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TCVN TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8184 —7 : 2009 ISO 6107 — 7 : 2004 Xuat ban ln 2 Second edition CHAT LUGNG NUGC - THUAT NGU — PHAN 7 WATER QUALITY —- VOCABULARY — PART 7 HA NOI - 2009 TCVN 8184-7 ; 2009 Loi néi dau TCVN 8184 - 7 : 2009 thay thé TCVN 5986 ; 1995 TCVN 8184 - 7 : 2009 hoan toan tuong dong véi ISO 6107-7 : 2004, TCVN 8184 - 7 : 2009 do Ban kj thuat tiéu chudn quéc gia TCVN/ TC 147 Chat lugng nudc bién soan, Téng cuc Tiu chun Bo lung Chét eng é nghi, BS Khoa hoc va Céng nghé céng bé. 86 tiéu chudn TCVN 8184, Chat Iugng nuéc - Thuét ng& gém cdc teu chudn sau: ~ TCVN 8184-1 : 2009 (ISO 6107-1:2004), Phan 1; ~ TCVN 8184 ~2 : 2009 (ISO 6107-2 : 2006), Phan 2; ~ TCVN 5982 : 1995 (ISO 6107-3 : 1993), Phén 3 ~ TCVN 5983 ; 1995 (ISO 6107-4 ; 1993), Phan 4; ~ TCVN 8184-5 : 2009 (ISO 6107-5 : 2004), Phan 5; ~ TCVN 8184-6 ; 2009 (ISO 6107-6 : 2004), Phan 6; ~ TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 (ISO 6107-7 : 2004), Phan 7: ~ TCVN 8184-8 : 2009 (ISO 6107-8 : 1993/Amd 1 : 2001), Phan 8 BS tiéu chudn ISO 6107 “Water quality ~ Vocabulary” con tiéu chuéin sau: ~ ISO 6107-9:1997, Part 9: Alphabetical list and subject index TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 Introduction The definitions in any part or edition of ISO 6107 are not necessarily identical to those in the standards concemed, or to those in standard scientific text books or dictionaries. These definitions have been formulated for technical purposes, as well as for the understanding and benefit of the non-expert in the field. Although every effort has been made to ensure that the definitions are technically correct, they may not include all the details covered by the definitions in the standards, Language and expressions may not always be in line with strict scientific nomenclature. The definitions in this vocabulary are. therefore, not intended for purposes such as legal proceedings and contractual specifications. 1SO 6107 is restricted to definitions for selected terms which appear in International Standards of ISO/TC 147, Water quality. TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 Ldi gidi thigu Nhiing dinh nghia trong cde phén olia tisu chun TCVN 8184 (ISO 6107) khong nhét thiét phai hoan toan tuong duong vai dinh nghia trong céc tiéu chudin c6 lién quan hoc trong van tircila séich khoa hoc hoe ty dign. Nhiing dinh nghia nay duge hinh thanh vi myc dich ky thuat cling nhy dé théng higu va mang lai ich Igi cho ngui sit dung khéng phai la chuyén gia trong Minh vuc chat Iugng nue. Mac di 6 rat ¢6 gang dé dam bao cdc dinh nghia ding d4n vé mat kj thuat, nhung trong tiéu chugn nay cing khéng thé néu ra day du chi tiét. Vi thé, cdc dinh nghia va thuat ngif cla tiéu chugn nay khong nham cho myc dich tién hanh phap ly va qui dinh trong hgp déng. TCVN 8184 (ISO 6107) duce han ché & nhiing dinh nghia cho cde thuat ngit 43 Iva chon xudt hign trong tigu chun nay Ban ky thuat TCVNITC 147 Chat lugng nude. TIEU CHUAN QUOC GIA * NATIONAL STANDARD TCVN 8184 -7 : 2009 Chat lugng nude — Thuat ngit— Phan 7 Water quality - Vocabulary - Part 7 Pham vi ap dung Scope Tiéu chun nay dinh nghia cdc thuat ngirsiidyng This part of ISO 6107 defines terms used in trong cc linh vye nhat dinh vé mé t& ac tinh certain fields of water quality characterization. chat lugng nuéc. TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 Thuat ngirva dinh nghia 4 Sy phan huj bin higu khi Qué trinh sinh hoc, trong 46 biin hoat hod bac mot ho€c biin léng bj oxy hoa timg phén nhé su suc khi kéo dai, qué trinh nay vé cd ban dude két thic bang sy hd hap ndi sinh va su hoat déng cla cae sinh vat