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For Haemoglobin


Amla contains iron and vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Ascorbic acid in Amla helps to increase
the absorption of the iron in the gut. It also improves the absorption of iron from other foods
as well. (1)

In ayurveda, Amla is a well-known anti-anemic herb and widely used alone or in the
combination of other herbs to increase hemoglobin and treat anemia naturally.

A study suggested Amla has anti-anemic activity. Along with neem leaves and other foods, it
has positive effects on the management of anemia and increasing hemoglobin levels in the
blood. (2)

Neem leaves also a very rich source of iron. However, we will not use neem leaves in this

Amla increases iron absorption in the body by 19 times when consumed along with iron-
rich foods. It also contains malic acid, citric acid, gallic acid and tartaric acid in addition to
ascorbic acid. These phytochemicals also support in increasing the bioavailability of iron. (3)

It is a very affordable remedy for iron deficiency anemia. It increases the bioavailability of
iron in the body and improves the overall absorption of iron in the alimentary canal. Thus, it
is an ideal remedy for improving hemoglobin naturally without using any medicines.


In ayurveda, we also consider Ashwagandha as an anti-anemic and hematogenic herb.

Hematogenic means the agent that increases and stimulates the formation of red blood cells in
the bone marrow.

It is also high in iron content and increases hemoglobin. It is also a well-known antioxidant,
anti-inflammatory and adaptogenic herb. It also has strengthening action. It reduces fatigue,
weakness, dizziness and chest pain. It prevents shortness of breath and helps in alleviating
headaches. In combination with Amla, it also regulates heartbeat and prevents irregular

How to Use Amla and Ashwagandha for Increasing Hemoglobin

Amla Powder 100 grams

Ashwagandha Powder 100 grams
Trikatu Powder 10 grams

1. Mix Amla (dried fruit pulp) powder, Ashwagandha (root) powder and Trikatu powder
in the ratio given above.
2. Keep this mixture in an airtight glass container.
In obese and overweight people, you can use Punarnava instead of Ashwagandha.
Punarnava is also a potent anti-anemic and hematogenic herb according to ayurveda.

Amla Powder 100 grams

Punarnava Powder 100 grams
Trikatu Powder 10 grams

1. Mix Amla (dried fruit pulp) powder, Punarnava (root) powder and Trikatu powder in
the ratio given above.
2. Keep this mixture in an airtight glass container.

Note: Trikatu powder is added for enhancing further action of the herbs.


Children 50 mg per Kg of body weight

Adults 3 grams

How to Use

How many times should I take? 2 times a day – with breakfast and dinner
When should I take it? In between food
Adjuvant Along with water
How long should I use it? 3 months

Note: You need to take it in between food. It means when you have finished your half of the
meal, then take this mixture and then eat the remaining half of the meal.
Trikatu Churna is an herbal formulation used in ayurveda for enhancing effects and
increasing the absorption of ayurvedic medicines. It has hot potency, which means its intake
results in production of heat in the body and increase digestive juices and bile salt secretion.

Other Names

1. Trikatu choornam
2. Trikatu Powder
3. Katutraya churna
4. Kadutraya churna
5. Three pungent herbs
6. Three peppers
7. Trikatu Choorna

Ingredients (Composition)

Trikatu Churna contains following three ingredients in equal amount.

1. Black Pepper (KALI MIRCH) – Piper Nigrum

2. Long Pepper (PIPPALI) – Piper Longum
3. Dried Ginger (SONDH) – Zingiber Officinale

Medicinal Properties

Trikatu Churna has following healing properties.

1. Bio-enhancer (increases bioavailability of other medicines)

2. Chemo-protective
3. Anti-viral
4. Expectorant
5. Carminative
6. Appetizer & Digestive Stimulant
7. Hypo-glycemic
8. Fat Burner
9. Mild anodyne
10. Hypolipidemic
11. Antiemetic
12. Anti-inflammatory

Ayurvedic Properties

Taste – RASA Pungent (KATU)

Main Quality – GUNA Light (LAGHU), Dry (RUKSHA)
Potency – VIRYA Hot (USHNA)
Resultant – VIPAKA Pungent (KATU)
Bio-enhancer, Digestive, AMAPACHAKA
Therapeutic Effect – PRABHAVA
(reduces toxins in the body)
DOSHA KARMA (Effect on Humors) Pacifies KAPHA & VATA and Increases

Therapeutic Indications

Trikatu Churna is helpful in following health conditions.


