You are on page 1of 111


Internationally known pattern flier Hanno
Prettner added to his list of championships
with a first place finish at the 1987/88 FAI
Pattern World Championships, using a stock
SuperTigre S-61 ABC engine.

The United States FAI Pylon Racing Team

flew with SuperTigre X-40 engines and
scored a convincing 1-2-3 sweep at the
1987/88 World Championships, held in
Melbourne, Australia.

There’s a reason why veteran competition fliers pilot their aircraft nology, searching for ways to improve the performance of their
with SuperTigre engines - performance. Just ask Hanno Prettner, engines. This passion for performance means improved and more
who flew to the 1987/88 FAI Pattern World Championships using a enjoyable flying for you, regardless of the application. Their proven
stock S-61 ABC engine, or the United States Pylon Racing Team, who leadership in model engines is clearly demonstrated in such models as
captured the top three places at the 1987/88 Pylon World Champion­ the 2-stroke giant scale S-3000, popular S-40, and innovative G-40 and
ships with X-40 engines in all three aircraft. This world-beating G-49 Sport engines.
performance is even more remarkable when you consider that the basic With a line that admirably covers the most popular engine dis­
engine designs were not altered by the fliers. placements, SuperTigre truly makes it easy for you to discover world-
The SuperTigre line of model engines currently holds two World class model engine power. To see the championship performance and
Championships and offers you a rare opportunity to power your exquisite craftsmanship of SuperTigre engines first-hand - visit your
airplane with championship performance, right out of the box. favorite R/C hobby retailer.

B e in g o n th e le a d in g e d g e y ie ld s r e s u lts .

SuperTigre is also highly competitive in model engine manufac­

turing and production. They’re always on the leading edge of tech-


The popular S-40 engine is a

proven performer for most mid­
Even without modification, the
S-61 is an excellent engine for
The 1.8 cu. in. S-3000 engine is
the giant scale m odeler’s first
choice for dependability and brute
*»ODEL ,L *V
-C o * .«< <**** QI988. Hobbtco. Inc.
size applications. pattern flying. power.
New book “ b r ie f in g s ” from H.A.
vised edition Allen tells the exciting stories of Coleman The real story behind the Stealth U S. M ARIN E CORPS AIRCRAFT 1914-1959.
all the passenger planes built by Lockheed Bomber (The new B-2 is based on technology Larkin Now back-in-prm t after 30 years.
during the Golden Age-Vega. Air Express. developed by Jack Northrop some 40 years Larkin's illustrated surveys of Navy and Ma­
Sirius. Orion—and the pioneers who tlew ago ) A story ol intrigue, sabotage, collu­ rine corps aircraft remain two of the most
them—Lindbergh. Wiley Post. Amelia Earhart sio n -w ritte n by one of Northrop s close asso­ valuable books ever published about these air­
Turner. Doolittle, and others Illustrated with ciates First hand account ol the obstacles, planes More than 1.000 rare photographs
250 historic photos and scale drawings. 256 personalities, government interference, the chronologically presents detailed descriptions
pgs.. 8 W "x 11". hdbd. A Reviewer's confrontation with Convair. and the grit ot this of the aircraft of this period Both books now
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nical step culminating in the development ol throughs. political upheaval, weapons, ter­ tly Soviet tactics against other Air Force pilots
the "jump take-off" Comprehensive collec­ rain-following flight profile and all aspects ot
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A U G U S T 1989

volume 19, number 210

898 West Sixteenth St., Newport Beach, California 92663 Phone (714) 645-8830

Wm. C. Northrop, Jr.

Anita Northrop
OVER THE COUNTER ............................................................................ 9
WORKBENCH, Bill Northrop ....................................................................... 10 Dawn Johnson
DEAR JAKE ................................................................................................. 11 M ANAG ING EDITOR
Richard Dowdy
BIG BIRDS, Al A lm a n ................................................................................... 12
ELECTRONICS CORNER, fb y M a r e , ........................................................ 14 Kimber Jett-Baird
JET TRAILS OVER ENGLAND, Ron Sweeney ............................................ 16 DRAW INGS BY
Al Novotnik
TOP GUN INVITATIO NAL TO URNAMENT, Al Tuttle......................... 23
CHOPPER CHATTER, lames Wang .............................................................26 Robert Ruiz
PCM RADIO , lames W a n g ......................................................... 30 O FFICE STAFF
ENGINES OF THE W ORLD, Stu Richm ond ................................................ 32 A. Valcarsel

PLUG SPARKS, )ohn P o n d ............................................................................33 C O N T R IB U T IN G E D IT O R S

Al Alman M itch Poling
R/C SOARING, Bill Forrey .......................................................................... 38 Jake Doe John Pond
ALL ABOUT ARFS, Dr. Art Steinberg ..........................................................40 Bill Forrey Fernando Ramos
Steve Cray Francis Reynolds
ELECTRIC POWER, Mitch P olin g ................................................................. 42 Bill Hannan Stu Richmond
PATTERN FLYING, Dick H anson ...................................................................44 Dick Hanson Bob Stalick
Dave Linstrum Art Steinberg
MODEL DESIGN A N D TECHNICAL STUFF, Francis Reynolds ................ 45 Fred Lehmberg John Thompson
INSIDE ENGINES, Stu Richm ond ...................................................................46 Eloy Marez James Wang
Walt Mooney Bill Warner
H A N N A N ’S HANGAR, Bill Hannan ........................................................... 48
CONTROL LINE, lohn Thom pson ................................................................. 50
Cordon Boudewyn
FREE FLIGHT SCALE, Fernando Ramos ........................................................52 Advertising Accounts Manager
Corporate Office
FREE FLIGHT, Bob Stalick............................................................................. 56 (619) 744-7337
INSIDERS, Dave Unstrum .......................... 60 Al Novotnik
4 Beverly PL, Norwalk, CT 06850
Bus. Phone (203) 847-7478
MODEL BUILDER (ISSN 0194 7079) is published
CIERVA C-30A AUTOGYRO, Modelar Magazine ......................................18 m onthly by RCMB INC., 898 West 16th St., New­
port Beach, California 92663. Phone (714)
C O N S T R U C T IO N Subscriptions: $25.00 per year, $47.00 for two
PAUL PLECAN'S “ SIMPLEX,” stu R ic h m o n d ............................................. 19 years. Single copies $2.95. Subscriptions outside
the US (except APO & FPO) $38.00 for one year
“ BIG AC K” PEANUT, Tom Nallenlr .............................................................53 only. A ll payments must be in US funds, drawn
on a US bank.
Copyright 1989 by RCMB INC. A ll rights
reserved. Reproduction w ithout permission pro­
COVER: The Jeep" was designed, built and flown by Art Chester; he had flown other aircraft in hibited.
competition earlier, but first brought the Jeep to the National Air Races in 1933. Modified Change of address notices must be received six
somewhat, and wearing an entirely new paint job, the Jeep appeared as shown on the cover weeks before date of issue that new address takes
during the 1936 season As portrayed, the airplane is just rolling into the turn around a back effect. Send old address w ith new. . .old label
course pylon on the National Air Race course at Mines Field in Los Angeles. Pressed hard preferred. Duplicate issues cannot be sent. Post­
during this turn, Art Chester was in fact beaten by a very narrow margin in several limited master send address changes to M odel Builder,
displacement classes by Harold Neumann in the Folkerts SK-2 "Toots," 898 W. 16th St., Newport Beach, California
Custom photo prints of this painting will be made available; for information please call or write 92663.
Robert A Benjamin Aviation Art, 1222 26th Ave. NE, Olympia, WA 98506, (206)352-2602. Second class postage paid at N ew port Beach,
California, and additional offices.

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FOUR-STAR 40 W IN G SP AN : 5 9 -3 /4 "
W ING AR E A: 604 sq . in.
LENG TH: 4 7 ”


D e sig n e d b y BRUCE THARPE

When developing the Four-Star 40, two design considerations were para­
mount. First, of course, was impeccable flight performance, a requirement
for all Sig kits. Secondly, it had to be ultra-simple and fast to build. That's
why the fuselage is built of Lite-Ply parts that virtually snap together. That’s
why all of the tail surfaces are solid balsa and come out of the box already
cut to shape. That’s also why the wing uses a nearly symmetrical airfoil
engineered to build flat on the board.
One of the difficulties with an ultra-simple model is designing it so it doesn't
look like a “ box with wings” . The Four-Star 40 uses a curvatious canopy STARRING:
and simple turtledeck stringers to give it a modern, aerobatic look. Wheel LITE-PLY FUSELAGE CONSTRUCTION
pants can be added to give it that final touch of class. DURABLE ALUMINUM MAIN LANDING GEAR
The Four-Star 40 is ideally suited for quiet, efficient four-stroke power, but STYLISH MOLDED CANOPY
a sport .40 two-stroke will do the job just as well. A quick look at the specs, COMPLETE HARDW ARE PACKAGE
particularly the wing area and weight, should have most sport pilots on the
edge of their seat. From the opening scenes (plans and instruction book)
to the final credits (at the flying field), the Four-Star 40 plays like a classic LARGE DECAL SHEET
movie. We think you will give it a * ★ ★ * rating! FAMOUS SIG EASY HINGES

See your dealer first! If not available, call 800-247-5008 toll free for orders only.
For domestic orders under $15 add $2.50 pstg. Over $15 ppd. Latest Catalog - $3.00
SIG MANUFACTURING C O . , .............Montezuma, IA 50171
Top Gun OwiMiomt Towmewieiti
at Coral Springs, Florida
was a complete success. r. r
ations to aw ho participated u
w ith special recognition of the following top 10:
★ BobFiorenze ★ Dick Hansen
★ Neil Snodgrass ★ Charlie Nelson
★ Skip Mast ★ Bob Frey
★ C liff Tacie ★ B o b V io le tt
★ Chuck Fuller ★ Jeff Foley

And a special thanks to all w ho helped, especially:

Air Age Magazine Pacer Technology Loctite
Robart Manufacturing Frank Tiano Enterprises McDaniel R/C
RAM Electronics Bob Violett Models Futaba
Nick Ziroli Coverite Hanger One
R/C Report Magazine Scale Planes Service Safety Plus
Cox Hobbies Scale Model Research J-Tec
A.M.A. Airtronics Hobby Shack
R /C condors of coral Springs Coral Springs Jaycees R/C video Magazine

Expanded la See you in 1990! k a ftw a tfti

tm d aw . Tetemed

10 e u b m {ολ
2460 Southwest 85th Terrace
IVealiu Holet
te a m s c a k m w d i
Write FTE for details.
Davie, Florida 33324
JCoum Καίω
What Does 1991 Mean? These receivers are extremely vulnerable to inter­
The federal Communications Commission ference from any land mobile or pager transm itters
authorized 50 channels, spaced 20 KHz apart, for operating 10 KHz away from R/C model transmitters
model aircraft radio control operation effective in close proximity. The advent of more commercial
December 20,1982. transmitters ana resultant potential interference makes
The Academy of M odel Aeronautics developed a it imperative that R/C model receivers m eet or exceed
Phase-In Plan for the new channels which was put the technical guidelines set by the AMA.
into effect January 1,1983.
All the current num bered channels are spaced 40 Transmitter Bandwidth Plot
KHz apart to allow m ost of the older radio systems to
operate. O n January 1,1991, the remaining channels
will be phased-in at the 20 KHz channel spacing as
directed by the F.C.C. authorization.
What Are The A M A Guidelines?
The AMA Guidelines for R/C transm itters require
that the occupied spectrum shall be better than - 55 db
at + / - 20 KHz from channel center frequency.
The AMA Guidelines for Receivers require the
following criteria:
Proper Operation:
Greater than 10 db signal to noise ratio at detection
Adjacent Channel Rejection:
- 60 db or better at + / - 8.5 KHz
Image Rejection:
Greater than - 60 db at image frequency
# Bandwidth currently KHz A AM A technical
3rd Order Intercept Fbint: required by title 47. CENTER guidelines requirements.
better than - 4 dbm at output of first mixer FCC regulations FREQUENCY - 55db at ± 20 KHz

Intermodulation Spurious Response: Receiver Bandwidth Plots

No loss or spurious response in decoded servo output
greater than + / - 20 micro secs w hen subject to single
and two signal radiation as specified
How Do You Know If The R/C System
You Buy Is 1991 Qualified?
Before you buy a new R/C system always com­
pare the technical specifications to make sure it totally
m eets the AMA Technical Guidelines for receiver
and transmitter.
Primary things to consider w hen evaluating an
R/C receiver are:
(1) The receiver bandw idth
(2) Image frequency rejection
(3) 3rd order interm odulation product rejection.
Many R/C receivers currently in use have an -------A. Typical AM or FM
excessively wide receiver bandw idth at - 30 db of 20 to single conversion
receiver bandwidth.
C. Typical Airtronics
25 KHz. They also have a 3rd order intercept point of ------- B. AM A technical guide­ super narrow band
from - 8 to -1 2 dbm or worse, and an Image Response lines receiver band­ FM and PCM receiver
of 0 db. (Refer to Receiver Bandwidth Graphic) width specification. bandwidth plot.
Why Is There So Much Confusion Srwifiratinnc· Airtronics FM and PCM Gold Label Super
About 1991 Compatibility? * Narrow Band Dual Conversion Receivers
Many R/C manufacturers and im porters are mak­ Receiver: 92965 92765 AMA Guidelines
ing extraordinary claims about their R/C receivers with 92785 and Measurements
no substantiating facts to back them up. M ost of their 92985
highly advertised receivers do not even meet the AMA
Guidelines requirements! Adjacent Better Better - 60 db
Nowhere in m ost receiver advertisem ents is there Channel than than or
m ention of actual laboratory test m easurem ents for 3rd Rejection: -69.4 db -81.3 db better
O rder Intercept Fbint or other receiver characteristics @ + 8.5 KHz @ + 8.5 KHz @ + 8.5 KHz
necessary to fly interference-free at 20 KHz channel -77.3 db -69.2 db - 60 db
@ -8.5 KHz @ -8.5 KHz @ -8.5 KHz
iters Image -67.1 db -70.8 db Greater than
are ids Rejection: - 60 db @ Image
about their products. Frequency
What Happens If I Buy R/C Equipment 3rd OIP: + 5.9 dbm + 3.8 dbm Better than
That Doesn’t Meet 1991 Guidelines? -4 dbm
All R/C channels are exclusive frequencies for
control of model aircraft on the 72 M Hz band. How­ Fact #3: Airtronics Offers Complete
ever, there are instances w here commercial land R/C System Conversions And Upgrades.
mobile or pager transm itters can be as close as 10 KHz V\fe offer a low-cost R/C system upgrade service to
to one of our exclusive R/C channels, which potentially convert your present Airtronics AM or FM transm itter
can cause R/C interference. and receiver to 1991 AMA guideline specifications and
Interference can also be caused by m odelers with operation. After we convert your unit to narrow band
equipm ent that doesn't m eet minimal F.C.C. transmit­ FM it fully m eets all FCC type acceptance criteria.
ter bandw idth specifications. A transm itter with exces­ Airtronics is the only major m anufacturer cur­
sive bandw idth can splatter and cause interference to rently providing com prehensive R/C system conver­
legal R/C units operating in close proximity. sions at an economical price. V\b offer m odelers an
(See Transmitter Bandwidth Graphic) affordable alternative to expensive product replace­
m ent and obsolescence.
Fact M: Airtronics Is H onestly
Important Facts About Airtronics R/C Systems. M eeting The Challenge O f 1991.
Airtronics incorporates the sam e compatible 1991
Fact #1: Airtronics FM A nd PCM Aircraft technology in our R/C system s from our lowest priced
R/C Systems M eet O r Exceed Every FM to our highest priced PCM.
AMA 1991 G uideline. O ur high quality FM and PCM transm itters and
Airtronics 1991 R/C system s are certified gold. Gold Label Super Narrow Band Dual Conversion
O ur advanced FM and PCM transm itters and com pat­ receivers will g v e you superior R/C operational
ible Gold Label Super Narrow Band Dual Conversion capabilities in 1991 and beyond.
receivers have been independently tested and certified V\b think it's tim e to dear the air and face the facts.
as meeting and exceeding all the AMA guidelines and Airtronics challenges all other R/C manufacturers and
specifications for 1991 narrow band R/C operation. importers to help end the confusion about 1991.
Fact #2: Airtronics Has The Proof
To Back Up O ur Claims.
In certified independent tests, Airtronics FM and i
^ __^ We SetThe Standard.
PCM Gold Label Super Narrow Band Dual Conver­
sion Receivers m eet or exceed all AMA and RCMA
specifications and guidelines for R/C operation in 1991
and beyond.
^ AIRTRONICS11 Autry, Irvine, CA 92718 (714) 8308769

A Division of Hobby Town

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G49 SPORT 77.95
S45 ABC W/M 94.95 $3.50 handling charge.
S61 ABC W/M 127.95 Washington Residents add 7.8% Sales Tax.
A ll material published in " Over the Counter"
is quoted or paraphrased from press releases,
furnished by the manufacturers and/or their
advertising agencies, unless otherwise speci­
fied. The review and/or description o f any
product by M B does not constitute an
endorsement of that product, n o r any assur­
ance as to its safety or performance by MB.

• As our "C hopper Chatter” columnist,

lames Wang, mentions in his colum n this
m onth, Kyosho is coming out w ith three
scale fuselage kits fo r the Concept 30 R/C
h e lic o p te r, w h ic h was th e subject o f a
Products In Use review in our June ’89
issue. The three fuselages shown in the
accompanying photo are, from left, the
Bell Jet Ranger, Hughes 500, and Hughes
300. The stock Concept 30 canopy is shown
on the far right for comparison.
These great looking and highly detailed
scale bodies are m olded from lightweight
plastic and can be painted as you see fit. A
Scale fuselage kits for the Kyosho Concept 30, Imported by Great Planes Model Distributors.
fu ll set o f stick-on decals is included with
each kit. The Jet Ranger and Hughes 500 w ith PK-130 m in i servos, PK-133 h ig h
fuselages require a special starter extension torque servos (coreless m otor, ball bearing •ψ
shaft and sta rte r c o n e , w h ic h are also shaft), o r PK-135 contest servos. L
available. Those m odelers w ith lim ite d budgets
No prices were quoted, but you can get w ould do well to give this system a close
this and other pertinent info from Great look. Check with your dealer or contact
Planes M odel Distributors, P.O. Box 4021, MRC directly at 200 Carter Dr., P.O. Box
Champaign, Illinois 61820. 267, Edison, New Jersey 08818.
* * * ♦ * *
The newest release from M odel Rectifier The folks at J'Tec have just introduced
C o rp o ra tio n is th e “ Flight C o m m a n d ” what they call "Safe Start” versions o f their
four-channel R/C system, an inexpensive highly regarded cast alum inum engine test
rig apparently aimed at the sport R/C flier stands. The name comes from the fact that
w h o has no need fo r all th e bells and your glow plug starter attaches to a fitting
whistles found on most radios these days. on the back of the stand (check the photo)
Features on the transmitter include adjust­ rather than to the plug itself; a wire lead
able stick length and tension, and servo w ith an alligator clip attaches to the plug's
reversing on all fo u r channels. Ni-Cd bat­ center electrode to com plete the circuit.
teries are supplied throughout. Both the This way there is no chance whatsoever of
transmitter and receiver are designed to having the glow plug starter fall off into the
meet 1991 specs. Three PK-119 standard spinning prop— not an uncom m on thing
servos are normally supplied with the Flight
Command system, but you can also get it Continued on page 68 “ Flight Command" R/C system Irom MRC.

“ Sate Start" engine test stands from J'Tec. Mechanical retract units offered by Bob Violett Models.

A U G U ST 1989 9
B i n Saturday morning, May 13, at the Second Annual IMS Atlanta R/C Model A Hobby Show was a busy
one. Stu Richmond's photo shows some blurred figure movement because of the slow exposure tor
better depth o( field (that's photographer talk).
everyone's satisfaction. And Saturday, the have o u r 1990 Atlanta date switched to the
first public day, looked like a typical Toledo weekend fo llo w in g Mothers Day, so plan
w o r k b e n c h to jo in us on May 18,19, and 20,1990 (May
m ob scene, even w ith the extra wide, 10-
foot aisles. As fo r Sunday . . . well, in the 18 fo r industry members only).
• By th e tim e you read th is , th e 1989 good old USA, you just d o n 't try to com ­ W e’ll have photo and story coverage of
W in te r/S p rin g m o d e l show season w ill pete with Apple Pie, Chevrolet (sorry, Ford, the Atlanta show in next m o n th ’s issue, so
have been com pleted, w ith the last show, it’s just an expression), o r M o th e r, and this we w o n ’t try to steal any thunder from that
the MARCS, taking place on the weekend was M others’ Day Weekend. Obviously, by going in to m uch detail about it now.
o f June 3 and 4, in T im m onium , near Bal­ the show date was not o u r choice, so we Just a couple o f observations.
timore, M D. simply had to make the best o f it. Inciden­ Perhaps we one-upped the thankfully
The (our) Second Annual IMS Atlanta tally, we had been negotiating with the small segment o f giant scalers w ho strive
show was completed just a couple o f weeks Georgia W orld Congress Center fo r the fo r some sort of recognition by having the
ago (as o f the tim e this is being w ritten), weekend before Mothers Day fo r 1990, largest scale model in their block. This year
and was, as expected, much larger than last b u t the the RCHTA o rg a n iza tio n a n tici­ we had a 3/4-scale P-51 on display! Actually
year’s inaugural show. Many m ore industry pated and checkmated us on that one with ranging somewhere between a hom ebuilt
folks showed up on their private day, Fri­ its just-announced new show in Philadel­ and an ultra-light, this aircraft constituted a
day, than had been expected . . . much to phia fo r 1990. Luckily, we were able to 50 percent increase in the num ber o f man
. . . er . . . person carrying aircraft at the
A tla n ta show fro m last year. Hazel and
Maxey were back w ith one o f th e ir his-n-
her matched set o f "Spacewalker” home-
builts, and TEAM, INC. displayed a com ­
ple te d M in i-M a x u ltra -lig h t w ith added
streamlining kit. Fortunately there’s always
room in Atlanta to display aircraft o f this
type, and we hope m ore w ill jo in us in the
future. The ultra-light aircraft are, fo r the
m ost p a rt, b ig g e r m odels, b u t w ith the
same basic c o n s tru c tio n m ethods. It’s a
natural progression.. . .
It’ s in te re s tin g to n o te th a t th e P-51,
actually called th e "5151,” w hich repre­
sents the price o f the basic kit w ithout
pow erplant, was designed by a currently
active m odel builder. In fact, Carl Loehle
Sr., entered a Peanut Scale model in the
A tlanta m odel display c o m p e titio n , and
came away w ith a trophy! M odelers w ho
date back to at least the early 60’s rem em ­
ber Gerry Ritz fo r his line o f gas model
propellers a n d /o r that he was a N ordic A /2
W orld Champion. His “ Ritz” w ing concept
was well known even before that. Well, it
so happens that Loehle Aviation, Inc., in
W artrace, TN, was fo rm e rly the Ritz Pro­
peller Co. At the tim e o f his death from an
ultra-light aircraft accident several years
Mike and Carl Loehle brought their ultra-light/hom ebuilt 3/4-scale P-51 to Atlanta, and it was a real
show stopper. Built like a typical model, with wood longeron box frame, ply bulkheads and formers, ago, Gerry was manufacturing props for
and wood stringers. Had retracts, Rotax engine, beautiful bubble canopy. They took over the late the ultra-light industry, w hich mostly uses
Gerry Ritz propeller business. various models o f the Rotax engine. Carl

Loehle and son, M ike, have taken over the
company, and in addition to the propeller
business, are manufacturing the “ 5151” kits
in the form er Ritz facilities. Both Wayne
Ison of TEAM, and M ike Loehle indicate
that they like to participate in the model
shows because of the higher percentage of
interested and knowledgeable spectators.
"They notice the clockwise (left-hand)
rotation of the prop and say ‘aileron’ in­
stead o f ‘that flap thing on the w ing’,"
M ike said.
There was plenty o f activity on the car
track this year, primarily because o f the
efforts of Bolink’s Rick Jordan and his wife,
Linda. Linda is an experienced car race
operator, and was able to coordinate race
heats and exhibitor car demonstrations as
well. Consequently, spectators saw electric
and gas cars, plus gas motorcycles, in live
action almost continuously. The boat pond
was somewhat less active, as only about
three exhibitors were able to run boats
and tend to their booths at the same time.
It may be different next year. We met w ith Dear lake: one sends their love, except o f course,
members o f the M o d e l Racing Commis­ I fly R /C gliders a lot, and all o f my those w ho rem em ber you. Please w rite
sion o f the APBA (American Power Boat gliders are at least tw o meters in span. M y soon, and use big letters. You know how
Association), w ho had a booth at the show, m om is getting tired o f me bringing hom e your father likes to read over m y shoulder.
and they are planning to design a special such big planes, so she wants me to fly HLG Love, M om
small gas powered R/C racing boat just to (hand launch gliders). Dear M other Doe:
suit the 32 by 48-foot dimensions o f the The problem is, though, that I d o n ’t have S o rry to h e a r a b o u t A u n t R egina's
IMS Atlanta boat pond. a m icro R /C system, and I need one in m otoring mishap. I’ll light a candle fo r her
A nother feature introduced to the IMS o rder to fly such small gliders. Volvo. Wasn’t she the one w ho divorced
show fo r the first tim e this year was The H ow can I talk (force) my dad in to buy­ Uncle Erasmus w hen she found out he
A M A R/C Superstars. This consisted o f six ing me a m icro system fo r m y birthday (I’ll wasn’t her only husband?
o f the leading recognized experts in vari­ be sixteen)? Your Son, Jake
ous R/C categories, each provided w ith a Bob in Flossmoor, Illinois * ♦ *
booth, in which they could meet and talk Dear Bob:
Dear Jake:
w ith the attending modelers, offering ad­ W ell, if plain old pleading and begging
What is a tu rb u le n t boundary layer? I’ve
vice and answering questions concerning d o n ’t w ork, then you m ight try washing
heard that they can cause a lot o f drag.
th e ir specialty. The group included Brian the car, m owing the lawn, or doing other
Student in Steubenville
Agnew (gliders), Horace Hagen (helicop­ chores around the house to show your dad
Dear Student:
ters), Dave Platt (scale), Dave Shadel (pylon that you’re w illing to earn your gift. If that
A turbulent boundary layer is a hot-head
racing), A M A President Don Lowe (preci­ still doesn’t w ork, then start bringing home
w ho builds border fences out o f brick. If
sion aerobatics), and Keith Shaw (electric some o f your friends’ older sisters and try
you run into one o f his boundaries on a
power). Considering the late decision to talking your dad in to a new mom. Maybe
snowmobile, it can be a real drag.
add this feature, and therefore not much she’ll let you keep the 2-meters.
advance p u b lic ity , it tu rn e d o u t to be Jake
popular and w ill be repeated next year. * * ·
* * *
Remember the dates fo r next year, May Dear Jake:
Dear lake:
18, 19, and 20, 1990, and watch for the Well, where is it? You keep prom ising us
What became o f the Savoia-Marchetti
photo report coming up next month. a Dear Jake book, but it never happens. If a
aviation firm after their heyday in the '20s
MYSTERY(?) AIRCRAFT lard-butt cat like Garfield and a lard-butt
and '30s?
O ne thing fo r sure, it isn’t necessary to penguin like Opus can have th e ir ow n
Aviation History Fan in Azusa
publish something controversial in order books, then a lard-butt like you ought to
Dear Aviation History Fan:
to p ro m o te le tte rs to o u r m a g a z in e be able to get a collection o f Dear Jake
Savoia-Marchetti split and w ent on to
(though that w ould w ork too). Frequent letters published. H ow about it?
earn separate fame and fortune in the hotel
scale construction article contributor, Ted A vid Reader in Allentow n, PA
and salad dressing industries respectively.
Schreyer, sent us an old photo of himself as Dear Avid Reader:
a youngster, sitting in the cockpit of a racy It's not as easy as all that. Opus and
looking airplane dating back to the 30’s, * * * Garfield had to break into the lunchbox
and wanted to know what it was. Taking Dear Jake: and T -shirt m arkets b e fo re th e ir books
the easy way out, we published the photo Hello again from your devoted mother. w ere approved. Glassware giveaways at
in our June ’89 issue and asked our readers M ore bad news, I’m afraid. Your dear major fast food franchises also propelled
to identify the plane. A unt Regina had an accident on the New both of their careers.Along those lines, and
Actually, the “ mystery” was solved be­ York State Thruway near Peekskill. No lives to do a little advance prom oting of my
fore the magazine hit the newsstands, as w e re lo s t, b u t m a n y vegetables w e re b o o k , I’ve been try in g to co n vince M c ­
o u r MB p ro d u c tio n assistant, Phil Bern­ bruised. The tolltaker has recovered and at D onald’s to hand out ru b -o ff game pieces
hardt, checked his library and easily pinned last report was not planning to file suit. w ith either a Dear Jake answer or a Dear
it dow n as the Keith Rider R-2 "B u m b le ­ You rem em ber A unt Regina, I’m sure. Jake q u e s tio n o n th e m . C o lle c tin g a
bee” as it appeared in 1933. It placed well She was the p re ttie r o f the tw o M eidock matching question and answer w ould win
in 1932-33-34 races and fo r part o f its life, sisters. You know , the one w ith the tung­ a valuable prize such as a Big Mac, a large
was owned by one George M cG rew , the sten teeth. Her Volvo w ill be in the shop drink, or a Yugo.
first husband o f movie star Jean Harlow. fo r a week, and her hair w ill be under M cD onald’s is balking at the idea, claim-
repair fo r an extended period.
Continued on page 107 The rest o f the fam ily is fine and every­ Continued on page 72

A U G U ST 1989 11
What Jomar’s Joe Utasi has to say about
cables makes sense:
“ O ne o f the problems that has started
cropping up w ith the use o f stranded steel
and music w ire fo r bracing, rigging and
control cables is i nterference w ith the radio
control system's receiver antenna. In radio
theory these extra wires constitute what
are called ‘directors’ and ‘reflectors,’ which
can either reinforce o r destroy the signal
reaching the receiver antenna. Naturally
this is not a desirable situation and should
be avoided if at all possible.
"T he Jomar Aram id R igging/C ontrol
Cable can completely eliminate the chance
o f radio interference caused by metallic
cables o r bracing. The primary ingredient
in the Aramid mix is Kevlar 29, w hich is
A R A M ID CABLE noise trap o r g litch -b u ste r fo r added in ­ fo rm u la te d specifically fo r ropes and
Like so any oth e rs. I’ve used Berkley surance against glitches . . . but / d o n ’t use cables. It has five times the tensile strength
Steelon nylon coated leader material for steel cables anymore. of steel and actually has less 'creep' or
bracing, rigging and control cables. It's easy I know what you’re probably thinking, stretching.
to w ork w ith, comes in many different sizes that anything other than steel stretches and "N orm al elongation under a 50 pound
and strengths, and swages p e rm anently can’t be used in airplanes. W ell, I used to load is less than one percent, and after this
w hen th e p ro p e r sized leader sleeve is think that to o — until I got around to trying initial pre-stress the cable w ill no longer
used. Jomar’s Aramid Rigging Cable. This is some grow in length and w ill continue to main­
I’ve been careful to route my receiver stuff. tain any given tension. The Jomar cable is
antenna away from servos and bundles of Aram id is made o f Kevlar 29 and it’s d e s ig n e d fo r a b re a k s tre n g th o f 200
wires, and use some sort of noise trap or nonmetallic, non-carbon and non-stretch. pounds, m ore than adequate fo r model
control o r rigging use.
" It is coated w ith a urethane polym er to
prevent degradation from ultraviolet rays.
It is im pervious to most paints and solvents
except for strong mineral acids and alkalies.
The Jomar cable is stable over a tem pera­
ture range o f from minus 320 degrees to
plus 400 degrees F.
“ Though a bit d ifficu lt to cut, the trick
here is to put the cable in tension w hile
cutting it. It w ould be wise to use either a
new #11 blade o ra n old pair o f sidecutters.
The cable is tough and w ill quickly dull a
pair of miniature sidecutters.
"The most im portant factor in installing
the cable is the term ination, or how you
connect the end. Yes, you can just tie the
end in a knot, but this w ill probably reduce
Here he is, folks, the only other real Al Alman. It's Al's cousin Al, shown here with his really big bird, a the break strength to 50% or less o f the
Beechcraft twin. This Al flies R/C, too. maximum rating because o f the weak spot
glitch-buster on long servo leads, and I’ve It's rated at 180 pounds strength, has 29 that is created.
been lucky not to have had any "funnies” braids per inch for a round cross-section, "O n e way to fasten the cable is to use a
crop up due to those steel cables being and is dyed black and coated w ith clear standard 2-56threaded Kwik-Link. Pass the
strung out all over the plane. urethane fo r good ultraviolet ray protec­ cable through the Kwik-Link, tie a few
W ell, I still string out cables. . . and I still tion. Yeah, yo u ’re right about the price— it knots as a ‘safety’ retainer, pull the cable
ca re fu lly ro u te the antenna away fro m does cost a bit more, but is one helluva lot back until the knot is ‘bottom ed-out’ and
those nasty, noisy servo motors and wire less than replacing an aircraft that’s crashed the cable is under some tension, and then
bundles . . . and I still use some sort of because of interference. fill the threaded area o f the Kwik-Link with

Thanks to AMA’s hospitality, the IMAA was able to hold its semi-annual Bill Johnson says his Sig Spacewalker flies like a dream at 20 pounds and
board meeting at AMA Headquarters in Reston, Virginia. with Zenoah G-38 power. Gorgeous building job.

AMA Headquarters is quite an interesting place. They have their own mini-museum there, although
these photos show just a small part of the models on display.
some thick CA glue and catalyze it with info? W rite or call Jomar Products, 2028 lost in the shuffle, so m uch so that w h e n ­
kicker or equivalent accelerator. K n ig h ts b rid g e D rive , C in c in n a ti, O h io ever it was m e n tio n e d th e o fte n heard
"A better way to fasten the cable ends, 45244, (513)474-0985. It's $10for 20feet, plus remark w ould be, "W h o needs it? You can
w hich allows some adjustability, is to use a couple of bucks fo r packing and shipping. do just as well w ithout it." It was this lack o f
Du-Bro threaded couplers which come in THE BUD DY SYSTEM interest by sport fliers, com bined w ith an
a variety o f sizes. Again, using a thick or Guess it was about tw enty years ago that attempt to keep prices low, that convinced
slow curing CA glue, completely ‘p o t’ or the buddy-box was introduced to the R/C Futaba and Airtronics to qu it making radios
fill the hollow end of the coupler so as to w orld. I thought it was a great idea then, w ith this capability. I never did understand
com pletely capture the free end o f the and I still feel that way. why buddy-boxes lost favor w ith R/Cers;
cable. Tests have shown this connection, This c o n ce p t c e rta in ly m ade learning they are terrific teaching aids.
w hen properly cured, to retain the full easier and far less stressful for the beginner W ell, now comes the A.R.B. Company
strength o f the cable. and was equally beneficial fo r the instruc­ to th e rescue. They have very re c e n tly
“ The c y c lic lo a d in g fro m w inds and tor, mainly because he no longer had to marketed “ The Buddy System” w hich, as
vibrations generate sig n ifica n t tension- hover over the already nervous student. the name implies, is a training system that
tension cyclic conditions that w ill break
dow n steels. Kevlar cable w ill outlast steel
cables b o th in o p e ra tin g o ver sheaves
(p u lle y s ) an d in th e te n s io n m o d e s
"The cable can be used over pulleys as
small as 3/4-inch diameter and still retain
full strength w ithout the fear of abrasion or
wear from the flexing Aramid fibers.”
Joe has been using Aramid cable glued
in sid e o f th re a d e d c o u p le rs in his big
Nosen Cessna Twin fo r years w ith nary a
problem —and it wasn’t that I d idn't believe
him , it’s just that I had to check it out for
So the first thing I did after receiving my
Aram id was to glue one end into a coupler
and, after w aitin g 24 hours, give it a no-
holds-barred pull and yank test. Gotta ad­
m it that since I’m now a mere shadow of
my form er self (fifty pounds lighter) I could
only give it a 200-pound test . . . but the This just-finished Balsa USA Sopwlth Pup is proof of Fritz Bruning s expert building skills. Maiden
c o n n e c tio n he ld fast, no m a tte r h o w I flights are reported to have gone nice and easy, with just a bit of trim required.
muscled it. M y only trouble was finding know ing that sooner than later he’d have can be installed in Futaba and Airtronics
the patience to wait the 24 hours for a to grab th e tra n s m itte r fro m th e shaky radios. (By the tim e you read this, A.R.B.
proper cure before trying to tear it loose. n e o p h y te ’s hands in o rd e r to save th e sh o u ld have c o m p le te d in s ta lla tio n in ­
T h e re ’s no d o u b t th a t A ra m id cable airplane. structions for all other brands of radios.)
delivers 100% and is easily w orth the extra W ith a b u d d y -b o x setup, in s tru c tin g The Buddy System (TBS) was originally
cost. I especially like the neat, unobtrusive became a real pleasure. Just by pressing or designed for use w ith Airtronics and Futaba
installation that eliminates ugly crim ping releasing a spring-loaded button on his radios of six channels or less. These radios
o r swaging. M y first all-cable control sys­ transmitter the instructor could instantly have available m o u n tin g holes that are
tem in a 90-inch Fokker D-VIII w ill have transfer control back and forth w ith no currently not being used w hen shipped
clevises (with keepers, o f course) at both strain or pain or yelling o r scream ing. . . or from their respective factories.
ends, with the adjustable coupler at the panic. I wondered about the soldering and in-
control surfaces. Then, fo r some reason these past few
How do you get your cable o r more years, buddy-boxing sorta got ignored and Continued on page 69
A U G U ST 1989 13
R/C, USSR style! Would you believe this Russian
Cynpahap 838 system was considered “ modem"
in that country as recently as 1983? Four chan­
nels, no bells and whistles at all.


• I k n o w ours is n o t p rim a rily an e lec­ sure hope the practice does not grow and
tronics hobby, though if my mail is any one o f these months we d o n ’t get to read The Cynpahap receiver, w ith a Futaba Conquest
indication, there are a lot o f you out there about someone's newest flying creation receiver perched on top for size comparison.
in MB-land w ho share my interests in both describing the wingspan in cubits and the Note the large number of conductors in the servo
phases of R/C modeling. M y mail also tells wing loading in pennyweights per square leads and the m onster plugs at the end of each.
me that a lot o f you peruse all o f the elec­ hectare. cover picture o f a rather comely blonde
tro n ic colum n s in each m o n th 's m odel Gar-bage! But maybe I am the one who lady and my 1/3-scale CAP-20. O ne of the
press, and that you abhor the deviations is out o f step, and the way to real model tw o is now in the running fo r the title of
from know n standards— some as old as w rite r’s fame is to dazzle them w ith inven­ “ M ost Traveled,” o r something. The CAP
M arconi—and new m onthly acronyms to tive prose, no matter how senseless and has a Kavan FK-50, w hich did a creditable
replace them w ith. The results are only the confusing. Guess I’ll have to try it on you; jo b o f flying it. M r. Franz Kavan, ow ner of
creation o f m ore confusion in what is by let me know if I impress you if, instead of the company w h o makes the engine in
nature confusing enough to the untrained using well established and known terms Germany, saw the model and wanted to
reader w ho is trying to im prove his know l­ like “ glitches," I use words like, fo r exam­ b o rro w it fo r the annual trade show in
edge by reading our stuff in the first place. ple, ‘ ‘c o n tro l surface p e rtu rb a tio n s .” Nuremberg. I was not overly excited about
I cannot help but w onder if those inven­ Yeech! crating and shipping my airplane to Eur­
tions are not born only from ignorance of I D O HAVE A C L A IM T O FAME! ope, but M r. Kavan finally made me an
the real standard units and phraseology. I Back in January ’8 4 ,1shared w ith you a offer I co u ld n ’t refuse, and I sold him the

_o25 s 002
- GATES 2V,2.5AH CELL Length — 2.650 in/67.31 mm
635 W idth (DIA) — 1.335 in/33.91 mm
W eight — 6 4 ο ζ,/182 gm
T abs — 0.187 x .025

T olerance (unless noted)

XX + .010 XXX ± .005

in ch e s
All dim ensions =
m illim eters

GATES 2V,5.0AH CELL Length — 3.160 in./80.26mm

±002 Width (dia.) — 1.735 in./44.07mm
635 Weight — 13.0 oz./369gm
L _
£ \ S s is Tabs — 0.250 in. x 0.025 in.
W | § 1 1 Tolerance (unless noted)
a XX + .010 XXX + .005
31 J inches
7 .8 7 ^ All dimensions =
2.85 ± .010
‘ 72.39 millimeters

One of the Russian linear output servos and the
receiver battery box; dimensions are given in
text. The system is made for dry cell operation,
the box shown being designed for C-size cells.
Well it made it to Germany, w here it
graced the Kavan boo th at the next N ur­
emberg Fair, after w hich it was flow n there
by my good friend H elm ut Dressendorfer.
It then went to Japan for the big trade
show there, after which it was also used in
flight demonstrations. After that, the same
took place in Taiwan, and then it was back
to Germany fo r a w hile. As I w rite this in
late April, my CAP-20 is in Bagdad, Iraq, as
part o f the Kavan entry in an R/C dem on­
stration. Helm ut is also along, to handle
the chores on the sticks, which he does
quite capably. I never thought about it
until right this minute, but it is a good thing
that he is a M ode O ne flyer, as my CAP was
definitely built as a M ode O ne airplane.
Sure hope that w hile it is in Iraq it doesn’t
get ste p p e d o n — o r s o m e th in g — by a
That's the story of my w ell-traveled air­
plane. The blonde? I couldn’t get her even
to San Diego, and that’s only eighty miles
O n c e u p o n a tim e I fo u n d m yse lf a
somewhat unw illing guest o f the staff of
the American Embassy in Moscow. U nw ill­
ing because I w ould gladly have passed up
a couple o f their cocktail parties and d in ­
ners for a chance to meet some Russian
m o d e le rs and ham ra d io o p e ra to rs . It
wasn’t all a loss though, as I was fortunate 10 15 20
enough to get myself invited aboard a TU-
Time (Hours)
104, one of the first Americans to have this
experience. The TU-104 was new at the Though not discussed in the text, this chart shows the cell voltage during charge, to a peak at
tim e , and th e firs t Russian je t a irlin e r, which more sophisticated chargers can be triggered to reduce their input to a lower trickle rate.
though the reason fo r the glass bom bar­
dier-type nose was never explained. The and C yrillic characters all over it. The Rus­ advances we know o f in aviation and space,
real surprise to me was upon reaching the sian entry in to the comm ercial jet age in ­ they have not kept a similar pace in co n ­
flight deck, to find it almost completely cluded copies o f equipm ent that had been sumer products. Behold a Russian R/C sys­
equipped w ith communications and navi­ in use even back in W W II! tem, circa 1983. True, it is not today’s, but
gation equipm ent as familiar to me then as M y personal experiences in that country, compare it w ith what we were flying back
m odern R/C systems are now. Familiar ex­ though relatively short, confirm ed what I then—that was the year Futaba introduced
cept that instead of "Collins Radio” and had and have since read; that though the its 8-channel PCM.
English markings, there were other brands Russians have made all of the technological This particular Russian system is named
Cynpahap 838, and is large and actually
crude by the standards we knew at that
tim e even in systems less sophisticated and
expensive than Futaba’s PCM. The trans­
m itter is o f typical large European design;
6-7/8x9-3/8x2-3/16 inches thick, with long
2-1/4 inch sticks in a gimbal protected with
an accordion rubber boot. The lack o f pre­
cision starts here, w ith 3/32-inch o f play at
neutral. O ne interesting feature is the dual
socket antenna m ount, w hich allows the
Diagram lo r the use o l a two-volt lead-acid cell to provide glow plug power at idle lor
twin-cylinder engines. Internal battery is connected at *; switch “ S" can be throttle actuated to antenna to be m ounted at 90 degrees up ­
set turn-on point. External three volt supply or glow driver can be connected through switching right to the front o f the case, or straight out
phone Jack and plug (Radio Shack #274-255 and 274-1536) tor starting purposes. See text.
Continued on page 85
A U G U ST 1989 15
a imjQLAj'JD
A report on British
ducted fan activity
• In e c o n o m ic c irc le s th e re is a w e ll- fully dissipated at the tim e of publication.
known saying, that if America sneezes the Being a small country by American stan­
rest o f the w orld catches a cold. Equally, dards, it is possible to attend all the fan
and this is a fact: weather conditions pre­ events held in the U.K., and this year that is
vailing over on the U.S. side o f the pond the goal o f myself and my son Andrew.
eventually reach B ritain, m e rc ifu lly in a Since I only get to meet the majority o f my
diluted form since we rarely experience fan friends at the various meetings, I keep
the extremes of conditions that can occur contact either by phone or letter during
in the states. the winter. This year has been no exception O ur correspondent's partially finished scratch-
Having had the mildest o f winters for and the prospect o f seeing some o f the built X-29 spans 48 Inches, Is 84 Inches long.
m any years, w e n ow fin d ourselves ex­ models now under developm ent is making com bination had been found it was only
periencing gale force winds, w hich natu­ me positively salivate. natural that people w ould want to improve
rally rule out any flying activity. The saving H aving been interested and involved and diversify. I feel that the m ajority o f this
developm ent has been the result o f tw o
ingredients: the tremendous advances in
e n g in e te c h n o lo g y b o th in p o w e r and
controllable rpm, and the range o f modern
fan assemblies now available. Perhaps one
avenue w here m ore w o rk could be done
is in the area of glow plug technology since
this is still an area o f vulnerability. (It is nice
to hear that M cC o y is now selling a p u r­
posely designed fan engine plug.) I have
om itted tw o other factors deliberately, that
o f noise and engine speed, about which
further qualification is necessary.
The quest fo r p e rfo rm a n ce im p ro v e ­
m e n t started th e m o m e n t P.E. N orm an
A K&B 7.5/Thorjet Ian combo powers Ron Sweeney's 8-3/4 pound Northrop F-20, built from Thorpe successfully achieved his first free flight
plans. In the U.S., Thorpe plans are available from Bob Holman. ducted fan powered glider sometim e in
grace in this instance being that, providing w ith fan models fo r many years, 1feel that the late forties o r early fifties. Engine im ­
you can escape the never-ending domestic we are now witnessing the developm ent provements manifested themselves in the
chores, building programs can accelerate o f the third generation o f both engine and fo rm o f increased pow er achieved by in ­
and reap the benefits o f those blustery aircraft design, and even at this stage there creasing the rpm. A regrettable byproduct
Saturday and Sunday w inter weekends. is som e d iv e rg e n c e o f o p in io n on th e of this developm ent is an increase in noise,
As I w rite, the physical act of fan flying is eventual path to be taken. th e s u p p re s s io n o f w h ic h has n o t yet
so far removed from reality at this mom ent Early models and engines were chosen reached universal acceptance. Fortunately
in time that as a prim er fo r the forthcom ing because th e y possessed those features all is not lost, and those w ho pursue the
season I thought a commentary on what most likely to yield success w ith a minim um high speed route w ill find that the pioneers
the year w ill hold m ight w het the appetite o f development. o f high fan speeds are also responding to
and shake o ff the winter gloom , hopefully Once an acceptable model and engine the attendant noise problem . Bob Violett

Ron Sweeney's F-1 Mirage, also built from Thorpe plans. Close-up of the K&B 7.5/Thorjet fan In Sweeney's Mirage.

Two more shots of the partially completed Grumman X-29, to use a Picco ,80/Byrojet tan setup. The lull-size X-29 is said to be so unstable that the pilot
could not even begin to fly it without help from on-board computers. Let's hope this one handles a little easier!
and Tom Cooke, so I am told, are both hibited stunning rates o f clim b from take­ year.
heavily involved in this area. Since Bob was o ff and appeared at their best w ith heavily Perhaps an analysis of those events and
probably responsible fo r the development loaded models. W ithout exception the the steps we have taken this year to avoid a
o f the first true fan engine it is only natural noise levels were very moderate. As with recurrence of those situations w ould not
fo r us mere mortals to expect him to be at the Byron fans, the Bauer unit appears go amiss.
the head of silencing technology and to happy to accom m odate engines from What happened? The Swinderby fan fly
hopefully reap the commercial benefits of sporting ,60’s up to the awesome Picco and saw the loss o f my four-year-old Mirage.
his efforts. Rossi .90’s. Cause? Flying too low overhead and in a
There is, however, an alternative route; W h ile som e fly in g does ta ke p la ce very strong crosswind. Reason fo r crash?
anyone visiting Genke in Belgium last year th ro u g h o u t the w inter months, it is a fact Loss o f height orientation caused by the
w ould vouch for the fine performance of that the m ajority o f building w ork takes strong w ind blowing the model into an
the Bauer fans. These units, although only place during this period. I personally spend o v e rh e a d pass. I suspect th a t e le v a to r
turning at 17,000 to 18,000 rpm , provide a good p o rtio n o f the summer months authority was also suspect since I was using
incredible thrust w ith very moderate noise repairing my w inter creations. Hopefully s tra k e c o n tr o ls at th e tim e . Lessons
levels. A w hole variety of models on show this year's offerings w ill break the run of
used these fans and regardless o f type, ex­ bad luck my pals and I experienced last Continued on page 106

Graham Oennets converted a prop-driven F-16 (a Leicester Models kit) to Two of Reg Smith's own-designed scratch-builts include a Mig 25 (two
a ducted fan using a K&B 7.5/Thorjet system. O.S. 46's with Turbax/M icrom old fans) and English Electric TSR2.

Interesting SAAB Gripen canard jet fighter with O.S. ,46/Thorjet power The famed Alex Cornish Trestrail's scratch-built F-15 features a fiberglass
was scratch-built by John Richards. fuselage and two O.S. ,25/Kress RK 720 fan systems. Great flier!

A U G U ST 1989 17

r , j r i
* rfe

C -3 0 A
D -D



o°a P5jl PALUBN'



Paul Plecan’s 1941 B y S T U RICHM O ND...
I t ’s a w i d e l y a c ­

• M uch o f the fun o f reading m odel
magazines is the chance to see and study
struction articles to appear in p rint today.
In the late '30s and into the ’40s, Paul Plecan
cepted fact that O ld
T im e r fre e f l ig h t s
w ith ra d io s installed
m a k e e xcelle nt R / C
t r a in e r s , a n d th e
construction articles. The first thing I do traced and drafted many modelers’ plans
each month when MB arrives is check out
the center spread and then look over the
fo r publication. You can bet that at times
he must have been fed up w ith the design­
S im p le x is one of the
remaining plans. e r’s complications and intricacies. When best. U ltra -sim p le to
We model builders owe much to the Paul designed his own few models they
talented handful of plans tracers and drafts­ reflected his urge fo r non-com plication.
build, too.
m en w ho d o the needed w o rk fo r c o n ­ His Simplex was the peak o f simplicity. A
quick look at the Simplex plans shows this
to be the epitome of fast, easy construction.
I’ve always been sensitive to the R/C
training needs of newcomers to our hobby.
W hen I found the Paul Plecan construction
article fo r his Simplex in a 1941 A ir Trails
magazine, it seemed well w o rthw hile to
scale up the plans and b u ild it, b u t to in ­
corporate equally simple modifications like
hardwood wing spars, about 7 degrees o f
dow nthrust along w ith 3 degrees o f right
th ru st, a b o u t 40 percent o f the fin c o n ­
ve rte d to m o v in g ru d d e r and a b o u t 15
percent o f the stab converted to elevator
and sheet balsa sides up fro n t locked to ­
gether by a plyw ood servo tray. I figured
the resulting Simplex w ould probably be
about the simplest building and flying R/C
trainer in the air—and I was right. Rank
beginners have had fun w ith my prototype.
Hand launching the Simplex is easy, especially
in a slight breeze. Stu recommends this instead
o l ROG takeoffs, as the forward wheel location
makes lo r tricky ground handling. Maybe a tail-
wheel would help?