an méi 2 Tao Nhém lén cde sinh vat don ho&e da bao, ké c& vi khudn duge goi [a vi khudn t&o lam, thudng chia diép luc hoac cae sac té khdc. CHU THICH Tao thuting séng trong nuée va cb kha ning quang hap. 3 Hign tugng déi khang/Hi tugng canh tranh Sy gidm cutng 66 cia mét Anh hudng (hod hoc hho&c sinh hoc) do mét chat hodc sinh vat vi sy.c6 mat chat hoc sinh vat khac. CHU THICH anh hutng két hgp 88 thp han so véi cca anh huting bé sung thém cla cdc chat ho’c sinh vat rigng bigt 4 Vi khudn Nhém ién cdc vi sinh vat, ¢6 hoat d6ng trao ai chat, don bao véi cc nhan phan tan (khong phai gian doan) phan Ién séng ty do va thudng sinh sn bang céch phan déi. Terms and definitions 1 aerobic sludge digestion biological process whereby primary, activated or cosettied sludges are partially oxidized by prolonged aeration, largely accomplished by endogenous respiration and predator activity 2 algae large group of single-or many-celled organisms, including so-called cyanobacteria, which usually contain chlorophyll or other pigments NOTE photosynthesis. ‘Algae are usually aquatic and capable of 3 antagonism decrease in intensity of an effect (chemical or biological) by one substance or organism, due to the presence of another substance or ‘organism NOTE The combined effect is less than the additive effects of the separate substances or organisms. 4 bacteria large group of microscopic, metabolically active, single-cell organisms with dispersed (not discrete) nucleus, mostly free-living, and usually multiplying by binary fission 5 Mu vi khudn Mau duge Idy mét cach v6 tring vao trong mét binh chia tiét tring va ducc bao quan, lu gitr mt cach phil hgp dé khao nghiém vi khuén. Thyc khudn thé. Nhém cae téc nhan virus dc biét ma chu trinh séng cia chting din ra trong cae vi khudn ky ‘chi nhat dinh, CHU THICH Xem thém virus (49) 7 Vung day Nhin chung |a ving thap nh&t cla khéi nudc, ké- ca trdm tich va lép da nén, & 66 c6 mat cdc sinh vat sting. CHU THICH Xem thém TCVN 8184-1 8 Nuéc den Nuéc thai va chat bai tiét tur nha xi, tri nuée thai tir bén tam, voi sen, bén rita tay va bén rita bat. 9 Luu vce Khu vue ¢6 nuéc chay mét cach ty nhién én mot dong nude hoae dén mét diém da biét. [TCVN 5982 : 1995] TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 5 bacteriological sample sample taken aseptically in a sterile container and suitably preserved and handled for bacteriological examination 6 bacteriophages group of particular viral agents whose life cycle occurs in specific bacterial hosts NOTE See also viruses (49). 7 benthic region generally the lowiest region of a water body, including sediments and a bedrock layer, where living organisms are present NOTE See also ISO 6107-1. 8 black water waste water and excreta from water closets, excluding water from baths, showers, handbasins and sinks 9 catchment area gathering ground area draining naturally to a water course or to a given point [ISO 6107-3:1993) TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 10 Sinh vat dang coli Téng sé sinh vat dang coli Nhom vi khuan higu khi va c6 kha nang yém Khi, Gram am, khéng hinh thanh bao tl, [én men lactoza, thutng cu tri trong ruét gia (dai trang) cla nguéi va dong vat. CHU THICH 1 Xem them TCVN 6187-1 (ISO 9308-1) CHU THIGH 2 Néi chung, ngoai E.calf, rt nhi6u lod trong 86 sinh vat dang coli cé kha nding t6n tai va sinh san trong mdi trudng tu nhién. "1 Khoang tin cay Khoang cc gia tri ma trong do gia tri do duge hode tinh duge 14 chde chin c6 mat trong mot mite tin cay da néu, vi dy 95 %. 