 Weight loss (obesity)

 Body aches with feeling of heaviness in the body

Heart & Blood

 High cholesterol levels

 Atherosclerosis
 High blood pressure due to hypercholesterolemia

Lungs & Airways

 Common cold (acute phase during running nose)

 Cough with thin white phlegm
 Asthma (chest congestion due to phlegm)

Digestive Health

 Constipation with mucous or sticky stool

 Loss of appetite
 Indigestion
 Gas or flatulence
 Bloating
 Abdominal distension
 Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Muscle, Bones & Joints

 Gout

Benefits & Uses

Trikatu Churna has primary effect on stomach and increases digestive juices, which helps
stimulating digestion. It also has influence on liver and increases production of bile salts. It
stimulates secretion of bile from the gall bladder. It also stimulates pancreas functions.
Therefore, it affects overall digestive system.

Increase bioavailability of nutrients & medicines

Trikatu contains PIPERINE, which is a great bio-enhancer phytochemical. It promotes the

bioavailability of nutrients and other medicines including both ayurvedic as well as modern
drugs. However, Trikatu Churna may not have synergistic effect with other drugs, but
increases the absorption of the drugs in the blood stream. It is helpful for those medicines,
which are poorly absorbed in the blood stream. Almost all ayurvedic medicines contain
Trikatu powder due to three main reasons.

1. Bio-enhancement of medicines
2. Correcting digestive fire
3. Reducing AMA (toxins developed due to undigested food) formation

Therefore, Trikatu churna is an essential ingredient in all types of ayurvedic remedies.

Trikatu also improves and potentiates the action and functions of mineral-based medicines.

Obesity (Weight loss)

However, Trikatu churna is not appetite suppressant. Many places have wrongly described
Trikatu as appetite suppressant, which is clinically as well as theoretically wrong statement.
But it reduces body weight by acting on the root cause of obesity.

According to ayurveda, there are seven main tissues (DHATUS) and Fatty Tissue (MEDA) is
one of them. Each DHATU plays a crucial role in formation of other DHATU. Blood
(RAKTA) plays a role in accumulation of fat. The fatty acid concentration in the blood
increases after having a meal. Insulin released from the pancreas stimulates the uptake of
fatty acids in different cells of the body including fat cells, liver cells and muscle cells.

In ayurveda, this process is taken under action of BHOOTAGANI, which helps in metabolic
transformation. Thereafter, there will be two main fates of metabolic process. One is
utilization of fats and second is accumulation of fat in the body.

Mostly body should use the fatty acids and should not accumulate the fat more than reserved
fat amount in the body, but in obese people, it does not occur. Body accumulates the fat more
than its requirement. As per ayurveda, it occurs due to errors in metabolic transformation.

Fatty Tissue (MEDA) should play role in formation of bones. Generally, polyunsaturated
fatty acids including linoleic acid and alpha-linolenic acid helps in bone formation and
reduces reabsorption of the bone minerals. Here, you may have observed many obese
people with low bone mineral density and weakened bones and cartilages. This is the

Trikatu churna acts on this root cause. It improves metabolic transformation and prevents
accumulation of fats. Secondly, Trikatu churna also burns accumulated fats by rectifying the
fat metabolism in the body and improving metabolic powder.

Note: Initially, many patients have reported increase in their appetite after eating Trikatu
churna, but you should not eat unhealthy food in such situations. You should eat low
glycemic foods, which mostly includes fruits and vegetables several times a day to reduce
food cravings. After a few days, you will notice a difference and lightness in the body and
naturally decrease in appetite, as your body adjusts with Trikatu. Some experts have called it
as false rise in appetite because of increase in metabolic powder of the body, which actually
helps burning the fats.

Body aches with feeling of heaviness in the body

Many people have reported body aches with feeling of heaviness in the body, which is
generally common in winters. Trikatu powder increases warmth in the body and reduces body
aches, heaviness, fatigue, restlessness etc.

