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Which of the following are distributed storage components in the Hadoop
platform? CD
A. MapReduce
B. Spark
D. HBase

In HDFS, data blocks are stored with multiple replicas. If a data block on a
node is lost, you need to manually copy a data replica to the node.
128MB -OneBlock

Which of the following HDFS component is responsible for storing user data?
A. NameNode
B. DataNode
C. ZooKeeper
D. JobTracker

NameNodes of HDFS store metadata of file systems T

Which statements about HDFS are correct? ACD
A. HDFS consists of NameNodes, DataNodes, and Clients.
B. Metadata on the standby NameNode of HDFS is directly synchronized from the
active NameNode. F
C. HDFS stores the first replica on the nearest node.
D. HDFS is ideal for Write Once Read Many (WORM) tasks.

Which statements are correct about the functions of the standby NameNode in
^^^^A. Hot spare for the active NameNode
^^^^B. The standby NameNode does not have specific memory requirements. ^^^^C.
The standby NameNode helps the active NameNode merge edit logs, reducing the
startup time of the active NameNode.
^^^^D. The active and standby NameNodes must be deployed on the same node.

Which statement is correct about uploading files from a client to HDFS?
^^^^A. The file data of the client is transmitted to DataNodes via NameNodes.
^^^^B. The client divides files into multiple blocks and writes data blocks
to each DataNode based on the DataNode address sequence. ^^^^C. The client
writes files to each DataNode based on the DataNode address sequence, and
then the DataNodes divide files into multiple blocks.
^^^^D. The client only uploads data to one DataNode, and the NameNode copies
block1 = 0 block2 = 2 block3 = 2
2. array
address_list = [ip1,ip2,ip3]

In HDFS, the NameNode manages metadata, and the client reads metadata from the
metadata disk of the NameNode every time when the client sends a read request
to obtain the location information about the file that is being read in the
NameNode memory

Which of the following statements are correct about HDFS Federation? ACD
^^^^A. A namespace uses a block pool to manage data blocks.
^^^^B. A namespace uses multiple block pools to manage data blocks. ^^^^C. The
disk space of each block pool is physically shared, but the logical space is
^^^^D. The NameNode and namespace can be scaled-out.

When the Client writes files to HDFS, the NameNode determines the location
where the first replica is written to, and the DataNode determines the location
where other replicas are written to. F

Which of the following statements is correct about the HDFS DataNode in
FusionInsight HD? B
^^^^A. Data validity is not checked.
^^^^B. The DataNode periodically sends its block information to the
^^^^C. Blocks stored on different DataNodes must be different.
^^^^D. Blocks on a DataNode can be the same.

which of the following commands is used to check the integrity of data
blocks in HDFS. A
^^^^A. hdfs fsck /
^^^^B. hdfs fsck / -delete
^^^^C. hdfs dfsadmin -report
^^^^D. hdfs balancer -threshold 1

Which is the default block size of HDFS in FusionInsight HD? C
^^^^A. 32 MB
^^^^B. 64 MB
^^^^C. 128 MB
^^^^D. 256 MB

How many copies of a block are stored in HDFS of FusionInsight HD by default?
^^^^A. Three copies
^^^^B. Two copies
^^^^C. One copy
^^^^D. Uncertain

Which one is not a feature of MapReduce in Hadoop? C
^^^^A. Easy to program
^^^^B. Outstanding scalability
^^^^C. Real-time computing
^^^D. High fault tolerance

Which of the following computing tasks is MapReduce good at dealing with?
^^^^A. Iterative computing
^^^^B. Offline computing
^^^^C. Real-time interactive computing
^^^^D. Stream computing

YARN manages cluster resources based on Resource Manager. Which of the
following are main functions of YARN? AB
^^^^A. Cluster resource scheduling
^^^^B. Application program management
^^^^C. Log management -- node manager
^^^^D. None of the above

Which is the encapsulation of the YARN resources in Hadoop? C
^^^^A. Memory
^^^^B. CPU
^^^^C. Container
^^^^D. Disk space

Which resources can be managed by YARN in Hadoop? AB
^^^^A. Memory
^^^^B. CPU
^^^^C. Network
^^^^D. Disk space
In Hadoop, you can set the parameter to
configure the memory size allocated to a container by YARN. F - AM'S