12 Céu khuan C4u khudn phan Nhém vi khudn Gram dung, hidu khi va co kha nang yém khi, thudng cu tra. 6 rudt gia cla ngudi va déng vat mau néng, c6 khéng nguyén (antigen) nhém 0 cia Lancefield, am tinh véi enzim xc tac (catalase), c6 kha nang phat trién 8 45°C va thily phan aesculin khi c6 40 % cae muéi cia dich mat va 4-metyl-umbeliferyl--D - glucosid (MUD) va tali axetat va axit nadilix, CHU THICH 1 Xem thém TCVN 6189-1(1S0 7899-1) va TCVN 6189-2 (ISO 7899-2) 10 10 coliform organisms total coliform organisms group of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic Gram-negative, _non-spore-forming, fermenting bacteria which typically inhabit the large intestine of man and animals lactose- NOTE 1 See also ISO 9308-1. NOTE 2 Generally, apart from E. coli, many of them are able to survive and multiply in the natural environment, Nn confidence interval range-of values within which the measured or calculated value is likely to be present within a stated level of confidence, for example 95 % 12 enterococci faecal enterococci group of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic Gram-positive bacteria which normally inhabit the large intestine of man and warm-blooded animals; they possess the Lancefield's Group D antigen, growth at 45 °C, and of hydrolysing aesculin, in the presence of 40% bile salts, and 4-methylumbelliferyl-B-D-glucoside (MUD), in the presence of thallium acetate and nalidixic acid are catalase-negative, capable of NOTE 1 See also ISO 7899-1 and ISO 7899-2 CHU THICH 2 Trong moi truéng nuéc, nhém vi khudin nay chi yu g6m ching Enterococcus faecalis, E. Feecium, E. Durans va E. hirae. Cac ching ny khong phat trién duge trong hdu hét cdc moi truding ty nhién, nhung cé thé sng lau hon Eschencichia coll, Vi thé, sy cb mat cla ching trong nuée ngay ¢& Kh khéng 6 E.coli, thdng thudng la chi béo cho biét nude 6 nhiém phan. 13 Escherichia coll E.coli Sinh vat dang coli phan (14) hiéu khi va c6 kha ning yém Khi, lam én men lactoza hose duéng manitol cing véi vic tao ra 8 axit va khi, san sinh ra indol ti triptophan, thdy phan 4-metyl- umbelifery-f-D - glucuronid (MUG) & 44°C. CHU THICH 1. Xem thém TCVN 6187-1 (ISO 9308-1) va TCVN 6187-2 (ISO 9308 - 2) CHU THICH 2 E.coli thuting ov trd trong ruét gid iia nguéi va déng vat mau néng, thudng khong 6 kha nang sinh sn trong mdi trutng nude. SY cb mat cia E. coli trong nuéo, vithé cho biét nude mdi bi 6 nihim phan. 14 Sinh vat dang coli pl Sinh vat dang coli chiu nhigt Sinh vat dang coli (10) c6 thé phat trién, cb cde tinh chat sinh hod va lén men 6 44°C giéng nhy 637°C Xem Escherichia coli (13) TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 NOTE 2 consists of the species Enterococcus faecal E. faecium, E. durans and E. hirae. These species fail to multiply in most natural environments, but may survive longer than Escherichia coli. Therefore, their presence in water, even in the absence of E. coli, usually indicates faecal pollution. In aquatic environments, the group mainly 3 Escherichia coli E, coll aerobic and facultatively anaerobic faecal coliform organism (14) which ferments lactose ‘or mannitol with the production of both acid and ges, produces indole from tryptophan, and —hydrolyses—_4-methylumbelliferyl-8-D- glucuronide (MUG), all at 44 °C NOTE 1 See also ISO 9308-1 and ISO 9308-2, NOTE 2 man and warm-blooded animals Its normal habitat is the large intestine of and it is usually not able to multiply in aquatic environments. The presence of E. coli in water does, therefore, indicate recent faecal pollution. 