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R i ght and Left Atr ial

M a c ro re e n t r a n t
Shih-Lin Chang, MD, PhD, Shih-Ann Chen, MD*

 ECG  Macroreentrant tachycardias  Atrial flutter  Circuit  Mapping  Algorithm

 A 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) during tachycardia provides important information in the initial
strategy for the physician or specialized cardiologist.
 Catheter ablation of the cavotricuspid isthmus can eradicate typical and reverse typical atrial flutter
(AFL) with a high success rate and few complications.
 For atypical AFL, catheter ablation of the isthmus between the boundaries using electroanatomic
mapping can eliminate these arrhythmias.

Atrial macroreentrant tachycardia is a common 12-lead ECG morphology of the flutter wave. A
tachycardia in clinical practice and its incidence period of at least 3:1 AV block during tachycardias
is increasing because of the aging population.1–6 is suitable for flutter wave analysis. The widest
It can result from structural heart disease or scar- flutter wave of any lead is used to define the onset
ring from previous cardiac surgery/ablation but and the offset of flutter wave in all other leads.9 The
also can be found in patients without obvious schemas of variable flutter wave morphologies on
heart disease.2,3,7 Macroreentrant atrial tachy- 12-lead ECGs are shown in Fig. 1.
cardia is characterized by an atrial tachycardia
driven by a large reentry circuit around a central
obstacle with fixed and/or functional barriers.8
Entrainment is possible in most macroreentrant
atrial tachycardias. Numerous forms of macro-
Typical and Reverse Typical AFL
reentrant atrial tachycardia have been reported,
and the surface electrocardiogram (ECG) patterns Typical AFL is the most common type of macro-
could correlate with the reentrant circuits. Atrial reentrant atrial tachycardia, even in patients with
flutter (AFL) is defined by an undulating F wave prior cardiac surgery/ablation.8,10 The cavotricus-
in the ECG with a sawtooth appearance, which pid isthmus (CTI), defined as a path bounded by
represents macroreentrant atrial tachycardia in the orifice of the inferior vena cava, eustachian
surface ECG. Therefore, the 12-lead ECG pro- valve/ridge, coronary sinus ostium, and tricuspid
vides important information for the location of annulus, is a protected zone of slow conduction
the reentrant circuit location and mechanism. during typical AFL.7 Activation mapping has
It is crucial to understand how to determine a shown that the activation wave front goes down-
macroreentrant tachycardia origin based on the ward in the right atrial (RA) free wall, travels

The authors have nothing to disclose.

Department of Medicine, Taipei Veterans General Hospital, 201 Section 2, Shih-Pai Road, Taipei, Taiwan
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Card Electrophysiol Clin 6 (2014) 469–481
1877-9182/14/$ – see front matter Ó 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
470 Chang & Chen

mechanistically important for the development of

typical AFL (Fig. 3). The activation sequence of
reverse typical AFL is the opposite of typical AFL.
Slow conduction in the CTI may be mechanisti-
cally important for the development of typical and
reverse AFL (CTI-dependent AFL). The tricuspid
annulus is the anterior and fixed barrier. The crista
terminalis and eustachian ridge form the posterior
barrier in typical AFL. Split potentials can be re-
corded along the length of the crista terminalis
during pacing from the low posterior right atrium
at a long cycle length in patients with clinical
AFL, suggesting that poor transverse conduction
property in the crista terminalis may be the
Fig. 1. The schemas of variable flutter wave morphol- requisite substrate for the clinical occurrence of
ogies on 12-lead ECGs. The first 2 waves are monopha-
typical AFL.11
sic positive (F1) and negative (F ) flutter waves. The
third to sixth waves are biphasic flutter waves, consist-
Typical AFL has positive F waves in lead V1;
ing of dominant negative with small terminal positive negative F waves in lead V6; and negative F waves
(F /f1), dominant positive with small terminal nega- in leads II, III, and aVF.8 Low-amplitude flutter
tive (F1/f ), small initial negative with dominant ter- waves can be seen in leads I and aVL (Fig. 4A).
minal positive (f /F1), and the equal amplitude of Reverse typical AFL has wide, negative P waves
negative and positive waves (isoelectric). Flat polarity in lead V1; positive P waves in lead V6; and broad,
is amplitude less than 0.01 mV and more than positive P waves in leads II, III, and aVF (see
0.01 mV. (From Yuniadi Y, Tai CT, Lee KT, et al. A Fig. 4B).12 However, it may present with different
new electrocardiographic algorithm to differentiate ECG patterns that need activation mapping to
upper loop re-entry from reverse typical atrial flutter.
define the exact circuit.
J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:525; with permission.)

