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Law 1: The Law of Thinking

 Discover the TRUE power of your thoughts. I’ll reveal a surprisingly simple activity you can use to
quickly develop organized, disciplined thought. Master this and you’ll begin to manifest every one of your
heart’s desires… with real ease and enjoyment.

 How to eliminate negative thinking — for good. You’ll discover a simple trick which erases
unhelpful anxious thoughts and others worries… IMMEDIATELY.

 The Sins of the Fathers. Did you know that 98% of your limiting beliefs are rooted in a mistimed word
from your parents? Add this secret ingredient to your thought patterns and you’ll finally be set free to enjoy
the abundant beliefs which are your birthright.

 The PROVEN quantum power of thought! Scientists have proven that your thoughts travels 930,000
times faster than the speed of our voice. The implications? No other force or power in the Universe yet
known is as great or as fast! In this life-changing session you’ll learn how to properly harness the incredible
potential of thought — and start manifesting what you want.

 Why brilliant educated ethical people like you can be broke.Discover the single most crucial action
to break those soul-crushing dead end patterns.

 And much more.

Law 2: The Law of Supply

 Michael Phelps’s HIDDEN secret to success. Learn how to accelerate your own personal and

career advancement with this never-revealed idea. You’ll be able to smash your own records and explode
through any goal once you know these Olympian-inspired techniques.

 Increase your capacity to to attract bigger & bigger things —including ever-increasing amounts of
money, happiness and success.

 BETTER THAN THE ATM MACHINE. This simple exercise acts as a teleportation device to the

richest source of abundance on the planet. And you can practice it anytime and as often as you want!

 And much more.

Law 3: The Law of Attraction

 The ONLY way to maximize the Law of Attraction. You’ll discover 3 never-before-revealed secrets

that will whip open the floodgates of blessing. THIS is what you’ve been missing all this time… no doubt
about it.

 The quickest, easiest way to fulfill your heart’s most urgent desire. I’ll walk you through a simple
exercise to help rewire your brain and tune your desires to the vibrational frequency of abundance. Sounds
like sci-fi, but it’s backed by the latest neuroscience.

 The Nelson Mandela secret that ended apartheid — and how you can apply the same extraordinary
principle to effortlessly break through your limitations.

 How to achieve a exhilaratingly huge vision for your life — by becoming a bug? This
unconventional and fun mindset tweak will enable you to finally seize your destiny.

 The strange case of 5th generation welfare recipients. Just apply this small mental fix and you
could turn this subconsciously programmed pattern around into one thatattracts the most amazing
things in your life.
 And much more.

Law 4: The Law of Receiving

 Why GIVERS gain the most. You’ll discover why the more you give, the more you get. Welcome to
the secret principle of systematic giving that unleashes incredible returns — time after time.

 How to stop your prayers falling on deaf ears. You may feel that your prayers are being ignored…
but did you know they may have been answered already? In this session, I’ll explain why (and teach you
how to ACCEPT the good that you desire!)

 When is it time to give up? Your back’s to the wall, everything you hold dear seems to be falling
apart. Is it time to give up? Absolutely not! Here’s a powerful technique that will give you the keys
to bounce back richer and more powerful than ever before.

 The science of inconsistency. If your blessings come and go in erratic spurts, THIS is the primary
reason why. Let me help you fix it… so you become a magnet to abundance.
 And much more.

Law 5: The Law of Increase

 What you praise — GROWS. I’ll share the hidden step-by-step system to use praise to amplify your
results. This works better than you’d ever guess, and it feels great too.

 Attract an avalanche of financial opportunities. You’ll discover the amazing Penn State study on
the therapeutic power of gratitude — and be amazed at how you can use this to attract REAL money-
making opportunities.

 How to tap into an unlimited energy source. Are you feeling drained from all the stress around you?
No worry — follow this simple system and you’ll be rejuvenated and raring to go.

 3 things you must do to create a massive paradigm shift.Imagine you saw things in a positive light.
Banished negative thoughts. Attracted abundance. FEEL successful now. These 3 ideas make all this

 BETTER THAN A PUBLIC SPEAKING COURSE. How to quickly generate confidence and raise your

self-esteem with this simple action — even if you’d been struggling with self-image issues all your life.

 And much more.