14 faecal coliform organisms thermotolerant coliform organisms coliform organisms (10) which can grow and which have the same fermentative and biochemical properties at 44 °C as they have at 37°C See Escherichia colf (13). " TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 ‘CHU THICH Xem thém TCVN 6187-1 va TCVN 6187-2 15 Streptococci phan Cac loai_ streptococci higu khi va o6 kha nang yém khi, ¢6 khang nguyén (antigen) nhém D cia Lancefield va thudng cu trd 6 rudt gia cla nguti valhoae dong vat CHU THICH Sy tén tai ca ching 6 trong méi truéng nu6c, ngay ¢8 khi khéng 6 E.col, cho bit ¢6 su 6 nhiém do phan. 16 Chu ki lam vige eta cai loc 86 dai thdi gian gidta mét ldn rita cali joc va lan rifa tiép theo. 7 Dong nuée ngot Dong nube nggt 66 tSe dé tuong déi cao trong mét thé gian ngan 6 trong mét con suéi, gay ra do mua to hoac tuy&t tan nhanh. 18 Ranh gidi nude ngot Bim 6 mét clta s6ng ma théng thung nude bién khéng x4m nhép téi trong diéu kién thuy van va thuy triéu xac dinh. 12 NOTE See also ISO 9308-1 and ISO 9308-2. 15 faecal streptococci various aerobic and facullatively anaerobic species of which possess Lancefield's Group D antigen and which streptococci normally inhabit the large intestine of man and/or animals NOTE absence of E. coli, indicates faecal pollution. Their presence in water, even in the 16 filter run length of time between one back-washing and the next in 7 freshet comparatively high rate of flow of fresh water of short duration in a stream, resulting from heavy rainfall or rapid snow melt 18 freshwater limit point of an estuary beyond which sea water does not usually penetrate under specified tidal and hydrological conditions 19 Thue khuan thé enzym RNA dac higu F Thyc khuan thé (6) c6 kha n&ing nhigm vao c&c ching vi khuan ky chi dic higu o6 F- ho&c polip sinh dye. CHU THICH 1 Xem thém ISO 10705-1 CHU THICH 2 Thdng thugng nhiing virus nay giét cchét vi Khudn ky chd, diéu nay duge minh ching bing si xuét hién céc viing tréng trong khi nuéi c8y vi khudn ky chi 8 nhiing diéu kign phi hop. Nhiém vao vi khudn ky chil va tao ra cae ving trdng la do vi khudn ky chii bi enzym RNaza Uc ché trong méi trudng nusi ody, 20 Nam Nhém 1én cdc sinh vat di duéng, thudng tao thanh nén bao tir va c6 nhan rd rét nhung thiéu chat quang hop, nhu clorophyl. CHU THICH Men la nim dan bao dude san sinh bang nay chéi. Loai ndm khac [a da bao 06 ou tric hinh s¢i, ching han loai Fusarium la loai gay tde cdc lép 9c sinh hoc va loai Geotrichum Ia loai gay ra su tao khéi x6p bin haat hoa, 24 Nude x4m Nugc bin Nuc thai tir bén tm, voi sen, va bén rifa bat, tri nude thai va chat bai tiét tir nha xi TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 19 F-specific RNA bacteriophages bacteriophages (6) capable of infecting specific strains of host bacteria which have F-or sex-pili (fertility fimbriae) NOTE 1 See also ISO 10705-1. NOTE 2 These viruses commonly kill the host bacteria, demonstrated by the appearance of plaques (clearance zones) in confluent lawns of the host grown under appropriate culture conditions. Infection and the production of plaques is inhibited by the presence of appropriate concentrations of the enzyme RNase in the plating medium, 20 fungi large group of heterotrophic organisms which usually form spores and have well-defined nuclei, but lack photosynthetic material such as chlorophyll NOTE reproduce by budding. Other fungi are multicellular and filamentous, for example, Fusarium species which cause ponding on biological filters, and Geotrichum species, ‘activated sludge. Yeasts are single-celled fungi which which cause bulking of a grey water sullage waste water from household baths and showers, handbasins and kitchen sinks but excluding waste water and excreta from water closets 13 TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 2 Chit tay rita khé phan hoy Chat tay rita o6 hoat cht hoat dong bé mat la foai khéng bi phan huy sinh hoc bac mét va cdc tinh chat hoat dong bé mat clia né bj giém khéng ng ké khi xit If nude