouveWatched" "YOU'VE WATCHED"
"Library_Details_LastWatched" "LAST WATCHED"
"Library_Details_SteamCloud" "STEAM CLOUD"
"Library_Details_SteamCloudValue" "{s:cloud_status}"
"Library_Details_RentalRemaining" "RENTAL TIME REMAINING"
"Library_Details_RentalInfo" "RENTAL INFO"
"Library_Details_RentalInfo_BodyActivated" "The rental viewing period
has been activated. You now have until {s:expiration} to complete watching this
"Library_Details_RentalInfo_Body" "You have until {s:expiration} to begin
watching this video. Once you begin, you will have 48 hours to complete watching
"Library_Details_RentalRemainingValue" "{t:r:l:t:timeremaining}"
"Library_Details_RentalExpiredValue" "Your rental time for this video
has expired"
"Library_Details_Minutes" "{i:minutes} Minutes"
"Library_Details_Hours" "{i:hours} Hours"
"Library_Details_MinutesSingular" "{i:minutes} Minute"
"Library_Details_HoursSingular" "{i:hours} Hour"
"Library_Details_Synchronized" "Synchronized"
"Library_Details_Syncing" "Syncing"
"Library_Details_NeedsSync" "Sync Needed"
"Library_Details_SyncingConflict" "Conflict"
"Library_Details_CloudUnknown" "Unknown"
"Library_Details_DownloadableContent" "Shop for DLC"
"Library_Details_LibraryDetails" "Your {s:apptype}"
"Library_Details_GameStorePage" "{s:apptype} Store Page"
"Library_Details_GameHubPage" "{s:apptype} Hub Page"
"Library_Details_GameForums" "Community Discussions"
"Library_Details_LegacyCDKey" "View CD Key"
"Library_Details_Support" "Support"
"Library_Details_Settings" "Manage {s:apptype}"
"Library_Details_SetCategory" "Set Categories..."
"Library_Details_SetLanguage" "Set Language..."
"Library_Details_IncludeInVR" "Include in VR Library"
"Library_Details_DeleteLocalContent" "Uninstall..."
"Library_Details_DeleteShortcut" "Delete Shortcut..."
"Library_Details_ChooseIcon" "Change Icon..."
"Library_Details_ChooseIconHeader" "Change Shortcut Icon"
"Library_Details_ChooseIconText" "Select a new icon for the shortcut"
"Library_Details_ChangeShortcutName" "Change Shortcut Name..."
"Library_Details_DefaultIcon" "Restore Default Icon"
"Library_Details_RemoveIcon" "Remove Custom Icon..."
"Library_Details_Confirm_RemoveIconTitle" "Remove Icon?"
"Library_Details_Confirm_RemoveIconBody" "Remove the custom icon you have
"Library_Details_RemoveIcon_Confirm" "YES"
"Library_Details_RemoveIcon_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"Library_Details_Settings_Title" "{s:appname} Settings"
"Library_Details_StorePage" "View Store Page"
"Library_Details_FirmwareRecover" "Recover Steam Controller Firmware"
"Library_Details_WithOverlay" "Enable Overlay on Non-Steam Game"

"Library_Details_CommunityContent_All" "All"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Screenshots" "Screenshots"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Artwork" "Artwork"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Videos" "Videos"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Broadcasts" "Broadcasts"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Workshop" "Workshop"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_News" "News"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Guides" "Guides"
"Library_Details_CommunityContent_Reviews" "Reviews"

"Controller_FirstTimeLaunch_String1" "This is your first time playing

"Controller_FirstTimeLaunch_String2" "game with a Steam Controller.
"Controller_FirstTimeLaunch_String3" "the Steam button to choose a
"Controller_NewController_ConnectedToast1" "A controller has been
"Controller_NewController_ConnectedToast2" "and is now ready for use."
"Controller_WirelessIssue1" "Your Steam Controller appears to"
"Controller_WirelessIssue2" "be having some connection issues."
"Controller_WirelessIssue3" "Hit the Steam Button for help."
"Controller_WirelessIssue_Footer" "DISMISS"

"Controller_Registration_Title" "CONTROLLER REGISTRATION"

"Controller_Registration_Desc" "Register your controller to your
Steam account, and we'll ensure your configurations follow the controller, wherever
you take it."
"Controller_Registration_Name" "Controller Name:"
"Controller_Registration_Submit" "Register to this account"
"Controller_Registration_Cancel" "Wait, this isn't my account"
"Controller_Registration_Guest" "Use a Guest account"
"Controller_Registration_SubDesc" "You can update these at any time in the
Big Picture Settings."
"Controller_Registration_GuideBrightness" "Controller Light Brightness:"
"Controller_Registration_LEDHue" "Controller Light Color:"
"Controller_Registration_LEDSaturation" "Controller Light
"Controller_Registration_AbortTitle" "Registration Aborted"
"Controller_Registration_AbortDesc" "For now, we'll just use
configurations from {s:accountname}. Next time you log into your own account, we'll
get your controller setup."
"Controller_Registration_MigrateFail" "Migration Failed"
"Controller_Registration_MigrateFailDesc" "We ran into a problem. Please try
registering again later. For now, we'll log you in as a Guest."
"Controller_Registration_GuestTitle" "Using a Guest Account"
"Controller_Registration_GuestDesc" "Ok, we'll use configurations from
"Controller_Registration_ProgressTitle" "Registering..."
"Controller_Registration_Personalize_Title" "PERSONALIZE YOUR CONTROLLER"
"Controller_Registration_Personalize_Submit" "Submit"
"Controller_Registration_Personalize_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Controller_Registration_Migrating_Title" "MIGRATING CONFIGURATIONS..."
"Controller_Registration_Selecting_Title" "SELECT CONTROLLER ACCOUNT"
"Controller_Registration_Selecting_Desc" "We haven't seen your controller on
this account before. Would you like to register it, or use the configurations from
another account?"
"Controller_Registration_Selecting_Account" "Use configs from:
"Controller_Registration_FirmwareUpdate_Title" "Firmware Update Required"
"Controller_Registration_FirmwareUpdate_Desc" "To use the latest Steam
Controller Personalization and Sharing features, a firmware update is required."
"Controller_Registration_FirmwareUpdateAborted_Desc" "Next time you use your
controller with the latest firmware, we'll get your controller setup. For now,
we'll log you in as a Guest."
"Controller_Remigration_Title" "Controller Re-Migration Required"
"Controller_Remigration_Desc" "We've fixed an issue in the controller
migration process related to non-steam games. Select OK to perform the migration
once again."
"Controller_Remigration_Cancel" "I'll do it next time"

"Controller_Registration_Firmware_Submit" "OK"

"Controller_OptOut_Title" "Configuration Support Disabled"

"Controller_OptOut_Desc" "Configuration support for the
{s:controllertype} is disabled. {s:controllertype} Configuration support must be
enabled in Steam's main Controller Settings and Support for this Game must be
enabled under this game's Controller Options."

"Controller_NotAttached_Title" "No Controller Attached"

"Controller_NotAttached_Desc" "Please attach a controller in order to
configure it"

"Controller_Config_Offline_Title" "Offline Configuration Editing"

"Controller_Config_Offline_Desc" "You are currently offline. Your last
loaded configuration is available and can be edited, but changes will be lost when
returning online. A local save will be created for these changes."

"Controller_Config_FailedLoad" "Configuration Failure"

"Controller_Config_FailedLoad_Desc" "We were unable to load your
configuration at this time. Please try again later."
"Controller_Config_CommFailedLoad" "Download Failed"
"Controller_Config_CommFailedLoad_Desc" "We were unable to download the
community configuration at this time. Please try again later."
"Library_Details_ValidateLocalContent" "Validate Content"
"Library_Details_KillApp" "Exit {s:apptype}"
"Library_Details_NewsDate" "{t:l:date}"
"Library_Details_NewsByline" "{s:feed}"
"Library_Details_ViewNewsPost" "VIEW NEWS POST"
"Library_Details_ScreenshotHowTo1" "In-game shortcut Assigned via Controller
Guide Chord Setting"
"Library_Details_ScreenshotHowTo2" "In-Game Screenshot Shortcut"
"Library_Details_ManageScreenshots" "MANAGE SCREENSHOTS"
"Library_Details_ViewGameBadge" "VIEW BADGE"
"Library_Details_ViewAllScreenshots" "View all screenshots
"Library_Details_ViewAllAchievements" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Details_ViewAllGuides" "VIEW ALL GUIDES"
"Library_Details_ViewGuides" "VIEW GUIDES"
"Library_Details_ViewAllWorkshopItems" "VIEW ALL"
"Library_Details_ViewCommunityHub" "VIEW COMMUNITY CONTENT"
"Library_Details_CommunityContentHeadline" "COMMUNITY
"Library_Details_NotAvailablePlatform" "NOT ON {s:currentos}"
"Library_Details_AvailableOnPlatforms" "Available on

"Library_Details_UnavailableOnPlatform_HowToStream_Title" "STREAM THIS

"Library_Details_UnavailableOnPlatform_HowToStream_Desc" "This
{s:apptype_lowercase} doesn't run on {s:currentos}, but if you sign into Steam on a
nearby machine running one of the supported platforms ({s:platformlist}), you can
stream this {s:apptype_lowercase} over your wired network."
"Library_Details_GameNotDesignedForControllerWarning_Title" "CONTROLLER
"Library_Details_GameNotDesignedForControllerWarning_Desc" "This game
wasn't designed for controllers, but you can play it with your Steam Controller.
The game may show keyboard hints during gameplay."
"This game wasn't designed for controllers, but you can play it with your Steam
Controller. The game may show keyboard hints during gameplay.\n\nWhile playing, you
can press the Steam Button at any time to bring up the overlay and customize your
controller configuration."
"Library_Details_GameDesignKeyboardMouseWarning_Title" "KEYBOARD/MO
"Library_Details_GameDesignKeyboardMouseWarning_Desc" "The gameplay in
this game relies heavily on having a physical keyboard/mouse present."
"The creators of this game have made an interface that requires a keyboard and/or
mouse to access portions of the game."
"The creators of this game have made an interface that requires a keyboard
and/or mouse to access portions of the game. For example, it may include an
interstitial launcher or an in-game menu that cannot be navigated with a
"Library_Details_OverlayDisabledWarning_Title" "STEAM OVERLAY DISABLED"
"Library_Details_OverlayDisabledWarning_Desc" "The Steam Overlay is
disabled. In-game configuration and some Steam Controller functionality
"Library_Details_OverlayDisabledWarning_Desc_Detail" "The Steam Overlay
is required to configure your Steam Controller in-game and for some functionality
such as On-Screen Displays. Please enable your Steam Overlay globally or
specifically for this game in order to experience full controller functionality."
"Library_Details_VRIncorrectControllerWarning_Title" "CONTROL MISMATCH"
"Library_Details_VRIncorrectControllerWarning_Desc" "This VR
application requires controls different from your currently active controller. One
of the following is required:"

"Library_Details_VRController_Tracked" "Track
ed motion controllers"
"Library_Details_VRController_Gamepad" "Gamep
"Library_Details_VRController_KBMouse" "Keybo

"Library_Details_VRPlayAreaWarning_Title" "PLAY AREA

"Library_Details_VRPlayAreaWarning_Uncalibrated" "Your play
area is currently uncalibrated. Please run Room Setup."
"Library_Details_VRPlayAreaWarning_RoomScale" "This game
requires Room Scale VR but your play area is currently configured for Standing
"Library_Details_VRPlayAreaWarning_NotEnoughRoom" "Your play
area does not meet the play area requirements for this game. The game requires
{s:requiredwidth}m x {s:requireddepth}m, and your current play area is configured
as {s:currentwidth}m x {s:currentdepth}m."

"Library_Details_2DLaunchWarning_Title" "WARNING"
"Library_Details_2DLaunchWarning_Desc" "{s:gamename} does
not support VR. It will appear on your desktop and may affect VR performance."
"Library_Details_2DLaunchWarning_Desc_VRGame" "{s:gamename
} has native VR support, but you are launching the desktop version. Do you want to

"Library_Details_StreamingLaunchVR_Title" "WARNING"
"Library_Details_StreamingLaunchVR_Desc" "{s:gamename} runs
in VR. Would you like to launch it and start spectating from {s:streamingclient}?"

"Library_Details_OculusOnlyGameWarning_Title" "WARNING"
"Library_Details_OculusOnlyGameWarning_Desc" "{s:gamename} will launch
outside of the SteamVR environment. You may need to remove your headset in order to
return to Steam."

"Library_Details_CloseVRGame_Title" "Exit?"
"Library_Details_CloseVRGame_Desc" "Please confirm
you'd like to exit the current VR application."

"Library_Details_IncorrectVRControlsWarning_Title" "WARNI
"Library_Details_IncorrectVRControlsWarning_Desc" "{s:ga
mename} does not support your currently active controller."

"Library_Details_IncorrectSDKWarning_Title" "WARNING"
"Library_Details_IncorrectSDKWarning_Desc" "{s:gamename} does not
support your currently active headset."

"Library_Details_IncorrectVRPlayAreaWarning_Title" "WARNI
"Library_Details_IncorrectVRPlayAreaWarning_Uncalibrated" "Your play
area is currently uncalibrated. Select OK to launch Room Setup."
"Library_Details_IncorrectVRPlayAreaWarning_RoomScale" "This
game requires Room Scale and your play area is currently configured as Standing
Only. You may be unable to play."
"Library_Details_IncorrectVRPlayAreaWarning_NotEnoughRoom" "Your play
area does not meet the play area requirements for this game. You may be unable to
"Library_Details_IncorrectVRPlayAreaWarning_RoomSetup" "RUN

"Library_Details_WorkshopWhatIsIt" "Create, discover and play content

contributed by the Steam Community ({d:wscount} items)."
"Library_Details_CommunityHubWhatIsIt" "Community-made content
({d:ugccount} items)."
"Library_Details_ControllerSupport" "CONTROLLER"
"Library_Details_FullController" "Controller Support"
"Library_Details_PartialController" "Legacy Support"
"Library_Details_Press" "PRESS"
"Library_Details_ToTakeScreenshot" "TO TAKE A SCREENSHOT"
"Library_Details_Guides_Favorited" "IN YOUR FAVORITES"
"Library_Details_Guides_Popular" "POPULAR"
"Library_Details_ViewControllerDetails" "CONTROLLER DETAILS"
"Library_Details_AddController" "ADD CONTROLLER"
"Library_Details_Controller_ControllersConnectedOne" "1 CONTROLLER CONNECTED"
"Library_Details_Controller_ControllersConnectedNone" "STEAM CONTROLLER"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller1" "Controller One"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller2" "Controller Two"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller3" "Controller Three"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller4" "Controller Four"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller5" "Controller Five"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller6" "Controller Six"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller7" "Controller Seven"
"Library_Details_Controller_Controller8" "Controller Eight"
"Library_Details_Controller_PlayerAssigned" "{s:controller_player}"
"Library_Details_Controller_Hint" "Controller Configuration"
"Library_Details_Controller_Add" "Add a Steam Controller"
"Library_Details_Controller_HowToPair" "Pair a new Steam Controller by
holding the X and Steam buttons."
"Library_Details_CancelControllerDetails" "CANCEL"
"Library_Details_CloseControllerDetails" "CLOSE"
"Library_ControllerBindingsTitle" "{s:gamename} Bindings"
"Library_Details_Controller_ButtonUnset" ""
"Library_Details_ControllerChooseBinding" "BROWSE"
"Library_Details_ControllerEditBinding" "MODIFY"
"Library_Details_ControllerUseBinding" "USE"
"Library_Details_ControllerRecentBindings" "MY BINDINGS"
"Library_Details_ControllerCommunityBindings" "COMMUNITY BINDINGS"
"Library_Details_ControllerCommunityBindingsInfo" "Looks like {s:gamename}
doesn't yet have any shared bindings. You could create the first!"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingDescription" "AUTHOR'S NOTES"
"Library_Details_ControllerDefaultBinding" "Defaults"
"Library_Details_ControllerGenericBinding" "Generic"
"Library_Details_ControllerDoneEditing" "SAVE"
"Library_Details_SelectYourBindingFor" "SELECT BINDING FOR"
"Library_Details_SelectIcon" "ICON"
"Library_Details_SaveBindingDescription" "DONE"
"Library_Details_MoreWaysToPlay" "MORE WAYS TO PLAY"
"Library_Details_ViewDownloads" "VIEW DOWNLOADS"
"Library_Details_StreamFrom" "from"
"Library_Details_StreamFromMachine" " \"{s:stream_from}\""
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingNativeNotice" "{s:gamename} includes native
Steam Controller support in-game. Please see the in-game UI for details on
controller bindings."
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingGamepadModeNotice" "{s:gamename} is
configured to use Steam Controller gamepad emulation in-game. Please see the in-
game UI for details on controller bindings. You may also modify now to combine with
or switch to keyboard/mouse bindings."
"Library_Details_GameRequiresController" "Requires Keyboard & Mouse"
"Library_Details_StartGamePrompt_Title" "Warning"
"Library_Details_StartGamePrompt_Description" "You are starting a game that
requires a keyboard & mouse. Do you wish to continue?"
"Library_Details_DownloadGamePrompt_Title" "Warning"
"Library_Details_DownloadGamePrompt_Description" "You are downloading a game
that requires a keyboard & mouse. Do you wish to continue?"
"Library_ControllerSelectController" "Select Controller To
"Library_ControllerSaveBindingTitle" "Save Bindings"
"Library_ControllerSetTitle" "Set Title"
"Library_ControllerAddDescription" "Add Description"
"Library_ControllerSaveReqUseTime" "Please play with your
configuration for at least five minutes before publishing it."
"Library_ControllerSaveConfirm" "SAVE"
"Library_ControllerPublishConfirm" "PUBLISH"
"Library_ControllerSaveCancel" "CANCEL"
"Library_ControllerSaveWorking" "Working"
"Library_ControllerBindingErrorTitle" "Error"
"Library_ControllerBindingWarningTitle" "Warning"
"Library_ControllerSaveDefaultTitle" "Official Configuration for
"Library_ControllerSaveDefaultDescription" "Configuration created by
{s:bindingcreator} for use with the {s:controllertype}."
"Library_ControllerSaveCommunity" "Save new community binding"
"Library_ControllerSaveCommunityDescription" "Can't be undone"
"Library_ControllerSaveTemplate" "Save new template binding"
"Library_ControllerSaveTemplateDescription" "This binding will be available
as a starting point for other games"
"Library_ControllerSavePersonalBinding" "Save new personal binding"
"Library_ControllerSavePersonalLocalBinding" "Save new local-only binding
"Library_ControllerBinding_RequireTitleError" "Please enter a title to save
this binding set."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingErrorGuest" "Cannot export
configurations as a Guest."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingAutosaveImport" "All changes since you
last Exported will be discarded."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingSaveAlreadyInProgress""Binding save
failed because another save is already in progress."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingSavedFailedPublish" "Failed to upload
your controller configuration to the Workshop."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingFileWriteError" "Failed writing bindings
to disk."
"Library_Controller_ControllerBindingSaved" "Bindings are now saved!"
"Library_ControllerBindingPublic" "Public"
"Library_ControllerBindingPrivate" "Private"
"Library_ControllerBindingsSubTitle" "{s:binding_title}"
"Library_ControllerBindingsSteamDefaultTitle" "Steam Defaults"
"Library_ControllerBindingsSteamDefaultDescription" "This is the default
Steam authored set of bindings for {s:gamename}. This binding requires that you
have not modified the in game bindings for keyboard/mouse/gamepad. If you have
rebound keys in game you may need to reset those in game bindings for best
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingDescriptionBody" "{s:binding_description}
"Library_ControllerBinding_DeleteTitle" "Delete binding?"
"Library_ControllerBinding_DeleteBody" "Are you sure you want to
delete this controller binding forever?"
"Library_ControllerBinding_ConfirmDelete" "YES"
"Library_ControllerBinding_CancelDelete" "CANCEL"
"Library_ControllerBinding_DiscardTitle" "Discard changes?"
"Library_ControllerBinding_DiscardBody" "If you exit without saving,
your modifications will be lost."
"Library_ControllerBinding_DiscardOK" "DISCARD CHANGES"
"Library_ControllerBinding_DiscardCancel" "CONTINUE EDITING"
"Library_ControllerChangeOrder" "Change XInput
Controller Order"
"Library_Details_DeleteBinding" "DELETE"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_EditLeft" "CUSTOMIZE THE LEFT PAD"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_EditRight" "CUSTOMIZE THE RIGHT PAD"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadStyle" "Style of Input"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_mouse" "Mouse Movement"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_4way" "4-Way Directional"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_8way" "8-Way Directional"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_none" "None"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadDeadZone" "Dead Zone"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_10pct" "10%"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_20pct" "20%"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_30pct" "30%"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadBlending" "Blending"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_BlendingOn" "On"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_BlendingOff" "Off"
"Library_Details_OuterRingModifier" "Outer Ring Modifier"
"Library_Details_PadClick" "Pad Click"
"Library_Details_PadDoubleClick" "Pad Double Tap"
"Library_Details_ControllerModifierNone" "None"
"Library_Details_DoneControllerDetails" "DONE"
"Library_Details_ControllerClearBinding" "CLEAR"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_stick" "Stick"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_MouseLow" "Low"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_MouseMedium" "Medium"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_MouseHigh" "High"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadMouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadMouseMomentum" "Mouse Momentum"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_MouseMomentumOn" "On"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_MouseMomentumOff" "Off"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingAdvanced" "Advanced"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingMain" "Standard"
"Library_Details_ControllerPadRotation" "Pad Rotation"
"Library_Details_ControllerBinding_AdvancedTitle" "Additional Settings"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_0deg" "Default"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_5ndeg" "-5 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_5deg" "5 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_10deg" "10 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_15deg" "15 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_20deg" "20 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_25deg" "25 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_30deg" "30 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_35deg" "35 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_Rotation_40deg" "50 Degrees"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_None" "None"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_LeftGrip" "Left Grip"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_RightGrip" "Right Grip"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_LeftTrigger""Left Trigger"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_RightTrigger" "Right Trigger"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_LeftShoulder" "Left Shoulder"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_RightShoulder" "Right Shoulder"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_Title" "Mode-Shift Activator"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_ModeShift_Style_Title""Mode-Shift Style of
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingModeShift" "Mode Shift"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_OuterEdge" "Outer Ring Size"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_OuterEdge_5pct" "5 %"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_OuterEdge_20pct" "20 %"
"Library_Details_ControllerPad_OuterEdge_40pct" "40 %"

"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Select" "SELECT"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Import" "IMPORT CONFIG"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Export" "EXPORT CONFIG"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Presets" "BROWSE CONFIGS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Save" "EXPORT CONFIG"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ToggleFilterOn" "HIDE OTHER
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ToggleFilterOff" "SHOW OTHER
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Vote" "UPVOTE"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_UnVote" "REMOVE UPVOTE"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_SortVote" "SORT BY VOTES"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_SortTime" "SORT BY PLAY TIME"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Done" "DONE"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Back" "BACK"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Remove" "REMOVE"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Switch" "SWITCH CONTROLLER"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_AddAdditionalOn" "TOGGLE MULTI-
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_AddAdditionalOff""TOGGLE MULTI-
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ResetToDefault" "RESET TO DEFAULT"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_CopySettings" "COPY SETTINGS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_PasteSettings" "PASTE SETTINGS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ToggleLegacyOn" "LEGACY KEYS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ToggleLegacyOff" "IN-GAME ACTIONS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordonMode_ToggleLegacyOn" "ADVANCED
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordonMode_ToggleLegacyOff" "BASIC
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_AddActionSet" "ADD ACTION SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_AddActionSetLayer" "ADD ACTION
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_RenameActionSet" "MANAGE ACTION
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_DeleteActionSet" "DELETE ACTION
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_CommunityNextPage" "NEXT PAGE"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_CommunityPreviousPage" "PREVIOUS
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ShowActivator" "SHOW ACTIVATORS"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_NextActionSet" "NEXT SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_PreviousActionSet" "PREV SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ApplyConfiguration" "APPLY
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_Share" "SHARE CONFIGURATION"
"Library_Details_ControllerBindingsGordon_ListenForBinding""LISTEN FOR KEY"

"Library_Details_CopyToClipboard_Title" "Share
"Library_Details_CopyToClipboard_Desc" "A Link to this
configuration has been copied to your clipboard."

"Library_SelectControllerActionOption_Title" "Select
Action Option"
"Library_SelectControllerActionOption_CodeLabel" "Select the
desired option for this binding."

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ActivatorType" "Activation Type"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ActivatorBinding" "Binding"

"Library_Details_Activator_Title_None" "None - Remove Activator"

"Library_Details_Activator_Title_FullPress" "Regular Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_LongPress" "Long Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_DoublePress" "Double Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_StartPress" "Start Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_Release" "Release Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_SoftPress" "Soft Press"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_Analog" "Analog"
"Library_Details_Activator_Title_Chord" "Chorded Press"

"None" "None"
"Full_Press" "Regular Press"
"Long_Press" "Long Press"
"Double_Press" "Double Press"
"Start_Press" "Start Press"
"Release" "Release Press"
"Soft_Press" "Soft Press"
"analog" "Analog"
"chord" "Chord"

"IconPicker_Activate" "SELECT"
"IconPicker_Remove" "REMOVE ICON"
"Library_IconColorPickerDone" "DONE"

"Library_Controller_CopyActivatorsToLayer_Title" "Layer Activators"

"Library_Controller_CopyActivatorsToLayer_Body" "The base Action Set has
existing activators. Adding an activator in this layer will override the base
Action Set's activators. Optionally, you can copy the base layer's activators to
this action set when you add a new activator."
"Library_Controller_Button_CopyActivatorsToLayer" "COPY ACTIVATORS"

"Library_Details_GameActionsHeader" "SELECT AN IN-GAME

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_InputStyle_GA" "In-Game Action"
"Library_GameAction_None" "None"

"Library_Details_Binding_Custom_Description" "Custom Description..."

"Library_Details_MouseButton_Left" "LEFT MOUSE"
"Library_Details_MouseButton_Right" "RIGHT MOUSE"
"Library_Details_MouseButton_Middle" "MIDDLE MOUSE"
"Library_Details_MouseButton_Back" "MOUSE BACK"
"Library_Details_MouseButton_Forward" "MOUSE FORWARD"
"Library_Details_MouseScrollWheel_Up" "SCROLL UP"
"Library_Details_MouseScrollWheel_Down" "SCROLL DOWN"
"Library_Details_Binding_Unknown" "--"
"Library_Details_Binding_NotBound" "--"

"Library_Details_GamepadButton_Select" "SELECT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_Start" "START"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_Steam" "STEAM"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_DpadUp" "DPAD UP"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_DpadDown" "DPAD DOWN"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_DpadLeft" "DPAD LEFT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_DpadRight" "DPAD RIGHT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LeftJoystick" "LS CLICK"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RightJoystick" "RS CLICK"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LeftTrigger" "LEFT TRIGGER"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RightTrigger" "RIGHT TRIGGER"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LeftBumper" "LEFT BUMPER"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RightBumper" "RIGHT BUMPER"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_A" "A BUTTON"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_B" "B BUTTON"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_X" "X BUTTON"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_Y" "Y BUTTON"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LStickUp" "LSTICK UP"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LStickDown" "LSTICK DOWN"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LStickLeft" "LSTICK LEFT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_LStickRight" "LSTICK RIGHT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RStickUp" "RSTICK UP"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RStickDown" "RSTICK DOWN"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RStickLeft" "RSTICK LEFT"
"Library_Details_GamepadButton_RStickRight" "RSTICK RIGHT"

"Library_Details_SourceMode_None_Title" "UNASSIGNED"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Joystick_Move_Title" "JOYSTICK MOVE"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Joystick_Mouse_Title" "JOYSTICK MOUSE"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Joystick_Camera_Title" "JOYSTICK CAMERA"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Mouse_Title" "MOUSE"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_RelMouse_Title" "STICK MOUSE"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_ScrollWheel_Title" "SCROLLWHEEL"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Trigger_Title" "TRIGGER"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_TouchMenu_Title" "TOUCH MENU"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_DPad_Title" "DIRECTIONAL PAD"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_ABXY_Title" "BUTTON PAD"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_MouseJoystick_Title" "MOUSE-LIKE JOYSTICK"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_MouseRegion_Title" "MOUSE REGION"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_RadialMenu_Title" "RADIAL MENU"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_SingleButton_Title" "SINGLE BUTTON"

"Library_Details_Source_Title_none" "UNASSIGNED"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_left_trackpad" "L Pad"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_right_trackpad" "R Pad"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_joystick" "L Joystick"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_right_joystick" "R Joystick"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_button_diamond" "Buttonpad"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_switch" "Switches"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_left_trigger" "L Trigger"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_right_trigger" "R Trigger"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_gyro" "Gyro"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_dpad" "Dpad"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_right_bumper" "R Bumper"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_left_bumper" "L Bumper"
"Library_Details_Source_Title_center_trackpad" "M Pad"

"Library_Details_KeyName_Return" "RETURN"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Escape" "ESCAPE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Backspace" "BACKSPACE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Tab" "TAB"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Space" "SPACE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_CapsLock" "CAPS LOCK"
"Library_Details_KeyName_PrintScreen" "PRINT SCREEN"
"Library_Details_KeyName_ScrollLock" "SCROLL LOCK"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Break" "BREAK"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Insert" "INSERT"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Home" "HOME"
"Library_Details_KeyName_PageUp" "PAGE UP"
"Library_Details_KeyName_PageDown" "PAGE DOWN"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Delete" "DELETE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_End" "END"
"Library_Details_KeyName_RightArrow" "RIGHT ARROW"
"Library_Details_KeyName_LeftArrow" "LEFT ARROW"
"Library_Details_KeyName_DownArrow" "DOWN ARROW"
"Library_Details_KeyName_UpArrow" "UP ARROW"
"Library_Details_KeyName_NumLock" "NUM LOCK"
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadSlash" "KEYPAD /"
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadAsterisk" "KEYPAD *"
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadDash" "KEYPAD -"
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadPlus" "KEYPAD +"
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadPeriod" "KEYPAD ."
"Library_Details_KeyName_KeypadEnter" "KEYPAD ENTER"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad0" "KEYPAD 0"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad1" "KEYPAD 1"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad2" "KEYPAD 2"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad3" "KEYPAD 3"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad4" "KEYPAD 4"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad5" "KEYPAD 5"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad6" "KEYPAD 6"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad7" "KEYPAD 7"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad8" "KEYPAD 8"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Keypad9" "KEYPAD 9"

"Library_Details_KeyName_LeftAlt" "LEFT ALT"

"Library_Details_KeyName_RightAlt" "RIGHT ALT"
"Library_Details_KeyName_LeftShift" "LEFT SHIFT"
"Library_Details_KeyName_RightShift" "RIGHT SHIFT"
"Library_Details_KeyName_LeftWindows" "WINDOWS KEY"
"Library_Details_KeyName_RightWindows" "RIGHT WIN"
"Library_Details_KeyName_LeftControl" "LEFT CONTROL"
"Library_Details_KeyName_RightControl" "RIGHT CONTROL"

"Library_Details_KeyName_VolumeUp" "VOLUME UP"

"Library_Details_KeyName_VolumeDown" "VOLUME DOWN"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Mute" "MUTE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_PlayPause" "PLAY/PAUSE"
"Library_Details_KeyName_Stop" "STOP"
"Library_Details_KeyName_NextTrack" "NEXT TRACK"
"Library_Details_KeyName_PrevTrack" "PREVIOUS TRACK"

"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Keyboard" "SHOW KEYBOARD"

"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Screenshot" "TAKE SCREENSHOT"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_MousePosition" "MOVE CURSOR"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_AddLayer" "APPLY ACTION LAYER"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_RemoveLayer" "REMOVE ACTION LAYER"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_HoldLayer" "HOLD ACTION LAYER"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_ChangePreset" "CHANGE ACTION SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_NextPreset" "NEXT ACTION SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_PreviousPreset" "LAST USED ACTION SET"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_ChangeTo" "CHANGE TO"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Magnify" "TOGGLE MAGNIFIER"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_ToggleRumble" "TOGGLE RUMBLE"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_ToggleHaptics" "TOGGLE HAPTICS"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Configurator" "SHOW CONFIGURATOR"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Menu" "SYSTEM MENU"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_Next" "STEAM MUSIC NEXT"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_Prev" "STEAM MUSIC PREVIOUS"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_PlayPause" "STEAM MUSIC
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_VolUp" "STEAM MUSIC VOLUME UP"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_VolDown""STEAM MUSIC VOLUME
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_SteamMusic_VolMute""STEAM MUSIC MUTE"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Controller_Off" "TURN OFF CONTROLLER"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_BigPicture_Minimize" "MINIMIZE BIG PICTURE"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_BigPicture_Open" "OPEN BIG PICTURE"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_BigPicture_Quit" "QUIT BIG PICTURE"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Host_Off" "SHUTDOWN HOST PC"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Host_Suspend" "SUSPEND HOST PC"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Host_Restart" "RESTART HOST PC"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Toggle_HUD" "TOGGLE SC HUD"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Set_LED" "SET LIGHT"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Toggle_Lizard" "TOGGLE LIZARD
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Empty_Binding" "EMPTY"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Quit_Application" "EXIT APPLICATION"
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Change_Player_Number" "CHANGE PLAYER
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_Change_Player_Number_To" "CHANGE PLAYER
"Library_Details_ControllerAction_MouseDelta" "MOUSE DELTA"
"Controller_SetMouseDelta_Title" "SET MOUSE DELTA
"Controller_SetMouseDelta_Description" "Select the vaules for
this binding"
"ControllerConfig_MouseDeltaX" "X Axis"
"ControllerConfig_MouseDeltaY" "Y Axis"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_InputStyle" "Style of Input"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ModeShifting" "Mode Shifting"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ModeShiftButton" "Mode Shift Button"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RequiresClick" "Requires Click"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Deadzone" "Deadzone"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DPadLayout" "Layout"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EdgeBinding" "Outer Ring Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EdgeRadius" "Outer Ring Binding
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_OutputJoystick" "Output"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_JoystickSmoothing" "Smooth Joystick"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DeadZoneInnerRadius" "Dead Zone Inner"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DeadZoneOuterRadius" "Dead Zone Outer"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DeadZoneShape" "Dead Zone Shape"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AdaptiveCentering" "Adaptive Centering"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_VirtualCapSize" "AC Virtual Stick Cap
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_VirtualStickThrow" "AC Virtual Stick Throw
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_CurveExponent" "Stick Response Curve"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_CustomCurveExponent" "Custom Response
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SwipeDuration" "Swipe Duration"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AntiDeadZone" "Output Anti-Deadzone"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AntiDeadZoneBuffer" "Output Anti-Deadzone Buffer"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EdgeBindingInvert" "Outer Ring Binding Invert"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_HoldRepeats" "Hold To Repeat (Turbo)"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_HoldRepeatInterval" "Repeat Interval"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AnalogEmulationPeriod" "Analog Emulation Pulse
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AnalogEmulationDutyCyclePct" "Analog Emulation
Active %"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_JoystickClick" "Click Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DpadClick" "Click Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AbsMouseClick" "Click Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RadialClick" "Click Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_OverlapRegion" "Overlap Region"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Sensitivity" "Sensitivity"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Sensitivity_Mouse_Joystick_Warning" "Adjust
sensitivity in-game."
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Rotation" "Rotation"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SensitivityHorizScale" "Sensitivity
Horizontal Scale"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SensitivityVertScale" "Sensitivity
Vertical Scale"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Smoothing" "Smoothing"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Trackball" "Trackball Mode"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Friction" "Trackball Friction"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_FrictionVertScale" "Friction Vertical Scale"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Acceleration" "Acceleration"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DoubleTap" "Double Tap Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DoubleTapDuration" "Double Tap Duration"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DoubleTapBeep" "Double Tap Beep"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseTriggerClamp" "Trigger Press Mouse
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseTriggerClampAmount" "Trigger Mouse Dampening
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EdgeSpinRadius" "Edge Spin Radius"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EdgeSpinVelocity" "Edge Spin Speed"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_InvertX" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_InvertY" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseMoveThreshold" "Minimum Movement Threshold"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelClick" "Scroll Wheel Click Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelClockwise" "Scroll Forward Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelCounterClockwise" "Scroll Backward
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList0" "Scroll Wheel List 1"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList1" "Scroll Wheel List 2"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList2" "Scroll Wheel List 3"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList3" "Scroll Wheel List 4"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList4" "Scroll Wheel List 5"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList5" "Scroll Wheel List 6"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList6" "Scroll Wheel List 7"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList7" "Scroll Wheel List 8"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList8" "Scroll Wheel List 9"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelList9" "Scroll Wheel List 10"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelListWrap" "Wrap List"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelType" "Swipe Direction"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelInvert" "Invert Direction"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ScrollWheelFriction" "Spin Friction"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerClick" "Full Pull Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_OutputTrigger" "Trigger Analog Output"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerDeadZoneStart" "Trigger Range Start"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerDeadZoneEnd" "Trigger Range End"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerCurveExponent" "Trigger Response Curve"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerThresholdBinding" "Soft Pull Action"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerThreshold" "Soft Pull Point"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerAdaptiveThreshold" "Soft Pull Trigger
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TriggerHapticIntensity" "Haptic Intensity"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam0" "Test 0"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam1" "Test 1"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam2" "Test 1"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam3" "Test 3"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam4" "Test 4"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestParam5" "Test 5"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ButtonRadius" "Button Radius"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ButtonDistance" "Button Distance"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroButton" "Gyro Enable Button"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroButtonInvert" "Gyro Button Behavior - Turns
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroAxis" "Gyro Steering Axis"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroNeutralAngle" "Gyro Pitch Neutral Angle"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroLockExtents" "Gyro Lock at Edges"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_GyroPointerMode" "Gyro Mouse Mode"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_OutputAxis" "Output Axis"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButtonCount" "Touch Menu Button Count"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuOpacity" "Menu Opacity"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuPosX" "On-Screen Horizontal
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuPosY" "On-Screen Vertical
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuScale" "Menu Size"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton0" "Menu Button 1"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton1" "Menu Button 2"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton2" "Menu Button 3"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton3" "Menu Button 4"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton4" "Menu Button 5"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton5" "Menu Button 6"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton6" "Menu Button 7"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton7" "Menu Button 8"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton8" "Menu Button 9"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton9" "Menu Button 10"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton10" "Menu Button 11"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton11" "Menu Button 12"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton12" "Menu Button 13"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton13" "Menu Button 14"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton14" "Menu Button 15"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton15" "Menu Button 16"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton16" "Menu Button 17"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton17" "Menu Button 18"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton18" "Menu Button 19"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButton19" "Menu Button 20"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchMenuButtonType" "Menu Activation Style"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RadialMenuButtonCenter" "Center/Unselected
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ShowLabels" "Display Binding Label
on Button"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DeadzoneX" "Minimum Joystick X
Output Value"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DeadzoneY" "Minimum Joystick Y
Output Value"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SensitivityGyroScale" "Gyro Camera Scale"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AbsMouseGyroRight" "Gyro Lean Right Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AbsMouseGyroLeft" "Gyro Lean Left Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TouchBinding" "Touch Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_LeanSensitivity" "Gyro Lean Point"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestHaptics" "Test Haptics Enable"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestHapticSide" "Test Haptic Side"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestHapticRepeat" "Test Haptic Repeat Count"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestHapticOn" "Test Haptic On Duration"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TestHapticOff" "Test Haptic Off
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ButtonClick" "Trackpad Click"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ButtonTouch" "Trackpad Touch"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseJoystickPrecision" "Enhance Small Movement

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseRegion_Scale" "Region Size"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseRegion_PositionX" "Horizontal Position"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseRegion_PositionY" "Vertical Position"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_MouseRegionClick" "Click Binding"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TeleportStart" "Snap Mouse To Region On
Mode Shift"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_TeleportStop" "Snap Mouse Back on Stop"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RegionHorizScale" "Region Horizontal
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RegionVertScale" "Region Vertical Scale"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_CycleBinding" "Cycle Binding"

"Library_Details_FieldLabel_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Toggle" "Toggle"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Interruptable" "Interruptable"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_LongPressTime" "Long Press Time"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_DoubleTapTime" "Double Tap Time"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SoftPressStyle" "Soft Press Style"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_SoftPressThreshold" "Soft Press Threshold"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AnalogOutputAxis" "Analog Output"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AnalogStart" "Analog Range Start"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_AnalogEnd" "Analog Range End"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ChordButton" "Chorded Button"
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_ActivateStickOrTrackpad" "Activate Analog

"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_None" "None"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_Dpad" "Directional Pad"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_TitleAbsMouse" "Joystick Move"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_Joystick_Move" "Joystick
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_Joystick_Mouse" "Joystick
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_Joystick_Camera" "Joystick
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_ABXY" "Button Pad"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_AbsoluteMouse" "Mouse"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_RelativeMouse" "Stick Mouse"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_ScrollWheel" "Scroll Wheel"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_Trigger" "Trigger"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_TouchMenu" "Touch Menu"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_MouseJoystick" "Mouse Joystick"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_MouseRegion" "Mouse Region"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_RadialMenu" "Radial Menu"
"Library_Details_SourceMode_Title_SingleButton" "Single Button"

"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_None" "None"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftTrigger" "Left Trigger Full Pull"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_RightTrigger" "Right Trigger Full
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftTriggerThreshold" "Left
Trigger Soft Pull"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_RightTriggerThreshold" "Right Trigger
Soft Pull"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftBumper" "Left Bumper"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_RightBumper" "Right Bumper"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftGrip" "Left Grip"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_RightGrip" "Right Grip"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftPadClick" "Left Pad Click"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_RightPadClick" "Right Pad Click"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_LeftJoystickClick" "Joystick Click"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_A" "A Button"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_B" "B Button"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_X" "X Button"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_Y" "Y Button"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_Start" "Start Button"
"Library_Details_ModeShift_Title_Select" "Select Button"

"Library_AppControllerSettings_Title" "Controller Application Options"

"Library_Details_EnableRumble" "[Experimental] Rumble
"Library_Details_EnableRealRumble" "Rumble Setting"
"Library_SetAppRumbleFrequency_Label" "Rumble Emulation Frequency
"Library_Details_EnableConfigurator" "Steam Input Per-Game Setting
(requires game re-launch)"
"Library_Details_EnableActionSetDisplay" "Display Action Set on Change"
"Library_Details_EnableActionSetBeep" "Beep on Change"

"Library_Details_ControllerSupportToggle_Title" "Controller
Configuration Support"
"Library_Details_ControllerSupportToggle_Desc" "This will
enable/disable controller configurator support. You must disconnect and reconnect
any applicable controllers after changing this setting to access configurations.
If this controller is connected via a wireless receiver, it should be disconnected
and reconnected as well."

