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em ila ae worth Value and price LESSON SUMMARY 806» ‘walang me and ance Unening stort monchgens;Htning fr gst ond spect ‘tematon Sealing ting abou the vate of ings Taple: shopping and services: dre GEER 2 0 the lesson in 20 minutes, beep the lead-in betel, skip exercise ¢ and set the Vocabulary Builder exercises 2s homework. @ Lead-in 4-5 minutes ‘+ Ask the students: If your house were on fire and you could Save just three things from the burning building, what would they be? Make sure the students understand this does not inchade people oF pets, who are ail already sate, * Give them a moment to think and then put them in paies and ask them to tell their partner. * Encourage them to expiain why they would choose these ‘things over others. * inecessary, elicit the words valle, price and worth and ‘check the meanings with the class. * Asia few students to feed back to the class. LANGUAGE NOTE - FOR WHAT IT'S WORTH For what it’s worth is an informal expression which is used to say (modesty) that what you have said or are about to “27 is only your own opinion or suggestion and may not be ver helpful. Es. for hat i's worth | prefer the red one. ‘The acronym FWIW is sometimes used in emails. Exercise 1 page 15 + Focus on the photos and ask stodents to decide which items are worth a lot of money. Encourage them to use language of ‘speculation, such as: /veckon .., Fd say... i you ask me... + would be useful to teach toe phrase sendment vos, which describes something that doese"t have a high Fanci valve but s worth alt ks omer, Exercise 2 pages @ 1.07 (+ Read through the listening tip together. To reinforce the point you could read through the opinions A~F and try to (ci ove Syemyens Uitte Specks wight oe boo You pay th rcoring. For example, te word itis mentioned instead of present by speaker 1.) + Remind sivdents tht Ghee ts ne ea opinon WEYIA o2F 30 4C SE ‘Transcript 1.07 ‘Speaker fm not particalaty ito jewelery. But this particular piece means a lt wo me because it used to belong 10 my ‘andmother. She gave Ito me last year as a gif! wear i ‘ailthe time, and Fd be devastated if lost i. didn't costa fortune it doesn't contain a precious stone, ke a diamond ‘or emerald — but I's worth 2 lot tame, personally. Things are aways worth moe I they ware gen to you by somebody special. OF course, I'd Uke a diamond ring 0 one day! ‘Speaker2 Can you believe, I slept with It under my pillow last right? That's how much | love my new gadget. Some people say that Apple products are overpriced, but my opinion Is. you \get what you pay for. ve wanted one ever since | read about it 2 year ago. but ve ont jst been able to afford it: don"t ke ‘using credit cards, because | hate the idea of being in debt. So [I dacided to save up for and | finally had enaugh money t= (buy t last weekend. | think people always value things more if they've bad 12 wai for them. Speaker People who come to my apartment often comment on [LIS hanging inthe living room, abowe the sofa. To be honest, [think a lot of peopte distce ~ probably because i's moder. [People are like that. They prefer safe, old-fashioned styles. Personally | think is wonderful ~ realy powertu. bought it in Mew York at an exhibition in 2004, for $20,000. was 3 ‘eal bargaia, to be honest. f's probably doubled in value ince then. sold itnow, Fd make a big profit. But Fd never sellt. It's part of my identity ~ things ae always more valuable when they refiect your personality Speakera [ve had since! was four years old, so i's no ‘Surpise that it means alot to me. Things that you've had for 2 Jong time are always precious. My parents weren't well-off, so [ig have 8 lot of otter toys. OF course, Hoe" play wth ‘ow —it ust Sts om tale in ny bedroom. But it makes me feel secur, and it brings back happy memories from when | was much younges. f there masa fre at my home, i's the fest thing that Fd save Speaker $ Infancia terms. they're worthiess of course, but | ‘ould never replace them. That's why they're $0 valuable to me personally st that Bue for everyone? | think iis — | mean, ‘how could you get really amached to something that you could Duy in a shop? These are my memories, and they go back ‘about ten years. Alloy frends are here, my holidays, speclal ‘eccasions . Memories are priceless. | don look at them very often, but definitely say they’te worth more to me than anything ese | owe Exercise 3 pege 1s @ 07 * Students work individually to fill in the gaps. Then play the tecording for students to Check heir answers. “+ Once you have gone through the answers as 2 class, check Comprehension of some of the words and phrases by asking ‘questions. Ask: Which word or phrase means. ich? (well (ff); owing money? (in debt; $0 valuable thot they have no rice? (priceless) (See language note): worth alot of money? (precious); at worth anyening? (worthless) (See language satel: cost more than they are worth? (overpriced) + Keep the students on their toes by asking the questions at snappy pace! ‘Finally, model and dit the words with tricky pronunciation, namely, debe ‘det! which has a silent "b' and bargain baa KEY 11 fortune 5 debt 9 financial, worthless 2 precious & bargain 10 priceless 3 overpriced 7 profit 4 credit 8 well off tatters Cc

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