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Action speaks louder

than words —
action-packed articles,
bold graphics, a
dynamic approach to

When it comes to
adventure, nothing
meets the
challenge like
DRAGON® Magazine.

See our subscription

card in this issue.

If card is missing,
write to:

RO. Box 1 1

Lake Geneva. Wl 53147


COVER: Honapc.
high priest of the
Armecs, ho$ been
token over by the
spirit of
Groveyord.'* This
month's cover Is
by Jean Elizabeth

The Readers Speak

Thanks to all of you who responded to our Keaders Survey in The Readers LETTERS 2
issue #13. We've been busy tallying your responses and read-
ing your handwritten comments* and would like to share the Richard Emerich THE WRECK OF THE SHINING
results. Our convictions about what you want in DUNGEON*
STAR (ADD 4*8) A shipwreck is an
Adventures were mostly confirmed, but there were a few
unfailing beacon for trouble 5
As we suspected* a nugority of our readers (67%) actually
play none or few of the adventures. We try to make our maga* Carl Sargent IN PURSUIT OF THE SLAYER
sine fun to resd* even if you don't plsy regularly. That's why (DD 6 9) You must stop the Slayer's
we emphasize good stories, unique monsters and NPCs. and rampage — without slaying the
interesting settings over generic dungeon crawls.
Most of our readers (70%) act as Dungeon Masters at least
Slayer. 13
some of the time. Only 15 people confessed to being players
only. TTiis should allow DMs a sigh of relief; your players Thomas Kane THE DRAGON'S GIFT
aren't reading the adventures before you can run them (ADD-OA 2-7) The adventure
(unless they're DMs, too).
began when a fish left a message
We already knew there would be an overwhelming prefer-
ence for AD&D* modules, and there was (95%) But we were
for you 24
surprised to find out that more people prefer solo adventures
(42% than prefer either OrUntal Adv^nturet modules (23%)
Wolfgang Baur THE GLASS HOUSE (ADD 4-6)
or even D&D* modules (36%). As suspected, there was an After they took his home and his
almost even split between those wanting longer (73%) and wife, they took his life — but he
shorter (63%) adventures* with many readers checking both
or requesting 'a good mix.” We intend to continue publishing
came back for them, anyway 31
both long (for a magazine) and short adventures, but our
emphasis ie on those modules that can be dropped into play Willie Walsh ROARWATER CAVES (ADD 14)
without extensive preparation or reworking of the DM'b cam- "I could kill two birds with one
paign world. stone," theshaman thought, "if I
And speaking of campaign worlds, half of you (66%) prefer a
generic setting for your modules. The FOKCjOTTEN
only had some gullible
REALMS'* fantasy setting is gaining popularity; 39% of you adventurers." 39
fcontieusdofi page 64

David Howery
(ADD 5-7) Tbns of ivory for the
taking — if you can take it from the
heart of the savage jungle 49

VoL III, No. 3


EOrrOR: Barbara G. Young CARTOGRAPHER: Diaael
Roger E. Moore Kim Janke "Let US take the adventure that comes to us.”
Robin Jenkina. Kim Waltar The La^i Battle, C. S.Lewis

LEHERS "Huddle Farm" was and must appeal to as many people as possi-
Medium Modules long, yea. it

had a plot, but who really cared? Six- ble. The typical role- player cannot be
EncloMd U my complete readers' teen pages and all the players do is defined, liiey cover different sexes,
survey card. As a DM. I eigoy sob mod* rough up a leprechaun. Why? races, creeds, and social statuses.
ules and the opportunity they ^ve me It isn't just the size of the module, it's I have been playing a variety of role-
to actually play. However, as they lack the content as well. Some modules are playing games, priznarily the AD AD*
the poaaibility of role-playins* I would too big, while some aren't fit to be mod- game, for over six years I can say from
not suggest they be printed often. ules at all. The one module that sticks experience, as a player and as a DM.
''Scepter of the Underworld" was a out as really deserving of more space is that it is not always possible or practi-
great module, and the use of dice to 'The Ghostihip Gambit" [issue i9l The cal to get a group toother. For several
generate fecial attacks by the demons poor pirates have no place to hide their years I forced my wife to play single-
was brilliant. My only complaint is the loot! party adventures with me just to be
player has only a one- in-six chance of Finally, I suggest that you print more able to play at all. The solo adventures
finding the iron key needed to complete modules set in a market^ xame world are a great bonus for me, as well as the
the module. This hardly seems fair. Grey hawk, the Known World, the Oriental scenarios, etc.
Question 13 on the card is Forgotten Realms — especially those Some of the selfish attitudes I noted in
something important: medium-length modules where a large amount of ter- a few letters could be attributed to
adventures rf 6- 12 pages. I like long rain is covered by the characters. They youth and inexperience, but anyone
adventures ('into the Fire" (issue d 1] is would be pleasant bonuses for the DMs who has played for any length of time
my favorite, then "Of Nests and using those worlds and no harder for can tell you that a store-bought scenario
Nations" (issue #13Dbut not an entire any other DM
to adapt than a module will run you at least $7.00, and a
issue full of them like issue ill. Short set in the author's own world. "choose-your-own-ad venture" pocket-
adventures can be good, but sometimes Hal Looby bodt will cost you $2.00 or more.
they are just too short! My players and I Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1 believe that DUNGEON* Adven-
lov^ "Nightshade" [issue il] with its tures is one of the Hoest values availa-
great NFCs and most of thoae charac-
Comments, anyone? ble in the RPG market. More variety is
ters have returned in subsequent adven- the spice of life, and even if you can't
tures. But tell me, what is the point of please all the people all the time, you
something like Elven Home"
Critics and Experts
can sure try. Bravo, Adven- DUNGEON
[issue IIP It's four pages long and all have watched with both amusement
tures, and best wishes for what is sure
the PCs can do is look around and say and awe for the last aeveral iaaues of to be a long and fhiitful existence.
"How neat. Thv ties his shoes and your magazine as differing views have Daniel Reynolds
continues to lo^ for the dragon’s cave." been voiced in your "Letters'' forum. The Dalles, Oregon
The same thing is the case with "Going Although most of the writers make
Once Going Twice" [issue #131. The positivecomments that I agree with,

is left

to change the module and there have been a few that astound me
Converting AD&D Monsters
make it interesting. with their narrow-minded self- In iMue #23, there was only one DAD
What 1 would really like to aee are centeredneas. adventure and two easily adaptable
more adventures set in the DAD* Letters from dislike to downright ADAD modules ('‘Going Once. . Going .

game's Known World with a real sense hatred have been written over the pub- Twice" and 'The IVeasure Vault of
of place. Any level and size would be lishing of diverse scenarios and espe- Kasil"). I could not adapt the other two
fine (as long as things happen), cially solo adventures. These so-called ("Hie Ruins of Nol-Daar" and 'The
although Tm still waiting for a long, role-playing experts don't seem to real- Moor-lbmb Map") because 1 had no idea
tow level module set in any world. ise that you are selling a product that

PWCSOW* (BSW oasenat U>pyHlihiibf8Q>l>l7 by Sm 111 . Uk* Otwy* W1 .

SiWMfWeeM SttWenpUMi rWM IMII a/v

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ir t Mtaa ahavid M ba caMraad aa a <kalU^ la pack lUtea
Sinai ctM aaausi Wid ai Lata Caaaaa. Wwt U&A
. aad adrtliaail jaaOmf ««aaa PiaMiir Sand lieiii <kM<aa laPUWOlOW.MTgUiv fO . Saa lU. UkaOaiMva WtlSU?

2 Issue No. 15
what a grippli or a ghaat or many of the
Giveaway Cover Don't criticize others' work until you
other monsters were. can come up with something you paint-
You should print short AD&D game Please, in the future, don't give a good ed that's worthy of being the cover art.
monster descriptions or replscements module's ending away on the cover of I also find the continuing argument on

for those not having a D&D game equiv- the magazine (issue # 12 , leprechaun solo modules Irksome. As a DM, I rarely
alent. This would make me and many painting cows green). get to play. Solo adventures give me the
other DMs very pleased. _ A good idea for future issues of this chance to test my playing abilities;
Tim Smith magazine might be to have certain Assuming that moat of you fellow readers
Watford City, North Dakota issues (say, every third issue, or the first are also DMs, I'm surprised that mate of
of every volume) dedicated to one topic; you don’t agree. When played "Scepter
I am a fond player of the Dungeons & like an entire magazine of modules on

of the Underworld," I us^ one of my own

Dragona^ game. 1 am also the only the land of Deepearth, Kara-Tur, the characters. I had a fun time playing it
Dungeon Master in my group and am in Forgotten Realms, or a group of mod- until he died. Then I took the time to read
charge of creating adventures. Your ules of plane traveling, undead, etc. the adventure thoroughly, draw a map,
magazine is a great help, but you usu* In the ftiture, please print more mod- and make a flow chart, and presto! One
ally focus on the Advanced Dungeons & ules for the Forgotten Realms and less adventure for 4-6 characters of 6th to 7th
Dragons® game. 1 have tried to convert solo adventures. level. I even let the players find my dead
your AD&D modules to suit my cam- Bob Bauer character. The point is, just because the
paigns but have found it very difficult, Kamloops, British Columbia module say a so, doesn't mean it has to be.
especially when you introduce new
If you want to make it harder or easier, do
monsters such as the sea aboleth in
^Tntrigue in the Depths'' (issue 112].
Art and Solo Okay it. Remember, you’re the DM. It's your job

to be creative. The author of an adventure

When you introduce new monsters, why First, I want to give the entire staff a
can put down his ideas on paper, but only
don't you make two descriptions, one for warm thank you for putting out what I
you can tailor it to your own campaign.
the AD&D
game and one for the D&D consider to be the best DM's source book
One last thing, I also read DRAGON®
game? since the Dungeon Masters Guide.
Ben ALewel Magazine, and I enjoy the "Dragon-
I've been an avid reader since issue
Murphy, North Carolina mirth" comics. How about a page or so
1 1, but this is the first time I felt the
of reader-drawn "Dungeonmirth"?
have the space need to write. Mr. Fox’s comments in
Unfortunately, R. J. Werning
issue #13 have me upset. 1 found his
to completely detail allmonsters or to Waukesha, Wisconsin
list alternate monsters in each adven-
remarks on the artwork to be in poor
taste. What happened to the old saying,
ture. 7b be fair, we would have to do the / have to disagree with you about Ryan
same for DdD modules also to make "Don't judge e book by its cover." The
Fox's right to comment on our artwork.
artists that painted the covers worked
them more playable by AD&D game It is not necessary to be a painter to ex-
long and hard to come up with them.


Title ot puDiicaiion: DUNGEON* Date of filing; 30 September 1 986
Publication no.: 0890-7102 No. of issues published annually: 6
Frequency of issue: Bimonthly Annual subscription phee; $16.00
Complete mailing address of known office of publication: DUNGEON* Adventures, P.O. Box 111. Leke Geneva Wl 83147
Complete mailing address of the headquaners of general business offices of ihe publisher: TSR, Inc.. P.O. Box 7S6« take Geneva Wl 53147
Publisher: Michael H. Cook. P.O. Box 756, Lake Geneva 53147 W 1

Editor: Barbara Q. ^ung, RO. Box 111, Lake Geneva Wl $3147

Owner: ISA, \rc., RO. Box 756. Lake Geneva Wl 53147
Known bondholders, mortgagees, and other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other
securities; None
^erege no. coplee each taaua during Actual r>e. ooplea of single Isaus published
Extent end nature o1 clrculatlor preceding 12 months nearest to filing date
Total no. copies 34.306 35,516
Paid circulation
1 Sales through dealers and carriers

2. Mail subscription
Total paid requeeied circulation
Free dislnbution by any means
ibtai dietnouoon
Copies r>ct distributed
1 . Office use, left over/etc.
2 Return from news agents


I certify that the etetemenls made by me above are correct and complete. Michael H. Cook, Publisher

These symbols are used on most
maps in DUNGEON^ Adventures.

Doon prf$s one's opinion on painting. Just as By the time we got to the “Treasure
one doesn't have to m^e
a movie to be a Vault of KaBit,“ 1 was very wary of the
movie critic^ As editors, we must assume designation -- in this case 3-5 charac-
DOUBLE DOOR that everyone Judges us by our cover, and ters of levels 5-7. 1 sent in an llth-level
we a magasine package that
try to create magic-user, an 8th-1evel dwarf with fine
catches your eye and begs you to buy it armor and a ring of flying, and a 9th-
(or resubscribe). If we aren't doirig our level fighter with slippers of spider
job, ue need to know. If I only printed climb. All of them had equipment
ONE-WAY DOOR letters ofglowing praise in this column, extras; magical weapons, permanent
you'd get pretty suspicious of what other knock spelU. etc. And still the first
kinds of mail we receive but don print 't phase of the expedition ended with two
FALSE DOOR '^Dragonmirth** is my favorite part of of the three turned to stone! The third
DRAijON Magazine. Because we have was able to get help from the patron of
so few pages to present the modules that the expedition in the form of a fourth
art the core of DVSGEON Adventures, member with scrolls of stone to flesh.
there are no plans to odd a similar page The four adventurers were finally able
ARCHWAY in this magazine. DRAGON Magazine to enter the vaults, but the 9th-level


welcomes your submissions of cartoons
(and, of course, we encourage you all to
read DRA(30N Magazine).

Advice from Granddad

fighter died in the vault ceiling col-
lapse, making it one of our less auspi-
cious outings. This was compounded by
the fact that most of the magical items
in the vault had to be left behind
because the spells necessary to remove

We received the following letter sent by
Howard Leroy Davis to his grandson
half of the prismatic spheres were

Jason. Howard told us: ”I passed “Of Nests and Nations” is supposedly
DUNGEON Adventures i 13 onto my set up for 3-5 characters of 8th l2th level.
ONE-WAY SECRET DOOR 24 year-old grandson. My advice to him We actually used three teams of three


is critical of your editing.’'

Dear Jason:
Herewith DUNGEON Adventures
II J. Since 1 have played all of these, I
decided to pass them to you so that you
characters each working on the problem.
The team of a 6th-level fighter, his wife
(an 8th-level druid), and her half-sister (a
lOth-level magic- user) were on the right
track but arrived too late to do much. The
team of a 9th-level fighter, an dth-level
and your buddies can play them.
dwarf, and a 9th- level thief performed
A word of caution atMut them; I don*t
FJREPLACE heroically against the stampede of mon-
know who sets the standard as to the
sters but never had enough intelligence to
number of player characters and levels
involved, but they are almost univer- crack the puzzle open. The third team, a
respected 9th-level priestess and husband/
sally too low.
“The Ruins of Nol-Daer*' calls for 6*8 wife magic-users <£ 8th/9th levels cracked

m OPEN PIT characters of levels 5*8. We used that

and it took two expeditions. At the close
the pusle open. ITie magic-users used
invisibility and ftyifig spelb to get to the

of the first expedition, the adventurers

hlvemind while the cleric enthralled ihe
0 FOUNTAIN had the information necessary to com-
plete the mission, but with only two of
barroom crowd. It turned into a sorcerer's
duel between the 9th-level magic-user
the original seven alive they had to and the hivemind. The first to fail a sav-
retreat for raise dead apells and rein-
ing throw would lose ~ and to the adven-
turers’ relief it was the hivemind. (I won't
forcements. For the second expedition,
tell you which spell took him down: that's
l<" STAIRS they took 10 1st- and 2nd*level NPCs to
guard their backs and their horses. your problem if you play the game.)
“The Moorlbmb Map“ is supposed to Love, Granddad
TRAP DOOR IN CEILING be for 4-6 characters of 2nd-4th level. Howard Leroy Davis
Only one of the six characters survived Fort Worth, Tfexas
the first expedition. Two survived the We would like to receive more letters
second expedition, but one was in a about how you handled individual
useless comatose state. lAs a footnote DUNGEON Adventures modules. Com-
$ SECRET TRAP DOOR here: all our characters are very well ments on levels, group strength, and
equipped by high-level patrons and other aspects of the modules are always
prior adventuring loot.) welcome. D

4 Issue Nd. 15
In addition to writing for DUNGEOt^
Adventurer, Richard runs a medieval
role-playing play-by-mail game, now in
iU second year. He also is newsetne edi-
tor for the Dragonslayers Unlimiled
gaming club, serves as a volunteer fire-
fighter, and is interested in environmen-
tal chemistry and pyrotechnics. This w
Richard’s third publication in
DUNGEON Adventures, with another
module slated to appear soon.

“The Wreck of the Shining Star** is an

AD&D* game adventure that takes
place aboard a wrecked warship which
has run aground on a deserted stretch of
rocky coastline. A group of 4-6 charac-
ters of 4th-6th level is recommended for
this encounter. At least one cleric
should be included in the party explor-
ing the wrecked ship. This scenario may
be easily included into an ongoing cam-
paign as the player characters travel
along the coastline of a sea, ocean, or
large inland lake. The weather is
assumed to remain sunny and fair as

THE WRECK the ship is explored.

For the Ployer Charocters

You've been following the sandy coast-
line for some miles, finding the travel-

OF THE ing easier here than through the forest

inland. Dinner time is fast approaching,
and soon the sun will no longer light
your way.
As you round a broad headland, you

SHINING STAR look toward the sea and notice several

small rock outcroppings near to the
shore These small islands stand glis-
tening in the sunlight as water washes
over them in a steady rhythm.
Then you spot something unusual.
The waning sun's light beats down upon
the wreckage of a large ship, its hull
pierced and supported by a small group
of rocks, about 300' off shore. You see no

There’s no one left immediate signs of life on her decks, but

from the condition of her sails and col-
ors of her paint, the ship seems to be
alive on f/i/sship. newly wrecked. Perhaps some poor soul
still lives on board, awaiting rescue
from the cruel elements and certain
death! But should there be no hope for
her crew, perhaps the ship has treasure
Artwork by Scon Rosemo
just waiting to be claimed by an ambi-
tious group of adventurers!

For the Dungeon Master

The Shining Star belonged to a wealthy
and ambitious nobleman, Lord Mara-
gorn, whose holdings bordered the sea.


He commissioned the craft to serve well. In the titanic swells that washed magic-user or cleric who successfully
three purposes. Itwas used to augpnent over her decks and through the gaping casU a remove curse on the device
the Hxed coastal defenses of his domain holes, the remnants of the crew were can dispel the elven mage's work, there-
against pirates and brigands. The ship swept away and drowned. The Shining by sending the remnants of the evil
also coordinated patrols of the seaplanes Star settled on the rocks alter the cleric’s will into oblivion and allowing
and inspected merchantmen for contra- storm, listing about 10^ to starboard the rod's powers to be used without
band. When free from her routine But while the crew was quickly killed danger of transforniation into a shade.
duties^ the Shining Star served as the in the storm. Lord Maragorn survived
lord's flagship, which he often sailed to for a time. Trapped under splintered Random Encounters
distant coasts in his service as an beams he was long in
in his cabin,
When the PCs arc traveling through,
adventurer. dying, and in the end was not even
over, oron the surface of the water, a
The ship's last duty, about a year ago, given that final option. For the curse he
random encounter occurs on a roll of 1
was to pick up her owner, bis retinue, had released not only destroyed the ship
on ld8, checked every 10 minutes. Roll
and his treasure near where the wreck and her crew, but it also transformed
Id 12 and refer to the following table if
now lies on the rocks. The lord came Lord Maragorn into a shade, doomed to
an encounter is indicted.
aboard late one night, bringing with remain aboard the ship until his unlife
L Octopus, AC 7; MV 3V/12'*;
him strange treasures and items from was extinguished.
HD 8; hp 44; Dmg 14 x 6V212;
#AT (
his latest quest. While he ordered most The item that doomed the lord to his
SA constriction; SD ink cloud; AL N(Ei;
of his new belongings stored in the undead existence is the iron rod ofForn
bolds, he kept out two small chests for (see end of adventure). This device has
MM 1/75. This creature lives in area 22
of the ship. If encountered and
his personal inspection during the the power to summon the dead to unlife.
destroyed in open water, eliminate it as
cruise home. cause fear in enemies, and control the
a shipboard encounter. If the octopus is
As the ship sailed into a cold, windy weather. It was created several hundred
wounded and flees, it returns to its lair
night, its captain navigating by the few years ago by Pam, a powerful cleric of
for a minimum of two days
he could see through the clouds. neutral-evil alignment. This evil priest
2. Sea hag: AC 7; MV //16"; HD 3; hp
Lord Maragorn examined his newfound spent many long years creating the rod,
20; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA
treasure. He found himself strangely which served its maker well until one
weakening from fright, death gaze; MR
drawn to one item, a slim black metal fateful day.
rod upon which seven crimson runes During a campaign against a tribe of
509r; AL
CE; dagger; MM
1/66. Once she
spies any PCs, this monster will hide
had inscribed. The device seemed wood elves, the cleric found himself
near the wreck, attempting to slay
to instill in him a desire to hold it, and facing a powerful elven mage. As he
adventurers for her meals until she is
he found that he simply couldn't resist raised his rod to animate the dead war-
the urge to handle the item. Without riors about him for an attack, the elven
wizard spoke a powerful curse. As the
3. Sirincj AC 0; MV 12V/24- ; HD 6;
fully realizing what he was doing, he
hp 32; 0AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; SA
took hold of the wand and activated its evil priest commanded his dead men
c^orm person, touch causes idiocy; SD
powers. forward, the curse struck, destroying
polymorph self, fog cloud, imp^ved
Gale-force winds abruptly buffeted the the cleric's physical body. Yet the evil
invisibility, saves as llth-level magic-
ship as the curbed magicks of the device one's spirit remained, for during the
user. saves vs. poison at +2, immune to
summoned heavy weather. The captain process in which he created the rod,
all forms of gas, infra- and ultravision;
and crew, shock^ at the sudden mani- part of his soul had been linked with
festation of the storm, quickly found the metal wand. Upon the death of his
MR 25%; AL NE; short sword; MM2/
109 This sirine was attracted to the
they were unable to handle the ship. body, his evil will was fully absorbed by
wreck out of curiosity but will leave it
Sails ripped, masts snapped, and the the rod, and within it a desire for
in 1-2 days.
ship foundered, taking water faster revenge festered.
4. Undertow: (If the PCs are not
than her frantic crew could bail. Lord The cleric's evil spirit manifests itself
boating or swimming, reroll this
Maragorn suspected he was at fault, whenever a living ^ing takes hold of
encounter.) A strong current drags
having felt some strange magical force the rod. Some hours after grasping the
swimming characters 500-1,000' out to
releas^ as he held the device, but in device, the holder transformed into a
sea in five minutes. The undertow
the tossing ship he was unable to even shade under the control of the evil cler-
pushes rafts or small boats out half this
attempt a reversal of his summoning. ic's wilt. The mechanics of the transfor-
distance. A swimmer who has greater
Then, without warning, a tremendous mation strip the victim of positive
than either normal encumbrance (as per
waterspout sprang up from under the life-force, leaving only the negative
the Dungeoneer’s Survival Guide, page
ship, throwing everyone on deck over- **alive"and bound firmly to the rod's
13) or light encumbrance (as per the
boil and smashing the Shining Star will.The evil cleric then lives through
Wilderness Survival Guide, page 41) is
against the rocky shoreline where it the shade and. in this undead form,
pulled underwater and cannot surface.
eventually came to rest. pursues his revenge against life in gen- 5-6. Sea lions (16): AC 5/3; //18"; MV
Great holes were ripped in her bottom eral.Thus, Lord Maragorn 's ignorant
attempt to use the rod without proper
HD 6; /AT 3: Dmg I.6/1-6/212; AL N;
and lower sides. She took some water,
MMl/86. These monsters will remain in
but because she was supported by sev- arcane consultation doomed his crew,
the area if they manage to eat at least
eral rocky outcroppings, the ship the ship, and himself.
one character; otherwise, they will
remained upright and mostly intact. The curse upon the iron rod of Por/i is
leave in 14 hours.
Unfortunately, her crew did not fare as not necessarily permanent, however. A

6 Issue No. 15

7*9. Man-owar, giant (140): AC 9;

MV !•; HD 2; /AT 1; Dmg MO; SA
paralyiation: SD transparent;
MMl/79. These monsters are merely
drifting through the area and will
gone in 1-4 hours. If slain, others may
appear anyway oa such monsters are
common in these waters.
KV12. Shark, common (3*12): AC 6;
MV Z/24' HD 6; hp 25 each; /AT
: 1 bite;
Dmg 2-8; AL N; MM 1/67. These mon-
sters, too, are common in these waters.

The Shining Star

The ship aground on three rocky

projsctions. about 300* from the shore

and held fast there, surrounded by
water from 10' to 30' deep. Only the
lowest level, the ballast section, is total-
ly underwater Level Three is above sea
level, but because the large, gaping
holes ripped in the ship's sides, much of
this level holds water washed in by
storm and tide. Access to the ship is
possible by swimming, flying, or similar
means, entering either through the
partly submerged holes on Level Three
or by stepping onto Level One. The
water swells among the rocks in
rhythm, rising from 3* to 10', depending
on the weather and the tides.
The ballista mounts on the top deck
are ruined, as are the wheel and small
deckhouse on the poop deck. The masts
have broken off near their bases on
Level One, and the cargo hatches have
been blown off. 77ie ship's sides are
covered with seaweed and are warped in
many places, although the general
integrity of the hull is fair.
If a character who weighs over 200
Ibe. (including gear) walks on any level
of the ship, there is a 30^ chance every -_j 1 square 30'
60' traveled that the floor gives way.
dropping that person to the next level
40% of the time, or through all levels
until he reaches Level Three 60% of the
time. The character takes 1-d hp dam* smell strongly of brine, seaweed, and vs. normal blow or be crushed. It takes
age for each level he falls through, and rotting wood. The floors are slanted, as one round for a PC to right himself after
all his nonmagical items must save vs. the ship lists to the right (starboard) by he has fallen. Any items dropped or
normal blow (as per the Dungeon Mas- about 10^, and they are often slipper>; moved by a character slide to the lowest
ters Guide, page 80) or be destroyed. being covered in places with wet sea- point in each area.
Check each character sheet to deter- weed. Thus, the PCs must be cautious Ncrmal or magical fire or electricity
mine the PC's total weight before begin- in their movements, lb walk safely, a that comes in contact with the ship's
ning shipboard movement. PC must reduce his normal movement interior may start fires. Use the saving-
Each numbered level is 8' high; the rate by 50%. Anyone attempting to run throw matrix in the DMG, page 60. On
ballast level is 6' high. The hull of the through these levels slips and falls Level Three, the ship's thick wood gains a
ship is curved, so interior rooms which 100% of the time, minus 5% for each *^4 saving throw against fire and a ~4
use the hull as a wall are also curved. point of dexterity over nine. A fall of saving throw against electricity due to
All areas, especially those with holes to this type causes no damage, but fragile wetness. If not extinguished promptly,
the outside or with standing seawater, glass, ceramic, and crystal items such a fire expands to adjacent rooms at a
(including vials and mirrors) must save rate of one room evety 10 minutes.


Thus, a Are starting in area 2 would

bum through the walls to areas 1 and 4
after 10 minutM.
THE Level One
SHINING STAR The doors on Level One are made of
wood supported by brass bands; each
high and 2*6* wide unlesa other-

i >
wise indicated.

L Quarter maater'a Room.

The tight outside shines in through a

few portholes in this trapezoidal-
WWihow shaped room, providing dim illumi-
nation which reveals a pile of debris
on the floor. Along the hull walls,
which curve to shape the bow, the
wooden racks and shelves are now
empty. The debris on the floor con-
sists of water-damaged sail cloth,
broken wooden barrels, and shat-
tered pottery. Much of the stuff is
covert with a blue-green dustlike
The southeast wall is straight and
forms a bulkhead. A large wooden
chest, about 6* long. $' wide, and 4’
tall is bolted to the floorboards to the
left of the door just inside the room.
Its girth is bound with two rusting
iron bands, and it is locked with a
rusting iron hasp and padlock.

The dustlike substance which covers

the debris and floor is a colony of blue
mold. This variety of mold thrives in a
moist, salty environment such as the
walls of sea caves and along rocky ocean
coastlines. It is identical in most other
respects to yellow mold, but conSinuai
light spells have no effect agamst it.
Blue mold: AC 9; MV nil; HD nil;
lAT 1; Dmg 1*8; SA
poison spores; SD
affected by flre based attacks only; AL
M; MMl/Tl (yellow mold).
This forward room held precious sup-
plies barrels of fine ale and wine,
special foods, expensive supplies for the
ship — and any personal items the crew
members wished to have locked up. The
room also served as the quartermaster's
Any thief wishing to pick the lock on
the chest does 90 with a ** 26% penalty
because the lock mechanism has corroded.
Anyone trying to force the lock <^n by
1 square * 10* sh» strength need only make an open
doors roll. I^de the strongbox are 30
individual compartmenta containing a
total of 80 gp. 36 ep. 420 sp. 460 cp, 16

8 Issue No. 15

gems (worth 20 gp e6cK^ and two neck* stones (worth ISO gp total). The elf NoD'Coma* Room.
laces of copper links (worth 10 gp each). A stored his prized possessiona in a box
locked cabinet above the cheat holds 30 strapped to the underside of his bunk. This room has several open portholes
signal flagsand a pennant with Lord This box is locked and has a fin trap which allow sunlight to illuminate
Maragom'o coat of arms fa white oepre>, 4. cast upon it (at the 7th level of
spell its dismal interior. TWo beds are
wings extended, on a field of aquamarine ability). Within the box are 45 gp; attached to each of the long walls. A
with silver edging). 'Hus pennant could be potions of heeling, Uvilation, and au>ee< small round table is bolted to the
a clue to the owner of the veaeel. or at water in unmarked glass vials; and two floor, the only thing standing among
PCs the ahip'a land of origin.
least tell the scrolls in ivory tubes with lead foil the debris strewn about the cabin.
Bringing news of the SAining Sto/s sealing the ends (protection from normal Overturned chairs, a few umished
demise to Lord Maragom's homeland missiles and stow). and rusted scimitars, and broken
could begin the PCs* next adventure (see trinkets lie among mined clothing
^'Concluding the Adventure"). Marines* Barracks. Each of these and wood shards.
four rooms has the same description.
Marine Captain's Room. A brass-plated sextant (worth 50 gp)
You see a room lined with eight in a locked wooden box is fastened to
This room has a comfortably large normal-sized ship bunks along the the underside of the nearest bed to the
bed (by ship standards) attached to walls. Two portholes in the exterior left of the door.
the southwest wall. The bed's mat- wall allow some of the sun's light in,
tress has been thrown to the floor casting amber shafts onto the debris 6. Guest Room.
along with most of the room's con- scattered on the floor.
3. Worn and ripped books, the
tents. The ceiling beams room have
in this
shattered remains of two oil lamps, Like all the other rooms, these quar* collapsed, dragging down wooden
moldy clothing, and wood debris ters are strewn with bed linens, cloth- shards and other debris to partly
cover the small room's floor. The only ing, furniture, and bits of armor. These cover a skeleton in shiny armor. Its
item still fastened to the wall is a four rooms housed the detachment of 32 head and upper body lie free from the
sheathed saber with a wire grip that marines on board the Shining Star. wreckage, lit by sunlight streaming
hangs above the bed. Each room has four short swords in in through several ragged holes in
their scabbards in a locked rack by the the room's ceiling.
A human fighter, the commander of door. There are four short bows, four
the marine detachment on board the quivers of 20 arrowe. and four shields Lord Maragom's cleric was housed
Shifting Star, resided here. The saber is lying among the debris. The marines here.The storm dislodged part of the
made of fine steel and has a silver wire were all swept overboard as they tried ceiling timbers, which fell upon and
gnp. The weapon is usable if the blade to help the crew with the ship in the killed him. His skeletal remains are
is polished and sharpened, and it is magical storm. stillencased in his armor, a suit of
worth 40 gp in its scabbard. choin mad *^2. His magical $(aff of
5. Cargo Hatches. Two 20' -square striking ilB charges) lies buried beside
Marine Lieutenant's Room. openings are set in the deck near the him. Unlesf the PCs declare they are
middle of the ship. If the PCs look down making a thorough or complete search
llus lO'-square room has a 6 -long bed into Level Two though these openings, lasting at least 10 minutes, they will
suspended from the northeast wall, describe only the immediate area below not discover the staff (it looks just like a
with three short rows of bookshelves (see areas 16and 17). Before the storm, piece of debris). A wooden idol covered
above. A small desk is attached to the panels were lashed across the openings, in peeling gold leaf is still attached to
northwest wall below uneven, dan- but they were blown off and washed the southeast wall. It is recognizable as
gling chains that once held a lamp. All overboc^. the likeness of a deity devoted to the sea
cd* the room's contents seem to be sit- (chosen by the DM
as appropriate to the
ting on the warped Aocrboartls. Ybu 6. Main Deck. campaign). The remains of a small
can see a broken wooden chair, weath- wooden altar Ue crumbled on the floor
ered clothing and linen, and pieces of Debris from the wreck lies all about below the idol, broken in several pieces
armor and metal. the wind- and water- worn deck. Bits by a fallen beam.
of sail cloth, wood shards, broken
Also present under the debns are the pieces of equipment, and parts of the 9. Officers' Room.
bones of the second-in-command of the rigging are covered with sun-baked,
marines, an elf fighter/magic-user. A foul amel ling seaweed and flecked This roomk ceiling has collapsed,
ranger or cleric might be able to iden- with salt. The tall masts are missing, exposing the room to sea water and
tify the bones as those of an elf or half leaving only jagged stumps on deck wind. \bu see many ripped pieces of
elf. The lieutenant's equipment also lies to mark their former positions. The navigation charts and hocks strewn
here: a fme elven long sword and scab- narrow staircases at each end of the over the debris-covered floor. Evoy-
bard. a suit of elven chain mail (which deck have several broken steps but thing looks qxiite waterlogged. Thm
will fit only an elO. and a jeweled dag- are otherwise intact. are only three bunks in this room,
ger in a Kabbard set with four gem- large beds by ship standards.


