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What types of devices need memory cards?

Devices like the Nintendo Wii use SD cards. (Wii console SD card image by Evan
Amos, public domain)

Memory cards first took off as the storage medium of choice in photography, with
cameras dispensing with film rolls to instead rely on the much smaller and cost-
effective memory cards. As well as digital cameras, memory cards are commonly used
in mobile phones to store information like photos and music, as well as in
camcorders to store video.

Memory cards are also used in other consumer electronic devices such as
televisions, portable game devices, printers, DVD recorders and more. Many TVs come
with card slots which allow users to see any stored photos on a big screen, while
some printers allow you to print directly from images stored on a card.

While you can easily swap cards from one product to another, it's important to
remember that different devices take different types of memory cards. If you
already have a device that takes a memory card and want to buy more gear, make sure
your intended purchase can take

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