A U G U ST 1989 19
Flat tall surfaces go together fast and easy. Model has an elevator on just Two small tabs of .007" carbon fiber strengthen the sub-fin m ounting to
one side of the stab, works fine. the fuselage.
opens less than fu ll to get the 5000 maxi­
mum rpm I’ve chosen to make the clim b
“ not too steep.”
3. I’ve now used tw o gallons of Byron's
new fuel. Each gallon yields over thirty
tankfuls/flights. The K&B has now run well
past fifteen hours w hich I feel is an average
engine's lifetim e. The top o f the piston is
still shiny-clean, and after three o r four
chokes and one o r tw o flips the engine is
running every time. W ith slow running at a
slightly rich setting you should expect your
engine to give many fun-filled air hours in
a Simplex.
4. If you can’t get your idle slow enough,
try a K&B 4520 idle bar plug o r one o f the
new Fox Miracle Plugs.
A few flying notes:
1. This is a true free flight design from 2. The Simplex should always be hand faster. If the w ind is 10 to 15 m ph use two
the 1940s. It is easy and economical to build launched directly into the wind. D on’t try a such shims— if over 15 m ph you probably
and absolute fun to fly. I’ve had m ore plan takeoff as the wheels are simply too far shouldn’t fly. The shims make the Simplex
requests locally than fo r any m odel I’ve forw ard (they were placed forw ard o rig i­ fly faster so you can get upw ind easier.
built to date. It w o n ’t do aerobatics, but it nally to protect the prop on landing). 4. Be sure to cover the bottom surfaces
yields slow, leisurely flying and just may be 3. If the prevailing w ind is 5 to 10 mph w ith black o r dark blue to get maximum
one o f the finest R/C beginner’s models in slip a shim of 1/16-inch balsa under the high a ltitu d e v is ib ility . F lorida’s soaring
the air! w in g ’s trailing edge to make the model fly buzzards are black all over and visible. Light
b o tto m c o lo rs te n d to get lost at hig h
5. This model, like most vintage designs,
wants to clim b steeply at high pow er and
descends slowly w ith idle around 1500 rpm
o r w ith no power. Level flight w ith the 12x6
is m aintained around 3000 rpm . By d ro p ­
ping the high pow er rpm back to 5000
from a 5800 peak I’ve partially m inim ized
the steep clim b tendency at full throttle.
A ltitude, as in a Piper Cub, should be con­
trolled by th ro ttle rather than elevator. An
easy way to dum p altitude in a hurry is to
cut pow er and use fu ll rudder th ro w to
spiral dow n. W ith so much drag being so
far above the thrust line, the p e n d u lu m ­
like swing caused by full pow er pointing
the nose up isn’t fully controllable with
elevator. Please re m e m ber, Paul Plecan
designed the Simplex to clim b quickly w ith
its engine running.
Today the Simplex is a superb R /C fun
machine. You can float from therm al to
thermal, you can loaf along in circles, ovals,
o r figure eights, you can teach almost any­
body to fly R/C. And these R/C equipped
The K&B .20's spider mount works ideally. An
Wing spar has 1/16” ply doublers on both sides. aluminum or glass-filled nylon radial mount or O ld Timers make w onderful form ation fly­
Spar must be spruce or basswood, not balsa, for hardwood beam mounts can be substituted for ers. Paul Plecan really understood the KISS
adequate strength. other engines. (Keep It Simple, Stu) principle! ·

The 1 9 8 9 TO P G U N
Invitational Tournament
• The first Top Gun Invitational Tourna­
ment is now history and by the enthusiastic B y A L T U T T L E . .. A
response of the competitors and the spec­
ta to rs, it appears th a t this to u rn a m e n t
re p ort on th is n e w
could become one o f the prem ier scale a n d m o st p r e s t i­
events in the country.
Forty-four well known scale modelers g io u s R / C S c a le
w e re in v ite d to atte n d and th irty -n in e c o m p e t it io n , h e ld
showed up to do battle. The flying site
sported a brand new 450 foot long asphalt on A p r il 2 1 , 2 2 , a n d
runway and the weather was superb the
entire weekend. The winds were gentle
2 3 , at C o ral S p rin g s, Big B-17 tlown by Tom Street of Texas.
and dow n the runway early in the m o rn ­ F l o r id a . O n l y th e th ro u g h o u t the w e e ke nd , o therw ise he
ings and then tended to gradually shift w o u ld h a v e fin is h e d h ig h e r in th e
180° as the day progressed. Consequently,
very best scale standings.
the wind was either an asset or a detrim ent, m o d e le rs w e re in ­ There were an inordinate num ber o f
depending on the tim e o f day a contestant crashes. I witnessed eight and was told that
flew. vited to participate.
Entries were judged on Friday, starting at
8:00 a.m. and continued throughout the P ilots' ch o ice fo r best civilia n aircraft
day, finishing up around 6:00 p.m. w ent to Steve Sauger w ith his 1/5-scale
Top static points (91.14) w ent to Dave Aeronca Sedan. This model has to be seen
Platt and his 1/5.5-scale Japanese A6M5C to be believed. Bob Violett won best m ili­
Zero fighter. Dave claims to have b u ilt the tary w ith his North American F-86 Sabre
model in six weeks! jet. Landing gear problems plagued Bob

Left: Bob Fiorenze captured the "Top Gun" award

with this m agnificent ducted fan model of the
F-18 Home!. Above: Bob's Hornet streaks by on a
low pass.

Second place went to Neil Snodgrass for his "Special" aerobatic model, Some m ighty tine scale models here. That's Canadian modeler Gerry
which in lull-size Is actually a heavily modified Piper Super Cub! Fingler’s beautifully trimmed Hawker Seafury In the foreground.

A U G U ST 1989 23
C O R AL GABLES, FLO RIDA APRIL 21, 22, 23, 1989
Bob Fiorenze Florida F-18 Top Gun 88.95 95.50 90.25 0 93.13 183.26
Neil Snodgrass Maryland Special 2 88.77 54.50 68.50 81.25 91.50 175.12
Skip Mast Michigan C-130 3 90.21 82.75 76.00 78.75 86.50 174.84
C liff Tacie Michigan Savoia 4 86.69 70.75 91.50 83.50 84.54 174.69
Chuck Fuller California PT-22 5 85.03 93.50 82.50 85.75 83.88 174.66
Dick Hansen Oregon Jenny 6 87.92 75.50 0 89.00 82.50 173.67
Chuck Nelson Massachusetts Waco 7 90.21 71.00 78.25 77.00 87.00 172.84
Bob Frey Arizona P-47D 8 87.32 80.63 90.00 79.75 76.25 172.64
Bob Violett Florida F-86 9 89.30 75.00 0 90.00 76.50 172.55
Jeff Foley North Carolina Zero 10 85.81 71.50 70.00 77.50 93.50 171.31
Shailesh Patel California Hellcat 11 87.32 88.50 77.25 64.00 0 170.20
David Platt Florida Zero 12 91.14 57.25 77.75 80.00 75.75 170.20
Bill McCaulie Florida FW190D9 13 83.65 78.75 88.00 73.50 76.50 169.03
Don Srull Virginia Eindecker 14 85.33 71.75 78.50 86.00 74.75 167.58
Bob Heitkamp Arkansas Stuka 15 88.36 82.00 75.75 71.50 0 167.24
Diego Lopez California Hellcat 16 88.24 74.00 76.75 81.00 56.00 167.12
Bob Underwood Virginia PE-2 17 86.62 76.00 0 80.00 78.00 165.62
Shane Cramer California P-47D 18 83.16 83.00 81.25 77.00 0 165.23
Jack Buckley Massachusetts CAP-10B 19 82.69 25.75 79.00 84.00 72.25 164.19
Bob Hanft Florida N ieuport 20 84.71 74.25 77.00 80.00 75.25 163.21
Ted W hite Texas P-47D 21 75.49 83.25 75.75 81.50 91.50 162.87
Steve Sauger M ichigan Aeronca 22 90.21 68.00 62.65 77.00 65.75 162.71
M el Santmyers California Staggerwing 23 87.32 64.75 58.00 77.00 73.25 162.45
Wayne Siewert Minnesota Mooney 24 89.19 52.00 63.50 63.25 80.50 161.19
Brian Omeara ? Spitfire 25 83.95 78.50 76.00 70.75 56.00 161.19
Tom Czikk New York P-40C 26 84.87 73.50 64.50 75.25 0 159.25
Dan Parsons Arizona DH Hornet 27 76.17 73.25 87.00 77.00 64.00 158.17
Charles Chambers Florida P-51D 28 90.02 69.75 60.75 18.00 0 157.27
William Carper ? P-47D 29 80.97 75.00 66.75 75.50 77.00 157.22
Chuck Collier Arizona Staggerwing 30 80.73 71.50 77.50 51.75 0 155.23
John Guenther Indiana Spitfire 31 83.46 70.50 27.50 69.25 7.00 153.34
Tom Street Texas B-17 32 70.59 60.75 76.50 87.50 73.75 152.59
M ike Kulczyk Texas F-105 33 85.57 47.50 0 0 0 109.32
Jeff Troy Virginia Bleriot 34 85.40 6.75 0 8.75 0 93.15
Art Johnson Florida B-26 35 89.10 8.00 0 0 0 93.10
George Rose New Jersey P-6E 36 88.73 0 0 0 0 88.73
Gerry Fingler Canada Seafury 37 84.68 8.00 0 0 0 88.68
Frank Tiano Florida P-39 38 84.84 0 0 0 0 84.84
M ario Yederlinic Florida Hurricane 39 83.06 0 0 0 0 83.06
Last place award went to Gerry Fingler o f Manitoba, Canada.

a total o f ten had occurred. This is really

som ething when you lose a quarter o f the
entries, especially w ith this level o f com ­
petitio n ! Several o f the crashes appeared
to be com plete w rite-offs, but know ing
the dedication o f these modelers, we w ill
probably see these same planes back in
c o m p e titio n b e fo re th e season is over.
Some o f the incidents appeared to have
been caused by a lack o f concentration or
confidence in flying ability. Some were also
just plain bad luck.
The person w h o gets my "sticktoitive-
ness” award is Jeff Troy. Jeff crashed twice!
O n Jeff’s first round, the servo that con­
trolled the w ing w arping on his magnifi­
cent Bleriot gave up the ghost and the
model spiraled dow n in to the woods off
the end o f the runway. The m odel was
recovered and Jeff spent the rest o f the day
The hard-luck contestant of the meet had to be
Jett Troy, whose Bleriot XI was the victim of two
separate crashes. Model features wing warping
lo r ro ll c o n tro l and is n o rm a lly a fin e fly in g

Chuck Collier’s Beechcraft Staggerwing is a smooth performer. tied with two others tor second highest static scale score.
and evening repairing the damage. O n the
third round the follow ing day , Jeff made a
beautiful takeoff and tu rn e d o n to his
d o w n w in d leg to set up fo r his first
maneuver, when the airplane seemed to
expire and went straight in. Jeff thought
that one o f the flying wires let go. Needless
to say, the plane was somewhat of a mess!
A rt Johnson lost his B-26on takeoff when
his ailerons stopped working. The resulting
crash caused a large amount of damage.
M ike Kulczyk lost his ducted fan F-105
w hen the engine flamed out shortly after
takeoff. M ike set up the plane for a picture California’s Chuck Fuller took fifth place honors with this PT-22 and consistently excellent flying.
p e rfe ct w heels-up lan d in g in th e grass.
Shortly after touching down and as the Gerry Fingler, from Manitoba, Canada,
m odel was sliding on the grass, it hit a crashed his Seafury on takeoff. The power-
grassy humm ock and literally exploded! plant just d id n ’t seem to be putting out.
M ike promises it w ill fly again. Incidentally, Gerry won the last place trophy, w hich was
M ike is a form er F-105 jock w ith several a fair am ount of cash.
thousand flying hours in the Thud. G eorge Rose crashed his C urtis P-6E
Below: Bob Hantt’s Nieuport 28C-1. Hawk on Friday, so he d id n 't get to com ­

Just some of the many trophies and merchandise

prizes that were awarded at the end of the meet.
Contest received strong support from the model­
ing industry.
pete Saturday and Sunday. George said he
"D u m b T hum bed” it. Too bad, as George
norm ally does a super jo b of flying the
Charles Cham bers destroyed his g o r­
geous P-51 shortly into his third round.
Frank Tiano crashed his P-39 attem pting
to ta k e o ff during the first round. I heard it
was the first flight fo r this bird. The damage
did not look too aw fully bad and I'm sure
Left: Ted White placed near the middle of the
pack with his P-47D T hunderbolt Continued on page 106

A U G U ST 1989 25

• This m onth we w ill begin to discuss heli­ airplanes. He has converted rotational m om ent to
copter stability and control theory, and we Any rigid body (a brick, a spaceship, or a rotating velocity, then rotating velocity to
w ill also lo o k at w h a t ne w h e lic o p te r model helicopter) possesses six degrees of rotational angle, w hich gives lateral ac­
goodies were shown at the 1989 Toledo freedom as it moves in three-dimensional celeration; then the brain integrates ac­
Show. space. A body possessing six degrees of celeration to get lateral velocity, and finally
Helicopter stability and control theory is fre e d o m means its m o tio n can be d e ­ integrates the lateral velocity to get the
very im p o rta n t because a goo d u n d e r­ scribed by combinations o f six different, lateral distance traveled. Figure 2 illustrates
standing can help you fine tune or modify s im p le m ove m e n ts. The six degrees o f the sequence o f motions after a left cyclic
your helicopter, and im prove your flying fre e d o m are m oving fo re -a n d -a ft, side- input.
by knowing the machine’s flight dynamics. to-side, up-or-dow n, pitching, rolling, and All helicopters are inherently unstable,
We w ill start by defining the helicopter axis yawing. The first three are called transla­ w hich means that if the pilot takes his
system, defining static and dynamic stabil­ tional motions, and the last three are called hands o ff the controls, the helicopter will
ity, and explaining the tw o m ajor reasons ro ta tio n a l m otions. See Figure 1. A h e li­ d rift away. Airplanes are m ore stable. A
w hy h e lic o p te rs are h a rd e r to fly than copter only has fo u r controls (pitch cyclic, paper airplane w ill tend to glide in a pretty
roll cyclic, collective, and tail rotor); thus,
h o w can o n ly fo u r c o n tro ls c o n tro l six
motions? The reason is that helicopters are
very u n iq u e , in th e sense that the fo re -
and-aft translational m otion can only be
produced by pitching action. Thus, as the
pilot moves the cyclic control stick forward,
the helicopter w ill rotate nose dow n first,
then begin to move forward. Similarly, the
side-to-side translational m otion is a con­
sequence of rolling action. As the pilot
moves his cyclic stick to the left, the h eli­
copter w ill first roll to the left, then it will
slide left. Therefore, the pitch cyclic and
ro ll c y c lic each c o n tro l tw o degrees o f
freedom , w hile the collective controls a
purely vertical m otion and the tail rotor
controls a purely nose-left o r nose-right
yaw ing action. It is this co u p led transla­
tional and rotational m otion that make up
the first real reason why helicopters are
d ifficult to fly.
H elicopter cyclic controls require the
human brain to mentally com pute four
orders o f tim e integration to predict the
outcom e o f any cyclic input. Let's see what
four orders o f integration means as the
p ilo t applies a left cyclic stick input. Step 1:
the pilot pushes the cyclic stick left, w hich
causes the main ro to r disk to tilt to the left,
w hich generates an aerodynamic rolling
m om ent to roll the helicopter to the left.
Step 2: the helicopter starts to roll left at a
constant ve lo city, say 30 degrees per
second. Step 3: after the pilot has held the
stick le ft fo r, le t’s say, 1 /2 second, th e
helicopter w ill appear tilted to the left at a
certain angle. This means the main rotor
disk is also tilted to the left and the rotor
thrust w ill pull the helicopter fuselage to
the left. If the p ilo t releases the cyclic stick
at this tim e, the helicopter w ill remain at
this attitude and w ill accelerate to the left.
Step 4: the helicopter quickly accelerates
left from 0 feet per second to maybe 10
feet per second. Step 5: after a second or
tw o , the h e lic o p te r w ill have translated
h o rizo n ta lly to the left by many feet. Be­
tw e e n each o f these fiv e steps exists a
m athem atical tim e in te g ra tio n that the
p ilo t’s m ind is automatically com puting.

straight trajectory. A helicopter w ithout a
pilot w ill spin, w hirl, spiral, and soon roll
into the ground. Helicopters are unstable
because they have a high energy rotating
mass above the fuselage w hich generates
precession and nutations to w obble the
fuselage. We w ill study how the main rotor
makes helicopters unstable in future issues.
Most people believe that helicopters are
difficu lt to fly because they are unstable.
That is not true. The human brain is very
pow erful, and has no problem controlling
an unstable system. For example, try to
balance a broomstick upside dow n in your
palm. This is an unstable situation, but after
30 seconds of practice almost everyone At Toledo '89, Gorham Model Products had 12 experts on hand to answer questions. Shown below is
the Rebel, GMP’s latest, an inexpensive .40-.45 size machine tor beginners.
can d o it. The second re a l reason w h y
helicopters are difficu lt to fly is because
they have too many unstable degrees of
freedom . The broom stick can only fall to
the left or right, or forward o r back. H eli­
copters have six unstable possibilities. They
can d rift left or right, fore o r aft, up or
dow n, or pitch, roll or yaw spontaneously.
Fixed-wing airplanes also have six degrees
o f freedom , but they are much easier to
control than helicopters because out of
the six degrees of freedom , only the pitch
and roll actions are very slightly unstable,
the other fo u r are inherently stable. Thus,
helicopters are m ore difficu lt to fly than
airplanes only because the p ilo t’s brain has
to process a greater number o f unstable
actions at the same time.
The stability of helicopters changes as
they start to fly faster. Usually, helicopters

Also on display at Toledo was the new GMP FAI rotor head, a beautltuily
designed and built piece ot machine work. Absolutely no slop, and it has a
90% Bell-Hiller mixing ratio lo r superb stability. Not inexpensive, but lor Schluter's new .60 size com petition machine is called "M agic," seen here
those who demand the very best, this is it. with Schluter reps Mark Powelson, Vince Canzanese, and Randy Gibson.

New helicopter radios include the JR Max 7 programmable system (left)

and the JR 120 electronic yaw rate gyro (above). Available later this year.

A U G U ST 1989 27
Frank Dykes shows oft the new .60 size Kalt Excalibur aerobatic chopper. The sell-aligning clutch on the Excalibur. Our colum nist plans to discuss
Features a “ K-5" molded plastic rotor head. Look lo r it this summer. the im portance of clutch alignment in a future “ Chopper Chatter” column.

The Wik Products bearingless tall rotor for GMP, Schluter, and Heim heli­ The two, three, and lour-bladed hingeless main rotor heads and fiberglass
copters. Call Wlk importer, Mr. Tigerstrom at (718)793-4416 for more Info. blades made by Wik in West Germany.
are most unstable in hover, then they be­ effects. This improves the dynamic stability o f the
co m e m o re s ta b le as th e y m o v e in to The h o riz o n ta l ta il is an im p o rta n t vehicle.
medium fast forward flight. But the stability parameter on helicopters, as it improves 3. Provides aerodynam ic dam ping to
decreases as the speed becomes very fast. th e d yn a m ic s ta b ility in fo rw a rd flig h t. dampen any fuselage pitching oscillation
The reason is that in forward flight the Basically, the horizontal tail on a helicopter in hover o r forward flight. This also im ­
horizontal and vertical fins help stabilize serves the same three purposes as the tail proves the dynamic stability.
helicopters and make them behave similar on an airplane: W hat is the difference between static
to airplanes. However, in very high speed 1. Provides a dow nload in forward flight stability and dynam ic stability? Static sta­
forward flight, the main ro to r generates so to improve the static stability o f the vehicle. b ility means that if you take your hands off
much m ore instability that the fins can no 2. Provides a restoring force if the fuse­ the controls, a more statically stable aircraft
lo n g e r n u ll o u t th e ro to r’s d e trim e n ta l lage attitude is disturbed in forward flight. w ill stay on course longer. For example.

M iniature Aircraft Supply has a complete line of helicopter exhaust sys­

tems to meet your every need. “ Skytech” rotor tachometer is available from M iniature Aircraft Supply.

throw ing a piece o f paper folded into a
paper airplane w ill have much better static
stability than simply throw ing a flat piece
of paper because the paper airplane w ill at
least g lid e in a nice stra ig h t tra je c to ry .
Good dynamic stability means that if the
vehicle is disturbed it w ill tend to return
back on course. A good paper airplane, if
disturbed by a small gust, w ill level out by
Almost all fixed-wing airplanes are stati­
cally and dynamically stable. All helicopters
are statically stable in hover and m edium
fast forward flight, but are dynamically un ­
stable in hover. In fo rw a rd flig h t, most
w e ll-d e sig n e d h e lico p te rs can b ecom e
dynam ically stable if a s u ffic ie n tly large
horizontal stabilizer is employed. Hence,
h e lico p te rs becom e easier to handle in
This Hughes 500 is one of three scale retrofit body kits that Kyosho is im porting for its popular forward flight. That’s also why the handling
Concept 30 helicopter; the others are a Bell Jet Ranger and Hughes 300. All are molded plastic. qualities o f helicopters in forward flight
resemble those o f airplanes. I think the
GMP Cobra, H irobo Shuttle, and Kyosho
Concept have just the right size horizontal
tail. The Schluter Champion and M iniature
A irc ra ft X-C ell can b e com e even m ore
dynamically stable in forward flight by hav­
ing a slightly larger horizontal tail surface. I
have made new ones fo r them using 1/8-
inch plywood. The shape and planform of
the horizontal stabilizer are not critical, it’s
th e area th a t’ s im p o rta n t. M a n y o th e r
MACs Products has two new .30 size tuned exhaust systems, to fit the Kyosho Concept 30 and GMP
Shuttle. For flat-out speed, these are the pipes to use. Continued on page 86

These are Airtronlcs' new Vanguard six-channel FM and PCM helicopter The .30 size helicopter market is getting very keen. Kyosho, GMP, E&G
radios, with new SG-X gyro in foreground. To be released later this summer. and now MAS (shown here) all have Hughes 500 style bodies.


Mike Robin's awesome looking Sikorsky SH-60B uses X-Cell mechanics, a

One of the immaculate models on display at Toledo '89 was this BK-117, Schluter four-bladed head, Rossi .61 engine, and weighs 14 pounds. Drops
builder unknown, featuring a Wik Products four-bladed hingeless rotor. torpedos and has blinking LED's on the instrum ent panel.

A U G U ST 1989 29
The GAAP Special edition Stork
O.S. .61 RF-H & SFN-H engines
and the Futabci 7UHP PCM Radio

The Stork is one sexy looking machine. Smooth, slick lines make it one of the fastest stock .60 size
helicopters available—our author’s does 65 mph plus.
• The CM P Special Edition Stork has been M a g a zin e , b u t IH M is c u rre n tly g o in g
on the market since late 1987. It is designed th ro u g h in te rn a l re s tru c tu rin g and has
as a h ig h -p e rfo rm a n c e n ovice to in te r­ stopped p u b lic a tio n te m p o ra rily . Since
m ediate R /C h e lic o p te r. I have logged then I have put many m ore flights on my
over 400 flights on my Storks since spring Storks w hich permits m ore inform ation to
1988, and I love them ! The Stork is the be added in this re vie w . This re vie w is
fastest o f all the stock helicopters that I probably the only kit review that has been
own (65 to 70 mph w ith an O.S. Long Stroke w ritten w ith over 400 test flights to back it
.61 engine). It is also one o f the slickest up. F u rth e rm o re , a fte r at least 10 spec­
looking pod-and-boom helicopters. Best tacular crashes, I can tell you the Stork is
o f all, the DDF head design makes the v e ry c ra s h w o rth y . A fte r every crash, it
Stork extremely smooth and stable, and w ould rise like a Phoenix from the ashes
thus very enjoyable to fly. For beginners I and be ready to fly the next day. It takes a The O.S. .61 SFN-H short stroke helicopter en­
recommend it as the helicopter to get, if licking and keeps on ticking. But before I gine is a very sm ooth runner rated at 1.7 horse­
you want a large .60 size machine. I also tell you all about Storks, let me give you a power, more than enough to make the Stork get
recom mend it as a smooth, penetrating, quick rundow n o f my experiences with out and really perform.
and non-wild-aerobatic machine fo r inter­ GMP machines. g ro u n d (he was c h ie f d e s ig n e r o f th e
mediates and experts. You can often find it I have known the Stork’s designer, John Lockh e e d L-1011 ’s c o n tro l system ), he
on sale at around four hundred dollars, Gorham, fo r thirteen years. I have to say he really has a feel fo r the engineering aspect
w hich makes it one of the least expensive might not make the w orld's top 100 R/C o f an R/C helicopter. Back in the mid '70s
.60 size helicopters on the market. helicopter pilots list, but he is a damn good we were both flying Schluter Helibabies in
This review was originally started several helicopter designer. I believe that due to Los Angeles. Alm ost every weekend he
months ago for International H elicopter his fu ll-s iz e a irc ra ft e n g in e e rin g b a ck­ w o u ld have new m o d ific a tio n s o r new

The Futaba 7UHP system comes w ith a 1000 mAH Ni-Cd receiver pack,
which is big enough to run both the on-board radio and a yaw rate gyro.
The S5101 servos replace the old S130’s. Five servos are supplied.
Always after more speed, our author added a fairing in front of the mixer
and swashplate to reduce profile and parasitic drag.


One o l our author's Storks is equipped with a Supertigre .60H engine and swing muffler. The S.T.
doesn't have quite as much power as the O.S. but it doesn't cost as much either. Note the GMP base
loaded antenna glued to the top of the servo tray—highly recommended.
ideas on his Helibaby. In 1977 John became popular mid-size machine; the Cobra; and The soft, individually Happing DOF main rotor
the U.S. distributor of the German Schluter the most successful flybarless helicopter, head gives the Stork extremely docile hover and
helicopter kits. He was a clever business­ the Legend, w hich was reviewed here last forward flight characteristics.
man, and co m b in e d w ith the aerobatic month. believable anti-gravity maneuvers! O ne of
capability of the Schluter Heliboy, his busi­ John m ig h t n o t be the best R /C h e li­ the craziest that he has perform ed is to do
ness grew rapidly. In 1979 John started a copter pilot, but his son, Robert Gorham, a nose-in hover and then kiss the nose of
c a re e r in d e s ig n in g som e o f th e m ost really impresses the &@%$ out of me. Be­ his helicopter. A nother stunt he does is to
popular R/C helicopters that we fly today, sides b e in g an FAI and A M A n a tio n a l hover his fixed-pitch Cricket a foot away
like the inexpensive C ricket; the com pe­ champ umpteen times, Robert routinely from him , then hold the transm itter in his
tition winning Com petitor, America’s most puts his GMP machines through some un­ right hand and reach out w ith the left to do
an in - flig h t n e e d le valve a d ju s tm e n t.
Please, do not try these yourself! I d o n ’t
even re co m m e n d that R obert try them
again. However, I th in k these examples say
it all about how much faith he has in his
dad’s machines.
The Special Edition Stork is one o f John’s
m ore recent creations. It is a highly m odi­
fie d H iro b o BBC S tork. The S tork was
o rig in a lly designed fo r beginner and in ­
te rm e d ia te flie rs . The o rig in a l H iro b o
Stork, w hich is sold o n ly in Japan, in c o r­
porates a rear exhaust O.S. .46 engine; John
redesigned the helicopter fo r .50 to .60

Continued on page 99
The Stork's large size and stability make it an
excellent machine for the novice to learn forward
flight. Big helicopters are less affected by wind
and are easier to see. The training skid system is
a must for beginners.

O urauth o ru se sth e G M P Le g e n d 'sta llro to ra sse m b lyon o n e o fh lsS to rks ^ - · '· '■ * A , ' f v X 7JK ra ·<
because he likes the all-metal construction and triple bearing blade grips. Free flights aren’t the only models that land in trees—see text for story.

A U G U ST 1989 31
1.5cc DIESEL
• SO YA W ANN A MAKE MODEL EN­ ious sheet:
GINES MAYBE? Read o n — this m o n th ’s “ Here at last is your Sesqui— I thought U N IQ U E FEATURE: This is the final
colum n is for you! yo u ’d like to know some o f the vicissitudes commercial m odel engine produced in
In the early 1980s there was a move by o f a mug’s venture into the cold hard world Australia. Three hundred and fifty were
the FAI to reduce the engine size from 2.5 of production engineering— all my training com pleted in 1982. Was manufactured
cubic centimeters of displacement down has been in what the academics call the in expectation o f an FAI engine dis­
to 1.5 cubic centimeters . . . from a .15 'hum anities' so when I started this little placement change that never occurred.
d o w n to an .09. A n u m b e r o f e n g in e caper I co u ld n ’t tell a hawk from a hand­ Superb design/ manufacture.
makers designed new products to the 1.5cc saw, let alone a slot d rill from an end mill. I
size and this m onth’s engine came into probably still don’t know m uch about any VITAL STATISTICS: 3-1/8 inches long to
production. But the FAI (may stand for o f the fo u r except some o f them cost more the face of the prop driver, 1-1/2 inches
Federation of Antiquated Ideas) failed to if you break one. We looked at all sorts of across the m ounting lugs, 2-1/2 inches
make the change fo r the w o rld ’s model machinery in auctions and new machinery high. M odern Schnuerle porting de­
builders and the .09 size failed to material­ houses, private sellers. Governm ent dis­ signed fo r high perform ance. C om ­
ize as a w orld class engine. But from this posals, etc. You name it—we looked at it. pression ignition. Crankshaft rides on
FAI inaction evolved 350 production Sesqui We w eren’t able to buy a used hand-op tw o ball bearings. Rear in d u c tio n
.09 diesel engines. They are the result of Capstan or CNC o r even a good auto lathe. through a w indow ed drum intake valve.
brilliant collaboration between Ivor F and Thank heaven fo r the Taiwanese— Lin Weighs 4-2/3 ounces.
G o rd o n B u rfo rd in A u stra lia . In 1987 I Huang made a superb L30 Capstan—the
visited the production shop behind Ivor's spindle is the other end from the tailstock, high tensile 7/16 alloy bar that’s old stuff,
home, saw all the intricate machinery and I think. And w e'll buy fo u r d rill presses sez like M inistry o f Defense from 1942— good
special tooling and lots of semi-finished Gordon. Four, I yelp, what for? “ How many stuff—fo r conrods. Twenty-six operations
parts. But production has ceased w ith only holes in a conrod?" asks Burf. “ Two,” I in a conrod sez G ordon. And we buy a
the 350 Sesqui engines completed. reply guessing w ildly. D rill the big end, Bridgeport m ill that’s to o big to come in
Each engine was delivered with a mimeo­ d rill the little end, ream the big end, ream any way except over the roof o f the house
graphed sheet telling of the trials/tribu- the little end, wattaya wanna do, change on a fo rty-to n crane. D rop a ton and a half
la tio n s /a g g ra v a tio n s e n c o u n te re d in the d rill after every ten rods o r what? We of m ill from that height and it sure is likely
building the Sesqui . . . I thought you’d buy fo u r d rill presses! And a power press
enjoy the follow ing lines from Ivor’s hilar­ fifteen tonner. And fo u r thousand feet of Continued on page 64

Above: Induction through the rear crankcase cover Is via a windowed drum
intake valve. Rear cover is sealed with an O-ring.
Lett: Here's Sesqui #311 turning a 7x4 Master Airscrew at 13,050 rpm. Diesel
fuel has about 50% more energy per pound than glow fuels.

his Zipper. As best I recall, I decided to
build a Pylon Class B m odel w ith o u t the
fancy elliptical fuselage. I made my plans
to be simple (I consider simplicity as more

pm m m
reliable) and rugged. To the best o f my
recollection, the #1 model was started in
late fall o f 1938.
“ As it turned out, the #1 model had too
little dihedral. Ray Smith and Harry Lucas
o f M odel Craft (O ntario) saw the m odel at
a meet and decided that they wanted it in a
kit. The #2 model showed improvements
with increased dihedral and m inor changes
that made a good contest m odel o f this
"In the 1939 National Exhibition Contest
the model registered a modest 3:32 fo r 6th
place in a 30-second open type contest.
"Im m ediately after this contest, W W II
came along and I enlisted in the RCAF in
September 1939. This saw the last of my
modeling days as the war lasted six years. I
was c o n s ta n tly reassigned and m oved
around so do not know the fate o f the tw o
Wasp models I had built. If I rem ember
correctly, I told my m other to give the
models to the YMCA Boys C lub where I
taught model building.
“ It was not until 1948 that I flew again.
This was at the In te rn a tio n a l W akefield
meet at A kron, O hio, where I obtained a
1. A neat 1/2A version of the Canadian "Wasp," built by Bob Milligan, who designed the original fourth place.
back In 1939. The well-proportioned model Is an excellent tlier. Too bad the Wasp doesn't quite " I finally got back into models in the
qualify as an Antique, as It could really give the Lanzo Bombers and such a run lo r their money! w in te r of 1986 at Taft and have been into
• This m onth's colum n w ill mark a depar­ a bull session about flying models. Most all the Wakefield event heavily. I did take tim e
ture from the standard format o f contest w ere Californians (Walston is fro m G eor­ out to build the 1/2A Wasp, a small Power-
reporting. This was tried in the June issue gia) so m ost o f the fe llo w s w ere n o t ac­ h o u s e , a n d tw o o ld tim e W a k e fie ld
w ith the article on Joe Elgin and it was q u a in te d w ith each o th e r. Im agine the models.”
found this style o f reporting on models surprise Jim had when he mentioned the Photo No. 1 is a good close-up o f Bob
and their designers was o f great interest. Canadian design, the Wasp, that he had M illigan’s 1/2A version o f the Wasp sitting
O n that basis, we w ill continue w ith this as always w anted to b u ild , w hen an unas­ on the hood of his car. In Photo No. 2, Bob
the lead article, with contest reports inter­ suming voice piped up and said, “ That was is seen in 1987 at the Lancaster (desert) area
spersed as space allows. my design.” w ith this same model.
First o ff, th is idea is n o t n ew as th is Walston lost no time in acquainting him ­ O f course. Bob had to build the big one
columnist has borrowed heavily from Jim self w ith Bob Milligan, the Wasp’s designer. too, as can be seen in Photo No. 3. Bob is
W alston, th e new sle tte r e d ito r o f SEKS Turns out. Bob was originally from Canada holding his Wasp carefully built to the old
Talks. This particular article came about as and now can be reached at P.O. Box 1854, plan, com plete w ith a Brown Jr., the origi­
Walston attended the 1987 U.S. Free Flight Lancaster, California 93534, and is a m em ­ nal power. Sal Taibi, seen on the left, seems
Champs and happened to have a reserva­ ber o f the SCAMPS. Here is what Bob has to be saying, “ W ill that model handle all
tion at the Topper M otel. Deciding to have to say: that power?” Note the original num ber
dinner at their restaurant, Jim was seated "T h e Wasp was in itia te d d u rin g that 98L (L=Life) from Canada’s M AAC. This pic
among a half dozen modelers engaged in period when Carl Goldberg came out with was taken in July 1987. Credit should be

2. Originally from Canada, Bob Milligan now lives In Lancaster, California 3. Sal Taibi gives Bob's full-size Wasp the once-over. With a Brown Jr. up
(see text for address), and is an active member of the SCAMPS F/F club. front, this five-footer really performs. Note triangular fuselage aft of pylon.

A U G U ST 1989 33
Sad to report, but the 39th Southwestern ating, other things had to go w rong, like
Regionals did suffer from high winds and the advertised Italian restaurant going
cold weather after the opening registration belly-up. Oh w ell, nothing fazes Dick and
day of Friday, w hich featured simply beau- he p ro m p tly com m a n d eered a n o th e r
tifu l w ea th e r. Photo No. 4 is presented facility. Good tim e had by all!
showing overall sweepstakes w inner Eut Just as we were w rapping up this report,
Tileston w ith a w e ll-b u ilt M e g o w C o m ­ a half-dozen o r so photos came in from
mander (this shot taken at a Waegell Field C liff Schutz, one of the members of the
NCFFC Contest). No question about the San Diego Aeroneers w ho attended the
quality and flying quality o f his models: m e e t. W e have s e le cte d P h o to N o. 8,
superb! showing Larry Young of Mesa, Arizona,
Photo No. 5, taken at the Southwestern w ith his c o lo r fu lly d e c o ra te d D a lla ire
R egionals, again shows T ile sto n in the Sportster. Larry is a chiropractor and this is
fo re g ro u n d w ith tw o o f his m o d e ls, a his favorite form o f exercise.
Bunch Scorpion M ajor and a scaled version ENGINE OF THE M O N T H
of the New Cyclone Lancer. Good shot of This m onth’s subject is another rare en­

4. Eut Tileston was the overall high-point winner

at the Southwestern Regionals, at Eloy, Arizona.
given to photographer M ike Hughson for
a nice job!
For those modelers hoping to have this
design approved as an A ntique, we have
been unable to find any dates on this ship,
on the plans, or other prints and photos.
The fact the model was patterned after the
Zipper indicates that as an A ntique it is
extremely marginal. The announcement
of the Zipper did not appear until the April
1939 issue o f M o d e l A irp la n e News. A l­
lowing a 90-day lead tim e in advertising
plus tim e for the kit to get into production 5. A general view o l the R/C O.T. pit area at the 1989 Southwestern Regionals, held at Eloy Airport,
makes for further confusion as to an exact Eloy, Arizona. Actual flying was done otf of the airport runways. The HAPI Engines hangar in the
background was the site of a MECA Collecto that took place during the meet. Photo by Joan Bekins.
Before closing, Bob wanted to make this the lineup o f models. Plenty o f Bombers g ine un e a rth e d by Peter M a n n , 36 Syn-
observation: "Just had a phone call with can be seen! denham St., Guelph, O ntario N1H 2W4
another Canadian, John Bortnak, o f Cal­ We w ould be remiss if we d id n ’t publish Canada. The Banshee engine was designed
gary, Alberta, w ho reports he has been Photo No. 6 showing hard w orking C.D. and manufactured by George M . Barrett in
highly successful w ith the Wasp. He was Dick Bringgold getting his Lanzo Bomber London, O ntario, Canada in 1945 and 1946.
SAM Free Flight Champ at La Junta in 1983, ready to go. “ Bo” Buice o f Texas assists. M ann notes there were tw o versions of
Madera in 1985, and at Lawrenceville in O ne model not seen too often is the the Banshee. Barrett called the first the
1988." Schm aedig Stick Gas M o d e l o rig in a lly M o d e l 45 (made in 1945), w hich was p ro ­
SOUTHWESTERN REGIONALS published in a 1937 issue o f M o d e l Crafts­ duced from sand castings, some o f these
This traditional “ first o f the year” contest man. Photo No. 7 shows Bob Angel step­ w ith the almost undecipherable names of
for the western sunshine states was set back ping briskly over his Schmaedig model, an “ Barrett London” on the crankcase front,
this year from January to February 4-5 to Ohlsson 60 event entry. Flew well in the and w ith thin tapered m ounting lugs.
avoid some o f the bad weather that has wind. The second version, the M odel 46, was
plagued this meet for the last three years. Naturally, w ith the weather not cooper­ produced in larger numbers in 1946. These

6. S.W. Regionals C.D. Dick Bringgold (right) has other duties besides 7. Bob Angel's O&R .60 powered Schmaedig Stick, held here by Don
Contest Director. Bo Buice of Texas lends a hand. Photo by Joan Bekins. Bishop, is eligible for a number of SAM R/C events. Joan Bekins photo.

investment casting types did not carry any
name on the crankcase, which featured
thicker m ounting lugs. This is the model
we are displaying this month.
The number of engines produced and
sold in the 1945-46 period is not know n, as
all records were lost or destroyed as a result
o f water damage from a severe rain storm.
Barrett has stated that as many as one h u n ­
dred engines were sold, but M ann has
knowledge o f only three Banshees in the
Toronto area. Peter further states he knows
o f only one Banshee seen in m odel a ir­
plane com petition in the late forties. He
further points out the engine was probably
being used m ore in pow er boats, as o rig i­
nally intended.
The sole d is trib u to r fo r th e Banshee
engines was M o d e l C ra ft H o b b ie s , o f
Toronto (some call it “ O ntario M odelcraft’’
to d iffe re n tia te fro m Barney S n y d e r’s
M o d e lc ra ft in C alifo rn ia ). Barrett states
th e y received a n u m b e r o f his engines
during this period. M ann has checked the
M odel Craft advertisements in the model
airplane magazines o f that tim e and has
been unable to find any ads listing the
A thorough check o f M odel Craft cata­
logs and price lists (which are in the files o f (Peter M ann wants to point out at this an optional feature, as it is not essential.
Easybuilt Models, Ontario) have failed to tim e that he is not an agent, wholesaler, Pete Mann reports the engine requires
turn up any records. O f interest is the fact distributor, o r otherwise connected in any no special techniques, starting easily on a
that Easybuilt Models is the successor to financial way w ith current Banshee pro­ 4:1 gas/oil mixture (super unleaded gas
M odel Craft. The only dated material re­ duction and sales. Pete w ill be glad to share and heavy-duty outboard oil), a 3:1 gas/oil
lating to the engines are letters stating that inform ation w ith any interested modeler m ixture (super unleaded gas and SAE 70
the production of 1,000engines was turned or engine collector.) oil, and SIC FAI glow fuel.
over to the Weatherhead Co., which p ro ­ To correct some o f the deficiencies re­ For the technically minded, there is some
duced 1,000 parts and castings fo r the vealed from running the engine, new parts vibration to be noted; Barrett fe lt this
Banshee. However, all these items reverted are as follows: w ould not seriously affect boat operations.
to Barrett in late 1946 as the Weatherhead 1) Cast iro n piston replacing the b u ilt- The bore o f .950 inch and stroke o f .900
Co. was unable to com plete their portion up steel piston. (Some o f the original 1946 inch give a displacement o f .604 cubic
o f the agreement. No fu rth e r Banshee batch had cast iron pistons.) inches. This has been increased to .64 as
engines were produced by Barrett, who 2) The c a m /d riv e w asher has been the engine cylinders are being refinished.
kept all the parts. From these remains and changed from alum inum to steel. Compression radio is 10 to 1 w ith opera­
new parts, "n e w ” Banshees are now being 3) Production o f new rotary valve disc tional speeds from 3,000 to 15,000 rpm
produced. O f interest to collectors is that w ith porting changed to correct an original claimed.
Barrett also has the original instructions porting error. Present price is $195.00.
and parts brochure along w ith the original 4) Lengthened intake tube w ith venturi The engine has been tested and ap­
box labels. to im prove air flo w to crakcase. This w ill be proved by the SAM Engine Review Board
and is therefore legal for all SAM com pe­
Actually, we should change the name of
this section to “ M odeler o f the M o n th ,” a
rather clever way adopted by SAM 100 to
introduce their membership to the fellows
w h o make up th e ir chapter. Such is Ray­
m ond “ Ray” Sherman, as selected by John
Delagrange, newsletter editor. Ray likes to
call himself the original “ Hangar Rat.”
Ray started building model airplanes in
1928 at the age o f 8. He b u ilt them from
wooden cigar boxes. (Classy! This w riter
used old w ooden apple crates!) His first
attempts were fo r non-flying models of
the “ Spirit o f St. Louis” and the “ Bremen,”
both transatlantic flyers.
A t 12 years o f age, Ray bought his first
kit, a high-wing Ideal M onoplane. A t 13,
Ray became a “ Hangar Rat” at Lancaster,
Pennsylvania, one of those young fellows
w ho w ould do most everything to be able
to spend his tim e around airplanes. He
loved to wash, polish, grease, and oil such
8. Beautifully built and decorated Dallalre Sportster was flown at Eloy by Larry Young of Mesa, old airplanes as the Waco 10, Westbrook
Arizona. Uses an Enya four-stroke with 77 Products Ignition conversion. Photo by Cliff Schutz. LW, F a irc h ild 22, and th e A e ro m a rin e

A U G U ST 1989 35
9. Holmes Airport, Long Island, 1936, and the gang Is seen with a Brown 10. G ood-looking Andrew Peterson “ Cruiser” by Ed Smull was scaled up
Jr. powered Dennyplane. From left: Bill Seidler (builder), George Hoza, 150% to make it large enough for an O .S..40 four-stroke. Model features a
Heinie Kopecz, and John Targos. John is now the proprietor of Argo-USA. high aspect ratio wing and long tall moment. Ed reports it's a fine flier.
as m uch as possible to be w ith the gang at
contests and fun-flys.
Come to th in k o f it, w hether you fly or
not, the camaraderie o f SAM members is
what it is all about anyway. Amen to that!
Bill Schmidt reports that he has received
a letter from Dave Duncan o f Cox Hobbies,
thanking him fo r assistance in the devel­
opm ent o f the Cox 1/2A Texaco engine.
This is probably the first tim e a major model
engine manufacturer has w orked in close
cooperation w ith SAM.
Schmidt further states the production
engine is internally and dim ensionally the
same as the early Cox QRC and Golden
Bee engines w ith a .062 diameter carbure­
to r throat. The .062 carb gives a more
positive needle valve setting. This is im ­
portant in 1/2A Texaco!
11. A very nice building and tissue trim m ing job on this Bill Winter “ WOG," built for R/C and READERS WRITE
powered by an O.S. four-stroke. Photo was submitted by Sven Olov-Linden, of Orebro, Sweden. The latest letter fro m John Targos, pro­
Klemm. seven g ra n d c h ild r e n , and fo u r g reat prietor o f Argo USA, contained an old
By the tim e 16 years of age arrived, Ray grandchildren. photo o f John and the boys. This was dis­
had soloed in an Avro Avian and got his Ray’s health has not been the best in the covered by his wife, M illie.
pilots perm it, issued in those days by the past several years, so modeling has been As can be seen in Photo No. 9, the gang
Pennsylvania Department o f Commerce. somewhat curtailed. He says he is feeling consists o f Bill Seidler, George Hoza,
Bill N orthrop w ill love Ray, as he quotes: b e tte r every day since his trip le bypass Heinie Kopecz, and John Targos. The site is
“ A real airplane has tw o wings, an open operation last October. He plans to get out the Holmes A irp o rt on Long Island in 1936.
cockpit, and drags its tail on the g round.”
Ray's selection o f his favorite airplane is a
d iffic u lt one as he admires both the Fair-
child 22 and the SE-5.
On flying models, Sherman says the best
flying plane he had was the Comet Sparky,
probably the longest continuously kitted
model. This is the highest com plim ent that
can be paid to the designer, Ed Lidgard,
w ho is still active!.
P rio r to th e w ar, Ray w o rk e d in th e
V ought Sikorsky plant at S tratford, C on­
necticut, where he was employed to repair
and rework damaged parts. The factory
produced the F4U-1, the first o f the Corsair
bent-wing fighters.
Most o f his career was spent as a radio
and TV technician and also in the photo
finishing business w ith partner Gene Esh-
back. Retiring in 1982, Ray was still building
model airplanes.
Ray is now 69 years o f age and has been
married to Reba, his wife, for 49 years. To 12. Bruce Abell built this interesting double-size “ Fugitive" sailplane, a 1946 English design. Features
their credit, they can count tw o children, cable operated control surfaces. Bruce is the glider colum nist for Australia's Airborne magazine.

13. Glider man Bruce Abell also flies gas, as
shown by this photo of his Mk. II Comet Clipper.
O&R .60 turns a homemade 14x6 prop. Pretty
color scheme is cream w ith red trim. Alas, it
exists no more.

The model is a Dennyplane built by Seidler

and powered by a Brown Jr. The kit was
bought by Bill at Bloomingdale’s Depart­
ment Store in Manhattan. You are looking
at four very proud teenagers. Those were
the days for excitement!
Received Photo No. 10 from Ed Smull,
6597 S. Newland Circle, Littleton, Colorado
80123, showing Ed with his 150%scaled-up
version o f the Peterson “ C ru is e r.” The
reason for this particular scale was the need
to make a 900 square inch wing, necessary
for an O.S. FS-40 glow engine. Wingspan
cam e o u t at 96 inches w ith an o v e ra ll
weight of 62.5 ounces. 14. Old Timer “Jum bo” rubber scale! This nicely built Bay State Curtiss Robin belonging to Bud
Ed sez the model is a real piece of cake Perry, of Texas, spans a whopping 70 inches. Musi be a real thrill to see this lightweight take to the air.
to fly and won tw o or three meets last
Sven O lo v -L in d e n , H ovstavagen 15,
S-703 63 O rebro, Sweden, w ho is one of
the main editors of their club publication,
O ld Timer, sends in Photo No. 11 showing
what looks like a Bill W inter “ W og” (short
fo r P ollywog). This design was re ce n tly
approved as an O ld Timer by the SAM
Board of Directors.
W ith the O ld Timer R/C Glider event
gaining popularity in California, it is with
considerable pleasure that this columnist is
able to run Photo No. 12 showing an Eng­
lish O.T. glider, a double-size "Fugitive” as
b u ilt by Bruce A bell, 17 Ferguson St„
Cessnock, N.S.W. 2325 Australia.
The photo, by A rthur Gorrie, was taken
in front of the registration building fo r the
M A A A N a tio n a ls at A m b e rly AFB,
Bruce also reports his hot flying Ohlsson
.60 powered Comet C lipper is no more.
Seems like the battery pack failed as the
15. SAM 28 newsletter editor, Dick Brace (lett), in the company of Chet Lanzo (center) and SAM
Continued on page 70 president Jim Adams at last year's Lawrenceville SAM Champs.

A U G U ST 1989 37

IS F3B (STILL) A VIABLE EVENT? works in the U.S., but lacks the all-powerful
Boy, there’s a loaded question! It’s guar­ European seal of approval.
anteed to raise either heated, emotional F3B involvement these days is a team
responses o r in d iffe re n c e w h e re v e r it effort from the start (building models and
comes up. winches) to the finish (actual competing).
Personally, I like the event's concept. I Lone eagles have it very tough!
feel that F3B is the ultim ate test o f soaring Finally, although it’s not a prerequisite, it
p ilo t, soaring m achine, w in c h , and like - surely helps to be rich and single (or d i­
m in d e d fly in g b u d d ie s (an o fte n o v e r­ vorced) if you plan to be serious about F3B.
looked but essential ingredient). F3B is the Families can rig h tfu lly feel jealous o f this-
"Ironm an” event o f R/C soaring. It has the tim e consuming hobby/sport.
three major elements o f thermal duration, F3B is also labor intensive when it comes
distance flying, and speed. The only other do w n to p la n n in g and ru n n in g any sig­
FAI model soaring event which offers these nificant contest. You need flaggers, timers,
elements is F3H cross-country racing. F3H a surveyor to properly set up the 150 meter
Photo from the BARCS 1988 "Interglide' meet in
is the best emulation o f full-size soaring. course, field equipm ent managers,officials England shows German modeler Reinhard Wer­
F3B comes close, however, and it has the to police and d ire ct spectators and co m ­ ner with his "Fit-Fit” flying wing. Configuration is
advantage o f being run on a single flying p e tito rs , k n o w le d g e a b le scorekeepers, very sim ilar to the Raven featured in our January
site as opposed to all over the countryside. radio im pound personnel, and a contest 1982 issue.
Thus, it is more conducive to observation director w ho knows the rules and is not p e rs u a d in g o th e r c o u n trie s . A tte n d a
by competitors and spectators. himself a com petitor. m u lti-c o u n try F3B c o m m itte e m e e tin g
However, F3B has its problems. Then there are the political issues! Each sometime if you doubt me! I did at York,
Like other forms o f com petition in the country has its own ideas about the flying England, in 1983. CI.AM/F3B Chairman Dan
real w orld, it’s getting more professional rules in this complicated event, and they Pruss had his hands full preventing W orld
all the time. It takes a greater com m itm ent are m o re th a n vocal w h e n it com es to War III!
to win. Specialized talents and increasingly
bigger bucks are required to be com peti­
tive at any level above the local club.
F3B model building requires knowledge
o f co m p o s ite m aterials and advanced
m olding techniques. The m ajority o f sail­
plane fliers w ho are traditional balsa hack­
ers are typically uncompetitive.
In the recent past, F3B w inch building
required extensive knowledge of welding
and electro-mechanical engineering to get
the most power and therefore the highest
launch from a specified maximum battery
size (It just happened to match a German
tank battery). It now requires access to
European (e.g. Bosch) 15 ohm autom otive
starters. Believe it o r not, this is a step in the
rig h t d ire c tio n . H ow ever, w inches w ill BARCS F3J rules require hand towing, thus ail fliers get as equal a launch as possible. Flight groups
never be even close to equal until they are can consist of a dozen or more fliers in each round. Text has more details on F3J rules. All photos on
organizer supplied and tested, an idea that this page are by Sean Walbank.

Intergiide meets feature a special class for Vintage sailplanes, an event that
is growing In popularity in the U.K. Seen here is an enlarged "Ivory Gull," Nicely built Bird of Time variant by George Chastell spans about 12 feet and
built and flown by Joe Hanna. sports an interesting V-tail arrangement.

E P P L E R 193 M axim um Thickness
M axim um Camber .
10.1% at 31% chord
3.7% at 45% chord

Line Station U p pe r
No. % co o rd .

1 0.03 0.190
2 0.47 0.915
3 1.34 1.740
4 2.65 2608
5 4.38 3.487
6 6.53 4.352
7 9.06 5.181
8 11.97 5.957
9 15.22 6.663
10 18.78 7.284
11 22.62 7.805
12 26.70 8.213
13 30.97 8.487
14 35.40 8.603
15 39.98 8.487
16 44.67 8.332
The Sailplanes International Osprey 100 would make an excellent choice lo r the proposed FAI/F3J
17 49.46 7.954
Thermal Duration event An English design lo r an English contest fo rm a t Fitting! 18 54.31 7.436
19 59.19 6.808
m ore dangerous than any other devices
20 64.05 6.112
used where the model reaches altitude
21 68.84 5.381
before being released. The end result was
22 73.48 4.642
the same: they w on the “ w inch war” and
23 77.92 3.914
we launched lower than the Europeans.
24 8210 3.214
By contrast, w hen the U.S. held its FAI
25 85.95 2558
W orld Championships in Sacramento in
26 89.41 1.957
1981, th e C anadian team b ro u g h t w ith
27 9245 1.415
them a truly unsafe launching style and a
28 95.02 0.932
monster winch. We allowed the system
29 98.67 0.220
because the w in ch wasn’t technically il­
30 100.00 0.000
legal, and the rules said nothing about re­
leasing at lo w a ltitu d e . The w in c h was
called the “ M o th e r Flinger.” Their single
Line Station Lower
design planes were called FMFs (you can
From Alabama's Rick Durden comes this photo ol No. % co o rd .
guess what that means). The w inch had
his reduced Olympic 650, scaled down to AMA
Class A hand-launch size. Rick says it flies well at
tw o batteries, a monster m otor, and a very
1 0.00 0.000
15 oz., 430 sq. In. narrow winch drum that built up line speed
2 0.13 -0.375
in the blink o f an eye.
3 0.82 -0.838
Further, F3B technical subcommittees The Canadians’ h o riz o n ta l launching 4 2.04 -1.252
and juries have historically been anti-U.S. style broke their under-engineered wings
5 3.79 -1.588
Almost every tim e we have sent teams to at near ground level and threw fuselages
6 6.05 -1.841
w o rld cham pionships there has been and o th e r parts at anyone near the tu rn ­
7 8.80 -2 0 1 0
something for the other teams to complain arounds w ith very little advanced warning.
8 1203 -2 0 9 8
about: high-starts(l) in 1979, tw o-m otor They eventually gave up their horizontal
9 15.70 -2 1 1 2
w inches in 1983, m echanically stored launch in favor o f the normal high-altitude
10 19.78 -2 0 6 1
energy winches in 1985___ These were all release because they were running out of
11 24.23 -1.955
legal until it came down to flying against aircraft to fly. It was their launching style -1.807
12 29.00
the Europeans. Their M .O . was to wait until and aircraft structure which were unsafe, 34.04 -1.628
we had finished selecting our teams and not the winch. We did n ’t change the rules
14 39.28 -1.430
were comm itted to w inch/aircraft systems, on the Canadians, but it seems the rules -1.224
15 44.67
then they outlawed our launching devices. have always been changed on us.
16 50.15 -1.019
They used the “ FAI safety catch” to get I th in k you w ill probably agree w ith me -0.824
17 55.63
their rules passed between FAI law-making
18 61.06 -0.645
periods. These launching devices were no Continued on page 90
19 66.36 -0.486
20 71.48 -0.350
21 76.34 -0.239
22 80.88 -0.153
23 85.05 -0.091
24 88.79 -0.048
25 92.05 -0.018
26 94.79 -0.010
27 97.00 -0.032
28 98.64 -0.034
29 99.65 -0.014
30 100.00 0.000

Credits: "Foiled Again” program

by Cygnet Software.
Harry Weitz’s original “Peapod” design uses a fiberglass arrow shaft for the tall boom, which proved to
be too flexible. Lengthening the fuselage pod solved the problem.

