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<button on:click={handleClick}>Update the belt colour</button>

const handleClick = () =>{

beltColour = 'orange';

2. npm install -g degit

mkdir propel
cd propel
npm install
npm run dev

3. <input type="text" on:input={handleInput}>

4. <input type="text" bind:value={beltColour}>

5. reactive values -
$: fullName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`;

6. reactive statement - both reactive values and reactive statements change when
there is an event or value change.

$: console.log(beltColour);


7. loop

{#each people as person}

<p>{person.age} years old and is a {person.beltColour} belt</p>

{#each people as person (} //here acts as a unique key

<p>{person.age} years old and is a {person.beltColour} belt</p>


using else:

{#each people as person}

<p>{person.age} years old and is a {person.beltColour} belt</p>
<p>There are no people to show</p>

{#if num > 20}
<p>Greater than 20</p>
{#else if num >100}
<p>Greater than 100</p>
<p>Greater than 1000</p>

9. css conditional

let isPromo = true;

<div class = 'backdrop' class:promo={isPromo}>

if isPromo is true then div will have backdrop and promo classes both.
i.e. class = backdrop promo


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