Which of the following is the correct sequence of the resource allocation
initiated by the YARN scheduler? C
^^^^A. Any host > Same rack > Local resources
^^^^B. Any host > Local resources > Same rack
^^^^C. Local resources > Same rack > Any host
^^^^D. Same rack > Any host > Local resources

If the number of replicas in HDFS is set as 3, file segments to be processed
must be transferred from hosts with three replicas every time when a task is
running. F

Which are the main features of the YARN scheduler? ABCD
^^^^A. Capacity assurance
^^^^B. Flexibility
^^^^C. Multi-leasing
^^^^D. Dynamic update of configuration files -- FusionInsight Manager

Which parameter should you configure to set the capacity of QueueA in
YARN to 30%? C
^^^^A. yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA.user-limit-factor
^^^^B. yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA.minimum-user-limit-percent
^^^^C. yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA.capacity
^^^^D. yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA.state

If a YARN cluster has sub-queues Default, QueueA, and QueueB, the capacity of
the sub-queues can be set to 60%, 25%, and 22%, respectively. F sub-queues +
QA+QB = 100%
60%+25%+22% = 97%

Which statement is incorrect if you set
yarn.scheduler.capacity.root.QueueA.minimum-user-limit-percent to 50 in
^^^^A. When a user submits a task, the user can use 100% of QueueA resources.
^^^^B. Each user of QueueA can obtain a maximum of 50% of QueueA resources.
^^^^C. If tasks of two users of QueueA are running, tasks of the third user
can be executed only after the resources are released. ^^^^D. Each user of
QueueA obtains 50% of resources at least.

Which command is used to view information about an application of YARN in
Hadoop? D
^^^^A. container
^^^^B. application -attempt
^^^^C. jar
^^^^D. application

Which parameter should you configure to enable the YARN log aggregation
function in Hadoop? D
^^^^A. yarn.nodemanager.local-dirs
^^^^B. yarn.nodemanager.log-dirs
^^^^C. yarn.acl.enable
^^^^D. yarn.log-aggregation-enable

Both Spark and Hadoop are not applicable to iterative computing. F

In which programming language is Spark developed? D
^^^^A. C
^^^^B. C++
^^^^C. JAVA
^^^^D. Scala - 30000 lines

Which functions are provided by Spark? AD
^^^^A. Distributed memory computing engine
^^^^B. Distributed file system -hdfs
^^^^C. Distributed data warehouse -hive
^^^^D. Stream data processing

Resilient Distributed Datasets (RDDs) are generated in file systems compatible
with Hadoop, and then the generated RDDs can be partially upgraded by invoking
RDD operators. F -- read only

Which is not the transformation operation in Spark? D

^^^^A. join
^^^^B. distinct
^^^^C. reduceByKey
^^^^D. reduce
In Spark on YARN mode, the driver runs on the client only. F

Which is used to divide stages when Spark applications are running? D
^^^^A. task
^^^^B. taskset
^^^^C. action
^^^^D. shuffle

When a Spark application is running, the failure of a task can result in
application running failures. F

In Spark on YARN mode, executors cannot be initiated for tasks on nodes without
Node Manager. T

Shuffle divides the Spark job into multiple stages. F

Spark is a memory-based computing engine; therefore, data generated when
Spark applications are running is stored in memory. T
memory is not enough -> disk

An executor of Spark can run multiple tasks at the same time. T

In a Fusion Insight HD cluster, from which services can Spark read
^^^^A. YARN
^^^^B. HDFS -FS
^^^^C. Hive -DW
^^^^D. HBase -DB

Spark Streaming performs better than Storm in real-time capability. F
Which of the following are permanent processes of Spark? AB
^^^^A. JobHistory
^^^^B. JDBCServer
^^^^C. SparkResource
^^^^D. NodeManager

HBase in FusionInsight HD supports dynamic extension of columns. T

Which of the following is the default underlying file storage system for
HBase in FusionInsight HD? A
^^^^A. HDFS
^^^^B. Hadoop
^^^^C. Memory
^^^^D. MapReduce

Which of the following scenario is HBase inapplicable to? A
^^^^A. The ACID feature is required - region
^^^^B. Massive sets of data ^^^^C. High
^^^^D. Semi-structured data

Which processes are contained in the HBase component of FusionInsight HD?
^^^^A. HMaster
^^^^B. Slave
^^^^C. HRegionServer
^^^^D. DataNode
Hmaster - HRegionServer
Master - Slaves