High cholesterol levels

Trikatu churna is a good cholesterol-lowering remedy.  Trikatu increase synthesis of bile acid
from cholesterol in the liver. However, it may not block the cholesterol production like
modern medicines, but it helps in proper utilization of cholesterol in the body and thus
reduces excess cholesterol level in the blood.

Common cold (acute phase during running nose)

Trikatu churna has antiviral properties. It is taken with honey to reduce running nose and
sneezing in the common cold. It is effective when running nose, congestion, sneezing and
body aches are main symptoms. However, if throat is red, irritated and inflamed or if one has
dry cough due to irritation in throat, Trikatu is not suitable in such condition. According to
our experience, Trikatu is good in first 2 days of common cold. After that, Holy Basil (Tulsi)
with some other herbs is more beneficial.

Asthma (chest congestion due to phlegm)

All three herbs present in Trikatu churna have bronchodilatory action. It also reduces
production of phlegm and chest congestion. Generally, it is used with Pushkarmool (Inula
Racemosa) as follows.

Remedies Dosage (Twice a day)

Trikatu churna 250 mg
Pushkarmool (Inula Racemosa) 500 mg
Honey 1 tsp.

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Modern science yet does not know the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome or IBS.
Ayurvedic science believes it occurs due to malfunction of digestive fire, which affects
widely all digestive organs. In this condition, some triggers cause contractions of intestinal
muscles, which causes flatulence, gas, cramps, bloating or diarrhea.

Trikatu churna works when patient has diarrhea, cramps, bloating or gas associated with
mucus in stool or if patient has sticky stools, then Trikatu powder is drug of choice in
ayurveda. It normalizes the digestive fire and corrects its functions. It reduces mucus in the
stools and helps almost all symptoms of IBS.

Note: Trikatu churna should not be used when patient has some opposite symptoms such as
hard stool and dry stools or constipation with hard stools. Trikatu itself has drying and
warmth effect in the body, so it will not work in such case. For Best results, patient may also
require some other medicines including Kutajadi vati, Kutajghan vati etc.

In gout, patients have two types of pain experience. Some has pain with tenderness, redness
and warmth on affected joints. In this case, Trikatu will not work.

Trikatu churna works in gout when patient has following symptoms.

 Feeling of heaviness in the body

 Fatigue
 Tiredness
 Uneasy feeling when awakening in the morning
 Difficulty to rise up in the morning
 Joint stiffness
 Laziness

All these symptoms are related to KAPHA dominant gout. Therefore, Trikatu reduces all of
them and provides relief in pain.

Nausea, Vomiting and loss of appetite in pregnancy

Trikatu churna is a great solution for pregnancy symptoms unless you have burning sensation
or acid dyspepsia. It increases appetite, reduces feeling of nausea in pregnancy with dosage
125 mg to 250 mg twice a day. The honey is best adjuvant in such cases.


The dosage of Trikatu churna is 125 mg to 500 mg twice a day. If the dosage increases from
one gram per day, it may cause heartburn or acidity. Therefore, we consider the maximum
dosage of Trikatu powder is 1000 mg a day.

Best adjuvant

 Pure honey
 Warm water
 Decoction of Punarnava or Punarnavarishta


However, Trikatu churna contains herbs and spices, which we use in our daily kitchen, but
the excess intake can cause some unwanted effects. In the dosage less than 1 gram per day, it
is safe to use.

Side Effects

The most common side effect of Trikatu is heartburn and acidity. The excess dosage may
cause following side effects.

 Burning aftertaste
 Heartburn
 Burning sensation in the throat
 Heat sensation in the body
 Mouth ulcer (rare)
 Sweating (rare)
 Redness in eyes or burning sensation in eyes (very rare)

Pregnancy & Breastfeeding

Trikatu powder is beneficial in pregnancy as well as in breastfeeding. It is SAFE in dosage of

500 mg per day in pregnancy and 1000 mg per day in lactation.

The larger dosage may be UNSAFE. Therefore, the maximum dosage should not exceed
from 500 mg per day in pregnancy and 1000 mg in breastfeeding. The larger dosage in
pregnancy may trigger miscarriage, spotting or bleeding.


