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Socialist state.

He was held in solitary confinement at

Bautzen Prison until August 1944,when he was
transferred to Buchenwald and shot on Hitler’s orders
on 18 August. (TN) Hitler’s army adjutant Gerhard
Engelputs this incident differently. He stated in
Heeresadjutant Bei Hitler 1938-1943 (Stuttgart 1974,p.103) that
he had just made a report to Hitler when Albert
Bormann appeared and told him that Pintsch wanted to
give Hitler a very important letter from Hess,whichthen
happened. Linge dismisses the Engelversion as incorrect.
(TN): Historian Erich Kern (in Kempka& Kern, Die Letzten
Tage mit Adolf Hitler, DVG Preussisch-Oldendorf 1991, p.12)
commented of the Engeldiaries that there might have
been an extraneous, that is Allied, influence at work
in their compilationpost war insofar as passages were
omitted and long sections of text very critical of
Hitler’s leadership inserted. Moreover original
handwritten notes were missing, and on the
historiographic evidence alone, e.g. comparison with
the 6. Armee files, the Engel diaries were not
contemporaneous. This should have been ‘since0445
hours’. DNB Text, 1 September 1939. DNB Text, 19
September 1939. UnityValkyrie Mitford (b. 8.8.1914
London). On 3 September 1939 in the Englischer
Garten (near Königin-Strasse 15) she shot herself in
the head. Repatriated to England through
Switzerland on Hitler’s instructions, she died on 20
May 1948.(TN) The attack in the West was originally
set for 12 November 1939. For Hitler’s talk with
Sumner Welles, see Andreas Hillgruber, Staatsmänner
und Diplomaten bei Hitler, Frankfurt/Main 1967,pp.68ff.
The text for the order can be foundin Walter Hubatsch
(ed.), Hitlers Weisungen für die Kriegsführung,
Frankfurt/Main 1965,pp.54ff. See Werner Maser, ‘Adolf
Hitler, Vater eines Sohnes’ in Zeitgeschichte, Hist. Inst.
Univ. Salzburg, year 5, February 1978,pp.173ff. For the
conversation between Hitler and Mussolini of 18 June
1940,see Andreas Hillgruber, Staatsmänner und Diplomaten
bei Hitler, Frankfurt/Main 1967, pp.139ff. By his edict
of 19 May 1943 Hitler forbade persons with
international contacts (particularly members of the
former ruling princely houses in Germany) from
holding offices of state, in the Wehrmachtor Party,
and most of these serving in the Wehrmachtwere released.
This Linge version was confirmed by the crown prince
on 17 June 1946 while
undercross-examination as a witness at Nuremberg.
See Robert M.W. Kempner, Das Dritte Reichim
Kreuzverhör, Munich and Esslingen 1969,p.113. Robert
M.W. Kempner, Das Dritte Reichim Kreuzverhör, Munich
and Esslingen 1969, p.113. For the record of this
conversation, see Andreas Hillgruber, Staatsmänner und
Diplomatenbei Hitler, Frankfurt/Main 1967,pp.336ff. For the
conversation between Hitler and Marie-José of 17 October
1940,see ibid. pp.253ff. For example, immediately
before the outbreak of war in 1939,Heinkel flew
the first pure rocket aircraft and jet-engined aircraft
in demonstrations for Udet at Rostock. These
revolutionary designs were not proceeded with until
Messerschmitt brought out the Me 163 rocket fighter
and Me 262 jet long after Udet’ssuicide. (TN) Quoted
from Giesing’s statement from 11 November 1945;document
in the archive of Werner Maser. SeeAdolf Hitler, Mein
Kampf, and Werner Maser, Adolf Hitler - Legende
- Mythos - Wirklichkeit, Munich 1971,pp.231ff. The
RSD (Reichssicherheitsdienst) was a unit formed in
March or April 1933 of eight Munich detectives as
a protection squad for the ReichChancellery and
later the FHQs. Its chief was a lieutenant from the
Bavarian provincial police, Johann Rattenhuber who
remained in post throughout.By 1944 the force was 250
strong, thirty being support staff. Its deputy
commander was SS Obersturmbannführer Peter Högl. Erwin
Giesing, notes, 11 November 1945,document in
archive of Werner Maser. This was a notorious
witch hunt in Munich in the year 1600 when a
murderer deflected suspicion from himself on the
innocent Pappenheimer family. Under dreadful torture
they confessed not only to the murderer’s crime but also
to all the other unsolved felonies in the province
over recent years, and were executed ina most cruel
and inhuman manner. (TN) For Rommel see e.g. David
Irving, Rommel, Eine Biographie,Hamburg 1978. Quoted
from Giesing’s statement of 11 November 1945,document
in archive of Werner Maser. Ibid. Werner Maser, Adolf
Hitler - Legende - Mythos -Wirklichkeit, Munich
1971, pp.390ff Werner Maser, Adolf Hitler - Legende -
Mythos - Wirklichkeit, Munich 1971, p.394. According
to Christa Schroeder: Er War Mein Chef, Herbig 1985,

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