RA Upper Loop Reentry and Lower Loop

through the CTI, spreads upward in the septal wall,
and crosses the crista terminalis to complete the Atypical RA flutters could arise from single-loop
reentrant circuit (Fig. 2). Reverse slow conduction or double-loop figure-of-eight reentry.13,14
and rate-dependent conduction delay in the CTI is The activation wave front circulates around the

Fig. 2. Activation mapping during typical AFL. Left panel shows that the activation wave front goes downward in
the free wall, travels through the cavotricuspid isthmus, spreads upward in the septal wall, and crosses the crista
terminalis. Right panel reveals the intracardiac electrogram during typical AFL. Electrodes of halocatheter (HAL)
10 to 4 are located in the free wall, and electrodes of HAL 3 to 1 are located in the CTI. The wave front (yellow
arrow) activates from HAL 10 to HAL 1 with passive conduction in the coronary sinus (CS). IVC, inferior vena cava;
TV, tricuspid valve.
Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 471

Fig. 3. (A) Incremental pacing from the low lateral right atrium (near H6 and H7) using a cycle length of 210 mil-
liseconds produced gradual conduction delays and block in the isthmus (between H4 and H2) of the counterclock-
wise wave front and initiated clockwise atrial flutter. (B) Incremental pacing from the coronary sinus ostium (OCS)
using a cycle length of 180 milliseconds produced gradual conduction delays and block in the isthmus (between
H1 and H2) of the clockwise wave front and initiated counterclockwise atrial flutter. HBE, recordings at the His
bundle area; PCS, recordings at the proximal coronary sinus. (From Tai CT, Chen SA, Chiang CE, et al. Character-
ization of low right atrial isthmus as the slow conduction zone and pharmacological target in typical atrial flutter.
Circulation 1997;96:2606; with permission.)

central obstacle composed of a functional block (ULR) had counterclockwise (CCW) activation (de-
area, and through a gap in the crista terminalis. scending activation sequence in the free wall ante-
The conduction channel between the crista termi- rior to the crista) or clockwise (CW) activation
nalis and central obstacle and/or the crista termina- (ascending activation sequence in the free wall ante-
lis gap are critical pathways for maintenance of AFL. rior to the crista) around the central obstacle, which
Using a noncontact, three-dimensional mapping was composed of the crista terminalis, the area of
technique, the wave front of upper loop reentry functional block and the superior vena cava (SVC)
472 Chang & Chen

Fig. 4. Surface ECG of RA macroreentrant tachycardias. Typical AFL is characterized by negative waves in inferior
leads and positive waves in V1 (A). Reverse typical AFL shows positive waves in inferior leads, negative waves in
V1, and prominent positive polarity in lead I (arrow) (B). During upper loop reentry (ULR), lead I shows either
negative flat (arrow) (C) or small positive (arrow) (D) polarity. Note the similarities of flutter waves in inferior
leads between reverse typical and ULR AFL. The surface ECG pattern of lower loop reentry (LLR) is similar to
the pattern of typical AFL with negative waves in inferior leads and positive waves in V1 (E). (From Yuniadi Y,
Tai CT, Lee KT, et al. A new electrocardiographic algorithm to differentiate upper loop re-entry from reverse
typical atrial flutter. J Am Coll Cardiol 2005;46:526; with permission.)

