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How would you feel if I told you that Life is a Dream, and NoFap will
make you Lucid?
Success Story
(This is a long read, but I've tried my best to keep it interesting and by the end
of it,
I promise you will have gained knowledge you never thought you could gain from one
post. Read the first paragraph and the rest will flow.)

I want to talk about the correlation between semen retention and consciousness.
In simple terms, I want to give you my definition of consciousness;
being aware of yourself and everything around you on a physical, emotional,
spiritual and intellectual level.
This means being aware of how you think, and how those thoughts affect everything
in and outside of you. If you are conscious enough to be able to monitor and
control your thoughts,
you will be able to control your emotions.
This has a great impact on everything internally and externally.

First of all, upon gaining control over your thoughts and emotions,
your brain and body chemistry will change, and your perception of the outside
world would change,
which technically means you are able to change the outside world with your
internal thoughts
and feelings. There are recent studies and scientific theories suggesting that
your way of thinking
can change and alter your DNA and genetic make up.
This is huge news and a step in proving that your thoughts have a direct impact
on your internal
and external world, however many spiritual people already know and believe this

I'm here to tell you that semen retention is the key step to reaching that
The longer you are into semen retention, the more sexual energy you have.
This energy starts at the root chakra, in simpler terms, the lowest part of your
body. Once you root yourself with earth's life force
( some ways to do this include walking barefeet on nature such as grass or
dirt )
or most importantly, semen retention: your sexual energy will rise up into the
sacral chakra,
or the sex chakra.

This is the point of your journey into semen retention where you will feel a
of urges and temptations and you are extremely horny and energetic. However,
this is a good sign.
You're past the root chakra and into the sacral chakra.
When this energy flows up is when you get urges,
however to give in and relapse means you're letting that energy find a way out
of your physical
and metaphysical body, to be wasted into nothingness and therefore your energy
will go back
down to the root chakra and reset.

If and when your energy rises to the sacral chakra and you feel those intense
urges and thoughts
and temptations, and you keep on retenting the semen and saving it,
you will inevitably find other ways to move it;
however this time, you're not expelling it out of your body,
but higher up into your solar plexus; the next chakra.

Ways of transmuting energy upwards is by meditation, yoga, cold showers,

deep breathing and visualization, and creative/stimulating outlets such as
writing, singing, drawing,
reading, etc. The solar plexus is where heightened motivation comes into your
journey of semen retention.
This is because the third chakra, the solar plexus, is responsible for the energy
that pushes you
to act on and fulfill your deepest desires, biggest dreams and ambitions,
and tackle every task and plan you want to execute.
This is when you start wanting to workout, eat healthy,
feel passionate about your dreams, nourish your talents and strive towards
your goals and your success.
Upon acting on these things, eventually you will raise the energy that comes from
semen retention
into the heart chakra, the fourth chakra after solar plexus.

The heart chakra is responsible for:

Love for oneself and others Relating, relationships Compassion,
empathy Forgiveness, acceptance Transformation, change Ability to grieve and reach
Compassionate discernment Center of awareness, integration of insights

As you can understand, this is when you reach the level of your semen retention
when you will suddenly learn and adapt to loving yourself heavily,
and having positive thoughts and feelings towards yourself.
Then, you will attract everything and everyone to mirror those thoughts and
you have and therefore show you love and acceptance aswell,
which will make you feel the same about other people.
You will love more in relationships, connect physically, emotionally,
intellectually, spiritually,
sexually and energetically. You will have amazing empathy and compassion and be
a full character
in terms of understanding and feeling your emotions and others.
You will learn to be easy going and forgiving towards yourself and others,
be a blessing to yourself and others, find happiness, and be aware and conscious
on an emotional level.
This means knowing when someone is having a bad day, and knowing how to help and
make them feel better.
Communication will start improving as you learn how to be empathetic and
and upon retenting semen for a longer period of time and mastering all of these
you will raise the energy into the throat chakra.