thai bing sinh hoc. 23 Nuéc ri réc Nuéc thdm qua bai réc hay cdc vat liéu dac biet dé tham thau khac. 24 ‘Vi khuan phat quang Nhém cde vi khudn 6 kha nang chuyén di mot phan nang lugng thoat ra tir qua trinh déng hoa thanh anh sang. CHU THICH Xem them TCVN 6831 (ISO 11348) 25 Vi sinh vat va nhigt d@ trung binh Céc vi sinh vat ma nhigt do phat trién 18) uu cia ching nam trong khoang 20 °C va 45 °C. 26 BGnh thita metahemoglobin Tinh trang cia mau xay ra & Ida tudi tré em do sy du thita metahemaglobin khi nitrit duge tao thanh trong da day chd yéu do sy khi nitrat bai vi khudln, két hgp véi héng edu va lam réi loan sy nan va van chuyén oxy, két qua la tao ra bénh bam tim co thé, 14 2 hard detergent detergent containing a surface-active agent, which is resistant to primary biodegradation, and whose surfactant properties are not substantially reduced in the blological treatment of sewage 23 leachate water which has percolated through tipped refuse or other specified permeable material 24 luminescent bacteria group of bacteria capable of transforming into light a specified portion of energy released by metabolism NOTE See also ISO 11348. 25 mesophilic microorganism mictoorganism whose optimum temperature for growth lies between about 20°C and 45°C 26 methaemoglobinaemia condition of the blood which occurs in infancy due to methaemoglobin excess when nitrites, formed in the gut mainly by bacterial reduction of ingested nitrates, become attached to haemoglobin, and interfere with oxygen uptake and transport, thus causing cyanosis av Vi khuain ca chu trinh nito Cac vi khuan tham gia vao chu trinh nito CHU THICH TCVN 8184-3 Xem thém Chu trinh nite trong 28 Nouéng mui Mac oye ti8u cla mui ma giéc quan khiu giée lia m6t nh6m ngudi danh gid cm nhan duge. CHU THICH Khéng c6 gid tri tuyét déi cia ngudng mii do sy khac nhau vé d6 nhay cla cd quan khity ide & nhing ngudi khac nhau, song mot gid ti mui duce ute Ivang bling céch pha long mau thanh loat V6i nuée khong mii cho dén Khi mai khong cdn duge nhan ra née 29 Vang nue giau dinh dudng N6i dén mét ving trong dong nuéc, trong vung 6 qua trinh Khoang héa 4a hoan thanh, CHU THICH Ving nay cé twang oxy hda tan nhiéu, lp cho nhiéu logi thy vat va dong vat sinh sting, chi yéu 1a cac thye vat ty quang hgp va déng vat cn ony. 30 Thé oxy hoa khit Thé khir ORP Dién thé gita mot cue bing kim loai tre, chang han nhy platin ho&e cacbon va mét dién cue hydro tigu chuan. TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 27 nitrogen cycle bacteria those bacteria which are involved in the nitrogen cycle NOTE See also nitrogen cycle in ISO 6107-3 28 odour threshold minimum level of odour detectable by the olfactory senses of a panel of judges NOTE threshold due to the inherent variability in individual olfactory sensitivity, but a value is estimated by serially diluting a sample with odour-free water until the odour is just not detectable. There is no absolute value for odour 29 oligosaprobic description of the zone in running water where mineralization is complete NOTE The zone has abundant dissolved oxygen and can support a wide range of plants and animals, primarily photoautotrophic plants and oxygenous animals. 