A U G U ST 1989 39
ALL A B O U T model, I arranged fo r Doug to ship one to
me fo r evaluation, and in a few days I
found myself in my w orkshop opening the
newly arrived carton.


The box was somewhat on the plain side
fo r such an e le g a n t a irp la n e , b u t th e
manufacturer maintains that the money
was spent on the model, not on the pack­
ing carton. In any event, I did w onder how
that glass-smooth finish survived the trip
via UPS, and on opening the carton and
• At the IMS show, held early this year in a tta in e d . A ll parts o f th e Starhaw k are exam ining the contents, I found not even
Pasadena, C a lifo rn ia , I was m aking my constructed o f choice grades of balsa and one hairline scratch on the entire surface
usual ro u n d s o f th e m a n u fa c tu re r and plywood, except fo r the wing, w hich is o f the Starhawk! Actually, there wasn’t any
dealer booths, trying to get a handle on balsa sheeting over foam. Here and there a way the finish could have been damaged,
what was new and interesting, and gather­ bit of solid hardwood is utilized, such as in as e v e ry c o m p o n e n t was c o m p le te ly
ing fodder fo r future columns. As usual, the main landing gear supports and in the wrapped in a sheet o f th in foam rubber
there were many new and fascinating ARF m otor mounts. W hen the basic wooden m aterial, and that is w hat I consider o u t­
d e v e lo p m e n ts , and I can p ro m is e my s tru c tu re is c o m p le te it is sanded to a standing attention to detail.
readers that, as tim e and space perm it, we smooth finish. Next, the entire airframe is Assembly co u ld n ’t be m uch easier, as
w ill be introducing revolutionary advances
in our sport/hobby in many issues to come.
As you may begin to suspect by now,
on e p ro d u c t v irtu a lly ju m p e d up and
seized my rapt attention, an ARF so beau­
tifu l as to be really one-of-a-kind. It hap­
pened when I stood before the Thorpe
E ngineering b o o th , and I fo u n d myself
mesmerized by a model displaying such an
exquisite finish that it d id n ’t occur to me
that I was looking at an ARF! Actually, the
model wasn’t at all unconventional in ap­
pearance, as it was pretty much a nicely
proportioned high winged cabin type affair
w ith a tricycle landing gear and the usual
style of tailfeathers to w hich we have all
become accustomed. Ffowever, if you have
always yearned for a professionally finished This month our colum nist reviews the “ Starhawk” as produced by Thorpe Engineering Corp. Clean
airplane w ith the quality paint jo b you find lines make for snappy performance. Oversize wheels were fitted for operating off of a dirt strip.
only on pattern planes and formula racers, covered w ith d o p e d -o n silkspan, w hich the basic com ponents consist o f only four
then this is the one for you. The m odel is imparts a great deal of strength to the sur­ main parts: the fuselage, the horizontal
called the "S tarhaw k,” comes in a high- faces, and is probably second only to fiber- stab w ith elevators pre-hinged, the vertical
visibility overall chrom e yellow, and the glassing w here durability is desired. The stab w ith rudder unhinged (because the
o n ly em bellishm ents are the black w in ­ silkspan is th e n fille d and sanded, and rudder hinge is glued as the last step in
dows and the eye-catching screen printed finally a num ber o f coats o f acrylic paint assembling the tailfeathers), and a co m ­
Starhawk logo on the wing. are a p p lie d , re s u ltin g in a glossy fin ish plete w ing w hich is supplied in one piece
I spoke to Doug Thorpe, the brains be­ which can be compared to any professional w ith a ile ro n hinges and to rq u e rods in ­
hind this fabulous model, and he readily paint job around. Finding myself greatly stalled. The w ing comes w ith a precision
explained how the finish of the model was e n th u s ia s tic o v e r th is m o st a ttra c tiv e cut hole into w hich I m ounted the aileron
s e rv o , re s u ltin g in a re a lly n e a t flu s h
m ounted installation. N ot having to con­
nect tw o w ing halves saves a lot o f w ork,
and th e jo in t is p e rfe c tly s m o o th and
com pletely invisible. This is a unique fea­
ture in an ARF o f this size.
In clu d e d w ith the Starhawk was a fin ­
ished set o f h a rd w o o d p u sh ro d s w ith
th re a d e d rods on th e rear ends and Z-
bends on the servo ends. The rest o f the
miscellaneous parts consisted o f a break­
away plyw ood m otor m ount, a set o f w ire
tr ic y c le la n d in g g e a r, a p a ir o f w in g
h o ld -d o w n dowels, tw o hardw ood servo
tray mounts, and tw o hardw ood aileron
servo mounts. The only other hardware
s u p p lie d was a c o u p le o f la n d in g gear
clamps and a nose gear steering arm. The
b u ild e r has to fu rn is h his o w n w heels,
collars, clevises, and assorted fasteners.
These were easily located in my spare parts
drawers, and should not prove to be any
s ig n ific a n t expense to th e average ex­
perienced modeler w ho has accumulated
an assortment of odds and ends. Another
Our author powers his Starhawk with a Rossi .40 equipped with a J'Tec "Snuf-Ler" muffler, which nice touch was that the th ro ttle and nose-
does an excellent Job of taming down the Rossi’s notoriously loud exhaust. No drop in rpm, either. wheel steering pushrods were already in-

Plenty o l room available In the fuselage radio compartment. Note the factory registration number
296 on the floor of the fuselage.
tricycle gear to taildragger configuration,
and how to change the rubber band wing
h old-dow n system to the bolt-on method.
The pamphlet even goes into "cosmetic
maintenance” o f the model and explains
The generous size of the Starhawk's control sur­ how to keep the paint finish sparkling. And
faces provides e xce lle n t response to c o n tro l to top o ff the cake w ith a real touch of
inputs. class, each m o d e l is a ffixe d w ith a p e r­
stalled, eliminating the necessity o f drilling manent serial number. The last page o f the
through the firewall and attempting to get pam phlet contains an “ o w n e r’s applica­
the angles right. The excellent ten-ounce tio n " w hich is to be fille d out by the p u r­
fuel tank was also factory installed, and the chaser and mailed back to the m anufac­
brass tubing w hich protruded through the tu r e r. This re c o rd s y o u r m o d e l’s h u ll
firewall was properly labelled so that it was num ber w ith the manufacturer, and in re­
impossible to mistake the fuel line fo r the tu rn you w ill re ce ive a " C e rtific a te o f Each Starhawk sports this distinctive logo silk-
vent outlet. I considered this to be just C om pletion” and a free subscription to screened on the wing.
ano th e r exam ple o f really sophisticated the Talon newsletter. Thus far I felt that to me. I selected a Rossi .40 from my stable,
engineering on the part of Doug Thorpe. Thorpe Engineering was making a genuine as I had just equipped it w ith a J’Tec "Snuf-
OK, now let’s get down to brass tacks effo rt to put out an exceptional product L e r" in an e ffo rt to q u ie t d o w n its h o r­
and start assembling this beauty. M y model and to establish a close w orking relation­ rendously loud exhaust. I also wanted to
was from a very early run, and w ith it came ship w ith its customers. use the Rossi because it runs a few ounces
a sixteen-page instruction pamphlet com ­ Actually, I must confess that I found the heavier than most other engines o f equal
plete with checkoff boxes as each assembly instructions largely superfluous, as assem­ d isp la ce m e n t, and I suspected that th e
step is completed. The pamphlet also lists bly was very conventional and everything Starhawk might tend to be a bit on the
suggested hardware w hich is not supplied just seemed to fall together. I d o n ’t recall tail-heavy side due to the painted finish.
w ith the kit, and a list o f tools considered any ARF that went together as simply and Assembly w ent so rapidly that the entire
necessary fo r assembly. Aside fro m the easily as theStarhawk. All this is because so jo b was a c c o m p lis h e d in a b o u t th re e
usual directions pertaining to engine and much of the w ork has already been done hours, and if one were in a hurry it could
radio installation, gluing on the tailfeathers, fo r you. probably have been done in just tw o hours.
m ounting the landing gear, etc., mention The manufacturer suggests a .40 o r .45
is made of how to m odify the model from size engine, and that seemed about right Continued on page 81

A U G U ST 1989 41

• As m e n tio n e d last m o n th , I fle w my twitches, and never total loss of control,

Electro Flea with the Hi Line IMP 30 m otor but it is enough to make you worry. The
Homemade fuse holder tor ultra-small electrics
and was well pleased w ith it. The Flea is my Ace O lym pic V receiver, even though it is
mounts in the fuselage side with the terminals
own design, 25 in. span, 113 sq. in. wing not a 1991 receiver, has been totally im ­ exposed on the outside; plugging a fuse In place
area, and flies very well in small areas. In m une to interference, and it is the receiver autom atically turns on the m otor. Simple and
fact, I designed and flew it in 1976 when I I use at any field that gives “ funnies.” light, and it gives the added protection of having
lived in an apartment, so I could fly it in the However, it is not a “ m in i” receiver, so to a fuse in the circu it—a good idea on any size
save weight I removed the case and used electric. Photo from Jack Dobbins.
vacant lo t next d oor! A t that tim e it was
powered by an Astro 020 and I used the battery shrink wrap to cover the receiver. $19.95 fo r the non-connector block ver­
Ace Baby rudder-only system (no longer The 2-1/2 inch w ide shrink wrap does a sion, and $24.95 fo r the connector block
made). Flying weights were between 11 good job. The receiver then weighs 1.1 version. I got the latter, but since I am
and 12 ounces, depending on the m otor ounces and uses less room , though it is still flying the little ones, I needed to get the
pack. The IMP 30 only needs three cells, about twice as large as a mini receiver. size and weight dow n. I rem oved the con­
w hich saves nearly an ounce compared to I am very impressed w ith the High Sky nector block and the case and covered the
a four-cell pack. (3929 Kansas St. #9, San Diego, California o n -o ff co ntroller w ith shrink wrap. This
This tim e I put in tw o W orld Engines S-22 92104) electronic on -o ff switch as well. It is made it very compact and it weighs only .8
servos and a High Sky electronic o n-off a very simple device and uses a relay to ounces. This o n -o ff controller has been
switch, plus a tiny 50 mAH SR receiver turn the m otor on and off. High Sky says it com pletely reliable, loses no rpms, gener­
pack. (The W orld Engines S-22 servos, by can handle up to 50 cells! The price is ates no heat, and is very rugged. I recom -
the way, were definitely in the "best bar­
gain” class, at less than $20 a servo. They
are almost as small as the Cannon servos,
and weigh about .6 ounces. Indy RC sold
them , but apparently they are not stocking
them any more. I did get a flyer saying they
had a few left, so if you want them , order -■V
soon!) I used the Ace O lym pic V system
fo r control. A ll-up weight was 12 ounces
w ith three 550 mAH Sanyo cells for power
and a 5-1/4x3 Top Flite nylon prop. I am
not sure that this prop is made anymore,
but Graupner (im ported by Hobby Lobby)
makes an equivalent size. This combination
has given me many happy and pleasurable
flights. There is not enough power to loop
from level flight, but a shallow dive w ill
produce loops. Snap rolls are slow, and try
to turn into a spin. The strong point o f this
com bination is just doodling around the
sky like a little bird.
The field that I fly in is a semi-natural
park, a form er Navy air base that was
turned over to the city. The runways were
taken out, and much o f that area is brush,
small trees, and grass. There is also a soccer
field there w hich has short grass. I fly the 05
and larger planes from the soccer field. I
usually fly the small 020/40-watt planes in
the brush area, since the tall grass prevents
damage to m otor shafts and props. All the
small planes are hand launched, as I usually
do not have landing gear on them. If I
were flying where there was pavement, I
w ould use a landing gear. Anyhow, since
this field is in the center o f a large urban
area, there is lots of potential radio inter­
ference, and I have experienced it quite
often at this particular field w ith most
radios. It has always been glitches in the Two of Jack Dobbins' mini-electrics are the Little Big Bird (top) and a scaled-down Airtronics
form of unexplained elevator o r throttle Eclipse powered with the geared power system used in the MRC Cessna 177.

mend it.
The Hi Line m otor turns the 5-1/4x3 prop
at 11,150 rpm at 10 amps from three 550
Sanyo ceils. This is very impressive for three
cells, so I decided to try tw o cells! To make
a long story short, the Electro Flea, even at
ten ounces, one servo and the o n -o ff con­
troller, did n ’t fly. Not enough power. (The
only plane I have ever been able to fly on
only two cells was the M attel Super Star at
eight ounces with an Ace Baby rudder-only
outfit. The Super Star was discontinued
many years ago, much to my regret. It was
fifteen years ahead o f its time.)
Anyhow, the Hi Line m otor represents
one approach to 40 watt motors: high cur­
rent and m inim um cells. Despite the high
current, four to five m inute flights are rou­
tine on the 550 mAH cells. Since the battery
pack is small due to the low cell count, it is
v e ry easy to in s ta ll in lit t le p la n es. I

Robbe's new "RC Uno-E" is a highly prefabricated electric m otorglider complete with molded
fuselage, ready-built wings, motor, electronic m otor timer, prop, glue, paint, and tools.

The m iniature electronic speed control from

Benson Hobby Products—see text for details.
recommend it for planes in the Electro Flea
size. I understand that Hi Line is also about
to introduce a slightly larger motor, about
60 watt size (035). I am looking forward to Cute scaled-down Great Planes PT-Electric by Jack Dobbins uses the MRC Cessna 177 power
system. Radio is a two-channel Futaba with receiver case removed, and S-133 servos. A real fun flier.
trying this m o to r, ju d g in g from the per­
formance of the IMP 30.
I have also been flying the Schoolboy
with the Peck-Polymers (Box 2498, La Mesa,
California 92044) Silver Streak motor. This
m otor is about 50 watts, a strong 020 size,
and uses six 550 mAH Sanyo cells. The
Schoolboy has a 30-inch span, 167 square
inches, and weighs 20 ounces. I have flown
it on six cells before, fifteen years ago,
w hen I was using re w o u n d w in d s h ie ld
washer motors fo r small planes. At that
tim e, o f course, I was using the Ace Baby
ru d d e r-o n ly ra d io . (Those w in d s h ie ld
washer motors, by the way, were impres­
sive quality, w ith heavy m otor shafts which
d id not be n d , five poles, and e xce lle n t
brushes. I sure liked the unbendable m otor
shafts.) Anyhow, this tim e I installed the
W orld Engines S-22 mini servos, and made
a mistake! 1installed the servos about }A o f
an inch from the back of the cabin. Presto,
not enough room fo r the radio, m otor
pack, and receiver batteries. So I ripped it
all out and reinstalled the servos back as far
as they can possibly go. Now everything fit.
I s tro n g ly re c o m m e n d th a t servos be
shoved back as far as they can go in the
Three of the power systems used by Jack Dobbins are, from left: MRC’s Cessna 177 geared unit, the
Continued on page 74 Hi Line IMP 30 direct drive motor, and the geared system from the Cox “ Kitty.”

A U G U ST 1989 43

there be!
FHere’s why. W hen you accepted that
first free tube o f glue, you crossed the line
o f amateur to pro. The O lym pic Games
people have made this very clear.
There simply is no way to clearly split the
tw o categories. Even if it were possible,
what w ould be gained? Separate classes?
That w ould really be a mess. Imagine a
c o n te s t w ith tw e n ty c o n te s ta n ts and
tw enty-five classes. M ost o f the Pros are
likable, friendly types w ho provide help
and good advice to the newcomer. Some
Pros even ask that any prizes they receive
be distributed to others, such as the “ hard
luck” contestant.
Beautifully finished “ Runaround" FAI ship by Jerry Calvert took top honors in the Pattern category O f course, there are other Pros w ho are
at this year's Pasadena IMS Show. Jerry Is an active FAI contestant in the Southern California area. not so benevolent.
• Are you an avid contest flier? O ne w ho “ next tim e .” Better yet, take an objective It is m ore than a little upsetting to see
hits every pattern contest w ith in a day’s look at professionalism. your $20.00 entry fee being used to buy
drive? For some o f us, this is pure bliss. We First, recognize that it is a logical product another prize fo r the Pro w ho gets these
meet o ld /n e w friends, compare notes and o f any sport w hich requires equipm ent same prizes gratis. The bottom line is, if
equipm ent and test o u r skills and ideas that must be purchased. M anufacturers you have any ideas about pro vs. amateur,
with other avid hobbyists. know that products w hich w in, sell. They present them to the Rules C om m ittee and
For some of our friends, the contest u rge w ill, therefore, supply equipm ent a n d /o r encourage support.
is a little different. Their skills are rewarded provide money o r favors to those w ho can * * *
by equipm ent suppliers w ho are keen on and w ill show their stuff in the w inner’s Last m onth we presented an open letter
showing their products in a favorable light. circle. There is no stopping it. Nor should concerning engine rules. The point was
That these “ professionals” exist is no
su rp rise to re g u la r c o n te s t flie rs . The
am ount o f support they receive may sur­
prise (stun) some, however. Every sport has
its pros and some o penly id e n tify th e m ­
selves as team contestants. International
sports are heavily sponsored. It isn’t cheap
to fly halfway around the w orld.
Is this really fair to the enthusiast w ho
competes on a lim ited or fixed budget?
No, not really. But life itself isn’t really fair
to everyone. The best we can d o is try to
m ake the situatio n w o rk fo r us. For in ­
stance, if the guy w ho beats you is spon­
sored, you have an excuse! Excuses relieve
tension and enable you to p re p a re fo r
Two views of Jim Moser’s latest version of the
Bucker Jungmann, built at 1700 sq. In. fo r T.O.C.
type Pattern competition. Model is almost exact
scale and weighs in at 17 lbs. w ith a Tartan Twin.

that engine size need not be specified. The

rules o f size, noise and w eight hold the
models to a desirable limit.
Also, the inclusion o f the 1.2 four-cycle
e n g in e cre a te s a s itu a tio n w h e re th e
m odels designed specifically fo r that en­
gine can be larger than those models which
were intended fo r use w ith .60 two-cycle
We have all seen the trend to score the
larger m odel higher than the smaller de­
sign. For example, a .40 powered setup is
usually scored low er for no other reason
than that it is not considered a com petitive
engine. I see a real possibility that the 1.2
four-cycle w ill become the only desirable

Continued on page 66


COMPOSITES IN PERSPECTIVE Sea Fli XI cost me very little in dollars, but

We promised to discuss the materials it took at least as long to build as it w ould
and processes aspects of the design of Sea have w ith co n ve n tio n a l c o n stru ctio n . It
Fli XI, our example design project. Let's required a lot of messing w ith gooey stuffs
also put the whole field o f alternate mate­ and a lot o f sanding, filling, and finishing,
rials and composite structures in perspec­ w hich I personally d o n ’t care much for.
tive, as this modeler sees it at this time. I say The resulting airplane is adequate for sport
“T h is is the tim e of
"at this tim e,” because the field is changing flying, but its finish is far from show quality. the co m p o site s revo­
rapidly and so are my o p in io n s o f it, d e ­ I could have made it look better, but that
pending on what I have been able to learn w ould have required still more tim e in the lution. I built m y first
and on my personal building successes and type o f efforts I am not fond of. It is struc­ fib e rg la ss w ing
failures w ith com posites to date. These turally plenty strong, and its weight is about
opinions are considerably different from the same as it w ould have been if it were about 1 9 4 8 , but I
what they were six months ago.
built of balsa. Perhaps its greatest value to
me is in the practical lessons it has taught
h a v e le a rn e d m o re
If you read the construction article on me about composite model structures. about su cce ssfu l
Sea Fli XI in the May 1989 M odel Builder, C utting out the foam cores goes quite
com posite model
s t r u c t u r e s in th e
p ast ye a r than in all
th e tim e b e fo re
fast when one uses pivot-point cutting with
a tapered wire (M odel Design & Tech Stuff,
Feb. 89), but then the w o rk begins. Fiber-
glassing over foam cores by hand w ithout
m olds and w ith o u t vacuum was a slow
process fo r me. Balsa construction is clean,
neat and easy by comparison, and balsa
structures can be finished to good surface
quality in m uch less time. The reason fo r
this is that balsa is smooth to start w ith.
An original design built by our author several years ago featured foam wing, fuselage, and tail
surface cores covered with .008" Mylar. See text for pros and cons of this construction. Continued ΟΠ page 94
you w ill rem em ber that I built it entirely of
foam and fiberglass, w ith no balsa w h a t­
soever. That was a test to see if I could do it,
and was not based on a particular dislike
for balsa.
M y criteria for model materials and p ro ­
cesses in clu d e s tre n g th -to -w e ig h t ratio,
density, co n stru c tio n tim e , a va ila b ility ,
w ater absorption (in seaplanes, w h ic h I
mostly build), appearance, handling rug­
gedness and model life, and, to a lesser
degree, m aterials and e q u ip m e n t costs.
Keep these in mind so you w ill know where
I am coming from.
Nice looking C/L P-51 was built by Chuck Felton.
You’d never know it is made almost entirely of
corrugated cardboard. This is an excellent
example of what can be done with non-standard
m aterials, once the p ro p e r te ch niqu e s are

A U G U ST 1989 45
a • The Society of A ntique M odelers (SAM
fo r short) has grown rapidly as its aim to
b rin g b a ck th e n o s ta lg ia o f o ld tim e
m odeling has reached around the w orld.
IN SID E m ENGINES I called upon Joe Beshar, a past SAM
president, fo r comments about the O ld
Timer movem ent, the Texaco-sponsored
fuel allotm ent contests of the 1930s, and
the in troduction by Cox Hobbies o f their
new "Texaco .049” special duration engine.
Excerpts o f his reply follow :
"The R/C Texaco event in 1/2A size is, I
W IT H STU RICHMOND believe, the best all-around event in the
O ld Timer movement. It is docile, fu n -lo v­
ing and really is a contest that relates to our
free flig h t heritage. The 1/2A Texaco (fuel

Texaco allotm ent event) m odel, although now

glow engine powered, preserves the vin­
tage perform ance image. The new ‘Texaco
.049’ by Cox acknowledges the low per­
formance o f our older vintage engines and

simply extends the run duration w hich is
ideal fo r the 1/2A Texaco flier. I do believe
the in tro d u c tio n o f this engine w ill co n ­
trib u te to the event growing. W hen the
flier tries it I am sure it w ill be well received.
“ The first Texaco-sponsored m odel con­
1/2A DURATION ENGINE test was at Roosevelt Field, New York, in
1933 and had no fuel restriction limits. In
1934, 1935 and 1936 the contests allowed
1/4 fluid ounce o f Texaco gasoline fuel per
pound o f model flying w eight (7 pound
lim it) and were held in A kron, St. Louis,
and D etroit. In 1937 the fuel allotm ent was
reduced to 1/8 fluid ounce per pound and
in 1938 the last Texaco-sponsored event
lim ited engine runs to thirty seconds.”
Joe, we thank you fo r your comments
and the history o f the Texaco Company's
sponsorship o f model airplane flying.
Joe included a current set of 1/2A Texaco
event rules fo r R/C O ld Timer flying. They
allow virtu a lly any pre-1943 design fa ith ­
fully fo llo w in g the o utline o f the original
model. Scaling is allowed. W ing loading
m inim um is eight ounces per square foot
and the power must be by a Cox reed-valve
engine, unm odified, w ith a standard eight
cubic centim eter fuel tank capacity. M axi­
mum prop diameter is eight inches. Three
a tte m p ts are a llo w e d fo r tw o o ffic ia l
flights—a perfect score is tw o 15 minute
flights. Ten bucks mailed to SAM, c /o Bob
Dodds, 209 Summerside Place, Encinitas,
California 92024, w ill get you a year’s SAM
membership and a rulebook.
The sim ilarity of the Texaco .049 to the Black Widow and other Cox reed-valve engines Is obvious, Let’s look at this new engine that Cox
yet it differs from the others in a number of ways. It's designed for long runs, not brute power. has tailored fo r the 1/2A Texaco event. The

On the left is the standard Cox #325 glow head with three cooling (ins, as
used on the Black Widow. The new Texaco .049’s #315 glow head has five This view shows the special tank and new lightw eight backplate. Top hat
cooling tins that provide added cooling. style retainer for the reed valve replaces the old spring retainer.

These three parts are specially designed to allow bigger props to turn at The success ot Cox engines is largely due to the precise machining ot their
slower speeds tor longer duration on only 8ccoMuel. The center piece tits pistons and cylinders. The whole piston is copper plated, then the O.D. is
the Cox 7x3-1/2 prop originally made tor .09 engines. ground to finish. Cylinder has slight taper—piston fits tightest at TDC.

Here's the correct way to tighten the Cox glow plug with the two provided The turned aluminum insert fits into props made for larger engines and
wrenches. Don't attempt to loosen a hot glow plug; cool it first to get provides precise centering. The combustion chamber of the #315 glow
maximum contraction in the steel cylinder. plug matches that for the high performance Cox Tee Dee .049 engine.
By reducing the airflow diameter to 1/16 walls are then centerless ground to finished
inch in the special fuel tank, the air velocity size. It’s a simply brilliant process, as is the
is kept high at lower rpm and the fuel feed piston's shine! The finished p iston/rod as­
stays consistent fo r smooth engine runs. sembly weighs a scant three grams. The
This is exactly what the large bore Super piston diameter measures .4056 inches and
Tigre 2000, 2500, and 3000 engines use . . . it is .4025 inches high— just high enough so
lots o f head finning for cooling and an there is no sub-piston induction like the
undersize carb throat fo r fine fuel draw— it Black W idow has. Sub-piston induction al­
works well on big and small engines too! A lows extra intake o f com bustion air for
third special part is the alum inum bushing m ore pow er, but it can also allow fuel to
that fits the hole in the Cox 7x3-1/2 prop escape, w hich w ould reduce the run dura­
this engine is designed to use. The bushing tion fo r the 8cc o f fuel this engine carries.
centers the prop precisely on the engine’s The crankshaft is a marvel o f precision.
5-40 prop bolt. All other parts of the Texaco The jo u rn a l’s rear bearing is g ro u n d to
.049 engine appear to be either standard or .2173 in ch d ia m e te r— th e fro n t to .2172
newly upgraded parts for the rear intake inch diameter. The section o f the journal
Cox .049 engines. betw een the tw o bearing surfaces is re­
The Cox pistons are made of leadloy lieved to .2000 inch diameter. This relief
(leaded steel) and are produced on screw minimizes rotational drag as the shaft spins
Looking into the back of the crankcase we see machines. They are copper plated overall
the narrow channel that provides lubrication for to prom ote even heating/cooling and the Continued on page 77
the shaft. Simple and effective.
simplest way to make a model engine run
longer in duration is to use a bigger diam­
e te r p ro p — lik e a seven o r e ig h t-in c h
diameter on a Cox .049 Black W idow. The
engine w ill turn slower (fewer combustion
cycles per minute) and the tank of fuel will
then tend to last longer. But these small
engines are designed to tu rn five to six-
inch props, and they tend to overheat with
bigger props. Also, the rate of airflow past
the carburetor will be lower since the rpm
decreases w ith bigger props. The low air­
flow rate fouls up fuel feed and running
becom es inconsistent. By a d d ing m ore
alum inum and tw o more cooling fins to
the #315 glow head the overheating prob­
lem w ith bigger diameter props is solved.

A U G U ST 1989 47
m arkable d rin k in g cup fe aturing stealth
bombers on its sides. W hen filled w ith a
hot beverage, the aircraft slowly disappear,
becoming visible again as the contents are
consumed o r allowed to cool.
“ Pick a hobby as you w ould a lifetim e
c o m p a n io n ." Frank Zaic. And about Pea­
nuts and Pistachio model plans: "They look
so innocent and cuddly that one cannot
help but try to give them substance and
introduce them to the real w orld, w ith
hope that someday they w ill feel the free­
dom o f the air."
S.B. Pell o f New Jersey comm ents: “ I
don’t understand free flight. That’s why I
still build hand-launched gliders. I love free
flight; I just d o n ’t understand it.”
Paul M cllrath, o f Iowa, says simply: "Free
Flight For Effer!”
“There has not yet been an aeroplane that could not be improved.” The National Free Flight Society has an­
nounced its 1989 inductees to their Hall of
• O u r lead-in line this m onth, author un­ inspiration you guys provide, I feel the Fame, which include Bob and Sandy Peck,
know n, was sent in by M erv Buckmaster, California sun shining on our grey w inter o f Peck-Polym ers, w h o have p ro m o te d
editor of the Australian A/rbornemagazine. skies. Rest assured your stuff is fo n d ly ap­ model building in all its many forms, with
O U R INTERNATIO N AL HOBBY preciated.” special devotion to helping beginners. It is
The a fo re m e n tio n e d M e rv defines STEALTH CUP relatively rare to induct a team to the Hall
modeling as “ a natural part o f life.” And so Dan W a lto n , o f Kansas, sent us a re- o f Fame, however in Bob and Sandy's case.
it is fo r many o f us in various parts o f the
world. It is, o f course, air travel that permits
such a ready interchange o f model build­
ing inform ation, and helps surm ount the
artificial political barriers. And, isn’t it in ­
teresting to note how many modelers pre­
fer to build aircraft designed in countries
other than their own? O u r photos this
m onth, w ith a couple of exceptions, give
some indication of the universal nature of
what we do.
Even though few can afford to travel to
far-flung lands, the price o f an air mail
stamp w ill take your ideas there! And
speaking of stamps, why not take advan­
tage o f the aviation theme types plentifully
available now? Certainly they are much
more interesting to your correspondents
th a n a p o rtra it o f som e e x p ire d p o li­
tician. . . .
Sten G ustavsson w rite s : “ W ith m y
m onthly copies of M odel Builder and the
Nicely done Peanut scale Italian Nardy FN 305-D
racer weighs in at only 10 grams. Built by Bruce
Holbrook, of Israel.
they are tru ly inseparable.
Johnny Clemens is a lifelong prom oter
o f m odeling in all its many facets, and has
served as the driving force behind many
im portant programs, such as the A M A
M useum , in addition to operating his own
famous hobby shop fo r many years. In spite
o f m a jo r setbacks fro m tim e to tim e ,
Johnny exhibits a most optim istic outlook
and a polished sense of hum or.
Edward Naudzius is a p rolific designer,
builder and flier w ho has demonstrated his
w in n in g ways. He was instrum ental in es­
tablishing the Plymouth com petitions and
has s p e c ia liz e d in te a c h in g p ro p e lle r
F.L. Swaney was inducted to the Hall o f
Fame posthumously. He was instrumental
in establishing the tw o West Coast A M A
Unique French Farman "Post Card" has enough wing area to give the Fikes and Laceys a run tor their Nationals, and devoted considerable tim e
money. Built by Jake Larson of Florida, from plans by Ulises Alvarez of Uruguay. to assisti ng new modelers in to ou r favorite

How's this lo r enthusiasm? Action shot taken in Czechoslovakia by Tonda International modeling: Benno Sabel (left) of Germany compares notes
Alfery shows junior modeler Martin Jahudka launching a Curtiss P-40, In during a visit to Ichiro Yamada, of Japan. Both are outstanding F/F scale
Chinese markings, under Lubomir Koutny's watchful eye. modelers.
w ho points out that some o f the w o rld ’s
first model helicopters were operated by
bow -pow er, as long ago as 1784, thinks the
same principal might be applied to indoor
stick m odels. It seems he e n c o u n te re d
some data perm itting analysis o f the energy
storage values for various types o f wood.
Apparently the best English bows, in the
Robin Hood tradition, were made from
yew w ood, w hich ranks above hickory and
possibly bamboo. H erb’s calculations in d i­
cate that a properly harnessed yew bow
could yield about 1/30th the power o f the
best ru b b e r and says: "W e ll, w ith the in ­
d oor stick model duration record close to
60 m inutes, that suggests that a simple in ­
d oor stick model, bow -powered, m ight fly
fo r o n e to tw o m in u te s . T h a t’s a goo d
m a g n itu d e fo r som e h o t c o m p e titio n .
This CO 2 powered Heinkel proved to be a long-term project for England's Pete Redhead: model was There are many ways the bow might be
started in 1973, was finally finished and flown during late 1988! positioned on the model. The idea is to
hobby. written. arrange things, if possible, so that none of
The NFFS awards w ill be fo rm a lly p re ­ And finally, Emmanual Fillon was recog­ the stress in the bow has to be absorbed by
sented at the U.S. Lawrenceville O utdoor nized fo r his tireless efforts in producing the rest o f the model structure. What do
Championships during June. m ore than forty Peanut Scale drawings o f you think?”
TEN MODELS OF THE YEAR French civil aircraft. O u r congratulations FAREWELL, JOE
O ther awards are announced each year to all these outstanding free flighters! Southern California lost one o f its most
by the NFFS for ten outstanding model TOXOPHILITIES? avid model builders during A pril, w ith the
categories. Charles C a to n ’s " H u m m in Sounds poisonous, but it isn’t. Nope, it passing o f Joseph Havlik at age 73. Joe
Bird” was selected in the Large Power class; has to do w ith people w ho are fond of
Glenn Schneider's “ Booger II” was picked bows (as in bows and arrows). Herb Weiss, Continued on page 64
fo r the Small Power division, and Roger
Gregory’s "Bandwagon” took Large Rub­
ber model honors.
In th e In te rn a tio n a l d iv is io n , Stefan
Rumpp, o f West Germany, scored w ith his
“ S-11 A llro u n d ” F1A N o rd ic , w h ile Jim
Q u in n ’s “ Fantasy” ca p tu re d W a ke fie ld
accolades. Stafford Screen’s "S ilhouette"
was singled out as the outstanding F1C
Power entry.
For In d o o r In te rm e d ia te S tick, Earl
Hoffman's "Symphony” was the w inner,
while in Scale, Don Srull’s astounding elec­
tric Do-X flying boat rightfully garnered
the judges’ approval.
Special ca te g o ry w in n e rs w e re Ron
Williams’ magnificent book. Building and
Flying Indoor M odel Airplanes. Now out
o f print, it is hoped that it may soon be This month's "Hangar" column has a truly international flavor. Here we have a Swedish Andreason
reprinted. Bill W inter once singled out this biplane built from an American Peck-Polymers kit, by Yoshlndo Harada, of Japan, displayed atop a
v o lu m e as th e best m o d e l b o o k e ve r copy of our favorite magazine! Photo by Shoichi Uchida.

A U G U ST 1989 49
"There were many clubs on hand from
the area. Free flight, radio control, control

3 line and plastic model builders all had

booths w ith many aircraft o f all sizes on
display. R.F. ‘Steve’ Stevenson was there
w ith about six large cases o f his engine
collection, w hich now is at over 2,000.
"A lo n g w ith the static display we also
SPREADING THE W O R D directed by Dave Sawyer. The relatively had the A M A video ‘W ired for Excitement,’
Few activities can generate the interest new G ilroy club hosted its first contest on w hich shows many kinds o f control line
o f casual spectators the way control line A pril 16. flying. Frank Macy came up from Portland,
model aviation can. Start flying—even in Also w orthy o f note, though this report Oregon, w ith some of his Jim W alker Fire­
an out-of-the way location—and people languished in your columnist's “ urgent” b all e q u ip m e n t. He even had a M o d e l
just seem to materialize to watch. A few file fo r qu ite a w hile, was the dem onstra­ A irp la n e News w ith the first Fireball ad­
actually become so captivated by the ac­ tion put on by the Seattle Skyraiders last vertisement in it.
“ We were also able to put on a lim ited
flight demonstration. We could use 52-foot
lines or smaller, so most o f the larger planes
had to be left on static display. Wesley
M ullens did some solo mouse racing, and
did a great jo b of popping balloons w ith a
little ,15-pow ered jo b . D ick M c C o n n e ll
had another ,15-powered plane w hich flew
like a slow combat jo b , so the crow d liked
th a t. I also fle w som e o f Frank M a c y ’ s
Fireballs, and John Hall put on a good show
w ith a th r e e -lin e ,1 5 -p o w e re d c a rrie r
" I think everyone had a good tim e and
o th e r clu b s s h o u ld th in k a b o u t d o in g
som ething like this. I have been a part of
m any shows o f this k in d and I can’t re ­
m em ber how many people told me that
they did that 20 years ago. He is the type
w ho m ight want to do it again to m o rro w ."
The most effective dem onstration is one
that on the one hand impresses people
w ith the ultimate performance o f our best
An interior shot of the Museum of Flight in Seattle. Washington, where the Seattle Skyraiders C/L models, and on the other hand reveals that
Club helped put on a model show last October. A great way to promote the hobby to the public. the average person can make a start in
tivity that they begin to pursue it them ­ O c to b e r. The Skyraiders have an active modeling. It has to look exciting on one
selves. show program, perform ing annually at the end o f the spectrum and easy on the other.
Small w onder that some alert C /L clubs F ebruary N o rth w e s t M o d e l Expo. The It can appeal to the com m on fascination
have made use o f their flying’s public rela­ O c to b e r show was s o m e th in g special. w ith aviation of all kinds as w ell as to the
tio n s value in an o rg a n iz e d way. They Here’s a report from Jim Cameron; com petitive nature o f many people.
organize dem onstrations that b rin g the “ The Seattle Skyraiders (the C /L club in The Eugene Prop Spinners, my home
activity before large numbers o f people. the Seattle area) from tim e to tim e does club, has put on many demonstrations over
Some clubs have their own air show teams; d e m o n stra tio n s to spark interest in the tim e. Schools, com m unity festivals and the
others put the fliers and crew members hobby. Last O ctober the Museum of Flight like o ffe r great opportunities. Am ong the
to g e th e r on an e v e n t-b y -e v e n t basis. was hosting a model aircraft weekend, and m ore exciting demonstrations done by the
Demonstrations range from informal flying asked if we w ould come and take part. Prop Spinners have been several shows at a
sessions to highly orchestrated shows.
C areful a tte n tio n to fo llo w -u p is im ­
portant in getting those interested specta­
tors flying— it's essential to let spectators
know how to contact club members, get
in fo r m a tio n a b o u t b u ild in g , and get
directions to the flying field.
Here at M odel Builder, w e’ve recently
received reports of a couple of flying shows
from active clubs on the West Coast.
The G ilroy M odel Airplane C lub o f Gil­
roy, California, put on quite a show fo r the
patients o f the Veterans’ Hospital in Palo
Alto, California, on February 12 Besides
entertaining the patients, the demonstra­
tion raised $239 for the Veterans’ Welfare
Fund w ith a raffle and food concession.
“ The patients e n jo ye d the show and
fo o d ,” w rites M ichael Hawk, secretary-
treasurer o f the GM AC. "The pilots had
the most fun. The highlight o f the day was
three-up carrier, and o f course the crowd
loved the combat dem o.”
T he a c tiv ity was s u p p o rte d by th e Part of the Seattle Skyraiders' display at the Museum of F lig h t All types of C/L models were shown.
W estern Associated M o d e le rs, and was Both photos on this page are courtesy of Jim Cameron.

Three-up carrier was one of the most entertaining demos lo r the spectators at the air show/fund raiser put on by the Gilroy Model Airplane Club in Palo Alto.
California, earlier this year. The three pilots are, from left: Gary Button, Emie Reece, and Don Chandler. Photos by R.L. Hawk.
full-scale air show (the Creswell A ir Fair) crow d pleaser as one activity that is instant­ flight should go up w ith in seconds o f the
where we perform ed before several th o u ­ ly u n d e rsta n d a b le to the spectator. It’s previous one com ing down. If the engine
sand spectators. U ndoubtedly the biggest im portant that the combat activity be fairly w o n ’t start, or there's some other technical
th rill has been the periodic shows done in well orchestrated mock combat. You don't p ro b le m , scrap th e flig h t and m ove im ­
Autzen Stadium in Eugene, Oregon, where want fliers getting carried away in heavy mediately to the next one.
the University of Oregon Ducks play fo o t­ com petition that could lead to a flyaway in Keep in mind that service clubs, festivals,
ball. The Autzen shows, last done by the front o f a big crowd. museums, air shows and the like are always
Prop Spinners about five years ago, were M ix in some contrast and some clever on the lookout for new ways to entertain
part o f the annual Fourth of July fireworks comm entary on the public address system their audience, and a control line flying
display put on by a local service club. As to get the crowd interested. demonstration can fill the bill. C ontrol line
has the advantage over many other forms
o f m odeling in that it can be done in a
confined space, w hich is just what many
event organizers are looking for.
A recent colum n about autogyros gen­
erated a fair am ount o f response; appar­
ently autogyros have in the past been a
popular C /L subject and a num ber o f old
designs exist.
O ne of the responses is from John Miske,
publisher of a w ide variety of plans for old
tim e airplanes.
John provided a photocopy o f an adver­
tisement from the late 1940s for a kit fo r an
a u to g y ro , described as “ A m e rica ’s First
A uto-G iro M o d e l.” It was made by Edco
M odel Planes and was intended fo r Class
A, B or C engines (what a range!). The
price was $7.50, less wheels. Edco also made
C /L kits of the M eteor, a speed plane, and
a scale m o d e l o f th e N o rth A m e ric a n
The nose trim on George Lieb's Formula 40 speed ship should be good tor an extra ten mph at least. Navion. (The Navion later was kitted in
Power Is a K&B .40 with a tew Nelson parts thrown in for good measure. semi-scale profile form by Sterling.)
the crow d filled the football stadium and A sample program might start w ith a Here are John M iske’s comments:
waited for night to fall, the Prop Spinners stunt flight that w ill cause some oohs and “ I saw Ron Fentim an’s request fo r Cy­
flew. Astroturf has got to be the w o rld ’s aahs w ith the pretty plane and maneuvers, c lo n e plans in th e latest M B and have
best takeoff and landing surface! but the crow d w ill be relaxed. Then fire up mailed him a copy o f our OTS (O ld Time
A typical wide-ranging control line show a fast combat plane, and watch and listen Stunt) repro plan list w hich includes a few
m ight have some, or all o f the follow ing as the crowd comes alive. M ix in a race non-stunt types including the Cyclone. I
elements: (make sure the com m entator explains the have also enclosed a list for your info.
• Precision aerobatics flights to show laps, the pit stops, the cold start, etc.). Show "Back in the June 1988 issue, someone
beauty o f the planes and the grace o f the y o u r p ro p -h a n g in g style, some b a lloon was lo o k in g fo r a u to g y ro in fo . The e n ­
maneuvers. b u stin g , o r s im ila r sp o rt a ctiv ity . Call a closed flyer (came in the kit) shows what
• Some u nusual fly in g a c tiv itie s by volunteer out o f the crowd and, w ith an was flying in the m id-to-late 40s. I located a
sport-type airplanes o r com petition planes in s tru c to r h e lp in g , try to get him a suc­ kit more recently and have considered re­
used in unusual ways such as three-up car­ cessful flight on a club trainer. Do your producing the plans if anyone is interested.
rier form ation flying, prop hanging, etc., to m ock combat match, and d ro p in a w o rld - It’s not OTS, but they were fun to fly. The
show the capabilities of the planes and class stunt flight and maybe present a big pic on the flyer shows the engine inverted.
perhaps a little humor. finale—six planes in the air at once, or But the kit plans show an upright version.
• Some “ go-fast” flying to demonstrate somebody w ho can fly three at once. "A set o f our genuine, original, unm odi-
the thrill of speed and com petition. W hen w orking in fro n t o f a large crowd,
• Some mock combat—always the real keep y o u r d e m o n stra tio n m oving. O ne Continued on page 72

A U G U ST 1989 51
should be considered as one's building
skills improve. I have seen this often at the
Flying Aces N ationals, w h e re m odelers
have im proved by mega-leaps from w here
they first started.
I truly enjoy all types of aircraft except
jets; I can't relate to them in any shape or
form . Give me tw o wings and fabric and I
am in my e lem ent. W o rld W ar O n e ma­
chines fascinate me fro m several stand­
points. I can just imagine what it must have
been like in any o f the Dawn Patrols! Since
By FERNANDO RAMOS I b u ild a fair am ount o f these types of
aircraft, my num ber one source is WW I
• W h e re is th e year g o in g ? Seems as on whatever detail is provided on a plan This fantastic journal is printed four times
though it was just yesterday that the year regardless o f accuracy. This is O K; after all, a year, and it is w o rth the wait! The cost is
started. I guess w hen you are having fun, we are doing this fo r fu n ! However, I feel $20 p e r year, h o w e v e r you can d o n a te
the tim e just goes streaking by! Presently, I that you are missing an o p p o rtu n ity to dis­ whatever you want above that am ount as
am preparing a model fo r the A M A Nats. cover more and greater subjects as a search they can always use it. They always include
This is the first tim e that I have competed in fo r a particular plane takes place. a section fo r modelers that is usually very
the Nats since the last tim e they were held We all have o u r favorite subjects, and in interesting. It is unbelievable how many
in California. I think that was in 1983, and a lifetim e we probably co u ld n ’t get them people are actually b u ild in g full-size rep­
prior to that, it was 1967! all built. Yet, by looking around in different lica W W I aircraft.
Since the Nats are going to be on the sources o f inform ation, one can broaden Some o f the usual features covered are
West Coast this year, I thought it w ould be his scope. M o re c h a lle n g in g su b je cts cockpit details of many o f the m ore popu-
a great opportunity to fly my Bellanca up
there. Mac M cju n kin is planning to go
along with me. I have never flow n that far M O T O R P E G S R E V IS IT E D
north before, and I am really looking fo r­
ward to the trip. Naturally, I w ill have a full ALUM IN UM TUBE MOTOR
report in this colum n when I get back. PEG, NOTCHED TOP AND
Since I have been doing some research BOTTOM FOR RETAINING •LIG H T
fo r this year’s Nats, it probably w ould be a
good idea to share w ith you some o f the
sources o f inform ation that I use in order
to find the proper documentation. Enough
has been w ritten on how to go about set­
ting up your docum entation, but I want to
cover some of the best sources that I have
found fo r reference material.
I realize that many o f you w ho enjoy .010-.015
scale modeling do not necessarily want to PIANO WIRE
compete, but still w ould like to make a CLIP FITS INTO NOTCHES
fairly accurate model. I also realize that AND RESTRAINS TUBE
some o f you are content w ith just putting

lar aircraft. These are invaluable when you

go into the super detail mode. A nother
plus is that many d ifferent types o f engines
are covered, p ro vid in g the necessary de­
tails one needs. O n top o f all this, there are
3-views that you just d o n ’t see anyplace
For further inform ation on WW I Aero,
contact Leonard O p d y c k e , 15 Crescent
Rd., Poughkeepsie, New York 12601.
A nother great source of W W I material is
a fairly new (to me) publication called Over
The From. This is another quarterly p u b li­
cation that is issued by the League o f WW I
Aero Historians. It is printed on very high
quality paper. There are 3-views, different
types of paint schemes, many photographs,
and interesting stories. The subscription
rate is $25 per year. If you are interested,
checks should be made payable to The
League o f W orld War I Aviation Historians,
P.O. Box 260327, Plano, Texas 75026-0327.
I love British airplanes— all types! For­
tunately there are many British magazines
that come out each month covering the
w h o le g a m b it. M y fa v o rite m agazine is
Framework details are shown to good advantage in this pre-covering shot of master modeler Bill Aeroplane M onthly. They have a pretty
Noonan's rubber powered DeHavilland “ Hawk Moth," featured as a construction article in our
December 1977 issue (Plan No. 12772, $9.00). Built to 1“ =1' scale, it spans 44 inches and has proven
itself to be an outstanding filer. Continued on page 76

Brainbuster, edited by Abram VanDover
o f N ew port News, Virginia. In the March
issue, Abram featured the follow ing tid b it
about doubling your free flight fun:
“ If your building tim e is lim ited, along
w ith space, budget, and other such things,
this might be the model or models fo r you.
W ith tw o fuselages you can fly both Coupe
and M ulvihill. Just use the same w ing, stab,
and front end assembly fo r each one. O f
course the M u lv ih ill does use m ore ru b ­
ber; an old 40-gram W akefield m otor w ill
do. It’s a good way to get in tw o events
w ith the least effort."
The "Buggered-Up ‘M y Coupe’ ” is a
takeoff of Bill Vanderbeek’s NFFS M odel

/ --------------------- \
v_ _____________ /

pose model a try for your upcoming rubber

p o w e re d free flig h t c o m p e titio n . G ood
luck w ith it.
This is one of the sections contained in
the reference guide detailed earlier in this
colum n. This section was tested at M.l.T. in
1919 and has a num ber o f characteristics
that should make it suitable for free flight
power model use. Specifically, it has a sharp
leading edge, w hich w ould provide natural
tu rb u la tio n ; it has a 7.15% h ig h p o in t lo ­
cated at the 30% chord location; and it
features very slight undercamber to assist
Ross Thompson, the reigning Pee Wee 30 flier in in the glide. So, even though the section
the Northwest, is seen here with his Pot Belly has been around fo r a long tim e, it is still
1/2A ship. It's a fast climber with a hot Tee Dee w orth investigating for fast clim bing, light­
.049 and only a 220 sq. in. wing. weight A M A gas type ships. The charts
of the Year, the “ M y C oupe.” What Fred indicate that it is not overly tolerant to
Pearce did was to take the basic M y Coupe changes in incidence angles, w ith the op­
design and m odify it (bugger it up) so that tim um appearing to be between 2.5 and 4
it could be used as a M u lvih ill as well. The degrees positive.
three-view shows both the Coupe fuselage I w ould th in k that a flat-bottom ed stab
as w ell as the larger one. A ll o th e r co m ­ airfoil w ith a rounded leading edge w ould
ponents can be used for either the Coupe be desirable to use w ith this section in
o r th e M u lv ih ill. The m o d e l has been o rd e r to im p ro v e trim a b ility . M ig h t be
around for quite awhile, as Fred won first w orth a try on your next gas model design.
place in the 1975 Nationals w ith this design. DETHERM ALIZING MODELS
Since the rules governing both o f these O U T OF THERMALS,
events are essentially unchanged as o f now, by Bob K lip p and Chris M atsuno Martin Mixon flex his Teacher’s Pel P-30 at the
you m ight consider giving this dual p u r- Recently, Bob Klipp w rote about his ex- '89 Misery Meet. Does it look cold? It was.


