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in this report it is about how to be healthy and fit, in very easy ways that one can perform.

It deals
with several points in which are included: food, what to do in free time and how to change some

to be in shape and healthy one has to eat balanced that does not mean stop eating, but refers to
that one has to reduce the amount of food or have to diet. You also have to know how many
calories you are eating, for that there is a table of calories on the back of the products. In the case
of people who are vegetarian, there would not be many problems.

another point is free time, there are many ways to stay healthy either from going to a gym, going
for a run or just doing exercises at home thanks to the help of technology. So there is no excuse
for not being able to keep fit and healthy.

Finally, changing the routine would be very good, for example using the stairs instead of the
elevators, using a bicycle to go to work or university, etc. Everything is not very complicated, and
helps yourself to be healthy.

In conclusion, it is not difficult to keep fit and healthy, that depends on how you want to feel and
have to take that challenge. After a few months following these recommendations you will see the
favorable results in your life.

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