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by Zane Whitaker
Houston, TX USA

Requires Mark Williamson's MJLib, which you can get here:

Patch updates(if any):


CMDG is a three voice drum player. It can play them automatically or you may
interrupt with your own performance with bass and snare arpeggiators, or a slider
for hi-hats at any time.

The three MIDI notes are Bass Drum C1, Snare Drum E1 and Closed Hi-Hat F#1. They
may be transposed up or down at the main panel's lower left.

The hi-hat and bass drum play automatically, but auto-snare is optional, and
without intervention only operates on designated bars. Auto-snare can be used in
conjunction with the bass drum "Hit" button, and will trigger the snare
arpeggiator. Hi-hat has an optional 16th note offset toggled at random, even when
hats are set to manual.

The hi-hat speed range slider controls the auto hats repetition interval from
quarter to 32nd notes, which changes randomly every 8th note interval. Farthest
right setting is an 8th rest.
The manual slider puts you in control of the repetition interval until you disable
it with the toggle above it. The leftmost end of the manual slider also determines
whether auto hats have a minimum range of quarter or 8th notes.

Using the "LOAD SAMPLES" abstraction, individual samples may be loaded for the
three notes instead of using MIDI. Click Open and choose a sample for each. Uncheck
mono for stereo samples. Mono samples not checked will only appear in the main left
channel. Press start-stop and adjust pitch, volume, pan, filter and amp-envelope
settings. The filter is the PD vcf~ band-pass filter object, and may be mixed with
the original sample effect-send style.

Using the record abstraction will allow you to write what you hear to a file.
(final mix)

You can get several variations of 16th note quantized syncopation by timing of
clicking the arpeggiator buttons.

Reuse of the voice abstractions requires changing all numbered objects.


For MIDI, a quick blocking mechanism is used to prevent double-triggers, but this
could possibly prevent notes from firing on a slow computer. Your input on this is

Be aware:
Due to PD's programming and OS limitations, there's a noticable latency between
audio and MIDI if you try to use them both.

Some people have reported problems in PD of getting no sound with MIDI enabled in
Microsoft Windows. This is typically because the MIDI device selected is the
Microsoft wavetable sw synth, which may be competing for the same sound card
output. Use -listdev in pd.exe to see what MIDI devices you have. Remember that
this patch uses both audio and MIDI outputs in PD.

Things you could add yourself(typically on a fast machine):


Insert or Send effects from the PD audio documentation examples, like ring-mod,
delays, and the previously mentioned filters.

LFOs and envelope controls

A record output file for each individual sample instead of the final mix.

A filter wet/dry mix instead of an enable switch. Use the panner module as an
example to
figure this one out, and don't forget it's two channels, not just one.

Any complex processing for an audio output(sample or final mix) or for the output
bangs used to fire the MIDI and audio voice abstractions.

MORE VOICES!!! But what would trigger them might be tricky. Look in the voice2
abstraction for hints on one to try.

It's PD. The sky's the bloody limit...

Have fun.

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