(Fig. 5).9 During CCW ULR, there might be variable The ECG morphology of LA macroreentrant tachy-
activation of the left atrium by the wave front from cardia shows inhomogeneous and variable pat-
the mid or low interatrial septum. Therefore, the po- terns resembling atrial tachycardia (discrete P
larity of flutter waves in lead I can be flat, negative, or waves and isoelectric baseline) or typical or atyp-
low-amplitude positive. The surface ECG ical AFL, and mostly reveals a positive flutter
morphology of lower loop reentry (LLR) resembles wave in lead V1.2,8,15,17
typical AFL. The differences are characterized by
diminished amplitude of the late positive waves in Mitral Annular AFL
the inferior leads, which may be contributed from
The circuit of mitral flutter rotates around the mitral
wave front collision over the lateral RA wall.
annulus, either CCW or CW. The boundaries of the
ULR has negative P waves in lead V1 and posi-
critical isthmus include the mitral annulus anteriorly,
tive flutter waves in inferior leads, which is analo-
and low-voltage zone or scars in the posterior wall
gous to the ECG pattern of atypical AFL (see
of the LA posteriorly.2,3,16 CCW mitral annular AFL
Fig. 4C and D). Negative or flat flutter wave polarity
has positive flutter waves in V1 and low amplitude
in lead I can differentiate ULR from reverse typical
in the inferior leads.15 Gerstenfeld and colleagues18
AFL.9 The surface ECG pattern of LLR is similar to
reported detailed surface ECG pattern for CW and
the pattern of typical AFL (see Fig. 4E), except for
CCW mitral annular AFL in patients after pulmonary
the shorter cycle length and the lower amplitude of
vein isolation. CCW mitral annular AFL has positive
the inferior limb leads.15
flutter wave in the inferior and precordial leads, and
presents prominent negative flutter waves in leads I
Left Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias and aVL. In contrast, CW mitral annular AFL reveals
a negative flutter wave in the inferior leads and
Various circuits were reported in left atrial (LA)
positive flutter wave in leads I and aVL (Fig. 7A).
macroreentrant tachycardias by electroanatomic
mapping. The circuits commonly rotate around
LA Septal Flutter
the mitral annulus, pulmonary veins, or a scar
area.2 LA muscular bundles or a scar area can pro- In LA septal flutter, the macroreentrant circuit ro-
vide a conduction block line and barrier, which is tates around the left septum primum, either CCW
important for the formation of LA flutter (Fig. 6).16 or CW.2,13,17 The critical isthmus is located
Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 473

Fig. 5. (A) Isopotential maps showing the activation sequence (frames 1–6) of counterclockwise ULR in the right
posterior oblique view. Color scale for each isopotential map has been set so that white indicates the most nega-
tive potential. The activation wave front propagates down the anterolateral RA near the SVC (frame 1) to the
middle and inferior anterolateral RA (frame 2), then splits into 2 wave fronts (frame 3); one passes around the
area of functional block, and the other passes through the cavotricuspid isthmus. The wave front in the lateral
RA continues through the gap in the crista terminalis (CT) (frame 4) to the superior posterior RA (frame 5) and
activates the atrial wall surrounding the SVC before reactivation of the anterolateral RA. (B) The virtual electro-
grams from the area of functional block (virtuals 11–15) and the CT (virtuals 16–20) including the conduction gap
(virtuals 16–18) show double potentials. The numbers 1 to 6 represent the time points at which the isopotential
maps are displayed in panel A. (From Tai CT, Huang JL, Lin YK, et al. Noncontact three dimensional mapping
and ablation of upper loop reentry originating in the right atrium. J Am Coll Cardiol 2002;40:749; with

between the septum primum and the pulmonary waves in other leads, suggesting that this
veins or between the septum primum and the morphology could be the result of a septal circuit
mitral annulus ring. LA septal AFL reveals promi- with anterior-posterior forces projecting on V1
nent, large, positive waves in V1 with almost flat and cancellation of caudocranial forces.
474 Chang & Chen

Fig. 6. LA macroreentrant tachycardia with double circuits. (A, B) The typical activation pattern during sinus
rhythm in the LA. The wave fronts propagate around the gray zone, where isochrone lines are crowded together
and double potentials were recorded during sinus rhythm in the anteroposterior and left posteromedial view,
respectively. (C, D) Activation of a figure-of-eight LA flutter with a cycle length of 199 milliseconds. Arrows indi-
cate circuit loop(s). The brown lesion indicates the pulse of circumferential ablation. One loop rotates around the
mitral annulus and the other rotates around the left pulmonary veins with a common channel conducted
through the mitral isthmus. The reentrant circuits of atrial flutter were bordered anteriorly and posteriorly by
lines of conduction block (gray zone), which were in similar locations during sinus rhythm (A, B). (D) The local
bipolar electrograms along the circuit of double-loop reentry. Recording positions are shown in the isochrones
map. During LA flutter, clockwise atrial activation around the mitral annulus was manifested by atrial electro-
grams in the middle posterior wall (site 1), lower posterior wall (site 8), medial mitral isthmus (site 9), and lower
anterior wall (site 10), followed by activation in the lateral mitral isthmus (sites 5, 11, and 7). A slow conduction
zone with fractionated electrograms was recorded at site 5. Another counterclockwise atrial activation around
the left pulmonary vein was manifested by atrial electrograms in the middle posterior wall (site 1), upper poste-
rior wall (site 2), roof (site 3), and upper anterior wall (site 4), followed by activation in the lateral mitral isthmus
(sites 5, 6, and 7). Labeled anatomic locations include the mitral valve (MV), right superior pulmonary vein (RSPV),
right inferior pulmonary vein (RIPV), left superior pulmonary vein (LSPV), left inferior pulmonary vein (LIPV).
(From Chang SL, Tai CT, Lin YJ, et al. The role of left atrial muscular bundles in catheter ablation of atrial fibril-
lation. J Am Coll Cardiol 2007;50:967; with permission.)