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_ExtraLow" "Extra Low"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_Low" "Low"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_MediumLow" "Medium Low"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_Default" "Default"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_MediumHigh" "Medium
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_High" "High"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_ExtraHigh" "Extra High"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Frequency_8Bit" "8-Bit"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Enable_ControllerPref" "Controller
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Enable_Off" "Off"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Rumble_Enable_On" "On"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Configurator_Enable_GlobalPref" "Globa
l Setting"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Configurator_Enable_Off""Forced Off"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Configurator_Enable_On" "Forced On"
"Steam_Controller_Support_PS4" "PS"
"Steam_Controller_Support_XBox" "XBox"
"Steam_Controller_Support_Switch" "Switch"
"Steam_Controller_Support_Generic" "Generic"
"Steam_Controller_Support_None" "None"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_On" "On"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Off" "Off"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Toggle" "Toggle"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Pressure" "Analog"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_AnalogEmulation" "Analog Emulation"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_CrossGate" "Cross Gate"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RadialWithOverlap" "8 Way
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RadialNoOverlap" "4 Way
(No Overlap)"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_ActivatorPref" "Use
Activator Settings"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Low" "Low"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Medium" "Medium"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_High" "High"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_None" "None"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Left" "Left"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Right" "Right"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftJoystick" "Left Joystick"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightJoystick" "Right Joystick"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RelativeMouse" "Relative Mouse"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_AbsoluteMouse" "Absolute Mouse"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Cross" "Cross"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Circle" "Circle"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Square" "Square"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerOff" "Analog Off"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerLeft" "Left Trigger"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerRight" "Right Trigger"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trackpad" "Trackpad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_CenterTrackpad" "Center Trackpad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftTrackpad" "Left Trackpad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightTrackpad" "Right Trackpad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_ApplicationPreference" "Configuration

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftStickRight" "Left Stick Push Right"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftStickLeft" "Left Stick Push Left"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftStickUp" "Left Stick Push Up"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_LeftStickDown" "Left Stick Push Down"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightStickRight" "Right Stick Push Right"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightStickLeft" "Right Stick Push Left"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightStickUp" "Right Stick Push Up"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_RightStickDown" "Right Stick Push Down"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_PadBoth" "Both Pads"

"Library_Controller_Property_Value_PadLeft" "Left Pad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_PadRight" "Right Pad"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Linear" "Linear"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Curve_1" "Aggressive"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Curve_2" "Relaxed"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Curve_3" "Wide"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Curve_4" "Extra Wide"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Curve_Custom" "Custom Curve"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroNone" "Always On"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroTouchRight" "Right Pad Touch"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroTouchLeft" "Left Pad Touch"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroTouchCenter" "Whole Pad Touch"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroClickRight" "Right Pad Click"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroClickLeft" "Left Pad Click"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroBumperRight" "Right Bumper"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroBumperLeft" "Left Bumper"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroGripRight" "Right Grip"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroGripLeft" "Left Grip"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroLeftTrigger" "Left Trigger Full
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroRightTrigger" "Right Trigger Full
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Left
Trigger Soft Pull"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Right
Trigger Soft Pull"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroA" "A Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroB" "B Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroX" "X Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroY" "Y Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroCircle" "Circle Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroSquare" "Square Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroTriangle" "Triangle Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroCross" "X Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroLStick" "Left Stick Click"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroRStick" "Right Stick Click"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_GyroCapture" "Capture Button"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Gyro_Yaw" "Yaw"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Gyro_Roll" "Roll"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Gyro_Pointer" "Pointer Mode"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Gyro_Camera" "Camera Mode"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_AxisX" "Horizontal Only"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_AxisY" "Vertical Only"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_AxisBoth" "Both Horizontal &
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_Simple" "Simple Threshold"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_HairTrigger" "Hair
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_LongPressShort" "Hip Fire
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_LongPressMedium" "Hip Fire
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_LongPressLong" "Hip Fire
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Trigger_LongPressExclusive" "Hip Fire
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button2" "2 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button4" "4 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button5" "5 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button7" "7 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button9" "9 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button12" "12 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button13" "13 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button14" "14 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_Button16" "16 Buttons"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_ButtonClick" "Button Click"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_ButtonRelease""Button Release"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_TouchRelease" "Touch
Release/Modeshift End"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TouchMenu_TouchAlways" "Always"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningRightSoft" "Right
Trigger Soft Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningLeftSoft" "Left
Trigger Soft Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningBothSoft" "Both
Trigger Soft Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningRightAlways" "Right
Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningLeftAlways" "Left
Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_TriggerDampeningBothAlways" "Both
Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Scroll_Wheel_Type_Circle" "Circular"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Scroll_Wheel_Type_Horizontal" "Horizontal"
"Library_Controller_Property_Value_Scroll_Wheel_Type_Vertical" "Vertical"

"Library_Details_Controller_Personal" "Personal"
"Library_Details_Controller_Friend" "Your Friends"
"Library_Details_Controller_Community" "Community"
"Library_Details_Controller_Templates" "Templates"
"Library_Details_Controller_Recommended" "Recommended"
"Library_Details_Controller_EntireLibrary" "Your Other Games"
"Library_Details_Controller_AdvancedSettings" "ADDITIONAL SETTINGS"
"Library_Details_ManageControllers" "Controller
"Library_Details_AppControllerSettings" "Controller

"Library_Details_Remove_Binding_Title" "Remove Controller

"Library_Details_Remove_Binding_Description" "Would you like to
remove this controller binding?"
"Library_Details_Default_Config_Title" "Default"
"Library_Details_Default_Config_Author" "Valve
"Library_Details_Default_Config_Description" "For best results, edit
this generic configuration or start from a template to create unique bindings
tailored to this game."

"Library_IconColorPickerForegoundDescription" "Foreground Color"

"Library_IconColorPickerBackgroundDescription" "Background Color"

"Library_Details_GraphLabel_Output" "Output Sent to

"Library_Details_GraphLabel_Deflection" "Distance From
Resting Position"

"Library_AllGames_Header" "GAMES"
"Library_AllGames" "Games"
"Library_AllGames_Detail" "{d:allgames}"
"Library_AllGamesLocked" "Family Games"
"Library_AllGamesUnblocked" "Family Games"
"Library_AllGamesUnblocked_Detail" "{d:tobeunblocked}"
"Library_Installed" "Installed"
"Library_Installed_Detail" "{d:installed}"
"Library_Favorites" "Favorites"
"Library_Favorites_Detail" "{d:favorites}"
"Library_RecentlyPlayedFilter" "Recent"
"Library_RecentlyPlayedFilter_Detail" "{d:recent}"
"Library_ControllerSupport" "Controller Supported ({d:controller})"
"Library_Platform" "{s:platformname} ({d:platform})"
"Library_UserTagsFilter" "{s:tag} ({d:numgames})"
"Library_OwnerFilter" "{s:owner}'s Games ({d:numgames})"
"Library_MyGamesFilter" "My Games ({d:numgames})"
"Library_GamepadGames" "Controller Supported ({d:gicp})"
"Library_StreamingVideos" "Videos"
"Library_StreamingVideos_Detail" "{d:videos}"
"Library_SuggestedFilter" "Suggested"
"Library_HomeFilter" "Resume & Explore"
"Library_MusicTitle" "Music"
"Library_MusicTitle_Detail" "{d:music}"
"Library_LocalMusicTitle" "Local Music"
"Library_DownloadsTitle" "Downloads"
"Library_DownloadsTitle_Detail" "{d:downloads}"
"Library_VRGames" "VR"
"Library_VRGames_Detail" "{d:vrgames}"
"Library_SiteDefaultName" "From this location"
"Library_SiteRealName" "From {s:site}"
"Library_SiteGames_Detail" "{d:sitegames}"

"Library_FilterActive" "(FILTERED)"

"Library_ListView" "LIST VIEW"

"Library_GridView" "GRID VIEW"
"Library_AddContent" "+"
"Library_AddContent_Activate" "Activate a Product..."
"Library_AddShortcut" "Add a Shortcut..."
"Library_AddContent_Store" "Browse the Steam Store for Games..."
"Library_ActivateProduct_Title" "Activate a product"
"Library_ActivateProduct_Intro" "To register your product with Steam,
enter the product code distributed with a retail CD/DVD or other Steam product key
"Library_ActivateProduct_CodeLabel" "Product code"
"Library_ActivateProduct_AgreementDesc" "By activating a product you agree
to the Steam Subscriber Agreement and Privacy Policy."
"Library_ActivateProduct_Activate" "I AGREE, ACTIVATE"
"Library_ActivateProduct_Hint" "Activate a product key or code on Steam"
"Library_AddShortcut_Title" "Add a Shortcut to your Steam Library"
"Library_AddShortcut_Select" "SELECT"
"Library_AddShortcut_Details" "Add this program to your Steam Library"
"Library_AddShortcut_Btn" "Add to Steam Library"
"Library_LaunchOptions" "Launch Options"
"Library_LaunchOption_Game" "Play {s:gamename}"
"Library_LaunchOption_Application" "Launch {s:gamename}"
"Library_LaunchOption_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Library_LaunchEulaTitle" "End User License Agreement"
"Library_LaunchEULA_Agree" "I AGREE"
"Library_LaunchEULA_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"Library_LaunchEULA_Detail" "Please read this agreement in its
entirety. You must agree to the terms of this agreement in order to
play \"{s:gamename}.\""
"Library_WaitingOnGamesTitle" "Please Wait"
"Library_WaitingOnGamesDesc" "Steam is scanning for configuration and
game updates... {s:progress}"
"Library_WaitingOnGamesCancel" "CANCEL"
"Library_JoinDialog_InstallScript" "Performing first time setup"
"Library_JoinDialog_InstallScriptDetailed" "Performing first time
setup\n\nInstalling {S:stepname} (step {d:step} of {d:steptotal})"
"Library_Details_ManageAccount" "Manage Account"
"Library_ExternalSignupTitle" "{s:gamename} Account"
"Library_ExternalSignupDesc" "To complete installation you need to
link your Steam purchase with your {s:gamename} account.\n\nVisit their official
web site now to login to your existing {s:gamename} account or to create a new
"Library_GotoExternalSignup" "Visit Signup Site"
"Library_SkipExternalSignup" "Later"
"Library_NoControllerConfigHeader" "First Time Config Selection"
"Library_NoControllerConfigDesc" "We couldn't find a popular community
config, we recommend selecting a configuration Template.\n\nYou can always change
this later from the In-Game Overlay or through the Controller Configuration
"Library_NoControllerConfigDescCommunityConfig" "We've selected a popular
community config for you. \n\nYou can always change this later from the In-Game
Overlay or through the Controller Configuration screen."
"Library_NoControllerConfigLoading" "This is your first time launching this
game with {s:controllername}'s Controller, so we are looking for a config to
"Library_NoControllerConfigLetsGo" "Launch Game!"
"Library_NoControllerConfigBrowse" "Browse Other Configs"
"Library_ScreenshotsSlideshowTitle" "{s:gamename}"
"Library_ScreenshotsSlideshowSubTitle" "Screenshot {d:curss} of
"Library_ScreenshotTakenOn" "{t:l:timetaken}"
"Library_ShareScreenshot" "SHARE"
"Library_ViewThisScreenshotOnline" "VIEW ONLINE"
"Library_ViewScreenshotsOnline" "VIEW ONLINE GALLERY"
"Library_DeleteScreenshot" "DELETE"
"Library_ScreenshotsCaption" " - {s:caption}"
"Library_ScreenshotUploaded" "Uploaded"
"Library_ScreenshotDeleteTitle" "Delete Screenshot?"
"Library_ScreenshotDeleteDescription" "Are you sure you want to delete
this screenshot both locally and from the cloud (if uploaded)?"
"Library_ScreenshotDeleteErrorTitle" "Error"
"Library_ScreenshotDeleteErrorDescription" "There was an error deleting
your screenshot, it may still be present locally or in the cloud."
"Library_ScreenshotUploadErrorTitle" "Error"
"Library_ScreenshotUploadDescription" "There was an error uploading your
screenshot. Steam Cloud may be temporarily unavailable."
"Library_UploadScreenshotSpoilerTag" "Tag as potential spoiler"
"Library_PromptScreenshotManagerTitle" "Manage Screenshots?"
"Library_PromptScreenshotManagerDescription" "It looks like you have some
new screenshots from {s:gamename}, would you like to view/manage them now?"
"Library_UploadScreenshotTitle" "Upload Screenshot"
"Library_UploadScreenshotAddComment" "Add Comment"
"Library_UploadScreenshotPublic" "Public"
"Library_UploadScreenshotFriendsOnly" "Friends Only"
"Library_UploadScreenshotPrivate" "Private"
"Library_UploadScreenshotPublicAndFacebook" "Public + Facebook"
"Library_UploadScreenshotWorking" "Working"
"Library_UploadScreenshotOK" "UPLOAD"
"Library_UploadScreenshotCancel" "CANCEL"
"Library_Details_RemoveFromFavorites" "Remove from Favorites"
"Library_Details_AddToFavorites" "Add to Favorites"
"Library_Details_AllowDesktopConfig" "Allow Desktop Configuration in
"Library_Details_ChangeXInputOrderButton" "Rearrange Controller Order"
"Library_CDKeyTitle" "{s:gamename} CD Keys"
"Library_CDKey_Description" "You may need to enter a key into the
game. Select a key here to copy it, and paste it into the game via the Steam
Onscreen Keyboard."
"Library_CDKey_DontShowAgain" "Don't show me this again"
"Library_CopyToClipboardButton" "COPY KEY"
"Library_CloseButton" "CLOSE"
"Library_CopyToClipboardAndLaunchButton" "COPY KEY AND LAUNCH"
"Library_LaunchButton" "LAUNCH"
"Library_CDKeyFetchErrorTitle" "Error"
"Library_CDKeyFetchError" "Steam couldn't get data on your CD Key's
at this time, please try again later."
"Library_CDKeyFetchWorking" "Working"
"Library_CloudConflictTitle" "Cloud Sync Conflict"
"Library_CloudConflict_Description" "Your local {s:gamename} files conflict
with the ones stored in the Steam Cloud."
"Library_CloudConflict_Upload" "Upload my local files to the Steam
"Library_CloudConflict_LocalFilesModified" "Local files last modified
{t:s:localmodified} at {t:T:localmodified}"
"Library_CloudConflict_Download" "Download my cloud files to this
"Library_CloudConflict_CloudFilesModified" "Cloud files last modified
{t:s:remotemodified} at {t:T:remotemodified}"
"Library_CloudConflict_Cancel" "Don't do anything now"
"Library_CloudConflict_CancelDetails" "You must choose upload or download
to launch the game"
"Library_CloudSyncFailed_Title" "Steam Cloud Error"
"Library_CloudSyncFailed_Detail" "Steam was unable to sync your files for
{s:gamename} with the Steam Cloud.\n\nIf you have launched this application from
another computer, your application settings and/or progress may not be in sync with
what is stored in the Cloud. If you launch the application now, you may lose those
changes or progress."
"Library_CloudSyncFailed_LaunchAnyway" "LAUNCH ANYWAY"
"Library_StreamingSource_Installed" "(Installed)"
"Library_StreamingSource_ThisMachine" "This machine"
"Library_StreamSources" "Local & Streaming Sources"
"Library_StreamSources_Desc" "Select a machine below to set as
the source that you wish to play or stream from."

"Library_Settings_Organize" "Organize"
"Library_Settings_Preferences" "Preferences"
"Library_Settings_ControllerSettings" "Steam Input"
"Library_Settings_Support" "Support"
"Library_Settings_Content" "Content"
"Library_Settings_Misc" "More"

"Library_TagHeader" "Narrow By Tag"

"Library_CategoryHeader" "Your Categories"
"Library_TypeHeader" "Narrow By Type"
"Library_NameHeader" "Narrow By Name"
"Library_FilterHeader" "Filter {s:apptype}"
"Library_InstalledLocally" "Installed Locally"
"Library_GamesICanPlay" "Playable"
"Library_VRFilter" "Supports VR"
"Library_ReadyToPlay" "Ready to Play"
"Library_LocalMultiplayer" "Local Multiplayer"
"Library_RemotePlayOptimized" "Remote Play Optimized"
"Library_SteamPlay1" "Steam Play Certified"
"Library_SteamPlay2" "Steam Play (Relaxed)"
"Library_Unplayed" "Unplayed"
"Library_PlatformFilter" "{s:platformname} Games"
"Library_ControllerSupported" "Controller Supported"
"Library_Hidden" "Hidden Games"
"Library_Unblocked" "Family Games"
"Library_SearchGames" "Search Library..."
"Library_ClearButton" "Clear Filters"
"Library_HideFiltersButton" "Hide Filters"
"Library_AllGamesPlay" "PLAY"
"Library_AllGamesHome" "HOME"
"Library_AllGamesBrowse" "BROWSE"
"Library_AllGamesOptions" "OPTIONS"
"Library_AllGamesSearch" "SEARCH"
"Library_AllGamesFilter" "FILTER"
"Library_HintSearch" "Search..."
"Library_Suggested_Empty" "Your library is empty"
"Library_Suggested_EmptyDetails" "Here are a few things you can do in Steam"
"Library_Suggested_FreeGames_Header" "Popular free games on Steam"
"Library_Suggested_BrowseStore" "Browse Steam store"
"Library_Suggested_BrowseStore_Free" "Browse Free to play games"
"Library_Suggested_BrowseStore_AllGames" "Shop All Games"
"Library_Suggested_Recent_Header" "Continue playing"
"Library_Suggested_Popular_Header" "Popular among friends"
"Library_Suggested_Unplayed_Header" "Start something new"
"Library_Suggested_LastPlayed_Recent" "Last Played <span
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlaying" "<span
class=\"FriendsPlaying\"><img src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_green.png\"
/> {i:friendsplaying}</span>"
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlayed" "<img
src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_grey.png\" /> {i:friendsplayed}"
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlaying_Expanded" "<span
class=\"FriendsPlaying\"><img src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_green.png\"
/> {i:friendsplaying} Friend Playing</span>"
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlaying_Expanded_Plural" "<span
class=\"FriendsPlaying\"><img src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_green.png\"
/> {i:friendsplaying} Friends Playing</span>"
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlayed_Expanded" "<img
src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_grey.png\" /> {i:friendsplayed} Friend
"Library_Suggested_PopularFriendsPlayed_Expanded_Plural" "<img
src=\"file://{images}/library/icon_friend_grey.png\" /> {i:friendsplayed} Friends
"Library_Suggested_UnplayedRandom" "Unplayed"
"Library_Suggested_PlayedRandom" "Randomly picked"
"Library_Suggested_UnplayedStore" "Popular on Steam"
"Library_Suggested_UnplayedMRU" "You just purchased"
"Library_Suggested_FreeToPlay" "Play Now!"

"Library_Filter_RecentlyPlayed" "Recently Played"

"Library_Filter_Installed" "Installed"
"Library_Filter_ControllerSupported" "Controller Supported"
"Library_Filter_Unblocked" "Family Games"
"Library_Filter_ICanPlay" "Playable"
"Library_Filter_InstalledLocally" "Installed Locally"
"Library_Filter_Hidden" "Hidden"
"Library_Filter_Empty" "All"
"Library_Filter_FilterStringDisplay" "{d:foundcount} found in: <span
"Library_Filter_TypeGames" "Games"
"Library_Filter_TypeVideo" "Videos"
"Library_Filter_TypeMusic" "Music"
"Library_Filter_MusicByTitle" "Sort by Title"
"Library_Filter_MusicByArtist" "Sort by Artist"
"Library_AllGames_EmptyGrid" "We came up empty..."
"Library_AllGames_EmptySearchGrid" "Search your Steam library"

"Library_Details_EditUpdateOptions" "Set Update Options..."

"Library_EditUpdateOptions_Title" "Updates"
"Library_AutoUpdate_CodeLabel" "Automatic Updates"
"Library_AutoUpdate_Enabled" "Always keep this {s:apptype} up to date"
"Library_AutoUpdate_Disabled" "Do not automatically update this {s:apptype}"
"Library_AutoUpdate_HighPriority" "High Priority - Always auto-update this
{s:apptype} ASAP"
"Library_BackgroundUpdates_Label" "While {s:gamename} is running"

"Library_Details_EditSteamPlayOptions" "Set Steam Play Options..."

"Library_EditSteamPlayOptions_Title" "Steam Play"
"Library_EditSteamPlayOptions_SteamPlayOverrideTool" "Force the use of a
specific Steam Play compatibility tool"

"Library_AppAllowDownloadsDuringGameplay_DefaultEnable" "Follow my global

setting (allow background downloads)"
"Library_AppAllowDownloadsDuringGameplay_DefaultDisable" "Follow my global
setting (stop background downloads)"
"Library_AppAllowDownloadsDuringGameplay_Always" "Always allow background
"Library_AppAllowDownloadsDuringGameplay_Never" "Never allow background
"Steam_LaunchOption_Game" "Play
"Steam_LaunchOption_Application" "Launch {s:gamename}"
"Steam_LaunchOption_SafeMode" "Launch {s:gamename} in
Safe Mode"
"Steam_LaunchOption_VR" "Launch
{s:gamename} in Steam VR Mode"
"Steam_LaunchOption_othervr" "Launch
{s:gamename} in Other VR Mode"
"Steam_LaunchOption_openvroverlay" "Launch
{s:gamename} as Steam VR Overlay"
"Steam_LaunchOption_Server" "Launch Dedicated
"Steam_LaunchOption_Editor" "Launch Game
"Steam_LaunchOption_Config" "Launch
Configuration Tool"
"Steam_LaunchOption_Manual" "Show Manual"
"Steam_LaunchOption_Benchmark" "Launch Benchmark Tool"

"Activate_SubscriptionSuccess_Headline" "Activation Successful!"

"Activate_SubscriptionSuccess" "Your product activation code has successfully
been activated. This product or products are now permanently associated with your
Steam account. You must login to this account to have access to the items you've
just activated on Steam."
"Activate_SubscriptionSuccess_ComingSoonOnly" "Your product activation code
has successfully been activated. This content will become available to you once the
game has been released on Steam. You must login to this account to have access to
the items you've just activated on Steam."
"Activate_InvalidCode_Headline" "Invalid Product Code"
"Activate_InvalidCode" "The product code you've entered is not valid.
\n\nPlease double check to see if you've mistyped your key. I, L, and 1 can look
alike, as can V and Y, and 0 and O."
"Activate_ServiceUnavailable_Headline" "Steam Server Is Unavailable"
"Activate_ServiceUnavailable" "Your computer is either currently unable to
reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try
again later."
"Activate_ContactSupport_Headline" "Purchase Error"
"Activate_ContactSupport" "An unexpected error has occurred. Your
subscription to {s:subscription} has not been completed. \n\nPlease contact Steam
"Activate_Subscription_Rejected_Headline" "Duplicate Product Code"
"Activate_Subscription_Rejected" "The product code you've entered has already
been activated by an existing Steam account, and is therefore invalid. Your
activation of {s:subscription} has not been completed."
"Activate_AlreadyPurchased_Headline" "Product Already Owned"
"Activate_AlreadyPurchased" "This Steam account already owns the product(s)
associated with this activation code. Click OK to proceed to installation."
"Activate_RateLimited_Headline" "Too Many Activation Attempts"
"Activate_RateLimited" "There have been too many recent unsuccessful
activation attempts from this account. Please wait and try your product code again
"Activate_RestrictedCountry_Headline" "Not Available"
"Activate_RestrictedCountry" "Sorry, but {s:subscription} is not available
for purchase in this country. Your purchase has been cancelled."
"Activate_MustOwnOtherApp_Headline" "Please First Activate the Original Game"
"Activate_MustOwnOtherApp" "The product code you've entered requires
ownership of another product before activation.\n\nIf you are trying to activate an
expansion pack or downloadable content, please first activate the original game,
then activate this additional content."
"Activate_MustLoginPS3_Headline" "Your account has not played {s:gamename} on
the PlayStation®3 system"
"Activate_MustLoginPS3" "The product code you have entered requires that you
first play {s:gamename} on the PlayStation®3 system before it can be
registered.\n\nPlease:\n\n- Start {s:gamename} on your PlayStation®3 system\n\n-
Link your Steam account to your PlayStation®3 Network account\n\n- Connect to Steam
while playing {s:gamename} on the PlayStation®3 system\n\n- Register this product
code through Steam"

"Tenfoot_InstallServiceTitle" "Installing Steam Service"

"Tenfoot_InstallServiceText" "In order to run Steam properly on this version
of Windows, the Steam service component must be installed.\n\nThe service
installation process requires administrator privileges."
"Tenfoot_InstallServiceOk" "INSTALL SERVICE"
"Tenfoot_InstallServiceCancel" "CANCEL"

"Profile_Loading" "Loading"
"Profile_Offline" "Sorry, but it looks like we can't talk to Steam Community
right now!"
"Profile_OpenFriendActivity" "FRIEND ACTIVITY"
"Profile_OpenMyProfile" "PROFILE"
"Profile_OpenMyInventory" "INVENTORY"

"Profile_Profile_Title" "Profile"
"Profile_Inventory_Title" "Inventory"
"Profile_TradeOffers_Title" "Trade Offers"
"Profile_NewTradeOffer_Title" "Trade Offer"

"SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequest_Text" "Completing installation...


"Notification_GameInviteBody" "invites you to play {s:gamename}"

"Notification_TheSteamCommunity" "The Steam Community"
"Notification_AccessWhilePlaying" "Access while playing"
"Notification_HasFinishedDownload" "Download complete"
"Notification_IsNowOnline" "is now online"
"Notification_IsNowPlaying" "is now playing {s:gamename}"
"Notification_MultipleIsNowPlaying" "You have {d:InGameCount} friends
playing games."
"Notification_BannedFromChat" "banned you from {s:chatname} chat"
"Notification_KickedFromChat" "kicked you from {s:chatname} chat"
"Notification_VoiceChat" "invites you to voice chat"
"Notification_ChatInvite" "invites you to {s:chatname} chat"
"Notification_FriendInvite" "invites you to be friends"
"Notification_TradeInvite" "invites you to trade"
"Notification_HasSentYouAGift" "has sent you a gift"
"Notification_ItemReceivedSingular" "You have 1 new item in your inventory"
"Notification_ItemsReceived" "You have {d:numItems} new items in your
"Notification_ClanInvite" "You are invited to join the group
"Notification_ClanInviteSimple" "invites you to join their group"
"Notification_StatusUpdate" "says: {s:statustext}"
"Notification_ClanEvent" "{s:clanname} {s:action}: {s:event}"
"Notification_AchievementHeadline_Unlocked" "Achievement Unlocked!"
"Notification_AchievementHeadline_Progress" "Achievement Progress"
"Notification_AchievementBody_Unlocked" "{s:achievement}"
"Notification_AchievementBody_Progress" "{s:achievement} ({s:cur}/{s:max})"
"Notification_ScreenshotTaken" "Screenshot taken!"
"Notification_MultipleScreenshotsTaken" "{d:numscreenshots} screenshots
"Notification_RefreshLogin" "This account is logged in
"Notification_RemoteClientTitle" "Steam Remote Play"
"Notification_RemoteClientConnected" "{s:machine} is available for
"Notification_RemoteClientDisconnected" "{s:machine} is no longer
"Notification_StreamingStarted" "Streaming from {s:hostname} to
"Notification_StreamingStopped" "Stopped streaming to {s:machine}"
"Notification_NewTurns" "You have {d:numItems} new turns waiting"
"Notification_NewTurnsSingular" "You have 1 new turn waiting"
"Notification_NetworkConnected" "Network connected"
"Notification_NetworkDisconnected" "Network disconnected"
"Notification_SteamUpdateAvailable" "Steam update available"
"Notification_RestartToUpdate" "Restart to update"
"Notification_FriendsInvites" "You have {d:InviteCount} waiting friends
"Notification_FriendsInviteCount" "+{d:InviteCount}"
"Notification_ClanInvites" "You have {d:InviteCount} waiting group
"Notification_ClansInviteCount" "+{d:InviteCount}"
"Notification_MultipleIsNowPlayingCount" "+{d:InGameCount}"
"Notification_SteamLinkAuth_Title" "Remote device detected"
"Notification_SteamLinkAuth_Text" "Enter access code to confirm"
"Notification_Controller_Title" "{s:controllername}"
"Notification_Controller_Text" "Using configs from
"Notification_Controller_Guest" "Using a Guest account."
"Notification_ControllerConfigActivated_Text1" "CONFIG LOADED"
"Notification_ControllerConfigActivated_Text2" "{s:configname}"
"Notification_ControllerConfigActivated_Text3" "Edit it from the Big Picture
"Notification_LowBattery" "{d:BatteryTime} minutes of battery left"

"Notification_VirtualHere" "VirtualHere"
"Notification_PurchaseVirtualHere" "Available in the Steam Store for USB

"Notification_Controller_Player_Number_Title" "Controller Switched Slots"

"Notification_Controller_Player_Number_Changed1" "{s:controller}"
"Notification_Controller_Player_Number_Changed2" "is Now Player
"Notification_NetworkStateChange" "Network state changed"
"Friends_GroupEvent_NowStarting" "has event starting"

"Friends_GroupEvent_NewEventScheduled" "has scheduled an event"

"Friends_GroupEvent_NewAccouncement" "has posted an announcement"

"Friends_Header_Recent" "Recent Chats"

"Friends_Header_Online" "Online"
"Friends_Header_Offline" "Offline"
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Title" "Uninstall?"
"Steam_DeleteCacheConfirmation_Text" "{s:gamename} will remain in
your Library, but to play it in the future you'll have to download it again."
"Steam_DeleteApplicationConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all
{s:gamename} content from this computer.\n\nThe application will remain in your
Library, but to run it in the future you'll have to download its content again."
"Steam_DeleteFreeCacheConfirmation_Text" "This will delete all
{s:gamename} content from this computer."
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Title" "Steam - Cannot delete
"Steam_CantDeleteCache_Info" "Cannot delete {s:gamename}, since
its data is used by the following games: {s:dependantgames}"
"Steam_CantDeleteAppItsRunning_Info" "Cannot delete {s:gamename},
since it's currently running. Please close {s:gamename} before attempting to
delete it."
"SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Title" "Steam - Uninstall failed"
"SteamUI_SecuROM_Revoke_Error_Text" "Uninstalling this application
requires an internet connection."
"SteamUI_OldClient_Title" "Out of date"
"SteamUI_OldClient" "Your client needs to be updated to run this game."
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Title" "Windows Parental Control"
"SteamUI_ParentalControl_Blocked" "Game blocked for current user by Windows
Parental Control."
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform_Title" "Game Unavailable"
"SteamUI_WrongPlatform" "{s:gamename} is not available on your current
"SteamUI_Game_Requires_NTFS" "Game requires NTFS"
"SteamUI_GameRequires_NTFS_Detail" "The game you are installing requires a
drive with the NTFS file system and cannot be installed on a FAT32 filesystem."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady" "This game is not ready to be
played in offline mode."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_GameNotReady_Title" "Game unavailable"

"Steam_Preload_GameNotReady_Title" "Not Yet Available"

"Steam_Preload_GameNotReady" "This game is not yet released. It will be
unlocked\nand available for play on its official release day."

"Steam_RunGame_Title_Error" "Error"
"Steam_RunGame_AnotherGameIsBeingRan" "Cannot run game. You currently
have another game launch in progress, please wait until that is complete."
"Steam_RunGame_Title_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "Steam Content System"
"Steam_RunGame_ConvertingToSteam3Content" "This game is being
converted to Steam's new content system"
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Title" "Error"
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Info" "{s:gamename} is a mod, and requires you to own
a version of the base game."
"Steam_ModNeedsFullGame_Button" "Get more info"
"Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Title" "Purchase pending"
"Steam_ErrorPurchasePending_Info" "Your purchase is still being processed -
Steam will notify you when the transaction has been completed.\nUntil then, this
game is not available to play."
"Steam_Media_GenericFailure" "Failed to add media to
"Steam_Media_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough
available disk space to play this. Please free up some space and then try again."
"Steam_SteamErrorTitle" "Error"
"Steam_MediaAdded_Title" "Success"
"Steam_MediaAdded_Info" "{s:media} has been added to
your Steam media library."
"SteamUI_OfflineMode_Title" "Offline Mode"
"Steam_CannotInstallInOfflineMode" "Steam must be in online mode to
install games."
"SteamUI_DownloadsDisabled_Title" "Downloads Disabled"
"Steam_CannotInstallDownloadsDisabled" "Games cannot be installed when
downloads are disabled."
"Steam_RegionRestricted_Title" "Game unavailable"
"Steam_RegionRestrictedPurchase_Info" "This game was
activated with a product code that is valid only in a specific geographic region.
Since you are not currently in that region, {s:gamename} is not available to play."
"Steam_CannotInstallApp_Title" "Error"
"Steam_CannotInstallApp_Info" "Steam failed to install {s:gamename}
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Title" "Error"
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace" "You do not have enough
available disk space to install this game. Please free up some space and then try
"Steam_ErrorNotEnoughDiskSpace_Manage" "MANAGE DISK SPACE"
"Steam_InstallAborted_Title" "Error"
"Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoInfo" "This game cannot be installed."
"Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppUnreleased" "{s:game} cannot be installed yet,
because it is not yet released."
"Steam_InstallAborted_InfoAppNoDemo" "{s:game} cannot be
installed, because it is a demo, and you own the full version of the product.
Please install the full version of the game."

