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I’m Esteban, I’m 18 years old, I’m a student, I live in Manizales and I

practice car and bike racing.

I was a high performance sportsman and I study business administration
at Universidad de Manizales.
My favorite food are beans, my favorite music are reggaeton and guaracha.
I don’t like onion but I like to vape and drink aguardiente. I like to travel, I
have a girlfriend and I love her. I’m a
rich kid.

My family is composed by my dad Mauricio who is an engineer, he is 36

years old and I admire him because he is my example to follow. He is very
serious and strong.
My mom Sandra is a housewife, she is 34 years old and she is very
beautiful. They are married.
My dog is Joaquin, it is a golden retriever and it is a beautiful dog.

My daily routine starts getting out of the bed, then I bathe, I go to the gym
and later I go to study.

I lunch with my parents and in the afternoon I usually do different

activities with my girlfriend and my friends.
At night I usually go out to eat and finally go back to bed.

My childhood was very funny, I just shared a lot of time with my uncle and
my cousins and I practiced different sports from an early age. I always
liked motorcycles and from a very young I practice them. As a child I liked
to go to my family's farm located in the paramo, in there I learned a lot
about animals and I also remember that it was very cold place. All my life I
studied in Semenor and I made friends there for a lifetime.

In my adolescence I dedicated myself mainly to motorcycles and volleyball.

I got many recognitions and awards for standing out in these sports and
thanks to this I was able to travel to many places in Colombia. My love for
cars also began and to this day I enjoy it very much.

Today I am a very ambitious person and I visualize myself very much in

the future. My biggest dream is to achieve all the goals I set and to make
my parents feel very proud of me. In the future I would like to finish my
studies and work in my dad's construction, continue traveling and see the

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