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1. Morgan's body after the 30 days that he ate McDonalds had gained 11.

1 kg more than he
started with, his liver turned to fat, and his cholesterol levels rose 65 points. His body fat
percentage rose from 11% to 18%. He felt depressed and exhausted. He kept wanting to eat
McDonalds, and when he didn't, he had serious headaches.
2. It is extremely dense in calories, sodium, sugar, and fat. For example, Mcnuggets are made
with stabilizers and preservatives, then breaded, deep fried and finally freeze dried before being
sent to a nearby McDonalds.
3. Being obese could increase the risk of having many health problems, like type 2 diabetes,
high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes, certain types of cancer and fatty liver disease,
just to name a few. It can also make you feel sad and tired and decreases the amount of energy
that you have.
4. The doctors in the video said that McDonalds shouldn't be eaten, or at least are to be eaten
very restrictively and to be balanced with a healthy diet.
5. After watching the video, I plan to eat junk food less because of the detrimental effects that
could happen to me if I eat more junk food.
6.The following statement "McDonald’s provides the body with essential nutrients." means that
the McDonalds meals contain some nutrients that are needed for the human body. An example
of this is a normal McDonalds cheeseburger, which includes sodium, sugar, fat, cholesterol,
protein, calcium, fiber, potassium and iron, which are all essential for the body. However there
are also bad ingredients in the burgers, such as ​partially hydrogenated oils, which can
cause all sorts of problems, Artificial colors, High fructose corn syrup and TBHQ, which
has been tested on lab animals and caused liver enlargement, neurotoxic effects,
convulsions, and paralysis.

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