"Steam_NoContentServers_Info" "No Steam content servers are currently

configured to deliver content for this game.\nThis will be corrected soon. Please
try again in a few minutes."
"Steam_App_Install_Failed_Title" "Error"
"Steam_App_Install_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while installing
{s:game} ({s:reason})"
"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Title" "Error"
"Steam_App_Update_Failed_Text" "An error occurred while updating
{s:game} ({s:reason})."
"Steam_App_LegacyKey_Denied_Title" "Steam - Warning"
"Steam_App_LegacyKey_Denied_Text" "Some or all content of \"{s:game}\" is
only available by connecting to a third-party service.\nThe original owner must
have registered with this service to access this content."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Title" "Error"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_DataRequestFailed_Text" "The Steam servers are too busy
to handle your request for {s:game}. Error Code ({d:error})."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Title" "Error"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestFailed_Text" "Failed to contact key server"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KeyRequestPending_Text" "Key request pending"
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ContinueLaunch" "Continue launch"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Title" "Error"
"Steam_NoLongerOwnsGame_Info" "{s:game} is no longer available for
"Steam_UnknownErrorLaunchingMedia" "Unknown error launching media."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_ErrorTitle" "Error"
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerVersion" "Can't launch {s:game}
because Windows Media Player is version [{s:detectedVersion}], but version
[{s:requiredVersion}] is required to play the media.\nPlease install the latest
version of Windows Media Player."
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalled" "Can't launch {s:game}
because Windows Media Player is not installed.\nPlease install the latest version
of Windows Media Player from"
"SteamUI_CantRunMediaDueToMediaPlayerNotInstalledOSX" "Can't launch
{s:game} because Windows Media Components for QuickTime are not installed.\nPlease
install the latest version of Windows Media Components for QuickTime."
"Steam_ErrorCantStartGame" "This game is currently unavailable.\nPlease try
again at another time."
"Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDetailed" "Failed to start game ({s:error})."
"Steam_ErrorCantStartGameDependency" "Failed to start game with shared
content. Please update these games first:\n\n {s:dependencies}"
"Steam_ErrorCantStartGameLink" "Help"
"Steam_ContentServersBusy_Title" "Error"
"Steam_ContentServersBusy_Info" "The Steam servers are currently
too busy to handle your request.\nPlease try again in a few minutes."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay1" "Preparing to launch {s:game}."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay2" "Preparing to launch {s:game}.."
"SteamUI_JoinDialog_PreparingToPlay3" "Preparing to launch {s:game}..."
"JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_Title" "Update Available"
"JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_Text" "An update for
{s:game} is available. Would you like to launch it now, or download the update
"JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_LaunchNow" "Launch Now"
"JoinDialog_UpdateAvailable_WaitForUpdate" "Download the
"Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Title" "Shortcut launch failed"
"Steam_LaunchShortcutFailed_Info" "Failed to launch {s:game}."
"Steam_ErrorCantStartVRGame" "Failed to start {s:game} in VR. (Error:
"Steam_WaitingForVRAppQuit" "Waiting for VR application to quit..."
"SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Title" "License Expired"
"SteamUI_LicenseExpired_Body" "Your license for {s:game} has expired."
"Steam_AppUpdateError_0" "no error"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_1" "unknown error"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_2" "update paused"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_3" "update canceled"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_4" "update suspended"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_5" "no licenses"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_6" "no internet connection"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_7" "connection time out"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_8" "content still encrypted"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_9" "missing app configuration"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_10" "disk read error"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_11" "disk write error"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_12" "not enough disk space"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_13" "corrupt content files"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_14" "waiting for install disc"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_15" "invalid install path"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_16" "app already running"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_17" "missing shared content"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_18" "not installed"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_19" "update required"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_20" "busy"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_21" "content servers unreachable"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_22" "invalid app config"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_23" "invalid depot config"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_24" "missing content manifest"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_25" "app not released"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_26" "region restricted"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_27" "corrupt content cache"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_28" "missing executable"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_29" "invalid platform"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_30" "unsupported filesystem"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_31" "corrupt update files"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_32" "downloads disabled"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_33" "shared library locked"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_34" "pending license"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_35" "other session playing"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_36" "corrupt download"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_44" "no licenses available"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_45" "parental control blocked"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_46" "create process failed"
"Steam_AppUpdateError_47" "Steam client outdated"

"Friends_Tab_Friends" "FRIENDS"
"Friends_Tab_Groups" "GROUPS"
"Friends_Tab_Players" "PLAYERS"
"Friends_Tab_Invites" "INVITES"
"Friends_ChatWith_X" "Chat with\n{s:chatfriendname}"
"Friends_Chat_FriendName" "{s:chatfriendname}"
"Friends_Chat_FriendStatus" "{s:chatfriendstatus}"
"Friends_Chat_FriendStatusDetail" "{s:chatfriendstatusdetail}"
"Friends_GroupChatWith_X" "Group chat with\n{s:chatfriendname}"
"Friends_Chat_StartVoiceChat" "START VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_AcceptVoiceChat" "ACCEPT VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_DeclineVoiceChat" "DECLINE VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_HoldVoiceChat" "HOLD VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_ResumeVoiceChat" "RESUME VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_EndVoiceChat" "END VOICE CHAT"
"Friends_Chat_X_IsTyping" "{s:chatfriendname} is typing..."
"Friends_Chat_LastMessage" "Last message {t:t:chatlastmsgtime}"
"Friends_Chat_Send" "SEND"
"Friends_Chat_Join" "JOIN"
"Friends_Chat_InFriendsUI" "Chat is temporarily unavailable in Big Picture
mode. Please use the desktop version of Steam to chat."
"Friends_Chat_PersonaStatusChange" "{s:chatfriendname} is now
"Friends_Chat_ShowKeyboard" "Show Keyboard"
"Friends_Chat_Back" "Back"
"Friends_DontGiveOutPassword" "Never tell your password to anyone."
"Friends_Indicator_Chat" "Chat"
"Friends_Indicator_VoiceChat" "Voice Chat"
"Friends_Indicator_VoiceChatDialing" "Dialing..."
"Friends_Indicator_VoiceChatRinging" "Voice Chat Request"
"Friends_Indicator_VoiceChatOnHold" "Voice Chat On Hold"
"Friends_Indicator_GameInvite" "Game Invite"
"Friends_Indicator_FriendRequest" "Friend Request"
"Friends_Indicator_GroupRequest" "Group Request"
"Friends_Footer_More" "MORE"
"Friends_Footer_ViewAllInvites" "VIEW ALL INVITES"
"Friends_Footer_SendMessage" "CHAT"
"Friends_Footer_JoinGroupChat" "JOIN CHAT"
"Friends_Footer_LeaveGroupChat" "LEAVE CHAT"
"Friends_Footer_Search" "SEARCH"
"Friends_Footer_ClearSearch" "CLEAR"
"Friends_Footer_CommunitySearch" "SEARCH ON COMMUNITY"
"Friends_Footer_Accept_Invite" "ACCEPT GAME INVITE"
"Friends_Search_Hint" "search"
"Friends_Search_CommunitySearch" "Search for \"{s:search}\" on the Steam
"friends_search_submit_partial" "Filter Friends view by
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_SendMessage" "Send Message"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatStart" "Start Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatAccept" "Accept Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatReject" "Decline Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatHold" "Hold Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatResume" "Resume Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_VoiceChatEnd" "End Voice Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_JoinGroupChat" "Join Group Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_LeaveGroupChat" "Leave Group Chat"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_LeaveGroup" "Leave Group"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_InviteToGame" "Invite to Game"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_ViewSteamProfile" "View Steam Profile"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_LaunchGame" "Launch {s:gamename}"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_InviteToGroup" "Invite to Group"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_InviteToTrade" "Invite to Trade"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_TagAs" "Tag as..."
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_ViewAliases" "View Aliases"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_BlockAllCommunication""Block All
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_RemoveFriend" "Remove Friend"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_RemoveGroup" "Remove Group"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_WatchGame" "Watch Game"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_InviteToWatch" "Invite to Watch"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat1_Game1_Online1" "{i:numfriendsinchat} In Chat,
{i:numfriendsingame} In-Game, {i:numfriendsonline} Online"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat1_Game1_Online0" "{i:numfriendsinchat} In Chat,
{i:numfriendsingame} In-Game"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat1_Game0_Online1" "{i:numfriendsinchat} In Chat,
{i:numfriendsonline} Online"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat1_Game0_Online0" "{i:numfriendsinchat} In Chat"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat0_Game1_Online1" "{i:numfriendsingame} In-Game,
{i:numfriendsonline} Online"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat0_Game1_Online0" "{i:numfriendsingame} In-Game"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat0_Game0_Online1" "{i:numfriendsonline} Online"
"Friends_ClanStatus_Chat0_Game0_Online0" ""
"Friends_AddFriend_Instructions" "Select to add a friend"
"Friends_JoinGroup_Instructions" "Select to join a group"
"Friends_AddFriend" "ADD FRIEND"
"Friends_AddFriendTitle" "Add a Friend"
"Friends_AddGroupTitle" "Add a Group"
"Friends_AddFriendDesc" "Enter the player name, account name,
real name, email address or profile URL name of the person you're looking for."
"Friends_AddGroupDesc" "Enter the group name or profile URL name
of the group you're looking for."
"Friends_AddFriend_OK" "OK"
"Friends_AddFriend_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Title" "Remove Friend"
"Friends_RemoveFriend_Body" "Are you sure you want to remove
{s:personaname}{s:nickname} as a friend?\n\n(You can add them again later using Add
"Friends_RemoveFriend_OkButton" "REMOVE"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_JoinGame""Join Game"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_IgnoreJoinGame""Ignore Game Invite"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_AcceptFriendship" "Accept Friend Invite"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_IgnoreFriendship" "Ignore Friend Invite"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_AcceptGroupInvite" "Accept Group Invite"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_IgnoreGroupInvite" "Ignore Group Invite"
"Friends_ProfileDetails_Action_BlockFriendship" "Block Friend Invites"
"Friends_FriendsActions" "Friends"
"Friends_SetPersonaStatus" "Set Status"
"Friends_SetPersona_OfflineMsg" "Cannot connect to Steam, Persona
State is not currently editable."
"Friends_PersonaOffline" "Offline"
"Friends_PersonaOnline" "Online"
"Friends_PersonaAway" "Away"
"Friends_PersonaBusy" "Busy"
"Friends_PersonaLookingToPlay" "Looking to Play"
"Friends_PersonaLookingToTrade" "Looking to Trade"
"Friends_View" "View"
"Friends_FriendsOnly" "Friends Only"
"Friends_AllFriendsAndRequests" "Friends and Requests"
"Friends_OnlineFriendsOnly" "Online Friends Only"
"Friends_ChangeProfileName" "Change Profile Name"
"Friends_EditProfile" "Edit Profile..."
"Friends_ViewFullProfile" "View Full Profile"
"Friends_AddFriendAction" "Add a Friend..."
"Friends_FriendsActionsFooter" "ACTIONS"
"Friends_ChooseURL" "Open URL in browser"
"Friends_ChooseURL_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"Friends_PressRightStickForURLs" "To navigate links, press RS"
"Friends_DoInviteToLobby" "INVITE"
"Friends_InviteToLobby" "Invite Friends"
"Friends_CloseInviteLobbyDialog" "CLOSE"
"Friends_InviteToLobbyFooter" "INVITE"
"Friends_InviteToLobbySent" "INVITE SENT"
"Friends_InviteToLobby_Offline" "You have no Friends online who are
eligible to Invite"

"Friends_InviteToWatchTitle" "Invite To Watch"

"Friends_InviteToWatchSent" "INVITE SENT"

"Community_Home_Title" "Community"
"Community_Market_Title" "Market"
"Community_Workshop_Title" "Workshop"
"Friend_Activity_Title" "Friend Activity"

"Community_Friends_InGame_Count" "{i:numfriendsingame} FRIENDS IN-GAME"

"Community_Friends_MoreOnline_Count" "{i:numfriendsonline} MORE ONLINE"
"Community_Friends_JustOnline_Count" "{i:numfriendsonline} FRIENDS
"Community_Friends_Offline_Count" "{i:numfriendsoffline} FRIENDS"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed" "ACTIVITY FEED"

"Friends_Chat_Fail_LocalUserOffline" "Cannot send message because you

are offline."
"Friends_Chat_Fail_FriendUserOffline" "Cannot send message, user is
"Friends_Chat_SendOfflineMessage" "{s:chatfriendname} is currently offline,
they will receieve your message the next time they log in."

"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_NoOthers" "NO OTHER PEOPLE VOICE CHATTING"

"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_OneOther" "1 OTHER PERSON VOICE CHATTING"
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_ManyOthers" "{i:UsersInVoiceChat} OTHER PEOPLE

"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_Dialing" "DIALING..."
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_Ringing" "VOICE CHAT REQUEST"
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_Waiting" "VOICE CHAT ON HOLD"
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_LocalHold" "YOU HAVE PUT THIS VOICE CHAT ON
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_RemoteHold" "YOUR FRIEND PUT THIS VOICE CHAT ON
"Friends_UsersInVoiceChat_InCall" "VOICE CHAT IN PROGRESS"

"Friends_Menu_Friends" "Friends"
"Friends_Menu_Groups" "Groups"
"Friends_Menu_Invites" "Invites <span
"Friends_Menu_Search_Friend""Search Friends"
"Friends_Menu_Add_Friend" "Add Friend"
"Friends_Menu_Search_Group" "Join Group"

"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewSteamProfile" "View Steam Profile"

"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_MoreOnA" "More on {s:subject_a}"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewFriendsListA" "View {s:subject_a}'s
Friends List"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewGroupsListA" "View {s:subject_a}'s
Groups List"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewWishListA" "View {s:subject_a}'s
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewGameStore" "View Game Store Page"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewGameHub" "View Game Hub"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewGroupProfile" "View Group's Steam
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewRecommendation" "View Recommendation"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewScreenshot" "View Screenshot"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewScreenshots" "View Screenshots"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewVideo" "Watch Video"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewVideos" "Watch Videos"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewAnnouncement" "View Announcement"
"Community_Friends_ActivityFeed_ViewEventDetails" "View Event Details"

"10ft_Friends_online" "Online"
"10ft_Friends_away" "Away"
"10ft_Friends_busy" "Busy"
"10ft_Friends_snooze" "Snooze"
"10ft_Friends_offline" "Offline"
"10ft_Friends_lookingtotrade" "Looking to Trade"
"10ft_Friends_lookingtoplay" "Looking to Play"
"10ft_Friends_mobile_device_only" "{s:personastate} on Mobile Device"
"10ft_Friends_mobile_device_extra" "{s:personastate}, Mobile"
"10ft_Friends_InGame" "In-Game"
"10ft_Friends_InMod" "In-Mod"
"10ft_Friends_InShortcut" "In non-Steam game"

"10ft_Friends_Chat_FriendStateChanged" "is now


"10ft_chat_entered" "{s:participant} entered chat."

"10ft_chat_left" "{s:participant} left chat."
"10ft_chat_disconnected" "{s:participant} disconnected."
"10ft_chat_kicked" "{s:participant} was kicked by
"10ft_chat_banned" "{s:participant} was banned by
"Gamepad_DPad" "DPAD" // 4-way
directional pad
"Gamepad_Up" "UP"
"Gamepad_Down" "DOWN"
"Gamepad_Left" "LEFT"
"Gamepad_Right" "RIGHT"
"Gamepad_Start" "START"
"Gamepad_Back" "BACK"
"Gamepad_Stick1" "LS" // click left stick
"Gamepad_Stick2" "RS" // click right stick
"Gamepad_A" "A"
"Gamepad_B" "B"
"Gamepad_X" "X"
"Gamepad_Y" "Y"
"Gamepad_LB" "LB" // shoulder button
"Gamepad_RB" "RB" // shoulder button
"Gamepad_LT" "LT" // trigger
"Gamepad_RT" "RT" // trigger
"Gamepad_LStick" "LS" // left stick directional
"Gamepad_RStick" "RS" // right stick directional
"Gamepad_Guide" "Home"

"Steampad_LPad" "LPAD"
"Steampad_RPad" "RPAD"
"Steampad_LT" "LT"
"Steampad_RT" "RT"
"Steampad_LB" "LB"
"Steampad_RB" "RB"
"Steampad_LBack" "LBACK"
"Steampad_RBack" "RBACK"
"Steampad_Guide" "Home"
"Steampad_Select" "SELECT"
"Steampad_Start" "START"
"Steampad_A" "A"
"Steampad_B" "B"
"Steampad_X" "X"
"Steampad_Y" "Y"
"Steampad_Touch0" "BUTTON1"
"Steampad_Touch1" "BUTTON2"
"Steampad_Touch2" "BUTTON3"
"Steampad_Touch3" "BUTTON4"

"Gamepad_Square" "Square"
"Gamepad_Circle" "Circle"
"Gamepad_Triangle" "Triangle"

"Web_Favorite_Name" "Favorite Name"

"Web_Back" "Back"
"Web_Forward" "Forward"
"Web_AddFavorite" "Add To Favorites"
"Web_Top" "Top"
"Web_Add" "Add"
"Web_WebBrowser" "GO TO WEB"
"Web_Favorite" "FAVORITES"
"Web_ZoomCaps" "ZOOM"
"Web_Zoom" "Zoom"
"Web_Select" "SELECT"
"Web_NewTabCaps" "NEW TAB"
"Web_UrlEdit" "MORE"
"Web_MoveTab" "TABS"
"Web_UrlGo" "GO"
"Web_Reload" "Reload"
"Web_CloseTab" "Close Tab"
"Web_CloseTabCaps" "CLOSE TAB"
"Web_Edit" "Edit URL or Search"
"Web_Frequent" "HISTORY"
"Web_Current" "CURRENT"
"Web_AddTab" "New Tab"
"Web_EmptyTab" "Empty Tab"
"Web_DeleteHistory_Title" "DELETE HISTORY"
"Web_DeleteHistory_Text" "Do you want to clear all your browsing history?"
"Web_ClearHistory" "CLEAR HISTORY"
"Web_DeleteFavorite" "DELETE FAVORITE"
"Web_CopyURL" "Copy URL to Clipboard"
"Web_DeleteFavorite_Title" "DELETE FAVORITE"
"Web_DeleteFavorite_Text" "Do you want to delete this favorite?"
"Web_RecentLabel" "RECENT"
"Web_FrequentLabel" "FREQUENT"
"Web_OpenInNewTab" "Open in New Tab"
"Web_FullScreen_Exit" "EXIT FULLSCREEN"
"Web_FullScreen_PlayPause" "PLAY/PAUSE"
"Web_FormSubmit" "SUBMIT"
"WebBrowser_Next" "NEXT"
"Web_NextTab" "NEXT TAB"
"Web_Previous" "PREV TAB"
"Web_TabPosition" "TAB {i:currenttab} of {i:opentabs}"

"cef_error_title" "Error"
"cef_error_header" "Error Code"
"cef_cachemiss" "Your form request has expired. Click reload to re-submit the
form data."
"cef_badurl" "Unable to load URL, bad hostname or format"
"cef_connectionproblem" "Unable to connect to server. Server may be offline
or you may not be connected to the internet."
"cef_proxyconnectionproblem" "Unable to connect to HTTP Proxy. Your proxy may
be misconfigured or offline."
"cef_unknown" "Failed to load web page (unknown error)."

"Movie_Playing" "Playing"
"Movie_FastFoward" "{i:playback_speed}x fast-forward"
"Movie_Rewind" "{i:playback_speed}x rewind"
"Movie_Auto" "Auto"
"Movie_Auto_Resolution" "Auto({s:resolution})"

"TextInput_CAPS" "CAPS"
"TextInput_EnteredText" "Entered text"

"Downloads_Title" "Downloads"
"Downloads_Amount" "Downloading"
"Downloads_TimeRemain" "Completion time"
"Downloads_CurrentRate" "CURRENT"
"Downloads_CurrentRate2" "Current rate"
"Downloads_PeakRate" "Peak rate"
"Downloads_TotalDownload" "Total"
"Downloads_Pause" "PAUSE"
"Downloads_Resume" "RESUME"
"Downloads_PauseAll" "PAUSE ALL"
"Downloads_ResumeAll" "RESUME ALL"
"Downloads_ViewInLibrary" "VIEW IN LIBRARY"
"Downloads_ViewSettings" "VIEW SETTINGS"
"Downloads_Remove" "REMOVE"
"Downloads_MoveToTop" "DOWNLOAD NOW"

"Downloads_QueuedTitel" "{i:downloadsqueued} downloads queued"

"Downloads_DeferredTitel" "{i:downloadsdeferred} downloads scheduled"
"Downloads_PausedTitel" "{i:downloadspaused} downloads paused"
"Downloads_FinishedTitel" "{i:downloadscomplete} downloads finished"
"Downloads_Summary" "Download Summary"

"Downloads_AmountValue" "{s:downloadamount}"
"Downloads_TimeRemainValue" "{t:r:t:downloadtime}"
"Downloads_CurrentRateValue" "{s:downloadrate}"
"Downloads_Percent" "{s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Downloading" "DOWNLOADING"
"Downloads_Paused" "DOWNLOADS PAUSED"

"Downloads_ItemTitle" "{s:downloadtitle}"
"Downloads_ItemStatus" "{s:downloadstatus}"
"Downloads_ItemError" "{s:downloaderror}"
"Downloads_ItemsPaused" "{i:downloadspaused} ITEMS QUEUED"
"Downloads_ItemPaused" "1 ITEM QUEUED"
"Downloads_ItemsComplete" "{i:downloadscomplete} OF
{i:downloadstotal} ITEMS COMPLETE"
"Downloads_ItemComplete" "1 ITEM COMPLETE"

"Downloads_Summary_TotalAmount" "Total : {s:downloadamount}"

"Downloads_Summary_PeakRate" "Peak : {s:downloadpeakrate}"
"Downloads_Summary_CurrentRate" "Current : {s:downloadrate}"
"Downloads_Summary_Settings_btn" "Downloads Settings"

"Downloads_None" "No downloads in progress"

"Downloads_Status_installing" "Installing {s:downloadpercent}"

"Downloads_Status_starting" "Starting"
"Downloads_Status_verifying" "Verifying {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_validating" "Validating {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_preallocating" "Preallocating {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_stopping" "Stopping"
"Downloads_Status_uninstalling" "Uninstalling"
"Downloads_Status_running" "Running"
"Downloads_Status_updating" "Updating {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_downloading" "Downloading {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_preloading" "Preloading {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_unpacking" "Unpacking {s:downloadpercent}"
"Downloads_Status_paused" "Paused"
"Downloads_Status_queued" "In Queue"
"Downloads_Status_ready" "Ready to Play"
"Downloads_Status_not_installed" "Not Installed"
"Downloads_Status_application_ready" "Ready to Launch"
"Downloads_Status_preloaded" "Pre-load complete"
"Downloads_Status_finished" "Download finished at {t:t:downloadfinished}"
"Downloads_Status_deferred" "Download scheduled at {t:t:downloadstart}"
"Downloads_Status_locked" "All licenses are in use for this product"

"Quit_LabelStreamingClient0" "{s:streamingclient0}"
"Quit_LabelStreamingClient1" "{s:streamingclient1}"
"Quit_LabelStreamingClient2" "{s:streamingclient2}"
"Quit_LabelStreamingClient3" "{s:streamingclient3}"
"Quit_LabelStreamingServer" "{s:streamingserver}"
"Quit_StopStreaming" "Stop Remote Play"
"Quit_StopStreamingAndSuspendClient0" "Turn Off
"Quit_StopStreamingAndSuspendClient1" "Turn Off
"Quit_StopStreamingAndSuspendClient2" "Turn Off
"Quit_StopStreamingAndSuspendClient3" "Turn Off
"Quit_MinimizeBigPicture" "Minimize Big Picture"
"Quit_QuitBigPicture" "Exit Big Picture"
"Quit_ExitBigPicture" "Return to Desktop"
"Quit_EnterSteamOSDesktop" "Switch to Desktop mode"
"Quit_ExitSteam" "Exit Steam"
"Quit_ExitGame" "Close application..."
"Quit_ChangeUser" "Log Out User"
"Quit_Settings" "Settings"
"Quit_GoOffline" "Go Offline..."
"Quit_GoOnline" "Go Online..."
"Quit_Shutdown" "Turn Off System"
"Quit_Restart" "Restart System"
"Quit_Sleep" "Suspend System"
"Quit_TurnOffController" "Turn Off Controller"
"Quit_SwitchToHDMIInput" "Switch to HDMI Input"
"Quit_ZeroTracker" "Reset Seated Position"

"OOBE_WelcomeTitle" "Welcome to Steam"

"OOBE_LanguageSelect" "What language should we use?"
"OOBE_NetworkSettings_Title" "Network Settings"
"OOBE_NetworkSettings_Description" "View your basic network information and
set up connections"
"OOBE_Eula_Title" "End User License Agreement"
"OOBE_Eula_IAgree" "I AGREE"
"OOBE_DisplaySettings_Title" "Display"
"OOBE_DisplaySettings_Description" "Please adjust image size to fit your
"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_Title" "Almost done..."
"OOBE_CheckForUpdates" "Setup is almost complete! As a final
step, we're checking to make sure your system is up-to-date."

"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_AlreadyCurrent" "You're up-to-date and ready

to go. Your Steam Machine setup is now complete."
"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_UpdateAvailable" "There's a newer version of
Steam available. You can download and install the update now, or download and
install it automatically the next time you turn on your Steam Machine."

"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_Finish" "RUN STEAM NOW"

"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_RestartInstallNow" "DOWNLOAD AND INSTALL NOW"
"OOBE_CheckForUpdates_Shutdown" "SHUTDOWN"

"DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Title" "Want to play this game?"

"DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Text" "This game belongs to Steam user {s:owner}.
Would you like to request access to {s:owner}'s games on this device?"
"DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Purchase" "I'D RATHER BUY IT..."
"DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Request" "REQUEST ACCESS..."
"DeviceAuth_ChooseDialog_Cancel" "Cancel"

"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Title" "Family Library Sharing Request"

"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_To" "To {s:owner}"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_From" "Thanks,\n{s:user}"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Text" "Hi {s:owner}, would you share access to your
Steam library on this computer?"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Description" "Please name this computer"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_Send" "SEND REQUEST"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_SendOK" "We’ve discovered the owner has already
authorized this device for game sharing. You’re all set."
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_SendPending" "Your email request has been sent.
Here’s hoping your wish will be granted soon!"
"DeviceAuth_RequestDialog_SendError" "Failed to send authorization

"DeviceAuth_Authorized_Notification" "{s:owner}'s games are now available for

you to play on this computer."
"DeviceAuth_Deauthorized_Notification" "{s:owner} has revoked sharing here.
Some games may now be unavailable."
"DeviceAuth_StopPlaying_Notification" "Hey, {s:owner} needs this shared gamed
back! You have {s:minutes} minutes of playtime remaining..."
"DeviceAuth_SharedLibraryAvaliable_Notification" "Hooray, {s:owner}'s shared
games are now available for you to play..."

"DeviceAuth_StoppedSharedGame_Title" "Shared Library Warning"

"DeviceAuth_StoppedSharedGame_Text" "Steam terminated \"{s:game}\" because
{s:owner} is currently using this game library."

"Settings_ManageDevices_Item" " "

"Settings_ManageDevices_Name" "DEVICE NAME"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Time" "LAST ACCESSED"
"Settings_ManageDevices_User" "BY STEAM USER"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Time_Entry" "{t:l:access_date}"
"Settings_ManageDevices_This_Computer" "This computer*"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Not_Authorized" "Not yet authorized"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Not_Accessed" "Authorized, not yet accessed"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Authorize" "AUTHORIZE"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Remove" "DEAUTHORIZE"

"Settings_ManageDeviceAuth_Text" "You have authorized the following

computers to share your library through Family Library Sharing. You may have up to
10 authorized devices at a given time, including this computer."
"Settings_ManageDevices_Title" "Family Library Sharing"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Authorization_Failed" "Device authorization failed
"Settings_ManageDevices_Deauthorization_Failed" "Device deauthorization
failed ({s:reason})"
"Settings_ManageDevices_Get_Devices_Failed" "Failed to get authorized devices
"Settings_ManageDevices" "Manage Devices"

"SettingsAccount_ManageDeviceAuth" "Manage Family Library Sharing"

"Settings_Family_Sharing_Title" "Family Library Sharing"

"Settings_Family_Sharing_ManageSharing" "Manage other computers..."
"Settings_Family_Sharing_StateAuthorized" "This computer is currently
authorized by you for Family Library Sharing.\nSelected accounts can use your game
library while logged in here."
"Settings_Family_Sharing_StateNotAuthorized" "Authorizing this computer for
Family Library Sharing will allow selected accounts to use your game library here
while you are not playing."
"Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeDevice" "Authorize this computer"
"Settings_Family_Sharing_DeauthorizeDevice" "Deauthorize this computer"
"Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizeError" "Failed to authorized computer
"Settings_Family_Sharing_DeauthorizeError" "Failed to deauthorized computer
"Settings_Family_Sharing_UpdateBorrowers" "Update borrowers"
"Settings_Family_Sharing_No_SteamGuard" "Steam Guard is required to enable
Family Library Sharing"
"Settings_Family_Sharing_TooManyBorrowers" "You can only authorize up to 5
"Settings_Family_Sharing_BorrowerError" "Failed to update borrower
"Settings_Family_Sharing_AuthorizedBorrower" "Authorized accounts"
"Settings_Family_Sharing_List_Empty" "No other local accounts found."
"Settings_Family_Sharing_Borrowers" "Select up to 5 people who may use your
game library on your authorized computers. The following users have previously
logged into Steam on one or more of your shared computers."

"Settings_RemoteClients_Title" "Remote Play"

"Settings_RemoteClients_Description" "Stream gameplay from your computer to
other devices.\nTo connect, simply log into this same Steam account on another
computer, or choose \"Other Computer\" on your Steam Link."
"Settings_RemoteClients_StreamActiveIntro" "Steam is currently being
controlled by another device on your local network."
"Settings_RemoteClients_StreamActiveDeviceName" "Remote client device name:
"Settings_RemoteClients_StreamActiveSettings" "Any changes to the settings
below will take effect immediately. Client settings will be stored on the remote
client device."
"Settings_RemoteClients_DeviceName" "DEVICE NAME"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Status" "STATUS"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableStreaming" "Enable Remote Play"
"Settings_RemoteClients_UnsupportedPlatform" "Hosting is not currently
supported on this platform"
"Settings_RemoteClients_HostLabel" "Host options"
"Settings_RemoteClients_HostPlayAudioAlways" "Play audio on host"
"Settings_RemoteClients_ClientLabel" "Client options"
"Settings_RemoteClients_QualityFast" "Fast"
"Settings_RemoteClients_QualityBalanced" "Balanced"
"Settings_RemoteClients_QualityBeautiful" "Beautiful"
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedHostOptions" "Advanced Host Options"
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedHostOptions_Title" "Advanced Host Options"
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedHostOptions_Description" "The quality of your
streaming experience might be improved by enabling or disabling the options listed
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedClientOptions" "Advanced Client Options"
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedClientOptions_Title" "Advanced Client
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedClientOptions_DescriptionLocal" "To improve
performance streaming to this computer, try reducing your game's resolution or
adjusting the following settings."
"Settings_RemoteClients_AdvancedClientOptions_DescriptionRemote" "To improve
performance streaming to {s:streamingclient}, try reducing your game's resolution
or adjusting the following settings."
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableCaptureNVFBC" "Use NVFBC capture on NVIDIA GPU"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableHardwareEncoding" "Enable hardware encoding"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableHardwareEncodingNVIDIA" "Enable hardware
encoding on NVIDIA GPU"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableHardwareEncodingAMD" "Enable hardware encoding
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableHardwareEncodingIntel" "Enable hardware
encoding on Intel iGPU"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableHardwareDecoding" "Enable hardware decoding"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableTrafficPriority" "Prioritize network traffic"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableTrafficPriority_Description" "If you have a
newer or high-end router, you might also turn on network traffic prioritization."
"Settings_RemoteClients_PerformanceOverlay" "Performance Overlay"
"Settings_RemoteClients_PerformanceOverlayDisabled" "Disabled"
"Settings_RemoteClients_PerformanceOverlayIcons" "Icons"
"Settings_RemoteClients_PerformanceOverlayDetails" "Details"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth" "Limit bandwidth to"
"Settings_RemoteClients_BandwidthAuto" "Automatic (recommended)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth3000" "3 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth5000" "5 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth10000" "10 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth15000" "15 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth20000" "20 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth25000" "25 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth30000" "30 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Bandwidth50000" "50 MBit/s"
"Settings_RemoteClients_BandwidthUnlimited" "Unlimited (increases
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution" "Limit resolution to"
"Settings_RemoteClients_ResolutionDesktop" "Display resolution"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution2160p" "3840x2160 (2160p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution1440p" "2560x1440 (1440p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution1080p" "1920x1080 (1080p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution900p" "1600x900 (900p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Resolution480p" "852x480 (480p)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads" "Number of software
encoding threads"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_0" "Automatic"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_1" "1"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_2" "2"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_3" "3"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_4" "4"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_5" "5"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_6" "6"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_7" "7"
"Settings_RemoteClients_SoftwareEncodingThreads_8" "8"
"Settings_RemoteClients_P2PScope" "Allow Direct Connection (IP sharing)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_P2PScope_Disabled" "Disabled"
"Settings_RemoteClients_P2PScope_OnlyMe" "My Devices"
"Settings_RemoteClients_P2PScope_Everyone" "All Devices"
"Settings_RemoteClients_ChangeDesktopResolution" "Change desktop resolution
to match streaming client"
"Settings_RemoteClients_DynamicallyAdjustResolution" "Dynamically adjust
capture resolution to improve performance"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannelSelect" "Speaker configuration"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannelAuto" "Auto Detect"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannelAuto_Channels" "Auto Detect
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel2" "Stereo"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel4" "Quadraphonic (2 front, 2
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel6" "5.1 Surround"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min2" "Stereo"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min4" "Quadraphonic"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_AudioChannel_Min6" "5.1"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkey" "Controller
Overlay button (hold to activate)"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyAuto" "Default
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyStart" "Start
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyBack" "Back
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyGuide" "Guide
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyY""Y Button"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Streaming_ControllerOverlayHotkeyNone" "Disabled"
"Settings_RemoteClients_EnableTouchController" "Enable Touch Controls"
"Settings_RemoteClients_StreamingSupport" "View support info"

"Settings_RemoteClients_Connected" "Computer connected"

"Settings_RemoteClients_Paired" "Device paired"
"Settings_RemoteClients_DifferentUser" "Different user logged in"
"Settings_RemoteClients_DifferentVersion" "Different client version"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Disabled" "Streaming disabled"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Unsupported" "Computer connected"
"Settings_RemoteClients_Disconnected" "Not connected"

"Steam_AllowGameLaunch_Info" "{s:gamename} is attempting to launch with the

optional parameters shown below.\n<br><br><span
class=\"GameLaunchWarningColor\">\"{s:arguments}\"</span><br><br>If you did not
request this launch or do not understand these options, select Cancel."
"Steam_AllowGameLaunch_Title" "Allow game launch?"

"Steam_SiteLicense_LockedDetail_Title" "Site License Error"

"Steam_SiteLicense_LockedDetail" "There are currently no licenses
available for this product. Check back later for availability or notify the local

"Steam_Parental_GameBlocked_Title" "Family View"

"Steam_Parental_GameBlocked" "This game is unavailable in Family

"Parental_Unlock" "SELECT"
"Parental_Lock" "OK"
"Parental_Unlock2" "OK"
"Parental_Unlock3" "VIEW ALL"
"Parental_Recovery" "FORGOT PIN?"
"Parental_Lock2" "OK"
"Parental_Select" "SELECT"
"Parental_CurrentMode" "THIS IS"
"Parental_CurrentMode_Unlocked" "THIS IS NOT"
"Parental_Unlocked" "FAMILY VIEW"
"Parental_Locked" "FAMILY VIEW"
"Parental_EnterPIN" "Enter your PIN below to exit Family View."
"Parental_UnlockFailureTitle" "Family View"
"Parental_UnlockFailure" "Nice try. Please enter the correct PIN."
"Parental_UnlockFailureExceeded" "Too many failed attempts. Please restart
Steam to try again."
"Parental_UnlockFailureExceededSteamOS" "Too many failed attempts. Please
restart your computer to try again."
"Parental_Recovery_Title" "Recovery Email Sent"
"Parental_Recovery_Text" "We've just sent a message
from Steam Support to your recovery address at {s:email}. Check your email now and
click the link within the message to disable Family View on this account."
"Parental_No_Recovery_Email_Title" "No Recovery Email Address"
"Parental_No_Recovery_Email_Text" "No recovery email address is set
for your account. To update your recovery email address, please exit Family View
and rerun Family View setup."
"Parental_LockTitle" "Family View"
"Parental_LockPrompt" "Please confirm you want to return to Family View."
"Parental_LockedPanel" "This isn't available while in Family View."
"Parental_SelectToEnter" "Select to change"
"Parental_SelectToAccess" "Select to view"
"Parental_SelectToLock" "Select to change"
"Parental_MoreGames" "View More"
"Parental_AddToUnblockedGames" "Add to Family Games"
"Parental_RemoveFromUnblockedGames" "Remove from Family Games"
"Parent_Mode" "Family View"
"Parental_Settings_Title" "Family View"
"Parental_Inbox_Lock" "Enable Family View"

"Parental_Intro1" "Whether a Steam account is your own or a

family member's, Family View can be used to limit access to the features you
choose. A PIN is then used to exit Family View and access these features."
"Parental_Intro2" "Step through these settings to create a
Family View for your account."

"Parental_Choose_Features" "Which content and

features would you like your account to be able to access while in Family View?"
"Parental_Library_Heading" "Library"
"Parental_Store_Heading" "Store"
"Parental_Community_Heading" "Community"
"Parental_Friends_Heading" "Friends"
"Parental_Profile_Heading" "Profile"
"Parental_Library_Features" "Library content"
"Parental_Web_Features" "Online content & features"

"Parental_No_Library" "Only games I choose"

"Parental_All_Library" "All games"
"Parental_All_Store" "Steam store"
"Parental_All_Community" "Community-generated content"
"Parental_All_Friends" "Friends, chat, and groups"
"Parental_All_Profile" "My online profile, screenshots, and

"Parental_Set_Big_Switch" "Use Family View with this account"

"Parental_Choose_Apps" "Choose the games you want to be
accessible while in Family View."

"Parental_Set_Recovery1" "To assist if your Family View PIN is

lost or forgotten, please configure an email address to be used for PIN recovery."
"Parental_Set_Recovery2" "This should be the email address of the
account holder, as anyone with access to this email account can disable Family View
without knowledge of the PIN."
"Parental_Enter_RecoveryEmail" "Enter Recovery Email"

"Parental_Set_PIN" "Now create a 4-digit PIN for your

account. This PIN will be required to exit Family View, as well as edit these
settings in the future, so you may want to jot it down and keep it in a safe
"Parental_Enter_PIN" "Create your PIN"
"Parental_Reenter_PIN" "Re-enter your PIN"

"Parental_Set_EnableCode" "To enable Family View for your account,

please enter the secret code that has been sent to this account's email address"
"Parental_Enter_EnableCode" "Secret Code"
"Parental_Wrong_EnableCode" "Sorry, your secret code did not match.
Please recheck your email and try again."

"Parental_Set_Fail_Unknown" "An unknown error occurred while trying

to set up Family View. Please wait a moment and try again. (Error code:
"Parental_Set_Fail_Timeout" "Your computer is either currently unable
to reach the Steam servers, or the service may be temporarily disabled. Please try
again later."
"Parental_Set_Fail_TryAgain" "TRY AGAIN"

"Parental_Set_Success_Title" "Family View is now enabled!"

"Parental_Set_Success_Instr" "To enter or exit Family View, select this icon
at the top of Steam's main menu, then enter your PIN."
"Parental_Set_Success_FamilyMode" "Family View"
"Parental_Set_Success_ParentMode" "Not Family View"
"Parental_Set_Success_ModifyTitle" "Modifying these settings"
"Parental_Set_Success_ModifyInstr" "Any protected content and features
require your PIN before becoming accessible. To change these settings, return to
this settings panel."
"Parental_Set_Success_AddGamesTitle" "Modifying your list of Family
"Parental_Set_Success_AddGameInstr" "Any items added to your library will
automatically be excluded from your list of Family Games until you add them. To add
or remove an item, either return to these settings or visit the game's Links & More
panel in your library, where you can then elect to add or remove it from the list."
"Parental_Set_Success_CommTitle" "Account-related communications"
"Parental_Set_Success_Comm" "Note: {s:email} receives all
communications regarding account and purchase details."
"Parental_Set_Success_CommInstr" "To change this address, please step
through the \"Change contact email address\" wizard found in Account Settings."

"Parental_Disable_Success_Title" "Family View is now disabled"

"Parental_Disable_Success_Instr" "To re-enable Family View at any time,
return to these settings."

"Parental_DisableTitle" "Disable Family View"

"Parental_DisablePrompt" "Are you sure you want to disable the Family
View associated with this account?"
"Parental_Disable" "DISABLE"
"Parental_Disable_Cancel" "CANCEL"

"SiteLicense_LockTitle" "Restricted Usage"

"SiteLicense_LockInfo" "The network operator has added restrictions on
Steam usage. Some functionality may be unavailable while running from this

"GoOnline_Header" "YOU ARE"

"GoOnline_CurrentMode" "OFFLINE"
"GoOnline_Footer" "SELECT TO CHANGE"

"GoOnline_Prompt_Title" "Go Online"

"GoOnline_Prompt_Info" "Do you want to go online? This will require
Steam to restart."
"GoOnline_Prompt_YesButton" "RESTART ONLINE"

"GoOffline_Prompt_Title" "Go Offline"

"GoOffline_Prompt_Info" "Do you want to go offline? This will require
Steam to restart."
"GoOffline_Prompt_YesButton" "RESTART OFFLINE"

"Settings_TimeZone" "Time Zone"

"SettingsTimeZone_Intro" "What is the current time zone for this
"SettingsTimeZone_Region" "Region"
"SettingsTimeZone_Apply" "APPLY"

"OOBE_TimeZoneSettings_Title" "Time Zone"

"OOBE_TimeZoneSettings_Description" "What is the current time zone for this

"Settings_Interface" "Interface"
"SettingsSteamOS_EnableDesktop" "Enable access to the Linux desktop"
"SettingsSteamOS_DesktopWarningTitle" "Warning"
"SettingsSteamOS_DesktopWarningBody" "Enabling Desktop Mode lets you take
full control of your machine and change system behavior in unsupported ways.\n\nAre
you sure you want to proceed?"
"SettingsInterface_SteamClientCheckForUpdates" "Check for updates"
"SettingsInterface_SteamClientChecking" "Checking"
"SettingsInterface_SteamClientUpdatePending" "Restart to update"
"SettingsInterface_SteamClientUpdateDownloading" "Downloading"
"SettingsInterface_SteamClientUpdateDesc" "Steam client updates"
"SettingsInterface_EnableScreenSaver" "Enable Screen Saver"
"SettingsInterface_OfflineModeShortcutsEnable" "Enable Offline Mode
"SettingsInterface_Search_Google" "Google"
"SettingsInterface_Search_Bing" "Bing"
"SettingsInterface_Search_Custom" "Custom (Advanced)"
"SettingsInterface_SearchProvider" "Default search engine:"
"SettingsInterface_SearchProvider_Custom" "Enter URL:"
"SettingsInterface_TouchMode" "Enable touch interface mode"

"Overlay_EnterGameText" "Enter text to send to the game"

"Overlay_OpenKeyboard" "Open Keyboard"
"Overlay_HowToClose" "Return to {s:apptype}"

"SettingsInterface_SteamOSCheckForUpdatesDesc" "{s:steamosversion} update

"SettingsInterface_SteamOSCheckForUpdates" "Check for SteamOS updates"
"SettingsInterface_SteamOSCheckForUpdatesTitle" "SteamOS version"

"MainMenu_NewSteamOSUpdate" "Restart to Update {s:osname}"

"MainMenu_RestartForSteamOSUpdate_Title" "Restart {s:osname}"
"MainMenu_RestartForSteamOSUpdate" "{s:osname} updates are available. Would
you like to restart to update now?\n\nThe update will take a few minutes; do not
manually power off the system."