HBase in FusionInsight HD needs to connect to HMaster during data read. F
0.96Version -Hbase -need use HMaster to read data after -
Hbase -nedd use Zookeeper to read data

How is the active HMaster of HBase selected? C
^^^^A. Selected randomly
^^^^B. Determined by RegionServer
^^^^C. Determined by ZooKeeper
^^^^D. HMasters are in active-active mode.
Which service process manages regions in Hadoop HBase? C
^^^^A. HMaster
^^^^B. DataNode
^^^^C. HRegionServer
^^^^D. ZooKeeper

The minimum processing unit of HBase in Fusion Insight HD is region. Where is
the routing information between the user region and Region Server stored? D
^^^^A. Zookeeper
^^^^B. HDFS
^^^^C. Master
^^^^D. Meta table
Meta table(zookeeper) -> user region(HRegionServer)

When HBase is deployed in a FusionInsight HD cluster with N nodes, how many (
) HMaster processes and ( ) RegionServer processes are recommended? C
^^^^A. 2, 2
^^^^B. 3, N
^^^^C. 2, N
^^^^D. N, N
active hmaster
standby hmaster

Which of the following is not semi-structured data? C
C. Bidimensional table
storage in hbase

For HBase in FusionInsight HD, a table is divided by SplitKey 9, E, a, z.
Thus, how many regions does the table have? C
^^^^A. 3
^^^^B. 4
^^^^C. 5
^^^^D. 6

Which of the following is the physical storage unit of regions in HBase?
^^^^A. Region
^^^^B. Column family
^^^^C. Column
^^^^D. Row

What is the storage format of HBase data? A
^^^^A. HFile
^^^^B. SequenceFile
^^^^C. HLog
^^^^D. TxtFile

Which statement about HFiles in HBase is incorrect? B
^^^^A. An HFile belongs to a region.
^^^^B. An HFile contains data of multiple column families.
^^^^C. An HFile contains data of multiple columns.
^^^^D. An HFile contains data of multiple rows.

What information does the KeyValue of HFiles in HBase contain?
^^^^A. Key
^^^^B. Value
^^^^C. TimeStamp
^^^^D. KeyType

In FusionInsight HD, which component or service is not involved in HBase data
read process? C
^^^^A. ZooKeeper
^^^^B. HDFS
^^^^C. HMaster >0.96 Version
^^^^D. HRegionServer

In FusionInsight HD, where is the routing information about regions of
HBase metadata stored? B
^^^^A. Root table
^^^^B. ZooKeeper
^^^^C. HMaster
^^^^D. Meta table
In HBase, data is written to MemStores, HLogs, and HDFS, where will a data
writing success message be returned after the data is successfully written? B
^^^^A. MemStore
^^^^B. HLog
^^^^C. HDFS
^^^^D. Memory

An HBase table meg_table with RowKey for user ID and one column for user name.
KeyValues 001:Li, 001:Mary, and 001:LiLy are written to meg_table in sequence.
Then which is returned by the command 'scan
'meg_table',{VERSIONS=>2}'? D
^^^^A. 001:Li
^^^^B. 001:Lily
^^^^C. 001:Li,001:Mary,001:LiLy
^^^^D. 001:Mary, 001:LiLy
version number
001:Li timestamp xxx-xxx-01 version1
001:Mary timestamp xxx-xxx-02 version2
001:Lily timestamp xxx-xxx-03 version3

Which of the following is the purpose of periodically executing compaction for
HBase clusters? AB
^^^^A. To reduce the number of files in the same region and the same column
^^^^B. To improve data read performance.
^^^^C. To reduce data of files in the same column family.
^^^^D. To reduce the number of files in the same region.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about region splitting in HBase?
^^^^A. Splitting does not essentially split files, but creates reference files.
^^^^B. Splitting is to reduce the size of data in a region so that a region is
split into two regions.
^^^^C. The table suspends services during the splitting.
^^^^D. The split region suspends services during the splitting

If a region in HBase is being split, when will one HFile be split to two
regions? C
^^^^A. During the splitting
^^^^B. During the flush
^^^^C. During the compaction
^^^^D. During the HFile splitting

During HBase data read, what data needs to be read? AC
^^^^A. HFile
^^^^B. HLog
^^^^C. MemStore
^^^^D. HMaster