Law 6: The Law of Compensation

 How to enjoy the finances you deserve. I’ll explain how to use this wonderful law
to PROPEL yourself out of the place where you are, to the place where you belong.

 Discover the secrets of the PERFECT wealth-attracting self image. You’re getting tips, tricks, and
techniques to affirm your identity and attract wealth as far as the eye can see.

 Revealed: the secret to noticing opportunities. Here’s the truth: you walk past opportunities
everyday, yet you fail to seize them. Let me show you how to notice and fully capitalize on opportunities —
time and time again.

 The mysterious power of the blank check. Picture this: If you have a blank check in your hands,
how much would you write on it? This simple exercise will speed up the manifestation of your dreams.

 3 everyday —yet harmful— actions that can LIMIT your potential. Avoid these 3 massive but
common mistakes at all costs. I’ll show you how.

 And much more.

Law 7: The Law of Non Resistance

 How to eliminate stress and burnout. I’ll explain a common burnout-causing mistake, and you’ll
learn an enjoyable way to avoid stress… yet still get your work done.

 “Aikido and Abundance”. Discover why you should practice psychological aikido and not judo… and
why this will make a difference to your bank account.

 Be in total control of your surroundings — I’ll show you some special “ninja” tricks to help you
become a master of your financial destiny.

 The TRUE power of emotional freedom — imagine if you could LOVE the people who hurt you the
most? Practice this counter-intuitive technique and you’ll open the floodgates to more wealth and
 And much more.

Law 8: The Law of Forgiveness

 Feeling unloved today? This one simple action is all you need to unlock the all-encompassing
embrace of love and affection. This alone can change your life forever.

 An “unstoppable” way to let go of suppressed anger.Discover how people who ticked you off
today can actually inspire you to reach the next level of success.

 The shocking root of psychosomatic disease. Once you chop it down, you can start to expect
unprecedented health, wellness and wholeness.

 Have you REALLY forgiven them? Take this surprisingly accurate test and you’ll find out if you’ve
really forgiven that person who did you wrong (and what you can do if you haven’t.)
 ELIMINATE the demons in your past. Exorcize them with 2 pieces of paper and a matchstick.
(Really!) And discover The Fertile Garden secret, which has been called the single fastest way to enjoy
emotional freedom.

 And much more.

Law 9: The Law of Sacrifice

 The Abraham Lincoln effect: Discover the inch of discomfort that leads to a mile of bliss… and how
to apply this truth immediately (and watch your bank account rise.)

 Become a top performer (in style!) Use The Rubber Bat Theory to take control of your thinking and
reach your highest potential. Imagine everyone looking to YOU for advice and support — well, this can be
your reality when you change just two small habits.

 The ULTIMATE Paradigm Shift. Discover why “grow or die” is a belief you MUST install in order to

remove stagnation and procrastination… once and for all.

 And much more.

Law 10: The Law of Obedience

 The key to TRUE lasting peace of mind. You’ll learn how to be ecstatically joyful and at peace,
practically within minutes, when I reveal the surprising root of all kinds of happiness.

 Nature vs Normal. Telling the difference is the No.1 way to bring things into alignment. A turnip seed
does not produce potatoes… and that’s the real reason you’re not yet reapingthe bountiful harvest you

 Are your problems are getting larger and larger? If yes, should you start panicking? NO! You’ll
discover the shocking reason why challenges may be good for you (but how to get less of them in the long

 And much more.

Law 11: The Law of Success

 How to boost your tenacity. My stunning Prickly Nest secret will disrupt negative thoughts, increase
your tenacity and inspire you to totally OWN life.

 The REAL secret to success? I’m sharing my little-known definition of success. You know, you need
to hear this. This idea alone can change your life forever.

 How to survive — and even profit from the recession. You’ll learn 2 words that will enable you to
navigate past the far-reaching failure of the global banking system and real estate markets.

 How to raise yourself from failure to success — just by focusing on your hobbies. HINT: You need
to do this innovative activity in your spare time for this to work. Then it really works.

 Conquer the fear of failure — with a spaceship? The proven technique to keep your eyes on what
you want (despite your past mistakes.) You’ll also learn a valuable lesson from a horse rider on how
to overcome ‘action paralysis’.

 And much more.

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