"MainMenu_PromptForAlienwareDeepSleepDisable" "Enable Remote Power On"

"MainMenu_PromptForAlienwareDeepSleepDisable_Title" "Remote Power On"
"MainMenu_PromptForAlienwareDeepSleepDisable_Message""Your system supports
Remote Power On using the Steam Controller.\n\nDo you want to enable it now?\n"

"Overlay_AsyncNotificatoinsRequestedDialog_Title" "Allow notifications?"

"Overlay_AsyncNotificatoinsRequestedDialog_Allow" "Allow notifications"
"Overlay_AsyncNotificatoinsRequestedDialog_Disallow" "Disallow"
"Overlay_AsyncNotificatoinsRequestedDialog_Desc" "This game supports
asynchronous gameplay, allowing you to close the game between your turns. Would you
like to receive notifications in the Steam client when it is your turn?"

"Overlay_QuitApp_Title" "Close Application"

"Overlay_QuitApp_Desc" "Unsaved data will be lost."
"Overlay_QuitApp_QuitAnyway" "CLOSE"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalTimeout_SteamOS" "Steam is having difficulty exiting
the current game. Would you like to restart your machine?"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalTimeout_Default" "Steam is having difficulty exiting
the current game. Would you like to keep trying?"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalOK_SteamOS" "YES, RESTART"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalOK_Default" "YES, KEEP TRYING"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalCancel_SteamOS" "NO, KEEP TRYING"
"Overlay_QuitApp_FatalCancel_Default" "NO, GIVE UP"

"FileSelector_Footer_Select" "SELECT"
"FileSelector_Footer_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"FileSelector_Footer_OpenDirectory" "OPEN"
"FileSelector_Footer_Done" "CHOOSE"
"FileSelector_SelectFile" "Select File"
"FileSelector_SelectDirectory" "Select Directory"
"FileSelector_Up" "Go Back"
"FileSelector_NewDirectory" "Create New Folder"
"FileSelector_Select" "Select"
"FileSelector_DefaultComputername" "Computer"
"FileSelector_NoPreview" "No Preview"

"MusicAlbum_Album" "Album"
"MusicAlbum_Artist" "Artist"
"MusicAlbum_Play" "Play Track"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Album" "Play Album"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Tracks" "Play Tracks"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Next" "Play Next"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Tracks_Next" "Play Tracks Next"
"MusicAlbum_Add_To_Queue" "Add to Queue"
"MusicAlbum_Add_To_Playlist" "Add to Playlist"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Track_Subsequent" "Play Subsequent Tracks"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Next_Subsequent" "Play Subsequent Next"
"MusicAlbum_Add_To_Queue_Subsequent" "Add Subsequent to Queue"
"MusicAlbum_Add_Tracks_To_Queue" "Add to Queue"
"MusicAlbum_Show_In_System" "View in System"
"MusicAlbum_Refresh_Album" "Refresh Album"
"MusicAlbum_Play_Track" "Play Track"
"MusicAlbum_Refresh_Track" "Refresh Track"
"MusicAlbum_Footer_More" "MORE"
"MusicAlbum_Footer_Play" "PLAY"
"MusicAlbum_And_Other_Artists" "and other artists"
"MusicAlbum_Show_Entire_Album" "View Entire Album"
"MusicArtist_Play" "Play Artist"
"MusicArtist_Play_Next" "Play Next"
"MusicArtist_Add_To_Queue" "Add to Queue"
"MusicArtist_Add_To_Playlist" "Add to Playlist"
"MusicArtist_All_Play" "Play Artist"
"MusicArtist_All_Play_Next" "Play Artist Next"
"MusicArtist_All_Add_To_Queue" "Add Artist to Queue"
"MusicPlaylist_Title" "Title"
"MusicPlaylist_Play_Playlist" "Play Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Play_PlaylistItem" "Play Track"
"MusicPlaylist_Play" "Play Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Play_Next" "Play Next"
"MusicPlaylist_Add_To_Queue" "Add to Queue"
"MusicPlaylist_Move_Begin" "Move to Top"
"MusicPlaylist_Move_Up" "Move Up"
"MusicPlaylist_Move_Down" "Move Down"
"MusicPlaylist_Move_End" "Move to Bottom"
"MusicPlaylist_Delete" "Delete Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Delete_Header" "Delete Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Delete_Text" "Are you sure you want to delete
'{s:PlaylistName}' ?"
"MusicPlaylist_Delete_Yes" "Yes"
"MusicPlaylist_Delete_Cancel" "Cancel"
"MusicPlaylist_Rename" "Rename Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Rename_Text" "Rename this Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Rename_OK" "OK"
"MusicPlaylist_Rename_Cancel" "Cancel"
"MusicPlaylist_Rename_Accept" "ACCEPT"
"MusicPlaylist_Add" "Create New Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Add_Text" "Create Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Add_OK" "OK"
"MusicPlaylist_Add_Cancel" "Cancel"
"MusicPlaylist_Add_Accept" "ADD"
"MusicPlaylist_Library_Add_Playlist" "Add Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Defaultname" "Playlist"
"MusicPlaylist_Footer_More" "MORE"
"MusicPlaylist_Footer_Play" "PLAY"
"MusicPlaylist_RemoveTracks" "Delete All Tracks"
"MusicPlaylist_RemoveTracks_Header" "Delete All Tracks"
"MusicPlaylist_RemoveTracks_Text" "Are you sure you want to remove all tracks
from '{s:PlaylistName}' ?"
"MusicPlaylist_RemoveTracks_Yes" "Yes"
"MusicPlaylist_RemoveTracks_Cancel" "Cancel"
"MusicPlaylistItem_Move_Begin" "Move to Top"
"MusicPlaylistItem_Move_Up" "Move Up"
"MusicPlaylistItem_Move_Down" "Move Down"
"MusicPlaylistItem_Move_End" "Move to Bottom"
"MusicPlaylistItem_Delete" "Remove Track"
"MusicPlaylistItem_DeleteAll" "Remove All Tracks"
"MusicPlaylist_Select" "SELECT"
"MusicPlaylist_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"MusicPlaylist_Select_NewPlaylist" "Create New Playlist"

"Music_TracksInfo_NoTracks" "No tracks"

"Music_TracksInfo_OneTrack" "1 track / {s:TracksDuration}"
"Music_TracksInfo_MultipleTracks" "{i:TracksCount} tracks /
"Music_Control_Music" "MUSIC"
"Music_Control_System" "SYSTEM"
"Music_Control_Browse_Music" "Browse Music"
"Music_Control_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Remove Track from Queue"
"Music_Control_Show_Track_In_System" "View Track In System"
"Music_Control_Show_Album_In_UI" "View Album"
"Music_Control_Browse_Queue" "View Entire Queue"
"Music_Control_Clear_Queue" "Clear Queue"
"Music_Control_Create_Playlist_From_Queue" "Create Playlist"
"Music_Control_Track_Time" "{s:track_current_time} / {s:track_total_time}"

"Music_Transport_Browse_Music" "Browse Music"

"Music_Transport_View_Queue" "View Queue"
"Music_Transport_X_Of_Y" "{i:CurrentQueueEntry} of {i:QueueCount} -
"Music_Transport_X_Tracks" "{i:QueueCount} tracks - {s:QueueDuration}"
"Music_Transport_X_Track" "{i:QueueCount} track - {s:QueueDuration}"
"Music_Transport_No_Tracks" ""
"Music_Transport_Footer_Pause" "PAUSE"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Play" "PLAY"
"Music_Transport_Footer_More" "MORE"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Repeat" "REPEAT"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Shuffle" "SHUFFLE"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Previous" "PREVIOUS"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Next" "NEXT"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Browse_Music" "BROWSE MUSIC"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Now_Playing" "VIEW NOW PLAYING"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Volume" "VOLUME"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Seek" "SEEK"
"Music_Transport_Footer_Done" "DONE"
"Music_Transport_Footer_PlayPause" "PLAY / PAUSE"

"Music_Library_Setup" "Music Library Setup"

"Music_Library_Header" "Music"
"Music_Library_Albums_Sort" "Albums by Artist"
"Music_Library_AlbumsTitle_Sort" "Albums by Title"
"Music_Library_Artists_Sort" "Artists"
"Music_Library_Playlist_Sort" "Playlists"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header" "Building your Music library"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Directories" "Directories"
"Music_Library_Crawling_DirectoryCount" "{i:DirectoriesCheckedCount}"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Albums" "Albums"
"Music_Library_Crawling_AlbumCount" "{i:AlbumCount}"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Tracks" "Tracks"
"Music_Library_Crawling_TrackCount" "{i:TrackCount}"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Album_Header" "Scanning Album"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Album_Not_Possible_Label" "... is not possible,
because your Music library is still being built."
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header_DeletedAlbums_ProgressGathering" "Gathering
albums no longer available"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header_DeletedAlbums_ProgressDeleting" "Removing
albums no longer available"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header_DeletedArtists_ProgressGathering" "Gathering
artists no longer available"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header_DeletedArtists_ProgressDeleting" "Removing
artists no longer available"
"Music_Library_Crawling_Header_DuplicateAlbums_Progress" "Removing duplicate
"Music_Library_Search" "SEARCH"
"Music_Library_Select_Album" "SELECT"

"Music_Library_Setup_Menu_Label" "Add Music Library..."

"Music_Library_Setup_Title" "Library Setup"
"Music_Library_Setup_Text" "Which directories would you like to include in
your Steam Music library?"
"Music_Library_Setup_Add_Label" "Add a directory..."
"Music_Library_Setup_Add_ButtonLabel" "+"
"Music_Library_Setup_Entry_ButtonLabel" "-"
"Music_Library_Setup_Select_To_Add_Library" "Select to Add Library"
"Music_Library_Setup_Marked_For_Removal" "Directory marked for removal"
"Music_Library_Setup_Mark_For_Removal" " "
"Music_Library_Setup_Footer_Done" "DONE"
"Music_Library_Setup_Footer_Cancel" "CANCEL"
"Music_Library_Setup_Footer_Select" "SELECT"
"Music_Library_Setup_Footer_RemoveFromList" "REMOVE FROM LIST"
"Music_Library_Setup_Footer_BuildLibrary" "BUILD LIBRARY"

"Music_Library_Select_Directory_Header" "Music Library"

"Music_Library_Select_Directory_Text" "Select a directory in which you
store music."
"Music_Library_Footer_More" "SELECT"
"Music_Library_Footer_Play" "PLAY"
"Music_Library_Footer_ContextMenu" "MORE"
"Music_Library_Footer_Cancel_Crawling" "STOP"

"Music_Albums_Grid_Title" "Albums"
"Music_Artists_Grid_Title" "Artists"
"Music_Playlists_Grid_Title" "Playlists"
"Music_Album_View_Title" "Album"
"Music_Playlist_View_Title" "Playlist"

"Music_Now_Playing_Title" "NOW PLAYING"

"Music_Now_Playing_Track_Name" "{s:now_playing_trackname}"
"Music_Now_Playing_Artist" "{s:now_playing_artist}"

"Music_Artist_Grid_ArtistName" "{s:artistname}"
"Music_Artist_Grid_ArtistAlbumCount" "( {d:albumcount} Albums,
{d:trackcount} Tracks )"

"Music_Playlist_Grid_ArtistName" "{s:playlistname}"
"Music_Playlist_Grid_Duration_Plural" "{d:trackcount} Tracks, duration
"Music_Playlist_Grid_Duration" "1 Track, duration

"Music_Artist_Grid_RowCount_plural_plural" "( {d:albumcount} Albums,

{d:trackcount} Tracks )"
"Music_Artist_Grid_RowCount_single_plural" "( 1 Album, {d:trackcount}
Tracks )"
"Music_Artist_Grid_RowCount_single_single" "( 1 Album, 1 Track )"

"Music_Queue_X_Of_Y" "{i:CurrentQueueEntry} of {i:QueueCount}"

"Music_Queue_X_Tracks" "{i:QueueCount} tracks"
"Music_Queue_Is_Empty" "The queue is empty"
"Music_Queue_Browse_Music" "Browse Music"
"Music_Queue_Remove_Track_From_Queue" "Remove Track from Queue"
"Music_Queue_Clear_Queue" "Clear Queue"
"Music_Queue_Create_Playlist_From_Queue" "Create Playlist"
"Music_Queue_Footer_Play" "PLAY"
"Music_Queue_Footer_More" "MORE"
"Music_Queue_Footer_Done" "DONE"

"Music_Settings_Header" "Music"
"Music_Settings_Database_Header" "Database"
"Music_Settings_Crawl_At_Startup" "Scan at startup"
"Music_Settings_CrawlSteamInstallFolders" "Scan Steam folders for
"Music_Settings_Building_MusicLibrary" "Building the Music Library"
"Music_Settings_No_Album_Available" "No albums available."
"Music_Settings_One_Album_Available" "One album available with {i:TrackCount}
"Music_Settings_X_Albums_With_Y_Tracks" "{i:AlbumCount} albums available
with {i:TrackCount} tracks"
"Music_Settings_Stop_Crawling_Header" "Stop Building Local Music Database"
"Music_Settings_Stop_Crawling_Text" "Are you sure you want to stop building
the library?"
"Music_Settings_Stop_Crawling_Yes" "Yes"
"Music_Settings_Stop_Crawling_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Music_Settings_Reset_Database_Header" "Reset Local Music Database"
"Music_Settings_Reset_Database_Text" "Are you sure you want to reset the
music database?"
"Music_Settings_Reset_Database_Yes" "Yes"
"Music_Settings_Reset_Database_Cancel" "Cancel"

"Music_Settings_Reset_Database" "Reset database"

"Music_Settings_Stop_Scanning" "Stop Scanning"
"Music_Settings_Setup_Music_Library" "Setup music library"
"Music_Settings_Audio_Header" "Volume"
"Music_Settings_Music_Volume" "Music"
"Music_Settings_Notification_Header" "Notifications"
"Music_Settings_Playlist_Now_Playing" "Display when a new track begins"
"Music_Settings_Music_Notifications_In_Overlay" "Hide music notifications in
the overlay"
"Music_Settings_Logging_Header" "Logging"
"Music_Settings_Logging_Crawling" "Save scanning activity log"
"Music_Settings_Pause_Music_Header" "Pause Music"
"Music_Settings_Pause_On_Start_An_Application" "When starting an
"Music_Settings_Pause_On_Incoming_Voice_Chat" "When a voice chat call comes
"Music_Settings_Pause_On_Initiating_Voice_Chat" "When starting a voice chat"
"Music_Settings_Pause_On_Voice_Chat" "When voice chatting"
"Music_Settings_MediaKeysEnabled" "Media Keys"
"Music_Settings_Downloads_Music_Header" "Additional Downloads"
"Music_Settings_Downloads_HighQualityAudio" "High-quality/lossless audio
files (when available)"

"Music_Notification_Now_Playing" "Now playing"

"Music_Notification_Now_Paused" "Now paused"

"Music_Overlay_NowPlaying" "Now Playing"

"Music_Overlay_NoMusicSelected" "No music selected"

"Music_FilterHeader" "Filter Albums"

"KeyboardHeader_AlbumSearch" "Album search"

"Music_Filter_Artists_Header" "Filter Artists"

"Music_Explore_Albums" "Albums"
"Music_Explore_Artists" "Artists"
"Music_Explore_Playlists" "Playlists"

"Music_Explore_Recently_Added" "Recently Added"

"Music_Explore_Recently_Played" "Recently Played"

"Library_Details_OptIntoBeta" "Select Beta..."

"Library_Details_EditLaunchCommandLine" "Set Launch Options..."

"Library_EditCommandLine_CodeLabel" "Recommended for advanced users."

"Library_EditCommandLine_Title" "Launch Options for {s:gamename}"

"Library_EditShortcutName_CodeLabel" "This will change the name that appears

in your library for this shortcut."
"Library_EditShortcutName_Title" "Rename Shortcut for {s:gamename}"

"Library_AddActionSet_Title" "Add Action Set"

"Library_AddActionSet_CodeLabel" "This will add a new set of actions that can
be switched to. \nAll action sets must have a non-empty name."

"Library_AddActionSetLayer_Title" "Add Action Set Layer"

"Library_AddActionSetLayer_CodeLabel" "This will add a new set of actions
that will be layered on top of the existing action set. New modes and bindings
will replace existing ones, but untouched areas will remain."

"Library_ManageActionSet_Title" "Manage Action Sets"

"Library_RenameActionSet_CodeLabel" "Rename this Action Set to a new title.
All action sets must have a non-empty name."

"Library_CursorOnActionSet_CodeLabel" "Action Set to switch to when

cursor is shown"
"Library_CursorOffActionSet_CodeLabel" "Action Set to switch to when
cursor is hidden"

"Library_DeleteActionSet_Title" "Delete Action Set"

"Library_DeleteActionSet_CodeLabel" "Are you sure you want to delete

"Library_SelectActionSet_Title" "Select Action Set"

"Library_SelectActionSet_CodeLabel" "Change to this action set when you press
the button."

"Library_SelectPlayerNumber_Title" "Change Controller Player Number"

"Library_SelectPlayerNumber_Description" "Select the player number you'd like
to change to. Any controller currently in this slot will be swapped with this
"Controller_Player_Number_Setting" "Player Number"

"Library_SelectMousePosition_Title" "Select Cursor Position"

"Library_SelectMousePosition_CodeLabel" "Move Cursor to the desired
position and press the A button to confirm. It is recommended that you bind this
action from within game for easiest positioning. While the position will remain
proportional, different aspect ratios and resolutions may change in-game layouts,
causing variation in precise positioning."
"Library_SelectMousePosition_CodeLabel_Overlay" "Move Cursor to the desired
position and press the A button to confirm."

"Library_SelectMousePosition_Teleport_Title" "Cursor Position Release

"Library_SelectMousePosition_Teleport_CodeLabel" "When releasing the
button, the cursor can return to it's original position or stay in the new
position. Please select your preference."
"Library_SelectMousePosition_Teleport_Yes" "Return to Old Position"
"Library_SelectMousePosition_Teleport_No" "Remain in New Position"

"Library_SelectBeta_CodeLabel" "Select the beta you would like to opt into."

"Library_SelectBeta_Title" "Select Beta"
"Library_SelectBeta_PrivateTitle" "Enter a passcode to unlock private
"Library_SelectBeta_BetaPassword" "PASSCODE"
"Library_SelectBeta_PrivateButton" "CHECK"
"Library_SelectBeta_NoBeta" "There are no public betas for this game."

"Library_SelectBeta_None" "None"

"Library_SelectCategory_Title" "Select categories"

"Library_SelectCategory_CodeLabel" "Select categories for {s:gamename}"
"Library_SelectCategory_CodeLabel_desc" "Select categories that you wish to
apply to {s:gamename}. Categories can then be use to filter when browsing your
"Library_SelectCategory_None" "None"
"Library_SelectCategory_AddCategory" "CREATE NEW CATEGORY..."

"Library_CreateCategory_Title" "Create New Category"

"Library_CreateCategory_CodeLabel" "Enter a new category for {s:gamename}"

"Library_SetAppLanguage_Title" "Select a language"

"Library_SetAppLanguage_Label" "Select a language for {s:gamename}"

"Community_SpoofNotice" "{s:userspoof}"

"Community_Pending_Gift" "New Gift"

"HowToStream_Title" "IN-HOME STREAMING"

"HowToStream_ToStream" "To Stream your {s:apptype}"
"HowToStream_Step1" "Sign in to Steam on your
computer using the same Steam account you are signed in with here
(account \"{s:account}\")."
"HowToStream_Step2" "If you experience trouble
streaming via your wireless network, you may need to connect to your network with a
cable for optimal streaming performance."

"SteamUI_StreamingIntro_Title" "Welcome to Steam Remote Play"

"SteamUI_StreamingIntro" "You are about to run this game on
another computer and play it here using Steam Remote Play."
"SteamUI_StreamingIntro2" "Your experience may vary depending on
your hardware and home network. To improve performance, visit Remote Play
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Title" "Streaming Client Failed"
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed" "The streaming client exited unexpectedly
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Connect" "Couldn't connect to the remote
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Proto" "The versions of Steam installed on the
local and remote computers do not match."
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_Auth" "Authentication failed."
"SteamUI_StreamClient_Failed_DirectX" "Please install the DirectX runtime
from Microsoft's website."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed_Title" "Stream Launch Failed"
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_RequiresUI" "This game launch requires user
intervention.\n\nLaunch manually on the remote computer and then join the stream
from here."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_AccessDenied" "Authentication problem."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Unsupported" "This game currently doesn't support
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_ScreenLocked" "The screen is locked on the remote
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Broadcasting" "The remote computer is currently using
Steam Broadcasting so it cannot start a Remote Play session."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_OtherGameRunning" "There is another game already
running on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Timeout" "Timed out waiting for stream to
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_InstallRequiresUI" "Installation of this game requires
user intervention.\n\nInstall manually on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_Failed" "Unable to launch stream."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_InstallDrivers" "Streaming requires additional
driver installation.\n\nPlease follow the Steam prompts on the remote computer."
"SteamUI_StreamLaunch_TransportUnavailable" "Streaming outside the home
isn't currently available, try again later."

"Steam_InstallAudioCaptureDriver_Title" "Audio Driver Update"

"Steam_InstallAudioCaptureDriver_Text" "Steam needs to update its audio
driver, which may require a system reboot."
"Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_Title" "Gamepad Driver Update"
"Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_Text" "Steam needs to update its gamepad
driver, which may require a system reboot."
"Steam_InstallGamepadInputDriver_RestartText" "You will need to restart
Steam after installing gamepad driver."

"SteamUI_RemoteDeviceAuthorization_Title" "Authorize Device"

"SteamUI_RemoteDeviceAuthorization_Text" "Please enter the
authorization code to allow {s:devicename} to connect and play games."

"Steam_OtherSessionPlaying_Title" "Error - Steam"

"Steam_OtherSessionPlaying_Text" "Your are logged in on another computer
already playing \"{s:existing_app}\".\nLaunching \"{s:launching_app}\" here will
disconnect the other session from Steam."

"SteamUI_JoinDialog_KickSessions_Error" "Failed to disconnect other session

playing \"{s:existing_app}\"."

"Steam_VideoPlayer_Title" "Error - Video Player"

"Steam_VideoPlayer_LaunchError" "There was an error launching the Steam
Video Player"

"Steam_Video360Player_Title" "Error - Steam 360 Video Player"

"Steam_Video360Player_LaunchError" "Playback of a 360 video requires
installation of the Steam 360 Video Player.\n\nYou will need to Exit Big Picture,
then from the Tools section of your Steam Library, double-click the Steam 360 Video
Player to begin the installation."
"Steam_Video360PlayerInstall_Title" "Steam 360 Video Player"
"Steam_Video360PlayerInstall_Message" "Playback of a 360 video requires a
one-time installation of the Steam 360 Video Player.\n\nComplete the installation
then click Watch on a 360 video to begin playback."

"Settings_SteamController" "Steam Controller"

"SettingsSteamController_ResetSettings" "Reset to Defaults"
"SettingsSteamController_ResetSettingsTitle" "Reset Steam Controller
"SettingsSteamController_ResetSettingsConfirm" "This will reset the settings
on this page to default values.\nYour saved bindings will not be affected."
"SettingsSteamController_DoubleTapBeepEnabled" "Enable Beep on Double-Tap"
"SettingsSteamController_TrackballRotationAngle" "Angle Trackpads"
"SettingsSteamController_MouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"SettingsSteamController_MouseAcceleration" "Mouse Acceleration"

"Settings_RemoteControl" "Remote Control"

"SettingsRemoteControl_Title" "Remote Control Access"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Text" "To remote control Steam, a device
needs to be paired. Below, you can find a list of devices you have paired with or
blocked. You may also unpair or unblock any of the devices in this list."
"SettingsRemoteControl_DevicesHeader" "DEVICES"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Enable" "Enable Remote Control"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Item" " "
"SettingsRemoteControl_Name" "DEVICE NAME"
"SettingsRemoteControl_NameUnknown" "Unnamed Device"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Access" "ACCESS"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Time" "LAST ACCESSED"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Time_Entry" "{t:l:access_date}"
"SettingsRemoteControl_TimeUnknown" "Unknown"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Paired" "PAIRED"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Blocked" "BLOCKED"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Unpair" "UNPAIR THIS DEVICE"
"SettingsRemoteControl_Unblock" "UNBLOCK THIS DEVICE"
"SettingsAudio_Steam" "Steam Audio Settings"
"SettingsAudio_Hardware" "System Audio Settings"

"Settings_Broadcast" "Broadcasting"
"Settings_Broadcast_Disabled" "Broadcasting disabled"
"Settings_Broadcast_InviteOnly" "Only friends whom I invite can watch"
"Settings_Broadcast_FriendsApprove" "Friends can request to watch"
"Settings_Broadcast_FriendsAllowed" "Friends can watch"
"Settings_Broadcast_FriendsPublic" "Anyone can watch"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3500" "3500 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate3000" "3000 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2500" "2500 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate2000" "2000 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1500" "1500 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate1000" "1000 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_Bitrate750" "750 kbit/s"
"Settings_Broadcast_1080p" "1920x1080 (1080p)"
"Settings_Broadcast_720p" "1280x720 (720p)"
"Settings_Broadcast_480p" "854x480 (480p)"
"Settings_Broadcast_360p" "640x360 (360p)"
"Settings_Broadcast_IncludeDesktop" "Record my desktop when not in game"
"Settings_Broadcast_RecordMic" "Record and broadcast my microphone"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowDebugInfo" "Show upload stats"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat" "Show viewer's chat in game"
"Settings_Broadcast_PermissionsHeader" "Privacy setting"
"Settings_Broadcast_BitrateHeader" "Maximum Bitrate"
"Settings_Broadcast_DimensionsHeader" "Video Dimensions"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_Off" "Off"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftTop" "Top-left"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightTop" "Top-right"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_RightBottom" "Bottom-right"
"Settings_Broadcast_ShowChat_LeftBottom" "Bottom-left"
"Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System" "Steam Broadcasting is not currently
supported on this operating system."
"Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_System_Windows_Compat_Enabled" "Steam
Broadcasting requires Windows 7 or higher.\n\n Please remove any Windows
compatibility settings for all users\n under file properties for Steam.exe and
restart Steam."
"Settings_Broadcast_Disabled_User" "Your account does not have sufficient
privileges to broadcast live streams."

"Broadcast_Playback" "LIVE"
"Broadcast_SpectatorCount" "{d:NumViewers}"
"Broadcast_RequestCount" "{d:NumRequests}"

"Broadcast_Notification_Header" "VIEWER REQUESTS"

"Broadcast_Notification_Joined_Public" "A user has joined your public
"Broadcast_Notification_Stopped_Public" "All users have stopped watching
your public broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Is_Watching" "is watching your broadcast"
"Broadcast_Notification_Viewer_Request" "would like to watch you play"
"Broadcast_Notification_Viewer_Request_Overlay" "{s:friend}"
"Broadcast_Notification_Accept_Request" "Accept"
"Broadcast_Notification_Ignore_Request" "Ignore"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Title" "Broadcasting is enabled!"
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Friends" "Your friends can join your
broadcast at any time."
"Broadcast_Notification_AvailableToWatch_Public" "Any Steam user can join
your broadcast at any time."

"Broadcast_FirstTime_Title" "Steam Broadcasting"

"Broadcast_FirstTime_Header" "With Steam Broadcasting you can broadcast your
gameplay and watch others play games."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_PermissionHeader" "Your friend {s:persona} would like to
watch you play. What are your broadcasting preferecences?"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_DesktopOnly" "By default, only your game content can be
watched. Your desktop will not be broadcast."
"Broadcast_FirstTime_FAQ" "Read the Steam Broadcasting FAQ"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_OK" "OK"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_Cancel" "Cancel"
"Broadcast_FirstTime_ViewerRequest" "{s:friend} would like to watch you play

"StreamingOverlay_Title" "REMOTE PLAY"

"StreamingOverlay_Status" "Currently streaming from:
"StreamingOverlay_FooterButton" "VIEW REMOTE PLAY STATUS"

"StreamingDetails_Title" "Remote Play Status"

"StreamingDetails_Status" "Host: {s:hostname}\nClient:
{s:clientname}\n{s:streamres} at {s:streamfps} FPS\n{s:streamrate}
kilobit/sec\n\nEncoding delay: {s:latencyencode}\nNetwork delay: {s:latencynetwork}
+/- {s:latencynetworkstddev}\nDecoding delay: {s:latencydecode}\n\nNetwork quality:
"StreamingDetails_ButtonModifySettings" "MODIFY SETTINGS"

"SettingsVoice_VoiceOutputtoInput" "Use for voice output too"

"SettingsAudioConfig_BeginWizard" "Reconfigure Audio"

"SettingsAudio_Port" "Sound Output Port"

"SettingsAudio_Card" "Internal Sound Card and Port"

"SettingsAudio_Card_Information" "This setting determines which sound card
and physical port in your PC or console will be used for sound processing.
Typically there is a built-in sound card on the mother board, but some systems have
an additional discrete sound card that can perform this function. "
"SettingsAudio_Card_ToDo" "Please choose which device you
want to use: "

"SettingsAudio_Profile" "Sound Presentation "

"SettingsAudio_Profile_Information" "This setting allows you to choose how
you want the sound presented. Typically, you may have your sound presented in mono,
stereo, or various flavors of surround sound. "
"SettingsAudio_Profile_ToDo" "Please choose an audio presentation from
the list below: "

"SettingsAudio_Codec" "Digital Passthrough Codecs "

"SettingsAudio_Codec_Information" "If your sound system can handle digital
codecs natively, you may select the native codecs to not be transcoded. The
digital streams encoded in the formats you select below will not be transcoded by
the system. This is used by media applications. You should consult the manual of
your media applications to determine these settings. "
"SettingsAudio_Codec_NoDigital" "No Digital output has been
selected. Please go back and select Digital output to enable these codecs. "
"SettingsAudio_Codec_ToDo" "Please indicate which codecs
should be passed through without transcoding: "

"SettingsVoice_InputPort" "Voice recording port"

"SettingsAudio_AC3" "AC3 Pass-through "

"SettingsAudio_EAC3" "EAC3 Pass-through "
"SettingsAudio_DTS" "DTS Pass-through "
"SettingsAudio_Failed" "Audio settings unavailable. Failed to connect to
audio service. "

"Settings_AlienFX" "Alien FX"

"Settings_AlienFXDescription" "Select the effects to be applied to your
Alienware case lighting zones."
"Settings_AlienFXHeader" "Alien FX"
"Settings_AlienFXBrightness" "Brightness"

"Community_PostStatusFailure" "Sorry, there was an error posting your

"Community_Notifications" "Comment Notifications"
"Community_Achievements" "Achievements"
"Community_FriendsWhoPlay" "Friends Who Play"

"SteamUI_AddController_Title" "Looking for Steam

"SteamUI_AddController_HowToPair" "Please press and hold the X button while
powering on your Steam Controller."

"BigPicture_YouHaveNPendingInvites" "View {d:InviteCount} pending friend


"Screenshots_Screenshots" "SCREENSHOTS"
"Screenshots_Screenshots_lwr" "Screenshots"
"Screenshots_TimeTaken" "{t:l:timetaken}"
"Screenshots_AllGames" "All Games"
"Screenshots_SizeOnDisk" "{s:sizeondisk}"
"Screenshots_NoScreenshots" "You have no saved screenshots. While in-game,
press the shortcut below to take a screenshot. Then you can publish it to the Steam
Community as well as Facebook, Twitter, and other networks."
"Screenshots_KeyboardHeader" "Keyboard shortcut"
"Screenshots_ControllerHeader" "Controller shortcut"
"Screenshots_ViewFullscreen" "VIEW FULLSCREEN"

"Store_LoadingError" "Steam was unable to load the requested store

section. Please try again."

"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Cancel" "NOT NOW"

"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Continue" "UPDATE"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Done" "OK"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Title" "Firmware Update"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmwareComplete_Title" "Firmware Update
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Intro" "There is new firmware available
for your Steam Controller. The update will take up to a minute."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Install" "New firmware is being
installed on the controller.\nPlease do not disconnect the controller.\nThe update
can take up to a minute."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_InstallW" "New firmware is being
installed on the controller.\nPlease do not power off the controller.\nThe update
can take up to a minute."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_InstallAuto" "Retrying firmware
update...\nIf problems persist, try moving the controller closer to its receiver or
connect it with a USB cable."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Finished" "Your Steam Controller
firmware has been updated."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Fallback" "Initiating firmware update."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_SearchForVolume" "Searching for Mass
Storage Bootloader. This can take up to a minute on some systems."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Fallback_Finished" "Your firmware has now
been updated. Please unplug the USB cable to continue."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Failure_fiowrite" "Firmware
update failed: ERROR-fiowrite. Please contact Steam support."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Failure_bin" "Firmware
update failed: ERROR-bin. Please contact Steam support."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Failure_empty" "Firmware
update failed: ERROR-empty. Please contact Steam support."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Failure_platform" "Firmware
update failed: your platform is currently unsupported."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Failure_NoVolume" "Couldn't
find Mass Storage bootloader. Please check your device's usb connection"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_Disconnect" "The Steam Controller
disconnected during the firmware upgrade process. You will have another
opportunity to upgrade the firmware when it is reconnected."
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_WiredUpdate" "Your controller requires a
one-time wired update.\n\nConnect the controller with the USB cable, and the update
will start automatically.\n"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_UpdateTitle" "Controller Firmware Update"
"SteamUI_UpdateControllerFirmware_HardFailure" "Warning: One of your Steam
controllers has been disabled and will not be reconfigured or programmed for games
because its firmware is out of date and Steam was unable to fetch updated firmware
"SteamUI_UpdateDongleFirmware_OutofDate" "ERROR: You're using a Controller
Dongle that is too old. Come get a new one from the Controller Team."
"SteamUI_UpdateDongleFirmware_OutofDateHeader" "Outdated Controller Dongle"

"SteamUI_SystemResetConfirmation_Title" "Restart System"

"SteamUI_SystemResetConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"SteamUI_StreamingSystemResetConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want
to do this?\nIf Steam doesn't start and login automatically at startup you will
need to go log into Steam on your computer after it restarts."
"SteamUI_SystemSuspendConfirmation_Title" "Suspend System"
"SteamUI_SystemSuspendConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want to do this?"
"SteamUI_StreamingSystemSuspendConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want
to do this?\nIf your computer doesn't support Wake On LAN or is on a different
subnet, you will need to manually wake your computer."
"SteamUI_SystemShutdownConfirmation_Title" "Turn Off System"
"SteamUI_SystemShutdownConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want to do
"SteamUI_StreamingSystemShutdownConfirmation_Intro" "Are you sure you want
to do this?\nIf your computer doesn't support Wake On LAN or is on a different
subnet, you will need to manually start your computer and make sure you are logged
into Steam."
"SteamUI_SystemPowerConfirmation_Confirm" "Confirm"
"SteamUI_SystemPowerConfirmation_Cancel" "Cancel"
"SteamUI_QuitBigPicture_Title" "Cannot Exit - Games are Running"
"SteamUI_QuitBigPicture_Intro" "Please quit all games before closing Big
Picture Mode. Force quitting Big Picture Mode will cause Steam features such as
controller support to stop working in currently running games."
"SteamUI_QuitBigPicture_ForceQuit" "Force Quit"

"SteamUI_ConfirmPassword_Select" "SELECT"
"SteamUI_ConfirmPassword_EnterPassword" "Enter your password to continue"
"SteamUI_ConfirmPassword_Password" "SUBMIT"
"SteamUI_ConfirmPassword_FailureTitle" "INCORRECT PASSWORD"
"SteamUI_ConfirmPassword_Failure" "That password is incorrect, please try

"LostAuthenticator_Title" "Reset Authenticator"

"LostAuthenticator_SendingSms_Description" "Since your account has a
phone attached to it, we're sending a confirming SMS code to your phone."

"LostAuthenticator_Password_Description" "Before we can reset your Steam

Guard authenticator, we need your account's password. Please enter it below."
"LostAuthenticator_Password" "Password"
"LostAuthenticator_ShowPassword" "Show Password"
"LostAuthenticator_SmsOrRecoveryCode" "If you remember the code you
were given when you signed up for the Steam Guard authenticator (it looks like an R
followed by some digits) you can use it to reset your authenticator.\n\nOtherwise
we can send an SMS to the phone registered on your account."
"LostAuthenticator_UseRCode" "I remember my sign-up code"
"LostAuthenticator_UseSms" "Send my phone an SMS
"LostAuthenticator_EnterRecoveryCode_Description" "Please enter the
authenticator sign-up code below (it looks like an R followed by some digits)."
"LostAuthenticator_EnterSmsCode_Description" "Please enter the SMS
code we just sent your phone."
"LostAuthenticator_RCode" "Recovery code (looks
like R......)"
"LostAuthenticator_SmsCode" "SMS code"
"LostAuthenticator_Working" "Please wait..."
"LostAuthenticator_Success_Description" "Success! You have removed
the Steam Guard authenticator from your account.\n\nYou should be able to log in
without the authenticator now."
"LostAuthenticator_Error_Description" "Sorry, there was an error
resetting your authenticator."
"LostAuthenticator_IncorrectPassword" "Sorry, the password wasn't
correct. Please try again."

"AccountRecovery_SmsError_Title" "Wups!"
"AccountRecovery_SmsError_Desciption" "Sorry, we had a problem
sending an SMS to your phone."
"AccountRecovery_SmsError_RateLimit" "We've sent too many messages
to your phone, or to your account. Please wait a while before trying again."

// "LostAuthenticator_GetCodes_Description" "Next we need the code that we just

sent you in email, and the code that you were given to write down when you signed
up for the authenticator (it starts with R and ends in some digits)."
// "LostAuthenticator_BadCodesError" "Bad email code or sign-up
code, please try again."
// "LostAuthenticator_Description" "We need some
information to remove the Steam Guard authenticator from your account, starting
with your account name and current password."
// "LostAuthenticator_NextField" "Next"
// "LostAuthenticator_ValidationCode" "Email code"
// "LostAuthenticator_Working" "Working"

"You_Are_Offline" "You are in offline mode"

"You_Are_Offline2" "This content is not
available in offline mode. To exit offline mode and view this content, return to
the main menu and select the Offline button in the top row."
"Community_Offline2" "Community content is not
available in offline mode. To exit offline mode and view community content, return
to the main menu and select the Offline button in the top row."
"Profile_Offline2" "Your profile content is
not available in offline mode. To exit offline mode and view your profile, return
to the main menu and select the Offline button in the top row."

"Panel_Download_Error" "An error occurred"

"Panel_Download_Error2" "An unexpected error has
occurred while retrieving information from Steam."

"Broadcast_ChatJoined" "{s:persona} joined the chat"

"Broadcast_ChatLeft" "{s:persona} left the chat"
"Broadcast_ChatMuted" "{s:persona} muted"

"SettingsInterface_DeleteAllCookies" "Delete all browser cookies"

"SettingsInterface_DeleteTitle" "Delete Cookies"
"SettingsInterface_DeleteMsg" "Clear all Steam browser cookie data?"