A U G U ST 1989 57

3/32 SQ. LO N G ER O N S
W ITH 1/32 V E R TIC A L
periences w ith fu ll-s iz e d sailplanes in
thermals. Bob is the e d ito r o f the Turbu-
lator, newsletter of the Kirkwood Therma-
leers of Kirkwood, Missouri. Chris Matsuno
fo llo w e d up w ith his o b s e rv a tio n s o f
models in thermals. The follow ing is their
a rticle , in tw o parts, on this fascinating
subject. First, Bob’s thoughts:
"As free flighters, the subject of thermals
is basic to us. We’ve all had a model go up
in a boomer, cruising smoothly in circles
until it DTs. As some o f you know , I fly
full-scale sailplanes. In mid-July, I flew on a
day with big fat cumulus clouds, and the
lift was great. I frequently circled in 500
ft./m in . (fpm) lift, and others told me they
occasionally saw 800 fpm.
“ What interests me is that if a thermal
can push a 700-pound sailplane up at 500+
fpm and give it a real tossing around, why At first glance you probably thought this was some sort o l canard, but it's not. It's an all-balsa 1/2A
d o o u r m odels g e n e ra lly c irc le ra th e r ship built by Keith Hoover in 1961 as an experiment In VHTL (very high thrust line) design. Note the
smoothly, and how can merely popping tiplets and dihedralled stabilizer. Holland Hornet engine. More details In text.
the stab up usually bring them down? even after the DT? Do any theorists want to “ On models DTing out o f thermals, I do
"O n e more thing. In soaring the theory expand on this?” have some thoughts. It’s a simple matter of
is that, when seeking lift, if you let the Now comes part 2—a response to Bob the sinking speed o f the DTed model vs.
sailplane ‘ have its head,’ it w ill glide be­ Klipp by Chris Matsuno. the rising speed o f the thermal. W henever
tween thermals. The idea is that unless you "G e ttin g to Bob’s thoughts on models my models DT, I always try to note the
glide directly into the core, you’ll fly into DTing o u t o f thermals. I can’t explain why tim e , estim ate the m o d e l’s a ltitu d e and
the thermal’s perimeter. The lift under the m odels seem to circle sm oothly in th e r­ stop the watch w hen the m odel touches
w ing on the core side w ill be stronger, and mals. O ne reason could be that at the alti­ dow n. These figures may not be 100% ac­
that wing w ill be raised a bit more than the tudes o u r models reach, thermals are not
outboard wing, and the ship w ill turn away as strong and turbulent as they apparently
from the thermal. So, in effect, unless you become at higher altitudes. One might also
take care to hold your heading, you w ill theorize that at higher altitudes, the change
end up weaving your way along between in lapse rate, tem perature and pressure
thermals. When the variometer indicates may co m b in e to make the air m ore u n ­
you’ve entered lift, you try to detect a wing stable.
rising and turn into that w ing and start “ I also can’t explain why a full-sized sail­
trying to center in the thermal. plane apparently w ill turn away from ther­
"So, maybe our models rarely enter the mals, w hen it is clear that models do seem
c o re o f a therm al? Perhaps m ost tim es to end up centered in a thermal at times.
they’re in the fringe areas and the DT is (The m odel glides around, clearly in neu­
effective. And, I’m sure we’ve had models tra l o r d o w n a ir, hits a b u m p , starts to
circle half in lift and half out and end up maintain altitude, then starts going up, and
getting kicked out entirely. They also seem DTs at several hundred feet. O f course,
to find their way into the core and really sometimes, as Bob says, the model is kicked
start to go up. And those that go 0 . 0 . S. out o f the lift.)

curate in the heat and excitem ent o f con­

test flying when the m odel DTs at several
hundred feet and you are busy chasing it.
But when trim m ing on calm mornings or
evenings, I think my altitude estimates are
reasonably accurate.
"Based on many flights, I estimate that
the sinking speed o f a DTed W akefield is
approxim ately 10 fps (or 600 fpm ). There­
fore, as long as the thermal is rising at less
than 600 fpm , the m odel w ill eventually
come down.
“ Let’s assume we launch a Wake into a
thermal going up at a constant rate o f 200
fpm . Actually the rate probably changes.
More Misery Meet action shows Mark Sexton with his .020 Replica Comet Mercury. Ship is a great
flier with a Cox Tee Dee .020. Continued on page 78
A U G U ST 1989 59
What to use fo r a tube? Starting w ith
Pistachios and Peanuts, plastic soda straws
are often suitable. For larger models, thin-
wall alum inum or plastic tubes can be used.
Some th in -w a ll PVC irrig a tio n tu b in g is
good, and you can "ro ll your o w n " tube
w ith a sheet of drafting mylar, rolled on a
mandrel and taped w ith nylon filament
tape. Look around fo r the tube to do the

INDOOR FLYING REPORT job, sizing it to the model and motor.

Next you must make a w inding rod or
w ire that w ill connect your w inder hook to
By D A V E " V T O " LIN STR U M the end o f the rubber m otor. This can be
an alum inum rod (welding rod, etc.) with
The use o f w inding tubes to protect frag­
ile rubber m odel fuselages (fragile is any­
thing less than a metal o r fiberglas/Kevlar
reinforced body) was developed by British
fliers in the late fifties to let them w ind
huge chunks o f gum band in in c re d ib ly TU B E TO FIT BODY I.D.'
fragile warren truss/tissued "O p e n ” ru b ­ MOTOR
ber models. The techniques as they apply
to indoor rubber models are much the
same, with appropriate modification o f the W IN D IN G ROD
tube size, materials, and adaptation to the PROP
less pow erful winders and motors that we H O O K S BO TH ENDS
" In s id e r s ” use. Those m o d e ls w hose
motors can be w ound o ff the model, on a
torque meter or w inding post, do not need NOSE
to have w inding tubes, o f course. These
are lim ited to F1D M icro film , " A ” ROG PROCEDURE: B LO C K
Intermediate Stick, Easy B and the Novice 1) INSTALL M OTOR
P enny/P ennyplane classes. Despite the 2) ATTACH ROD TO END
sturdy body, most Federation ROG fliers
also w ind o ff the model as well. 3) SLID E TU B E INTO BODY
Let's say you have a fragile Bostonian, 4) W IN D AS USUAL
Peanut, FAC Scale or Manhattan, and want
to pack max turns into that rubber fo r a FRAGILE BODY
w inning flight (or max torque if that is the 6) ATTACH TU B E
way you measure rubber performance). PROP
The first thing you needto make is a tube “ O ” RING OR
(or tubes, fo r various models) that w ill fit in CROCKET HOOK
the nose opening o f your models and is ROD
slightly longer than the distance from the
rear peg to the noseblock. This w ill allow it
to be inserted all the way back to the peg
(you can notch the tube fo r the peg to
insure seating) and still protect both ends
o f the fragile structure.
hooks securely fastened to each end, or a
sturdy piece o f music w ire w ith loop ends
that w ill slip through the w inding tube. Be
sure your rod o r w ire is at least an inch or
tw o longer than the tube so that you can
retract the tube o n to it after you have put
in the last turn. The w inder, rod (wire), and
tube are rem oved from the rubber as a
unit when the prop is attached.
Finally, to make that delicate operation
easier, you may wish to attach an O -ring to
the end of the rubber. If you d o n ’t do this,
you must release a few turns w hile holding
the rubber near the end, to make a small
loop to attach to the p rop shaft. D on’t use
a M o rto n -T h io kol booster O -ring, just a
little one w ill do! These tiny rings can be
obtained from small parts suppliers.
If you use these techniques (see the il­
lustration showing a generic body, tube,
etc.) you w ill protect those fragile models
from what happened to ou r w inning Bos­
tonian when we did not bother w ith a tube
It doesn't get any better than this! An end zone view inside the huge Kibbie Dome, site o l the 1989 at M a c D ill; a b ro k e n lo o p o f P ire lli
Nats indoor events. Photo was taken by Tom Stalick. More details in text. thrashed around in the back o f the body,

trashing it. So be wise, w ind up w ith a tube
As announced in last month's column,
the 1989 A M A Indoor Nats w ill be held in a
m a g n ific e n t 144 -fo o t c o lle g e arena in
Moscow, Idaho. MB F/F columnist Bob
Stalick set his spy netw ork in action, so this
m o n th we have secret spy surveillance
photos and a secret agent report smuggled
at great risk from Moscow. Ffere is the field
intelligence from Superspy Stalick:
Re: Kibbie Dome Inform ation and Photos
As each o f you is aware, the A M A has
decided to hold its in d o or events at the
1989 Nationals at the Kibbie Dome in Mos­
cow, Idaho. This arena is on the campus of
the University o f Idaho and is one o f the
prem ier indoor m odeling sites remaining
in this country. The follow ing inform ation
and accompanying photographs should be
published in your respective magazines o r
newsletters if at all possible. I know that the
tim e may be to o short to make this possi­
ble, but I am also aware that the decision to
use the Kibbie Dome was just made w ithin
th e past tw o w e e ks, so tim e is o f th e
After the decision to use the Dome was
made, I contacted my son, Tom, w ho is an Like all indoor models, Easy B’s require a delicate touch. NFFS founding father, Carl Fries, transfers
a fully wound m otor from a torque meter to his condenser paper covered ship.
engineering student at the University of
Idaho and an amateur photographer. He
took a series o f photos inside and outside
the Dome in late February. They arrived
yesterday and I am forwarding them to
you fo r your use.
First, I w ould like you to be aware o f the
dimensions and other features that make
the Dome uniquely suitable fo r indoor
model flying. So, here goes:
According to inform ation published by
the University o f Idaho, “ The W illiam H.
Kibbie ASUI Activity Center construction
was started on February 3,1971 and seats
18,000 plus another 5,000 when bleachers
are erected in the end zones. The arches
span 400 feet from side to side and the
center height from the football field to the
underside of the roof is 144 feet. Enclosed
in the mammoth structure are slightly more
than fo u r acres, and a fo urteen story H ighly detailed 36" Coconut Scale Ford A.T. by Millard Wells is a real beauty. C olor is silver overall,
building could stand inside. The ceiling is with simulated corrugations as per the lull-size aircraft. Photo by Jake Larson.

Well-known German rubber scale modeler, Benno Sabel, also dabbles

with indoor duration models such as this beginner’s F1D ship. Nice shirt ya Cute Caproni-Pensutti triplane by Rich MacEntee Hies well despite zero
got there, Bennol dihedral. Photographed by Jake Larson at MacDill AFB.

A U G U ST 1989 61
composed of ‘clouds’ o f acoustical tile; 800
of them are suspended separately about
three feet below the roof structure. Each
unit, o r cloud, contains 144 square feet of
surface area.
"The facility was dedicated on October
11, 1975 and additional w ork was com ­
pleted in the early '80s to add a weight
room and o th e r athletic facilities. The
Dom e is used fo r football, basketball, track
and other activities, including an indoor
rodeo. The synthetic tu rf used fo r football
games is rolled up at the end of each season
and stored against one wall. The flo o r
dimensions are approximately 400 feet long
by 170 feet w ide by the aforem entioned
144 feet in height. Seating fans out and up
on either side fo r the length of the football
“ The general entrance to the Dom e is
through double doors that are located on
the upper level. This serves to seal the in­
8 LB . M O N O F IL A M E N T L.E.

te rio r of the Dome against the effects of

the Idaho w in te r weather, w hich can be­
come quite severe. Parking is abundant
near the Dome for similar reasons. The
w e a th e r c o n d itio n s fo r M oscow , Idaho
during July are similar to the weather in the
Tri-Cities area, so expect it to be hot and
d ry, w h ic h sh o u ld assist c o m p e tito rs in
im proving their flight times.
"M o sco w , Idaho is located on the bo r­
der between W ashington and Idaho. It is
s e rvice d by a sm all c o m m u te r a irp o rt
located midway between Pullman, Wash­
ington and Moscow. Pullman is a sister city
located about 8 miles due west o f Moscow.
M oscow can also be reached via car from
Spokane, W ashington— located approxi­
mately 85 miles nearly due north, o r from
the Tri-Cities— located approximately 120
miles due west via a num ber o f non-free-
way roads. (I have taken this trip dozens of
times and have fou n d the easiest and most
attractive ro u te is to d rive th ro u g h Kah-
lotus, Washtucna, and Colfax.)
“ O n c e in M o s c o w , th e closest tw o
motels to the campus and the Dom e are
the University Inn and Cavanaugh’s M o to r
Inn. The University Inn can take reserva­
tions at 1-800-528-1234. The cost of either
motel is in the mid-$50.00 range fo r a room
fo r two. Both are very nice facilities w ith
many c o m fo rt features, in c lu d in g sw im ­
ming pools.”
So, there is m ore inform ation than you
can possibly use, but I figured that from
this letter, each o f you m ight glean enough
material to w rite a brief article fo r your
publications. Since I am quite certain that
no one has yet provided you w ith either
this inform ation o r useable photographs, I
hope I have been helpful.
If you need additional inform ation, I am
hom e most weekday evenings and can be
reached at (503)928-8101 or during the days
at my office (503)687-3481.
Here’s to a great 1989 Indoor Nationals.
Bob Stalick
O n e o f the o fte n ig n o re d b u t still im ­
portant factors in max flight tim e fo r indoor
models, Bostonians, Embryo, Manhattans,
etc., is the proper lubrication o f the prop
shaft. A slippery shaft w ill give you more
energy transfer w ith less friction loss. John

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A U G U ST 1989 63
Eifflander et al, got in to the act w hen a
w eek’s wages fo r a m otor was the going
rate. If you can get a day's wages fo r the
same product these days you’re doing well.
G ordon and Duke learned the hard way
Q U IC K IE 500 RACER and they were born at the right tim e. True
pioneers. You can’t have that same d eal! If
you’re interested in the ego trip, then make
NW AND NATIONAL QUICKIE 500 a dozen engines, jobbing out what you
RECORDS d o n ’t have the machinery for.
1.15.60 (2 M ILE COURSE)!! "O n the Sesqui, it’s as good as I can
d o —w hich is short o f what you could have
$ 79.95 done. You can reverse the carb intake and
drum through 180degrees. Surprisingly we
could measure no difference in revs w ith
available direct from: the m otor sucking all that dirty exhaust
back dow n its throat. O u r best specimens
turned 17,800— the worst were 15,000. Give
KIT INCLUDES: me another $250,000 and I can make them
FIBERGLASS FUSELAGE all turn 17,800— best o f luck and thanks!”
FOAM WINGS The production run o f 350 Sesqui en­
ALL NECESSARY WOOD AND gines was finished in 1982; all the precision
machinery is still in place and itching to be
13923 PACIFIC AVENUE used. Ivor to ld me he effectively gave up
LANDING GEAR. about 4,000 m an/hours and $30,000 in cash
on the Sesqui project, mostly because the
MANUAL ^ ________ 1-800-541-0645________ _ FAI change to one and a half cubic centi­
Don't Hesitate! Buy a WINNER TODAY!!! meters never took place. And w here’d the
nam e "S e s q u i" co m e fro m ? Sesqui, in
Latin, means "o n e and a half,” like one and
a half cubic centimeters in displacement.
A lthough many of these engines are still
fly in g " d o w n u n d e r " in O z, th e y are
quickly becom ing collectors’ rarities. Ivor
gave me Sesqui num ber 3 during my visit
to him , and I bought Sesqui num ber 250 at
Flex Zap the auction at the 1987 Australian Nationals.
Perfect for fiberglass to hardwoods or fiberglass And about all that m achinery in Ivor’s
to fiberglass. Not a wonder drug you must shop: he’s planning on producing jew el­
provide excellent fit Do not use Kicker w ith Flex
Zap Allow up to 3 minutes to dry. One or tw o like reproductions of the early British Elfin
drops squeegied out are all that's needed I . 49cc diesels. There’s a real market for
Overglueing causes longer drying times.
Strongest CA available Doesn t work on porous nostalgia m odel engines. The first dozen
materials like balsa. Super for mounting race car Elfins are done fo r prototyping (I have serial
tires to rims!
num ber 5) and num ber 1 sold at auction
fo r $300.00! You can reserve your repro
Prof. S ticky V bnShtuck Pacer Tech, Campbell CA
Elfin 1.49 fo r u n der $100.00 in cluding air­
mail delivery by w ritin g to Ivor F, P.O. Box
I I , Doonside NSW 2767, Australia.
Tudor o f M IA M A , an "o ld silver fox” of And if you're “ in to ” diesels, Eric C lutton,
indoor flying, discovered “ Super Lube” in EOTW.......... Continued from page 32 w ho advertises here in MB, has received
the fishing tackle department of a local the new series of Gig Eifflander PAW Eng­
store. This stuff is really slick, as it has Teflon to dent the china cabinet. The slings d o n ’t lish engines for sale in the USA. ·
in it. Super Lube comes in tw o forms, a break— the m ill is safely in place—all for
little tube w ith cap, o r a syringe w ith a conrods.”
Hannan........ Continued from page 49
metal needle. It is manufactured by Synco “ D E M C O — th e y ’ ve im p o rte d th is
Chemical Corp. in New York. Look for it in superb cylindrical grinder into Australia. became a professional modeler at age 14
your local tackle shop or sporting goods Marvellous. The price is slashed. No buy­ w ith the sale of a patent m odel, and later
departm ent, and put a little on the nose of ers. DEM CO ships it to New Zealand. The was em ployed by Consolidated Aircraft
all your rubber models. It is longlasting Enzedders w o n 't buy it either and it ships and in his ow n hobby shops before be­
and w on't attract grit. back to Australia—we buy it fo r cylinders, com ing a ship m odeler fo r the U.S. Navy
CORNFILE YOUR BALSA pistons, contra-pistons, shafts and drum Electronics Lab. In spite o f building models
The little emery boards many modelers valves—very useful size at less than half fo r a living, Havlik also devoted his spare
use to shape balsa and foam are fine for price. tim e to model aircraft in their many forms.
many projects, especially those where only "B org-W arner is closing a plant— it’s a Most recently he had restored some vin­
fine sandpaper grit is needed. However, cold miserable day fo r the auction. We get tage models for the collection o f the His­
where initial rough sanding is sometimes fifteen chairs and twenty steel wastebaskets tory o f M odel A ircraft division o f the San
needed, such as on foam wheels o r nose fo r n ineteen d ollars— and a w o rkb e n ch Diego Aerospace Museum. Ray C rowell,
blocks, these may take to o long. Jake Lar­ and four-inch-w ide vise for fifteen more.” w ho delivered the eulogy at Joe's funeral,
son of St. Petersbu rg, Florida, a new flier at The e x p e n s iv e a c q u is itio n o f m o re characterized him as “ sharing" and “ car­
th e M IA M A M a cD ill meets, discovered machinery is described and then Ivor con­ ing.” O u r condolences to his relatives and
that Dr. Scholl’s has black grit files for corns tinues w ith this superb advice: many friends.
that are just the right thing fo r roughing " I hope all o f this w ill serve as advice to NEW CO VERING MATERIAL
out shapes on his models. These come in those w ho are about to embark on making Solarfilm, of England, is m arketing a new
coarse and medium grit and are available their own motors. Go ahead by all means— type of heat-shrinkable synthetic tissue fo r
at drugstores. Try one next tim e an emery but realize w hat y o u ’re getting into. Re­ covering models. Called "Litespan,” it has
board just w o n ’t cut it. · m em ber, Duke Fox, Gordon Burford, Gig a pronounced grain similar to Japanese


Technopower II
The “C” Series Family of
Fine Scale Radial
9 cyl. 4.059 cu. in — 73 oz.
7 cyl. 3.157 cu. in — 62 oz.
5 cyl. 2.255 cu. in — 52 oz.
All are 9 in. dia x 37/8 in.
back plate to prop, driver
610 North Street
Chagrin Falls, Ohio 44022

ΞΕ SEN D $3.00 FOR BRO CH URE < 3 $

tissue, yet is waterproof, fuel resistant and directions on numerous projects, I have FLYING PHILATILISTS
airtight. The covering is applied w ith an­ actually com pleted and flown in my living We know there are numerous stamp
other Solarfilm product called “ Balsaloc," room , an Easy B indoor model. This is the collectors in ou r model building audience,
w hich is first brushed on the structure lightest, slowest-flying model I have ever so here’s your chance to boost both hob­
where the covering w ill be adhered. The built, and the first fo r more decades than I bies: James P. Darracott, 14511 St. Germain
Litespan is tacked in place using an iron, care to remember. I b u ilt a beautiful heavy Dr., Centreville, Virginia 22020, is circu­
and may be applied to open structures or cardboard box w ith 1/8-inch square spruce lating petitions favoring a U.S. postage
solid balsa or plywood areas, including in all the corners to protect it. The box stamp com m em orating model airplanes.
shallow com pound curvatures. looks considerably better than the model, Such stamps have previously been issued
A lthough the material can be painted, it but does not fly quite as w ell.” by several other countries, why not ours?
is available in nine colors. W eight is ap­ If you care to help support the effort,
proximately one ounce per square yard, COPTERS SANS TAIL ROTORS
send a pre-addressed stamped envelope
comparing favorably w ith doped M odel- Ed W hitten favored us w ith an extensive to Jim. And review our first Hangar item
span. article regarding the new M cD o n n e ll- again.. . .
D istrib u tio n in the U nited States is Douglas “ Notar” helicopter w hich does THE G O O D OLDE DAYS?
through Cannon Electronics. not have a tail rotor. The concept is an old Don Cam pbell, o f D etroit, M ichigan
N O W THAT'S CLASS! one, of course, however it has never been reminisces: " I rem em ber b u ild in g my
During a recent Arizona model contest, totally debugged in the past. The idea is to Comet Curtiss Coupe (10-cent kit) w hile
the heat drove many o f the contestants to force air through slots in the tail boom in using a d ull razor blade to cut the tiny
removing their shirts, according to Tom such a way as to offset the torque reaction curved balsa pieces. Each one split as it was
Arnold. Walt M ooney, know n for wearing o f the main rotor, augmented by the air cut, and had to be glued back together.
a tie during his flying activities, also re­ circulated around the boom from the
Real tears o f frustration flow ed, but my
moved his shirt, however his tie remained ro to r’s downwash.
dad told me to stick w ith it and not let the
in place! Yes, we have pictures, and no, Georges C haulet, o f France, experi­ jo b beat me. I did, and w hen the model
w e’re not going to publish them ___ mented w ith the system in model form was com pleted, I was the proudest kid on
END OF A N ERA some years ago. Sounds to be tim e to revive the block. By current standards it w o u ld n ’t
The world-famous Frank Zaic Yearbooks it! rate a second look, but back then it was my
w ill no longer be orange! It seems the FUR FLIERS pride and jo y !”
company that made the covers has stopped Responding to o u r book review about COLLECTORS’ ITEM
production o f that color, so future Zaic flying squirrels a few issues ago (February), According to the Arizona A ntique News
publications will be tan. W ell, OK, but we Bill Pinkston remarked: "I see clearly now I and Southwest A n tiq u e s Journal, the
m ust a d m it th e ora n g e had appeal la- should have been building flying squirrels w o rld ’s most valuable m atchbook cover is
peel?). all these years, if they are supposed to land a design issued in 1927 to comm emorate
H O W ’S THAT AG AIN ? in trees!” Lindbergh's transatlantic flight. O nly tw o
Aerodynamicist/hydrodynamicist Bruce By an interesting coincidence, the Cana­ are known to exist!
Carmichael w rote to say: dian Post O ffice has recently issued a flying THOSE W W II I.D. MODELS
"Since retiring, in spite of flying o ff in all squirrel postage stamp. Ralph Dodsworth, o f Canada, w rote in

A U G U ST 1989 65
sent you.

Simple to build ^ | Tom M a tte rfis, o f Florida, and Sam

W elch, of Utah, both inform ed us that the
often hard-to-find genuine silk thread so
useful fo r rigging small models is available

Simple to fly at many fishing supply shops specializing

in artificial fly-tying. It is ideal fo r rigging
models, since it is non-fuzzy, unlike many
types o f thread, may be water-shrunk to
GMP’s new low cost makes the R/C Challenge affordable tig h te n , and has su fficient strength to
fu n c tio n as a load-carrying m em ber. A l­
THE CHALLENGE MADE AFFORDABLE though much m ore costly than ordinary
Today's R/C Helicopters, w ith autorotation, special engines, thread, we find it far superior. The most
hi-tech rotor heads and expensive radios have all but forgot­ com m on colors seem to be black and grey
ten the entry level modeller. How about the fixed wing flier (w h ic h w e p re te n d is " n a tu r a l m e ta l
w ith the ever popular 40 size engine to spare? GMP believes
the time has come to bring the R/C challenge to a wider color").
group. GMP has developed REBEL - a simple, yet durable 40 BILL B R O W N INTERVIEW
powered helicopter which can use a standard airplane en­ A u to g iro g u ru G e o rg e T o w n so n a t­
gine and radio.
tended high school w ith Bill Brown, of
SIMPLE DESIGN - EASY TO FLY Brow n Ju n io r ig n itio n and C 0 2 en g ine
Rebel is easy to fly and also a snap to assemble. Besides fa m e , and se n t us a c lip p in g fro m th e
the Rebel's illustrated instruction manual, GMP will have Pennsylvania Centre Daily Times. Featured
available a low cost, over the shoulder step-by-step Building was an in te rv ie w w ith th e 7 7 -ye a r-o ld
Setting up and How to fly video.
Brown, w ho made his first engine in 1930,
HIGH GRADE RUGGED CONSTRUCTION and accounted for about 50,000 produced
Rebel has many more ball bearings than other R/C helicop­ between 1934 and 1940. Said Bill: “ You
ters in it's price range. It's tough to wear out or damage. It k n o w , th e re ’ s re a lly m o re dem a n d fo r
features black anodized aluminum parts and a very simple m odel airplane engines now than e v e r . . .
new space age plastic rotor head yoke. Rebel's total parts
count and spare part prices are the lowest in the industry. it’s not kids w ho want them either. It's boys
in their 60s and 70s— boys w ho d o n 't grow
Try the helicopter challenge - R U N W IT H A R E B E L ! up.”
“ The first rule o f intelligent tinkering is
to save all th e p ie ce s.” A ld o L e o p o ld ,
quoted in the Patagonia o u td o o r clothing
catalog, via Mark Fineman. ·

Pattern........ Continued from page 44

engine simply due to its power advantage.
I have been experim enting w ith engines
w hich have the same pow er potential as
the 1.2 four-cycle single cylinder design.
The firs t p o ssib ility is th e 1.2 fo u r-c y c le
•tw in ! This is a very smooth running setup
w hich, I am certain, could easily evolve
into a desirable aerobatic powerplant.
I have flow n the 1.6 O.S. twin using props
that allowed it to unload to the 10,000 rpm
range. This setup really works but it is not
cheap! A m uch less expensive alternative
is the S.T. .90. I tested this engine directly
Taking R/C Helicopter Flying to N e w H eights!
against the O.S. .61 long stroke. Same prop
G O R H A M M OO F.I. PR O D U C TS. INC. (818)992 0195 and fu e l, and both on th e ir original m uf­
23961 C ra ftsm a n R d ., C a la b a s a s CA 91302 FAX 8187020117 flers. The .61 turned the prop at 9,500 and
the .90 hit 11,000. The prop was an APC
12x10 I got from Mack's M odels in San
to point out that the high school craftsmen m ost spectacular crash at each m e e t? " Jose. It is a new design that is very quiet
w ho constructed models fo r the U.S. W e ll, it w o u ld be a u s e fu l p riz e th a t running and works extremely w ell in this
Navy's W orld War II aircraft identification w o uldn’t need dusting after u se .. . . speed range. We also tested this prop on
program received "ranks” according to CAMPBELL CATALO G the O.S. .91 Surpass and it seems very well
their output. For example, the honorary Lee Campbell, apparently no relation to matched. It turns 10,000 on the ground. In
rank o f Lieutenant JG Aircraftsman was the Don C am pbell m entioned earlier, the air it is practically silent. Also, it goes
earned by building five models, including offers a catalog o f free flight model kits, like a shot!
one twin-engined type and planes of at accessories and supplies. This 24-page W hen you put a tuned exhaust system
least tw o nations. com pendium is packed w ith descriptions on the S.T. .90you get a pow erplant which
To become an Admiral Aircraftsman re­ o f kits for hand-launched gliders, rubber- exceeds the 1.2four-cycle in pow er output.
quired the building of 50 models, each of a powered models, old timers, and com pe­ I was able to get 8,000 rpm on a 15x10
different type. W onder how may Admiral titio n gas designs. Supplies listed include Master Airscrew. I also got 11,000 rpm on
model builders there were? It must be re­ Japanese tissue, folding propeller kits, fin ­ the D.W. 12-1/2x12which pulled extrem e­
corded som ew here.. . . ishing materials, C 0 2and electric motors, ly well on an 8 lb. Runaround we were
SPEAKING OF AW ARDS rubber, and model plans. O ne dollar w ill using as a test bed. Except fo r the large
Bob D ick, o f C ovina, C a lifo rn ia , sug­ fetch a copy fo r you fro m : Campbell’s exhaust system required, we found the S.T.
gests: "H o w about presenting a jar o f pea­ Custom Kits, Box 59%, Lake W orth, Florida .90 to be a great aerobatic model engine.
nut butter to the model w hich does the 33466. Please tell Lee that M o d e l Builder There are o ther engines available (two-


BYRON Performance Blended Fuels
ORIGINALS^ Higher Performance · Sm oother Running
tbbmk., 'i n ' » Hi M W l Superior Lubrication · Unequalled Rust Protection
SEE Y O U R D E A L E R FIR ST ! If he d o e sn ’t stock Byron O riginals Fuels, o rd er direct.
(Contiguous 48 Stales Only--Alaska, Hawaii, and Overseas, call for shipping quote.)
Synthetic/C astor Blends
3130004 0% Premium F .A .I., S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................ S 9.50 $ 6.90 $ 6.40
3130005 5% Byro-Jet S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................................. 10.95 8.00 7.50
3130006 5% Premium Sport, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................... 10.95 8.00 7.50
3130008 8% Premium Super T igre Blend (2500 & 3 0 0 0)................ 11.95 8.60 8.10
3130010 10% Bvro-Jct, S y n th e tic /C a s to r.......................................... 12.95 9.00 8.50
3130011 lOVo Premium Sport, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................... 12.95 9.00 8.50
3130012 10% 4 Cycle, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................................. 12.95 9.00 8.50
3130013 10% H elicopter, S yn th e tic/C a sto r........................................ 12.95 9.00 8.50
3130016 15% Premium Sport, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................... 15.95 10.75 10.15
3130017 15% 4 Cycle, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................................. 15.95 10.75 10.15
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3130020 20% Bvro-Jct, S y n th e tic /C a s to r............................................ 17.50 12.50 11.75
3130025 25% Premium C om petition, S yn th e tic/C a stor..................... 19.95 14.25 13.35
3130035 35% Prem ium C o m petition, S vn th e tic/C a stor..................... 24.50 17.75 16.50
3130045 45% Premium C om petition, S yn th e tic/C a stor..................... 29.25 21.25 19.65
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Straight Synthetic
2120004 0% Premium F .A .I., Straight S y n th e tic .............................. S 9.50 S 6.90 $ 6.40
2120005 5% Byro-Jet Straight S y n th e tic ............................................ 10.95 8.00 7.50
2120006 5% Premium Sport, Straight S ynthetic................................. 10.95 8.00 7.50
2120010 10% Byro-Jet, Straight S yn th e tic............................................. 12.95 9.00 8.50
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2120015 15% Premium Sport, Straight S ynthetic................................. 15.95 10.75 10.15
2120020 20% Byro-Jet, Straight S yn th e tic............................................. 17.50 12.50 11.75
2120025 25% Premium C o m petition, Straight S y n th e tic ................... 19.95 14.25 13.35
2120035 35% Premium C o m pe titio n , Straight S y n th e tic ................... 24.50 17.75 16.50
2120045 45% Premium C o m pe titio n , Straight S y n th e tic ................... 29.25 21.25 19.65
M in im u m Order Q u a n tity-1 Case. Shipping Included in Price. Prices subject to change w ith o u t notice.
Byron Originals, Inc. · P .O . Box 279 · Ida Grove, IA 51445 · Fuel Orders Only: (712) 364-2009

strokers and four-strokers) which w ill pro­ section w ith soft 1/32 sheet. Also, cement tissue. Let dry, then cut the dyed tissue
duce the power necessary for an FAI model hard 1/8x1/8 balsa strips inside the nose fro m th e fra m e and c o v e r th e m o d e l,
providing we eliminate the displacement crosspieces and uprights. These last pieces shrinking the tissue once again w ith a light
rule. After all, variety is the spice of life. must be hard enough to withstand regular water mist. Cover the undersurfaces o f the
I have received some feedback on the removal o f the noseblock and those in ­ wings and stabilizer w ith w hite tissue to
open letter. The majority of comments are evitable rough landings. sim ulate the clear dop e d undersurfaces
in favor of allowing other engines, at least Turtledeck formers are cut from 1/32 typical o f Allied machines in WWI.
engines comparable to the 1.2 four-cycle sheet. Formers 1 through 5 have no string­ LANDING GEAR
in power. The com plete removal of any ers, but are covered in tw o sections with I prefer the early version o f "Big Ack”
engine size rule makes some contestants very thin sheet balsa. I used 1/64 sheet for w ith the birdcage landing gear and Vene­
fear that the models w ould get too large the decking. The cockpit section is installed tian blind radiator. However, the plan also
and to o expensive. I still believe that a rule first, trim m ed and then follow ed by the shows the more conventional landing gear
change is necessary to prevent one type of fro n t top section. At this time, rough out and detail of the later 160-hp variant.
engine from monopolizing the activity. Just the noseblock from medium block balsa, That spidery landing gear is actually quite
as the expensive pumped, piped .60 has cem ent the 1/4 sheet plug to the rear face, sturdy. The tw o main legs are m ounted on
been the overwhelm ing setup for the last d rill o u t the assembly and insert the 1/16 a bam boo core, w hile the rem aining sec­
few years, the 1.2 four-cycle (even more O.D. brass tube bushing. Drill the block tions are fine piano w ire wrapped with
expensive) prom ises to be its successor w ith a few degrees of down and left thrust thread and cemented at the joints. All o f
unless a rules change allows larger tw o - as shown on the plan. Bring the noseblock these "c o re ” pieces are em bedded and
stroke types (w hich should also be less to a snug fit and finish shaping. The fuse­ cemented into the sheeted nose and then
expensive). Think about it. · la g e is c o m p le te d by n o tc h in g and covered w ith balsa struts. It really isn’t as
m ounting the rear formers and laying in complicated as it seems.
the 1/32 square balsa stringers. The entire Start by fa s h io n in g a le n g th o f 1 /3 2
Big Ack___ Continued from page 53
fuselage is now sanded and readied for square bamboo and em bedding a section
wood aft. When the cement has hardened, covering. in to each fu s e la g e sid e at th e p ro p e r
lift the sides o ff the board and make certain COVERING angles. Cement at the fuselage jo in t and
that they are identical. If so, proceed to Store-bought green tissue is never quite trim each leg to the proper length. Using
build the basic fuselage "b o x,” trying to right for W W I ships. I dye my own using the plan fro n t view as a pattern, bend and
keep the structure as square as possible. I w hite Japanese tissue taped to a frame and cut the fro n t and rear " V ” sections from
find it easiest to start from the tail post, pre-shrunk with a sprayed water and RIT .010 music wire. Cement these to the fuse­
w orking forward with the fuselage upside o liv e d ra b dye m ix tu re . The results are lage using a pin to make the m ounting
dow n on the building board. The straight w orthw hile. Use a sturdy frame and mask­ holes in the nose. Next, m ount the axle
upper longerons help to maintain a square ing tape the tissue all around as taut as wire and the final triangular connecting
section as you w ork forward adding cross­ possible. Spray the dye mixture onto the piece, fastening each connection w ith light
pieces. When the fuselage box is com ­ tissue and gently w ipe o ff the excess w ith a thread and a d ro p o f epoxy or CA. To
pleted, fill in the underside o f the nose Kleenex. Be careful not to tear the wet finish the job, make up the balsa struts.

A U G U ST 1989 67
then notch and cem ent them to the bam­
boo and w ire frame.

The FK-8's trip o d cabane arrangement
makeswing m ounting and alignm ent rela­
BALANCES: tively easy. Cut all interplane and cabane
struts from m edium 1/32 sheet balsa. Sand

each strut to the proper shape and cross-
ALL SIZES section, then finish w ith a coat o f sanding
• JET FANS sealer follow ed by another once-over with
fine sandpaper. Finally, apply a thinned
• BOAT PROPS coat of "reefer gray” Floquil model railroad

paint. All o f the FK-8’s w ing and landing
gear struts are painted reefer gray.
Assemble th e V-shaped cabane struc­
tures on the building board. W hile the

• CAR WHEELS AND cement is drying, cut out the small square
MOTOR GEARS o f tissue c o v e rin g each in te rp la n e and
cabane s tru t " p o c k e t." Lift th e cabane
assemblies from the b u ilding board and
cement each to the fuselage top decking,
making sure that the forward assembly is in
front and vice-versa. Cement the forward
leg to the fro n t cabane assembly and gently
test fit the top wing. The apex o f each
cabane assembly should rest in the center
rib pockets. If all is OK, set the fuselage
aside and let the cabane-to-fuselage joints
Cement the lower wing into the fuselage
w ind saddle. A pply glue sparingly to the
to p w ing cabane strut pockets and fit the
to p w ing to the cabanes. Temporarily fit
the o uter bay interplane struts into their
pockets and check the w ing alignment.
True things up and put the m odel aside to
let the w ing attachment points set. When
ready, cem ent and install all o f th e in te r­
plane struts and the tail.
FAC mass-launch events such as WW I
Combat require all entries to be at least
moderately detailed. That typically means
all o f the markings, accurate color and at
least some of the m ore distinctive fittings.
M y model is finished to these standards,
however, much m ore could be done to
enhance your “ Big A ck’s" character. For
e x a m p le , a S carff rin g w ith Lewis gun
w ould really look great.
M y FK-8 flies best w ith a 14-inch loop of
2mm ru b b e r tu rn in g a 5-inch dia m e te r
• Specially designed locking cone securely centers
h a rd w o o d p ro p . A b it o f clay may be
and locks props onto the balancing shaft for
utmost accuracy. needed to balance the model at the top
w in g spar. M y m o d e l tu rn s le ft u n d e r
• Quick and easy to assemble. power and left in the glide. Remember this
w hen lining up fo r the mass launch; if
• Universal - Designed to balance all the items listed yo u ’re on the far right and tu rn in g left,
above without any special accessories. yo u ’ll likely find yourself in quite a melee
right o ff the launch!
• Strong, stable and durable - the balancing wheels are Have fun, that's what this event and in ­
recessed to prevent damage if accidently dropped. deed the Flying Aces Club is all about. ·

• Du-Bro's Tru- Spin prop balancer is adjustable

vertically and horizontally to conform to any O’ Counter... Continued from page 9
balancing need. to see happen, especially on those fo u r-
stroke engines w ith forward facing glow
• Truly a precision instrument built for modelers who plugs.
expect the very best. The small J’Tec “ Safe Start” engine test
stand, Cat. No. JT-TS1SS, w ill handle any­
• Available now at your local hobby shop.
thing up to a .60 and sells fo r $19.95. For
bigger engines. Cat. No. JT-TS2SS is avail­
DU-BRO PRODUCTS, INC able for $36.95. M ost hobby shops w ill be
able to get them fo r you, or you can order
480 Bonner Road · Wauconda, IL 60084 direct from J’Tec, 164 School St., Daly City,

California 94014.
* * * Invisible Svitch™
(direct replacement for your radio on/off switch)
Bob Violett Models has a new mechani­

cal retract unit designed to be very light
and w ith a very low profile (less than one 1C
inch), which makes them especially well
suited to ducted fan jet models with their
thin wings. Design features include side U n d Ve C all It “ D er S vitch ’·''
actuation that keeps the pushrod clear of “ Der Svitch” 1' is an on-board m agnetic on/off switch for your radio equipment that
the wheel, scale looking drag link opera­ hides inside your fuselage. It is activated from outside with the included small bar
tio n , and the ability to accept scale diam ­ magnet (shown above). Why cut those awful holes in your fuselage... Isn't it time you
eter struts such as the ones shown in the made “ Der Svitch” ?
photo, w hich are specially manufactured Ideal for:
by Im pact E n g ineerin g to f it th e BVM • Any R/C Plane, Boat or Car · Scale Projects · Water Flyers
Sabre, Aggressor II, and Viper. The retract Safe to use:
units are norm ally supplied w ith 5/32-inch • Consumes no power · Vibration free · Crash resistant · Compatible with your radio
spring steel struts. • Optional red LED lamp installs on your plane, dash or wing to indicate "radio on" state
The nose gear unit is available in both Simple to Install:
standard and 90° twisting types. Retraction For Futaba and Airtronics radios, order Model 1402 and simply unplug your on/otl switch and plug in
angle is said to be not critical because the “Der Svitch" or order Model 1401 and use the connectors from your old on/off switch (instructions
“ u p ” lo c k is p ro v id e d by th e p ro p e r supplied). Each “Der Svitch” includes a bar magnet activator as shown above
g e o m e try o f th e a ctu a tin g rods on th e Model Description Price, ea.
servo output wheel. (BVM recommends 1401 “ Der Svitch", with activator, no connectors, twisted leads $19.95 ea
1401LED “ Der Svitch", with activator, no connectors, twisted leads
using the p o w e rfu l Futaba 136G retract with option leads lor external LED # 1405 $24.95 ea
servo.) The retract mechanisms themselves “ Der Svitch", with activator, with connectors lot Futaba or
are m olded from carbon fiber filled nylon Airtronics $24 95 ea
1402LED· “ Der Svitch", with activator, with connectors for Futaba c*
and are indeed quite light in w eight; the Airtronics and option leads lor external LED # 1405· $29.95 ea
quoted figures are 1.2 ounces apiece for 1405 LED red lamp w/24" twisted leads lor Models
the mains and 1.7ouncesfor the nose unit. 1401 LED and 1402LED $8.95 ea
For m ore inform ation and pricing con­ * II ordering Model 1402 or 1402LED, please specify your radio and connector types. Connectors are
tact Bob Violett Models, 1373 Citrus Rd., only available for Futaba "J", Futaba "G" and Airtronics radios.
W inter Springs, Florida 32708. · To order, include your name and address, specify modeKs) needed. Include check or money order and
send to Ragan/Barker Group. 5050 Quorum Drive, Suite 741. Dallas, Texas 75240 Please add $2.50 per
order to cover U.P.S. charges Texas residents add sales tax. Credit Card orders call between 9:00 and
Big Birds__ Continued from page 13 5:00 Central Time, M-F Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.
Paten! Pending, Dealer Inquiries Invited
stallation, mainly because many o f us aren’t
all that handy when it comes to using the Order “ P er S vitch" toll free 1-800-336-0602. In Texas dial 214-991-1876.
proper tools and techniques needed fo r
the smaller, delicate electronic circuitry.
According to A.R.B.’s Larry Zucker, TBS is have the same number of channels in order a c o m p u te r, and V o ila ! V in y lw rite was
simple to install and requires little o r no to use the system. born.
prior soldering skill. There are three basic Okay, what does this system cost? How He sent a fe w samples, and I was im ­
steps: about $34.95 fo r the com plete TBS kit. This pressed w ith them . Up to that point I’d
A) Unsolder the black battery w ire from includes: pre-assembled switch and jack been aware o f Vinylwrite but had sort of
the battery contact and solder it to the TBS assembly, pre-assembled jack and in te r­ ignored them because I d id n 't think they
hookup wire (the one w ith the shrink tube rupter assembly, a com pletely assembled had anything I’d be interested in.
on it). TBS buddy cord, a circuit com pletion plug I’ve since changed my mind for three
B) Solder the rem aining TBS wire to the (for student radio charging and solo flying), reasons: his product is unmistakably top
battery contact where the black battery solder, and a fully illustrated step-by-step quality; his prices are nice . . . so nice, in
wire was removed. installation manual and user’s guide. fact, that I d id n ’t choke when looking over
C) Unsolder the lead wires from the TBS The to o ls re q u ire d are: P hillips head the listing in his very extensive info pack;
interrupter assembly, pass the lead wires scre w d rive rs, s o ld e rin g p e n cil o r small and his lettering does fill a definite need.
through a previously d rille d hole and re­ soldering gun, a hand d rill w ith 3/16 and N ow you can step out and customize your
solder the lead wires to the interrupter 9/64-inch drill bits, a pair o f comm on pliers, latest project easily and inexpensively. So,
assembly. and a #11 knife. rather than being a chore, “ N” numbers,
Larry pointed out that all the electronics I looked over a copy of the installation A M A num bers, IM A A num bers, p ilo t’s
used in this system and the techniques m anual and user’s g u id e and TBS does names, planes’s names, etc., becom e a
show n in th e in s ta lla tio n m anual w ere appear to be a rather simple retrofit. The simple and economical pleasure.
field-tested and proven for well over 12 step-by-step instructions are clear and easy A rt has b o th th e m ilita ry b lo c k and
months prior to introducing the TBS. to understand and nicely supplemented machine block lettering (the latter being
A.R.B recommends that radios be o f the by eight photos. used on most prewar civilian aircraft) as
same make because most manufacturers Any questions you might have can be well as script and plain block styles. Add to
use different control circuits, and mixing answered by: A.R.B! Company, 8825 Ros­ that 17 great colors (most o f w hich are
even slightly incom patible circuits could well Road, Suite 613, D unwoody, Georgia e ith e r exact o r v e ry close m atches to
lead to problems. However, TBS can be 30350, (404)993-6983. opaque M onoK ote) and sizes up to nine
used with different model radios from the VINYLWRITE CUSTOM LETTERING inches fo r an o u ts ta n d in g se le ctio n to
same m anufacturer p ro v id e d that each A rt Morgan finished painting his Nosen chose from.
radio has adequate area available fo r in ­ J-3 Cub, but ran into trouble w hen he For the info pack, w rite o r call Vinylwrite
stallation of TBS components. They also started looking fo r the “ right” numbers to C u sto m L e tte rin g , 16043 Tulsa S treet,
reco m m e n d that th e k it be b o u g h t fo r decorate his plane w ith. Not only were the G ranada H ills , C a lifo rn ia 91344, (818)
radios of six channels or less because this proper size numbers almost impossible to 363-7131.
leaves p re -d ri I led access h o le s in th e find, but what he could scare up were the A WORD (OR TWO) ABOUT IMPOSTORS
proper locations for both the switch and w rong style . . . and getting them on in O ver the past few years there have been
the jack installations. correct alignment and spacing was a bear. a num ber o f portly people professing to be
And one further note: the “ instructor” But then, as in all good stories with happy me. All of them have had a beard and a few
and “ student” transmitters do not have to endings. Art found this great machine and even w ent so far as to wear old, bleached


M A P A r g u s P la n s & D r a w in g s Just received Photo No. 14 showing the
Bay State version o f the Curtiss Robin. If
P la n s Free flight plans-vintage, scale, competition & gliders. memory serves correctly, this company was
H an d b ook U-Control plans-vintage, scale & competition. the forerunner of Guillow.
One R/C aircraft plans-scale, competition, sport & gliders. The m odel was intended as a com bina­
tion rubber and gas m odel; however, no
P la n s Boat plans-sport, power, sail, competition, yachts & steam. indication o f how to m ount a gas engine
Car plans.
H andb ook was given. Bud Perry, 12000 Sawmill Road,
Two Plans for steam, petrol & traction engines. Locomotives, Woodlands, Texas 77380, w ho built the
buildings, cannons & clocks. m odel, says this is the biggest rubber
P la n s powered model he has ever built.
Scale drawings o f military, civil, private & light aircraft,
H andb ook The m odel is quite light and has not
as well as scale drawings of military vehicles.
Three been fu lly w ound to date because o f high
Every type of plan for the scratch builder. All ____________________________ winds. Bud says he is eagerly looking fo r­
catalogs $3.00 each, or all 3 for $7.50. Spec- j m LUPPERGER PLANS ward to fu lly w ound performance on a
ify catalog desired, and make your check pay- " " 1 3 0 4 pa|m Avenue nice day.
able to J M. Lupperger Plans California resi- Huntington Beach, CA 92648 SAM 28
dents add 6% tax. Allow 2 - 4 wks delivery. Here is a brand new SAM chapter,
know n as the Flying Circuits (F/C) O ld Fort
Flyers. Dick Brace, o f 6121 N orth Hampton
Pt., Fort W ayne, Indiana 46815, is the
out a beard or bibs w ho also claims to be new sletter e d ito r. Right now they are
INDOOR MODEL SUPPLY the real Al Alman. And he probably is. m e e tin g o n th e second and fo u rth
EN D U R A N C E RUBBER MODELS Y’see, there really are tw o o f us. The other
«IMS Gliders
Wednesdays of the m onth at various sites.
2 COPTOHS THE EASY B guy is my cousin, Allen, w ho’s pictured Photo No. 15 shows what Dick looks like
12* Span
18" Span w ith his Big Bird. And yes, he’s also an in the company o f Chet Lanzo and Jim
R/Cer. Adams, SAM president. This photo, sent in
12* Span | $ 5.95
$ 6.50 THOUGHT OF THE MONTH by Richard Colter, was taken at the 1988
I had scruples w hen I was young, but I Lawrenceville SAM Champs. Colter also
got over them and haven’t been bothered reports a ‘‘Breakfast C lu b " get-together is
since. held every Sunday m orning at the Speed­
1Weight 2 Pennys $5.95 Guess just about everyone is doing more way Cafe in Fort Wayne. Call Dick at (219)
Plastic Prop
3 Parlor Planes The Novice Penny Plane fly in g and less b u ild in g rig h t now . Re­ 485-8673 on how to get in on the fun.
mem ber that no matter where you are, in Wives are w elcom e! M atter of fact, there is
the shop o r out at the field, safety is the a separate group fo r th e m : WOOFF (Wives
bottom lin e ! And do keep those letters, o f O ld Fort Flyers). How about that!
cards and photos coming. THE WRAP-UP
$8.50 10* Span
Al Alman, 16501 4th Avenue C ourt East, This m onth, through the courtesy of Ken
FOR CONTEST & SPORT IN AND OUTDOORS S p a n a w y , W a s h in g to n 98387, (206) Sykora, w h o writes under the pen name of
20" DAPHNE EA. S8.50 535-1549.' · ‘‘ King Sugar,” we present a fable entitled
-FLAPPING FLYER' “ Replay,” that appeared under his name in
Plug Sparks Continued from page 37 the SCIF newsletter.
O nce upon a tim e, there was a kid; just
model was going up under full power. It an average kid, but he suffered from one
never fails, full d o w n !! idiosyncrasy: he was crazy about airplanes
What the heck, might as well let you, the in general. He was com pletely absorbed
reader, in on the model as we don’t get too by model airplanes specifically.
many shots o f the M k. II version o f the Thus it was, he spent all his available
Comet Clipper. Photo No. 13 shows the money on m odel airplane magazines. He
difference between it and the M k. I slab- read all the articles, studied the pictures
13" SCALE AIRCRAFT KITS sider; fuselage height has been reduced and plans, trying to learn all he could about
OUTSTANDING DETAILS. 3-VIEWS & HISTORY and the w ing given polyhedral. All in all, a the bu ilding and flying o f model airplanes.
ALCO SPORT 1929 WATERMAN RACER 1921 clean looking model, but surprisingly, the Every nickel and dim e he could earn by
ZIPPY SPORT A.R.V. HEATH PARASOL 1928 M k. I version seems to fly better. Figure m ow ing lawns, doing odd jobs, etc. went
ea $8.50
INDOOR MODEL AIRPLANES by Lew Gitlow that one out! into the purchase o f model supplies.
48 pgs. 100 llluet. (reprint) -f FREE PLAN $5.95
OHLSSON .23 EVENT His models were crude and d idn't always
JAPANESE TISSUE -18" x 22" 7 color roll $6.95 W ith the Ohlsson .60 event enjoying an fly well, but he kept trying. W hen he read
RUBBER LUBE $1.95 BALSA CEMENT $1.95 unprecedented popularity, Don Bekins, of about those long contest w inning flights,
THRUST BEARINGS Mini Dual or Dual $1.00 SAM 27, in his capacity as R/C Contest he w ondered if he w ould ever get his
RUBBER 025 to 090. 005 me ea $2.65
6:1 WINDER $5.95 16:1 MARK 1 $13.95 D ire cto r fo r the 1989 Las Vegas SAM models to fly like that.
WE STOCK PECK, R/N, & BROWN A-23 CO* Champs, is actively prom oting an event Then, one day at the local “ hobby shop”
ADD 10% POSTAGE-MINIMUM POSTAGE $2.00 devoted strictly to the Ohlsson .23 engine, (in those days, generally one counter and a
NEW 18-PAGE ILLUST CATALOG $2 00 both sideport and front rotary types. few shelves at the back o f the local hard­
B O X 5311, S A L E M , O R 97304 Howard Osegueda w ill be the Event ware store), he walked in and saw that
D irector and has offered to donate an some o f the "o ld e r guys” were there. They
Ohlsson .23 Perpetual Trophy in honor of were discussing a big contest they were
bib-overalls in an attempt to fool strangers. Irwin Ohlsson. The trophy is scheduled to going to the next day.
However, since I’m now fifty pounds be awarded by Irwin at the SAM Champs The kid stood there, open m outhed, at
lighter these rotund impostors w ill have a Awards Banquet. the edge of the conversation, clutching his
tough tim e, indeed, co n vin cin g anyone Rules are simple: Four attempts to make nickel’s w orth of balsa sticks and absorbing
that they’re me, old bibs o r not. And if three officials of five minutes each. Engine everything he could hear. They talked
you're still not sure, check out the guy’s runs are 25 seconds fo r fro n t rotary valve about the events they were going to enter,
face. Look for the keen, hawklike features and 35 seconds fo r sideport engines. M in i­ and how they were going to w in. The kid's
o f one who was born to fly. m um w in g area is 450 square inches. eyes got bigger and bigger as all this real
B u t. . . you may run into someone w ith ­ Should be fun! modeler talk washed over him.


in s t a n t g l u e
W D o iu a tt
//V ST A / V T G L U £ /
User-Friendly Odorless

| f C / V ' -W IL L N O T FU M E
U r ^ f ™ - HAS NO ODOR

Satelli ■ D O E S N 'T F O G P L A S T I C
• F O R A L L M O D E L IN G U S E S

A " I i m ’L ‘ B O N D S W H IT E F O A M
« ^ W I T H O U T P R IM E R


Out ol the thousands of calls and letters we've received about "UFO- , many of you asked "Is this really true?", or "Will it really
bond foam"?. Although we understand that a product that is U ser-F rie n d ly, O d e rle ss and B o n d s W hite Foam is revolutionary,
the “Is it really true"? questions , opened our eyes to the fact that many of you didn’t believe the ad. And, il this was the case how
many of Satellite City's other ads, over the years, have some of you seen as just so much hype? L e t's set th e re co rd stra ig h t.