Thifl room was the quarters for the Lord's Quarters. Lord Maragorn
three ship's officers. Each hid his per- met his terrible fate in this room. The cradles are three units high by 10
sonal treasure in a locked box attached side walls once held stained glaas win- units long. Most still have caska
to the floor directly below hia bunk. All dows, which were knocked out during strapped securely into their respec-
three boaes are now covered with the disaster Now the openings are cov- tive slots. A few casks have toppled

debris, and a thorough search o( the ered with debris and pieces of sail cloth from their supports and have broken
room must be conducted to find them. to darken the room. In full daylight, on the floor among the 20 barrels
Bach brass-bound box has a rusted iron this reduces illuminstion in the room to and crates standing upright at the
padlock. Due tc the poor condition of the "shadowy light," as per the Monster center of the room. These barrels and
locks, a thief has a *25^ penalty tc his Manual II, page 108: during twilight or crates are lashed securely with rope
open loekt roll; a normal open door$ night, the room is considered to be in to rings stationed at intervals along

strength roll will shatter the lock. "total darkness." Lord Maragorn, now a the deck. The room smells faintly of
10. first box holds 102 gp, 36 ep. and shade, hides in the shadows (as a thief ale and strongly of brine.
36 sp. The second contains three pale- of 9th level) behind a pile of collapecd
blue sapphires (worth 100 gp each), 34 timbers (having sensed the approach of There were 30 casks of flour stored
gp, and 10 sp. The third box holds a gold living beings). If the PCs come into this along the right wall, six of which have
chain necklace (worth 150 gp), 42 gp, room, the creature produces shadow fallen from their cradles and broken on
and a potion of OBtro'heoUng marked images, if possible, then attacks with the deck, their contents long ago eaten
with the letter ‘P” (for "potion"). the iron rod of Porn. The shade uses the by scavengers. Of the 30 casks of dark
ale stored along the left wall. 10 have
rod's powers to full advantage in combat
Galley. by using both control weather powers to fallen and broken, their contents
summon a storm, by causing an earth- absorbed into the wooden deck.
Through the open door, you can see a quake which may topple the ship from The casks and crates which have not
great deal of debns lying on the floor. her perch on the rocks, or by animating been broken contain usable goods,
Brass pots, pans, and utensila poke out any of the PCs who die and ordering although the ale has gone sour. There
them to attack their companions. Be are 24 casks containing flour, eight
from a pile of pewter plates, aoiled
sure to consult Monster ManuaJ II, page barrels of dried apples, six barrels of
linen, wooden boards, and brcdten
106, to fully understand the shade's prunes, and eight crates of hard biscuits.
crockery Everything is covered with a
strange blue-green dusUike substance. capabilities in different amounts of
A narrow shelf runs along the walls light. Port Bow Storage.
around the room. Along the southwest Lord Maragom'a shade (basic sta-
part of this counter are two stone-tiled tistics):AC 0; MV 12* F9; hp 70; f AT
; The floor of this section has been
11. openings. Below' each, you see 3/2; Dmg by weapon type; S 17, 13, 1 broken open by the force of the ship's
a small black iron brazier suppcated by W 8. D 16. C 17. Ch 12. Co 14, SA/SD demise. The cargo that was here has
metal straps fastened u> the bottom of seeMM2'108; chatn mail •*•3, iron rod apparently fallen through the level
the counter. The braziers are empty of of Pam\ AL NR (originally Nl. See the below [see area 22] and into the bal-
description of the iron rod of Porn at the last level at the bottom of the ship.
Above the counter are wooden cabi- end of the module for further details on Looking down, you see many crates
nets, their doors hanging open to show the shade's abilities and vulnerabilities. and boxes have been dashed into
empty ahelvea. It's obvious that the Also in the room are numerous ruined
13. unrecognizable bits.
disaster which struck the ship dis- books and navigation charts. Partly
gorged the cabinets' contents onto the buned under the debris are some of the
floor. lord's possessions and treasure: his long 16. Starboard Bow Storage.
sword >3. a dagger *2, 130 gp. three
The blue-green dust is a colony of blue pieces of jewelry (worth 60, 76, and 60 The cargo in this area is scattered
mold (see area 1 for deacription). gp), the crushed remains of potion vials, about the floor. You see long wooden
snd two smashed wooden chests. Also to boards lying among piles of rusty
Non-Coms' Mess. be found under the debris are the lord's nails. Everything is covered with
signet ring and an official banner, both black congealed pitch.
depicting his coat of arms (see area I).
An oak table is bolted to the floor at
These are clues that could give the PCs
the center of this room. Broken lantern There are 35 20' long planks (used to
information about the ownership of the
chains hang from the ceiling beams repair the ship), five kegs of iron nails
Shining Star and lead toother adven- filled out over the floor, three cratce of
above the table, and their Interns lie
tures (see "Concluding the Adventure"). wooden pegs, and six barrels of black
smashed on the Brass utensils
are scattered about the floor along tar which have broken open, spreading
Level Two
with pewter plates and goblets. Also the gooey, flammable stuff all over.
lying about are seven wooden chairs. Forward Bow Storage. Should anyone drop a torch or use magi-
A few blta of bone and doth can also cal fire within this room, a conflagra-
be found among the deWis. This triangular room has two rows of tion will surely ensue. The tar sticks tc
30 cask cradles, one set attached to boots, clothing,and weapons, and it can
each of the long walls. The cask be washed off only with wood alcohol.

10 issue No. 15

16. Port Main Storage.

As you enter this area, your light

falls upon 10 horse carcasses, little
more than slceletal remains, lying on
moldy, wet straw. T^n saddles, piles
of horseshoes, and other equipment
also lie about, ruined by exposure to
the sea water which has blown in
through a gaping hole. The ceiling
beams have collapsed In places, and
the staircases here don't appear
completely safe.

The horses for Lord Maragorn and his

retinue were stabled here for the trip.
Among the debris and equipment that
lies here rotting are four horseshoes of
17. kicked off during the storm by
Lord Maragorn *s mount. In order for
them to be found, a detect magic spell
must be employed to difTerentiate them
from the other 150 horseshoes scattered
on the floor. If ail the horseshoes are
inspected, taking four man hours, the
four magical shoes can be identified by
their unrusted condition.

Starboard Main Storage.

This area with debris and

is filled all
sorts of goods. Yon can easily see
21. Aft Starboard Storage. This
many broken pieces of silver-chased, the walls. Large hooks have beer area held the more perishable foodstuffs
rotted furniture and several large screwed into the ceiling near the for the crew. The food has rotted away
broken chests which have dumped center of the room, from which a few or been consumed by scavengers, and
out bolts of once^fine cloth, now mold-encrusted hammocks hang. there is nothing of value here.
ruined by the elements. All sorts of Adding to the general clutter on the
tarnished, silver- and gold-plated floor are small broken boxes, wood Level Three
dinnerware lies scattered on the splinters, smashed lamps, and a few
hold's floor. The remains of four tap- pewter cups. 22. Wrecked Prow. A rocky projec-
estries are spread out. and among tion of stone pierced this section, frac*
the mess you see loose coppers, silver These rooms housed the crew. The turing the side of the ship in many
pieces, and gold coins. A gaping hole hooks in the ceiling could be used to places and leaving openings to the
in the floor, through which an occa- stretch nine hammocka across the cen- wind-blown surf. The wall between this
sional splash of sea spray comes,
ter of the room. Three shifts of sailors room and area 23 has shattered, and a
occupies the front corner of the area. would rotate through these rooms, one large circular hole lies open to the bal-
shift sleeping while the other two last level and the ocean below. This hole
The dinnerware could be salvaged, worked. There is nothing of value here. allows a giant octopus, who resides in a
and if polished and repaired is worth 20 rocky cave below the ship, free access to
gp per pound; there are 150 lbs. of the 19. Animal Food Storage. The food the surrounding waters (see ''Random
stuff lying about. In addition, a total of (eight barrels of oats and four bins of Encounters” for the octopus’s statistics).
250 gp, 450 sp, and 2,300 cp lies scat- alfalfa) for the horses in area 1 was kept The octopus remains in its lair 70% of
tered about under the debris. The tapes- here. Any food that hasn't been eaten the time. If it senses creatures nearby, it
tries,once beautiful and valuable, have by grubs has rotted away. exits into the surrounding waters or
been ruined beyond repair. reaches its tentacles up into area 22 or
20. Aft Port Storage. Extra ballista 23 to attack. If the octopus was
Crew's Quarters. These two mast sections,
projectiles, sail cloth, destroyed in a random encounter earli-
rooms have identical descriptions. er, it is no threat to the PCs here.
pulleys, rigging, cables, and lead
weights liehere spread about in ruin,
see 16 small bunks crowded into though some has fallen through a hole 23. Rowers’ Quarters. The serfs,

this room, stacked two high along in the floor to area 25 below. slaves, and paid rowers all slept in this


room. The area is now under about 4' of 25. Aft Rowers* Section. Additional tures. Since Lord Maragorn was a pow-
water, and a gaping hole in the dividing rowers could man positions behind the erful noble who has been missing from
wall gives access to area 22. normal rowers' area, to augment speed hie lands for almost a year, proof of his
for ramming or for fast starts. A r<^y death would be important news for the
24. Rowers' Benches. projection has thrust upward through heirs to his estate and his enemies
the deck, splintering the hull and sev- alike. Several clues as to Lord Mara*
Six long benches are set on each side eral benches. gorn'a identity and the location of his
of the ship, divided by a ralaed, 10'* holdings can be found within the wreck
wide walkway Several of the bench- Concluding the Adventure (areas 1 and 12).
es are now broken, having been Should the PCs decide to take word of
The PCs' examination (and probable
crushed when the ship went aground the lord's demise to his homeland, there
looting) of the Shining Star is not likely
on the rocks. A few broken oars lie are many possibilities for encounters
to have great consequences on the cam-
about, and there are quite a few and side adventures along the way. Lord
paign as a whole. It is possible that the
intact skeletons lying among the Maragorn *9 lands should be siifficienily
sale or display ofsome of the items
individual bones scattered about. distant to make traveling there a chal-
taken from the ship might be noticed by
lenging task. Additionally, once the PCs
someone connected with Lord Mara-
When the ship was not under sail, the gom's family, allies, or enemies, how-
reach Lord Maragorn's home, they may
oarmaeter prowled the walkway, shout- become involved inany number of
ever. and this may have unexpected
ing curses to motivate the rowers. His social, economic, and political problems
bones ere now indidtinguishable from stemming from the news of the lord's
This encounter presents the with DM
those he once commanded. death.
a good springboard into other adven-

The fnm Rod of Pam rod has no charges, but its abilities es apply) feel an immediate and
are limited to the number of uses uncontrollable urge to grasp the rod.
The iron rod of Porn, made of a light
listed previously. Should more than one creature be
alloy of iron, is 4' in length with a
In its cursed state, the rod has a affected, an initiative roll modified
dull black finish. Seven magical
mind of its own (being possessed by by dexterity must be made for each
runes are engraved in crimson along
its entire length, each rune repre-
its evil creator's will) and uses its PC to determine who gets to the
powers to transform its wielder into device first. Once held by a living
senting a facet of the rod's power:
a shade as described heroaAer The being, the rod begins the transforma-
cause fear (as an adult dragon) at
rod can be used as a melee weapon, tion of the holder into a shade by
will; speak with dead once per day;
striking as a ^+2 magical weapon for slowly stripping the wielder of his
cloudburst twice per day; animate
ld6 + 2 hp damage. Unless the curse positive life force (which also serves
dead three times per day; control
is removed, the rod radiates strong to power the device). As long as a
weather twice per week; earthquake
evil under scrutiny of a detect evil living being holds onto the rod or is
once per month; control up to 10 hit
spell. It radiates very strong magic if within 100' after initial contact, he
dice of undead, with concentration
scanned with a detect magic spell. becomes a shade within 3-8 hours. If
(as a coq/ure elemental spell) once per
If the curse ie successfully removed, the intended victim moves farther
week. All these powers are cast at
the evil cleric's will is detached from than 100' from the rod. the transfor-
the 12th level of ability.
the rod and sent into oblivion. The mation is negated.
The cause fear power activates
instantly at will, while the other
device can then be used without A fully transformed shade retains
danger of its wielder being trans- all equipment it had before the trans-
powers take two segments to acti-
formed into a shade. However, the formation. It takes up the rod upon
vate. Only clerics and fighters can
rod must additionally make a saving completion of the transformation (if
control the rod’s powers. If it is used
throw were a 12th-
vs. spells (as if it it does not have hold of it already)
by a cleric of evil alignment, the rod
leve! cleric). IT it fails this save, one and uses it along with its own equip-
can control triple the number of hit
to four powers (numbers 2-7 only) arc ment to destroy all living creatures
dice ofundead (30).
lost forever as a result of severing in sight.
The appropriate rune must be
the strong bond between the evil If a remove curse spell is successful-
touched to activate oach facet of the
cleric's will and the magic of the iron ly cast upon the rod before the shade
rod's power. A read magic spell iden-
rod of Porn, under its influence is destroyed, the
tifies each of the seven runes on the
If the current shade under the rod's curse is removed and the shade is
rod. one per segment. In order from
influence is destroyed without first released from the device's control.
top to bottom they are: ‘Tea*’ for fear,
removing the curse, the device tries However, the shade remains a shade
'‘necros'* for comin uni cation with the
to entice another living victim to unless either an exorcism or wish
dead, “mimbros" for precipitation.
take hold of it. Treat this action as if spell is cast to reverse the transfor-
*'necron" for animation of the dead,
the rod has cast a suggestion spell on mation.
’‘meleris" for weather control, "ter-
ron" for earth movement, and
everyone in a 20’ radius. Those who XP Value: 14,000 GP Value: 70,000
“necrinis** for control of undead, The
fail to save vs. spells (wisdom bonus- O

12 Issue No. 15
Carl Sargent has ju$t finished a third
fantasy gamebook^ for 1989 publication.
He has also published a book on the
tarot and is currently working on a 160-
page fantasy RPG scenario book, other
game products and artwics, and one or
two other writing projects. Carl reports
he needs to repaint the letters E, R, I, 0,
and on his word processor keyboard
as they have disappeared with use.

“In Pursuit of the Slayer" is a D&D®

module for 6-6 player charactera of
levels 6-9. Any character class can play
the adventure, and a balanced group is
vital for success but the PC party

should include at least two strong

dwarves or fighters, at least one of 9th
level. Chaotic characters are not rccom*
mended. It is essential to the adventure
that the PCs have mounts. The module
can be played as an individual adven*
ture or easily integrated into an oiigo*
ing campaign in any temperate area of
farma, plains, and light forests.
This scenario features four monsters
from AC9 Creature Catalogue. While it
is desirable to have a copy of this book
on hand, the text here gives all the

IN PURSUIT information and statistics needed to use

these monsters.

For the Player Characters

OF THE You slow your mounts to a trotting pace

on this warm summer day as you travel
onward; they are feeling the heat as
much as you are. It's a lazy, humid after-
noon, and somewhere to the north a

SLAYER farmer is burning stubble judging by the

plume of smoke you can just make out.
Then, some way ahead along the road,
one of you makes out a small running
BY CARL SARGENT figure heading south toward you. There
is no pursuer in sight, but it must take
something unusual to make anyone run
so fast on so hot a day. You urge your
mounts to a faster pace, and now you
can see clearly that the runner is a
Can a merciless young boy. He stumbles and falls as you
get close to him, and he doesn't get up.

killer possibly be When you dismount and run to him, the

boy looks up at you, his face streaked
with the same black that soils his
your ally? clothes. He holds out his hands and falls
forward, exhausted.
Soon revived, the boy says his Ttame is
Alberin. He is fleeing from his home at
Fairwell Farm some miles north. Close
Anwork by Bob Giodrosich
to noon, Alberin tells you, a bearded
warrior in armor rode up to the farm on
a great black charger. He held a mighty



sword in one hand and a slim length of filledwith an especially deep hatred of get out of him. If so, they must ask dear
wood in the other. The red cloaked man living creatures, ampIiHed by magical questions. If asked about the Slayer's
simply pointed the wooden stick, and a banes deep within the barrow. lU delib- armor, Alberin describes plate mail. He
great ball of Tire hurtled from it into the erations, unusual for its kind, have is fairly certain, ifasked, that the eye
farmhouse, setting it alight instantly. progressed to the stage where it is ready patch was worn over the man’s left eye.
As people fled in terror, the warrior to begin work animating undead. This Alberin also remembers that the Slayer
slew them with his sword; others per- desolate place is also inhabited by a had dark hair, and he can say that the
ished in the raging flames. sacTol, a third undead creature, which "fire stick" (as he calls it) was made of
The man spurred his horse to ride will present another major danger for pale wood, about half a yard tong. If
away, then saw Alberin cowering by the the PCs. questioned closely, Alberin tells the PCs
well. He laughed at the boy, the cruelty The PCs begin at the X on the map. that the Slayer's horse was sweating in
in his face emphasized by the black eye They must follow Wolfram as quickly as the hot weather, but the man didn't
patch he wore over one eye. *^VouVe too possible and destroy the malevolent seem to be affected by the heat. If asked
little to be worth my while killing," the entities before the undead army ie sum- what lies to the north, Alberin tells the
murderer chuckled. "Know me as the moned. This is a race against time, but PCs of Crabtree Farm, Harakil's Farm,
Slayer!” he intoned, then rode off to the along the way there are both time- and the village of Kaldarek (see The
north, leavings dozen souls dead in his wasting diversions and also sources of Route of the Slayer map), and a few
wake. Alberin fled in terror despite the important information, especially about details about them. He can also give
man's words and is heading south to the Wolfram. reasonably accurate directions. Alberin
refuge of a cousin's home. This powerful man has always been can give a list of the dead at his own
The plume of smoke ... no stubble known as the Slayer, for very good rea- farm (his father Marat, mother
burning, then. The murderer is mount- son — he is an implacable and merciless Hamana, brothers Sylran and Bertran,
ed, and you have little time in which to foe of all that is evil. While he takes no and six farmhands) if the PCs really
choose your next actions. pleasure in his grim work, hb task has want to know. He has no idea why any-
been to kill marauding monsters, evil one would want to do such a terrible
For the Dungeon Master creatures, and murderers who have thing at Fairwell Farm.
been sentenced to death but have The Route of the Slayer map shows a
In this scenario the PCs follow Wolfram,
escaped justice — until Wolfram catches number of locations and the path which
the Slayer, and track him to a great
up with them. Wolfram is not a vigilan- Wolfram has taken. The players do not
funeral barrow upon a devastated plain.
te, however. Whenpursuing evil men receive a copy of this map but can make
There, if nothing happens to interfere
(as opposed to monsters), he kills only their own sketch map from information
with Wolfram's plans, a great undead
when he knows that they have been gained as they travel. Each time the
army will be magically raised to sweep
south and spread death on a scale which
sentenced to death by judicial authority. PCs do not follow Wolfram's trail but
He is Lawful, after all. make a detour somewhere else, they
willmake his efforts look pitiful . .
Along the way, the PCs should find lose time pursuing him. Such lost time
except that they aren't exactly his plans
enough information to make them real- is noted for all locations where this rule
and efforts.
ize that all cannot be what it seems applies.
Wolfram is actually a deeply Lawful
where Wolfiam is concerned, and they Keep a careful record of how many
and good man, albeit one of very strict
should probably realize that killing him detours the PCs make, for this number
beliefs (see the end of the module for
will mean killing a good man and true! affects the fmal combat on the Plains of
details on his statistics and personality).
The players' introduction has been Despair. Also, in some locations the
His wand of fire balls is occupied by an
written to set thb adventure in summer party can gain information about Wolf-
undead being known as a possession
(also called a sword spirit) which has
for two reasons. First, it helps to ram and the direction he has taken,
explain why a fire ball causes the com- although they must ask some questions
taken over Wolfram's mind. It can also
plete destruction of large farm buildings or they won't be able to follow him. If,
use the wand itself as a weapon.
(everything is very dry and the fire however, the PCs spend hours asking
Wolfram is headed for the Plains of
spreads quickly). Also, it helps to mark questions about trivial details, et
Despair, an ancient battleground. There,
Wolfram as unusual. This man is gallop- Kaldarek (area 4) or of the dwarven
the possession intends to leave the wand
ing around and fighting in full plate merchants (area 6) for example, treat
and inhabit a different magical item, the
mail and shows no signs of exhaustion! this as further time-wasting and add
Staff of Shrivening. Tbgether with the
He must have some magical resistance **-
1 to the detour count. Don’t penalize
Stair, which is guarded by another undead
to the heat, so he's probably something PCs trying to think of intelligent ques-
creature — a grey philosopher — it will
special. Adding Wolfram's apparent lack tions and looking for people of note in
begin theinfem^ work of animating an
of problems with the heat to the ques- Kaldarek. but only those spending an
undead army from the countless bodies in
tion, "What's a fighter doing using fire interminable time over matters. The
the earth. Wolfram's stopping to kill peo-
balls, anyway?" should make the PCs PCs should realize they are not going to
ple en route Is caused by the possession,
curious enough about him to set off in catch anyone while wasting their time
which gains power from the deaths it
pursuit. The hot weather also sets the in this way.
causes, making the animation of undead
scene for the thunderstorm on the It should also become clear to the PCs
easier and quicker when it reaches its
Plains of Despair. that they cannot catch the Slayer on the
The PCs may want to question first game day. If the adventure starts
This grey philosopher has long been
Alberinfor any more details they can just alter noon, they will get to the

14 Issue No, 15


Tit* PI«Ib*
of Oe«p«ix

ilV- Road

Slayer's trail


to Fon Corslte

Dapleth Woods (area 6) in the early spell, you may drop a hint on this score. Encounter Areas
evening. After the combat there, the Similarly, magical items have limited
party will have to sleep and regain
Many of these encounter areas include
use, either due to short duration (a
spells, especially curative o&es. The PCs
meetings with normal, nonadventuring
potion of flying or because only one or a
may wonder whether they should pur- small number of PCs can be affected
humans. For convenience, statistics for
these people are given here.
sue the Slayer during the night hours. (e.g., boots of speed, carpet of flying-
Villagers and farmhands: AC 9;
Make it plain that they cannot travel in Only a party grossly overequipped with
Normal Man; hp 1-S; MV 120'(407, #AT
the woods by night, and that the man magical transport items could catch up
1; Dmgby weapon type; Save Normal
they are foilowiDg must surely stop, with Wolfram as a group. If you have
rest, and sleep such a party, you must Hnd some way of
Man: AL L; equipped as DM sees (It.
No detailed maps are provided for any relieving them of a few such items.
!• Fairweli Farm. All that remains
farms or for Kaldarek, and they should Intelligent players, however, may well
here is a single barn to the oorth of a
not be needed since no combats take use magical items or spells such as fly
group of still-burning shells of buildings
place at any of them. Location descrip- and haste to scout ahead and track
(fan^ouse, stables, two bams, farm-
tions give basic details for describing Wolh*am. A party may split up, agree-
hands’ cottages, etc.) which were almost
these places to the PCs. ing to meet later at a fixed place, with
entirely made of wood. There are no
the minority going one way and one or
survivors, only 10 charred and bloodied
Magical Pursuit more flying characters making a quick
bodies, slain by fire and by the sword.
check off the main trail. This is not a
It should not be possible for the PCs to Just to the east of the main farmhouse
problem in running the scenario, and
have any magical means of catching up is a large well (hence the farm's name)
you should be careful not to increase the
en masse with Wblfram before he gets to next to which stand watering troughs.
detour count if magic is used to speed
the Plains of Despair. A spell such as The PCs' mounts can drink here (no
up investigations. For example, if the
hcfiie lasts only 30 minutes. While a fly time penalty).
spell lasts longer, it affects only one
main body of a PC group goes straight
from Fairweli Farm to Kaldarek, while
character, and it should be clear that Harakil’s Farm. Visiting this farm
a flying character checks on HarakiTs
one PC ~ even a strong one — would iscounted as a detour, since Alberin
Farm, the farm visit should not be
have serious problems trying to deal made it clear that the Slayer road
counted as a detour since no time has
with a man using a wand of fire balls. If north from Fairweli Farm, and this
been lost.
a player is contemplating using this place is almost due east. It is clear from


a diatanca of half a mila away that all bodies of two horses and four young track the Slayer (a name Rodallan has
appeara well on this grain and livestock men. This tragedy happened two hours never heard), he becomes amenable and
farm. The seven farmhands and Kara- PCs arrive (three hours if
before the repeats a story told to him by
kil, the owner, aay they have seen noth- they havemade a detour, four if they GaraJdath, a young man who was riding
ing unusual and are perfectly safe. They have made two detours). Careful exami- into town from Larred's Farm when he
aaeumed h^ro the smoke that Marat nation ct( the area reveals a blackened saw the mysterious rider.
was burning stubble over at Pairwell patch of ground 20' in radius and clear- The young man described the rider as
Farm. Once they learn diiTerently, they ly circular. black haired and clad in plate mail,
take steps to arm themselves and At the edgeof the village, half a dozen with a sword in its scabbard at his side.
defend the farm. townspeople stand in a huddle; many No wand was in view. The horse was
are distraught and weeping. One man is large, pure black, and being ridden at a
3. Crabtree Farm. Visiting this farm being tended by his hiends. He was modest gallop since it was clearly
isalao counted as a detour, although it*a struck by debris from the explosion and sweating. Garaldath plainly saw the red
not bad play coming here. Alberin said has a deep, bleeding gash on his left leg. cloak of the rider. He didn't approach
the Slayer rode ofT to the north, and the A curt light u>ounds spell will heel the him. since he was riding to the south of
villainmight have come here (although damage, and a Lawful PC cleric should the man in the opposite direction, but
he hasn'tX most denniUly offer this aid. Unless just aAer they passed he heard the man
This farm is physically similar to otherwise not^, all villagers here are shout out, "Curse! curse!" and looked
Harakil's Farm, but the owner is a treated as Normal Men. back to see him kick the black horse
retired nghUr
the PCs specifically
If None of the villagers actually saw into a gallop. Garaldath watched him
ask to see the boss, not settling for the ^
what caused the fire, but one the ride away east. This meeting took place
obviously peaceful nature of the place at villagers “ a young woman named a mile or so outside of Kaldarek.
sight, the five farmhands lead Ferrab — aaw a man galloping away Wolfram's cry was due to his briefly
them to farmer Darrigan. If the PCs ask east on a black horse just alter an explo- regaining control over his own mind
about the Slayer. Darrigan frowns and sion was heard. He was some distance and screaming out what he believed
looks thoughtful. *Tm sure I've heard away when she saw him. and all she must have happened to him — that he
that name somewhere, heard something could make out was his red cloak flut- had been magically cursed. The posses-
about a fighter called the Slayer," he tering in the breeze. Others can confirm sion momentarily relaxed its grip on
Bays slowly. "But it weren't said with Parry's report of a loud bang, but no Wolfram's mind, allowing him a few
fear or anything like that." He cannot one else saw any detail of the rider. seconds to understand his plight and
recall any details. Once informed of the If the PCs immediately gallop off east, react with his anguished cry More it
destruction of Fairwell Farm, Darrigan point out that their horses are sweating reasserted its maiign control once more.
orders his farmhands to arm themselves and could do with a drink, easily Of course, what the PCs are told is
and withdraw to the main house. Stained from the pond in the center of ambiguous, as it is meant to be.
Fanner Darrigan: AC d; F4; hp 22; the village. There is no water source to If the PCs converse with Rodallan
MV 120 WX I AT 1; Dmg by weapon the east until they get to Larred's Farm further, he explains that he is responsi-
type; S 15; &ve F4; ML 9; AL L; long (area 7) or into the woods. If the PCs fail ble for law and order in Kaldarek and
sword (kept in farmhouse). to water their horses in Kaldarek. their must report what has happened to the
mounts will be slowed. Count such local baron (you may alter this detail to
4. The Village of Kaldarek. slowing as a detour, even if a PC cleric suit your campaign if you with), hence
Kaldarek is a small village of some 80 later casts a crtait water spell for the his earlier interrogation of Garaldath.
souls on the main north-south trade mounts. The horses will need twice Rodallan has not yet decided what to do
route between Lamford and Carra- their normal water intake after being about the situation. It is clear that the
bridge. At the village, horses are often ridden so far in such hot weather and assailant must be powerful and in pos-
rested, and coach parties and wagons will drink slowly for the entire hour the session of magic, and the village haa
atop for the night, so there is a fair-size magical spring is in existence, so time is only a few men-at-arms. They can hard-
coaching inn (run by Martallus and his Still lost. ly pursue him. Rodallan has thought of
wife. Diora) and a blacksmith/ The PCs might split up in Kaldarek. sending messengers to local farms to
stableman. Rodallan, who is also some watering the horses and others give warning; Garaldath himself was
responsible for maintaining law and looking for more informants. If they ask eager to get home quickly, for Larred's
order in this village. There's little trou- whether there is a village elder, mayor, Farm lies to the east, and he UR within
ble. anyway. Outsiders who cause prob- or other authority, they are directed to an hour of the attack.
lems quickly find out they must face all Rodallan, who is in his smithy. Rodallan Rodallan says that now that the PCs
the able-bodied men of Kaldarek. has instructed his assistant, a youth are chasing this dangerous man. things
The buildings comprise the Inn. named Cladaw, that he doesn't want to look better, don't they? No need to send
smithy two warehouses, stables, stor- be disturbed in his private rooms out poorly equipped men at-arms.
age bama. a small shop selling food and behind the smithy. The PCs must either Rodallan will not accompany the PCs,
tools, and some 15 smdl cottages and march in, bribe Cladaw to show them since he has a village full of terrified
larger dwellings, mostly made of wood. in. or impress the lad with a show of people — not to mention four dead
Just west of the village stands the authority to gain entrance. Rodallan is bodies — to deal with. The PCs may
smoldering, bumed-out shell of a farm angry at being disturbed, but if the PCs readily get information about the farms
wagon. Beside it lie the blackened make it clear that they are trying to lying east of Kaldarek. and the location

16i$$u9 No. 15

of tho woods, but no furihor inquiries have found the trail but ask for details the ^Tairies" once told a friend of his
vil) bear fruit here. of6.
the smoke, you can say that it is that a human known aa the Slayer
Rodallan: AC 5; F4; hp 21; MV much less than that they have seen attended their councils at infrequent
I20'(40'); I AT 1 at +2; Dmg by weapon from burning buildings, but do not intervals. Slate's impression was that
type; Save F4; D 16. 13;W ML
9; AL L; mention this detail unless they are his informant thought this man was a
leather armor, long sword I (in smart enough to ask. friend of the elves despite his sinister
tmithy). long bow (in his home). name.
The Dwarves.Visiting this If this still doesn't get the PCs riding
Moynaran^e Farm. This farm encounter counts as a detour. off to the woods, you may have to sug-
differs from the others. The surrounding Smoke rises from a group of three gest that the trail has grown cold and
area is slightly hilly, and the farmhouse wagons on the road heading southeast they must either try Larred’s Farm or
lies in a small vale, with sheep grazing from Kaldarek. Until the PCs approach go back to Moynaran'e Farm and look
the rich meadows. The farmhouse is within 120', the smoke obscures the hard for a trail (a return trip there
small — or rather, was small. Wolfram wagons, making it appear that it is the counts as another detour).
has been here and firt balled the place. vehicles themselves that are on fire. Dwarven merchanta: AC 4; Dl; HD
Since the farmhouse was made of wood The wagons contain the trade goods 1; hp 6 each; MV 60 (207, #AT I; Dmg
and some stone, most of it has burned (tools) of six dwarves who have had an by weapon type; Save Dl; ML 6; AL N;
down, but a few smoking frames remain accident along the way. A wheel fell off dwarven chain mail, small shields,
above the charred stonework. There are one wagon and the metal rim split. The hand axes.
no survivors. Three burned bodies He dwarves stopped and got out some tools
within the house, and three more bear* to repair the damage, building a small Larred's Farm. Visiting this loca-
ing sword wounds are scattered outside. but smoky fire to assist their work. tion counts as a detour, unless the PCs
One of these lies almost half a mile The dwarves greet the PCs with com- spend leas than 20 minutes here.
away from the farmhouse: Wolfram rode plaints about the heat, requests for This is a large farm, with two farm-
down and killed this farmhand as he assistance, inquiries as to whether the houses and several cottages and bams
tried to escape. The PCs should fmd this PCs want to buy some first-rate shovels, clustered together, surrounded by mead-
body as they travel to the farm. Horses and the like. They will not be offended ows, fields, and livestock pens. Sheep
cannot be watered here as the intense if the PCs get to important business (the and a few goata marked with a triangu-
heat of the fire ball melted the pump Slayer) at once, especially if offered a lar blue brand graze happily. There has
used to raise water from a deep well. few gold pieces (add ^2 to reaction rolls been no damage here, but there are no
The PCs may get stuck at this point. if to gp or more is offered for any help people in sight. All inhabitants have
There are no witnesses and no one to or information). retreated into the main farmhouse, the
tell them where to head. They may The dwarves haven’t seen anything of walls and thatched roof of which have
gallop itraight off Mutheast to Laxred'a the Slayer, but if the name is mentioned been hastily soaked with water from a
Farm (area 7), wasting a good bit of to the gray-haired veteran named Slate nearby pond. The PCs won't notice this,
time. Other than magical inquiry, all Hillslder, he is sure he's heard it before. however, until they get within fifty
the party can do is ride carefully around If the PCs haven't paid any gold yet, he yards.
the farm looking for any hint of a trail pauses meaningfully, as if trying to The occupants are Larred, his son
(or use a spell such as fly for this pur recall the name. If the PCs don't take Garaldath and wife Blrrana, and their
pose). If they search diligently, make the hint, he may carefully mention the 16 male and female farmhands (all 19
matters easy for them. Just east of the wonderful effect the sight of glinting are treated as Normal Men). The males
farmhouse and not very far from it. they gold has on the memory of a dwarf. At all have crossbows which they hold
see a trail of silver coins which have last he points northeast toward the behind windows; their cover makes
spilled out along a path heading just Dapleth Woods. Slate says that the them effectively AC 2 if any missile
east of northeast, obviously toward the **fairies" there know of this person, combat ensues. Garaldath has brought
Dapleth Woods. Wolfram’s saddlebag although he recalls no details. Surely news of the Slayer's doings from
tore and spilled out this trail of 50 sp as the man must be headed there? (**Fair- Kaldarek, and the farm folk have
he rode along. The trail extends for ies" is Slate's derogatory term for elves; retreated into the main farmhouse for
about 500 yards. he will clarify this if the PCs ask. If the safety. The 10 male defenders stay put
After 20 minutes at the farm, tell the adventuring party includes an elf. he with crossbow bolts nocked, and the PCs
PCs that they can see a thin plume of points his thumb at the elven PC when will need to persuode them that they
white smoke rising in the south (from using this term). are friendly and wish to help. Shouted
area 6). Give them every chance to look This information alone is not a strong negotiations will be necessary!
for and find the trail of coins first. If indication for galloping off to the woods, If the PCs didn't hear Garaldath 'a
they do find this trail, they should not but if the PCs have made a map of Wolf- story in Kaldarek, he can give them the
head off south -> they have a perfectly ram's progress ao far, it*a a plausible details here (see area 4). Also, one of the
good trail to follow, after all. (Suspicious enough poaaibility that he's headed that farmhands, while tracking a loet goat,
PCs may suspect that the trail is a way. for his trail leads generally north- saw the red-cloaked rider galloping
decoy, of course.! If they haven't thought east. If the party is undecided, you may along some miles away, quite clearly
of looking for a trail, this enforced decide to have the old dwarf remember heading toward the Dapleth Woods.
detour lo the south will get them back something else (of course, more gold is However, Larred still ordered his people
on the right path eventually. If the PCs needed for this). He recalls that one of inside the protection of the farmhouse.


should drain their ma^cal resources

enough to make them think better of
this, and the elven ofTer of hospitality
they will get should be irresistible.
The woods are tight but seem cheer-
less: no birdsong filters down through
the trees. The horses head into the
woods with some nervnusneas. and
elven PCs feel that some force of evil
has affected the wooda» but cannot say
what. If the PCs intend to camp outside
the woods, again note that their horses
need to find water soon Using a ftpeak
with animal spell to converse with some
small denizen of the woods reveals that
there is a very refreshing spring inside
the woods, and directions can be given.
The PCs find this spring inot marked
on the map just before it grows dark,

and they will have to make camp for the

night. They are now in much thicker
woodland, almost forest. Allow the PCs
time to tether their horses before the
following encounter, which occurs just
as the party is preparing to retire. It is
a dangerous one. so don't spring it on
them while they are taking their armor
off, etc. They must be fairly close to full

strength to deal with this attack.