CCW septal flutter shows a prominent positive multiple loops (see Fig. 6). In LA posterior flutter,
flutter wave in lead V1 and flat flutter or low- the circuit rotates around low-voltage or scarred
amplitude positive wave in the limb leads (see areas on the LA posterior wall.17
Fig. 7B). CW septal flutter has a prominent The ECG pattern of pulmonary vein flutter is
negative deflection in lead V1 and flat flutter or characterized by a positive wave in V1 with posi-
low-amplitude positive F wave in limb leads.17 tive wave in lead I and isoelectric wave in aVL for
right pulmonary vein flutter; and an isoelectric P
wave in lead I and negative wave in aVL for left pul-
Other LA Flutters
monary vein flutter (see Fig. 7C). LA posterior wall
Macroreentrant circuits can rotate around one or AFL is less commonly seen, and its ECG
more pulmonary veins and a scar in the posterior morphology resembles typical AFL with dimin-
wall or roof of LA.2,3 These circuits may have ished amplitude in the inferior leads.15
Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 475

Fig. 7. Surface ECG of LA macroreentrant tachycardias. Clockwise mitral annular AFL reveals a negative flutter
wave in the inferior leads and positive flutter wave in leads I and aVL (A). Counterclockwise septal flutter shows
a prominent positive flutter wave in lead V1 and low amplitude of positive wave in limb leads (B). Left pulmonary
vein flutter shows a positive wave in V1 with an isoelectric P wave in lead I and negative wave in aVL (C).

DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS IN 12-LEAD ECG including its free wall, is activated in the rightward
direction via the gap in the crista terminalis and the
Several diagnostic criteria of surface ECGs have upward direction when the left atrium is activated
been proposed to localize the flutter circuit. Un- in the leftward and downward directions. These
derstanding the origin of macroreentrant tachy- two oppositely directing and simultaneously prop-
cardia can facilitate radiofrequency ablation. agating wave fronts seem to offset the polarity of
Distinguishing typical from atypical AFL in each other, resulting in a flat, negative, or low-
advance is helpful, because these two tachycar- amplitude positive wave in lead I. During CCW
dias require different mapping and ablation tech- ULR, there might be variable activation of the left
niques. LA AFL has more inhomogeneous atrium by the wave front from the mid or low intera-
patterns compared with RA AFL. A positive flutter trial septum. Therefore, the polarity of flutter waves
wave in the inferior leads has been found in LA, in lead I can also be flat, negative, or low-
ULR, and reverse typical AFL. Scheinman and col- amplitude positive.
leagues15 reported that there was a decreased Atrial tachyarrhythmias, including focal and
voltage of the flutter waves in the inferior leads macroreentrant atrial tachycardia, are commonly
for LA flutter compared with RA flutter. Left AFL observed following catheter ablation of atrial fibril-
can be distinguished from right AFL by the lower lation (AF) with a varied incidence of 3% to
amplitude of flutter wave in the inferior ECG leads. 29%.3–6,20 Our laboratory had provided a diag-
Our laboratory proposed an ECG algorithm to nostic algorithm for differentiating the macroreen-
further differentiate ULR from reverse typical AFL trant and focal atrial tachycardias, and localizing
(Fig. 8).9 The polarity and amplitude of a flutter the origin of the circuit after pulmonary vein isola-
wave in lead I of the 12-lead ECG could discrimi- tion.21 Fig. 9 shows that the amplitude of the flutter
nate ULR from reverse typical AFL. During reverse or P waves in V6 and tachycardia cycle length can
typical AFL, the RA free wall is electrically silent distinguish macroreentrant from focal atrial tachy-
when the LA, including the atrial septum, is acti- cardia with sensitivity of 88%, specificity of 96%,
vated in the leftward and downward directions, and accuracy of 94%. Furthermore, negative
similar to activation during sinus rhythm.19 There- flutter waves in any of the precordial leads could
fore, the polarity of flutter waves in lead I is positive differentiate an RA macroreentrant tachycardia
because the activation direction faces toward lead from an LA macroreentrant tachycardia with a
I. In contrast, during CW ULR, the right atrium,
476 Chang & Chen