W h e n S a t e llit e C it y a d v e r t is e s :
"H O T S T U F F ''-Is the O rig in a l H o b b y In sta n t glue*

"HO T STUFF” -p ro d u c ts are the o n ly In sta n t g lu e s used on the " V o y B g B T '

"S P E C IA L T - w as te s te d by Scale R/C M odeler and fo u n d to be

- IT ’S T R U E ! -
TWICE AS STRONG as th e n e xt b e st h o b b y in s ta n t"

""H O T STUFF"- p ro d u c ts are th e BEST INDUSTRIAL G RADE*

■ W IL L N O T F U M E
rri i r /Λ r» ■HAS NO ODOR
’U F O ■ D O E S N ’T F O G P L A S T I C
• F O R A L L M O D E L IN G U S E S

*AII "H O T STU FF" p ro d u c ts

■ B O N D S W H IT E F O A M - W I T H O U T P R IM E R

are GUARANTEED 100% ter a b ility to bond*

"HO T STUFF’'· p ro d u c ts are AM ERICAN p ro d u cts*

You m ight very w ell ask HOW we do it. But yo u ’ll never have to w onder IF

- IT ’S T R U E ! -
We pride ourselves on our products, our service and the fact that our ads tell it like it is. If you
make it a point to use "HOT STUFF™ products - you already know all of this.
Tell a friend why you make a point of using "HOT STUFF™ products.

S a t e llit e C it y P.O. Box 836, Simi Valley, CA. 93062 (805) 522-0062
the questions. I've pointed out to them
that that's the point, and that they w on’t
J E D S S H A D E C A N O P /E S ever have to give away any o f the prizes.
643 & Brookhuret Rd. But so far, they’re still not interested.
4» / l r i / y r v i Fulerton, CA 92633 O ne other update on the status o f my
ΛΖΖΓ*> C714) 773-9509 book. A marketing study by the publisher
o n p r in tin g costs and p ro je c te d sales
Rat Roof volum e indicates that in order to break
even, the book w ill have to sell fo r $785.00
Peak (Hip) Roof a copy. That doesn’t sound out o f line,
does it?
e x p o rt
« * ♦
COMPACT E A S Y Dear Jake:
M e C hief Bellicose Buffalo. M e plenty
STORAGE ap tic k ’em off. M e cover R /C w ith plastic film.
* * *
PORTABLE F She hav’em many wrinkles, like o ld squaw.
M e lay plane in camp fire to shrink’em out
wrinkles. Poof! R /C go up in smoke. Me
plenty tic k ’em off. You tell Bellicose Buffalo
STEEL FITTINGS It E what he do'em wrong, o r he cut lake m an’s
*** Anywhere gut w ith Uber Skiver. H ow !
C hief Bellicose Buffalo in
EXTRA STRONG Fort Apache, Arizona
One person

Dear Chief:
M e k n o w how , b u t you apparently
don't. You most likely had the tem perature
iC al or write for free brochures; o f your camp fire somewhat above 300
degrees Fahrenheit. If you consult the in­
structions that came w ith your covering
material, you w ill probably find recom­
m ended a p p lica tio n and sh rin kin g te m ­
A P IM W IIlin W peratures in the 225 to 300 degree range.
Coverite makes a very handy surface tem ­
perature therm om eter fo r use during the
shrink covering process. If you get one of
Zap Lock those, you'll be able to carefully m onitor
Blue Form ula is m e d iu r· strength. Green Form ula your camp fire ’s tem perature before you
is h ig h stre n g th Developed fo r lockin g m etal fas­
teners or n uts and bolts. Parts treated w ill n o t toss another airplane into the flames.
loosen due to v ib ra tio n . Blue Form ula great o n all
sizes o f threads. Green Form ula is to o strong for Jake
a n y th in g 6/32 or smaller! Blue Form ula can be
loosened w it h h an d tools. Green Form ula is his­
to ry ! O n ly h ig h heat a pplication can loosen bond Control Line Continued from page 51
fied (that’s a dig at those w ho w ant to
Prof. Sticky VonShtuck Pacer Tech. Campbell CA
change everything) OTS rules are also en­
closed. We w ill send a free copy to anyone
After awhile, the shop ow ner (an old, guys (impressed by the kid’s enthusiasm) w ho sends a self-addressed envelope with
old modeler) began to notice the kid’s rapt asked him to join the club. a 45-cent stamp on it.
attention. The ow ner grinned and inserted The rest is history. The kid became a real “ P.S.: We are not in the plan business
himself into the conversation of the older m odeler and very proficient at it, too. But per se. Back w hen we first got OTS going
modelers. He said it sounded like they the kid grew up, w ent into the service, (1969-70) o u r members com plained about
were sure going to do a lot o f flying. That then to college, got a job, got married, and not being able to find plans fo r the event.
meant a lot of chasing to get all the flights had kids o f his own. M odeling was put on O ne th in g led to another and . . . "
in all those events. Then he indicated the the back burner. The club John refers to is the Garden
kid, w ith a nod and know ing wink. Finally, he retired and found tim e to get State Circle Burners, a pioneer in the Old
The older fellows all turned and looked back to modeling. O ne day, at the flying Time Stunt com petition. Besides OTS rules
at the kid. He blushed and gulped. Then site, just as he was ready to launch his fully and available plans, John can provide a list
the biggest fellow (the one w ith the car!) w ound rubber model, he heard a voice of planes eligible fo r OTS under the GSCB
said sure, they could always use a good behind him , “ Hey Mister, can I chase for rules. W rite him at 415 C lifton Blvd., C lif­
m odel chaser. Could the kid be ready o u t­ you?” ton, New Jersey 07013.
side his house at 6:00 a.m.? He turned to see a freckle face kid (For those w h o do like to change every­
The kid ran all the way home, it seemed clutching a crude little rubber model. He thing, you m ight want to take a look at the
to him, w ithout touching the ground. But studied the bright eyes and the crooked current rules fo r OTS being used in some
this was nothing compared to the next day grin fo r a m om ent. Long forgotten m em o­ parts o f the W est, w h ic h have been u p ­
at the contest! All the way to the meet in ries came flooding back to him and he dated from the original GSCB rules. Copies
the overcrowded car, he soaked up the smiled, remembering. are available from your colum nist, whose
“ big guys” talk. He learned a lot o f new "Y ou bet, kid ,” he said, "W hen you get address is at the end o f the column.)
words, not all of them modeling words. back, w e’ll have a cold soda and then we’ ll M o re yet on autogyros, etc., this from
From the tim e they arrived and un­ fly your model, OK?” Ryan Grim m o f Everett, Massachusetts:
loaded, he was chasing models. All day “ Gee, thanks!" said the kid, not yet fully "Y o u m e n tio n e d autogyros in your
long; out he w ould go and as soon as he realizing that a d o o r was o p e n in g fo r M arch-A pril 1989 colum n. I just built and
returned they w ould hand him a cold Nehi him. · flew a ‘Little Juan’ from plans available from
soda pop, and send him out again. It was a Hannan’s Runway. I had these blow n up
long day and on the way back, he fell Jake.......... Continued from page 11 141% and 200%, and the larger one may
asleep. When he got to his home, the big ing that none o f my answers ever match make a good R/C model. I also understand


there was a C /L m odel called the G yro- O ld Time Plan Service, blown up 152-1/2%,
Tyro (or Tyro-G yro) around 1951. A u to ­ so n o w I have plans fo r a fo u r-e n g in e
gyros are one o f the things I’m curious control line German bom ber! It w ill use
about, along w ith m ulti-cylinder ignition Cox .049s w ith throttles. Perfect No. 3 fuel
engines. A bout six or seven years ago I got tanks, and J-Roberts three-line controls.
plans for a M orton M -5 from the M odel C harette Reprographics also does b lu e ­
Engine C ollectors Association. Someday printing. Charette Reprographics, 44 Brat­
I’m going to make a couple.” tle St., Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138.
(Here, Ryan asks fo r inform ation about "Have you suggested that almost any
plan sources fo r autogyros. John Miske, R/C or F/F model of sufficient size can be
above, is one. Some others were listed in m odified to fly C/L? I’ve flow n G uillow ’s
the November 1988control line colum n in FW-190, Stuka, P-38 and B-17 on control
M odel Builder. I must confess that after lines. The P-38 was fully sheeted w ith 1/32
that colum n was w ritten, I received some balsa, had twin Enya .09s, Goldberg retracts
o th e rs fro m readers. U n fo rtu n a te ly , I and the usual J-Roberts control system.”
moved subsequently, and some o f my cor­ Ryan’s suggestion fo r disp la yin g C /L
respondence was lost in the move. There­ planes in hobby shops is one that could be
fore, my list is far from complete. I w ould used anywhere, because most hobby shop
encourage anyone with a ready list o f plans owners are happy to display any w ell-con­
to w rite to Ryan and send him a copy.) structed, good-looking model. Anything
Ryan continues: that attracts interest w ill help them sell their
"I'm an active b u ild e r/flie r. . . member products. As Ryan has found out, most
o f the Navy Carrier Society. I fly C /L stunt, hobby shops are glad to search out the
scale, carrier and combat, R/C sport scale products C /L fliers need if they are made
and F/F rubber scale. I let hobby shop aware o f o u r existence and the products
owners know I buy stuff fo r C /L and F/F. we need.
" I also have a local hobby shop carrying If you have had a good experience w ith
C /L supplies (Perfect, Goldberg, Sig, etc.) your local hobby shop and w ould like to
and have persuaded five people, including pass the w ord along to other readers in
the shop owner and a 1/4-scaler, to build your area, drop me a line.
and fly Lil' Wizards with Babe Bee .049s. A GALAXY OF CHOICES
They are now hooked. Good for kids, too, Even as I sit here w ritin g this colum n, the
lots cheaper than R/C. mail carrier brings further evidence o f the
" I recently wrote Gerald Schamp and his resurgence in availability o f new control
Cascade C ontrol Line Stunt Shop, from line products. Here is a flyer from C ontrol
w hich he sells precision stunt kits and Line Classics announcing the availability of
supplies. I lamented to him that not only the Galaxy, another in their Nostalgia Pro­
do most people have no knowledge of file series. It has a 45-inch wingspan, a 400-
O h , yeah, those planes on strings,’ few square-inch w ing and a 28-inch length. It’s
hobby shops are w illing to talk about C/L; designed fo r .19 to .40 engines. Price is
th e y 'd rather push the h ig h -p ro fit R /C $37.95 plus $2.50 shipping.
stuff. CLC also produces kits fo r the Super
“ I have h u n g seven sm all 1 /2 A C /L Pow W ow and Oriental stunters previously
models from my local shop’s ceiling, which m entioned in this colum n. W rite Control
has drum m ed up more interest (and sales) Line Classics, 1788 Niobe Ave., Anaheim,
fo r the shop. I’ll soon hang up a Gieseke California 92804.
N obler, a C /L carrier model and a couple A few days ago (at this w riting in March)
o f slow com bat m odels w ith streamers we also received news o f a fiberglass and
attached. carbon fiber propeller supplier along with
" O h — hobby shop insurance may not some very inform ative literature about the
cover loss or damage o f your models, un­ c h a ra cte ristics, advantages and d isa d ­
less they are on consignment. Check this vantages of different kinds o f propellers.
out locally. In a d d itio n to a w id e variety o f ready­
"The address o f Gerald Schamp is: 931 made props fo r racing, combat, stunt, free
Calapooia S.W., Albany, Oregon 97321, flight and R/C sport flying, Jim Carpenter
(503)928-0430. offers to make glass or carbon copies of
“ M y local hobby shop is Hobbies Etc. your own favorite prop. For inform ation,
Ltd., 153 Main St., Everett, Massachusetts w rite Jim C a rp e n te r, 4R A rro w D riv e ,
02149, (617)389-3331. Salem, New Hampshire 03079.
"A n oth e r piece o f inform ation I have MISCELLANY
found almost priceless: A local artists' and For pure excitement, it’s hard to match
drafting supply company, Charrette Corp., the sensation o f involvement w ith the flight
31 Olympia Ave., W oburn, Massachusetts o f a Formula 40 speed airplane. This event
01801, (617)935-6010. Their reprographics was created to make a place on the speed
d iv is io n in C a m b rid g e , Massachusetts circle fo r the to p A M A racing plane, the rat
(phone (617)495-0200) has a p h o to co p y racer. The result is a hybrid speed plane
m achine th a t w ill re p ro d u c e d o w n to that has a fixed landing gear and uses tw o
45.1% in one step and up to 200% in one lines, a sort o f control line drag racer.
step in 1/10 o f 1% increments, up to 36 The com petition is pure speed, but be­
inches wide. Cost of reproduction on plain cause it uses a proto start, acceleration is
paper is $1.60 per square foot. The same vital as well. Most of the planes hit their top
machine w ill also p rin t on M ylar and other speed w ith in a half lap; tim ing is 14 laps
materials. Need a 400% blowup? Run it (1/2 mile) from a standing start. It presents
through twice at 200%. a th rillin g challenge fo r the pilo t to handle
“ I had a three-view o f a Focke-W ulf FW- the rocket takeoff and get the plane q uick­
200 'K urier' (Courier) from John Pond’s ly into the pylon as required fo r accurate

A U G U ST 1989 73
measurement. Though a flig h t takes only a popularity o f electric cars. I find that the
few seconds, the pilot gets a w orkout. 1-1/2,2-1/2, and 3-1/4 inch widths are very
This leads us to the mailbag and a photo useful, and I always have some on hand.
u n it switches to backup pack if
o f G eorge Lieb’s latest F-40 beast, an in -
v e rte d -ra t-s ty le p la n e w ith fe ro c io u s
Heat-shrink makes the battery pack look
neat and professional, and there is no need
main fails. Use w ith Standard/ shark’s teeth painted on the cowling. It’s to glue the cells together. Thanks to the
mixed MaH packs! $47 powered by a K&B .40 w ith Nelson parts as h e a t-sh rin k, I d o n o t hesitate to re c o n ­
well. Later we may get a report on its per­ figure a pack when it becomes necessary.
GLITCH formance. George, o f Omaha, Nebraska, is I did not use a separate o n -o ff in the
BUSTER! hoping for 150 mph plus.
O ne last item to fan the flames o f a
Schoolboy; instead I connected the rudder
to the o n -o ff switch, fu ll right fo r off, full
6 Channel optical Isolator/signal long-burning fire. C ontrol line fortunately left for on. M o re on that later! The 550
booster. Use separate Rx & Servo
batteries. Coes between Rx & Ser­ has many participants interested in keep­ Sanyo 2x3 six-cell battery pack fit just right
vos. Add your leads. $42 ing current fliers knowledgeable about the in to the cabin after all this careful fittin g of
event’s history. pieces. I used the O lym pic V receiver.
TWIN SYNC As m ight be expected, this leads to some
lively debate about w ho was m ore im p o r­
The Schoolboy flies well w ith the Silver
Streak motor. I had to turn it o ff a couple of
Maintains perfect sync over full
RPM range! Use separate th ro ttle tant as a p io n ee r/in ve n to r/e tc. We w o n ’t times per flig h t so that it w ould not get too
servos. Works on any type engines. get into any opinions about that, but w ill high to see. On the 550 cells, flights are in
$67 pass along a note from Robert Lockwood the six m inute range. I used an SR 900 pack
AIL/RUDDER o f Napa, California, w ho was responding
to a recent colum n in w hich names of
as w ell; this gave eight to ten minutes. The
Silver Streak is the opposite from the Hi
COUPLER legends like Jim Walker, Oba St. Clair and
Bob Smurthwaite were mentioned.
Line m otor, in that it uses m ore cells and
less current. This gives long run times and
Installs between Rx & Servos. Con­
nects Rudder to Ail ONLY w ith rud "M ay I respectfully point out that M errill higher efficiency, but you do have to find
stick at neutral. Allows in­ Hamburg and his articles in American Boy ro o m fo r the extra cells. I fin d b o th a p ­
dependent control! $37 magazine really introduced flying models proaches w ork well.
CONTROLLER to American youth. They introduced balsa
w o o d , Japanese tissue, A m b ro id g lu e ,
O ne item that does concern me on both
motors is the m otor shafts; they look like
Turn 2 items on or o ff In­ banana oil and bam boo to us kids in 1927. they w ill bend easily. Both motors have a
dependently - from 1 channel! "So, hurray fo r Jim W alker! And please,
Switches 1 amp to 20 volts $37 long prop holder w hich looks like it w ould
2 E and — a c c e p te d ! a pat on the back for M e rrill Hamburg.” make the shaft even m ore vulnerable. So
JO M A R , 2 0 2 8 K n ig h tsb rid g e Dr. Anyone w ho introduced flying models far I have had no problem , but perhaps I
C inti.. O H 4 5 2 4 4 I 5 1 3 -4 7 4 0 9 8 5 to American youth— in 1927 o r now —is w ill install a landing gear after all!
OK in our magazine! I did get in to tro u b le w ith having the
Q u e s tio n s , c o m m e n ts , c o n te s t a n ­ o n -o ff switch coupled to the rudder. There
n o u n ce m e n ts and re p o rts , and photos was so little room in the Schoolboy's cabin
a lw a ys a re w e lc o m e . Send to : John that I d id n ’t try to use the High Sky o n-off
PKont (805)581-5061 Thompson, 1520 A nthony Ave., Cottage switch. I flew when there was a fairly strong
R /C S Y S T E M S 2828 Cochran St Suite 281 Grove, Oregon 97424. · w ind, and on a hand launch, the plane
Sim. Valley. CA 93065 veered to the left. I gave it hard right, and
1989 SUPER-MICRO R / C SYSTEMS then, no pow er! There was no altitude left
Electric........ C o n tin u e d from p a g e 43
1 | I I MADE IN to turn it again to the left; if I had, it w ould
* - U.S.A. cabin area in these small planes. I use servo have cartwheeled. I had to accept watching
tape fo r installation, as this uses m inim um it come dow n hard in the parking lot and
space. I always use CA glue on the balsa s lid e in to a b a rrie r. N o dam age. So, o f
side o f the foam tape to hold it firm ly. The course I had to try it again, and of course
glue on the foam tape holds well to servo the same thing happened. This tim e when
cases, but not so w ell to balsa; the CA glue it hit the barrier it damaged a w ing tip and
cures this problem . I highly recommend cracked the nose. M y conclusion is that if I
the new UFO CA glue from Satellite City, ever use rudder again fo r on -o ff, left ru d ­
by the way. It is a pleasure to use it, no der w ill be fo r o ff and right fo r on, since
m ore w incing when you get hit by acrid the m o to r tries to turn the plane left on
fumes. I never had any reactions to the takeoff. However, I think I now favor using
fumes other than occasional eye irritation, elevator as o n -o ff, full up fo r on, full dow n
but I do not miss this! An extraordinary fo r off. Usually the coupled o n -o ff works
bonus w ith the UFO glue is its ability to well fo r me, though it doesn’t fo r many. It
Narrow Band 750 MW Tx, with AM A Gold bond foam w ith no preparation whatso­ works best if you have large control throws,
Sticker. Servo Reversing, m uch m ore! Tx & ever. I have tested this thoroughly, and it so that you d o n ’t need to use extreme
Narrow Band Rx w ork on 1991 20 KHZ
works great! Rejoice, those w ho have foam th ro w most o f the time. I do not use trims
spacings, available on all new 72 Freqs.
Im proved CE-9C Micro Servo - $43.95. planes, repairs are now easy, light, and fo r o n -o ff, since it is too hard to get back to
clean. It really makes foam repair easy. the right trim afterwards.
SU P ER -M IC R O SYSTEM PRICES (72MHZ) Now you d o n 't have to hang your head Jack D obbins sent a lot o f ideas fo r small
w h e n s o m e b o d y says w ith a u th o r ity , planes. His homemade fuse holder works
2 CH. 2 Servos (2.37 OZ.) $241.95
$286.95 “ Foam planes are hard to repair." It isn’t well as an o n -o ff switch as well. The fuse
3 CH. 3 Servos (2.81 OZ.)
4 CH. 4 Servos (3.25 OZ.) $332.95 true anymore. holder is made from printed circuit board
5 CH. 4 Servos (3.26 OZ.) $343.95 But back to the subject. I changed my material and tw o female spade lugs, and is
trusty SR 175 mAH receiver battery from easy to make. It is m ounted in place in the
TX Dual Rates $15.00 Mixer $39.95 the traditional 2x2 to a flat pack configura­ plane; the fuse is plugged in from the
System S & H $9.50
tion. I have come to the conclusion that outside. This is a popular idea and works
NOVA and C LA SSIC Narrow Band R /C the flat pack configuration is really the only well. The 10 to 15 amp fuse is a good size
Avail. Brochure $1.00 in U.S.A. and $2.50 way to go fo r receiver packs, as it fits better for most small planes. Jack uses the mini
Foreign. Add Equipm ent Sales Tax in CA. and in to m ore places than the 2x2 c o n ­ speed control o r the bum p-on, bum p-off
P rices are C ash. figuration. Heat-shrink wrap is now readily electronic switch made by Benson Hobby
C a rds 5% M o re . VISA available in hobby shops in many widths Products (7119 N. Chimney Rock Place,
20% D e p o sit-C O D ■ ■ ■ ■ ] fo r re p a c k in g b a tte rie s , th a n ks to th e Tucson, Arizona 85718). The b u m p -o n /o ff


The first “rookie-to-ace in eight flying days” that is
ALSO repairable.
RC is suppose to be fun—not terror filled anxious
Introducing the first ARF that is truly repair­
able—yet meticulously handcrafted, one by
one, using easily repaired balsa '
and foam construction.
Easy to fly the first time.. .easy
to move into aerobatics.. .easy
to repair.

Because STARHAWKS a»- .· , ,

hanrlrr ifterl fhev ^ meticulously
l^by S ne‘n SUP -
soon for delivery details


1715 East Fairfield

Mesa, Arizona 85205
e 1988TECH

Model: Amv Lynn Gruncwald

Make-Up &Hair: Vince Fauev



HY-70 $14.95 VL-111 $24.95 EFC-500 $18.95
7 to 1 gear ratio. N< engage or disengage Free- Includes HY-70, B-62 Props. Charge Cord and Low cost Quick Chargi Flight Batteries only. Requires
Wheeling 19 grams witl included) snaps onto motor. Connector, and Act . spacers, etc). 4 0 " type batteries (rw
FC-402................... $37.95
HY-7QR .$17.95 VL-111 R I......................$27.95
Ideal for accurately bny VL Flight Battery
Same as HY-70 but with 1 7 Ί2 " leads with Quick Same as VL-111 but a Remote Battery Holder
Above c h a n m V L F ie ld b o x
Disconnects Slide B attei lari Motor (To su b stitu te B- ot a bo ve a d d $3 .0 0 )
H Y -7 0 a n d H Y - 7 0 R a r e k 3 0 siz e m o d e ls. FLIGHT BATTERIES
Vl-102. $32.95 B-62 (HY-70) 2 x 50 mA-Hr - 9 grafi $ 9.95
HY-42 Includes HY-42 Motor, P-1 Prop ! lattery. SJ-5 Switch, B-63 (HY-70) 3 x 50 mA-Hr - 13 g f 12.95
Improved version of HY-48 A| Charge Plug and Cord. Accessory! auctions. B-33L (HY-42) 3 x 100 mA-Hr - 2 12.95
B-34L (HY-42) 4 x 100 mA-Hr - 3 grams 15.95
MAIL ORDERS: Add $2.00 Shipping & Handling B-13L (HY-42) 3 x 180 mA-Hr - 34 grams 12.95
California Residents add 6 Sales Tax B-14L (HY-42) 4 x 180 mA-Hr - 45 grams 15.95
PRODUCTS Send $1 00 for Complete. Illustrated Catalog B-3G3L (HY-42) 3 x 450 mA-Hr - 64 grams 12.95
» 7871 ALABAM A AVENUE • #16 · C AN O G A PARK · CA 91304

the weights o r spans on these, but they w ill

V/dTOR FIBERGLASS PARTS be w ithin the parameters I mentioned.
Proudly Introduces- Jack obviously likes the little ones, and


so do I! You can fly little planes almost
anywhere. They are easy to transport, and
re q u ire ve ry little s u p p o rt e q u ip m e n t.
OVER 34 ROUND COWLS W hen I take m ine out, I almost feel like I
RANGING FROM 4” to 14%” DIA. must have forgotten something, as there
& 55 DIFF. SIZE & SHAPE WHEEL just doesn’t seem to be enough stuff tag­
PANTS. ging along! A nd, no, little planes are not
We custom make parts an d “ tricky” in the air, they are easy to fly if they
vacuum form canopies. are good designs.
A O n e last ite m , th e n e n o u g h ! Francis
Please send $1.00 for complete list
Reynolds, w h o writes the “ M odel Design
27 SO. IN . 38624 Mr. Kisco Dr.. Sterling Hghts. Ml 48135
and Technical Stuff” colum n in this maga­
$45.50SHIPPINGSZOO. PHONE (313) 978-2512 zine, w rote me fo r a challenge: compare
S VICTOR M ODELPRODUCTS BRAZED & HEATTREATED WIRE GEARS & CABANES electric systems directly to gas. W ell, I can,
97EY.CA90241 P H O N E (3 1 3 ) 2 6 1 -9 0 6 4
but I have a problem , in that I do not know
what rpm and props are now used on gas
engines. I am interested in “ on the fie ld ”
data, not manufacturer and product review
Oedlcotedsloper numbers. I w o u ld like to know what prop
rotor flerobotlcs/raclng and what rpm on what engine is doing the
nnenls right jo b for the plane you fly. Anyone
Noglossingrequired w ho is flying gas and sends me a letter
spanu/in- 58Ins telling what these numbers are w ould have
gavail. my thanks. I am interested in any size en­
urt.m52ozs/tSoz/sqft gine data, from .020 to 1.20, two-cycle and
four-cycle. Wish I could offer some sort of
reward, but about all I can afford is a thank
you, o r tips on electric pow er if you ask for
them ! W ell, here’s hoping fo r some good
info. Till next tim e, fly little electrics and
have a ball! ·

F/F Scale.. . C o n tin u e d fro m p a g e 52

good cross-section o f subjects from WWI,

productbrochure 2065255776 between the wars, W W I I, and a smattering
o f m odern. They provide a fair am ount of
color w ith some sensational paintings that
switch works on the same principle as the systems, W orld Engines S-22servos, Futaba w ill knock your socks o ff! Usually provided
mechanical link I use; extreme control S-133 servos, Futaba mini receivers, Royal are some outstanding 3-views on a variety
throw in one direction turns the m otor on, Products Vanguard receivers, and Novak o f subjects. The one drawback is that it is
the other throw turns it off. The control is m ini receivers. For motors, he uses the the costliest o f all the ones I get each month
tiny, about the size o f a postage stamp, and geared system from the MRC Cessna 177, ($4.00).
weighs only 12 grams w ith the Jomar 22 Hi Line IMP 30, Cox “ Kitty” geared system, In te re stin g .. . as I check the inside cover
gauge high flex wire. Jack likes it and the LeMans AP-29, Astro 020/035 with gearbox, o f Aeroplane M o n th ly fo r the address, it
Benson mini speed control, w hich is the Astro 020 cobalt, and the VL geared sys­ says that a subscription in the U.S. is $29.70.
smallest electronic speed control I have tems. Battery packs range from 270 to 600 That certainly doesn’t w ork out to be four
heard of. It too is the size o f a postage mAH, three to six cells. Last but not least. bucks a c o p y . I k n o w th e h o b b y shop
stamp, and weighs only 7 grams (1/4 oz.) Jack scales dow n popular planes to the 020 ow ner isn’t overcharging, since the maga­
w ith the Jomar 22gauge wire. It w ill handle and 035 size (24 to 36-inch span). Some of zin e com es fro m th e d is trib u to r w ith a
up to 11 amps. Jack says he is quite pleased his scaled-down planes include the Little sticker marked fo u r dollars. I guess I w ill
with it in his planes. Big Bird, Airtronics Eclipse, mini PT Electric, have to send in my m oney fo r a subscrip­
For radios, Jack uses the Cannon mini and m ini Challenger. Jack did not specify tio n ! The address is: Aeroplane M onthly,

R oom 214, Prospect House, 9-13 Ewell
Road, Cheam, Surrey SM1 4QQ , England.
A nother British magazine is Wingspan,
p u b lis h e d every tw o m onths. It is also
p rin te d on e x c e p tio n a lly h ig h q u a lity
paper. A 3-view is featured each month.
The M a rc h /A p ril '89 issue featured the
D eH avilland DH-16. W hen was th e last
tim e you saw a 3-view o f that aircraft? The
featured plane in this same issue is the
Closter Gladiator and, along with pictures
and text, there are tw o pages of color plates
o f this beautiful biplane. This is typical of
w hat to expect from each issue. The sub­
scription price is 15 English pounds and it
has to be sent by In te rn a tio n a l M o n e y
O rder in Sterling. Send to Wingspan Pub­
lications, 5 Riverside W o o d b u rn M o o r,
near High W ycombe, Bucks HP10 ONU,
England. D on’t you love English addresses?
Last, but certainly not least, is still another
B ritis h m agazine, c a lle d Fly Past. This
magazine keeps one up to date on what is
happening in the area o f aircraft restora­
tion, particularly W W II types. There is lots
o f c o lo r, gre a t c o c k p it shots, and th e
magazine is not solely restricted to just
W W II machines. There is quite a bit of
inform ation on a variety o f aircraft. The
sticker added to the magazine says $3.50,
but the subscription price quoted for the
U.S. is $49.00. D on’t know what to tell you
on this one but maybe your local hobby
shop m ight handle it fo r you. The address
is Sky Books International Inc., 48 East 50th
St., New York, New York 10022.
T here are m any m o re th a t c o u ld be
added to this list, but these are w orthw hile making a small clip, as shown in the illus­ surfaces.
publications you w ill undoubtedly enjoy. tration. Make several, as you know you will The cylinder is totally standard, and in­
They are not the type you cut up and file end up dropping a few in the grass. The ternal threads hold the glow head. A pair
away! It is too bad there are no American w hole setup takes very little tim e and is o f #21530 wrenches fit “ flats" on the to p of
publications that come close to covering neat and effective. It sure beats w rapping a the cylinder and the to p o f the glow head
the same subjects as w e ll as th e a fo re ­ ru b b e r band around the fuselage and at­ fo r tig h te n in g /c h a n g in g /lo o s e n in g . The
m entioned do. taching it to either end o f the tube. I’ve wrenches are used in unison, as the photo
* * * successfully used this m ethod on old tim e shows. The new glow head is .1100 inches
M O TO R PEG TIPS W akefield models also. taller than Black W idow and Tee Dee plugs
There is nothing worse than having your I got this next idea from Don Srull. Don and provides tw o m ore cooling fins. Seven
m otor peg slip and come forward inside takes some super-light foam and glues a and eight-inch props w ould cause the nor­
the fuselage w ith a full head o f energy small block o f it on either side o f the inside mal Black W idow to overheat, and that
provided by the wound m otor! I’ll never o f the fuselage, w here the m otor peg advances the ignition tim in g to cause de­
forget the tim e I had just finished a Jumbo passes through. Leave enough clearance tonation w hich is damaging to all engines.
rubber model in preparation for a big con­ in the m iddle fo r inserting the m otor stuff­ The additional cooling seems to w ork well.
test. The first tim e I w ound the model, the ing stick. This keeps the m otor centered In an emergency a #1702 plug could be
peg slipped and gutted the entire fuselage. w hile unwinding. Give it a go! used but listen fo r the "crackling” sound
I’d like to pass on a couple o f hints that Just want to rem ind you o f the Flight- of detonation . . . avoid a lean setting.
w ill alleviate that problem and also keep masters Flying Aces style contest to be held The holding frame fo r the M ylar reed
your rubber centered on the m otor peg. August 12 and 13. See the June issue o f MB in ta ke valve has been c le v e rly re -e n g i­
Refer to the illustration. After choosing the for complete details. · neered—these newer engines have a black
size o f alum inum tubing you w ill be using plastic "to p hat” shaped piece that holds
for the peg, take a wooden dow el and the .0045-inch reed in place against its seal.
nicely round one end. The dowel has to be Inside........ Continued from page 47 About the only thing that makes these reed
a bit smaller in diameter than the I.D. of on a blanket o f o il/fu e l mix in the crank­ intake Cox engines run erratically is when
the tubing. Insert the dowel just slightly case. a speck o f d irt gets behind the reed and
into one end o f the tube and swirl it around As you look in to the rear o f the all-black w o n ’t allow it to seal against the backplate
firm ly but carefully. What you are trying to crankcase and sight dow n theshaft's bear­ on the piston’s down-stroke. A nother sign
do is flair the end of the tube. You can also ing surfaces you’ll see a clever lubrication o f d irt behind the reed is w hen the engine
do this for DT tubes. Fortunately, I have a slot at the five o'clock position. The shaft- w ill only run w hen prim ed and refuses to
tubing flaring tool, making this an easy to-bearing surface fits are so precise yo u ’d draw fuel. The new design makes it easier
task. swear the crankshaft was supported by tw o than ever to clean the area behind the
Next, insert the tubing through the fuse­ precision m iniature ball bearings! It’s al­ reed. A nd I’d suggest you d o n 't do any­
lage as far as the flared end w ill allow and most like the crankcase was Teflon coated, thing dum b like rem oving the screen over
make a mark on the tube right next to the like a frying pan. The black surface is only the air intake in the hope of hopping up
fuselage on the opposite side. W ith a fine anodizing, but it feels super slippery. Run this engine. The screen is there fo r dirt
file, or perhaps a Zona saw w ill do, make a your fingers over this black surface next protection and does not restrict the airflow
slit on the top and bottom o f the tube tim e you visit your local hobby shop . . . past the reed . . . trust me!
w here you marked. This is follow ed by slippery/sm ooth compared to other metal The prop driver has a machined hex to


a somewhat shorter duration o f run. It was
simply converting 7.8cc o f fuel to power at
a rate somewhat faster than quoted. Start­
S ta in le s s S te e l! ing was best w ith the needle opened one
half turn from the 10,500 run position, and
then turned to the 10,500 setting where it
NI-STARTER® From McDaniel R/C is now happily churned out fo u r to fo u r and a
made with stainless steel. So, along with the quarter minutes o f high-clim bing power.
quality and reliability you’ve come to expect MI-STARTER I was curious to see if changing fuels
from McDaniel, you now have longer life. ntRfC Inc. 12203 & w ould yield runs approaching the quoted
3 * . M D 20769 13111 five to six minutes duration. Three different
3W».;DZ72901 fuels that contained 15% nitro and castor/
• 1650ma/hr rechargeable battery provides 35%more starting power synthetic oil blends were tested. In each
than regular nicads. batch o f tests th e rp m was adjusted to
• .020’ wall stainless steel tube, stainless steel spring, direct connecting 10,500 after starting and the tests showed
high temp, teflon wiring with beryllium copper electrode. No sliding no gain, as follows: Powermaster Plus had
contacts to corrode. runs averaging 3:46; Red Max had runs
• Positive6-point P lu g L o c k ‘ will not strip or wear out.---------- averaging 3:57; B yro n ’s S port had runs
averaging 3:54.
For more information on this andother fine McDaniel R/C products, seeyour Cox’s #551 Super Power Fuel has more
local hobby dealeror write: n itro than these three fuels and also con­
tains m ore castor oil. The castor provides
McDaniel R/C Inc. ultim ate lubrication to the ball-and-socket
12206Guinevere Rd„ Glenn Dale, MD20769(301)464-2260 Telex: 287901 McD-UR jo in t between the connecting rod and the
Visa and MC accepted.
piston. Also the #551 fuel, w ith all castor,
We take the hassle out of the hobby! may seal the in ta ke reed b e tte r and ac­
count fo r the longer recorded run times. I
Nl STAKTF.S· P»!r«i «0272901 ft «.«05.K»PtuaU:k'<PMem IVod . Model 205
recognize the three non-Cox fuels may
cost a bit less, and they may also allow
leaner settings and consequent longer runs
| than recorded above. But the name of the
game is fun, and consistency also helps,
and w hen you divide 7.8cc into a sixteen-
G m bh of West Germany offers to you: ounce can o f Cox Super Fuel you’re only
—True narrow-band conversion technology dealing w ith pennies. I’d stay w ith the Cox
Merco Engines —The finest equipment #551 fuel fo r ultimate engine protection in
— Competitively priced this case.
Classic CL & RC Plans
— Beemer-Multiplex VIP Service All through the testing, l had mostly
Merco Parts & Service (The best) o n e -flip and tw o -flip starts. N othing came
— Full stock of accessories and parts loose, nothing failed. The glow plug looked
CL Stunt Engine Rework
Send $5.00 for new catalog in English shiny-new w ith no sign o f losing its co il’s
Catalog $2.00 or call us: (602) 483-9577 brightness. In efforts to get longer engine
runs I even tested a Master Airscrew 8x4
(7100 rpm ) and a Rev-Up 8x3 (8700 rpm)
^ 5 5 TO M D IX O N BEEMER R/C WEST DISTRIBUTORS INC. but neither ran longer that the Cox 7x3-1/2
7725 E. Redfield Rd., Suite 102 p ro p . A nd fra n kly, in the case o f this en­
1938 P eachtree Road. S u ite 401 Scottsdale, Arizona 85260 gine, I'm delighted w ith getting more rpm
A tla n ta . G A 30309 fo r a slightly shorter run tim e. It's a sure
way to get h ig h e r. . . and that’s where the
thermals and fun are.
engage an o p tio n a l n y lo n ra tc h e t and other refills) and the second start, after a A fter your day’s flying w ith Cox #551
starter spring. The test engine finger started tin y prim e, was on the first flip ! I was im ­ fuel. I’d suggest you give the fuel tank a
beautifully but you may like the spring pressed! The second tank ran out w ith a squirt o f WD-40 via the red tube, then a
starter, which is part #51350105 (silver plas­ surprising burst o f rpm at tw o minutes and short prim e o f WD-40 too. Start the engine
tic) and #20335 fo r the matching spring for tw enty seconds (2:20). The third tankful and run out the WD-40. That w ill flush out
$1.20 total. The Texaco .049 w ill also run in was a repeat. The engine was allowed to the castor o f the Cox fuel so it w o n ’t tend
reverse, and other part numbers w ill give cool fully between runs. Around the fifth to gum up if left fo r a long period. It w ill
you a "backwards” spring starter. tankful I leaned the needle valve dow n to also thoroughly protect your Texaco .049
The engine's cylinder is also machined tw o turns open from closed and measured w ith a light internal coating o f kerosene
fro m leadloy. The to p o f th e b o re mea­ 10,100 to 10,300 rpm and the run was 2:55. that prevents rust and corrosion and makes
sured .4054 inches and the b o tto m mea­ The instructions say the Texaco .049 w ill later starting easier.
sured .4060 inches. The cylinder taper is turn the 7x3-1/2 prop at 9100 to 9600 rpm. I The Cox Texaco .049, engine num ber
sufficient that the test engine, when cold, was already exceeding that as measured by 4506, is in your local hobby shops as you
held compression fo r a second or tw o be­ tw o tachometers. W ith more running and read this and sells fo r about $25.00. It is
fore leaking out. cooling the engine really came alive. After made in the United States by Cox Hobbies,
And now for performance. Break-in was about a dozen runs w ith cooling I was now 1525 E. W arner Ave., Santa Ana, California
w ith a pint of Cox #551 Super Power Fuel recording 10,500 to 10,700 and a tweak of 92705. They even have a toll-free courtesy
that contains a generous percentage o f the needle could get 1 0 ,9 0 0 ... a fu ll 7300 lin e , (800)451-0339, to answer questions
castor oil. W ith a full tank and a tiny prime rpm abpve specs, w hich is a lot o f power, and take orders fo r parts not stocked by
and the needle op e n e d 2-1/2 tu rn s the but it w o u ld n ’t hold that speed as the tank your local hobby dealer. ·
engine started w ith a few flips and ran level ran dow n. W hen set fo r 10,500 after
va ry in g fro m 8000 to 8500 rp m on th e starting, the engine ran beautifully as the Free Flight.. Continued from page 59
7x3-1/2 prop. After about 30 seconds it tank ran its level dow n and runs averaged
seemed to level out at 8600 to 8700 rpm about fo u r minutes; the tachs measured but fo r sim plicity, let’s assume it’s constant.
and ran a bit rich fo r that first tank o f fuel. 10,900 as the tank ran dry. M y test engine Assume also that the model climbs 250 feet
The second tankful was 7.8cc (as were all was running far above quoted rpm , but for on the m otor run in still air. But since it is

clim bing in the rising air, its altitude after 3
minutes w ill be 600 ft. + 250 ft. o r 850 feet.
Assume then the model DTs and sinks at
600 fpm. However, since the air is still going
up at 200 fpm , the m odel’s net sinking
l+ l
speed w ill be 400 fpm. Therefore, at that
rate, it w ill take 127seconds to come down.
P a s s e -T e m p s C h e v a l d e T roie Inc.
Add that to the 3 m inute max, and you
have a 5 m inute flight. This fits in very
(T rojan H o rs e H o b b ie s , In c.)
nicely with real life.
If the thermal were going up at 400 fpm , A n n o u n c in g th e a rriv a l o f r e a s o n a b l e p ric e s fo r
the model w ould be at 1450ft. at 3 minutes, C a n a d ia n m o d e le rs in C a n a d ia n d o lla rs
and after DT w ould have a net sinking
speed of 200 fpm. The model w ould then • We carry the most popular planes/cars/boats/HO trains.
take 7:15 to come dow n, making it a 10 • We also carry T.S.R.. etc., role-playing games, strategy games, and war
m in u te + flig h t. A g a in , th is is n o t u n ­
games in addition to R/C equipment (radios) engines, kits, and accessories.
comm on.
“ If we can assume that the DT sinking • We are an authorized “Sig Dealer.”
speed is proportional to wing loading, us­ • We will accept mail-orders at 514-934-0324 or 2055 St. Mathieu, #401.
ing the Wakefield as a baseline, we get the Montreal, Que. H3H-2J2, if you include your Visa, Mastercard number and
sinking speeds shown in the accompanying signature on your/with your order — no extra charge. We use UPS, CANPAR,
chart. Note: The A-2 DT sink rate can vary and Priority Post. We only ship to address of “cardholder” for your protection.
greatly since many spin when DTed, and I This means we don’t charge you for using a credit card. Of course we will also
have no data on sinking speed o f a spinning accept bank drafts, certified cheques, postal and bank money orders. Do not
DTed A-2.” send cash by mail.
A N D C O M M E N T E D UPO N • Our pricing policy is simple — U.S. list plus 30%. Add 35% to that for mailing
by Keith H oover or shipping by UPS, balance refunded with order. Remember, U.S. list + 30%
In my early Frank Zaic Yearbook days, I = am ount in Canadian dollars. No gimmicks, no giveaways — just
used to spend hours contem plating the straightforward prices and follow-up service. Quebec residents add 9% sales
designs that Frank presented, and not only tax.
did those articles keep me enthralled, they • “We” are the people in Quebec for Omega. Cool Power fuels, and Yellow
spawned many discussions with my fellow Aircraft’s fine line of products including X-Cell choppers.
clubmates. O ne of the frequent contribu­
to rs to th e la te r Zaic b o o ks was K e ith We are here to service you! Come visit.
Hoover. I recall Keith’s designs well, as he We have the most reasonable prices in town.
built those w eirdo VHTL (very high thrust We will even service what we don’t sell.
line) ships. I got so turned on to them that I
"We Specialize in Great Things for Nice People. ”
tried one out myself.
Watch this space next month for fantastic savings
Well, after the M a rch /A p ril 1989 issue of
M odel Builder hit the stands, the featured
three-view VEE Concept ViA ship appar­ Our store is located in North Montreal
ently stirred some o f the old timers, like in the Forest Shopping Centre at Amien and Pie-IX Blvd.
Keith Hoover, ou t of their doldrums. Else­ (Store 13A: 10561A Pie-IX Blvd., Montreal-Nord. Que. H1H-4A3.
where in this issue is a picture o f one of Dial information for our new number (no-charge) or call 514-934-0324.
Keith’s designs complete w ith tiplets, as on
the VEE Concept. Keith supplied the fo l­ If it's available, we can o b tain it for you, o r custom o rd e rs w elcom ed.
"T he picture is o f my second VHTL SIG KYOSHO FUTABA A R IS TO C R A FT
model with Jedelsky (all balsa) surfaces and ROYAL YELLOW AIRCRAFT AIRTRONICS GOLDBERG
forward fin, tip fins on the wing and stab. I GREAT PLANES OMEGA/COOL POWER AIR AGE BOOKS TO P FU TE
believe this one was pictured in Zaic’s COX ENYA T.S.R. TESTORS
yearbook of about 1963, a follow up on my BYRON O.S. MAX AVALON H IL L PIC GLUES
Hi-Liner. A m ore recent use o f the tips, TAMIYA SUPER T1GRE VICTORY DUBRO
over 20 years later, was on a conventional
1/2A design. It echoes my good experi­ AN D A L L THE OTHER FAVORITE SUPPLIERS OF MODELERS
ences w ith Garami’s Strato Streak, built
when I was a high school senior and
equipped w ith an Arden .099. The direc­
tional and spiral stability of Tippy were publication contains Lee’s kits and the kits joins the trailing edge. John shows how to
super—and my intent o f the design. The o f several other manufacturers, it also fea- cut them out to get the right grain direction
clim b was straight, corkscrew around a tu re s h o b b y b o o k s , s u p p lie s , e le c tric and how best to use them to strengthen
near vertical flight path. Unfortunately, I m o to rs , tim e rs , and a ll k in d s o f o th e r this joint.
d o n 't have a picture of my own high thrust goodies— many o f them fo r the rubber O n e a d d itio n a l tip fo r you regarding
line 1/2A of some 10years ago—V-dihedral model flier. If you are interested in Lee’s gussets: d o n ’t throw away those scraps of
and 21 degree angled tip fins and a Koster line o f free flight goodies, drop him a line wood that you have left over after you've
7% a ir fo il. It fle w aw ay fro m m e last along w ith a check fo r two bucks. Ask for cut out the o ther parts. Use these odds and
summer.” C a ta lo g N u m b e r 10, and te ll h im th a t ends fo r gussets. M y flying buddy, Al Grell,
CAMPBELL’S LATEST CATALO G M o d e l Builder Free Flight sent you! cuts gussets from all his scrap sheet and
For those o f you w ho think that Lee A COUPLE M O R E TIPS FOR tosses them in to a box so that when he
Campbell’s shop only produces kits, you YO UR M O D E LIN G PLEASURE needs to use them , they’re just w aiting
should be aware that the new catalog con­ Elsewhere in this colum n, you w ill find there for him.
tains 24 pages o f fre e flig h t s u p p lie s . a n o th e r sketch fro m th e B ra in b u ste r’s A n o th e r tip fo r your consideration in ­
Campbell's Custom Kits, P.O. Box 5996, newsletter. This one is from John Ferrer. It volves the storage of model engines that
Lake W orth, Florida 33466 is the business, shows how to cut those triangular gussets are boxless and tem porarily w aiting to be
and even though about half o f the new that are needed at the w ing rib where it installed in a model. O ne storage device


Peter West burg’s


New!Previously published in M O D E L B U IL D E R .

KA-1 Douglas DC-1 2

KA-2 Douglas X02d—1 4
KA-3 Fokker D-VII 4
KA-4 Curtiss A-3 Falcon
(Perspective Cutaway) 1
KA-5 Great Lakes 2T-1
(Perspective Cutaway) 1
KA-6 Waco UPF-7

- Κ Ι9 > ·4 Κ Μ < Μ Μ α
»■« 1------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ “ λ *· *-» ’· « — ■*»



1/24 scale: V4" = 1 ft. Shts. $ WE-14 Czech Avia B-534 2 12 WE-37 Waco ATO Taperwing 2 12
WE-18 Douglas 0-35/B-71 1 6 WE-15 Davis D-1K 2 12
WE-23 Douglas XO-36/XB-7 1 6 WE-16 Douglas 0-25C 3 18 1/10 scale: 1.2" = 1 ft. Shts. $
WE-17 Douglas 0-31A/0-31B 3 18 WE-1 Berliner/Joyce P-16 4 24
1/12th scale: 1" = 1 ft. WE-19 Douglas 0-38/0-38B 2 12 WE-5 Curtiss BFC-2 Goshawk 4 24
WE-2 Boeing F4B-4/-3 4 24 WE-20 Douglas 0-43A 3 18 WE-6 Curtiss F9C-2 Sparrowhawk 4 24
WE-3 Boeing P-12E 3 18 WE-21 Douglas O-31C/Y10-43 3 18 WE-11 Curtiss P-6E Hawk 4 24
WE-4 Curtiss A-8 Shrike 3 18 WE-22 Douglas 0-46A 3 18 WE-24 Fiat CR-32 3 18
WE-7 Curtiss Gulfhawk 1A 2 12 WE-25 Fokker D-17 3 18 WE-27 Great Lakes Trainer 4 24
WE-8 Curtiss N2C-2 Fledgling 4 24 WE-26 General Western Meteor 1 6 WE-30 Hawker Fury Mk I 4 24
WE-9 Curtiss ΟΊΒ/Α-3 Falcon 3 18 WE-28 Grumman F2F-1 3 18 WE-31 Hawker High Speed Fury 3 18
WE-10 Curtiss P-1B Hawk 3 18 WE-29 Grumman F3F-2 3 18 WE-32 Hawker Persian Fury 3 18
WE-12 Curtiss XP/YP-23 3 18 WE-34 Stearman 4E Mailplane 2 12 WE-33 Monocoupe 90A 2 12
WE-13 Curtiss SBC-4 Helldiver 4 24 WE-36 Travel Air 2000 2 12 WE-35 Swedish Sparmann P-1 2 12

O R D E R IN G IN S TR U C TIO N S (M in im u m order: $10.00)

U.S. orders, including APO and FPO, add 20% o f to t­ D.s. Master Card or VISA include card number, expir­
al order for shipping and handling. Overseas orders ation date, and signature. Add 5% to credit card ord­
(includes Canada and Mexico) add 50% o f total order. ers. Send payment to RCMB INC., 898 West 16th St.,
Remit payment by International Money Order or U.S. Newport Beach, CA 92663. Phone (714) 645-8830.
funds, drawn on a U.S. bank. Please, no cash orC.O.