The sound of something huge comes
crashing through the darkening forest
Allow the PCs one round to make prepa-
rations ( spell <ast ng, grabbing weapons

and shields, etcJ before they are

attacked from all sides by two animated
trees and four animated bushes.
On the round after this vegetation
attacks, a bizarre creature comes crash-
ing into the fray. It appears to be an 18'-
tall treant with black bark and armed
with s giant club. This creature, a
gakarak, is a hostile, treantlike being
which fights all intruders.
A successful hit from the gakarak *s club
entangles the PC in writhing vegetation
(ao that the PC is helpless) for six turns
unless a successful Saving Throw va.
^lells is made. 'Hie gakarak can also fire
just in ease the rcd cloakod rider dou- try to pick up tho Slayer's trail. If so,
four wood darts from its hands each
bled back. The folk here can tell the you might suggest that surely an elf or
round (ranges 50/100150) rather than
PCs that there are elves in the woods, if two may have seen something.
the PCs don't already know this. As the PCs enter the woods it is eve- using its club. It may fire darts ut several
Lastly, the PCs should water their ning ^ not yet dark, but the sun is not
spell-casters if more than one PC is trying

horses here. Mention that their mounts far from the horizon. There is certainly
to cast a spell at it in the same round.
are getting tired and, when given the time to make some headway into the The gakarak uses iU teleport ability

woods to look for a friendly elf or two. only to escape the battle if reduced to 8
chance, drink large quantities of water,
taking 10 minutes to do so. Make it plain that the PCs cannot con-
hp or less, tf the gakarak escapes in this
way, the bushes and trees it is animat-
tinue on through the night; the horses
ing immediately cease their attacks.
8.The Dapleth Woods. As they head need rest badly, and the PCs themselves
forthe woods, the PCs should know only will be tired aAer a tong day’s biisy
Animated trees (2): AC 2; HD 8; hp
that Wolh’am was headed this way. and pursuit in the fatiguing summer heat. If
38 each; MV 60'(2O'^ #AT 2 branches;

that there are elves m

the woods The the PCs persist in trying to march on
Dmg 2 24/2-24; Save F4; 12; AL N; ML
adventurers may feel it is hopeless to CC/66.
through the night, the next encounter

18 Issue No 15

Animated buaheft i4>: AC 5; HD 4; hp woods. When the PCs ask about the ram. as a fighter, cannot use such an
18 each; MV 60 (20'^, /AT braach:
1 Slayer, there will be much to talk about! item, so clearly this fellow riding
Dmg l-fi; Save F2; ML 12: AL N; CC/66. Kilorian is astomshed at the PCs' tale around must be an imposter. The PCs
Gakarak: AC 0; HD 16; hp 66; MV of Wolfram's murderous travels and might put it to Kilorian that anyone in
180 (80'); lAT 1 dub or 4 darU; Dmg oflers them the hospitality of his group's armor using such a wand must be an
4-24 or l-di X4K Save Fl6; ML AL
10; tree houses, with rest and refreshment. elf,but Kilorian points out (rather
N;CC/66. piqued) that elves do not have beards,
The gakarak haa aeveral apecial The Elves and the Slayer and that Wolfram is the only person he
defenaes. It cannot be harmed by wood- ever knew who possessed plate mail
Assuming that the PCs accept this
en weapons* is immune to electrical
generous offer, they can drink and eat
that allowed the wearer to tolerate
and blunt weapons do only 1 hp
attacka. summer heat.
well under the starlight in Kilorian *s
damage per hit <plus Strength and mag- Kilorian insists the man muat be
luxurious tree house, which can be
bonuses, if any). The creature
ical someone else, possible even someone
reached in half an hour. Here, Kilorian
regenerates 3 hp per round white in who has slain Wolfram and stolen his
tells them what he knows of the Slayer,
contact with vegetation (which here it possessions. Kilorian stresses the need
having surreptitioutly used his ESP
obviously is). to take the marauder alive, to see if he
spell to check on the truth of what they
None of these monsters has any trea- is Wolfram. If he is not, the man can
have told him
sure (there will be enough for the PCs then be interrogated to learn of Wolf-
Kilorian tells the party that "the
at the end of their quest, if they reach ram's fate. IVy to impress the PCs with
Slayer" is the professional name used
and survive it!). the strength of Kilorian 's belief; the
by Wolfram, a brave and good fighter.
This fight may be a lough one for the imposter motif is one ivhich will be
He is knowm as such because he is an
PCs. especially if more than one of them exploited shortly, and the PCs must get
implacable and utterly dedicated enemy
is entangled by the club alUicksuf the the idea that Wolfram is a man the
of evil. He never takes any evil pris-
gakarak. If the party seems to be in elves trust and can believe no evil of.
oners — hence, "the Slayer." The elves
serious danger of being killed off. Kilor-
know of him becauae he helped them Kilonan tells the PCs to get some
ian the elf (see below) enters the fight at sleep (accommodations are readily
fight oft a group of marauding ores five
once, using his ma^tc missi/e attacks to available) while he tries to find out if
years ago. Wolfram single-handedly
help the PCs avoid death. If the PCs are any of the wood elves have seen this
slew a hill giant and. pausing for but
winning the fight. Kilorian enters it one imposter. Waiting but one night to see if
one spell to be cast from his magical
round before the PCs gain their final any of the wood elves have more infor-
sword, he then took on a monstrous troll
triumph — give them every chance of mation is a perfectly sensible option,
and dispatched that as well. The elves
glory, but bail them out if necessary! and travel at night is very slow and
have good reason to be grateful to him.
As the fight comes to a conclusion, dangerous anywsy. The PCs may well
although they know little of his history
three mogic mirsi/ea Hare through the need healing after their fight, but Kilor*
Wolfram is a secretive man. a natural
air to strike the gakarak. Kilorian the ian says regretfully thst he can do noth
loner, but he does come back once a year
elf comes the party’s side, with 24 elven ing for them (in fact, one of the elves
to visit those he fought beside, and
archers two rounds behind. keeps a supply of a dozen potions of
while he hardly drinks and makes mer-
Kilonan: AC - 1; E6; hp 30; MV ry. he seems to relax a little with the
healing, but this is the only magical
120 (40*); /AT I at *^1 (tneleeior *^3 healing the elves have and. being Neu-
elven folk. If the PCs think to ask,
(missiles); Dmg by weapon type; Save Kilorian tells them Wolfram was last
tral, they will not give it away or even
B6: ML 10; AL
N; S 13. 1 16. 13. D W here about a year ego.
sell it).

18, C 14. Ch
chain mail *3. sword
After detailing the reports they’ve
If you wish. Kilorian might even
*}; spells memorited: magic mustle accompany the PCs to find the Slayer,
X 2). read magic, ESP, invuihtldy, fly, had of the appearance the Slayer to
( but only if the PCs have been weakened
Kilorian. the PCs find him very wor-
haste. In addition to his magical chain by the Hght with the gakarak (I.e.. after
ried. Indeed. Wolfram has black hair, a
mail and sword. Kilorian has a wand of healing they are still many hit points
beard, always wears a red cloak, and
mngic miaai/es with 10 charges, below maximum, or a PC has b^n
has an eye patch. Kilorian tells the PCs
although he is reluctant to use any killed). If you do not wish the elf to go
that Wolfram can see perfectly well
more of these. with the Kn, Kilorian explains that he
through the covered eye. which is some-
Elven archers i24K AC 3; £1; hp 4
how enchanted although he knows no cannot leave his fellows since there
each; MV 120'<40 ); / AT 1 (at + I for
details. Kilorian can also explain about
have been many evil creatures in the
missiles); Dmg by weapon type; Save woods of late — ores and even a giant or
the Slayer's heat -regulating magical
El: ML 9: AL N; S 15. D 15: chain mail, two — and he is the only elf of high-
armor if the PCs think to ask about
shield, short swords, long bows. Half of enough level to deal with such threats.
these elves know the magic missiU Even if he does accompany the PCs, he
But Kilorian is most concerned about
spell, 10 know the spell sUtp, and two will not take his wand with him. leav-
the Slayer's reported use of a wand of
have memorized read magic apells. ing this with another elf for defense of
fire balls. If the PCs haven’t figured out
Because of Kilorian’s help, the PCs the group.
yet that this is what Wolfram has been
should be well disposed toward the elf In the morning, Kilonan excitedly
using, Kilorian realizes immediately
and his friends, who are equally pleased reports that a r^-cloaked rider was
the identity of the slender stick. The elf
that the PCs have killed the evil seen close to the eastern edge of the
seizes on this fact and says that Wolf-
gakarak that infested part of their woods late last night by a wandering elf



The PC may head through the rapidly Dmg by weapon type; Save CI0;S 12.
thinning trees to (he edge of the Plains I 12, W 18. D 16, C 13. Ch 13; ML 10;
of Despair, a deathly silent area of AL N: bracers of defense AC 2. nrigof
cracked and dry ground coated with proteetton *3, mace +3. Steinmeyer
dust. This old battle site is desolate and has 1,200 gp worth of treasure (gems
despoiled. No plant life grows here save and jewelry!, but no experience-point
for a thin border of straggly, stunted award ia given for killing him since he
bushes and hardy grassclose to the is not hostile. No experience points
edge of the forest. should be given for Staining his trea-
Allow the PCs a little time to look for sure, either. His magical bracers are
any sign of the Slayer before they find enchanted bracelets of copper which
unmistakable hoofprints headed east. confer a basic AC equal to that of plate
As they are about to remount and follow mail (AC 2).
the tracks, who should happen along on Steinmeyer has the following spells
his blsick horse, about 200 yards to the memorized: cure light wounds ( x 4 1

north as he skirts the edge of the woods, 6^fs. resist fire x 2), speak with am-

but a dark haired rider wearing a red mal, remove curse, speak with the dead,
cloak! striking, create water, cure seru>us
u'ounds, cure critical abounds <this spell
9. The End la Nigh. The PCs should cures 3- 18 ^3 hp damage).
realize at once that the rider approach- Steinmeyer is 33 years old. of medium
ing might not be the Slayer. The mur- build with short black hair and brown
derer’s trailheads east, but this rider is eyes. His faith ia simple: Life is a vale of
traveling south, and he ambles along (ears, the w*orld is an unhappy and
with no sign of attack He also has no terrible place filled with sin and misery,
armor, wand, sword, or eye patch. and death ia a merciful release from the
Although this ia not obvious at first, it toils and travails of existence However,
IB clear when he gets within 100 yards every creature's passing from the world
of the PCs. has its appointed time and place, so
If the adventurers attack the nder, he taking a shortcut by ending one’s own
luma around and gallops off west for ail miserable existence is not approved of.
he ia worth, disappearing into the woods Places w'here many have died (like the
before the PCs can get to him. He is out Plains of Despair) attract Steinmeyer.
of the^up This elf did not know Wolf- of bow range, so only a long-distance for he truly believes that many souls
ram and hence made no approach.
spell attack (such as a fire hull) can be were released from the miserable bond-
KUoriao sug^esU that the man must
have made for the Plains of Despair, a used agamst him when he is first seen age of worldly life there
wretched dust bowl and an evil place. In this event, the rider assumes (not War horae: AC 7; HD 3; hp 20; MV
The imposter must have business there! unreasonably! that he is being attacked 120 (40’); #AT 2 hooves; Dmg l-6^1-6;
by homicidal maniacs and fights to the Save F2; ML 9; AL N; ER61. If the PCs
Lamarifl. the elf who made the sifthting,
death. If the PCs kill him and think kill Steinmeyer *8 horse, they have made
can guide the PCs to the spot where he
saw the they have dealt with the Slayer, they a serious enemy.
rider. Kilonan and the elves
will have many more problems facing Run thia encounter for fun Steinmey-
know little of the Plains, only that they
are desolate and barren, and they them in the near future (see area 10 and er would appreciate a chance to impress
^'Concluding the Adventure") If the his beliefs on the PCs. but he also has a
believe the area to be cursed in some
party chases the rider into the w oods senous purpose in this adventure.
way. The elves are very superstitious
ab^t the Plains and will not willingly aflcr a Hrst attack which leaves his While he knows nothing of the Slayer
horse alive, they eventual ly catch up (but likes the name!) and won’t accom
enter there, save under Kilorian's
with him, although this counts as pany the PCs. he will sell them healing
After a quick meal, more water for the another detour. spells if they nK*d them The PCs
If the PCs choose not to attack him. should be at full strength for the forth-
horses,and time for more healing and
Steinmeyer the cleric rides up and coming combat, being even a few hit
memorizing spells, the PCs should head
greets them. He does have black hair points down could bo dangerous for
ofT at once. Lamans is a light, willowy
elf and can easily ride behind one of the
and a red cloak, but (as already noted (hem Steinmeyer charges 60 gp for a
PCs (the same applies toKilorion if he no eye patch, armor, sword, or wand* He cure light u'ounds spell. 100 gp for a
is an itinerant cleric who greets the PCs cure serious wounds spell and 150 gp for
ia with the party He asks to dismount

with the amazing line, as he gazes out a cure crittccl u'ounds spell.
close by the eastern edge of the woods
over the Plains, "Wonderful day to If the PCs talk to Steinmeyer about
where he saw the man (near area 9) and
think of all the deaths here, isn’t it?" Wolfram, the cleric appears intrigued by
says the man was heading east from
Steinmeyer is an unusual man. to say the fact that a fighter is using a wand of
here. It is about a quarter mile to the
edge of the woods and the Plains of the least fire balls and offers one possible expla-
Despair. Lamaris wishes the PCs well
Stein meyen AC -3; CIO; hp 48; MV nation He suggests that the item must
120'(40'), 240*(80*)on horseback; fAT 1. be cursed iVCs may recall Wolfram's cry
and sets off back into the woods.

20 Issue No. IS

here) or infeoted by some malevoknt in half « mile of the barrow, a downpour

undead ^irit which ia uaing the item
and controlling Wolfram. Steiiuneyer
of rain and gusts of wind hit them. The
driving rain and preternatural darkness THE
offers no detailed theories, saying that
he strongly prefers to avoid undead
himself and doesn't know too much
reduce visibility to 50'.
The darkness and the unnatural
storm are magical eflecta triggered by
about them.
Stainmeyer also knows some things
about the Plains of Despair that he can
the proximity of the undead posse ssion
to magical b^es buried deep below the
mound. What happens when the PCs
tell the PCs if asked. Many years ago, get cloee to the mound will depend on
this was the site of s great iMUle their timing and how many d^urs
between an evil cleric and his mimons they have made.
on one side, and human warriora led by
a powerful and good magic^user on the 10. The Barrow Mound. A long,
other. The battle was fierce and unyield- graaacovered hill rises 20' above the
ing, and thousai^ were slain. The plain. It is the tallest object for miles
once-fertile plain ia now blasted and and the only possible place that the
barren, believed by many to be cursed. Slayer could be heading for. The long,
Steinmeyer has heard from several roughly oval mound ia about 100' long
sources that a great barrow mound lies and 65' wide. The only entrance is a 5'-
on the Plains, ^legedly infested with diameter tunnel in the mound's east
some awful undead presence. Adventur- face. Inside, the ceiling height in the
ers have tried before to loot it, but none burial tomlM is 6-9'.

have comeback. '*Dead. all of them*'

the cleric continues laconically. **You 'The Combat
heading that way? Ah. well. For you. at
This section looks very detailed, but you
least, the end is nigh,*' he intones, rub-
have only to organize the combat as
bing his hands with an expression of
shown in one of the four following para-
pisasurs. He explains that he is pleased
graphs, depending on how <{uickly the
for the PCs, as they will soon be liber-
PCs have followed WolO-am's trail.
ated from the oppressive weight of their
No detours. If the PCs have made no
existences. With this bleak proclama-
detours (clever and fortunate!). Wolfram
tion, he rides off south to spread his
and the sacrol (detailed later) are out- Tufo detours. If the PCs have made
depressing creed to any who wilt listen.
side the barrow mound and attack the two detours, things are worse. Ringing
I^e PCs now have a fair idea of where
PCs. The grey philosopher within the the barrow are 20 skeletons which must
to go. As they follow the trail east onto
bsTTOw has not yet been disturbed, and be fought along with the sacrol. Inside
the Plains, their horses become skittish
he and his mslicss (see details below) the barrow, the grey philosopher is fully
and restless. After a mile, they cannot
can be fought separstely when the PCs awake and able to send four of the mal-
be urged on any farther. ITie PCs are
enter the barrow after dealing with ices outside to attack the PCs (these
forced to continue on foot. Half a mile
Wolfram and the sacrol. Wolfram will cannot travel more than 100' from the
later they fmd a dead black horse with
use only two of the three remaining grey philosc^her). Inside the barrow.
two saddlebags containing 700 gp, 2,200
charges in his wand and will not use it Wolfram has abandoned the wand of fire
sp, and mundane supplies (n^et, a ham-
if a PC closes to melee. The possession hclU and wields the Staff of Shrivening
mer and tools, a blanket, waterskins,
bides its time, animating Wolfram's as well as his sword (using both weap-
and the like). The horse haa no wounda, sword and attacking the PCs after Wolf- ons in melee). The possession inhabits
but a lather of sweat still coats its body
ram has been overcome. the wand and attacks the PCs. If Wolf-
If a PC asks for more information about
One detour If the PCe have made only ram ia overcome, it animates the Staff
the horse, tell him that it looks as if the
one detour, the sacrol stands outside the of Shrivening Xo attack the PCs.
poor creature was ridden until it
barrow and attacks there. ia Three or more detours. If the PCs have
dropped from exhaustion. If KUorian is jnriHe the baiTow With the grey philoao
with the PCs, he insists that Wolfram
made three or more detours, the combat
pher and the malices. The warrior is is the same as f^ two detours except
would never treat an animal in this
about Co take hold of the Staff of Shriven- that the number of skeletons outside
way. Something must be affecting his
ing (details at barrow encounter area A) the barrow is doubled. Twenty of these
mind or the man is an imposter.
tocoiyure and animate undead creatures. are present at first, and as the PCs close
From the site of the dead horse, the
Wolfram fights with hia sword while the to melee, another ring of 20 riaes from
PCs can make out a large barrow
malices attack; the poeocacion fires oR one the ground to attack.
mound (area 10) in the distance, some charge fh>m the of firt balU at the
two miles from where they now stand.
PCs as they enter the barrow (if the PCs Dealing with Wolfram
Above them the sky is darkening with a
lose initistive), then snimates W^Uram's
sudden storm, and a tremendous crack
sword and sttacks after lAfelftwi has been
The PCs should by now hive realized
of thunder splits the silence, impossibly that Wolfram must be insane, cursed,
loud in their ears. As the PCs get with- magically controlled, or have suffered


level drains -8; Save F8; ML 12; AL C;

CC/87. The socrol is an undead creature
formed of the angry RpiriU of those who
died here. It appears as a large floating
human skull surrounded by a many-
hued mist w*hich billows out over sev-
eral yards. Two tentacular extensions of
the mist body drain one level of experi-
ence each per hit. then choke the victim
for 2*8 hp damage in every succeeding
round. Tliese extensions always strike
two different opponents. A sacrol may
be *Turned as if it were a spectre, but so
close to this barrow a auctesafu) 'Turn-
ing attempt only makes the sacrol hesi-
tate for M rounds before attacking
again. The sacrol will pursue the PCs
anywhere on the Plains within one mile
of the barrow mound.

Grey philosopher: AC 4; HD 9: hp
MV nil; /AT nil; Dmg nil; Save C9;
ML 12; AL C; UC/85. The grey philoso-
pher dwells within area A of the barrow
mound but may project its malices (flit-
ting. almost-invisible figures which are
the projections of its evil and brooding
thoughts) up to 100* away. The philoso-
pher, the undead relic of a Chaotic cleric
who died in the ancient battle here, is a
gray. insuhRiantial figure that sits atop
a stone throne in the barrow It does not
an alignment change. Thua. they may the party cannot decide to start subdu* attack, nor does it defend itself. When it
wonder how to overcome the fighter ing him tn the middle of a combat. 16 destroyed, its previously cowled and
rather than kill him. If the PCs expresa A dispel mogic spell will not affect the invisible face peers out with an expres-
this intention, there are several poeai possession that controls Wolfram, but a sion of ovil enlightenment, and the
bilitiea. Be helpful if the players aak dupel evil spell (against which it makes figure disappears with a bloodcurdling
you about the feasibility of any course a Saving Throw vs. Spells) forces it to scream. The grey philosopher cannot be
of action. leave the item which it currently occu- Turned, but its malices can be Turned
One obvious possibility is the use of pies. thus freeing Wolfram, although as spectres (a successful Turning
maigic, most obviously the hold person the horrid thing will infest some other attempt affects 2-12 of them). These
spell or s s]>el] such os u'eh. Wolfram object after five rounds and attack as hateful little entities look like small
can be a/fecled normally by these, but best it can. If the possession fails its wisps of smoke with vaguely human
his saving throw isn't bad and this Saving Throw vs. Spells, it is destroyed. faces and spindly clawed hands.
strategy may Unarmed combat, if
fail. If Wolfram is incapacitated (in which Malices (15>; AC t; HD 1; hp 5 each;
you have the D&O Companion Set with the puMession drops iU control and MV 150 (50*). / AT 1 touch; Dmg 16, 1-8,
the full rules, is another possibility for animates an object to attack) or the con- or 1-10 (see below); Save C6; ML 12; AL
the PCs. who may try to grapple and trol over himotherwise broken, he faJla
is C; CC/85- The touch of a malice causes
overwhelm Wolfram He, of course, will into a state of catatonic shock and is out 1-6 hp damage to Chaotic creatures, 1*8
attack with a weapon in reply to such of the action for the rest of the combat. hp damage to Neutrals, and 110 hp
attempts to overcome him. damage to Lawfuls.
You should also allow PCs the option The Undead Creatures
of subduing Wolfram with blunt weap*
Skeletons: AC HD hp5 each;
Posaesaion: AC variable; HD 7; hp
ons or the flats of their swords. Roll alt
MV 60 (20*1; / AT
1. Dmg by weapon
30; MV 30*110*); /AT special; Dmg varia-
hit rolls and damage normally; when
type;Save Fl; ML 12; ALC; swords;
ble; Save C9; ML 12; AL C; Ego 21; CC/
Wolfram's hit points fall to zero or 87. The possession not a visible
BD/37. These animated skeletons can be
below, he falls unconscious. tAIl such creature (although a detect evil spell
*rurned normally but are immune to
damage must bo done in this way; the will reveal its presence as a glowing,
sleep and charm spells.
PCs can*t decide halfway through to kill amorphous shape, and a detect invisible
him. If they do, discount alt previous spell may also reveal it. It is a spirit
damage from "flat blade" blows and run
Socrol; AC 5, HD 8; hp 47; MV which inhabits objects and which can
180*(60*i; /AT 2 (1 toucK/1 choke); Dmg
a normal flght to the death!) Likewise. attack only through them. Thus, it can

22 Issue No. 15

fire the wand of fire balU which Wolf- poeaesaion, it takes the poaaession’a should create the statistics of the
ram and can animate objects,
carries number of hit points to destroy it (37. in undead army as he sees fit.
causing them to fly through the air in this case). The PCs may triumph against the
order to attack as a 7-HD monster. undead but kill Wolfram. Iwing either
A possession can be attacked and B. Chamber of Ibmbs. Three wood- unable or unwilling to subdue him (or
damaged, its armor class depending on en tombs, broken open and unoccupied, not having thought of this). If Wolfram
the object it occupies. In this combat, it take up almost all the space in this dies, there willbe no additional
is AC 2 within either Wolfram's sword small side chamber. The first tomb experience-point award.
or the Staff of Shrwening (detailed lat- contains five gems scattered in the dust, If the PCs defeat the undead and
er). The possession can ^
Turned (as a worth a total of 2,700 gp. The second overcome Wolfram without killing him,
vampire, causing it to be driven from tomb holds a silvered dagger *2, and they have indeed succeeded well. You
the weapon it occupies in the form of a the third contains a gold-banded and should award a bonus of 1,000 xp per
gray, shadowy cloud shaped like the gem-set ivory horn worth 3.000 gp, PC for this action (see statistics on Wolf-
object it has just left. The cleric must ram at the end of this module). Wolfram
specifically direct his Turning attempt C. More Ibmbs. There are only shal- will have no memory of his actions
at the object occupied or at the cloud low, empty tombs here, but 2* below the while under the control of the posses-
form. In cloud form the possession can- soil, at the point marked with an X on sion. He is absolutely horrifled to hear
not attack, but neither can it be at- the barrow map, is a buried chest of what he haa done and insists on making
tacked (save by dispel evil spells), and it iron-banded hardwood which contains amends. Sensible PCs will point out
must find a new object to occupy. You wealth and magic looted by some of that he can hardly ride back and try
may wish to have it flee to one of the those who fought and died on the Plains this, since everyone in the area will try
PC’s weapons and snatch it from the so long ago. The chest is locked but not him on sight. Wolfram will then
to kill
adventurer’s hand to attack (but only do trapped and contains the following make way back to the elves in the
this if the combat is going fairly well for treasures: three bags holding 800 pp, Dapleth Woods for their advice.
the PCs). Finally, if a second attempt to 1.700 gp. and 4.000 ep: a pair of gold One special note about experience-
Turn the possession is successful while bracelets worth 1,000 gp apiece; a heavy point awards: If Lawful PCs in the par-
it is in cloud form, it is at once silver neckchain set with jaspers, tour- ty decide with no prompting to donate
destroyed. malines, and a dazzling ruby worth money to the farmers and others who
12,500 gp; a 9kort Bword *2 which can have lost relatives and property, award
All in all. this Is a complex and very detect invisible objects three times per an additional 100 xp to each character
tough combat indeed. You should try a day on command; a carefully wrapped who does this. Give the full experience-
simulation of it before using it in game wand of polymorphing with 16 charges; point award for treasure gained with no
play The undead creatures will fight to a heavy ceremonial mace •*•2, and a reduction for any given away in this
the end, although only the sacrol will small casket containing three magical manner. But don’t suggest such generoa-
pursue the PCs if they flee. rings, all of plain gold. One of these U a ity to the players. The extra experience-
nng of protection *1.5' radius, the point award is only given for good
Barrow Encounter Areas second is a ring of regeneration, and the role-playing of Lawful characters.
third is a ring which magically raises There are plenty of poasibilities for
A. Main Chamber The grey philoso-
the Wisdom of any character wearing it spin-ofT adventures should you wish to
pher (see 'The Undead Creatures") sits
to 16 so long as it is worn on the hand. develop any of these. Wolfram is a man
on its cold throne here if it haa not yet
(PCs with a Wisdom score of 16 or bet- with powerful contacts who can intro-
been disturbed. There is one object in
ter gain no benefit from wearing this duce the PCs to important NPCs in your
this chamber that is important. This is
ring.) campaign world. Such NPCs could com-
the magical Staff of Shrivening, which
mission the party for all kinds of tasks
may be used by Wolfram in melee or be Concluding the Adventure and quests. Wolfram himself might
animated by the possession and fly to
pledge his service to a Lawful PC light-
the attack. This is a highly evil staff *2 The PCs may be forced to flee this final
er for a fixed period (run him as an
which strikes victims for 2*12 *>‘2 hp combat at some stage. If they do, only
NPC), but given his grim and uncom-
damage (2 12 ^4 hp damage against a the sacrol will pursue them. If one of
promising personality, this might create
Lawful opponent). On any hit. the vic- the adventurers looks back as they run.
some problems. He might also want to
tim must Save vs. Spells or be affected he sees a massive phalanx of skeletons
atone for the murders he has commit-
by one of the following eflects (roll ld6): rising from the ground around the bar-
ted. begging a Lawful PC cleric to pre-
paralysis for one turn il^), mummy rot row. There can be no return against
scribe a suitable penance for him.
(4*6), energy drain (6). If a natural 20 is such a force. The depredations of this
Wolfram then pleads with the cleric to
rolled, the victim is drained of two expe- skeletal army will be highly unpleasant
take him to a major temple of the cler-
rience levels (as if hit by a spectre). for the surrounding country but not a
ic’s deity so that he can make atone-
The staff also has powers of summon- total disaster. If you wish, you can
ment and pledge service to the most
ing and controlling undead, but these inform the PCs some weeks later that
powerful cleric there (setting up a minor
are determined in part by how, where, the undead army haa been finally over-
adventure for the PC cleric along the
and by whom it is used. The PCs will come by a large forte of men-at-arms
way, if you wish).
not be able to use it (to do so is a highly commanded by some other brave heroes.
evil act). If the staff is controlled by the If the PCs return to fight, the DM (coatinue4oft pagv 64^

Author Thomas Kane sent us the /oltouh
ing message: *'Don*t ask about test
mer's OEN
Fair. The car'j radiator was in lUtU
pieces, nobody couid give me a ride, and
/ended up at the dentist instead. Tketh
were on my mind anyway, ever since tPie
four dogsieed foxes began stalking me
whenever / went outside — circling
behtnd, blocking treuls home, watching.
So far, I have not been eaien.^*

**The Dragon*! Gift" i! an ADM)*

Oriental Adventures module for 2-8
charactere of levels 2-7 and any class or
race. The adventure begins when the
PCs are relaxing horn their journeys by
a riverside in Treetop Light, a eolony in
the jungle. In the Kara Tur campaign
world, Trectop Light is in the southern
part the Shou Lung empire.

For the Ployer Characters

Read or paraphrase the following to the

Droplets spray through the sunlight

as a carp, splashing in the river
below, draws your attention from
fishing'a reverie. You watch as the
fteh deliberately swims into your net.