30 oxidation-reduetion potential redox potential ORP electrical potential between an electrode of an inert metal, such as platinum, or of carbon, and the standard hydrogen electrode 15 TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 CHU THICH Thé oxy héa khit céng duong thi méi {rung c6 tinh oxy hod cng manh va thé oxy héa kh ‘cng 4m thitinh Khir ela moi truing c&ng manh. 34 6 thj sut giam oxy Dé thi dugc lap 48 biéu thi néng 46 oxy hoa tan theo khoang cach hoe thai gian cilia dong chay & ha lau mét con s6ng tinh tu nguén 6 nhiém cn tidy thy oxy. 32 Vi khudn ty dung quang hgp Vi khugn thu nhan nang lugng tir anh séng va nguén cacbon duy nhat cila ching la cacbon v6 cd, ch4ing han nhu CO, 33 Xi liso bo (nu6e e6ng) Loai bd ho&c phan tach chat thai ran ‘thé trong nude céng va loai bd sdi san cat. CHU THICH Xirli so b6 c6 thé bao gém ca viéc loal bd du va md khdi nutéc oBing truéc khi dé lng, syc khi sa b6 va trung hoa, 34 Xi Ii bac mat (nuéc c&ng) Giai doan xér I thudng lién quan dn i@c loai bd phan I6n chét ran ¢6 thé lang. CHU THICH Trong trudng hgp nuée c6ng, giai doan Ii bac mét din ra ngay sau khi xitli so b6. 16 NOTE The more positive the potential, the more oxidizing the environment, and the more negative the Potential, the more reducing the environment. at oxygen sag curve curve resulting from plotting the concentration of dissolved oxygen against distance or time of flow in a river downstream from a source of pollution that has an oxygen demand 32 photoautotrophic bacteria bacteria which obtain their energy from light, and whose sole source of carbon is inorganic, such as CO; 33 preliminary treatment (sewage) removal or disintegration of gross sewage solids and the removal of grit NOTE, from sewage prior to sedimentation and pre-aeration and neutralization. tt can include the removal of grease and cil 34 primary treatment (sewage) stage of treatment usually involving the removal of the bulk of solids capable of settling NOTE. In the case of sewage, it follows immediately after preliminary treatment. 35 Ligu xung Bd sung thém gin nhu tiie thi mot lugng 4a biét hoa chat danh dau hoc thuée thir vao déng nude dang chay. vi dy, bing cach Up ngugc binh chita. 36 Syhé hap Sy trao déi khi gitfa mét sinh vat va méi trudng xung quanh cia n6, xay ra do sy oxy hoa cla chat nén va giai phéng nang lugng. CHU THICH Sy hé hap 06 thé duge thyc hién theo cach higu khi hoc ki khi 37 Loai Salmonella Salmonellae Ging vi khudn hinh que ua khi va c6 kha nang ki kht, Gram am, khéng tao bao ti, cé kha ning gay bénh dung rudt vi khéng thé lén men duéng lactoza CHU THICH 1 Xem thém ISO 6340 CHU THICH 2 Salmonella c6 thé dugc phan dinh tham theo huyét thanh hoc, bang kj thuat phan loai thye khudn hod ky thut phan tiy cho muc dich bénh dich hoc va cdc muc dich khdc. Salmonella gay ra him tring dung rudt (salmonellosis) chongutii va Ong vat, va la mét nguyén nhan phé bin gay nhiém déc thye phdm cho con ngudi. Cac loai Salmonella use bai titra trong phan ngubi bénh ho’e ngubi va ong vat khde manh c6 mang mam bénh, do dé cb thé c6 trong nuéc thai sinh hoat va trong cac chat thai ca néng trai. TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 35 pulse dose almost instantaneous addition of a known quantity of tracer chemical or reagent to flowing water, for example, by up-ending a container 36 respiration exchange of gases between an organism and its environment resulting from the oxidation of substrate with the release of energy NOTE. It may be accomplished either aerobically or anaerobically 37 Salmonella species Salmoneliae genus of aerobic and facultatively anaerobic rod-shaped Gram-negative, non-spore-forming, oxidase-negative enteric bacteria which fail to ferment lactose NOTE 1 See also ISO 6340. NOTE 2 They can be further identified serologically, by bacteriophage typing or by molecular techniques for epidemiological and other purposes. They can cause intestinal infections (salmonellosis) in man and animals, and are a common cause of food poisoning in man. Salmonella typhi causes typhoid fever in man. Salmonella species are excreted in the faeces of clinically ill cases and healthy carriers in man and animals, and may, therefore, occur