"SettingsInterface_ClearWebCache" "Clear browser cache"

"SettingsInterface_ClearWebCacheTitle" "Clear Browser Cache"
"SettingsInterface_ClearWebCacheMsg" "Delete all files in the built-in
web browser cache?"
"SettingsDiskManagement_UnknownApp" "Unknown name"
"Settings_DiskManagement" "Disk Management"
"Settings_DiskManagement_Intro" "The following items are installed on your
local hard drive. To free up disk space, you may choose to delete local content.
Note that deleted items will remain in your Steam Library, but once deleted, they
must be downloaded again in order to play them."
"Settings_DiskManagement_Folder" "Choose library folder "
"Settings_DiskManagement_App" "ITEM"
"Settings_DiskManagement_Size" "SIZE ON DISK"
"Settings_DiskManagement_AppName" "{s:appname}"
"SettingsDiskManagement_Delete_Title" "Delete this item?"
"SettingsDiskManagement_Delete_Description" "Are you sure you want to delete
{s:appname}? To play it in the future you will need to download it again."
"SettingsDiskManagement_ViewInLibrary" "VIEW IN LIBRARY"
"SettingsDiskManagement_DeleteApp" "DELETE"
"SettingsDiskManagement_MakeDefaultFolder" "MAKE DEFAULT FOLDER"
"SettingsDiskManagement_UnknownDisk" "Unknown"
"SettingsDiskManagement_AvailableDisk" "You currently have {s:freehdd} of
available disk space."
"SettingsDiskManagement_IsDefaultFolder" "(Default)"
"Settings_DiskManagement_Select" "SELECT"

"Country_AD" "Andorra"
"Country_AE" "United Arab Emirates"
"Country_AF" "Afghanistan"
"Country_AG" "Antigua & Barbuda"
"Country_AI" "Anguilla"
"Country_AL" "Albania"
"Country_AM" "Armenia"
"Country_AO" "Angola"
"Country_AQ" "Antarctica"
"Country_AR" "Argentina"
"Country_AS" "Samoa (American)"
"Country_AT" "Austria"
"Country_AU" "Australia"
"Country_AW" "Aruba"
"Country_AX" "Aaland Islands"
"Country_AZ" "Azerbaijan"
"Country_BA" "Bosnia & Herzegovina"
"Country_BB" "Barbados"
"Country_BD" "Bangladesh"
"Country_BE" "Belgium"
"Country_BF" "Burkina Faso"
"Country_BG" "Bulgaria"
"Country_BH" "Bahrain"
"Country_BI" "Burundi"
"Country_BJ" "Benin"
"Country_BL" "St Barthelemy"
"Country_BM" "Bermuda"
"Country_BN" "Brunei"
"Country_BO" "Bolivia"
"Country_BQ" "Caribbean Netherlands"
"Country_BR" "Brazil"
"Country_BS" "Bahamas"
"Country_BT" "Bhutan"
"Country_BV" "Bouvet Island"
"Country_BW" "Botswana"
"Country_BY" "Belarus"
"Country_BZ" "Belize"
"Country_CA" "Canada"
"Country_CC" "Cocos (Keeling) Islands"
"Country_CD" "Congo (Dem. Rep.)"
"Country_CF" "Central African Rep."
"Country_CG" "Congo (Rep.)"
"Country_CH" "Switzerland"
"Country_CI" "Cote d'Ivoire"
"Country_CK" "Cook Islands"
"Country_CL" "Chile"
"Country_CM" "Cameroon"
"Country_CN" "China"
"Country_CO" "Colombia"
"Country_CR" "Costa Rica"
"Country_CU" "Cuba"
"Country_CV" "Cape Verde"
"Country_CW" "Curacao"
"Country_CX" "Christmas Island"
"Country_CY" "Cyprus"
"Country_CZ" "Czech Republic"
"Country_DE" "Germany"
"Country_DJ" "Djibouti"
"Country_DK" "Denmark"
"Country_DM" "Dominica"
"Country_DO" "Dominican Republic"
"Country_DZ" "Algeria"
"Country_EC" "Ecuador"
"Country_EE" "Estonia"
"Country_EG" "Egypt"
"Country_EH" "Western Sahara"
"Country_ER" "Eritrea"
"Country_ES" "Spain"
"Country_ET" "Ethiopia"
"Country_FI" "Finland"
"Country_FJ" "Fiji"
"Country_FK" "Falkland Islands"
"Country_FM" "Micronesia"
"Country_FO" "Faroe Islands"
"Country_FR" "France"
"Country_GA" "Gabon"
"Country_GB" "Britain (UK)"
"Country_GD" "Grenada"
"Country_GE" "Georgia"
"Country_GF" "French Guiana"
"Country_GG" "Guernsey"
"Country_GH" "Ghana"
"Country_GI" "Gibraltar"
"Country_GL" "Greenland"
"Country_GM" "Gambia"
"Country_GN" "Guinea"
"Country_GP" "Guadeloupe"
"Country_GQ" "Equatorial Guinea"
"Country_GR" "Greece"
"Country_GS" "South Georgia & the South Sandwich Islands"
"Country_GT" "Guatemala"
"Country_GU" "Guam"
"Country_GW" "Guinea-Bissau"
"Country_GY" "Guyana"
"Country_HK" "Hong Kong"
"Country_HM" "Heard Island & McDonald Islands"
"Country_HN" "Honduras"
"Country_HR" "Croatia"
"Country_HT" "Haiti"
"Country_HU" "Hungary"
"Country_ID" "Indonesia"
"Country_IE" "Ireland"
"Country_IL" "Israel"
"Country_IM" "Isle of Man"
"Country_IN" "India"
"Country_IO" "British Indian Ocean Territory"
"Country_IQ" "Iraq"
"Country_IR" "Iran"
"Country_IS" "Iceland"
"Country_IT" "Italy"
"Country_JE" "Jersey"
"Country_JM" "Jamaica"
"Country_JO" "Jordan"
"Country_JP" "Japan"
"Country_KE" "Kenya"
"Country_KG" "Kyrgyzstan"
"Country_KH" "Cambodia"
"Country_KI" "Kiribati"
"Country_KM" "Comoros"
"Country_KN" "St Kitts & Nevis"
"Country_KP" "Korea (North)"
"Country_KR" "Korea (South)"
"Country_KW" "Kuwait"
"Country_KY" "Cayman Islands"
"Country_KZ" "Kazakhstan"
"Country_LA" "Laos"
"Country_LB" "Lebanon"
"Country_LC" "St Lucia"
"Country_LI" "Liechtenstein"
"Country_LK" "Sri Lanka"
"Country_LR" "Liberia"
"Country_LS" "Lesotho"
"Country_LT" "Lithuania"
"Country_LU" "Luxembourg"
"Country_LV" "Latvia"
"Country_LY" "Libya"
"Country_MA" "Morocco"
"Country_MC" "Monaco"
"Country_MD" "Moldova"
"Country_ME" "Montenegro"
"Country_MF" "St Martin (French part)"
"Country_MG" "Madagascar"
"Country_MH" "Marshall Islands"
"Country_MK" "Macedonia"
"Country_ML" "Mali"
"Country_MM" "Myanmar (Burma)"
"Country_MN" "Mongolia"
"Country_MO" "Macau"
"Country_MP" "Northern Mariana Islands"
"Country_MQ" "Martinique"
"Country_MR" "Mauritania"
"Country_MS" "Montserrat"
"Country_MT" "Malta"
"Country_MU" "Mauritius"
"Country_MV" "Maldives"
"Country_MW" "Malawi"
"Country_MX" "Mexico"
"Country_MY" "Malaysia"
"Country_MZ" "Mozambique"
"Country_NA" "Namibia"
"Country_NC" "New Caledonia"
"Country_NE" "Niger"
"Country_NF" "Norfolk Island"
"Country_NG" "Nigeria"
"Country_NI" "Nicaragua"
"Country_NL" "Netherlands"
"Country_NO" "Norway"
"Country_NP" "Nepal"
"Country_NR" "Nauru"
"Country_NU" "Niue"
"Country_NZ" "New Zealand"
"Country_OM" "Oman"
"Country_PA" "Panama"
"Country_PE" "Peru"
"Country_PF" "French Polynesia"
"Country_PG" "Papua New Guinea"
"Country_PH" "Philippines"
"Country_PK" "Pakistan"
"Country_PL" "Poland"
"Country_PM" "St Pierre & Miquelon"
"Country_PN" "Pitcairn"
"Country_PR" "Puerto Rico"
"Country_PS" "Palestine"
"Country_PT" "Portugal"
"Country_PW" "Palau"
"Country_PY" "Paraguay"
"Country_QA" "Qatar"
"Country_RE" "Reunion"
"Country_RO" "Romania"
"Country_RS" "Serbia"
"Country_RU" "Russia"
"Country_RW" "Rwanda"
"Country_SA" "Saudi Arabia"
"Country_SB" "Solomon Islands"
"Country_SC" "Seychelles"
"Country_SD" "Sudan"
"Country_SE" "Sweden"
"Country_SG" "Singapore"
"Country_SH" "St Helena"
"Country_SI" "Slovenia"
"Country_SJ" "Svalbard & Jan Mayen"
"Country_SK" "Slovakia"
"Country_SL" "Sierra Leone"
"Country_SM" "San Marino"
"Country_SN" "Senegal"
"Country_SO" "Somalia"
"Country_SR" "Suriname"
"Country_SS" "South Sudan"
"Country_ST" "Sao Tome & Principe"
"Country_SV" "El Salvador"
"Country_SX" "St Maarten (Dutch part)"
"Country_SY" "Syria"
"Country_SZ" "Eswatini"
"Country_TC" "Turks & Caicos Is"
"Country_TD" "Chad"
"Country_TF" "French Southern & Antarctic Lands"
"Country_TG" "Togo"
"Country_TH" "Thailand"
"Country_TJ" "Tajikistan"
"Country_TK" "Tokelau"
"Country_TL" "East Timor"
"Country_TM" "Turkmenistan"
"Country_TN" "Tunisia"
"Country_TO" "Tonga"
"Country_TR" "Turkey"
"Country_TT" "Trinidad & Tobago"
"Country_TV" "Tuvalu"
"Country_TW" "Taiwan"
"Country_TZ" "Tanzania"
"Country_UA" "Ukraine"
"Country_UG" "Uganda"
"Country_UM" "US minor outlying islands"
"Country_US" "United States"
"Country_UY" "Uruguay"
"Country_UZ" "Uzbekistan"
"Country_VA" "Vatican City"
"Country_VC" "St Vincent"
"Country_VE" "Venezuela"
"Country_VG" "Virgin Islands (UK)"
"Country_VI" "Virgin Islands (US)"
"Country_VN" "Vietnam"
"Country_VU" "Vanuatu"
"Country_WF" "Wallis & Futuna"
"Country_WS" "Samoa (western)"
"Country_YE" "Yemen"
"Country_YT" "Mayotte"
"Country_ZA" "South Africa"
"Country_ZM" "Zambia"
"Country_ZW" "Zimbabwe"

"Library_DLC_Installed" "INSTALLED"
"Library_DLC_NotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED"
"Library_DLC_GameNotInstalled" "NOT INSTALLED"
"Library_DLC_Install" "INSTALL"
"Library_DLC_UnInstall" "UNINSTALL"
"Library_DLC_Purchase" "PURCHASE"
"Library_DLC_Name" "{s:gamename}"
"Library_DLC_Installed_State" "{s:installed}"
"Library_DLC_ViewInStore" "VIEW ALL IN STORE"
"Library_DLC_Title" "DLC installed <span
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC" "Manage DLC"
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC_Footer" "MANAGE DLC"
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC_Cancel" "Done"
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC_Install" "INSTALL"
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC_Uninstall" "UNINSTALL"
"Library_Details_Manage_DLC_Subtitle" "Select DLC items below to install or

"CDNLoc_default" "default"
"CDNLoc_US___Chicago" "US - Chicago"
"CDNLoc_US___New_York" "US - New York"
"CDNLoc_West_Atlantic" "West Atlantic"
"CDNLoc_UK___London" "UK - London"
"CDNLoc_Germany___Frankfurt" "Germany - Frankfurt"
"CDNLoc_6___Deprecated" "6 - Deprecated"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Moscow" "Russia - Moscow"
"CDNLoc_South_Korea" "South Korea"
"CDNLoc_Taiwan" "Taiwan"
"CDNLoc_US___San_Jose" "US - San Jose"
"CDNLoc_US___Phoenix" "US - Phoenix"
"CDNLoc_US___Miami" "US - Miami"
"CDNLoc_East_Atlantic" "East Atlantic"
"CDNLoc_France___Paris" "France - Paris"
"CDNLoc_Netherlands" "Netherlands"
"CDNLoc_Romania" "Romania"
"CDNLoc_West_Pacific" "West Pacific"
"CDNLoc_East_Pacific" "East Pacific"
"CDNLoc_Asia_To_Australia" "Asia To Australia"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Toronto" "Canada - Toronto"
"CDNLoc_Australia_deprecated" "Australia deprecated"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand" "New Zealand"
"CDNLoc_NA_to_SA" "NA to SA"
"CDNLoc_West_Africa_to_UK" "West Africa to UK"
"CDNLoc_Brazil" "Brazil"
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Johannesburg" "South Africa - Johannesburg"
"CDNLoc_Australia___NSW__Telstra_" "Australia - NSW (Telstra)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___NSW__Internode_" "Australia - NSW (Internode)"
"CDNLoc_Iceland__Greenland__and_Faroe_Islands" "Iceland, Greenland, and
Faroe Islands"
"CDNLoc_Israel" "Israel"
"CDNLoc_US___Seattle" "US - Seattle"
"CDNLoc_Japan" "Japan"
"CDNLoc_China___Hong_Kong" "China - Hong Kong"
"CDNLoc_Thailand" "Thailand"
"CDNLoc_Singapore" "Singapore"
"CDNLoc_India___Mumbai" "India - Mumbai"
"CDNLoc_Italy" "Italy"
"CDNLoc_Poland" "Poland"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Yekaterinburg" "Russia - Yekaterinburg"
"CDNLoc_Spain___Portugal" "Spain & Portugal"
"CDNLoc_Denmark" "Denmark"
"CDNLoc_Czech_Republic" "Czech Republic"
"CDNLoc_Greece" "Greece"
"CDNLoc_Indonesia" "Indonesia"
"CDNLoc_Philippines" "Philippines"
"CDNLoc_China___Beijing" "China - Beijing"
"CDNLoc_China___Shanghai" "China - Shanghai"
"CDNLoc_China___Chengdu" "China - Chengdu"
"CDNLoc_US___Denver" "US - Denver"
"CDNLoc_US___Atlanta" "US - Atlanta"
"CDNLoc_Australia___QLD" "Australia - QLD"
"CDNLoc_Australia___NSW" "Australia - NSW"
"CDNLoc_Australia___VIC" "Australia - VIC"
"CDNLoc_Australia___SA" "Australia - SA"
"CDNLoc_Australia___WA" "Australia - WA"
"CDNLoc_Australia___NSW__3FL_" "Australia - NSW (3FL)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___VIC__Gamespace_" "Australia - VIC (Gamespace)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___SA__Adam_Internet_" "Australia - SA (Adam
"CDNLoc_Australia___SA__Internode_" "Australia - SA (Internode)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___WA__3FL_" "Australia - WA (3FL)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___WA__EGN_" "Australia - WA (EGN)"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Novosibirsk" "Russia - Novosibirsk"
"CDNLoc_US___Washington,_DC" "US - Washington, DC"
"CDNLoc_US___Los_Angeles" "US - Los Angeles"
"CDNLoc_US___Dallas" "US - Dallas"
"CDNLoc_Sweden" "Sweden"
"CDNLoc_Norway" "Norway"
"CDNLoc_Finland" "Finland"
"CDNLoc_Ireland" "Ireland"
"CDNLoc_Cambodia" "Cambodia"
"CDNLoc_Vietnam" "Vietnam"
"CDNLoc_Malaysia" "Malaysia"
"CDNLoc_Ukraine" "Ukraine"
"CDNLoc_US___San_Diego" "US - San Diego"
"CDNLoc_US___Sacramento" "US - Sacramento"
"CDNLoc_US___Minneapolis" "US - Minneapolis"
"CDNLoc_US___St._Louis" "US - St. Louis"
"CDNLoc_US___Houston" "US - Houston"
"CDNLoc_US___Detroit" "US - Detroit"
"CDNLoc_US___Pittsburgh" "US - Pittsburgh"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Montreal" "Canada - Montreal"
"CDNLoc_US___Boston" "US - Boston"
"CDNLoc_US___Philadelphia" "US - Philadelphia"
"CDNLoc_US___Charlotte" "US - Charlotte"
"CDNLoc_UK___Manchester" "UK - Manchester"
"CDNLoc_Belgium" "Belgium"
"CDNLoc_Germany___Dusseldorf" "Germany - Dusseldorf"
"CDNLoc_Switzerland" "Switzerland"
"CDNLoc_Germany___Hamburg" "Germany - Hamburg"
"CDNLoc_Germany___Berlin" "Germany - Berlin"
"CDNLoc_Germany___Munich" "Germany - Munich"
"CDNLoc_Austria" "Austria"
"CDNLoc_Hungary" "Hungary"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Vancouver" "Canada - Vancouver"
"CDNLoc_US___Columbus" "US - Columbus"
"CDNLoc_France___Marseille" "France - Marseille"
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Cape_Town" "South Africa - Cape Town"
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Cape_Town__MWEB_" "South Africa - Cape Town
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Johannesburg__MWEB_" "South Africa -
Johannesburg (MWEB)"
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Cape_Town__Web_Africa_" "South Africa - Cape
Town (Web Africa)"
"CDNLoc_South_Africa___Johannesburg__IS_Gaming_" "South Africa -
Johannesburg (IS Gaming)"
"CDNLoc_LAN_Event__USA_" "LAN Event (USA)"
"CDNLoc_LAN_Event__Europe_" "LAN Event (Europe)"
"CDNLoc_LAN_Event__Asia_" "LAN Event (Asia)"
"CDNLoc_US___Washington,_DC__Comcast_" "US - Washington, DC
"CDNLoc_US___Seattle__Comcast_" "US - Seattle (Comcast)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__Helix_" "New Zealand (Helix)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__Orcon_" "New Zealand (Orcon)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__Slingshot_" "New Zealand (Slingshot)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__snap!_" "New Zealand (snap!)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__TelstraClear_" "New Zealand (TelstraClear)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__InSPire_" "New Zealand (InSPire)"
"CDNLoc_New_Zealand__Xnet_" "New Zealand (Xnet)"
"CDNLoc_MX_to_US" "MX to US"
"CDNLoc_Mexico" "Mexico"
"CDNLoc_Argentina" "Argentina"
"CDNLoc_Chile" "Chile"
"CDNLoc_Peru" "Peru"
"CDNLoc_Colombia" "Colombia"
"CDNLoc_Australia___WA__WAIX_" "Australia - WA (WAIX)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___VIC__VIC_IX_" "Australia - VIC (VIC-IX)"
"CDNLoc_Australia___QLD__QLD_IX_" "Australia - QLD (QLD-IX)"
"CDNLoc_Europe_to_Middle_East" "Europe to Middle East"
"CDNLoc_Turkey" "Turkey"
"CDNLoc_Egypt" "Egypt"
"CDNLoc_Saudi_Arabia" "Saudi Arabia"
"CDNLoc_United_Arab_Emirates" "United Arab Emirates"
"CDNLoc_Pakistan" "Pakistan"
"CDNLoc_Luxembourg" "Luxembourg"
"CDNLoc_West_Africa" "West Africa"
"CDNLoc_East_Africa" "East Africa"
"CDNLoc_Northwest_Africa" "Northwest Africa"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Edmonton" "Canada - Edmonton"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Calgary" "Canada - Calgary"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Winnipeg" "Canada - Winnipeg"
"CDNLoc_Canada___Ottawa" "Canada - Ottawa"
"CDNLoc_China__Perfect_World_Unicom_" "China (Perfect World
"CDNLoc_China__Perfect_World_Telecom_" "China (Perfect World
"CDNLoc_Central_America" "Central America"
"CDNLoc_Caribbean" "Caribbean"
"CDNLoc_India___Chennai" "India - Chennai"
"CDNLoc_India___Delhi" "India - Delhi"
"CDNLoc_India___Bangalore" "India - Bangalore"
"CDNLoc_India___Hyderabad" "India - Hyderabad"
"CDNLoc_India___Kolkata" "India - Kolkata"
"CDNLoc_US___Honolulu" "US - Honolulu"
"CDNLoc_US___Anchorage" "US - Anchorage"
"CDNLoc_China___Guangzhou" "China - Guangzhou"
"CDNLoc_Russia___St._Petersburg" "Russia - St. Petersburg"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Rostov_na_Donu" "Russia - Rostov-na-Donu"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Kazan" "Russia - Kazan"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Vladivostok" "Russia - Vladivostok"
"CDNLoc_Brazil___Recife" "Brazil - Recife"
"CDNLoc_Brazil___Brasilia" "Brazil - Brasilia"
"CDNLoc_Brazil___Rio_de_Janeiro" "Brazil - Rio de Janeiro"
"CDNLoc_Brazil___Porto_Alegre" "Brazil - Porto Alegre"
"CDNLoc_Russia___Irkutsk" "Russia - Irkutsk"
"CDNLoc_Kazakhstan" "Kazakhstan"
"CDNLoc_China___Wuhan" "China - Wuhan"
"CDNLoc_China___Xi'an" "China - Xi'an"
"CDNLoc_Mongolia" "Mongolia"
"CDNLoc_Venezuela" "Venezuela"
"CDNLoc_Ecuador" "Ecuador"
"CDNLoc_Bolivia" "Bolivia"
"CDNLoc_Belarus" "Belarus"
"CDNLoc_Brazil___Sao_Paulo" "Brazil - Sao Paulo"
"CDNLoc_Bulgaria" "Bulgaria"
"CDNLoc_Caucasus" "Caucasus"
"CDNLoc_Central_Asia" "Central Asia"
"CDNLoc_China___Changsha" "China - Changsha"
"CDNLoc_China___Harbin" "China - Harbin"
"CDNLoc_China___Kunming" "China - Kunming"
"CDNLoc_China___Qingdao" "China - Qingdao"
"CDNLoc_China___Urumqi" "China - Urumqi"
"CDNLoc_China___Zhengzhou" "China - Zhengzhou"
"CDNLoc_Croatia" "Croatia"
"CDNLoc_Iceland,_Greenland,_and_Faroe_Islands" "Iceland, Greenland, and
Faroe Islands"
"CDNLoc_Italy___Milan" "Italy - Milan"
"CDNLoc_Italy___Rome" "Italy - Rome"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Fukuoka" "Japan - Fukuoka"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Nagoya" "Japan - Nagoya"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Osaka" "Japan - Osaka"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Sapporo" "Japan - Sapporo"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Sendai" "Japan - Sendai"
"CDNLoc_Japan___Tokyo" "Japan - Tokyo"
"CDNLoc_Pacific_Islands" "Pacific Islands"
"CDNLoc_Poland___Katowice" "Poland - Katowice"
"CDNLoc_Poland___Warsaw" "Poland - Warsaw"
"CDNLoc_Portugal" "Portugal"
"CDNLoc_South_Korea___Busan" "South_Korea - Busan"
"CDNLoc_South_Korea___Seoul" "South_Korea - Seoul"
"CDNLoc_Spain___Barcelona" "Spain - Barcelona"
"CDNLoc_Spain___Madrid" "Spain - Madrid"
"CDNLoc_Spain___Malaga" "Spain - Malaga"
"CDNLoc_Spain___Valencia" "Spain - Valencia"
"CDNLoc_Sweden___Gothenburg" "Sweden - Gothenburg"
"CDNLoc_Sweden___Malmo" "Sweden - Malmo"
"CDNLoc_Sweden___Stockholm" "Sweden - Stockholm"
"CDNLoc_Turkey___Ankara" "Turkey - Ankara"
"CDNLoc_Turkey___Istanbul" "Turkey - Istanbul"
"CDNLoc_Turkey___Izmir" "Turkey - Izmir"
"CDNLoc_Ukraine___Kharkiv" "Ukraine - Kharkiv"
"CDNLoc_Ukraine___Kiev" "Ukraine - Kiev"
"CDNLoc_Ukraine___Lviv" "Ukraine - Lviv"
"CDNLoc_Ukraine___Odessa" "Ukraine - Odessa"

"TimeZoneRegionFormat" "(UTC{s:utcoffset})
"TimeZoneRegionFormatDetail" "{s:timezoneregionsamples}"
"TimeZoneRegion_Samoa" "Samoa Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Samoa" "American Samoa, Midway Islands"
"TimeZoneRegion_Hawaii" "Hawaiian Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Hawaii" "Hawaii"
"TimeZoneRegion_Alaska" "Alaska Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Alaska" "Alaska"
"TimeZoneRegion_Pacific" "Pacific Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Pacific" "Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver"
"TimeZoneRegion_Mountain" "Mountain Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Mountain" "Alberta, Denver, Salt Lake City"
"TimeZoneRegion_MountainMexico" "Mountain Standard Time (Mexico)"
"TimeZoneCities_MountainMexico" "Baja California del Sur,
"TimeZoneRegion_MountainArizona" "Mountain Standard Time (Arizona)"
"TimeZoneCities_MountainArizona" "Arizona"
"TimeZoneRegion_Central" "Central Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Central" "Chicago, Dallas, Mexico City,
"TimeZoneRegion_China" "China Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_China" "Beijing, Hong Kong"
"TimeZoneRegion_Singapore" "Singapore Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Singapore" "Singapore"
"TimeZoneRegion_Taipei" "Taipei Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Taipei" "Taipei"
"TimeZoneRegion_WestAustralia" "Australian Western Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_WestAustralia" "Perth"
"TimeZoneRegion_NorthAsiaEast" "Irkutsk Time"
"TimeZoneCities_NorthAsiaEast" "Irkutsk"
"TimeZoneRegion_Korea" "Korea Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Korea" "Seoul"
"TimeZoneRegion_Japan" "Japan Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Japan" "Kyoto, Tokyo"
"TimeZoneRegion_WestPacific" "Guam Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_WestPacific" "Guam"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralPacific" "Central Pacific Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_CentralPacific" "Solomon Islands, New Caledonia"
"TimeZoneRegion_Fiji" "Fiji Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Fiji" "Fiji Islands"
"TimeZoneRegion_NewZealand" "New Zealand Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_NewZealand" "Auckland, Christchurch"
"TimeZoneRegion_Tonga" "Tonga Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Tonga" "Tonga"
"TimeZoneRegion_Yakutsk" "Yakutsk Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Yakutsk" "Yakutsk"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralAustraliaD" "Australian Central Standard Time
"TimeZoneCities_CentralAustraliaD" "Darwin"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralAustraliaA" "Australian Central Standard Time
"TimeZoneCities_CentralAustraliaA" "Adelaide"
"TimeZoneRegion_EasternAustralia" "Australian Eastern Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_EasternAustralia" "Hobart, Melbourne, Sydney"
"TimeZoneRegion_EasternAustraliaB" "Australian Eastern Standard Time
"TimeZoneCities_EasternAustraliaB" "Brisbane"
"TimeZoneRegion_Vladivostok" "Vladivostok Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Vladivostok" "Vladivostok"
"TimeZoneRegion_Arabian" "Gulf Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Arabian" "Abu Dhabi"
"TimeZoneRegion_Caucasus" "Caucasus Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Caucasus" "Baku, Tbilisi, Yerevan"
"TimeZoneRegion_Afghanistan" "Afghanistan Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Afghanistan" "Kabul"
"TimeZoneRegion_Yekaterinburg" "Yekaterinburg Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Yekaterinburg" "Yekaterinburg"
"TimeZoneRegion_WestAsia" "West Asia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_WestAsia" "Islamabad, Tashkent"
"TimeZoneRegion_India" "India Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_India" "Kolkata, Mumbai, Sri
"TimeZoneRegion_Nepal" "Nepal Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Nepal" "Kathmandu"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralAsia" "Central Asia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_CentralAsia" "Astana, Dhaka"
"TimeZoneRegion_NorthCentralAsia" "North Central Asia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_NorthCentralAsia" "Almaty, Novosibirsk"
"TimeZoneRegion_Myanmar" "Myanmar Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Myanmar" "Yangon (Rangoon)"
"TimeZoneRegion_SoutheastAsia" "Southeast Asia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_SoutheastAsia" "Bangkok, Hanoi, Jakarta"
"TimeZoneRegion_NorthAsia" "North Asia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_NorthAsia" "Krasnoyarsk"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralAmerica" "Central America"
"TimeZoneCities_CentralAmerica" "Guatemala, Managua, San Jose"
"TimeZoneRegion_Eastern" "Eastern Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Eastern" "Miami, Montreal, New York"
"TimeZoneRegion_Indiana" "Eastern Standard Time (Indiana)"
"TimeZoneCities_Indiana" "Indiana"
"TimeZoneRegion_SAmericaPacific" "South America Pacific"
"TimeZoneCities_SAmericaPacific" "Bogota, Lima"
"TimeZoneRegion_Atlantic" "Atlantic Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Atlantic" "New Brunswick, Nova Scotia"
"TimeZoneRegion_SAmericaWestern" "South America Western"
"TimeZoneCities_SAmericaWestern" "Caracas, La Paz"
"TimeZoneRegion_Chile" "Chile Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Chile" "Santiago"
"TimeZoneRegion_EastCanada" "Newfoundland Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_EastCanada" "Newfoundland, Labrador"
"TimeZoneRegion_Brazil" "Brasília Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Brazil" "Salvador, São Paulo"
"TimeZoneRegion_SAmericaEast" "South America Eastern Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_SAmericaEast" "Buenos Aires, Georgetown"
"TimeZoneRegion_Greenland" "West Greenland Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Greenland" "Greenland"
"TimeZoneRegion_Azores" "Azores Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Azores" "Ponta Delgada"
"TimeZoneRegion_CapeVerde" "Cape Verde Time"
"TimeZoneCities_CapeVerde" "Praia"
"TimeZoneRegion_GMT" "Greenwich Mean Time"
"TimeZoneCities_GMT" "Dublin, Liberia, London,
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralEurope" "Central European Time"
"TimeZoneCities_CentralEurope" "Berlin, Bratislava, Brussels,
Paris, Prague"
"TimeZoneRegion_WestAfrica" "West Africa Time"
"TimeZoneCities_WestAfrica" "Lagos, Windhoek"
"TimeZoneRegion_EasternEurope" "Eastern European Time"
"TimeZoneCities_EasternEurope" "Beirut, Bucharest, Cairo"
"TimeZoneRegion_Israel" "Israel Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Israel" "Jerusalem"
"TimeZoneRegion_CentralAfrica" "Central Africa Time"
"TimeZoneCities_CentralAfrica" "Harare, Pretoria"
"TimeZoneRegion_Moscow" "Moscow Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Moscow" "Moscow, St. Petersburg"
"TimeZoneRegion_Arabia" "Arabia Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Arabia" "Baghdad, Kuwait"
"TimeZoneRegion_EastAfrica" "Eastern Africa Time"
"TimeZoneCities_EastAfrica" "Moroni, Nairobi"
"TimeZoneRegion_Iran" "Iran Standard Time"
"TimeZoneCities_Iran" "Tehran"

"WebPanel_OpenInFullBrowser" "OPEN IN BROWSER"

"MainMenu_MainMenu" "HOME"
"MainMenu_Quickmenu" "QUICK MENU"


"SettingsController_HelperDescriptionHeader" "Cool Header"
"SettingsController_HelperDescriptionText" "Cool Description"
"SettingsController_HelperAlwaysOnHeader" "Always On Actions"
"SettingsController_HelperAlwaysOnText" "Any bindings assigned here will be
automatically activated when this Action Set or Layer is enabled. Activators can
be used to modify how they behave, and for these purposes, these actions act as if
they are a button which is held down while the action set or layer is active. For
example, Start Press activators will fire once at the start, while Regular Press
activators will stay held while this set or layer is active."
"SettingsController_BindingTitle" "{s:bindingtitle}"
"SettingsController_BindingTitle_ForController" "({s:controllername})"
"SettingsController_BindingTitle_Guest" "Guest"
"SettingsController_BindingCreator" "By {s:bindingcreator}"
"SettingsController_Binding_Preview" "Previewing Configuration"
"SettingsController_AutosaveName" "Controller Configuration"
"SettingsController_AutosaveDescription" "Your modified configuration for
this game."
"SettingsController_ModifiedBy" "Modified by you, based on
{s:bindingcreator}'s configuration."
"SettingsController_ModifiedByOfficial" "Modified by you, based on the
official game configuration."
"SettingsController_SwapToUnifiedPad" "Swap To Unified Pad"
"SettingsController_SwapToSplitPad" "Swap To Split Pad"
"SettingsController_GenericJoystickSetupText" "If Steam Input Generic
Gamepad Configuration Support is enabled, it will then be reconfigurable per-game
using the same Configurator system available to Steam Controllers."
"SettingsController_PS4SetupText" "If Steam Input PlayStation Configuration
Support is enabled, it will then be reconfigurable per-game using the same
Configurator system available to Steam Controllers. \n\nNote: When connected over
Bluetooth the controller must be power cycled after opting out. Opting out on a per
game basis also will not work."
"SettingsController_XBoxSetupText" "If Steam Input XBox Configuration
Support is enabled, it will then be reconfigurable per-game using the same
Configurator system available to Steam Controllers.\n\nNote: On Windows you may
need to adjust your Xbox DVR application settings in order for the Guide Button to
"SettingsController_SwitchSetupText" "If Steam Input Switch
Configuration Support is enabled, it will then be reconfigurable per-game using the
same Configurator system available to Steam Controllers.\n\nNote: This setting must
be disabled for Switch Pro controllers to work in games not launched through Steam
while Steam is running."
"SettingsController_NintendoLayoutSetupText" "If Nintendo Layout is
enabled, configurations on Switch Pro Controllers will flip the A and B buttons and
X and Y buttons. When used with default X-Input style layouts this will help the
button names to match more closely, but with different physical layout."
"SettingsController_GuideButtonSetupText" "Note: On Windows you may need to
adjust your Xbox DVR application settings in order for the Guide Button to
"SettingsController_TurnOffSetupText" "If \"Turn off on Big Picture Exit\" is
enabled Steam will turn off wirelessly connected controllers when shutting down"
"SettingsController_IdleTurnOffSetupText" "Steam will turn off your
controller after it has been idle for this amount of time"
"SettingsController_ToggleShowHiddenDevices" "UNHIDE DEVICES"
"SettingsController_ToggleDeviceHideState" "HIDE DEVICE"
"ControllerNameOnAccount" "{s:controllername}"
"ControllerTypeOnAccount" "{s:accountname}'s {s:controllertype}"
"ControllersOnAccount" "{s:accountname}'s Controllers"
"ControllerConfigShared" "Shared Configuration"
"ControllerConfigUnique" "Unique Configuration"
"ControllerConfigChangeGrouping" "Change Controller Configuration
"ControllerConfigChangeToShared" "Unique - Switch to using Shared
"ControllerConfigChangeToUnique" "Shared - Switch to using Unique

"ControllerOfficialBindingUpdated_Title" "New Configuration Available"

"ControllerOfficialBindingUpdated_Body" "The Official Configuration
for this game has been updated. It is recommended that you refer to the official
recommended configuration as it may contain new functionality and changes which
could affect older configurations."

"ControllerBindingVotes" "Recent playtime:

{i:hoursplayed}h{i:minutesplayed}m\nVotes : {i:upvotes}\n"

"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_InGameAction" "In-Game
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_InGameAction_Description" "Select this
option to make the stick or pad perform the specified In-Game Action."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_OtherAction" "Other In-
Game Action..."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_OtherAction_Description" "This game has In-
Game Actions specifically designed for use on the controller's Trigger Buttons. If
you'd like to bind other In-Game Actions to this Trigger instead, select this
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_GenericDPad" "Generic
Directional Pad"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_GenericDPad_Description" "If you'd like to
set this stick or pad to act like a generic Directional Pad, select this option."