Which of the following statements is incorrect about BloomFilter of HBase in
FusionInsight HD? A
^^^^A. BloomFilter is used to filter data.
^^^^B. BloomFilter is used to optimize random data read.
^^^^C. BloomFilter consumes more storage resources.
^^^^D. BloomFilter can be used to precisely determine which data does not

If you need to view the current user and his/her permission group of
HBase, which command should you run in the HBase shell? B
^^^^A. user_permission
^^^^B. whoami
^^^^C. who
^^^^D. get_user

Which of the following scenarios is Hive inapplicable to? A
^^^^A. Online data analysis in real-time
^^^^B. Data mining, such as user behavior analysis, interest zoning, and
regional display
^^^^C. Data summary, such as daily and weekly user clicks and click ranking
^^^^D. Non-real-time analysis, such as log analysis and statistics analysis

Which of the following storage formats are supported by Hive in
FusionInsight HD? BCD
^^^^A. HFile
^^^^B. TextFile
^^^^C. SequenceFile
^^^^D. RCFile
Which statement is incorrect about comparisons between Hive and conventional
data warehouses? B
^^^^A. Hive is HDFS-based; therefore, Hive can store as much data as possible
theoretically. However, conventional data warehouses can only store a limited
amount of data.
^^^^B. Hive is based on the big data platform; therefore, Hive delivers a
faster query speed than conventional data warehouses.
^^^^C. Hive metadata storage is independent of data storage, so metadata is
decoupled from data, thus the flexibility is improved. However, the
conventional data warehouse is in the opposite against Hive. ^^^^D. Hive
data is stored in HDFS, providing high fault tolerance and reliability.

Which statement is incorrect about the relationship between Hive and other
Hadoop components? D
^^^^A. Hive stores data in HDFS.
^^^^B. HQL can use MapReduce to execute tasks.
^^^^C. Hive functions as a data warehouse tool in Hadoop. ^^^^D. Hive
is strongly dependent on HBase.

Which statement is incorrect about Hive in FusionInsight HD? A
^^^^A. The Hive cluster is unavailable when one HiveServer fails.
^^^^B. The HiveServer receives requests from the client, parses and runs
HQL commands, and returns the query result.
^^^^C. MetaStore provides metadata services and depends on DBService.
^^^^D. At the same time, one HiveSever is in the active state, and the other is
in the standby state.

Which of the following is not the flow control feature of Hive in
FusionInsight HD? C
^^^^A. Controls the total number of established connections.
^^^^B. Controls the number of connections established by each user.
^^^^C. Controls the number of connections established by a specific user.
^^^^D. Controls the number of established connections during a specific period.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about common tables and external
tables in Hive? D
^^^^A. Common tables are created by default.
^^^^B. External tables associate the file paths on HDFS with tables. ^^^^C.
When a common table is deleted, the metadata and data in the table are deleted.
^^^^D. When an external table is deleted, only the data in the external table
is deleted but the metadata is not deleted.

Which of the following statements about Hive table creation is correct? A
^^^^A. The external keyword must be specified when an external table is
^^^^B. Once a table is created, the table name cannot be changed.
^^^^C. Once a table is created, the column name cannot be changed.
^^^^D. Once a table is created, new columns cannot be added.
Which of the following methods cannot be used to load data to the Hive table? C
^^^^A. Load the files in the local path to the Hive table.
^^^^B. Load the files in HDFS to the Hive table.
^^^^C. Hive supports the insertion of a single record using insert into.
Therefore, you can insert a single record directly using the command line.
^^^^D. Insert the result sets of other tables into the Hive table.

What are the possible causes if the Hive service status is Bad on the
FusionInsight Manager portal? ABC
^^^^A. The DBService service is unavailable. HQL->SQL
^^^^B. The HDFS service is unavailable.
^^^^C. The MetaStore instance is unavailable. Metadata in hive ^^^^D. The
HBase service is unavailable.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about Hive log collection on
FusionInsight Manager? D
^^^^A. You can specify an instance to collect logs, for example, collecting
MetaStore logs.
^^^^B. You can specify a time period to collect logs, for example, collecting
logs from 2016-01-01 to 2016-01-10.
^^^^C. You can specify a node IP address to collect logs, for example,
downloading the logs of an IP address only.
^^^^D. You can specify a user to collect logs. For example, downloading the
logs generated by user A only.