The throat chakra is responsible for:

Expression, in particular ability to express your truth, to speak out
whether it�s verbal or non-verbal, external or internal Connection with the etheric
the more subtle realms of spirit and intuitive abilities Propensity to create,
projecting ideas and blueprints into reality Realizing your vocation, purpose Good
sense of timing

Therefore, this is the level where you are able to embody all the other qualities
and characteristics
from the other, lower chakras, while learning and adapting how to express
yourself and inspire people
with anything and everything you say.
Your voice will be heard, your words will be powerful, no matter how simple.
You will be able to communicate easily and naturally touch people and portray the
message and emotion
onto others effectively.
They will feel what you're saying and bringing across.
This is when you will be able to talk about anything and everything,
offer deep and inspiring conversations, and express your personal thoughts and
opinions onto anything
and be valued for what you have to say.
This is when you start speaking your positive thoughts and emotions, and
therefore start
"speaking things into existence". This is when not only your thoughts and
but your communication; your words, will have an impact on everything in and
outside of you.
Next, your energy will rise into the third eye chakra.

This chakra is responsible for:

Vision Intuition Perception of subtle dimensions and movements of energy Psychic
abilities related to clairvoyance
and clairaudience especially Access to mystical states, illumination Connection to
insight Motivates inspiration and creativity.

This is the level of semen retention you reach when your energy enables your
to turn into superconsciousness.
You will be able to have vivid dreams and visions,
visualize your thoughts and see your thoughts when you close your eyes,
remember dreams, have lucid dreams and understand more of the metaphysical
world than you've ever imagined
You will feel and see energies and vibrations all around you,
and have intuition that guides you towards your right path.
The third eye will enable you to understand and read people,
think and visualize your way through plans and dreams and goals and then even
possibly form muscle memory
or general memory that will enable you to have an easier time successfully
your thoughts and plans in the real world.
Technically, you will be able to visualize what you want to do, and then be
more familiar with doing it.
Also, you will find answers, reach spiritual consciousness, and become wise,
inspiring and motivating. You will be in deep connection with everything in
and outside of you;
have high energy levels, feel every emotion in and around you, sense
be able to communicate and be heard,
inspire and reach your goals.
There is so much more. Eventually, and lastly, you will reach and open up the
chakra with your energy.

The crown chakra is responsible for:

Consciousness Awareness of higher consciousness, wisdom, of what is sacred
Connection with the formless,
the limitless Realization, liberation from limiting patterns Communion with higher
states of consciousness,
with Ecstasy, bliss Presence

This is where you've mastered and unlocked all the potential that a human body
has to offer.
The spiritual aspect of the crown chakra is that you will be connected to the
universal consciousness
and infinite abundance of everything that is.
You will have a divine connection with your creator, the higher power,
and be able to receive guidance from all metaphysical energies.
You will have filled every other chakra with the energy and reached a level of
that will radiate inwards and outwards, making sure your energy is noticed and
felt, everywhere you go.
This is when you will realize that your knowledge has reached a level way beyond
your intelligence is infinite and you're able to learn and adapt and transform
any and everything that exists.
You will gain insight out of pure thought, solve problems, find answers, gain
be inspiring and motivating, find your purpose and reach your goals one by one.
In essence, you will become the best version of yourself.
You will be able to think through every goal and dream you aspire to reach,
and gain knowledge from the universal,
collective consciousness, and be able to see every step you need to take in
order to reach those goals.
Semen retention is responsible for the sexual energy you have, and without it,
your energy won't rise and will keep being expelled after only reaching the
second chakra, the sacral chakra.
Through holding back and letting it rise through the energy centers of your
you will essentially unlock these chakras, and with each one comes new qualities
and characteristics
that will enhance you on every level.
You have heard the saying that we are infinite beings,
however we are limiting ourselves by wasting our vital life force and energy
through expelling it at the sacral
chakra. We are lurking at the root chakra, unless we take matters into our own
hands and choose
to preserve our sexual energy, which is crucial to raising your consciousness.
Once you gain these differentiating benefits, you'll be able to tell and sense
which chakra your energy is at,
and will have a much deeper understanding of this journey.
Good luck to all of you & I hope you have a blessed day!

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