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1. Days of the Week.

 Sunday (domingo).
 Monday (lunes).
 Tuesday (martes).
 Wednesday (miércoles).
 Thursday (jueves).
 Friday (viernes).
 Saturday (sábado).

2. Seasons of the Year.

 In winter, people usually wear wool jackets, gloves and scarfs because it
is the coldest time of the year and there is snow everywhere.

 When spring comes, the snow begins to melt and flowers bloom.
Everything becomes green and it is sometimes rainy.

 People’s most favorite season is summer. It is the time for school

vacations and everybody travels and goes to the beach. It is sunny and
hot and vegetation is fully green.

 During autumn (or fall in the USA), the weather begins to turn cold and
the leaves fall from the trees, creating beautiful and natural carpets of
different colors on the ground. It is the prelude for winter.

3. Dialogue (Ordering food in a restaurant):

A: Good evening, sir. How can I help you?

B: Hello, I would like a Coke, please.

A: Would you like to order anything off the appetizer menu?

B: Let's see, can I get some fried zucchini, please?

A: Would you like to order anything else?

B: No, that's it, thank you.

A: No problem, call me when you're ready to place the rest of your order.

B: I would like to order my food now.

A: What would you like to order?

B: Can I get a cheeseburger and some fries?

A: Can I get you anything else?

B: Yes. Also, I want another Coke as well as this pizza over here.

A: Sure. ¿Do you want to eat the pizza here or you would like it as a takeaway?

B: As a takeaway, please. I could not eat everything by myself.

A: Alright. I will have it ready in 10 minutes.

B: Thanks a lot. That would be everything.

4. My country.

Hello, my name’s Jason and I am from Venezuela. I was born in a city called
Punto Fijo. This city is located in Falcon state, which is located in the country’s
northwest region. It is within a peninsula, so there are plenty of beaches around
and you can visit all of them whenever you want because the weather is usually
sunny, hot and windy.

5. Covid-19.

A novel respiratory virus that originated in Wuhan, China, last December has
spread to six continents. Hundreds of thousands have been infected, at least
20,000 people have died and the spread of the coronavirus was called a
pandemic by the World Health Organization in March.

Much remains unknown about the virus, including how many people may have
very mild or asymptomatic infections, and whether they can transmit the virus.
The precise dimensions of the outbreak are hard to know.

Here’s what scientists have learned so far about the virus and the outbreak.

An intensive care unit treating coronavirus patients in a hospital

in Wuhan, China, the virus’s epicenter.
What is a coronavirus?

Coronaviruses are named for the spikes that protrude from their surfaces,
resembling a crown or the sun’s corona. They can infect both animals and
people, and can cause illnesses of the respiratory tract.

The new virus has been named SARS-CoV-2. The disease it causes is called

An illustration released by the Centers of Disease Control showing the

coronavirus, including its characteristic spikes on the outside of the virus, from
which it gets its name.

How dangerous is it?

It is hard to accurately assess the lethality of a new virus. It appears to be less

often fatal than the coronaviruses that caused SARS or MERS, but significantly
more so than the seasonal flu. The fatality rate was over 2 percent, in one
study. But government scientists have estimated that the real figure could be
below 1 percent, roughly the rate occurring in a severe flu season.

About 5 percent of the patients who were hospitalized in China had critical

Children seem less likely to be infected with the new coronavirus, while middle-
aged and older adults are disproportionately infected.

How is the new coronavirus transmitted?

Bats are considered a possible source, because they have evolved to coexist
with many viruses, and they were found to be the starting point for SARS. It is
also possible that bats transmitted the virus to an intermediate animal, such as
pangolins, which are consumed as a delicacy in parts of China, and may have
then passed on the virus to humans.

The outbreak grew because of human-to-human transmission.

An empty tram in Milan.

What symptoms should I look out for?

Symptoms of this infection include fever, cough and difficulty breathing or

shortness of breath. The illness causes lung lesions and pneumonia. But milder
cases may resemble the flu or a bad cold, making detection difficult.

Patients may exhibit other symptoms, too, such as gastrointestinal problems or

diarrhea. Current estimates suggest that symptoms may appear in as few as
two days or as long as 14 days after being exposed to the virus.

How can I protect myself?

Since a possible vaccine has not been found yet, the best thing you can do to
avoid getting infected is to follow the same general guidelines that experts
recommend during flu season, because the coronavirus spreads in much the
same way. Wash your hands frequently throughout the day. Avoid touching
your face, and maintain a distance — at least six feet (2 meters) — from anyone
who is coughing or sneezing.

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