in sewage and farm wastes, 7 TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 38 Tich ty t nh 1ép Tich tu vé co bam dinh Ién cdc bé mat, do nude trd nén qua bao hoa v6i mot hoc nhiéu chat tan, ho&c do mat can bang vi bi m&t di cacbon dioxit, vi du do dun séi 39 Khu vye nude khép kin (thuat ngit vé mdi trudng) Mét khéi (ving) nutée khép kin, déng vai tro nhu la noi tai cha mét chat 6 nhiém 40 Chat tay riza dé phan hay ‘Chit tay rita c6 chifa tac nhan hoat déng bé mat dé bi phan huy sinh hoc va tinh hoat Géng bé mat cia nd gidm di rd rét khi xt If nude cong bang phuang phap sinh hoc. a Clostridia khit sunfit Nh6m 16n céc vi khudn ki khi, Gram ducng, tao bao tit, CHU THICH 1 Xem TOWN 6191-2 them TCVN 6191-1 va CHU THICH 2 Nei séng trong ty nhién cita ching [8 trong dat hoe rust gia cia ngudi va déng vat. Da sé loti trong nhém 18 céc sinh vat hoat sinh trong dat. Bao ti cla chang o6 thé sting mdt thai gian dai trong phén, dat, bui, va nude. Sy 66 mat cla chung trong nue 6 thé ding 4 phat hign su 6 nhiém do phan tir xa ho§e gin dogn. Chung c6 kha ning khir sunfit thanh sunfua 18 38 scale deposit adherent inorganic deposit formed on surfaces by water which has become supersaturated with respect to one or more solutes, or destabilized by loss of carbon dioxide, for example, by boiling 39 sink {environmental context) compartment, such as a body of water, which acts as a repository for a pollutant 40 Soft detergent detergent containing a surface-active agent which is susceptible to biodegradation and whose surfactant properties are substantially reduced in the biological treatment of sewage at sulfite-reducing clostridia large group of Gram-positive anaerobic bacteria which form spores NOTE 1 See also ISO 6461-1 and 6461-2. NOTE 2 Their natural habitat is the soil or the large intestine of man and animals. Most species are ‘saprophytic organisms in the soil. Their spores can survive for long periods in faeces, soil, dust and ‘water. Their presence in water can be used to detect remote or intermittent faecal pollution, They are able toreduce sulfites to sulfides, 42 Téc a6 chju tai bé mat ‘Thé tich nude hoac nuée thai duge xu i trong mot ngay trén mét don vi dién tich bé mat cia phan dang xem xét cla nha may xif li. CHU THICH Nang sudt nay thudng ducc biéu dign bang mét khdi trén mét vudng trén ngay 43 Tac dung higp déng (cong hung) ‘Sy t&ng cudng 46 cla mot anh hudng (hoa hoc hoae sinh hoc) cla mét chat hose mét sinh vat do sy.cé mat cla mgt ch&t howe mét sinh vat khac, khi d6 anh hudng té hgp sé manh han téng cdc anh hudng cla céc chét hod sinh vat rigng ré. “4 Giéi han thuy trigu (s6ng) Vi tri bén canh mét con séng ma tai d6 sy dang lén va rit xuéng ca nudc tai théi diém thuy triéu tiét xudn phan la cé thé nhan biét. CHU THICH NEu & 46 c6 dap nude ho’ cite céng thi ching ¢6 thé Guge coi la gidi han thu trigu, 45 Nude thuy triéu Phan bat ki cla nude bién hoe nuéc sing trong khong dang va rit cla thu trigu tiét xuan phan. TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 42 surface loading rate volume of water or waste water treated per day er unit horizontal cross-sectional area of that part of the treatment plant under consideration NOTE The rate is usually expressed as cubic metres per square metre per day, 43 synergism increase in intensity of an effect (chemical or biological) by one substance or organism due to the presence of another substance or organism, where the combined effect is greater than the additive effects of the separate substances or organisms 44 tidal limit (river) location beside a river at which the rise and fall of water at equinoctial spring tide are just perceptible NOTE If there is a dam or siuice then this may be the tidal limit. 