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"Good Will Hunting" Movie Analysis

Carlos Sánchez Víquez 11-3

Professor: Daniel Calderón

1. The importance of Healing

Life will always bring suffering, that something
we need to have clear, and even more because we are Christians, as Jesus said
take your cross and follow me. The problems and difficulties of every person
in the world are different but every story of a human being is saint, and is
supposed to bring that person to the eternal life. The problem occurs when all
of us as with our human nature we are weak and it’s difficult to us to heal
some internal injuries, they could be a family situation, a break up, we don’t
forgive someone etc. And this type of things doesn’t lead us improve
ourselves, that’s where comes the message of the movie, we need to heal and
leave every part of our life in order to be happy bur this doesn’t mean that
there are not going to be problems or bad times, the important is how we react
against them and if we take the chances and good opportunities that life
presents to us.
2. Commentary on the phrase “The Glory of God is a Human Being fully
This phrase is completely true, we were created to be always happy and live
without suffering, but this changed when the sin entered in the world, and now
we have to affront sickness, suffering, and death. But this doesn’t justify that
here on Earth we don’t have to fight for what makes us happy and pursue our
dreams, how many times we donr take many opportunities just because of fear
or we think we don’t deserve it, it doesn’t make sense to think like that, God
wants us to make his will and he knows what will make us happy but we need
to be decided to fight for it.
3. Comment on whether Will is now free?
Of course Will is now free, as it says in Corinthians, everything is lawful for
me, but not everything agrees: everything is lawful for me, but not everything
builds. Will learned this at the end of the movie because he decided what was
better for him. Be free is not do whatever we want, it means to what´s right
and know that´s the better for us and distinguish the good from evil

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