Which of the following statements is correct about the Supervisor of
FusionInsight HD Streaming? B
^^^^A. The Supervisor is responsible for resource allocation and task
scheduling. NIMBUS
^^^^B. The Supervisor receives tasks allocated by Nimbus, and starts or stops
Workers based on actual situation.
^^^^C. The Supervisor is a process running a specific service logic. ^^^^D.
The Supervisor is a component that receives and processes data in a topology.

When the Streaming component of FusionInsight HD is being installed, how many
nodes must be equipped with the Nimbus role? B
^^^^A. 1
^^^^B. 2
^^^^C. 3
^^^^D. 4

The Streaming component of FusionInsight HD has a weak dependency on ZooKeeper
and can normally provide services even if ZooKeeper becomes faulty. F

In FusionInsight HD, which of the following methods can be used for
troubleshooting if you fail to use the Shell command of the Streaming client to
view or submit a topology? AB
^^^^A. View the abnormal stack on the client to check whether the client is
^^^^B. View the run logs of the active Nimbus to check whether the Nimbus
server is abnormal.
^^^^C. View the Supervisor run logs to check whether the Supervisor is
^^^^D. View the Worker run logs.

After a topology is submitted using the Shell command of the Streaming client
in the FusionInsight HD system, the Storm UI shows that the topology does not
process data for a long time. What are the possible causes? ABC
^^^^A. The topology is too complex or the concurrency is too large. As a
result, the Worker startup takes a longer time than the waiting time of the
^^^^B. The slot resource of the Supervisor is exhausted. After the topology is
submitted, no slot can be allocated to start the Worker process.
^^^^C. The topology service has a logic error and cannot run properly after
being submitted.
^^^^D. When the data volume is large, the topology processing speed is slow.

Flink is a unified computing framework that supports both batch processing and
stream processing. It provides a stream data processing engine that supports
data distribution and parallel computing. T

Which of the following scenarios is Flink inapplicable to? BD
^^^^A. Batch processing
^^^^B. Iterative computing spark
^^^^C. Stream processing
^^^^D. Data storage hdfs,hbase,hive
Flink applies to applications that require high-concurrency data processing and
a millisecond-level latency. T

Similar to Spark Streaming, Flink is a time-driven real-time streaming system.
Spark -> time driven
Flink,Streaming -> event driven

Flink can be deployed in local or cluster mode. Other deployment modes are not
supported. F ->Cloud AWS s3/DLI service

In Flink, the ( ) interface is used for stream data processing, and the
( ) interface is used for batch processing. B
^^^^A. Stream API, Batch API
^^^^B. DataStream API, DataBatch API
^^^C. DataBatch API, DataStream API
^^^^D. Batch API, Stream API

In the technical architecture of Flink, what is the computing engine for stream
processing and batch processing? B
^^^^A. Standalone
^^^^B. Runtime
^^^^C. DataStream
^^^^D. FlinkCore

Spark - Sparkcore
Flink - Runtime

The Flink program consists of Stream data and Transformation operators. T

Which of the following statements are incorrect about Flink windows? BD
^^^^A. The scrolling windows do not overlap in time.
^^^^B. The scrolling windows overlap in time.
^^^^C. The time points of the sliding windows overlap.
^^^^D. The time points of the sliding windows do not overlap.

Flink uses the checkpoint mechanism to ensure fault tolerance during
application running. T

The checkpoint mechanism of Flink continuously draws snapshots of streaming
applications, and the status snapshots of the streaming applications can only
be stored in the HDFS file system. F

Which of the following statements is incorrect about a Flink barrier? D ^^^^A.
A barrier is periodically inserted into the data flow and flows as part of the
data flow.
^^^^B. A barrier is the core of Flink snapshots.
^^^^C. A barrier separates the data of the current periodic snapshot from that
of the next periodic snapshot.
^^^^D. When a barrier is inserted, the data flow is temporarily blocked.