THE Whan you lean over the bank to look

at the fish more closely, you see that
it carries a scroll in iU mouth, a silk

letter sealed in red wax — surely a

DRAGON’S message from the spirits. You hastily

pull up your net and pry the acroll
from ^d Ash lips, then throw your
catch back. It would be blasphemous
to eat the little messenger.
The note is cryptic, but it clearly

GIFT offers

In my
you treasure:
"R^loicings, Moftnls:
newfound exaltatfon, I, She Pvh
Ame, Lord Of- Waters- Wearing- Away-
BY THOMAS M. KANE Stone, see fU to pardon your people
and ddlvef freely unto you the trea-
sure that your lord, WartgCo,
demanded In fUs pride. I wlU overtook
his servants' previous trespasses and

A dragon’s gift is
not pufUsh you for their crimes,
although they had the audacity to

valuabie — but
sneak through my throne room, enter-
ing U as if k were no more than a river.
As a Dragon Of Spirits. / Arnou; why
your people prize my bones: curative
never free. as man-root and magkal as moon-
lighl! Behold, the bones of dragon-
kind art as the skin of a serpent: I
have sloughed off this resp/endenf
Artwooc Of Woniev FukuoSa

24 Issue No IS

tosend them away with nothing. See heroes in hopes that by creating stirring
U)ofy ^ i/ U were chaff. Journey
encounter area 7. the Waterfall Throne, tales, he can attract people to settle in
upriver to my WaterfaU Throne, and for more details on Sha Po*Ame. Treetop Light voluntarily; otherwise,
there I ahaU bestow my bones upon his colony of captives seems doomed to
you." The Town of Treetop Light wither Tb propagate these legends, he
DragoDB, being scaled beaaU, shed pays minstrels to sing odes in praise of
la order to expand hit realm, the emper-
their skina as serpenta do. But as a the PCi' quest. Such songs give each PC
or ofShou Lung populated TVeetop
dragon*# skin peels ofT» some of its one point of honor, but if the party
Light by conscripting peasants from
bones also fall away. Both humans receives this publicity and fails to recov-
widely scattered parts of the empire.
and dragocu treasure these shed er the dragon's bones, every party mem-
Since few of TVeetop Light’s citizens
bonee as magical charms. ber loses five honor points.
wanted to settle here at all, the only
thriving business in town is a dismal
Wang Go: AC 3: MV
6* in armor, or
12* without armor; Sam 10; hp 70; dAT
tavern. There are few interesting
For the Dungeon Master 2 with one weapon; Dmg by weapon
encounters in town, but if the PCs gos-
type *^7 (due to strength, specialization,
The PCs can learn enough about local sip at the tavern, they can learn the
magic, and special samurai ability) or
story of Wang Go's expedition (though
history to interpret the message by * 10 (with kisi or great kiai as well>, SA
visiting the town's inn and talking to not Its fate) and hear other rumors as
kiai, great kiai, cause fear: SD immune
people (see **The Ibwn of IVeetop well. E^ch PC receives one rumor,
to fear, surprised only on roll of 1 on
Light "I. Wang Go is the governor of this selected by rolling Id 12 and consulting
the following section:
ld6; S 16. 1 14, W 14. D 13, C 16, Ch 12;
jungle village who recently sent his best AL LN, Honor 70; o-yori (great armor),
warriors on a quest for the bones of a kaia/ia * 1; proficiencies; katana spe-
dragon rumored to live far to the north 1-4: Tb win a dragon's favor, you must
cialist. daikyu specialist, horsemanship,
in a deep river canyon. Apparently, this
bring it gifts of opals and pearls
calligraphy, bow, painting, etiquette,
miaaion angered some spirit, several nVue)
heraldry, landscape gardening, poetry,
days after the samurai left, a flood You must not dirty the pools above
tea ceremony, readmg^writing.
swept the river, doing little damage but the Waterfall TYirone, for they are
Many people consider Wang Go too
eiprewng the wrath of nature The sacred to the river spirit. (True,
worldly and pragmatic for a noble
warriors have not returned. If the PCs though the nver water is quite dirty
because he concerns himself with ruling
bring back a dragon's bones now, they to begin with.)
unwilling subjects benevolently and
would gain riches as well as the honc^ 7-9: The Jungle canyon teema with spir-
keeping his town from disintegrating,
of triumph where Wang Go's strongest its and their aervtnlt. (True)
thus neglecting his own honor. He is a
l(h If you cast iron intoa dragon's pool,
retainers failed. little man with wide ahouldera who
Unknown to anyone as yet, Wang Go's the dragon within will surface. (This
prefers to wear cool yellow robes instead
is true. However, if PCs ask more
samurai inadvertently created a new of armor. One hundred boahl serve
questions, they learn that iron forces
ruler in the Celestial Bureaucracy. They
a dragon to seek air or go blind.
Wang Go (AC 8; MV
12* Busl hp 6 ; ;

walked through a forbidden part of the each; #AT 1 weapon; Dmg by weapon
river, the Waterfall Throne, sending Naturally, when the dragon riaes, it is
type; SA kiai < **’2 levels), pick pockets;
Hzu Tzu. the spirit of the local jungle's furious.)
1 1 The Jungle rivers for-
spirit of the
AL N ; long swords, short bows, 26
rivers, into a frenzy. He raged over his :
arrows, leather armor).
river's banks, drowned the intruders, bade mortals on his canyon, so
to look

then prepared to engulf Treetop Light. only the blind may tread there.
The Seorch for the Bones
Fortunately, Hzu's concubines calmed Indeed, several fishermen who
him by persuading the spirit to be con- angered him escaped sure death by Tb find Sha Po-Ame and his bones, the
tent with I small Hood followed by a
gouging their owa eyes out. (False. PCs must set ofT to the north, in the
long, pleasant vacation from ruling the
When Hzu is in one of his evil moods, direction taken by the samurai sent by
river. For the time he is away, Hzu has
he hates all mortals and does not care Wang Go. The river from which the carp
whether or not they can see. The ftih- delivered its message to the PCs flows
promoted his assistant, Sha Po-Ame (a
ahen lung dragon), to take his place. erman story is false, based on an older south through TVeetop Light and is
This poet is a great and unexpected legend.) unimaginatively cMed "the river."
honor for the dragon. Sha Po-Ame wrote 12: The spirit of the jungle nvers hates Initially, the PCs will probably follow

the message ofTering his bones in a fit of the Shou Lung emperor and will sure- the river upstream, since this is obvi-
gratitude, as he would never have been ly obliterate IVeetop Light. (False) ously where the carp came ftom and
elevated to this lofty status without was the route used by the samurai. This
If PCs tell Governor Wang about
humanity’i meddling. However, Sha is
leads them into a canyon after 28 miles
their message from the dragon, he
mind of Jungle wilderness, then through most
chaotic neutral and changes his eagerly sponsors a search for iU bones.
quickly. Soon after sending the offer, the of the encounter areas, and eventually
The governor gives the party 20 ch'ien
dragon lost his enthusiasm and began
to Sba Po-Ame at the Waterfall TTirone.
for equipment and promises to buy any
TTie river on the map is ISO' wide and
to feelashamed of being grateful to ivory they recover. He also olTers a spe-
mere mortals. Now, Sha has resolved to cannot be forded north of area 1 The .

cialreward of an exquisite tea set.

test the PCs' humility. Unless the PCs worth 500 ch'ien, forcompletion of the
name leu canyon's walls are sheer preci-
willingly cater to his withes, he intends pices. 100-120' high on either side.
mission. Wang Go wants to develop

' '


has turned nasty, he has freed these

creatures, who are eager to kill and loot

THE DRAGON’S RIVER after years of being repressed.

The party might try to loop through
the jungles, avoiding Hzu's guards. If
1 hex * 1 mile they climb the ndge that crosses the
map. they automatically meet a goblin
spider (encounter 5) whether they go
west or east of the canyon. PCs also
have a 70^ chance per day of getting
lost in the jungle (see the DMG, page
49). Furthermore, if they approach the
Waterfall Throne from any direction but
the south, they are attacked by an iki-
ryo (see encounter 7).

Set Encounters

L Canyon Mouth Guardian. The

ground rises toform a great ravine
here, and great boulders have wedged
themselves between the trees as a
result of old floods. As soon as the PCs
enter this area, they hear loud breath-
ing, like a snorting bull, and soon meet
the spear-carrying go-su oni who serves
as a porter for the spirit Hzu Tku (nor-
mal surprise rolls apply).
When the go-zu oni sees the PCs. he
orders Ihem to stop and gruffly explains
that several messages have come con*
ceming guests. First, he pulls a white
wax tablet from his sleeve and reads
aloud. "Foul mortal intruders have
troubled me before and may again.
Since I am now in my place of rest and
harmony, I entrust the glory of their
destruction to your invincible spear. Do
not let me suspect that you Have left
your post. Despite the other guards in
my Hall, you cannot be excused. Signed,
the Resplendent Hzu Tzu. Lord- Of*

Wate rs- Wearing Away Stone

The oni grunts after this and surveys
the party. If not then attacked, the oni
next pulls out a red scroll and reads.
"Several honored guests, ail mortal
travelers, shall arrive soon. Bring them
The normal hazarda of the tropical ered.and Utile is gained by exploring
with care to my Waterfall Throne.
wilderness are outlined in the Wilder them. Also remember the rules for diS'
Signed, the Glorious Sha Po-Ame. Lord-
rus$ Survwol Guide, with matters con* eases in the Dungeon ^faster$ Guide
Of- Waters- Wearing- A«*ay -Stone.'
earning the weather, the gathering of (pages 13- 14). All water in the river and
wilderness is contaminated (Hzu Tzu The oni looks back and forth in indeci-
food and water, and the eetabliahment
sion between the two messages Then he
of campe being left to the DM
to arbi- would say that bis drink ia too strong
grunts and explains. "You see. my lord
trate. Wilderness encounters can be for mere mortals) eicept for certain
determined for each day using the amall pools and ponds.
Hzu Tzu has been most angry with
intruders of late, and to avoid increas-
"Daily Sventa" section of Orienlal The PCs will meet hideous monsters
ing his righteous wrath he has gone to
Adventures {pages 112 114); either on this route, because both good and
rest, leaving an asaisUnt in power over
change encounters with humans to foul creatures serve the Celestial
his domain. That regent is the most
encounters with humanoid monstem Bureaucracy. When Hzu's good aspect
noble dragon, Sha Po-Ame. The
(such as bakemono)or have no such prevails, he uses evil monsters for
Resplendent Hzu demands your death.
encounters occur. Any ruins discovered menial tasks and firmly restrains their
wantonness. Now that the river spirit
The Glorious Sha apparently welcomes
here will be extremely old and weath*

16 Issue No. 15


you. ri] have to decide which honorable squeeze along the riverbanks. which attack. Whenever a combatant on these
master to obey, I suppoae. . have eroded to S'*wide ledges. Below ledges takes damage, misses an attack
The go-zu oni discusses his dilemma these ledges, the rapid river has dug roll, or loses consciousness, he must roll
quite calmly with the party trying to itself into an even deeper channel, so below his dexterity on ld20 or fall 70*
^ide whether he should kill them or any charscier who falls off a ledge tum- into the river. IVeat En*Lai'e dexterity
welcome them with honor. Let the PCs bles 70* into deep water Any character as 17 for purposes <if these checks;
suggest their own reasons why they who falls from a ledge takes 3*18 hp although he is not quick, bis vast bulk
should be allowed to live. As examples, damage from the fall and must make a and balancing skill make him hard to
shuketya might preach the virtue of swimming proficiency check or flounder topple.
mercy, samurai can invoke their rank to in the river below. *1^ victim's friends En-Lai (hill giant): AC 4. MV 12*; HD
demand an audience with the Lord Of- have 1-S turns to rescue him before he 8 e2; hp 99; /AT 1 weapon; Dmg 2-16;
Waters- Wearing* Away 'Stone, and other drowns. See the Da/igeoneer's Survival SA nil (no rocks available); AL CE; 10'
characters may point out that the order Guide, pages 12*14, or the Wildfrnesi club (walking stick); MM
1/46. En-Lai
to spare them is the more recent of the Survival Guide, pages 17 and 41-43. for wears a headdress of silver rings worth
two. If the PCs say anything disrespect* information on swimming. 70 ch'ien; his only other clothing is a
ful about either Hxu or Sha» the oni Once the PCs have advanced 1,000* huge loincloth like a sumo wre^er's,
bellow* and attacks imnsediately. along this path, they meet En*Lai, a hill almost hidden beneath his huge belly.
If the PCs* juitincation of Sha's order giant, coming from the other direction,
sounds reasonable to the DM, the oni his great feet making the whole trail The River Garden, Water flows
accepts it and decides to compromise. vibrate. The river bank has room for here in a dazzling liquid dance, rushing
He does not kill the PCs, but instead of people going one way only. Either the over boulders in miniature rapids,
leaving his post to escort them, he giant will have to turn around, or the swirling over great flat rocks, and roll-
returns to patrolling the ravine. The oni party %vill En Lai refuses to go back ing down into a smaller canyon of tan
wants only to obey hit masters —both and waves his huge walking stick, say* stones. In the smaller canyon, four
of them. He answers any direct ques- iog, "My. what rude guests! You're tres- women sprinkle morsels of fo^ to a
tions the PCs ask, but he does not vol- passing in my lord Hza’s palace, beautiful giant black carp. The carp ia
unteer any information. The party can walking straight into his private c ham- Hzu Tzu, the vacationing river ^rit,
learn many things from ihia creature, ben and you expect me to back up?
and the women are his nereid concu-
including the locations of Hzu and Sha Never! I have been sent to bring my bines. Unlike gailn nereids, these have
(encounter areas 4 and 7, respectively). lord's dinner, and I will not delay, espe- dark hair, traiuducent Oriental fea-
Go^ oni: AC 0; MV 9* ; HD 12 *i>8; cially not for interlopers. Interlopers tures. and tiny feet.
hp 60; /AT 2 fists and I horn gore, or 2 who have been condemned to die. if I When the PCs enter this area, the
with one weapon and I horn gore; Dmg may remind you. Interlopers who will pool boila with Hzu's fiury. He changee
6*16/6*I6/M0(with fists weapons); be killed and eaten!" Then he guffaws his shape to the form of a man and
SA causr fear and firt $huriJten Ut will), loudly. demands, "Explain yourselves, you who
hill-giant strength; SD regenerate 3 hp En-Lai is Hzu's personal aervant and dare ao much unbidden and without
per round, cast spells at will (/fy, inowi- copies the mannensnu of a gentleman, gifts!'’ Hzu's concubines tremble before
6i/Uy. polymorph sr//). cloud tniprtr but the giant ia considered too foolish his wrath.
(twice per day), automatically d*ttct for moet tasks. Hzu most recently PCs who want only to continue on
irwiMible: AL LN; OA/126-127. erdered En*Lai to gather nightcrawlers, their journey may offer any excuse they
becauae the river spirit loves to eat wish, possibly claiming to be lost or
2. Centra] Gorge Guardians. Majes- theee little treats. Instead of hunting expressing ao interest in worshiping
canyon walls,
tically tall trees top the worms. En-Lai has been loitering in this the river. Hzu's concubines eagerly
resembling lines of stiff-backed soldiers bottleneck, hoping to find someone to support any stories the PCs tell, h^ing
guarding the parapets of s castle. Four bully. The PCs may he able to trick him. to prevent an outburst from their mas-
ogres patrol this area, each wearing since he is extremely slow-witted. If ter. If the PCs constantly flatter Hzu, he
robes like thoee of a powerful aohei to they claim to be serving Hzu or offer listens to their excuses until they ofTer a
announce his status as a holy wamor of some oth^ excuse, the giant may sacrificeworth at least lOO ch'ien; then
a nature Now that Hzu is in an believe them. The PCs might even get he allows them to leave in peace. If,
evil mood, the ogres ars free to rob and En-Lei to snswer questions if they however, they say that Sha Po-Arne
so attack riaitors at once. The jungle claim to serve the river spirit. Bemuse invited them, Hzu attacks in fury. Even
and noisy river give them a four-in-six of his low wisdom, En-Lai saves against though this st<^ is tme, Hzu considers
chance to surprise the PCs. Their leader all will-force magic at *2. the idea of mortals receiving gifts frera
is Chang, who has 40 hp and carries two Unless the PCs trick En*Lai. he dragons to be utterly infuriating. He
treasures: a two-handed sword of quali- insists that they back up. If the PCs do later flies a complaint to the Celestial
ty and a cash string of 100 yuan. so. the gisnt traverses the ledge as Emperor sgainst Sha, claiming that the
Ogres ay, AC 5: MV 9* ;HD 4 ^ 1; hp slowly os he can, occasionally turning dragon abused his authority, but the
40, 30. 26, 20; /AT I weapon; Dmg MO; back to start over. Patient PCs can wait, document is lost by a bureaucrat before
AL C£; huge swords; MM 1/75. and two hours later the giant tires of it reaches the gods; the matter is then

his game and continues on downstream forgotten by all.

3. Ledges. The canyon climbs north- past the PCs to look for nightcrawlers. Hzu certainly attacks if the PCs men-
ward and narrows here. Travelers must Of course, the PCs could choose to tion the ikiryo at area 7. The existence


cy fnistrating, and mortal affaira Eschew pressing your abdomen, for it is

always disgust him. He thinks of his unhealthy. Eat no leaves, for they will
river as a palace and has developed an not fill you." NPC henchmen and hire-
almost paranoid dread that other beings lings are dismayed at these sounds and
treat it like mere wilderness. If any must pass a morale check or flee.
character confirms this suspicion, Hzu For centuries, the goblin spiders have
goes wild with indignation. He can ambushed travelers who were fleeing
sense any abuse of his river: if the PCs from Hzu's sacred river and worshipers
anger him, an ikiryo pursues them (see who were looking for it. If the PCs
encounter area 1>. The river spirit is search for spider lairs, they find 1-10
pleased to have Sha Po-Ame to adminis- hoards of sacrificial gold leaf looted
ter his duties, because the only things from pilgrims. Each cache is worth 10
he eitioys are roaring through his "hall- ch'ien
ways" in the form of floods and eating Goblin spicier AC 4; MV 16': HD 9;
worms while in fish shape. The bottom hp 50 each; f AT 2 clawed forelegs; Dmg
of his carp pool holds 62,300 yuan and a I-8/1-8; SA surprise on 1-4, grasp: SD
folding boat with the command word ^ 1 or better weapon to hit, 2W MR;
"karai" ALNE: OA/121.
Hzu will shape chonge to fight in the
form of a reptilian gargantua (AC 2; 6. Brinks man ship. The PCs can hear
MV 18V/12"; PAT 2 claws and 1 bite: the rumble of a larger waterfall in the
Dmg 3-30/3-30/6-60: SA trample, tail distance as they gaze at this smaller
sweep, nature-spirit abilities; SD regen- dr<^. The spirits use this little cascade
erate 4 hp per round, nature-spirit ^ili- as a reception room before the great
ties; OA/120). Once battle has actually Waterfall Throne. Hzu has placed eight
begun, Htu's concubines support their bakemono doormen here with orders to
master. destroy intruders. They care nothing
Nereid concubmes: AC 10; MV 12': about Sha Po Arne's invitation or any
HD 4: hp 23. 20. 19. 17: 1 AT nil: Dmg other reasons why the PCs have come.
nil;SA spit blinds victim for 2-12 They plan to rob, if not slay, anyone
rounds, control water to slow movement they can catch in this "reception room."
by one-quarter, increase chance of The bakemono know that one can
of this avenger is a sign of Hzu'b immod* drowning by 10^, deafen victims within stand at the top of this waterfall with-
6' for 3-12 turns, water shapes strike out being washed over, since the water
erate. dishonorable haired, and the PCs
for 1-4 hp damage as 4-HD monster, is shallow and slow there. When they
knowledge of its existence "proves*' that
(he PCs had the audacity to defy the
drowning kiss; SD mesmerize men, turn stand on the brink of the cascade and
to water if caught. undetectable in fire arrows, it looks as if the water
boundaries of Hzuk domain. The river
water; AL CN;MM2/96. should sweep them away. The bake-
spirit stares at the party in cold fury for
1*10 rounds ifthe ikiryo is spoken of
mono hope that their victims dare not
(giving PCs a chance to flee) before he
5. Spider Hills. These hills are walk out into the river to fight them
almost impassable; if the PCs try to hand-to-hand. If the PCs pursue the
cross here, they must climb steep slopes bakemono onto the edge of the water-
Hzu Tzu (greater nature spirit): AC 2:
MV 12' HD 8; hp 50; # AT 2 bites (as and force themselves between the trees fall, create suspense by asking each

Dmg and twining, black vegetation (at half player to make a dexterity check, but do
carp); M0/l*10; SA spells and
normal movement rates). Still, these not have anyone actually fall. Any PC
spell like powers; 5D ^4 or better weap>
on to hit, immune to magical water-
ridges break the canyon walls, thus unfortunate enough to be pushed over
based fpella, spells and spell-like providing a way for the party to avoid the waterfall takes 2d6 hp damage and
powers, 10% MR: AL NE (currently): Hzu's river garden (area 4). must check the swimming rules.
Goblin spiders hunt along these These bakemono also serve as scribes
OA/126. Hzu Tzu uses the following
ridges; the PCs meet 1-2 of them every for both Hzu and Sha. They have a
spells once per round: become invisible,
polymorph time they enter the hills Each beast small workshop on the east bank of the
stlf, detect eviUgood, detect
magic, detect harmony, know history, needs 3-18 turns to reach the party. As a river, with a flat stone for a table and

cura. He uses shape change five times spider approaches, it tries to confuse its wooden boxes holding wax, brushes,
prey by mimicking other travelers. The paper, and writing silk. The PCs could
per day, and reward and ancient curse
once each per week. He can also cast all
creature cries out in a voice of despair, sell this equipment in a city for 20
water-based wu jen spells (except con- saying things like, "We aren't even ch'ien. There are no messages here now.
jure twater) elemental) once each per halfway there!" "Where are you? I’m Bakemono (fih AC 6; MV 6"; HD 1

lost!" and then, in a deep, authoritative - hp 7 each; #AT 1 weapon (2 with

day. He has complete knowledge of 1:
voice, "From now on, you shall all live bow); Dmg by weapon type; AL CE;
everything happening along his river.
Hzu is constantly angry. Even during strictly on fifty -one grains of rice per dagger, short bow, 10 arrows apiece;
day. I do firmly entreat you not to moan OA116.
the spirit's good moods, he finds the
from the hunger, for it is improper.
regulations of the Celestial Bureaucra-

^8 Issue No. 15

7.Waterfall Throne. Ibwering water- message implies. He feels magnanimous choice).Shen lung suffer double damage
cascade into this pool, casting
falls toward the party, but he wants to toy from fire-based attacks but cannot be
rainbows and white mist high into the with the PCs and force them to indulge approached by insects, arthropods, or
air.Beneath the pool's surface, the his whims. Sha likes to be perversa, and arachnids.
image of a limp dragon shimmers. If the he gets a special pleasure from chang- Giant carp: AC 6; MV //IS'; HD 8; hp
party approached through the canyon, ing his mind. Therefore, he askft the 32; lAT Dmg 2-20: SA swallow
1 bite;

from the reception room at area 6. they PCs meaningless questions such as. dog-size opponent whole; ALN; OA/117.
may safely proceed to the dragon. Char- ”Bul why would the fish care?" and Poisonous water snakes (5): AC 6;
acters who use other routes are not so **Whal do great ones value?" Monks MV 15'; HD 2 + 1; hp 10 each: I MT
lucky. and shukenja can gain 100 xp by engag- bite: Dmg 1; SA
poison causing 3-12 hp
Hzu coiuidcra this waterfall to be the ing Sha in philosophical discourse, but damage if saving throw vs. poison failed

throne room of hU palace, and expects this wisdom should not satisfy the other (no damage if saving throw is success-
honorable guests to approach through PCs. ful): AL N; MM2/1 11.
the hallway — i.e.. the canyon and Sha hopes to impose a truly onerous
' *

the "reception room at area 6. Those

task on the PCs to lest their devotion. Concluding the Adventure
who treat Hzu’s castle is if it were noth- "Go!” he commands. "Return to your
The PCs may face another quest imme-
ing but wilderness aro defying the river homes and bring me five pearls, little
diately after this one to rid themselves
spirit's honor. This is the sin Wang Go's humans." The dragon does not promise
of Hzu e ikiryo. In order to do this, they
samurai committed. any reward for the gems — he merely must confront the ill-tempered river
At present Hzu is not here, but as he gives orders. Sha's ES'P power allows
spirit and escape before he destroys
is a spirit, his aura fills the whole river, him to eavesdrop on what the party them.
and he knows what the PCs do hero. If intends to do next. If the party balks at
If PCs kill Sha Po-Ame or Hzu Tzu,
they climb down the cliff walls or magi- the task. Sha sinks back into his pool,
word spreads throughout the Celestial
cally fly to the Throne. Hzu becomes so gurgling with disgust. However, the Bureaucracy, and other spirits may seek
angry that his bitter thoughts summon dragon relents if the party is willing to
revenge. Conversely. PCs who peaceful-
an ikio'o- b^ach PC who violates the make the journey back and forth ly earned favors from the dragon
'palace * is attacked in turn, with the through the jungle to bring him more
become heroes to both humanity and
ikiryo alternating victims each day gems. As such a noble group departs.
spiritkind. They gam 14 honor points
until all are dead. Tb dispel the ikiryo. Sha calls them back, saying "You are each and may be summoned by Wang
the PCs must find Hzu (at area 4) and worthy!" Then he not only brings the O
Go for future missions.
confront him with the avenger’s exist- party his bones, but also gives them a
ence. which of course angers Hzu all the pearl of protection from fire and a tablet
more, moving him to attack in person. of jpirff summoning with two charges.
Ikiryo: AC nil; MV nil: HD nil; hp The bones are worth 500 ch'ien.
nil; I AT i; Dmgnil: SA drain one point although they weigh only 10 lbs.
from each ability score per day until one If the PCs kill Sha and the creatures
score reaches zero and the victim dies, he summons, they must dive to reach
psionics; SD visible only to (rue eight, his treasure. The hoard is at the bottom
can be killed only by exorcism or by of a cave in the pool’s floor, which is
confronting its creator; AL CE: OA^123. 100' deep. It includes the dragon's dis-
Once the PCs arrive at the Waterfall carded bones, the tablet, the magical
Throne, they must find some way to get pearl, and 10 opals (snacks) worth 100
the dragon's attention. Sha Po-Ame ch'ien each. Naturally, despoiling this
rests on a mossy ledge 20' below the treasury attracts Hzu's ikiryo at once.
water’s surface, lulled by the waterfall.
Sha Po-Ame (huge adult shen lung
dragon): AC 1; MV
12V12V/9"; HD 11;
His treasure
at the bottom of

pit 100’ deep. hp 55; lAT 2 foreclaws. 1 bite, and 1 tail

Iron forces the dragon to surface to spike; Dmg 14/ M/2-24/1 B; SA spells
Send t<it th» I.Kfst rdmem ci! thr lrt‘r
avoid going blind, so if the PCs raise (see following!; SD never sleeps, cannot
(.onsmnrr Infortnai ion Cjulc»g , The
Sha by throwing iron into his pool, he be subdued. ESP, tmnsibility. immune to
( auli)g h.Ms owr iUU M’ln trd tnlrrdl
attacks furiously. The only offerings electricity and poison, save as 14-HD pu bill on
on.sutTH'r int«’rr.M
«it ions of (

that interest him arc opals and pearls, monster or 14th-level wu jen, polymorph suhK*( IS likr hrutth. nutmunt. trdrral
which he eats with gusto. He can also to human form; ALCN; spells: fear (at bt tio h us rni n r* v n Vii agr jw»n i
\ .1 hn
i t

be raised with a requat or commune will),bless and curse (once each per ( otulog is (T4'r and soarr nuny of the
with lesser spirit spelt. Shu rouses him- day), control weather and ice storm (3 ^ bitoklrts Jo.*>t M'tul viHir nanx* and ad

self if the PCs dive in the pool, but they each per day scaly command, water
i, dri’vs no Mnnes an, idled Wnir uxlav

also attract an ikiryo. as described pre- fire;FF'27«29. Sha can summon ore Conp»umrr Intormalion Center
viously. Fortunately, the dragon is giant carp and five poisonous water
Depsrcmrnt l>K
amui^ by swimmers in his pool; he is snakes with his scaly command power.
Purbln, Colorado R I IM>9
chaotic neutral and enjoys the antics of He breathes air and water equally well
mortals. and communicates easily in several > Cjrnrral Srrvic rs A^iminiMraoon
The dragon is not as generous as his local human and monster tongues (DM’s

Take a walk with us

There are nightmare worlds,

worlds of exploded suns,
worlds of magic, and worlds
forgotten by time. There are
worlds without end, and we
visit them all.

Join us. See our subscription

card in this issue.
yfolfgang Baur b^gan gaming Un years
ago and wrote this adveniurt when an
impromptu gaming session made a good
impression on hts regular players He
enjoys cyberpunk and Lalin American
literature. Wolfgang recently woke up to
find himself enrolled at Cornell Univer-
sity as a graduate student in moledular

'The Glass House’' is an AD&D* mod-

ule tor 4-7 characters of 4th U> 6th level
A magic-user is needed to complete the
entire adventure, and a ranger ahould
prove useful. Neutral or evil characters
may lack the willingness to help a
stranger on which this scenario
depends, removing the best character
motivatioa from play. The adventure
takes place in the FORGOTTEN
REALMS'" setting near Waterdeep and
mentions places, organizations, and
deities from that boxed set. It can, how-
ever, be easily adapted to campaigns
campaign accessory FR5 The Sav^e
Frontier would be very useful, as it
broadly covers the adventuring area
within its contents. FRl Waterdeep and
the Sorth would also be helpful.

For the Dungeon Master

THEGLASS Eli the ranger lived well and achieved

some minor fame among the Harpers
for his initiative and diligence. His
home was at the head of a rocky gully

HOUSE in the mountains north of Waterdeep,

up the High Road toward Leilon. He
lived there with his wife,
who had taken up
of him. They were

on shore
vain, a selkie

quite content in Win

for love

BY ^FGANG BAUR terview House, which they had built for

themselves, and as time passed, Ivain
used her skills as a glassworker to con-
struct a small greenhouse of such mate-
rials as were available locally. As a
was proud
Sometimes the priestess of Lathander, she
create a small but perpetual artor of
greenery. The plants she grew would

dead need a little normally have withered quickly in the

harsh surroundings of the bleak hills.
The (lowers were both a delight in
help from the living. themselves and a tribute to Lathander's
powers of rebirth in a difficult climate.
However, this small triumph was taken
as a deadly insult by those powers that
Artwork Sorr rule the mountain winters.
One month ago, tragedy struck. As EH
returned to his isolated home one eve-
ning at sunset, he found Ivain's bloody
scarf and other signs of a struggle in the


The DM may use any random encoun-

THE SWORD COAST ters appropriate to the area
or he may
and season,
use only the set encounters.

Waterdeep to Leilon Set Encounters

See the map of the Sword Coast from

Waterdeep north to Leilon when refer-
ring to the set encounters that follow.

A. Redjactc

It is morning, and you are traveling

north with the Sea of Swords on your
left and the mountaine on your right.
Waterdeep is half a day behind you
and the road stretches long before
you into the distance, the breeze
fresh and charged with adventure.
You are traveling through land not
even half tamed yet. and anything is
As you round a bend in the road,
you see a man and a huge hound
ahead, resting under an overhang
and eyeing you cautiously as you
approach. The man is well dressed in
breeches, embroidered shirt, and red
cap. and he carries both a long sword
and a mandolin. His hound looks like
an espoeially large and fierce war
As you approach, the man bows low
meadow and the tracks of many crea* Adventure Bockground and introduces himself, saying 'T am
turn, both humanoid and canine, lead- Re4)ack by name and a traveling
The player characters begin on the
ing away. He searched Winterview musician by trade. I am not a
High Road traveling north to some
House but could fmd no trace of Ivain. wealthy man. but I have a small
destination of the DM's choosing, per-
Presuming the worst, he set out into the store of music, rumors, and lore
haps following a rumor of wealth or
darkness to track her kidnappers into which I will share with you if you
information to be had or delivering a
the woods. When the trail suddenly permit me to travel in the safety of
message or goods to a patron in
circled back, Eli quickly discovered he your company for a few days. Fide-
Nevenvinter. Luskan. or Leilon. It is
had walked into an ambush. His fury lius.greet them.'* At this, the fierce
aasumed that all party members are
overwhelmed him and. in a foolish hound sits up and boha awkwardly in
mounted: if not. amend descriptions
attempt to avenge his wife's death imitation of a bow.
singlehandediy he charged into a group
The season may vary, but early spring
of winter wolves and ice trolls led by a Redjack is a wolfwere; his giant "war
(the months of Ches or Ikrsakh) or late
frost giant named Snorri. hound," Fidelius, is a disguised and
(Marpenoth or Uktar) would add
His attack rapidly turned to flight, trained worg. They have both eaten
much to the atmosphere of the adven-
and only the darkness prevented his well of lata, so Rodiack's interest is
ture. If the party is powerful, a winter
death just outside his own home. His primarily in theft, not murder He will
trek could be attempted, complete with
retreat became a cat-and-mouse game, amuse the PCs all day long if they elect
snows and damage due to adverse
and Eli was harried for miles down to to travel with him. At some point, he
weather conditions. Such weather
the High Road between Waterdeep and tells them the news from the north,
makes the scenario much more chal-
Leilon. There, with his back to the sea. acquired secondhand from a peddler
lenging and is only suitable for intelli*
be was slain and abandoned. Later he hewing south from Leilon. The fact
gent and well-prepared parties. The
was found by the guards of a caravan, that the PCs did not see this peddler on
Wilderneu Survival Guide (pages 18-29)
who recognized him as a former adven- the road (he was Rec^sek's last meal)
would be useful for determining the
turer and took him to be honorably will probably not alarm them, but if
effects of weather on the party, but the
buried at Leilon. they should become suspicious, Redjack
Dungeon Master is free to invent his
own rules pertaining to the effects of says the peddler must have made it to
the environment or use other published Waterdeep before the party left.
sources. The news liom Leilon tells of an
undead creature that rose from the

grtve of i respected though somewhat the giant alone, he will be frozen by the
mysUrious raager and Harper o( moder- trailing a long ahadow. A light fog is cold breath the frost giant's winter
ate abilitiee. The ranger had been found creeping in from the sea, making wolvee and will not be heard from
slain last month on the very road the details sketchy. As the figure slowly again; the adventure then ends for all
party is now traveling. ITie creature struggles closer, you can see that it U practical purpoeee.
was said to be heading for the moun* armed and armored with a helm, If the PCs delay in following Eli. they
tains when last seen, although no one sheathed long sword, shabby chain catch up to him at the head of the gully
knows why. Rumors say the ranger is mail, and a splintered shield. just as he is asMulting the cabin. In any
now 8 ghoul, ghast. or vampire seeking It is only when the warrior is with- case, if the party follows him up the
to serve ita lord and creator in the in a few yards that you can see why steep gully, his detennination and
mountains. Given the ranger's profee* he is making such slow progress; his knowledge of the terrain allow Eli to
ion and his excellent character, this wounds are many. Ute f^isaineee of stay several yards ahead of the PCs.
seems unlikely, although the witnesses his outline is due to the swarm of although his slow, steady pace among
are all convin^. flies that surrounds him. In fact, he the stark trees never seems to increase.
Later in the evening, Rediaek aaeisU should be dead — and probably is. The journey continues when night
with the camp chores, rubbing down Judging by his livunee, be was bit* falls, but the moon provides a good deal
hone* and gathering firewood. He plays ten, stabbed, and crxtshed by a power- of light after eight o’clock. The party
a ballad, 'The Fall <£ the Prideful ful blow that shettered his shield arrives at Eli’s old home around nine in
King," before the party retires for the arm and his left leg. Ihe li^t of rage the evening. At this point, Eli marches
night. Red^k volunteers to take a in his eyes coovmcea you that this around the party, waving bis arms and
watch with Fidelias and any party would be a bad man to cross. He speaking as loudly as he can to push for
members who care to join him. While on reeks of the grave. He says nothing, an immolate aaeault, but he will wait
watch, he makes his play for the party’s but with his right arm he geeturee until dawn if the party suggests scout-
goods by crooning a wolfish lullaby to toward the east, then takes three ing or resting Arst. At that point he
Fidelias — a plaintive, low howling full slow steps in that direction and turns goes in. with or without the party’s
of halftones. This is Recback't way of to you with an imploring look. With- help.
inducing lethargy in his listeners. Fide* out looking back again, he sets off Eli has a magical sword named Seek*
lius is used to being serenaded, so he toward the hills at a slow shuffle. er (1 13, Ego 3. NG) with the abilities of
saves at ^4. At this time. Red>ack and detect evil, iocaU of^ect^ and empathy^
Fidelias try to surprise and silence the This is Eli. the ranger slain by Snorri Like all revenants, however, Eli will not
sentry, simply by knocking him out if the giant and his minions. By sheer use any weapons, preferring the direct
possible. Tlwn RetUack grabs any items force of will and desire for revenge, Eli approach of strangling the giant with
of easily tran^ortable wealth or magic has become a revenant. Although an armlock around Snorn's neck. He
he noticed dtiring the day and slinks off speech is difficult for Him, and his voice takes the party to the house the giant
into the darkness. If things should go rarely rises above a thin whisper, he is has now made his own and leads them
against him, he will flee rather than very driven and will not waste any time in a direct attack. The subtleties of
fight, taking advantage of the dark and tactics, ambuahee, and hit-and-run
on people who do not immediately side
the slowing effect of the lethargy to with him. He is obeesae d with accom- attacks that be knew ai a ranger have
make good his escape. If Redjack is plishing his goal before bis will can no all been pushed aside by his longing for
slain, he found to own a purse con*
is longer keep his body together — his quick revenge. Note that Eli can only
taiaing 75 gp, and a backpi^k with a only goal Ixing Co And and sUy Snorri, reach Snorri to strangle him if combat
scroll of de/ttde (third- level illusionist
to avenge the death of his wife. He takes place indoors, where the giant
ipell)and one week's standard rations. presumes that her kidnapping resulted must Hgbt hunched ovw. Out of doors,
RedJack, wolfwere: AC 3; MV 15*; in murder, since there were signs of a the revenant can do only t-4 hp damage
HD 5 4^ I; hp 27: MT
1 biU and 1 w«ap*
bloody struggle near the cabin. per round to Snorri, striking with his
on; Dmg 2*12 and by weapon t3rpe; SA Eli’s 0%ispicion that the giant has hands. Eli vehemently rejects any plan
tinging brings on lethargy ($low); SD taken up residence at Kis home is. in to set Are to the home be built unless
iron or > 1 or better weapon to hit; AL fact, correct. If the party helps him slay
several direct attacks have failed.
CE; long sword; MM2/127. the giant, he gives a PC ranger or the Eli, revenant (former ranger): AC 6;
FiaeUus. worg: AC 6; MV 18* HD ;
bravest fighter In the party his sword u MV 9* HD 8; hp 30; # AT 1; Dmg 2*16;

4 hp 18; #AT 1 bite; Dmg 2^; AL a reward before he collapaee, his mis- SA paralyzation, ranger abilities, stran*
NE;MMI/101. sion accomplished. However, if the party gulation; SD regeneration, unaffected
should discover that Eli’s wife is still by many attack forms (turning, weap-
B. EU the ReveoanL alive before the giant is dead. Eli ons, mind control epells. acid, gas, holy/

thanks then in a whisper and quietly unholy water and symbols); AL N; iong
Riding onward the day after your su>ord *1, ktlm of protection ^ I, poor-
crumbles into a heap. See area C3 for
encounter with Redjack, you find the more details. quality chain mail (AC 7); PFf75-76
High Road deserted until twilight. A Eli strikes northeastward directly into
limping figure with a ftusy outline the hills, whether or not the party fol-
can be seen approaching the lows. Since revenants cannot be slain by
north, red in the sunset's light and weapons of any kind, EU can only be
destroyed by Are or cold. If he attacks


(area C4) has a large chimney rising

from the center of its roof. Set further
away from these three buildings is a
glittering house of glass, partially
demolished (area C6).
Eli’s home is now the residence of the
frost giant Snorri, hia followers, and hia
pets. The most obvious of these pets is
the giant raven that guards the door.
This bird has a 6' wingspan and a foul
disposition. It squawks an alarm if
strangers approach during the day. The
noise brings the giant’i seven ice troll
servants out in two rounds, with Snorri
(area C2) and his henchman. Sigurd,
(area C3) appearing the round thereaf-
ter. At night, the raven roosts in the
rafters above the main chamber of the
house, and three ice trolls lurk in the
shadows outside, keeping watch with
their 90* infravision. They rouse their
four sleeping fellows with their yells
and hoots, but the trolls respond more
slowly at night, coming out with the
giant and Sigurd after three rounds.
Giant raven: AC 4; MV
3V1S* HD ;

3 1 2; hp 20; SAT 1 peck; Dmg 3-6; SA

strike eye 10^; SD never surprised; AL
NE; MM2/105.
Ice trolls (7h AC 8; MV
9-; HD 2; hp
14 each; ^AT 2 clawed hands; Dmg
1-8; SD regeneration in water, ^ I or
better weapon to hit, impervious to cold;
AL CE; FF/90.

