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Covid-19 is a major pandemic issues nowadays.

People are striving to find the

vaccine in order to inhibit the spread of Covid-19. However, the efforts are still going on, as
the progress is showing positive impact. Covid-19 gave effect to major industries and fields
around the world. One of the fields impacted by Covid-19 is education. First of all, most of
developed countries all around the world have come into decision where Online Distant
Learning should be applied. Besides, there are not just universities which impacted by this
decision, kindergartens, schools and colleges were also involved.

The future of the students are at stake. But, the world through WHO is trying their
best to combat Covid-19. The main reason why, some students didn’t give positive feedbacks
on Online Distant Learning is connectivity. Connectivity plays vital role in order to make the
students in touch with their lecturers, teachers and friends. For example, two months ago the
story of Vevenoah struggled to find a connection on top of a tress became viral. This is a
stepping stone that makes us realize, connectivity is the main issue for the students to cope
with Online Distant Learning due to Covid-19.

Another issue is, finance. Most of the students especially in Malaysia came from B40
family didn’t afford to pay for Home WiFi every month. Even if there are funds from
universities to support the students, still it is not enough to support the whole year of 2020
Online Distant Learning.

But still, students, they are not policy maker or trendsetter, they are just a future
labour destined to serve the nation in the future.

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