In Huawei FusionInsight HD, which of the following components does Flink
strongly depend on? ABC
^^^^A. YARN Flink in yarn
^^^^B. HDFS
^^^^C. ZooKeeper
^^^^D. Kafka

Loader supports only data import and export between relational databases and
HBase. F

Which of the following methods or interfaces are provided by Loader to
implement task management? ABCD
^^^^A. Web UI
^^^^B. Linux CLI
^^^^D. Java API

If a Loader job fails to be executed, the data imported during the job
execution will not be automatically deleted and must be manually deleted.
In the FusionInsight HD system, the Loader service functions properly if only
one Loader node in a cluster is faulty. T

Which of the following nodes need to communicate with external data sources
before and after a FusionInsight HD Loader job is running? C
^^^^A. Active Loader node
^^^^B. Node that runs the YARN service job
^^^^C. All of the above
^^^^D. None of the above

When Loader is used to import and export data, data processing must be
performed during Reduce. F

Which of the following statements is correct about Loader jobs in
FusionInsight HD? B
^^^^A. If the Loader service malfunctions after submitting a job to YARN, the
job fails to be executed.
^^^^B. If a Mapper task fails after Loader submits a job to YARN for execution,
the task can be automatically retried.
^^^^C. If a Loader job fails to be executed, junk data is generated and needs
to be manually cleared.
^^^^D. After Loader submits a job to YARN for execution, Loader cannot submit
other jobs before the job is executed.

Which of the following instances must be deployed together with the
Loader instance in FusionInsight HD? D
^^^^A. DataNode
^^^^B. RegionServer
^^^^C. ResourceManager
^^^^D. NodeManager

Which of the following operations cannot be performed on Loader on
FusionInsight Manager? D
^^^^A. Start the Loader instance.
^^^^B. View the Loader service status.
^^^^C. Configure Loader parameters.
^^^^D. Switch between active and standby Loader nodes.
After a Loader job in FusionInsight HD is submitted to YARN, the job cannot be
stopped manually. F

In FusionInsight HD, when Loader imports files from the SFTP server, which of
the following file types does not require code and data conversion and delivers
the most rapid speed? C
^^^^A. text_file
^^^^B. sequence_file
^^^^C. binary_file
^^^^D. graph_file

Which of the following target ends can FusionInsight HD Loader export
HDFS data to? ABCD
^^^^A. SFTP server
^^^^B. FTP server
^^^^C. Oracle database
^^^^D. DB2 database

Which of the following is the function of the connector when FusionInsight HD
Loader creates a job? C
^^^^A. Determine the conversion steps.
^^^^B. Provide optimization parameters to improve data import and export
^^^^C. Configure how jobs are connected to external data sources.
^^^^D. Configure how jobs are connected to internal data sources.

For Loader in FusionInsight HD, a connector can be allocated to only one job.

In FusionInsight HD, Loader jobs are input, converted, and output in sequence.

In FusionInsight HD, which of the following methods cannot be used to view the
execution result of a Loader job? D
^^^^A. Using the YARN task management page
^^^^B. Using the Loader UI
^^^^C. Using alarms on Manager
^^^^D. Using NodeManager
In FusionInsight HD, if dirty data is generated during the running of a Loader
job, the execution result of the Loader job must be failed. F

In FusionInsight HD, which component does not data flow of Flume pass by? D
^^^^A. source
^^^^B. channel
^^^^C. sink
^^^^D. topic

Flume data flows can be sent to different channels based on the header
information. T

Flume can monitor and transfer new files in a directory to implement quasi-
realtime data transmission. Which type of source is described above? A
^^^^A. spooling directory source
^^^^B. http source
^^^^C. exec source
^^^^D. syslog source

Which of the following is not the channel type of Flume? D
^^^^A. Memory Channel
^^^^B. File Channel
^^^^C. JDBC Channel
^^^^D. HDFS Channel

When Flume is used to transmit data, which of the following channel types is
recommended to prevent data loss caused by the restart of the Flume process? B
^^^^A. Memory Channel
^^^^B. File Channel
^^^^C. JDBC Channel
^^^^D. HDFS Channel

When the Flume process is cascaded, which of the following sink types are used
to receive data sent by the last-hop Flume? AB
^^^^A. avro sink
^^^^B. thrift sink
^^^^C. Hive sink
^^^^D. Null Sink

During data transmission, Flume deletes the events from the channel after Sink
obtains the data and writes the data to the destination. T

How many Flume Server nodes must be deployed in the same cluster when
FusionInsight HD is deployed? ............... Error! Bookmark not defined.
^^^^A .................................................................. 20
^^^^B .................................................................. 20
^^^^C .................................................................. 20
^^^^D .................................................................. 20

Multiple channels can be configured to transmit data in the configuration file of Flume. T