 Acid dyspepsia
 Heartburn
 Burning sensation in any part of the body such as in the throat, abdomen, feet or
 Vomiting with sour vomitus
 Red eyes
 Skin diseases with burning sensation as a symptom
 Constipation with dry and hard stool or bleeding in stool
 Bleeding disorders
 High risk pregnancies
 Threatened abortion

FAQs about Trikatu

Can we take Trikatu and Triphala Together?

Yes, Trikatu and Triphala can be taken together. This combination is normally found in many
ayurvedic formulations. Trikatu ingredients increases bioavailability of medicines and
Triphala ingredients helps in elimination of toxins from the body. You will found many
ayurvedic formulations contain these six ingredients together, which increases the efficacy
and safety of medicines.

What should I do if Trikatu is causing burning sensation?

In such case, Trikatu should be stopped for a few days and treatment should be given for
burning sensation, heartburn and gastritis. After that, Trikatu can be re-started, but in the
dosage of about 125 mg twice daily. The dosage should be increased gradually.
Common Cold

Cardamom (Elaichi) plays a supportive role in management of common cold. It reduces

stuffy nose, throat itching, congestion, cough, headache and fatigue that occur due to
common cold. The following decoction formulation is highly beneficial for quick relief from
common cold.

Cardamom Seed 20%

Black Pepper (Kali Mirch) 20%

Cinnamon (Dalchini) 20%

Ginger 20%

Coriander seeds 20%

1 teaspoon of this mixture should be added in one glass of water. Boil and then simmer this
mixture until liquid remains around 50 to 60 ml. This decoction should be taken thrice daily.
Particulars Vata Body Type Pitta Body Type Kapha Body Type
Fairly Good Control
Wandering, changing Better Control over
Mind over the Mind,
thoughts the mind, stable mind
Somewhat stable mind
Lack of intelligence
Intelligence or intellect is not well Brilliant Good, but not brilliant
Take time to grasp and
Very Quick, but can memorize things, but
Grasping Power Good
forget easily can remember for a
long time
Attention deficient or Can be attentive only
Attentiveness attentive on every
less attentive to one subject
point or happening
Cool but easily get
Mood Wavering irritated and become Cool minded
Moderate level of Strong or good
Tolerability Lack of tolerability
tolerability tolerability
Memory Weak Moderately Good Good Memory
Very few friends A few Friends
Friends Many Friends
(Trustworthy 1 to 3) (Trustworthy 5 to 10)
Calmness and peace
Somewhat aggressive,
Social traits Aggressive are their  social visible
also calm
Can speak publicly Can speak publicly,
without any hesitation but feel some
Cannot speak publicly
Public speaking and debate with a lot hesitation and it will
or on stage
of people and can be difficult to conquer
conquer a debate a debate
Sleepy and love to
Sleep Disturbed Moderate Sleep
Somewhat contented
Not content or
and satisfied but
Satisfaction/Content extremely dissatisfied extremely satisfied
sometimes feel
with the life
Slim – Thin Medium Built Well Built
Facial characteristics Rough Delicate Pleasing
Facial Structure Angular or long Pointed Chin Rounded
Small and crooked Rounded nose and
Shape of Nose Average and Pointed
with narrow nostrils wide nostrils
Eyes Sunken, Small Average Wide and big eyes
Cheeks Sunken, dry Flat and smooth Plump Cheeks
Not too much dry or
Oily skin, thick and
Skin Type Dry or Rough oily, soft, thin and
coppery skin
Skin Color Dark White complexion, Fair complexion
with yellowish or
without any tinge
reddish tinge
Soft, thin hairs or
Dry, rough, thin, Dark, Strong, thick
Hairs early graying,
smoky, cracked hairs hairs
Irregular, but eat in
Appetite Good Appetite Less appetite
small quantities
Regular, Prone to
Irregular, prone to
Bowel Movements loose motions or Regular, Normal
Mother feed or Bottle
feed (Applicable for Irregular, small Hungry, vigorous Regular, slow and
Children under age 2 quantity but frequent sucking sluggish
Rough, incoherent, Coherent, clear and Deep, coherent and
high-pitched voice high pitched voice pleasant voice
Moderately good
Speaking Fast speaking Good speaking
Very Talkative, but
Good communication Average
Communication not firm on specific
skills communication skills
Body Strength &
Weak Moderate Strength Strong
Sweet, Bitter or Pungent, Bitter,
Tastes you like most Sweet, Sour or Salty
Astringent Astringent
Can gain weight as Easy to gain weight,
Difficult to gain
Gain and lose weight well as can lose but very difficult to
weight easily reduce it back
Follows others and
Can make own
Indecisive and take advice from many
Decision Making decisions and create
confused people, then make a
final decision
Ayurvedic medicines for weight loss
The following ayurvedic medicines can help you losing weight fast.