6 0 m in . broadcast quality
i Visits with n otab les whose
m em ories recall m ore than a
h all century ol tree High t activity

Prominent persons a n d p la n e s in a
parade ol the past— a n d p resen t

A wealth ol news and Inlormation about All model

current events, trends, etc. aircraft can
All this— and much more blend Into a m ost trace their roots
entertaining story narrated by R J Theiss, to the earliest days
dean ol air sh ow action.
m tree llfght.
> lMBIHHHtRnflla-A-
This, the first release of the c o lle cto rs' class
series Is available lor only $34.95 Is the pideo
that recap6ires those
memorable m om ents ot a
time when rubber bands,
I R E C E IV E D MY COPY THE TAPE ‘ WELCOM-------- • V; co m pressed air, white ga s
(and a go o d throwing arm) co m ­
MUCH. TME SHOTS OF MODELS IN TME A IR ARE ABOUT THE prised the power lor Hying models
THE REMARK ABOUT R /C CONTESTING H A V IN G AN EFFECT ON Received the tepe and e«t very favorably impressed,
ONES H E A L T H . BO FAR SO GOOD. believe that this Is as e°°d as any thing that the
.......*■-- produced.

ra c a iv a d your ta p ·, " W a le o a a to your oast

M a s te rC a rd a cce p te d
e x c e lle n t p ro d u c tio n in e v e ry re s p e c t.

orm alioa concem ing this and lulure

MEM ORABLE M O M EN TS ...wdei aviation releases—w rite Flying Video Productions
with antique modelers
920 Main St. North
call 2 0 3 -2 6 4 -3 6 6 6 f o r im m e d ia te ly d e liv e r y Soutbbury. CT 06468

that I use is a Ziploc bag. These are inex­ • July 8-9: Western FAI Challenge at Span- the wing w ith o u t my having to make any
pensive and can be sealed airtight for use away, Washington. Contact Steve Helmick, adjustments in the alignment, a very rare
over and over again. They have one added 2104 Aberdeen PI. S.E., Renton, Washing­ event in assembling most ARF m odel air­
feature in that they are clear and you can ton 98055. craft. The only m odification I fo und neces­
see just what you have inside o f each one. I • July 22-23: In te rcity FAI at W right Pat­ sary was to shorten the pushrods by about
have also used those little cotton shoe mitts terson AFB, Dayton, O hio. Contact M artin th re e in ch e s, as th e y w e re to o lo n g . I
that some o f the fancier hotels give away Richardson, 7130 Clay Beck Dr., Huber Hts., understand this is being corrected in future
when you rent their rooms. These mitts are O h io 45424. kits. W hen assembly was com plete I had to
perfect fo r soaking up any liquids that tend • August 6: O ntario FAI Championships stand back and gaze at the Starhawk in
to leak out o f those used engines. The only at Camp Borden, Ontario, Canada. Contact abject adm iration, as it was the prettiest
problem with them is that they are not Doug Rowsell, 448 Cranbrooke Av., North thing to ever take form in my workshop.
transparent. York, O ntario, Canada. I was curious to know how close to spe­
A M ER IC A’S CUP FAI F/F • Oct. 7-8: California FAI Invitational at cifications my model had turned out, so I
CONTEST SCHEDULE FOR 1989 Taft, California. Contact Juan Livotto, 13212 checked th e in s tru c tio n p a m p h le t, b u t
Al Hotard is publicizing the 1989 FAI Lake St., Los Angeles, California 90066. could find nothing relating to weight and
contest schedule for the America’s Cup. If • Oct. 7-8: A utum n Cup FAI at Seguin, measurements on the Starhawk. The plain
this com petition piques your curiosity as a Texas. Contact Frank Parmenter, 4106 Se­ box also yielded no in fo rm a tio n, so I de­
contestant or if you w ould just like to go to quoia Trail E., Georgetown, Texas. cided that I w ould have to figure them out
observe, there is a contest near you. Those • Oct. 7-8: Sky Scraper International Chal­ on my own. First I measured the w ing and
that follow contain the date, place, and lenge at Galesville, New York, Contact Bob its c h o rd , a rriv in g at a w in g sp a n o f 56
contact person for your inform ation. Hatschek, 316 Grosvenor St., Douglaston, inches, then calculated the w ing area to be
• June 10-11: Fiesta o f Five Flags at Pen­ New York 11363. 564 square inches. What I really wanted to
sacola, Florida. Contact Tom McLaughlan, • Oct. 14-15: Sierra Cup at Sacramento, know was the w ing loading, so I grabbed
4140 Fern Ct., Pensacola, Florida 32503. California. Contact Roger Simpson, 2525 the k itc h e n scale w h ic h I a p p ro p ria te d
• June 19-23: U.S. O u td o o r C ham ps at Q u e enw ood Dr., Rancho Cordova, Cali­ from my wife years ago, and kind o f winced
Law renceville, Illin o is. C ontact Richard fornia. a bit w hen I came up w ith an overall dry
Smith, 7252 Redondo Ct., Cincinnati, O hio • Nov. 19-20: Patterson Challenge at Taft, w eight o f 6 lb. 10.5 oz. This is a bit heavier
45243. California. Contact Bill Hartill, 7513 Sausa- than I usually like to see a .40 size model,
• July 1 -2 :14-Round FAI at Denver, C olo­ lito Ave., Canoga Park, California 91307. b u t it was not e n tire ly unexpected, co n ­
rado. C ontact Bill G ibbons, 7422 C lu b ­ THE END sidering that the w ing is solid foam and
house Rd„ Boulder, Colorado 80301. That’s it fo r another m onth. Hope you balsa, and that silkspan covered w ith an
• July 1-2: Bong Field FAI Invitational at enjoyed the colum n. Please tune in next expert paint jo b doesn’t make fo r light
Brighton, Wisconsin. Contact M itch Post, m onth, because if all goes w ell, you w ill weight. Anyway, a few quick calculations
6801 N. Waukesha, Chicago, Illinois 60646. find a big surprise in the form of the August indicated that the w ing loading was a solid
• July 8-9: Toronto FAI International at three-view. See you all then. · 27 oz./sq. ft. I did not exp e a the Starhawk
Camp Borden, O ntario, Canada. Contact to be m uch of a floater, but I decided to
Dave Sugden, RR 1, Enniskillen, Ontario, A R F s ............ Continued from page 41 postpone any further opinions until after
Canada L0B-1 HO. The elevator was automatically parallel with the flight tests.


r T H E R M A L C H A R G E R
If what you are looking for in an electric
sailplane is, good looks, easy to build, fun to
fly, and great perform ance, Therm al Charger
is the one for you.
W ing Span 60 Inches
W ing Area 545 Sq. Inches
Motor (Included) Leisure .05 Electric

' " ' ■ ■ I PRODUCTS INC. (714) 592-5144
510 E. Arrow Highway, San Dimas, CA 91773

in proper running order. As always, the

Rossi started immediately, and after a few
seconds I shoved the th ro ttle forward and
tweaked the needle to full revs. I could
hardly believe how quiet it was running
w ith the J'Tec Snuf-Ler! Gone was the ear-
splitting shriek o f the 100 decibel exhaust,

J If 71
The super’ systems replaced now by a m uch m ore reasonable
reading o f 88 on the decibel meter. W ith ­
Maneuver, mix, adjust,

out taching the engine it was obvious that
reverse and monitor. i it had not given up any pow er in achieving
We introduced expo rates! this miraculous noise reduction, and once
Three, six and eight channels -
“S T IL L TH E B E S T ! ” y
i W%l
again I fo u n d myself thoroughly sold on
this remarkable product from J’Tec.
Using my 160-foot concrete driveway, I
cM ILLC O TT com m enced taxi testing and kept it up for
Millcott Corporation about a half-hour. The purpose o f this is
177-F Riverside Ave. Newport Beach CA 92663 tw ofold. First, it gets me completely familiar
w ith ground handling a new model, and
s e c o n d ly , any la te n t bugs o r v ib ra tio n
Next on the agenda was a careful check C ontrol surface throws were set up in a problems w ill usually be exposed before
o f the C.G. location. The instructions conservative manner for the initial flights, you are airborne. In this case, nothing ap­
recom mend that this balance point be w ith the ailerons adjusted fo r 1/4 inch up peared o u t o f order, ground tracking was
placed 2-1/2 to 2-3/4 inches aft of the and dow n, elevator 3/8 inch up and down, straight and true, and sudden turns at high
w ing’s leading edge, and w ith o u t any bal­ and rudder at maximum throw , w hich speeds did not result in ground loops. Ac­
last m ine came out to be exactly 2-5/8 came out at one inch each way (manufac­ tually, ground stability was excellent at all
inches behind the leading edge o f the turer recommends 1-1/4 inch each way on times. As all preparations fo r flight tests
wing. Actually, this did confirm that we the rudder). w e re no w c o m p le te , th e Starhaw k was
m ight have had a tail-heavy condition if a As the Rossi had been sitting in storage thoroughly cleaned and put on charge for
lighter powerplant than the Rossi had been fo r about a year w aiting fo r its next assign­ the follow ing morning.
selected. ment, I thought it prudent to see that it was U nfortunately, my prim ary flying field

It not available M o tcne O 10 e o c h e n g in e to il p e e e ite n x x a o n o m o u n tin g P otts « c tu O e e
at your hobby shop, A lso o v a ilo O le to t
rotum UPS shipment
m tp D v Jonn to to n e C o QUADRA 50
E N G IN E M O U N T S , for 19·.40 .45-.60 75*1.3 ermines MAXIM '
Most versatile mufflers ever offered 2750
• C o st o tu te n u m o lo y 31-04
• Desisned to fit inside cowls w ith limited space, 31-TD4
• G ro un d « Ο ΊΝ ια Ι tin e can also be used on HELICOPTERS or BOATS
• B ngnt p o te M rts fte O • For UPRIGHT, INVERTED or SIDE mounted engines OUADRA50
• S ocke t c a p screw s in c lu d e d • Exhaust tubes point to almost any direction ZEMOAHG-38 ♦
• Worm drive clamp for universal mounting or M AXIM *
DRiliiD AND TAPPED FOR can be bolted directly to the engine 2750
4JT-20 O S MAX FS 20............ 6.00 it INCLUDES: {ihouit DC* e rfe re o n j clomp·,
ttJT-40 Undrllled tor 20-40 . . .8.00 UPRIGHT Of IXVERTtO “ worm cvvt- ctamp muff*· o»gnm*ni
p d · . QOUet ond m o urtng s c r * l
(fJT-41 HP V T 2 1 ................. 10.00 ENGINE
#J?-42 ENYA 3 5 -4 0 4 C ......... 10.00 31-401 19-40 19 50
4JT-43 SAITO FA 40-45......... 10.00 J1-601 45-40 2050 •ASIC
2250 D IM E N S IO N S
4JT-44 O S MAX FS 40........... 10.00 31-901 75-1.3 I v m ii ίΛ η
StJT-45 SAITO FA 40-45......... 10.00 S* * 6 r/
»JT-46 ENYA 46 4 C .............. 10.00
XAJrtAN twin 4
4JT-49 HP VT 4 9 ................. 12.00 ■M * 31-402 19-40
S ID E M O U N T M U F F LE R S 50 00
WT-60 Undrllled lor 60-90 .. .11.00 UPRIGHT/WOE IMG 31-902 7 5 -0 2250 lo t pms CAP 21 CESSNA 1 5 0 o n d e tc
PJT-61 OS MAX FA 61 ......... 13.00
«Τ-62 O S MAX FS 60-75-90. .11.00
=» r.v r 164 School St.
No. 31-1S2
Cast Alum inum · Steel restraining
#JT-64 ENYA 60-80-90-129 4C13.00 G iant κ » V7Ato 2.5
p ins fo r engine
#JT-65 SAITO FA 65.............. 13.00 Daly City, CA 94014 2995
HJT-120 Undrllled lor 120...... 16.00 INVIRTtDENGINE
31-403.19-40 1950
(415) 756-3400 ® a
WJT-121 ENYA "R" 120 F C ...... 20.00 UPRIGHT/SlOt/ J1-403 45-40 2050 MAIL ORDER - Please add 2 50 fo r UPS
WT-122 OS MAX FS 120......... 20.00 iNvtm o
1950 22 » s h io c n j O tr t. m o , v is a , m c o r c o o
WT-123 SAITO FA 120............ 20.00 2050 accepted A dd 5.00 extra fo r COO
#JT-125 Super Tlgre 25-3000 . -20.00 31-904 7s - u 2250 _____________ Cant. residents add 6% tax.__________ FREE CATALOG

was closed fo r model activities for a few
days, so I was forced to forego using my IN S T R U C T O R S ! ! start yo u r st u d e n t s
usual paved runway. Testing commenced WITH A FOX 25 RC ON THEIR FIRST M O D E L
at my emergency auxiliary field, an excel­
lent open site w ith a fairly good d irt ru n ­
way. However, weather conditions were
less than satisfactory as the sky was overcast NO OTHER NEW 25RC HAND STARTS AS
and the heavy winds were gusting up to EASILY AS THE PRE-RUN PREADJUSTED
th irty knots at a direct right angle to the
runway. Some o f the other models on the
apron were actually being picked up and
blown ten or fifteen feet.
Perhaps somewhat foolishly, I decided
to go ahead and put the Starhawk into the
air. A quick range check proved that the
electronics were behaving properly, so the
Sure — when he has m astered that
Rossi was fired up and after a few seconds tra n s m itte r and can roll, loop and
it was running strongly on the usual brew fly inverted w ith o u t breaking in to a
o f five percent nitro. I was pleased to find co ld sweat, one o f the new high
th a t th e m o d e l was a b le to ta xi su re - co m p re ssion, schnuerle, ball Glow Plug
footedly to the takeoff point even while bearing, ABC type may be rig h t fo r Included
th e o th e r p a rk e d m o d e ls w e re b e in g
him. But right now he needs the
shaken up by the strong crosswinds. As the #22500 Fox 25 RC — 74.95
throttle was firewalled the Starhawk began easy cranking, easy sta rtin g ,
Bore .680 Stroke .680
accelerating, and after about sixty feet a forg ivin g, low co st Fox. It has
A Long Stroke Design
little up elevator lifted her gently o ff the m ore than enough pow er to fly a Wt. with Muffler — 8 V2 oz.
runw ay, wings level, and flyin g in a p e r­ 40 size trainer and he w on’t need
fectly straight path. A few circuits o f the a hundred d o lla rs w orth o f sta rte r
field were made at about three hundred
paraphernalia to sta rt it.
feet, and the only required trim was some
dow n elevator. The responses were excel­
le n t, m uch like a w ell-b e h a ve d pa tte rn Don’t w rite o ff the Fox 25 RC
p la n e, and th e fa c to ry c o n tro l th ro w s because o f its low price o r old FOX M AN UFACTURING CO.
seemed to be ideal for me. The Starhawk fashioned looks. For a firs t RC 5305 T O W S O N A V E N U E
felt very solid and com fortable to fly, and it F O R T S M IT H , A R K A N S A S 72901
m odel it is the best available —
was decided to land for refueling and the P H O N E (501) 646-1656
regardless o f price. F A X (501) 646-1757
cranking of some mechanical down trim
into the elevator.
The first landing proved that bringing
this ship in is a piece of cake. In spite o f the fussy. W hen cut back to half throttle she docile trainer-type airplane.
poor w ind conditions the model just main­ just putted along in as stable a manner as A nother accessory that can be ordered
tained its approach glide as if it were a ever. I w ould hazard a guess that any cur­ fo r your Starhawk is a fine set o f floats.
full-scale airliner, and w ith a hint o f back- rent .40 size engine w ill provide sufficient These are com pletely finished in the same
stick she flared and touched down as gently pow er fo r this m odel, and I have no doubt yellow acrylic paint and display the id e n ­
as you could wish, all the tim e keeping the that some o f our m ore adventurous fliers tical smooth finish as the m odel fo r w hich
w ing rock steady w ith no tendency to tip w ill m ount a strong .60 in the nose. As it they were designed.
stall at slow speed. All my fears about the was, the Starhawk proved itself one of the N ot o nly has Thorpe Engineering pre­
model being overweight were completely smoothest and most reliable sport planes I sented the R/C flying fraternity w ith one of
gone by this tim e, and I now felt fully con­ have e v e r flo w n , and it was c e rta in ly the finest ARFs available today, but they
fident in the Starhawk. By the tim e refuel­ second to none when it comes to ARFs. have seen fit to offer us a low -w ing version
ing was com pleted the winds had become W hen flying was over fo r the day I deep­ o f th e S ta rh a w k, c o m p le te w ith o p e n
m ore gentle, so the next flight was begun, ly appreciated that smooth finish which cockpit and transparent windshield. Need­
the first few minutes of w hich were d edi­ cleaned up perfectly w ith a quick spray of less to say, this m odel also comes in the
cated to low passes fo r the camera. When glass cleaner and a paper tow el. I’m highly same yellow paint finish, and I almost drool
the photos were all taken, the Starhawk pleased to have the Starhawk in my stable, w hen I th in k of how de lig h tfu l it w ould be
was once again flow n up to aerobatic alti­ and I expect to have many pleasant flights to m ount this low -w inger on a set of their
tude and put through an extensive array of during the months to come. So, if you have floats!
maneuvers, and it was soon determ ined some flying experience under your belt OK, so you say I’ve sold you on Thorpe
that there was nothing this model couldn't and are beyond the trainer stage, give some Engineering and their products, but wait
do. Because o f the symmetrical w ing sec­ serious consideration to this ARF. For an just a m om ent, as you haven’t yet heard
tion, inverted flight required practically no evening's w ork and a surprisingly reason­ the entire story. How about a state-of-the-
down elevator compensation. Rolls, snaps, able investment, you too can rack up a lot art, full blown .60size pattern plane, set up
and spins were no trouble at all, and these o f flying fun. fo r retracts, w ith a fiberglass fuselage, wing
were p e rform ed at a m edium rate o f re ­ N ow that Thorpe Engineering has pre­ and tail surfaces of foam sheeted in balsa,
sponse, and recovery from even the most sented us w ith this most outstanding p ro d ­ and finished in an even m ore eye-catching
violent maneuvers was automatic when the uct, they are definitely not resting on their acrylic paint job? Yes, this m odel is here
sticks w ere returned to the neutral posi­ laurels, but are forging ahead w ith one and available now, and once again the cost
tion. However, I have no do u b t that if the new blockbuster after another. For exam­ is so dow nright reasonable I d o n ’t know
c o n tro l th ro w s w ere increased and the ple, they have recently made available an how they are going to keep up w ith the
C.G. was moved a bit toward the tail I a lte rn a te w in g design fo r th e Starhawk demand! Are you interested? Your dealer
w ould have had a real tiger on my hands. w hich is interchangeable w ith the original can order any o f these products fo r you,
A t full throttle this baby really moved w in g . The new w in g has the same c o n ­ but if you want m ore inform ation, contact
through the sky at high speed, partly due figuration as the original, but the airfoil has Thorpe Engineering, 1715 E. Fairfield, Mesa,
to its clean configuration, and partly due to a flat bottom . By having both wings you Arizona 85203, telephone (602)964-1398.
the pow erful Rossi. However, if you prefer can quickly convert the Starhawk from a T h a t’s it fo r this issue, w e 'v e g o t th e
flying at slower speeds, the Starhawk is not high-perform ance sport model to a more wheels chocked and the wings tied dow n


PH CER Scale Masters
T E C H N O L O G Y (ZA P )
you to the invites
S E P T E M B E R 14-15-16-17


* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


Charles Baker (314) 278-3874 Nathan Fogel (314)296-0242 1. Giant & Sport Cale combined
124 Gran Teton 2935 Highland House Villas 2. 2 mechanical options
St. Peters, MO 63376 Arnold, MO 63010 3. Proto taxi out and back 1 maneuver
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

1989 R E G IO N A L F L Y -O F F S
Middle Tenn. R/C Society Scale Squadron of Southern California
Stan Alexander, CD (615) 834-1879 (After 5 pm) Gordon L. Truax, CD (714) 525-7926
3709 Valley Ridge Dr., Nashville, TN 37211 324 N. Michael, Fullerton, CA 92633

Southern Indiana R/C Modelers James S. Brogna, CD (508) 869-6474
John Guenther, CD (812) 967-2814 (After 5 pm) Contest Manager Jack Buckley (508) 481-0955
R.R. #3, Box 297A, Borden, IN 47106 65 Devens St., Marlboro, MA 01752
A.M.A. NATS (July 21-22-23)
FORTY NINER QUALIFIER (May 27-28) John Guenther, CD (812) 967-2814 (After 9 pm)
Woodland, CA Route 3, Box 297A, Borden, IN 47106
Walt Price, CD (707) 448-8252
450 Meadowview Dr., Vacaville, CA 95688 ALASKA SCALE QUALIFIER
Jim Terrell, CD (204) 582-2037 Days (204) 663-1051 Home
TUCSON SCALE MASTERS REGIONAL (May 27-28) 2432 Loussac Dr., Anchorage, AK 99517
Tucson R/C Club
Bill Hempel & Bob Angus (602) 747-3792 SOUTHERN SCALE MASTERS QUALIFIER (August 5-6)
7025 East 21st St., Tucson, AZ 85710 Midcites R/C Club Field, Arlington, TX
Buddy Irwin, CD (805) 723-3598
GEORGE W. MEYERS MEMORIAL (June 2 3 4) Harold Staats, Co-CD (812) 268-3915 or 2824217
Chatfield State Recreation Area 1621 Wade Dr., Bedford, TX 76032
Dean L. Sadler, CD Home (303) 232-0529 Office (303) 238-1201
11655 Applewood Knolls Dr., Lakewood, CO 80215
Bruce Bender, CD (403) 456-2440
15708 - 119 St., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T5X 2P5
Lynn Elston, CD (618) 985-4177 or 6876 (August 12-13)
R-3 Box 153, Carterville, IL 62918 Bill Cowette, CD (612) 537-6027
4075 Jersey Ave. No., Minneapolis, MN 55427
Dr. Bill McCallier, CD (813) 932-0622 or 882-3604 RIVER CITY SCALE CLASSIC (August 12-13)
10501 Sago Rd., Tampa, FL 33618 Phil Renfro (502) 937-4165
Mike Floyd (502) 637-4444
NORTHWEST SCALE MASTERS (June 16-17-18) 7307 Gaymont Dr., Louisville, KY 40214
'arragut Park Idaho
Jim Baxter, CD (509) 928-3114 S.P.A.R.K.’S SCALE MASTERS (August 19-20)
E. 13003 Guthrie Dr., Spokane, WA 99216
Melvin Katz, CD (215) 676-7618 or 739-9780
9200 Bustleton, Calxrt 805, Philadelphia, PA 19115
WESTERN CANADIAN SCALE MASTERS REGIONAL * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Gerry Fingler, CD (204) 663-1051 HARRIS LEE
287 Rutledge Cr., Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3W 1J8 5046 Mycenae Way, Oceanside, C A 92056 — (619) 945-3961

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Support the SCALE MASTERS CHAMPIONSHIPS by using our sponsors products.

W a tch fo r th e th 1 3

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•Aircraft · C ars · Boats · Radios

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K a lm b a c h P u b lish in g Co., 1 0 2 7 N. 7th St., M ilw a u k e e , W l 5 3 2 3 3

fo r this m onth. Join me next tim e and I'll also b u ilt w ith o u t the benefit o f IC ’s, glow plug holds up OK.
lay a w h ole new trip on you. You can al­ though the receiver uses them in the audio “ The problem is I can’t tell when the
ways contact me at 2267 Alta Vista Drive, and decoder stages. The system is intended batteries are up to their peak in amps or
Vista, C a lifo rn ia 92084, te le p h o n e (619) fo r dry cell power, w ith the airborne bat­ close to it. W hat do I do? I have a good
726-6636. · tery case being made fo r C-size cells, and Fluke meter so where do I go from here? I
depending on spring contacts and knurled can use the HD-500 (I guess) but at what
nuts fo r its mechanical integrity. rate and fo r how long? Can I use a resistor
Electronics.. Continued from page 15
Definitely not narrow band—the system in parallel? What value, etc."
towards the right, as is shown in the photos. is on 27 MHz. I w onder if they are bothered The cells that o u r frie n d Park is asking
The receiver is massive and fo r good by “ O ld Buddy’s” and “ Ten-four's" and about are better know as "g e l" cells, p ro b ­
reason, but first the dimensions: 2-3/16x other Russian equivalents o f CBers? ably because the first ones to become gen­
4-1/4x1-13/16 inches. The servos are also W ithout a doubt, we used similar circuits erally available were those manufactured
on the large side; 1-9/16x2-3/8x7/8 inches, in o u r e a rly days also, b u t n o t in '83. by a company by the name o f G lobe Bat­
w ith push-pull linear outputs, fo u r o f them Mechanically, even our earlier analog p ro ­ tery, who names theirs “ g e l/ce ll," w ithout
in all. The lack o f mechanical quality evi­ portional equipm ent was o f higher quality capital letters. In th e tru e b a tte ry c o n ­
d e n t in th e tra n s m itte r gim bal design, than this. Let's face it, you guys are spoiled! figuration, with six cells to total up to twelve
w hich we w ould definitely not accept now A N URGENT S.O.S. volts, they quickly made a bad name for
or w ould have even in 1983, is also seen in Park A bbott, o f Santa Rosa, California, themselves amongst modelers, w ho, unlike
the rest o f the equipm ent, particularly in writes: Park w h o asks fo r p ro p e r charging p ro ­
the servos. "HELP! I’m a novice w hen it comes to cedures, generally mistreat them w ith the
Circuit-wise, there are no surprises for electronics o f any kind. I have a general approach that if a little charge is good, a lot
those of us w ho were around in the O rb it/ idea about charging my Ni-Cds thanks to o f charge is really good. In short, the aver­
Kraft/EK days. The schematic (which is in ­ you and the R/C industry in general. age user tends to overcharge these cells
clu d e d in th e m anual), th o u g h slig h tly “ The problem here is that I’ve acquired seriously, a condition w hich they d o n 't care
strange in appearance, is quite similar to some booster batteries for my glow-plug for and from w hich they w ill not recover.
the second generation o f U.S. digital pro­ and ignition engines. So far they w ork great O ther battery users, though, giving them
portional equipm ent made by the above but I can’t really tell when the current is up the care they deserve, have found the
companies. The reason for the extremely to where it is supposed to be, after they are sealed lead-acid battery a dependable
large receiver is that it also contains the charged. power source, even fo r critical applications
electronics fo r the servos—all four o f them. “ I have an Ace HD-500 charger I use for such as alarm and emergency lighting sys­
The servo then contains only the m otor other applications and w ould like to use it tems. Such uses, w hich call fo r periodic
and the pot. This requires a five-w ire to charge these boosters. These boosters battery replacement regardless o f condi­
harness, in this case terminated with rather are Gates sealed rechargeable batteries, 2 tio n , have also made them readily and in­
large and unreliable looking plugs. Delving volt, 5.0AH, X Cell, P/N 0800-0004. expensively available through industrial
further into the circuits, one finds a com ­ "These batteries w ork great for boosting surplus suppliers. The 5.0AH capacity cell
plete discrete com ponent servo am plifier my Ohlsson .60 in my Lanzo Bomber and m entioned is fairly com m on, but m ore so
containing 12 transistors. The transmitter is my .049 in my 1/2 A models. At 2.0 volts the is a 2.5AH type in the com m on " D ” cell


continues to supply the battery w ith a pre­
set current regardless o f tim e or battery

!^ % B A G # 6 condition, can also be used, but m ore care

is re c o m m e n d e d . In th is case, p o o r
m em ory w ill lead to poor battery capacity,
due to overcharging. The Ace R/C HD500
m entioned is this type, a constant current
TY -SIX OF WALT MOONEY’S FAVORITE charger, and it is quite adequate fo r this
PEANUT SCALES REDUCED TO EIGHT INCH application, as it is fo r many other R/C
related charging duties.
G SPAN ************ $ 5 .0 0 POST PAID Though the recom m ended rate is C /3
(1/3 capacity), w h ic h w o u ld be 1.66 am­
peres fo r the 5.0AH unit in question, the
Ace H D -5 0 0 is lim ited to half an amp,
w hich w ill be acceptable except that it will
WALT MOONEY P.O. BC 92 SAN DIEGO, take longer. Assuming a com pletely dis­
charged cell, our calculator comes up with
CALIF. 92123 *** FIRS’ PEANUT SCALE a 10 hour requirem ent (5AH/.5A).
BAGS STILL AVAELABL $ 5.00 EACH. W hat about a “ topping o ff” charge for
the partially discharged cell? Well, referring
back to o u r no-load chart, we can calculate
the state o f charge, determ ine the required
FOR THE SERIOUS COMPETITOR am ount to bring it up to full, and adjust the
tim e a c c o rd in g ly . H o w e v e r, I have a
recom m endation: that five-am p cell is go­
ULTIMA u m ing to light a glow plug for easily tw o and as
much as three hours—and if your engine
hasn’t started yet, give it up! D on't push it,
/ -------- — ^
charge conservatively. I w ould calculate
W in g s p a n 129" 3 P ie ce B o ll-o n fo r 80 to 90%, w hich w ill be m ore than
A irfo il S e lig 4 0 6 1 W in g R e m o v a b le enough fo r a w eekend’s flying and then
C o n tr o ls : A ile ro n s , N ose C one E p o xy some. I apply the same logic to my twelve-
F la p s . S ta b ila to r. t_______ 1 F ib e rg la s s
volt starter battery and have been using
R udder F u s e la g e
the same one for years.
$209.95 N ow fo r that 2.5 amp cell, it is ideal for
P lu s 3 9 5 S & H · C A R es A d d 6 . 5 % Tax
C o m p le te C a ta lo g $ 3 .0 0
in-flight glow plug pow er fo r tw in-cylinder
• T h e r m a l * S lo p e · S ca le · E le c tric engines. I’ve shared this w ith you before,
and as a matter of fact, I used it in the
AMERICAN SAILPLANE DESIGNS CAP-20 previously m entioned, but there
2626 CORONADO AV. NO. 89 are always new readers, and w ho rem em ­
SAN DIEGO. CALIFORNIA 92154 bers everything anyway? First, though, let’s
look at its use fo r a single plug as Park is
size, w hich in my opinion has more uses reading is made w ithin 24 hours of the cell doing. Like the com m on overcharging of
for our purposes. being charged or discharged, increasing to the sealed lead-acid battery, this is another
M ore about that later, but first a clarifi­ 5% if the measurement is made w ithin five case o f to o m uch of a good thing. M y May
cation in Park A b b o tt’s letter. He refers to days. The discharged voltage of these cells colum n included a discussion and solution
"current,” a common mistake w hich I have is determ ined by the load under use, how ­ to this matter, and I w o n ’t bother to use
shared here, in reference to "capacity.” ever it is recom mended that the no-load the space on the same subject again this
O ne is the actual flow in amps or fractions cell voltage be kept at 1.6 volts or higher. soon, though I recom m end a rereading.
thereof, the other is the total available for Consistent discharge past that p o in t w ill Now, the use o f a tw o -vo lt cell on a tw in
use. One is stated in amperes (A, mA, uA), result in chemical changes w ithin the cell is another matter. In the circuit shown, it
the other in ampere-hours (AH, mAH). which w ill affect its capacity and ultimately w o n ’t w ork as a starting battery, but does
The terms are not correctly interchange­ lead to cell failure. an excellent jo b o f providing a keep-alive
able. As w ith all rechargeable cells, there are a voltage to the plugs w h ile the engine is at
Refer now to the drawings o f the tw o num ber of methods which can be used to idle. In the series hookup shown, the tw o
cells, w hich are not to scale and for which bring them back to useful life. There are volts are equally divided between the tw o
you have to refer to the dimensions for also different charge rates w hich can be plugs, and disregarding w ire losses, each
true size relationship. The ratings given are used, and this type o f cell w ill accept rates plug w ill receive one volt. This is enough to
the am p-hour ratings at the ten hour rate; as high as 5C (5 times capacity), though the provide enough heat to keep the engine
i.e., a 2.5AH cell w ill provide 250 milliamps higher the rate the m ore stringent the re­ idling m errily away, w ith out any chance of
(.250A) for ten hours. Generally speaking, quirem ents to prevent overcharging. The shortening plug life w ith extended periods
a faster discharge rate w ill result in p ro ­ constant voltage method is favored, during o f unnecessary voltage. Try it, you'll like it!
portionally lessened capacity (1.8AH in 1.0 which the cell is subjected to a non-varying A n d it was all d o n e w ith o u t any n o n ­
hour) w hile a slower rate w ill result in some voltage. This is the type of charger normally industry standard phraseology or nonsen­
increase (27AH in 20 hours). furnished w ith R/C systems to be used sical acronym inventions.
N ow fo r w ha t Park re a lly w a n te d to w ith Ni-Cds, as it results in slowly decreas­ Next month? W ho knows, but tune in
know : how to charge the things! W ell, like in g charge rates as th e b a tte ry state o f just in case something interesting comes
the liquid electrolyte lead-acid battery, and charge increases due to th e natural in ­ along. Eloy Marez, 311 Mesa Dr. #10, Costa
unlike Ni-Cds, this more modern cousin crease in cell resistance. Depending on the Mesa, California 92627. ·
has a d ecided re a d ily visib le voltage to actual charger and battery being charged,
state-of-charge ratio. Refer to the graph so such a charger can be left connected for Choppers... Continued from page 29
labeled; with an accurate voltm eter and even days at a tim e w ith o u t real cell dam­
w ithout any load applied to the battery, a age—but again, it is not a matter o f m ore is models on the market w ill have much bet­
q u ite acceptable estim ate o f th e c e ll’s better, so try to remember to unplug things ter forward flig h t stability if the tail area is
charge condition can be made. The figure after the recommended time. increased by 20 to 50%.
obtained is claimed to be w ith in 20% if the The constant current method, one which The tw o tip fins on th e C obra's h o ri-

zontal tail also im prove the tail's effective­
ness by raising the effective aspect ratio of

the horizontal tail. The tip fins trick the air
into believing that the horizontal tail is

actually spanwise longer. The principle is
that the tip fins prevent the high pressure
airflow on top o f the horizontal surface
from spilling over to the bottom surface.
The effectiveness of the tail surfaces can S tarting any engine w h ile keeping
also be im proved by m o u n tin g the h o ri­ y o u r fing ers o u t o f the prop, adjusting
zontal and vertical tails further aft. This the high speed needle, rem o ving the
lengthens the leverage arm fo r the tail sur­ g lo w plug clip, setting the th ro ttle
faces. Full-size h e lic o p te r research has trim on yo u r radio, perhaps adjusting
shown that the horizontal tail should be the idle needle, and getting the starter
located at about the 85 to 90% blade radius and its' po w e r cords out o f the w ay
location on the tail boom. This ensures that can be quite a hazardous jo b .
the horizontal tail is far enough aft and not The Dave Brow n Products Starter
underneath the tip o f the blade, where Pack is designed to elim inate
rotor downwash is the strongest. This also those annoying starter cords and
ensures that the tail surface w ill always be give you a m uch safer e n viro n ­
under the main rotor downwash in hover m ent fo r starting engines. It is a
or forward flight. The full-size Bell 222, in com pact u n it th a t the starter m ounts Rugged design
its prelim inary design stage, had its h o ri­ on to p of. Ten rechargeable 1,2V Sub-C
for yeers of use.
zontal tail on top of the vertical tail, like the cells are concealed in the case w h ich
M D 500. But flight tests showed that when provides the power. Thick standoffs allow just about
the helicopter translated from hover to The Starter Pack Charger is a perfect any make of starter to be used.
forward flight, the horizontal tail w ould m atch fo r cha rging y o u r starter pack
ove rnight. It sim p ly plugs in any AC The Starter Rack is available in easy to assem ble
suddenly get engulfed in the rotor dow n-
o u tle t and clips onto the po w e r leads o f kit form less batteries or in pre-assembled form
wash and cause the helicopter to suddenly
the pack. with rechargeable batteries.
pitch nose-up. The other benefit of having
Starter and charger not included with either pack.
a large tail underneath the main rotor
downwash is that when in hover, it causes
a dow nload on the tail, so you need some
forward trim to balance it; then once you
move into forward flight, you need to hold
4560 Layhigh Rd.. Hamilton. Ohio 45013 · Voice (513) 738-1576 · Fax (513) 738-0152
less forward stick.
M any people have tried adding rate
gyros to their helicopter's pitch and roll
servos, but discovered that they don't really small O h io tow n really comes alive during this summer. The Elite Legend is a lim ited
im prove the handling qualities drastically the three days. Anybody w ho is somebody production, super high quality helicopter
because adding damping alone is insuffi­ in the m odeling com m unity goes there to which w ill be available this summer. It has
cient to im prove the m odel’s handling rub elbows and check out the hardware. a super high quality underslung flybar rotor
qualities. You need to add some restoring The sports arena is an indoor building con­ head, new frames, and tight control setup.
force, too. Restoring force is what helps sisting of tw o large rooms. Each room is It w ill not be in com plete kit form , but
restore the vehicle’s attitude after a dis­ about the size o f a decent size high school rather w ill come as a com plete upgrade
turbance. Some modern full-size aircraft gym. I was there on a Saturday, when the package w h ic h you can attach to y o u r
use integrating gyros to provide extra re­ ro o m s w e re p a cke d w ith v is ito rs and Legend’s or C om petitor’s tail assembly. The
storing force artificially. On models, the manufacturers. I felt like I was in a can of idea is that people w ho buy the Elite pack­
reason why we need a rate gyro only on sardines. People had to elbow their way to age are experts w ho know what they are
the yaw axis and not on the pitch and roll get close to the booths to see what was d o in g . The p rice fo r th e p re cisio n Elite
axis is because we have a flybar, w hich acts displayed on the tables. But I really enjoyed package w ill be high.
like a rate gyro and also as a washout-inte­ the visit. If there was no crowd, then it For th e u n c o m p ro m is in g flie r, GM P
grating gyro to help us. The flybar gives us w o u ld n ’t be fun. showed a very well done gel-coated, reflex
the desperately needed damping and re­ So, what’s new? New helicopter radios airfoil fiberglass blade. They gave me a set
storing force. The new flybarless GMP were covered in my International M odeler to test, and I w ill tell you the results in a
Legend flies fine w ithout a flybar because Show report in the May issue. This tim e, fu tu re c o lu m n . G M P also show ed th e ir
if a helicopter is designed carefully, then let’s review w hat’s new in helicopter kits new .40/.45 size ve ry in e x p e n sive and
the required restoring force can be re­ and accessories. Let’s go through the manu­ stable Rebel helicopter.
duced and the inherent damping can be facturers alphabetically. In helicopter kits, Kalt helicopters of Japan are distributed
bu ilt-in w ith careful selection o f blade GM Phad the largest booth, w ith 12people in the U.S. by Hobby Dynamics. M ike Ciol-
weight, chordwise and spanwise CG, airfoil manning it. They must be pretty serious to li, Kevin Burner, and Jerry Kaplan were at
shape, rotor rpm, rotor size, rotor teetering ship 12 people from around the country to the Hobby Dynamics booth to show the
stiffness, shaft height, fuselage inertia, etc. Toledo to answer visitors’ questions, jack new Kalt helicopters and JR radios. There
Thus, a flybarless helicopter requires a Dunkle, a form er A M A scale helicopter w ill be a C yclone II in tro d u ce d this sum­
m ore thorough design process. A w ell- champ, was one of GM P’s team members. mer. It is designed fo r beginners and in ­
designed flybarless helicopter can be just He displayed a gorgeously painted red and termediates, and it is very similar to the
as pleasant to fly as a flybar equipped w hite Bell 222 body w ith Shuttle mechan­ Cyclone. Both are for .50 size engines, have
h e lic o p te r, b u t w ith a d iffe r e n t fly in g ics. In the booth there was also a sharp plastic side frames, and share many parts.
technique. looking Nova body fo r the Shuttle. Besides However, the Cyclone 11 has a new canopy
W e w ill ta lk m ore a b o u t th e o ry in a the Bell 222 and Nova, there are fiberglass design, toothed belt drive tail rotor instead
future Chopper Chatter colum n, but right Jet Ranger, Hughes 500,and Ecureuil fuse­ o f a flat belt drive, and a b u ilt-in a u to ro ­
now let me present you w ith a photo tour lage kits fo r the Shuttle. The British national tation clutch. The Cyclone II kit w ill retail
o f th e R /C h e lic o p te r related p roducts helicopter champ, Len M ount, was at the at around $540. A Cyclone II almost-ready-
displayed at the 1989 Toledo M odel Expo. GMP booth to answer questions. A very to -fly version w ith Webra .50 installed w ill
The Toledo Show is an annual event held courteous fellow , he w ill be flying GMP’s be available for about $830.
in A pril at the Toledo Sports Arena. The new “ Elite" Legend in the W orld Champs For the interm ediate to advanced pilot


tw o helicopters, w hen powered by .30 to

.32 engines, are already rocketships. W ith
the pipe they w ill reach sub-light speed.
The M iniature Aircraft Supply booth was
manned by Tim and Ted Schoonard. Tim
was overwhelm ed by people asking ques­
LAR GE SCALE tions. They had a lot o f products to show.
MAS showed five new types o f high quality
ENGINE CYLINDERS fiberglass blades. They w ill sell for $139.95 a
p a ir. The fiv e designs d iffe r fro m each
other only slightly; I w onder what their
flight differences w ill be? Tim said he hasn’t
flo w n them all yet. MAS w ill also be im ­
porting a new line of m iniature exhaust
systems fo r the Concept, Shuttle, and for
th e ir new .30 size X-Cell, w hich is a scaled-
dow n version o f the successful X-Cell 60.
There are only 48 new parts, and there are
128 parts that are borrow ed from the X-Cell
Richard Thompson 60. The main ro to r head, main gear, etc.
are all from the 60 kit. The 60 size main
switched to ro to r head looks pretty beefy and healthy
Micafilm because on that little helicopter. To help keep the
weight dow n, the main shaft is hollow , and
the swashplate is plastic. I like the 10mm
He loves Old Timers, and Micafilm hollow shaft, it looked very robust. To keep
had the look of a tissue and dope the cost dow n, the thrust bearings are not
finish—perfect for his “Scram”. included in the main rotor or tail rotor
Although Micafilm is V2 the weight hubs, but you can buy them as options. It
does have a tw o-piece self-aligning clutch
of regular films, its “ mica” fibres
w hich eliminates the need fo r dial indica­
give it tear resistance that’s 7 to r to align the clutch shaft. The engine can
times greater. be rem oved easily by loosening fo u r bolts.
The kit w ill be o u t late this summer w ith a
retail price o f around $450. The o th e r in­
Molded of h ig h -im p a c t sty ren e ,
th ese d u m m y c y lin d e rs fe a tu re C 0 V E R IT E teresting new M AS p ro d u c t is a strobe-
effect tachom eter to measure main rotor
d e e p c o o lin g fin s fo r u tm o s t 420 Babylon Road. Horsham. PA 19044 USA rpm. I have tried one, and I like it. At $165 it
r e a l i s m . B o th th e W a sp a n d is pretty expensive, but it is very accurate
W h irlw in d ty p e s of c y lin d e r s and safe to use.
a re a v a ila b le in tw o d iffe re n t ra d io . No in fo rm a tio n was revealed on R o b b e M o d e l S port show ed o ff th e
la rg e scales: l/5 th (2 W = 1') price and availability. A new JR 120 elec­ brand new Schluter "M a g ic” .60 size heli­
l/4 th (3" = 1') tronic yaw rate gyro was displayed at the copter. We are building one now, and soon
show, but again, price and availability are w ill be giving you a full report. The Magic
K its include assem b ly in stru c tio n s. unknown. retails fo r $799. It has a spring loaded start­
S m aller siz es are also offered. Kyosho just hopped in to the model ing cone system that disengages the start­
Note: T hese u n its m ay be m odified helicopter business in 1988. Kyosho is very ing cone from the clutch shaft to minim ize
to re se m b le o th e r c y lin d e r ty p e s. fortunate to have a good helicopter as its vibration; a very nice idea. All the parts are
first one. The Kyosho Concept 30 helicop­ o f the usual German high quality. There is
ter was reviewed in the June ’89 M odel also a Magic Ranger kit w hich includes a
Send $3 (or full-color catalog, featuring
aircraft paintings suitable for fram ing.
Builder. Seems like Kyosho w ill be a per­ Jet Ranger fuselage. Besides the Magic,
m anent m e m b e r in th e R /C h e lic o p te r Vince Canzanese, o f Robbe, showed o ff a
W IL L IA M S B R O T H E R S INC. arena because by sum m er '89, it w ill in ­ beautifully painted Bell 222 body fo r their
f ^ < 7 ^ 181 PAWNEE STREET troduce to the U.S. three ABS plastic scale S c h lu te r J u n io r. To c o m p lim e n t th e ir
SAN MARCOS bodies fo r the Concept 30: the Bell Jet popular .60size C ham pion and Scout heli­
^ .«oV inc- ^ CALIFORNIA 92069 Ranger, a Hughes 500, and a Hughes 300. copters, Robbe in tro d u ce d a new fib e r­
Their price w ill be som ething over $100 glass blade for their .60size machines. I w ill
each. There w ill also be a pull-type recoil tell you m ore about these blades in the
there w ill be a new kit called Excalibur. starter fo r the C oncept, w hich w ill e lim i­ M agic review. W ith the g ro w th o f in te r­
This is a pod-and-boom helicopter with a nate the need fo r a 12-volt electric starter m e d ia te and e x p e rt flie rs in U.S., high
tw o -p ie c e self-a lig n in g c lu tc h , m o ld e d to start the engine. There w ill be tw o types q u a lity fiberglass blades are be co m in g
plastic servo tray, and the same superb of weighted w ood blades fo r the Concept popular.
metal tail ro to r gearbox as on Kalt’s flag­ 30 fo r im proved autorotation. O ne is a The next show report w ill concentrate
ship, the Omega. one-piece w ooden blade w hich weighs 77 on helicopter engines. Since a picture is
All the traditional metal Kalt rotor heads grams per blade, the other is a three-piece o fte n b e tte r than a thousand w ords,
w ill fit these tw o h e lic o p te rs , b u t they laminated wood blade w hich weighs 62 browse through the pictures to see some
come w ith a new molded K-5 plastic rotor grams per blade. (The stock foam blades o f the other helicopter products revealed
head. I haven’t flow n them yet, so I don't weigh 75 grams each.) O ther optional parts at the Toledo Show. To maintain a strong
know how well they fly. They w ill be avail­ are main blade feathering ball bearings, coverage on R /C helicopters, we also
able in a couple of months. stiffer flapping rubber for quicker cyclic prepared a GMP Stork review in this issue.
Seems like every h e lico p te r m anufac­ response, an alum inum starting cone, and In the next few months we w ill look into
turer is selling their own tool kits. Hobby black colored tail booms. MACs Products, gear mesh, sources o f helicopter instability,
Dynamics showed a Kalt helicopter tool kit a w e ll-k n o w n m a n u fa c tu re r o f q u a lity how helicopter fuselage damping is gen­
w hich contains pliers and few other tools mufflers and tuned pipes, showed a special erated, and ro to r blade tip shape design
in a molded plastic case. Hobby Dynamics .30 size tuned exhaust system for the Con­ theory. We w ill also report on the Schluter
also showed the new JR "M ax 7” helicopter cept, and one fo r the GMP Shuttle. These Magic, Futaba 1024 nine-channel radio,


Th e Challenger Series from Aristo-Craft

ARISTO -CRAFT/Polk’s M odel C raft Hobbies, Inc. 346 Bergen Ave.. Jersey City. NJ 07304 (201)332-8100
' ‘Quality Products and Sensible Prices Since 1935
somewhat successful F3H cross-country
1 1 1 1 1 1 «: ι event) as the internationally recognized
Polyhedral - $44.95 soaring event w hich biannually selects a
Aileron - $51.95 U.S. Cham pion, and alternately a W orld
Paul Wilson holds class A distance record 6 6 miles Designed by Champion. That event is the recently pro­
5 9 " wing span · 5 3 oz /sq ft. and up Rusty Shaw posed FAI-F3J.
Eppler 214/Selmg 4061 /Airfoil choice LeRoy Satterlee IN TER N ATIO N AL THERM AL D U R A T IO N ,
Terry Edm onds' multi-task sailplanes Every year in England there is a highly
IO 2 meter, 39 oz & up popular and successful glider com petition
C A L L IS T O -s ta n d a rd class. 44 oz & up hosted by the British Association o f Radio
C ontrol Soarers (BARCS). It is their equiv­
BE A C U L P E P P E R alent o f the old Soar Nats in this country.
WINNER! They call it the Interglide. It is international
ORDER M O D E LS IN C in scope as it welcomes and draws partici­
TODAY! 2526 Washington. Dubuque.U 52001 3191563-4830 pants fro m many countries on the C onti­
nent. Because it is a thermal duration event,
and because thermal duration is w ithout a
dou b t the most popular form o f soaring in
the U.S., it follows that it w ill stand a good

chance o f being popular here too.
What makes the Interglide special is that
it uses "Percentage Slot” rules. These rules
The "Hi-Performance Compact" have been flow n fo r 15 years in England.
They are fu lly w o rk e d o u t and w e ll ac­
60" Wing Span Thanks to tw o recent letters, one from
English soaring editor and publisher, Sean
375*" W ing Area
Walbank, and one from Terry Edmonds,
12to 15oz. / 2ch R /C the U.S. soaring representative to A M A
President Don Lowe (our C IA M voting
Optomized Eppler 205 A irfoil delegate), as w ell as conversations I've had
w ith John Lupperger, soaring editor for
S 34.95 Hand Launch«»Slope- » High S ta rt/W in c h
M. A N . w ho has discussed Percentage Slot
rules at length w ith his British modeling
t it s wpm wm Y&IF5 A t y o u r D e aler o r
a d d $ 2.00 p e r o r d e r ,
f o r U P S . C a . R est *
friends, I have the basic low -dow n on what
P. O . B ox # 9 M ID W A Y C IT Y , C A 9 2 6 5 5 (■7 1 4 ) 8 9 5 - 6 5 6 9 a d d 61 f o r T a x . all o f this is about.
It is m y u n d e rs ta n d in g th a t th e Per­
centage Slot rules were submitted to the
CMP’s Rebel and Cricket helicopters, and These die-hard fliers and th e ir highly re­ F A I/C IA M o ffic ia ls at the 1989 Plenary
Hobby Lobby's MFA 500. · I* spected boosters (most notably Jim Gray, M e e tin g fo r consideration as an interna­
Randy Reynolds, Gus Peleuses, Don Ed- tionally recognized soaring event, like F3B
Soaring----- Continued from page 39 berg, and Byron Blakeslee) are currently o r F3H. It has been given the name F3J: RC
putting forth an admirable effort to form u­ Thermal Duration Gliders.
that there are too many problems w ith F3B late and n u rtu re “ Sportsman F3B” type As in the BARCS Interglide rules, a ten
for it to ever become a popular flying event events. It is h o p e d th a t these lo w -k e y m inute "s lo t” o f tim e is given a rather large
in the U.S. These a re n ’t ju st A m e rica n events w ill stim u la te the m uch needed flig h t group. The object is to fly longer
problems; F3B is not very popular in the grassroots support. I hope they succeed. I w ith in the tim e slot than the other pilots in
United Kingdom, Canada, or just about w ill participate if the opportunity arises. your group. Scoring is man-on-man. If the
anywhere except West Germany (where it But I have my doubts about it being a air is bad in your round, it’s equally bad for
is the national form of soaring) and maybe long-lived experim ent, because any m ulti­ th e guys y o u w ill be s c o re d a g a in st.
Austria. task event, no matter how restricted the W eather luck is minimized.
I used to fly F3B, back when a Gemini model designs are, no matter how equal You can launch at the start of the ten
MTS or Sagitta 900 was still competitive at the winches are, is still going to have to be minutes, o r you can wait, gambling that
the regional level. Back then a six-vo lt, run by a club w ith sufficient volunteers. any lift fou n d by the early launchers w ill
long-shaft Ford starter and a 12-volt battery These guys are lik e ly to say, “ W h a t’s not sustain them fo r the full time slot. From
constituted a relatively “ h o t” winch. H ow ­ changed h e re?” It w ill s till be a la b o r- w hat I hear, few British pilots take o ff im ­
ever, I lost interest in participating in F3B intensive, boring contest fo r the volunteers mediately. They prefer to visually scout the
when it started getting intensely technical, w ho are frequently yelled at for their flag­ air fo r lift o r piggyback o ff m ore adven­
tim e consum in g , expensive, and w hen ging o r tim ing errors, occasionally almost turous souls w ho find lift!
p o te n tia l host clubs w ere e xp e rie n cin g the targets of pilots going fo r that one last O n e re la u n ch is p e rm itte d , pro vid e d
“ F3B Burnout" and were no longer volun­ lap at the far sighting device, and in fre ­ that the m odel is back on the ground w ith ­
teering their members or sites (a condition quently rewarded for their trouble. It will in one m inute after the initial launch.
which is still prevalent in the U.S. today). probably end up that the fliers w ill be the Your plane must be on the ground at the
I think that those modelers w ho have only volunteers. Historically, F3B contests conclusion o f the tim e slot. There is a 30-
residual positive feelings toward the m ulti­ where the com petitors do most o f the field p o in t penalty fo r o ve rflying the ten m in­
task concept, support the U.S. F3B Team (I w ork have tended to be the events with utes. You get a zero fo r the flight (no land­
agree w ith this), but have lost all interest in the most arguing, protests, and distracted ing points either) if you haven’t landed
p a rtic ip a tin g in F3B activities and have flying. w ithin one minute o f the end o f the tim e
backed o ff for some o r all o f the above If the supporters o f Sportsman F3B can slot.
reasons. somehow reduce the necessity o f volun­ Launches are by 150-meter hand to w in
There are a few guys vyho are still flying teer m anpow er, I th in k it has a good a de sig na te d la u n c h in g area, o n ly . No
F3B and who hope it w ill live on in spite of chance o f succeeding. That’s a big " if.” pulleys o r other mechanical devices can
everything. They ackn o w le d g e that F3B There is hope, however, for a potentially be used to gain an advantage, and casting
needs more grassroots support to survive. popular alternative to F3B (or even the o ff a model under tow is disallowed.


Γ· 1988 Futaba Corp.

It’s elem entary w ith the Professor.

