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Writing 4

I feel stressed when I am going to have exam, I am really stressed about it. I always wait until
the last day to study. So, I get so stressed because I have very little time to study.

I have very little time to study and my university courses are really complicated.

In class I talk a lot with my classmates and I don't pay attention to the class. Sometimes I don't
go to class because I get sick very often. I am worried about my health. I only sleep six hours a
day because I have a lot of university jobs and some days, I have to give presentation. I am
really stressed with the university!

When you are going to have an exam, you have to sleep early and eat well.

When you go to study for your exam, don't wait until the last day to study. You have to do a
study schedule. You have to attend all your classes and pay attention to the teacher. About
your health, I think you are doing too much. It is better to relax and sleep more. you have to
sleep at least eight hours a day and eat healthy foods, you should not eat junk food because it
is bad for your health.

You should also exercise every day. you have to run in your park three times a week.

You also have to relax. you can relax every weekend. you can play video games with your
cousins or play soccer in the park. You can also start practicing a sport that is good for your

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