Fig. 8. Diagnostic algorithm to differ-

entiate between ULR and reverse
typical atrial flutter (RTAFL). Flat po-
larity is defined as polarity of less
than 0.01 mV but more than
0.01 mV. Isoelectric is defined as
biphasic polarity in which negative
and positive deflection have equal
amplitude. (From Yuniadi Y, Tai CT,
Lee KT, et al. A new electrocardio-
graphic algorithm to differentiate
upper loop re-entry from reverse
typical atrial flutter. J Am Coll Cardiol
2005;46:527; with permission.)

sensitivity and specificity of 83% and 100% respectively, with an accuracy of 81%.21 Gersten-
(Fig. 10), respectively, and an accuracy of 98%. feld and colleagues18 showed that mitral annular
Opposite polarity of flutter wave could be AFL following pulmonary vein isolation had a pos-
found clinically in V1 and V6 in cavotricuspid itive P wave in V1 with a small initial negative depo-
isthmus–dependent AFL. Precordial negativity larization in the other precordial leads. Positive
may represent an RA origin. Regarding the LA flutter waves in leads I and aVL can differentiate
macroreentrant tachycardia, most macroreentrant CW mitral AFL from CCW RA flutter and left pul-
atrial tachycardias were terminated during the monary vein atrial tachycardia after AF ablation.
ablation of the mitral isthmus and roof.3,21 Promi-
nent positive flutter waves in V1 were more MANAGEMENT
commonly seen in roof/mitral isthmus–dependent
than non–roof/mitral isthmus–dependent macro- Three methods of treatment can be used to
reentrant atrial tachycardias, suggesting that V1 convert AFL to sinus rhythm: antiarrhythmic drugs,
is useful for differentiation (Figs. 11 and 12). The electrical cardioversion, or catheter ablation.
sensitivity and specificity were 80% and 83%, Catheter ablation has a higher success rate in

Fig. 9. A new diagnostic algorithm for differentiating macroreentrant and focal atrial tachycardia (AT). A flat
wave is defined as a polarity of the flutter or P wave of less than or equal to 0.05 and greater than or equal
to 0.05 mV. Numbers indicates numbers of patients with accurate prediction/total number of patients; percent-
age indicates the percentage of patients with accurate prediction/total number of patients in the study by Chang
and colleagues.21 CL, cycle length. (From Chang SL, Tsao HM, Lin YJ, et al. Differentiating macroreentrant from
focal atrial tachycardias occurred after circumferential pulmonary vein isolation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
2011;22:753; with permission.)
Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 477

using 12-lead ECG in management of AFL. Recog-

nizing the location of macroreentrant tachycardia
from the 12-lead ECG is useful for (1) determining
an initial treatment (pharmacologic or ablation
therapy), (2) facilitating mapping and navigating
ablation, and (3) monitoring and understanding
the possible mechanism of recurrence from prior
catheter ablation of tachyarrhythmias.

