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© Jane Crowfoot
Second Release Statement

I love the fact that crochet along (CAL) style projects give home crafters the opportunity to collectively
join in with a project. I adore the fact that crocheters can contribute to on-line chat forums, seek out
videos and groups to help them and create strong friendships with others regardless of background,
circumstances or location in the world whilst working through the project. CALs give distance
learners the chance to create wonderful pieces of crochet that they can present to their friends and
families as a testament to their own talents and crochet skills and who can look back on the process of
making as a rewarding and positive experience.

I am hugely excited about the launch of my new CAL project The Fruit Garden, but, at a time of
worldwide uncertainty, I also recognise that many of you may be in a position where you cannot join
in with the timeline of the project as it stands at the moment. So, after discussion with the wonderful
team at Stylecraft, we have decided that my new CAL will now have 2 official launch dates, so that all
those who want to can reap the full benefits of working through a project in an organised and
supported timescale.

The first set of patterns for the CAL will go live as planned on Tuesday 28th April. This release will be
followed by 7 more fortnightly pattern downloads, which means that the final set of patterns will be
published on the 4th August. On 8th September we will start the CAL pattern release process all over
again so that anyone who missed taking part, or lost track along the way first time round can join in.

Rather than being the ‘poor cousin’ to the first publication, I see the second release as the fabulous
‘after party’ to the main event; If you choose to join in with the CAL the second time around you can
make the most of tips and hints from those who have already completed the project. You can also get
ideas for alternative colour ways or layouts and you will have a wonderful project completed in time
for Christmas. I also feel that a second release will help support those who may have fallen by the
wayside first time round - sometimes leaving a project and returning to it at another time can be a
really good learning process and having more support going forwards is bound to lead to less
disappointment and more completed projects.

Over the forthcoming weeks I am going to work on a new version of the CAL so that a third choice of
project option (to accompany the 2 existing colourways) can be added to the pattern options for the
second release. The colour palette and format for this additional project is top secret for now, but as
soon as I have anything solid to show you I will do so. Having another project option in the mix means
that you have even more free designs to choose from and could even mean that some of you decide to
create even more Fruit Garden projects than you had originally planned.

I hope that you will all understand why these decisions have been made and will see them as a
positive addition to the CAL process.

Sending the very best wishes to you all to keep safe and well and stay home!

Janie x x

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