Kafka is a distributed publish-subscribe messaging system. It forwards messages
but does not store messages. F

What is the role of the Kafka server in a Kafka cluster? D
^^^^A. Producer
^^^^B. Consumer
^^^^C. ZooKeeper
^^^^D. Broker

Which of the following statements is incorrect about Kafka in
FusionInsight HD? C
^^^^A. Kafka strongly depends on ZooKeeper. t
^^^^B. At least two Kafka instances must be deployed. t
^^^^C. The Kafka server can generate messages. f
^^^^D. A Consumer functions as a Kafka client and consumes messages. t

Which of the following statements are correct about Kafka in
FusionInsight HD? BD
^^^^A. When a Kafka Producer sends a message, the Consumer that consumes the
messages can be specified. f
^^^^B. When creating a topic, ensure that the number of replicas is less than
or equal to the number of active Broker instances. Otherwise, topic creation
fails. t
^^^^C. After Kafka is installed, the data storage directory cannot be
configured. f
^^^^D. Kafka stores metadata information to ZooKeeper. t

On FusionInsight Manager, if the insufficient Kafka disk capacity alarm is
received and the alarm is not caused by the disk hardware fault, the system
administrator needs to expand the capacity to resolve this problem. T

In the FusionInsight HD system, when creating a Kafka topic, you must set the
number of partitions and replicas. Multiple replicas enhance the disaster
recovery capability of Kafka services. T

Which of the following commands is used to view partition details of a topic in
Kafka? C
^^^^A. bin/ --create
^^^^B. bin/ --list
^^^^C. bin/ --describe
^^^^D. bin/ --delete

Which of the following statements are correct about Kafka in
FusionInsight HD?
^^^^A. When deleting a topic, ensure that delete.topic.enable of the
Kafka service is set to true.
^^^^B. Kafka installation and run logs are stored in /srv/Bigdata/kafka/.
^^^^C. If the ZooKeeper service is unavailable, the Kafka service is
^^^^D. You must create a topic as the admin user or a user in the kafkaadmin

Which of the following is not the possible cause of the insufficient
Kafka disk capacity alarm? D
^^^^A. The configuration (such as number and size) of the disks for storing
Kafka data cannot meet the requirement of the current service traffic, due to
which the disk usage reaches the upper limit.
^^^^B. Data retention time is too long, due to which the data disk usage
reaches the upper limit.
^^^^C. The service plan does not distribute data evenly, due to which the usage
of some disks reaches the upper limit.
^^^^D. The Broker node is faulty.
Which of the following statements about ZooKeeper are correct? AC
^^^^A. Based on open source Apache ZooKeeper, ZooKeeper is used to resolve data
management problems that occur frequently in distributed applications.
^^^^B. ZooKeeper, as an underlying component, is depended on by other
components but does not depend on other components.
^^^^C. ZooKeeper must be deployed in Huawei FusionInsight HD.
^^^^D. The more ZooKeeper nodes, the better.

In the ZooKeeper service model, the Leader nodes work in active/standby mode,
and other nodes are Follower nodes. F

Which of the following statements about ZooKeeper is incorrect? A
^^^^A. If ZooKeeper is interrupted during message synchronization, ZooKeeper
can continue to synchronize data based on the transmission status before the
fault occurred. That is, resumable data transfer is supported.
^^^^B. ZooKeeper uses the custom atomic message protocol to ensure data
consistency among nodes in the entire system.
^^^^C. The Leader role is elected when the ZooKeeper cluster is started. ^^^^D.
After receiving a data change request, the Leader node writes the data to the
disk and then to the memory.

All ZooKeeper nodes can process read requests. T

When the number of nodes in a ZooKeeper cluster is five, how many nodes provide
the disaster recovery capability? C
^^^^A. 3
^^^^B. 4
^^^^C. 6
^^^^D. None of the above

Which of the following statements about ZooKeeper is incorrect? D ^^^^A. The
updates sent by the client are applied in the sequence of update sending.
^^^^B. If a message is received by more than half of the servers, the message
can be successfully written to the disk.
^^^^C. Data transfer either succeeds or fails. There is no middle status.
^^^^D. The number of ZooKeeper nodes must be an odd.