"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown" "Style of Input"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_GA" "In-Game Action"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Description" "The physical inputs of the
controller can be programmed to act like different types of devices."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Description_GA" "Select the action you'd like
to perform."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_None" "Style of Input - None"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_None_Description" "This input will be
"ControllerBinding_Advanced" "Additional Settings"
"ControllerBinding_Advanced_Description" "Show additional settings."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftButton" "Mode Shifting"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftButton_Description" "Mode Shifting allows an
input style on the controller to be 'shifted' into another mode while a button is
being held. When released, the mode will change back to its normal mode. This
allows additional buttons to be mapped or settings to be changed between modes.
You can define what mode this input shifts into, as well as what button shifts it,
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown" "Mode Shift Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Description" "When pressed, this button
will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which is
assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftTrigger" "Mode Shift - Left Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftTrigger_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightTrigger" "Mode Shift - Right
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightTrigger_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftTriggerThreshold" "Mode Shift - Left
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftTriggerThreshold_Description" "When
pressed, this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its
alternate mode which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightTriggerThreshold" "Mode Shift -
Right Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightTriggerThreshold_Description" "When
pressed, this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its
alternate mode which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftBumper" "Mode Shift - Left Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftBumper_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightBumper" "Mode Shift - Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightBumper_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftGrip" "Mode Shift - Left Grip"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftGrip_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightGrip" "Mode Shift - Right Grip"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightGrip_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftPadClick" "Mode Shift - Left Pad
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftPadClick_Description" "When pressed,
this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode
which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightPadClick" "Mode Shift - Right Pad
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_RightPadClick_Description" "When
pressed, this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its
alternate mode which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftJoystickClick" "Mode Shift -
Joystick Click"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_LeftJoystickClick_Description" "When
pressed, this button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its
alternate mode which is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_A" "Mode Shift - A Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_A_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_B" "Mode Shift - B Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_B_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_X" "Mode Shift - X Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_X_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Y" "Mode Shift - Y Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Y_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Start" "Mode Shift - Start Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Start_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Select" "Mode Shift - Select Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeShiftDropDown_Select_Description" "When pressed, this
button will shift the normal mode of the controller into its alternate mode which
is assigned on this screen."
"ControllerBinding_PresetDropDown_None" "None"
"ControllerBinding_PresetDropDown_Default" "Default"
"ControllerBinding_PresetDropDown_Next" "Next Action Set"
"ControllerBinding_PresetDropDown_Prev" "Previous Action Set"
"ControllerBinding_Layer_Custom" "Custom"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Threshold" "Soft Press Threshold"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Threshold_Description" "This activator
will fire when the analog source associated with this binding is above the
"ControllerBinding_AcitvatorDropDown_SoftPress" "Soft Press Threshold"
"ControllerBinding_AcitvatorDropDown_SoftPress_Description" "This
activator will fire when the analog source associated with this binding is above
the threshold"
"Library_ActionSetLayerDropdown_CodeLabel" "Available Action Set Layers"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Dpad" "Style of Input - Directional Pad"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Dpad_Description" "This input will act as a
D-pad. D-Pad's are a 4 way directional input that is digital (on or off) in
nature. Any type of button can be assigned, but XInput buttons will only work with
XInput Gamepad compatible games."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick" "Requires Click"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick_Description" "If set, the trackpad must be
clicked to operate. If not set, simply touching will activate the D-Pad."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick_On" "Requires Click - On"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick_On_Description" "The trackpad will only send
actions when clicked."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick_Off" "Requires Click - Off"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClick_Off_Description" "The trackpad will send
actions on touch."
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout" "Directional Pad Layout"
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_Description" "This option selects the type of
DPad emulation."
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_RadialNoOverlap" "Radial Without Overlap"
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_RadialNoOverlap_Description" "A four way pie
shaped layout with diagonals that only activate the single nearest directional
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_RadialWithOverlap" "Radial With Overlap"
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_RadialWithOverlap_Description" "A pie shaped
layout with diagonals that activate both directional actions."
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_AnalogEmulation" "Analog Emulation"
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_AnalogEmulation_Description" "The directional
bindings are pulsed to simulate an analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_CrossGate" "Cross Gate"
"ControllerBinding_DPadLayout_CrossGate_Description" "A cross-shaped pad
layout that prioritizes horizontal and vertical movement over the diagonals."
"ControllerBinding_DpadClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_DpadClick_Description" "This action will be performed when
you click the pad/stick. If the 'Requires Click' option is also set, clicking a pad
direction will send the corresponding direction action as well as this action to
the game."
"ControllerBinding_OverlapRegion" "Overlap Region"
"ControllerBinding_OverlapRegion_Description" "Overlap Region defines how
much space in the diagonals applies to both directions. At it's lowest setting,
overlap is nearly removed, acting almost like a 4-way control, at its highest,
overlap is almost always applied unless precisely on a cardinal direction."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad" "Haptic Intensity Override"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Description" "This sets the intensity
of the haptics. Haptics are sent when the input turns on or off."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Off_Description" "Do not use haptics
for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Low_Description" "Use low intensity
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Medium" "Haptic Intensity - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_High_Description" "Use High intensity
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_ActivatorPref" "Haptic Intensity - Use
Activator Settings"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpad_ActivatorPref_Description" "The
haptics will be controlled by the settings in each activator."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA" "Haptic Intensity Override"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics. Haptics are sent when the input turns on or off."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Off_Description" "Do not use haptics
for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Low_Description" "Use low intensity
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Medium" "Haptic Intensity - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_ActivatorPref" "Haptic Intensity -
Use Activator Settings"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityDpadGA_ActivatorPref_Description" "The
haptics will be controlled by the settings in each activator."
"ControllerBinding_Deadzone" "Deadzone"
"ControllerBinding_Deadzone_Description" "D-Pad events won't be sent if
within the deadzone. The slider can be visualized as extending a radius from the
center outward, with fully to the left as no deadzone and fully right as the entire
radius being deadzone."
"ControllerBinding_DpadLeftButton" "D-Pad Left Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadLeftButton_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when pressing this direction."
"ControllerBinding_DpadRightButton" "D-Pad Right Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadRightButton_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when pressing this direction."
"ControllerBinding_DpadUpButton" "D-Pad Up Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadUpButton_Description" "You can assign a button or key
to be sent to the game when pressing this direction."
"ControllerBinding_DpadDownButton" "D-Pad Down Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadDownButton_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when pressing this direction."
"ControllerBinding_DpadLeftButtonGA" "D-Pad Left Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadLeftButtonGA_Description" "This action will be
performed when you press left on the DPad."
"ControllerBinding_DpadRightButtonGA" "D-Pad Right Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadRightButtonGA_Description" "This action will be
performed when you press right on the DPad."
"ControllerBinding_DpadUpButtonGA" "D-Pad Up Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadUpButtonGA_Description" "This action will be performed
when you press up on the DPad."
"ControllerBinding_DpadDownButtonGA" "D-Pad Down Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DpadDownButtonGA_Description" "This action will be
performed when you press down on the DPad."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad_Description" "If turned on, holding any
direction will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad_On_Description" "If turned on, holding any
direction will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsDpad_Off_Description" "If turned on, holding
any direction will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalDpad" "Repeat Interval"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalDpad_Description" "When Turbo Mode is
turned on, this determines the speed of the repeat. Slide to the right for a
faster repeat rate."
"ControllerBinding_AnalogEmulationPeriod" "Analog Emulation Pulse Time"
"ControllerBinding_AnalogEmulationPeriod_Description" "Interval at which the
key is pressed in Milliseconds."
"ControllerBinding_AnalogEmulationDutyCyclePct" "Analog Emulation Active %"
"ControllerBinding_AnalogEmulationDutyCyclePct_Description" "Percentage of
the Pulse Time that the key is held down."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadiusDpad" "Outer Ring Binding Radius"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadiusDpad_Description" "When outside this
radius on the D-Pad, the assigned button or key will be sent. For example, the
'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge. The slider
can be visualized as extending a radius from the center outward, with the point
being where the outer ring begins."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingDpad" "Outer Ring Binding"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingDpad_Description" "When outside the specified
radius on the D-Pad, the assigned button or key will be sent. For example, the
'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad" "Outer Ring Binding Invert"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad_Description" "If set, the binding
will be sent when inside the radius instead of outside. For example, 'Walk' or
'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad_On" "Outer Ring Invert - On"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad_On_Description" "The assigned button
will be sent if inside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius. For example, 'Walk'
or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad_Off" "Outer Ring Invert - Off"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertDpad_Off_Description" "The assigned
button will be sent if outside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius. For
example, 'Run' or 'Sprint' could be sent when outside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad" "Gyro Button Behavior - Turns Gyro"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad_Description" "The gyro input button
behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the button is
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad_On" "Gyro Button Behavior - On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad_On_Description" "If set, the device's
gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior - Off"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertDpad_Off_Description" "If set, the
device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_ABXY" "Style of Input - Button Pad"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_ABXY_Description" "This input will act as a
set of buttons. You can assign actions to these buttons. Any type of button can
be assigned, but XInput buttons will only work with XInput Gamepad compatible
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons" "Requires Click"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons_Description" "If set, the
trackpad must be clicked to operate. If not set, simply touching will activate the
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons_On" "Requires Click - On"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons_On_Description" "The trackpad
will only send actions when clicked."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons_Off" "Requires Click - Off"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtons_Off_Description" "The trackpad
will send actions on touch."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA" "Requires Click"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA_Description" "If set, the
trackpad must be clicked to operate. If not set, simply touching will activate the
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA_On" "Requires Click - On"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA_On_Description" "The trackpad
will only send actions when clicked."
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA_Off" "Requires Click - Off"
"ControllerBinding_RequiresClickFourButtonsGA_Off_Description" "The trackpad
will send actions on touch."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons" "Haptic Intensity Override"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics. Haptics are sent when the button is fired."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_ActivatorPref" "Haptic
Intensity - Use Activator Settings"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtons_ActivatorPref_Description" "The
haptics will be controlled by the settings in each activator."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA" "Haptic Intensity Override"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics. Haptics are sent when the button is fired."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_High" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityFourButtonsGA_ActivatorPref" "Haptic
Intensity - Use Activator Settings"
"The haptics will be controlled by the settings in each activator."
"ControllerBinding_AButton" "A Button Binding"
"ControllerBinding_AButton_Description" "You can assign a button or key to be
sent to the game when pressing this button."
"ControllerBinding_BButton" "B Button Binding"
"ControllerBinding_BButton_Description" "You can assign a button or key to be
sent to the game when pressing this button."
"ControllerBinding_YButton" "Y Button Binding"
"ControllerBinding_YButton_Description" "You can assign a button or key to be
sent to the game when pressing this button."
"ControllerBinding_XButton" "X Button Binding"
"ControllerBinding_XButton_Description" "You can assign a button or key to be
sent to the game when pressing this button."
"ControllerBinding_AButtonGA" "A Button"
"ControllerBinding_AButtonGA_Description" "This action will be performed when
you press the A button."
"ControllerBinding_BButtonGA" "B Button"
"ControllerBinding_BButtonGA_Description" "This action will be performed when
you press the B button."
"ControllerBinding_YButtonGA" "Y Button"
"ControllerBinding_YButtonGA_Description" "This action will be performed when
you press the Y button."
"ControllerBinding_XButtonGA" "X Button"
"ControllerBinding_XButtonGA_Description" "This action will be performed when
you press the X button."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons_Description" "If turned on, holding
any button will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons_On_Description" "If turned on,
holding any button will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsFourButtons_Off_Description" "If turned on,
holding any button will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalFourButtons" "Repeat Interval"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalFourButtons_Description" "When Turbo
Mode is turned on, this determines the speed of the repeat. Slide to the right for
a faster repeat rate."
"ControllerBinding_ButtonRadiusFourButtons" "Button Radius"
"ControllerBinding_ButtonRadiusFourButtons_Description" "When used on a
trackpad, this determines the size of the virtual buttons on the trackpad.
Depending on the radius and distance between buttons, multiple buttons may be
pressed simultaneously when pushing or rolling across the trackpad."
"ControllerBinding_ButtonDistanceFourButtons" "Button Distance"
"ControllerBinding_ButtonDistanceFourButtons_Description" "When used on a
trackpad, this determines the separation between the virtual buttons on the
trackpad. Depending on the radius and distance between buttons, multiple buttons
may be pressed simultaneously when pushing or rolling across the trackpad."
//Joystick Move
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Move" "Style of Input - Joystick Move"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Move_Description" "This input will operate as
a simple Joystick. This is intended for traditional joystick applications.
Joystick will only work with XInput compatible gamepad games."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move" "Output Joystick"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move_Description" "When sending
analog joystick commands to the game, should those commands be a left or right
joystick as seen by the game?"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move_LeftJoystick" "Output
Joystick - Left"
"When sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a left analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move_RightJoystick" "Output
Joystick - Right"
"When sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a right analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move_AbsoluteMouse" "Output
Absolute Mouse"
"Directly map the virtual joystick position to the full screen. Mouse Region mode
provides the same functionality but has more configuration options for the active
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_move_RelativeMouse" "Output
Relative Mouse"
"Steer the mouse cursor using the virtual joystick."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move" "Adaptive Centering"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move_Description" "Adaptive
Centering treats the first touched position on the trackpad as the new 'center' of
the joystick, where dragging out from that point will move the joystick around.
This allows for the thumb to be placed off-center without causing accidental
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move_On" "Adaptive Centering -
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move_On_Description" "Adaptive
Centering treats the first touched position on the trackpad as the new 'center' of
the joystick, where dragging out from that point will move the joystick around.
This allows for the thumb to be placed off-center without causing accidental
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move_Off" "Adaptive Centering -
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_move_Off_Description" "The
trackpad treats the center of the pad as the center of a joystick, while touching
areas outside of the center is equivalent to deflecting the stick to that location
as if it were a physical stick."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Off" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Low" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_High" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_move_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move" "Gyro Enable Button"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_Description" "The gyro input can
be turned on only when a button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroNone" "Gyro Enable Button -
Always On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroNone_Description" "The gyro
input will always be active."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTouchRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTouchRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTouchLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroClickRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroClickRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroClickLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroClickLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroBumperRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroBumperRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroBumperLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroBumperLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroGripRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroGripRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroGripLeft" "Gyro Enable Button
- Left Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroGripLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroLeftTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroLeftTrigger_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroRightTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Trigger Full Pull"
"The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Left Trigger Soft Pull"
ion" "The gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Right Trigger Soft Pull"
tion" "The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroA" "Gyro Enable Button - A"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroA_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the A button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroB" "Gyro Enable Button - B"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroB_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the B button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroX" "Gyro Enable Button - X"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroX_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the X button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroY" "Gyro Enable Button - Y"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroY_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Y button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroCross" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroCross_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Cross button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroCircle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroCircle_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Circle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroSquare" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroSquare_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Square button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTriangle" "Gyro Enable Button
- Triangle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroTriangle_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Triangle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroLStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroLStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroRStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButton_joystick_move_GyroRStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_Click_joystick_move" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_Click_joystick_move_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the stick."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadius_joystick_move" "Outer Ring Binding
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadius_joystick_move_Description" "When outside
this radius on the Joystick, the assigned button or key will be sent. For example,
the 'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge. The
slider can be visualized as extending a radius from the center outward, with the
point being where the outer ring begins."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBinding_joystick_move" "Outer Ring Binding"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBinding_joystick_move_Description" "When outside the
specified radius on the Joystick, the assigned button or key will be sent. For
example, the 'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move" "Outer Ring Binding
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move_Description" "If set, the
binding will be sent when inside the radius instead of outside. For example,
'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move_On" "Outer Ring Invert -
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move_On_Description" "The
assigned button will be sent if inside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius. For
example, 'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move_Off" "Outer Ring Invert -
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_move_Off_Description" "The
assigned button will be sent if outside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius.
For example, 'Run' or 'Sprint' could be sent when outside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move" "Stick Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_joystick_move" "Custom Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_joystick_move_Description" "Chang
ing this slider adjusts the output response curve for the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_Description" "This determines
the mapping of analog input to output. By default a linear 1:1 mapping is used.
This curve can altered so there is more or less room for fine controls."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_Linear" "Response Curve -
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_Linear_Description" "A Linear
response curve maps the input directly to the output in a 1:1 fashion. At 50%
deflection, 50% output will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_1" "Response Curve -
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_1_Description" "An aggressive
response curve gets to 100% output faster. This gives less of a slow range and
more quickly hits the upper range of output, with faster response."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_2" "Response Curve - Relaxed"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_2_Description" "A relaxed
response curve gets to 100% output slower. There is slightly more slow range where
fine control can be used and the upper range is pushed further towards the edges."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_3" "Response Curve - Wide"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_3_Description" "A wide
response curve gets to 100% output much slower than default. There is a wide range
of low values which ramps up quickly at the outer edges. This allows for a wide
amount of small values in the inner range while ramping to full at the outside."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_4" "Response Curve - Extra
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_4_Description" "An extra wide
response curve provides an large range of lower values over a wide band, only
reaching 100% at the extremes."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_Custom" "Response Curve -
Custom Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_move_Custom_Description" "A Custom
Curve can be defined using the response curve slider."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneInnerRadius_joystick_move" "Dead Zone Inner"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneInnerRadius_joystick_move_Description" "Joystick
events won't be sent if within this deadzone. The slider is a radius of the
deadzone, with fully to the left as no deadzone and fully right as the entire
radius being deadzone. Full analog output values are mapped to the zone between
the inner and outer deadzone. Extending out the inner deadzone will allow more
area in the deadzone shape where no input is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneOuterRadius_joystick_move" "Dead Zone Outer"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneOuterRadius_joystick_move_Description" "Joystick
events will reach maximum upon hitting the outer deadzone. The slider can be
visualized as extending a radius from the center outward. Full analog output
values are mapped to the zone between the inner and outer deadzone. Pulling in the
outer deadzone will cause output to reach its full amount faster."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move" "Dead Zone Shape"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Description" "Dead Zones can
take on different shapes to better match gameplay. For example, a cross shaped
deadzone is often best for movement where holding primarily forward has the side
movement within the deadzone so movement doesn't drift for a less that 100% perfect
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Cross" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Cross_Description" "The cross
shaped deadzone treats each axis separately with the inner deadzone being a band
along that axis. This creates a + shaped cross of deadzone along the axis. This
is often best for navigation where holding primarily in a single direction won't
cause drift for a less that 100% perfect alignment."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Circle" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Circle_Description" "A simple
circle shaped deadzone. Input in between the inner and outer deadzones is mapped
to its relative distance between the two. Any input inside the inner deadzone is
not sent, while outside the outer is fully on in that direction."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Square" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_move_Square_Description" "The
square deadzone uses a cross for determining the inner deadzone, but also maps the
output from a circle into a square. This makes output in the diagonals approach
their maximum value more quickly."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZone_joystick_move" "Anti-Deadzone"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZone_joystick_move_Description" "Most games apply
their own deadzones to controller output. If the control feels 'mushy' with a
physical area of movement where no output is seen in game, it is likely caused by
the game's deadzone. You can remove this using the Anti-Deadzone setting. This
subtracts away the deadzone, and provides finer grain control within the remaining
section. The higher the slider, the more is added to the smallest output value.
Note that if all deadzone is removed entirely, all positions will cause input. You
can use Anti-DeadZone Buffer to allow for a small area where no input will be sent,
even if the anti-deadzone is larger than the deadzone of the game."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBuffer_joystick_move" "Anti-Deadzone Buffer"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBuffer_joystick_move_Description" "If an anti-
deadzone has been applied, there may be no remaining actual deadzone as applied by
the game, so touching anywhere will actively cause movement. To allow for a safe
buffer area where no input will be sent, the anti-deadzone buffer acts as the new
deadzone for the control. It can be visualized as a radius from the center of the
pad, within which no input will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move_Description" "If set, moving left
will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left. Note
that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they don't
cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move_On" "Invert Horizontal Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move_On_Description" "If set, moving left
will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left. Note
that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they don't
cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move_Off" "Invert Horizontal Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_move_Off_Description" "The joystick
Horizontal axis will act normally, with left movement on the pad corresponding to
left movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move_Description" "If set, moving up on
the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move_On" "Invert Vertical Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move_On_Description" "If set, moving up
on the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move_Off" "Invert Vertical Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_move_Off_Description" "The joystick
vertical axis will act normally, with up movement on the pad corresponding to up
movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move" "Output Axis"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_Description" "Output can be
limited to a single axis if desired. For example - steering with the Gyro in a
racing game where you don't want to also scroll through vertical menus."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisBoth" "Both Horizontal &
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisBoth_Description" "Output
will be sent normally to both horizontal and vertical axis."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisY" "Vertical Only"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisY_Description" "Output will
be sent only to the vertical axis."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisX" "Horizontal Only"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_move_AxisX_Description" "Output will
be sent only to the horizontal axis."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move" "Gyro Button Behavior -
Turns Gyro"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move_Description" "The gyro
input button behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the
button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move_On" "Gyro Button Behavior -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move_On_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior
- Off"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_move_Off_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_MouseSensitivity_joystick_move" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_MouseSensitivity_joystick_move_Description" "Sensitivity
of the mouse cursor when the virtual joystick's output is set to Mouse."
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivity_joystick_move" "Horizontal Scale"
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivity_joystick_move_Description" "Scale
the horizontal sensitivity. This will change the motion of the horizontal axis
relative to the vertical."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity_joystick_move" "Vertical Scale"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity_joystick_move_Description" "Scale the
vertical sensitivity. This will change the motion of the vertical axis relative to
the horizontal."
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngle_joystick_move" "Gyro Pitch Neutral Angle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngle_joystick_move_description" "This is the
default position for a Centered joystick. By changing this setting you can alter
the neutral centered position to tilt forward or backward which is comfortable to
your playing position. Note that for uses like a steering wheel, it is recommended
to disable the vertical portion entirely and just use the Horizontal Axis, where
this angle will not come into play."
"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move" "Gyro Lock at Edges"
"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move_description" "When set, if
the pad is rotated past outer edge, it will lock to that edge. If not set, it may
flip to the opposite side when crossing this outer edge. If you experience
problems with the controller locking up over time, you may want to disable this
"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move_on" "Gyro Lock at Edges"
"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move_on_description" "When set,
if the pad is rotated past outer deadzone, it will lock to that edge until rotated
past 180 degrees. If not set, it may begin to rotate in the opposite direction as
it approaches 180 degrees of rotation. If you experience problems with the
controller locking up over time, disable this option."
"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move_off" "Gyro Lock at Edges"

"ControllerBinding_GyroLockExtents_joystick_move_off_description" "When set,

if the pad is rotated past outer deadzone, it will lock to that edge until rotated
past 180 degrees. If not set, it may begin to rotate in the opposite direction as
it approaches 180 degrees of rotation. If you experience problems with the
controller locking up over time, disable this option."
//Joystick Mouse
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Joystick_Mouse" "Style of Input - Joystick
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Joystick_Mouse_Description" "This input
controls a mouse with a joystick. This is intended for using a joystick with mouse
based applications. As the output is a mouse, the application must support mouse
based output."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse" "Output Joystick"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse_Description" "When sending
analog joystick commands to the game, should those commands be a left or right
joystick as seen by the game?"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse_LeftJoystick" "Output
Joystick - Left"
"When sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a left analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse_RightJoystick" "Output
Joystick - Right"
"When sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a right analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse_AbsoluteMouse" "Output
Absolute Mouse"
"Directly map the virtual joystick position to the full screen. Mouse Region mode
provides the same functionality but has more configuration options for the active
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystick_joystick_mouse_RelativeMouse" "Output
Relative Mouse"
"Steer the mouse cursor using the virtual joystick."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse" "Adaptive Centering"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse_Description" "Adaptive
Centering treats the first touched position on the trackpad as the new 'center' of
the joystick, where dragging out from that point will move the joystick around.
This allows for the thumb to be placed off-center without causing accidental
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse_On" "Adaptive Centering -
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse_On_Description" "Adaptive
Centering treats the first touched position on the trackpad as the new 'center' of
the joystick, where dragging out from that point will move the joystick around.
This allows for the thumb to be placed off-center without causing accidental
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse_Off" "Adaptive Centering
- Off"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveCentering_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "The
trackpad treats the center of the pad as the center of a joystick, while touching
areas outside of the center is equivalent to deflecting the stick to that location
as if it were a physical stick."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Off" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "Do not
use haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Low" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_High" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensity_joystick_mouse_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_Click_joystick_mouse" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_Click_joystick_mouse_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the stick."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadius_joystick_mouse" "Outer Ring Binding
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadius_joystick_mouse_Description" "When
outside this radius on the Joystick, the assigned button or key will be sent. For
example, the 'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge.
The slider can be visualized as extending a radius from the center outward, with
the point being where the outer ring begins."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBinding_joystick_mouse" "Outer Ring Binding"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBinding_joystick_mouse_Description" "When outside the
specified radius on the Joystick, the assigned button or key will be sent. For
example, the 'Run' or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse" "Outer Ring Binding
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse_Description" "If set, the
binding will be sent when inside the radius instead of outside. For example,
'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse_On" "Outer Ring Invert -
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse_On_Description" "The
assigned button will be sent if inside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius. For
example, 'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse_Off" "Outer Ring Invert -
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvert_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "The
assigned button will be sent if outside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius.
For example, 'Run' or 'Sprint' could be sent when outside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse" "Stick Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_joystick_mouse" "Custom Response
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Description" "Chang
ing this slider adjusts the output response curve for the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Description" "This determines
the mapping of analog input to output. By default a linear 1:1 mapping is used.
This curve can altered so there is more or less room for fine controls."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Linear" "Response Curve -
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Linear_Description" "A Linear
response curve maps the input directly to the output in a 1:1 fashion. At 50%
deflection, 50% output will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_1" "Response Curve -
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_1_Description" "An aggressive
response curve gets to 100% output faster. This gives less of a slow range and
more quickly hits the upper range of output, with faster response."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_2" "Response Curve - Relaxed"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_2_Description" "A relaxed
response curve gets to 100% output slower. There is slightly more slow range where
fine control can be used and the upper range is pushed further towards the edges."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_3" "Response Curve - Wide"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_3_Description" "A wide
response curve gets to 100% output much slower that default. There is a wide range
of low values which ramps up quickly at the outer edges. This allows for a wide
amount of small values in the inner range while ramping to full at the outside."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_4" "Response Curve - Extra
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_4_Description" "An extra wide
response curve provides an large range of lower values over a wide band, only
reaching 100% at the extremes."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Custom" "Response Curve -
Custom Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponent_joystick_mouse_Custom_Description" "A Custom
Curve can be defined using the response curve slider."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneInnerRadius_joystick_mouse" "Dead Zone Inner"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneInnerRadius_joystick_mouse_Description" "Joystick
events won't be sent if within this deadzone. The slider is a radius of the
deadzone, with fully to the left as no deadzone and fully right as the entire
radius being deadzone. Full analog output values are mapped to the zone between
the inner and outer deadzone. Extending out the inner deadzone will allow more
area in the deadzone shape where no input is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneOuterRadius_joystick_mouse" "Dead Zone Outer"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneOuterRadius_joystick_mouse_Description" "Joystick
events will reach maximum upon hitting the outer deadzone. The slider can be
visualized as extending a radius from the center outward. Full analog output
values are mapped to the zone between the inner and outer deadzone. Pulling in the
outer deadzone will cause output to reach its full amount faster."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse" "Dead Zone Shape"
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Description" "Dead Zones can
take on different shapes to better match gameplay. For example, a cross shaped
deadzone is often best for movement where holding primarily forward has the side
movement within the deadzone so movement doesn't drift for a less that 100% perfect
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Cross" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Cross_Description" "The cross
shaped deadzone treats each axis separately with the inner deadzone being a band
along that axis. This creates a + shaped cross of deadzone along the axis. This
is often best for navigation where holding primarily in a single direction won't
cause drift for a less than 100% perfect alignment."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Circle" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Circle_Description" "A simple
circle shaped deadzone. Input in between the inner and outer deadzones is mapped
to its relative distance between the two. Any input inside the inner deadzone is
not sent, while outside the outer is fully on in that direction."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Square" "Dead Zone Shape -
"ControllerBinding_DeadZoneShape_joystick_mouse_Square_Description" "The
square deadzone uses a cross for determining the inner deadzone, but also maps the
output from a circle into a square. This makes output in the diagonals approach
their maximum value more quickly."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZone_joystick_mouse" "Anti-Deadzone"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZone_joystick_mouse_Description" "Most games apply
their own deadzones to controller output. If the control feels 'mushy' with a
physical area of movement where no output is seen in game, it is likely caused by
the game's deadzone. You can remove this using the Anti-Deadzone setting. This
subtracts away the deadzone, and provides finer grain control within the remaining
section. The higher the slider, the more is added to the smallest output value.
Note that if all deadzone is removed entirely, all positions will cause input. You
can use Anti-DeadZone Buffer to allow for a small area where no input will be sent,
even if the anti-deadzone is larger than the deadzone of the game."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBuffer_joystick_mouse" "Anti-Deadzone Buffer"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBuffer_joystick_mouse_Description" "If an
anti-deadzone has been applied, there may be no remaining actual deadzone as
applied by the game, so touching anywhere will actively cause movement. To allow
for a safe buffer area where no input will be sent, the anti-deadzone buffer acts
as the new deadzone for the control. It can be visualized as a radius from the
center of the pad, within which no input will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse_Description" "If set, moving left
will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left. Note
that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they don't
cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse_On" "Invert Horizontal Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse_On_Description" "If set, moving
left will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left.
Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they
don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse_Off" "Invert Horizontal Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertX_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "The joystick
Horizontal axis will act normally, with left movement on the pad corresponding to
left movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse_Description" "If set, moving up on
the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse_On" "Invert Vertical Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse_On_Description" "If set, moving up
on the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse_Off" "Invert Vertical Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertY_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "The joystick
vertical axis will act normally, with up movement on the pad corresponding to up
movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse" "Output Axis"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_Description" "Output can be
limited to a single axis if desired. For example - steering with the Gyro in a
racing game where you don't want to also scroll through vertical menus."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisBoth" "Both Horizontal &
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisBoth_Description" "Output
will be sent normally to both horizontal and vertical axis."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisY" "Vertical Only"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisY_Description" "Output will
be sent only to the vertical axis."
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisX" "Horizontal Only"
"ControllerBinding_OutputAxis_joystick_mouse_AxisX_Description" "Output will
be sent only to the horizontal axis."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse" "Gyro Button Behavior -
Turns Gyro"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse_Description" "The gyro
input button behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the
button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse_On" "Gyro Button Behavior
- On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse_On_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior
- Off"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvert_joystick_mouse_Off_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_MouseSensitivity_joystick_mouse" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_MouseSensitivity_joystick_mouse_Description" "Sensitivity
of the mouse cursor when the virtual joystick's output is set to Mouse."
"ControllerBinding_DeadZonePrecisionJoystickMouse" "Enhance Small Movement
"ControllerBinding_DeadZonePrecisionJoystickMouse_Description" "This will
allow for finer grained control when making very small movements. This must be
tied with the Minimum Joystick X/Y Output Value to tune in to what a game expects
for a small Joystick Value. If Joystick X or Y Output Value is too high when
combined with this setting, movement will be jittery even when not moving. If it
is too low, small movments will be missed entirely or very sluggish. In
combination with those settings, tune this value up to allow for very fine
movements or down to reduce noise when trying to hold still."
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_mouse_joystick" "Custom Response
"ControllerBinding_CustomCurveExponent_mouse_joystick_Description" "Games
will sometimes have varying response curves for their joystick input. For best
Mouse-Like Joystick response, linear response is the most 1:1. This setting can be
altered to try to compensate for a game's built in response curve. Generally this
setting should be used as a last resort, but can be slid to the right to compensate
for what feels like unwanted acceleration or poor initial response or slid to the
left to compensate for inverted acceleration."
//Single Button
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_SingleButton" "Single Button"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_SingleButton_Description" "This input will
act as a single button with bindings for both touch and click events."
"ControllerBinding_SingleButtonClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_SingleButtonClick_Description" "This action will be sent
when the pad is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_SingleButtonTouch" "Touch Action"
"ControllerBinding_SingleButtonTouch_Description" "This action will be sent
when the pad is touched."
//Joystick Camera
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Camera" "Style of Input - Joystick Camera"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Camera_Description" "This input will operate
as a joystick optimized for controlling a first or third person camera. Joystick
will only work with XInput compatible gamepad games."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode" "Output Joystick"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_Description" "When sending analog
joystick commands to the game, should those commands be a left or right joystick as
seen by the game?"
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_LeftJoystick" "Output Joystick -
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_LeftJoystick_Description" "When
sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a left analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_RightJoystick" "Output Joystick -
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_RightJoystick_Description" "When
sending analog joystick commands to the game, send a right analog joystick."
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_AbsoluteMouse" "Output Absolute
"Directly map the virtual joystick position to the full screen. Mouse Region mode
provides the same functionality but has more configuration options for the active
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_RelativeMouse" "Output Relative
"ControllerBinding_OutputJoystickCameraMode_RelativeMouse_Description" "Steer
the mouse cursor using the virtual joystick."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Description" "This sets
the intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Off" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Off_Description" "Do not
use haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Low" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Low_Description" "Use
low intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Medium" "Haptic
Intensity - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_High" "Haptic Intensity
- High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityJoystickCameraMode_High_Description" "Use
High intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera" "Gyro Steering Axis"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera_Description" "For controlling the
horizontal movement of the mouse, you can use either the yaw or roll of the
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera_Yaw" "Gyro Steering Axis - Yaw"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera_Yaw_Description" "For controlling
the horizontal movement of the mouse, use the yaw of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera_Roll" "Gyro Steering Axis - Roll"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisJoystickCamera_Roll_Description" "For controlling
the horizontal movement of the mouse, use the roll of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera" "Gyro Button Behavior -
Turns Gyro"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_Description" "The gyro
input button behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the
button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_On" "Gyro Button Behavior -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_On_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior
- Off"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_Off_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_Toggle" "Gyro Button
Behavior - Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertJoystickCamera_Toggle_Description" "If
set, the device's gyro will toggle between being enabled or disabled when the
button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngleJoystickCamera" "Gyro Pitch Neutral Angle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngleJoystickCamera_Description" "This is the
default position for a Centered joystick. By changing this setting you can alter
the neutral centered position to tilt forward or backward which is comfortable to
your playing position. Note that for uses like a steering wheel, it is recommended
to disable the vertical portion entirely and just use the Horizontal Axis, where
this angle will not come into play."
"ControllerBinding_JoystickClickCameraMode" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_JoystickClickCameraMode_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the stick."
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode" "Swipe Duration"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Description" "Swipes will cause a
joystick 'flick' motion, as if slamming the stick to the side for a moment. How
long should this 'joystick pegged' action persist?"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Off" "Swipe Duration - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Off_Description" "Swipes will not
have any extended 'joystick pegged' interaction."
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Low" "Swipe Duration - Low"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Low_Description" "Swipes will
cause a joystick 'flick' motion, as if slamming the stick to the side for a moment.
With a low duration it will quickly reset."
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Medium" "Swipe Duration - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_Medium_Description" "Swipes will
cause a joystick 'flick' motion, as if slamming the stick to the side for a moment.
With a medium duration it will persist slightly before resetting."
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_High" "Swipe Duration - High"
"ControllerBinding_SwipeDurationCameraMode_High_Description" "Swipes will
cause a joystick 'flick' motion, as if slamming the stick to the side for a moment.
With a high duration it will persist for a long duration before resetting."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode" "Stick Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_Description" "This determines the
mapping of analog input to output. By default a linear 1:1 mapping is used. This
curve can altered so there is more or less room for fine controls."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_Linear" "Response Curve - Linear"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_Linear_Description" "A Linear
response curve maps the input directly to the output in a 1:1 fashion. At 50%
deflection, 50% output will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_1" "Response Curve - Aggressive"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_1_Description" "An aggressive
response curve gets to 100% output faster. This gives less of a slow range and
more quickly hits the upper range of output, with faster response."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_2" "Response Curve - Relaxed"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_2_Description" "A relaxed response
curve gets to 100% output slower. There is slightly more slow range where fine
control can be used and the upper range is pushed further towards the edges."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_3" "Response Curve - Wide"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_3_Description" "A wide response
curve gets to 100% output much slower that default. There is a wide range of low
values which ramps up quickly at the outer edges. This allows for a wide amount of
small values in the inner range while ramping to full at the outside."
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_4" "Response Curve - Extra Wide"
"ControllerBinding_CurveExponentCameraMode_4_Description" "An extra wide
response curve provides an large range of lower values over a wide band, only
reaching 100% at the extremes."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera" "Gyro Enable Button"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_Description" "The gyro input can
be turned on only when a button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroNone" "Gyro Enable Button -
Always On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroNone_Description" "The gyro
input will always be active."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTouchRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTouchRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTouchLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroClickRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroClickRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroClickLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroClickLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroBumperRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroBumperRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroBumperLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroBumperLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroGripRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroGripRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroGripLeft" "Gyro Enable Button
- Left Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroGripLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroLeftTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroLeftTrigger_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroRightTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Trigger Full Pull"
"The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Left Trigger Soft Pull"
ion" "The gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Right Trigger Soft Pull"
tion" "The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroA" "Gyro Enable Button - A"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroA_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the A button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroB" "Gyro Enable Button - B"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroB_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the B button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroX" "Gyro Enable Button - X"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroX_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the X button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroY" "Gyro Enable Button - Y"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroY_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Y button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroCross" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroCross_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Cross button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroCircle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroCircle_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Circle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroSquare" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroSquare_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Square button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTriangle" "Gyro Enable Button
- Triangle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroTriangle_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Triangle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroLStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroLStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroRStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonJoystickCamera_GyroRStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera_Description" "If set, moving left
will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left. Note
that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they don't
cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera_On" "Invert Horizontal Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera_On_Description" "If set, moving left
will move the joystick right, while moving right will move the joystick left. Note
that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they don't
cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera_Off" "Invert Horizontal Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXJoystickCamera_Off_Description" "The joystick
Horizontal axis will act normally, with left movement on the pad corresponding to
left movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera_Description" "If set, moving up on
the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera_On" "Invert Vertical Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera_On_Description" "If set, moving up
on the pad will move the joystick down, while moving down on the pad will move the
joystick up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera_Off" "Invert Vertical Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertYJoystickCamera_Off_Description" "The joystick
vertical axis will act normally, with up movement on the pad corresponding to up
movement of the joystick."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityJoystickCamera" "Sensitivity Vertical
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityJoystickCamera_Description" "Vertical
Sensitivity Scale determines how much vertical movement occurs relative to
horizontal movement. At 50% along the slider it is equal, if less than half it
vertical movement will be lower than horizontal, while more will increase the ratio
to more vertical movement."
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode" "Smooth Joystick"
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode_Description" "Smoothing
returns the stick to its neutral position as if it were driven by a physical spring
rather than instantly returning when you stop touching."
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode_On" "Smooth Joystick - On"
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode_On_Description" "Smoothing
returns the stick to its neutral position as if it were driven by a phsyical spring
rather than instantly returning when you stop touching."
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode_Off" "Smooth Joystick - Off"
"ControllerBinding_JoystickSmoothingCameraMode_Off_Description" "Instantly
return to zero on stop."
"ControllerBinding_JoystickCameraMouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_JoystickCameraMouseSensitivity_Description" "Sensitivity
of the mouse cursor when the virtual joystick's output is set to Mouse."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneJoystickCamera" "Anti-Deadzone"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneJoystickCamera_Description" "Most games apply
their own deadzones to controller output. If the control feels 'mushy' with a
physical area of movement where no output is seen in game, it is likely caused by
the game's deadzone. You can remove this using the Anti-Deadzone setting. This
subtracts away the deadzone, and provides finer grain control within the remaining
section. The higher the slider, the more is added to the smallest output value.
Note that if all deadzone is removed entirely, all positions will cause input. You
can use Anti-DeadZone Buffer to allow for a small area where no input will be sent,
even if the anti-deadzone is larger than the deadzone of the game."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBufferJoystickCamera" "Anti-Deadzone Buffer"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBufferJoystickCamera_Description" "If an anti-
deadzone has been applied, there may be no remaining actual deadzone as applied by
the game, so touching anywhere will actively cause movement. To allow for a safe
buffer area where no input will be sent, the anti-deadzone buffer acts as the new
deadzone for the control. It can be visualized as a radius from the center of the
pad, within which no input will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseMouseSensitivity" "Mouse Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneAbsMouse" "Anti-Deadzone"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneAbsMouse_Description" "Most games apply their
own deadzones to controller output. If the control feels 'mushy' with a physical
area of movement where no output is seen in game, it is likely caused by the game's
deadzone. You can remove this using the Anti-Deadzone setting. This subtracts away
the deadzone, and provides finer grain control within the remaining section. The
higher the slider, the more is added to the smallest output value. Note that if
all deadzone is removed entirely, all positions will cause input. You can use Anti-
DeadZone Buffer to allow for a small area where no input will be sent, even if the
anti-deadzone is larger than the deadzone of the game."
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBufferAbsMouse" "Anti-Deadzone Buffer"
"ControllerBinding_AntiDeadZoneBufferAbsMouse_Description" "If an anti-
deadzone has been applied, there may be no remaining actual deadzone as applied by
the game, so touching anywhere will actively cause movement. To allow for a safe
buffer area where no input will be sent, the anti-deadzone buffer acts as the new
deadzone for the control. It can be visualized as a radius from the center of the
pad, within which no input will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse" "Gyro Enable Button"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_Description" "The gyro input can be
turned on only when a button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroNone" "Gyro Enable Button - Always
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroNone_Description" "The gyro input
will always be active."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchRight" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchRight_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchLeft" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchCenter" "Gyro Enable Button -
Unified Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTouchCenter_Description" "The gyro
input will be on when any part of the Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroClickRight" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroClickRight_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroClickLeft" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroClickLeft_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroBumperRight" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroBumperRight_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroBumperLeft" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroBumperLeft_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroGripRight" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroGripRight_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroGripLeft" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroGripLeft_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroLeftTrigger" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroLeftTrigger_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroRightTrigger" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroRightTrigger_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Trigger Soft Pull"
"The gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Trigger Soft Pull"
"The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroA" "Gyro Enable Button - A"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroA_Description" "The gyro input will
be on only when the A button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroB" "Gyro Enable Button - B"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroB_Description" "The gyro input will
be on only when the B button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroX" "Gyro Enable Button - X"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroX_Description" "The gyro input will
be on only when the X button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroY" "Gyro Enable Button - Y"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroY_Description" "The gyro input will
be on only when the Y button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroCross" "Gyro Enable Button - Cross"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroCross_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Cross button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroCircle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroCircle_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Circle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroSquare" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroSquare_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Square button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTriangle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroTriangle_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Triangle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroLStick" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroLStick_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Left Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroRStick" "Gyro Enable Button - Right
Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonAbsMouse_GyroRStick_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Right Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseMouseSensitivity_Description" "Sensitivity of the
mouse cursor when the virtual joystick's output is set to Mouse."
// Absolute Mouse
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_AbsoluteMouse" "Style of Input - Mouse"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_AbsoluteMouse_Description" "This input will
operate as a mouse. It will control any mouse based interface such as a cursor or
in-game camera."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseClick_Description" "This action will be performed
when you click the pad."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseGyroLeft" "Lean Left Action"
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseGyroLeft_Description" "This action will be
performed when you lean the controller to the left."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseGyroRight" "Lean Right Action"
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseGyroRight_Description" "This action will be
performed when you lean the controller to the right."
"ControllerBinding_Trackball" "Trackball Mode"
"ControllerBinding_Trackball_Description" "Trackball mode makes the pad act
like a trackball instead of a mouse. It will have momentum and friction, allowing
you to flick it like a trackball."
"ControllerBinding_Trackball_On" "Trackball Mode - On"
"ControllerBinding_Trackball_On_Description" "The mouse will move like a
trackball. It will have momentum and friction and can be flicked like a
"ControllerBinding_Trackball_Off" "Trackball Mode - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Trackball_Off_Description" "The mouse will move like a
normal mouse. It will have not have momentum or friction."
"ControllerBinding_Sensitivity" "Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_Sensitivity_Description" "Sets the sensitivity of this
control. For the smoothest results, lowering in-game sensitivity while raising
this hardware sensitivity will provide the game with more precision to work with."
"ControllerBinding_RotationAbsMouse" "Rotation"
"ControllerBinding_RotationAbsMouse_Description" "Rotation is the horizon
line of mouse movement. Swiping your thumb over the trackpad may result in a
slighly canted movement. You can align this rotation to match your natural
movements, so that a quick swipe results in a perfectly horizontal mouse movement."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityAbsMouse_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_Friction" "Trackball Friction"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Description" "Trackball friction determines how
quickly the trackball slows to a stop when freely spinning."
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Off" "Trackball Friction - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Off_Description" "If off the trackball will have
no momentum. It will act as if trackball mode is disabled."
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Low" "Trackball Friction - Low"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Low_Description" "With Low Friction, the
trackball will continue to rotate for a long period after being flicked, slowly
coming to a stop."
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Medium" "Trackball Friction - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_Medium_Description" "With Medium Friction, the
trackball will rotate for a period after being flicked, gradually coming to a
"ControllerBinding_Friction_High" "Trackball Friction - High"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_High_Description" "With High Friction, the
trackball will spin for a short duration, quickly come to a stop after being
"ControllerBinding_Friction_None" "Trackball Friction - None"
"ControllerBinding_Friction_None_Description" "With No Friction, the
trackball will spin forever after being flicked without outside intervention."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalFriction" "Vertical Friction"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalFriction_Description" "Vertical Friction
determines how fast the vertical movement comes to a stop relative to horizontal
movement. At 50% along the slider it is equal, if less than half it will slow less
quickly, if more, more quickly. For games where you control the camera, it is
usually desirable to have high vertical friction so flicks are primarily used for
spinning the camera along the horizontal axis."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity" "Vertical Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity_Description" "Vertical Sensitivity
determines how much vertical movement occurs relative to horizontal movement. At
50% along the slider it is equal, if less than half it vertical movement will be
lower than horizontal, while more will increase the ratio to more vertical
"ControllerBinding_SmoothingAbsMouse" "Smoothing"
"ControllerBinding_SmoothingAbsMouse_Description" "Smoothing helps to remove
noise and jitter from the mouse. Smaller values will result in less filtering,
while higher values will be more filtered and smoother."
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration" "Acceleration"
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Description" "Acceleration will cause faster
movements to cause more mouse movement relative to slow movements for the same
space covered on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Off" "Acceleration - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Off_Description" "With no acceleration
movement will be 1:1, with the distance covered on the pad always resulting in the
same in-game output regardless of the speed."
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Low" "Acceleration - Low"
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Low_Description" "With low acceleration
movement will be slightly accelerated, with faster movements making in-game output
slightly greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the physical
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Medium" "Acceleration - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_Medium_Description" "With medium acceleration
movement will be fairly accelerated, with faster movements making in-game output
quite a bit greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the physical
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_High" "Acceleration - High"
"ControllerBinding_Acceleration_High_Description" "With high acceleration
movement will be very accelerated, with faster movements making in-game output
extremely high at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro" "Acceleration"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Description" "Acceleration will cause
faster movements to cause more mouse movement relative to slow movements for the
same space covered on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Off" "Acceleration - Off"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Off_Description" "With no acceleration
movement will be 1:1, with the distance covered on the pad always resulting in the
same in-game output regardless of the speed."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Low" "Acceleration - Low"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Low_Description" "With low acceleration
movement will be slightly accelerated, with faster movements making in-game output
slightly greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the physical
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Medium" "Acceleration - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_Medium_Description" "With medium
acceleration movement will be fairly accelerated, with faster movements making in-
game output quite a bit greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on
the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_High" "Acceleration - High"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyro_High_Description" "With high acceleration
movement will be very accelerated, with faster movements making in-game output
extremely high at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTap" "Double Tap Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTap_Description" "A button can be sent when double
tapping on the pad. Tapping doesn't not require a full click, just a quick double-
tap on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapDuration" "Double Tap Duration"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapDuration_Description" "Double Tap Duration sets
the time required between times to register as a double tap. Lower values will
require a very fast double tap while higher values will allow a long time between
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep" "Double Tap Beep"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep_Description" "Double Tap Beep will cause the
controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep_On" "Double Tap Beep - On"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep_On_Description" "Double Tap Beep will cause
the controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep_Off" "Double Tap Beep - Off"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeep_Off_Description" "Double Tap Beep will cause
the controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp" "Trigger Press Mouse Dampening"
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_Description" "The mouse movement can be
dampened while the trigger is being pulled. This can help to correct for
accidental movement while pulling the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinRadius" "Edge Spin Radius"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinRadius_Description" "If Edge Spin Speed is set,
when outside this radius on the pad, the mouse will continue to send input at a
constant rate in the specified direction. The slider can be visualized as
extending a radius from the center outward, with fully to the left as always edge
spinning and fully right as only the very edge engaging edge spin."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinScale" "Edge Spin Speed"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinScale_Description" "If Edge Spin Speed is set,
when outside the Edge Spin Radius on the pad, the mouse will continue to send input
at a the specified rate in the specified direction."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse_Description" "If set, moving left on the pad
will move the mouse right, while moving right on the pad will move the mouse left.
Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they
don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse_On" "Invert Horizontal Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse_On_Description" "If set, moving left on the
pad will move the mouse right, while moving right on the pad will move the mouse
left. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure
they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse_Off" "Invert Horizontal Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouse_Off_Description" "The mouse Horizontal axis
will act normally, with left movement on the pad corresponding to left movement of
the mouse."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY_Description" "If set, moving up on the pad
will move the mouse down, while moving down on the pad will move the mouse up.
Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they
don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY_On" "Invert Vertical Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY_On_Description" "If set, moving up on the pad
will move the mouse down, while moving down on the pad will move the mouse up.
Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to ensure they
don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY_Off" "Invert Vertical Axis - Off"
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseY_Off_Description" "The mouse vertical axis
will act normally, with up movement on the pad corresponding to up movement of the
"ControllerBinding_MouseMoveThreshold" "Movement Threshold"
"ControllerBinding_MouseMoveThreshold_Description" "The mouse will accumulate
movement until this threshold has been passed and only send at that point.
Intended for applications that exhibit aggressive filtering/clamping of the mouse,
which can cause small motions to be lost, but shouldn't generally be required.
Ideally this should be as small of a value while not losing input for small
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse" "Gyro Button Behavior - Turns
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_Description" "The gyro input
button behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the button
is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_On" "Gyro Button Behavior - On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_On_Description" "If set, the
device's gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior - Off"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_Off_Description" "If set, the
device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_Toggle" "Gyro Button Behavior -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertAbsMouse_Toggle_Description" "If set, the
device's gyro will toggle between being enabled or disabled when the button is
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad" "Gyro Enable Button"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_Description" "The gyro input can be turned
on only when a button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroNone" "Gyro Enable Button - Always On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroNone_Description" "The gyro input will
always be active."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchRight" "Gyro Enable Button - Right
Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchRight_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Right Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchLeft" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Left Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchCenter" "Gyro Enable Button -
Whole Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTouchCenter_Description" "The gyro
input will be on when any part of the touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroClickRight" "Gyro Enable Button - Right
Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroClickRight_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Right Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroClickLeft" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroClickLeft_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Left Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroBumperRight" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroBumperRight_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroBumperLeft" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroBumperLeft_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Left Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroGripRight" "Gyro Enable Button - Right
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroGripRight_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Right Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroGripLeft" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroGripLeft_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Left Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroLeftTrigger" "Gyro Enable Button - Left
Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroLeftTrigger_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroRightTrigger" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroRightTrigger_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Trigger Soft Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Trigger Soft Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroRightTriggerThreshold_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroA" "Gyro Enable Button - A"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroA_Description" "The gyro input will be
on only when the A button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroB" "Gyro Enable Button - B"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroB_Description" "The gyro input will be
on only when the B button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroX" "Gyro Enable Button - X"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroX_Description" "The gyro input will be
on only when the X button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroY" "Gyro Enable Button - Y"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroY_Description" "The gyro input will be
on only when the Y button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroCross" "Gyro Enable Button - Cross"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroCross_Description" "The gyro input will
be on only when the Cross button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroCircle" "Gyro Enable Button - Circle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroCircle_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Circle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroSquare" "Gyro Enable Button - Square"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroSquare_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Square button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTriangle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonDpad_GyroTriangle_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Triangle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngleDpad" "Gyro Pitch Neutral Angle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroNeutralAngleDpad_Description" "This is the default
position for a Centered joystick. By changing this setting you can alter the
neutral centered position to tilt forward or backward which is comfortable to your
playing position. Note that for uses like a steering wheel, it is recommended to
disable the vertical portion entirely and just use the Horizontal Axis, where this
angle will not come into play."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse" "Gyro Steering Axis"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse_Description" "For controlling the
horizontal movement of the mouse, you can use either the yaw or roll of the
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse_Yaw" "Gyro Steering Axis - Yaw"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse_Yaw_Description" "For controlling the
horizontal movement of the mouse, use the yaw of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse_Roll" "Gyro Steering Axis - Roll"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisAbsMouse_Roll_Description" "For controlling the
horizontal movement of the mouse, use the roll of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_Off" "Trigger Dampening Off"
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_Off_Description""Trigger Dampening is
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningRightSoft" "Trigger
Soft Pull Dampening Right"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft Pull. Squeezing the
trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningLeftSoft" "Trigger
Soft Pull Dampening Left"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft Pull. Squeezing the
trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningBothSoft" "Trigger
Soft Pull Dampening Both"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft Pull. Squeezing either
trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningRightAlways" "Trigg
er Soft/Full Pull Dampening Right"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft/Full Pull.
Squeezing the trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until
fully released."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningLeftAlways" "Trigger
Soft/Full Pull Dampening Left"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft/Full Pull. Squeezing the
trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until fully released."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningBothAlways" "Trigger
Soft/Full Pull Dampening Both"
"Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft/Full Pull. Squeezing
either trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until fully
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampAmount" "Trigger Dampening Amount"
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampAmount_Description" "This sets how
much the mouse movement should be dampened. Slide to the right to further stop
mouse movement."
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseTouch" "Touch Binding"
"ControllerBinding_AbsMouseTouch_Description" "An action can be sent while
touching the pad. If momentum/trackball mode is active, this button will be
released when it fully decays. Otherwise, this button will be released the moment
you stop touching the pad."
"ControllerBinding_LeanSensitivityAbsMouse" "Gyro Lean Point"
"ControllerBinding_LeanSensitivityAbsMouse_Description" "This determines how
far the controller must be turned to trigger lean bindings."

