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ABC College

Executive Summary
Advertisement is derived from the Latin word “advertere” that is described as “to turn
mind towards”. Advertisement can be done of various mediums like television, print
media, social media or through billboards. Advertisement has the ability to change the
brand preference, brand loyalty and consumer behavior of a particular product. Primary
focus of advertisement to achieve sustainable development is by providing innovative
products and information of consumer choice. Advertisement agencies use paper and
energy factors which is affecting the environment as well as visual pollution occurs from
Advertisement is branch of marketing and a tool of mass communication to sell product,
service, idea or ideology. Purpose of the advertisement is to deliver the message to
maximum numbers so that people are aware of it. Companies use effective advertisement
to change the perception of people to desire result that is sales (Rosi 2010). This report
highlights the idea of advertisement and its different types. Effects of advertisement on
consumer behavior, brand loyalty and brand preference are also discussed in the report.
Impact of advertisement on sustainable development is part of the discussion too.

Advertisement & Types of Advertisement

Advertisement is a crucial decision made by the marketing department of a company
because an effective advertisement can hit the product and a bad advertisement can mar
the image of product even if it is a good quality product (Khandeparker 2017).
Advertisement can be done of various mediums like television, print media, social media
or through billboards. Large companies prefer television advertisement because it sends
message to millions of users at same time; however television advertisements are
expensive too (Janssens 2007).

There are different types of advertisement which are briefly discussed below:

Consumer Advertising: Offered to end costumers, it is most common type of

advertisement where target audience of the advertisement is end customer. TV
commercials, pamphlets, billboards and most print media advertisements we see daily are
categorized as consumer advertising (Ching 2013).

Trade Advertising: as the name suggests, trade advertisements are not for end customers
but for businesses. Purpose of trade advertisement is to attract middle man like
distributors, wholesalers or retailers so that they take the product to sell it to end
customers (Rosi 2010).

Short Term Advertising: Purpose of advertising could be short term or long term. Short
term advertisement refers to direct sale increase, increase revenue and develop awareness
of the product. Short term advertisement is mainly used for seasonal sales like clothes or

Long Term Advertising: Purpose of advertising could be short term or long term. Long
term advertisement’s basic purpose is to build customer loyalty and maintain long term
relations (Janssens 2017).
Effects of Advertisement
It is important to mention that advertisement has the ability to change the brand
preference, brand loyalty and consumer behavior of a particular product. For this,
advertisement has to be innovative and eye catching.

Brand Preference: Brand preference is known as a customer’s involvement in the

product which persuade the customer to buy product every time. Advertisement’s
purpose is to retain its loyal customers as well as attract new customer. Active marketing
managers take the opportunity of any weak point of competitors and advertise the
products to capture the competitors’ customers (Rosi 2010).

Brand Loyalty: Brand loyalty is crucial aspect of advertisement campaign as brand

loyalty is more powerful customer base than brand preference. Customers who are loyal
to a brand are hardly to be captured off. Active marketing managers take the opportunity
of any weak point of competitors and advertise the products to capture the competitors’
customers. It is task of marketing managers to promote the product in the way that it
creates more brand loyalty (Khandeparkar 2017).

Consumer Behavior: Lot of budget is spends upon advertising to increase customer

base. Advertisement should able to affect the behavioral choice of customers attitude and
awareness. For effective advertisement, consumer behavior should be studied carefully
by focusing on target audience and product characteristics. TV commercials, pamphlets,
billboards and most print media advertisements we see daily are categorized as consumer
advertising effecting consumer behavior (Ching 2013).

Advertisement and Sustainable Development

“Sustainable development is ‘meeting the needs of the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet their own needs” (World Commission on
Environment and Development)

Advertisement can also help for sustainable development by innovative, eco-efficiently,

consumer friendly and open market products & services for everyone. Primary focus of
advertisement to achieve sustainable development is by providing innovative products
and information of consumer choice (Franco 2019). Three dimensions of sustainable
development could be affected by advertisements that are economic dimensions, social
dimensions and environmental dimensions.

Economic Dimensions: Advertisement industry is performing the same role as other

industries in the economy. Economic dimensions of sustainable development in
advertisement sector are crucial as more people are associated with it. There are many
advertising companies in digital media, print media and social media who are
contributing in the economy of the country (Franco 2019).
Social Dimensions: One major contribution of advertisement in social dimension of
sustainable development is spreading the products to masses and ultimately making it
available to the people. However there is major social challenge also when advertisement
of luxury items is on air, it gives a sense of deprive for those who cannot afford the

Environmental Dimensions: Environmental dimensions are also effected by

advertisement; however its severity is less than impact of producing a product on
environment. Advertisement agencies use paper and energy factors which is affecting the
environment. There is visual pollution in case of billboards are placed on eco-tourism
places (Franco 2019).

Advertisement is most important aspect of marketing as it is directly related to sale of a
product or service. Companies use effective advertisement to change the perception of
people to desire result that is sales. Active marketing managers take the opportunity of
any weak point of competitors and advertise the products to capture the competitors’
customers. Advertisement can also help for sustainable development by innovative, eco-
efficiently, consumer friendly and open market products & services for everyone. Crucial
social challenge of advertisement is about luxury items promotion, it gives a sense of
deprive for those who cannot afford the product.

Janssens, W., De Pelsmacker, P. and Weverbergh, M. (2007), "The Effect of Mixed

Emotions in Advertising, Advances in International Marketing, Vol. 18, Emerald Group
Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 63-92

Rosi, A., Codeluppi, A. and Zambonelli, F. (2010), "Adaptive pervasive advertisement:

scenarios and strategies", International Journal of Pervasive Computing and
Communications, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 333-351

Ching, R., Tong, P., Chen, J. and Chen, H. (2013), "Narrative online advertising:

identification and its effects on attitude toward a product", Internet Research, Vol. 23
No. 4, pp. 414-438.

Khandeparkar, K. and Abhishek, . (2017), "Influence of media context on humorous

advertising effectiveness", Marketing Intelligence & Planning, Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 259-276.

Franco, I. and Tracey, J. (2019), "Community capacity-building for sustainable

development", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 20 No. 4,
pp. 691-725.

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