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10 Strongest Versions Of Spider-Man

There's even a universe where Carnage became Spider-Man.

Spider-Man is one of the most beloved heroes in the Marvel landscape and even
comics itself. He is the everyman character that struggles to pay bills and complete
work assignment, which is why he is so beloved.


Within Marvel, he is often a street-level character, mixing it in the Big Apple alongside
the likes of Daredevil, Luke Cage and Iron Fist. However, with his brains and strength,
he has fought Avengers-level threats singlehandedly. From the Hulk to the Tri-
Sentinel, Spider-Man is not a hero to be underestimated, especially as he pulls his
punches most of the time.

Throughout the multiverse, there are many different incarnations of the wall-crawler,
some heroic and others horrific. With the advent of the Spider-Verse, it has opened up
Spider-Man and his supporting cast to many more possibilities not afforded to them in
the mainline universe. Said multiverse has provided many fan-favourite additions to
Marvel such as Spider-Man Noir, Spider-Man 2099, and Spider-Gwen.
From extreme cosmic power to unnerving magical abilities Spider-Man has seen and
done it all in any number of his comic appearances. The Wall-Crawler has had a
plethora of ever stronger incarnations of himself throughout his 58 years of


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