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Ejercicios de Do y Does

Completar las oraciones:

1. She play soccer?

2. You like listening to music?

3. You watch TV at night? Yes, I

4. Laura work on Saturdays? Yes, She

5. They cat drink milk? Yes, it

6. The cats drink milk? Yes, they

7. The computer work fine? Yes, It

Transforma las siguientes oraciones Traducir al español las siguientes oraciones

1. My Friend have Jobs. 1. How do you prepare that dish?

2. Emily studies in this university. 2. My sister does yoga everyday.

3. mary and Lucy work together. 3. How often do you exercise?

4. you speak german perfectly. 4. I dont do magic.

5. your child always behaves like this. 5. I always do to they laundry at home.

6. dogs need vaccines and vitamins too. 6. What does she do for a living?

7. you have a Facebook account. 7. Why do you always do such a mess?

8. your friend travels every year. 8. He does everything by himself.

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