Best Ayurvedic Herbs for weight loss

LEKHINAYA DRAVYAs (Anti obesity herbs) are described in Charaka Samhita. These
herbs provide excellent results for shedding body fat fast. These include:

Common Name Botanical Name

Nagarmotha Cyperus Rotundus
Haridra (Turmeric) Curcuma longa
Daruharidra Berberis aristata
Vacha Acorus Calamus
Ativisha Aconitum heterophyllum
Kutki Picrorhiza kurroa
Chitrak Plumbago zeylanica
Chirbilva Holoptelea Integrifolia
Swetvacha or Hemvati (oris root) Iris ensata Thunb
Puskarmool Inula racemosa

Above herbs are generally used in ayurvedic formulations for obesity.

Best Ayurvedic herbal fat burner formula

The following formula of ayurvedic herbs also has excellent results in weight loss.

Puskarmool 500 mg
Amla (Indian Gooseberry) 500 mg
Nagarmotha (nut grass) 500 mg
Kutki 500 mg
Turmeric Powder 500 mg
Vacha (Acorus calamus) 500 mg
Black pepper 125 mg
Long pepper 125 mg
Daruhirdra 125 mg

You can also use herbal extracts prepared from above herbs. This formulation is effective in
all people.

Sometimes, people with obesity are also combating PITTA symptoms or diseases. These
symptoms include burning sensation, acidity, heartburn, sour throat, sour or bitter taste of
mouth, vertigo etc. For these patients following formulation is recommended.

Amla (Indian Gooseberry) 1 gram

Nagarmotha (nut grass) 500 mg
Kutki 1 gram
Turmeric Powder 500 mg
Daruhirdra 500 mg
Triphala 1 gram

Ayurvedic Classical Medicines for Obesity

The following classical ayurvedic medicines help in losing weight.

Loha Bhasma

However, Loha bhasma is used for the treatment of iron deficiency anemia because it
contains iron as a main ingredient. It is a calcined Iron Ash.

Loha bhasma is also beneficial in reducing weight. It has fat burner effects in the body. It is
more beneficial in abdominal obesity.

Loha bhasma 125 mg

Honey 1 tsp.

This can be given three times a day.


In some patient, stool becomes black. It occurs due to iron content of Loha Bhasma.

Read More: Lauh Bhasma Benefits & Medicinal Uses

Shuddha Shilajeet

Shilajeet (asphaltum) is a nutritional tonic in ayurveda. It is also LEKHINYA (fat burner),

but the action is not as potent as of CHARAKA LEKHINYA GHANA herbs described

It helps to remove the belly fat and might improve metabolism. It can be used as weight loss

Read More: Shilajit Benefits

Arogyavardhini vati

The main action of Arogyavardhini vati is to improve metabolism and correct liver functions.
It is the best ayurvedic medicines for abdominal diseases, liver ailments and obesity.

In obesity, it assists other medicines by improving the action of them. In addition, it also
supports to correct the fat metabolism.
According to ayurveda, there are seven DHATUS, one of them is MEDA DHATU (Fatty
tissue, fat and elementary fat). When MEDA AGNI impairs, fat starts accumulating and
bones start becoming weak. Here arogyavardhini vati is a drug of choice to correct this

Read More: Benefits & Medicinal Uses of Arogyavardhini vati

Varanadi Kashayam

Varanadi Kashayam increases metabolic rate and burns fat fast than any other remedies.
However, it is more suitable for people with fatty liver, high cholesterol, breathing trouble
due to excess KAPHA and KAPHA PRAKIRTI. It is not suitable for people with mouth
ulcer, ulceration, inflammatory disease, burning urination, heat sensation in hands or feet and

Read More: Varanadi Kashayam Benefits, Medicinal Uses, Dosage & Side Effects

Medohar Guggulu

Medohar Guggulu is found to be effective for reducing belly fat and hip fat. It speeds up fat
burning by increasing metabolic rate and rectifying the fat metabolism in the body. It has
following effects in the body.