Fig. 10. Diagnostic algorithm for differentiating RA
and LA macroreentrant AT. Number indicates number The acute and long-term outcomes of macroreen-
of patients with accurate prediction/total number of trant atrial tachycardia are shown in Table 1. Ra-
patients; percentage indicates the percentage of diofrequency ablation of the CTI can eliminate
patients with accurate prediction/total number of pa- typical and reverse AFL with low recurrence and
tients in the study by Chang and colleagues.21 (From complication rates.22–24 However, AF continues
Chang SL, Tsao HM, Lin YJ, et al. Differentiating to be a long-term risk for patients undergoing this
macroreentrant from focal atrial tachycardias
procedure, with incidence of 20% to 50%.22,25
occurred after circumferential pulmonary vein isola-
The presence of structural heart disease and prior
tion. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2011;22:753; with
permission.) spontaneous or inducible sustained AF increases
the risk of developing AF. For atypical RA AFL, ra-
diofrequency ablation of the free-wall channel and/
elimination of AFL and maintenance of sinus or the crista terminalis gap is effective in elimi-
rhythm.2,3,6,8 The CTI is the target for radiofre- nating these macroreentrant tachycardias.14
quency ablation of typical and reverse typical Regarding LA macroreentrant tachycardia, the
AFL, in which it is easiest to obtain complete bidi- protected isthmus between 2 anatomic barriers
rectional isthmus block via a venous approach. is amenable to radiofrequency ablation. Identifying
However, atypical AFL could arise from the RA or the conduction block line and further creating
LA. Electroanatomic mapping and transseptal additional line(s) crossing the isthmus of the
approach are sometimes needed. Radiofrequency reentry barrier may contribute to a better clinical
ablation of the isthmus between the boundaries outcome.2,20,26
can eliminate these arrhythmias. It is more time With increasingly aggressive treatments of AF,
consuming and difficult to eliminate atypical AFL postablation macroreentrant atrial tachycardias
compared with typical AFL. Therefore, it is impor- are expected to increase in number and
tant to identify the origin of reentrant tachycardias complexity in daily clinical practice. Detailed

Fig. 11. A new diagnostic algorithm for differentiating roof/mitral isthmus (R/M)–dependent from non–R/M-
dependent macroreentrant AT. Number indicates number of patients with accurate prediction/total number of
patients; percentage indicates the percentage of patients with accurate prediction/total number of patients in
the study by Chang and colleagues.21 (From Chang SL, Tsao HM, Lin YJ, et al. Differentiating macroreentrant
from focal atrial tachycardias occurred after circumferential pulmonary vein isolation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol
2011;22:754; with permission.)
478 Chang & Chen

Fig. 12. Three-dimensional activation map and surface ECG of macroreentrant atrial tachycardias. The white arrow
indicates the activation circuit, and red arrowhead the P or flutter wave of the macroreentrant atrial tachycardias.
(A) A mitral macroreentrant atrial tachycardia (CL, 225 milliseconds) rotating clockwise around the mitral annulus.
The surface ECG of the tachycardia shows positive flutter waves in V1 and V6. The amplitude of the flutter waves
in V6 is 0.5 mV. (B) A left pulmonary vein (LPV) macroreentrant atrial tachycardia rotating around the LPV with a
CL of 205 milliseconds. The surface ECG of the tachycardia shows positive flutter waves in V1 and V6. The ampli-
tude of the flutter waves in V6 is 0.6 mV. (C) A double macroreentrant atrial tachycardia rotating around the LPV
and mitral annulus with a CL of 236 milliseconds. The surface ECG of the tachycardia shows positive flutter waves
in V1 and flat waves in V6. (D) A right pulmonary vein (RPV) macroreentrant atrial tachycardia rotating around the
RPV with a CL of 199 milliseconds. The surface ECG of the tachycardia shows positive flutter waves in V1 and V6.
The amplitude of the flutter waves in V6 is 0.1 mV. (E) A double macroreentrant atrial tachycardia rotating around
the LPV and LA appendage (LAA) with a CL of 237 milliseconds. The surface ECG of the AT shows flat flutter waves
in V1 and positive waves in V6. The amplitude of the flutter waves in V6 is 0.25 mV. LVZ, low-voltage zone. (From
Chang SL, Tsao HM, Lin YJ, et al. Differentiating macroreentrant from focal atrial tachycardias occurred after
circumferential pulmonary vein isolation. J Cardiovasc Electrophysiol 2011;22:751; with permission.)
Atrial Macroreentrant Tachycardias 479

Table 1
Acute and long-term outcome of macroreentrant atrial tachycardia in published studies

