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Title: Cull chicks
Performance objective: Given the materials needed, you should able to
perform the following in 1 hour:

1. Identify chicks to be culled

2. Separate inactive and sick chicks
3. Cull chicks
Supplies/Materials: Record book, pen, poultry house, abnormal chicks,
Equipment: N/A

1. Wear your complete and proper PPE.

2. Go to your brooder area (where the chicks are).

3. Observe your chicks if there are inactive, sick and passive.

4. Isolate the selected chicks from the brooder and observe again for
about 2-3 minutes.

5. Chicks that are passive, inactive and sick will undergo culling.

6. Cull the selected chicks to prevent disease transfer to the active and
normal chicks.

7. Record the number of the culled chicks in the bulletin board of the

8. Clean and return all used tools, materials, equipment and PPE to
designated storage room.

9. Let your trainer check your output for evaluation.

Assessment Method:
Demonstration, Observation and Assessment using the Performance

Performance Criteria Checklist 2.2-5

Trainee’s Name: ______________________________________ Date: ____________

Instruction: Put a check (/) in the column YES if observe the given criteria
in your finished task. Check (/) NO if not observed.

Did you…. YES NO

1. Finish the activity in the given period?

2. Wear your complete PPE?

3. Use the materials properly?

4. Observe safety precautions during the performance

of the activity?

5. Follow the step by step given by your trainer?

6. Identify the chicks that are passive, inactive and


7. Isolate the passive, inactive and sick chicks?

8. Observe the isolated chicks?

9. Cull the chicks that’s needed to be culled?

10. Record the number of chicks culled?

11. Clean and return all used tools, materials,

equipment and PPE to designated storage room?

12. Submit your output to your trainer for


Evaluated by:

_______________________________ _____________________

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