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Description: The FURUNO ECDIS CBT (Computer Based Training) is a

training solution where trainees are able to take FURUNO Type specific
ECDIS training on their own PCs. Since ECDIS CBT does not require
constant internet access, trainees can study ECDIS CBT when and
wherever they may choose.This CBT program is intended for those who
have already completed generic ECDIS training in accordance with IMO
Model Course 1.27.In addition to being used as a training tool for
familiarization and operational training, it can also be used to
demonstrate competence in accordance with the latest STCW 2010
requirements. The inherent capability to connect with and configure
other third party ECDIS software provides a built in ability to carry out
type specific training. The ECDIS simulator can be operated in either a
standalone training mode or in conjunction with other necessary
elements. The arrangement will essentially provide following
components for training ECDIS based navigation, including passage
planning and monitoring training as well as competence
demonstration.ARI ECDIS simulator is a realistic representation
containing all the standard ECDIS features and having wide ranging
applications in navigation, training and military applications as layers can
be added into the system for strategic planning.

Additional info: 1. Open folder and run FMDCBT.bat2. Before login you
need to click on ‘Create new user’. Fill up all fields, click submit.3. When
you need more details, please refer to [User Manual.pdf] in folder: [FMD
CBT Trainee ver\Application\FMD
310032003300\Documents\].4. If you have key (which can be obtained
from FURUNO) - you can pass this test and send results to Furuno and
then you will get a Certificate. This key - one per each examinee, and
can't be used twice. To obtain this key you need to contact either with
your company or with Furuno dealers. Without this key you can easy just
to pass this test without getting certificate. ( Picture with Trainee Flow

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