Cl. Stable. This is where Eli's horse

was once sheltered. A harness, saddle,
and one-horse cart are still here. Crates
of shavings and other packing materials
are stacked in the far comer of the
stable, and the lofl is stuffed with hay.
A leather skin hanging on the east wall
covers an open doorway that leads to
the main cabin.
The mount has since been devoured
by the ice trolls. Some bones and dried
blood can be found in the straw if a PC
checks underfoot. The cart is a simple
C. Winterview House. complex for details. The largeat of these
wooden affair that was taken to Leilon
buildings (areas C2 and C3) is a rough
twice yearly with Ivain's glass goods
Six miles from the High Road, at house of logs fitted together and
and Eli B furs to trade for food and sup-
the top of the rocky gully you have caulked with mud. Its windows are tiny
plies; it can carry a maximum load of
been following, is a small dell sur- panes of greased paper to let in the
light During the day, a huge black
800 Ibe. The crates of packing material
rounded by deep green pines and
are very flammable. T^ese shavings
steep slopes. Snow glitters on the raven perches above the doorway. The
would serve very well for transporting
mountain peaks not far away, and door itself lies shattered just inside its
the stained-glaas panels from area C6,
behind you the brown hills fall away frame. The roof is overgrown with
as would the hay stored in the loR
toward the distant sea. There is a meadow flowers and grasses.
above. The skin covering the entrance
duster of three buildings around a The other two buildings are smaller
to the house itself has been pinned shut
central courtyard here in the dell. but of similar construction, their doors
from the house side, but with a little
open to the cold air. The southern build-
work it can be cut open. This takes one
See the map of the Winterview House ing (area Cl) has a watering trough in
round and reduces the chance of sur-
front of it, and the northern structure

34 l»ue No. 15

prise by one point, &» the cut may be


C2. Main Chamber. This room ie

rough and aomewhat primitive, with a
dirt floor and a lack offumiAhinga The
rafters are at a height of 9*. and the
center beam of the roof at ita higheat
point m 18 up. Ibnned and painted
leather skins hang down from thiacen*
tral beam to divide the room into
amaller living areas.
Horse-bone playthings of the two
winter wolves lie scattered about the
floor Their glistening silvery pelta are
worth 6.000 gp each if whole, half that
if damaged in combat. Theae wolves are

the frost giant's loyal pets, and they

fight to the death to defend him. If he is
slam, however, they flee.
The more dangerous occupant of this
chamber is Snorri, a middle aged frost
giant. Combat iadifTicult for him inside
the house because the roof and rafters
cause him to stoop, resulting in a penal-
ty of 2 to hit and damage. Snorri
measures an imposing 16’ tall and
weighs a good 3.000 lbs. He has gotten
to be a middle-aged frost giant because
he is a bit of a coward; he will flee any
battle if brought to less than two-thirds
his normal hit points <to 40 hpi.
Due to Snorri's age and his craving to
be in charge, he is almost always found
inside resting, surrounded by fawning
ice trolls and winter wolves. He ei^oys
(o by bis fee Croffs. 6^-
ing them around and reminding them
that he is a child of the goddess Auril.
the Frostmaiden. This may or may not
be true, but Snorri is convinced of it.
Naturally, the ice trolls fulfil) his every
whim, and most of them even believe
his story about Auril. Given Snorri's
beliefsabout where he fits into the
scheme of things, appropriate flattery'
will work very well if the party gets
into alight spot.
Snorri trying to figure out
is still
vious to cold; AL NE; MM 1/101. large, 2 -diameter iron cauldron full of

what happened to the largest and most

Snorri, frost giant: AC 4; MV 12"; HD warm water. Copper pans and iron skil-
10 + 2; hp 60; lAT 1 weapon; Dmg 4-24; lets hang from the rafler.s along with
favored of his winter wolves, which
SA hurl rucks for 2-20 hp damage, SD smoked hams and veal.
vanished three weeks ago. Worse yet.
the robed woman Snorri captured when
impervious to cold; AL CE; MM 1/44*45. Despite his dislike of heat and fire,
Snorri's frost man follower still prefers
the house was taken <and who would
C3. Kitchen. A copper kettle of horse his food cooked, and thus the kitchen is
have served as the giant's slave) van-
stew is simmering over the hearth in his domain. Sigurd is a 2nd-level magic-
ished about the same time (the woman
this closed-off section of the cabin. In user as well as a scheming henchman,
was Ivainj. Snorri was enraged at the
addition to the large fire, there are and he uses the kitchen's hearth for his
loss but has now shrugged it off. See
shelves of spices and s scarred oak various magical experiments At the
area C3 for details.
table. A few cookbooks lie on the tabic, moment, he has memorized the spells
Winter wolves <2i; AC 5; MV 18";
and barrels and burlap bags of food light and fivat fingera (see “The Codicil
HD 6; hp 37. 23; /AT 1 bite; Dmg 2 8; stilus are piled against the walls under of White" y In addition, he has the .spells
5A frost for 4-24 hp damage: SD imper- the shelves. Near the fireplace is a identify, read magic, u'izorcf mark, and


feaiher fall in his spell book, which he mirror of life (rapping does, catching trasts wellwith her dark-brown hair
keeps on a high shelf under the spices. anyone who peera within its watery' and eyes. She boars wolf-bite scars on
Sigurd deplores Snorri's lack of orga- depths. Its command words are written her right leg from her capture, but her
nUation but sees it as potentially useful in an excellent cookbook Iworth 20 gp in wounds have healed.
in using the frost giant to further the any maior city, though this is not obvi- If Ivain is set free by a magic-user in
ice man's own ends. He presently owns ous) kept on the table in the center of the party, she is grateful but reserved.
the Codici/ ire, a b^k detailing the kitchen. The command to bring She IS a little shy among humans and is
the worship of Auril, the Frostmaiden. someone out of the cauldron is '‘Thaw intimidated by the heavily armed and
Sigurd a devotee of Auril and is com-
ia the occupant of the iftrst. second, third, armored party. Given time to adjust to
pletely unscrupulous in using Snorri's etc.lcomp^ment." lb set the cauldron the current situation, she helps the
dedication to the goddess to his own to trap curious viewers, the command is party with her spells and good advice.
advantage. If Sigurd sees things are “thin ice." lb merely bring an occupant Seiz^ by Snorri when Winterview
going against him, he may attempt to to the surface for questioning requires House fell, she was forced to look into
surrender, pass himself ofT as human, the command "Arise, occupant of the the cauldron by Sigurd, who merely
and betray his master. If combat veers ffirst. second, etc.) compartment." The wishes to use her as a source of unwill-
into the kitchen area. Snorri end his cauldron may be used only by a magic- ing advice.
companions attempt to push or throw user (2,000 xp value; 20.000 gp sale If she is freed while Eli is still with
the revenant and anyone with him into value). the party. Ivain takes one step toward
the flames, doing 2- 12 hp damage per If all the water within the cauldron is him with a sharp intake of breath. As
round if successful. spilled (which requires a successful she sees his broken and decayed state
Sigurd, frost man: AC 6; MV
12'; HD bari'lift gates roll, despite the and realizes he has come here for her
d; hp 24; / AT 1 weapon; Dmg by weapon cauldron's small size and SO- lb. weight), sake, she stands stunned. Eli collapses
type; SA ice blast, spells; AL KE; sling; all creatures trapped within it are freed. with arms lifted as he loses the revenge
FF/40. Sigurd has very pale skin, long Note that Eli is an intelligent undead motivation that keeps him together. His
dirty-blond hair, bad teeth, and a patch andean be trapped by the cauldron. disintegration puts Ivam into a state of
over his left (ice-blast) eye. Snorri 8 two remaining winter wolves shock lasting three turns, during which
The iron cauldron by the ftreplace have been cautious ever since their she shows no initiative and acts only as
belongs to Snorri and ha» hit name leader disappeared near it and thus are directed. Thereafter, she dons Eli’s helm
etched into it in runes to prove it. It is a too suspicious to be tricked into looking and aids the party to the best of her
cauldron of life trapping, made long ago into the cauldron, but the ice trolls and abilities
a shaman ancestor of the ice giant, the raven might he trapped (30^ Ivain conducts a proper burial for her
now long since forgotten. Tliis shanum chance). Characters have a chance to husband in private after the party is out
worked for yean preparing the cauldron avoid glancing into the cauldron when of danger. She buries Eli with flowers
and spent years more praying for AunI to within its trapping range of 5'; this (from her staff if not otherwise avail-
invest it with magical power The goddess chance simply involves making a saving able) or pine branches, some other
eventually gave the cauldron its powers throw vs. spells <at ^4 if the viewer has small glass treasures, and his suit of
with the condition that it should never seen someone vanish into the cauldron chain mail. She keeps the helm and
affect one of her worshipers. or has heard of its properties). gives the sword Seeker to the Harpers
In time, this condition and all other Due (o its construction as a cauldron unless Eli has already given it to a
powers of the cauldron were forgotten, rather than a mirror, this device is member of the party
but it was kept as a talisman of aorta limited to six compartments, two of Ivain, selkie: AC 5; MV HD
that was given in time to Snorri. When which are presently occupied. The first 3 hp 16, /AT I bite (seal form only)
Sigxird joined Snorri's band, the frost compartment holds Snorri 'a favorite or weapon (human form only); Dmg 1-6
man convinced Snorri to let him study winter wolf (hp 44; see area C2 for or by weapon type; AL NG; staff; MM2^
the cauldron's magical properties and statistics),who disappeared mysteri- 107. Though Ivain will be in human
then teach them to the giant. Sigurd ously just shortly after Winterview form when discovered, she can only
had recognized the cauldron from old House was taken three weeks ago. The maintain this shape for 2-5 days before
legends, snd after learning the com- second compartment holds Ivain. the becoming a seal again.
mand words and filling the cauldron, selkie wife of the unfortunate Eli. She
activated it group arrived at
after the carries a magical staff that is perpetu- C4. Workshop. This is a smaller but
Winterview House. He secretly caused ally blooming with flowers appropriate similarly constructed version of the
Ivftin, who was w*ounded and captured to the season, given to her by the clerics main house. A large forge with bellows
during the attack on the house, to be at the temple of Lathander in Water- and ovens dominates the center of the
held in the cauldron, then captured deep in recognition of her works glorify- worksht^'s one room. The gray charcoal
Snorri’s favorite winter wolf out of ing their god. She is eftecUvety a in the forge's center is covered with
spite. Sigurd has no intention of teach- 3rd-level elenc (W 14) with the spells leaves that have come in through the
ing his master anything. He plans to bUss, cure light wounds, light, sanctu- chimney. Dusty tools and the raw mate
use the cauldron to do away with Snorri ary. and augury. She also has a scroll rials ofglassworking are still here,
when it becomes convenient, unaware with the spells bless, aid. and remoit along with several small unfinished
that the cauldron will have no effect on curse, and a seaahell charm (hat pieces. There is no connecting doorway
the giant. reverses the direction of the gate in area from this area to the main house.
The cauldron functions much as a C7. She wears a yellow robe that con- This workshop is where Ivain did her

3b Issue No. 15

gla&sworkinf when the mood struck her.

The unfinished glass items are of no
great value (six 5*gp trinkets).
Four ice trolls (see area C for statis*
ties) have been sent to stay out here for
sleeping on guard duty and general bad
behavior, although this is only to be
expected with They are here day
or night, frustrated and spoiling for a
fight, and they rush out ds soon as any
alarm is sounded. If they survive the
party's first assaulton Winterview
House, the trolls join their companions
on guard duty and in the main chamber

C5. The Stream. This cold creek has

itsorigin at the spring in the glass
house (area C6). It is a small trickle
running down into the gully that even-
tually leads lo the High Road and the
sea. The ice trolls come to the spring
and its stream to regenerate.

C6. The Glass House. This large

greenhouse has been smashed at one
corner by a boulder, allowing the out*
side air to get in and destroy the green-
ery living in the carefully preserved
aemitropical atmosphere. Only a few
strains of hardy plants survive among
many withered brown stalks.
The walls of the greenhouse are made nature and large, awkward sixes, rang- discovered unless a light or continual
of thousands of small plates of gloss ing from 2' X 3' to 4' X S’. If any panels h^ht spell is cast into the water
held together by lead strips and oak are leH behind unguarded, they will The sculpture was made long ago by
reinforcements. There are six stained- have been looted or smashed by moun- powerful selkie magicians, and it acts
glass panels as well, all of fine work- tain dwellers who noticed the giant's as a one-way gate to the Sea of Swords.
manship but very difficult to see at death by the time the party returns. Anyone stepping into the pool and
night. The panels arc of superb clarity Snorri is responsible for the destruc touching the sculpture is teleported to
and use a number of advanced tech- lion of the greenhouse. He threw' the area D, just south of the Mere of Dead
niques. making them extremely valu- boulder in a fit of anger, but later he Men. Since the sculpture teleports any-
able. They depict a rooster crowing to claimed it was divinely inspired to thing that touches it other than water
the rising sun, a circle of dancing fig destroy the artificial summer within and sand, removing it from the pool can
ures in a field of Hewers, a young male that offended both him and his divine only be accomplished using magic. If
descending from a stairway in a rosy mother. this is done, its 2.0(X)*gp encumbrance
cloud, a robust woman emerging from a may still keep it from lining carried off.
dense forest, a minstrel surrounded by C7, The Pool and Sculpture. The The sculpture is worth 3,000 gp. and it
wolves and strumming a silvery harp clear pool in the center of the green- retains its magical properties even
under a luminous moon, and a group of house is fed by a small spring, sur- when removed from the pool.
seals dancing through a sunny, green rounded by a few hardy weeds, and
blue sea lined with fine white sand. In the center D. The Sea. The gate in area C7 leads
These six stained-glass works could be of the 20'-diameter pool is a 3’-diameter to a sandy area of water much like the
sold for a total of 6.000 gp or more if abstract sculpture of coral and jade pool itself, but with shaAs of sunlight
somehow transported to a large city or submerged in about T of w'ater When streaming down into the water with no
town. Their removal will unfortunately looked at out of the corner of one's eye. slope to the sands all around. This loca-
destroy the remainder of the glass it seems to swirl like a wave on the tion is about 200' offshore at a depth of
house. If taking the glass occurs to the shore. The sculpture gives the impres- 20’. Ivain used this gcle to get to the sea
players. Eli reacts violently to prevent sion of being in motion, as if something quickly w hen in selkie form. She
it. As if this were not difficulty enough, beautiful were swimming. At night, the returned using her seashell charm to
the glass works have a weight of about pool appears black, reflecting light off reverse the gate's direction, but she
10 lbs. each and an encumbrance of its surface. The sculpture looks like a alwoys switched the gate's orientation
about 3.000 gp each due to their fragile dark rock, and its true nature cannot be to lend back out whenever she returned.


U> avoid gating sea monsters into her Concluding the Adventure Harpers.
pool. The PCs are not so fortunate. For If the PCs have had a falling out with
After this adventure, the PCs may
them, the trip is one-way. Ivain about the disposition of her hus-
choose to go in any of several directions,
If a PC ia armored or lacks the swim- band's goods or about the looting and
depending on their interactions with
ming proficiency, he might drown. The sale of the stained-glass panels of the
Ivain. They may elect to help her seek
DM should arbitrate this possibility as
out the Harpers to give them El is helm
greenhouse, they may have a serious
he seesHt. For information on swim- problem on their hands, as Ivain will
and sword, in which case they must
ming and drowning rules, consult pages bring influential friends of hers from
make a return trip to Waterdeep to
12-13 of the Dungeoruer's Survival Waterdeep to pursue them as bandits.
consult with the followers of Khelben
Cui<U or pages 41 -43 of the Wiiderntss These friends may well include some
Survival Guide.
‘'Blackstaff" Anmaun. The news of
minor Harpers. In any case, the party
Eli's death will be met wUh dismay
Drowning checks may not be neces* will be pursued by clerics and other
there, but if the giant Snorri has been
aary. as there is a 30^ chance that a followers of Auril if they possess the
killed, the PCs will receive 100 gp each
dozen selkies (hp 21 ( x 31> 18 ( x 3). Codicil of White The followers' attacks
from Khelben's followers as a small
15( X 3), 12 < X 3)) are frolicking near this will primarily be made in the winter,
token of thanks. Ivain will be given a
area (see area C3 for additional statis- but the fanatical devotion of some will
widow’s compensation of 500 gp; she
tica). These seal creatures will rescue drive them to attempt the book's recov-
will also be made a formal but secret
any adventurers in distress by swim- ery even in high summer.
offer of admission into the ranks of the
ming under them and lifting them to
the surface, then slowly escorting them
to shore. In return, they expect a The Codicil of HTiUe Contents: The First page is simply a
reward of pearls, magic, music, or a title page with the snowflake rune of
service,such as making a rich offering Appearance: The Codicil of White is a Auril on it. The next 13 pages cover the
to Lliira in theirname. They definitely tall,thin book bound in a white ermine rites and services of Auril. the Frost-
ask the party to determine the fate of cover over seasoned boards of white maiden. in chilling detail. One of these
their cousin Ivain. If the DM
wishes, pine, sealed with a clasp and lock of rituals includes the summoning of an
the selkies can ask a greater favor, tarnished silver. The ermine is some- ice para-elemental. The next 13 pages
posaibly leading to other adventures, what worn about the edges from use. include spells and m^or ceremonies.
such as rescuing the selkie's home from The 27 pages within are of vellum The clerical ceremoniescoming of
a small water elemental or sea wolves. painted with silver gilt on the outer age. burial, dedication, investiture,
Their home could be a giant ship, a edges. The whole is sewn to a leather ordination, and special vows are all
small floating island, s land beneath binding with strips of sinew, making it described. Due to the large number of
the sea, or even an air filled grotto in quite durable. evil magic-usera, witch doctors, and
Water dee p’s harbor, as the DM
wishes. Hietory and Description.- It has been frost men who worship Auril, the cleri-
postulated that the Codicil was written cal spells are followed by the magic-user
E. The Mere of Dead Men. Named by clerics of Auril as a primer on her spells of chill, froit fingers, shatter, gust
for the thousands of humans and demi- worship, and on the uses of the cold in of wind, and wall of ice.
humans slaughtered by ores here at the which the Frostmaiden revels. As such,
edge of the sea. the Mere is a dangerous it has only once been seen outside the Frost Fingers (Evocation)
salt swamp inhabited by will-o-the- religiouscircleof the cult.lbn winters
wiaps, insects, lizardmen. and other fell Level: 2
ago. the adventuring company known
beasts. Travelers on the High Road that as the Company of Seven Stars gained
Components: VS
skirts the Mere to the east often travel Range: 0
the Codicil as part of the spoils from a
for days without stopping, to avoid group of bandits they slew while guard-
CT / teg.

camping near it. Adventurers may Duration: 2 round

ing an early spring caravan to
stumble into it if Ukported to area D by ST'. None
Neverwinter. They sold the book to the
the gate at area C7. AE: Special
sage Erpalio of Neverwinter. whose
description of the volume is the only EzplaDation/Description: This is
F. Leiion. A small human mining record of it in the Realms. Agents of the essentially a cold form of the burning
town near the coast. Leiion has neither cult of Auril are assumed to have recov- hands spell. When cast, it causes freez-
proper walls nor a proper harbor. It is ered the book the next winter, for Erpa- ing cold snd shards of ice to blast from
defended by earthen ramparts and the iio was found frozen stifT in his warm the caster's fingertips out to a distance
Lances of Leiion, and its trade is carried study, and the Codicil was gone, it has of 3' in a 120^ arc in front of the caster.
OD by means of barges loaded in the not been seen since, although it is Any creature in the area of cold takes 1
shallows and then taken out to waiting doubtless present at ceremonies honor- hp damage for every level of the spell-
ships. Wagons along the High Road also ing the Froetmaiden in the North. In caster, and no saving throw is possible.
buy copper, nickel and silver here to addition to the cult lore it contains and Liquids engulfed by the cold will freeze
transport to Waterdeep. Leiion is both the knowledge of secret ceremonies it unless B saving throw vs. frost is made
an ally of Waterdeep and a friend of the discloses, possession of the Codicil also on the saving-throw table on page 80 of
Lords' Alliance. It has a population of grants the owner resistance to cold (as the Dungeon Masters Guide. (See "The
just over 3,000, ruled by Lord Pelindar per the cleric spell) as long as it is held Frost" in DRAGON* issue #33 for the
Filmyra. and carried. original mention of this spell. I 0

36 Issue No. 15
Over in Dublin, Ireland, Willie Walsh
claims to be diligently celebrating that
city's 1. 000th birthday in true Viking
tradition, with all the revelry that
impUes^ Although Vikings don*t appear
in this scenario, **Roarwater Caves*' is
Still a favorite of the author, who based U
on events in his own campaign,

"Roarwater Caves'* is an AD&D* mod-

ule for 4-10 adventurers of levels l>4,
including both a cleric and a magic'user.
Secondary importance is placed on the
presence of a thief. Because this adven-
ture revolves around giving '‘assist-
ance'’ to xvarts, though only for
monetary benefit, neutral PCs may
work well where good or evil ones would
not; rangers and paladins would cer-
tainly object to the scheme proposed to
them (though they could be involved in
the adventure in othor ways). The
adventure should fit most campaigns
with only minor ac^ustmenta. The use of
dungeon Hoor plans and miniatures
would be extremely helpful, especially
at the conclusion of the scenario. The
DM should be prepared to keep careful
track of time spent inside Roarwater
Caves (see ’’Timetable and Ihctics”).

Dungeon Master

For the
Roarwater Caves is a feature of the
southern coastline several miles west of
the town of Cor bay. For many seasons,
this quiet area has been the home of a

CAVES tribe of xvarts who have laired in the

hollows of the cliffs. Little is known
about the creatures other than that a
domineering group of bugbears has
lately assumed control over the tribe,
much to the chagrin of the xvarts. who
value their personal freedom. The
xvarts now fish the seas close to the
shore near the caves, and some trade
w*ith isolated communities such as Cor

If you trust a xvart bay. exchanging fish for coppers or trin-

kets of little worth
however (and un-
Within the tribe,

cleric, shaman you! known to the townspeople), feeling is

running high on the issue of the bug-
bears' supremacy and the intolerable
strain which this places on the xvarts.
Before the arrival of the bugbears, the
Artwort Vy eicbord SenmfT
xvarts enjoyed something of a local
reputation as kobold bashers. Now, the
bugbears refuse to allow xvarts to raid
the local kobolds* lair Instead, the bug-
bears keep the xvarts occupied gather-
ing food and tribute, a matter of grave
concern to the xvarts' head shaman.



Zimik. who ie«8 th« regrowth of the raiding party will arrive rapidly, find- shrewd and gives no thought to the
koholds ad a dangerous threat. Soon the ing only the party of adventurer* with morality of his dealing with evil xvarts.
kobolds will be strong enough to do whatever remains of the bugbears and His self assuredness should be a source
some raiding of their own against the their xvarts. After a reasonable amount of irritation to the PCs.
preoaupied svarta. who are too tied up of time. Zimik plans to lead the main Zimik, xvart ahaman; AC 6; 6' MV
with feeding their bugbear overlords to body of xvarts back into the caves to HD 2 (e^ivalenl to 4th level clerich hp
repel any concentrated attack. attack the kobolds while they are occu- 11: 1 AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type:
Zimik has thus far been unable to act pied with the adventurers, llien, from a W
AL CE; 12 (6% chance of spell fail-
against the bugbears and the number of position of strength, Zimik can take the ure); footman's mace (used two-handed),
xvarts who have willingly gone over to bugbear's ring and regain control of the studded leather armor; Zimik i*
their side io the tribal struggle — at Roarwater xvarts If the PCs still loyal to the tribe merely to preserve
least, he cannot act without considera- appear to be strong. Zimik politely lets himself in a position of power. He enjoys
ble personal risk. The strength of the them leave (with a reasonable, though the raids which the xvarts make on the
bugbear* is concentrated in their leaden small, amount of treasure) If the PCs kobolds and seeks to have them rein-
Kraglut, who through some chance of appear very weak, Zimik sends them stated as a worthwhile pastime. Hi*
fate possesses a ring of wottr walking, away all the poorer — if he lets them hatred of the bugbears will not cause
which he has used to convince a suable leave at all (see 'Timetable and ibe- him to do anything rash, such as lead
number of the xvsrt tribe that he has tic**' and ''Concluding the Adventure"). an uprising against them. Although he
great magical power*. The PCs. of course, will become the appears to be stupid, Zimik possesses a
The shaman has hit on a novel plan to adventurer* whom Zimik hopes to cunning which can be dangerous to
restore himself to chieftain status in the attract to the caves to eliminate the thoee around him. He wears a ring of
tribe and to eliminate both the bug- bugbears — and perhaps to be elimi- prelection *1, and his current spell* are
bears and the k<^»ld threat at the same nated themselves by the kobolda. You cauBe fear, curt light wounds ( ^ 2),
time. The shaman's sole human should make the prospect of raiding augury, and chant Zimik first appears
actiuaintance, a fisherman from Corbay Roarwater Caves as attractive a* possi- near Roarwater Cavea when the PCs
named Delbar iwho buys most of the ble to ensure that the party take* the arrive (see "Delbar and Zimik Set the
xvarts' fish and resells them at a profit bait. Delbar will try u> encourage the Bait"l
in the town) has agree d to approach PCs in this, assuringthem that the XvarU: AC 7; MV 6*; HD I - 1; males
local adventurers with the proposition shaman's cooperation will limit the have 4 hp, female* have 3 hp; #AT 1:

oi liberating the xvarts. It is in Delbark amount of guards at the cave*. Dmg by weapon type; AL CE; leather
interest to preserve the xvarts. of At first sight, it would appear that the armor, small wooden shields, males use
course, as without them he would have PC* are being sent on a suicide mission small swords (as daggers, ^ 1 hp dam-
to actually do the hard work of fishing with the only beneficiaries being Zimik age) and slings (with 3-10 stones and f.

instead of just being middleman. and his xvarts. There are s number of females use daggers and 1-3 darts
Zimik figures that information about ways in which the PCs can escape, how- (unless otherwise noted): PF/%. All
the Kraglut's magical ring will be more ever. most notably by releasing the young noncombatant xvarts in this
than a little tempting to a group of trapped stirges from area 12 and using module have these statistics: AC 9; MV
adventurers, and he has promi^ to the confusion generated as cover. They 3'; HD hp 2; lATnil; ALCE.
allow their liberators to keep it as long may also find the hidden treasury <srea Bugbears: AC 5; MV 9*; HD 3^ 1;

as they can eliminate the bugbears. l3)of Zimik's predecessor, about which /AT Dmg by weapon type; SA sur-

Zimik knows that humans and their the xvarts know nothing. It contain* a pri*e on 1-3 on ld6; AL CE; one morn-
kin are not to be trusted, so he has wand of magic mUstUt — very useful in ing star and one spear each; MMl/12.
arranged for most of the tribe to be out blasting one's way out of a sticky situa- Kraglui, bugbear leader: AC 4; MV
fishing when the party attacks the tion. Other solutions, such as purrender- 9', HD 4; hp 23; I AT 1; Dmg by weapon
cavee. This abeent group includes thoee ing to the kobolds while hoping for type * 1; SA surprise on 1-3 on ld6; AL
xvarts most loyal to Zimik. and a few rescue by the xvarts. may be discovered CE: MMl/12. Kraglut wears a ring of
who haven't actively turned to the aide m the course of the adventure. water walking and wields a morning
of the bugbear*. Zimik explains that, star * 2 , Hi* main concern is his own
with only a handful of xvarts and the General Monster/NPC Statistics persona] comfort. Kraglut dominates
slovenly bugbears to defend the caves, it the xvarts and allow* the other bug-
The main type* of monster* encoun-
should prove an easy task for the adven- bears to do as they please in Roarwater
tered in this adventure are xvarts. bug-
turers to defeat the overlords and seize Caves. A cowardly, uncommunicative
bears, and kobold*. Tb avoid a detailed
the magical ring. figure, Kraglut is the epitome of the
description of each group encountered,
Actually. Zimik wanta the ring for bugbear sword-fodder typically encoun-
their general statistics are given here.
himself. Tb help with the latter part of tered in a dungeon environment.
Other monsters are listed as they are
his plan ~ the elimination of the
Kobolds: AC 7; MV 6* HD
. / AT I;

kobolds — he has allowed the kobolds to Dmg by weapon type; AL LE; wooden
get hold of false information that the
Delbar, human fisherman: AC 10:
shield*, wooden club* or short swords,
XV art tribe is at an all-time low and
MV 12'; zero-levelhuman; hp 6; #AT 1;
two throwing daggers each; 1/57. MM
could easily be destroyed by a quick
Dmg by weapon type; AL CN; dagger.
The kobolds are not encountered until
Delbar seek* only to make a profit at
raid. Several xvart scouts will harass the final stage* of this scenario. They
everyone's expense but his own. He is
the kobolds u> ensure that a kobold are used as a means to keep the PC*

