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Furaha 1

Yvonne Furaha

Mrs. Murray

EN 313

27 Aug. 2018

Never Would Have Made it Without You

When I was younger, I used to doubt myself and believe that I was a nobody. As

I grew up, my mother taught me to believe in myself and believe that I am strong. No

matter what comes my way, I will endure. It took me a while to make that part of my

mindset and actually believe what she was trying to instill in me, but as the years

passed by, I realized not believing in myself would not take me anywhere in life. I

believe I am stronger, wiser, and better because of my mom. When I look back at what

she has taught me, I can see my future brighter and see myself as an independent

woman who can do anything she sets her mind to.

Bruce Lee once said, “Do not pray for an easy life; pray for the strength to endure

a difficult one.” I realize that I would have lost my mind if I hadn’t prayed for strength. My

mom has consistently advised me to always focus on school and the future. Despite my

doubts, I am successful today because I was challenged by people who doubted my

talents and resolve. For example, I was told that I was not capable of taking classes that

might be too rigorous for me. They believed it would be stressful and too overwhelming

for me with my other college preparatory classes. Those kind of comments motivated

me to prove that I was capable of taking academically demanding classes. In fact, I am

now enrolled in the Business Academy to shape my future career.

Furaha 2

I am proud of myself because I have proven that I can do anything, especially if I

put my heart and mind into it. I believe that you can achieve anything you want in life

even when you are doubted by others who try to bring you down. The passion I have for

business aligns with my dream and vision for my future. This, I believe.

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