Go to school with the Professor, is as close as the PROFESSOR SPECIFICATIO NS
Length 35.04' (890mm)
the radio control trainer that makes schoolyard. Let Wingspan 48.82· (1240mm)
Area 446.5 sq. in
electric flying easier than ever. Futaba and Weight (mine tyttrtn) 39 oz.
Extrem ely stable design and the Pro­ Motor RS540SH w/3:l
reduction gearbox
fessor show you how Recommended system Futaba 4NBL/MCR
simple it can be. REQUIRES: 7.2v/1200mAH NiCd battery pack
and charger. 2*4 Channel radio control system
(electronic speed control optional).
Advanced, lightweight m ate­
Futaba M C R -IA Integrated M O S F E T speed controlf
rials are used for the fuselage for receiver (Not includedt required for optimum perfor­
mance. Specifications: ■I Channel: 1.5 oz. (excluding
exceptional strength and rigidity. switch and connectors); 1.24" x 2.92" x 0.63‘ B EC
Voltage regulator.
And built-up, pre-covered wing,
Electrifying fun for the more advanced
tail and stabilizer eliminate the pilot. Aerobatic Hirobo/Futaba Chipmunk
(Available soonK
need for special assembly
skills. Simply join the wing
halves, attach stabilizer,
The com plete Professor k it com es o u t o f tail and pre-installed link­
th e box ready to assem ble.
ages. Mount the propeller
ARF assembly are just a few of to the gearbox of the powerful
the features that make the Pro­ Mabuchi RS540SH motor, install
fessor ideal for novice flyers. radio and batteries and you’re
Futaba Corporation of America
Clean, quiet flying excitement ready for takeoff. 4 Studebaker/lrvine, CA 92718
have a backup sailplane. You must be able
to fly e ith e r plane on e ith e r o f tw o fre ­

G e m i n i M .T .S .
quencies. This is necessary due to possible
conflicts in man-on-man flying.
That is it in a n u ts h e ll. FAI-F3J R /C
Thermal D uration Gliders sounds like it
Standard Oats R/C sailplane for has great potential fo r success. I believe it
sport, F3B, and AM A contests
merits trial runs by clubs all over the U.S.
Specifications: F3J is simple to organize. There are no
Wingspan 100 in. COMPLETE KIT WITH courses to set up. A m inim um o f helpers
Wing area 930 sq in. PRECISION CUT PARTS, are needed. There are no winches to mess
Flying weigh t 44 <x. A LL HARDWARE. ANO
Wing loading 6.8 02. /sq. ft w ith. Scoring is a simple formula. There are
Wing section MB-253515 no w in ch-associated hassles: no illegal
115% semi-symmetricai) motors, batteries, etc. to check; no delays
Max. ballast 4 lbs. $ 1 1 5 °0 caused by rat’s nest tangles or poo-offs; 12
o r even 18 fliers could be in a single tim e
Pierce Aero Co.
9626 Jellico Avenue, North ridge, CA 91325 Phone (8 1 8 ) 3 4 9 -4 7 5 8
slot and all could launch simultaneously.
Landing o ffic ia ls o n ly ju d g e w h e th e r a
model is in o r out of a circle.
F3J is simple to fly. Launch w hen you
• EASY FLYING SPORT SCALE · want, fin d lift and stay in it long enough to
QUALITY PLANS JE T E N G I N E S outfly your opponents. Land gently in a big
$ 2 5 .0 0 F3) equipm ent is cheap. A ny thermal
duration kit sailplane is com petitive. Hand
US.A.AtF. AERONCA LI6-B/CHAMP tow line can be cheaply bought at fishing
1/5-84" SPAN 60-.90 2/4 CYCLE tackle shops. An old fishing reel can serve
US.A.A.F. AERONO\ L3/DEFENDER to bring it in. A flag or parachute completes
I/4-I05" SPAN .90-1.5 2/4 CYCLE a w o rld -c la s s c o m p e titiv e la u n c h in g
JET-X 50. DTNA-JET, TURBONIQUE, P -3 8 , F3J is a challenge. It is not easy to stay up
ROLLASON DRUINE TURBULENT SURPLUS CAS TURBINES. fo r ten minutes, if that's what it takes to
1/4-65" SPAN .60- 9 0 2/4 CYCLE DYNA-JET ENGINE................................. $195.00
beat an opponent. Sometimes tw o or three
JET-X ENCINE KIT................................. $22 .5 0 thermals need to be found. You could end
• AERO P L A N S · JET BUILDERS NEWSLETTER................. $12/Y r
CURRENT COPY.............................................$ 1 .0 0 up searching the entire sky fo r lift. You
P.O. BOX 9 3 9 . OL.EAN N.Y. 14760 25 PC. CATALOG........................................ $5.0 0 could make a mistake and launch first (and
1 - (716) 3 7 2 -7 0 5 4 DOYLEJET alone) in to a big sky full of almost dead air
|io\ NHI l-l) that puts you on the ground in three m in­
HOUSTON. TEXAS77205 (7 1 3 ) 440-4744
utes. M eanw hile everyone else sees the lift
you just flew through at 20 feet, and they
launch way up high in the core. There is
m ore strategy to this event than a casual
glance reveals.
Thanks, Terry, fo r sending the info. Now,
“ Matched Performance System” on to a small p o rtio n o f the letter from
for TOP PERFORMANCE Sean W albank w hich gives a glimpse o f the
K&B ENGINES types o f models flow n at Interglide.
Airplane Marine “ Enclosed are some photos taken at last
9 Blends 4 Choices
year’s Interglide ’88. This is the BARCS big,
biannual com petition for thermal soarers.
“ Matched Finish System” “ In w hat was a dismal summ er, the
for BEST APPEARANCE weather fo r Interglide '88 was s u p e r b -
K&B SUPER POXY RESIN K&B SUPER POXY THINNER high 80s, little breeze, and lots o f sunshine.
K&B SUPER POXY PRIMER K&B SUPER POXY PAINT The site was the W arwick Racecourse—
you’ll rem em ber how good racecourse
K&B M A N U F A C T U R I N G sites are after York in ’83? (Lots o f green
S y 12152 Woodfutl Avenue grass and open spaces! wrf.) The flying
^ — ■ — Downey. California 90 24 1
conditions were superb.
Hand tow ing is generally very easy if “ Interglide is intended to prom ote in­
there is a light breeze. If there is enough ternational participation to BARCS rules,
w ind, you sometimes d o n ’t even need to diameter). H itting this huge circle is some­ and this year we had an entry from Ger­
move to tow an aircraft aloft! The point what like our club rules about getting back many— Reinhard W erner, w ho flew his Fit-
here is that everyone gets a near equal to the flying field! It should be very easy. Fit flying wing. Reinhard is now hooked
launch. You are scored by your po in t total (one in to BARCS rules flying and intends to re­
Landing bonus points are possible. There p o in t p e r second, plus bonuses, m inus turn in ’90 w ith a full German team.
are tw o bonus circles, each o f 12.5 meters penalties), divided by the best point total “ H ow about prom oting a U.S. team to
radius (25 meters diameter). If any part of o f th e flig h t g ro u p . The w in n e r o f th e come over also?
the model (but it must not have fallen off!) group gets 1,000 points, everyone else is “ I d id n ’t do very well in the Open event,
lands inside your assigned circle, a 25-point n o rm a lize d to 1,000. Thus th e “ Percen­ but did manage second in Hand Launch
bonus is earned. If the entire m odel is tage” in the event’s name. Glider flying a Flinger.”
inside the circle, 50 points are earned. M a n y q u a lific a tio n ro u n d s are flo w n H IG H TECH H O W -T O VIDEOS
There are also tw o qualifying “ landing” (m inim um o f three). Then, tw o 15-minute Two issues ago I m entioned a trio of
circles concentric w ith the bonus circles. slot fly-offs are used to determ ine the w in ­ how -to videos on making fiberglass molds,
You must land in your designated landing ners among the top nine pilots. c u ttin g foam core wings, and vacuum
circle to get any score fo r the round. This The m odel you fly can be any sailplane bagging wings with fiberglass. Having since
circle has a large 75 meter radius (150 meter w hich meets standard FAI rules. You may received tw o of the three fo r review, I can

say that the tapes are well w orth your in ­
vestment. They are very thorough, omitting
nothing, and each one lasts almost 90
In that colum n, the address and phone
num ber of Channel 1 Productions was
somehow left off. To find out m ore about
Old Time Plan Service
in e largest selection or plans
these highly inform ative videos, contact
reasonable prices. Each lis t $1.50
Julian Tamez, 19827 Bishops Gate, Suite
No. 1, Humble, Texas 77338, or phone (713)
540-3944 o r (713)278-4575 fo r his pager No. 19 OLD TIMER F/F GAS
I recently received a copy o f another No. 19 OLD TIMER FLY IN G SCALE L through Z
video tape w hich was pretty interesting New plans prices effective Jan. 1989 to Dec. 1989
from a scientific standpoint. It came from
P.O.Box 90310
John Donovan, o f Selig/Donovan airfoil
fame. It was a partial report o f the w ind San Jose, Calif. 95109-3310
tunnel testing w hich has been going on at Phone (408) 292-3382 (Tues. or F ri.)
Princeton fo r about tw o years. The tape
thoroughly covered how the testing was Box 1063 Lorain, Ohio 44055
done, but not very much o f what the test­ M IC R O N S
Phone (216) 282-8354
ing revealed. This w ill be left to Soartech, a PEANUT SCALE
te c h n ic a l jo u rn a l p u b lis h e d by H e rk Piper Vagabond
Stokely and crew at the Tidewater M odel Piper Cub
Soaring Society som etim e this sum m er Stinson 125
(possibly as early as June). Outdoor kits each . . $7.50
Light Indoor
To quote from John’s letter, "The testing kits each. $7.95
is finally finished! Following tw o years of
setup, m ore than 1,200 hours o f tunnel
tim e were used to test 60 airfoil sections, OUTDOOR PEANUT
yielding 130 polars. Your support o f this Super Scale $750
Hornet P-30 . $13.95
program is greatly appreciated, not only by
Michael, Dave, and I, but also by all o f the
modelers w ho w ill use the data. OWN ROCKET SPORT SCALE
PC-6 Porter
"W e apologize fo r the delay. Like every- Taylor Craft
th in g else, experim ental w o rk generally MOTORS! Stinson Voyager
takes longer than expected, in this case by WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW! Rubber or CO1 Power
at least a factor o f two. Nonetheless, the PC-6 Porter Kits each. . . $8.50
testing was com pleted in January, at which SPORT MODELS
tim e the vid e o tape was made. In m id -
January, Michael left fo r Penn State, and I
• 40 POUNDS Hornet Embryo An Embryo Model
with 18" Span
moved to St. Louis where I am w orking at THRUST! designed to winl
For beginners and
the M cD onnell Douglas Research Labs. All
o f us are currently w orking on the w riting • 50Φ EACH! experts. . . $8.50

o f Soartech, and hope to be finished by

• W ith a lo c k tum bler and som e sim ple hand tcols
June. We feel confident that it will be worth Earty Bird Tissue for Antique Aircraft.................. #6.96
we II sh ow you how lo build YOUR OWN lo cke i
engines in your ow n garage or w o rksh op lo r 1 / 5 10 Early Bird Tissue for Antique A irc ra ft.............$5.95
the wait. True Olde Japanese Tissue, 10 in 3 colors . . . $6.95
1/10 Ihe co sl o l Ihe co m m e rcia lly m arketed m olors
"To offset some of the debt incurred by Japanese Tissue. 12 in 6 colors ......................$3.95
• INTERESTED? Jusl send us S2 00 and w e II marl you
Michael and me during the latter part of Microlite S ilver...................................................$3.95
our brochure along w ith a WORKING SAMPLE ol an
Microfilm — $4.95 Glue - $1.75 Solvent — $1.50
the project, we intend to have more copies electric igniter lh a l YOU CAN MAKE YOURSELF tio m
Plan Service over 17 Scale. Sport Scale & Peanut Scale
m aterials you II lin d aro un d the house
o f th e v id e o m a d e — th is tim e p ro fe s ­ TELL YOUR FRIENDS ABOUT US' We re the 00 IT
Rubber Strip .020 thru .085......................each $1.95
sionally—fo r sale at $20.00 each. This type 3/32 thru 5/32........................................each $2.50
Winder 6:1 .. $5.95 Mark I 16:1 .. $12.95
o f firm works on a volum e basis. Thus, we Winder 8 :1 ... 46.96 Mark 118:1 . . . 412.96
Write lo: Department MB8. The Teletltte Corporation
w ill accumulate all orders fo r the video 11620 Kltchlng SI.. Moreno Valley. CA 92387-9978 Complete Line of Brown CO* Motor*
until September. Assuming we have at least Bei*a Wood Outdoor & Indoor Sheet* & Strip*
30 orders, they w ill then be filled through a Add 10% Postage - Minimum Postage 41.60
production house; otherwise, we w ill re­ sites in the background. Maps are provided COMPLETE CATALOG 41.60
fund your money.” on tape w hich show the precise location of
All interested parties may contact John each site in case you wish to visit one or O ly m p ic 1-1/2.’ I wanted to build an O ly
Donovan at 754 Stone Canyon Drive, M an­ two. I found it to be very relaxing viewing fo r years, and was also curious about hand
chester, Missouri 63021. Your support is as the flying is set to good music. launched R/C. The answer was to scale
greatly appreciated! (Like that zip code? It If it sounds interesting to you, contact dow n the O ly to 430 square inches. At 15
reminds me of one o f their more successful M ark Foster, 826 Oneonta Drive, South ounces, she is a bit heavier than I planned,
airfoils, the S3021!) Pasadena, California 91030, (213)257-4573. but is still a delight. She goes up like a
TOP EIGHT SLOPE SITES OF THE WEST Tapes are $25.00 each, postage and han­ rocket on a high-start. The w ing tips and
That is the title o f an entertaining and dling included. tail can be taken apart for vacation trips.
inform ative video w hich reports on about H A N D LA U N C H SIZE OLY 650 . . . er, “ Keep up the excellent w ork. Thanks —
twelve different slope soaring sites from O LY 1.5 Rick.”
Australia to Colorado. It rates the top eight I love getting letters like these! Those And thank you too, Rick!
sites in descending order, saving the best scratch-built projects and kit mods make There has been a small rash o f m in ia ­
for last. Most of the rated sites are in Cali­ very in te re stin g reading. The fo llo w in g turized sailplanes being flow n lately, the
fo rn ia , b u t th e re are a fe w in O re g o n , le tte r was re c e iv e d la te ly fro m a Rick G e n tle Lady, S o p h is tic a te d Lady, and
W ashington, and H aw aii, to o . The film Durden o f Birmingham, Alabama. G nom e 2M variants being the most com ­
shows a good deal o f flying w ith the various "B ill— Enclosed are tw o photos o f my mon. The 60-inch A M A Class A sailplane is


the photo shows a later m odification to the
fuselage p od. E vidently th e a rro w shaft
p e c k S ilv e r - S tr e a k
flexed far to o m uch and caused handling
problems. Harry simply extended the rear
o f the pod a few inches so that the exposed
shaft was m uch shorter and less likely to
W E S P E C IA L IZ E I N : flex. Problem solved! Thanks fo r the con­
R U B B E R P O W E R , C 0 2 ,E L E C T R IC
trib u tio n , Harry.
BEARINGS, WHEELS AND MUCH MORE This is an old stand-by section w hich has
0 3 5 E L E C T R IC M O T O R C02 ENGINES been flo a tin g a ro u n d th e sky fo r m any
S U P E R L IG H T W E IG H T E L E C T R IC T E L C O ■ M O D E L A ■ B R O W N ■ D A V IS years. Sean Bannister o f England has pro b ­
L O W E R C U R R E N T M E A N S S M A LLE R B A T T E R IE S ALSO NEW I THE “ 1300 R/C BUMP ’ ably done m ore to make this section fam­
TUR N S 6-3 PR OP 12000 RPM , O N L Y 6.5 AMPS CATALO G # 3 0 - $ 2 .0 0
ous than any o ther single designer because
ID E A L F O R S M A LL R / C Λ F R E E F L IG H T it is still his favorite choice for the Algebra
MOTOR ONLY $19.95 Peck-Pofymers series o f gliders. The Algebra F3B model
w hich Sean flew at the Sacramento W orld
R/C OR F.F. SYSTEM $62.95 ■ BOX 2498 LA MESA, CA 92044 Champs in 1981 outperform ed most other
PHONE (619) 448 1818 ships in duration and distance, and flew
adm irable tw o-lap speed runs w hich kept
turn y o ir printer Into an airfoil plotter with..
Sean among the top contenders. The Alge­
F O IL E D AGA IN !! bra designs are kitted in England w ith your
choice of E193 or S3021 airfoils even today!
Steve Moskal, president o f SOAR (Silent
• PLOT AIRFO ILS IN ANY CHORD TO 24 INCHES O rder o f A erom odeling by Radio), writes
• MODIFY THICKNESS, CAMBER. TRAILING EDGE to say that his club w ill be holding a m ulti­
• ENTER DATA EASILY WITH B U ILT -IN EDITOR task contest at th e ir sod farm in Oswego,
• EASY TO USE, M ENU-DRIVEN OPERATION Illinois, on August 5-6. Saturday w ill be
e INCLUDES AN 18-PAGE ILLUSTRATED MANUAL practice day and Sunday w ill be run w ith
m o d ifie d F3B rules. The intent is to give
eO Q QC CA r«»ld*A t·
add · % I··
those fliers even m ildly interested in F3B a
O r l t l H i o rd e r·
MAh d r a f t fo r u t l t o chance to learn in a (hopefully) low-key
Require» IB M c o m p a n d ·
computer and dot matrix printer.
environm ent.
In te re ste d flie rs sh o u ld c o n ta c t Tom
P le a e a a p actfy c o m p u ter end
p rin te r ty p o «A on o rd e rin g . Kallevang, 1315 Paddock Dr., W heeling,
Illinois 60090.
CYGNET S oftw are
24843 Dei Prado #141 Dana Point CA 92629 TIM E T O G O !
Keep those letters com ing! Send photos
B E U S E D F O R — F IE L D o f your favorite project and an educational
w riteup, and I promise you some space in
M A IN T E N A N C E · C A R R IE R · & $ m m w m m m these pages o f M B ! Bill Forrey, 3610 A m -
B U IL D IN G / A L IG N M E N T J IG · berw ood C ourt, Lake Elsinore, California
P A IN T IN G J IG · S T O R A G E Circus H obbies o f­ 92330, (714)245-1702 ·
STA N D · fe r s you th e con ven-
ience o f catalog R C T ech. S tu ff.. C o n tin u e d fro m page 45
C O M E S C O M P L E T E W IT H shopping with 80
B U ILT -IN T R A Y A R E A S . Glass on even well-sanded foam gives a
p lu s pro d u ct lines disappointingly rough surface. The tech­
A V A IL A B L E A T Y O U R L O C A L including J R ra­ n iq u e I have been c a llin g th e "m ira c le
H O B B Y SHO P. „ dios, K ali heli­ m ethod,” where a sheet o f thick M ylar is in
copters, W ebra contact w ith the fiberglass surface during
cnCxnD e n g in e s a n d th e c u re and th e n re m o v e d , y ie ld s a
smooth high-gloss finish automatically; but
H irobo cars. So call
it is d iffic u lt to do well w ith o u t vacuum
PO. Box 1247 to llfr e e fo r a fr e e C ircus H obbies catalog! bagging.
St. Charles. IL 60174 A m ajor reason why composite con­
1·800·782·0022 struction seems a bit slow and difficult is
that we are com paring it w ith some very
fairly popular w ith the troops, it w ould good m odel materials and processes that
seem! have been developed over a long period
OF PEAPODS A N D SKYWALKERS Eppler 193 airfoil in a polyhedral wing o f time. We have prefinished balsa in any
Harry W eitz o f San Diego has co n trib ­ planform w ith spoilers. For pure soaring, w eight, thickness, and size; flat, smooth,
uted to this colum n a couple of times be­ this section is as good as any I have come strong plyw ood in many thicknesses; Sig’s
fore. His latest letter was received actually across. It does not penetrate like a Selig Lite-Ply; the CA glues in several viscosities;
quite some time ago, but space to run it 3021 o r Eppler 205, but in moderate w ind it Satellite City's new UFO foam -com patible
has been scarce, until now. is hard to beat. CAs; and the prefinished and heat-shrink­
"O n page 35 of the November '88 M B, I “ I found that the boom , made of a 5/16- able film s and fabrics w ith in te g ra l ad­
noticed a model built by Dick Vader utiliz­ inch O.D. fiberglass arrow shaft, was quite hesive. The com petition has gotten rough.
ing a pod and boom. Interesting, that on flexible, especially during launch. Care We model builders have been spoiled.
about February 1,1988, I built a sailplane must be taken during the flight mode. The The structural qualities o f a skin of fib e r­
called ‘ Peapod’ which utilized the same inside o f the bo o m (approxim ately 1/4- glass on low-density foam cores such as
m ode of construction (photo enclosed). I inch I.D.) contains the antenna passage beaded foam and blue type SM foam, also
do not know Dick Vader. and a tube fo r the stabilator and the ru d ­ leaves s o m e th in g to be desired. For in ­
"Peapod is 100 inches in span, an aspect der. I fly it quite often.” stance, in a crash o f Sea Fli XI, I put a
ratio of 122, weighs 42 ounces, uses the By phone one night, Harry told me that compression crease in the wing, w hich had





SmSh 2 5A 15min
9mAh 3 5A 15mm
DmAti 5 OA 15mm r
1700m Ati 5 DA 20mm
lOOOmAh 5 OA 45min.

i _____ _ — ____ a 20 AMP


Charge the Big Ones Fast

The Astro M odel 112 DC/DC charger is specially voltage jacks are provided on the front panel, so you
designed to charge BIG ELECTRIC SYSTEMS FAST. can monitor the charging process with your digital
No more waiting around for hours trying to charge voltmeter.
the tw enty eight cells in your Quarter Scale Cub. No DC/DC CHARGER COMPARISON
more removing the w ing to take out the four battery Maximum No. of Cells Charging Time
packs so you can charge them one at a time. Now
you can charge all twenty eight cells (44 volts) at the
sam e time. Just plug the astro M odel 112 into the
charging jack on the side of your model, set the
timer for fifteen m inutes and relax. Our high power
precision electronics will do the work.
For versatility the Astro Model 112 can't be beat. It
can charge any nicad battery with as few as one cell
or as many as tw enty eight cells. And the Constant
Amp Charging Circuit is adjustable from one to five
amps, so you can safely charge 250 and 500ma
receiver packs, 900 and 1200ma airplane packs, and
4000m a boat and truck packs. The Astro M odel 112
charges them all faster and more efficiently. The
reason is simple, our super heavy duty DC/DC in­
verter puts out more juice. The proof is right there
on the meter.
You will appreciate another little feature. The input
cord is both fused and diode protected so if in haste
you were to inadvertantly hook up the alligator cord
backwards nothing would get fried. Just pop in a
new 20 amp fuse and you're back in business. Also,
SUBSCRIBE NOW (Starts w ith next published issue).
The R E A L how-to maga­ U.S. O nly (includes APO and FPO): One year(4 issues) · S12.95
T w o years(8 issues) -$24.85
zine on all types of mod­ Overseaslalso Canada and M exico): One year o n ly-$ 2 1 .4 5 includes
el boats and ships; R/C, postage & handling. Payment must be in U.S. funds, draw n on a
U.S. Bank.
steam, electric, sail, rac­
N a m e ____________________________________ Sig. _____________________________________
ing, sport, static and
operational scale. Also Address ___________________________________________________________________________
construction articles on
all types, with full-size C ity ______________________________________ State______________ Z ip __________________
plans and patterns avail­ Visa or M/C No. (Add 5%) ______________________________________ Exp. D a te __________
able, complete with re­
B A C K IS S U E S A V A IL A B L E - Lim ited supply. $ 4 . 0 0 per copy. U.S. add 5 0 d p e r
print of building instruc­
copy,.outside U.S. add $ 1 . 5 0 per c o p y for shipping.
U.S. BOAT & SHIP MODELER, 898 West 16th St., Newport Beach. CA 92663

to be repaired. The problem is that white to provide a ding-resistant surface. Shrink- at it based on cut-and-try experience. They
beaded foam and blue foam are to o low in film over balsa on a foam core is com par­ may o r may not come close. W hen we all
c o m p re s s io n s tre n g th to s u p p o rt th e able in total effort, but m ore subject to learn m ore, as the result o f testing and
fiberglass well enough to develop its full dents from dropped screwdrivers. For ap­ mistakes, we w ill design stronger, lighter,
strength. Stronger foams are readily avail­ p ly in g any k in d o f skin to fo a m cores, easier-to-build composites.
able, but usually can’t be used fo r solid vacuum bagging is highly recommended. KEVLAR A N D C A R B O N
cores because they w ould make the model It is easier, w ill come out better looking, Some composites are made w ith Kevlar
too heavy. and w ill be much stronger because the fa b ric instead o f fiberglass. This aram id
You w ill find fiberglass-only skins over skin-to-foam bond w ill be much better. fiber by DuPont is stiffer and stronger in
foam cores on some ARFs and custom-built W ith vacuum, squeegeed-on epoxy seems te n s io n than glass fib e r, b u t w e a ke r in
wings fo r sailplanes, but if you look closely to be the best skin-to-core adhesive. compression. It can increase strength or
you may find a thin sheet of stronger, S A N D W IC H W IN G SKINS reduce the weight o f a model slightly with
denser foam, such as Rohacell (see May '89 A still h ig h er stre n g th -to -w e ig h t ratio careful engineering, but since our hobby is
MD&TS), between the fiberglass skin and method o f designing a fiberglass-skinned m ore art than science at this point, there is
the beaded-foam core. That layer of strong w ing is to elim inate the solid foam core, u su a lly n o g u a ra n te e th a t K evlar adds
foam, usually 1/16 to 1/8-inch thick, sup­ substitute a very simple internal structure, m u ch b u t cost. It is also c o n s id e ra b ly
ports the glass so most o r all o f its co m ­ and use skins consisting o f a thin sheet of harder to w ork w ith than glass.
pression strength can be realized, adding Rohacell or other strong foam, w ith a layer Properly used, carbon fiber w ill greatly
much more overall strength than it does o f fiberglass on both sides of it. The result is im prove both strength and stiffness. Car­
weight. Some individual modelers also go structural sandwiches top and bottom w ith bon w ing spar caps and inserted graphite
the strong-foam -layer route, but it repre­ light, free, easy-to-shape air in the middle. tow (unidirectional fibers) are good exam­
sents m ore steps in the construction p ro ­ This construction is much m ore difficu lt ples. Graphite is one crystalline form of the
cess and m ore b u ild in g tim e . A c tu a lly , fo r the hom e builder, however. It almost elem ent carbon (diamond is the other).
w hen we skin a foam -core w ing w ith balsa requires special molds as well as vacuum The high-strength man-made fibers are in­
and then apply light fiberglass over the bagging. I have seen a num ber o f sandwich terchangeably called by either name.
balsa, we are making a similar sandwich, wings and other model parts w hich were CO RR UG ATED C A R D B O A R D
and a very good one. Here, use the softest m o ld e d p ro fe s s io n a lly in th is m a n n e r, Last December I discussed foamboards
balsa you can fin d to ke e p th e w e ig h t usually fo r sailplanes. They are beautiful, and corrugated cardboard, w hich are of
dow n, since the balsa is now supporting strong, light, and true. course sandwiches. I said then that card­
the glass, and the glass w ill provide most of PROPORTIONS board o r "p a ste b o a rd ” has p re tty fair
the strength. I n composite design, the selection o f the strength-to-weight ratio and “ free” can’t
Classing is w o rk , how e ver. S heeting type o f foam fo r the core and selection of be beat fo r price, but cardboard models
fo a m -co re w ings w ith 1/64 p ly w o o d or the thickness fo r the epoxy/fiberglass or usually look very crude. There are excep­
veneer is also structurally excellent, but other skin, to optim ize the strength-to- tions, I have learned. I got a letter from
easier. These tw o wood skins are about the w eight ratio o f the structure, is a rather Chuck Felton, w ith photos o f seven o f his
same weight as 1/16 balsa, but they are sophisticated engineering problem re­ corrugated-cardboard scale control line
hard so they do not need to be fiberglassed q uiring a com puter. M ost modelers guess models. “ C rude” doesn’t fit them . For

standoff scale, they look very good. Have a
look at his P-51. Chuck had a construction ^'Challenger 93995 VS * O LD T IM E S T U N T - L E G A L
article published in M od e l Builder in the designed by: B i l l N oyes BASED UPPON THE ORIGINAL
Oct. '88 issue on his cardboard Hawker
Hurricane. In that article he discloses the A 'FULL STUNT* profile model kit
many techniques he has developed over AREA 587 SO.IN. 35 to .45 ENGINE
the past ten years in b u ild in g w ith card­
I ran some tests on a piece of corrugated
board from a small furniture box. It was
.15-inch thick and weighed 2.02oz./sq. ft. (L t o R) Ed S o u t h » Ic k ,

ik e r .
Tod F e n c h o r.

T h · · · end many
d e s ig n e d by: J im S a f t i g
(about the same as Artcore or balsa o f the o t h e r · fle « th e k i t p ro to ty p e a t
S tu n t C h e e p io n s n ip e .
same thickness). I rolled a strip o f it into a -------- C e .. F e O .. 1981 1947 V in ta g e 496 S Q . in .
tube 2.5 inches in diameter by 2.0 inches .3 9 -,4 5 GLOW
.3 5 -,6 5 IG N ITIO N $ 4 5 .9 5
long and compression tested it (without
w aterproofing it). It supported 120 pounds G A L A X IE HOOEL COMPANY 1947 'LIL' ZILCH $3 2 .5 0
parallel to the corrugations, fully as much B o x 4Θ42, C ovin a. Ca. 91733
(Θ1Θ) 967-0074 Dealer inquires invited
fo r its weight as the best results I have had
w ith e p o xy g la ss/fo a m -c o re sandw ich
tubes o f various compositions but similar
size. In a shear test (perpendicular to the
corrugations), the cardboard did poorly
Michigan's most complete supplier of AND SUPPLIES
however. It gave 13.3 Ib ./lin e a l inch u lti­ model kits & accessories— if it’s FOR COMPETITION AND SPORT. SINCE 1975
mate. In com parison, 1 /8 -in c h A rtc o re featured in M o d e l B uilder Magazine RUBBER POWERED MODELS
(again same weight) gave only 6.7 lb ./in .; we probably carry it in stock. COUPE DE VILLE (41" span) $29.95
1/64 plywood (also about the same weight), We love to help beginners as well SOURRE EAGLE 30 (2 9") $18.95
BLUE RI0GE SPECIAL (13 1 /2 ") $6.95
gave m e a shear s tre n g th o f 10 lb ./in . as the dyed-in-the-wool enthusiasts. BLUE RIDGE OART (13 1 /2 ") $6.95
M e d iu m balsa gave 30 lb . / i n . sh e a r Give us a try! LITTLE ZEPHYR (In doo r prim er: $6.95
DRAGON ELI (H e lic o p te r) $2.95
strength! Balsa is undoubtedly the best for MEMBER HANDLAUNCHED GLIDERS
shear webs. Radio Control
WOULD CHUCK (1 5 ") $A. 95
TH ER M O FO R M ED ABS Hobby Trade PUP CHUCK (1 2 ") $3.95
M any kits and ARFS in clu d e vacuum - Association MIDDLE CHUCK (1 6") $5.95
SUPER CHUCK (1 8 ") $6.50
fo rm e d (th e rm o fo rm e d ) parts o f acry­ SLICK CHUCK (1 8 ") $6.50
WING FLING (T a ille s s s tu n te r) $3.95
lonitrile-butadiene-styrene (I like to show 7845 Wyoming · Dearborn. Ml 48126 · (313) 933-6567 ADD S2.50 SHIPPING AND HANDLING
off), or similar thermoplastic sheet material. Dealer inquiries Catalog 50c
17900 E. 10 Mile Rd. · E. Detroit. Ml 48021 · (313) 773-8294
This is an inexpensive way to make com ­ invited. ^χ^ /■
35203 Grand River · Farmington. Ml 48024 · (313) 477-6266
m ercial parts, b u t such parts, especially
w hole fuselages, are weak a n d /o r heavy
105 & Uvemols · Rochester, Ml 48063 · (313) 651-8842 /B L U E RIDGE MO DELS^
BOX 429. SKYLAND. N. C. 28776
compared to fiberglass parts. M y materials
data file shows ABS, polystyrene and PVC
to have about the same strength-to-weight
ratios as m edium balsa, but e p o x y /fib e r-
glass, p o ly e s te r/fib e rg la s s , and cyano-
a cryla te /fib e rg la ss lam inates are many
A Free F lig h t M od e l
R e trieva l System th a t
w o rk s . . . EVERY TIME
S IZ E S : 1/4". 3/16". 1/8". 3/32". 1/16“
times better. Note that most such formed
plastic parts have plyw ood or other addi­ . 0 4 2 thick one p o u n d box.
An u ltra lig h t w e ig h t, lo n g ran g e
tions o r doublers to make them strong miniature transmitter combined w ith a Price: $ 1 3 .9 5 n o lube (Slick costs $ 1 .7 5)
enough. Fiberglass fuselages usually need h ig h ly sensitive receiver and directional Price: $ 1 4 .9 5 includes 4 oz. Slick Lube.
little or no beefing up. antenna w ill quickly help you track and Postpaid in U S via U P S Ca. add 6 % tax.
SHEET PLASTIC SKINS locate yo u r plane.
I once skinned a foam wing core w ith NEVER LOSE ANOTHER MODEL! 100 FF kits inc. Coupe Oeville, Starduster,
.01-inch thick colored high-im pact p o ly­ H .L . Gliders, Pee Wee 30, Potent 30 & more.
Send SASE For Brochure Satellites, 3 Pearls, Pacifiers, KSB, Seelig
styrene sheet. It wasn’t im pact resistant
timers, T ilka , Open rubber, fro n t ends. Fuse,
e n o u g h . In a case o f d u m b th u m b s o r Jim W alston 3 prop kits, Winders, Books, m uch hardware.
pilot-error altercation with the ground, the R e trieva l Systems
ground wasn’t hurt, but the polystyrene 725 Cooper Lake Rd. S.E. 1988/89 C A T A L O G S1.50
wing skin exploded! There must have been Smyrna, G A 30080
hundreds of bits o f plastic flying through 404/434-4905 F. A.I. Model Supply
the air, most of them less than a square
inch in area.
0* P O 80X 3957 TORRANCE. CA 90510

There are tw o readily-available thin plas­ skin. This is an interesting m ethod a p pli­
tic sheet materials w hich I feel do show cable to any clear skin material. The surface SATELLITE CITY TAPES
promise as foam -wing and fuselage skin fin is h is th e o rig in a l h ig h -g lo s s u ltra ­ If you haven’t seen Satellite City's Video
m aterials, how ever: polycarbonate and smooth surface o f the material itself, with Tips yet, I highly recom m end them. These
Mylar. Polycarbonate is very strong and the paint showing through from inside. No tapes give m uch useful in fo rm a tio n on
to u g h , and it can be g lu e d o r s o lve n t sanding o r prim ing are required and every model airplane building. The first one is
w elded easily. I haven’t had tim e to skin a paint jo b turns out perfect because we the basics o f using cyanoacrylate glues. In
w ing w ith it yet. Mylar is even stronger, but look at the side o f the paint which is against #2 Bob and Bill Hunter, Nationals-winning
its problem is that it is difficu lt to glue. I did the perfect material surface. It does require m odelers them selves, show all kinds o f
cover foam cores fo r the wing, fuselage, a good bond between the paint and the advanced techniques w ith these materials,
fin, and stabilizer of an original design with plastic however, since that bond w ill be in including using CA to bond and fill fib e r­
.008 M ylar many years ago. Have a look at series w ith the skin-to-foam bond. Note glass. The tape even shows how to make
the photo. It was a good airplane, but a bit the windshield in the photo. It is not a perfect fiberglass tubes rapidly and easily. I
crude at the bonded edges. I put a lot o f separate piece of plastic but an integral qualify as a very experienced m odeler, but
flights on it and still have the wing. The part of the M ylar skin, w hich I masked I learned a lot from this tape. Refer to
M ylar is painted only on the inside of the inside to keep the paint off. Satellite City’s regular ads in M odel Builder.


composite wings and fuselages by vacuum
H o b b y H o rn bagging.
hobby specialties M att Gewain o f Composite Structures
Kits from
T e chnology, 3701 In g lew ood Ave. #268,
P& W R e d o nd o Beach, C a lifornia 90278-1110,
M odeI S ervice (213)542-7393 sells the standard composite
1935 Mtss America 84* $71 96 1936 Buccaneer 84* $59.96 materials plus Kevlar fabric and thin Roha-
1937 DaBaire 108*’ $75 16 1938 Clipper Mk I 72* $ 41 56
1938 Kloud King 63* $42 36 1938 Powerhouse 84* $53 56 CHAMPION FF KITS: cell foam sheets.
1938 Record Breaker 96* $69 56 1938 Trenton Terror 72* $40 76
"Wake-Up" Wakefield ............................. $48.00 George Sparr o f Aerospace Composite
1939 Korda Wake 44* $19.16 1939 Mercury 72* $58 36
1939 Zipper 54* $53 56 1940 Ranger 46* $ 31 96 "Champion C oupe"..................................$28.00 Products, P.O. Box 16621, Irvine, California
1940 Sailplane 78* $84 76 1940 So Long 50* $30.36 “ Upshot" M ulvihill....................................$2650 92714, (714)250-1107 has a very w ide selec­
1941 BrigWier 56* $40.76 1941 Super Ouakor 78* $72.76
1941 Playboy Jr 54* $31 16 1941 Playboy Sr 80* $51 16 CHAMPION RUBBER tio n o f c o m p o s ite m a te ria ls w h ic h he
1941 Brooklyn Dodger 56* $42 36
1/8, 3/16, & 1/4 w id th s .040 th ic k . showed me at the N.W. M odel Exposition
Midway Model Co.: Full Kits in February. They stock a big variety of
1936 Flying Quaker 84* $64 76 1938 Powerhouse 50* $29.96 $12.50/lb. B o x *
1937 Long Cabin 78* $47 16 1939 A T Sponsor 50* $29.96 C A T A LO G $ 1 .5 0 carbon fib e r tubes and rods, glass/foam
1937 Quaker Flash 67* $45 56 1940 B u ^ a rd Bombshell
1937 Air Chief 61* $35 96 72*spanki $56.98 CHAMPION MODEL PRODUCTS and ca rb o n /fo a m sa n d w ich e s, glass and
1940 New Ruler 74* $71 16 50pspank! $35.96 880 Carmen Ct., La Verne, CA 91750 c a rb o n /b a ls a core sandw iches. A rt C or
The above kits qualify for Sam events (FF & R/C). and feature
the highest quality machine cut & sanded parts, all sheet & strip (7Ί4) 599-3348 fo a m b o a rd , e x o tic fabrics, etc. Send an
wood, wire, & window material. Most plans are the original * indudesUS defcvery ve U P S Ca# readeres add 6% sates tax SASE fo r their catalog.
11. but the models arc easily convertible to 3ch R/C
Sailplanes, Electric Power or Gas Kits Noal Rossow and Dave M ro z o f C om ­
MlPW.AVMQPaCO. .HXCTRfcMQDEL DESIGN posite A irc ra ft Engineering and Supply,
Gnome HLG 60* $24 00 Sky Knight 44* (05 Dt) $24 00
Gnome 2M GHdcr 78* $37 96 ElectraGWe I I 73" <05 0) $31 00
Fast Eddie {05 D) $24 00 Lightning 36* (05 D) $24 00
N EW from P.O. Box 866, Lapeer, M ichigan 48446, (313)
664-3330 have a nice selection o f goodies,
UlraM kIV (05 G) $37.96 Thermic Traveller (05 O or G) $31 00
Electric Playboy (05 G) $26.00 including w ood veneers fo r wing skinning
Hobby Horn Sensoar Glider 78* (or 05 electric) $18 00
and 14-mil M ylar sheet fo r miracle method
Astro Challengor (05 Geared)
Astro Vfcing (05 Geared)
$32.50 Spinner tri-| for use. They specialize in vacuum bagging.
Astro Porterfield (15 or 25 Geared) $59 96
Astro Sport 37* (05 Direct) $29 96 R u b b e r Po M o d e ls N oal and his p a rtn e r Dave g o t a go o d
Davey’s Robin (05 Geared) $33 71 w rite-up on their composite services in the
Dave/s Le Crate (05 Geared)_____________________________$35 96 Package contain sets Io January issue o f M o d e l Builder in Bill For-
make four, (hre props, rey’s R/C Soaring colum n. I have now re­
Up to $8 00 add $2 00 $2.00 pp/ 1st Class, or free attems, ceived one of their "Sucker Kits,” w hich is
$8.01 to $20.00 add $2 50 when requested with order.
$20 01 to $45 00 add $3 25 a very simple and inexpensive setup for
$45.01 to $70 00 add $3 75
HOBBY HORN hers m a kin g co m p o s ite m odel parts and in ­
Over $7000 add $450
CA Addressees add 6% tax. Send 15173 Moran St. (B) cludes an easy-to-use hand vacuum pump.
MO. VISA / MC (# & Exp) or Check P.O.Box 2212
(alow up to 30 days lor chock Westminster. Ca 92684 Mftuic Flight tri- I also have their video tape ($39.95) on
clearance.) (714) 893-8311 m a k in g a ll k in d s o f c o m p o s ite s w ith
COD - Exact charges plus $1 50
handling (Cash Only)
Hrs: Mon-Fri 9AM - 5PM 8033 Sunset Blvd Suite^ vacuum, and a few o ther good tips. It is
Los Angeles CA 90046 one o f the best videos I have seen in the
$4.00 m odeling business. I highly recom m end it.
I have tw o suggestions, however. The video
shows Noal sucking on a tube to get excess
air o u t o f the bag before he starts applying
th e p u m p . I w o u ld n ’ t d o th a t. Use a
If& R A F T O R S vacuum cleaner before the vacuum pump.
BUILDERS Epoxy fumes as w ell as excessive contact
w ith the stuff can be bad. Let’s not inhale
it! M y o ther suggestion concerns the bag
A N ation als Winner itself. Noal and Dave struggled quite a bit
The “ Heinke!” He 100-d to get their loose assemblies in to the bag
and aligned properly before applying the
24 * W in g s p a n — R u b b e r P o w e re d F ly in g Scale

$ 1 5 .9 5 K it *1 10 PLANES CARS ”7 , _ / la T S vacuum. I th in k it is easier to b u ild a bag

Your o k l b u ild in g «k ills w ill enroy the ex perience Tim e to o BOATS TRAINS / ,rom / PLANS a ro u n d th e assembly by p lacing th e as­
lo go t your son (earning no w A b e a u tifu l k it in th o F lyline
tra d itio n , con te s t « in n in g flig h t a b ility D ecals, C anopy and
Spinner are inclu de d. Q u a lity ba lsa, a k it w e are pro ua of Why not try an ARF of YOUR choice? High wing.
sembly on one half o f a sheet o f plastic,
W e've g o t a w ho le lin e o t o ld tavunlea. low wing, mid wing, biplano Great Planes folding the o ther half over the top, and
Ptease son d 50c lo r o u r F ly lin e C ata log Super Sportsters? Ace R/C 4-20 thru 4-60 series?
Phone. (703) 273-0503 Dealers a n d D is trib u to rs are Invited. Sig Seniorita.- fitted for engine and radio. sealing the three edges w ith caulking tape,
F L Y L IN E M O D E L S , IN C . $180.00 plus shipping. instead o f just the end o f a pre-m ade bag.
P.O. Box 2134, Folrfqx, Vlr9 lnlo 22031_______ Send SASE for particulars to: M any o f the owners o f these composites
u st o m Suite 200 2069 Zumbchl Rd. c o m p a n ie s are c o m p e titio n s a ilp la n e

S peaking o f using CA fo r fib e rg la ss

bonding, the stuff costs m ore than epoxy
St. Charles. MO 63303
(314)946 7154
modelers w ho have gotten into composites
in an effort to make better models fo r their
ow n use. They are dedicated to the hobby.
or polyester resin, so there may be a lim it remover on hand.) STAINLESS WIRE SOURCES
to the area o f glass you w ill put dow n with SOURCES Three or fo u r of you w rote to give me
CA, but it is the fast way to make patches, Look in your yellow pages under "Fiber sources fo r hard stainless w ire fo r foam
w ing center joints, etc. I also find it very Glass.” There are hundreds o f glass and cutting, in response to my inquiry. Aircraft
handy, w hen fiberglassing large areas, to resin suppliers all over the country. Some safety wire, guitar strings, and fishing leader
stretch the glass cloth and bond dow n the cater to the special needs o f the modeler. w ere all suggested. I now have some Berk­
edges w ith instant CA, then to epoxy-bond O ne that does, including stocking carbon ley (not th e m o d e l com pany) .015-inch
the main area of the cloth. If there is any cloth, is Tacoma Fiberglass Products, 2406 diameter hard stainless leader, w hich is just
chance of the CA contacting foam, make Port o f Tacoma Road, Tacoma, Washington right. It is available from com m ercial fish­
sure you use Satellite City’s foam -friendly 98421, (206)272-1258. ing equipm ent companies.
UFO CA. (By the way, in case you haven’t Ron and Karen W agner o f Hi Perform­ IN D O O R MODELS
heard, CA debonder is nothing but our ance S a ilp la n e s, 17902 N.E. 156th St., M y mind-set in this colum n is usually
old friend nitromethane. If you mix your W o o d in v ille , W a sh in g to n 98072, (206) R/C since that is my personal bag, but I
own glow fuel and have some nitro on 487-1721, have a w id e selection o f co m ­ d o n ’t want to completely ignore the other
hand, you also have cyanoacrylate glue p o site m aterials and w ill b u ild custom phases of m odeling. It occurs to me that

W e’ve (jot th e cure w h eth er y o u ’re torn, ripped,
shredded, frazzled , sm a sh ed , cru sh ed , cracked,
chipped, fractured, sp lit, sn app ed and sh a ttered or
just a little bit stressed .
1 oz. Fast Cure 3-5 Sec........................ $ 2 .4 9
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HOI KS Mon til Γπ 9:30-7:30 Tue. Wed & Sat 9 30-5:50. Thurs 9:30*9:00. Sun 12:00*5:00

composite materials as we have been This allows me to go back, sometimes years the catching (unless you are pursuing the
studying them don't apply very well to later, and see which were the major weight last bus on a rainy night). I wish you happi­
rubber-powered and indoor models. The contributors in that particular type of con­ ness in your pursuit of the perfect model
problem is the matter of density, which we struction so I can intelligently design lighter design.
discussed in the October '8 8 column of next time. It usually takes two sheets of Francis Reynolds, 3060 W. Lake Sam­
MD&TS. Balsa becomes harder to beat as paper per model to record all of this. These mamish Parkway N., Redmond, Washing­
the size of the plane goes down. It would old weight sheets are invariably used a lot ton 98052, (206)885-2647. SASE please. ·
be difficult to build a composite structure when I am designing a new plane. The
lighter than a balsa spar for a microfilm- final weight of the model is of course the
covered duration indoor model. bottom line, but to know why it weighs Stork.......... Continued from page 31
When we think about it, the name of the what it does, I have to be able to see the engines. New .080-inch aluminum frames
game in designing such planes is to make details. Yes, it is a little extra work, but well were made in the U.S. for his Special Edi­
them weigh as close to zero as possible, so worth it in my goal to become a better tion Stork. The new frames have the engine
that the power required is also close to designer. cylinder facing the tail for easy access to
zero, so that the rubber motor will keep SUMMARY the glow plug. The new frames are ex­
unwinding close to forever. The microfilm Composite structures have a lot to offer tremely sturdy and pretty. John also added
is invisible except for reflections, and the in model airplane building. They can pro­ a cone start feature, a strut landing gear
gossamer structure is hard to see from any vide much higher theoretical strength- instead of wheels, and a more aesthetic
distance. The almost weightless model flies to-weight ratios than balsa, but in practice canopy. The end result is a fast and slick
silently. If these models get much lighter these gains aren’t always realized because aerobatic machine with far superior hand­
they are going to disappear and be unde­ of our ignorance in design and our crude ling qualities as compared to the original
tectable. The problem the competitor will manufacturing methods and poor quality Stork.
then have with the officials will be to prove control. Interestingly, in full-scale aircraft, During the past 12 months I have tried
that he has a model and that it is flying. composites are replacing aluminum, a four different engines on my Storks: the
W EIGHT SHEETS higher density material, and again achiev­ O.S. .61RF-H Long Stroke, O.S. .61 SFN-H
In the construction article on Sea Fli XI in ing better strength-to-weight. Short Stroke, O.S. .50 FSR-H, and the
the May issue I talked about keeping This is the tim e of the composites Supertigre .60H. My first Special Edition
weight sheets. You may have missed it, but revolution. I built my first fiberglass wing Stork is powered by an O.S. .61RF-H rear
even if you didn't it is worth repeating. For (for a control line stunt model) about 1948, exhaust with pump. Without the pump the
each of my airplane models I keep a record but I have learned more about successful O.S. puts out 1.8 horsepower; with the
of the weight of all major parts, down to composite model structures in the past year pump the engine puts out 2 horsepower.
the last gram. (I use a gram balance, but than in all the time before that. I personally Talking about power, my Stork really
any fairly accurate scale would be fine.) On intend to approach the design of my moves. With this combination, the heli­
a foam wing, for instance, I weigh and models with an open mind, and use what­ copter zips across the sky as if on rails at 70
record the weight of the foam core, its ever material and structure seems best for mph. By moving the left stick only, I can
weight after sheeting, after glassing or the application of the moment. make the Stork move up and down like a
covering, after priming, and after painting. Remember, happiness is the pursuit, not yo-yo. By moving the right stick, the Stork

Construction Articles
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does loops with ease. However, the rolls peel out vertically the moment you punch duction due to public demand. For ease of
are slow. This is because the soft DDF head the throttle. Therefore, after 20 flights, I fitting it into modern helicopters, the
does not transfer all the rotor rolling replaced the .50 with a .60. I am using a SFN-H has the same crankcase and mount­
moment from the rotor head to the fuse­ Hirobo bottom muffler on my rear exhaust ing dimensions as the Long Stroke. The
lage. This head design consequently gives O.S. .60. This muffler gives the Stork an spec sheet says it has 1.7 horsepower, ver­
a soft and smooth control feel that is very aerodynamic and compact look. However, sus 1.8 for the Long Stroke. Did I notice
suitable for beginners. if you are looking for that extra bit of that .1 hp difference? It’s hard to make a
Being a fanatic R/C helicopter modeler power, then I suggest that you put on a conclusion because the SFN-H is of short
for so long, nowadays I really enjoy push­ Magna pipe or a Hatori pipe. stroke design, which means it likes to
ing my helicopters to the limit. Thus, I have How do the three .60 size engines com­ operate at high rpm, while the Long Stroke
replaced the thick and heavy Hiller control pare? The .61 Long Stroke gives brutal is designed for torque at lower rpm, and
paddles that came with the kit with the power. The ABC, pump, and pipe combi­ horsepower is defined as rpm times torque.
thin and light paddles used on GMP Cobras nation gives so much power that the stock My feeling is that pilots who want good
and Competitors. The thin paddles do not autorotation bearing failed once. Of acceleration maybe ought to pick the Long
reduce the stability, but make the Stork course, I am partially responsible for that Stroke. Helicopter kits that have high gear
very lively. It will now roll rapidly. because I constant punch full power from ratios (like the Champion, with a ratio of
The stock tail rotor system is very re­ hover to enjoy the sheer acceleration. I 10:1 or higher) will benefit from the SFN-H.
sponsive. Full left or right tail rotor stick heard a rumor that the Long Stroke engines I think low main gear ratio helicopters, like
produces very fast pirouettes. Recently I are shakers and generate excessive vibra­ the GMP King Cobra, Competitor, and
replaced the original Stork tail rotor as­ tion that can crack helicopter frames. Well, Legend (ratio of 8.6:1) might be great for
sembly with the GMP Legend’s tail rotor after hundreds of flights and m ultiple the Long Stroke.
assembly because the Legend unit is of all crashes, the Stork frames still did not crack. The Supertigre .60H is the least expen­
metal construction and has triple ball bear­ In hover, there are no bubbles in the fuel sive engine among the three. It runs
ings in the tail rotor blade grip for ultra- tank to indicate vibration. Furthermore, I smoothly, idles well (which is important
precise control. The Stork is like the milder usually check engine vibration and clutch when using throttle hold to practice auto­
brother of the popular fully aerobatic shaft alignment by holding the tail boom rotation), has a good carburetor, but is
Legend. They both have belt driven tail while the engine is idling on the ground slightly less powerful. The price even in­
rotors and a similar appearance, but the (make sure the other hand is holding the cludes a swing m uffler, which can be
Stork is about 10% bigger, and has very main rotor head). My Long Stroke did not rotated to direct the exhaust in any direc­
docile handling that is perfect for be­ generate any more vibration than the other tion. It would be nice if the O.S. helicopter
ginners. test engines. engines also came with such a swing muf­
The engine mount is pre-drilled to fit The O.S. .61 SFN-H helicopter engine fler. Great Planes will be importing a new
most of the .50 and .60 size engines on the was also tested in the Stork. The SFN-H Supertigre .60 helicopter engine later this
market. The O.S. .50 provides adequate engine is of the same design as the original summer. The present .60H has been dis­
power for hover, forward flight, and mild O.S. .61 FSR-H engine introduced in the continued because the heat sink does not
aerobatics, but I love seeing my Stork just early ’80s. It has been put back into pro­ fit inside most helicopters' fan shrouds,


and the prop backplate washer is too big
also. My suggestion for sport fliers who “1991” DESIGNS BY DICK HANSON MODELS
want to buy a Stork is to fit a strong, new .50
engine, or better yet, a mild .60 engine.
Beginners always ask what helicopter TIPO + 750”
they should start on. Well, if they have the
money and a place to fly, then the bigger
the helicopter, the better. The Stork is per­
fect for beginners. It is a .60 size machine, RUNAROUND 800”
so it is larger and heavier and thus less
affected by wind than small helicopters,
and it can be seen readily when learning
forward flight, or doing your first loop at
500 feet. The Stork is extremely stable both ULTIMATE 1000”
statically and dynamically. It has a tall main
rotor shaft which generates good static
Custom made airframes of proven
stability; the drawback is that a tall shaft
tends to bend in a crash. The Stork has com petition quality. For over 10

H §
pleasant dynamic stability characteristics years we have furnished winning
because it has a high Bell bar feedback models in AMA, FAI, & T.O.C.
ratio (close to 80%). The Stork's Bell-Hiller
mixing arm is a crossover design that sits on competition. This same quality is
top and across the hub. available to all customers.
The smoothness in hover is also attrib­ W rite or call for further
utable to the Hirobo DDF rotor head. DDF inform ation
stands for Dual-Dam pened-Flapping. The
DDF head has a separate feathering shaft
for each of the two main rotor blades. This DICK HANSON MODELS A L L S H IP P IN G V IA U P S
allows each individual blade to flap up and A V A IL A B L E D IR E C T F R O M 5269 Lucky C lover Lane UPS C HAR G ES EXTRA
down independently. The advantage is that Murray, Utah 84123 P H O N E (8 0 1 ) 2 6 1 -1 4 0 2
if there is a sudden gust, only one blade
will be affected. On a teetering rotor
(probably 80% of the R/C helicopter ★ SCALE ★
models in the world have a teetering rotor)
the whole rotor disc will tilt. On the DDF
rotor head the stiffness of each blade’s D R A W IN G S -P L A N S - P H O T O S -B O O K S
• Aluminum/Brass/Copper Tubing & Shapes
flapping motion can be individually ad­ • Music Wire
justed by the flier. By making the rotor • Tools
stiffer, more control moment from the
main rotor can be transferred to the fuse­ • Soldering Irons
lage, thus a faster roll rate and pitch rate AIRCRAFT & SHIP DRAWINGS • Silk, Silk Span
are obtained. The rotor’s stiffness has also P -5 • Finishing Materials
been increased by designing the individual
Send 25t lor catalog
blade flapping hinges to be 1 / 2 inch away
from the shaft. Designers call this flapping K*S Engineering
6917 W. 59th Street
hinge offset. Full-size helicopters almost
C h ica go , IL 6 0 6 3 8 312/586-8503
always have some flapping hinge offset to
increase the control power. In this case, J lN T E R N A T IO N A L

the 1 / 2 inch of offset provides only a minus­ Λ Β500 IV1CKHIMZIH HW Y.