40 Issue No. 15




Roarwater Caves

I > I •
0 1 2

within the caves and are part of Zimik's after the PCs arrive in Corbay. Naturally, if the PCs choose to sit
plan to coerce the PCs into handing around indefinitely, that is exactly
over Kraglut's ring ofwoUr walking. Corbay a dull town after all. It
is what's going to happen to them! U
Sbtaka, kobold leader: AC 6; MVd' lacks the refinements of larger cities, might prove useful for them to ask some
HD hp 4; #AT 1; Dmg by weapon
I ** 1; such as a sewage system and the questions of the regulars in the tavern,
type; LE; spear. Shtaka is a bom
AL regular arrival of trustworthy news. especially if they ask about monsters in
kobold leader, meaning he fights from But it looked like as good a place as or near the town, lb determine what
the rear of his force but has a loud, any to seek challenging adventure rumors the PCs hear, roll Id 10 and
squealing command voice. His kobold (and replenish your rapidly dwin- consult the following list, or assign
commando force has been trained to dling supply of gold pieces) when you rumors as appropriate.
considerable eRiciency and is able to firstcame here.
split into smaller forces at a moment's In your travels, you heard that 1. Corbay is suffering a recession in
notice, each squad moving and fighting nonhumans and monsters sometimes trade due to Delbars monopoly on
at full speed. Shtaka's two guards share wander into Corbay from the wilder- cheap fish sales. (This is true, as he
all of his statistics but are armed with ness sod cause trouble, but (unfortu- buys cheaply f^m Zimik and sells at
hand Shtaka and his guards have
axes. nately for you) none have happened a profit in Corbay, undercutting his
heavier armor than usual and do not by in the time you've been here. Your competitors.)
use shields or throwing daggers. stories of previous adventures are 2. Monsters are often seen traveling in

soon old news in the local tavern, large bands in the wilderness nearby.
For the Plover Characters and your fame is quickly losing some Sometimes they raid outlying home-
if its attraction. More o^n than not, steads, but usually they are too busy
The PCs will most likely be contacted in
killing each other to threaten human
Corbay by Delbar on behalf of Zimik. you find yourselves sealed alone in
the corner while the locals talk about kind. (IVue. This refers to the kobold-
Don't give the PCs too much informa-
boring subjects such as the weather xvart war.)
tion prior to their reconnaissance of the
or the price offish. If something S. The Corbay fishermen use a strange-
caves.Rumors may be gleaned from the
doesn't happen soon, dying of bore- ly woven type of net which they
townspeople concerning the current
dom in Cor^y may end your days of obtain from the xvarts of Roarwater
adventuring forever. Caves. (True. The xvarts have special-
Read or paraphrase the following
ized in creating such nets for combat
information to the players several days
and fishing, ^me
of these nets are


encountered aa a defense in the Delbar and Ziraik Set the BaJt

caves later m the acenarioJ
The PCs should eventually hear about You figure that you must have trav-
4. Roarwater Caves are underwater at eled across rougher country at some
the townspeoples* interest in the xvarts
high tide, which proves the locally point in your lives, but right now you
and the fisherman Delbar. The party
held theory that xvarU breathe both don't remember when. The xvart
may then want to seek out Delbar for
air and water. (Not completely true. leader has stopped at the crest of a
further investigation or travel to
The front entrances of the cavea are Roarwater Caves to Had some adven- stony path leading down the craggy
sealed oH^by water at high tide, but cliff face to a wide beach below.
tures on their own. In either case.
the living quarters are well above the
Delbar approaches them with a proposi- Down below you can see a flurry of
high-water mark. Xvarts can drown in activity. Xvarts are coming out of the
tion for assisting the xvarts against the
water just as humans can.) two big cave mouths into the sun-
bugbears. He explains the rationale
d. It is dangerous to be out of doors at light carrying little hide-covered
behind this aid in the following ways:
night, as horrible, bloodsucking bats — b<»ts shaped like cockleshella. One
The xvarts. if allowed to be subju-
are sometimes encountered and have by one, alMut 75>100of them paddle
gated by the bugbears, will cease to be a
even kilted some locals. <This is buffer tetween Corbay and the kobolds.
determinedly out to sea. Soon they
almost true. The bats are really — The xvarts play an important part are lost from view, and the beach is
stirges that live in an almost inacces- lef\ deserted except for a handful of
in the trade of Corbay, producing nets
sible section of Roarwater Caves. An xvarts who quickly vanish back
and catching fish. The bugbears have
encounter with 1-2 stirges at night inside their caves.
reduced trade by forbidding the xvarts
might even be arranged by the DM.)
to trade with the town. Delbar claims
6. Several fishing boats, have disap- Zimik explains that the xvarts who
that this is the real rea4M>n why trade
peared from the harbor over a period have gone out to sea are secretly armed
has fallen off (of course, it has nothing
of time. Suspicions about the identity forwar aa well as carrying fishing gear.
to do with him).
of the thieves are wide^read and — The xvarts, through their tribal and They intend to put on a show of fishing
varied, but there is no unamimous (allegedly to prepare a feast for their
religious leader. Zimik. want to be res-
decision as to whom to accuse. (Elelbar buglwar overlord) until the adventur-
cued from their overlords and will glad-
is the thief. He has stolen the row- ers are inside the caves. Then the boat-
ly pay the adventurers with their only
boats to trade to the xvarts.)
magical item, a nag of weUer waikiry^, ing xvarts will return to mop up any
7. Word has it that the kobolds are plan- and wounded bugbears.
disloyal xvarts
stolen by the bugbear leader. Kraglut.
ning some kind of mischief. It has The shaman estimates that there are
Ib minimize the amount of efTort
been quiet in that quarter for too long. involved in destroying the bugbears, a dozen disloyal xvarts leR inside as
(This is true, although a well-informed well as about eight bugbears. Their
Zimik has agreed to withdraw »U his
observer might conclude that lack of exact locations are unknown. As Zimik
loyal xvarts. leaving behind only those
raiding activity on the part of the
few who have joined the bugbears. In must take command of his own group,
xvart tribe is the reason for the grow- he rushes off to board his own cockle-
addition, the shaman promises safe
ing boldness of the kobolds.) shell boat and head out to sea.
conduct for the adventurers across xvart
8. Something is amiss in the xvart tribe. lb ensure the safety of his plan, Zimik
territory to and from the caves.
Despite their evil nature, they have Delbar will not bargain with the PCs has brought the PCs to the beach only
long kept the peace in Cor bay by 10 minutes before the tide is about to
for any greater reward. He points out
acting as a buffer between the town turn. Those who enter the caves and
that tike xvarts are not rich and cannot
and the kobolds. Lately, though, no be expected to pay any more handsome- remain within for one hour will be sur-
clashes between the tribes have been prised to diecover that the entrance has
ly than what they have already offered.
reported. flVue. The bugbears have He adds that the xvarts might have a filled to the ceiling with water. This
not considered the consequences of chance to fight off the bugbears by chamber (area 2) remains filled for four
preventing the xvarts from raiding more hours, draining in the next hour
themselves, but the battle would be too
just so they can reap the short-term This cycle repeats itself every day, with
costly for them — especially if the
benefits of xvart servants.) low tide beginning six hours after high
kobolds plan to attack someday soon.
9. Rumors among the fishing folk say a tide ends. If the PCs are clever and ask
If the PCs agree to aid the xvarts.
thieves' guild has begun operations in Zimik about (he tides, the shaman tells
Delbar leads them out of town to
Corbay, and that it is connected to the them about the back door to the colony
Roarwater Caves, following a path
drop in trade and Delbar's recent but avoids saying exactly where it is.
along the coast. Zimik himself appears
financial success. (False. The local The PCs each have a 20% chance of
at the border of the xvart territory to
thieves* guild may not be large, but noticing the arms and armor of the
lead the PCs to a high cliff overlooking
neither is it new. Delbar is net a mem- xvarts who went back into the cave (all
Roarwater Bay. while Delbar returns to
ber, so the guild might be interested to were males with small swords and
town. The entrance to Roarwater Caves
know that he stole the boats without can be seen clearly in the clifTs base. slings, and with shields and thin leath-
their **permission.**)
Zimik does not initially mention the er armor). If asked about their arma-
10.Delbar buys fish from the xvarts ment. Zimik (truthfully) mentions the
caves’ back door (area 17) to the PCs.
rather than catching them himself. When the shaman and the PCs threat of the kobolds. which bothers the
His profits have made him moderately approach the entrances to Roarwater xvarts even if the bugbears could not
rich. (True.) csre less.
Caves, read the following to the PCs:

42 Issue No. IS

Roorwater Ccve$
Roarwater Cavea have no internal light- weed, the nets don't seem to serve the number of those permitted direct
ing whatsoever, except for a number of any useful purpose. All appears quiet At the back of the cavern are

patches of faintly luminescent dried inside the caves. two palisaded enclosures and more
seaweed, gathered by the xvarts at low boards framing a tunnel leading
tide and slapped on the walls at various The cleft made by the emerging fresh- farther into the cliffs.

points. Any adventurers using normal water stream is narrow for anyone
hght sources will never see this faint to negotiate. The stream comes out here The sea-slimed palisades are mostly
luminescence; infravision-using char- from a long underground journey on driftwood and seem, on closer examina-
acters in total darkness* however, will which it takea a meandering course tion, to be planking from a ship of some

be able to see quite clearly* as the through some of the caverns inside kind; in fact, that is exactly what they
light from the seaweed adds another Roarwater Caves. The stream itself is are. The two enclosures are usually
30' to infravision sighting ranges. The submerged at high tides. occupied by xvart guards, but Zimik
bugbears, like others of their kind, The two entrances open into one great sent these off to 'Tish for the bugbears,"
have 60* infravision, as do the kobolds cave. The nets, while seemingly placed true to his word to make life easier for
who will appear later in the adven- here for no apparent reason, are actu- the adventurers.
ture. While xvarts do not normally ally a defensive measure on the part of Seaweed-hung nets which appear to
possess infravisioR, the Roorwater the xvarts. They are arranged in a com- be like those at the main entrances
Caves xvarts (having a bit of goblin plicated pattern in which one must take shroud the opening to the rest of the
blood in them) have 30’ infravision three steps to the front, hop from left to complex. The nets here are submerged
without daylight penalties for odds to right three times, turn and ... oh, well! at high tide and have become rotten.
hit opponents. The xvarts know how to rush through They are only meant to discourage the
Allcombat and missile fire from them at normal speed without becoming movement of the stirges who lair In
xvarts or bugbears conducted in the entangled. However, anyone else has a parts of the cave system. Anyone may
caves is at normal **to hit'* odds; the 10% chance of becoming entangled per push through these nets with little
1* of movement rate the character nor- effort; because of their poor condition,
attacking kobolds also have an easy
time unless the PCs use a continual mally possesses Only by taking two full these nets may be ripp^ down by any-
light spell, which places them at a ~ 1 melee rounds to cross each section of one with a strength of 3 or greater in
penalty to hit. Remember to increase netting does a character avoid entangle- but two rounds (no strength rolls
aighting ranges by 30' for all human- ment. Of course, this gives attackers required).
oids within the caves, as noted above. extra time to fire miasiles at the attack- However, nets placed elsewhere with-
The xvarts and bugbears will not blun- ing or fleeing PCs (the nets do not ham- in these caves are harder to remove, as
der into traps or dangerous areas as per missile fire into the nets or through they are above the tide line and are not
they know the caves well; PCs and them, though they prevent clear sight- affected by the water which submerges
kobolds may not be so fortunate. ing into area 2 from the outside). those at the entrance. Walking through
Those xvarts fighting from behind the Unlike nets elsewhere in Roarwater these nets takes one round per charac-
driRwood stockades built within the Caves, these nets are solidly placed and ter (and only one character st s time) to
caves have 60^ cover, giving them a ^4 cannot be pulled down easily. They are avoid a 30% chance of entanglement for
annor<lass bonus against enemy mis- also replaced at regular intervals when 2-5 rounds. TWo separate open doors
sile fire. Bugbears have only 25% cover, they begin to rot. Four separate open rolls are required to tear down a 10'-

or a 2 armor-class bonus to missile doori strength rolls are required to tear wide section of netting. These nets may
Are. Stockades are elevated 2' from the down all the netting in either entrance- also be cut or burned (the latter with
cave floor by rocks and dirt; they are way to allow free passage. spells, perhaps), but smoke alerts the
obviously of more use against kobold The seaweed coating on the nets bugbears and remaining xvarts to
invaders than human or bugbear foes. comes from plants behind as the
left intruders. Cutting down a piece of net
tide recedes; this may give the PCs a 10* square takes a full five minutes ^
1. Beach, Entrance, and Under* clue to the periodic submergence of the usually longer than tearing it down by
ground Stream. tunnels. Inside each opening, an array hand — due to the strength of the vines
of wooden stakes narrows the entrance, used in their construction (tearing down
The wide beach stretches 30' from making a charge even more difficult. the nets unhooks them from various
the base of the lOO'-high cliff to the The party must travel in single file to spikes and nails, and it doesn't involve
sea. It is cut into two irregular pieces get into Roarwater Caves. Anyone fall- actually breaking the tough fibers). If
by a stream of water which emerges ing upon the stakes takea 1-6 hp dam- the PCs become so irritat^ by the nets
from the cliff face about 70* west of age (this only occurs if a character is that they tear down all that they come
the farther cave entrance. The most pushed, falls, trips, or otherwise loses across, it may prove quite serious later
distant entrance U about 10' wide control of his movements). should they release the stirges in area
and 15' tall, and is preceeded by 12 or carrion crawlers in area 8.
another of about the same size, near- 2. First Cavern. In any case, there ia little of interest
er to you by some 50’. A ragged col- in the first cavern. Some carefully cho-
lection of nets hangs over each The entrance is narrowed by large sen sling-shot pebbles are all that can
entrance. Clogged with damp sea- planks forming a palisade to reduce be discovered in either of the two semi-
circular enclosures





1 square 10'

Pint Xvart Boat Room. are having a flstflght over who owns the If these xvarts have been alerted to
most copper bangles. the adventurers' arrival, they defend
The left-hand steps from the cross* the cave diligently (see ''General
roads lead up to s hollowed-out Xvart Loggerheads. Monster/NPC Statistics" for their sta-
chamber io which a Urge number of tistica). Tbe sounds of combat also alert

xvart boats are stored. It is apparent The corridor leading into this chani' the occupants of areas 5 and 6 to trou-
that most of the xvart fishing gear bar has bean narrowed by stakes ble, but neither the xvarts nor the bug-

has been left behind here. Nets of placed at angles from the floor. The bears there consider the flght to be
xvart Uh make, similar in all but site line of stakes is completed by a short anything more than the conflict of two
to those used by the ruhermen of stockade over which the sounds of a bluemacho xvarts.
Corbay» are carefully placed next to loud argument and the clinking of The only treasure here is in the pos-

the boats. Some of the boats appear many pieces of metal can be heard. session of the male xvarts and consists
to be in need of repair, with holes and of 200 cp worth of copper bangles and 6
gashes in their sides. The boats over- As noted earlier, the stakes can be sp in coinage apiece.
flow into the corridor beyond, where avoided so long as the PCs are in full
the sounds of activity can be heard. control of their movements and (as the
Underground Stream.
DM determines) have not fallen upon or
If the PCs decide to bum or otherwise run into them. Otherwise 1-6 hp dam- Looking south into this corridor, you
damage the boats, the noise alerts the age is suffered per victim. see that it has been narrowed by
xvarts (in areas 4 and 5) and the bug- If the PCs have been quiet, four of the sharpened stakes imbedded into the
bears (in area 61 that there is trouble six xvarU here have iheir backs to the walls. Only one person may walk
afoot. Burning the tarred hides creates entrance and are watching a fight here at a time. You can hear the
a great deal of choking, blinding smoke. between two male xvarts wearing sim- sound of running water, and you
All fighting within this spreading black ple copper bangles from wrist to elbow glimpse a narrow bridge leading to a
cloud isat *2 *to hit." The cloud fills a on each arm The males are fighting small gap in a high wooden fence on
10' X 10* section of cave every round, over who wean the moat jewelry (being the other side of the stream. Looking
burning for 2*12 rounds per boat. unable to settle the matter by countingl, east from the junction, you see steps
The sounds of activity are coming in an effort to impress their all -female going down into a larger cavern. The
from area 4, where a number of xvarts audience of four.

44 Issue No. IS


Roarwater Caves 100 years ago (see 9. Water Room.

distinctive sound of the
underground ‘Concluding the Adventure*').
stream can be heard from this direc- This chamber is obviously of a more
tion also. 7. Stolen Row*boaU. natural origin than the carved corri-
dor and steps which lead down into
See the previous notes on stakes The steps lead upward until they it. Stalagmites and stalactites fill the

<areaa I and 4). The xvarts here, as come out into an almost rectangular room except for a path cleared to the
mentioned in the description of area 4, cavern. Nets of xvartish make hang bank of the onrush ingatream.
will not intervene in any action taken over an opening to the north from
against their blue brethren with the which a heavy smell comes. Looking Because this chamber is the upper-
copper bangles. ]f the PCs have around the comer to the south, you most section of the underground stream
bypassed the xvarts at area 4. any noise can see the stern of a large rowboat which emerges into Roarwater Caves,
of combat from areas 5 or 6 causes the sticking out from beneath a sheet of the xvarts have restricted its use to
ignored xvarts to flee, alerting other canvas. supplying clean water for drinking. The
members of the tribe. tribe is forbidden by the chief shaman
Of the 10 xvarts stuffed into the small There are four of the human-made to make any further changes to the
space at the other side of the stream, six boats here, all stolen from the harbor at cavern, and no one may make a home
are female and four are noncombatant Corbay. None have name plates, as here for fear of fouling the water and
young. Missile fire from the top of the these were all removed prior to the making life miserable for those living
palisade is directed at the first person to boats* delivery to the bugbears. As with downstream.
show himself on the other aide of the the xvart boats, burning the rowboats The stalagmites and stalactites are
bridge. Female xvarts are each armed releases a cloud of noxious black smoke, harmless; a dwarf or gnome character
with a dagger and three darts. as described in area 3. will be able to estimate their age as
The xvart females and their young The nets hung over the north opening between 20.000 and 80,000 years. Any-
were evicted from more comfortable cordon ofT the carrion crawlers at area $ one deciding to swim in the stream find
areas of the caves by the bugbears. from the rest of the cave complex. These the water is icy cold and inflicts tempo-
Overcrowded and nervous, they are nets are as hard to remove as the nets rary chilling damage of 1 hp if even a
quite bad tempered and will pepper St area 1 limb is immersed in it. This damage
intruders with missile Hre in defense of heals in 30 minutes. The stream is
their children until completely wiped 8. Refuse Heap With Inhabitants. impassable to the northeast and too
out. Their treasure includes 12 cp. 1 sp. dangerous to swim through to the
and 2 gp. The strong, heavy smell is obviously south. It contains nothing of interest
caused by the presence of the rubbish unless the adventurers wish to test the
6. Bugbear layabouts. heap in this alcove. Vegetable and theory that xvarts can breathe water.
animal waste fills the area to a depth
This large cavern is bisected by a of about 3*. making for an unhappy 10. Blank Wall and Dead End.
rushing stream of cry stal'd ear water. flight and a very undesirable smell.
On its far bank, a rude construction After climbing gradually from the
of shingles and oddments of leather If the PCs give more than a passing crossroads and traveling west for 40*.
and driftwood is apparently supposed glance to the refuse heap, they notice a the corridor abruptly ends at a blank
U> be some form of defensive mea- human skeleton sticking out of the top. wall. There are no doors or exits
sure. Five large humanoids can be It is obviously that of a failed adventur- visible here.
seen gazing sleepily out over the top er, complete with backpack and equip-
of the structure. ment. A battle axe. in mint condition, If the party approaches from the
lies not far from the bones. It is a battle north, change this description accord-
The five figures are bugbears, who axe J and may be useful against the ingly. The blank wall is actually a stun-
conform tc the statistics given at "Gen- two carrion crawlers lurking in the jelly that waits here for an unsuspect-
eralMonster/NPC Statistics.** Each is shadows. ing meal to paaa close to it. The xvarts
armed with a large spear for missile fire Carrion crawlers (2h AC 3/7; MV know all about this monster, and they
and a morning star for melee. Confident 12*;HD 3 + 1; hp23. 18: fAT8; Dmg also know it has become immobilised by
in their assumption that the xvarts will nil; SA paralysis, multiple attacks; AL age even if it still has the power to
rescue them from any trouble, the bug- N; MMl/13. catch victims. Seeing it as a useful
bears do not hesitate to fight the adven- If the PCs have removed the hanging defensive item, the xvarts throw fish
turers. Noise of combat here has the nets to the south or north, the monsters and other sea life into the sturuelly to
same effect as at area 5. pursue them until one side or the other keep it alive in case kobolds invade the
The bugbears possess treasure total- is completely destroyed. However, caves. (Zimik was unable to talk any
ling 50 gp. Their shelter is constructed because of their many tentacles, the bugbears into this part of the caves, to
largely from driftwood. On examina- canion crawlers have an 50^ chance his disgust.) Inside the monster are the
tion. one section bears the faded words: each to become entangled in any net- indigestible bits of its last few meals
MARLSTHOM -CORBAY It is a piece from a ting for 2-6 rounds. and coins totalling 34 sp from drunken
ship which ran aground in the cove of xvarts who got too close for their own

Dungeon 45

good many yeara ago. predecessor before his departure for the
StuniaUy: AC 8; MV ni); HD 4; hp 26; vision,opening into a larger cave. afterlife following an ill-timed raid on
f AT 1; Dmg 2-8; SA paralysia; SD dis- The floor is littered with bat guano, the kobolds. The contents of the room
guiae;ALN:FFy84. and the bats themselves hang upside have mainly religious significance and
down from crevices in the ceiling. A are of little use except to the current
Blocked Fawageway. single shaft of sunlight the PCs
(if shaman, who is unaware of their exist-
are exploring the caves in the day- ence. It might prove useful to take some
Netting across the tunnel here hide# time] illujiunalee a pile of humanoid of these items along, as the PCs will
a blockage in the paaaageway. Dry bones half buried in guano and dust. need as much bargaining power as they
gtooee have been laid one on top o( The bats appear disturbed at the can get later
another in a tight-fitting pattern aound of rocks being moved. A chain, made o( alternating iron
right up to the ceiling. Any chinks in links and shrunken kobo Id heads, hangs
the wall have been (illed with shards The creatures that appear fiom a on display against the north wall. A
of stone. The floor between the nets distance to be bats are. in reality, ceremonial italT wrapped in bide is,
unfortunately, nonmagical and worth
and the wall ii heavy with dust and stirges. There are 50 in all, who gain
obviously hasn't been disturbed in a access to the cave via the narrow rock
only 10 gp. One of the ceramic jars
holds a 5-lb. quantity of gold nuggets to
long time. Shan above. Play this encounter careful-
ly, as the stirges were all asleep when
the value of 500 gp. Hidden under
the PCa began their excavation and are another hide is a wand of magic mts-
Many years ago. a colony etirges
now beginning Co wake up. If the PCs tiU$ (eight charges), unusual in the fact
invsd^ the wsrts* caves from outside.
that it has its command word written
They took over most of the living area make any further noise, there is a 75%
chance that the stirges come fully along its length in magical script. A
until they were driven by fire-wielding
awake and rtod magic qiell deciphers the com-
xvarts to the space now enclosed behind attack, especially if someone
this wall. A natural chimney in the rock does something really stupid, like mand **nuxol." The rest of the items in
within their cave allows the stirges throwing a rock at the *'bats." In this the various jars and bottles are unique
access to the outside world. For their event, all hell will break lose, and 5-10
and unusual spell components, ranging
from "reground sand, extra flne" to a
own protection, the xvarts hung nets at stirges per round will fly through the
hole in the wall at the PCs?
container of pitch, somehow dyed yellow
intervale in the tunnels to prevent any
The bones on the floor are those of (which explains the old xvart sdage "as
new invasion by the stirges through
13. yellow as pitch").
some other unsuspected crack. half a dosen xvart heroes who fell in
The PCs may imsigine all kinds of defense of Roarw a ter Caves while the
things to be hidden behind the wall — passageways to this area were being 14. More Sword Fodder. The corri-

blocked off. The bones show no signs of dor is once again narrowed by sharp-
from treasuries to tombs, or perhaps
treasures of any kind. The only worth- ened stakes protruding from the walls
both. They're not far wrong as will be
while flnd in this very dangerous area and floors. The chamber beyond is qui-
seen later.
et, though small noises betray the pres-
Six character-hours of digging will is the eecret door to area 13 at the
create a crawl space into area 12. If the northmi end of the cavern. ence of more xvarts. A male sentry stop
Stirges (60): AC 8; MV 3V18*; HD the tall dividing wall sits with his legs
adventurers take time to accomplish
12. dangling over the edge. Unlees PCs
this, they are trapped in the caves by 1 ^1: hp 5 each; /AT 1; Dmg 1-3; SA

drain blood for lA hp/rtmnd, attacks as scouting this area can hide in rhadewr
the incoming tide, making escape by the
4-HD monster; AL N; MM1<^2 or are invisible, the sentry sees them
front doors an impossibility. There is a
chance, of course, that the PCs may
and raises the rest of the group to arms.
discover the back exit at area 17. Secret Treasury. The chamber holds nine xvart males
(who, if alerted, are preparing to Are
While the PCs are working on the
slingstones at the adventurers) and nine
wall, roll ld6 at the beginning each The secret doorc^ns with some xvart females (who will pass the ammu-
hour. Groups of wandering monsters difficulty intoa 10' x 10' area filled
nition for further volleya). All have
appear on a roll of 1-2. These consist of with dust motes and cobwebs. Moth-
3-6 male xvarts (60% chance) or 1-3
standard arms and armor. The females
eaten remnants of animal skins and
fight only to protect the lives of their
bugbears (40% chance). Conduct combat a few ceramic jars and bottles laid
young, which number one per female.
normally and don't worry if this throwe out in a ritual pattern indicate that
Use the statistics in "General Monster/
off Zimik's estimate of how few xvarts this is some old. forgotten shrine.
or bugbears there are in the csvea;
KPC Statistics" to conduct this combat.
There are no idols or icons evident,
count these as extras. Their treasure totals 35 sp.
though, making the nature of the
deity a matter for coi\)ecture. Beads,
15. Yet More Hack and Slay, 'The
Lair of the Stirges. chains, and masks hang from the
xvarts here number 16 fighting individ-
walls and the door.
uals (nine males and seven females) and
Removing the last of the stones
nine noncombatant young. The oroco*
allows a torchlight examination of PCs investigating these items may see
dure* involved in bringing about their
what lies beyond the blockage. A a resemblance to the religious items
demise should be well practiced by the
short corridor extends to the limit of worn by Zimik, the chief xvart shaman DM and PCs by now. Their treasure
This secret room was used by Zimik's totals 32 sp.

46 Issue No. 15


Second CarHon Heap. instance, that Kraglut and the remain-

der of his group are holed up in the but wood smoke drifts up from an
This carrion heap stinks of waste common room (area 22). He also knows opening in the rock wall just visible
from the xvart colony. Bones and the location of the back door, and if he behind the fencing.
excrement cover the area, which is has not already used them on himself,
also filled with a great deal of wood he offers his spells to help the adventur- For once, the stockade is actually
ash. All is alill and quiet. ers. Brizol has been trying to manipu- deserted. Once the other xvarts left on
late the bugbears for his own purposes, their "fishing trip," Kraglut ordered the
If the adventurers have already
though this has proven difficult to do. withdrawal of the remaining xvarts and
encountered the carrion crawlers at Being preoccupied with other matters, bugbeara to the common room (area 22)
area 6, they may well be wary of a sec-
he has not guessed that Zimik might be 22.
to await the feast promised them. If the
ond rul^ish heap. However, this area is planning to eliminate him. PCs have made a lot of noise while
quiet because no belligerent organisms Brizol, xvart shaman: AC 6; MV
exterminating the other inhabitants of
abide here. A faint smell of wood smoke HD
19. I (equivalent to 2nd-level clench hp the eaves, Kraglut is even more con-
8; /AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type;
may be detected rising from the stairs vinced that area 22 is the best place to
to area 22.
AL CE; 1 1 (10^ chance of spell fail- mount a last defense.
ure); FF/96; horseman's mace, small

Back Door to the Colony. wooden shield, studded leather armor; The Common Room. This is the
spells: cQUMe light woundt and curt light which most of the xvarts usu-
room in
wound*. ally live. It is a huge, smoky cavern
Gruff voices can be heard along this
corridor which leads into a small with many shadowy recesses, lit by
More Xvart Boata. torches and heated by a random assort-
cavern. A draft blows down the slope,
making your torches flicker. ment of wood fires.
Contained within each of the twin Here, 24 surviving xvarts (13 male, 8
caverns off this corridor are a num- female, and 3 young) are holed up here
Four bugbears guard the back door to
Roarwater Caves. A pillar, formed by ber of cockleshell boats similar to along with Kraglut and five bugl^ars.
the merging of a stalagmite with the
those used by the xvarts who vacated If the party has Brizol in its company,
the caves earlier. Some appear to be there is a 25^ chance he can convince
stalactite directly above, has been used
seldom used, but most are fairly the remaining xvarts to surrender and
as the core of a spiral staircase. The
stairs lead to a trapdoor that emerges in
sound and seaworthy. abandon the bugbears. In any case, he
will not fight against members of his
bushes at the top of the cUfT. Every
round, up to 20 smaller 'than* man -size Burning the boats produces the usual own tribe unless they are in Zimik's
beings or 10 man-size or larger beings noxious smoke, but hacking them up faction.

may use the staircase. Keep this value doesn't alert the xvarts and the bug- If the players usually use miniaturea,

in mind when reading "Timetable and

bears, due to an unusual quirk in the a set of dungeon floor plans or a map
Ikctics." acoustics of this area. Of course, the drawn to 26mm Kale would be very
If half the bugbears here arc killed,
PCs won't be aware of this. In all. there useful to choreograph the next few
the remainder hotfoot it through the are 40 boata remaining in this area. scenes.

trapdoor, not bothering to shut It behind Assign random positions to the bug*
them as they become mere dots on the 20. The Brine Pools. The tempera- bears and the xvarts within the security
horizon as quickly as possible. Just to ture drops with the slope toward these of the atockadea shown on the map. Hie
be nasty, if the PCs attempt to do the pools. Liking southward, the PCs can general tactics of the inhabitants are to
same, the DM can arrange for them to see a large cave filled with a deep pool sit tight in theirbunkers and discour-
encounter such a show of force from the of seawater. Although this area ia unaf- age any charges by concentrated missile
conveniently arriving kobolds that they fected by the tides (iu salinity comes fire from all stockades within range.

are obliged to return to the "safety'* of from the rock of the caves), it may Arcs of fire and individual ranges may
the caves (see area 22 and "Timetable prompt the adventurers to return to the be determined by DM decisions with
and Ibctics" for details on the final cave's front entrance — posaibly to dis- reference to the map. Note the armor-
conflict). cover that it is now underwater. class bonuses againat missile fire under
There is little of interest here other "Roarwater Caves."
More Trouble: Another Sha> than the reflected torchlight that illu- Kraglut is no hero and won't allow
man. Although there are only Haifa minates the southeast wall of the cave. any sallying forth by his troops in case
dozen xvarts in this room, one of them This light comes from the common room he should be suddenly left alone with
is Zimik's traitorous assistant, Brizol. If
(area 22). adventurers who might turn out to be
Brizol is killed, the remainder of the as powerful as his imagination has
xvarts try a novel approach to the situa- 21. Deserted Defensive Position. already made them. All bugbears here
tion — they surrender. If the fight is
stay as close to Kraglut as they can.
obviously hopeless for the xvarts, BrUol The corridor opens out into a cavern For their part, the PCs may not like
attempts to surrender himself rather containing another of the now- the idea of attacking nine apparently
than be killed, offering whatever aid familiar stockades. It looks deserted. well -garrisoned stockades, even if only a
the PCs might need. He knows, for
handful of the tribe is still active. How-
ever, more is about to occur.. .


arrive one hour after the PCs enter the through (he brine cave (area 20> using
caves, no mstUr where they are st that his ring of uaUr walking.
time. Once they pour into the caves, the
kobolds attack everyone in area 17. Concluding the Adventure
then split into two groups and head
If Zimik 's plan was successful, he ran-
both left and right as they leave the
soms the lives of the PCa for the ma^-
area. One guard accompanies the left-
cal ring Kraglut hasn't escaped with
hand group; Shtaka and the other guard the magical items they pos-
it) and all
lead the second group to the right
sess. As he is really a generous being at
toward area 22 (at the rear, as always).
heart (for a xvart). Zimik allows the PCa
The kobolds bypass ail nets by crawl-
to keep any monetary treasure. If
ing under them at full speed. One group
Kraglut has escaped with the ring,
may become involved in melee with though. Zimik demands the party's cash
xvarts in areas 14. 15. and 18 (unless
as well (as compensation for all the
the PCs eliminated the xvarts there, in damage done to the caves).
which case the kobolds head for area
The adventurers may well have man-
22). The other kobold group heads
aged to come up with something that
directly for the eastern entrances of
gives them a bkter chance of defeating
area 22. iplitting again into two
their foes. Any genuinely original ideas
roughly-equal teams
which might work should be looked upon
Having watched the messy demise of by the DM in a favorable light, tf Zimik
his two scouta at the top of the cliffs.
appears to be losing face in front of his
Zimik orders the return of hia seaborne tribe, he may be more open to negotis-
force to Roarwster Caves at full speed.
tioD. If the rc§ are in possession of the
Twenty minutes (rounds) after the last religious artifacts from area 13 and use
kobol<^ enter the caves, the xvarU hit
them as bargaining material, their posi-
the beach and head for the (unguarded)
tion is strengthened even further.
trapdoor. Zimik leads 40 males. 36
A few further adventures may suggest
females, and 19 young (who stay outside
themselves, depending on how well the
as guar^) to the caves, with orders to
PCa came out of the mam adventure.
slay every kobold and bugbear in sight — If the PCs return to recover any
— but killing no xvarts except Brizol. items stolen from them when Zimik
whose slayer will be elevated to a heros
Tlmetoble and Tactics
position in the tribe, and no adventur-
reneged on his agreement, they discover
the clever xvarU have invented s new
The DM should keep careful track of the ers (if this can be avoided). Xvarts ia
defensive measure: a wooden water
time once the PCs arrive at Roarwater the cavee willingly rejoin Zimik *s fac-
wheel which pumps jets of water into
Caves. First, the movements of the tides tion if Brizol and the bugbears are
the faces of attackers, doing little dam
are critical in determining if anyone slain.
age but knocking them down. How will
can leave by the front door For what it’s Weakened by their adventure in the
the PCa get around this one?
worth, no one else will be entering the caves, the row with the bugbears, and
— The discovery of the stolen row-
complex from the seaside entrance dur the unexpected kobold attack, the PCa
boats m Roarwater Caves points an
ing this adventure (unless the PCs left should welcome the arrival of the xvarts
accusing finger at the fisherman Delbar.
an ally or two on the cliffs). from the beach. Unfortunately, if the
Can the PC* come up with further proof
Second, the arrival of a kobold com- PCs are especially weakened (one-third
of Delbar *B guilt in numerous shady
mando force is imminent. Xvart scouts or more unconscious or low on hit
have successfully led a small army points), the shaman will hold them for — "Ibrture while the iron is hot is ’

directly to the R^rwater Caves, though ransom rather than allow them to leave another old xvartish saying. If. by some
this action unfortunately cost the two on their own — claiming that they are chance, the PCs have come to an amica-
scouta their lives. Forty normal male being held for their own medical protec- ble agreement with Zimik. he suggests
kobolds. armed and armored aa noted in tion. of course, while he locates the
that they cooperate to eradicate the
General Monster/NPC Statistics.** names of their next-of-kin. If the PCs
kobolds while they are still reeling from
discover the surface trapdoor leading to are strong, he may let them go (without
their botched raid on Roarwater Caves.
area 17. This force is led by one leader the magical ring, of course), or they may
But ore Zimik and the xvarts to be
kobold. Shtaka. and his two body- have to fight their way out (DM s trusted?
guards, who orders the 40 troops in his option). The final “act" of this scenario
— An especially low tide reveals the
command to enter the caves and slay should be as chaotic and fast-moving as
masts of an old, wrecked merchant ship,
every living being within (with the the DM can manage, to make the out-
the MaeUtrom, Perhaps some form of
leader and guards coming st the rear to come as much of a surprise for the PCs
treasure and danger await the adven-
properly direct the action). as they can handle. They will certainly turers in their exploration of Roarwater
The DM may wait until either the dislike the idea of dealing with treach-
Bay — and perhaps the xvarts want the
PCs arrive at area 22 and have fought erous xvarts ever again! There is even a G
ship's treasures as well.
for 5*10 rounds, or else have the kobolds possibility that Kraglut escapes

48 Issue No. 15
Dcvid Howtry i$ 28 ytort old and h<u
tuvd in DiUon, Montana for moU of hio
life. He hat a B.S. degree in range man-

agement from Montana State Vnioertity,

which it alto where he got hooked on the
AD^D^ game. David tpendt very little
time ^omin^ thete dayt but etiU ketpe
up with developmenit in the field. He
hot had numerous ariiclee published in
DRAGOf<^ Magazine. This it hts second
appearance in DUSGEOS* Advent$ires.