ZooKeeper nodes use ACLs to control access policies. ACLs can be applied to any
Znode in a cluster. F
Which of the following components must depend on ZooKeeper? ABD
^^^^A. HDFS
^^^^B. HBase
^^^^C. Spark
^^^^D. YARN

Which of the following statements about ZKFC is incorrect? B
^^^^A. As the client of a ZooKeeper cluster, ZKFailoverController (ZKFC)
monitors the state information about NameNodes.
^^^^B. The ZKFC process must be deployed on NameNodes and the Leader nodes of
ZooKeeper. all the nodes
^^^^C. The standby NameNode detects the status of the active NameNode using
ZooKeeper. Once the active NameNode breaks down, the standby
NameNode becomes the active one.
^^^^D. The ZKFC process of HDFS NameNodes connects to ZooKeeper and saves
information such as the host name to ZooKeeper.

Which module is responsible for storing FusionInsight Manager user data?
^^^^A. CAS
^^^^B. AOS
^^^^C. Kerberos
^^^^D. LDAP

The FusionInsight HD cluster contains multiple services. Each service consists
of several roles. Which of the following are service roles? BC
^^^^A. HDFS
^^^^B. NameNode
^^^^C. DataNode
^^^^D. HBase

Which of the following interfaces can be used for FusionInsight Manager to
interconnect with external management platforms? AD
^^^^A. SNMP
^^^^B. VPN
^^^^C. BGP
^^^^D. Syslog

Which of the following operations cannot be performed on a service using
FusionInsight Manager? C
^^^^A. Start, stop, and restart a service.
^^^^B. Add and uninstall a service.
^^^^C. Hide and display a service that is not frequently used.
^^^^D. View service status

Which of the following operations cannot be recorded in FusionInsight HD audit
logs? D
^^^^A. Clear alarms manually.
^^^^B. Start and stop service instances.
^^^^C. Delete service instances.
^^^^D. Query historical monitoring information.

Which of the following statements is incorrect about the function for
configuring services on FusionInsight Manager? C
^^^^A. Service-level configuration takes effect for all instances.
^^^^B. Instance-level configuration takes effect only for this instance.
^^^^C. Instance-level configuration takes effect for other instances. ^^^^D.
The saved configuration takes effect after the services are restarted.

Which of the following configurations is not supported by FusionInsight Manager
user rights management? D
^^^^A. Assign a role to a user.
^^^^B. Assign rights to a role.
^^^^C. Assign a role to a user group.
^^^^D. Assign rights to a user group.

Which of the following can FusionInsight Manager implement a health check for?
^^^^A. Host
^^^^B. Service
^^^^C. Role
^^^^D. Instance

Which data is periodically backed up by FusionInsight Manager? ABCD
^^^^A. NameNode
^^^^B. LDAP
^^^^C. OMS
^^^^D. DBService

Which of the following statements are correct about FusionInsight HD cluster
upgrade? ABCD
^^^^A. During the upgrade, a manual switchover between active and standby
OMS nodes is not allowed.
^^^^B. The password of the root account for all the hosts in the cluster must
be the same.
^^^^C. Ensure that the network is normal and avoid upgrade exceptions caused by
network problems.
^^^^D. Capacity expansion cannot be performed during the observation period.

On the FusionInsight HD platform, which of the following components support
encryption of tables and columns? BC
^^^^A. HDFS
^^^^B. HBase
^^^^C. Hive
^^^^D. Flink

On the FusionInsight HD platform, HBase does not support secondary indexes. F

Which of the following statements are correct about the storage of a large
number of small files? ABC
^^^^A. In HDFS, storing a large number of small files brings great pressure to
^^^^B. If HBase stores a large number of small files, the Compaction operation
wastes I/O resources.
^^^^C. Huawei HFS is suitable for storing a large number of small files.
Files can be stored in HDFS or MOB to meet site requirements.
^^^^D. None of the above

FusionInsight Manager supports the unified management of multiple tenants. T

Huawei has extensive experience in delivering big data solutions in various
industries, such as finance, public security, railway, and government. T

Which of the following statements about the reliability of FusionInsight
HD are correct? ABCD
^^^^A. All components without SPOF
^^^^B. HA of all management nodes
^^^^C. Health status monitoring of software and hardware
^^^^D. Network plane isolation

Which of the following products are included in the FusionInsight family?
^^^^B. LibrA
^^^^C. Manager
^^^^D. Miner
^^^^E. Farmer
^^^^F. DWs

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