// Mouse Joystick
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick" "Trackball Mode"
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick_Description" "Trackball mode makes
the pad act like a trackball instead of a mouse. It will have momentum and
friction, allowing you to flick it like a trackball."
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick_On" "Trackball Mode - On"
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick_On_Description" "The mouse will
move like a trackball. It will have momentum and friction and can be flicked like
a trackball."
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick_Off" "Trackball Mode - Off"
"ControllerBinding_TrackballMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "The mouse will
move like a normal mouse. It will have not have momentum or friction."
"ControllerBinding_SensitivityMouseJoystick" "Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_SensitivityMouseJoystick_Description" "Sets the
sensitivity of this control. NOTE: Since this mode is sending the game joystick
output - the maximum sensitivity will be limited by the game's Gamepad Camera
Sensitivity. For best results, set the in-game Gamepad Camera Sensitivity option
as high as possible."
"ControllerBinding_RotationMouseJoystick" "Rotation"
"ControllerBinding_RotationMouseJoystick_Description" "Rotation is the
horizon line of mouse movement. Swiping your thumb over the trackpad may result in
a slighly canted movement. You can align this rotation to match your natural
movements, so that a quick swipe results in a perfectly horizontal mouse movement."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_High" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseJoystick_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickClick_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the pad/stick."
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickGyroLeft" "Lean Left Action"
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickGyroLeft_Description" "This action will be
performed when you lean the controller to the left."
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickGyroRight" "Lean Right Action"
"ControllerBinding_MouseJoystickGyroRight_Description" "This action will be
performed when you lean the controller to the right."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick" "Trackball Friction"
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Description" "Trackball friction
determines how quickly the trackball slows to a stop when freely spinning."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Off" "Trackball Friction - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "If off the
trackball will have no momentum. It will act as if trackball mode is disabled."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Low" "Trackball Friction - Low"
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Low_Description" "With Low Friction,
the trackball will continue to rotate for a long period after being flicked, slowly
coming to a stop."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Medium" "Trackball Friction -
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_Medium_Description" "With Medium
Friction, the trackball will rotate for a period after being flicked, gradually
coming to a stop."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_High" "Trackball Friction - High"
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_High_Description" "With High
Friction, the trackball will spin for a short duration, quickly come to a stop
after being flicked."
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_None" "Trackball Friction - None"
"ControllerBinding_FrictionMouseJoystick_None_Description" "With No Friction,
the trackball will spin forever after being flicked without outside intervention."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalFrictionMouseJoystick" "Vertical Friction"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalFrictionMouseJoystick_Description" "Vertical
Friction determines how fast the vertical movement comes to a stop relative to
horizontal movement. At 50% along the slider it is equal, if less than half it
will slow less quickly, if more, more quickly. For games were you control the
camera, it is usually desirable to have high vertical friction so flicks are
primarily used for spinning the camera along the horizontal axis."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityMouseJoystick" "Vertical Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityMouseJoystick_Description" "Vertical
Sensitivity determines how much vertical movement occurs relative to horizontal
movement. At 50% along the slider it is equal, if less than half it vertical
movement will be lower than horizontal, while more will increase the ratio to more
vertical movement."
"ControllerBinding_SmoothingMouseJoystick" "Smoothing"
"ControllerBinding_SmoothingMouseJoystick_Description" "Smoothing helps to
remove noise and jitter from the mouse. Smaller values will result in less
filtering, while higher values will be more filtered and smoother."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick" "Acceleration"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Description" "Acceleration will
cause faster movements to cause more mouse movement relative to slow movements for
the same space covered on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Off" "Acceleration - Off"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "With no
acceleration movement will be 1:1, with the distance covered on the pad always
resulting in the same in-game output regardless of the speed."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Low" "Acceleration - Low"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Low_Description" "With low
acceleration movement will be slightly accelerated, with faster movements making
in-game output slightly greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on
the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Medium" "Acceleration - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_Medium_Description" "With medium
acceleration movement will be fairly accelerated, with faster movements making in-
game output quite a bit greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on
the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_High" "Acceleration - High"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationMouseJoystick_High_Description" "With high
acceleration movement will be very accelerated, with faster movements making in-
game output extremely high at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the
physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick" "Acceleration"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Description" "Acceleration
will cause faster movements to cause more mouse movement relative to slow movements
for the same space covered on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Off" "Acceleration - Off"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "With no
acceleration movement will be 1:1, with the distance covered on the pad always
resulting in the same in-game output regardless of the speed."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Low" "Acceleration - Low"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Low_Description" "With low
acceleration movement will be slightly accelerated, with faster movements making
in-game output slightly greater at faster speeds for the same distance covered on
the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Medium" "Acceleration -
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_Medium_Description" "With
medium acceleration movement will be fairly accelerated, with faster movements
making in-game output quite a bit greater at faster speeds for the same distance
covered on the physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_High" "Acceleration - High"
"ControllerBinding_AccelerationGyroMouseJoystick_High_Description" "With high
acceleration movement will be very accelerated, with faster movements making in-
game output extremely high at faster speeds for the same distance covered on the
physical pad."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapMouseJoystick" "Double Tap Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapMouseJoystick_Description" "A button can be sent
when double tapping on the pad. Tapping doesn't not require a full click, just a
quick double-tap on the pad."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapDurationMouseJoystick" "Double Tap Duration"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapDurationMouseJoystick_Description" "Double Tap
Duration sets the time required between times to register as a double tap. Lower
values will require a very fast double tap while higher values will allow a long
time between taps."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick" "Double Tap Beep"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick_Description" "Double Tap Beep
will cause the controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick_On" "Double Tap Beep - On"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick_On_Description" "Double Tap
Beep will cause the controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick_Off" "Double Tap Beep - Off"
"ControllerBinding_DoubleTapBeepMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "Double Tap
Beep will cause the controller to beep when a double tap is sent."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick" "Trigger Press Mouse
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick_Description" "The mouse
movement can be dampened while the trigger is being pulled. This can help to
correct for accidental movement while pulling the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinRadiusMouseJoystick" "Edge Spin Radius"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinRadiusMouseJoystick_Description" "If Edge Spin
Speed is set, when outside this radius on the pad, the mouse will continue to send
input at a constant rate in the specified direction. The slider can be visualized
as extending a radius from the center outward, with fully to the left as always
edge spinning and fully right as only the very edge engaging edge spin."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinScaleMouseJoystick" "Edge Spin Speed"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeSpinScaleMouseJoystick_Description" "If Edge Spin
Speed is set, when outside the Edge Spin Radius on the pad, the mouse will continue
to send input at a the specified rate in the specified direction."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick" "Invert Horizontal Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick_Description" "If set, moving
left on the pad will move the mouse right, while moving right on the pad will move
the mouse left. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need
to ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick_On" "Invert Horizontal Axis -
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick_On_Description" "If set, moving
left on the pad will move the mouse right, while moving right on the pad will move
the mouse left. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need
to ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick_Off" "Invert Horizontal Axis -
"ControllerBinding_InvertXMouseMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "The mouse
Horizontal axis will act normally, with left movement on the pad corresponding to
left movement of the mouse."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick" "Invert Vertical Axis"
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick_Description" "If set, moving up
on the pad will move the mouse down, while moving down on the pad will move the
mouse up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick_On" "Invert Vertical Axis - On"
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick_On_Description" "If set, moving
up on the pad will move the mouse down, while moving down on the pad will move the
mouse up. Note that game settings often have this same setting, so you need to
ensure they don't cancel each other out."
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick_Off" "Invert Vertical Axis -
"ControllerBinding_InvertMouseYMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "The mouse
vertical axis will act normally, with up movement on the pad corresponding to up
movement of the mouse."
"ControllerBinding_MouseMoveThresholdMouseJoystick" "Movement Threshold"
"ControllerBinding_MouseMoveThresholdMouseJoystick_Description" "The mouse
will accumulate movement until this threshold has been passed and only send at that
point. Intended for applications that exhibit aggressive filtering/clamping of the
mouse, which can cause small motions to be lost, but shouldn't generally be
required. Ideally this should be as small of a value while not losing input for
small motions."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick" "Gyro Enable Button"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_Description" "The gyro input can
be turned on only when a button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroNone" "Gyro Enable Button -
Always On"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroNone_Description" "The gyro
input will always be active."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTouchRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTouchRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTouchLeft" "Gyro Enable Button
- Left Pad Touch"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroClickRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroClickRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroClickLeft" "Gyro Enable Button
- Left Pad Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroClickLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Touchpad button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroBumperRight" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroBumperRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroBumperLeft" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Bumper"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroBumperLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Bumper button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroGripRight" "Gyro Enable Button
- Right Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroGripRight_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroGripLeft" "Gyro Enable Button
- Left Grip"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroGripLeft_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Grip button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroLeftTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Left Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroLeftTrigger_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroRightTrigger" "Gyro Enable
Button - Right Trigger Full Pull"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroRightTrigger_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroLeftTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Left Trigger Soft Pull"
on" "The gyro input will be on only when the Left Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroRightTriggerThreshold" "Gyro
Enable Button - Right Trigger Soft Pull"
ion" "The gyro input will be on only when the Right Trigger is barely pulled."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroA" "Gyro Enable Button - A"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroA_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the A button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroB" "Gyro Enable Button - B"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroB_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the B button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroX" "Gyro Enable Button - X"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroX_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the X button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroY" "Gyro Enable Button - Y"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroY_Description" "The gyro input
will be on only when the Y button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroCross" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroCross_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Cross button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroCircle" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroCircle_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Circle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroSquare" "Gyro Enable Button -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroSquare_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Square button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTriangle" "Gyro Enable Button
- Triangle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroTriangle_Description" "The
gyro input will be on only when the Triangle button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroLStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Left Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroLStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Left Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroRStick" "Gyro Enable Button -
Right Stick Click"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonMouseJoystick_GyroRStick_Description" "The gyro
input will be on only when the Right Stick is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick" "Gyro Steering Axis"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick_Description" "For controlling the
horizontal movement of the mouse, you can use either the yaw or roll of the
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick_Yaw" "Gyro Steering Axis - Yaw"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick_Yaw_Description" "For controlling
the horizontal movement of the mouse, use the yaw of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick_Roll" "Gyro Steering Axis - Roll"
"ControllerBinding_GyroAxisMouseJoystick_Roll_Description" "For controlling
the horizontal movement of the mouse, use the roll of the controller."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick_On""Trigger Dampening On"
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick_On_Description" "Trigg
er Dampening is Enabled"
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick_Off" "Trigger Dampening
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "Trigg
er Dampening is Disabled"
"Trigger Soft Pull Dampening Right"
escription" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft Pull.
Squeezing the trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is
"Trigger Soft Pull Dampening Left"
scription" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft Pull.
Squeezing the trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is
"Trigger Soft Pull Dampening Both"
scription" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft Pull.
Squeezing either trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is
" "Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening Right"
_Description" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft/Full
Pull. Squeezing the trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements
until fully released."
"Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening Left"
Description" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft/Full
Pull. Squeezing the trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements
until fully released."
"Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening Both"
Description" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft/Full
Pull. Squeezing either trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements
until fully released."
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampAmountMouseJoystick" "Trigger Dampening
"ControllerBinding_MouseTriggerClampAmountMouseJoystick_Description" "This
sets how much the mouse movement should be dampened. Slide to the right to further
stop mouse movement."
"ControllerBinding_DeadzoneXJoystickMouse" "Minimum Joystick X Output
"ControllerBinding_DeadzoneXJoystickMouse_Description" "This value
determines the minimum amount the output joystick will send when swiping. The
ideal setting is adjsuting it so the game's built in deadzone is exactly
compensated for. Adjust this value upwards until slow movements don't stop or
stutter, but provide clean movement. Move down if small movements are too big.
Also see the Enhance Small Movements setting."
"ControllerBinding_DeadzoneYJoystickMouse" "Minimum Joystick Y Output
"ControllerBinding_DeadzoneYJoystickMouse_Description" "This value
determines the minimum amount the output joystick will send when swiping. The
ideal setting is adjsuting it so the game's built in deadzone is exactly
compensated for. Adjust this value upwards until slow movements don't stop or
stutter, but provide clean movement. Move down if small movements are too big.
Also see the Enhance Small Movements setting."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_MouseJoystick" "Style of Input - Mouse
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_MouseJoystick_Description" "This input feels
like a mouse, but outputs a joystick. This is intended for games which do not
allow simultaneous mouse and gamepad inputs. It's the next best option to the real
thing for providing an emulated 1:1 response. NOTE: Since this mode is seen by the
game as a joystick, the sensitivity response is limited by the game's gamepad
sensitivity settings. For best results, set the in-game gamepad camera sensitivity
to the highest value possible."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Mouse" "Style of Input - Mouse"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_Mouse_Description" "This input translates a
joystick into mouse or cursor output. NOTE: This input may be affected by both the
configuration's sensitivity and the in-game mouse sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_GyroSensitivityScaleMouseJoystick" "Gyro Camera Scale"
"ControllerBinding_GyroSensitivityScaleMouseJoystick_Description" "When using
in combination with a pad also using Mouse Joystick mode, use this setting to scale
the relative input of the gyro to be less or greater."
"ControllerBinding_LeanSensitivityMouseJoystick" "Gyro Lean Point"
"ControllerBinding_LeanSensitivityMouseJoystick_Description" "This determines
how far the controller must be turned to trigger lean bindings."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick" "Gyro Button Behavior -
Turns Gyro"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_Description" "The gyro input
button behavior can be flipped. If set to off, gyro will turn off when the button
is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_On" "Gyro Button Behavior -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_On_Description" "If set, the
device's gyro will turn on when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_Off" "Gyro Button Behavior -
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_Off_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will turn off when the button is pressed."
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_Toggle" "Gyro Button
Behavior - Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_GyroButtonInvertMouseJoystick_Toggle_Description" "If set,
the device's gyro will toggle between being enabled or disabled when the button is
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivity_joystick_mouse" "Horizontal Scale"
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivity_joystick_mouse_Description" "Scale
the horizontal sensitivity. This will change the motion of the horizontal axis
relative to the vertical."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity_joystick_mouse" "Vertical Scale"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivity_joystick_mouse_Description" "Scale the
vertical sensitivity. This will change the motion of the vertical axis relative to
the horizontal."
// Mouse Region
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityMouseRegion_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadiusMouseRegion" "Outer Ring Binding Radius"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingRadiusMouseRegion_Description" "When outside
this radius, the assigned button or key will be sent. For example, the 'Run' or
'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge. The slider can be
visualized as extending a radius from the center outward, with the point being
where the outer ring begins."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingMouseRegion" "Outer Ring Binding"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingMouseRegion_Description" "When outside the
specified radius, the assigned button or key will be sent. For example, the 'Run'
or 'Sprint' button could be assigned when holding at the edge."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion" "Outer Ring Binding Invert"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion_Description" "If set, the
binding will be sent when inside the radius instead of outside. For example,
'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion_On" "Outer Ring Invert - On"
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion_On_Description" "The assigned
button will be sent if inside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius. For example,
'Walk' or 'Sneak' could be sent when inside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion_Off" "Outer Ring Invert -
"ControllerBinding_EdgeBindingInvertMouseRegion_Off_Description" "The
assigned button will be sent if outside the specified Outer Ring Binding Radius.
For example, 'Run' or 'Sprint' could be sent when outside a certain zone."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp" "Trigger Dampening"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_Description" "Trigger Dampening
will reduce the amount of movement output by this mode while the trigger is being
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_On" "Trigger Dampening On"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_On_Description" "Trigger Dampening
is Enabled"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_Off" "Trigger Dampening Off"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_Off_Description""Trigger Dampening
is Disabled"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningRightSoft" "Trigg
er Soft Pull Dampening Right"
ion" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft Pull. Squeezing the
trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningLeftSoft" "Trigg
er Soft Pull Dampening Left"
on" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft Pull. Squeezing the
trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningBothSoft" "Trigg
er Soft Pull Dampening Both"
on" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft Pull. Squeezing
either trigger will dampen any mouse movements until a full click is engaged."
"Trigger Soft/Full Pull Dampening Right"
ption" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Right Trigger Soft/Full Pull.
Squeezing the trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until
fully released."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningLeftAlways" "Trigg
er Soft/Full Pull Dampening Left"
tion" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Left Trigger Soft/Full Pull. Squeezing
the trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until fully
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClamp_TriggerDampeningBothAlways" "Trigg
er Soft/Full Pull Dampening Both"
tion" "Trigger Dampening is enabled for the Both Triggers Soft/Full Pull.
Squeezing either trigger including clicking will dampen any mouse movements until
fully released."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClampAmount" "Trigger Dampening
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTriggerClampAmount_Description" "This sets
how much the mouse movement should be dampened. Slide to the right to further stop
mouse movement."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerClick" "Full Pull Action"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerClick_Description" "This action will be performed
when you pull the trigger the entire way until it clicks (you'll hear a soft
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger_Description" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger_On_Description" "If turned on, holding
any button will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatsTrigger_Off_Description" "If turned on, holding
any button will cause it to repeat. This is often known as a 'Turbo Mode'."
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalTrigger" "Repeat Interval"
"ControllerBinding_HoldRepeatIntervalTrigger_Description" "When Turbo Mode is
turned on, this determines the speed of the repeat. Slide to the right for a
faster repeat rate."
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger" "Analog Output Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_Description" "When enabled, the analog value
of the specified trigger will be sent to the game. Only possible if the game
recognizes XInput compatible gamepad values."
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerOff" "Analog Trigger Disabled"
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerOff_Description" "No analog values
will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerLeft" "Left Output Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerLeft_Description" "Analog values will
be sent to the game as a Left Trigger. Only possible if the game recognizes XInput
compatible gamepad values."
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerRight" "Right Output Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_OutputTrigger_TriggerRight_Description" "Analog values
will be sent to the game as a Right Trigger. Only possible if the game recognizes
XInput compatible gamepad values."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerDeadZoneStart" "Trigger Range Start"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerDeadZoneStart_Description" "This sets the deadzone
for the analog trigger. A greater value will create more of a 'deadzone' where no
analog value will be sent when initially pressing the trigger down."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerDeadZoneEnd" "Trigger Range End"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerDeadZoneEnd_Description" "This sets the deadzone
for the analog trigger. A smaller value will create more of a 'deadzone' at the
end of the range where the maximum analog value will be sent once past this point
in the throw."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent" "Triger Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_Description" "This determines the
mapping of analog input to output. By default a linear 1:1 mapping is used. This
curve can altered so there is more or less room for fine controls."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_Linear" "Response Curve - Linear"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_Linear_Description" "A Linear
response curve maps the input directly to the output in a 1:1 fashion. At 50%
deflection, 50% output will be sent."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_1" "Response Curve - Aggressive"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_1_Description" "An aggressive
response curve gets to 100% output faster. This gives less of a slow range and
more quickly hits the upper range of output, with faster response."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_2" "Response Curve - Relaxed"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_2_Description" "A relaxed response
curve gets to 100% output slower. There is slightly more slow range where fine
control can be used and the upper range is pushed further towards the end."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_3" "Response Curve - Wide"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_3_Description" "A wide response curve
gets to 100% output much slower that default. There is a wide range of low values
which ramps up quickly at the end. This allows for a wide amount of small values
in the inner range while ramping to full at the outside."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_4" "Response Curve - Extra Wide"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_4_Description" "An extra wide
response curve provides an large range of lower values over a wide band, only
reaching 100% at the extremes."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_Custom" "Response Curve - Custom
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCurveExponent_Custom_Description" "A Custom Curve
can be defined using the response curve slider."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCustomCurveExponent" "Custom Response Curve"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerCustomCurveExponent_Description" "Changing this
slider adjusts the output response curve for the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerAnalogThresholdBinding" "Soft Pull Action"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerAnalogThresholdBinding_Description" "This action
will be performed when you pull the trigger softly, but not the entire way (so you
won't hear the full pull click)."
"ControllerBinding_TriggerThreshold" "Trigger Threshold Point"
"ControllerBinding_TriggerThreshold_Description" "The assigned binding will
fire when passing this point in the trigger throw. For a light press, move the
slider to the left, while one requiring a farther press of the trigger should be
moved to the right."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold" "Threshold Trigger Style"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_Description" "The trigger threshold can
be set up in a few ways. This will vary based on how you want to use this
threshold in what style of game. In a mouse based click and drag environment, the
Simple Threshold is likely the best option. In an FPS with a single function bound
to the trigger, Hair Trigger will likely give the most responsive feel when rapidly
pulling the trigger. In a game where dual stage triggers are enabled via the
threshold as well as the click, hip fire allows a quick pull of the trigger to hit
the physical button without engaging the threshold action, while a slower pull will
engage the threshold first. Aggressive Hip Fire will engage the threshold action
much faster than Relaxed."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_HairTrigger" "Threshold Hair Trigger"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_HairTrigger_Description" "With the Hair
Trigger setting, the threshold will adapt to the user. Once the initial threshold
has been passed, letting off the trigger by any degree will reset the trigger,
allowing it to be pressed again, even if the trigger hasn't been released to the
point of the initial threshold. This is often desirable for situations like rapid
firing a weapon where you want a small amount of throw to fire the first shot, but
you don't want to have to let it return to full unpressed to fire again. For
actions that require holding the trigger continually, it may be less desirable, as
any lessing of the trigger will cause the selected binding to release."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_Simple" "Simple Threshold"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_Simple_Description" "Basic Threshold,
the threshold is at a fixed throw specified by the selected value. Once the
specified threshold has been passed, letting off the trigger will not release the
button until the trigger has been released to the point of the specified threshold.
For actions that require holding the trigger continually, where accidental button
release is undesirable, this may be the preferred setting."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressShort" "Hip Fire Aggressive"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressShort_Description" "Intended to
be used with a dual-stage trigger setup, Hip Fire allows a quick pull of the
trigger to engage the click without engaging the threshold. A slower pull or hover
will engage the threshold action. This allows for actions such as iron-sights to
be set on the threshold and fire on the click, while still allowing a quick pull to
click to fire without entering iron-sights. Additionally, once the click has been
hit, the threshold won't be engaged until the trigger has been released outside of
the threshold range, allowing it to be primed for additional clicks. Aggressive
Hip Fire mode is a very small window before engaging the threshold, requiring a
very fast pull of the trigger to skip it. The Threshold action will engage fastest
here when intentionally enaging it."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressMedium" "Hip Fire Normal"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressMedium_Description" "Intended
to be used with a dual-stage trigger setup, Hip Fire allows a quick pull of the
trigger to engage the click without engaging the threshold. A slower pull or hover
will engage the threshold action. This allows for actions such as iron-sights to
be set on the threshold and fire on the click, while still allowing a quick pull to
click to fire without entering iron-sights. Additionally, once the click has been
hit, the threshold won't be engaged until the trigger has been released outside of
the threshold range, allowing it to be primed for additional clicks. Normal Hip
Fire mode has a window before engaging the threshold, requiring a quick pull of the
trigger to avoid it."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressLong" "Hip Fire Relaxed"
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressLong_Description" "Intended to
be used with a dual-stage trigger setup, Hip Fire allows a quick pull of the
trigger to engage the click without engaging the threshold. A slower pull or hover
will engage the threshold action. This allows for actions such as iron-sights to
be set on the threshold and fire on the click, while still allowing a quick pull to
click to fire without entering iron-sights. Additionally, once the click has been
hit, the threshold won't be engaged until the trigger has been released outside of
the threshold range, allowing it to be primed for additional clicks. Relaxed Hip
Fire mode is a larger window before engaging the threshold, allowing a slower pull
of the trigger to avoid it. This means the Threshold action will be slightly less
responsive when intentionally trying to engage."
"ControllerBinding_AdaptiveThreshold_LongPressExclusive" "Hip Fire Exclusive"
"Intended to be used with a dual-stage trigger setup, Hip Fire allows a quick pull
of the trigger to engage the click without engaging the threshold. A slower pull
or hover will engage the threshold action. With Exclusive Hip Fire, if the Soft
Pull action is engaged, the Full Pull option will no longer function. So in
Exclusive mode, you can activate either the Full or Soft pull, but not both."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Description" "This sets
the intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Off" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Off_Description" "Do not
use haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Low" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Medium" "Haptic Intensity
- Medium"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_Medium_Description" "Use
medium intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_High" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_High_Description" "Use
High intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityTriggerThreshold_ActivatorPref" "Haptic
Intensity - Use Activator Settings"
"The haptics will be controlled by the settings in each activator."
// Scroll Wheel
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_ScrollWheel" "Style of Input - Scroll Wheel"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_ScrollWheel_Description" "This input will
operate as a Scroll Wheel. Rotating clockwise or counterclockwise will fire off
events like a scrollwheel, clickwheel, or jogwheel."
"ControllerBinding_SensitivityScrollWheel" "Sensitivity"
"ControllerBinding_SensitivityScrollWheel_Description" "Controls the
sensitivity of the scrollwheel. This determines how much of a rotation is required
for the next binding to fire."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel" "Haptic Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Description" "This sets the
intensity of the haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Off" "Haptic Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Off_Description" "Do not use
haptics for this mode."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Low" "Haptic Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Low_Description" "Use low
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Medium" "Haptic Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_Medium_Description" "Use medium
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_High" "Haptic Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_HapticIntensityScrollWheel_High_Description" "Use High
intensity haptics."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelClockwise" "Clockwise Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelClockwise_Description" "You can assign a button
or key to be sent to the game when rotating clockwise."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelCounterClockwise" "Counter Clockwise Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelCounterClockwise_Description" "You can assign a
button or key to be sent to the game when rotating counter clockwise."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelClick_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the pad/stick."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList0" "Scroll Wheel List 1 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList0_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the first item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList1" "Scroll Wheel List 2 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList1_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the second item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList2" "Scroll Wheel List 3 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList2_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the third item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList3" "Scroll Wheel List 4 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList3_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the fourth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList4" "Scroll Wheel List 5 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList4_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the fifth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList5" "Scroll Wheel List 6 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList5_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the sixth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList6" "Scroll Wheel List 7 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList6_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the seventh item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList7" "Scroll Wheel List 8 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList7_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the eighth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList8" "Scroll Wheel List 9 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList8_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the ninth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList9" "Scroll Wheel List 10 Binding"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelList9_Description" "You can assign a button or
key to be sent to the game when the tenth item is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap" "Wrap List"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap_Description" "When selected, the list
will restart once either end is reached. Otherwise, the list will cease once
either extreme is hit."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap_On" "Wrap List - On"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap_On_Description" "When scrolling in a
single direction, the list will restart once either end is reached."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap_Off" "Wrap List - Off"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelListWrap_Off_Description" "When scrolling
through bindings, once the last item in a particular direction is hit, no further
output will be sent until the other direction is sent."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType" "Swipe Direction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Description" "Sets the type of motion
required to move through the binding list. Either circular swipes of the pad,
vertical swipes or horizontal swipes."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Circle" "Circular Scroll Wheel"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Circle_Description" "The scroll wheel will
swipe in a circular direction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Horizontal" "Horizontal Scroll Wheel"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Horizontal_Description" "The scroll wheel
will swipe in a horizontal direction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Vertical" "Vertical Scroll Wheel"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelType_Vertical_Description" "The scroll wheel
will swipe in a vertical direction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert" "Invert Direction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert_Description" "Switches the direction
of the scroll action."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert_Off" "Conventional Scroll Wheel"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert_Off_Description""The scroll wheel
direction will not be inverted."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert_On" "Inverted Scroll Wheel."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelInvert_On_Description" "The scroll wheel
direction will be inverted."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction" "Spin Friction"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Description" "This determintes how
long the scroll wheel will continute to scroll when flicked. Low friction results
in a longer spin."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Off" "Scroll Wheel Friction - Off"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Off_Description" "If off the scroll
wheel will have no momentum. It will act as if scroll wheel mode is disabled."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Low" "Scroll Wheel Friction - Low"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Low_Description" "With Low Friction,
the scroll wheel will continue to rotate for a long period after being flicked,
slowly coming to a stop."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Medium" "Scroll Wheel Friction -
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_Medium_Description" "With Medium
Friction, the scroll wheel will rotate for a period after being flicked, gradually
coming to a stop."
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_High" "Scroll Wheel Friction - High"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_High_Description" "With High Friction,
the scroll wheel will spin for a short duration, quickly come to a stop after being
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_None" "Scroll Wheel Friction - None"
"ControllerBinding_ScrollWheelFriction_None_Description" "With No Friction,
the scroll wheel will spin forever after being flicked without outside

"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_TouchMenu" "Style of Input - Touch Menu"