**The Elephant' Graveyard** is an

AD&D module for bS characters of
levelt 5-7 and of nooevll alignme nta.
There should be a druid or cleric and
several fighters in the party. The adven-
ture can take place in any jungle in the
DM*s world; the Amedio Jungle or Hep-
monaland are suggested in the WORLD
OF GREYHAWK* setting The Wilder-
ness Survived Guide is needed to run
this sd venture.

For the Player Chorocters

The vast jungle to the far south is s
plsce of mystery and danger that has

THE lured adventurers ftv centunee. Many

tales are told of it; loot ciiieo, lakes
filled with fanged monsters, swamps
reeking with muck and disease, and

ELEPHANTS’ hidden treasure troves of ivory and

jewels. Ihe dangers of the jungle are
also well known: lions, leopards, rhinoe,
and snakes, to name only a few the
mundane ones. Fierce tribes of Kanakre

GRAVEYARD cannibals and Ngoto headhunters prowl

the interior, but the worst threats sre
deadly tropical diseases that can slay
the strongest warrior in only a few
days. In spite of these dangers, many
adventurers have sought their fortunes
in the jungle, and many have vanished.
Normally, you and your companions
would not consider journeying to such a
place — at least not without s very good

broadens the
Travel reason.
While relaxing in your home dty

mind — you
between adventures, a young street
if urchin brings you a message from
Fahius, a well respected sage who stud-

survive it.
iesmythology and folklore. Pabius aaks
that you meet him at his home this
evening about a matter of utmost
impcwtance. After gathering you all
toother in his small study, the sage
Atfwatk by John Poul Leon pours cups of steaming tea and begins
to speak:
*T^re is a legend that comes from
the natives of the jungle far to the
south Somewhere in the depths of the


others can g^t there, and bring the

items to Fabius. The pack animals can
be used to bring out loads of valuable

FABIUS’S MAP ivory, yours to keep as Fabius has no

interest in
other way

and cannot pay you
your services.
in any

This U an ambitious and dangerous

plan, but success will bring great
rewards. Once you arrive at Fort Thun-
der,you can complete your preparations
and begin your quest.

For the Dungeon Master

If the PCs check on the value of ivory,
they learn that one-quarter pound of
elephant ivory in go^ condition is
worth 1 gp (Monster Manual, page 36).
A single tusk could thus bring 100-600
gp, depending on its size.
'Hie adventure begins with the PCs
arriving at Fort Thunder. They have
Fabius's remaining map (which you can
copy or trace for the PCs), but that is all
the help he can give them. The adven-
turers are on their own to prepare for
the coming jungle trek. Further discus-
sions with Fabius and preparations are
to be worked out as the DM
Fabius, the sage: AC 10; MV
12”; hp
19; hp 29; lAT nil (unarmed); S 10. 1 17.
W 15. D 9. C 10, Ch 10, Co 9; AL NG;
maior field: humankind (legends &
jungle, as travelers tell the story, lies a The accuracy of this map cannot be
folklore, theology & myth); minor field:
sunken valley surrounded by high cliffs. verified,but it may be important in
fauna (mammals, especially elephants);
There ia only one way, a ae cr c t way, into locating the valley.
spells: comprehend languages, ^tect
this valley. For millenia. the valley has "Unfortunately, the bottom half of the
evil, dispel magic, remove curse.
been inhabited by a spirit of nature map — the section that showed the Fort Thunder is a small walled trad-
attuned to elephants. The spirit causes purported location of the Elephants'
ing post set on the edge of the jungle.
the area to mystically attract those Graveyard — was stolen this week by
The PCs can buy any standard items in
huge beasts; aged or maimed pachy* thieves in this city. I fear that the map
the fort’s many inns, shops, and mar-
denns make one final journey to the will be used by evil men to acquire the
kets. About 1,600 civilians and 500
valley, and there they die. As a result, powerful magic in the Armec temple. soldiers live in Fort Thunder, which
the valley floor is covered with thou- Here, for the sake of all good, take the
exists for the benefit of the ivory and
sands of huge skulls, massive ribs, and remaining section and find the Ele-
spice traders whose caravans enter and
giant tusks. A fortune in ivory awaits phants' Graveyard. Go quickly, before
leave every week.
those who can find this hidden valley ~ other, less benevolent expeditions can
The number of pack animals that the
the Elephants' Graveyard. be formed. All I ask is a chance to have
party takes along will (HXibably deter-
"I have spent much of my life and study any strange magical items mine how successful they will be. All
researching this legend, and still I have you find; all else there is yours, if you livestock not bom and raised in this
little to show for it. 1 do know that the can keep it."
region has a 10% chance per week of
Elephants* Graveyard must be some- Fabiua suggests you travel to Fort
catching a virulent form of hoof-and-
where southwest of the wilderness trad- Thunder, the farthest outpost of civilize*
mouth disease. Unless magically cured,
ing post called Port Thunder, and I have lion before entering the jungle. There,
the animal dies in 2-6 days. The PCs
learned that a tribe people dwell in you can put together a train of pack can buy livestock in Fort Thunder at
the legendary valley. These natives, the animals and outfit an expedition into
the following prices:
Armecfl, are said to have a temple filled the jungle. From what Fabius remem-
with powerful magical items and dedi- bers of the missing lower half of the pack horse. 30 gp (same statistics

cated to the elephant spirit. But most map. he counsels you to strike out as wild horse)
important, my research has uncovered southwest from Port Thunder in search pack mule, 25 gp
two halves of a crude, ancient map of the Elephants’ Graveyard. If the pony, 20 gp
drawn by adventurers who claim^ to Armec temple exists, you are to search donkey, 10 gp (same statistics as

have actually entered the graveyard. it, remove any magical items before pony)

50 issue Ho 15

water buffalo, 50 gp (vary docile; aame

fUtUtica as wild buffalo, but traatod
as a yak for encumbraxice purpoaea;
800 the W5G, page 32)
Obvioualy, this adventure requires
soma bookkeeping. Players should note
e&actly what is being carried on each
anima) and which characters are lead*
ing which beasts.
There are many natives at Port Thun-
der who areskilled at jungle expedi*
tiona. The
following can be hired on
each expedition, as described in the
Dungeon Ma»(er$ Guide, pages 28-29;
bearera'porters, up to 50
linkboys, up to 5
pack handlers, up to 20
va) eta/lackeys, up to 10

Ifmore than 10 native hirelings are

taken along, one of them is a village
headman, who is equal to a captain (aee
the DMG, page 30).

The Wilderness
The jungle south of Port Thunder is
dense rain forest broken by many small
graasy clearings. The diniate is hot and
humid. Thousands of monkeys, birds,
and small antelope are everywhere, and
insects are a continual irritation.
Twenty-five miles south of Fort Thun- party is as noted in the WSC, pages 30- make a eytlem-Mhock eurvival roll based
der liee Lake Nyoko, a broad but fairly 33, and depends on the PCs' and ani* on his original (unreduced) constitution.
shallow expanse of water. Its shores are mals* encum^ances. Ihe terrain is If the roll is successful the fever breaks
swampy and bordered with thick stands rugged for jungle and very nigged for and the characteristics*point losses
of ree^. Several small islands can be swamp. The PCs cannot ride their cease. If the roll fails, the PC slips into
seen on the lake's surface. mounts due to the dense jungle; they a coma (with effectively 1 hp) ax^ dies
The Tiger River Hows southeast, must walk and lead the pack animals. when either his strength or constitution
entering Lake Nyoko at its northwest Flying PCs cannot see many details on fall to aero or below. A heal or curt
comer. The river is ikallow and fast- the ground and may miss the temple dieeose spell breaks the fever at any
flowing, and it has many fords that are entirely time OoM the fever is broken, the PC
passable (1-2 in every river hex on the Disease: People who are not native to recovers two points each of strength and
wilderness map). The Tiger's banks are the jungle run the risk of coming down constitution for each full day of rest. If a
thick with vegetation. with Jungle fMr, a virulent disease in PC recovers from jungle fever without
TTie Leopard Swamp borders Lake addition to any others inflicted on the the aid of magic, he is immune U> the
Nyoko on the west. Its dismal, thick PCs from the Dungeon McsUre Guide, disease for the rest of his life; magical
vapors harbor millions of gnats and pages 13-14. There is a 5% chance each cures give only one month's immunity.
mosquitos. Dripping moss hangi from day for each PC to catch the disease Encounters: Check for random
dark tree limbs, and loud bellowing and (paladins and monks above 4th level are encounter! six times every day in the
grunting can be beard continually. immune). The chance of disease rain forest or in the swamp. Elach check
There are many sections of the WSC increases to 10% if the PCs travel should come at roughly four-hour inter-
which can be us^ for this adventure. through a swamp. Diseased PCs lose vals starting at midnight, as per the
When using the hunting, fc^aging, and two points each of strength and consti* DMCy page 47. There is a 1 in 12 chance
water* locating charts on pages 50-60 of tution each day. Fighters with 18/01 or of an encounter on each roll. There are
that book, the terrain is tn^icaJ jungle better strength are reduced to 17 separate encounter tables for jungle
or swamp, and the season is summer strength on the first day. The loss of hexes, swamp hexes, nverbanks and
Pishing is always good, and several of strength is noticed only when some- lake shores, and water encounters.
the animals that may be encountered thing strenuous is attempted (heavy
randomly can serve as food (buflalo, lifting or melee combat, f^ example).
wart hogs, etc.). When either a PC's strength or constitu-
Movement; The movement rate of the tion drops below three points, he must


Random Encounter Tabtej;

Jungle Encounters
ld20 Encounter
1 Apes, carnivorous (2-5>
2 Apes, gorillajs (2*8)
3 Baboons (5-20 plus 2-8 larae
4 Boars, warthog (1-6)
5 Buffalo <4-24)
6 Cannibals. Kanakre* ( 11-20
plus war chief)
7 Centipede, huge
8 Elephants* (M2)
9 Headhunters. Ngoto* (11-20
plus war chief)
10 Hyenas (212)
11 JagU8rs<l*2)
12 Leopards (1-2) Elephant: If only one animal is
Carnivores are sure to frighten the
13 Lions (2*6 males plus 3-9 females)
pack animals. If not restrained, pack encountered, there is a 50^ chance that
14 Rhinoceroses, two-horned (1*4)
animals tr>' to run away. Carnivores it is an old beast on its way to the Ele-
15 Scorpion, large
that surprise the party are 80^ likely to phants’ Graveyard. The PCs can follow
16 Scorpion, huge
try to kill an animal and run away w*iih it there if they keep at a reasonable
17 Snake, constrictor distance (about 240 yards).
it. Creatures like hyenas try to grab
18 Snake, poisonous Ngoto headhunters: These tribesmen
small edible items (including gnomes
19 Spiders, large (1-8)
and halflings) and run away with them. are also barbarians and are identical to
20 Tigers (1-2)
Kanakre cannibals in statistics, except
Encounters marked with asterisks (*)
are explained further below, and all that (he Ngoto are chaotic neutral, use
Swamp Encounters statistics appear in the Random Mon- javelins and short bows (with 12 arrows)
IdlO Encounter ster Statistics Tabic at the end of the instead of spears and hlovvgims. and
1 Babblers (14) adventure. carry long oval shields covered with
2 Bullywugs (21-30 plus leader) Kanakre cannibaU: All of these tribes- zebra skins. All immediately attack and
34 Crocodiles (2-12) men are barbarians, as per Vnearthed try to kill the entire party. The war
5 Dragonflies, giant (1-6) Arcana, pages 18-21, in all respects. chief and half the warriors must be
6 Progs, giant, 3 HD (2-12) Ibrtiary skills are as per barbarians slain before the others will withdraw;
7 Frogs, poisonous (2-8) from the Amedio Jungle or Hepmone- however, a second attack is almost guar-
8 Lizards, giant (2-6) land (Unearthed Arcana, page 20 1. anteed in 1-9 days by a force double in
9 Lizard men ( 1 1-20) Bonuses to saving throws, movement, size to the defeated one. If the second
10 Snake, poisonous and armor claas, as well as other skills force is defeated, the Ngoto allow their
and combat abilities, should be careful- opponents to pass — this time.
Riverbank and Lakeshore ly checked and noted. Assume each
Encounters warrior has a strength and constitution Set Encounters
of 16 and a dexterity of 14, with other A. Evil Party.
ld4 Encounter
charactenatics equal to 11 (unless other-
1 Crocodiles (2-12)
wise noted). Kanakre cannibals use
2 Hippopotami (1-3 males plus As you push and hack your way
darts, blowguns, small axes, knives,
2-12 females) through the dense jungle, you sudden-
spears, and war dubs; they also use
3 Roll on Jungle Encounters table. ly come upon a small group of people
poison, but only on their blowgun darts.
4 Roll on Swamp Encounters table. camped in a clearing among the trees.
None of them use armor, but all have
long oval shields covered with tiger
A man and woman in leather armor,
Water Encounters apparently twins, stand guard, while a
skin. These chaotic-evil natives always
large man in plate mail and a small
Ids Encounter try to capture the PCs alive, holding
bearded man wearing a red robe rest
1 Beetles, giant water (2-5) them for ritual sacrifice 1-3 days later
on the ground. Two others lie beside
2 Catfish, giant Pack animals are killed and left behind.
them. One man appears to be very skk
3 Crabs, giant (14) If the war chief or half the warriors are
4 Crayfish, giant (14) killed, the rest immediately withdraw
— pale, weak, and unconscious. Ihe
other person is completely covered
6 Electric eel but may leave a scout to watch the PCs.
with a blanket, obviously dead.
67 Gar. giant
8 Piranha (quippers) (2140)
*See explanation at right.

52 Issue No. 15

This party of evil adventurers is also

searching for the Elephants’ Graveyard.
The twins. Jakk and Janna. are the
very thieves who stole the bottom half
of Pabiua's map. Once in possession of
this information, they immediately
gathered their com pa nioxxs and set out
in aearch of the hidden valley. Their
luck, however, has been bad. One of
their fighters was immediately stricken
with Jungle fever; he is now in a coma
and near death. Later, the group was
ambushed by a party of Kanakre canni-
bals; their cleric (the body under the
blanket) was killed, and the pack horses
were cut loose and driven off. After
these disasters, the survivors have
decided to camp and rest a while before
heading back to Port Thunder and out-
fitting another expedition.
These people are desperate and great-
ly desire to get their hands on the par-
ty's horses and food. They pretend to be
friendly and claim to be a lost hunting
paKy from Fort Thunder. If they iden-
tify a cleric in the PC party, they ask for
a cure for the fighter Ark. If the PCs
mention the Elephants' Graveyard, the
evil ones aak to join up with them; there
issafety in numbers, but when the
graveyard is found, the evil ones try to
eliminate the party and claim the ivory
for themselves. W 12. D 12, C 17. Ch 11. Co 10; ALCE; B. Cannibal Attack.
At some convenient time, either at the plate mail, shield, ring of fire remtance^
camp or in company with the PCs on broadsword (double specialisation). As you skirt the north edge of Leop-
the road, the evil band tries to elimi ard Swamp, you hear loud noises in
nate the adventurers by a quick attack Mofti: AC 8: MV 12'; MU8; hp 35; the distance ahead. The still, humid
with weapons and spells. The ambush /AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; air carries the sounds of war cries,
begins with Mo/Ti casting a web spell S 10,1 16, W 12. D 16, C 15, Chl3, screams of pain, and shouted com-
over all the PCs he can cover. The thief Co 14; AL NE:
quarterstaff, wand of mands
twins attack other PCs from behind, paralyzation (10 charges), ring of wiz-
and Chari engages one of the group's ardry (doubles the number of thirdJevel If the PCs do not want to investigate
fighters. Mofli uses his spells wisely spells). 80 gp; spells: burning hands, the noises, they can easily steer clear of
throughout the combat. If three or more charm person, magic missile, sleep, this encounter. If they decide to get
of the evil ones are slain, the rest (lee. invmbility, mirror image, web, fireball, involved, read the following:
Mofti carries the map stolen from haste, hold person, lightning bolt, protec-
Fabius in his pouch. If captured, he tion from norma/ missiles, suggestion,
Moving through the trees toward the
attempts to bartar it for his safety. (The Rvard^s black tentacles, wall of fire: has
noises, you come to the edge of a
DM can copy or trace Mofti's map for traveling spell book with all of the
small clearing. In the center of the
the PCs.) above. p)u5re<uf mogir and write.
open area, many native warriors are
AC 4; MV 12'; T5; hp 25; #AT
Jakk; Ark: AC 4 (10); MV
9” (nil); F6; hp 59
attacking a small group of well-
1;Dmg by weapon type; 8 12, 14. 1 (1>. /AT 1 (nil); Dmg by weapon type; equipped men. The natives wield
W U.D 17,C 15. Ch 14. Co 17; ALNE; S 17 (l).l 10. W 11. D 12.C 18(2). Ch spears, blowguns, and large oval
long sword, short bow. 12 arrows, ring 10. Co 11, AL NE;
unused equipment:
shields covet^ with tiger skin. The
o/*prof€c(ion +i. 27 gp. chain mail, shield, long sword (speciali-
besieged men have thrown up a gris-
Janoa: AC 4; MV12": T5; hp 24; /AT zation). 50 gp. Ark has jungle fever: the
ly barricade of horse and human
Dmg by weapon type; S 12. ! 13.
1, statistics in parentheses reflect the
corpses, and are firing crossbows at
W 12. D 18, C 14. Ch 17, Co 17; AL NE; debilitating eHects of this disease. He
the natives. As you watch, the
short sword, short bow. 12 arrows, dog- has one day to live.
natives suddenly pull back to
ger •2, 30 gp.
Chari: AC 2; MV
6"; F7; hp 65; /AT
2; Dmg by weapon type; S 18/56. 1 10,

1 ;


blowgun, four poisoned darts (save vs.

poison or die).

Kanakre warriors (30): AC
15*; Bl; hp 10 ( x5). 9
X 5); /AT 1; Dmg by weapon type: AL
< x 10). 8
( x
10). 7

CE; spear, large shield, war club.

Area C Drake: AC 3; MV 12*; F8; hp 48; / AT
2 (sword) or 1 (crossbow); Dmg by weap-
on type; S 16. 1 14, W 12. D 16. C 15.
Ch 14. Co 16; AL CG; light crossbow. 12
bolts, long sword + (double specializa-
tion), chain mail *1,40 gp.
Hunters (12); AC 7; MV 9*; zero-level
humans: hp 5 (x 3), 4 ( x7), 3 ( x 2); /AT
1; Dmg by weapon type; AL N: studded

leather armor, light crossbows. 20 bolts,

broad swords.
Native bearers (21): AC 8; MV 12*
humans; hp 5( x 12), 4 ( x lO);
zero- level
/AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; AL N;
leather armor, light crossbows, 12 bolts,

C. Armec Village.

A small village stands in the center

of this clearing, but itit quite difTer-

ent from the normal native collec-

tions of thatched huta. The four
buildings here are made of stone, and
the people seem to be of a different
stock than those native to these
The natives are a raiding party of nuggets, and the shaman (cleric) has jungles. The villagers* dress and
Kanakre cannibals who have come up four. The hunters and their native bear- architecture are of an archaic style.
from the south. The besieged men are ers are not carrying any treasure. Several struggling gardens surround
the survivors of an elephant hunting If the party manages to drive off the the town.
expedition, a mixed group of men from Kanakres. Drake is extremely grateful
Fort Thunder and hired native bearers. and gives them seven pack horses, four These villagers are the Armecs. They
Their leader is a carefree adventurer large elephant tusks (worth 500 gp were driven from their home in the
named Drake. The Kanakres ambushed each), eight smaller tusks (worth 200 gp Elephants* Graveyard many years ago.
the hunters as they entered the clear- each), and 20 units of iron rations. The Now. they eke out a precarious exist-
ing, but the surprise was not complete, hunters keep four pack horses and six ence here in the jungle.
and the survivors were able to set up a tusks (worth 300 gp each) and immedi- If the PCs approach the village openly,
good defense. So far. the hunters* light ately return to Fort Thunder. Although sentries sound the alarm. The women
crossbows have managed to hold off the grateful, none of the hunters wishes to and children all go to the meeting hall
Kanakre charges. travel with the PCs, preferring to head (area I), while the warriors form a tine
Eight Kanakre warriors are dead, and for safety. between the village and the intruders.
the rest are furious. As their attention Kanakre war chief: AC 6; MV 15*; When the Armecs realize that the PCs
isfocused on the hunters, the cannibals B5: hp 46: #AT 1; Dmg by weapon type; are not jungle natives, they hold their
will not notice the PCs if they remain in S 17, 1 13, W 1 1, D 16. C 15. Ch 12. Co positions while their chief. Hamar, and
hiding. 10; AL CE; spear, large shield, war club, his advisor, Shalo, walk out to parlay.
PCs decide to attack the canni-
If the small axe. If the party attacks, the Armecs Tight
bals. they are 50^ likely to completely Kanakre shaman: AC 9; MV 12*; a retreating battle into the meeting hall
surprise them. The Kanakres flee if 04; hp 25; /AT 1 Ding by spell or weap-
and make a last stand there. If the PCs
both their leaders and 15 men are on type; S 16, 1 13, W 15. D 14. C 16. Ch offer friendship, the Armecs invite them
killed, or if 30 men are killed. The 14, Co 12; AL CE; shield, war club; into the village and treat them to a
hunters* native bearers Hee if Drake is cure light uvun<U ( x 2),
spells: 6/css. feast. During the festivities, the PCs
killed,but the remaining men Tight darkness, magic stone, chant, dust devil, can gather the following information if
stubbornly to the end. hold person. they ask a few questions;
Each Kanakre has 1*3 gold nuggets Kanakre skirmishers (15): AC 10; The Armecs originally lived far to the
(w<xth 5 gp each) but no other treasure. MV 16-;Bl,hp8(x8).7(x7); /ATI; north in a much colder land. They were
The Kanakre war chief has seven gold Dmg by weapon type; AL CE: knife. defeated by another tribe and forced to

54 Issue No. 15
1 ; ;


fle«.Thdir la«t hero» Arm, led the the beginning of a tunnel which leads ground separate the bottom slope of the
Armecd deep into the jungle where, into the hidden valley. The tunnel runs volcano from the lip of the hidden val-
after many weeks of hardship, they straight for one mile, sloping gently ley. The volcano is easily the tallest
discovered the hidden valley where downward, until it exits onto the valley thing around for miles. It can be seen by
elephants go to die. The valley's nature floor. The tunnel can be found by the the PCs whenever they come within 18
spirit revealed itself to Arm and led him PCs after half a day of searching, or the miles of area D.
to the shores of s lake The spirit Armecs can lead them straight to it. The west side of the volcano's cone is
decreed that the Armecs should build a The PCs will note that the tunnel is broken and ragged. It looks much like a
temple there, and it gave Arm the laws easily large enough for an elephant's colossal throne when seen from the
of worship. Many generations of Armecs passage. north, south, or west. In fact, the
lived peacefully in that temple. Hamar, Armec chief: AC 4; 9” MV Armecs named this volcano the Throne
Then, in the time of the current F5; hp 29; /AT 3/2: Dmg by weapon of the Titans, and this is the name
Armecs' fathers’ fathers' fathers, a man type: S 17. 1 15. W 13. D 16, C 14, marked on the stolen map held by Mofli
called Honapo became high priest. He Ch 15. Co 11; AL LN; studded leather (area A). The PCs can use the volcano as
was a restless man, ol\en roaming into armor, shield, khopesh ***
/ (double spe- a guide to the valley if they have Mofti's
the jungle outside the valley. On one cialization), dagger map to provide the clue.
fateful day, Honapo returned from a Shalo: AC 10; MV 12’ MU4; hp 12; ;
The volcano has been dormant for
journey, filled with madness. He entered /AT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type; centuries but is slowly becoming active
the temple and, swinging a huge ivory S 1 117. W 14. D 12, C 15, Ch 10. Co
. again. Occasionally, lava shilling in the
mace, struck down many of the Armecs. 10; AL LN; dagger, very old spell book cone causes small earth tremors or
Only those who quickly ran outside (contains ail memorized spells plus rtod fountains of ash to spew out of the top.
escaped. At last. Honapo locked the mogU and write); spells: detect magic, The volcano will erupt in a week or less;
doors of the temple, with himself inside. light, shield,know alignment. RSP see "Concluding the Adventure" for
That is the last any Armec ever heard Armec warriors (11); AC 6: MV 9*; notes on this event.
of Honapo, as no one has since entered FI; hp 6; I AT 3/2 (khopesh) or 1 (jave-
the temple. The Armecs. feeling that lin); Dmg by weapon type; AL LN; stud- E. The Elephants’ Graveyard. The
they had failed the elephant spirit in ded leather armor, shield, atlatl, two Elephants’ Graveyard is a sunken val-
some way. left the valley to make a javelins, khopesh (specialization). ley surrounded by weathered and crum.
home for themselves in the jungle Armec women H?); AC 10; MV 12" bling cliff walls 250-300’ high. The
Their numbers grow smaller with each zero-level humans; hp 3 each; I AT 1; walla cannot be climbed; thieves and
generation. Dmg by weapon type; AL LN; club. barbarians will recognize this fact. If
The Armecs can provide a guide to the Armec children (9): AC 10; MV 12"; the PCs insist on trying to climb down,
tunnel entrance to the Elephants* zero-level humans; hp 2 each; /AT nil they tsike 20d6 hp falling damage. If the
Graveyard. No Armec will go into the (unarmed); AL LN. adventurers have some means of flying,
valley, as they think that the spirit has they can descend into the valley with no
cursed them. Neither can any living CL Meeting long table with
Hall. A problems. The only way to walk into the
Armec draw a map of the valley’s interi- 30 chairs set around stands in this it valley is through the hidden tunnel at
or In return for the guide, the Armecs building. The Armecs use this building the north end.
ask the PCs to search the temple and for tribal discuasions. If the PCs approach the graveyard
return to them their staff of rulership from any direction other than north,
and the high priest's master spell book C2. Hamar*8 House. The chief, his they come out of the jungle only a few
— requests which may be in conflict wife, and their two children live here. yards before tumbling over the rim of
with those of the sage Fabius. who In addition to the chest mentioned pre- the valley. What they see as they look
might also want those items. viously. the building holds three beds, a down depends on where they stand.
The Armecs arc extremely poor. Their pantry, a cupboard, and a crude cheat There are only a few* animals in the
total treasure is gathered in the chiefs full of clothing. lost valley, mostly scavengers. Roll for
hut. in a locked chest, and Hamar has random encounters once for every six
the key The treasure includes 200 gp of C3. Communal Quarters. This large hours spent in the valley, with a 1 in 8
ancient coinage, a pair of matched building is set aside for the warriors chance of an encounter Those encoun-
emeralds (worth 200 gp each) and 14 and their The building is
families. ters marked with asterisks (*) are
uncut gems (worth 10 gp each). divided into many
small cubicles for explained later.
All of the village buildings are made privacy. Food and other mundane sup-
of stone blocks and stand 10’ high. The plies are also kept here. Elephants’ Graveyard
fumiehings are somewhat crude but are Encounters
usable. There are no windows, but each C4. ShaJo't House. This building is
wail is pierced by two arrow slits for use occupied by Hamar 's advisor, Shalo, and ld6 Encounter
one woman servant. It contains two 1 Carrion crawlers (1-2)
with atlatls. Thus, each building can be
2 Earth tremor"
turned into a fortress if necessary. cots, a cupboard, and a writing table.
3 Hyenas (2-8)
South of the village, the land rises
4 Jackals (3 12)
into low hills until it reaches the north D. The Throne of the Titans. A
large volcano loomi over the Elephants*
6 Minor eruption*
edge of the Elephants' Graveyard. In
6 Vultures, giant (2-8)
the side of one hill, a large cave marks Graveyard. About 200 yards of level


E2. The Plain of Bones.

THE ELEPHANTS’ All around you lie piles of elephant

bones: huge skulls and rib cages,


massive leg bones, and great curving
tusks. Some of the bones are crum-
bling with age. while others seem to
: be fresh. Your feet crunch on dozens
of bone fragments with every step.
The only life to be seen here are


Because of the presence of the ole

phsnt spirit, this valley posseiutes a
faint magical aura that greatly delays
the natural decay of bones, enamel, and
ivory. Skeletons of ell creatures may be
found here, many of them hundreds of
years old.
At this point, you should ask the PCs
to determine the total carrying capacity
of their animals, and how much of this
capacity is going to be used to carry
ivory. Once this is resolved, the PCs can
begin to look for ivory.
The actual gravey^ takes up only
about half the valley; the Armec fields
and the lake cover the rest. Each hex of
1 hex * 1 mile the graveyard searched yields some
ivory, but the amount found varies. Full
hexes each yield 60*150 lbs. of good-
quality ivory (the best tusks, not broken
Earth trtmor: Due to shifting lava in or yellowed ones). Partial hexes next to
the volcano, a slight tremor pasaes the short brown grass that stretches the cliff walls yield one-third less ivory
through the valley. Although no dam- in front of you He hundreds of piles of each. It takes six man-hours to search
age is done, the pack animals become glistening white bones. Obviously, each hex. so it may take an entire day
nervous and have a 304 chance of bolt* you have found the Elephants* or two to load up an average pack train
mg if not restrained. Graveyard. (assuming the party rests normally).
Minor truption: A tremor runs Remember that ivory's value in gold
through the valley, and a plume of The flower is a huge mantrap plant pieces equals four times its encum-
smoke shoots out of the volcano*s cone. with five leaf traps. As the PCs leave brance in pounds.
The party may get the idea that the the tunnel, they enter the area of effect Transporting the ivory back to Fort
volcano is becoming more active. Pack of the mantrap's pollen. Those who fail Thunder ia another matter The DM
animals have a 604 chance of bolting if a save vs. poison approach the plant and should make sure that the players are
not restrained. crawl into one of its leaf traps. The leaf keeping close track of the encumbrance
closes around its victim, and the acid of each pack animal and who is leading
El. Entrance to the Valley. If the inside the plant inflicts damage equal to which beast. Adjust the movement rntea
PCs go through the hidden tunnel to the the victim's armor class (no dexterity of the animals according to their new
valley, read the following: bonus, minimum of 1 hp damage) each encumbrances (see WSG, page 32).
round. All items inside the leaf trap
The through the tunnel was
trip must save vs. acid each turn or be E3. Vulture Colony.
long, but you have Anally reached destroyed, with metal objects saving at
the end. Ahead of you is a sunken •*•2. Victims cannot be pulled free until
As you approach the cliffs, you hear
valley surrounded by high cliff walls. the plant is dead. The pollen's effect the sounds of many screeching birds.
In the distance to the east you can dissipates after 24 hours, or it can be Soon, you come upon a section of cliff
see the cone of a volcano towering negated by burning the plant. that is more broken than usual and
above the valley. A large flowering Mantrap: AC 6; MV nil; HD d; hp 40; has many rocky ledges. Dozens of
plant pushes up through the bare I AT 5; Dmg AC of victim; AL N; MM2/83 large birds are flying around the
ground a few yards to your right. On and you can see many large,
rough nests on the ledges.