V ID A , OREGON 97eaa
cule increase in control power, but it allows TEL: 1503] Β 2 2 -3 Ξ 8 0

the blades to flap independently for

smooth flight characteristics. The Stork's should not be called “ damping rubber’’ or
rubber dampers inside the main rotor head “ damper,” because technically the rubber ing. All Futaba, JR, and Airtronics servos
are purposely designed to provide very is providing spring stiffness to the main will drop in there perfectly. The servo tray
low springlike stiffness to give a docile rotor to increase the rotor’s moment trans­ and in fact the whole helicopter comes
hover. The softness is great for FAI hover fer to the fuselage, not damping. In full-size beautifully anodized gleaming black. This
maneuvers, too. The other benefit of hav­ helicopters the flapping stiffness is pro­ projects a mean and nasty image. Another
ing a soft rotor head is that it minimizes vided by an angular spring or a steel flex- neat feature is the servo tray includes a
vibration transfer from the main rotor head beam or composite elastomeric flexbeams. small aluminum panel pre-cut and pre­
to the fuselage. This means the main rotor And they don’t call them damping flex- drilled to fit the receiver switch and the
system does not have to be as critically beams! They are springy flexbeams. For gyro switch. I would like to see this feature
balanced as a stiff rotor system. For exam­ example, on the GMP Cricket, it's the little included on all future helicopter designs.
ple, on a DDF type rotor head, the blades .5mm diameter piano wire that provides The Stork is one of the best packaged
may be 1 / 2 inch off track, or one blade the spring action to the main rotor teeter­ model helicopters on the market. No parts
may be slightly lighter than the other, but ing movement. For example, on the GMP missing. Loctite is included too. All the
still the fuselage will not vibrate signifi­ Cobra, you compress the rubber inside the parts come independently packaged in
cantly. This is the reason why all U.S. de­ main rotor hub to increase the flapping plastic blister packages. The mechanics of
signed full-size helicopters have relatively stiffness, not damping, to give you a more my first Stork were put together by my
soft main rotor head systems. The draw­ springy action. Same thing on the Schluter friend Richard Baker in one day, and this is
back is that a soft rotor head cannot per­ and X-Cell rotor heads; you can add shim only the second helicopter that he has
form very high " g ” or near zero " g ” washers to compress the O-rings in the built. The instructions are full of drawings
maneuvers. hub to increase the stiffness.) and explained in 28 easy-to-follow steps.
(I want to point out that there is a com­ One of the many nice features on the The Special Edition Stork has one of the
mon mistake made by nearly all modelers Stork is that the servo tray is pre-formed of sleekest looking canopies of any R/C heli­
and manufacturers. The rubber that pro­ metal and some plastics parts, so there is copter. (I wish it came pre-tinted. Maybe
vides the springy action in our rotor hub no time consuming woodwork and paint­ they can mold these out of tinted plastic?)

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F or s u b s c rip tio n s o n ly , ca ll (800) 243-9593

The Stork has a toothed-belt drive for the crisper helicopter heading control. The The control linkage on the Stork is very
tail rotor. There is almost no way that thing Legend’s tail rotor unit is lighter, more similar to the proven Cobra/Competitor
can slip. The correct tension on the belt is compact, and the tail rotor blade holders setup. The collective is controlled by rais­
when you can squeeze one side of the belt employ three ball bearings to give ultra- ing or lowering the swashplate. On the
about '/e-inch inward. I find that my belt precise tail blade pitch control. Cobra/Competitor and the Heim helicop­
drive tail rotors on the Stork and Legend Even though my Stork is not a heavy ters, raising or lowering the collective will
freewheel even smoother than my shaft- helicopter (mine is slightly over nine produce unwanted cyclic trim changes.
drive GMP Cobra. pounds), I wish the landing gear on the These unwanted trim changes are totally
Note that the Stork has an octagonally Stork used beefier struts, like those on the eliminated on the Stork with the new
shaped tail boom. The purpose of this is to GMP Competitor. The fuel tank could be parallel l-arms. During bench setup, I can
prevent the tail boom from rotating. This is larger too. There is plenty of space for you see the swashplate tilt as I move the col­
an extremely sturdy tail boom, but a boom to put a bigger one in yourself. I don’t like lective, but in flight, the trim changes are
strike on a miscalculated autorotation is having only 1 0 minutes of flight time avail­ too negligible for the average pilot to
still going to dent it severely. However, the able because that’s when I am just getting notice.
boom can be replaced in a few minutes warmed up for some serious aerobatics. How about crashworthiness? Automo­
because it is just a hollow tube. This is a With some of my friends, though, 10 min­ bile manufacturers like Mercedes and
definite plus for the belt drive tail rotor utes seems to make them plenty happy Volvo constantly advertise their crashwor­
system. A shaft drive tail rotor requires and sweaty. thiness on television. I think this is an issue
wood disks and brass tubing to be fitted On the Stork, Shuttle, and many other neglected by all the reviewers of new kits.
inside the tail boom. helicopters, some people might worry that While I was hovering my brand new Stork
The tail rotor control mechanism is dif­ since the collective and cyclic control arms on the third flight the radio suddenly went
ferent from the traditional GMP and have no ball bearings, the washout unit to full throttle and left cyclic, toward the
Schluter tail rotor mechanisms where tra­ will develop some slop and result in control trees. To get the helicopter down from the
ditionally the tail rotor pitch is controlled sloppiness. In flight you will not notice this tree, we had to tie a rope between the tree
by a wire through the middle of the tail because all the moving parts are loaded, so and the trailer hitch on a car to bend the
rotor shaft. The Stork’s tail control is more they are not free to slop around. The tree down. Surprisingly, the Stork’s dam­
like the Heim and X-Cell, with a sliding ball Champion has plastic bushings for the age took less than four hours of repair
bearing outside of the tail rotor shaft. I like control bellcranks, too, but you can buy a work. After the crash we gave the helicop­
this arrangement much better than the old set of ball bearings from GMP to update ter and the radio a thorough checkout.
wire-through-the-hollow-shaft design. the Champion and make it even smoother. Everything seemed to be fine. O ther
The tail rotor response on the Stork is GMP does not have any ball bearing up­ modelers had been complaining about
phenomenal. You can even do pirouettes date kits for the Stork. Since the control is glitches so we thought the crash was due
in slow forward flight. But with the gyro very crisp already, you probably should to radio interference. However, the next
rate gain turned up, the Stork can hold its not try to modify it. As long as you keep the time we went out it was a history replay.
heading in hover for a long time. Recently bushings clean, and keep the bolt holding Thirty seconds into the flight, the helicop­
I replaced the stock Stork tail rotor as­ the plastic bellcranks snug, then these ter went full throttle and full left cyclic into
sembly with the Legend’s, resulting in even bushings will serve you well. the ground. Now we were quite upset.


Again it took less than four hours to repair
the Stork. The next time we got smart; we
weighted down the helicopter with heavy
E le c tric F ligh t
wood logs and bricks so it could not lift off.
Not to our surprise, the radio went wild
On o il C o n tro lle r
Perfect for 05 Motors 5-10 cells Hobby Lobby’s
again. The radio was sent back to Steve
Helms at Futaba immediately. The lesson
here is that if it is a new radio, you should
check it by running the helicopter while it
is ready
H as B rake 2 llllllllll
is firmly strapped down, or fly it at a place Lightweight 1.2 ox. money back
A djustable sw itching point
away from spectators. The problem was inal
S olderlcss term in Tor easy hookup
al for
g u aran tee
later traced by Futaba to a defective gyro. I
have flown Futaba equipment for 15 years
Controller φ 2 4 . 9 θ
M ore Power, save weight
Very high cfndcncy only 0.06V loss
and this is the first time that I have had to a t 20 A. Size L 2 x l Jx .6 3
send a new or old Futaba radio back for Add Sl.00 for shipping Catalog 14 is BIGGER than ever
California residents add 6.5% $1.63 Tax
service. Since then the gyro has never Send C heck o r money o rd e r to with over 200 things
failed. High Sky you have never seen before:
Originally the Stork had a Futaba 7FGHi 3929 K a n sa s St. #9
Sa n D iego,CA 92104 NEW Giant Telemaster.
gold series radio, then a new Futaba 7UHP
NEW High-performance Electric Motors
1024 bit PCM radio was installed. The new
7UHP is very nice. It comes with five S5101 with NEW Props and accessories.
NEW Electric Airplanes and the
servos and a 1000 mAH receiver battery
pack as standard. The S5101 servos are
P.A.W. DIESELS world's FASTEST electric plane,
brand new servos that replace the old S130 •049 το -35, RC&STD NEW FAST boats.
design. If you still have some old S130 NEW Steam boat.
servos, I suggest that you open it up and NEW 0RAC0VER covering material,
put a drop of cyanoacrylate glue on the SEND $1 FOR LISTS & NEW Helicopter.
tiny blue color disk sitting in the center at USEFUL DIESEL INFO. NEW sailplanes, NEW accessories.
the bottom of the electric motor. Under
vibration, the blue disk can vibrate out, ERIC CLUTTON,
and the motor shaft can slide down and 913 CEDAR LANE,
stop working. Yes, it has happened to me TULLAHOMA, TN.37388
in flight and caused crashes, but since I
added the CA glue the S130 has worked D AV IE S -C H AR LTO N D IE S E LS !
flawlessly. NEW PRODUCTION!
The 7UHP transmitter has a liquid crystal DART .03 EXCELLENT
display for displaying the programmable MERLIN .045 QUALITY.
settings. The 7UHP is a third generation SPITFIRE .06 ENGLISH
helicopter radio; there are no trim pots to SABRE .09 MADE.
adjust. Instead, all helicopter settings such
as dual rate, exponential rate, pitch curves,
engine hi-idle setting, and throttle hold
settings are all programmed into the trans­ “H ig h -A m p ” Powerpole
Modular “Silver Plated” Connector
mitter by pushing six buttons on the front
Rated 30 Amps Λ 600V DC Electrcal Resistance 250 Mcrohms
of the transmitter. The Futaba 7UHF trans­ Color Co ordinated (Red & Rack Lean Housing
mitter has the same features, but it has the
traditional PPM (pulse position modula­
tion) coding system, while the more ex­
pensive 7UHP can operate on either PPM Call us at (615) 373-1444
or PCM (pulse coded modulation). Per­ or send the order form.
O n ly c e rtifie d checks o r m oney orders accepted M inim um order
sonally, I think today’s modern radios are $12 0 0 for three packages of 4 Power poles (S3 5 0 per package
*- S 1 5 0 shipping and handling) CT residents add 7 5% sales tax
extremely reliable regardless if they are
PPM or PCM coding, or AM or FM trans­
Prices subject to change w ithout notice
D E A L E R IN Q U IR IE S IN V IT E D . Fo* further mfo» and
Outside USA send $2.00
deafer tx ices send SASE and Business Card to
mission. The 7UHP with five servos retails
for $799.95, and the 7UHF with four servos SERM0S R/C Call for FIRST CLASS mail
retails for $649.95. A detailed description of SNAP CONNECTORS $2.00 — bill to your credit card.
Futaba programmable radios will be dis­ Cedar Comas Station
cussed in an upcoming comprehensive Box 16787. Stamford. CT 06905 (2031322-6294 MB
look at the nine-channel 1024.
Modern helicopter transmitters have six Name
to eight switches on the front and top, radio. Very impressive! There is only one
some long ones and some short ones. Have chip, and it is probably a Futaba custom
Street Address
you ever broken one of them? When my designed VLSI chip. Besides the one chip,
7UH Pwas only one week old, I accidentally there are about 30 smt (surface mounted
bumped the rudder dual rate switch and technology) capacitors, diodes, and resis­
broke it. I thought I could probably replace tors. The clean solder job indicates these
the switch myself. Well, the switch is sol­ are all robot assembled PC boards.
State Zip
dered to the PC board and the entire board I really like the adjustable tension on
must be removed to change the switch. I
sent the radio back just to replace one
switch. The moral of this story is to get
Futaba transmitter sticks. I like to fly with a
very weak tension because when flying a
model helicopter, especially when you
yourself a transmitter carrying case to pro­ constantly switch from hover to forward
tect your investment. The case also pre­ flight and back, your sticks are rarely at the 5614 Franklin Pike Circle
vents people touching your trims. center. You want a soft feel on the sticks. I Brentwood, TN 37027
While the transmitter back was opened, learned this from Robert Gorham. He once (615) 373-1444
I had a look at the inside of a modern flew with my JR transmitter and com-

IM P O R T A N T IN S T R U C T IO N S : N o n -C o m m e rcia l (personal item s) rate is 4 0
CLASSIFIED ADS cents per w o rd , w ith a m in im u m o f $6 .00. C o m m ercia l rate is 5 0 cents per
w o rd , w ith a m in im u m o f $ 1 0 .0 0 . N o ad agency d isco u n ts a llo w e d . Phone nu m b e r cou nts as tw o w o rd s, a b b re via tio n s
c o u n t as w h o le w o rd s and w ill be spelled o u t. A ll ads are payable w ith o rd e r, and m ay be f o r any con secu tive in s e rtio n
pe rio d spe cifie d. Send ad p a y m e n t to : M O D E L B U IL D E R , Classified Ads, 8 9 8 W. 1 6 th ., N e w p o rt Beach, C A 9 2 6 6 3 .

Flying Scale Inc., 41 rubber scale, collectors ANTIQUE MODEL IGNITION PARTS C A T A ­ RAZOR BLADES. SINGLE EDGE, carbon steel,
quality plans, $6.00 each. SASE tor list. Spans LO G , No. 1, 1989. T im e rs, T an ks, N e e d le first industrial quality $5.00 per hundred plus
17" to 34". Military, Golden Age, French. Brit­ Valves, Cylinders, Point Sets, Pistons, Drive 10% shipping COBBIE'S, RR 2. Box 454-A.
ish, German, Japanese 1905 Colony Rd., Washers, Plugs, Operating Instructions. Engine Staunton, Virginia 24401. (703)885-8036.
Metairie. Louisiana 70003. Plans, Kits. Engines Atwoods, Atom s, K&B,
Delong, Contestor. Others, 1,000 Parts $8.00 BEAN R O C KS " by W ILLAIR C O . $6.95 per
WANTED: Would like to buy a model: CURTISS PP, Foreign $16.00. Chris Rossbach, R D. 1, dozen. Beginners, roll-your-own, duration rock­
ROBIN Airplane. Richard C. Harrison. P.0 Box Queensboro Manor, Box 390, Gloversville. New ets for jet models and matching kits (U-2, F86K,
753, Fori Smith, Arkansas 72901. Phone (501) York 12078. F84, etc.) Send SASE to WILLAIRCO. P O. Box
646-5863 90533. Atlanta, Georgia 30364.
PLANS ENLARGED — Large Scale Specialists,
WANTED: Ignition model airplane engines and PC Model Software Free catalog. Concept Tech­ SCALE DO CUM ENTATIO N: A ircra ft photos
model race cars made before 1950. Jim Clem, nology. PO Box 669D. Poway. California 92064. and photo packs, civil, military, warbirds, etc.
1201 E. 10, PO. Box 524, Sand Springs, O kla­ (619) 486-2464 Detailed close-ups, nose art. unit badges. Cata­
hom a 74063: (918)245-3649. log $1.50. AirPhoto, Dept. MB, 3 Leelynn Circle.
CLASSIC COMBAT MODEL PLANS: Quicker, Londonderry, New Hampshire 03053
Reactor, Wow. Renegade, etc. SASE for list.
PLANE engines circa 1930-46. Fair, com peti­ Barry Baxter, 6490 Sonora Way, Cypress. WANTED: Berkeley and Cleveland kits or
tive prices Tom Forsythe, 318-12th A v e . Box California 90630. related items, parts, plans, boxes, brochures,
141, N ew G la ru s, W is c o n s in 53574; books, ads, radio equipment, accessories, etc.
(608)527-2066 BUILD YOUR OWN low cost adjustable foam Gordon Blume, 4649191st Ave S.E., Issaquah,
cutter. Make solid or hollow core wings, Washington 98027.
1930s M O DEL SHO P' Sawed prop blanks, fuselages, tail surfaces, etc. FREE foam
W W I/Balloon/Stream line balsa wheels, Hinoki sources, "hard shell" techniques, foam sam­ Randolph Butyrate and Nitrate dope. Twenty-
wood, color nitrate, sticks, tissue, bobbins, prop ples, latest airplane plans list, new R/C Skydiver three colors. Three new all-wood control line kits,
hinges, bamboo, old Scale/Contest plans, and plus much m ore Send business SASE. Foam or plans only 1950s style kits complete Scratch-
more! Illustrated mail order catalog: $2 Oldtimer Scale Models, Box 662MB, St. Croix Falls, Wis­ builders supplies. Send large 45-cent SASE.
Model Supply. P O. Box 7334, Van Nuys. Cali­ consin 54024 ABC Hobby Supplies, R O Box 2391 Clarks­
fornia 91409 ville, Indiana 47131.
4"x8" vacuum former with self-contained heat Four rubber m ounts with 10-24 socket head MAILING LIST: Over 300 model manufacturers
source Easily constructed from local materials. bolts, $6.50. Penron Products, Box 13051, listed. Use to contact to support your contest,
Plans $12.00. Complete unit $42.00 postpaid. Arlington. Texas 76094-0051. newsletter, etc. List $25.00, $30.00 with mailing
GRACO MODELS. Box 18358 Kearns, Utah labels. Robert Furr. 8147 Read St.. O m aha,
84118. Nebraska 68122.
SELL your ship m odels at huge profits to dis­
Everything from AUTOGIROS to ZAIC BOOKS! criminating buyers. Expert craftsmen only.
Write: W orldwide Broker, Box 1, Littlestown. ATTENTION INDOOR FLIERS! Fast and pow­
Send $2 for complete catalog of publications, erful m otorized rubber band winder. Battery
plans, cards and m ore HANNAN'S RUNWAY, Pennsylvania 17340.
powered. $10 postpaid Electric Winder, 1441 E.
PO. Box A, Escondido, California 92025. 54th Place, Chicago, Illinois 60615.
ANTIQUE & OLD TIMER PARTIAL KITS also selection: Current production Aurora, Cipolla, WOW! G REAT FLYING ENTERTAINM ENT!
custom 1 /4 -sca le kits, any plans. Send large D-C, Enya. KMD, Mikro, MK-17. MWS, PAW, Sil­ R u b b e r p o w e re d L IL ' DEVIL. A c ro b a tic or
SASE for each price list wanted. MC. Visa a c­ ver Swallow & USE Diesels. Also Mills and straight flights. Stable in wind. 9-1 /2 inch wing­
cepted Klarich Custom Kits, 2301 Sonata D r . Taplin Twin replica diesels and very special im­ span. Easy stick fuselage. $3.00 for plans and
R a n ch o C o rd o va , C a lifo rn ia 9 5 6 70 (9 1 6 ) ported glow engines. Catalog — $1.00. CARL­ instructions, $10.00 for kit Guaranteed Wonder
635-4588. SON ENGINE IMPORTS, 814 E. Marconi, W ing A ir W orks. 184 M adrona Rd., Boulder
Phoenix, Arizona 85022. Creek, California 95006
with 14-inch wingspan. Instructions, patterns, OLD TIMERS built by Dale Myers. Beautiful — AEROINDEX. Comprehensive index to EVERY
photographs. $9.95. Kit N ine PO. Box 72104. light — transparent — electric or gas. Lanzo's plan in Model Builder, 1971 to 1988 $4 75 Post­
Marietta, Georgia 30007 Record Breaker 96" — Pacer "C " — Strato paid. Aeroindex, Box 5124, Hamden, Connecti­
Streak 66" — Berkley Currier Sportster — Pa­ cut 06518
cific Ace 72" — Schoenbrun's "G ladiator" —
NEW! VOLUME 4. PEANUTS & PISTACHIOS! Diam ond Dem on — Playboy Sr. 80" — New
Packed with plans, photos & pointers, $5.50. Still Model engine builders' Materials, tools, Titan
York Aero Nuts "Rambler." Dale Myers, RD # .60 engine kits, display stands. Send SASE for
available but going fast. Volume 3 @ $5 and 3. Stewartstown, Pennsylvania 17363 (717)
Volume 2 @ $4.95. Add $1.50 postage and list. O rven Sales. 2050 C hristina SI.. Salem,
993-6246. Oregon 97304.
packing (one two or all three books). California
orders add applicable sales tax. HANNAN'S SCALE DOCUMENTATION. PLAN ENLARG­
RUNWAY. PO BOX A. Escondido. California ING. P hotopacks, three-view s, draw ings for YOU CAN BUILD Corsairs. P-40 Warhawks.
92025. 1800 aircraft Super Scale R /C plans for Giant, P-51 Mustangs. A6M5 Zeros. Float Planes, Bi­
Sport. 82 page catalog $4.00. Scale Plans and planes, Triplanes, and more. All from beer or
Photo Service, 3209 Madison Avenue. Greens­ pop cans. Beautiful and unique m odels B ro­
SPECIALIZING IN MAJOR DECALS, also kits chure $2.00 credited toward plans order B.C.
and supplies. For personal service and good boro. North Carolina 27403 (919)292-5239.
Air Originals, 725 S. 12th St., Hangar 114, Bis­
prices, send $1.00 for catalog to: Clark's Air- marck, North Dakota 58504, (701 >258-7423
crafters Supplies, 501 Raintree Condo's. Mal­ POSITION WANTED Full-time position wanted
vern, Pennsylvania 19355. in hobby shop Mature 48-year-old. 35 years in
aviation Modeler of 40 years. Will relocate any­ NEW! REARWIN "Cloudster" (send SASE) or 1---------
where Please call (207)646-1544 Mr. Frank $3.00, REFUNDABLE for C atalog/N ew s, a c ­
IGNITION AND GLOW ENGINES. Collectors, Martin. P O Box 683, Ogunquit, Maine 03907. curate /detailed 1930's aircraft plans by Vern E.
runners, used, new. Sell, trade buy. SASE for Clements. 308 Palo Alto Dr., Caldwell, Idaho
large list R. L. Eierman. 504 Las Posas. Ridg­ "EASE-O F-FLYING RATINGS of R /C T rain­ 83605
ecrest, California 93555; (619)375-5537 ers," evaluates 30 popular trainers. $2.00. Jim
W aterm an, 3818 Deerfield Dr., San Antonio, FITZPATRICK ENGINES. The new Fitzpatrick
Texas 78218 61 -ABC is available and in stock. Please order
MODELA C 0 2 ENGINES FOR SALE. $34.95. d ire c t H ig h e st q u a lity eng in e in th e world.
Send check or money order Also: original Czech WANTED: Hasegawa metal model kit of the Double ball bearing. Muffler included Lifetime
plans for C 0 2 engines Paul Svec. 305-1765 "Clerget Rotary Engine." Call or write Richard warranty $298.00 plus $4 95. S&H Fitzpatrick.
Lawrence Ave E., Scarborough, M1R 2X8, O n­ Tabler J r, 24 Thorndike St., Arlington. M assa­ 2120 Bentley 4303. West L A , California 90025,
tario, Canada chusetts 02174. (617)641 -1089. (Tel. 213-477-2092.)


Ace Radio Control................................ 73 INDEX TO ADVERTISERS Peck Polym ers..................................... 94
Aero Plans........................................... 92 Peter Westburg Scale V ie w s................... 80
Alrtronlcs, Inc........................................ 6,7 Pierce Aero Co............... * .................... 92
American Jr. Aircraft Co......................... 92 Polk's Model Craft H obbies..................... 89
American Sailplane D e s ig n s................... 86 Historic Aviation..................................... 1 R/C Model Car S u b s............................ 102
Astro Right Inc..................................... 95 Hobby Horn ........................................ 98 R/C Buyers G u id e ................................ 85
B & D Model Products.......................... 86 Hobby Lobby International................... 103 Repla-Tech International...................... 101
Beemer R/C West D lst Inc. ..................... 78 Indoor Model Supply ............................ 70 Robarl Manufacturing............................ 94
Blue Ridge Models ............................... 97 J'Tec .............................................. 77,82 Satellite C it y ........................................ 71
Byron O rigin als................................... 67 Jed's Shade Canopies .......................... 72 Scale Masters Cham pionships................ 84
Cannon Electronics............................... 74 Jim Walston Retrieval System s................ 97 Sermos R/C Snap Connector................ 103
Champion Model Produ cts..................... 98 JM Lupperger P la n s ............................. 70 Sheldon's Hobbies................................ 99
Circus Hobbles..................................... 94 Joe's Hobby Centers............................. 97 Sid Morgan Vintage P la n s..................... 105
Classified A d s ..................................... 104 John Pond O/T P lan s............................ 93 Sig Manufacturing Co. In c ....................... 4
Coverite ............................................ 88 Jomar Prod u cts................................... 74 Super Tlgre En gin e s...................... Cover 2
Cox Hobbies Inc................................... 76 K & B Manufacturing ............................ 92 T & D Fibe rglass.................................. 76
Culpepper Models Inc............................ 90 K & S Engineering............................... 101 Technopower II, Inc............................... 65
Cygnet Software .................................. 94 Kustom Krattors................................... 98 Teleflite Corporation.............................. 93
Dave Brown Products............................ 87 Magic Rite Models ............................... 98 The Ragan/Barker Group ...................... 69
Dick Hanson M odels............................ 101 McDaniel R/C, Inc................................. 78 Thorpe Engr. (Star H a w k )...................... 75
Doylejet.............................................. 92 Mlcro-X Products.................................. 93 Tom Dixon ......................................... 78
Du-Bro Produ cts.................................. 68 Midway Model C om p an y........................ 90 Top Gun Scale C on te st........................... 5
F. A.I. Model Supply.................. 97 Mlllcott Corporation .............................. 82 Trojan Horse Hobbles ........................... 79
Fabtronics ........................................ 105 Model Builder B in d e rs......................... 107 U.S. Boat & Ship Modeler S u b s ............... 96
Hying Video Productions........................ 81 Model Builder Full-Size P lan s................ 106 Uber Skiver........................................ 108
Byline Models, Inc................................. 98 Model Builder S u b s............................... 100 Victor Model P rod u cts........................... 76
Fox Manufacturing C o............................ 83 Model Rectifier Corporation............ Cover 4 VL Products ........................................ 76
Futaba Industries........................91,Cover 3 Northwest Hobby Su p p ly....................... 8,64 V S Sailplanes...................................... 76
G. M. Precision Products ........... 82 P.A.W. Diesels ................................... 103 Wall Mooney Peanuts............................ 86
Galaxie Model Co.................................. 97 Pacer Tech ( Z A P ) .............................. 64,72 Williams Bros........................................ 88
Gorham Model Prod u cts........................ 66 Passe-Temps Cheval De T roie................ 79 World Engines ...................................... 3
High S k y ..................................... 103 Zenith Aviation Books ........................... 63

plained that the sticks' centering force was

too strong. On the JR Century 7 you have
to pry open the springs to loosen them up.
The Only W ay to Fly
Fabtronics M ark 3 C.D.I pointless system VINTAGE R-C PLANS
Once I loosened the springs I found that
my hover became a lot less jittery. I believe
that stiff stick tension can cause pilot in­
duced oscillation. P.I.O. occurs frequently
on models and full-sized helicopters. It 9 FT. WING SPAN
simply means the pilot is over-correcting ALL RIBS 8 FULL FORMERS SHOWN ON PLANS !!
the helicopter’s motion. PLASTIC ENG.COWLS $10 90 PR
The Stork certainly passes the crashwor­ W orks Great fo r M ost
thiness test with high marks. The helicopter 2 and 4 Cycle engines A LARGE PLAN SHEETS — Plans $18.95
reassembles quickly and the parts were Automatic Spark Control now availabia 6 ft. WING SPAN MODEL P B Y -5 A
for moat 4 cyda anginas.
reasonably priced. What good is an R/C ENGINE COWLS $7.50 PR. P|QnS $14.95
helicopter if it costs an arm and a leg to buy Complete System (Less Batteries) ...................... $69.95 GUN BLISTERS $ 5 .5 0 PR. ΛΟρ $ 3 0 0 POSTAGE
parts and nothing can take a beating? For a (add $3 pom. & Hand.) CATALOG-OVER 50 PLANS $1.00 DEALERS WRITE
frequent crasher like me, this is important. FABTRONICS WORLD ij^ WIDE
One bit of advice before you start your 375 lalo R oyal· Rd„ Galotburg, IL S1401
engine for the first time is to remove your SID MORGAN
canopy. New engines have a lot of com­
pression; my starter has often slipped on has enough inertia to hover for a second
the starting cone and left permanent scars before touchdown, and I can now guaran­ independently flapping main rotor head
on the canopy. tee nine out of ten times that I can auto it design. It builds quickly and flies great,
The autorotation bearing come as stan­ into a four-foot pad. Intermediates will does beautiful autos with weighted blades,
dard equipment, and it is the same one as enjoy learning the autorotation maneuver and it is less expensive than many other
on the Shuttle. With the stock wood blades, with the Stork. I suggest that every Stork helicopters of comparable size. However,
the Stork does not have enough rotational owner use 150 gram weighted blades, as please remember that the Stork is designed
inertia for good autorotations (each blade they improve hover and forward flight sta­ as a smooth, docile, and fast machine.
only weighs about 1 1 0 grams). I replaced bility and smoothness. I have tried less Piloting a Stork may give you the same
the stock blades with a weighted set from weight, but 150 grams seems to be best. feeling as driving a Ferrari at 140 mph. The
the GMP Legend helicopter. I only used Make sure you epoxy the lead weights into Stork does have one of the fastest tail rotor
3/4 of the lead weight that came with the the pre-cut slot securely! I have also tried responses of any .60 size helicopter, but for
blade, thus each blade weighs 150 grams. wider chord rotor blades, but they make hot-dog fliers who want a .60 size machine
Now the Stork does beautiful autos. It now collective control too sensitive. The with super fast roll rate and snappy aero­
weighted, narrow chord GMP Legend batic ability, then you are better off with a
Anyone in the Southern San Joaquin Valley. blades seem to work best. Legend, Competitor, Cobra, X-Cell, Scout,
Calitornia who is interested in indoor flying at The bottom line is, if you are a beginner Champion, or Kalt Omega.
th e C o lle g e of the S e q u o ia s' g ym n a siu m , or an expert looking for a smooth and easy Need technical help? GMP has a tele­
Visalia, contact Chuck Neeley, (209)625-3011 hovering machine with stable and pene­ phone hotline to answer all your building
or Dave Hodges, 34337 Road 168, Visalia. Cali­
fornia 93291, (209)798-1963.
trating forward flight performance and and flying questions. Call (818)992-0195.
sharp, hi-tech looks, then give the GMP For more information on the above-
NOWLEN AERO Peanut Scale Classics: Wright Special Edition Stork a try. I like its slick mentioned products please contact:
Type A $6.95, Nieuport 11. Deperdussin $10.95, lines and blinding speed. My beginner • Gorham Model Products, 23961 Crafts­
Bristol Scout $13.95. Aerodrome $7.95 $2.00 friends like its smoothness and docility. It man Road, Calabasas, California 91302.
S & H any size order within U.S., 139 Boardwalk
does feel similar to an overgrown-Shuttle • Futaba Corp. of America, 4 Studebaker,
B. Greenbrae. California 94904.
or Concept 30 because they all have a soft. Irvine, California 92718, (714)455-9888.

NEW ORDERING INSTRUCTIONS Rally: exit my pride and joy, my F-20 Tiger-
shark in front of 6,000 people. Cause of
M O D E L # U.S. orders, including APO and FPO, add crash? Lack of elevator response in a
BUILDER 20% of total order for shipping and handling.
Overseas orders (includes Canada and
high-speed turn. Reasons? Twofold. Once
again, the use of cable strakes does cause
All Full-Size plana purchased from M O D E L B U IL D E R Mexico) add 50% of total order. Remit
Magazine include a reprint of the construction article, If payment by International Money Order or
slight flexing no matter how good an in­
building instructions were part of the article.
U.S. funds, drawn on U.S. bank. Please, no stallation is made. When the servo is three
cash or C.O.D.'s. Mastercard or Visa include feet from the control surface, you’re asking
898 W. 16th St., Newport Beach, CA 92663 for trouble. I must point out that the model
card number, expiration date, and signature.
Add 5% to credit card orders. California had been flown very fast and very success­
Minimum order: $10.00 residents add 6% sales tax. fully on many previous occasions with this
arrangement without any suggestion of
No. 8891 SIMPLEX S l£ 5 0 • O.S. Engines, Great Planes Model Dis­ trouble. The principal culprit on this occa­
Paul Plecan's 1941 F/F design, adapted to tributors, P.O. Box 4021, Champaign, Il­ sion, however, was my own lack of thor­
R/C. Easy to build and fly. Stu Richmond. oughness in the preflight checks. For those
linois 61820. ·
of you already involved in the competition
No. 7891 TIGERCAT Mk. II S I 5.00 circuit you will be familiar with the follow­
Very pretty scale-like low-wing sport model. Top G un... Continued from page 25
60" span, .65 4/c. By Bob Benjamin. ing situation: Arrive at 7:30 a.m (a bag of
Frank will have it ready for the season. nerves), register model, hand in trans­
Ν α 7892 STINSON MODEL ~U" S I 2.00 Mario Yederlinic never did get his Hur­ mitter, await flight slot (in my case 2:30
Profile scale C/L version of the colorful 1930s ricane airborne, even though he tried on p.m.), call to the flight line at 2 : 0 0 p.m. and
airliner for three 1/2A's. By Mike Keville. three of the rounds. wait, nerves deteriorating by the minute.
No. 1173-O.T. TRENTON TERROR S8.50
When the smoke cleared. Bob Fiorenze, Transmitter is handed over as the previous
Gas job from 1938 Flying Aces. Span 72". w ith his magnificent ducted fan F-18, competitor lands. Preoccupied with con­
Simple lines. Designed by Mickey DeAngelis. handily earned the title of “ Top Gun.” Bob cern over getting the engine started, I
elected not to fly the third round as he felt never checked the rate switches, and guess
No. 6891 SEA FU XI $12.50
Composite foam/fiberglass R/C seaplane for that because of the lack of wind, the 450 what? They had been accidentally knocked
.60 to .90 power. By Francis Reynolds. foot runway was marginal and he didn’t into the low setting, which I had never
want to risk the model. Bob also won a used. The F-20 had been flight tested and
No. 1174-0.T. LANZ0 STICK S7.50 trophy for the highest flight score. It was trimmed on one set of control movements.
Rubber stick winner, '40 Nats. 4-1/2'. Still
good in Unlimited. By Phil Bernhardt. obvious that the crowd an d judges liked On low rate there was hardly any throw.
the airplane. It is large, flashy, makes lots of We earned minimum marks for a superb
Ν α 5891 HUM0NG0US SAGE HEN $21.50 noise and Bob is a master at presenting a takeoff and none for the subsequent nose-
The ultimate R/C trainer. Big 84" span, superb flight demonstration. first landing on the second turn—how
40-.45 power. Bruce Edwards and A1 Alman. Second place went to Neil Snodgrass humiliating. Lessons? Once again, close
with his Special. This is a 1/4-scale model of couple all control surfaces and write down
No. 589-O.T. G.E. CABINETTE S7.50 a 1964 modification of a Piper Super Cub and rigidly adhere to a tried and tested
Cute 36" cabin ship from 1942 M.A.N. origi­
nally powered by Atom .09. Frank Ehling.
rebuilt for aerobatic competition. In fact, it preflight check list, and if you are the type
doesn’t look anything like a Cub as the who suffers from embarrassment, don’t fly
No. 34891 PRETTY BIRD $12.00 plane was modified to a mid-wing con­ in front of a crowd, especially if you have
Simple, lightly built 58" sport R/C ship for figuration. Neil did a superb job in building to thread your way through that crowd
40-.48 four-strokes. Alex McLeod. and flying this machine. with an armful of balsa fragments to get to
Third place went to Skip Mast and his your car. Once again the F-20 has been
No. 3489-O.T. SUPER ST0FER S6.50
Half-A version of Harold Stofer's 1939 pylon venerable C-130. repaired.
model. 34" span. By Jose Tellez. Frank Tiano was the instigator and pro­ The third and final crash of the year
moter of this event and it was obvious that occurred at Wroughton when we dam­
No. 2891 N0RD 3202 S I 0.00 he had done his homework. Prizes were in aged a superb scratch-built F9F8 Cougar.
Scale model of French primary trainer, for the form of not only trophies and mer­ Once again the main c u lp rit was the
.19 to .25 power. By Ted Schreyer.
chandise, but cash as well. Because this was weather, the wind being both gusty and
No. 2892 1/3 GIPSY MOTH $25.00 the first event, there were a few rough strong. However, many other fan flyers
Plans blown up from original 1/4-scale de­ spots to iron out. All in all, it was a good flew throughout the day with no problems,
sign by Bill Northrop. Ten-foot span. contest and should shape up into a premier so the real and admitted reason was engine
event as time goes on. unreliability. I had rushed to repair the
No. 289-O.T. ALERT $10.00
Very competitive 53” B/C pylon design by
One last thought: Why not Top Gun Cougar loaned to me by my friend Mike,
Michael LaTorre. from Dec. '42 A.T. judges for the Top Gun competitors? · and hastily fitted my normally reliable O.S.
.46/Turbax combination. You guessed it,
Fans.......... Continued from page 17 we never had a chance to set up the unit in
A big, easy-flying sport scale designed for a the model prior to the event, and try as we
.65 4-stroke. 60" span. Benjamin. learned? 1) Fly higher and always turn into could we were unable under the less than
Ν α 1891 -0.T. U'L MISERY $7.50 the wind at the end of each pass; 2) Learn ideal weather conditions to establish 1 0 0 %
An interesting fuselage pod-model from '42 to use less than full throttle; and 3) Wher­ reliability.
with 50" span. By Cohen & Worth. ever possible, close couple all controls. My The engine cut while in the air with
rebuilt Mirage (now with scale wings) several other models flying and well up­
Ν α 12881 R/C GUFF $25.00 employs individual servos to each elevator wind. It had stalled at six feet of altitude
Pioneer R/C aircraft, won 38. '39, '40, '47
Nats, now in Smithsonian. Walt Good.
and a single servo set in the wing root. before we could make any effective deci­
Additionally I have a direct coupled throt­ sions on recovery and the model cart­
Ν α 11881 THE WHISP $10.00 tle servo. No rudder control exists since wheeled in the long grass, incurring some
Simple R/C hand launch glider for slope or ground steering is achieved through a repairable damage. Lessons learned here
park flying. 49-inch span. By J. Tank. servo mounted on the drop-off dolly. This are never fly with an unreliable power unit,
Ν α 11881-0.T. CLASS C GUOER $7.50
model is an excellent but extremely fast if possible don’t fly with too many airborne
A Joe Weathers classic-glider design from flyer and has been re-engined with a K&B models for company (it’s difficult to hear
Flying Aces. 1939. Wingspan is 30 inches. 7.5 to replace the original O.S. .46, the your own engine), and although you can
blow being provided by a Thorjet 45 fan look forward to an event for many weeks,
Ν α 10881 HAWKER HURRICANE $17.00 unit. Weighing in at 7.5 pounds, the model be prudent when it comes to making
A control line sport scale for .30 to .40 en­
should give a spritely performance. decisions with regard to the weather. If in
gines, made of cardboard! C. Felton.
Crash No. 2, Woodvale International doubt, don’t fly.


I’m sure every one of the preceding noise levels. I think that is worthy of serious
problems has been experienced by you all consideration.
at one time and another. Mine cost me
several months of repair time which has
Gerry Jackman, the pioneer of miniature
gas turbine development, will be on the
circuit this year, and while he appeared
delayed my other projects and at the end
of the day left me as a mere spectator with his “ Bar Jay” model at Abingdon last Sturdy, high quality, rich dark
when others happily screamed around the year, he did not fly but pleased the appre­ green vinyl-covered binders for
sky. I make no mention of the additional ciative crowd with two very impressive your valued copies of MODEL
costs and lost time pursuing repairs. One engine runs. Gerry is currently in the BUILDER Magazine. Gold lettering
of the few areas of our hobby where I am process of constructing two new engines on spine and front cover.
reasonably proficient is repair work. It's a and was pleased to hear of the parallel U.S.
boast I am not proud of. If you practice developments.
anything often enough you eventually For my own part, I’m pinning my hopes
become good at it. I wish I had swapped on my X-29, now almost ready for test fly­
the experience and listened to the pre­ ing. I only wish I could build more quickly.
ceding advice. Perhaps I would now have Many other modelers I know have spent
some of the half-finished projects I have the long winter months constructing new
littering my workshop up and flying. and exciting models mostly using tradi­
So what does the season hold for us this tional methods, and I intend to cover their
year? I think that the popularity of fan flying activities on film and in prose as the season
is spreading rapidly. I know of at least four progresses. I think this year’s events will
new converts in my own club. Several of once again prove the ingenuity of the in­
my telephone friends have kept me abreast dividual and produce some spectacular
of their own developments. Alex Cornish- flying. It’s nice to know that this same
Trestrail, the guru of fan flying over here, situation will also occur simultaneously in
has almost completed his Mig-29 Fulcrum, many countries around the globe, and in
designed around his highly successful O.S. anticipation of the forthcoming season I
One Binder..................... $695
,25/Kress fans which proved so reliable wish you all safe and satisfying flying. ·
throughout last year in his highly acclaimed Three B in d e rs ...............$17.95
F-15 Eagle. At the other end of the scale, Five B in d e rs .................$27.95
Chris Gould of Concorde fame has test Workbench. .Continued from page 11 (For more tnan 5, include
flown his giant Partenavia Tornado pow­ As it was too late to retract the identity $5.00 for each additional
ered by twin Byrojet/Rossi ,81s. The model request, it wasn’t long after the June issue binder.)
has an 85-inch wingspan and a wing load­ appeared that answers began pouring in,
ing of 60 ounces per square foot. The air­ many including photo copies of book and Shipping: Binders shipped in U.S. by
craft has flown successfully and I can't wait magazine articles about the Golden 1930’s UPS only. For one binder, add $2.25. For
to see this one perform. Chris hasn’t missed Era of aviation racing in the USA. We cer­ each additional binder add $1.00. For
yet and can always be relied upon to bring tainly want to thank all of you who took
something different. His foam and brown the time, trouble, and expense to respond binders shipped outside U.S., add $6.00
paper Concorde is positively spectacular to our request. We’ll try not to be so trigger for one binder. For each additional
in the air. happy the next time a puzzler comes along. binder, add $4.00. For Air Mail rates over­
John Richards finally sorted out his SAAB However, we do have another question, seas, please inquire.
Gripen and received deserved congratu­ of a model building nature this time, and
lations when he demonstrated it in front of w ill offer a repairing tip as advance P LEA S E. All payments must be in U.S.
a mixed American and British audience at payment. funds, drawn on a U.S. Bank.
R.A.F. Woodbridge last September. I look W HAT ir s ALL A B O U T California residents add 6% Sales Tax
forward to seeing this highly technical First the repairing tip. Free flighters who
model again this year. read club newsletters may have already
Reg Smith never fails to please, and read this, but there are lots of others who MODELS'
several of us who saw the unfortunate
demise of his TSR2 implored him to repair
probably haven't. It first appeared (I be­
lieve) in the "Satelite,” edited by Ralph BUILDER
it—I hope he will not disappoint us. His Prey for the San Valeers FF club, San Fer­
Foxbat no doubt w ill be making many nando Valley area, Los Angeles, California. 898 W. 16th Street
more flights this season along with his ex­ Ralph explained that during the Las Vegas Newport Beach, CA 92663
cellent F-8 Crusader. It’s about time the VAMPS Annual he suffered a tear in the
Thorpe Brothers came up with another silk on the wing of his Lucky Lindy 800
prototype since there will be a waiting list Nostalgia model, about two inches long,
of customers for their excellent plans. and then another half inch at a right angle,
As time goes by the list of suitable pro­ forming an "L” shaped tear. Sal Taibi came •W A N T E D *
totypes is constantly extending, with a by as Ralph was lamenting his problem
personal favorite of mine, the Lightning, and said, "Oh that’s no problem. Here, let RCMB Publications is looking for some­
one to assist in the production of three
nearing completion in the skillful hands of me show you how to fix that.” He cut a magazines. The qualifications necessary
Phil Boyden. The model uses the moldings piece of Saran Wrap a little larger than the include a command of the English lang­
prepared several years back by Peter Nye, “ wound” and then applied cellulose glue, uage, a knowledge o f magazine product­
who himself is developing his new en­ like Ambroid, along the torn edges. Next ion, including layout, paste up, ad pro­
larged BAE Hawk to compliment the ex­ he laid the Saran Wrap on top of the entire duction, and proofing. Position offers
cellent carbon fiber molded Panther which “ L” shaped tear. The part of the tear that the opportunity fo r the successful can­
pleased everybody last year. Peter designs didate to grow w ith the company in an
usually curls as a result of the tear sucked atmosphere of close cooperation and a
around the O.S. .77 and Dynamax system right up against the Saran and the glue rewarding future. Experience in model
and it's a pleasure to see his pilot, Bob spread out evenly over the entire two sides building is a plus for the position. Send
Ryan, using only 1/2 throttle for the major­ of the tear. Sal then gently pulled the Saran application and resume to Wm. C.
ity of his flying and still turning in a fair turn tight in all directions while the silk tear Northrop, RCMB Publications, 898
of speed. This ability to fly on half power is held itself tightly up against the Saran. West 16th St., Newport Beach CA
a function of good design and reliable and "There,” said Sal, "Leave it there until it’s 92663.
adequate power output. Two important dry, then pull the Saran off the tear.” (RCMB is a NON SMOKING office)
spinoffs to this are long plug life and lower Ralph impatiently waited until the glue

Precision cutting instrument o u t­
lasts the competition by ten to one.
The Uber Skiver was designed lo meet the precision require­
ments ol photofabrication, microcircuitry, graphics arts pro­
duction, etc., and as such becomes the perfect cutting tool
for the discriminating modeler.

- on
° N £^ o '- oE«CUTS
i i DAT ■

• L o n g L »fe S ta i n le s s S te e l Bl ad e s Availiable in seven satin anodized handle colors: silver, blue, red, green, gold, black, and vio le t
• Rear D r a w B a r C l u t c h Complete set in fitte d hardwood case; includesUber Skiver, together w ith tw o vials containing
• In s tru m e n t Q u a lity M a te ria ls four No. 11, and one each of Nos. 10, 12, 15, and 20 ..............................................................$16.95
• A d v a n c e C o l l e t D e s ig n See yo u r dealer, or order direct. Orders are shipped . , ,
First Class in the U.S. A d d 10% of total order, i n d i v i d u a l handles (specify c o lo r)..........$6 95
• H e x Cross S e c tio n
overseas air mail, including Canada & Mexico, add V ial o f 6 blades (No. 10, 11, or 1 5 ).....$4.00
• D eeply K n u rle d G rip
50% of total order. Rem it b y International Money (m 0 i j or 20) S4 00
• Blades can be resharpened Order o r U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank. Postage
is paid on A P O and F P O orders. Calif, residents add V IS A and M A S T E R C A R D
6% sales tax. Dealer inquiries invited.
add 5%, and include e xp ir­

MODEL BUILDER PRODUCTS a tio n date and signature.

C alifornia residents add 6% sales tax.
898 W. 16th. St., N e w p o rt Beach, C a lifo rn ia 9 2663 M in im u m order: $ 1 0 . 0 0

dried, which didn’t really take too long in Bill says their AMA Show team, the Buck­ newsletter called the “ Pssst O ff Sheet,”
that dry Las Vegas air. When he removed eye Aero Squadron, has been flying com­ w hich contains le tte rs, com m ents,
the Saran, the repair was perfect . . . no bat for many years, as part of their show. sketches, plans, ideas, etc., all related to
gaps, no curls, and you could hardly see They use a one-of-kind aircraft called the Jetex power. Roger presented us with a
where it had been torn. Sal’s final comment Combox for this display, and for safety copy of No. 13, which also includes a list of
was, "Don’t throw the Saran Wrap away. reasons, throttle is a required control new subscribers. Among the 43 names
You can use it over again!” function. As Bill points out, an aircraft with listed are quite a few who are well known
Okay. . . payment in advance, courtesy two ounces of fuel aboard that has suffered and active modelers. If you’d like to get in
of Sal Taibi and Ralph Prey. Now the ques­ a hit early in its flight and with no means of on the psssting, send Roger eight bucks for
tion. I have some old free flights on which killing the engine, could be a very un­ six issues. If you're in Canada, send nine,
the tissue is long gone, except, of course, controllable lethal weapon, and we have and if you’re overseas from the North
where it was attached to the balsa frame to agree. To the group in Jasonville, Indi­ American continent, send eleven.
with dope. To mention a few, there’s an ana, which is planning an R/C Combat IN CLOSING
Earl Stahl’s "Hurricane,” a Wally Simmers’ championships in October, we strongly The following doesn’t relate to model
“ Dyna-Mo,” and a V-Tail "Thermic 50,” all urge you to revise your aircraft specs to building in any way whatsoever and I hope
built before WW-II, but still in good con­ require the inclusion of throttle control! it never does. But apparently Jim Alaback,
dition (except for the covering) . . . Oh, THINGS TO DO Editor of the San Diego AERONEERS news­
also a Berkeley Musketeer B, built in 1946 An all electric fly-in will be held at the letter "Aero News,” and I, have the same
just a few months after military discharge. Tammany Aero Club field, Goodbee, warped sense of humor, as he picked up
My question, Mr. Anthony, how can I Louisiana, located across Lake Pontchar- the following from the National City, CA
remove that hardened covering without train from New Orleans, on September 30 Chamber Newsletter, and I’m picking it up
damaging the framework? I’ve tried soak­ and October 1, 1989, sponsored by the from him. There's a cartoon of a real
ing areas in thinner for short and long Tammany Aero Club. There will be fun grungey hippie couple; he with granny
periods (not very long, as the thinner flying, a scale event, demonstration flights, glasses, hair all over his face and head,
evaporates so fast). Sanding with some­ workshops, swap shop, prizes, Cajun sandles, rolled up dungarees; she with
thing course and strong enough to cut the cookout, etc. For more information and polka dot slacks, bare feet, stringey hair
doped paper is risking damage to the wood registration, contact Boyd O'Brien, P.O. hanging all over her face and down to her
underneath. I once heard of sealing the Box 7153, Metairie, Louisiana 70010, phone elbows. He's saying, “ I’ll run over and pick
framework in a plastic dry cleaner bag with (504)835-5212, or Ben Mathews, 101 M ul­ up my unemployment check, food stamps,
an open can of thinner, and leaving it for berry Dr., Metairie, Louisiana 70005, phone job training and placement check, and
12 to 24 hours, but haven’t tried it yet. (504)833-5589. then run by the university to see what's
HELP!! PSSST NEWSLETTER holding up my federal education grant.
CORRECT COMBAT Roger L. Wathen Sr., 3242 N. DeQuincy Meanwhile, you go to the free clinic to
Old flying buddy and former fellow St., Indianapolis, Indiana 46218, has taken check on your scabies and pick up my new
member of the Delaware R/C Club, Bill on the task of pulling together all U.S. glasses. Then we’ll meet at the Federal
Lehn, wrote in to comment on R/C Com­ modelers interested in Jetex power. Into Building at noon for the mass picketing of
bat, as mentioned in our May ’89 column. his third year, Roger has been publishing a the stinking establishment.” ·

Our newest 4 channel system There’s even a surface Attack
has something for everyone. In fact, 4NBL system on 75MHz. Supplied
the Attack 4NBL is such a versatile with three S148 servos and R114H re­
performer we’ve customized it for all ceiver, this ground and sea outfit has
kinds of radio control fun.

The 4NBL/MCR system is destined receiver and a MOSFET speed con­
to become a favorite with electric flyers. trol into one very compact, very light
This Attack system comes complete and very efficient package. It also
with our new MCR-4A integrated re- incorporates BEC to eliminate the
ceiver/speed control. This remarkable need for, and extra weight of, a re­
device incorporated a four channel ceiver battery.

The ergonomically designed T4NBL transmitter
SILENT ATTACK features com fort contoured case and adjustable
length control sticks.
There's a 4NBL system for sail­
plane flyers, too. With the Attack glider what it takes for gearbox-equipped
package you get a pair of S133 servos, 4x4's and RC boats.
R114H four channel receiver and a No matter which 4NBL system you
250mAh NiCd pack. Again, when size choose, you’ll also get our new four
and weight of the airborne package is channel Attack transmitter.
critical, Attack is the answer. Loaded with extras like adjustable
Hooked up with stick gimbals, servo reverse switches
a pair ot S133 micro
servos, this system is and a rechargeable NiCd pack, the
perfect for electrics
like our HirobolFutaba MCR-4A S13342) BEC 72MHz Electrics
T4NBL transmitter also features a
Professor. R114H Si33(2) NR-4K 72MHz Sailplanes comfort contoured case and neck-
R lt4 H S148<3) Dry Case 72MHz Aircraft strap for fatigue free operation.
R114H S148<3I Dry Case 75MHz Truck/Boat

Looking for the perfect system for

The MCR-4A four channel receiver/MOSFET speed

control weighs just 1.5 oz. and can easily handle
ARF and conventional sport aircraft?
Once again, it’s Attack to the rescue
with a high value package including
F u ta b a
Futaba Corporation of America
280 to 540 size electric motors. 1.24" x 2.92" x 0.63." R114H receiver and three S148 servos. 4 Studebaker/lrvine, CA 92718
c 1983 FutabaCorp.
Now you d o n ’t have to settle for anything less than MRC

Performance features
you’d expect from MRC at a price
you wouldn’t.
It's remarkable that you can buy reliability and high technology into
these systems with an abundance of everything they design. Now it all
performance features at this price. comes together in a pair of two chan­
It's even more remarkable that they nel radios for car or boat that offer the
come from MRC...the people who quality and performance you'd expect
know R/C cars, the company that puts from a price you wouldn't.

MRC s tw o channel
dual stick radio
at remarkable pricing .

Top Gun, MRC s

tw o channel wheel unit
w ith advanced
high tech features.

M o d e l R ectifier C o rp o ra tio n
2500 W o o d b rid g e Ave.
Edison, N.J. 08817

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