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Name : Wulan Sari Wanda S.

Class : PBI IIIA


1. Teaching English To Young Learners’ Through International Pop

The reason i choose this title because, through international pop song, teachers can
create various contexts in which students have an opportunity to use English for
express their mood, exchange information and express opinion.  this study aims at
providing a solution by offering one teaching technique which seems to make the
learners (especially young learners) enjoy learning through singing songs
(Kasihani, 1999).Furthermore, Phillips(1995) said that young learners really
enjoyed learning and singing songs with highly motivating.

2. Increasing Young Learners’ Vocabulary Mastery By Using English

Story's Book.
The reason i choose this title because, by using story's book a young learners can
get many vocabulary, it can be a something helpful because vocabulary is basic
part of language when we learn English . Nowadays, introducing English
vocabulary can be started in the kindergarten school. In early age, the young
learners are easy to accept the language that has been given by teacher. Therefore,
young learner in early age (approximately 3-4 years old) should get stimulation
and learn English vocabulary in order to get preparation to study in higher level.

3. English Teaching And Learning Process To Young Learner’s (at one

I chose this title because i hope to know the result identify and analyze English
teaching and learning process in Elementary and Kindergarten, teachers’
perception towards TEYL, and students’ responses toward English lesson. So this
research is expected to find out how to optimize the process of teaching English for
young learners.

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