Thid MCtion of the the cliff wall u Id addition to the scraps of meat and control of Honapo. and the priest's body
home to 30 mated pairs of pant vul* bones in the cave, there are also the has been slowly changing (see room 21
tures. forwhom the ledges make perfect trampled remains of a party of adven- in the catacombs). In spite of Honapo's
nesting sites. When the party enters turers who met their deaths here sev- madness, the spiri (Spriest has exception
this hex, most of the vultures take to eral years ago. The skeleton of a a1 cleverness and has used it to set up
the air screaming. If the PCs do not fighter lies at the bottom of the pool. deadly traps in the temple complex.
leave within three rounds, five vultures His armor and weapons rusted away
attack and try to drive them out of the long ago. AD that is left of value is Upper Level
area. Five more join the attack each 123 gp in his pouch. The remains of a
1. Obelisks.
round thereafler, to a total of 60 vul- magic-user lie near the back of the
tures. Since they are defending their cave. His i4>ondo^/ire(U charges) is
young, the giant birds will not retreat, still intact id its case on his belt. Two
As you approach the stone building,
nor will they pursue the PCs out of the crushed skeletons lie near the you can see that a row of obelisks
entrance of the cave. One still carries surrounds it. Each obelisk is 15’ high
Each nest holds M
eggs and 0-2 a clerical scroll (cure serious wounds, and is topped by a carved elephant
hatchlings, but none have any value. flame $(rike) in a bone case. The other,
Giant vultures (60); AC 7; 3*/ MV formerly a thief, has 140 gp and a
24“:HD 2 + 1; hp 11; #AT 1; Dmg M; potion of speed in hia pouch. The obelisks serve no purpose unless
AL N; MM2/125. Gorgosaurus: AC 6; MV 15"; HD 13; someone elephant icon
tries to carry the

hp 65; lAT 3; Dmg l-3/l-3r? 28; AL N; (room 13) out of the temple. Then the
obelisks topple over, striking at the
E4. Fallow Fields. As the PCs enter MMl/25.
this large area, they notice a change in
person carrying the icon. They attack as
the surroundings. There are no ele- E6. The Armec Ibmple. 10-HD monsters for 2-20 hp damage. An
phant bones here. The earth appears to obelisk cannot attack unless the person
have been plowed at some time in the carrying the icon passes within 15'. If
While w andering through the old
past, and the remains of irrigation no one is carrying the icon, the obelisks
fields, you see a building off in the
ditches can be seen. This area was do nothing. They do not radiate magic.
distance. As you get closer you can
farmed by the Armecs before they left see that it stands near the shore of a
the valley. 2. Courtyard.
small lake. The building is a high
structure made of granite. Its archi-
E5. Gorgosaurus Lair. tecture and design are unlike thoee The gates leading into the courtyard
of the jungle peoples. The building is of the building are hanging open. As
There is a large cave in the clifT wall obviously very old; its walls have you pass through them, you can see
here, about 100 yards from the edge crumbled in a few places. The only that the courtyard is covered with
of a small lake. Although you can*t entrance is a set of wide gates, now weeds and rank grass. A pair of dou-
see or hear anything inside, a foul, partially open, through which you ble doors directly across from the

musty odor wafts out of the cave. can see into a courtyard beyond. gates leads into the building.
Cracked statues of rearing elephants
This building is the long-lost Armec standing in the bowb of two dry
The floor of this large cave is partly
temple. The PCs can enter either marble fountains in the yard. The
covered with 2’ of cloudy green water.
At the back of the cave across from the through the gates or through one of the courtyard walls have crumbled in
entrance, a broad, sandy stretch of holes in the walls.
two places. Six large palm trees grow
in the far northeast comer. Near the
ground stands out of the water. A large The story that the Armecs told is true.
trees, you can see several large,
gorgosaurus sleeps on the sand. Any Their high priest went insane, killed
many of them, and drove the rest away. babooniike apes.
noise (including the sound of splashing
water) or light from anywhere in the What the Armecs don't know is the
cave awakens the gorgosaurus. reason for the priest's insanity. While Four of the trees are actually retch
When it was young, the gorgosaurus traveling through the jungle on one of plants, and the apes are a tribe of 18
wandered into the graveyard and stayed his many excursions, the high priest, bander) ogs. The banderlogs have stored
to feast on the dying elephants that Honapo, acquired a ria^ of three wishes 34 coconuts and four retch plant globes
made their way here. It regards the from the body of an unlucky adventurer for use as missilea, which they try to

vftUey as ita own territory and attacks There was only one wish left in the use up before engaging in melee. The
anything that challenges it. ring, and Honapo used it to bring the huge banderlog leader throws the retch
plant globes, while the rest throw coco-
Ks who try to stand in the water and elephant spirit of the valley into his
nuts for 2 5 hp damage. The retch plant
fight must make dexterity checks at +2 own body in order to gain the spirit's
on ld20 at the start of each round, due powers. But this union of spirit and globes burst on contact, spewing their
to slippery rocks under their feet. Any* mortal was too much for the mortal’s liquid in a 5' radius, with a 25% chance
one who fails the save falls and must brain to accept. Honapo was driven to splash anyone from 5'*9' away. PCs

spend the rest of that round getting up insane and tried to kill all the Armecs who are splashed with the fruits’ nau-
again. The gorgosaurus has no such in a twisted desire to rule over the val- seous liquid retch helplessly for three
problem due to his broad splayed feet ley alone. Through the years, the ele- rounds and have only half their normal
and balancing tail. phant spirit has been gradually gaining strength for six turns after that. There


ons rack holds 30 khopeshes. five

atlatls. and 20 javelins. Most of the
armor stands are empty, but two stands
ARMEC TEMPLE are dressed in suits of studded leather
armor None of the items in this room

Area E6 — Upper Level are magical in any way.

6. Captain’s Room.

This room has a martial aspect to it.

The bed looks much like a military
cot.An armor stand holds a suit of
gleaming studded leather armor. A
foot locker stands at the foot of the
bed. A weapons rack on the north
wall holds a dagger and an atlatl
with three javelins. Sprawled out in
the middle of the floor, a skeleton
grips a sword in one hand and a
shield in the other Its skull haa been
crushed by some heavy object.

When the captain of the Armec sol-

diers was attacked by Honapo. he bare-
ly had time to snatch up his sword and
shield. In spite of that, Honapo man*
aged to kill him with his ivory mace.
The studded leather armor ^ / on the
stand has weathered the years in good
condition. The sword in the skeleton's
hand is a khopesh *1. The footlocker is
not locked and holds clothing. 30 gp and
is DO saving throw against these effects. Both doors are locked but not trapped. 4 pp in a pouch, and a pair of matched
From 14 banderlcgs attack each strick- When the PCs get them open, read the daggers of throwing *1. None of the
en PC. following: other items are magical.
The smell of the fruit is noticeable for
14 houre. Although there are no wan* A lO'-wide corridor atretchea ahead 6. Stairway to Catacombs.
dering monsters to attract in the tem- of you for over 60'. Directly beyond
ple, what creatures are there will be the doors you see a grisly sight: eight This room seems to be empty. A set of
alerted. The reek of the globe's liquid human skeletons in a jumbled pile. stairs leads down into darkness.
can be smelled from 50' away, and it can
be removed only with alcohol. When Honapo went mad. he locked This used to be a guard post, but there
The retch plants each have six fruits the double doors and pocketed the key. Isnothing here now. The stairs lead
in their branches. PCs walking under The skeletons are those of the Armecs down into the catacombs below the
the trees have a 20% chance to cause who tried in vain to get out. Honapo temple.
each plant to drop 2*5 fruits. Neither later trapped and killed them here.
the banderlogs nor the retch plants
7. Barracks.
have any treasure. 4. Storage Room.
Banderlogs (16): AC 6; MV6*al2';
This room was obviously some kind
HD 4; hp 32, 24. 20 (x 14); #AT 1; Dmg
This large room is partially filled of barracks. The remains of many
2 5; AL N; MM2/13.
with boxes and barrels. There is a cots lie scattered around, and weap*
Retch plants i4Y. AC 8; MV nil; HD 6; weapons rack on one wall, and sev* ons racks tine the walls. But your
hp 26 each; /AT nil; Dmg nil; SA globes, eral armor stands lie in the dust. eyes are immediately drawn to the
nauseous liquid; AL M; MM2/I06.
large number of skeletons standing
The Armecs stored supplies in here. in the room. Some of them raise their
3. Main Doors.
The miscellaneous equipment includes khopeshes and advance toward you.
300' of rope in 50' lengths. 20 Haske of
The double doors are made of marble
hundreds of spikes, stone and metal
oil, Honapo raised these skeletons of
engraved with elephants on both working equipment, tools, cloth, boxes Armec warriors from the dead to be his
of rotted fo^, casks of soured wine, and guards. When the PCs open one door to
many other mundane things. The weap- this room, 10 of the skeletons advance

58 Issue No. 15


upon them while the other 30 go out the collapsed, it will hold. It is now a maze
other door and around the corner to fall of timbers and stone blocks, home to a spreading dust over the moldering
on the party from behind. Once aroused, new type of giant snake, a huge fanged remains of bedding and clothing that
the ekeletons will track the party python (see end of module for details). litters the floor. Six large climbing
throughout the temple, even down into Tlie ranged python attacks by dropping plants grow out of the bare ground.
the catBCombe. onto a random PC; it then tries to cap- Each bears several yellow, orchidlike
These skeletons are specially enchant- ture two other PCs. one per round, in its flowers that gently sway back and
ed. [f a skeleton is destroyed, its shat- constricting coils, delivering a poison- forth, although there is no breeie.
tered bones crawl back lather, and ous bite every round. If the snake is
two rounds later the skeleton arises, reduced to 10 hp. it tries to break away Most of the Armecs who were neither
ready to fight at its full hit points. Only and flee out the hole in the wail. soldiers nor priests slept in this room.
acid. Hre, holy water, clerical deatnic- Although the snake has no treasure, Honapo ki)\ed the few he cau^t here.
lion by turning, or a mace of disruption the Armec priests left some among their The plants are all yellow musk creep-
can permanently neutralize these skele- bones: three Armec holy symbols ^ ers. Each has seven flowers and two
tons. Each skeleton wields a khopesh small silver-plated tusks studded with
buds. They are marked on the map with
end small shield but has no treasure. sapphires, worth 4.000 gp each. Search-
Xs. Each plant covers a lO'-square area,
Skeletons (40): AC 7; MV 12* HD 1;
11.the rubble also turns up two clerical
ing and anyone coming within 10' ia
hp 8: lAT 1: Dmg 1-6: AL N: MMl/87. scrolls (uto/er walk, disptl evil). 214 gp.
attacked. A succeMful attack means
four footman's maces (one is a mace + If, that the PC has been sprayed with a
8. Kitchen. and one cube of incense of meditation. flower’s musk. The victim must save vs.
Snake, giant fanged python: AC 5; spells or be entranced into walking into
There are several iron cookmg stoves MV 12V/12*; HD 8 + 1, hp 44; /AT 2; the mass of the plant. There, the creep-
in this room. Many cooking utensils Dmg I-6/1-8; SA poison, constriction;
er drains 1-4 intelligence points every
hang on racks on the wall, and smash- ALN round; the victim dies if his intelligence
ed crockery lies heaped on the floor. ia reduced to zero. When this happens,
High Priest's Quarters. one bud on the plant flowers, and a new
This room was the temple kitchen. bud forms. If the victim's intelligence is
Honapo smashed all the crockery in his This room was luxuriously furnished. reduced to one or two, he immediately
madness. There nothing of value or
is A soft bed sits off U> the left. Thick, becomes a yellow musk zombie; see the
special interest in here, unless the DM water-stained carpets cover the stone FIEND FOLIO* tome, page 97, for details.
wishes to add items from the DMG. floor, and an ivory-handled footman's The plant's intelligence drain cannot
pages 217-220. Appendix I. mace hangs on the east wall. A small be stopped by striking at the cre^r.
glittering tusk set on a chain hangs The only way to kill such a plant is to
Slave Quarters. on the opposite wall. A chest siU at attack its bulbous root, buried 1 deep in '

the foot of the bed, and two comfort- the ground. PCs who have lost intelli-
A horrific sight meets your eyes able chairs are in the center of the gence points but are saved can regain
when you enter this room. ofOwns room. Part of the north wall has their intelligence at the rate of one
skeletons He chained by the wrista to collapsed. point per day of rest. A heal spell
the walls, their skulls crushed by restores all lost intelligence points.
some blunt object. Apparently, these This used to be Honapo's room. He The yellow musk creepers were
people were all killed while help- never returned hero after he went brought here by Honapo. who disco
lessly chained. insane, and the room is Just as he left it ered them in the jungle on one of his
so many years ago. outings. In his present state. Honapo is
This room used be the slave quar-
The weapon on the wall is a mace +3. immune to the flower’s musk. His mad
ters. Honapo killed them all in a mur- The tusk is Konapo's former holy sym- sense of beauty found much to admire
derous rage soon after the elephant bol. It is about 6” long, plated with 60 in the creepers’ yellow flowers, so he
spirit entered his body. gp worth of gold, and studded with 10 pulled up part of the stone floor in this
sapphires worth 300 gp each. If sold in room and transplanted the creepers
Initiates* Room. The minor one piece, the symbol will bring 6.000 gp. here.
priests who worshiped the elephant The chest is locked but not trapped. It There is a little treasure in this room.
spirit of the valley were quartered here. holds clothing, religious robes, a pouch One turn of searching can produce 140
None of them escaped from Honapo. with 200 pp. and a scroll of protection gp. 260 sp. ond 350 cp.

This room used to be luxuriously fur- from fire. Yellow musk creepers (6): AC 7: MV
nished. but part of the bark wall has nil; HD 3; hp 15 each; /AT 7; Dmg spe-
crumbled, and the elements have Common Room. cial; AL N; FF/97.
destroyed much. The remains of several
beds can be seen along with pieces of There are about 30 skeletons scat-
chests, clothing, and a few bones. Tim- tered around this room. Bach seems
bers have fallen from the ceiling, mak- to have been violently killed. The
ing passage in this room difficult. wall has collapsed in two places.
Although the ceiling has partially


Unless noted otherwise, on

ARMEC TEMPLE this level are 15' high.

Warriors’ Crypt
all ceilings

Area E6 — This room

is some sort of crypt.
skulls are stacked on row

Catacombs after row of shelves that line the

walls. Thirty men stand in the room,
in three ranks of 10 each. When the
door is opened, they raise their weap
ons and ahuflle toward you.

The Armecs have an unusual form of

burial.They simply save the skull of
the deceased and burn the body. This
crypt is that of the Armec soldiers.
The men are actually zombies. They
caa only be controlled by the Armec
13. high priest, although a good cleric can
turn them as usual. Every 10 years, the
high priests select^ three brave
warriors to be animated after death as
guardians of the temple. Honapo, how-
ever, found the zombies bothersome and
confined them to this room. They are
square 10'
1 unable to leave and pursue intruders.
Each zombie has a khopesh, but no
Zombies OOh AC $; MV 6* HD 2; hp

Temple. swings down from the ceiling. The arc of lAT 1; Dmg 1-8; AL M; WAV
12 each;
its passage crosses the altar a bare inch lOS; always strike last.

This room b obviously some kind of above the stone. The blade strikes as a
Umple. The ceiling is high and 10*HD monster for 2-20 hp damage and Common Crypt.
arched. Statues of elephants stand on disappears into the ceiling again at the
two stone slabs against the north opposite side of its arc. Thousands
16. of skulls are stacked here
wail. Between them, a small gold The gold idol on the central slab inheape everywhere. A large, shal-
idol stands on a third slab. A fourth depicts a man with the head and legs of low pit in the center of the floor is
slab with a dagger atop it stands an elephant. Its eyes are a matched pair blackened by fire.
about 10' in &ont of the other three. of sapphires worth 1,000 gp each. The
idol is worth 8,000 gp and is called the The fire pit was used to burn the
Honapo set up this room, previously elephant icon. bodies of the dead. 'The skulls are those
dedicate to the elephant spirit, as a If the icon is lifted off the stone, several of the many Armec tribesmen who died
temple to himself. There are several things ha^n. First, the icon imznedi* over the years.
ateiy teleports to room 21 in the cata- There are three barrels in the north-
traps in this room, and a find (rope or
similar spell will first Hnd the pit trap combs, warning Honapo that there are east comer of the room. Each is filled
in front the door. This pit is 10' deep, intruders in the temple. Two segments with a clear, flammable liquid that
later, a huge atone block falls out the burns smokelessly. 'The barrels can be
its bottom set with spikes. PCs falling
into it take IS hp falling damage and ceiling and smashes into the area in front sold for 3.000 gp each to an alchemist,
are impaled by 2*5 spikes for 1*8 hp of the icon's stone slab, causing 5-50 hp and each has an encumbrance of 100 lbs.

damage each. damage to anyone standing thm. PCs

Ihe slab with the dagger is a sacrifi* standing beneath the block have a 2% Captains* Crypt*
cial altar. The dagger is useless for
chance per point of derterity to dodge the
combat; it has a soft, 12* blade and a falling stone. Three segments after the 'The back wall of the room is lined
12* 'long hilt for striking downward stone falls, the heads of the elephant with shelves. Each shelf is about half
with both hands. A amall sapphire statues animate, their trunks spraying filledwith skulls, and each skull is
(worth 60 gp) is set into the hilt. When jets oi acid allover the room. person wearing a helmet of some sort. The
still in the room takes 4-24 hp damage;
the dagger is lifted from the stone, a south wall is lined with a weapons
scythe blade at the end of a pendulum outer clothing (armor, cloak, robe, etc.) rack that holds 21 khopeshes.
must save vs. acid <r disintegrate.

60 Issue No. iS
18. 19.

The captains of the Amec

troops were Arm's Crypt Lesser Priests' Crypt.
interred in this tomb. Occasionally, the
Armecs would retire the sword of a A single skeleton lies on a stone slab This room is filled with religious
particularly valorous captain and han^ near the back wall of this room. The trappings in addition to several sets
it in here to serve him in death. skeleton wears studded leather armor of shelves which hold carefully pre*
Only two of the helmets on the skulls and gra^Ni a kh<^3esh in one bony served skulls. Some of the skulls
have any value. One is a helm of com- hand, a large shield in the other. have simple bands of gold or steel on
prehending languages and reading mag- their brows. Braziers, robes, and
ic, found only by the use of a detect other religious items are scattered
17. The door to this room is locked but not
magic spell. The other is nonmafpcal trapped. The skeleton is that of Arm, through the room. A akeleton ia
but is set with n targe sapphire (worth the warrior- hero who led the Armecs hanging from a hook on the north
500 gp) on the brow; this may be found into this valley so many years ago. wall, held up by the chain of a silver
a/ler 1-3 turns of searching. None of the Because he saved his people from exter amulet around its neck.
khopeshes are magical. mination and was the first to worship
the elephant spirit, Arm was honored This is the crypt of the minor priests.
Wizards* CrypC The door to this with this special internment — a tomb The skeleton is that of a priest whom
room is guarded by a iymbol of insanity. of his own and his body intact. Honapo caught and hung by an amulet
Anyone touching or passing through the The kh<^sh Arm holds is a eword that he snatched up from the floor The
doorway triggers the symbol. If the door -^4, defender. It has a 15 intelligence, amulet actually an amulet of the
is opened, read the following: an ego of 28. and lawful-neutral align- cheetah. See the notes at the end of this
ment. The sword speaks its alignment adventure for details on this new magi-
The back wall of this room has a set tongue and the language of modrons. It cal item.
of shelves mounted on it. The shelves has two primary abilities — detect mag- Seven of the bands on the skulls are
are partially filled with skulls. A low ic in a 1 * radius and detect secret doors made of gold (worth 200 gp each). Elev-
stone slab sits in the middle of the in a 'A* radius ~ and one extraordinary en have sapphires (worth 300 gp each)
room, a book and staiT atop it. power “ flying, 12* per turn, one hour set in them.
per day. The sword allows itaelf to be
This is the crypt of the Armec wiz- carried by any lawfully aligned PC. The 30. High PriesU* Crypt.
ards. Magic-users were always rare in flkeleton wears studded leather armor
Armec society, with never more than *J, but the shield is not magical. Thia chamber has a highly religious
one or two existing at any time. There This crypt has a guardian A greater aspect. A set of shelves standing
are only two Armec spell books in exist* basilisk sits between the stone slab and against the back wall holds skulls
ence; Shalo (area C) has the smaller the back wall. It ia under temporal sta- that are magnificently adorned with
spell book;the roaster spell book lies sis and permanent inL*M<bi7iiy spells, so gems and gold. An ivory staff lies on
here on the slab. The staff is a staff" of anyone looking behind the slab does not the floor
striking ilS charges). Both books and see anything (unless able to see invisi*
the sta^have been passed down from ble objects). If anyone touches the stone This crypt is the burial chamber of the
generation to generation, as each slab or anything on it. the spells are Armec high priests, rulers of their peo-
apprentice became a magic-user. removed from the baailisk and it rises to ple.Because of their importance to the
The front of the stone slab is deco- attack, first fixing its petrifying gaze on tribe, thehigh priests were buried with
rated with a symbol of death, triggered the nearest PC. much honor snd ceremony. The ele-
by anyone passing over or touching the The greater basilisk attacks with its phant spirit granted long life to the
slab mouth and two front claws, which carry high priests, so there Sire only s dozen
The Armec master spell book contains a weak poiaon (save at ^ 4 or die). Any* skulls here.
these spells: burning hands, compre- one within 5’ of its mouth must save vs. The ivory rod is the Armec's stafTof
hend languages, detect magic, feather the poisoned breath at *^2 each round rulership. It is not magical, but the
fall,hold portal, light, magic missile, or die. Of course, the creature's gaze Armecs value it highly.
mending, read magic, shield, sleep, will turn any PC within 50' to stone
The skulls are set with a variety of
unseen servant, write, detect evil, detect (save vs. petrification). If someone tries jewelled trappings. A total of 700 gp
invisibility, ESP, knock, know align- to reflect the basilisk's gaze back with a worth of gold can be gathered, along
ment, levitate, mirror image, scare, web. mirror from more than 10' away, there with 14 gems worth 1 ,000 gp < x 2), 500
wizard lock, cloudburst, dupel magic, is only a 10% chance that the basilisk
gp ( X 8), and 200 gp ( x 4).
lightning bolt, sugges-
fireball, fly, haste, will see it.
tion, tongues, confusuyn, fear, fire shield, Greater baaUiak: AC 2; MV 6': HO 21. Throne Room.
ice storm, plant growth, remove curse, 10; hp 55; /AT 3; Dmg 1-6/1-6/2-16; SA
wuard eye, cloudkill, feebUmind, magic poison, breath, gaze; SD surprised only
The doors to this room swing open
atone shape, teleport, wall of force,
Jar. onal; ALN(E);MM2'15 easily. The room beyond is dark and
chain lightning, geos, part water, stone
gloomy, a denae layer of fog covering
to flesh, mass invisibility, phase door,
the floor. The room is bare except for
volley, mind blank, symbol.
a raised throne against the far wall

^ ^


aware of the caltrops, they can clear one blade barrier, heal; special powers usa-
10' square area per person per round. ble at will, once per round: detect magic,
Honapo's throne is raised high on a detect invisible objects.
block of stone; three steps in the front
lead up to the seat. The bottom step has Concluding the Adventure
a hidden bear trap set into it. The Hrst
The volcano (area D) will erupt 4-7 days
person who places a foot on the step is
sAer the party enters the Elephants*
attacked as if by a lO monster (don't HD Graveyaid. The first sign of the erup-
count shield-use mU> armor claas). A
tion ia a low rumbling felt throughout
successful attack holds the PC's leg. The
the valley, followed by small lava spills
victim also takes 1-4 hp damage (1-2 hp
and smoke from the volcano's rim. If the
damage if wearing plate mail or plate
PCs are still in the valley at this time,
armor). A successful bend hart roll will
they have only 10 hours in which to
open the trap and release the leg.
leave. This should be plenty of time if
During the whole episode. Honapo
they pack up and get out quickly.
remains seated on his throne, casting
The actual eruption is explosive. A
spells and swinging his two-hsnded
heavy shock rumbles through the val-
ivory mace. He uses his spells wisely,
ley. collapsing the tunnel entrance.
casting blade barrier, hold per$on, etc.
Sulfurous gasses spew from the rent
to prevent PCs from reaching him. then
cone and over the clifT walls, suffocating
using pouon, command, etc. to neutral*
everything in their path. Finally, a
ise anyone who approaches the throne.
wave of lava pours out of the volcano
In a round when no one is taking action
and down the cliff into the valley,
against him. Honapo casts a giant tneect
destroying the graveyard and every-
spell on three wasps that he keeps in a
thing in it. If the PCs are still in the
box by the throne. There are also 24
valley when the eruption occurs, the
sticks on the second step of the throne
for use with his eticki to enaket spells.
DM can declare them to be dead unless
they are able to fly or teleport out. There
Twelve sticks can be animated per spell,
are detailed rules in the WSG, pages 76-
lasting for 24 rounds, with a 60^
78. on volcanic eruptions, but if the PCs
chance for each snake to be poisonous.
are trapped in the valley, the end result
If Honapo runs out of useful spells, he
is the same — annihilation. Remember
melees with his huge msec. Hr is dead-
that the cliff walls cannot be climbed.
across from the door A figure ly accurate with this odd weapon On a
When the volcano erupts, the mystical
siU on the throne Its arms and tor«o natural *'to hit'' roll of 20. the person
attraction of the valley is destroyed.
are those of a nan. but its legs and hit must make a system shock survival
Elephants die wherever they happen to
huge head are those of an elephant roll Failure means that the victim is
be, just as with other beasts. Over the
The red-nmmed eyes are open and knocked unconscious for 2*4 turns.
centuries, the elephant spirit regains its
glaring. Honapo fights to the death. If he is
powers and rebuilds the valley, but as
killed, the elephant spirit leaves his
far as the PCs are concerned, the Ele-
The creature on the throne Honapo. body, which changes from its present
is phants* Graveyard and all its treasures
If the elephant icon from the temple
hideous form to that of an eld^ly man.
are gone
(room 13) has teleported here, the former Honapo's death brings the destruction
Even if the party manages to get a
priest ia alerted and ready for intruders. of the traps in room 13 and the skele-
load of ivory out of the valley, the
The fog ia Honapo*a magical creation tons in room 7.
adventure is not over The PCs must
and covers aeveral traps The lO'-square The only treasure in this room is the still lead their heavily encumbered
area in front of the door is an open pit. elephant icon (if it was teleported here)
animals bsck to Fort Thunder
PCs who step through the door without and the ivory mace. Although much too
Although they should now know how to
testing the ground in front of them fall bulky for a rc to use, the mace is worth
make a beeline back to the fort, they
10'. taking 1*6 hp falling damage, and 200 gp will be moving more slowly than on
are impaled by 2*6 stakes doing 18 hp Honapo: AC 0: MV 12': C12:hp 53:
their trip out. Random encounters must
damage each. MT 1; Dmg by spell or weapon type
still be checked.
The i\ooe beyond the pit is strewn (3-12 with mace); SA stunning blow; SD If the PCs get back to Fort Thunder,
with dozens of caltrops. PCs who charge ^ 1 or better weapon to hit. 25% magic
they can sell their ivory there at the
or walk across the door undergo attacks resistance; S 18. 1 15. W IS. D
12. 15. C previously noted prices. PCs who have
on each foot asifbyal-*^! HD monster Ch 3. Co 3; AL CK: spells: cou$e fear
enough experience points can receive
(no dexterity or shield bonuses to AC) id ( ^ 2). command ( ^3). darkneti * 3),
training here at the usual fees to gam

each lO' square area. Caltrops do 1 hp dust devil i ^2)» hold person ^3). (
new levels before setting out again.
silence IS' radius ( 2). cause blindness
damage per hit. A hit on one foot slows
2). cloudburst, dispel magic ^ 3).
the PC by 25^ for four days. Hits on ( (

both feet immobilue the K until the giant insect, poison, sticks to snakes
X 2). cure critical uounds, flame strike,
damage is healed. Once the PCs are i

62 l»ue No. iS

Snake, ^ant fanged python PSIONIC ABILITY: Nil The poison glands of the fanged
LEVEIVXP VALUE: V/825 + 10 per hp python are worth 100 gp to an assassin
FREQUENCY: Very rare or alchemist. If two snakes are encoun*
HO APPEARING: 12 The fanged python ia a survivor ^om
tered (5% chance), they are a mated pair
ARMOR CLASS: S the days when reptiles ruled all the
with a clutch of 1-6 eggs worth 200 gp
MOVE: 12V/12^ world. Now it u found only in jungle
HIT DICE: S + ; areas. The fanged python is a doubly
%1NLAIR:S(? dangerous creature, as it has both a
Amulet of the Cheetah
TREASURE TYPE: Ni/ poisonous bite and constriction ability.
NO. OF ATTACKS: / biU and 1-3 Its poison is extremely toxic, and a This appears to be an ordinary silver
corutrictionM large amount is iruected with each bite. amulet engraved with the silhouette of
DAMAGE/ ATTACK: IS per bite and 14 Persons bitten must save vs. poison at a long-legged cat on one side. The move-
per constriction *2 or die in the next round ment rate of anyone wearing this amu-
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Poison, conrinu- Much like a normal constrictor, the let is increased by 2* Once per day, the

ous damage (constriction) fanged python likes to drop on its prey wearer can run at the speed of a chee-
m from atwve. Although it can only cap>
lure one creature each round, it is capa
tah <45* for three rounds). This amulet
will work only for lightly encumbered
INTELLIGENCE: Animal ble of squeezing up to three creatures at characters wearing nonbulky or no
ALIGNMENT Neutral once and also delivering a poiaonous armor,
SIZE: L (40 40 ) bite each round. XP Value: 1,000 GP Value: 4,000 G

Random Monster Statistics Table

Moiuter AC MV HD fAT Dmg 8A HD AL Ref.
Ap«, cenUveroof C IS* S 9 ma-4/i-a Bendmg. eurprieed only on 1 HU N UW7
Ap*. gorilla 4 12* 4*1 3 m-314 Reading MU N MM/7
Babbtar 6 «*erl2* 5 3 1-614^1 <6 Strike froabihmd Camunage CB rp/13
Ws* BttU * 12" !! t 24 Nil Climbing N MM/6
Eabooo. iShtr 1 12" l*\ 1 M Nil Oimbiag N
Beetle, gient water 3 3'/n2' 4 3-14 NU
Baar.warttMg f !*•
$ 2


Head ia ACS
Buffalo 7 $ 2 1-6/19
Bttilywug 6 r/os* 1 3 1-2/1-2M Hop Cemounage CB rrie
Bullyw%i4 leader 6 3* //1 5' 2 a 23/2.339 Hop ('amounage CE rF,i6
Cajunbol. Kanakre warrtor 9 15* B1 1 Br ereepon type SU NU CE UA1821
Canajbal, KanaJue war ebirf 6 15* D4 1 By wcipon type Si\ HU CB cr A/16-21

rarridBOWler a/7 9*1 6 Paralyse Paialy^ HU N MM/13

Catfish, giatt 7 16* 10 1 3-12 Poieoa ipmea, awallew whole NU N MM2/23
CenLpeSa. huge 9 21* 1 4-16poieco(aav«at «4) Poiaoe NU N MM244
Crmb. 3 9* 3 2 29/26 Surpneeoo 14 NU N MM15
Crayflah. giaot 4 4*//l2* 4^4 2 212/212 Surpnaeoo 14 NU N MM/15
Crocodile 0 3 2 29/1 U Surpriae on 14 NU N MM15
Dragoafly. gtast s 1*«* B*l 1 4-te 4'2oaiaitialiee Special N MM2/59
Electric eel 6 r 6 1 29 EUctrkal diacharge Eleetrioil discharge N MMZ«2
Elapham, African 4 16* 11 6 2- I4i2- 1 62* 12/2- 13/2-12 HU NU N MM/34
Prog tfunl

3 .9* 3 1 29 Ihngue. swallow whole, leap. Nil N MM 41
surprise 00 14
Frog. pviw>nou* 6 S'/^" 1 1 1 Poison NU S MM 41
Oar.glaat S jtr 6 1 4*20 Svalkw wboU NU N 54M/42
HaaAiaatar. Ngocn »amor 9 15* B1 1 By weepcQ type NU NU CN LA/16-21
Beadbmter, Ngeto war chief 6 15* Be 1 By ereepan type KU HU CH LA/1641
HippcppoUmus. male 6 9"//l2" 4 1 314 Capaoc boata Nil N MM52
HippopoUmua. female 6 9"/a2" 6 1 212 Cspaue boats NU N MM/52
7 12* 3 29 m Nil N MMSt
SsAsi 7 ir
44^1 3

1 14
RsareUwa for 292-5
Surpriaad only on 1
Jagntf 6
Leopard 4 12* S*2 S 19a-Wl9 Rear elawi Par 14/14 Surpriaed only en 1 N UM90
Uon. male 6/4 12* 5*2 3 1-4/1-4/MO Rear riawt for 27/2*7 Surpnaed only on 1 N MM91
Uoo, fetoale 6 12* 54-2 3 14/1-4/MO Rear clawi for 27/2-7 Surprlaed only ao 1 N MM^ei
Liaard. pent 6 15* 3*1 1 19 Double damage on hit roll of 20 Nil N MM«I
LiainI Maa 5 rfnr 2+1 3 141-219 HO NU N MM92
Piranha {quipper) 4 9* Vi I 14 Ntl NU N FF/74
Bhieeaoeaa 4 12- 9 1 2-12 Charge NU N MM/B2
Scorpion. Urge 4 9* 2+2 3 1-4/1-4/1 Poiaon sung Nil N UM2^107
Scorpion, huge 4 12* 4^4 3 191914 Poison sung NU N MM2/107
Snake, cenatnetor 4 9* 3*2 2 M4 CoAstnction NU N MMZ'Ill
Suke. poboaoui 4 14* 2*1 1 1 PoiaOD NU N UM3/111
Spider, large 4 6**16‘ !! 1 1 Poiaon NU N MMBO
6 12* 6-4S 3 2949A-10 Rear eUwa for 2949 Surprised only on 1 N MM^
Vulture, guut 7 3*/?4* 2*1 1 M Nil Nil N MM3125


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