 It increases metabolism of lipids.

 Natural cellular death of fat cells takes place after taking it.
 It may also inhibit new fat cells growth and production.
 It also stimulates thyroid gland functions and boosts metabolism in the body.

Ayurvedic Remedies Dosage (twice a day)

Medohar Guggulu 500 mg to 1000 mg
Vrikshamla (Garcinia Cambogia) 250 mg to 500 mg
Triphala powder 3 grams

This herbal combination can speed up burning of the fats.

Read More: Medohar Guggulu

Amritadi Guggulu

However, Amritadi Guggulu helps in acidity, gout, skin diseases, hemorrhoids and liver
disorders, but it is also used for weight loss. All ingredients in Amritadi Guggulu have
potency to burn fat and improve metabolism in the body.

Amritadi Guggulu 1 gram

Honey 1 tsp
Warm water 1 glass
Take a glass of water, add 1 tsp. honey, and mix well. Take Amritadi Guggulu with this
honey water.

Read More: Amritadi Guggulu

Triphala guggul

I consider Amritadi guggul is best for obesity, as it has all ingredients that present in Triphala
guggul, but many people are commonly using triphala guggul for obesity.

The anti-diabetic action of triphala and guggul makes the triphala guggul eligible for weight
loss, but in amritadi guggul, Tinospora cordifolia, black pepper, and long pepper are
additional support for boosting fat burner action and rectifying fat metabolism.

Read More: Triphala Guggulu

Trayushnadi louh

Trayushnadi louh is best medicine that can burn fat. It reduces KAPHA in the body. It is best
for people having any skin diseases along with obesity. It also reduces bad body odor in
obese people.

Maha Yograj Guggulu

Maha yograj guggulu or yogaraj guggul is advised when patient also suffer from arthritic
problems. Its ingredients also help shedding fat in addition to support in arthritis. Obese
patients with joint pain and bad body odor can get benefits from Maha yograj guggulu. It also
acts as arogyavardhini vati in obesity.

Read More: Maha Yograj Guggulu

Asava Arishta for Weight Loss

Some Asava Arishta preparations are also good ayurvedic medicines for weight loss. These


Mustakarishta promotes fat burning and reduces weight. However, it also stimulates appetite,
but it also acts on fat digestion and fat metabolism. It induces fat burning, which ultimately
helps to lose weight. Because it also increases appetite, so people taking Mustakarishta or
similar ayurvedic medicines for weight loss should also increase intake of salad, fruits, and
raw vegetables.

Read More: Mustakarishta Benefits, Uses, and Dosage

Dhatryasava is Amla based formulation. It is the best ayurvedic medicine for losing weight if
the patient has Pitta Body Type. Some people cannot tolerate some potent anti-obesity
medicines. They suffer from excess heat in the body or heartburn, acidity, and burning
sensation. For these people, Dhatryasava is the safest medicine for promoting weight loss.

Read More:  Dhatryasava Benefits, Uses, and Dosage

Simple ayurvedic remedies for weight loss

The following home remedies are simple to use and help losing weight fast.

Radish seeds

Taking 3 to 5 grams radish seed powder helps shedding belly fat and reducing weight.

1. Take 3 grams radish seed powder and a teaspoon honey.

2. Mix seed powder with honey to make paste. Lick this paste twice a day and drink
warm lemon water after eating.

Take radish seed powder for at least 2 months for better results.

Triphala & Giloy

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis) 500 mg

Bibhitaki (Terminalia bellirica) 500 mg
Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) 500 mg
Giloy (tinospora cordifolia) 1500 mg

Take powder of all ingredients and mix them well. Taking this mixture with warm water
helps in obesity.

Preventive ayurvedic medicine for weight loss

1. Taking triphala and giloy powder or giloy sat daily prevent the regain of weight.
2. Taking black and white pepper in diet also prevents regaining weight.
3. Taking turmeric powder mixed with black pepper with warm water stops gaining

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