"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_TouchMenu_Description" "This input will act
as a Touch Menu. Touch Menus display on-screen when your finger touches the Touch
Pad. Clicking on one of the shown buttons will fire off the appropriate action.
Touchmenus can have a variety of buttons, layouts, size, opacity, and can use
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount" "Touch Menu Button Count"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Description" "This selects how many
on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button2" "Touch Menu Button Count 2"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button2_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button4" "Touch Menu Button Count 4"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button4_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button5" "Touch Menu Button Count 5"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button5_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button7" "Touch Menu Button Count 7"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button7_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button9" "Touch Menu Button Count 9"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button9_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button12" "Touch Menu Button Count
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button12_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button13" "Touch Menu Button Count
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button13_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button16" "Touch Menu Button Count
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonCount_Button16_Description" "This selects
how many on-screen buttons will show on your touch menu."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuPosX" "Touch Menu Horizontal Position"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuPosX_Description" "This determines where the
Touch Menu will appear on screen. Adjust this slider to adjust the horizontal
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuPosY" "Touch Menu Vertical Position"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuPosY_Description" "This determines where the
Touch Menu will appear on screen. Adjust this slider to adjust the vertical
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton0" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton0_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton1" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton1_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton2" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton2_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton3" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton3_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton4" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton4_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton5" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton5_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton6" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton6_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton7" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton7_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton8" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton8_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton9" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton9_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton10" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton10_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton11" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton11_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton12" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton12_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton13" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton13_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton14" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton14_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton15" "Touch Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButton15_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuOpacity" "Touch Menu Opacity"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuOpacity_Description" "This slider determines how
translucent the touch menu appears on-screen."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuScale" "Touch Menu Size"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuScale_Description" "This slider determines the
size of the touch menu on-screen."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels" "Touch Menu Display Binding Label"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels_Description" "Touch menu buttons can
show a text label of what is bound to them on the actual button. If an icon is
used, this label will display in the upper left corner. If disabled, the icon or
blank button will be used."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels_On" "Display Binding Label on Button
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels_On_Description" "This enables
displaying the binding label on the button. If an icon is used the label will only
show in the upper left corner of the button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels_Off" "Display Binding Label on Button
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuShowLabels_Off_Description" "This disables
displaying the binding label on the button and will instead show the icon or a
blank button."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType" "Touch Menu Activation Style"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_Description" "This setting controls
what kind of input will activate the menu item."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_ButtonClick" "Button Click"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_ButtonClick_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_ButtonRelease" "Button Release"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_ButtonRelease_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_TouchRelease" "Touch
Release/MouseShift End"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_TouchRelease_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the trackpad is no longer touched or when the mode
shift button is released."
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_TouchAlways" "Always"
"ControllerBinding_TouchMenuButtonType_TouchAlways_Description" "This
activates the menu item continuously while the trackpad is being touched."
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_MouseRegion" "Style of Input - Mouse Region"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_MouseRegion_Description" "This input will act
as a Mouse Region. Mouse Region sends mouse input to a game, but treats the pad as
a 1:1 map to screen space, so touching a particular place on the pad will always
put the cursor in the same place on the screen. In addition to working great for
top-down style games, regions can be restricted to certain areas of the screen,
scaled, stretched and mode-shifted in to select mini-maps, toolbars, inventory,
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionClick" "Click Action"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionClick_Description" "This action will be
performed when you click the pad/stick."
"ControllerBinding_ScaleMouseRegion" "Region Size"
"ControllerBinding_ScaleMouseRegion_Description" "This will scale the size of
the region that is mapped to the outer extents of the pad/stick."
"ControllerBinding_PositionXMouse" "Region Horizontal Position"
"ControllerBinding_PositionXMouse_Description" "This is the on screen
horizontal position that the region will be centered around."
"ControllerBinding_PositionYMouse" "Region Vertical Position"
"ControllerBinding_PositionYMouse_Description" "This is the on screen
vertical position that the region will be centered around."
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStart" "Snap Mouse on Mode Shift Start"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStart_Description" "When enabling the mode shift,
should the mouse be snapped to the center of the region?"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop" "Reset Mouse on Stop/Mode Shift End"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop_Description" "When you stop touching or
disable the mode shift, should the mouse be snapped back to the position it was
before the mode shift was engaged?"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop_On" "Snap Back Enabled"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop_On_Description" "This will snap back the
mouse to the previous position on the release of the touchpad or end of the mode
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop_Off" "Snap Back Disabled"
"ControllerBinding_TeleportStop_Off_Description" "This will leave the mouse
postition as-is on the release of the touchpad or end of the mode shift."
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivityMouseRegion" "Horizontal Scale"
"ControllerBinding_HorizontalSensitivityMouseRegion_Description" "Scale the
horizontal region. You can use this to change the on-screen region from a cirlce
to an ellipse or a line."
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityMouseRegion" "Vertical Scale"
"ControllerBinding_VerticalSensitivityMouseRegion_Description" "Scale the
vertical region. You can use this to change the on-screen region from a cirlce to
an ellipse or a line."
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTouch" "Touch Binding"
"ControllerBinding_MouseRegionTouch_Description" "An action can be sent while
touching the pad. This button will be released when you stop touching."
// Radial Menu
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_RadialMenu" "Style of Input - Radial Menu"
"ControllerBinding_ModeDropDown_RadialMenu_Description" "This input will act
as a Radial Menu. Radial Menus display on-screen when your finger touches the
Touch Pad. Clicking on one of the shown buttons will fire off the appropriate
action. RadialMenus can have a variety of buttons, layouts, size, opacity, and can
use icons."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuPosX" "Radial Menu Horizontal Position"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuPosX_Description" "This determines where the
Radial Menu will appear on screen. Adjust this slider to adjust the horizontal
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuPosY" "Radial Menu Vertical Position"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuPosY_Description" "This determines where the
Radial Menu will appear on screen. Adjust this slider to adjust the vertical
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType" "Radial Menu Button Type"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_Description" "The interaction with
the radial menu can work in a few different ways. Click actions require the pad or
stick to be clicked to use. If set to touch release/modeshift end, the action will
be sent when it stops receiving input or if it's on a modeshift, when that
modeshift ends. \"Always\" will always send the button so long as the option is
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton0" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton0_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton1" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton1_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton2" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton2_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton3" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton3_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton4" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton4_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton5" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton5_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton6" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton6_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton7" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton7_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton8" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton8_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton9" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton9_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton10" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton10_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton11" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton11_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton12" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton12_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton13" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton13_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton14" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton14_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton15" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton15_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton16" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton16_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton17" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton17_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton18" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton18_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton19" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton19_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton20" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButton20_Description" "You can bind actions to
this on-screen button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialClick" "Radial Menu Button"
"ControllerBinding_RadialClick_Description" "You can bind actions to when
this input is clicked. This is particularly useful when combined with the Always
On menu activation type."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuOpacity" "Radial Menu Opacity"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuOpacity_Description" "This slider determines how
translucent the Radial Menu appears on-screen."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuScale" "Radial Menu Size"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuScale_Description" "This slider determines the
size of the Radial Menu on-screen."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels" "Radial Menu Display Binding Label"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels_Description" "Radial Menu buttons can
show a text label of what is bound to them on the actual button. If an icon is
used, this label will display in the upper left corner. If disabled, the icon or
blank button will be used."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_ButtonClick" "Button Click"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_ButtonClick_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the button is clicked."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_ButtonRelease" "Button Release"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_ButtonRelease_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_TouchRelease" "Touch
Release/MouseShift End"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_TouchRelease_Description" "This
activates the menu item when the trackpad is no longer touched or when the mode
shift button is released. For joysticks any position outside of the deadzone is
considered touched."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_TouchAlways" "Always"
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuButtonType_TouchAlways_Description" "This
activates the menu item continuously while the trackpad/stick is being touched. For
joysticks any position outside of the deadzone is considered touched."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels_On" "Display Binding Label on Button
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels_On_Description" "This enables
displaying the binding label on the button. If an icon is used the label will only
show in the upper left corner of the button."
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels_Off" "Display Binding Label on Button
"ControllerBinding_RadialMenuShowLabels_Off_Description" "This disables
displaying the binding label on the button and will instead show the icon or a
blank button."

"ControllerBinding_RecommendedTemplate" "Recommended"
"ControllerBinding_SavedCopyPasta_Title" "Custom Controller Config Uploaded!"
"ControllerBinding_SavedCopyPasta" "Your controller configuration has been
uploaded successfully and a link has been copied to your clipboard.\nID:
"ControllerBinding_PrivateUploadSuccess" "Success!"
"ControllerBinding_PrivateUploadSuccess_Description" "Your controller
configuration has been uploaded successfully."

"ControllerBinding_Official" "Official Developer Config"

"ControllerBinding_OfficialDescription" "This config was created by the
developers of this game."
"ControllerBinding_HeaderLoad" "Controller Configurations - Import"
"ControllerBinding_HeaderSave" "Controller Configurations - Export"
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_template" "Generic configuration layouts. Good
starting points for building a configuration."
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_personal" "Configurations you've exported for
this game."
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_community" "Community created configurations
for this game."
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_recommended" "Recommended configurations for
this game."
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_entirelibrary" "All of your personal
configurations you've exported from all games."
"ControllerBinding_Explanation_friends" "Configurations created by your
"ControllerBinding_Missing_template" "There are no appropriate templates for
this game."
"ControllerBinding_Missing_personal" "You haven't saved any configurations
for this game."
"ControllerBinding_Missing_community" "There are no community created
configurations for this game.\nMaybe you could be the first to publish one?"
"ControllerBinding_Missing_recommended" "The developer for this game has not
recommended a configuration yet."
"ControllerBinding_Missing_friends" "None of your friends have exported a
config to the community"
"ControllerBinding_NonMigrated_config" "[Local Config]"
"ControllerBinding_Autosave_config" "[Local Legacy Autosave]"
"ControllerBinding_Offline_Save" "[Offline AutoSave]"

"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown" "Activator Type"

"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_Description" "Activators determine how
the input responds to you. Is it a regular press, a long press, a double tap?
Select them here or remove them."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_None" "None - Remove Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_None_Description" "Selecting this option
will remove the activator and any bindings it contains."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_FullPress" "Regular Press Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_FullPress_Description" "Regular Press
Activator are the default type. When you press the button, it activates and stays
on until you release it."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_DoublePress" "Double Press Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_DoublePress_Description" "Double Press
Activator requires a quick double tap of the input to activate. If held on the
second press, it will remain pressed. Any interruptable activators on the same
button will not fire if a double press is fired, and will be paused until the
double press time has passed."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_LongPress" "Long Press Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_LongPress_Description" "Long Press
Activator requires the button to be held for a period of time to activate. Once
the long press time has passed, it will activate stay on until you release it. Any
interruptable activators on the same button will not fire if a long press is fired,
and will be paused until the button is released while under the long press time."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_StartPress" "Start Press Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_StartPress_Description" "Start Press
Activator activates when the button is pressed. It is immediately deactivates even
if the button continues to be held. This is useful, particularly when used with a
Release Press Activator, to convert a Toggle into a Hold, such as a Toggle Crouch
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_Release" "Release Press Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_Release_Description" "Release Press
Activator activates and deactivates when the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_Chord" "Button Chord Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorDropDown_Chord_Description" "Button Chord
Activator activates when the both the button owning the activator and the chorded
button are pressed."

"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad" "Activate Analog
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Description" "Virtual
controllers can create a virtual thumbstick or trackpad under a button while it is
pressed. This is good for machineguns that can be aimed with the same finger that's
holding down the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off" "No Analog
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off_Description" "This
activator bahaves normally and doesn't activate a virtual analog stick or
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_LeftJoystick" "Activate
Left Analog Stick"
" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual left
analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_RightJoystick" "Activate
Right Analog Stick"
n" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual right
analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Trackpad" "Activate
Center Trackpad"
"While this button is held the same finger will also control the center virtual
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_LeftTrackpad" "Activate
Left Trackpad"
" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the left virtual
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_RightTrackpad" "Activate
Right Trackpad"
n" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the right virtual
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continues
to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will act
as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable" "Interruptable"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable_Description" "Interruptable
activators can be paused or stopped by other activators. For example, a Long Press
activator can interrupt a Full Press activator so the Full Press only fires if the
Long Press doesn't. If not interruptable, it ignores the other activator in
regards to behavior."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable_On" "Interruptable - On"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable_On_Description" "This activator
will pause or not fire at all if other activators are in play. Long Press, Double
Press, etc. will cause it to wait for their conditions to be met before this
activator is allowed to activate itself. If those other activators fire, this one
will not."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable_Off" "Interruptable - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_Interruptable_Off_Description" "This activator
will ignore other activators and always activate/deactivate as if it were alone."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating. This
delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is set,
the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating.
The end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats_On_Description" "Turbo will make
this activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_HoldRepeats_Off_Description" "When Off, holding
will just hold the button, not repeat it."
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"ControllerBinding_FullPress_RepeatRate_Description" "The speed of Turbo will
be set by this slider."

"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator
continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will
act as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_DoubleTapTime" "Double Tap Time"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_DoubleTapTime_Description" "Determines how
fast you must double tap to activate the activator. Any interruptable activators
also on this input will not fire until this time has passed."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad" "Activate Analog
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Description" "Virtual
controllers can create a virtual thumbstick or trackpad under a button while it is
pressed. This is good for machineguns that can be aimed with the same finger that's
holding down the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off" "No Analog
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off_Description" "This
activator bahaves normally and doesn't activate a virtual analog stick or
"Activate Left Analog Stick"
on" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual left
analog stick."
"Activate Right Analog Stick"
ion" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual right
analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Trackpad" "Activate
Center Trackpad"
"While this button is held the same finger will also control the center virtual
"Activate Left Trackpad"
on" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the left virtual
"Activate Right Trackpad"
ion" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the right virtual
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will
wait for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating.
This delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is
set, the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating.
The end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings
will make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it
is activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this
will make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it
is activated."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats_On_Description" "Turbo will make
this activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) -
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_HoldRepeats_Off_Description" "When Off,
holding will just hold the button, not repeat it."
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"ControllerBinding_DoublePress_RepeatRate_Description" "The speed of Turbo
will be set by this slider."

"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continue
to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will act
as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_LongPressTime" "Long Press Time"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_LongPressTime_Description" "Determines how long
you must hold the button to activate the activator. Any interruptable activators
also on this input will not be activated until the button is released prior to this
time and they will not be activated at all if the Long Press is activated."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad" "Activate Analog
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Description" "Virtual
controllers can create a virtual thumbstick or trackpad under a button while it is
pressed. This is good for machineguns that can be aimed with the same finger that's
holding down the trigger."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off" "No Analog
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Off_Description" "This
activator bahaves normally and doesn't activate a virtual analog stick or
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_LeftJoystick" "Activate
Left Analog Stick"
" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual left
analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_RightJoystick" "Activate
Right Analog Stick"
n" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the virtual right
analog stick."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_Trackpad" "Activate
Center Trackpad"
"While this button is held the same finger will also control the center virtual
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_LeftTrackpad" "Activate
Left Trackpad"
" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the left virtual
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_ActivateStickOrTrackpad_RightTrackpad" "Activate
Right Trackpad"
n" "While this button is held the same finger will also control the right virtual
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating. This
delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is set,
the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating.
The end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats_On_Description" "Turbo will make
this activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_HoldRepeats_Off_Description" "When Off, holding
will just hold the button, not repeat it."
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"ControllerBinding_LongPress_RepeatRate_Description" "The speed of Turbo will
be set by this slider."

"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continue
to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will
act as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will
wait for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating.
This delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is
set, the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating.
The end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this
will make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it
is activated."
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_StartPress_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."

"ControllerBinding_Release_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continue to
be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will act
as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable" "Interruptable"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable_Description" "Interruptable
activators can be paused or stopped by other activators. For example, a Long Press
activator can interrupt a Full Press activator so the Full Press only fires if the
Long Press doesn't. If not interruptable, it ignores the other activator in
regards to behavior."
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable_On" "Interruptable - On"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable_On_Description" "This activator will
pause or not fire at all if other activators are in play. Long Press, Double
Press, etc. will cause it to wait for their conditions to be met before this
activator is allowed to activate itself. If those other activators fire, this one
will not."
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable_Off" "Interruptable - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Release_Interruptable_Off_Description" "This activator
will ignore other activators and always activate/deactivate as if it were alone."
"ControllerBinding_Release_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_Release_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating. This
delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is set,
the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_Release_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_Release_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait for
this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating. The
end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_Release_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Release_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."

"ControllerBinding_Chord_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this activator
continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continues to
be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will act as
a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable" "Interruptable"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable_Description" "Interruptable activators
can be paused or stopped by other activators. For example, a Long Press activator
can interrupt a Full Press activator so the Full Press only fires if the Long Press
doesn't. If not interruptable, it ignores the other activator in regards to
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable_On" "Interruptable - On"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable_On_Description" "This activator will
pause or not fire at all if other activators are in play. Long Press, Double
Press, etc. will cause it to wait for their conditions to be met before this
activator is allowed to activate itself. If those other activators fire, this one
will not."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable_Off" "Interruptable - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_Interruptable_Off_Description" "This activator will
ignore other activators and always activate/deactivate as if it were alone."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will wait for
this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating. This
delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is set,
the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait for
this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating. The
end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity - Medium"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will make
this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats_On_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_HoldRepeats_Off_Description" "When Off, holding will
just hold the button, not repeat it."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_RepeatRate_Description" "The speed of Turbo will be
set by this slider."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftBumper" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftBumper_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightBumper" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightBumper_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftGrip" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftGrip_Description" "This button must
be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightGrip" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightGrip_Description" "This button must
be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftTrigger" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftTrigger_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightTrigger" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightTrigger_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftTriggerThreshold" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_LeftTriggerThreshold_Description" "This
button must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightTriggerThreshold" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_RightTriggerThreshold_Description" "This
button must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_JoystickClick" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_JoystickClick_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_A" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_A_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_B" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_B_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_X" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_X_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Y" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Y_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Select" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Select_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Start" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_Start_Description" "This button must be
pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroTouchLeft" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroTouchLeft_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroTouchRight" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroTouchRight_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroClickLeft" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroClickLeft_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroClickRight" "Chord Button"
"ControllerBinding_Chord_ChordButton_GyroClickRight_Description" "This button
must be pressed when the activator is activated or it will not activate."

"ControllerBinding_AddActivatorButton" "Add Activator"

"ControllerBinding_AddActivatorButton_Description" "You can add additional
activators to this input."

"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton0" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton0_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton1" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton1_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton2" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton2_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton3" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton3_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton4" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton4_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton5" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton5_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton6" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton6_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton7" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton7_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton8" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton8_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton9" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton9_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton10" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton10_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton11" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton11_Description" "Select this Activator."
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton12" "Activator"
"ControllerBinding_ActivatorButton12_Description" "Select this Activator."

"ControllerBinding_IncompatibleConfig" "Configuration version incompatible

with game"

"Library_PresetToCopyToActionSet_CodeLabel" "Action Set to Copy into New

Action Set"

"Controller_SetLEDColor_Title" "SET LIGHT

"Controller_SetLEDColor_Description" "Select the
settings for this Light Binding."
"Controller_Light_Setting" "Light
"Controller_Light_Setting_Custom" "Custom Setting"
"Controller_Light_Setting_Default" "Default User
"Controller_Light_Setting_XinputSlot" "Default Xinput
Slot Number Setting"
"Controller_SelectLEDColor_OK" "OK"
"Controller_SelectLEDColor_Cancel" "CANCEL"

"Library_EditBigPicture_Warning_Title" "Warning"
"Library_EditBigPicture_Warning_Description" "We highly recommended
against altering these controls.\n \nRemoval of movement or selection actions will
result in an inability to use the Steam Controller within the Big Picture
interface, including these editing controls."

"Library_Details_ConfigConversionWarning_Title" "Warning"
"Library_Details_ConfigConversionWarning_Desc" "You are attempting to load a
configuration designed for another controller type. \nWe will attempt to convert
the configuration to match your current controller. \nHowever, there may be a loss
of data as not all controllers share all capabilities."

"controller_none" "None"
"controller_unknown" "Unknown
"controller_steamcontroller_unknown" "Steam Controller"
"controller_steamcontroller_gordon" "Steam Controller"
"controller_generic" "Generic
"controller_xbox360" "Xbox 360
"controller_xboxone" "Xbox One
"controller_ps3" "PlayStation
3 Controller"
"controller_ps4" "PlayStation
4 Controller"
"controller_wii" "Wii
"controller_apple" "Apple
"controller_android" "Android
"controller_switch_pro" "Nintendo
Switch Pro Controller"
"controller_switch_joycon_pair" "Nintendo
Switch Joy-Con Pair"
"controller_mobile_touch" "Remote Play
Touch Controller"

"controller_xinput" "XInpu
t Controller"
"controller_ps2" "PlayStation
2 Controller"
"controller_switch_joycon" "Nintendo
Switch Joy-Con"
"controller_switch_pro_generic" "3rd Party
Nintendo Switch Pro Controller"
"controller_gamecube" "Nintendo
Gamecube Controller"
"controller_n64" "Nintendo 64
"controller_snes" "Super
Nintendo Controller"
"controller_nes" "Nintendo
Classic Controller"

"KeyboardHeader_StoreSearch" "Store search"

"KeyboardDetail_SearchResultCount" "{i:searchresultcount} found"
"KeyboardHeader_AccountName" "Enter account name"
"KeyboardHeader_Password" "Enter your password"
"KeyboardHeader_SteamGuardCode" "Enter Steam Guard code"
"KeyboardHeader_LibrarySearch" "Library search"

"UI_Paste_UnknownSource" "[Paste]"
"UI_Paste_CDKey" "[Paste CD Key]"
"UI_Paste_URL" "[Paste URL]"
"UI_Paste_Selection" "[Paste]" // comes from a
text entry selection; full string too long to fit in UI in English

"ContentFrame_FriendsCount" "{i:pendingchats}"
"ContentFrame_CommunityCount" "{i:communitycount}"
"ContentFrame_InboxCount" "{i:inboxcount}"
"ContentFrame_DownloadsCount" "{i:downloads}"
"ContentFrame_SystemCount" "{i:systemims}"

"group_item_groupname" "{s:group_name}"
"group_item_in_chat" "{d:numfriendsinchat} Chatting"
"group_item_in_game" "{d:numfriendsingame} In-Game"
"group_item_online" "{d:numfriendsonline} Online"
"group_item_unread" "{d:unread_chats}"

"groups_no_groups_message" "You are not a member of any Steam Groups.

Search for some on the Steam Community"
"groups_no_groups_message_offline" "Groups are not available in offline
"friends_no_friends_message" "You have not added any Steam Friends. Search
for some on the Steam Community"
"friends_no_friends_message_offline" "Friends are not available in offline
"friends_filter_friends" "Filter Friends"

"friend_item_friendname" "{s:friend_name}"
"friend_item_persona_state" "{s:persona_state_label}"
"friend_item_status_detail" "{s:status_detail}"
"friend_item_in_chat" ""
"friend_item_lobby_invite" "Invite!"

"friends_chat_accept_game_invite" "Accept Game Invite"

"friends_chat_game_invite_details" "{s:chatfriendname} has invited you to
play {s:game_invite_game_name}"

"friends_chat_voice_chat_invite" "Accept Voice Chat"

"friends_chat_voice_chat_details" "{s:chatfriendname} has invited you to
Voice Chat"

"friends_chat_voice_call_started" "Voice call with {s:chatfriendname}

"friends_chat_voice_call_ended" "Voice call with {s:chatfriendname}

"friends_chat_voice_call_calling" "Calling {s:chatfriendname}..."

"friends_chat_cancel_voice_call" "Cancel Call"

"friends_chat_start_voice_chat" "Start Voice Chat"

"friends_chat_end_voice_chat" "End Voice Chat"
"friends_chat_hold_voice_chat" "Hold"
"friends_chat_resume_voice_chat" "Resume"

"Friends_Menu_Profile" "Your Profile"

"friends_menu_chat" "Chat"
"friends_menu_manage" "Manage"

"friends_list_recent_container_title" "Recent Chats"

"friends_list_igname_container_title" "In-Game"
"friends_list_online_container_title" "Online"
"friends_list_offline_container_title" "Offline"

"friends_groups_recent_container_title" "Recent Group Chats"

"friends_groups_container_title" "Groups"

"friends_show_profile_options" "Local Profile Options"

"friends_show_profile_options_unavailable" "Editing profile options is
temporarily unavailable inside the Friends menu."

"friends_search" "Friends Search"

"friends_search_unavailable" "Friends Search is temporarily unavailable."
"friends_edit_persona_header" "Edit Persona Status"

"FriendsInvitesBP_AcceptAll" "Accept All"

"FriendsInvitesBP_IgnoreAll" "Ignore All"

"FriendsInvites_AcceptAllFriends_Footer" "ACCEPT ALL FRIEND INVITES"

"FriendsInvites_IgnoreAllFriends_Footer" "IGNORE ALL FRIEND INVITES"
"FriendsInvites_AcceptAllGroups_Footer" "ACCEPT ALL GROUP INVITES"
"FriendsInvites_IgnoreAllGroups_Footer" "IGNORE ALL GROUP INVITES"


"SignalLossHelper_Description" "In order to ensure the best possible latency
and a glitch-free experience, please connect the controller's wireless receiver to
its included extender. Make sure there is an unobstructed line-of-sight between the
controller and the receiver, and move it away from your system to isolate it from
any possible interference."

"Create_Account_Wizard" "Create Account"

"Forgot_Account_Name_Wizard" "Forgot Account Name"
"Login_Help_Wizard" "Login Help"
"Password_Recovery_Wizard" "Password Recovery"
"AccountName_Recovery_Wizard" "Account Name Recovery"
"Password_Change_Wizard" "Change Password"
"Email_Change_Wizard" "Change Email Address"

"UI_Prelaunch_PlayGame" "PLAY GAME"

"UI_Prelaunch_PlayGame_Keyboard" "LAUNCH GAME ANYWAY"
"UI_Prelaunch_InstallGame" "INSTALL GAME"
"UI_Prelaunch_InstallGame_Keyboard" "INSTALL ANYWAY"
"UI_Prelaunch_Cancel" "CANCEL"

"Friends_Search_Header" "Search Friends"

"Friends_Search_ResultCount" "{i:searchresultcount} found"

"SteamUI_AppTypeGame" "game"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCaps" "Game"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGamePlural" "games"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGameInitialCapsPlural" "Games"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplication" "application"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationInitialCaps" "Application"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationPlural" "applications"
"SteamUI_AppTypeApplicationInitialCapsPlural" "Applications"
"SteamUI_AppTypeTool" "tool"
"SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCaps" "Tool"
"SteamUI_AppTypeToolPlural" "tools"
"SteamUI_AppTypeToolInitialCapsPlural" "Tools"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemo" "demo"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemoInitialCaps" "Demo"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemoPlural" "demos"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDemoInitialCapsPlural" "Demos"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFile" "media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCaps" "Media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFilePlural" "media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMediaFileInitialCapsPlural" "Media"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlc" "dlc"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlcInitialCaps" "Dlc"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlcPlural" "dlc"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDlcInitialCapsPlural" "Dlc"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuide" "guide"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuideInitialCaps" "Guide"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuidePlural" "guides"
"SteamUI_AppTypeGuideInitialCapsPlural" "Guides"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriver" "driver"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriverInitialCaps" "Driver"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriverPlural" "drivers"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDriverInitialCapsPlural" "Drivers"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfig" "config"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfigInitialCaps" "Config"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfigPlural" "configs"
"SteamUI_AppTypeConfigInitialCapsPlural" "Configs"
"SteamUI_AppTypeHardware" "hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeHardwareInitialCaps" "Hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeHardwarePlural" "hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeHardwareInitialCapsPlural" "Hardware"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideo" "video"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideoInitialCaps" "Video"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideoPlural" "videos"
"SteamUI_AppTypeVideoInitialCapsPlural" "Videos"
"SteamUI_AppTypeShortcut" "shortcut"
"SteamUI_AppTypeShortcutInitialCaps" "Shortcut"
"SteamUI_AppTypeShortcutPlural" "shortcuts"
"SteamUI_AppTypeShortcutInitialCapsPlural" "Shortcuts"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonly" "depotonly"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonlyInitialCaps" "Depotonly"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonlyPlural" "depotonly"
"SteamUI_AppTypeDepotonlyInitialCapsPlural" "Depotonly"
"SteamUI_AppTypePlugin" "plugin"
"SteamUI_AppTypePluginInitialCaps" "Plugin"
"SteamUI_AppTypePluginPlural" "plugins"
"SteamUI_AppTypePluginInitialCapsPlural" "Plugins"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusic" "music"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusicInitialCaps" "Music"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusicPlural" "music"
"SteamUI_AppTypeMusicInitialCapsPlural" "Music"
"SteamUI_AppTypeSeries" "series"
"SteamUI_AppTypeSeriesInitialCaps" "Series"
"SteamUI_AppTypeSeriesPlural" "series"
"SteamUI_AppTypeSeriesInitialCapsPlural" "Series"
"SteamUI_OpenVRApp" "OpenVR Application"
"SteamUI_VRShortcut" "VR Shortcut"
"SteamUI_SteamControllerActionsBlockOutdatedTitle" "Controller Configuration
"SteamUI_SteamControllerActionsBlockOutdatedDescription" "The developer of
this game has made changes to the official configuration that might invalidate your
current one.\n\nWe recommend selecting the official configuration to prevent any
"SteamUI_3rdPartyRemapper_Title" "Controller Remapper Detected"
"SteamUI_3rdPartyRemapper_Description" "You appear to be using a
controller remapping tool for your PS4 controller. This game uses Steam Input and
does not require any remapping software. The two may conflict if the remapping
tool is not disabled."

"SteamUI_EmptyDiskManagementList" "No installed games"

"SettingsController_BindingsConfig" "CONFIGURE BUTTONS"
"SteamUI_DeveloperConfigCreatorError" "Error Parsing Custom Configuration"
"ContentFrame_Header_Store" "Store"

"SettingsKeyboard_DualtouchSuggestions" "Select how

you want suggestions to work when using the Standard On-Screen Keyboard"
"SettingsKeyboard_DTSuggest_SuggestTypoCorrection" "Include
suggestions based on nearby keys"
"SettingsKeyboard_DTSuggest_SuggestNoTypoCorrection" "Only show suggestions
based on keys directly typed"
"SettingsKeyboard_DTSuggest_NoSuggestions" "Don't show
"SettingsKeyboard_UseSystemLanguage" "(use system

"SteamUI_NetworkLoginNeeded_Title" "Login to your Network"

"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Invites" "Friend Invites"

"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_More_Unread" "Chat Conversations"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_More_Unread_Chats_Plural" "{d:unreadch
ats} More Chats"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_More_Unread_Chats" "1 More
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_More_Unread_Invites_Plural" "{d:unreadinvites}
More Invites"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_More_Unread_Invites" "1 More
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Game_Invite" "Invited you to play"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Voice_Chat" "Voice Chat Active"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Voice_Chat_On_Hold" "Voice Chat on Hold"
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Voice_Chat_Ringing" "Incoming..."
"Overlay_Friend_Notifications_Voice_Chat_Dialing" "Calling..."

"Overlay_SteamControllerHUD_HelpText" "Steam Controller Input Helper -

Press the Steam Button to disable"
"Overlay_ToggleControllerHUD" "Toggle Controller HUD"

"Steam_Browser_Disabled" "The Steam Browser is disabled. Please consult the

Steam support website for more information."

"SettingsBluetooth_Intro" "Searching for Bluetooth devices. Please make sure

your device is discoverable."
"Settings_Bluetooth_Type" "Type"
"Settings_Bluetooth_Name" "Name"
"Settings_Bluetooth_Connection" "Status"
"Settings_BluetoothManagement_UnPair" "DELETE"
"Settings_BluetoothManagement_Connect" "CONNECT"
"Settings_Bluetooth_NoDevices" "No Bluetooth devices found"
"SettingsBluetoothManagement_Pairing_Title" "Connecting to {s:devicename}"
"SettingsBluetoothManagement_Pairing_Description" "Attempting to connect to
"SettingsBluetoothManagement_UnPairing_Title" "Unpair {s:devicename}"
"SettingsBluetoothManagement_UnPairing_Description" "Are you sure you want to
disconnect from {s:devicename}? You will need to pair the device again if you want
to use it."

"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Phone" "Phone"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Computer" "Computer"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Headset" "Headset"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Headphones" "Headphones"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Speakers" "Speakers"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_OtherAudio" "Other Audio"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Keyboard" "Keyboard"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Mouse" "Mouse"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Joystick" "Joystick"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Gamepad" "Gamepad"
"SettingsBluetoothDevice_Type_Unknown" "Unknown"

"ControllerBLEUpdate_Rollback" "ROLLBACK FW"

"ControllerBLERollback_Title" "Steam Controller FW Rollback"
"ControllerBLERollback_Body" "This restores the normal Steam Controller
firmware. This can only be done through a wired connection. Rolling back will take
a minute and cannot be interrupted.\n\nDo not disconnect your device or it may be
"ControllerBLERollback_Title_Done" "Steam Controller FW Rollback Successful"
"ControllerBLERollback_Body_Done" "Your device is now restored to normal
"ControllerBLERollback_Button_Done" "Done"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Title" "Steam Controller BLE Update"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Body" "This allows the Steam Controller to connect to
mobile devices over Bluetooth Low Energy. This will take several minutes and can
only be done through a wired connection. \n\nDo not disconnect your device or it
may be damaged!"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Title_Part2" "Firmware Update In-Progress"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Body_Part2" "Do not disconnect your device or it may be
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Title_Done" "Steam Controller BLE Update Successful"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Body_Done" "Your controller can now be used in either
BLE or Wireless Receiver mode. For more information on how to use the new features
of your Steam Controller, select the Learn More button below."
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Error_Title" "Firmware Update Error!"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Error_USB" "Error: Please plug into USB"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Error_Body" "Please make sure your device is plugged in
and hit the rollback button"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_Button_Done" "Learn More"
"ControllerBLEUpdate_BLEFW" "BLUETOOTH FW"

"SettingsController_SteamDongleVersionBluetoothLE" "Connected via Bluetooth

Low Energy"
"BluetoothManager_DeviceState_Connected" "connected"
"BluetoothManager_DeviceState_Paired" "paired"
"BluetoothManager_DeviceState_Unpaired" "unpaired"
"SSA_Accept" "Accept"
"SSA_Decline" "Decline"
"ChooseBinding_VolumeUp" "vol+"
"ChooseBinding_VolumeDown" "vol-"
"ChooseBinding_VolumeMute" "mute"
"ChooseBinding_MusicPlay" "play"
"ChooseBinding_MusicStop" "stop"
"ChooseBinding_MusicNextTrack" "next"
"ChooseBinding_MusicPrevTrack" "prev"
"ChooseBinding_Backspace" "backsp"
"ChooseBinding_Insert" "ins"
"ChooseBinding_Home" "hom"
"ChooseBinding_PageUp" "pgu"
"ChooseBinding_PageDown" "pgd"
"ChooseBinding_Enter" "enter"
"ChooseBinding_EnterKeyPad" "ent"
"ChooseBinding_Shift" "shift"
"ChooseBinding_Alt" "alt"
"ChooseBinding_Windows" "win"
"ChooseBinding_Space" "space"
"ChooseBinding_Control" "ctrl"
"ChooseBinding_End" "end"
"ChooseBinding_Delete" "del"
"ChooseBinding_Tab" "tab"
"ChooseBinding_Capslock" "caps"
"ChooseBinding_Break" "brk"
"ChooseBinding_PrintBreak" "scl"
"ChooseBinding_PrintScreen" "prt"
"ChooseBinding_LeftMouseInitial" "L"
"ChooseBinding_MiddleMouseInitial" "M"
"ChooseBinding_RightMouseInitial" "R"

"SteamUI_Skip" "SKIP"
"SteamUI_ProcessShader_Title" "Shader Cache Processing"
"SteamUI_ProcessShader_Description" "The Shader Cache processing is taking a
while, would you like to skip?"
"Steam_WaitingForShaderCache" "Shaders being processed, currently at

"SteamPlay_Warning_Title" "Steam Play"

"SteamPlay_Warning_Text" "This game will launch with Steam
Play, using a platform compatibility tool."
"Library_Details_FieldLabel_Invert" "Invert"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert" "Threshold Invert"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert_Description" "If this setting is
active the binding will activate when below the threshold instead of above it"
"ControlerBinding_SoftPress" "Invert Theshold"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert_On" "Invert Theshold - On"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert_On_Description" "This activator is
activated when the analog value is below the threshold"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert_Off" "Invert Theshold - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Invert_Off_Description" "This activator is
activated when the analog value is above the threshold"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle" "Toggle"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle_Description" "Toggle will make this
activator continue to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle_On" "Toggle - On"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle_On_Description" "This activator continues
to be active after releasing it until it is pressed again."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle_Off" "Toggle - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Toggle_Off_Description" "This activator will act
as a tradition button where it is held on until the button is released."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable" "Interruptable"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable_Description" "Interruptable
activators can be paused or stopped by other activators. For example, a Long Press
activator can interrupt a Full Press activator so the Full Press only fires if the
Long Press doesn't. If not interruptable, it ignores the other activator in
regards to behavior."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable_On" "Interruptable - On"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable_On_Description" "This activator
will pause or not fire at all if other activators are in play. Long Press, Double
Press, etc. will cause it to wait for their conditions to be met before this
activator is allowed to activate itself. If those other activators fire, this one
will not."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable_Off" "Interruptable - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Interruptable_Off_Description" "This activator
will ignore other activators and always activate/deactivate as if it were alone."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_StartDelay" "Fire Start Delay"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_StartDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been pressed before activating. This
delay will offset the entire period the button is held, so if no end delay is set,
the total period of time the button is held will be the same, just delayed."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_EndDelay" "Fire End Delay"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_EndDelay_Description" "The activator will wait
for this period of time after the button has been released before deactivating.
The end delay will make a button be active for longer than it was physically held."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity" "Haptics Intensity"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Description" "This defines the
strength of haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Off" "Haptics Intensity - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Off_Description" "No haptics."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Low" "Haptics Intensity - Low"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Low_Description" "Low haptics on
activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Medium" "Haptics Intensity -
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_Medium_Description" "Medium
haptics on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_High" "Haptics Intensity - High"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HapticIntensity_High_Description" "High haptics
on activation and deactivation of the activator."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings" "Cycle Bindings"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings_Description" "Cycle Bindings will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
activated. Order is determined by the order they were selected in the button
binding process."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings_On" "Cycle Bindings - On"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings_On_Description" "When on this will
make this activator cycle through each of its bindings in order each time it is
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings_Off" "Cycle Bindings - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_CycleBindings_Off_Description" "When off all
bindings will be fired at the same time."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo)"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats_Description" "Turbo will make this
activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats_On" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - On"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats_On_Description" "Turbo will make
this activator activate and deactivate at a rapid pace while held. Can be used in
combination with cycle bindings."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats_Off" "Hold to Repeat (Turbo) - Off"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_HoldRepeats_Off_Description" "When Off, holding
will just hold the button, not repeat it."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_RepeatRate" "Repeat Rate"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_RepeatRate_Description" "The speed of Turbo will
be set by this slider."
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Binding" "Binding"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_Binding_Description" "You can bind one or more
actions to this activator, such as keyboard, mouse, and gamepad buttons or native
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_SoftPressStyle" "Soft Press Style"
"ControllerBinding_SoftPress_SoftPressStyle_Description" "You can change the
style of soft press activation. For one dimensional inputs like triggers hair
trigger can work well, otherwise simple threshold is recommended"

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