Acute Long-term
First Author, Number Success Success Rate Follow-up
Reference Number Type of AFL of Cases Rate (%) Without AAD (%) (mo)
Pérez et al, 2009Cavotricuspid isthmus– 10,719 94.3 89 13.8  0.3
dependent AFL
Hsieh et al,24 2002 Typical AFL 333 97 96 29  17
Tai et al,14 2004 Atypical RA flutter 15 87 87 16.8  3.8
Jais et al,2 2000 LA flutter 22 91 73 15  7
Ouyang et al,20 2002 LA flutter 28 89 93 1 31
Fiala et al,26 2007 RA and LA atypical flutter 26 85 73 37  15
Chae et al,4 2007 Organized atrial tachycardia 78 85 77 13  10
after AF ablation
Chang et al,3 2009 LAMRT after AF ablation 35 87.5 97 21  8
Coffey et al,27 2013 LAMRT after AF ablation 91 90 77 16  12

Abbreviations: AAD, antiarrhythmic drug; LAMRT, LA macroreentrant tachycardia.

mapping to identify the reentrant circuit or foci with LA, ULR, and reverse typical AFL. Polarity and
radiofrequency ablation is still the most effective voltage measurement of flutter wave in lead I can
approach to eliminate macroreentrant atrial differentiate reverse typical AFL from ULR.9 Left
tachycardias.3,4,27 AFL can be distinguished from right AFL from the
amplitude of flutter wave in the inferior ECG leads.
DISCUSSION Understanding the mechanisms of AFL would
Distinguishing Typical AFL from Atypical AFL allow better advanced planning, because typical
and atypical AFL require different mapping and
Differentiating typical from atypical AFL is crucial
ablation techniques.
because the treatment strategies for these macro-
reentrant tachycardias may differ. Typical and
Macroreentrant Atrial Tachycardias Following
reverse typical AFL, as a macroreentrant circuit
AF Ablation
originated in the right atrium, can be eliminated
with a high success rate and a low incidence of Macroreentrant atrial tachycardias can occur dur-
complication by radiofrequency catheter ablation ing catheter ablation of AF or after the procedure.
of CTI. Typical AFL manifests positive P waves in Varying prevalence has been reported in previous
lead V1; negative P waves in lead V6; and promi- studies and was associated with the ablation tech-
nent negative P waves in leads II, III, and aVF, nique. Large low-voltage zones from the underly-
which is easily distinguished from 12-lead ECG. ing atrial substrate and/or prior ablation make the
Milliez and colleagues28 showed that a positive mapping and ablation more challenging. It is
flutter wave in the inferior leads during CCW important to predict the origin of the macroreen-
typical AFL is related to an increased likelihood trant atrial tachycardias before the catheter abla-
of structural heart disease and AF. Chugh and col- tion. Entrainment and electroanatomic mapping
leagues10 reported atypical ECG patterns in CTI- are the optimal approaches to differentiating and
dependent AFL after AF ablation. These atypical localizing the macroreentrant atrial tachycardias;
ECG features, including upright flutter waves in however, they are sometimes time consuming
the inferior leads and negative flutter waves in and laborious because of the extensive low-
lead aVL, could mimic a tachycardia arising from voltage areas. Our laboratory developed an ECG
the LA. algorithm allowing rapid identification of the mech-
Catheter-based therapeutic techniques for anism of atrial tachyarrhythmias after circumferen-
atypical AFL are more complicated than for CTI- tial pulmonary vein isolation.21 A lower voltage of
dependent AFL. Various forms of atypical AFL the flutter or P waves with a shorter tachycardia
have been shown, and several diagnostic criteria cycle length in V6 could differentiate macroreen-
to differentiate them have been proposed to facil- trant from focal atrial tachycardias. A negative po-
itate cardiac mapping and catheter ablation. Pos- larity in at least 1 precordial lead can differentiate
itive flutter wave in inferior leads could be found in RA from LA macroreentrant atrial tachycardias.
480 Chang & Chen

This novel algorithm can accurately diagnose the Pacing and Electrophysiology. J Cardiovasc Electro-
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after pulmonary vein isolation. To facilitate the 9. Yuniadi Y, Tai CT, Lee KT, et al. A new electrocardio-
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rithms using the surface ECG are always welcome. from reverse typical atrial flutter. J Am Coll Cardiol
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With improved mapping techniques and more after left atrial ablation of atrial fibrillation. Circulation
aggressive treatment in management of macro- 2006;113:609–15.
reentrant atrial tachycardias, a 12-lead ECG dur- 11. Tai CT, Chen SA, Chen YJ, et al. Conduction prop-
ing tachycardia provides important information in erties of the crista terminalis in patients with typical
the initial strategy for the physician or specialized atrial flutter: basis for a line of block in the reen-
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