45 tidal water any part of the sea or of a river water within the ‘ebb and flow of the equinoctial spring tides 19 TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 46 Cacbon téng sé/Téng cacbon Téng cilia toan b> cacbon v6 co va toan bé ‘eacbon hity co ¢6 trong nude 47 Cacbon v6 ed tng 36 Toan bé cacbon trong ca¢ chat v6 cd bi hoa tan va la ling trong mute 48 Téng nite bj oxy hoa Toan bé Itfong nito nguyén té cé mat & dang nitrat va nitrit trong nude, duge biéu thi theo néng 66 49 Virus Nhém lén céc téc nh&n vé eting nhé (dudng kinh tir 20 nm d€n 300 nm), c&u tao chi yéu ti axit nucleic duge bao boc trong mét vd protein va chi sinh sn trong c&c té bao séng. CHU THICH Virus 6 thé Iot qua cac lap loc ma vi hud thi bj git tai 50 Dang nude Budng kénh trén bé mat hose dudi bé mat dat ma nutéc c6 thé chay theo do. 20 46 total carbon sum of the total organic carbon and total inorganic carbon present in water a7 total inorganic carbon all the carbon in inorganic matter which is dissolved and suspended in water 48 total oxidized nitrogen total amount of elemental nitrogen present as nitrate and nitrite in water, expressed in terms of concentration 49 viruses large group of ultramicroscopic agents (20 am to 300 nm in diameter) which essentially consist of nucleic acid encased in a protein shell and which reproduce only in living cells NOTE Viruses can pass through filters which retain bacteria. 50 watercourse channel on or below the earth’s surface, through which water may flow TCVN 8184-7 : 2009 Thu myc tai ligu tham khao 1] TCVN 8184-1 : 2009 (ISO 6107-1:2004), Chat lugng nude — Thuat ngit— Phan 1 [2] TCVN 5982 : 1995 (ISO 6107-3:1993), Chat lugng nuéc — Thuat ng — Phan 3 [3] ISO 6340:1995, Water quality — Detection and enumeration of Salmonella [4] TCVN 6191-1 : 1996 (ISO 6461-1:1986), Chét luong nuéc — Phat hién va d&m s6 bao ti vi khuan ki khi kh sunfit (clostridia) — Phan 1: Phuong phap tng sinh trong mdi trudng cay long [5] TCVN 6191-2 : 1996 (ISO 6461-2:1986), Chat lugng nude — Phat hién va 6m sé bao ti vi khuan kjkhi kh sunfit (clostridia) — Phan 2: Phung phap mang loc [6] TCVN 6189-1 : 2009 (ISO 7899-1:1998), Chat lugng nutéc ~ Phat hién va dém khuan duéng rust — Ph&n 1: Phuong phap thu nhé (s6 06 xac suat I6n nhat) 661 voi nudc mat va nuéc thai 7) TCVN 6189-2 : 2009 (ISO 7899-2:2000), Ch&t lugng nuéc — Phat hién va d&m khugn éuéng rust — Phan 2: Phuong phép mang loc [8] TCVN 6187-1 : 2009, Chat Iuteng nuéc - Phat hién va dém vi khudn coliform chiu nhiét va Escherichia coli gia dinh - Phan 1: Phuong php mang loc (ISO 9308-1:2000/Cor 1:2007) 9] TCVN 6187-2 : 1996 (ISO 9308-2:1990), Chat lugng nytéc — Phat hign va dém vi khudn coliform chiu nhiét va Escherichia coli gid dinh - Phén 2: Phuong phap nhiéu éng (cé xac suat cao nhat) [10] ISO 10705-1:1995, Water quality — Detection and enumeration of bacteriophages — Part 1 Enumeration of F-specific RNA bacteriophages (11] TCVN 6831-1 : 2001 (ISO 11348-1:1998), Chat Ivong nude - Xéc dinh anh hudng de ché cia mau nude dén sy phat quang cla vi khuan Vibrio Fischeri (phép thir vi khudn phat quang) — Phan 1: Phuong php sif dung vi khudn tuoi (12} TCVN 6831-2 : 2001 (ISO 11348-2:1998), Chat lugng nude — Xac dinh anh hutng tie ché cla mau nuge d6n sy phat quang cia vi khugn Vibrio Fischeri (phép thir vi khudn phat quang) - Phan 2: Phuong phap sir dung vi khudn khé long {13} TCVN 6831-3 : 2001 ((SO 11348-3:1998), Chat lung nude - Xée dinh nh hudng uc ché cia mau nu6c dn su phat quang clia vi khudn Vibrio Fischeri (phép thi vi khudn phat quang) - Phan 3: Phuong phap si dung vi khuan déng - khé, 2

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